pSsawasgr ' * X ! i'*‘ •ir* ¡fF h'* '• tfe í\<*f&4 12. p»«« 's XXV NO. 37 CRANFORD. N. J:. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1922 THREE CENTS CHEŒAŒHOWU ai «»i i Rricj CocMärtte Thank: *d lor Remittance Amount Fixed as Craniori’i Contri- , button In Hand. Under date of Oetober 3üth. TYossanir H. Whipple of the lor al B o rra Kellêf Committee, received following acknowledgement. of for tSOO aent on account to check the State Committee - M r dear Mr.Whipples-------------------- Mr. Trslingbuysen asked me to - acknowledge receipt of $300 contrl- bntlon from the citizens ot Cran- ford toward the Smyrna fund. We • certainly appreciate this prompt response and assure you that7»his ................. help will mean much in our efforts to relieve the destltu- ywi " |f' Very slncrrely your*» J Signed. JULIAN ZELCI1ENKO. " Btate Secretary. Near East Relief \ Campaign Director. „When the Cranlord Committee ctahfd In to raise money (or the Smyrna. RelleC was fixed as the amount to be raised. To date tho uet receipts have been {931. so that with the stray contributions yet to tome In there Is no doubt the whole amount wUl.be in hand, next week to enable Mr. Whipple to forward *100 more-to-e»*ver-the balance r The Committee did good work and Cranford Is.proud of the fact the Town’s record for meeting In lull “all calls of the kind Is unbroken. K I P CROSS ANNUAL MEETING j The annual meeting of the Cran-I ford Chapter of tho American R ed; |__Cross will be held In the Township i *-■ Rooms on'Wetlngsday.' November T 1st. at 8 p in. - Reports of the last annual meet- ; Inf and ot the year’s, work will be 1 road, iilso a report of the National ; Convention, held In Washington.! Oct. 10,11 and 12. will be- given by ; Mn. Jola.Low. who .was a delegate j from the local chapter. i The .election of officers lor the J vomlng year will follow . Kvanrone Interested hi the work! ot the A R. C. anti especially of our own Chapter Is coidlally invited | and urged to attend this meeting, i ITSIItKtfin S FOR POST . MASTER -Bat- thr^s entered- the. esamina- *et - I « apartst««, w. *. 1htrt w X . G. Houghton. Mr-Pen- IscowM' now Postmaster and sir. Reinhart, assistant Mr. Houghton la Collector of the Township- The rëmlta of the examination wlU be ' pntdpttdtn ' Novembpr. Cltlxen-Chronlcle want ads bring resulta satisfactory to everybody. 'ffFCBBY-—ffBtBCBISlUDGK ' . MUaTtoreac» katplastte brevità- rtdge. dsagktsr ot Mr. and Mrs Karl 3- Urecktanug*. and Witnata u n ir/ Sparry lad. eoa ot Ur aad Mrs. Joseph ¿parry, ot Union Avenue, were married 4L ball-past right o'clock last Saturday evening st the home.ot the bride's parent*. ! :« Os- tino Avenue, which was beautifully adorned for the occasion with chrye; shihemumt; roses sod palma. ibr generai color scheme being old rose and orchid tones. The bride wore a fowa uf White~cniffoli omSrOIdriril with' crystal heads. ' Her veil was o! tulle, with e bandeau of old .point lace Inherited from her grandmother, arranged with orange blossoms, and she'carried a bouquet ot valley IllU-t, orcblds. roses and Jssmlno. Her st tendsai. who wee her slater. Mrs. Willard Towler, was clsd lu perlwln Ale blue chiffon over orchid, with 'crystal embroidery, and accessori«# ot old rose, and her bouquet was oi old roso chrysanthemums, snspdrag ons and rosos, tied with orchid rib bon. Mrs Breckinridge, mother ot the bride, wore gray, sequin cloth combined with chiffon ot the same shade, and Mrs. Sperry, mother oi the bridegroom, bad a costume ol sapphire bln* velvet. Joiop Jr Turner ot New York, was heal man. The ceremony wag performed by tho Kev Will!* U Holcombe, of Hlyerheail, D' 1 . who Is a cousin of ih» bride The music was supplied by Ht-cbel A Blese, ot New York. . - A reception followed tho wedding 170- guests belhg present, not,only from Cranford, but from New- York. Toughkcepslo. Rye. New llochetio, and other placea to New York su te, from Hacketietown, Montclair and Summit! Nov Jeraey: and Chicago III. Among tho number wore Mr and Sira. E, 1* Breckinridge, of Tol- ledo. 0 ; Mrs. Irene U. Ross, of’ Co- lumbu*. 0 .. Mr. and Mrs. George Spence, of Chicago. 111.; Mr. and Mrs Waldron l.asky and Mr. and. Mrs. It H. limón, of New York City; Dr aud Mrs. Morton Ryder, of Rye, N Y.; Mr. and Mr*. Hewitt and Mr. ami Mr». George Cobb, of Montclair, N J . Mrs. Willi* Ryder, of Carmel. N Y ■ Mr - and Mr*. John Frye, ot Daw renca Park.INi Y : Mr. and Mr*, a ~gu* Wledenhach. ol New Rochelle, N T .i Mia* U aU l Brycklnrldgo, and Mr» Anna Cola. or*lfselnnt«toV», N. J.; Mr. nod Mr*. Oforga Flahor and Mr and Mrs. George Gaddis, ut Summit. N. J.: and Mr. and Mra. Noi son Turner, of Garden City, L. 1 . MU* Breckinridge, now Mrs Sperry, la choir leadqr of the First M E. Church, being an admirably trained vocal 1st, "¿ail ihr. Vftclïl [ lCWIiTlAN WttAlfOTl board '-aad gteabw« 6TYM r i s r j Jü ä U U Ä llW B W lflU U I jreacalad..hot with a. O miiuI uI..coffa» j .......... ...... ------------ -------- .... .... percolator, tray, cream pot a»d sugar ’ Cranlord Now Has Branch ól IV- bowl. There «vere many othrr'- charming gifts of-chlns. giasv. suv««! Premier Pore Maple Syrup, qh «an 1 . gn p . - Backer's Buckwheat I Balm' Flg Poddlng BaachnntBecon, la 1 lb. boxes Phene 876 Mow I tral ned and OomhHoaey Major Gray'! Chutney J. H. McMAHON High-Grade Groceries o n. Union Ava. Don't Stand Still Many an opportunity is lost through not beingfprepared to grasp it when offered. Your Savings Account will provide you with a fund for profitable business oppor- tunities or investments. Do not allow your account to stand still without a deposit for any considerable length of time. Call regularly at the Bank with your "little book" and culti- vate the habit of Systematic Saving. One Dollar starts an Account. Interest at 4% Per Annum "Paid on all Balances of $5.00 or over I CRANFORD TRUST CO. . CRANFORD. N. J. Resources $2^00,000.00 ! íurmlüt».' .. Mr. Si*t*rry is ot tbo prof™ *ioa. 1« äiHBiK'UUal »u h Cl)».**pn atuf^McUr*inv*. oí York T5i* >ouuy wupitf. on thfir («tur» from their hridal in¡i lnl\\t?rnora{iUo, 7 ümi \V «hluictou. C-, «iti thojr Uuiao Al 3 .* j Vuión A^tmur. a SWTjjrÄ.1« jt" * &. ALLISON (INC.) STORAGE and MOVING E- South Avenue CRANfORD, N. J. T elep tiou e Ö 7Ü*W TIIK IHtLL SHOW - Although this was an u«W iiiea »ad oq » uuh&own lb Crauford »liaw wont off* *.lth tousldershl» «urci'M. While waiting for the children tiv Arrive iht* hj»i- ek*u»Ti ot the. tUy iTr«woha (’ampOro UirUi «rrsuis^d ««ini's «hd on!»*r tulrio.l uuUl «it tho uonio*t«nu had nrnred . At 3 30 t h / liAr.Tdu iH'RfUtJ First (ho !>reui0«i/dotU «»•*■« prom uhudfd nb.tui thw rotuu ihWr sw«U mother« tory ktoai v*‘u'd ItlAll)' drosiM'd iJullV aSUl w ’ti dt;‘t*OY-' ot«*d lh«t thw youitf; of i'rAU'. (brd hure very i:mid .{jfiRpiiiaUons »hf-ti It ontm»!* lu orUltiallty. • l-cot canjo tho iiocoratpct tariinct’i in all thn Rlar'y that jinpvr rt»«HI hoAtow After• iho. ¿ifstod t\ r.alo tho )ud»? .o<. )1lis iludauii. Mi* Iks Btnm im l and Prolictivg AuacLtkm. OifkmlniUlkd Sxtutdgybf State Offiom. salurvlay la«» (Tentoni Local of. Uve Datrolmcn'* Bcnovulcut ami PrvttdctivB Aantclalkm was formal- ly brought Into «Hgtwncw UyKUto U(brers of tho P. Jt A, and officer» fli iM k>cal branch htsiall«d by tho State Pres Went, Martin mlty of Jersey City, and »taff. Officer» of I'mnfoni I^w at' so in Mailed are Rrealdeni. 1*. J. M artin., Vlce-r co-President. Kdwanl MeUnef, Financial Secretary, Joseph Mc- Oaftroy, - TrtNUUnir. Kdw. Oalvln. Sorgt,a i .Vnua. David Winatia The P. B. A. D an aasoclallon of patroltnmi and officer* of the polte« of uftlffievciy nmnfclpaltty ot the lold ot the value ttié Ktaie. Aasucta ' ■' ‘ ".... ? (ho* wotthl he 1« the Cranford for**= - - Su both In jatllce work and In a protee*; Mr». l>s »«r, tlve way ' ■- ■ ... - .. ; HtTriwa*.,.rr, «f ï i Kontier ‘ President 'Jliumle' | tllcil at (lu- lioso ivllrtcn «I Kllnhcili. t»U More ot ; on 1>io»viay iviiui (he wortf of the INdlce anil ot the « ho.»»» a rrsl .U A asociar tod j-'' 'll« agro,»l wttli »he ¡ t»wn Ml (or som tuèstiuBaler In the .nes»l of a imblt ibrmight boro on rily csiMinlttee. o ’Hrieti said; Let i In (tic hoiv tliai a policeman *M ' »fad In le-rforniaiice ! ho Iw-nollcUl S of duty as Officer Coehraft (who wa* ! nino chlWrcp > l«v*eht> was and ho will gel a bit; ....... ..... of favorable mont too. hut let a t*M PQUCE Ileoman .»fwwgreaa a ruin or go' Numirl hlottor. •wrong'' mul bo will get big publicity , lln«d l'*1l>y jm !i;r : fisr'miHnnx" rffi-behalt of tnrc-ll. tLinc*dar cv-mb-ir. f, IWpt.- u llrU-n prosontiHl rtialr - 1 k > i 11— in lb« ¿t;v< mgn Sim- of »lie Pollen C»nmn(tt»v j l:ig; tu.^om t on n and- UuhttnJmdnrier Kverelt with;Ibr .......... .. lour wco gold 'badge» dietetlng . honorary J .Miniti, of Newark, « niouiberelnit In lito P. ji. A.. 1<>: ub1cb ’ each tlltlngly ' fe«fe»nded ; Tb« Ut'l uMs tuor Conuolssluncr Everett tor lito ,V»»f . ('.-«ntoril tirnumlf elation presented tonner ihillci-uiai\: «i-til at tin- t .»-)uo »■„i ihs> Mkle for inumai protection, ot their !.. . !, on Interest* and of their famuli«. Kund* am used for In-uefUa for kick M»um,*r(l Uu'lr 1 ‘iiln t tioU. .Sybil t<ir , juötli ililtt npïii .b ('r.ih; am! Mr* Hlr« rfrriilniii» ' "Ffrul prUo (or pr A-cryf '4".-' , ;'“i' St:c«».1 pr Floyd intitoli. Fir.si pris*1 for to Kdtth Hmtth. Second prise foi.ji l.onnii Urokaw. First pris« for pi«tll«#l I’lilborlne ("nmler, Socond pris« for i*ri ilo*.t .'smo^« G«u»ts Gasklll »«ddti'abledTnmtibensavpollfvmw'n arù niNlnfalned. A* President Cully later said In puhllc, thgi Aaaoclattnn slami« ready t o liack a tqninber anywhere who daaenrea hwp hut Miunot cijuntHnai.itvaby dorellctton In «lut y ! . In Ilio evening the.. Anaoclathui ió»t urivMu.tl A n'mombranro hi ihp ffhnp«» uf lolijY’Dp ».li» uJvf«n to rMtch pnvo a irnblle réception lu tlte Blato Oltlcors *1 whlcli. Ihere wore over auvent y Inrludlng (»ollcemen'aml Invltoil official» and clvlllan» 'Doi .Unlier un» glven In Hoaa Um*. uf- ilci), 6 1-PIon avenue, Routh, whlcli tetuiairarlly wa# tumed ovet lo tho IConiiiUttw *hd It wa* a coiniihjto Uuceeks lu every way, an ejrellèut " jiïaalromimlc prorrnui (umUhod by relief Tyrce and hla asaUtant» tire •'U lluillllg a most InterMtlng Ulkbmt i umlet: illrertlou ol Kryd T, Fraser, aa nilsrr ToaMlIiaater. I Mri Fraser « u excellent on hla Job. In opoiiliig tip t lie llow of ora- tory lu- sald, froui a eonaldorable dx ........... --die«» t!» perlenco working with the nol 1 ! tho war time, he hollovod til* great- j » 1 neo<t of tho P. II. A. to ho a cat« ----- ---- | »bin. publicity cotnmlUew. Subscribe to tbe tTtlicnClironlcb«,' President Culty of tlia Htate Aa- «150 per ycar doUvorod.— ............. 1soclatloii was tlin nnd called on. 11« >-K-( HOUSE TO RENT: 6. rooma and batlx, wWoi, -watffr. ;; gag, dectrie light, furnace.' Nffaf depot. $3$.00 ptr month. TWO%FAMILY HOUSE FOR SALE: Price $5,900. Term* arranged to. suit. • Walter W. Mooney Company, Inc. 3 WALNUT AVENUE Phone 13 ' CRANFORD urca t—y»ysi£--- -,rt- r- «f iS Vqrtij ñ'. 'nti IC . ( t .r 11-, • r-im-it, V NEW3 ,-f Ni-wuik. I’lickb'y « i r b-AV«T-t 1— t nod nut nr «iiv.ioi«:! Tony IVlInerl wilh a nirmher,lili' bailge of Uto A*»oflatlon. ; IVilIce Juilg« rilarle, A. i Mío «fi ElUaliidh. pralaed the »org «I tti« (mllcc a* lié bad «esn ll - ; Nniialor Plenwm and A««,«ubly i ('anitliltattie Muir. I•«.«;«.* aml t mnii , ,tou. «ere cali mi uu 1 1 I' dh aml tu* » alwir! evimllotil gddrvsM«» Indori Hbí'i'lrt Harty Muiiimn» and » lilef; H<,,ccr»n» «t \Ncal finid, bdd >d tho wiitk'of tbe jHdlc« and luid a. h w : - F nmiwdile»—{Vdlog -told.i id tbo imici* uf tho ubi ilay» In V«" Yiirkaml bu» tbéVTook car« uf h tw Jamé» E. Warner i«*alb«l Ib Nue. ni-itca.l ul uli i ) ■ aíHHium i-d ia«l John Barrvmoro AtnertcVi Foramest AnorcJoppo»;. l»l by Ipf» I t f ln irlc-,1 !" C td .ROLAND Y CHIMO.. ‘f -I -Riel lit«»." PEKfllVAt, KNutHT, ,t»r «( »Tb« Batter Ola’1 T'A ROI. nr.HT dnvsYilTr.lt. star of -Privarli t»ir®»i.' Wild. w Iteli Uraiifuril limi n f»rce ut un « ( t*(JW El and timi Phll J lllmlt-nborgor » t s ji u llial vuje. Mr, Hlipléiifn-rger tulli u fjlt »uni« evperlenec. ’i.f 1iiu»u uld dnis-LRoly Townabtir ('uHimlllej-mnn Tuu! i ATTI Iliade a guod'lalk un ilio nurk ufi Jack t ’nuiford i»illro. * Ermimr K. Adam* j in The Tbjilli tubi of tbé v«ry ubi indire day*i wben Un' clmreli bellina* fini* tu; luimnoli tlie melili«:/». i;f llle utd | Vobnitoei Protecfive As.uelnt'luu I AkwUdily t’andldafe Mulr fuldj nume e'ceelleMl «tori««-and *iut|f ' ' and! ar of "ilpaiii'di le'1'*". LUI-IM. «ivi of 'Tiu> :xlau Pn»mald ticiv.n. siilo, ■II oiM'S llTUp«!. (totti^twiiisdoa ■■rf ir» - llarry 1’ralg naiig several »»du«, «ml bi duet, with ('«ivlNeltffpJIcr Jus H«im«»*éy'*. orcTieslra ol tlitesí S H ER HO L ley * )|eee» helped materially tila tinjoy ibln evening Ml«* Lakoy will »i»i,«k to Um Wo- nian » Club ot l’iiner Montclair on Ui« afternoon of Nov. I. mi Uto «uh jiict ol llisutaiice. - THF Irving Sanitary Market H a ssI( Ss « In Daallug in Meats, Fish, Butter Eggs Poultry and Squabs 4 Union Avanue, North B o til PlioiioO 3 0 3 3 0 4 * “IF TtyU WANT IT OOOD GET IT AT IBVUIO'»'* A continuance of tire patronage accorded D. D. Irving is respectfully Bolicited. , CHARLES KURTZ. Adsplad from WUIIauv (Uljaltqt, Haga play tminded on Sir Gouan Doylos «tot|»j AT T U I’. , ' - CRANFORD THEATRE MONDAY AND TUr.9D,\Y __________ OCTOBER 30 nn [ a I _ M44444H 4 ' . ‘ ; i GROCERS H W t’S T H t HONOR WE H W tl YtON- FINEST V^RlZE 1 tlRTHESUN! STANDARD DJMBER sextette 9 4 HIGH ST TEL 50Ü i I k K any mortal we’re nslghtily idfcâ*ëd' JÍ¿cause the public spoake *o well of ti*. Well’ It alway always seen)» to turn out that »ay; If you give one with whom you do bualneM the right tort ol a deal, they are going to boost your game. The only smooth thing 1» the perfect -manner In v-hlch we plane our lumber. The CUlaes-Ctuonicle eontains all | the local newa fit to print, a* well ¡ aa all Item* eoonected'with Toro-> Sip gowmaent. A hlghcUa* la- UM SUfftMEFMA------ -- - I- ■S ill II ■ ! i*1 |-,L~ 'V i North and Union Avenue* Phone* 4(>0 and 4GI A weekly »ale l/egimiing I'ridny, Oct. ¿7. rcinnrknbly low price», IVORY RJXKES. per package ............... IVORY SOAR. per cake., ......... MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE. per lh ............ ............................................. LARD, Pure Leaf, per lb ..................................................... .......... POTATOES, per Doaket. r Ä ..... .................................................................. ;$ 2 .s s I In view of our extensive »«rvice we coneider our fnii.n y. Á n* low /i* any. oilier »tore in town / FREE DELIVERY _ - ' % 0 I L D AG ; ¡ / . . •> 1 the world’s beat lubricant Add* ImnMnsel/ lo the Pleasure of Autqmc^iiling Will increa*e the power of your car ' Will prevent your car from wearing out. Will cut out repair bill* due to imperfect lubrication. Will reduce your gasoline expense one-fourth. 5 .iW ill lubricate twice the distance for the money you are «pending Sold by progressive dealers and garages EDWARD GRAU 26 NORTH AVE., CRANFORD Distributor for Union County _ ; . .

0 I L D AG - DigiFind-It"Ffrul prUo (or pr. A-cryf '4".-' , ;'“i' St:c«».1 pr. Floyd intitoli. Fir.si pris*1 for to Kdtth Hmtth. Second prise foi.ji . l.onnii Urokaw. First pris«

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Page 1: 0 I L D AG - DigiFind-It"Ffrul prUo (or pr. A-cryf '4".-' , ;'“i' St:c«».1 pr. Floyd intitoli. Fir.si pris*1 for to Kdtth Hmtth. Second prise foi.ji . l.onnii Urokaw. First pris«

p S s a w a s g r ' ■ ■ *X !i ' * ‘

•ir* ¡fF h'*

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1 2 . p » « «


X X V N O . 3 7 C R A N F O R D . N . J : . T H U R S D A Y . O C T O B E R 2 6 . 1 9 2 2 T H R E E C E N T S

CHEŒAŒHOWUai «»ii R r ic j CocM ärtte Thank:

*d lor Remittance Amount Fixed as Cranio ri’i Contri-

, button In Hand.Under date of Oetober 3üth.

TYossanir H. Whipple of the lor al B o rra Kellêf Committee, received

following acknowledgement. of for tSOO aent on account tocheck

the State Committee- M r dear Mr.Whipples--------------------

Mr. Trslingbuysen asked me to- acknowledge receipt of $300 contrl-

bntlon from the citizens ot Cran­ford toward the Smyrna fund.

W e • certainly appreciate thisprompt response and assure you th a t7» h is .................help will mean much in our efforts to relieve the destltu- y w i "

|f' Very slncrrely your*»J Signed. JULIAN ZELCI1ENKO." Btate Secretary. Near East Relief \ Campaign Director.

„When the Cranlord Committee ctah fd In to raise money (or the Smyrna. RelleC was fixed as the amount to be raised. To date tho uet receipts have been {931. so that with the stray contributions yet to tome In there Is no doubt the whole amount wUl.be in hand, next week to enable Mr. Whipple to forward *100 more-to-e»*ver-the balance r

The Committee did good work and Cranford Is.proud of the fact the Town’s record for meeting In lull

“all calls of the kind Is unbroken.

K I P CROSS ANNUAL MEETING jThe annual meeting of the Cran-I

■ ford Chapter of tho American R ed ;|__Cross will be held In the Township i*-■ Rooms on'Wetlngsday.' November T

1st. at 8 p in.- Reports of the last annual meet- ;

Inf and ot the year’s, work will be 1 road, iilso a report of the National ; Convention, held In Washington.!

Oct. 10,11 and 12. will be- given by ; Mn. Jola.Low . w ho .was a delegate j from the local chapter. i

■ The . election of officers lor the J vomlng year will follow . ’

Kvanrone Interested hi the work! ot the A R. C. anti especially of our own Chapter Is coidlally invited | and urged to attend this meeting, i


-Bat- thr^s entered- th e . esamina-*et -I « ap artst««, w . * .

1 h trt w X . G. Houghton. Mr-Pen- IscowM' now Postmaster and sir. Reinhart, assistant Mr. Houghton la Collector of the Township- Therëm lta of the examination wlU be

' p n td p ttd tn 'Novembpr.

Cltlxen-Chronlcle want ads bring resulta satisfactory to everybody.

'ffFCBBY-—ffBtBCBISlUDGK '. MUaTtoreac» k atplastte brevità- rtdge. dsagktsr ot Mr. and Mrs Karl 3- Urecktanug*. and Witnata u n ir/ Sparry lad. eoa ot Ur aad Mrs. Joseph ¿parry, ot Union Avenue, were married 4L ball-past right o'clock last Saturday evening st the home.ot the bride's parent*. ! : « Os­tino Avenue, which was beautifully adorned for the occasion with chrye; shihemumt; roses sod palma. ibr generai color scheme being old rose and orchid tones. The bride wore a fowa uf White~cniffoli omSrOIdriril with' crystal heads. ' Her veil was o! tulle, with e bandeau of old .point lace Inherited from her grandmother, arranged with orange blossoms, and she'carried a bouquet ot valley IllU-t, orcblds. roses and Jssmlno. Her st tendsai. who wee her slater. Mrs. Willard Towler, was clsd lu perlwln

Ale blue chiffon over orchid, with 'crystal embroidery, and accessori«# ot old rose, and her bouquet was oi old roso chrysanthemums, snspdrag ons and rosos, tied with orchid rib bon. Mrs Breckinridge, mother ot the bride, wore gray, sequin cloth combined with chiffon ot the same shade, and Mrs. Sperry, mother oi the bridegroom, bad a costume ol sapphire bln* velvet. Joiop Jr Turner ot New York, was heal man. The ceremony wag performed by tho Kev Will!* U Holcombe, of Hlyerheail, D' 1 . who Is a cousin of ih» bride The music was supplied by Ht-cbel A Blese, ot New York. . -

A reception followed tho wedding 170- guests belhg present, not,only from Cranford, but from New- York. Toughkcepslo. Rye. New llochetio, and other placea to New York su te , from Hacketietown, Montclair and Summit! Nov Jeraey: and Chicago III. Among tho number wore Mr and Sira. E, 1* Breckinridge, of Tol- ledo. 0 ; Mrs. Irene U. Ross, of’ Co- lumbu*. 0 .. Mr. and Mrs. George Spence, of Chicago. 111.; Mr. and Mrs Waldron l.asky and Mr. and. Mrs. It H. limón, of New York City; Dr aud Mrs. Morton Ryder, of Rye, N Y.; Mr. and Mr*. Hewitt and Mr. ami Mr». George Cobb, of Montclair, N J . Mrs. Willi* Ryder, of Carmel. N Y ■ Mr - and Mr*. John Frye, ot Daw renca Park.INi Y : Mr. and Mr*, a ~gu* Wledenhach. ol New Rochelle, N T.i Mia* U aUl Brycklnrldgo, and Mr» Anna Cola. or*lfselnnt«toV», N. J . ; Mr. nod Mr*. Oforga Flahor and Mr and Mrs. George Gaddis, ut Summit. N. J .: and Mr. and Mra. Noi son Turner, of Garden City, L. 1 .

MU* Breckinridge, now Mrs Sperry, la choir leadqr of the First M E. Church, being an admirably

trained vocal 1st, "¿ail ih r. Vftclïl [ l C W I i T l A N W t t A l f O T l board '-aad gteabw« 6TYM r i s r j J ü ä U U Ä l l W B W l f l U U Ijreacalad..hot with a. OmiiuIuI..coffa» j ................ -------------------- .... . ...percolator, tray, cream pot a»d sugar ’ Cranlord Now Has Branch ól IV- bowl. There «vere many othrr'- charming gifts of-chlns. giasv. suv««!

Premier Pore Maple Syrup, qh «an 1 . gn p. - Backer's Buckwheat IBalm' Flg Poddlng BaachnntBecon, la 1 lb. boxes

Phene 876

Mow I t ral ned and OomhHoaey Major Gray'! Chutney

J . H . M c M A H O NH igh -G rad e G ro ce rie s o n. Union Ava.

Don't Stand StillM an y an o p p ortu n ity is lost th ro u g h not b ein gfp rep ared to g rasp it w h en offered.

Y o u r S avin gs A cc o u n t will p rov id e you w ith a fund fo r p rofitable business op p or­tu nities o r in vestm en ts.

D o n o t allow y o u r a c co u n t to s ta n d still w ith o u t a d eposit fo r a n y considerable len gth o f tim e. C all reg u larly a t the B an k w ith y o u r "little b o o k " a n d cu lti­v a te the habit o f S y s te m a tic S av in g .

O n e D ollar s tarts a n A cc o u n t.

In terest a t 4 % P e r A n n u m"P aid on all B alan ces o f $ 5 .0 0 o r o v er



R eso u rce s $ 2 ^ 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0


íurmlüt».' ..Mr. Si*t*rry is ot tbo prof™

*ioa. 1« äiHBiK'UUal »uh Cl)».**pn atuf^McUr*inv*. oí York T5i* >ouuy wupitf. on thfir («tur» from their hridal in¡i lnl\\ t?rnora{iUo, Và 7 ümi \V «hluictou. lì C-, «iti thojr Uuiao Al 3 .*j Vuión A^tmur.

aSWTjjrÄ.1« jt" *

&. ALLISON( I N C .)


E- South Avenue CRANfORD, N. J.

T e l e p t i o u e Ö 7 Ü * W

TIIK IHtLL SHOW - Although this was an u«W

iiiea »ad oq» uuh&own lb Crauford »liaw wont off* *.lth

tousldershl» «urci'M. While waiting for the children tiv Arrive iht* hj»i- ek*u»Ti ot the. tUy iTr«woha (’ampOro UirUi «rrsuis^d ««ini's «hd on!»*r tulrio.l uuUl «it tho uonio*t«nu had nrnred . At 3 30 th / liAr.Tdu iH'RfUtJ First (ho !>reui0«i/dotU «»•*■« prom uhudfd nb.tui thw rotuu ihWr sw«U mother« tory ktoai v*‘u'd

ItlAll)' drosiM'd iJullV aSUl w’ti dt;‘t*OY-' ot«*d lh«t thw youitf; of i'rAU'.(brd hure very i:mid .{jfiRpiiiaUons »hf-ti It ontm»!* lu orUltiallty. • l-cot canjo tho iiocoratpct tariinct’ i in all thn Rlar'y thatjinpvr rt»«HI hoAtow After• iho. ¿ifstod t\r.alo tho )ud»?.o<. )1lis iludauii. Mi*

Iks B tn m im l and Prolictivg A uacLtkm . O ifk m ln iU lk d

Sxtutd gybf State Offiom . salurvlay la«» (Tentoni Local of.

Uve Datrolmcn'* Bcnovulcut ami PrvttdctivB Aantclalkm was formal­ly brought Into «Hgtwncw UyKUto U(brers of tho P. J t A, and officer» fli iM k>cal branch htsiall«d by tho State Pres Went, Martin m lty ofJersey City, and »taff.

Officer» of I'mnfoni I w at' so in Mailed are

Rrealdeni. 1*. J. M a rtin ., Vlce-rco-President. Kdwanl MeUnef, Financial Secretary, Joseph Mc-

Oaftroy, -TrtNUUnir. Kdw. Oalvln.Sorgt,a i .Vnua. David Winatia The P. B. A. D an aasoclallon of

patroltnmi and officer* of the polte« of uftlffievciy nmnfclpaltty ot the

lold ot the value ttié Ktaie. Aasucta ' ■' ■ ■ ‘ "....?(ho* wotthl he 1« the Cranford for**= - - Suboth In jatllce work and In a protee*; Mr». l>s »«r,tlve way ' ■ - ■ • ...- .. ; HtTriwa*.,.rr, «f ï i

Kontier ‘ President 'Jliumle' | tllcil at (lu- lioso ivllrtcn «I Kllnhcili. t»U More ot ; on 1>io»viay iviiui (he wortf of the INdlce anil ot the « ho.»»» a rrsl.U A asociar tod j-'' 'll« agro,»l wttli »he ¡ t»wn Ml (or som tuèstiuBaler In the .nes»l of a imblt ibrmight boro on rily csiMinlttee. o ’Hrieti said; Let i In (tic hoiv tliai a policeman *M' »fad In le-rforniaiice ! ho Iw-nollcUl S of duty as Officer Coehraft (who wa* ! nino chlWrcp >l«v*eht> was and ho will gel a bit; ....... ■.....of favorable mont too. hut let a t*M PQUCEIleo man .»fwwgreaa a ruin or go' Numirl hlottor. •wrong'' mul bo will get big publicity , lln«d l'*1 l>y jm !i;r

: fisr'miHnnx" rffi-behalt of tnrc-ll. tLinc*dar cv-mb-ir. f, IWpt.- u llrU-n prosontiHl rtialr - 1k>i 11— in lb« ¿t;v<

mgn Sim- of »lie Pollen C»nmn(tt»v j l:ig; tu.^om t on nand- UuhttnJmdnrier K v e r e l t w i t h ; I b r .......... .. lo u r wcogold 'badge» dietetlng . honorary J .Miniti, of Newark, « niouiberelnit In lito P. ji. A.. 1<>: ub1cb ’ each tlltlngly ' fe«fe»nded ; Tb« Ut'l uMs tuor Conuolssluncr Everett tor lito ,V»»f . ('.-«ntoril tirnumlf elation presented tonner ihillci-uiai\: «i-til at tin- t .»-)uo

»■„i ihs> Mkle for inumai protection, ot their ! . . . ! , on Interest* and of their famuli«.

Kund* am used for In-uefUa for kick

M»um,*r(l Uu'lr

1‘iilnt tioU. .Sybil

t<ir , juötli ililtt

npïii .b

('r.ih; am! Mr* Hlr« rfrriilniii» '

"Ffrul prUo (or prA-cryf '4".-' , ;'“i'

St:c«».1 prFloyd intitoli.

Fir.si pris*1 for to Kdtth Hmtth.

Second prise foi.ji l.onnii Urokaw.

First pris« for pi«tll«#l I’lilborlne ("nmler,

Socond pris« for i*ri ilo*.t .'sm o^« G«u»ts Gasklll

»«ddti'abledTnmtibensavpollfvmw'n arù niNlnfalned. A* President Cully later said In puhllc, thgi Aaaoclattnn slami« ready to liack a tqninberanywhere who daaenrea hwp hutMiunot cijuntHnai.itvaby dorellctton In «lut y ! .

In Ilio evening the.. Anaoclathui

ió»t urivMu.tl

• A n'mombranro hi ihp ffhnp«» uf lolijY’Dp ».li» uJvf«n to rMtch

pnvo a irnblle réception lu tlte Blato Oltlcors *1 whlcli. Ihere wore over auvent y Inrludlng (»ollcemen'aml Invltoil official» and clvlllan» 'Doi .Unlier un» glven In Hoaa Um*. uf- il ci), 6 1-P Ion avenue, Routh, whlcli tetuiairarlly wa# tumed ovet lo tho

IConiiiUttw *hd It wa* a coiniihjto Uuceeks lu every way, an ejrellèut

" jiïaalromimlc prorrnui (umUhod by relief Tyrce and hla asaUtant» tire

• 'U lluillllg a most InterMtlng Ulkbmt i umlet: illrertlou ol Kryd T, Fraser, aa

n ils rr ToaMlIiaater.I Mri Fraser « u excellent on hla Job. In opoiiliig tip t lie llow of ora­tory lu- sald, froui a eonaldorable dx

• ........... --die«» t!»perlenco working with the nol 1 ! tho war time, he hollovod til* great-

j » 1 neo<t of tho P. II. A. to ho a cat«----- ---- — | »bin. publicity cotnmlUew.

Subscribe to tbe tTtlicnC lironlcb«,' President Culty of tlia Htate Aa- «150 per y car doUvorod.— ............. 1 soclatloii was tlin nnd called on. 11«


H O U S E T O R E N T : 6. rooma and batlx, wWoi, -watffr. ; ; gag, d e c trie light, fu rn a ce .' Nffaf depot. $ 3 $ .0 0 p tr m onth.

T W O %F A M I L Y H O U S E F O R S A L E : P rice $ 5 ,9 0 0 .T e rm * a rra n g e d to. su it. •

Walter W. Mooney Company, Inc.3 W A L N U T A V E N U E

P h o n e 1 3 ' C R A N F O R D

u r c at —y » y s i£ -- -

-,rt- r- «fiS Vqrtij ñ'. 'ntiIC . ( t . r 11-, •


NEW3,-f Ni-wuik. I ’lickb'y « i r b-AV«T-t 1— t nod nut nr«iiv.ioi«:!

Tony IVlInerl wilh a nirmher,lili' bailge of Uto A*»oflatlon. ;

IVilIce Juilg« rilarle, A. i Mío «fi ElUaliidh. pralaed the »org «I tti« (mllcc a* lié bad «esn ll - ;

Nniialor Plenwm and A««,«ubly i ('anitliltattie Muir. I•«.«;«.* aml t mnii , ,tou. «ere cali mi uu 1 1 I'dh aml tu* » alwir! evimllotil gddrvsM«» IndoriHbí'i'lrt Harty Muiiimn» and » lilef; H<,,ccr»n» «t \N cal finid, bdd >d tho wiitk'of tbe jHdlc« and luid a. h w :

- F nmiwdile»—{Vdlog-told.i id tbo imiIÍci* uf tho ubi ilay» In V«" Yiirkaml bu» tbéVTook car« uf h tw Jamé» E. Warner i«*alb«l Ib

Nue. ni-itca.l ul uli i ) ■ aíHHium i-d ia«l


Bar rv moroAtnertcVi Foram est AnorcJoppo»;.

l»l by Ipf» Itfln irlc-,1 !" Ctd .ROLAND Y CHIMO.. ‘ f -I -Riel lit«»." PEKfllVAt, KNutHT, ,t»r «( »Tb« Batter Ola’1 T'A ROI. nr.HT

dnvsYilTr.lt. star of -Privarli t»ir®»i.' Wild.w Iteli Uraiifuril limi n f»rce ut u n « ( t*(JW E l and timi Phll J lllmlt-nborgor » t s j i u llia l vuje. Mr, Hlipléiifn-rger tulli u f j l t »uni« evperlenec. ’i . f 1 iiu»u uld dnis-LRoly Townabtir ('uHimlllej-mnn Tuu! i ATTI Iliade a guod'lalk un ilio nurk ufi Jack t ’nuiford i»illro. * Ermimr K. Adam* j in The T b jilli tubi of tbé v«ry ubi indire day*i wben Un' clmreli b e ll in a * fin i* tu ; luimnoli tlie melili«:/». i;f llle utd |Vobnitoei Protecfive As.uelnt'luu I

AkwUdily t ’andldafe Mulr fuldj nume e'ceelleMl «tori««-and *iut|f

' ' ‘ and!

ar of "ilpaiii'di le'1'*". LUI-IM. «ivi of 'Tiu> :xlau Pn»m ald ticiv.n.

siilo, ■ I I oiM'S llTUp«!. (totti^twiiisdoa ■■ rf ir» -

lla rry 1’ralg naiig several »»du«, «ml bi duet, with ('«ivlNeltffpJIcr Jus H«im «»*éy'*. orcTieslra ol tlitesí


ley *)|eee» helped m aterially tila tinjoyibln evening

Ml«* Lakoy will »i»i,«k to Um Wo- nian » Club ot l ’ iiner M ontclair on Ui« afternoon of Nov. I. mi Uto «uh jiict ol llisutaiice. -


Irving Sanitary MarketH a ss I ( Ss « In •Daallug in

Meats, Fish, Butter Eggs Poultry and Squabs

4 Union Avanue, North

B o t i l P l i o i i o O3 0 33 0 4 *

“IF TtyU WANT IT OOOD GET IT AT IBVU IO '»'*A co n tin u a n ce of tire p atron age acco rd ed D . D.

Irv in g is resp ectfu lly Bolicited. ,C H A R L E S K U R T Z .

Adsplad from WUIIauv (Uljaltqt, Haga play tminded on Sir Gouan

Doylos «tot|»jAT T U I’. , ' -


__________ O C T O B E R 3 0 nn [ a I _

M 4 4 4 4 4 H 4' . ‘ ; i


H W t ’S T H t HONOR WE H W t l Y tO N - F IN E S T V ^ R lZ E 1

t l R T H E S U N !

S T A N D A R DDJMBER sextette

9 4 H IG H S T T E L 5 0 Ü

i I k K any mortal we’re nslghtilyidfcâ*ëd' JÍ¿cause the public

spoake *o well of ti*. Well’ It alwayalways seen)» to turn out that »ay; If you give one with whom you do bualneM the right tort ol a deal, they are going to boost your game. The only smooth thing 1» the perfect -manner In v-hlch we plane our lumber.

The CUlaes-Ctuonicle eon tains all | the local newa fit to print, a* well ¡ aa all Item* eoonected'with T o ro -> S ip gow m aen t. A hlghcUa* la-

UM SUfftMEFMA-------- - I-

■Sil l II ■! i*1 ■ |-,L~' Vi

N orth an d U nion A ven u e*

P h on e* 4(>0 and 4GI

A w eekly »ale l/egim iing I'ridny, O ct. ¿7 .

‘ ■ rcinnrknbly low price», ■

IV O R Y R J X K E S . p er p a ck a g e ...............

IV O R Y S O A R .p e r c a k e .,.........

MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE.p er lh ............ .............................................

L A R D , P u re L e a f ,p er lb..................................................... ..........

P O T A T O E S ,per Doaket.

r Ä . . . . . .................................................................. ; $ 2 . s s I

In v iew of o u r e x te n siv e »«rvice w e coneider our f n i i . n y .Án* lo w /i* any. oilier »tore in tow n


0 I L D A G; ¡ ■ • • / ■ ■ . . • >

1 the world’s beat lubricantA d d * Im n M n sel/ lo th e P le a su re of A utqm c^iiling

W ill in crea*e th e p o w er o f y o u r c a r 'W ill p reven t y o u r c a r fro m w earin g out.W ill cu t o u t repair bill* d ue to im p erfect lubrication. W ill red u ce y o u r gasolin e e x p e n se on e-fourth .

5 . i W i l l lu bricate tw ice the d istan ce fo r the m o n ey you are «pending

Sold b y p ro g ressiv e d ealers an d garages


D istrib u tor fo r U n io n C o u n ty _ ; . .

Page 2: 0 I L D AG - DigiFind-It"Ffrul prUo (or pr. A-cryf '4".-' , ;'“i' St:c«».1 pr. Floyd intitoli. Fir.si pris*1 for to Kdtth Hmtth. Second prise foi.ji . l.onnii Urokaw. First pris«

(' « iïJWIFfy'Sjr 7>MäsiMtSä.

*tœ*ne*“v**** **ti**eitf • 48* *****Ét£ 4»

Jg.: j :

- -"l . .'J. V , Sr- va a^pgg^ •>

* ^ *M/tf i


g ; iÌL' £ ï1 ’ 1 ' t

( tf t 1 t «r i •|;J <■ • ' *PK*- Ï.ft Vs 1U Ki f (

1I »

■" ' ’ K" ■ r ,H '. -,s - ,i

tszKXzr 'ïgzxi.ï't- -f * - «,^1% ***“•$* 7 -*■* «-’t~5’y-'fTT


Ancient City Is Found on

Aged Womaii in County Home Made Own Wine

Thriving Town Existed on Isle " Royale, .Lake Superior

1,000 Years Ago.


Sir. Ferguson told of hi* flr»t tr ip -*ln the region at Un* outlet of HMcl- ! J wilt Jake, MJilcti lio atiltj lie. thought ; *Irillli-d witji tilltiiiitiH iJiitOt tint there * tvn» no" trace of a touh, Last year J■lit- fouiot a uoli'ifttli uMrti hr lloiuitlit «B# tin* one mentioned III Iret-ori, IV*;,;;**. “i iif^ioiorr-ii. -i-it-ih* » ..... - ...—

An elghty-ozie-yeey-eld woman he* lout b»-r h av rn o f refug* at the county ohlx folk*. Imm* at Muskogee, O tta , baranti* the «uthiirltlc* diaroterod « com­plete «rine-maklng apfiaratn* hidden OQder tier pad, together wiili eevenil quart* of. fb* com­pleted . priklucl? Gmzlai* refused to dlnrloM her name, but u lil

W allace V isit* Prize Bon a t . S o k f i e r f H o m e F a t t o

UimukM hK^_A?oi«ii th « g r tp tt from •I 11 in u o i r th« county farm.’ ’ .'""" " ' " V

Archaeologist finds Tracts of Town After Three Years’ Stsreh—Will

Head Eaptdltion to Make Fur. thar Exploration* ~~

I-I '/

R F - >1M IT 1

Duluth, Minn.—William P. Ferirui^n, •rrbnpolo^lnt And author, of Franbliu. Pa.. unmiunred h*r* that ht? had din- covare«! the. ruin* of an amdont rltjr, Inhntiltfd protMihly T.QnO to 2.000 year* a*:«, oh Uln Roynle^ff tlMMiorth *W*r* <>f Knko SuiHTlar. Inio Royal« l> a T»rt of tlw Mate of MI<*lilK»m. ,

Air. Ferguson'announced ho woultl return next aumtner with imother "ex* prdliJon to romlurt further ^xfylors- ttoni of the city, which wun HlluntH. ho mild, on the «southerly aide of the Inlnud and rnnsUlml of n aorlo» of scftnl undprcrofind '!**i»tllfitfft.

Copper Mined Thera Long Ago. *\Monf’]t*v«*r.v on»* l<no>v*.M Mr. For*

. piinori rtnld In umbltiK known 111* din- covory, "thiil coppor w»h mined on Klo Itovnlc m/iny yonr« ngo on limd now rmorod >\l|h jtino 1r**on. Tho-i*~ Jlind In rovrriMl with triircn of tliono iniijon, nnil yot «Imnit imthlfij; bn* !**n’h dune to «'iploro thn working*.’

"No 'iiii' him f«.mid any ' of-iho to*' nmlnn-ttf !lt»*-fthlmlnorn.-nl!hough -thorn are ninny HtorlVn of tindlnu tomporod copiHT wonjionn. ) have fimnd novond Atono hiiinmrt«. oitch mip|illiad with thfroL’n. «nr} tutu* l«*on -'|n.tf*ronli*d for the Innt Ihrct' yi-uiM In rNtiitdlNhinu ro- jMirtN flint n town exIMrd on the south of the IpIuimI.

"A writer named fhhnnn wna nil* thorlty f<»r thin rrjmrt fifty yonns.nlro, hut Ids iloMcrl|d!on and locution wore so viumic Hint It wur rm|innsllilo for uhy mu' to tiiiiko anything out of them.” •

Jiw-ioM-n, tiowd’vcr, the oijtlorrr wks un-» ] nlilé 'tu ntiUh'IrtM Workrrh^iiitd. 'Arid "»»!

mude a third trip this twittmn with • party ot flvo anelHtiiiita, hut thWr ttr»t eff*»rta fjiih-d to liK'nle'llie town. .

At length Mr; Fe’rgm»on romduded thut n ridge. If luraled In the vh ínlty, would niinwor a rertuln denfrlptlon of the topography of th.s country sa glv* en hy thC/Writer of » half century ago. fie continued Ida search, he *nl<l. and i\uu\\f wns rewnrikol hy.Jlndlnf whut I19 timslder* untidsiokiihlfr-fFacea-of-w town between Hay hay and the water*

Mute Boy Oalna. 8pooch.narkshurge W. Va.—<,1arrnct Me*

Ate e, it-fi Jf.tr» old, a mute atace birth. MKblenly ziiliieil Ibe p oser of apet-rh Hfti-r i.rnylDK at tbe altar of a tcnteil ctiurrh where evaugellatle aenrlr«* wrrf betng conducted b j tbe I’e n tf ii,«tnl tlenotnlnntlim. The story of tbe affnilnjt miracle we* ««Id *>jf Mrs. Ida 'frlbft ol- Hturgla, Mich., the.evanecl- l»l In clmrK« of tha rctleal. Tb<«»

»ecretarjr of Agriculture Wallace-with Inapector Geoeral Uelmlck of the United State* armyA|muiiurv tuaimiur u « * '* « — . --- ----------- . . . l.modern dairy ot the United States Soldiers* home. Washington. -The picture sbow* the p* r ,f *• . . «-tVXM) prize bull born In Norfolk, l a . twenty mile* from tbe secretary-* home. Air. Wallace la third figure from telland Gen. Tasker II I Isa. superintendent of tbe home. Is shown with tight trouser*.

.................. ........... _ acquainted with the boy sry b e hudfall on the south aide of l»lo Itoyalo. nerer kpokeo before. inDane King Bows

to Chicago yyoman Hears of Mys­tery Note Given a t Time of

Allows..Oaughter of AustrianColonel to Become Subject

"and Remain in Denmark.


.,1,1.1.lit;. M|j/.| W«.lf Slflcklncer I» nIne nini Un- (ImiKlHlT «f nn Au»trl:ni I'lijiijM'l wml uns killed on Ilio,Itnllim friml 1er durine the mir. tier nnilief uim b-ft In shift fot MlUl und lu-r-n-lf on io jionsliiii thtit.'tinfitly cdVêrod tim ru»!—of—ri-ut. nn,I »bo »-as happy »dien she put nn oiifurtmilty of «ending

Her Adoption.


Relates Her Trouble* to King Chris­tian, Who Intercede* In Her Behalf—FoatajrParanta Eagor .

- to Adopt Her.



Used Himself to HaulHis Family 300 Milos

Ululmlng llmt lu< limi Irnvcled muri- tlui 11 IUK) tnlU-a utili all hla helnnsInKs In # amali ca r i, lilti'licd tn liltnsvlf, Itnlph de Wltt «fi Bpiirtn, Alo., wlttr hi* wlfc, threc-amùil- rhlldroiir and

• n Wttló dog, m icheli theJArknn- gas rlrrr coitoli tlelda (o plck

. .«sition. Ile loft homo «Illi bui id In bis pocket».

I )£$$$:

('opcnlmgcn. — l-nrgc nnmlicrs of AUnlrliin children, ptirllculnrly Htllc |,oy» mid girl« from Vlcunii, Imvc i»-on Imssllig llndr mmoncrH In lii'iumirk ns gucNts of every cln«s of I lie HhiiIhIi coimniinlly. , llut It liii" been dl«tlnrlly undiTHtood hy tho I)unl«li orgtinlzii- linns iiminglng H <’ho charity visits unit the Iiiinlnli iiutliorltlcs thut no child Hholilil he iiUowcd to alny-ln Denninrk inure t linn six ninnlha unless special pi'rnil««lim iicri’ given;■ Lsavstaklngs Art Painful.

Many of these Austrian children have'grown, very fond of their Dnnlsh foster ipurents, and vtco versa, and the leuvclnklngu nt the mllwny »thllon«, when these children are sent back to Austria, huvo In many) instances burn pitiful. The yumigKtdra did not hide their sorrow ami Uespulr at going away. .

Eddie R ick en b açk er T a k e s a Bride


Mllr.l i.n 11 long holiday to kind'and liiiKpItiibl'e people In Denmark. Mltzl nnd lo r fouler parents bernmo very fond nf each nllier.. The latter were mi well connected that they managed In oblnlfi pcnnliedon for Mltzl to stay for a «lióle year, llut when the local authorities could do no more the t o * ler parents wore told that Mltzl bad to return to Vienna. /

King Grants Her Wlih.The next <lny "Mltzl and her foster

mother left the provincial town In which, they wero living nnd traveled ill! day and night ti Copenhagen. His majesly the., king wna going In give public nmllenecs, and Mltzl nnd her friends had mode a plan. . .

The king receive 1 Mltzl. She told him of hEr troubles, and that she wanted to stay forever In Denmark. Her fosler pnrcntr wero willing to adopt her, and her (outlier In VIennn had eonseiiled| to renounce all claims nf 'motherhood.j Could she : possibly stnyT King Chrlillnn , smiled and kissed'her and prondsed fo leak Into the limtter. A few days Inter she re­ceived n personal letter from the king (oiling her that he had used his royal prerogative In . her behalf and that whenever slid wsnted to she could be­come a little Danish girl.

Begin* Sasr^h for Foster Mothac-Wha

rolda Mlaalng Latter and Kay to Whole Situation— Given

\ Good Education.

Folk*, here's one of llfe'e little tragedies. It'* a true story. Do ycu know of anything stranger In fiction J


Chlcngo.—Air*. Franklin II. Cobh, wife of an advertising inun living la Oak fork , tins set «heels In motlou In nn effort to trace back through 20 yenrs the mystery of her birth—In the hope of finding a fortune a t the other end of the troll. . ’

‘A sealed letter wna delivered to yoiir foster mother when you were adopted by her at the age of eighteen months. You were to hnvo received Hint fi tter on yr.ur eighteenth hlrUir duy," wus the message Mraj Cobb got from * girl friend In a Tittle Kansas town >yhlch started her search. ’ .

Baby Ring Also Clu*. ' Atid, «lie only other, evidence as to

her 'paternity Hint Airs. Cobb, a former actress, has In her possession, la a tiny baby ring engraved with whnt she Is convinced' Is her real name— Pauline G. Lumber'— and the date llHIt. •

Soniewhero In CnllfomUi. she be­

lieves, Is a wnmnn who bolds the miss­ing letter nnd the key to The whole sit­uation. The wiis her foster mother hut she mnrrleil again nnd Mra. Cobhdoesn’t" know hernewr-nnttie.--------------' A tale of a vart-colored childhood,

always with n craving for a rc-at moth­er running p sad strain through high­lights and Ion-lights, was told re-" .cenlly by Mrs. Cobb at her home, 820 Jvoriit-Taylor nvenue. Ouk 1‘ark . ~" When she was little more thnb a year old she was ndigiteil hy Mr. and Mrs. James A. Payton, Pawnee Ilock, Kail. Payton was kind to her and she lived ns should the daughter of a man who owned a string of Kansas hotels, until she " was eight yearn old. when Payton died.

-Mrs, Payton, according to Mrs. Cobb, promptly sent her to a convent at Great Bond. Kan., where she stayed n year. Then Mr*, l ’ayton mnrrleil a second time, and sent the little girl . n school for girls at Beloit. Kan., while the fosterniother: went to Cali­fornia with her second husband.

Given Good Education.From the school she was sent . two

years later to be adopted by Mr. And i 'r s . J . M. Wyatt, 3123 Montgnll ave­nue, Kansas City, Mo. They were

Germans kill Thousands' of Dògs to Secure Meat

High prices of meats and the scarcity of food generally com­pels pet dugs to keep under cov­er In Germany these days, lest dog butchers get them. OIJhTnl figures' show rtbat 3.IH1 dogs Imve, been killed nnd passed up­on hy Inspectors for.human eon- sumption Jn Ibe lubt . three months, according to u report from Berlin.


r entthy and gaveTie. a splendid edit- 7N|TTinF^tie“ tudtrd—music—and dra--- iimtic art and nfter graduation went on the stnge, plnylng Important parts In musical comedy companies. Her Stnge nnme was Patricia Lambert.

Through' the years her yearning for a real mother or at least the consola­tion of the story of her real parents had flntncd and died. Then she met Colil) three yenrs ago nnd they were married. Now they hnvt- a little child of their own. Again cninl! the vnguo hope Hint some day tire mystery of Mrs. Cobb’s birth would be clonred— a hope built to new life by the messngo hinting at fortune, Just received from Pawnee Ilock.

“My big ambition now Is to find Mrs. Payton, my old foster mother, nml got from her the letter my real mother gave with me," sold Mrs. Cobb.


I Miriti* â o ,

Mortality Among Soldiers . In Eur Durlng War Placed at 7.78 t


Sydney, N. R. W.—The rate iif-mor- tidily nniiuig soldiers absent from Aus- trnlln during the World war wns np- IiroxImnK'ly 7*» tier cent per annum, ns compared with approximately H per cent per niimiin for a/hudy oC men of Mnillar nge under nnruuil Australian eiimlllloiis, according to/lhe report lust Issued by the coumuinweidth statls-lleliin.


This shows i-.odii- Klekenlmeker, Amertenn nee oud nuto speed king, with his bride, formerly Mrs, Adelaide.'Durant, divorced wife of nn auue inoliUe milker. They an-nhroiul for the honeyinoon. . ,

In the calculation* nil deaths abroad «ere taken Into, consideration except those nfter discharge from the service. The' total ileatli^abroad were 88,850.

In the Soliti/ A fri run cnmpnlgn of*71S1HVW02. tiny inorlallty rale for nil llrltlsli troops wna 38.T a thousand a year, or Ipks Hum 4 per cent n yenr, white In Hie Crimean _wnr_oi_1854-58 the morbillty among British force* was 1 MV per cent tier niinum, tho »tab tstirinn> report said.

/Squirrel Shut* Off Power Plant*.

Mlirlboro, Muss.—This city nnd eight towns were shut off from electric pow­er whetLjiJ gray squirrel, running over n Idsii-i oitnge wire, was electrocuted, nmslng a short Clrcnlt. PInntsTn Marl-


Expert Says Japan Artificial Gems Defy Detection. -

Statement Causes C'ortaternetlon Among Owner* of 'Valuable Strings

In Paris—Discovery of Jap­, anese Scientist. .

boro, Soutliburp, Northboro nnd West- barb were shut down for three hour*

Walter Evans Edge,. United States »cantor from New jersey und former governor ot that state, and Miss Ca­milla Bewail of Bath, Me., whose early marriage la cxj*ected by their friend*

Pnrls.—Owners i In Part* of vntuable strings of pearl* have been thrown luto something like consternation by the published opinion of *Dr. Louis Iloutnii, professor of science at the University of Bordeaux nnd an expert In pearls, that he and other pearl ex­ports arc unhide to distinguish! be­tween real pearls and chose artificially grown by the Japanese.' “. .The statement ot Doctor Bontan, made at the French Academy Ot Sci­ences, removes, the Inst hope concern­ing Japanese pearls which, have been- grown In quantity since M. Mlklmoto, the Japanese scientist, made hi* dis­covery. ' •

Pearls normally are grown by acci­dent. through n fine grain of sand en­tering the shell o f . the oysler. . The white substance, railed a, pearl, grows Inside tlie oyster and Is a secretion caused by the effor t of the shellfishto get rid of the foreign substance. Mlklmoto conceived the idea of open­ing oysters and Inserting the foreign substance, or grain of sand, that f o e nierly enrne here accidentally.

Since Jnpnnese began to grow pearls artificially, there has been much dls- cu sslon-as to whether tlies, new pearls would affect the value of the accidentally grown pearls.-----------------

The only difference would appear tn be-In the pearl seed, or grain of sand.

nnd now It la claimed by Dgc(or,OlonA Inn that even this difference' cannot he delected. ,

The statement of Doctor. Boutan I* categoric: “If 1 did not Imve a certifi­cate of origin when sections of pearl* were shown- me. pearls cut Into sec­tions for testing purposes, I would not lie able to say which pcurl Is artifi­cial."

'î-v - ,


THREW AWAY $2,000 NOTESGang Foreman on Bridge Work Who , Found Them Thought They

Were W orthies* i

Springfield, Mass.—Finding Hint h e , had thrown, away unsigned national * bank notes amounting-to $2,00(V be­lieving them to be worthless, Wllllnm B. Sourla, foreman of n bridge con­struction gang, ndmlttcd that the Joke - was on. him when , lie w a s Informed that the notes were negotiable. •

The bills were found tucked awny In n bridge pier that was being razed ■ nnd were part of a ,lot of $ in.000 be­lieved to have been stolen while en route from Washington to hnnkj In western Massachusetts. Soucla and two other workmen, noting that the bills Were unsigned, amused-them- scb ^ ifo i-a ev ern L d B y a : b.v I hrowing them In the street and watching per-J Sons scramble for. them. They were ■In denominations from $3 to $20.


*n. "■' " 'll

.Wilt on Paper Pasted In Watch C aa*Palo Altn, Cal.—On n small 'round

piece of paper that was pasted In the rase of his watch, executors found the will of E. W. Moulton, athletic trainer of Stanford university. .Tho will left the estate, valued at $4,000, to M r*" Mciulton:


/ i


Long Distance Weather Prophet Has Been Good Guesser.

-4rs«a-Vear Ha Was tha Only Prognoa-ticator Who Stuck Out for Mild,

Open Winter—Thla Ona Will . Be Real Rough. '

ÍÍV , ' 1Í-'Kä-l fi .m

Psckervllle. Conn. — Twice every year for Twenty-three years the Pnck- ervllle “Cloud Digger," nn unidentified weather prophet, comes out with his predictions of the weather six months abend and has made ninny womlcrrul, correct prognostications, Including the Galveaton sforiu, Cullf«rnla earth­quake, tlie^arthqunke nt Jnnmlcti nnd the vblranlifieniptlon on the French West Indie* , -' , •

Last year Hie “Cloud Digger" was tho only long-dlsram-e,weather prophet In AmcHra ' wbo* eihplmtlcnlly • pro-

"Vlalmed"a mild.- open winter and• waa gunch laughed ut-

Tills year, ns the sun crosses the line In a tiortheiist «lini. "C'loiul Dig­ger" snys; "The winter of|H>22-23 Is to be a bummer" nnd one long to be remeniliered by residents, junng. nnd old; I'nllke the few Inst years, ,win­ter Hits year wt.it be upon us enrl.v inDocemticr nnd tlie-uld weather xuan will puss .out nil kinds of gales, storms, high tides nml severe cold snaps for four long month* "

“All nniurul linllratleiis point to a raid winter. Great bumlnnee of nuts, fruit and berries ure one Indication, the activity of animals |n storing their winter supply, another. The thickness of shucks on all kinds of nuts, coni husks and nnlninl furs Is another Indication, amt planetary con­ditions, coupled with n taorthenst wind at the equtnoxlal petlod, another. One storm will follow another all winter long. More snow will fall this win­ter-coming than has fullcn for many year* hut look out' for more rain than snow, ground covered with Ice und

geiierni ‘old-fashioned* whiter condi­tion«. -

"The coming winter will he one long to be remembered nnd. will break up suddenly In"March. 11123, with terrific rains and tldods. Those who Joked at my predictions of: nn eqsy winter one year ago today wjU grin tho other way this year." ! •

W il l . K E E P T H E IR A R T T R E A S U R E S

Russian Paintings Not Destroyed or Stolen; in Revolution. ;

Finds Wedding Ring. Lost 27 Y ear*Trenton. N. J .—A wedding.jing lost

27 years ngo wns found and returned to Its owner, Mrs. Conrad Sfnrgraf of 841 Genesee stn>et, this city, bv George Setiroeilcr of OTO Bchtty atreeL The ring came to. light when Schroe- (ler wns constructing a new porch on Ills home, formerly occupied bv M r*Mnrgrnf. ~

Priceless Collection of _*orc«l*lnt, V ase* Statuary and Dxhe

urei Remain Intact as In Days of the C zar*

\ Catch Devil Fish 18 Feet W ld*Gulfport, Miss.—Fishermen viewed

with amazement the monster devil fish captured by Charles Swanson and Harold -Qsctnnch while trawling fo- shrlmp. The fish measures 18 feet across nnd 13 feet In length. Esti mntes of its weight ranged from 2,00i- to 3,800 pound* -

IVtrpgrad.—The Hermitage, one of, the greatest art-galleries In the world;' exist* today in all It* prewar magnifi­cence as * visible refutation not only of rumors that jlussln-* finest paint­ings had been destroyed or stolen dur­ing the revoJotlon. but of these adven­turers who occasionally have peddled tn , New York and Farts supposedly original paintings from Its collection.

Small groups of school children, pi- toted through the'galleries by tench- e r * a few art students, occasional proletarian enthusiast* and now add ■ hen a foreigner who strays In o* Pe- • tsq;rad are utvwt the ou lj visitors to t

tile gnllerle* and they seem lost In Ifa spacious rooms.

But the great paintings, rare porce­lains and Greek ynses of priceless an­tiquity. marine .'statues .brought from the ends of the earth., unrivaled col-, lections . of old coin*..Egyptian schr- abs and countless other art objects, are still In their carefully numbered tray*

The winter palace, adjoining the Hermitage, still, bear* marks of the shelling and machine gunning It suf­fered during the oarly days sf the Bolshevik coup d'etat, hut the build­ing1 housing the valuable art collec­tions has been spared even these marks of battle. -

Immediately after the Bolshevlkl won" control, spi^laU guards were placed about .the Hermitage and It was saved fryrm looting. The already priceless .collections are being aug­mented today by the most valuable of the objects of art confiscated by the government from "private "persons duf^

lng the early days of the revolution.- In paintings the Hermitage rank*

with the Louvre In Furls and the famous galleries of Spain and Italy.

In nil there are more than 2,000 painting*, each of which Is worth'sinbII fortune, nnd there are' beside* 200,000 engravings1ngs, each so valuahl careful preservation for

,000 draw- merit*

ostcritv.Most of Fetrograil's other famous

art gaileries and museums which alao; ' are again being opened to the'puillc.' prove,'like the.’ Hermitage, to be l i - ■ tact. The same Is true of Moscciv nnd other principal Itusslan cltle«*— where the soviet <overnmenL like th a 1 regime of the czar, has zenlonslrguarded collections of a it. •

Whale Bones Make Fertilizer.Seattle, Wash.—Blubber and whala-

bone are no longer the only source ot profit In the whaling buslnes* Fertl- llzer commands high prices, and that demand rapidly la Increasing.

i ,7|

The second national radio exposL.^ tft ii■ ~ " - r t itlon s ill be betd in Chicago next J i g * ,

*ry . ■ -

__/■ ■

Page 3: 0 I L D AG - DigiFind-It"Ffrul prUo (or pr. A-cryf '4".-' , ;'“i' St:c«».1 pr. Floyd intitoli. Fir.si pris*1 for to Kdtth Hmtth. Second prise foi.ji . l.onnii Urokaw. First pris«

:h I " 'ü¡kr T -,

n ß


T o m ’« O c c u l t

L o v e


. _ ._*• *• • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • »», n<• fcf Hectare K te im a lr»4k4Uk)

“W W , (bn pr«tjr f tr iT . * * * * * * w xirprtM and coacarn to

p. •* - too* ■ •**- ■■ »6» ■ tdjstaag^^A'** * * *»• arnall pb«to{T«|tb prtftt and

. “ *® ■* h*r “tt'brw. TJuuaa» cu ,a(4?. " ■■atTd bppoalt« bier" at Uh> " readliir

taMe la the Clavertj living mom.• “IVettjr glrll" <]oene<l Tom. “1

didn't meet nujr ftrla, uiucb In s prettj> .OOML • _ £; __ _ . . _

; '■Whjr, la one of these pictures that 1®* ts s e me to'toofc at—here la this

, envelope 'that jo u said contained elewa of jour shark. It's rather queer. There's a elri. big as life amt .**(*• »» natural standing beside the cabin—that's perfect!x dear. loo. onlj

■ the girt seems to he ingger timn ihe cabin. Tom, what does it mean?"

(-** • see," said Torn, stretching a much tanned hand across the table.

. T o tell the truth, K hadn't seen the prtuiS. 1 got them from the photo, graph man on m j way home and didn't look-at theuipj Itut the only

f 'pictures I took were of the shack, with ooa or two of Bob. There araran't any girls there. Good Lord! How the deuce—“

“Tom Claverly. who la she?" ‘ "Blessed If I pknow. Yet seems as

- If rd seen her somewhere;“ She looks familiar and yet—”

"Tom !" —Mrs.- Clarerrj looked 1» tently Into her nephew's face. "It's belt's—Toni. I never thought, jou-were paychlc enough to have anything


"Tom, What Doaa It M tanl"

like that happen to yott. You know that medium had some pictures—*

"Now, aunt, you haven't been go^1 Ing" to any. more' of those fool seaucea. have your'

“That's neither here nor there. But dearly this picture U one of those— you know, spirit exposures Torn, did you ever know a girl that looked like that—who died?"

“Died? Goodness no I . 1 hare , a port of an Idea th<i|_r saw a girl thor

.looked like that once, but she Isn't Idesd." '| " lla re you been thinking of her? sHaa'- her—face been- haunting your

dreams? Tom. she's your soulmate. M » may be alive, but her spirit Is

.twrerlog near yours."■ To all of this Tom said ■ “Bosh.” B e did not admit tbnt on carefutljr

1 ¿f-Mlldjing the face of the girl In the >pftcturer he recalled having seen her " ‘ having watched her at the hotel

ho «topped on hi* way to hla / iw ctttaln retreat white hi* had Ju*l |^p*j*ed hla vacation. He had taken

s\^SKF-titK>tograph« on the* wnj\ T h J was unfavorable. He didn't

know the girl’* mime, -yet he -\hid 'to admit that he had thought of Vi'llMlfc fhce. that once even he had 'r of her. However, he did not -conM b thl*_/art to hi* aunt.

Vti-f>Afld that wan all there wn* to It jJ'llof.'ieireral day« so fur a* Torn wnli

goOCfftietL He did not know thiit ffep'.’next night, when he wb* work"

^ W * C the office« hi« aunt. - Mn.

ceiDccfa.** and ihat «he carried her, carefully wmppe'l In the

paper, the picture of .Tom**Dtftfo «hark - and ht* *ntilra«te—

r'oecvlt, love, at .«he cail**l It. She I f t ‘proudly to the medium,- who

Ow four** of the evening had a iffttBOWnlCfitlori from n departed In-

'pflncc««. wh6 ninrf* IT feTfi-ctlj '"jiabftt the girl in question was

„ «¿wing the living. Hut «he was^8#dO «ftajiite of the mnn who H*ed in

Her spirit wa» hauntingM m p t- . ■ ■ ' :

¡¡Fjg.fuedlura asked for the picture.Oaverly compromised, bjn

tpr n Pedograph of It. TtiU to th-1* medium within

iim-i&a'-OT ao and then replaced' the" t a r im i* ..pocxetxrt

* * * W H * » whit* tmmmimm* m *A* UTle« « • « tahta. VartaMMty Toai had m c «a ta * f * tha phot»

la tW h M vkit rla jird « k i bad apparently * nag disewrawd tha i«spor»ry atwsccw of Urn spook pl<s tar» that ao taiurstwd hts endataaa aunt. '■ i

A Sunday cam* and wtwt, and t h a <» Tuoaday night Turn cam* k m »frvm hla o«cs in appamit nd t«n«« . Ha hanlaiUy futablad thru ugh the pic- iw t* ill the (fivdflfif ou the llvlag room M klf Bail] he found Um p t t t w r "B# itfia itd it « rrfu t ly kod th«i kwi*d"m» carefuny- * i a oew*

and then opened and read~*. or rvretad—■* tetter aleu ukco frwn hla porket. J

At dinner ha n i a littl* ahmpt to hla aunt. “Who haa had tho«# prtnur* he deptfauded. and the p<xtr aunt hedged, 'but had to admit the truth, •

"Hid you know the fool medium gave the print' to the._jn£.w«)m|kenk and alao g*** mjr ' u i a f M my nf»a coouecUouT - The whole thing, (Situt« out in a "Sunday aupplewenr day. before yeaterday. Lucky no one at the office happened to pee It. But 1 got a letter from tha girl—"

"The girl tri the picture—your ihiul- mnteT Oh. do let me have the letter.I mu»t ahow H to the modi uni.M

"Show It to nobody," Bald Twn4 "You've meased thtuga op euough already." *

And that waa all the aatlifnctloo that 5tra. Claverly gut from Toro., The next' morning Toro annouheo»! that he w<»uld not t>e home for dinner. No;'he waa” hot going to'w ork, tie waa going to make a cull out of town; he might not be bach that night. Mtlll no- sntlifactlon, and the next week*«uLJie-w»a away—HvMttng frtendA- ■aid Toni, and thiif waa atilt all the •atUfactlon that klra. Claverly got.

Monday at dinner the waa frank*ly repentant. ____ .

"You have been ao cool to me lath* ly." the Mild, n little tearfully. "I mn •ure It was a!) heCanae of that «nap* «hot of your«. Hnne«t!/, 1 didn't know what the medium w«« going to do with It. and I think It was real mean of her to go and give It to tha paper» und to give your name and everything. Hut, of course, It la In* tereatlng—It’« one of the beat piece« of evidence of the occult ftint thera ha« boon for n long time. You've, got to admit that. Hut h<me*tly, T<>m« I’m eorry If I offended j«u. 1 hop«' £mrtl forgive me—"

''Don't tnlk about forglvene«*, aunt," antd Toni. “Of course the fellow« have been rugging me about U atnoe they knew. It’«, given me ■ llttla notoriety thnt I didn’t quite exi*ect. But after all I’m much obliged to you V d your roedture friend. The taugb may be on her after all. Hat to change the «ubjeeh-aurit, I want- to tell you of my engagement. 1 feel ■lire you’ll lllfe her, fihr^-**

“Hub Tom, you'll never b happy with any one but the spirit girl. She'll haunt you and make you regret—*“

“That's the girl I'm rngiiged to, You «ce—-but «uppo*e you U t Kle#n«r explain. I've naked her and her «unt to come to-'Indies’ night* at the club tomorrow. You Join ua and then we’ll get the general IntrixluctJoni over ■wltH." ' . ’ . '

And that web «11 that Torn would J 9 * - :..V ■

At the club the next night, when the prellmlnnrlefi of Introduction were ovcf with, Mrti. flnvcrly looked long and Intently at the g irl .

“Kxcu*e me for ntnYlng," nhe ««Id, "but I couldu't believe tJmt you were really the glH In the picture. So you’re Tom*« occult aweetheurt, after all 1 Isn’t It wonderful.to fee)—

Wfitn't .It the funniest ihlngT* giggled Kleonor, "And we are ao much bhifged to the medium, loo,. t>oc»u*e If It hodn't been for ..the. picture I never would have been able to And Toni. You know how It wind You ace. Torn «topped for the night at the hotel where my aunt and 1 were «top- ping. 1 admit that I waa attracted from the first and knew that Torn had notlcefJ me, but of course there was*- nn wny of our getting an introduction. Well, anyway, the next morning, quite, by accident, I left my Tittle camera In the lobby. . -

'Fred Gage had taken a snap of me with It the day before, hut we hadn't turned I t And Tom must have left his ctuneru In 'Hie lobby, too. and when he went back for It be got mine. Thut was Just before he went aWny, l knew right off that 1 had the wrong camera and I rather thought It waa hi«. It «om*'hojv didn’t look like mine. X waa ao cnxlout to find out what Tom'« nnrue wm, hut auntie wouldn't let me a*k the ejerk or look at the reglatratlou bfMrk. -I rather thought he'd find that picture of rne In the ratnent he took. He t<x»k one over It and made a double ex* [ pojiurv. Then when my picture inured In the paper, of courne aunt ! IneUtcd on .onr writing and asking { him to explain. Ail rny friend» I reeogntecd—It--«»-- m«-Tnid~teff*fd~Tr7c unmercifully «I*out It. Ho we wrote, and right away Tom came out to ace ua and—well, won't It be rich? When we send the announcement of our er*- gngem^nt to the papers we’re going to let them have ¿he.tittle story ntvnrr the camera, not that we like put/- liclty._bnt that will lift the world know thrit there really wmn’t anything spooky about the rdcturcs af?pr all. 1 b<r/»ri«e of <v»nr»e there never I*—" |

And so. lip pressed v.«a Aunt fjlaver* \ ly by the fluency of her i»#»phew*a j fiancee that «be merely munnared. | "<»f course not." j

GAI IN TRIMMINGl e w Autumn Model« A re U t e r a ly

Em broidery Covered

R*»X «* tha ta taat AHars s is O raaw - H a d a< Cra«* RaAsalaa, W M

. Waaassaiaa Qu ry t la '

Patklna Kill pivuca «a trtauninsA • fashiosi nUtcuritj is tbw N»w

ïv/* TrWvun« A jnsansitj- ttrwunA- ars da dix think that lb ,It rilaou at» tr»d j to acv»tx a silbiximta. axw- aaqatoti? th«j toaka 11(11, »Son la errata ooa. Wk d«û hava barn w dfttclla to «hat tha/ «»old aad wetild not accrpt la thr taattar of ^ 1- hnuatt* that dvalfoar* still d^w«d ttpua trtauaUiBt to *t*a vsrtatj to that, taod^w „ , '

ItltcrtaUnatlcx women *rein!n,!y havsL md had ewwah srf aoihroldrlj. Home. at th-r new midf l. In


allk ar«i litcraUy embrxddery covcryd. the pattern being ao exquiWtely ex«* cuted that it mnsm a part of tbs ikbrlf. -

Many of the neweat afternoon die*»«« for autntna are mad« of crepe ratealne of that new quality which re eemMe« crepe georgette, but w hicb ha« considerable more tH«dy and Is more durable. A .charming «sxwtardevelopcd lu gray crvt«e ramalne, la trimmed wit« hand-plaited, band» of faille rihinm set Into open Irtterattcra, which are etn* brijldered all «pound.; nraadjvaneU of tiny hami run tuck« in both the back and front give further oruaineutation and weight to the dr**a.

Two color« ot georgette crepe are chirildtvgIy~comTilned~In aem» o f tbe new aotun.n drtasea, th» two time« being-4»rmight-logetirtT-by^mei very elaborate embroidery. »Navy and

>r »


3 X 1 1 ÌU


A Rasali» I» Ca s i n i A»aw» Chlchana M l la C n i i C k , aa l a .- twiwly I m H Mita.

....R ra ly -l«r o f tM ttiX -la • w u maad « t í i kuawn affartiao <4 chirk,aa

< that *.>fn*tlia#a rauaM slfrflsd Wots to Wno»» «urtMoaa. It Is oausr.1 hi so n t m n r l j stuall mil. that work* Ib- aad~under th , rvu.ta that forW.on tho W » ' t '.r« » « y i>, ,u!phur «dal- «xfll »Ul kill tho post*. S.'« 1 o. furto

Rar s o u r i s , and onda, ali candi. tt(M>» wrf.,n durability i , roqulr»dt n.th. Iftg u k n t k f 'f l iH af tha raccoon tur coat. ' ■

W O O ES OF THE MOMENT‘o r TÏÏë semi ÀTreai <*cra»lon the

black r.harmruae gvwn trimmed lo.vel­vet o f br\*c»d«HÌ ribbon la uaUnUng the piará of the beaded-go»It- A lined black charme»»* ha» wide hand» of eie*“trlr blue velvet rthNm eitemh Ing frt>t(i lhe.drt>pjt»ti »huuldrr to IwloW the eHn»« Mio re the chanoeus* t<egtus agnini. White l>eada In tiny deaigu almoef endrely cover the velvet. No other trimming U ueetL

Many of the velvet Kata have r*>era* ltd« ero* h» with velvet on one aide and eqihrolderei) eflfecta of uirt.alüc cl dfh cm the other. This treetmrot provide! n hat for dressy wear as well mm tor atrvei wmr.

Crepe weaves continue to rrlgn for afternoon wi*»r In preferepc« to—tlM»alilny aurfurv«! fabrica. . 1

The" IHtI? drtti**d (urban» of »Jlve or gold doth which nro ao t^.prilar in farla at prm«*nt‘ afe being •piesaetl thto prutulmux v hy many of the American »bops. They are designed 'fd r evening wfttr. .find „Bi^.JîJilttLd9_fbY_AiiyXfiduf rouiMouttou with which they ara worn.

Oray CHps Romain« Mods! With Hand- Pl»lt«d Banda of Falito Ribbon Bst Into Cmbrold«rad Intsrsilcss and Hand-Mad« Tucks.

APRONS FOR LITTLE GIRLSCratonno and P«rc«U Sac«ti«nt Mata,

rial for Ovir Garmsnt for Mi«« of 6ev«n.

The dresaleat of apr*»n» for tho young mia« of atout sevrti yrara la n/ndo of fretonrie and ircrcÉfle. / li 1«. thè aoft of gannent that smii he *Hp|»*d on <>ver romper« and wnro «• a regolar dre«« or allpi*ed on over a -regolar dr»*»» wben roinping Is In order,..; Tt«s finrlng aklrt is cretonne In n'gay de­vigli of r**d and green Idrd». blue nm| rlnomnon prmleir. Tb» t/odlr* t» of. Hn- iininon porrai»*. In «olld r/»jor. l ’atch po/’kets and sash ara of fb.«. i-r iq U

gray li r favorite combinatimi. The dreases are made that they appetir to b* almímt of on* «/did color viewed : .from ona ¿mint and of another when 11 1 I?| ■ ■ ’viewed ffoxn anot-her fwduL Tor In* . A N«w 8ty|# Point. .stance. In the combination of tdusand one of the .style teiUaR-eintiLaatted grriy the bnrk óf Hi*'dreaa" Is-á l n t o a t ' ()Mdr!a shown by one Inqwírfér Is nU-^Iuv and the front nil gray. - [|¡o dr<»pp«d shoulder accompanied by

• ~ ' — ......... j«» broad, he/»e, umh-runn loo^rnirnt.Psndant« Ara Worn on Cord«. ! ThU Idea la «vpceially feature! in

iVfuJnms trti .thin Muck «¿Jit corda j roots and aults. and parlicuUriy the are rnads of coral* of Jet and of other; J/oquette, which la balled aa a-nio<>i «tonca ■ . I extraofdliuilr*. ' -


in r new aaucepan that cannot boll over, irab.T riving through bolea |q th* 114. which Is lower than the rim, fall* Xktk'teföOÄ'TifeXUa. "....

Welf Trimmlng jn d Similar R«ltry Hold Favor; B»av«r and Squlrral

Collar« Shown. .

TheríKls a nj'/dlfied vrny rtf handllng tha volurninou» ih»*« of the new «ca­gna that giva- grite* and .real comfort b» tha wearer <>f au^h rost«, N/iight. fírwf of nll, frotn n pranh-ni «taudpídnt. tme tnnnufaciurer hn« m«<)* wear- sbiilty hív flrwt C'>n#Mcmtlon. and ln (Pdng so hn» íb’slgned some amart and pojrtilar Aumbera, , j

A preferen» e i» giren to wnlf. tflrn* j minga and loñg huiré»! funi, although | lrf*avi’r ond a/julrr* l cvdluca are, n f ¡ <ourne, Inrluded lo the almwlng. j IM«( k nrirnPtale ho» !**en used ln ! fusMonlng on« very vprjIrnt-líK.klng ! mod»-l t íibt 1« trimmvd wlth plstb nuru woif. TStde man«hir*n aleere» , mak* a tiles, cornidemefit to Ira full :liarle, nfid..Lalmrud brahllng—definlng -()>»» aiH*ve eíctum frota ttn* back U a 1 clever frì»ans of1 «creniing ll.eír full- •fif-KB. i

Tíos üi'/dW ls typhai of a group of . Cual* abowlxig vurJvd a»«.'»« /'freat- :

ami braid u«M-*®_that ntv smart, » Tbo use of a nrctMjn coilnr un a eunt■ < of ormadule U o:,* o,Dovei U*i U'* Ui*r‘ .iir,trlmii-v*! si)»*'». ‘ Lnfrima.etj o n c i - ¡ tele, und l>*dvia íìu ìiIh,^ «re i n ic- ' fefegTiftg \o-.tt of- tl-e showmg. and ln ; tltt'V' ir.'t'ihA tile !*►?»>;!/ ot Jl¡** r)>e«p t pile f^brlrs Feem rar/nl prvm/yuneed, |

Jenny *¡*-eves u/.d « ^er.ny r^^k* |Ir,e ure .tü'ci.Jipd> on or»e oíthè«* unfrlLiiM^l iy.arf collar»•dged wlfh *l»k frliiár'r and a in'xlified íeg-of tr.utton alevvo are b.lr»:xJuced on

re»«. Chenille, raasci* of large di a»fcn«Inna-4f»/p—front—the »'.** %«» form a ratlier hand»í/.me »»rnainent. Among other frafun.w to be noted ■■ particulnfly «mart U the pouched »!»*»•>* gathered. Into «• ruff ThU hJiita of a peasant influence and has a decidedly youthful rfTect.

MARLEEN, NEW FALL FABRIC8oft Lustrous Fabric . la on th#

O uvtyn Ordsr; Com«« In • Many Pratt/ Shad««.

Among fhn new »/its preaerfie») for full »*‘«r t lie re an/a*vrraJ r>rw mate-

M C«M «f Beai/ Lsg.

at th* {Hdnt of Invasion nf the Insect, -atid-unfiar th*ci- tti* «ktn trlTfU itN ! and bloody lUdly affevtrd hlr»1s walk with dlffiratty, and may *ven los* a (<*; Uter they bfcom« tbln, !<*»* their «i'twtitea and provo worth* Ir»« •

To treat »c«ly |rg tlis fret and leg« of affect**d fowls are held In warm water for several minute», »o that th* cruata are ■nftenrd and can be re «roved- A mile killer 1» then'«ppl)*d t * the dryt.dt«*aa«Ml aurfac*. The fol­lowing mixiufv* aro recommended 1. nil of caraway, rolled in four time« aa much tard or Vaseline ; or flow* era of »ulptiur. one «Irani ; "rnrinmate »»f potash.. «0 trainai and inni or vas­eline,' half an ounce. Homo poultry* men have Used a tnltlur* of one |M»r< of kert»«rtte and two parta of rnw lin­seed (dl with speedy effect, Th* legs of_ the jilTec!rd#fowls afe dlppett In this uditore, (Are being taken t!«at Ui* feather« are not wet.

QARBAGEFEDSUCCESSFULLYOlstrlet » f C«lumbia Poultry F i n »

Rsporta f «eollsnt Rssults From Wasls Matsrlat. "

A poultry fsrtn In th* filatrici nf Columbia whtch handle» ahout !/»»> fonda rettoria, eif ellént remilt« frotn thè use of we)| Re|e«'|iM| gnrt»Aga. Ttd* materia) la hnuled twlce a day and fed tn fh*-"|.»IHs sbout, leu o'chK-k Iti ih* inornlng and àgólti -durlng thè tnlddl* «f Ih* afternoon ao that Ih* lald* #cràpt_ara frd fr*sh otdy Uro or.three hotjr» after Ihey are dlaeard- **1 from tlm kltcb»-n. Th* feiwllng rnethod of fida poullryrnan 1« lo acat- fer thè garbare on th* grnvs In «neh quardttlcs that th* fowls wlll rlean tip all Ih* reftl*e. Il* rotate» Illesa feed­ing sfiofs -il) «neh a wsy (hai no cr>n tnniliidtbm revulls. Th* otitatandlng fefltur* of !b* aurreaa of thls priuliry* man I» rentrsilxed In bis pn!n»t«Wlng telectUm of Ih* rar1>Ai* and th* eJIrn- Ihation of «li «*>J*ctÌ«nahÌ* m/derfol

rroflta.hl*' return« hav« rouited «lari froro^h* fredlnf of gsrhag* to fattenlng cockerela and old ben». A amali flock ’of turkey» 1« mslniatued on tlds fann and th* gobldenr gobbi* IhHr wsy lo a front lìn* positlon wfién garbar* lunch tlm* rolla «round; Th* turkrya keenly rolliti ih* tabi* •craps *nd «h«nd(*B tender grasshop-

«od «urcuIcnt gUaifa-ln—order to «r«fux»*r to tht feedlng «imi|« when tb* garba«* wagon approachM. . '

r!»«U s triti» the ionmt poptiMf ii» marierai, a «»’/fr lustr^rj» fahrt'* </n i *or

RAISE CHICKENS FOR PROFITBsslds« Furnishing fiupply of Cgg#

and Moat for Family fiomo Can " 0« Marltotod,

Hal** mor* chickens. Reside« fur* Divldng rnent «f>d eggs for ilia fsrolly a gt>t*d flock of heua-wlil lay eggs to adl. It coats little, to get a good flock started; (bey lire largely on want* for « g»»od part of th* year and do not require a large «creag* of cleared land

the pArtlruUriy »«! in th* fur-

the iluw tiu order. It ///»(**» l/j nuny j pr.-rr> ahnde« in addHb>n In th-. usual j tj»vy and Mark, pretirh tdu»-a and t fiild/rowfi shade* are very effertlv* la f this material. i■—Tirare !* a frlm amf-glrii'sJnrjit nrisïîirj of Trench Mue tnarb-wn.* The skirt j I« » etfiilght, plain but an Ifn-h !or two longer !ha.» rh*- spring «kJrtJ wild Hie coat I» one of the yiew long rr,"d*'t» trimme'! with V*mm tah* front »r.d barlf. Gray aquifrej mske« « j pret»y cnnrraat R« a rollar, m itt «i*d ) tab trimming*. • ' r. \

fu r Band« on Wrap«..Dw-p fur band* a f f ahw n At th*

b'-'b/tn of the new erealng wrap». The are mad* of tf,*. m-w »oft ***j,

\trtj materials that are rich U *k‘,n¿. TÂi’t-surprjringly -light ta weight

• Ton** Border on Flam*.fled tone* tc/rderlng ob flame «r«

favor»*«!. With a white gowju. «fcùtL*/ fcó»r UiaribdtW a circular fulb‘ «1U Spanish capo «¿4 toqy* U woru.

Ask your growing chick« U they Uka (Jean, fre«h -water,

. • •TJie J//#i from Ure and mite« 1« inora

tbjue I k l f weight in gold. -. ■ . •The growing chick« ar* calling for

gre#n f*e(L Give them plenty... • . • •

High producing hen* ore nftrá frrd£«:«bap*4 with point In frooi,

• • • 'k- *Na-ura *ilrnu1«te* In the apring,

Man ihouM help is tho fall and wla> :*r,

' * * olía1*« «t least on* seat for each «lx

fc*a*.....Ksep pIent/ dT « tra * Ur tbaaa*t«r- - • .................... — -------- -------------

TRACTIVE ROAO RESISTANCElaltist Rosmtia ¿«turad iRsw That l<w.......v.f«rJT»A*i«tt, WnU.R*.«f.-*ia..Y.aljA«___

vi.Fttra.wA ;%r.iht V.aíísí..ftsf*s.fhissM!*usw|. • t ylotti»! rc»\iU» »«s’urtsi (r?'iw su* la-

vr*ugnll»o of tb» trsrttv* resUtaaA** of rw«d« indica'* that tnf»rm»thmwlli rá MS'uftni nf grawt valu* to th* hlghwsy mgla«**r and th# u«*r wf un» tor Th* lav*sttg«Hun* arabWng csrrUd os undrr ih# «u»ptr«s of th* advisitry hcard on hlghwsj ra- search .-f th* natb'n»! resvarvti counctl withj-Whlch th# t»ur**u of puh- ik - r oad»,-i‘nH*»l H(«Uut-fJ*^Mirt<a#ot uf.Agricultura....pnd th* qusrtrnuaatercurpa l Ht»t»a army ara oyo¡eoratlng; . ,

One phjuHt of th* tpvraligstioa show« that (hora 1« a grrat dlflrrrnc» ln th« |H>w*r raqutrad of th* rngtn* wh*n a truck Is trawttRg ovrr dUTrrvnt ty|>** of «urfsclng; th» «Uiount bclng mor* thaa Iwira ■■ gra*| on tutus of tb* )ow#r t>j*c» whea npui*«rad with that on hlghrr typra It 1* atoo ahdwn that Ib*. |»*iwrr rvíjutrml t» overeóme th* rvad rrslatsnc«* i* not prujM»rtinn*r t» the »|>**d of the wtilc)*, and after a crrtsta >(tw<| K reacheU luctea»— Very raptdty. _ .

’Ihe liivtwtlgation whetl ciunplrt* wltl oover trata with v»rtt>u« tyi«*« of motor vrhb lre with the load, t!f* and spting rt|uipmrnt varled on «llflerant

of—»urfs^lhg -and _ a l' varylnfi ' »peed», Tti* dota wlVl Includ# g»»<>- Hn» c«?n*u»pptlon. Ittlrrnal eiigtn* rw alatanc*. wlnd rralstaiue, and rundaur fac* r*-»l»(»n.o

Whrn carafully «nalyied ít wlll Aid Ihr.hlgtnvMv «‘»»glMcfr ln deiertuln'lng

! . ’-L.

■ Requirsd Traveling îurfaclng,

Urtai Difference mp P^wier ■ [»f ingine WHen Trujok la

Ov«y Diff*rent Type« * f 1

under a given s**t <»f condlthms what typo of »urfftc» slioiild b* bul't for A given tolijitu« of irufllc to roaiiit (n th* Ivsst totnl n*»t fiirNroad and vrhh;l* (flierallon. The snuie. Sort .nf^atudy *111 ho made a* to oipondlturca for (rad* reduction lo reduce sparti ting (Vista ■ . .. • ___ ..

Th* truck <q»orMtor will b* given valuahl# Informalloti ori: th* effect of tira atol spring equipment, lubrb Mlon. alr.o' of i«««! And »twed of vehhi* on fuel consumption which should aid. him In producing cheaper tran*itort*- tion. /

' V

STRETCH OF MODEL. HIGHWAY.Ideal S.cllon of Lincoln Road llndar

Cantlfucllon In Laha County, Indiana, Ntar Clilcaso. .

A »Irnlrfi nf m-uli'l rnai). In Iio knnirn nn fli* l'l'-nl ' ll'iri of t111* l.ltn vlo hl()i«ray,l, nmlor contlnKlI'« In l.akn riHHil,. Imtlanar In Ilia aoutlicakl of <.1iI<-b*>i. . _ ' _.

Hi1.!i l . . a. fO-fiml rood bail Inn Inrlina llil/k, il»»l*ni'(l t»~Fnnj hrnry (ruffle, |i/ovl*lona nra raoda for ImaullQcnlliin Of Iho riniilHlilii ln ImulOfariJ foihlon.A 11 (lit in , .j.ln til la to tin lllatali.il. Tlia enllrn r«al will . ton,».,»¿ijiriii.J- , .iiniinly fWO/MMl a lull«.

Thla *lrl(i nf ruinl'iny la ri-htrally iiMaiMi, an far aa irodlc nn ilia l.innolo lilgliway la cnninrtioiJ, anil la Inlcndrd (i> ,i.r«>. a- a moilpl fur Ilia (radiial a.nliittnn nf tli« antlra rnnla 0« IralTIc ,'ilnina Iniri-iuu'a. 'Ilia l.lnroln High* »ay a,.n#laljnn will (irn.liia Ilia funila r.’ijiilrpil art-r Hi* u.nal rimla par tulla.

HIGHWAY FOLLOWS AtR LINEA«eoclatiea Formsd to Build Hard­

Surfaced Road Between Chb .... .. cago Wod Omaha«; . . :

TIf* proi//rsed Qilcagn-Omaha Rhorf- bins Highway asv/clution, fortned (a fft*n Moines, Inc, propone» to build'a road (hut will fuilow the air mallroot*.. lact-wAiAiq—Chlcagibra»ka uiotr<d*di«. l h * Mghwwy, ac* cording lo phi nn, will In? a ba rd-sur- fared highway, N, Carson oflow« f.'Hy, la., has been chosen seen* tary and general manager. .

...... Highways Affect Milk Supply.It Ir the condition of tho highway

which determine« whether tl-e milk whirl» 1« brought to onr dw r in th* morning 1« fresh and whether we shall receive u regularly. ‘

'Municipal C»mp Ground«.Nehraska he* -T municipal camp

grounds along the Uncdn highway for automobile tourist«.* ; .

Rais«« Farm Valuta.ff«va jo'i .noticed how a good rqad

raises^the vaTuV of a. farm It frvuuT m


: h = +À i

/ I


Page 4: 0 I L D AG - DigiFind-It"Ffrul prUo (or pr. A-cryf '4".-' , ;'“i' St:c«».1 pr. Floyd intitoli. Fir.si pris*1 for to Kdtth Hmtth. Second prise foi.ji . l.onnii Urokaw. First pris«

Ancient .City Is Founds on Island !

Thriving Town Existed on,Isle Royale, Lake Superior - 1,000 YeariAgo* . -

COFFER ONCE MINED THEREArchaeologist Find* Tracts of Town

After Three Years' Search—Wilt Head Expedition to, Make Fur-

th tr Expforationa. —:

Duluth, Minn.—William I*. Fi-r^u*«!*, trctisrolo^lxt otxl author, of franklin. I*o., nnnoijrirwl hw* that he had »11*- corer<*»I the riiinr r > f ‘^ni'lent rltjr, Inhfthltf'tJ probnMjr 1(0*>0 to 2,000 yrsni apo, on lele Itoyale, off the north ehuro o f Lake SuiHurlor, -!«lr Itopals Is a port of the state of Mohican.

Mr. rrrffusoD ommuom) ho would return neat summer with another ei«- pcdltlnn to coixlnrt further eaplora* tlonn of the city, which was situated, hr wild, on the southerly aide of the IhIiiim) ntnl rotiHluU’il of a aeries of aeml-umler^roun») (lwrllln«a. -

Copper Mined. Thers Long Ago.“ Mont every »in»’ knows/' Mr. Ker-

irns»m anhl In. miikluij knovyn )>la »lift- cuvery, “thnt . »«»j .jmt . was mined on Is le lhiviilc nmny j » n r s nco mi hind ro w cov-.Ti'd wllti. j i ine tr*W*!i. - T h e l*- )nt»l Is r«ivere»l wUh triU'C* <*f the»««* •infix’«. iiruT .’)W iiItiM»*t' tinlhlnit tins Im**h doiW* n T r r p h i r e T t h r worklne* .

*’No t»m* Imx found n n y - o f tlx* n*- nmlns of the old mlm-rs. nlMimijrh there are mnnv Nforh* of tlixllhc t»*miw*red fopper \vi n|inns. • | h«ve f»*und sev»Tul Mmm hiiunners, «uieh au|«pMed with tlxth^s. Mini have heen Inten.’nled for 1 Im* hist th ree year« In eMtahlUhlnc rot |iorts that n town existed.oH^th^-aouth o f the Island.

"A writer natix'd («liman wit* nu* thurify for this rejairt fifty years ajro, hut his tlescrlptlon nix! location were ro vihoh* ilml I; was ImposHlIile for lUiy one to make any thing out of fllt’IU." ,

Mr. Kereuxon told of his first trip In the region al the outlet of Hl**kh wilt lake, winch he *au!d. he thought tullir«! with (iiiiitnn » tinta, huf there uns n» trace of a town hr /mjnd a■•tra-frifall which he Ihoyghl wax the mu» mentioned In Oi)muu*_

? report. iJecnu*»«» of the Intene** wf the i tM-nson« fxxvever, the explorer was un»! able to finish ids work, he said, and so

rande a fiord trip xhlt season with a parly of five-asslilaMw, hot their first eflort* trilled to liH'üte the town.

At length Mr. Ferguson concluded that n ridge. If located In tliu vicinity« w»»uid Afiiwer a rxrtuln descrlpfhm of the topography of tli.t country as giv­en by the writer of a.half century agn. Tie_ cöatTäül^^Iä- iFflrfdr, din saidr*Pd finally war rewarded hy finding what ho considera unmistakable traced of a town between Hay hay and the water*

Aged Woman in County Home Made Own Wine

An eighty-«*e-yemr-oid woman tin* Ioni her tuteli of refuge ■< Ih« county old folk* horn* at Muskogee, Okla.. baraua* the nuilioritle* discovered a com­plete wine-making apparata* hidden uniler her be ¿ .tog eth er with avverili quarts o f th e corn­

Imi ilivrv j product. Official» refusedI.nel yenr’ j lincio», her nanWrhui *al>]

“ ..... ’* ah* ti*,] «toten fita- grapa» trova.....the county /arra. ............

Wallace Visit» Prize Bull at Solders' Home Farm

- - ' Muta Bay Oaln» Sptsch.Clitrluhurg, W. Va.—CIsrene« Me-

Atvv. H-ii yi-ura olii, a mute »luce blrth. suddenly tuItifi) Ih« (kiwrr of *pecrh after prnytug at thè aitar of a tented eh il roti where evabgellstlc servire» were M ng romlucted by tho l’ente- costai denominatimi. The afory of thè «rombili mlracle_.w.»JLlo!d by Mra. [ds Trlhvt ut Mturgl*. Mici)., thè evamivK l.t In rliurge of thè revival.' Tlm»»

.................. .............._ acquatoteli wlth thè boy aay be badfall «iti thè *outl/»lde of l*lo lloyalo. never »poken before. ; -


- ».

Secretary of Agriculture Wallace with toapector General Uelmlck of tbe United State# army modern dairy at the United Staten Soldier* borne. Waablngton. The picture ahotra the '$.1,000 prize bull born In Norfolk. la . twenty mile» from the aecretary a home. Mr. Wallace U third tlgure hr m ind Opii: T«*ker ttll««. «U[ierlntendmt of th»-hom«. la »h9wn with light troutera *

i n

Used Himself to HaulHis Family 300 Miles

C'liiliiilng that lie hml trnvilvil mure than 300 ttillc* ttlth alt lit* hcl»ngiiiKi_ .In'. a •• antall cart hitched to 7 him*t'if.j( (iaipfi '.'iel' Wilt (if/Kimrta, M o.,w ith hi* wife, three »mull children, nnd a llttln dog, reached ilie Arkun- aa* river cottun (lchla to (lick

„cotton. lle~Tefl hoiiio with but’ $0 In III* poclict*.

Dane King Bows to Girl’s Wish

Allows Daughter of Austrian Colonel to Become Subject

and Remain in Denmark. •.

PERSOHAL Pia TO MORftBCHRelate* Her Troubla* to Kino Chrl*

tlan. Who Interceda» In Her Dehalf—Foeter Parent* Eager

to .Adopt Her.

Copenhagen. — l.nrgc number* f t Aunt i lari chililrcn, |ni rtU-iilurly lllllc hoy* mill girl* from Vietimi,.have Imvii '(■iiaalng their'Milliliter* III llelllinirk a* guent* of every olii»» of the 1 »«ilInti roiiiiiiiinlty. Hut It ha* been illatllirtly uinlereliiod by «fio l)iiiil*h organiza*(Ion* urriingliig tl ewe elmrlty vielt« . . . , ,l l the I>nt,l«h- at........ U h , tha, »» Ä ‘ .*°h Cchild «litiuld he allowed to atny In (lemiinrk more tinnì a li mollili» uni«*» epecliil iiernil**lon were given.

Leayetaklng* Are painful.' Many of 'U-etra /lUHtrlan elilliircn

hnve grown very (odd of tliolr |lulil,«li fouler |iurenl»._niid ylcu ver»n, and Ilio leuvetnUInga ut the 'rnllVvtiy '»fàìltm*. when tlu ,e children nrii aent buck to Atmlrla, huvh In mnny) Inatmicc* buen pitiful. T|io youngeter* did not hide their narrow and deapalr at going a« ay. _

Eddie R ick en b ack er T a k e s a

h : /


Mille Mllzl Wolf Khlcklngcr I» nine nnd Hie daughter of un Austrian colonel wim-tMW-klUeil on Jill!.Ilnlliin froinler during the. wnr. . Her judher. wn* left to ahlft-foi—Mitili Hill] herself. on n peunion Hint hardly .rovereti III» rout of relit, nud «lie wn* lui|)j)y when ahe got tin opportunity of «ending Mitri on ii long holiday to kind invi hoMpilnble people In' Iienmnrk. Mitri and lo r foxter puretit* hecnlno very fond nf encli other. The latter "e re *o well connected that they iminageil lo ohhiln permlHslon for Mltzl to atny for a wliolo y.cnr. Ilut.when tlie loeul nutliorlllea could do no more the foa- ter .piirenta woCi* told thnt Mltzl had to return to Vlontm. . j '

King Orante Her With.The next dny Mllzl nml her foster

mother—left the provincial town In which they went.living anil-traveled nil diiy.Jtmi night-''t. Copenhagen, ill*

Chicago Woman Hears of Mys­tery Note Given at Time of

Her Adoption.

BABY BIN6 CLUE IO IBENTITYBegin* Search for Foatar Mother J

Hold* Mltalng te tte r and Ke Whole Situation—Glve/l

Good Education.


llevea. Is a xvnmnn who holds the mta-v Ing letter nml the key to the whole alt-imllon ,/ "lie unn tier foxter..motherbut ahh rnnrrled ngulil and Mrs. Oobh doesn’t know tier iieW mime. ■

le (if a varl-cotored chllilhond, afwoys with n cntvlng for n renl niotli- 'er()runnlng.a'snd.jttrtilp through' high- llglila - nntl— lowllghts,— was—told-no-

Folka, here’s ont/df life’s little tragedies. It’s aArue story. Do

, you know o f .anything etranger In fiction?

public nmlldnrea, nnd . Mltzl and her friends liml made a pint».-

The king receive I Mltzl. She told him of her troubles, and that aim7 wanted to atny forever In Denmark. Her, fivstcr .pnremr. wero wllllng to adopt her,: nnd fier mother in Vienna had eonaented to rcnclunco atX claim* of motherhood. Could eht/poaalhly »toy? King Clirlatlnn a'rnlled and klaaed her and promlacd7 to look Into the mntter. A few dais later she re­ceived tt-personal letter from the king telling her that he/nud used Ids royal prerogative In her hehnlf nnd that whenever she Wanted to «ho could be­come n llttlo/Pnnlsh girl. •



ÙÆ .

This allow* I.ydiio liiekeiibueker, Amerienn nee und nato speed klug, w ith'lit* bride, formerly Mia. Anclnidt* l*urnnt. ■ divorced .Wlf» of un «uto- mobile milker, ^triey are «bromi for the honeymoon. ‘

Mortality Among Soldier* In Europe^ During War Placed at 7.78

Per Cent a Y ear....

Sydney, ,N. 8. \V.--Tlic rate of-mor- fnlit.v among aoldlera uhsent from Ana- ttiiHn during the World war .wn* np- liroslmntety 7A4 tier cent per1 annum, aa eompured with approximately H tier cent per annum for n body of men of klmtthr age tinder normnl - Australian condition«,.■according to the report luat Issued hy the yoiimionwenUh stnttl- llclini. . ■

In the cnlcnlntfon* nil deaths abroad «ere tnken Initi ..consideration' except thoaeinfter dlaidmrge from the servlco. The total dentils abroad were 118,880.

In tiie South African campaign of 1KW-1002, the tnortnllty ra te .fo r all lidtlah. troop»..was 88.7 n_.thon*nnd a year, or less than -t per cent a year, tvhllo In the Crlmenn wnr of 1894-S6 tho mortality among ltrltlah force* wits 1 T.Vi tier cent per mimim, tho stab Istlclun's report snld.

SquIrrePShuts Off Power Plante.Marlboro. Muss.—This city nnd eight

town« were shut off from electric pow­er when it gnty squirrel, running over n Idgh-volinge wire, wits electrocuted, causing u short circuit. Plants In Marl­boro, Southhoro, Northboro nnd West- boro were shut down for threo hours.

_ ^

Chlrngo.y/Mrs. Franklin H. Cobh, wife of itti advertising inun living In Oak Park, hits set wheels In motion In uu effort to traco buck through 20 yrur, the mystery of tier birth—In tlie hope of (lading n fortune nt tho other >nd of the trull. .

”A sealed .letter was delivered to yp.ur foster mother when yoti wero adopted by her ut the ago of eighteenmonths...You. were to have receivedUnit litter on1 your eighteenth birth- duy,’' wns the mesango Mra. Cobb got from a girl friend In] a little Kansastown which started her sonreh. .... ’

Baby Ring Also Clue.And tho only other, evidence as to

her paternity thnt Mra. Colib, a former actress, hus In her posaes/dou, la n tiny imby ring engraved with wlint alio la convinced "lis her renl name— Pniitlrio G. I.iiiuher' —mid the duto ItHll. - ,

Sonicwlicro In California, «he be-


cently hy Mrs; Cobb, at .her home, 820 North Taylor nvemie. Oak Pnrk.

When she was little inure than a year old she whs adopted by Mr. nml .Mrs. Jam es A. Payton, Pawnee Kock, Kun. l ’uyton was kind to her nnd. she lived ns should tho daughter of a mun who owned a string of Kansas hotels; until she was eight years old, when Pnyton died.

Mra. Pnyton, according to Mrs. Cobb, promptly sent her to a convent nt Great fiend, Kim., whore she stnyed n year. Then Mr*. Pnyton rnnrrled a second time, and sent tho little girl . a school for girls at Beloit, Kan., while the foster-mother went to Cali­fornia with her second huahnnd.

Given Good Education.- * -From the school she was sent two

years Inter to bo adopted by Mr. and i ’ rs. J . M. Wyatt, 3123 Montgall ave­nue, Kntisas City, Mo. They were

Germans Kill Thousands 1 of Dogs to Secure Meat

High price* of meats and the acnrrlty of food generally com­pels pet clogs to keep under cov- cr In Germany these days, lest dog butchers get them. Official figures show . that -3,(HI (logs liuve been killed nml, passed up­on by Inspectors for human con­sumption in the last thiee months, according to u report from Berlin.

' I

y enl'thy uni! gave tie. a splendid cdu-. cation-—she studied music mid. dra­matic urt and nftcr graduation went on the stage,-plhylhg Important parts In musical comedy companies.'. H er singe name was Patricia I-umbert.

Through the years her yearning for n real mother or nt least tile consola­tion of tlie story of her/renl parents had flmncd .nnd died. Then she met Cobh' three years iigo nml they « »ro married. Now they hiive n little child of their own. Agilln ciime the vnguo hope thnt some day the mystery of Mrs. Cobh’s .birth would be cleared— n hope built to new life.by the messogo hinting a t/fortune, just received from Pawnee Kock.

"My big ambition now Is to find Mr». Pnytoii. nty old foster mother, aiul got from her the letter my rent mother gave with me." snld Mrs. Cobb. / . .

• — ------- ---------— — r r



P E A R L O W N E R S A R E G IV E N A JO L T /" " ' -------------— . Ù , :.-= ; j . i — (Expert Says Japan Artificial and now it is ciaime,d by ppc or,Bou-\Expert Says Japan

Gems Defy Detection.

Walter Kvans Edge, United States senator from/New Jersey nnd former governor nt thnt state, nml Miss Cn- mllln Bownll of Itutli, Me., whose enrly marriage Is expected hy tlie.lr friends.

Statement Cause* ; Constérnntlon Among' Owner* of 'Valuable 6trlng*

In Pari*— Discovery of Jap-aneto Scientist. (i

I’n rls—Owners In Ttlrls of vnlunble strings of pearls Imve been thrown lido doliicthlug like consternation by the published opinion of Dr. Louis Bniitun, professor of science at' the University of Bordeaux nml an expert In pearls, that lie anil other penrj ex­ports are unable to distinguish1 .be­tween real pearls nnd (hose artificially grown by the Japanese. »

The statement of Doctor Boutan, made ht the French Aemictny of; Sci­ences, removes the last hope concern­ing Japanese pearls, which hnvo lieetr grown In quuntity since M. Mlktmoto, the JnpnPese scientist, nuido bl* dis­covery— - -■ ■

Pcnris normally are. grown by acci­dent, through n fine grain of sand en­tering the shell of - tho oyster. The. white substance, called a pearl, grows Inside tho ovstcr. and Is. a secretion caused hy the 'effort of tho shellfish to gef rid of the foreign substance. Mlktmoto conceived the Idea of open­ing oysters and Inserting the foreign substance, or grain of «and. that fo r merly came here accidentally.

Since Jnpnnesc began to grow pearls artificially, there has been much dis­cussion ns to -whether, tlics,. new pearl» would nffect the vnlue of the accidentally grown pearls.

The only difference would nppcnr tn he In the pearl seed, or grain of sand.

■ton . thnt even this difference cannot be detected. . v , ' _

The statement of Doetor Boutan Is categoric: “If I did not have a certifi­cate of origin when sections of pearls were shown- me, pearls cut Into sec­tions for testing purposes, I would not be able, to say which peurl Is artifi­cial."

THREW AWAY $2,000 NOTESGang Foreman on Bridge Work Who i Found Them Thought They

Were Worthless. / ’■ i

'.. Springfield, Mass.—Finding that he , hnd thrown nwny nnstgncd national ' hnnk notes amounting-to $2,0CHA l>o- llevlng them to be worthless, William B. Snucln. foreman of a bridge con­struction gang, admitted that the Joke was on him -when he was Informed flint the notes were negotiable.

'T he bills were found tucked awny In a bridge pier that was being razed nnd were pnrt of n lot of $10.000 be­lieved to hnve been stolen while en route from Washington to hanks In western Massachusetts. Soucln and two other workmen, noting that thtf" bills wore unsigned, amused them -' selves.“for several dnys by throwing! them In the street nnd wntchlng p er.' sons scramble for them. They were In denominations from $5 to $20.

Will on Paper Pasted In Watch Ca*«.I’alo Altn, Gnl.—On n small round

piece of paper that was pasted in the ense of Ills watch, executors found the: will of E.-W. Moulton, athletic trainer of Stanford bnltcrslty. The will left the esjnte, valued ut ' $4,000, to M r* : Moulton.

',c n*;ck


L0fig Distance Weather Prophet Has Been Good Guesser.

Last Year H* WH the Only Progno»- tleator. Who Stuck Out for Mild,

Opeii Winter-—This On* Will _ Be Real Rough.

Paekervlllc. Conn. — T v Ire every year for twenty-three years the Pack- ervllle “Cloud Digger." an unidentified weather prophet,-comes out «HU Ids

-predictions of the weather six months ahead and Iras ainde nmny wonderful, correct prognostications. Including the Galveston storm. California earth­quake. the-eartliqnnke.Bt Jninulcn nml tlie volcanic .eruption on the French West Indies.

— Last yen!—the-”dond—Digger-—was--the only l(»ng-dl«tiinee-w«mtlier prophet."In America who ■ emphatically pro­claimed fl'inlhi. open winter and «as luucb laughed id.

This year, ns the sun misses the line In a imnhcast " la d . "1 loud Dig­ger." any« j-.“Tlie winter of.. 1P22-2J ta

. to -lte ii lnnniner nnd pnc-Mong to he remembered hy resident«, jonng and- old. Unlike the few Inst year«, win­ter till« year wilt lie upon ns enrly In December nnd tlie old weather, man' will pass out all kinds of gale.«, storm», high tide« mul severe cold snaps for four long months.. -. '.

"All natural Indications point to a cold winter. - Great humlance of nuts, fruit and berries, are one tmlleatlon, the activity of animals In storing their winter supply, another. The thickness of shucks-on nil kinds of nuts, cora luisk« amt nnhaat furs Is another taifu-ntlon. and planetary con­ditions, coupled with n northeast wind at the equIiHixlul period, another. One

-storm-will fulluvy-anutlier....nU—wtutcr. lung—..More...sunw . w ill. tpll. tills win-.

• ter coming tliun has fallen for ninny years, but look out for more min than snow, ground covered with Ice and

general 'old-fnsliloned' winter condi­tion«. .

"The coming winter will he one long to be remembered and will break up suddenly tn March. W23. with terrific rains «ml Hoods. Tiioso who joked nt.my predictions of rtn: easy winter

■wm venr neu today,will grin (pq other way this year." -


Russian Paintings Not Destroyed Í ..or Stolen in Revolution. ,■

Finds Wedding Ring Lost 27 Years.Trenton, N, J .—A wedding-flag lost

27 years ago was found nnd returned to .lt* owner, Mrs Conrad Margraf of S41 Genesee street, this city, by Georg*’ Sc brood or of 000 Beatty »treei. The ring came to light when Sohroo- der was cohstrucllng a new porch on his home, formerly occupied by Mr* Mnrgraf.

Catch Dfvll Fl»h 18 Feet Wide.Gulfport, Miss.—Fishermen viewed

with nnuiprtnent the monster devil-fish captured hy Charles Swanson ■ andH»r»>ldJ:G«clnacli—u h lle-traw lln g -fn -shrlmp. The..fish measures 18 feet nrrosa • nml 13 fret tn length. Estl males of Its weight ranged from 2,00

! to 3,800 pounds, - -

Priceless Collection of :’ orcel»ln», ' Vases, Statuary and Other Treat-

urea Remain Intact as In Days of the Czars.

retrograd.—Tlie Hermitage, one of the greatest srt gnlleries In the world, exists today In nil its prew-ar magnlfi.* cenre us a visible refutation not only of rumors that Hussla s finest paint­ings hnd been destroyed, or stolen dur­ing the revolution, bnt of these adven­turers who occasionally have peddled In New York and l’nris supposedly original paintings from its collection.

Small groups of school children, pi­loted through tlie galleries .by teaejv or* « tew urt students, occasional proletarian enthusiasts,, nml now anil 'hen a foreigner who strays In o! Pe7 • rejgrud are'ulvmt the only visitor» to

the galleries,, nnd tli<«5r seem lost In Its spacious rooms. '

But the great paintings, raro porce- Inins and Greek \nses of priceless an- thptlt.vr-wsehlQ-shiUio-hrnughl from the ends of ttie enrtti, unrivaled col­lections of old coin* Egyptian scar­abs nnd countless other art objects, are still In tlielr carefully numbered trays. ’. ..

The winter palace, adjoining -the Hermitage, still bears marks of the shelling and machine gunning It suf­fered duHhg the early days -if the Bolshevik coup d’etat, but the build­ing housing the valuable art collec­tions has been spared even these nmrks of battle.

Immediately after the Bolshevik! won control, speclaU guards were placed'about the Hermitage and it was saved frjnri looting. The. already priceless collections nfe being “aug­mented today by the most valuable of the objects of art confiscated by the government from private persons dor-

Ing the enrly days of the revolution.In paintings the Hermitage ranks

with the Louvre In i’nrls nnd tha , famous galleries of Spain and. Italy. ; ;. In all there are more than 2.000 paintings, each of which is w orth '« sinnll fortune, nnd there are besides 200,000 engravings and 12,000 draw» 4ng*-eaeh-S(v-valuabI*_that-2i_r carefurprcservntlon' for “posterity.

Most\of Petrogrnd’s other famous art gnlleries and museums which also are again being opened to the'putblc, prove, like the Hermitage, to be nn* tact. The same Is true of nnd other principal Ilnssian where the soviet government, regltiie of tl.e czar, has xenloualy guanled collections of art.

' ¡ Iii- J *

Whale Bonea Make Fertllln r.. Seattle, Wash.—Blubber and whale»

bone ore no longer the. only1 source o f profit In the whaling !'ibslnea* Ferti­lizer command* high prices, and demand rapidly Is Increasing, .

The second national radio o p o s l ^ V ' tlon will be held In Chicago next Jana* <■<­ary, - . . . I ' ■ •


Page 5: 0 I L D AG - DigiFind-It"Ffrul prUo (or pr. A-cryf '4".-' , ;'“i' St:c«».1 pr. Floyd intitoli. Fir.si pris*1 for to Kdtth Hmtth. Second prise foi.ji . l.onnii Urokaw. First pris«

A i

. 4ting lM the n e * [rum left

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Tom’s Occult Love

* » JAM E 03B 0R M

I k* StcCUw# * ■»*#*» — I r s t tu is )Th* prrtty glrir-

J " ? ** .t* Concern la. u*««riy 'e tue» u elte luuked

• »I (he erriaIt pbuiugrapli prior aodI ** .i C!*»ertr.

ded ■ oppc«(I»': hnr" »( (Jig reaihiig| in the d iv e r t ; living rwnm.

"Pretty j i r t r tjnennl Two. "1I I meet lay girls, tnuch (ess pretty

1-Why. tn oce of these picture, that (• '• me to loot s t—here In this

Mope that you said contained of jo u r »hack. It s rather There's a ein . bl« as life and

j| !*k * a t natural atandin* beside Use fr^*!*0—that's perfectly clear, too. only

girt ic r ta T u be bigger than the fcahln. Tom. what does it mean?“ t “Let's see.“ aald Torn, urrirhlnc 1 'B u ch tanned hand across the table.[ "T o tell the truth. I hadn't aeen the “prints. I «ot them trout the photo, f graph man on my way home and

dn‘t look at theui. But the only Pplcturea I took were of the shack,

with oot.osr two of Bob. 'There weren't any «iris there. Good Lord! Bow the deuce—"

“Tom Cleverly, who Is she?" "Blessed If I know. Yet seems as

U Td seen her somewhere. She looks familiar and yet—" " '

"Tom !" Mrs. Cleverly looked 1» tently Into her nephew's face. "IPs '—it’s—Toro. I never,thought you were psychic enough to has» anythin«

lnd Mrs. nuil «oc mother

h ;


JOLT,oc^or.B o « * icé cannot

Boutnn Is e n rertlfl. i of polirla 1 Into see- would not

rl Is urtili-

I NOTESWork Who I They

incr that he id national I $2,000* he­ms, William it ridge con- nt the Joke ir Informed Ihle.licked awny Delng razed I $10.000 be­in while en i) banks In iioucln sod ik Jhnt._th&: user] them- iy throwing tehlng per*

i Thov were lo $20.

I'atch Cate, mall round lifted In the is found the ilettc trainer Ihe will left00, to Mrs.

' M

revolotlon.1- ^

Itngo runhsIs and tb« /snd. Italy. ' %

than 2.000 >Is worth’; aare besides . ’ t2,000 draw- - v\it " m e r lf

T o m , What Dees It Moan T" ■

tike that happen to you: You knowthat medium had *om? pictures—"

“Now, aunt, jou haven't been go­ing to any more of tfiT*se fool scancva, hare you?" • _ '/-•. -•/ •• ' m

•That'* neither here nor. there. Hut dearly this picture ù one of thoae— you know, spirit, exposures. Tom. did you everknow a girt that looked like tliat—who died?*’ •

“Died? Hoodne»» do! I have a •ort of an idea that 1 saw a girl tliat looked like that once, but she isn't

“list® you been tMnfclngNpf her? B a a her face, been haunting your dreams? Turn. she's your soulmate. She may ~be alive, but her spirit Is borertog near yours.” -

T o .a ll . of this Tom '«aid “Bosh.“ B e did not admit that on carefully studying the face of the girl In the picture he recalled haring >aeen her and having watched her at the hotel where he stopped on hi« way to hia mountain retreat wîur* he had Just passed -bis vacation. He had taken Do photograph« Tb# way. Th4 weather waa unfavorable. He didn’t even- know the girl’s name, yet be had to admit that he hod thought or that face. that, one« eyeh be' bad dreamed of Leri However, be did not confide this fact to bts «unt. , •

And that was alt there was to It for several day* so. far as Tom was' concerned.- He did : not :Jtnow that the next night, when he was work­ing at th e . ©tfic*. his aunt. Mrs.

’oot seance*." and that she carried .w ith her. tarefuliy wrapped in tls- f irne paper, the picture of Tom’» V^nountaîn shack and h!s soulmate—

j»U' fwvnlf I.,r#/sa «hi» r s tW i t . She »bowed It proudly to the medium,, who In the course <A the evening had a commcrlcniion from „a d^-arted In­dian pr;noe*«. It prrfwtlyclear that the girt *Tn questbyn " was »till among tb# Urîng. But »he was the soulmate of the ctah who lived Î3 the shadL Her spirit was hasnilng• • - . ■. . t.

'■ The medium asked foe the picture, and Mr*. Clarerîy çràprranlsed. hy pi*»mlsing ber a,photegrapb of tí. This-

“ abe delivered to the «-medium wttfctn ~ y "day vrr- su' and then replacerf the . photograph la llw Utile poded o f

pesiagiipiia s'ktaft s - M a t «*««■ UMa. J a d H H « * " ■ idd m d M l par u » p iu tr grsphs U the Basa that oU gm à « a i

apperrwtly ' hot diKvtvtsd the temporary abaeace * f Um a p a * pie» t m that •• iatefteted bts tmlmlr«« aunt.

A Sunday cerne end went, tad ih*e00 Taewlay night Tom cam« kerne frini to* oAc* la apparent f id tc n c s t, H* horrledly fumhhHt through the pic- turca la the eavelotie oo the Ur lag room tahle iuOU h# iw ad th r ^ienek Idrtttre." He stedieJ u cmrvfutly, andthcQ 'leaked a* carefully at a orse-

JedUtlwarhlà. Pecari sod then eproed and read— urrvTfwd—* letter sUv taken frua hU IKirket.

At dinner be was a little abrupt to h!s aunt - “Who has had th use

’ prints?” he demaud«*L and the |»oor aunt hedged, hut had to admit: the truth.

"l>ld you know the fool medium gave, the print to the ’bejvtiiaprru, and also gave my name and tny bu»I- nesa connection? The iKim,came out In a Sunday suppiemeht day before yesterday. Lucky no oue at the office bsptwued to see It. But1 gót a letter from the girl—’*

"The girl in the picture yimr soul­mate? Oh. do let me have, the letter.I must show It to the medium."- "Show tt to DtdwHly,“ said Tom.

"You’ve messed ■ things up enough already."

And that was alt the satisfaction that Mrs. Cleverly. .got^„fn»m._X‘*in. The DA*xt morning Tom announctal that h'e would not be home for dinner. No, he was not going to wwk, he was going to tnske a call out of town; he might not be back that night. BtlU no aatisfactlon, and jh e next wfekr end he was «w;ay—Si*lllng fric^di" aald Tom,-and that'w as still all the

.«UlafflctlutL-lhat Atra, f'tsrerly gnt.Monday at dinner site was frank

Iy repentant. . r “You have been to cool to me late­ly.” she wild, a little tearfully. "1 nm sure It wus all becanse of that snap­shot of youm. Honestly, I didn't know what the medium was going to do with U, nml 1 think It wss real mean of her to go and give It to the papers and to give your name and everything. But, of course, it 1.« In­teresting—It's one of the best piece# of evidence of the occult that there hai hc«>n for rt long time. You’ve got to admit that. - Hut JioneMly, Torn, I ’m sorry If I ofTehded you. 1 bo i* you’ll forgive me»-"

“Don't tnik about forgicene««, ajint," wild Totn. "Of course the fellow* have been rtigglug me about It since they knew*. It's given me a lit«!« notoriety tfmt I didn’t quit« eii**rt, Hut after all !|m much obliged to you %pd your medium frimd. The laugh

-i may. be. -nn _ her. after- *IL • Hut - to change the subject, aunt, I want to' tell you of. my engagement. - 1 feel *urt> you'll like her. She—“ .

. “But, Tom, you'll never be happy with any one but the spirit girt. She'll haunt you nnd make you regret—“

“That's the girt l ‘m engaged to. You see—but suppose, you let Eleanor' exptfttu. I’ve asked her and her aunt to come'to ’ladles’ night’ at the club tomewrow. You Join us and then we’ll get the genersi. Introductloua over .with."

And tliat was all that Tom would ■ay.

At the club the next night, when the prellmtpnries of IntrtNlurUon were over with, Mrs. i'laverly looked long find Intently at the girl. '

"Excuse me for storing," she aald, “but I couldn’t believe that you were really the girl In fbe picture. Kn you’re Tom'« occult sweetheart, after a ll! Isn't It wonderful'to'feel—”

"Wasn’t It the funniest^ thing?" giggled Eleanor. "And we are so much oblige«] to the mcNilum, too, because If It hadn’t been for the picture t never would hate been nble to find Tom. You know._how It was? You see, Tom stopped for the night at the hotel where my aunt and I were stop­ping. 1 adroit that I was attracted from the first and knew that Toro had noticed me, buLof course there was no way of our geTtihifaoIntroduction. Weil, anyway, the next morning, quite by accident, I left iny little camera In the lobby.

"Bred Gage ' had - taken a snap of roe with it the day before, but we badh’L turned it. And Toro must have left hi* camera In the lobby, too, and wU^n'bC went bock for U h* got mine. ' That was just before be went away. 1 knew right off that 1 had the wrong camera and I rather thought It wus his. It. somehow didn't look like, rolue. I was so anxious to flod but what Tom’« nome wa*.1 but auntie wouldn’t let me ask the clerk or look at the registration book. I rather thought he’d find that picture of roe In the camera he took. He took one over It nnd made a doable ex-’ posare. Then when my picture aj*- j**«red In the piper, of course aunt insisted on onr writing and asking him to explalg. AH my friends

' “ ano teased metromerdfuny about It. Ho we wrote, end tight away Tom came mu to see na and^well, won’t It be rich! When we send the anno'jncernent’ oi our gagement to the psi-ers we’re golns to let them have the little story ubyix Ihe camera, not that we like /pub-

Jjc Jfy , but that will ] « the/«ft>rld know that there really wasn't Anything rpooky * aNmt the plrturcs/after nil. ¿•cause of c«mrae there never is—"

And so Jropr ««e!i1 wsjrAnnt Oaver* ly t>y the fiuer.cy <A her n«{>heW« ,flahcee that she .j&er*ly murmured. "t>f course rKd.”

In, a Dew, ferfreepan that c*ttnfA-,bo!! over., waK»r^i*fng through hoi«« in the Hd, whkpiTs lower than the^yJm, fall# back Info the ctrnsli. • , •

MY IN TBBmWBRewAutimwHodattArBUtiraly

Embroidary Covtrsd


•»a*t •* «M LatMt MteDM* O w n MM* •» C*M* Rh m Im«, WIMi

. Q w u m »

IW I? « still BlTvt» M trtmtalt««** ruMuo ,citu>rl); In ti>* N *» f

T « * W te M . "-Apiwnwil« t e — H - i rr- do not think that ttwir c4tMta am j • « 'l l to a tn in a »aw •IlhottMt*. n a - ! aoijorotl; th,/ anka llttla «ffott t o ! errata cm a. Wcunan tear» brra a a ' «rtthUa a s to a hat th , , world atul [ would not aoerpt in th , mattar ot oil- t hooalt, that dM l«M n atttl drfwnd ! npoo trlaunln«» to *!»# tart«Ky to their j uioclela ■ j

l»»crimlnatln« women oreinln«); | tear, not had ,non«h oT «ut>rolde<7 . t Some ef thc-yttew antumn uiodete In i allk a t , I t te n ll j anlbrolder; fvvertH-1 the twdern twin« oo etcjmotirlj > te nited that It eeem, a l«art of the (hbrlr._ B a n ; o f th , n,wrat att,rhcun

dreww, to}- autumn ere mad, u( rrrp , romaln, o f that new quality which re amnblM e r e ) , (m n crtl,. but which baa conatderetile ruore body and It rooc durable. A chtmiln« ntmiel <W«*loped la «ray ereji, romaln,. It trimmed with hand-plalt<*] handa ot fattl, rlhtum aqt Into open Interettora, ohlch are etn- hruldered all around. Broad paarla of tiny hand-run tucka In both the bark and front «tv, further ornamentation and w«l«ht to the dreaa ' Two colon ot «eoryett, crepe a n

eh»r~'n*ly combined .In aaiua of thi, «.rv uotumn dreaaea. the two touee

3 T T J r r %

TREATMENT FOR SCALY LEGSAMaeaian la Çen mea Aman« tk lik a n

•M la. Cenaad k> an .En-'

Seal? h f e t panttry ta a com moa and wett-keewn t.f*etlm» wf chlckewa that ecnuMltneo oaueea atfecied blrda ta heroate worthteàac It la re need by en eitm nely entail mite the! wueke In and under the croate that form on the Inta i k n n r or eulpbnr oint­ment wilt kilt the peeta . Hoelee form

fm r metertn, and under all candi. liana when durability la raqulrwd, nath. Id , take, the place of th , races«« for cant. • - ■ . . ' " ’ '


very aUhnrai« cmbroldvty. Navy and

Gray Cr4pv Romslns M«del With Hand­... -PJaltsd Bands of Fallls Ribbon 8«t

Into Cmbroidscsd tntsrstlcss and Hand-Mad* Tucks.

gray la A favorite eomMnation. Tti« dresses are. w» p»«4s that they spjK*nr to be almost of one color viewH from one {Milnt 'find of another when .viewed from another jwint. Knr In­stance, in the combination of blue and gray the hock of the dress Is almost all blue find the front all gray.

th^ ikcmldres» (wcaslmn th* black cîisrnjéuse g'>wii trtuim^l In vel­vet or hrt»c«tir<l ribbon is usurping lb* plan* of tb« bended gowo. A long«. iin*d Mack chsrtneuw» has wide l*inda of #lcctrlc blue vetvet rlbÑui extend­ing fl>H» Abe .r»»pl*Kl shoubier to twitiw tit* aibow wtu*re th* chanueuas t**gtn« again. W'htt« t*esds In ttpy desigli aitnoaf entirely rover th* vrlvti. No other trlnuolng l# used.

Man; of the velvet huts have revrr»- ibl* crowns with velvet «»a on* aid* and embroidered effect* of lurlalHc doth «m the other. . This treatment pn»vid«Hl à hnt for dressy wear as well

i for street wear.CttiK! « ta te * rontlnú# In rvlgn for

aftenoNin wear In preference to th* shiny sorfiutd fabrics. .

Tlie little 0r»iV<! turbsns of silver or gold cloth which, are so |Hipulsr In l'aria at pri'R«-nt are in-lng pM'*«*<i tnt» prominence by many of the American Jthnp«. ’Ibey are «l«-slgt»Hi for evening Wear- hud «ru suitabi* for any color cumblontloii wiUi^wMch tbj>y ar* wurn.

APRONS FOR L in L E GIRLSCrstornns and Psrcals Exc*ll*rtt Mat*,

rial f*r Ov*r Gsrmvnt for ; Mias of 6*v«n.

’ Tluk dreaateat ••t spr»*ns for lb*, young tulas of alx>ut seven year* la ruiul of cretonne und j-e r c n l« .f t la the sort of garment that «an I>w slfpiwd

’ «ui over rofiipersmill worn as a regular dr«*** or silpi*ed mi over • regular dr«**» when i^mqdng la tn or*l*-r. The flaring skirt l* ■ cretonne in a gay‘de­sign of rml an<| green birds/blue ond1 rinbftffinn posies. The l»o*l|re Is of rln- unh««m jiercai«, I« <x>iid eojor. Batch P'K-Leta and '«u h aro' of fhe, jM-rc NÌbo.

A H*w Styl» Poire fine of the style J»«»llitft/einiphaiff*ed

by tn*HÌel» shown by míe imjmncr Is the drt«pp*d shouldey^airouqi^nied by s' broad, Imise, urnh-rsnn Ahoveinént,

Pandante Ar* Worn on Corda. This idea Is ^i*eriai|y y/eatured In Pendants' on thin black silk cords | coats and suHs. and panIrulsri/ the

are mad* of corah of jot and of other! Ja^piWte, >«iilch 1». hydied a* a moda •tone*. • ’ - - • • ' I extm<rr<JfQalr*. '

LONG-HAIRED FURS/-«-.... Chenil\y/ f«vntls (>f |»Tgv di*..:' ; . . , no-nylons drop from ‘tb** sleeves and

form a to m tr handsK^me 'orjniroent. Among oüier féuturas to be n«ited as partlruhfirfy »roilri is fh**. P*'Urbed si ♦•eve/gathered Into ' » cufT. This lih.br of 0 peasant infiur&c* and ha*

i^cldedly youthful effect.

.PREFER;Wolf Trimming and Similar Paltry

Hold Favor?>Bt*’v»r and SquirrelCollar* Shawm, _ '

Tliere Is a mndiftMS wiiy o f handling •th* voluminous lln#*s of the new s**a ton that give grans'‘and reo! .comfort-* to th* wearer of such cc>f»t#/;?K>ughb first of all, frmh a prartiral standpoint. One tnaniTigrturer lias "liiiide wear- ahIJJtyt.hIs first consideration, and. In doing so iins designed nome agrari and poimlnr dumber*. . .

A preferenreibr-iivsn uA'wotf trim­mings arol |opg hiilred ioni, although Ix-aver «nr! squirrel /collar* are, of f^urse, ..inrrludf-d -Vi th* allowing. Black onhadffie yhas been. used In foehlonhik omt A try >puletiMoòklng n.reiel that Vg trimmed vrlth plat? nura w«if. / Wide mandarin sleeve* ni«ke « buck FsH-

Bad C «»e*f ftcaiy Lag.

at th * jH>lnt e f Invasion of the Insect, and undse tneui the akin ta irrltstM •nd bhwvdy. Madly afTetrlH birds

.walk with dlfflctttty, and may even l o s e s toe ; is lrr they becom* tbln. lose tbelr Np(>*tU«a and prove wunh- less. ' ' ' " • — .

To treat scaly leg th* feet- and t*ga of afTe«‘tiHl fowls, «re held tn warm w»ter for several minutes, so that the cruata are softened and can be r*

-ffoved. A mite killer la then applied t* the dry diseased surface. The f•») lowing iniKtures a r* recommended: f. DU of caraway, mixed in four times • a much lard or vaseline; or 2, flow- era <»f sulphur, one dram; cnrhon«te of |xda*h. 20 grain«.; and bird or vas- •line, h a lf an ounce, Home poultry* men have used a m titm e o f one part of kerosene and two parts of raw lin­seed ofi with speedy effect. Tf‘* IsgS- o f .Jh e affected 'fowls ar# dipped in this mlvturc, tare being taken, that th# fesftiers are not .wet, -

GARBAGE FED SUCCESSFULLYMetric] cf, telwmbla feu I try

Report* Ksc*U*nt Result* Fr* Wast# MaUrlsI.

A poultry farm In the Dfstrlrf OdiunhU which h«n«1les afiout J/swi fowls reports excriiorit /«♦«ultfi/ rrom the tise of well •«’Ircti-d/gnrbfiie. This rnaterlsl Is fit»t|lr*«| bwlce/a dny and. fed .to the birds sl/irjMrn o’clock In Ihe morning -Vud^wgnlrr during tbs middle of the anlrtm<m so that th* fable arrapa a^s fe«l fresh only two or three hoty* after they are discard ad. from Jm* kitchen. Tha fne lpig niethrwL^r this ’fkitiltryrnan Is to «rat far tjkWgarhsge on th* grsw ln sudi qu^nritle* that.lhs fowls jvlll r|«an up- flM h* refuse. II* folates flit-** feed- U>* s|Mds In su«h s way that no con- ffinjlnatlon result«. Th* outstanding feature erf th* snrceM of this poultry* man Is centrailxed In his painstaking selection of th* garbage and the eUrri- Iristlon of all ohjsrfjrrriabl* rnstsrlsf

Brofitabl* rrturii* hav* resulted a!*» from the feeding of garbage ut fattening cr>ckerela and old hen*. Ji small flock of turkeys Is msinlslnfd on this farm snd ths gobblers gobble their way to a front lln* position when garbage lunch time rolls around, Th* turkeys keenly relish th* fable'

find abandon tender grasshop­pers ih fi aucculeot alfalfa In urdef to »camper to th# feeding spot* when tb* garbage wagon approaches. •

RAISE CHICKENS FOR PROFITBetide, rurnlchlnp Supply ot Cgg.

. end Meet fer rem lly Samc Cen D, Marketed. • ;


• 'fermati#* Will S# #f 8>g V«J6* .. t * . t.*gi**#r/ * •

. ì Th ^ mA -u . UM.. .tr«»< *•! - S u n .&ws**v*m**- -- : ' •! As>V«;i«i«JIfttftst ripulì* ,*.et*ured frt tn an ifi-

vvstigntioo of the trartiv* reslvtsfic* v»f reeds tmticare .'tbnt.-lttf-Acmatb-*ai wtit.b* *e\\ir»d nf grew! valu# lo th* highway rngiaeer siw! the uwr of iu*>- tur tr»n»p*»rt. The it»te«iigwth>u* ar* t>clug carried on under the •u«(’b-*s nf

! (be advisory Nwird on highway re*; aesrch of th# oatioaal rvwearcb

cvundl wlttv-wnldi lb* bureau ot pub- ile eósdJi. TdiTievl State» l>rt>«rtm*ot'ttf Agricuiliure, ami th* quarif^iiiatMer: t^rtvs, l ’nit*«l tiiatr# «rtuy era co-op­eraring. ' .

One ph«»# of th# Invéattgstb^D stwiwa (hat there 1« a grvut ilifTrrvn^ lu ih* power r<e«4ulféd «>f the engine when a tm c l jù iràvetrhg over dllTerent ty|>** of surfacing, (be amount being more than twice as great on »mie of the lower t)i*ea when n»u>p«r*d with that on higher t jiw c • It la also shown that Ihe |Htw>f required to overcome th* fx»ad rrslstanre Is not pnu>»>rtli>ns! t» lb* «tired of the vehicle, and after • eeftsla «peed I* reached Incres#** very rapidly,’ The l&ve#itfatlpn whefi cvmiplet*

will cover tears with various type# of tnoior v*hb le» with the UhmI, tir* sod spring equipment varied on different typef—uf—«TrfrsHng srut/U varytng speetisu Tbs dsla will include gas«»- lino ft*h«umpilt.n, internal engine r^v •Utance, wind r<r«i*tsQ« e, and road sur-fa«W Mlllllllri*.

AVhcn csreftilly #t»«]yyed It will ytfd the- highway cnrflnrrf In detefft/

Great Ucffsrsnc# <n Few er H#tpjir*d * f Bogins When Truck J * ^ravsilng

•r D iff «rent Typ«* of fiurfaclng,

under a given act o f condttiun« what typ e o f «urine* atmuM |>e bulli fo r -a given volume o f truffle lu result In th# it-sM total cost for rond and w hir l# oi*cmtlnn. T b * s<ini* si>rt of stmly a il I be turnio s s lo expenditure# for

grada rrdu' llott to radure, operatingi Oil». .......... " • ‘ ' . . ' ‘ ' . ‘3‘:- "

T h e trurlt operator will h* given v s lunhl* Informailon 00 th# effe«! o f firs and spring equipment, itibrlraiioo, lire , o f load s o d speed o f vehltie ort fuel convúmptlon which should atd him In producing cheaper transporta­tion. ,


S ' / , /

MARLEEN, NEW FALL FABRIC80/ Luetreue Fabric , le on O).

Ouveiyn Order; Com« In . Many Pretty Shad«*. _

Arri'.n« tin- ri»w «ult, {,rr««-n(rd f,ir .f«)l ? -« r (her, nr- n-y-rnl h r * “ F1"«' I'“rl »1 *<■« r-« r m.'l <1„ (infrlhl i M^fi. O is» .o f th# most I* rr.nrb-ít», « jmft lustrous fa b r ic oo the d u v e t ;« order-. It n n m r»a I« rn#«y pr^tf j alrndê# In sddBb/rí to th « uncial r.avy and black. J f re ^ d r Mr«-# and M\\*UTtymn shades g r e /er

complement to It* full j this material. -vÎ7

the sifreve n ation from the buck Is a ! of clevyr mean« of grcentlng ibelr futl: { 1«

rilt mad*rrenrli bln* rnarlM*n. Th# skirl . Viralght, plain tn«*t*rbiit ,an inch

jo r twri longer tha.s rh* spring skirts This w*Arì is typical of a grt/up o t ,rand fb* ro»t is ono of th* n*»w tong

eosts showing varied rieet* treat- ! io*#!*-U trimme»! with Pe>»* t«b« front ménta and braid that are. Magri. ’ sr.d h n r * . Gray . squirrel make* a ThVuae of « raccoon collar <ro a cost j rontr/iKt as a coHur, »’uifs sndof ortnad.ule i i on# of the partlcularty ¿orsi•’ not»-» introduced in fh# far- trimmed -styies, -UntrimmedL orma- ¿ule • ahd( l^oivi» numU-n» sr# nn. lo*' tçrf!s!lDgr part of th# showing, and In

tn/*d»;ls th* besiity of tb# rh#&p pH# fabrics *»*ero rrnist pronouhwj.

. - . J t u i i i sleeves a«d a Jenny hvrk- I , *re roo«* aptly J :on on* o f tfc*s* uctrimxncd coats, collarsedged with silk frifig# *0d a modified leg-of mutton sleeve are ix,troduc#4 v&

Page 6: 0 I L D AG - DigiFind-It"Ffrul prUo (or pr. A-cryf '4".-' , ;'“i' St:c«».1 pr. Floyd intitoli. Fir.si pris*1 for to Kdtth Hmtth. Second prise foi.ji . l.onnii Urokaw. First pris«

í “ /. ‘^ ^ ' T T :^ v5 5 ^ ? S í ‘ ' * M"“ua-,VJf i r‘ r ' ’ ' - r,t 0, ,,p' v ' . ' f w ^ r 'm W f f im m

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T E ^ 5 § t» f5

:-■«■- * ’ tyW

a n f o r d

. i/o. 'C I T I Z E N A N D C H R O N I C L E , T H U R S D A Y . O C T O B E R 2 6 . 1 9 2 2

O H ; c ( E t a n f o r ’D € i t i | c n |

AND C H R O N IC L E Po h u » h«> Cv r.R' lin ;B *p *T Uniou Avenue, Cranford , N. J .

" ' ja m e* k warmer. „t fdtinr a« 4 J*W ^ _

T H V b SDÁ'í , O D D *»K U 26. If?

T ,r

T h sJlsp ab llcsn c.ndJdate. roaredVnlon County iM t Frid ay. «nd were well ra cs lv e * b r l» r * « » u d lr n t« throughout th e County. Union It the home county of W illiam N. Km, yoti Itopubllctn cahd ld at* for Oo* ernor Senator Runyon wss for clr«en years City C ou rt Ju d «e . In FMalntleld. w n elected th ree tim e» to ll„ . Assembly and tw ice to the Sm m.. from Union County. It 1» no

My th a t h e 1« one «»One Dollar and a Half a Year | . K(!>r^tun (0,t itm otn o ó ..* I th e moat popular men th at ha» «*i-rlever«! at tM </»»'<i H u t t a e a txut

L E T TU B VVOMK:. .\Nh\\Kit *Shall wc. a» w onici. vote for Ht'ii

.tor Krt-llnghuyson. with hl» ftn* lecord of work dune lor »h«, Nation, and our Slut«, or e lirll »>' vote lor governor Erta-alti». «no I» f t >mii.-lpn u llify - H ie t -p ,le n ii-l- 'lo h ll> !llo ii ..lJ1l»_l_

S h a l l w e, 11» w uiiu-u. »»I«’ 1*’.'. Ut«' «ho In Ili» o»ii Siate, »hm! a

» u rite J unlliiBBÏUJfly

run for offlee In that county. -The , vountv tour ended In an evenl.i«. moetlna at the Tall Cedar, Hall, I.U> ! e r t y Theatre. Kllaabeth. where *•(,« f„r Itunyon aialn dwelt on the ex iravagance of the Edward« Highway Communion and the failure nf the Democrats.to keep their pledget. ■ He fa ^ . •aid .that the Democratic platform w„ , aerlea of glittering phra.e» never Intended to be transformed Into poUflea.and legislation He

.... Iiidge B iller, hit Demo-

man.H U te S e n a to r .|o »«cure Un*, pinzano of Uib.-.iUateFood Law, which would auiogiUrd New Jo r .o y ’a food supply, <>r »hull we vote for 'Oovernvt Edw ard*. who w ithout lie .lt» tlon h ilii cl thu one tm-„ortant food tnoaauro that came he 1 purpoae. They do

1 romplnlaanre. however, 0» theof ihe" present Edward»

cratlc opponent, to explain what he meant hy the moat Important plank» In the Denvocratlc platform. Sena-

1 ror Itunyon ««Id: -"The people of New Jersey have

;il»-aya appreciated the value and necessity of good road» and have rheerfully paid their taxes for tt.U

' not look ......

failure to do thu in the three year», from 1 *1 * to date? WMhbi tell us 'how he expect» I» urru.opjl-.b m p-J la thU respect than Governor E d .< .wards did? Will he kindly tell u i In what manlier he I» greater than hit co lle ag o " from Hudftdn County? Will he »top uuotlng m l» .e .U n eou * column» of figure» lung edou„h l J coherently and Irit».fiI erri 1 ly explain what he mean» hy recognised and. law ful m ethods? Or. If ■'» < u'-nui tell U» him self, will In. pie,.»« Indi cate Who In the Di'iinx-i »lie tam p ».ah.

I explwin It? . t"T h ree year» ugu (.on-ru in Ed

wards prornUed a ' .v o im t fail:, Shnrtly a fter hi» inauguration lie up pointed a I u litle* ( omniisali.il, '! 0- day the people have an e i«in -tu nt

will, one ceni foe tran sfers Now Ju d g e Hiller come» ’ forw ard with the »..me old plea for a.flve-cent fare. W ill he explain how he can du any inure llnm (¡overuur Edward did? * W ill he upeuly repudiato th fa llu ie uf OeieM iuf tldu,*-' 1-» to mah.


gnu tfl•■in Art «4 Ebeti»*. flUeiak» «ff *l4 teiAM ui ^ 1 *•***" -„ ,«^ 1L ,ô .u ..^ V e a larrt, *1 .« Osi e - ». ^*¡ X- « £ L U - d do, « » . S 1 U U 4 « . V-,. ^ 4 »US1

Tlkatuv vorEuaca, t. t* r J_ - u s r-uva m


frUTium» i>u*a op«*

« • O T ; . r f ¿ r ¡ ; r r t ¿ ¿ . - .« dta»» a - “ -•-■‘ a «o»« “•* . - .•' .‘“¿T : r u .¿ T Itl1 » a L « a » . va.as» S. »••“ IA» dtxMftlflaaa UNM■i(.»l)iE Wlil II*f r>»*»S?'îï

V l'r i ti FU!-l fs'oiïk Ürt hi*^ <*•# )(Y| •A iMfitcr «»f t í« «ou»-.« i í KtPlidaw fiflh I 0«fr*JI*:dgis»| t\ (.«tvrruW •M-’V# fUI« Of Npw J*.vr \ vJ. of W-“ f?»Hl? üî tî«c Stài

If; fl’l V» «»P» S J -î t '-»a ^ "■ ¡fi ■ r»*.£f» r. .- -r-j.ynU- ÎTf l i i - r * 0^17 f * » '•»y ft-rn?t«n -vt l i r r IW-’''»* »*? ■


».*» N.

C L A S S I F I E D A D V E R T I S E M E N T SAdvertising onda fht» hdxd oot exc^»,

l ic a o t .■ Over 25 «ordir 4


>jeii i-r t.f u .« ' Tv» .....>.*r , ..

Jii*tir-M of tire rr*P«- . .. . jw*««»ti l.t-TSi fi '.»»f'I« .NvYriiaftfT *• *-»„ } f 1

HfiMlTiidr U.e |»rt*«wS>Mn* t.i i ..*»»» ' ¡of t ':¿ / "Al» Art fV Ifc« r»»! fc»ruvi..*-t 4’

,... f I ö!. rftffSStr-rjrlfrrtr *fr*l *-, », ; e u w B i«t:«»r ft!»t<c,, O i j n s; fisvieg at 0.« .-est «f t»S .tataa or «» i f“ '

i.f r»-sl «ini Ht»»*,ri • / Iltw <-r4t;«n. et * <UH et ihr *»*« «

,«,Mttii .'RDf ( t r a t t i JH;;1 !.?.? *VfSi«r# initurrfi *»f ui-Trf«r.-«f*d f»». v*t

wìtr.t i.nMi *'•! lo th* St *

• 1 y _ .. ... iJiirtiiMs tu tiiV Towmliip■ ‘ , r : . , u " „ r . ^ - u « » » a « - * » «

h a :«Ji and (kfilfsl «iti», „tiî »wen» f “« ^ %

. , <!..»usile o** tar «mich «h»,,Uní ; , f• , „U-I- V «ar te »dsiud -dl« iwculljr sUU-

1 n i e v a n m l u ua* a t a 4M ic i. th« «¡J*: X .Ul e i t a ra b i* l i istues sud nie liuectisn 1 ' Liiiii • tf «1- icUtLilIìt.'»I IO Atvoriiuft-* «ili» *; u - JiIbd and *4w»-*a *stiidi»fa W®'u * i l o V i ? . « * 1— o* “ r / T S f i S 1

ltd Maj l»uj. is»3i. A^d iL*1 VV£!I\C*DAÏ. :*D V SM »t« *»lh, 1 * t t ,

y . , , ¡ 0 U V- U» * »» U»* »«»• lh/ , T yï°jpiAh«. ** “ * r < ' U

FO N S A L E -M IS C E U A rtO O A rk i t p M EK co ti rtnffc» Trito

liacfc. No. K in Al condition-, 1 » Pine street. *

■LOWERS ^«U winter? Surtíly! “ 7°u .*ílS ijmi>er white naci^btw in bowl^ßtSb«ìd w ith pehhled ®nd, ^ “ î fAr- hblM“ - " A S ' W Ä f f ' S i S

N i .

w ith

f o r a him? , ,W e iii w o m e n , a r e fa c in g th e i|tiea- I t r n r i K l i i i r c ,

t lo n ! l)o w e w a n t a m an to 'r*p i« \ » w y I H ig h w a y f o m m la a lo n . b ou n d up aa i i - W i r < 6 w % w d r t « lan k o f h im t h a t , , w i t h . t h e p a te n te d p a v e m e u H enuU ir K rc lln g h d y a e n h’ita o r do w « I t r u s t w h ich m ukoa e a c h m ile o f r « « '

' to th e U n ite d \ H lutpaL-roat fit» P » r c e n t rn p r* th a n It s h o u ld E d - r V i .» t if m a d e o f n o il-p a te n te d p av e-

x . m m it» Of e q u iv a le n t m o rlt . T h e l ie -L o t th e | p u b lic a n l e g is la tu r e la p le d g e d to e n d

' thfii I n to le r a b le s itu a t io n o f ek lriiv ii-

with., (Jnvorm'iewant to tend Bcnato a man ward»'-.record?- .

These are ttij/,. facta.women ludgCñivi Ï# îi7 The ilT n iiT iiP o a rd pt Now-| g a h i^ » n d ” m t « t n a n a g e m e n t - - o t - l l i E

J o aey ^ làh .d » t re n g th e n % fo o d ‘ u b ile ’, fu n d a I» I m p o r ta n t . r o a d , * J u s tlaw 0* o u r Hiatt» li«rau a«> l u»' building by passing an opon-»pet.Hl- law ol our mu . . . . ...................I - . whloh will force patented

what lie men ns by hi«, proposed lav tu reatoie the original- traii.-hlses le- tween the trolley t-ompan.te» anil Hi milnlclpalltle»? Dues he mean- that the people of Urn .State are to hav. the rare privilege of payina a liv cent fare In every town through which they ride? The a ll lie pro poses will areoriipllsh no, oilier re.uii than thl», tf It ever liecame a hr remained orrthe »tuttile biiiiaT Itu no one knows better limn Judge Jill

, jmr. wlui undoubledty knows of til decision In the COllliigswmiit case, that his law would immediately be declared Tuuiimstltutiiinal by the courts. ,

7(1 w a rils

Vi u >t Vo..*»t etwtiáa stve. wjl .Jr «»h­A und.-» Ik«- gr««'«van a t ¡‘i't'C ..*. ; u t 1VC0. ' An set yiTO.W-1 E r y

oí» ty ' lUiJfl* ¿i# frtln«f • !

riti* I« <>f tin* l’iti - lAifîiiw'it. t-MIrtr-'

■ud ' r-r*vLii‘r,1 • a pmsUm UsC j«»Mr Aftil f!rv»i*tîi ■Jid w’th*>% Atvl hr e dvj Ail.Tr.i3i3 ATld •.h.? e;%-ul itu!-- d-|^i.d-M 'I’Mi f l l u.ütir% tit ¡»ail •Jrp» !r;'-nîA / ’ *r- • Ul«

tiua« LcAfiut.AiJ pro.towid uriltiJAf.P*. ' Uav l»t*>.

E M QUlii AI« IlxiiDWAl * ,*,^ -.,1K u „m.o.i-rt b) vu» Ttcü.lU e lommitvr. «I

i.r rrsnferd . 1» “ ■« <«•»«> •»

U;^„, J. tuai AcCtkif. onv ut Ui* «d U IW

" ‘¿h rie iy u .« h l í í T l S I}XJRl^'toiiHn* car, -W MdL

IOC“ pint. »Ol. M Crocket eríaít «Tenue,-.C Y infora.

D O U B L E T S bed compíete w ith »urlng« and m attress $lo.Oran foni « t enue- . , M. rw„ii

v íík v o i* «ilnff to let Mtxweii ííeít. you vive money by buying Anterior lu m itu re at 430 N orth aw’nue. W w tllcW ; OP^n nlghtly tifi nine. Credit If «¡m I » !

I Ml ti-ttftiU .t IÍJ< i rtii Bp*C-- Ä “Ä S Robert” ï s ^nox «venue, West-

Lrjiki. I OTf-MVFB'VKEÍt-—special ^ ^d.:.i«n»a tut »ptclfleU I SlL - T|JL« cood. upfiol-w it. dividi th« Town- tm irin iT c a r . U r Çs » ,*T .__H-v.~


T'iA't-rM %, li»20 .

ir.c *if ». *4 ;.! llotrd*. uf 1,1 <n rvn.w. 't*i« fnc <* \:r

if»! 1 af »* fi ,;t. V.iluutHih

a . CsnsVk’sT jr • t Hb

mi in*trlrt, T'«?.*!. p ■ir l \ú»»< DU• st.d Ald-r. V* .t. •» • i’ j'ÎJ!

Î Â Î 1 . S Âj :i ‘l for Auch purpoit- tu dividi th« T ^ ^of rtiitifurd Urto - ^Ult. iKdltlt. AAft-ty rcft»«i.at-lft coTUiWi-r.iiùu. »“ " “a.

, |„ ita, i-,-(.« dcsIrtMs uve te r »hkh th«.a ,» ii rtlstriH may b* »dsatert- J “ J *

r 1er particular u«c of » district,Ci.i.e-Itfttioa o f property vilum »»d th» Jtl-

or InoWIna devrlopraenl In «t;r« rr t» " '- w II con slip-mi plan »nd »I»“ 10 ♦**•"•

¡altiv» for Ihr vlolsllan o( thrts rcgul»-

-puift 10 di>m« vne low..-1 tourinR car. _n mo.« » r r excellent...... ^Otbeenand-Chron-

N l\V s S ^ f« i : r overcoat, very’ gp«^

rr»trl-. tío .», Uct\ám'¿;stW. '»¿4 Italia-1 „/ '¿e ,”,?- '^ ¿ » E R N S -N Î m ' «MOT»;- *oih. 1V2Î. »nd a» ameno- U J O S l i » r -« H

llTtd D-Kfl't. T'I*'*- Ur*': (.I-,I l»|»trli tr

»MfUi Lincoln Hch.-oVyv-n'i*- ‘‘D*- Lincoln atri.»-.-.

IMütrU-,1. Hhcfni*:»a- . . , rtiriiu-» ï>ültlJft '

Te h- ■<»!.

S,hoi>!. . Llrrjln

- . -, . Governor towusM;. ë - ’TttNtdfnatly refusing to stntn: hl» at-1 | Mr, „ . umicn -»b»» ««••t«r'f *•■

dl'mlo on any nf the great im tloni.l1 • - ......... . ... »tr«t. «»me-

Clubli a» a Uommlttee, and ni) man of thè, fnml comiplttee nf thè Natlmml consumerà' Eimgiie, I wn»callod lo-Trenton In i iinference. Iwlah boro unii npw lo »tute.emphull- v-ally tbat 1 do noi hellcve we shnulil hav» bnen alile to l'Ut thè leglalatloil through ter thè New Jersey Food l.aw wlthout thè Itoli» nf Senntnr Kre-

llnghuyaen. Ile vvorkeil nntlrlivgl> for thè passage et Ilio bill. Ile Imd Immense influente».' Ile gave Ihnl In- nuenco to thè bill. The bill wu.

- pasaed litld he was Ilio uno to vv^oni Ita paaauge wua duo. The bill wn»

Whnt pun itio n (ill th e v i ta ) Issue.« o f Um r c a m p a ig n . \Vhat th e iiu h llc vvan.l.-.

through my connectionuancrnl KedernllPu o f .„.Women ..................... . .

jiieinber of its I'ure Food I this law on the statute Imoksvvoük as Chair-1 ha. for years bam eommoBlyjregard-, ^ ( ^ ^ con(.rBtu

n. w|«| *.« for- 11 lit? ntat«Miu*iil *>f jHilicioH jmuI tii r ,,p«lon ..B d ^ l»u ch m M ^ !lll^ J^ ; ; ; . ; me, hH(,- 1)y whlcl, they are .0 be a.

lr he p e o p le o f Now jersey elect ; talned. 1 urge you to rend throughmo overnór; I promise to finish the; the Repul.Ucai. phitform. _ Vm, w ! mo »i*i««ii.o., a . ................. ............, a siimle eiiulvvH-allon In II

read thrmigh the" Domocrati 'platform and compiire tliem boil

yim f)emocriitlc platform abounds In falso promises; gllttei-lng phrua and policies which can; never lie a!

in-ivuril atm <-t *« llamD*"« lh‘ ».rill i ft l y Alti«? «if. lÏAftii*tun Atrrrt t> Ka*wn»n

work for.tha Federal -i’itre-Eood 1HH.|Vnt1oua art |wl|1'1" n" ' ÿ ' issue» of the day. sn Juilgo Hll*«r I ..................- ivoments to compote 011 (Quuj t t ; , d t<) ,i„v m define ho ,m.t a. pD« "f

Ith iion.palented pavement» With . inning irom 1 . „ . | Ti.r t«mBil»Hw ol Ui- .h««-rt

oil na a great aource of polltleal i nriiptlnn and dobnuchment will he fo r - , ..........evor done away with In Now Jersey. ; method by which th y

." I f the people of Now Jersey elect . ......................0 overnór; I promise to finish the; the Republican platfi.m

mb of putting *the State Highway ; not «nd a single e,„.Ivo, Department In propor Wbrklltg coi., ; Then (Ittioli by seeing that the member» of the Htale Highway Commission are I,usine"» men of ability,-irnlncd to their work and-devoted solely lo I In­public welfare. 1

"Olio. Instanre of the conduct of the-present Edwarde Highway Com

__ _ ___ ... and « hereby UKM ti» fiart as follow*:• Kir I. Hhort DUtfleU.

IVe Abort title of Uti» ordinance l* the. Zon*. 'or tbu iiurpoae of till* orUln«nce the Town-•AI..U OT Cranford 1» h«*«by ‘nU) fourgtn4»,*.of flinrlcta:. ......... .

- ih) Ki*ldtrnce A iDUtrliti-. .Uesldente "U" IHatrlcta.

irl Itr|>ll)«3* DUtrlCU. .(d) Industrial DlstrtcWi■*Arir» uf-vach -of

_ nslu-U i t shown on the Bulldlnf \un -«ntch accwnpanle». and «ereby

':‘ i»Tv.l is I»- » P rr-r,r.-!TTUr orttB.nrft,-wtlh tii<- fi>!iow*ii8 rtiaugc*. to wit: .

Hi •*Kxt«-ml th«* Imslncss r.otie on -VI,. It r.til.miUil Avenue

,„,l me U-Iilgh Vullt-y IlsUrmd to In- h-.i 'ihf 7'» fpft' In wldtb—North of. .the

-.'.oihiily «.girt, of wsy ot__tha^MiJahJtJler

uf clean, lietilthy »nd s tc in g niant.«. 10c up to »T-W-

and Floral Designs on «Hort notion. .

ment strili Flower»

the Eilst I

w>ni.e_P*r.;w with SpfinKflvltl

t u ib F Cemetery Plut, ltosedale &

vu h. J W,. care Cranford Citi-

house. NVnsliinpton Parkw ay^w i avenue,

» , Wat-r M«»«; JJ,;

I { comi,;* etui;,


k a t l i i r Plagien- Wirtiif !

plate.«ldltloo. J .e«r «b,, leiibo,-;,

R farm'* yea:

to 4Udn - ennliie,.

assort -■ft. jnii.o -*7.iji)

tins on lAvpnue- - [ t Pro .-Phone

. U ■ Ifdale & locationIpnmipt

. !« ! Citi- |rd. X j.

t r .

se to . Ten I station, ace, 122

l-W. tf . - ä * young





modeled-un the Federal Pure Food I mission will show thclrlnconipclcnce Law Benatoy Frellnghiiysen helped 1 10 hold high public ofllco. Hie ap- New Jersey to get tliU s|ilcndld filiu-c pra|»er, appointed by thls tomml«-

la ipgu again ilm iUntiTwiiilcd lo j „c!) Lumber Company »« strengthen its food law. and a b lltL rb a eh to the Perth Amboy bridge was proaeutod tollhe LoKlalutnro tu l m !$»o,OOt). NotwHbatandinK urovldo for the liotmal labeling of I appraisals -and notwithstanding, tho breed a» to weight. Rread wee to lra c t that thoy had the power to »c- be »old by weight »nii the weight waaj ,,J|re the land by condemnltlon at do he stated on the lmi.es of broad.: reasonable price, they- voluntarily

The bill passed the Hiiiute and the I pa|(j over the *um of »iSO.OOO. The ' „ I n of Assembly. Everyone was Co.mnl.alon either appolnte. tncom-

pleaaed who wished the consumer to I potent appraisers _or It pnl^ n" h ' uet an turnout and -agnate deal.. URl{ feaslve price for the land. In cltli

got it ” Not at alt, - event, they have failed to protect theG o v e r n o r Kdwnrvls killed that bllH publte welfare and deseTvo to be ri

i..-L »....I»« •' I hmvml ftom OfflCO. - *the ^mmUulon

(itinoil unejor o u rJn w . If tlnvlium crntB think th**y can -foul Uio of tho Htuto with sin'll Kllttortu: counlorfoU , I know thoy uro iu*to to ho Madly tnUtnkon wlu-u tho voi»< I* counted .on November 7th ."

' ftt'i*tii' 'l l Arm tie to R*utflt» Kf>Ad tliw >óMh.rlv wltli t.f RatOah »*»»<1 tr> Ma!

Avenue.' tip lift' aló"«? Easti flr ' *M‘* WdlMift »ttm icM u Tition at.i»ur

V the Tl.lrJ K lntw i t^»- a* » r t ’rtr.lfs: «» -1‘nVtn At.‘-

amt AM'-*» r trtft. Ml«*** K-i*t'r|v A.tltj «f »¡,i, fi ì,trtt t o* N»?th AVf-'iti-“.

ti „’i ly alila- r.f . North »r^i'u.- t > tin' •ntfli? fiiitt'tu'. . »Uriif'P ttU*T'S Karthitlr ^vlp of „,!. P f 11-» A i 11JJ to

n l! of N l . th‘ 1!.n off «*•«

‘iii.p «’ ntoiili W>!» A*.*«»■,f ixiiiil i Á’t i imp

Cranfopl.„ » f ,„ E«».rrly trm„ UieK»tw,y . « * ! m o d e m . » I X ' « ® ® * ”

K S & w « U t S3v-i,i«vt,m Fir«! «ad Ih» Ki K-liV ta.ui™ i »«k i...... . , i.„,

. a’ - i mill «trovi to Stati! Aft-nufty tree«, a ltra « U 'l-i i g-.i.vTc- Hu- iTosont i.u«\iio»j »nm- 1»j™ I phono 233-M.

, ! iht'Trtn Smith AvcniiP. High»Kfrnt Ami M’Hlmft Avuuuo to

snoot. „..ViVpp lots full size, street paved, '"o ita .h l R E E lots. i e lectricity , good1 ’ ’ “ g l borbooil, e ig ht nilnutes irom

f its . Low price to quick buy-

I nprove 1 Phone


nf ■» t <"* I V I

. Oit’n■ Or«

adway . • t-. i.tr#- of Tt«a«1 ■rk Tttwi;-!«!:*.f Tiivrr<-hlp I!»)* rO.w« 4t«-fiy hii'nî:



„ It i ,out u tilusli even. • I liiovod from oBJco.I was aakod to allen ii-the hearing I “Not only has

mi the bill which wun held at ITrim-1 been whatoful and-extravagant \n “on ai tile Statò House, on April I» . th . building of roads and the pur 1S2U Two or three men were there I diano of land, but tho cost of maln- , o a p e a k for th i hill, as 1 was; -and tern,nee of tho roods ha» lncreaseil fortv baker» were lliere in speak lluf of all proportion under the against the bill \Vbat chance hud I Democratic regime. Road1 building

‘ exponent» «f. lume-t label»? al be.t I . expon.lvo,: The S ta to la , Cviinmorelul tnlcrhsts | not afford to continuo tho grept hlgh-

I'D i.lt f: n e w s ]Ju lius Met*, of 404 M lid Is on Av

tijuo. Now York, was arraigned |on Octobor 22nd.charged by C h ie f lien hessey and Borgt. Maana with »hoot-., tng In tho wood» on Hunday. He wu-i flpod »20 by Judgo Ituckley.

At! Italian who gave Ills name as I'roBper 1)1 Allcssanilru, of New York City, wu» brought to heavliiuartors by Officer Martin on Monday ld-.it. HI» ujuliirvy.iinr vviia »tamped. "No. t C. I. f-H. tL ," and he wur<’ ;; |ii;Im) ii »hoo». 12.411 cn»h wu« In his pock ets. Ho wu» given, twenty ilaVsTm a chargo (If ifigrnncy. and was taken tp rtho Oountv Ja il at Elizabeth by Chief Hennessey and Officer» Man­ning and Schindler.- Ho will be kept under observation there.


thoNone at all.h a d t h e i r any a n d th e (till h u d a » w a y » y a to m «o n e c e a » B ry t o th e life m u ch c h a n c e ..n» a liin'ib' w t o t tin» I of o u r l ie o p io u n l e s . l ' b u tc h e r a p p e a r » . \ m oBt e c o n o m ic a l baajmuch chance , o» a

i» done on theluiiib' wllftB tin» I of ourreoplo unlesa 1L*i' I m0st economical, bnal».- The Demo-

Uovernor EdVardS-was tb u hupp.v crat» havo had their full f r a m e of mind. HpAvas Jovial. H e a n d have failed. The Domocra c »aw forty vote» right, there before I platform, which Judge Stlaer admit him Wp women hud no-vote th c n .L o wrote, commend« the work done WC havo lt now Shi.ll we usb.lt to| b r the Edward. Highway Commls- lu t Senator'Frellnghuysen hack In ,|on. Certainly the_ people can hop the United State» Senate or shall we I tor n0 reRoL from thl» »ourco.- „

who killed the honest tirrad labeling Uopubllcan», who, n" r®.„P‘“l ; 'aa, dlt bill and who wishes la kill the Tod-1 definite open apoolficatlon» act a* dl* e ril Prohibition Law? W i l l , Now ,t|ngul»hod from tho vague ,am l-ln J e t y v ^ e n stand fbr tills'? ' f i J « - L e « n .t e plank of ^ e O em oe^ s. and tlon Dfiv will decide whether- wo,-nsl l0 a Uopubllcan candidate for l women » I f d f o r wlmiU'o khoW ..to L rnor who .!» pledged tb see th»« »he blrlgh 't or'not- d a -t us vote for S e n -L ;.prk of the pre.ont lUgl.w.ay com ator Frellnghuyafcu nml show by that I mUslotv 1» not porpctuwted. •where we, stand, There cun be no I "xh o Democrat» are busy niuklng compromise here. The .tssup l»|proml»e» thl* year. ^ * r ‘"squarely. ; before us,.a» woaien. Let | m m .ui anawer RIGHT.

ALICE LAKEY.\t,V 1 •_ . ..

V O U N O M E N ’S l m i L E X t L A S S There hro atl„ « few ticket« avail­

able tor the Blblo-Claaa Costume Dance to be held Friday n lghrat the Cleveland School.. ■•Excellent muaic hui been obtained, and this first sea­sonal affair will be one that .should not be mla»ed.

In 1912 Governor Edwards -promised to mako^New Jersey as wet us .the"Atlantic Ocoan, Now Judge Sitter promise» to g.lvo us wine and __ _beer by recognlied and lawful meth- . 44(J Ioda. w ill -ho explain the Democratic |1 110!! c

Venice Shoe Repairing Co.and

Shoe Shining ParlorH A T S C L E A N E D A N D


» atfir.jr OrsrL” ¡»T'-nur lltv'lcv* r'-IIUK IlAHt*r)y

SDfifcL'?l L i ¡t'fM *' ró ruLih av.|u,t.‘(l,:,,.,.. : am‘,c D vm n |»rv;|ui m'':lT ta 'D m iu b rlii'v e <bv Twjtib

u ^ r o n( f,.M i.«.: Uvcii-u'-ta »« “,‘rt M’uMi*-»o<t ■RrnaettiM »?'"«**• “}wJ.l vl! «Wv «r biulnsfivlrt ..»mi. >2 (*r<

’.Ibnu-V « le v thè Sorthcrlr saie af B.i nuv' to Ilu Tonviftlbp- Un», theoce- Wt-.ilcrlr «T'il Potiihwenti’rlY 'qlr.if*

ÌUit» '»toiie tti J*G'iOu‘f!> sLL» o?w£»e • Tow.i ihfi» i»Rf li* <»•»•»’*«•* 'l v,'Sr‘ih,- i:,t it.-rlv V‘1' nf Offhar»!I|amj»l»'ii -tr» a t. ìU*x«'<' <»•

dT ìlfimitnn 5tr*^tth. ivi* l ‘»f r.r*te-!ilrcrt •<> l'i''*'" g- t-lim'. Mi? rr.- ‘ffiUI- v? av r"nili*«. •.. • *

T!ii* iLun-l-.i'-'* iti.'i r’*'T';

f- tliu Iimlcru« 1*1 thè mvmIws-v « r ih r.fkrttlY V.ÌL-. of Htnilh «tmI thf? nMi-IhYfUnH ! ! ’•• *. «»«‘i'

f lU flim 'U o D l!"Inni: Un* W.n!-rlY I. Ulv Vi-lltfV’ " of N. ?. to r'-tri- jt# t-, i ’f n.i'-i . . 1 - . /-

-tr|., of tl’ ’ -PLV-h U'r tion l»ts- .fi.uw 4 ÌY^ i?1? F ^ l.m %r ■u\ W vlt-'it -i*’ " " L’! t ulli

T -uuv’i-ó l 1 . ■!» r:»T.» -hi, 0i to >y«i

Vu'tiintv «D\»-.-•-of l-.’-su

flit* tnt.ic' nr«« of thr Mock., (i Ki-lRigc -tli« lirfsuit »mitlm-M w»ne

, look I l i t ! ihn Avenue.. Allien Wti-b v.-rlli iW-.-uo.1. SiTlnsH.W Avenue Hnulil slid M«rlU,ro Street to Inelmle (he entire »TC» of!1"(W'“ bvIvml the lluMne.» _ ‘Olatrl«-» on th«\..-H»csi,rlv able nf Union Avenue Nortlieasn

„ i r Ä k Ä . ” d*Ä“k Ä ^ | f f r B l S f f coral beadaj„„ me A.w«ment MoI> of tho TovvuMilu. 1 . . . . . . .

r.| |-I,*nte from Ilctilrteneo flm,-„!n m nisivk-t the property on the NotthwMt

of r-ni ni'lvi Avenue snil rrsnfonl Ter- -,re known »ml ileslpislert no the AawMmfnt Mf.u nt Uie To'VUiblp .«» Lot« 1S3, 186 »nil IS,

s.'-.t'on i ' - This ordluanee »hsII. fake, effectKiiilirillAtt l j . |(

[iilli’j OvttllXT 2t,

ALTAN U.- »BNMA?îr -- - Township Clerk.

1022. . •

hUHiicli,- , .t a i lt v E ° ' j . pr« re 'C ltT z o S and ch ron icle. Cranford. ”

■ v o x jv v -univM coral bead»; ilnder cod . hnve name by proving property l in ip a y ln l fo r th ls^ v e r tla o m e n t. ■ B a rtle tt . 103 MUn street, Crantord.

- f o r r k r t ,i v it ONI AL house to let, six rooBM,^ lm p ro v e ia e n ts ^ .O O jia o tiU j,•rofercnccA M c N ^ a ra . * !“

. a!<?nyWtJVNt ti> N.,rtlnTl>

ü i*lTnitr' 't r i t t - c-V <T' Jato- ¿ .a - :• Ninth- .» .'Oft,'.’' r.f J .- * ! ’»­

..? th-' V-fth n *:* u-v l*^» H — at t>v '•»rtu.rV ro ^l-c A-'-.l .th- t'-fiff fff 15 U nf N. * «îrtnc.lhu

l!U* u'vl -rprâtl? rrrtv-th-C If,iîxl H - P i 'v li-i-c - nlW'P of L't Ht- i-fi al s \ • fin* .- In ..... *5..- ’ ih.- V"rth’ tK *M-< ;» t í ; - Td -.Oí'm í¡-.-. tit- ’I'.--­" * -J r Tt!‘.v?;»h;j* llRf

-VÎ C. n R

North^ S e : i T e l^ c ra a io rd ..

C O M FO RTA BLY * « nl8^ . convenient - lo ca lity , HR Nprtn avenue, East.

LA R G E room w ith board and w ash....... .............. single or two. Address F. R-, care

T*ni 11o' nniTee ”» iicroby jiven by c . a . Teter-1 (^¡¿izen and Chronicle­,,, o.n.y«.r omi Ntai F IV E large room s m d bathi t g > t .

‘ Nov. 15th. A dults only; 114 Nortn avenue W., Crantord.

1 1 PUBLIC NOTICE OF- TAX SALESol. ot Rftal Eitats tor th» B«rou|S »I Kaall-

worth, N. i * m: tor Ytipald Tare*-for iht J « r l « l .

. PurA.iant to an Act cntIUed - Ta* 8«1« Rt approred March 4. 1P18. ‘

;'i.”iiiworth County of Uolon? ------------- --- - ,i',i*'c. mat the TeuenlenU, tterldlumenU and UielUlaM I.eHUu.rur mentioned wklhe “ i " . ______

Ä Xtato ^ . Ä , d ä j iESIHABLE 9toresL_«nd offices tolis . Um thcrcuti totfcUitr with the ü itcm t and1 u . . n A a n m v

' 'in* jíá-iuU»nee1'with » ttsolutloit o* rto .Bpr-tcikti CouncilK ,rls lT n u i \ ™ NOVEMBEB « i h . W tt.

ft* «Ult « ««TOI....—■ -7- . Ith« sale will taka place at the I

the now Shapiro building. * Apply t o . A. >L Shapiro, Union avenue, N orth . n ' " ’ .

— --------- W AN TEDme loiobvuB sr° u!eClnaroMMii» recorded ml a sm all base bu rner coal Stove.

»1 Pupil«»!«; os»in«t whom a,» respecii»« I dresg citizen and Chronicle.Ad-

:'A onM um v,h ’eld


St î


i't ’f : V

A lU O u r W o rk is G u aran teed 11 UNIÓN AVE-, N.. OK ANFORD

" ; ...Phooé Ú W ‘ —

- Th|rM -ir*-- ■ of L-?.ri»l" .DYttnu' tn t*»-.- 1:M\ul1»rtlv mh'.I mil- aVfMi’'.' fh.'finl«i»|f-*Walnu» avi (

ihn Ih" Tu. v'uv -pr-e-rtlr.-. C-Tvr.l rieellm;

M '»n^a. Ä‘ “ Ö V Ä ;

... Ts-w^^bit* t-Urk.'.‘ i L - - *•-

Ä ,wm’ha » Ä * S Ä d * ,S .h i “ r lt| B A B Y _carriage- Telephone 667-M,.¡V m he adüul Ihe 'coMj of the »»1».Pin !,. Let Nome11

voter h» ihf.

Dottai S»ttv

I T IS N O T T O O l .A T I ;


R . M . C R O C K E T ,Seeds ' Bulbs . _ l 1 .its

30 H illcrest AvcmiaORAN Fd&D

Jii'ï. cuaijiValiunt, iWïtîÀiarvtfi. Fl. I

S H E R IF F 'S , SA LES . ’.UKBtlTS^Yhë • bi'òtawvr.*' V,

»(twri-n A. HvJ_ml Ihvrce W V u -,(.»■>.■ eb

,M Mi.n~-.Vnllv.-.c.ty ot Klta*n,h. N. J.. on' WKliNK-l'.W TIIE £«>•» i>AY Of­

. \(»Vli;MiUU5. A- D - 1FÎ2. .i- a'{\trmx!?b of-*s*‘»l dav«.. -.Arcvrof-Ui*^ V'",t -?vl in6 tilv Tviwnshl,» ount> d! YuuKi.'nlAl S\*tr

Th^ invitationAvenuePresbyterian Church .of-Ell*- abeth, N. J . . to 'tak e .-full charge of the Sunday evening service. October 29th, ha» been accepted. The oi ch eatri-of the SmRb mble-.Cli\sa of Roialle Park. 20 atroiig, will «aelst. Cara will leave tho. Presbyterian Church at 7 P- M. Everyone-1» we!-come to attend. •

Th® rcflulttr Sunday Clash ineotiiig , . w lllopen as usual at b-lfi A. M The

«ublect, for dlacussluu Is "W orld ­Wide Prohibition" or "RlghteouBncaa

■ Kxalteth a Nation, but S in .la a Ro-proach to Any Poonle." Undoubt­edly every than, yodni; or. old. haa b p ln lon i' on th is »subject, find the

-------cl„ i would WCfeoiriB i t opportunlU-0f hearing them «unday morning. - 7

V i ' . irhore \rU5 bo an In fonn al barn ■ f - i . donee fit I h o „Casino on ¿ ¿ llo w e cn ' ■ night which w ill bo next Thestlav.

T O U V tn *e tho flret Caalno ftmo- ¿lon o l tho «¡won- ...., • -

Phocw Criuloifl 3%

Charles E. Dooley Est.

Um oi Modatn Funata! Cha pH U Dealt«*, roUUnc Chair* and C aïd Tabla* ‘to H ite

218 North Ave. W e s t , Cranford, N. .1.- Lady Atiendan! . '

b Kt 27


tiU U • 4


•:si • v.i:u■*i

- -1T U

tr.4:*.. iv;Uh'U

I Ko

Mr.tílda2'» .loikphliio .D. Dickens.«.....».:i A. G. Wopdwatd.........—-

ir*-40 Wtltlara \ t . Frost..... ....... *4.iWUtUim IL Frost.™...........

4-5 William H. Froit...............U William H. Chapin,..........

« .'IC Timothy Mc<jukW.......- i -1 ,1- t l Tltnoihy McQuald.....*......... .23-21 Patrick McQuald..............

••ss , James. Underirood........... *Ufi II. II. Goucher-..-...........m . Josephine RartU‘tt...v.......

’ :k> Josrphlno Dartlttt........a­to. r.st-.r Kells...........................41 Uml4 Cote.™..........vn 2 i lioso Hfady...........................17 Uose firstly............ ;........

. 1 A<tl flobcrtsiin..................i l Atei Uobertatm...........

----- 4W7 .vy:;lt.j)jjL- RTnutAublirghr:..’.’■ Í0 Charles • M. Buck..........

. . Cranford. -i«© Tsi I T H R E E or four room^-wlth g&rase.




.69 I

.69 1.38

.86 IMS

.86n .n

1.73 I • 40.46

.86 1JT 2.59

. 881.731.73

.862.07 3.44 ! LOS

■:-M {L7s;|


licated apartm ent. Phone Cranford 499.


At 1*0 *>* **' .UI thut $­a . ailtuii-v

of -LlilOH,

l*iiit>mo Conte..................•.lUwhhle Products Corpora-

timi—...-............................. 1H0.dCCUutoil Dixon-............F. A. Herrick.................. L73William Short*................ ;..... ... • -86

. C. A. PETERSON, - . Collector.

l»At»*d OvUiKT 21. 1922.Adr. F tts— I

uf S l-b i< r-. jIi.Hîtimh»« •*-’ •».

lúe,- ftftM ■ ' -t ;' - Of.•vue*', tu*« * u" Norlhvit.» ii*-L’»f the. C-nlury Urti»aia-bcsir-utni: riHl iml iwvfiD ^fi.. 6h\.i...or ,t WustcUv line »'* Maple (H*vui"

eleven nttui aN'UIJ. P-* -•* : frvl-sud rl-inj , from, th'- W «tir ' ■ <

+ Ì pAHtllvl .<»'"fP..Vi

io th« Su-itti.iVIy Un.- ot Ifjnvhi SpnivflKhl u* ’ Simili j

. , , -1 « Y *!’.v* StTivt. *1 4h?rvoirtly cv-m-Mo} to

•,si ».huTi-ii. (v'«î.»r<il). «hhh | ù tl4o J5*uri» t*0 àrtica*

V ^WlcUltK from thlUni i- AVI’?’«'•.--** of«»i,! ..-i, and » u'-ap

' " WHLamv al MVuulhu. Aloru. ' ’ ' 1;'Vrp dl'croi

Schouler Cement Construct ion Ço. |154-156 F K lin g h u y ig n A w inue, N E W A R K , N . '

General céntraetbrs“ - EalablUhed 18 8 7

j J d RIO H , President f -R O G S R 0 .

Telephon» 8M'


i-auUvÈafil oiu-.iùïitd: fWÓ huflifpevltl;*» *•nf rift'.i ADSL" i v'ivliK-on»- ■»m thcreat’oun h* i Whl lint! ■ O'M’- Ctrtirvh tvr h? m l?tmi.*H<Tih h « s. î ruorcgtr.wi Ti'-"*-*whl «’hv.'.'h orlhlr.lJi ‘i ,w> ^ ' •

a'lxt the ’ HeW* Aril. i-\

iKo jMholc SH’l <• i-vvil'P'' rrt t>’ C-. .*•' hereto h ' \tv’atlnß th’lv s D vU* L- 1 / -susJii A ..„«». m «»•-! jr ■Till'» Cíf>rTírHi»'c. • ihi> 11-1701;*^ t í ’ - • ■ rv>nr*vr*i • .HoAdhy tS' *-r.’ '*-r IV-cri"? ftwcL-'.v, • ■- ,’litOF*'*:M ILL r iUiADLVocM-lt .

•urûîr a-i'tíArt.v.-Onc !;V s.f A fkW'1 ' 'Mark A'»'«:

Uf . n’'rttv vr. mlriuti'S, ikWp\Ttf'.U

• • ' . Ns. 12263. -TREASURY DEPARTMENT


WaMiloKton. D, C.. OctotwrlO. 1922. AVhcrva.«,. > y hatlsfactory «Yltlcnce presented

^t'thv aiti.lot nl»cirr*i.-It haa Wen maVlc to appear

“U-‘Tl«e First Natiunal Bank J f Cranford”‘ i:i the Vlllase of Cranford,;

H E L P W ANTEDSTEA D Y work, married m en pre-

forred. K enilw orth Mtg. . Oo^- Kenilworth, N. J . '

R E L IA B L E g irl us general house- workor, In fam ily of three, w ith or w ithout laundry, pleasant home. Mrs. M clntlré, 1 Willow street.

• Cranford. P hon e 32J . . •

"w o r k W ANTED "CO LO RED g irl wishes housework

In ailult fainlly, Cranford o r W e s t - . Hold; 96 H igh street, Cranford. Phono 558-W. or write. -

W ASHING to tak e home. B e s t ref-/ > orences. Also Ironing done. Ju lia

Markussa, *0 Fourth avenue, Qar- wood. - /

“ “ ■ LOST - / . -HANK Book No. 7653 of th e Cran­

ford T m st Company, Cranford, N. .1. The finder Is requested to té- turn It to th e hank. I f n o t re-, stored héforo the 27th day o t No­vember, 1922, application w ill be made to th e bank for a new book.

% ' L ‘

t -

• .'-S , u i

v j«i f ’v'v, 8 L

- t i r

- I SS t


LY CUAN C ER Y O P/N IW J K A Ï T . To AnlhOOF- Irti— ------- —

.............. ............ - . . V1 Wi/X ew ______ — .i*i ihcTouim of Vnh'n. »ml 8u ic of New Jer- l 0f 'tb « dâU In A cefUln e«iM w b « te-.-.I ... Ì.I. .11 Él.. «»^»1. t.»..» ,»t Iks I :* > w ...____a. _ . . l a , . . » a mb***

pvter«rt: B / YÍrtut of in o rd « of Ih* Coflrt ; o f . Chancery of/Kew Itfieir. mad* on tho dty

Jl.jY-OîlC Aüd V.*vvlltV~ iil't ìaF SC<’ lh«C7tìvrl5 ... ,>{ Miplt* A'vttMe . K,.»t.4rk-othk f«t or

D.rtb» r j 9 i.Y tin«’ of Wii iupii5rJ'%9hl XiTie'-of it» Mill lwv hun-tfed fivf or ?jrhl Kc& pf ValKy

lr-r //f Ur.iH of th «.i i.i aîné North *v

ViDP uf 'all tdii'c oCi>U>CkBnhif.

{ /T S o *• ” í ° trc\:•(Ar^ f ¡»1 of the fK«.t r*rt

• .» u-A wife. ItL dc*sl?)HVa. trJ7P-KA. 4>i» o f

. K -V ? 9 M ÎCv M ' * »ta vv ‘ - i\ i is:i- , Av L \ 1’, '»r.V*

I,»« comirti.-J Will, «II Ihe provUloua of Ihft I rior, nr 0 g. r e m a t a 1» pfttlUonw, and yoa »I» Sifti-.n-. or u,r nm.’il sutca . - required to ta I ^cf«ndan,. - yo u. are roaulred to appou, aad iH\u:}*L'’d with KTore *n «»ocUiUon ahall ] plead apirwer or demur to petitioner'* petition ¿■„•Mi.-ind lu i .iramcncf the hustnei* of Bm X- | oil or t^fore thè; sixth day. of Docenber n«SL s:sk : - ' lt 1 or U» default- thereof, «uch deereo;wUl bo Ukip

Nu'v'ih.nforv l. I», (l. CriAsUigcr, CoaptroUor | ccals^ j^u * 1 (ho ChtACellor fth*U think OQttl- thf CurniM’.v. do h^rrhy certify that • 1 iiM i and lu*t }

THE (HIST NATIONAL BANK* OF . I /Ttae ot, M of Olid tuli U to o^Uln • Ì 9 B f - OR v n e o r iv ; — ___ j of dirorco, dlamUlnf th* m arrtift brtWMR JOB,.

* in I4ii VILL.VGK of CRANFORD. .hi th«* County of I’NlOS* and Stale of NEW »EifCKY is *tiihor'ir**d ui commence 4b*' buul-

of Bnnkitu! »* provliied In Rectlon J lf iF ...n, ini 'IrrtT Atul Rlitv-nlne <yf the ReTUyd 8to- T:-t^ of the VnUM StAtvA . / - i -

p, X'-H^onv Wheristf. witness my /hind and U of oitlce this Mneteenlh dyyO f October.

Kt2“ 4 . IV H caiSSIN'CKR.Camptroll« of the Currency.

026 • y.w ■ / ‘

' YilX

c \

) . A

r i .■|¿>r m i ■

Citizen aiit\h Bfin^RÄ

i\ nU N C K r*Y .l>r NK'V JKHSEY— Tp John fi —rv firvuri Hv virtue of an order of the

t*....... of c'hsnc-rv oi New Jirocr. made on thei’” I'-t? date hereof, hi a certmln cause

hi»- ri u L-o-t lXtMst>ad Nm*rs li petUioaer.. y aro ♦V'-fmdiint. \on are required to

a,.L..,%r riMi jj'.rad. Answer or demur to poll*.y on or'Vercire'the Fifti*enth day

.a m u .. i<f m default thereof, suchMn.„v.. >.v- (Akt-it ncitiiiM vott as the Chan*...»i*.,»,» ^Va'l thii’k oiruhAlU' and just- - ' -»{.„- ..’.iv-rf nf raUI sulk t* -to obtain a decree ,.f y . t tv..rf|,ir!r’.s the hiAtrisse between you

•y/S tb>*■**:* B'titloner. .... - - ......... . -i-.u-d o v / ’y U lhL ^ - n * uLBU icn. "

• . Solkltora ot pnltlouft.1150 L f a r m 8uMt.

- - -EUsatath. S. J.Did—« -

. , J « i a « t » - . i u v l I f t ( M 1 I ( l i ,

.... 1 - _ ' BoUctton a t petuioaw. .11M 1 . I ira a r f tr a d ,

- Kltxstwlh. N. J . -Dat'd. Oi-L 5Ul. 19l i (- '

ADMINISTRATOR’S 8CTTLCMCNT. NoUeo I*h.rpty given, that Uw *ecount of th . But)-.

acrlber. »dmlnlstratrlx o t tbs b k k a l ANNA FOOTE, dpetaaed. win ta sadltad and atsbd hv the 8urroi:>tr. and nparted (or sM U »a«t to the Orshan’» Court of th . County of Union, on Friday, the tenth fay ot November next.

. ELLEN RYAN, Admin U tritrtx.

CODLNGTON A T1LATX. Proctor», . •Plainfield. N. J.

Dated (k-toher 4th. H it. .nave 11-! - Foes—|S-id.


ENFCVTOirs SETTLEMENT. Nolle« U h « e * by then that the account of the aubaerthcr.t

Executor of the last will and te a u a e o t o( JENNIE HAMILTON, deceased, wUl be audited ind stated by the Surrorate. and reported for* settlement to the Orphan’* Coart o t .th* Coanty^ of Colon, on Friday, the aeTcnteenth day of Norember next _ _ _


Dated Octobw l t t X U tK ^a n t t - U 4 - »»■ H A

\ OX.x-M

■ r n m s .A.

Page 7: 0 I L D AG - DigiFind-It"Ffrul prUo (or pr. A-cryf '4".-' , ;'“i' St:c«».1 pr. Floyd intitoli. Fir.si pris*1 for to Kdtth Hmtth. Second prise foi.ji . l.onnii Urokaw. First pris«

T H E C R A N F O R D C IT IZ E N AND C H R O N IC L E , T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 2 6 , 1 9 2 2

W O *** !,* »... r-„-M TO W M O B S A B O U T C R O P S -, k -A 'o - W

L m c b « P m i d a a t U i g * * B o u i * -- v i v a s t o S t u d y R i m i t S o u o m

s a d P l i C M P a i d th o F a r t a e r

I iy a s t u d y o f <t o i > c o n d i t i o n s w i o r p r ic e s pa ll i t h e f a n n e r t,»r t a . 'firuducts, Iioiim rie* cari ,...tv>uy I n t e l l i g e n t l y (or t h e .¡i t

ta td c , Lut tilt-y s u i t aid in .. I,s o n ic o t t h e d iP lcutt ■ ' i ' k . - i .....proMi'tns th a t i i - i a i rtu:!n.*>i ■ producer . .the i t c a l e r • y r .d t* . s in n e r , declare - , Mr* s n - a s i ‘-,.s><d N m le y . i m - i d i - m .d t h e v . «**} vt»i i- 1 rot’ . : \\ ,( lull - l i ; ; * U riront l a - S ’ " 1 1 - II.. . - ,- ,t Krem i* h i t . t . ra n d i . - . i i . - i .. - ■ ..... -t h e S t a t e . Im¿ tak .-n a;i .......................i-.ït. Iti *e i-k ii ;g i¡:< .n :¡* h , ; p . * ,. Retine. ' arid S-- rn n jieest eel--u e ‘ o .:S t a t e l i e , . a r t i e , „(• \ r . i---lllt!.l;i|- t ,ia«t \. ur ha* • u !e !■■ ta i l l a n t t e a d v . i i i r ttlltie*.. . Iiii- 1 i ‘i • ai*n : : .-s * ' : i ! a-leading part itt procurm '/ I c ' - i i ' .i a g a u i - t n o i t . r a . 'u l l ' ! " *.„«! » - .„ h . 1 *

'I nil 11 LE.! I , \- i .Hie". -'ll 1 . ' , L ' • I' 1 , .Mr*. l ‘rnnl. vernon, m !e ¡ : i e a - i - . s* a -n ; i * at u l t i , Ì; \ ;i: ■ *> ■ * . *e. .t i in r i ate i i - a: i he ji i ih i ia * . - , ! ! .. in.iiest HiU a i i l a c e I lii.-nx !• i■ i' i’ . • I '.llHV I . .It i I i ' t - - itagt* id l i m i n e afid n - ¡n i ; t - !* ■' m a tn m . l * „ ** e s ' ! t .B I n . * f i a-l ion , olle [II.In t* .. lit til . fiel,-.k n o w * win tit* r ' In- !* ( lav n .c o : ,l. -o r an • ■ \ . 1 1 ,j t . r i , r .,■ .........v e g e tr tl i le * ¡ini! t i u . u r ¡ .i m inim ; imv ¡in*i *

t o «irseli le { i c h :- t • - iiiaiKi • I• ! t . * i eit tcn«»*.*

r i R S T .-: S C H U R C H R » t . R t . i.as.ri:îL.»‘P a i t o i

« . * a s


FIMUmEilT CASEG o •'Lurt.n CuuMate

* t ' 'n, Sc.Mtcal ‘ t P 'c tîe An i

Cs j O A H O S T A S E t f T E K T i l X S

iTTiTt ?E PN• S.I I IV t ' A I I I•....<■* -M jn < •Ar'V.****-1' »10J*

V (1 »ad IU*»*. Rltsabtth



O C T O B E R 3 0 - 3 1 and N O V E M B E R h i

■■ win B E E B E D A N IE L S in “ Pink Gods”irJ WiUfs - — *

¡r ' "W'l- llUYr H» It !m e r Id •oui U m* 1«

% LHTM rri'PIvml HiV in the e t tv \i e t*f In tin- t e l l l l l I't . 1

LV> ' eroji.s. * 1 1 1 * Mr*.

. tu.c. /

- n v a a t a au . . '"en» iatlautir i-fcaotn tt* t»*« a n taalatatu:

' m th» «araaf ”• a. ta « baat.t.a (Ijittv Jui'ite diacwa In

■ cr. _ nr rrmtartal mon

ni at Bille ntabarbart.t i p a U l a a fi

m trtg t» C m i*e 'ir.ta tîiat voi

" t t a « « oard lb» t ' ssli-nî M» "

- ' ‘ , ' -'n I l e -

l i l i s i 11>Mi > t 11 ( t;t.

DOROTHY DALTON in “The Siren s Call”ss->sX-\'*s'sXV VV KX^H Ss-% v>%'-S -


NOVEM BER 2ml. 3rd «ml 4 ib.

“BURNING SANDS”. \ l':\ il' ..iii { Si-jw t > -'ll

d n. H i > \ ? 11> I i »• :»l * >! */{ v- ;h ik . s .

. W * lirv<>l U i t o . o - t ( ( 'i l i i * t tIira

j O O S l i A T s S K V K N I N f r S J ( K

m a t t i r t h a t ^hollltl l n ' » - ! i r l : i r •'•T Jous IMtlisiiliTHt inti ul t \ t i \ li.i.l'ki wlft* In N' u .)*TSi V

It umit'rD ui«’ lu liaw a ï • .vi i-. i . tin lj<‘ttunnt! “U.r nimumiütv ;r lJ ío v cm n iu n i it F- I.Jh‘L'Ì:i Mitli h<iin*- niTair> Y!ul.iiuufiT^ Ihnt vltuilx ti l* i t lu*- luu>| -n , -plv oí t li«' .hDll lf tu r Ao;-t,»\ t1 i Vt ,. .

-ttiipM'hm---- -----1---- —----- -----------"Í ani toh! that a mi. in »-do-U

lari;«' pi rvt-nUiL'* *>; ut.i.m n ni tlu» lui\ *• u*» nh ii o t t h*- Unit vk !i* . i .

• YlUldlh i i o p ' an* at Uh- n fp lodui ' t lo t i Un ir «'hh’i ani*

-t iui l . taunt'?* flo u » what, tin.: ii.n* k -1' r ,o r RITHl IMI I o|T» 1 li Dii:, da f M)«l«y. ’I Ih * V ha-.*- Í ! " I l f l i n i ! ' ' i' h'ili;«’ II- to \‘.InTÌn i hi- t><n*- it o fuir ói ■ r\o>l*itant. 01 ah- tiM i tin: p u i t h u l a r n u p i- a l 1 1- t i ♦ — t "■

” kVTT)' b u lin ili " l i o h u s - t"Mi!- ‘O! In'i family Miould makf n h i üiit' to.follow the inmknt pu»««. II tin líilllv market r e p o r t - o f tin Mat» liurran oí .Maikfi«« iim not itsuh nh|n s in ’ run llfnl th* w ln»l*--1 1 1 ;c|Uotntioiis In "1110-1 oí. Un- dull.* . in*">plipr l - 1 Iid-*- lit;»> »I in -t look I nko-^o intu ii i ¡ro*>k to h er , hut * l n - 1 wilhllnd Und d i- *iol tlilh-uU- t*-• likuio.out n»-f- m ii'taíl «¡inmune- Soino m.’W>pup'-i- ut « i* t ) i il U » d . for ; the Information of umion n«i*h.h,! Il rollimi! of whnlovfih: I'lltPs oliifumi piiMlurt ami otioi mat kit. Iri i tormutloii ami puitliiK It nii tlit] NVonmli>- J'««“;/ I hi*4 l»*: UmoU;--atui l UlUtìbh' rrnnOmir infoi mul loll lor till o f Us. , .

“jt'ri'iih vi'Kt'ttthlei* nre. iili olutriy ii(*CpN*<ary to t h o h ost hr-alt li o f th e fam ily in S u in m o r timi- und I . f«nt Ht all -r l l i -un- o f tlo : \dov, UnlO,

d u M l ATT U A C T IO N S


T K 1

I t»> \iu> i i im tunsfor

I lilleit M.dfd S«‘li«ltir

S A & ‘

I . M i l . n i •> s|| / \ K■ f **i ■ ■( t«i * r \ myr

r.üurnf; ;md sc a k ls ! S}.

MENTHOLATUM ^cools the pain anti, h

h e a l s t in : L l i s l c r . V ,/

... '

THE BIG ISSUES1 P u l i l i r I l i l i i«--

• i iti' iH-niur t ui m* I'.« M I I •'« -It.M’l «•■ ‘.'T 1.1 ;!•*' t'li.t*1.m»u.! t i-r r. Mn-*• .*U>f„vs . 'skia.-i. v. j-r.. i .dni..ii m i.iin,

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V o te “Y E S ”O Q t l l C



An act -fur the ounstniction, improvoinuni, t '.icunttraction mid rebuiit'uiK >'f t-u* t-'late Highway S v ii tp n ii^ ^ ’ t f us de

2 — I T ir T a r i l iI In' |l> i M tag r 1 1 it I '.I I I I \\h<4( 1 1 1 * U« |>nl>Ur«it*t - ’ » f .

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GATM* , a l UP

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m n .T i o i T x ^ L at a per.trnTs^


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■ AMD-f, tvfll •-*'■■■ p«ar ! U hr» tiu- hor*.«* Ou*«. • p

r« ‘op|i* who d*(Jon t t j. i .

tw*airo t*n*s*' fl i

I JiMfH on* pi » n npi^H nil*oiinj In * »••! / lh*r* h ui.* «t-iny. .

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/ prt'urfi rmriml l : i w ,rH _.*u^ht t. . tr Mila • v \

ÍT**io¡< « fami“ “ thlfiipi (lint (own -, Hotter «till, L# ii*j*

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a m i L rn U 'i '- ’*• ;

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11 in cans ,i ( i«iu|-!r[i.11 it'll wav ,s \>U‘Ui 'G.i. hiK-st in tin' I ■ ’• — 1 ’>It means cnurm<ui Road Mauiii'ii.mi i .

It- mean-- in tu r .a. i! v

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— l^roliihitionT tie lf* |mhli<-.rh l 'd fly


ffiiiy h* ’/i'. Jap tn -r U nf¥>hrr »;•. **tr:n. .

••**(. 1 litis*

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•Th* lieht ofin«r«h) tn !<■th at o f th« »UH.

T h « ■rr« of

• ,f.l y !*|. ilferytjr f' » a t r*f»i I hy '/ 'i i * M* h'H ¿i» ’I ! 'r iy h t fo th«* U w f-il jn»J il^rar** tt,',* * 1 art*] light wln«^. 1 .

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.„ M ri.» * nf ’ r». ! .¡t -s» S t *• ak; »hr r r ii * U r l i ,,p o rn * .r an»l : r liii',!i<'/i'<*r. yo.i will - I . i f r i f t .r , J-.IrHl'di l»ay iN’o-*• .»,* ( 7»hi hv -.'/‘.i m r t ‘ T h 'l '

/ :,r.l j L ' . ;»r«lr fo r th e U n ite d -<’1 . » » i* .’I i'iiit’B, iihi Grol’g* S.iiirf for tiovcfoor. • ®

•En.lorse. t aniiLrrp; r-.e. . . b- niv- torein-.i*: (. <i::in.ert¡.¡!. '• ir • .i• tarai atol l a i c Associa.¡or . ni the State.' '

F o r U iu tw J'.-ita le i .-sei,nior — —7 V ote-fo r One

X T l d ) W A H I ) I . l i D W A H D S

For Oovernor. Vote for Ono

Fate “ Y E S ” o)i theh i g h w a y k o n d r i l l

( ; e o iu ; e s. s iiz e h

South Axo^rlca •

rdioD'l UJ ■ft North aii

T r .a «uvcrt'.Krr.cnr j 4 'i U r 1 r * *& ,. }< ..

' /1¿*(V'lkifJc.eiM&S.*. 8.:-'-..:.:..,*.s natLsIacUiry to evnryiMn!}. It-

¿aPaid t o r by N«w l>ern«>cratlc .Stato

----- ------ —-----------------------------------------Tj___—-------------------------------------

Subscribe la. The Citizen and Chronicle

Page 8: 0 I L D AG - DigiFind-It"Ffrul prUo (or pr. A-cryf '4".-' , ;'“i' St:c«».1 pr. Floyd intitoli. Fir.si pris*1 for to Kdtth Hmtth. Second prise foi.ji . l.onnii Urokaw. First pris«





E i g h t Y e a rs ’ E x p e r ­ie n ce as A sse m b ly ­m a n , S e n a to r an d

A c tin g G o v e rn o r ap p eal to y o u ;

H is R eco rd proves that W i l l ia m X . R u n yo n has t onsistent l v ■championed.. honest, progressive and liusinc--.ilIce g overnm ent;

Von want flic Patent'' F’liisi to lose its grip on

n g c o n t r a c t s ; —

'n iiircd -w orkm en' c o n i -

ro u d ) >u 1 1 <

You believea re e n t i t le d to im re a s e i p e n -a i i '> n ;

You u .m i la ir i i t i l i t y r a te s ,

— b a sed -ou b fitu ^ t A alTnrtiriiTs;

^ o n b e 1 ii \ e in hue e n l o r i e i i i e n t ;

A o n i 'lc id .ís i l l I 'l id d r e n a r e e n ­, t n b i l -a ■ e 11 u à 1 e d ii c a t i o n a 1

o p p o r t i i : n e , ■ ■ . ■

, o u i lo 'jo t l>rbe\ e in w o m en a t m id i! in la u n d r ie s , a n d la i tiirie .s x

w o rk i-nc b a k e r ic .


Abandonment Commission Wants to Know How Figures of Trans­

. ter Offer Were Reached.

!• In fi»*» tfty fr«»nn t* : roi-*rV **■ jt t«r r U»' •nip-JáL** <*i—u—a-mwT of in>>H»r



Highway Bond latud indorsod by ¡ F tn /n tiB -y Stufo' aringo ind ¡

inty^Soirdi of Agnculturo j Support for Bill,

i.,1 ,.,l ie af farro pr-.-v «¡Hi il i nis, a ta li- j ir a .¡nppiii-- P'-ìot bv j al reali T.’ie i,irii t.v Ihe grcat .ma- J

Jr.rlty . <>f faiiiii'rs eS'fJar^Saa etxipiia-t »ii*«iYÌm7/"s3r,-l V-ir g*>"d ru.nU frnin j ttllH qimrrer. ' I

“lìut rie fanucr'* interest is ui»*re 1 Gian Ih!». Ile pu.'S a Urge s'.ieé u fi thè liitl.'. A lin i-f uM-rv Ic imed svilii ! ili. iro-iit bnf.lcn <if usatimi. p artii-! uliirly Ibis icur nf luw- prive«, In* • rlglilfiilly i»" |.r..'lr»tilig’. asaltut t i r vitsit-fiil i-xpi-iiilinirrs nf pubii<- fumi» J and -demandi..¡c,i4l,.JwWar;a.3er>Ji:e,lp [r^t-srn f--r every ilnllar af use« palli. - — e- co^-bicht

•‘il Js f--r tiirsir twn reas a liS — t*fw • STEAM' O R HOT W A T ER H EA Ti- uIm- (tu* farmi-r vanta gnmt read» ,J.«. bniniiii ilolibt th e-in o st efflclpflt. mi,l--l„-,-an->> '11e- -ivant* -1lit* .-mi-li-nl lw Im itim i building* ot all kinds. Olili i-i'.iriKrici'ai i-vpi-iMlìruri- ì./ pul,ile I '" i r inc ili!im forM lt'Ing up resldeti-

I irmne.is /..r ri.a.l *•<,nstmeti.m— that , -l ' -n -. onice or lai-Utfy j the nrii:iiil/.*'l furnier» nf the. elate I me-, ' l i . , an. u n j i '» 1 ..A

uliit-i- ur factory build­* good.

--------- | - T , re a l-e s ta te will find i tIl*Bt«ibm.!J'lie_ilurtlS—CaUal-Ctilu.- J "'.aile a otiMy. a t l!ie rn---J r pi-rm Iv Tir tlir-ii- In tprestif tO' 'get" OUr

mioelyu I,a* requested t)ie . Lehigh Al" 1 b.r »hese n-as'-as al«» they | prii-es will be th«{Vail«/' Railroad to lurnlah detail» ->f j ,,aw‘ ••■"* f,,f tl"*- read.bowl is*”1* i „ „ „ j . ,r*-a',„traldi.' and our work ox-tbe method 1 ,y which th^-road read ,-j ->f H'MsKMKS) to he mihmltt.-il lo the ;. , |,y nolo-. . .«1 a valuation of <12,.’KW,«W It placetl ! vo,' r" " r « “ '* Bt ,,le No'H'uf on It* water right a 1« the Morris election.'

I /> » 1., \nbpt I. Verwjffbill,1 \\ uJiái’i N Kui'


J O f ! XT7 U N IO N A V Is N< ir 111.

H E A T I N G & P L U M B I N G• 1 ’ d'iiu' ut .( 'unti .n’f Wurk Tim lm»e xs • t Ly »'\¡»*'i jtiiri'il m*>ti O urr*,fi*r'in < - if.* |>Iimwi«i| r ii iH ttn ttf i .. IvHf tiiLilfUi 1 Ii Ill'll! ij. . I -• — -

I M ) Y M 0C R A N F O R D , N . t .

-r '

GLEiiM F.....S T E E L E ..C a r p e n t e r a n d B u i l d e r

_ ' i;.SHA\Al lSS r i ik N IS h lH )

j o b t > ! » i r O f A l l K i n d s »• Phono

• ■ - - IThe Nfnr Jorspy fVf1<*rnr!on of j TTiiniTv“lTri;iTila“ o r A^rlcuítur** nnd the* S tn fe íinifjL'f* have roitn ’s^firtMj thefarmers Tn, ihlM ronnectlDn nmi TihVo ro-opoi’afiMl with other fnrinors* ■ of xanl7,otions in nn' effort to asierlHin. the attitude of the farming rías» t<>* ward the road situation. A Joint com­mittee on roads of the grange mid the federation was formed n year or m/re «go umj has had severitl <’onfer/nees with mernlxTH-of ihe/Htnte lUghway Conmilsslon. »Senator I^uvid Hr^Kans, master of the: State Grange/Is chair­man of the eornnilttee. /'The. other members /»ire How ard /Hancock, of Rrlclp-ton II. K, Tuyhi/of l-’reehotd; VVilllain II. Held, of Tennent,*imd Di . Frank App, ^eereiary of T lje Slate Federation of CV*i0ty Itoanln of Agrl-


HESS BROSPlum bing,. H eatin g , T in n in g

Telephone 314J .7 S. Union Aveno* ORAN F O R D

FRED KANTNER. " U p h o ls t e r e r a n d D e c o r a t o r

fniiiicil.v with \V. ll•Ulnpnrtlm A Co.. N. Y.

S p e r r y B u i l d i n g , \ \ N o r t h A v e n u e / E a s t' Toli-plumr .+38-W - /

ClliiolMtorlnir Ciihlnot Work / •Oirlnlnx unit Driiporlox 1'oIImIiIiik nnd IfOlliilsIiliiB

‘ “ lillillng ■ /l'alntiiiK /

- 1.onerai ttepalrn (Work of Arti

Slip CoVor.» Slmile».Mauros«'« Uommlo ' Hepniduet Ions


CAUPEN I ER .md/iUlLDERE ftlffih to i Furnished . / o b b in g Prom ptly A ttended To

SSfl R E T F O R D A V E H U E, Tol. C rii/ on l -MU It CRAN FORD , N. J .

■ ' ■

P L A N T P R I V E T S N O W / S P E C I A L. O alllornla PrivetB 1H U. S H W ra / ftr ie o O rJT tt7T7.00; 4 41* itYW M per 100

- P rice gochl onlv until Dec. 1st ’E T E R O R E E N S . RHODOD EN DRON S. ' AZALEAS. SH R U B S, T R E E S

, P la n t Your Pooniaa- Now! - .


_ . P hono 1439 Famvood

B a tliro o m a n d K itch e n

-------- T I L I N G --------- .

Fireplace«, 1'oiohea mul Ve«l ilmIt

THOM AS. H. R O SS «iti Jm-ksón Avellilo

" el. 3367 iT -A T N t'IK U l. N. J

M UM. G. WheelerI C K

Telepln.no J8 0 J W hole! el« . R e ta il

VERYTHINCi IN «MUSEMENTÜRN T E R T A I N M E N T \vnrwHm-roimtrtoiirAUKiNok#

I WRiammtimES scemky r natRutsiks I rMnuTOwm schools caches lecions lamsHONBrAnsTtiuiEKsautocuErtiEEW. S.CLEVELAN

------------ , mwAIOC. * l’«i)lOMA»«rT»»

Wm. C. Golding, Inc.. OPTICIANS

2 1 tf U t o a d - S t f e e t -

Elizabeth, N. J

of the bond iRxae have been thorough­ly Investlgnl/by the eoimnlttee.

“The mijtor vehicle _ aeuu-j« urn dedicated/ first to «tale «Id to the countie«/ whli-h till» yenr ainoanted to tSjOWfiOOi ■ Hecoriil, • to the malnte- Bnn<y ot shite hlahways, which look another one and tlireiMpiatrer mil- Ihms, anil third, half a taUllon went n towniiMp aid,“ sold Claude l-'.. H-d-'

gale. “If Hie.v pill lids money lilln • tale highway ennsinii-lliai l!m lav- p u jfr would only 1/aie to main- llo-.ve «inns good lliroiigh o!lo-r and IdL-m-r lave«, no H Is a« broad as It 1« baig.

“Hat »here 1« sitme'lldog \oii-i« jlyollld Uo| merlnoli. When the sys- (eta Is i-oinpli-led rhi*jn' wJI! la- a stiv- Ing of one -and a iialf mHlions In aialmenance aceioiot alone, releasing JiihI (lull uiarli money for extra aid to i-oomli-H. At a ntdi-lhig of the oill- clals and ri'i>ri.'«enlallves of all" the farm organizations of the stale cull­ed last Ijnentli- by the N'uw Jersey l-'edenifliin- of I'limny Hoard« nf Agri­culture and Slate. Grange, the bond Issue was heartily endorsed.- l!n con­ference with Slate Highway Coinuils- sloncr I’addock other possible meth­ods were carefully considered nnd thoroughly illscttsed. A. It. (Colder,' freeholder and representative of the Board of Agriculture of Gloucester County, presented.a different bonding plan for shorter-term serlnl bonds nnd sn additional one-mil! tax rule. The conference, by an overwhelming ma­jority, decided the present bonding plan most satisfactory to meet the present conditions, becnase added taxes or n delay In road building are undesirable.

"In addition to the bond Issue, other matters were considered |>ortnln!ng to a good roads program for the stnte. The feeling prevailed, however, that the chief Issue to lie decided at tips time Is the adoption of the bend is­sue, which would finance the remain­ing roads of the Slate Highway. With the bond Issue- disposed of, ether neo essary parts of the- good reads prm gram could 'follow.*'

Building In New JerseyNewark's building vnluntlon for

-September was more"’than $1,19)0,000 above the construction In any other city of the state, according to the nlll- ctnl monthly report of the American

Announcement.|ic“ iMfi7iio May ist,' we w ill - ..deliver bur liig li-jjra ilc

Ice Cream“ .....“ IN C bf.A N IO kl)

< irilers for Sunday should be in llic stoic hv Satur-

. ; day niglil. . , ’ „

New York Candy Kitchen

I T-'Í.Mio.hí Street, WesjlieM. N. .1.Telephom.* T.'jÍ ’

15 U n io n A ver. -

; T .

“ The Drug Store........ M I T U .i



F U L T O - M A I N T A i X + i -

> S u n d a y H o u r» :

9 A . M . to I P M

3 P . M . to 7 P M

P h o n e 1 3 7

N ig h t P h o n e 3 8 7

J, R. REAY, Prop



Fly and MosquitiL Exterminator

Zingtles* D rag Store . rmcriptloa rtvtraAry

Walsut 8«uth At««.. CRANFORD. H I

M R .H Ä P P V P A R T Y

V oev-


I'onti‘ai‘lor. Handing In N'oivark vyas placed at $2,(H0,IWI for September, is compared foi- the cor­responding month last year. - It Is olid to note that 400 permits were Issued this September, while only 1100 were Issued for the much larger total valuation of September . a year ago. Hnlbling In cities other than Newjirk for the past mouth Is shown In the following table; . -


T H t l R M E A T S A R B ^ 5 U R E T O K E E P > b U V * U . D U R IN G W IN T E R ’ S C Q L D e S T C P B L L . !

iU'lil,!s'(i- tlvo cold w in ter-' iinmllis your ambition should go up ns tbo mercury goos down." It will too It you etv jby your meals anil you wlU i-njoy your meals lt you buy your moats of us. It's worth trying. Isn't It?Watch lor Mr. Happy Party

K L E I N ' S M A R K E T

Raritan Valley FarmsP rod u ct C a itlA sJ Milk Oult

2 7 c . Q t ... CRAN FO RD D A IRY

'•br-li» t t l 10 »»alb

G . J . JA N S E N

C a rp e n te r an d Builder

P arqu ât Floora. Jobbing a Specially

Tel. 495 It

22 O rava S traa tt



AND B U IL D E R E stim ate« Furnished

Jobb ing and R epair WorkF e lice E . D i F ab io

ISS B tum ide A v a , CRANFORD

______ B u iUmori i

T e l . 9 3 ^


C a rp e n te r a n d B u ild er R epairing Prom ptly. Done in a

- %

S îlîs la c to ry hlinnor -E s t im a te s ClH-t-Tfmiv" li l\ cn -

O. B ox 291 GA RW O O D , r-\ J .

FLOWERSfor all oecajlcav -

A rtistic' and L a te s t D-ylgna lo

Funeral W ork a Speci \ty

- 'a t the«— —

Riverside Flower Shop- 62 North Ava E. > -

Canal. Before'-.th« .maunhuton gets-down tireonfcn-nics-wltb-üie raîlrinnl to arraogc. If possible, traoifor -d title to theNiunnl In die state no Ibid tbe -waterway may h e ,,abandoned. It wants more Infnnnullon about the water rights In general. '

At lire «aine time the commission h i« requested Hie lia»! Jer«ey Wuter Company and Us allied Interests lo submit proof of its i-lulia tiiut It owns the water rights In. the Passaic Hiver watershed. * Wlien die commission started Its hearings two months ago the wuter company, through II» ilee president, John 11. Cook, served no­tice'that It disputed Hie l-ehigh's claim to ownership of water rights In the watershed where the I-iast Jersey oper-

•ntes. )■ -, , .Under the net which empowered the

comtidsslon In iii'giit?,,n- foe till' state,.It« members, Frank Hi Sommer, pres­ident; Edward I,. Young, of Jersey City, and loads A Fuciit, of Tren­ton, were directed to report to the Legislature December 1 whether it made a- .bargain with the Lehigh T nut. As there Is considerable 'work, to be done slid In die negotiations Mr. Ffommer lias reipiesled the l.c- hlgli and the East Jersey to submit their proofs as soon as possible ho expects them |o l,|. la the hau of the coaindsslon next week.

Lehigh Terms Stated.The I«.‘Idgli .Volley,, as Icsseiybf ih

canal, has staled freipaailly/that t 'vunts die wnlenyuy abaadoned >mj Is willing |o transfer It / t h e slrOe, provided tin', road“ Is pc/ilited lo-!-. tain the dig llusln aad / lltle llasln ..f the Canal In Jersey / 'Ity , the sh y emmertlng the Im sl/ with the lia I ensnek Hiver and/tlie eiinal ti'iinln ,1 at l ’hllUpsbttrg.- In exchange/fur lliese propeni Wldi li |rvuIT/s lif In.ufid.'.’riO. Ha- in road offers rue n'si of die nitml prop erty w ldc/lt values at SI7,«7gJISli In .eluded / t h e lalicr llgme Is the ¡nmi Of ,wa|/r rights played b_v the Lehigh.•t $ 12,500.000, which Its ottlcers say. la t/minimum llgare for the light to ■Çlf H* surplus of -drinking .'.water

/ m il the watersheds to ivldch the Canal has accès».

The railroad I'onipaniy'la )t« ,,it,■ r to dispose of die canal t>> 11,;* stop*, admitted that the suite Ini's aw eiptlty In the four terminal propert ¡. « - « hlclt the railroad ' w ants - to. retain. Ii i.«t|. milled the cipiliy to, he Sfiis.Mg. ]| wus argued for the. ralliita.j|;.dj it In eurremlerlag the; renialtolerXif the KHI-inlle canal strip, as wi ll a« the Water rights, die railroad ti,n going the state the.best, of it. • ;

At an early stage In its. wort; the Canal t'omtnlssieii_ini||1.,ii,.,i ■ i,.,,. p.did.'not accept IIS tliml froin'.the'ratl-- rond comptuiy the HgiuVs nm-teii m Its offer. I’reef Itiat the sty .ootl'itt Item of water .rights wlfl I». gUett considerable serai Im Is sliow n l.i tie' cnll for a Ic r ,i f partlntlars as-th h.ne that vullmllon was tea,bed. X.

Mr. Sommer said'that no d ite bail been fixed us yet for the begdiw'uXef' the cenferenee lad'w-een tlie r..iien|««loti and ratlr.iad ollleluly.Ilmln'nry work, of iis.eerlalnioa rhar tu'ter.ef. 11 tli-C-w bli’ti tin- M . > r- - « i ;i u .r I A Hanking r..tnpiTfiy, te««ur ,,r the canal, held to t It*- \7trluns trails along tbc .'wiitei nay lias lie..a ,,,»i Pleteil. he said When ..(he . iiif .rtu c lion sought as io water rights. h,,s’ been 'furnished, he added, the mission will Is* retoly fer 'tie* ila.il negotiation«, which ■ wilt ju k e ' pb’o-e'within ti few weeks . .

_ Highway Bond I HueThe farmers of New Jersey are

»landing shoulder lo-’ .shoulder uiili the nyotnrlst« of die Stale, In their tie- ! niand for the passage ef |l"'-lilghivav bond bill at the Neiemher etivtb.n, accortllng. to elthers of th.Roads Association.' _ .

Ttie New Jersey Slate Fed-.ration »if County Hoards ef ,\grl( tiliure, the American Farm llnreau Keilcrail-m and tile New Jersey Slate 'Grange have Just sent out lbe following hull,, tin to every funner In the sttile :

"Good remis and tladr Immediate ■ — .......... ..and xiNinoiidi.ab..eonstniettea ■.^y.i^'pTŸltfcs leading In cotistnictlen. Us tute a problem of first' Importance to I building valuation -for the Jlrst nine the farmers of New- Jersey today. ' months of the yenr It placed at $10,- The city dweller amt persons tu' other I OStl.iOO. •Industries also art vitally concerned I Cbyota'a Costly Trialwith tills question, but to Mo. ime Is j t'uriner» bf Rlvénon and Chester i ,......... -the road problem of greater import- ! township are" prepared to die bills“ p r | n r \ " a j « *unoe titan to. the farmer, j against, their respective rauntdfMiJI-1 r T - K t U I I . J A H N

"In the Itrst ' / ice . the farmer, he- | ties to recover damages for thé flocks ! ,.. ’ .............. ”tog,situated at a distance fnyia the | of chickens, ducks nnd turkeys a l-1 - 'Y ^'écssor to Philip Jaltn) town or city, must use tin* publie’ , leged to have been killed by a gen- 1 ! ,- , , -e Çtrm - J — -highway ^constantly for transporta- ruine eoyiite -which f r three months * ’ “ “ “ ARtl•tloh Hnd eimmitmli'iidon. whether for ■ -raided poultry yaril* in tills règiory business purposes or otherwise.. Goed i until It was kllhsl thlsw eek by bunt* roadg mean not only a saving In time ! ere. Falling in th is,“they will...seek for. travel, but they mean a reduction! redress front a Palmyra man, said to;In the cost of iharketiiig farm broil- - have brought. ,-o.vom.,l i a : ; , . . -----'«CIS nnvugrrTnmh lag: p..ss!Me .larger ■' him from «.W estern’ trip, keeping It ; GLASS tML PAIN T V i d h t » » - ------------ _ ig , • ~thloads with I,«« |*ir and tear on In h it yard until It escaped early ,n ; AND W A L L P A P E R > COOK & BENNERhorses wagon« and m-tor tracks. the itttnmer and, once at liberty, r a t « - i _ -w - _ • ,

“Another big U neiit’ of good ro»d« |4I| roTOrtod to type^ ■ x r ^ Telephone 2 6 - 2 '* Je r is y EGanot»» Gr*t»>



ROBERT TH E IS ZCarpenter and Builder

JOBBING OF ALL UNU<4 Hollywood Ave.* Cranford

Telephone 127-*' ^

GAMILLO MASSAG e n e ra l C o n tra cto r

’ - ’ - -..T - '-Iradlng _ Ooncrate W ork

Cellars Excavated

— -— Sewers,- Sid nw alkir 'E for”

t h e M cC a r t e r s c h o o i .Ill CrufoN A »mm

CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY FAD ltfim beiLi» September S7rt>. l*-t

KbuMniwtBi «ad Primary dim e, *ui> *’ tneluded Tutorial during lb* rub«»!' - . *In tll«h School and Grade School-eut:IL09 per hour. ‘

’“ A LIC E McCA RTLKTalirfiat N«. ai-W

T«L 632


tv O. ‘ Hot 53 UKANFORH

CitJesBayonnV . . . . . Oamdell . . . . . East Orange . Ellxabetb . . . .

,1 i Holmken .......Orange ...........Pulsale i .......Paterson .......Plalntletd . . . .Trenti........... ....West Hoboken

1022. 1P217-5204,(135 $312,150 3,‘l't.315 114,0701S2.31ÏÎ ' 35 l.ti'i.5

C a rl W a rs in sk i & S on


50' lk im sld e -Avenue .

754,052 43.7ÖÖ

101.705 273,450

■ 350.01! 112,025 ,205.722


003.21» 77,(100 30.000

200.050 4H1.347 00,712

305,110 158. Ml)i. ¡ 11CBE-

x p —y e w itrK .mH-H’iir?» f o r ' t h p Aral finia fn ievm il '. uumlhs j»n' five list of -Î0

R A T T I ’ S.h o m e - m a / e


^ U nion Avenue Cranford

Telephone 116-M

Choice Fruits and Vegetable» F R E E D E L IV E R IE S

111 U nion Avenua (near Theatre) CRA N FO RD , N. J . •

T elephont 463-M

M . A a m o d t; F u rn itu re Repairs

A N D R E ra O S H IN G .B t AAMODT . "

20 N ortb Av«.. East(Foot of AlUeii Street!» .

- ' . ' I .— , r*Phone Rahw ay 4S0-W .


„d rtatr Pöotky Feed, Hay and. Grainw I I It a ft A a. a . * ' 1 •

Prom pt Dolivary


Clark Towaahip P .O . Rokwav. N 1


Telephone IS7-J -



VF re s c o P ain tin g 8 South Av,nu» W '

Plain and Decorativa .P a p e r H an gin g

•ntìil-tìciricrinAutomobile Painting

Tel 11« R


fl». ,r><„

t / ' T te -¿¿¿¿Mi


: ■Ttpi l.wjr.

Page 9: 0 I L D AG - DigiFind-It"Ffrul prUo (or pr. A-cryf '4".-' , ;'“i' St:c«».1 pr. Floyd intitoli. Fir.si pris*1 for to Kdtth Hmtth. Second prise foi.ji . l.onnii Urokaw. First pris«

T H E C R A N F O R D C I T I Z E N A N D C H R O N I C L E . T H U R S D A Y . O C T O B E R 2 6 , 1 9 2 2


Judit* Asked ;o F>p W hat

....kVou.U Dà to.itiafhviy..:.;■ B .'.i 'd . ,


ttH ü iM ftt Km m u t o ' CA<«ajr i t f i n na<Npi it

. P * ito u Awmputfc. >

Ad&i p*rlUu*&l U % iumM U# EttfUèti i*rU«a«ftt wtúcA ■

msx&ì*X la Lotìdou «a Ap>rU &, 181*— ■U>7 D « n WfW» tkè uaWa. af U« pèf*

auu w eu « i 'Rè«*»«* :*» * sk-ottèiiìt ■ ~ iti* i'értUüMtu «X K tagJaai*» I **• ■ dtooHnd oü ih* 6 0 a t ih* IWl^wtiig

It « a * ('slitti thè Addi* patii* * Uift i Ns sutè li n*muastrit*d with lb* iiiig wi hl# UijTu* “t>#i>*\iAÌeQ<'è" or ; fv.n'ed evntributU»«» frvcD bla »ub>ot«.

AO/VIT P U «! |p CFRVIPP *kh-b bu* » pa»**d no7t5Uh' * b t n w l t t Thl* du® tÄ Ih# rtrrBa|,-

................ - »lancrè that tt wi» tièt ttrcff UoYi t i ‘: l!, m , . ì- . f tw> Probing **° **** * !:,g dtooliluf It aud *o,, f»Hfrg ri»! of trouMfffeuu* a&d iMoti-

‘ e ' ‘' ,4!rk My lUugeruu® «Tltlcm. Addi® U fnni*'■— . p * SatMö word, "adt,* áíek,

......................T_. •.••• , ,iV Ad«11/ uà «di «ilVvtlr« ir^ n * hating...... ; ________ _,/......s«*.é- * - (L«. jx»* ejr -at- der*ti*vni*or b j

; . Il v : ,'..! t.r il!*«au>l. a* H i t 11 eco® ytv- ' -s . duole* nothing, unfruitful or h«TT*u.

•• ................-% *.f •• uiMI* bralna. Aè • %rtb It uunua.. to maté addi®; to m at* ivrrupt or

faul* UHJxbld. «a to. addi* *gg%. .• { vtllou . ". -’ .... - . . .

. ■ ••anem y * f Traai *'T rr» hat Ih-to oiTrrad a t a f ta*

u t . »luía autitradou ooncnrfti&g Ih* tii i.t of a tre* of (ha trrafuUr ar*

ntht-v^ct of Ita bra'ruii®*. Wàtchlag * ' '<*• piane ir*« 0urina a fa i* aa .

¿> ha» t l,M rxor Ua**d that whlla ou* .frasi ì i dii* ::ik-T >*'»♦> in iHHadlnftlott, anothar in-M <1** ■"i»i*»*alt*- way, and al

iAl hr ! *■ nI1 t*1* iTtuuhea wer® plungingu it . * 1 ! ‘ ' Ur* h*U>r* th* t»Uat. thmy did

' i ¡ i . *,r iu unUon. Vr all at »ini'« Ho '{j\[rp tu>}\ jiut fur (ha *lo ihr i!"Tim «.f tha branrhaa i r r ' .............................- - -

* 'A '^ * •.

• ‘"■-’it.;

«I1 r*>'! Srualor■ ì • •■* r Ihr

r—T ;• P.

fi-h- ’.«lei* ( ¡.ought, U,.* I

i’o.t j]priH*IHn;< uii| not ha*«

ul (hr inrratlga'p. V-t n- ' •’> 1 ■ 1 ' »'.i. d 1 * 1« heefi i “f •.-£«»(* timi \h!« kind of ha la tu L

1 h. . * *’ I -t ,tl *i'l ‘ \ ’ ■ W .^ 1 - 1 *•«•» ' »•» in g» to ;il 1.1 pr..(n.| Urgw fj. , , . ■ : t •• white coki <n-l peethra, whleh ,L

•1 » .i .ÍK.* . ■ : , 0.-1 till .I .llin lul,r »*««« •»>:» .«!»■)tumetrieally! L> e 1 ?)♦»•*■ « : • Highway 1 from-tiihrig "4 "MiirneO by high R

t *• 1.» 1 « .. 0 • • ..i« n ¿ tif.ghúur- 1 w,n‘S Waahlnfcti. - Ntar. ' 'ir.u, ! M !1.. n ..!• .. ’ • » ¿*aru.Iarl| f*. ! ------ . ... ■ _ • .

7 ■ ■ i*»_u !ti lhe grip \ failure «'Li’ ‘ " 'ih (h*a. Ihn!•T n ;••« ■' ••• • u «• (hill Í " ur .l.'t*'rt«iln:iUii' i-- v' 1 •, wita rt.-rI!.,- p , «, . " ' 'i ' : = ’■ ri ’puly 1* j !: *; elU*U || 1 ■’ ve-, ‘

i;!Ji ti fit 01T J . - V. : ' , o' ,1». 1 oMilUji j _di thr Itiagii« ;

a,. /(« 1*. iinvr a j' i’i l.taas j

• ? m >V\* J e r a ry !S "•»i ti. .f r a mila' ' ■•'••*'1“ M.ati d-.fj» ;

t-‘ M.n trro- I -'JiD g io i'OM- i

'• V.* n -uf thoaa I - .u i ,-* rry utjt iiHlfcl.wjt'V f{S}iu < .

• POPULAR SCIENCE!t'-«|ng a li I *. i. < * i'ii.imc »hl« of »

, j i » r l ' I n U i • t f M i v I a«i II . .io " : H.»!l il n II I. , ,• : •iii.k I'l'a Hl‘* 11

t ■> le i h r ».i ?;»»*> i ■*,. i ti|it«ril

Im- j- . jo ,-il ;• ».} (.y *'i mi kin*; ' . i, : - I I ' 11 ■ i r t. > i » '•■** f>‘,5 r i M f li > i o,|, s I. ..[«•.! li, t * I «* I ti

r itA»‘ ••f,_»"tnr .*»»•• i»«n g u llo ii^

Your Telephone Is a Wonder Worker

Y o u r to ¡e p lio n e . .uu: o‘ '^V ' í (i mtu m i i! tu ine.s N i- : tire: n N - e.' 1 r--r ■' *' ’ vu n d tilo ! (*.*'( v>I I ÌU* v 'U\Ä\-\ in ’ ; » Gio*In*.' m i*.' l lh o il lo m i. Vi' Ile i e m ilìi i :v- .*!to h ’p h . 'M f u sem .tre w i th in spi


k im ;i'.;s!.u tee

Y o u : te I- 'j iln n i- ' e u i t ik e \ < u tI >. it i t - n i i - u .h i> : t ¡ ! t J i • s tu iv it

v .m •.•.»y.-.yi’ t i l i tp ; \v I i --m ,U n v t v !>•

i i i t \ ' i n v i u i ' i H In t r .iV i- i !s

V o ll IO VUOI ’. l ì . ‘¡ i j l i l i , ’ . ! il ■ I

v o li ■ to 11 .H I. u”, 1 II .m e • ■ i! : ■p i . . l < ’ s .)•, I ! M I l i ; 1J \ i l t l t V l . ' I C

Tu p c i .v jo , - '

i ; i h i p .

r ; i l r ‘

>'l -( O it

I l t V f f '

O tti

<i t' ' ! t o l

I r-ioi^ti.'tnr I r ;' ooli--.•■ovo I n o . ' ’ . invi ¡ ' I !. • o y -10 1

t o m .. :u u l t im v i ' i i im c i; u| y o t li <.iuy á ' o- t i v i t i M i r 1 ; T- \ ? :

I Itt u n i r e t u ,, i i i f v iiiir t e h ‘ n /u n ie t h a m u t e t u l . h . i i e f i l / m i n - i l * t e n t e e .

N e w Y o r k T e l e p h o n e C o m p a n y

t r a v i mrsumcm ur mmmw

¡ i .


MARTIN SC H A FERM ä k m i fim i (^ o n lr iu lo r

OKA N fO ltU . M Jlinatr» TtirtiUhri! ufi all

<»f aofk, , TVIrMljuuff» ..HSAlf j- ....

• L A W R E N C E I ' P O Y L EA t i lo in i i l i l l r R rp - t ir in ij

n in i ( ) v r r I in n lin KJTrl il '. M IH|f?atilanni^T Ar«*’

Eigiit ronln ilwrlluiy. iiti'-n .iri’pl.iM's, suL itolitl.il < oil - -struction. «•xco’llrnt :i> .ttior. t u n view....$11,000.00

We write ail kni'i- nt inr ii .im c a Nfi ru.wnlam .1 <i|)e cial ^'-partment t"i 11 ■ 1 -. pniposi;. C-Ourtcuu') and efficient s’ rvn r ■.

Realty and Insurance DepartmentC R A N 1 : ( ) k I > T R U S T C O ; « '

• C RAN FO RD . N. J 7 ’ '

• f ’’"*<1 e>n(H go«a>• "i Mah

«•i.*if‘ » i : n 1. • p ’’ 11.1 *1 (i ti f j r i l i n r a , p n rtje . u l ' C r l y - t l i ® •i.iH' '*n «f,n m !(ló a f | f Ih r r t a l^ (d (•> . \ ; r / , i t tuU l'ona o f d u l­le r^ <u f(M ».JfJr». <J n T»* t O p a oft t i í ' ' » » ! i .u u i ’ r . i't iu n , l i fo llo w * (hat . u r '*f flrw ro ad* I* (o

,n ’ iiw ¡«»l > tr\OS*fl*V4l . ’:■ :*Tlh» icrp u h ih -fo i . . m i ; fa t o n add

.lit, jo (h r n i« r« «0 ! fig l a d l l l l r a f)t |h a f n rh ir f * I t i t ra n a p o rta fliint i.i-íh o iN 4H w e ll i>y r h '-u iira y in g

'furro cr« r-^, ((»,• I(ep uhj|««n.p ia tfo r iu sr i . - r ri , jt i ir lo n to (h* n a n i* of thr t> .* J *’u 1 ! * ;v »t i : *• t a. . . •

“T h a t p 5nV?nfni I i« ¿ u r d a « a a a rr rd r o n t ra r t w*?h (ha peojil* . «m uafh lng fo r vvhlrh in 5t* f rm a* a -lo ¡f t « l by ( lie ( .'• n u iiflo n 1 (**1. ( ir ra o h n liy ,!»*■

■ ijeri»v.h lr W in ti ,t¡ ♦* lim a ra m a .to wrUi» tli»* p lu r f iu ip i l i ¡4 y e a r, I fourti] rn).%*>lf In (in - letafi*** p u^lfin n of J»nr. |j¡g my o » r j u II! . -T a h) , »(»rm>(IilD4¿ i r in e r h iu l a H Ih * ,[ lU 'htlog w h lla In Ili«* l> K ¡4ln !t ir r

“ I t« h .'la y h*c*u aa ithu« h«»- i wir K - f (l!;rn> ro ha*'»ma H < «i .)»i ) o* «O •*!*!, i- • ,• p ro p ia In N an J » . ' L; i n o,.' I f t i,a ohi

•M ¡Inai), hy nó• i* L«*a« tha randi”" m Ji a n d dow n (ha r }< « r i and I hav#

-¡i* - thereof aa *tia 'r*~ ff7r~¿TTya’r ñ* .r Ir:r-rffOm--rwT*faWjaöt


s K u w r v o i iO / «.fiU/f.

W N. JIU V I'l


■ ! ' - •• ! ■ (" l. ■ :»'f. •i 0- ' ' of f he— fj.D• ‘ If -N on <mm : v fe-oJal a v » l«-,'1

l !,*•■ • .."••'u'-an' 0« - I I'!»" Nritferi’ (N ' It J f -r .r ., r\It * ';•»:• Uhg r !.- « I .1:

V*. <i , o| p*Tp^* io('0 (he {utlh’I*(Jovcr L »r b^J-v isr'!*. ft#» been *.-*Ti)ion hv M F l i ¡Tirón to w *rr. (he *for»**- -i Id ;v ,'«In** (he ¡r.n -m ni .« },!• h Ihe I **’ •«'e-r-fi- ■' h U-.o J;-!j *» *«

- l i p - . h i** •U’ •.;• **#ln ^ nle f? ot-.h ri - ',t J-7 'lx* * :n iio .i. M.fii » -if r .o .n k if » ./i f : I ' .’ vVn i1-1atte- 1 •*V.> • rjó .i .M im ’ N * ! "J i f H *£ .■e l!* f; »!¡in s ' of;' . »J !_» S-O.-H ' . ■ ■ . t1 ‘ A '■ i u f •

'< -■ hr,« J - ' I n : jij •. 4** jf , ■ r- .* * h I •! r. u ■ . .M * . f / ' - o !« ; 0 0. f :■ of ,

r, •! * - 'I. V T h ; * i ’ fu ha

D i.m rc h o noil J l e t t i v i ?

fwhen used in the _ latest. New Perfect ion

K i k o s j n l is i l i c l im it e in i n e c t ao m I s Ih t I . iuc .m il A l . i t i i l in S r c i r r i i y ( ) i l

- ii 11 i»r l i r . iu d id k ern M iiH ' tu iti in .t iu l . ' \ m i c .u i -n m v i i l i t . in i ,m o i l r . in i je l l i .i l ui|| , n o L t l i n o .m e a ls a d a y d o r I w s i l i a n l l i r « « - 1.1 i i .t s -m im -tl — u iu l a s i|jaii LLyMis \ m i i . in o i i i k l l i t in. o n a p rs M o v e , o r i p p i i r i a ld i . ’ I V r l n l i o n I li ,ii< r 1 li.it

. w ill n il',: 'w .ir iA d T 'a y l i , ; » , i i lu-ri- a n d a s u n d i d . U u t i lo «m l i lv la y p i n i l ia s in ^ il . y o n - m i d .1 » t in e o r h e a l e r . L o o k t ip a d c a j c r i o d . i i . •

H o n t K<>. w i t h o u t l ie . i t c im u ^ li t o ki< j> \ o iir / h o m e c o m f o r f d h l c a n d s a fe . i V - r in l io n O il

H e a tc r v w ill .p r o v i l l e a h i u i i l a n t h e a t w h e r ­e v e r y o u w a n t it in s t a n i ly . m -

I nr {¿rc.itc.r iti l i ii .i i tifili unii o o n o in v u -r . W .nJJin S t iu r 11 y C lil in w li.ilev er ni'k U<iv»: n r lir .it, r >1 - w li-»ie.

W e f i io m n it m l A l .u lJ in S e iiir ity O il t*>r 1 0 in ; i 'e r fe ili i in r.in y ei unii l ic a te rn ra n d d n itay<> 1 .iini>».

S T A N D A R D O I L C O M P A N Y ( N e w J c r s e y L

UMULhp.a* a *'

-Funeral Directors afid—Etábalmers- TÖVE DARTSCRANfORD ,

106 UnMtn Avenuer-irptio- -■ * •

MVS L.ÜO OMKI 1 1 { ,is¡ If lh Strrrl 2»A f . Iho.KÍ Nfrrt ■J?i* <•.tj-ir*# of irire r.«vi r

irhn Ué. eri*. . : • ' '

S A T U R D A Y Q l O C k S ÌS P E C IA L ------------- , r .

• A necessity a t - :•;,!. sea-';ri t a ' o ' . i r i t i n ! ! ) - . rriade. d e p e n d ' “able. Saturday only at $ 1.20 . .

■ W E A T H E R S T R IP S fo.- Windows 'and. Doors.1 ' _ Furnace Pipe, Cement, etc. •

A. C. Pike Hardw are Co., Inc..... 8 North A v ■ ■ .

I h ‘- *Vr 1. a f r» r ail.*.U on ij <*.• h U:*f P'iah ,

'!?.*• Aot\4 ,'myn rnn'i« f«/r tw'» !L«ft » for t » o «®j>*

FROM THE PENCIL’S POINTlU>rru*t‘<1 i3r;.hr»*fUB * B*f th® »had*/«

■ if arjepIriryTf .

T l «: * U y -* ‘ "; - ' -‘. ¡ ^ » r i ' t . h a v e roáfl I c -* orr/. o r «

Page 10: 0 I L D AG - DigiFind-It"Ffrul prUo (or pr. A-cryf '4".-' , ;'“i' St:c«».1 pr. Floyd intitoli. Fir.si pris*1 for to Kdtth Hmtth. Second prise foi.ji . l.onnii Urokaw. First pris«


Telephone M9-W .

F. ROLF THE CAT IN LEGENDI „Cat'» t i f f ti 1« feigned elm ber. Ubi

Carpenter and Builder ,h" ‘f * *' "',Ir n* •

The mono rompine* the d rd e «7 the earth In an avenge a t 27 daga, boon and 32 miaute*.

1 JOBStKO or A LL KINDS prom ptly attended to

Screen i R epaired anil New Made tc Order

X iU aatei FurniihedP. O. B o i l I I . C K A N FO m

A . D O T S O N

' E x p r e n ‘ BAOOAOE, SU IT CASE AND


flcnry III <>f Tranre ■ndNepolmfl I iivorhld horror at the Night of

. a cut;1 .

M^llevel ati|*cmtlt!oo held 'that KutafCa fawirfle form of earl/ appear» in r * waa_M_Mark eat.

TIm» Kilkenny cata fought ao fero- Hourly that when the fight ended o o lj

,_,,!htiaJLoX.«AThiriualn.?d................... .»

The nnrirnf Kgyptlan* revered tba : rat, finft'A*»turn», «n® of their deities,

waa rt-prt ^ nied Id tha form of a ha* mas with ■ (tit'« bead. *

The aatroid» nr® the uuw roM aaall placets whoa« orbits are situated ba twees tho^e of Mtrs and Jupiter.'

Merrurj and Venus are tba only planets that have no moons. Ooant­ing our own idooo, the system of placets poesr»«*a no less than 27 moons. .

• RED GROSS PUTS < UP $9,739,872

Year^ 'Budget Stresses Relief and Sm ices at Home

and Overseas.


Better. Stronger Citizenry Now.. Emerging Out of Work in

United States.

Phone 463 J lG ELN óith Ave.

Phone Cranford G8GT A X I S E R V I C E

D A T AND M O O T 7 P a u « n g o r Oar for Miro ’

* C . H . B u tle r111 N. Untato Avo.. CHANKOKD

An ugly cut ?MENTHOI.ATUM

I a n t is e p t ich c ô lin j»

“fJrln* Ilk® a Cheshire cat* rome* from (he fact that <3ieshlre cheeses were funds Id the form, of a grinning

I c a t

| No animal la an gr**nt an enemy of.: conatralnf an the cut. 'Hie cat at the - feef-oF'the-Homan- gmldcaa of-liberty-»

algnlfled Itouim freedom from con* at faint. > . . .

; Tlie expr«*aa|on **e cat has alne Uvea." Its origin to tha factthat the puddl'd fhM nod hve<r break

. the i.ii.-. f.ill. iK] It Is raid (■* light on ■ ita fed. . . ’

Kcyplol-i^mfB huve eatabllahed the rat ae the nnrlent Kgyptlan symbol

; of the moon, nut only because It la more netIve after aunwet, but from the dilation nml contract!»« of Ita orb, symbolic of the' wailng and waning of the night godd'*»a.—Arkansas Thomas Cat. . . ' 1 •*

, IN OTHER CITIESTwenty yewr** ago uhout 158 buhle«

died for .every *1 .#ea| horn In New York »fate. Xj i M year only•-75' died oat of ev**ry I.**»* horn.

' I'enrer haft J ijm nhout the same nutnt»er of teh*p!.on**8 us Greece,-Ku- mania, reiitrui America, Lazenihotirg «rid Kgypt roinhined.

Antwerp, llelglum, lit the center of fhe human hair imluHry. Itaw heir nod Chines* hair, which hue been hlearhed. dyed uud prepured, la aaed

d To iFniTriliT ii re “of w m mr n*»T h STf~net a. ' . ' • • • ' ' ' . ■


Over S 3 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 Allotted.to the 7 Disabled-Foreign WoiS^ _



POPULAR SCIENCE•ToUon guV* run now

H.dld that eurli vitlijn-r >< I n»»ht«T »f It li» hlN'-pm-k.

he made au uld curry a

I'hoto^niplih platrN of paper, supe­rior In luiifi’y re-perl* tit thn.ne of glusdnr»- ji»w in;.<le in (humih>. /

Ar,d Most People Want ButteriIjo;e l Mo.,.» In M-lV [|

J . I» 1 I .-1 - ! 11 ¿11 I.»”- (lie 1 «fill|»1 lit i"li -Ï i • I•• ! ! • >!<•! ' • ' ..

W ashington : llxfia-rniitUr I'd.Toh.STi:. 17 for . .1 : r> inu th ro u g h ir > program of « - und reii. f - l u r n j♦lie INral year in tin? Vnii.-.i S : . in-> shd o versea* a re jitTimri/eii .n il^ bmlget of the A meri'Mir-’l Ced I' r .i -s e f_leetjve J u ly 1, I,!»-’- ' i l i i - l i » ! ; IJ 7o.y,07.i I«.*»* tliaii. i.lie »‘Xpemidur the last lis« ul yeur, wijen. di*liur>*‘ menta reuehed Slit. 47.'.,*547 »îî», It Ih un ! unnico. I at National llo. id ii t ia it .r- . in. u hliileljuTlt eiii|TTiu-*j/lng l|ie m*. nfy of coptdmed support vof [he oi j .ail/a- Imn/hy enrolluienl- during the annual Jiull (,'all, Nov einher 1 1 -Nov emloT Jru-lilsive. T his i.ittil for thè budget

j * exc lusive of I ho hiTgo tl H i li- , .11 *.pvra th m s of Hu* CI.CCihI net!v e Ked C: o •. Olm|ii**rs, which, jt I* oMimuicd, v.ill

fM po»r<


Hed r j o M aa a sr he.alfh hus looked• ;.ii h.o face --How :. revnaled-to it Id -.leal co n d i t io n .... as ' li .e World Wur.

,tppli'-d Its actlri • - .1 vivid chap

.< : g .lunuai report.- ih-alJy, nursing h*

• HeiTtrross. In Its dig service. In In- egtoue and cu re of

clas-os. tir *t aid •-c* and' liealtli.cen^

Hod O msh-vIs aphe lissons learned, nd n uk in g f o r a

and butter nour-

1.11 hi nursing serv- stughout the


T l » » i s a n i n v i t a t i o n t l i a t n i c n n a a g r e a t d e a l t o y o u . W e r e i n v i t i n g y o u b e c a u s e

v y c k n o w w e l i a v e s o r n t : , r e a l v a l u e s — b a r g a i n s t h a t w i l l m a k e y o u g l a d y o u c a m e

a n d w a n t 1 t o p o m e a g a i n ] A n d a s u s u a l , w e ’ r e c o n s i d e r i n g q u a l i t y w h e n w e A a y

B a r g a i n ; . L o w p r i c k p l u s qqi.l ity^^— t h a t ' s o u t d e f i n i t i o n o f a g o o d v a l u e — i n t h i s

s a l e j v n d a l l t h e t i i n e . C o m e d o w n — w e ’ l l d o o u r b e s t t o m a k e y o u r v i s i t w o r t h

w h i l e . B y e a r l y b u y i n g y o u ’ l l g a i n t h e b e n e f i t o f f i r s t s e l e c t i o n . W ' e ’ ll e x p e c t y o u

o n t h e f i r s t d a y o f t h e s a l e . x - „

- O n o u r c i r c u l a r n o m e n t i o n i s m a d e a b o u t o u r s h o e d e p a r t m e n t . M e r e

a r e a f e w o l t h e s p e c i a l s i n t h i s d e p a r t m e n t i n t h i s s a l e : ’ .......

L ittle C e n t ’;; l'lij}lt C u t S to rn t S hoes, 9 in cites h igh . S i/.es 11 to 13 1 ^ ,^ $ 5 . 7 4 . ^ 1 9 «Dale p rice ..............................

VI om en s Ia n C a lf O x fo rd s, with rub-

her heels. R e g . $ 3 .2 3 , I C ’I j C S ale p r ic e .. .. . .......................... * P « J » T O

B o y s ’ H igh G ut S h oes. S izes { / ¿ to 5 , ReK til.tr $(> 4 '). ti* 4 A (T S a le prifee,,« ,.................. .

B o y s R ussia C a lf G o o d y ear^ W elt, with

ru b ber heels....-L a te st m odels. R eg

. $ 5 . 4 3 . , — ti» ^ Q O' S ale p rice ...... ..............a p « 3 e > ^ 0

G irls S h o es R u ssian C alf, u p to size 13J>''2, a t $ 2 .9 8 , w ith ru b ber heel. .

A l s o a f u l l l i n e o f l e n n i s a n d G y m n a s i u n r S h o e s a n d m a n y - o t h e r s p e c i a l s . liVn

morn 1 lull! llituM;* i ; i I

War Veteran» Have First Call . Kltsi call oil ,!ross fiintl- Is forttif (IlsahleU ex-scrylcc Jim», ■ of whom £7,-187. were re e l.In ,; Ocaloicat from the Guvelnmcnimi .lane I r.isl. This

_ work for vcicr.ms and tluor families ■.-f|§ | In n wide vurlul.v of service ilia; the

5|! i C.lowrmiWttt Is.n<>t aailiorl/.cd lo run •tl I -anit"-ior'' wfileli. It ..lRi.^nelther •-* fundi nor facilities lias the call nn

»3 ,0t!0,09'd.UO during the current year, or' aliout $300,000 mure Ilian was ex {¡railed last year for soldier service. Adding the funds disbursed In this humanitarian work of physical rccon alllutlon following the World War by the Chapters throughout the country will approximate 11 tot ¡tl for the cilr rent y ear - approuehlng $1U,IKHMHM. This .Volk, In the opiiilon of the Sur geon Ucnerul’s ottlce. will not reach Its peak before I Odd; -

Ttiruiigli Its CJniplcrs-'the AnicVlcan lied Cress Is cqillpped to tied the In dividual ex-service mull, help him In his problems and dlllli ultjes, provide liaiuedlufely for Ids necessities, und open the way for him to the (¡over» lucm eeln|'Ci\v;!l lull ninl aid te .vliich be Is entitled. The extension of this work to , the families of—such men proves to them that the .'lied Groks has lost none of Its sympathy nor will to service manifested 111 wartime. Slm- .llsrly the ser.lce goes oiit to the men still In the Army nud Navy, U.DST of whom ..ere under treatment lu (lov- trnmeut hospitals on June 1. UiJtl.

Qieater Domestic. Program ■ This year a ftfr live years uf con­

structive effort during the war und after the armlstko -.brings with It u '¿reuter re.spunsihilUy . for . ilumcstic ».ervloe to the Auierlrun Utd Oros*. The budget fur foreign operations, hosvever, totui-* .SU.h>UH>u, but of this amount fr&M.OtNl. Is for inedifal re­lief aud hospital supplies fur Uusslu, -which - is a_purt of tiie ¿ la muiiu by -fl»e Aiucrican Hcd Cross In JP»I to the Ilussian famine .relief work of the •Amerlcun lJili»*f Administration pro- gtam. Tin1 ciiild health sorvlo« iu 11 u- r«ij,e ^-.uiiiimu-s, moreover, and $d5-l,- 000 la appropriated for this work un- dtrtukon in IU-U. Other ItemsTn the , 'stringently diminished foreign’' pro gram luchple SJUIMNK) to siipjmrt the J-eugue of. It***! Ci\)»s Societies, $2J, 000 for iuii>gs’ training schools insli-

_tu 1 LHLbX.-Llie-Hcd-Lh’iibS.

ii-iFuricallj iijr*vrt»rk fur !

{ml>X!‘ luuith iiu stru<t\»n in*!' * ' ••[he s h \ ' nu iimT lif*» s\\ i n j

It,r~' plying WTVet ij\1 during the w it healthier, sf r-.h ished eitl’/enrv.r^Tiie iii'L* .»1 t!ie l U (V-jss Puhllc Health nurse in tl,** l .lihJ i: lees now r..; n t ! u \ i country in<i n:«i i,,.- [heir rVon muni ties in- health e ^ r n t m i s ’ and disease pre­vention is deniun^frating [he p^issihlll- tles of human hi ti'-i Hu nt and th tr^reat

. benefits of enlLghM-iun-nf. -liurlng the la* ; w-u' .»HI hew puhUe

health' nursing sr-rvi.-es were «--tabliah*' ed by I ted Truss Chapters , and several- h und red services s., convincingly- prov­ed th i* lri o ff im lvehess that th ey were taken Over by public mithOritlea. J jQ order to promote ibis w.*rk $.*K).i>00 was nllntteil to pTi>v Me Women to prepare themselves for public nursing. The, home, visit,g. ?p'7*U* 1>\- rlie.V.iMO n u rse s JiggregntfiLi uieai ly- i-^>MX)0,. ..visit«., to schools nmntiered .¡.VtO.uOO, and in six months i/j.VM»po''sc!rfM»l children were Inspected by these nurses and where defects were found advised ex a m in a ­tion ,by pliyslelaiis In rural oommu nlties lids serv ice nas made a very marked advance and lias won thou­sands of converts to approved methods o f disease prevention.

In lmme hygiene and ra re o f t h e sick Instruction, which lits the s tu dent In methods of proper c u e vyhere i l lness Is not. bo ser ious as to require profes­sional service, [he Ked Truss conduct­ed 11,88-} cIhsmw during the last year , en to lled 2,.'ir.d instructors , D3.4-18 s tu­dents and Issued -12,GT»0 certificates,"

On .Tune 20, 1022, nutrition service embraced 1 , 1(10 c lasses , with n total of 27.G23 children p nd 2.r>89 enrolled dlietl- tlans. Sev'euty-clgiit food t selection classes graUunted -7,,i3 who received

n u m e r o u « l o ' m e n t i o n h e r e .

S A L E S T A R T S T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 2 6 , A N D W I L L L A S T F O R 1 0 D A Y S

1 7 - 1 9 U n io n A v e n u e , C ra n fo rd

n:»ii,i:ii!i»iniin;iinieti.e»I lT«T| ÌTÌT| ÌT«T| »Tifi ?ffi t lïtîrSÎî |1 iileUilaiMia'ii'a'ii ■fiiwulefi

^ ■ ' ■ * ■ :■ ' . * ' ' , ' » aII



' j



- ♦ >

B E L L W O R K , E L E C T R I C F A N S ,' V A C U U M C L E A N E R S , E L E C T R I C IR O N S , an d O T H E R . E L E C T R I C A L A P P A R A T U S .

IN S T A L L A T IO N A N D R E P A 1 R -


T R I C A L E Q U I P M E N T .

StXW.UtW rm' lliiuiihithui , ,f the Ki'tloral Red Croes" fuivlkn li ’llrt' ¡»ri'^raln.

Prepared 7or Em ergencies Kur disasl.-r r-ltr-t the Hod' ('ri)ss

lias set aside. x',7.tM«io, and I'-a- "iMiier geuelee in (-¡irptcr '■.vnrk' 8.XKUK.K) l o bo '--lar deiaestU*. Insularuud '..foreign , demands. ' This Is more_ IhiiD f:ii*a,iSK.i aha.e lust year's expen­ditures. l-’nr --er. 1,,-e ami asslstanee to .the :i,:t;si Cliapters und their brunches Is pfo.Ued by theNational oreaiil/.ation. . ■ .

OUier budaet ileitis .tf lmtturiuiu'e In the domesih- I 'r- 'uraui. Include S'JttO,

.000 for ussisia'ti.:e m a t l ie r erkahlxit- t l c a s and film uihni- lu.vfl tuthms for tr alnli le . lit I t .'rn's nurses and work­e r s ; SIlHi i s y tor ltoll r a i l as -ist am e furnished t o r i ' .h a ;d e rs ; Sloo.iXKi fo r unfore seen eoiiungoneles.

Of the total loalcet less th a n S.'Ou, ,000 Is al lott*’d tor muntigemcni In the N at ional tocaltt/.l

Red Cross cert I lien lies. In generalhealth .activities lied Gross. Chapters maintained 377 health centers, serving as many communities, provided 88,751 health lectures for large audiences ev­erywhere, while clinics numbered over 10,000, . ■

Red Cross Gains Strength in All

F o reig n FieldsIn Insular possessions of tha United

States und In foivlun lands the Ameri­can Red Cross scored heavy gains dur­ing the last. year, passing the pre­vious, membership high mark of 1818 by 4,201 and advancing the figure to 106,408. The Philippines take the lead, gaining nearly TOO'per'cent, now having 115,017 members. , In Europe the 1921 Roll Cull enrolled 11,125, with the 'Constantinople Chapter re­porting 605, a galti of 33 members. China was .1,782 members,- a gain ot 090; the little Virgin Islands have 1,000, while the Dominican Republic with 2,927'.advanced from its previous high mark by 1,423 new members.

i.u ‘roull:. 1" 1',1 llaltlrorgantri'cr-lndKKJ.now.. fatanearly 1,000 enrolled. Mexico reports 354, a gala of 327 In one ytfsr'. TheAmerican Red Cmss has spread Its membership over sortie 70 ; foreign lands and Its Junior membership out­side of the United States Is close te 700,000.

Red Cross W ater F irst Aid Makes

Life-Saving GainMore than 32.7 Chapter* engaged In

life saving or wn'ur tlrst aid. last year : with the result tbaMiie American Red i dross Life Saving <\>rps has set a new ; -high mirk for enrollment, and the

number -of quiitihud Ufe savers de­' veloped. The fmluom-e of 'Mearn to

mate, uf cm ♦ho value o; }q the ’.Chap:

M‘rvU'L* by vulunurv*;


P h o n e 1 6 3 * R .... ' o r call a t 4 3 S o . U n io n A v e . Y

T H E : l iK l) C .KO SS S I T P '.K M E N T S . ■



E X -S E R V IC E M A N .' T H I S W O R 'K C A N N O T

G O O N U N L E S S Y O US U F B O R T i t W i t h

Y O U R M E M B E R S H IP - D O L L A R ' -


TIT No cash"'osti- ^wiin .week”, m inartv .lucniltfea 1* re* to ■■ doclqg the water Lit a Irti us through ln-

struction and the wider dissemination of resuscitation nictijo.ds demonstrated by The Red Cross representatives. Ex­cellent work has been doue In teaching i\ hir^e part of the American popula­tion how to titke <\ire_of Itself In the water: Grmvln- uppr^Iatlon f,.r this Ked Cross Ufe Saving* Sendee Is -ho.wn. hy,. the^mpuisury, .Instructioniiiifpted in tunny c.ties for, metobers of' the pul do and ti.-,* departments In the prone, pressure mrihoJ of resuscita­tion. . ‘ . .

K i :\ V N - ** .. 2 * * ’ -51

" ■ ¿ L .• : v v \ /> c


THE FOWLS OF TDfc vk m 4r°U M thelcattle nn a th'„,.,M hills all contribute their »Im-,

M E A T F O R Y O U T O i - Tills market handles rum.- 1; . choice grades of , -

POULTRY AND mla;It's prices are based im tt „ ’., 'ales and small prtAlt pr-'M-i.,- ]!wants-your regular trade'„'¡‘i" , . get It If you. will only eV ' “ 'J trial. Ttie quality of the m, st- . ,4 .lie moderate prices are « 1 ». rely on to build business, J ___

Fish and Claius .Every- Fn.N

MILCH’S MARKE I, 1. IiItK.N\V.\Nv] ,i{ ( I-,,..,. 'rdopliom -j.;;

Plainfield-Uoion Waler

,1'lie I'lalnlM I.'I nhm tv«t,.r 1 ■iw,y sr i pt . ! Hu- iKluiMtHtjis of ' Mn i 11II« ■ I.. •• -.-I ti i . I * 1 « t n ! I ( ■ 111. [ j , , .

-41 ^ 0 . A . . : V ‘r - l>-'>t‘ l. t jarwmut.- »■•■ran. fiji' it\ IfO’-i ¡1-, Itos . lle I ’ark em| h'milfiyi.Hti Mil li w ater tur .!«• IllOStic \ j s e -• " .

‘The Pure?! and SweetestMl a

t ury: (• \

That Nat iir Can .Yicld”\ '

. \ ■Tin. watet --nin»lh\l t.v tlic ( mu-

imny lius lirrn analyvc.l l.y ,-jien Unzen, lis.i , ,, IcMiilng nvdnnillr ex- neit fom ieilv n' Itost.ÌK ih.» nf Nc-tv York, unii i.rnnmmc'elk l.y hlm to he xvulf.i ... "great urgablj' pur, ity," and in a .'etter tu mie iif tlie t ’omiiany's patrona he aihli, "Veu tre to he l'oiigratulateil i i |kIiì ,h«\ dig so guod a stipply. mi'l ymi.n. eil tmvo no mix lei y wlmt exei ¡x- tu ila nliolesohieness. '

T h è C 'Lir.iXtny Refersto all -s Patrons

Tliu in tel o-l :.f the Cumimny Is - iilentllled with the coiniininltle- la which Its planl Is located and It Is _ tho policy oj ilm uianugcmctit.tii <lo its- full' share to promote tliclr growth aiid prosperity.I represent alive of the ('umpan;

will he piensei. to call on parties who do not present use water from its nialiw. and explain- rate», tenps. method of service, etc.


175 North Avo Hainfleld, N. J., and 144 Broad St, Waitfiald, *N- i - ___

UuHhiv*’* Phuntî Ht'aillfUr«* Pillili«- (500

BRENNAN&TOYEP lu m b in g , Tinning,

Heating1 1 4 S o u t h A v e . L (r<inlord Ï


- Help to He]p o th e r»You van t.^ g.-. u mull it hnr*ts^'— f

v ' l t m -rn Im crr-nTrito tlar ¡ " jo in the . . . n m r . i B a l . c u ; r-.ss helps you to help £ « ■ " > 4re llurt *nd wba need re-

always kept In tlie house is the way out of all difficulties. Hotll sickenss and health, all kind? dainty and nutritious-.-dishes n!1" . he made by th e use of this essenth**' 1 - lirHcIe. Try Cranford ■ Dairy rail». mid you can’t go wrong. »

Cranford DairyACUOST THKKMSN. I'rup., .

20 SOUTH AVI;. : : Telephon<v-lw7 . _


Phone 36-M

C H A 5 r S ; 6 1 V E N 5

PAINTING AND DECORATING Satisfactio n Guaranteed „

38 JehoMS Avana*! ... CRANIO RO

Page 11: 0 I L D AG - DigiFind-It"Ffrul prUo (or pr. A-cryf '4".-' , ;'“i' St:c«».1 pr. Floyd intitoli. Fir.si pris*1 for to Kdtth Hmtth. Second prise foi.ji . l.onnii Urokaw. First pris«

■J, ì '


ssSesíi?Ésess=—’ ■sä

Z - >• -* -

S î .\ '

f , ■ ^ ---------

■*•. ■ - V -; ifcí^á, -

• • i t & â s u~ î * 8% t * *

T H E ,F O W L S O F THfc V Rla Arell «w th e :c a t t la on a t'n ,,.„ M >IU* a ll co n trib u te thcdr .»hu;«.

M E A T F O R Y O U 1 O r , y i " ’Ills m ark et handles rmn,. i.;„ ,', hoice grades of , "

P O U L T R Y A N D M i,A i f.< prices are based im ti ales and sm all prcffit pr-r,,.,,(,' ,-’rants-your regular trade «'¡!i\A ] c t It II you. will only KliV rial, T he quality of the L i t . r .5 he m oderate prices are »t,ut ely on to build business, ___

Fish and Claius Every- FriTiT

M I I .C H ’S M A R K K I- 1. lJU E N W A SM .it, i. Tcli*p!iumw i>4iii, •y,i

Plainfield-Won .Waterv

lie Rlaliill« I.M'nlon Wat,« r,,,,,. ■W , y sfipidl-.-s _ tin* lidinbliatits Of 'Khiiiilb-h, "•■.-Hb. 1 Mntn!iclit, lin. uuul, \ i 11. ■ ■ 111. (foi'it\ Ko-eii,, «oselle“! 'ark »ml K(iiiH\yi,n t i M Uh water tu rd « . . n iestic\ jM :'. -• . " .

T h e P u re st

T h a t N at

s i a r

u r ç C• \

■ \

a n d Sw eetest.

C a n .Yield”

The watei -iiiu»||,\| by tin- ( .mu­liny has bi en nnalyved by Mien uzen, lisi| , it lending nyilrimllr i-.\. ■it lonnei Iv *)t Ihistiih ih,« ,,t c-tv York, mid |imm>iimvii.by him

lie AVUlei in "great t,ritmiti- pury," and in n m tter to mi e nf. tileumpany'a tint rims he adds, 'Vou ■e to lie coiiçrH.tuInted iijkIií ,ha\ g so good a supply, mid ymi.iii:ed\ n o no Hiulety HlmteuT us to its liolosoriiones.s. "

Thè C in tr .ix u ty R efers

t o a l l -s Patrono

'l'Ilo intuì uni' :.f thè Ciiiii|iuny l.s èntlllcd « Itti thè coniiiiiinltles In Ititdi its pillili ls locnted and It ls io polioy nt llio management.tu do s full- .sitare to promote tludr uwtli und prosporlly.

lopresonlm ive of thè Cuminut; svili ho pleiisei. to cali un partici «ho do n o i .il present use «atei from its limili:*, and explaln- rates, toii/is, mot boti of servici-. etc.

L A I N F I E 1 J J - U N I O N


5 North Ave Flainflold, N. J , aad 144 Broad fi t, W att f ia li -N. J ...

Itif*"* Phone •!&*.!• - I. ' 1 M ' ' l ''iilfiiot» Fluiht* «iòti . *’ P 1- ‘

BRENNAN &Ï0ÏElumbing, Tinning, - Heating f t4 S o u th A v e. Ci C r»infortì ^ *n

P L E N T Y OF M ILKj kep t In tlie house is the in tit of all difficulties. Hott! dt- ss and health, all kinds : and nutritious--dishes min . do by th e use of this essential- \t. Try Cranford ■ Dairy tmi»-.ju ean’t go Wrong.

r a n fo r d DairyACUDST THKK.MSN. Froj^, .

2 0 SO U TH A V I;. : : Telenhone-IM*

me 36-M - -

C H A 5 . S : G I V E N SOf TING AND D E C O R A T I N G

Satisfactio n Guaranteed .

(ehoaoa Avonua, ...ORARTORO

T H E C R A N F O R D O T E E N A h D C H R O N K L E . T H U R S D A Y , O Ç T O B E R 26. 1922

I’ i E u a n o m a t o o D cun s t o r y ! t i r v . i . a ., ' f r*- . t o d * F- Desmond. of We*t ! T h * V. I A. bodgwpwty W t4 * t

fEa.d_.pt»**. gav, »author of her H ho “home of H r» teiw-mrd (.'G od i- Î ttaíga» cat*rt»iu3i<at» t,i ih * lidie» ! rich, ob Pre.ivsxrs » t r w . U m Ho»4»y

KH per c*O t o f Ih é r V i .i .__■ i , lil* Ead NaighhorheoJ f'.ab »ft*n»vs'U » «r«ai » *« **» .L ' ' J ja fta e t» attcoded the cvrirentlon ! “ * f rid4y ‘ ftereooa = ' Tn.» m jo .y is,* w cw ij t ia a (hat

O TtBe Ownty. Parent-Teachera' V vi Aitar aa hour /pee i ».x-iiiii t a t . H n . Ooodruh ha» .'pe3.»s3 her Cra»-W*'~ the Presbyterian chan-! »ara tnvttcd by lbs* U fciî-.e.s fond heu»a CS »as o<-**ai*a;s,o.a. »adF » S r* Thursday afternoon . .



Morris -

L ett B a U teck .i O aad tta

Might HaltlMrk

aflb* e . — afternoon. , to TUit her cafaterU ta the .1 : : n S - te.'- Ais. h î»Cü.-i gr«s»:ri *ppoeici»ie4-V RSaTMifMB-tK ¡nSa'hJ***- ! r'x,œ- ân4 t iîh s . ia i Mt- lw. hac h .oÿiu jf.yi S « ? w î t ^ i d “ ^ Mi f * aap’pllad h e r « « , . „ h „ » , '

r-t^A lw y v is i t i" « lù lts^ 'lÒ iV” ! ^ ^ ” ; r' JÍ,k 'B * a J »od i w s - J r j , t„t o * Friday wlu,,' N . l!1 'lon tcla ir help h e r« « , u »II kiad. ^v„i

I’arf"nt.Tvaci»w..Uteoeu tam. . f 01 »"«I Cleveland Schools, i , J * ^ '» « -ro o m to p * m t f thatr

Wul liold « p y a jp ; ^ ,rfr*!itUBnis *nii hat« ahs^ vc ***-çvtûlug, Nov J7th j «4*1 tirnu, ..................

-at: * l ,h r octocV, in' th e H eivland A'HItta lite r àlr» D em ... j aUeda t eightSehool. . t_ T b e re will he a m eeting of the itht t ^ ri,V i ’fi ‘ K? ^ J - Stat<-' l ’edera­- tion ®t KiÌ2aÌHvtii . 'on'Novem ber 13 uqdor the charge óf_ Mry litalh»* .

. CTO««,, vlc(vpre.«Qent__A:U~jneml>er«-i vUl* ot ^ room » most ».vi u : tuo f th e V. I: A, are invited to attend. l,vluP? colored miniitrtfK in

ttiV ladles to pas« iati»Th« hhr«»hr «rlibed to op«o w indi«’« forfew minute*. ;Aj thur r jw « . t:*ci Uir) wtr^ »urprUrd to u v . j,i

o . \ >mm* a tw^-sir tables otpaot Lrid i« a:,i-i »! p:o*re»»ik*hridiie.. .arrsajiifcj-'ia t ie U r«e ►all- ro»ifV í C-V-dhsr eu*»st* *?t rvd re»;Ci«at* R bffnj ♦*“■*» dT.'BÇ»ro*¿£Uv • M>«* p-oa.ri.aÄ" -t*«and Mr» W i .ter tin ; .v tv k ■»» .1 \>* «Vork. d iU íbw t. oí ,*!?> dí.'v--ds*c*S,['ouriDj; beaut;

i lío* tunuhipíDiu ¿ . - r . <■-«.

FullbackTVue¡I.to» n«~- R u b y , Goodwill.

P o in t* a fter luuclakiam. Gowtartn t Substitatkm . Holt la r Crowder, Tuoi fur Moiri*. P tm tM I far Aldrich. K y u tur Kcppier. TMtt» fw l » - wanti. .

'.i «: • ■>. -.

Tim State and County Democratic' ybudldate» «111 make an auto tour o f th e County Sattmlay. Tliev are au e .a t Cranfonf at .1 p. m . at l>u«t Co, com er, according to sehedule.-"

— -Tho npw-NhapSfti-build«if (s rapid;ly nearing completion and win he ready fo r tenants by th e mid,lie.of November, It makes a tine appear- ane® with while -tom- trim There •are four stores on the .tin t door w ith ofilces above,

Don't forget the October nie.tlng of tho MenV Ix.itgu«' nt t i„.

f diyterian Chapel th is evening special program tins been arranged for th e meeting and It Is expected every ihember will, he on hand to

' j ' s enjoy It. .v - - i k e Woman's-Auxiliary of St. Mi

ehaeFa Chureli will hold . one *> -th e ir .ca rd .parties tomorrow' after­noon at 3;30 In the pnri-h Hull on MUn street. They will also hold a Hallowe'en Card f lir ty on Tuesday

• evening, October :il«f~^it S:|r, simrp Mr*. Bessie Allan Collier, assisted

_;tiy th e « ell known New »York ‘cell

M' *

1st, W . Paulding Hi;, Nike, «.ill giyt. a recital at tho Parish House of tin* F irst Presbyterian Church nt Ho selle,.i3a Tliursduy i-vi.-nlng, Xovom her th e 2nd. .- A H allow een "Tell and Cake Sal® will be hold Saturday. October 2Hth from three to five o'clock p m , nt the homo o f Mrs. Molijiu'mid. ;*h6 W alnut avenue,- for the beiiollt of tho Deneoness inort gage In connec­tion'iv'lth the Home Missionary So-, cloty tlf the First M. K. Church.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burnham of Grove street, returned Monday from a three weeks' ramping and hunting trip In Maine, where they had ex collent luck, bagging the limit of deer, besides -smaller game unden loylng a fine'outing. When, they

. le ft camp last Saturday there was .six inches of snow on the ground.

The Olrl Scouts, tinder the lrader. |jlp of .Mrs. C h arles'W allace,-trillire a Hnllone'eri mns<inernde dance

th e L incoln , School on Saturday Icn lng;.O ctober 28th, for the pur­ls® of raising money for their upl- irtAS. Ad to is s io n * f 11 I b o 50 cents,

l and cake, candy and elder will be on sa le Stockman's orchestra will fur- nlsh tk a music.

-November P C . El Trubenbnch. will move Ills grain and feed business from 8 Union avenue. North, to 5 and .7 South avenue!. W est. Mr.

. Trubenbach recently ptirclm«cd tho \buslness so'InAg-. conducted at tho

U nion avenue address, by O E . Ppuntncy and will keep .the stock antf service right up to dnte. A full

’ llno pf supplies of nil kinds will also be Included.

TheU rnnford Chapter of the Red Cross will hold Its nnntial meeting

• In the Township iioo.ni.-* on Wodncs- ’ day, N ov.'f, a t.8 p. m„ when nn rxo-

•¡S cut Ive board will bn elected. All members art* requested to be pres­ent." Tho aniipnl roll cnll will bo- gln. on Armistice Day, and. there will be a houre-to-liouse canvnssi Mrs. Joh n Low iXclinirmnn o( the roll call committee

The Slavatlon Army Industrialiorue and Social. Cdq ter_No. JWL

N. J . R.„R. avenue. Newark. Is mak- hig a special appeal to their friends In Cranford for castoff'-clothing. Kindly send n postal enrd\to..No. 303 N. J . R. R . avenue. Nc-wikrk, or phone to Market 7871. Neunrk\nnd their wagon will e n ll jo r the, stimo. E xtra wagons are beingrernploral

-a s -their Is great demand at tub L^aper Mills for waste paper.¡¡.' A concert F.ntertnliunent will be Pgiven-ln 8t; M«rk's A M E-l'Iitiri-h 'o n High street, Thursday evening,

Nov. 2nd. by the flood Sam aritan Orphanage children, of Newark,

-Mrs. M attie Morris, m atron. ■_ This delightful occasion Is given under direction of the Trustee.A 1(1» of St.

t j !t M arkV Cliiircli. Mrs. Evelyn lia r- |®4lf:Vlnrls President and th e a flair Is for

th e benefit of the cburcli. Admls- is - id o n w lllb e Z5c. .Com e and have'a 'i?'’ - good h e a rty laugh. _ -™ The W alnu t avenue road. Improve-.

. * m enl" Is finished-as far as Lincoln fSfiivenue‘and the roadway is open to

i& traffic between 8outh nvi-nur- an-l ’ y R etfo rd aventit* By th e end of the

Week It probably will be . open for -I-trafflb as tar o u t1 a- f'apt. C. M. fumadereen'a house, arid the whole

i i- Jo b >rill be completed ou t to tho ;i,“;Lebl; h Valley R. H. before freezing

Weat ter. -The new rood Is a very g ood exam ple of concrete with *M e 1 asphalt top and Is a n onderfuj

front row m ete' Ihi- »t»v* „1 i ‘..-1 J g oa hiindr„,i » B i L«c- troupo, most m»rv«!ou«l» »rr.avvj i;: j »<vr>sX'i/»y!r?U T t:, st '» tj, suit» and high h»l» »m-h .*» 01 * worn j T n il i ' bv profi-Mlpoals The troan« run■ I Kn-fisrfJ . vo-,-,*i ,.r ,:.u - -

. / .V o u l__»— 0 o !■ ; ; —V '> * __,u .{ j A____r t p. - T’ Q ■ - ~ —Sirlj from Srotrh l’ .'ain» |,„,j j »hlrh Mr» -»siy<n a suerr-asful on tort a I am»'nr in I and >!i.uria»u - ; r .- - - :thrlr home town Iho aftrrno.ui n»~ i Othsr rurml-vr* of it..- furs - Mtaa Etatne-D,-»inond ttnuirio war« Mr» \V" p (hi- Indira would rpjov ih-ir ».>:ir and )v-*kf»s They rcrt-,*inlv »’utrr !.dn«-d the Iniiir» with grr.it rru jit I thi'miulvos and to Mis» Di-nmnh I

Bolides the_UilrU'«'n msmb.-tr, ,rtho club, there wt-re i'r,*»»-nt two guest*, Mrs. Elizabeth Dunn slid Mr»Bessie Allen Collier The lun-i fnvored the ladles with two ot her delightful songs

All »oted the afternoon » i:r*+ai siirress.-.trnogratulated'Mrs Di-stnoml on the originality or her program unit-expressed their enjoyment of an afternoon which will not soon h.- for cotton - - ______ - -•- -. -

P U R E L Y PERSO N A L 'Mr and Mr» J , A P otter will

-to ntl the W inter In FloridaMl»s.Ji an Cooper of San Fram-ls

e". spent tin- ueeka-tul with w|s* 'Inrjory f-ircrry.

Mr. and-Mrs Lyman C Coleman of Berkeley Place, are spending a week nt Atlantic- City ,

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doyle, of Iturclilli-ld avenue, have returned from a short -stay at A tlnntlr City

ilo!; Xttudrl, son of Mr nml Mrs. F. If Ziindel. o f Berkeley Place. Is eonlllled to Ills borne by illness.

MK J . II. RU-harOs and children of llatuptnn Hall, are visiting the home of Mrs. Harris In Michigan. '

Mr. iind Sirs. Harmon of Boston, have taken n house on C entral ave­nue, and « ill go Into It In Novem­ber. '

Mr.-and Mrs. Willard Tow ler left Ornnfofd last Tuesday lor their new homo In Evanston. III., a suhurt) ofC hicago.... r ■'..... ; ' ' . ■ '......

Mr. and Sira. Jonathan .Miller were In Cranford over the last week-end, which they spent with Sir. and MrH Harvey FIske, of Prospect avenue.

Miss Rosamond Moore, o f Berk- Joy Place, gave a bridge party liist

Monday evening, l ’rizos w ere award­ed. niter which refreshments' were served. - ­

Mrs. Spencer. Jlrs. Davis and. Mrs. Trtislow will hold a 8llvcr Tea at Hamptuti H all early In November, for the organ fund of Trinity (.-hurt'll. Tho exact date will bo ari-

Juhn F i'íir¡*!> Mr» *t Mr» E *1 S* k»-s Mr» i'.-.ir»-, ui-llT Mr» Rutx-rt 't ' » r-r.r * B I.ltflrhsD, Mr» t" íi,». inan, Mr* r S »repu, ’ * y .» 8pruul and Mr» k.n» li.,r. s

A- eui-t-tinr. ■ --r th., - i .* .:- . . ,e ut, the V I A t» ; , s,.;.| t»- » noun al the hume Ipresident

A tliehiur i.» ; t r,*e. « : : -la Eafctip.-in fa r * tu. Vu.--»!., tri henur ur the i t ! - -Aï:* I Bate* The tr»'-- w.-.t P-, » :, - eiergri-eu Irbru n r l - .e n - t , ■

At » »iwrial meeting raJIn l wri last Tn.**tsy th e Vet reaps bad their nest 'sdreil -pravtlee e f th e sea sen

>»«fresh-, and after two hoar» of :hanl driUtng 'l i r e iaekn»*M Itati ‘worked wonders in the line o f new (day* From, the wav the barkfleld went through tiielr work, th e fans raq look for a new snsppv team llotrartl Poole was bark at right half ami hls fjwsed arid snap kept th e ltoys tYmvinx at JL.fiW . juM'e Manager Holt sujwwy vf-ed the practice, the following

otri*-; idayers ffisktiig? Up t tri' backlleW. which went through the practice »trills, INsde, right halt: Aldrtrh, left tm lf. Holt, fullhack, ami Reagan .tuartert’Sck T he , Veteran* will travel t<> New Bnm sw lrk this Hun rtairew ltrrethey-wiH tneet-t lie Avon* ot that rity T his U probably „the hardest game that ha* ever tw-en anwngesl for the local train. All .»»(»ter* that want to ac<s>uipany the ream can do «* t*y leav ttig ttie Bank cvrtwr with th e teabt at 2:W p. in. B u m s pave been hired to tak e thè players anil rooter* to New Bruns­» lek wnd i»»rk

tST»-.i-* • M

-*-dtlo w lle Park tumid very llttl# o|*

‘ ‘ h ‘X

Roselle Park field. Cranford was

local hfgíí »clmól »oC.Mll team, last Friday at the

imislthip’ In theto

’-Icutisl bv tfm score tvf 44<*.

t . t V .ho a »poi-ut prf ;rr,t:a. « V «.« toíT t f -«lì* a< r su V M I'r («•V'rc-f* Ke»tirU (Îr»’*'îi*’ and »-A r;, » h'V.t r:«*". h PMartin will t»k ' V * r :v i,J *' tolJ!

h<* nnjaltJHií* dt’h’fr-i-'í <i'¿ »rt“”’ , '..r

th“ V. I A w * î i L- b * } Yt tv-* r 11 f; timi N'iivomhs'-r M th * J?h l ! nK“di*ration Dar Mr* A U f* as!.preeldeat. «f tf '••* Ate» K rl r-» loriMr* t-i-é k,*Jv ; r -« ,Uu * í'fUif* MJ) DiUr'i’ r»f fílo \«M J. T ví-VStato K“ilDrit',' ti. and mt* n AWuotHor. fhüir »■»'. .»' i ' ¡• arilii“ilt of Prarti- *3iì Ftí.o tire- »rit s>«*pr“*ont Th“ **'.4aicYli W.,|be followed bv a p ill


AHSOCIATHlXHTho Union County Council of Par-

ent-Toachorsi - Associations provecl very gratifying .'to (,'rauforil - as Itwas the most iargely altetnb*il Coun- ............ .................... .. ............ty convention s-vnr.held, ltm of those of |1,-»r,i norklng gri-l-f* r*. win«'with

. <»

.PORTsJ,\ B t U U T _ " '

V ET3„L05E A T SM O N O rU EtOHfjinlicMi jHtt u itti i in n i j»U>

pntiMsi l»v rh« |r ?>u:i n. ttf ¡ira«* tit«*, ih r í ’rhíiYoDí VìÙ Ttin* o? For- f ij?n \V«rn jfjf't with » <í#aff'ttt nt fljf- han-I* f*? » M ío - Htthjr itri«l lil- KfirinirfiHiíJ nnrríora o « Nat u k Ihv . bprtngíií'hj yiv»n. not rnti «« nf tlj.fJr *<u*rrínr «Mil n r hr>t- tnr tnlf’nt, hut ^vith tsàuir to&nt án«i tri< k plnvi'. uhiuh c.afi onlj- tw «U- taiu«*«}- hy ha,rfl ;>rartÍe*V Cr*nfun1 !»•)»] Uiulr nwu ' whtfx SprJfigÁyM tr itìi tttrnlîîht fooibftll. t>ut !huy rt dnUmi tu iin-Ir hft* of tflrk *th“ V#'t*a vvv*r*- b* wiM*'re«l an d *to tnnk“ íim ttfr« w./ri“, thf-ÿ «m W not tn ;iî Sprinirlíi‘M a**-Vp-fogflc-ld. had lr4'ttU»l tlK.-m. CVnnhirtJ h**»-» Uam

prcBent also 'enjoying the Uihch*vun so ably iprrpd by "Hi** \V“«tmki«t“r GtiHdofHth^-Prwbyterh'in

Th“ morning soimlon was flcvm* J to Informal Hiieouh«?’«. .Minn .s^rah Kd* rnond giving tho addr“»s of woh-imji«. Mrs Agrjmban of Rom*?)]“, {’ouikv ch&irman/had c|iargf* of th»* ni‘ ,r{ Ing. wfjllo Romo .of tho«p. to-Rp“.tk wore Mr*. - Dowvn(i, who told tho sumi’nor uchooU for parunln and e.ichcr.4. of y^Mch th«re are CUr“*' in

wno brought up "the. riuemUm <>f Hlgfv School am uffm enti. ovor'whs^h thereXwa» considerable dlsruRsion, and amither speaker with uhirsm:.» porsonalW, Mlm Alexander, ,* hg teacher, ^who aroused ¿r< if in-

ter“st In hV work among the ..rur-il school«

In the afternoon two addr**-* r«* were given, thi» first by Mr Scofj, whOc 4* one of the State worfeor.i '.>( 4** Y. M. C. A./ was sent itbrn/d.

visit the school» thWe. Perhaps hirtg he wa» nio*t\lmpre«»ed with

during hi» travels wa« the greater earnf*stne!»ii of the boyiLto phtniti an education. H» also »tressed th? ni-ed, in all countr!e»_the nam^ of holding and guiding boy» between the age» of 12^and -IK year»

Following this was i talk by the Her. Mr. E lliott, of Rahway, w'ho hadSlBlprovcinent lor the section. . , ■ * , » , » .

fh T h e tod ies ' Aid Society of tho ! h«*«n chaplain In the army dunn^ thejy t d l an Cirntch -Ih~M S' M H erj » ^ r -r -ffta them e,»aa on “Atumt’.or,*^ p t the manijé yesterday After* the first thought of the »oldler. H«*

re jliz ln g 5*1 Mrs. \Yrenn and j argued the nfw»slty for more a fieri- Ijodls Mnthey w>tzre*d tea, and;,^»OI} on theipart of children to *rbo»>!

"ro.r t - * 1,h rt/ 7 , •u,actloom-^ M N S b a Elt-cr. Mrs. H arry Harrow j ««eatim . by «vary one w ¡ítílíA Richard Doyle, anil Mr». Edc-l-;.»fi® baod wlth loss munis'^haJL l i ie r e vs< an totcrc-»tlng pro-' for spaed-in .accorapllsblog rent Its :

'y rttp. nf cnfcrtalnm cfil. •.Mr-». AVI)- The afternoon was m aJe addition•; . ’ UndtOrr. of W w t flelfl.M rí. -F ay an<l!a«y »mjoyabl? by solo» by Mr* Rob-.S í f i S ? C ollier giving vocal .solos an « l,inw n, 0 f Cranford,- and violin .*-1... - 1

l ljllk'/Tilom a* Tetley, piano se le « -:t .on, «olores Kahl. acrompani-d i ““ “ j by Helen Taylor After a cordial io -'

rs .-- » ,_• v i> Ok«»»» <.t t iv ,. ! vftátlon by Mr. Little, of Rahway, v>' / t w at Tfm hoiri-th* next council, in May. at or...

^-ASM Égiilc They were accompanied ' of hl9 new schoo»». the ineet,r.»: w»s , t o jp jjin Moon-aod Mr*. Moon, the adjourned . :

g^élfig"" bead -6f~ thp - f o r e ^ r r ------------------- ---------------------------------------1 o a s t..o i Syracuse L'nlvcr, ' f-¡i>u’ú i a ü . t h t C luzenO ironlcIe-

j m - " ■ per year, delivered. '

11 litri»- p iu*t.:»-»- wil! e « .- «rotild-t■ * nny h « » ... 'nb- »Bini- t>sm» «IIII'ì i -'uiMv u.i-.-t In, a n turr; gano' on j:b-»'tb,n Jiitv nruJ tto-r»- 1« no «ioubt tb<-. Vi-t-- »tili w ln•• provSdlng tb»*y co »'Ut ami. p ro ctite ' Rrjby and 'I Imimi-t tu r * tfi,* player» Ibat p rò '*;»? ti»; uruioltic «.f Ib c ioeaK liuby .’-tnrrlug «Uf» bis end mu«, h uI!<" Tbiiiua« ‘U*tìiigul»fi«il -bimre-lf,¡iiiu- unii u tu ia ’* iti» hi» creso »p.. f>-n-l, e . piaylng Mi <»b ìii»-«*- mnd I.eù/ u ,-i, n «u rb i of »trengif, i„ tio \ "t -. i.»*i,-ig -ar.-gre*,4i*e * ,-,<,ug)i to t i> r ;i. i ;; :»JI> j,|.yno- fiirfit¡hi; -p irli of tfM-se tn »

,-iioi:!d ' * opb ;1 n» n «.ampie t.y tfte tt.malnliig plavi-re and if dono *»».!b - < rnutor»! Y »:t*-rn*i- of Forelgn IS nr- «ould bave a 'football t«-*m uliiib- «oubl be f, ari-| tbr»jiigf»otit Ih, * il tire -Stati*. P ie violi» t»> ht» injtir>. Halburk T»*o! «a» tlte lie-t •rB'-k l't-ld mari for tb<- V» t» APlrlrli f>i:, l il If»,11- db! »-<--1 work or; tlie fb'fi n-lve Ilolr t* a l.o ér.dowrd «Rii-M io figlitiur .»pirli « ‘deh !» in M .t.ni,-,»-. a?;<!‘fLr-.» AJ-frlcn" ha«Mie UM I.'H.aiv «*e . ,J WtiteJi -jotmihe a uor.d-r a:.d U foro tleo .»-,1- ,u ( io.,.» ,. *,j a»-co-npll»h , .«or,.II I . Uar.-Bir» - E a j fe • IM t I p.-umi-».« a big sli«i>u;i in th f per-" Lz -oìmJ uf — Mie -r*-a.-;i for- .thè r>eit gnm'oT' « tilfh fu lii«,,». vt ;|| bririg ■itiicb ff*■ tu* worklui* hard duN-i* thè pa»t twe» -ar».--k» tq ’ brinr n «¡-ir ' z- na.-r. amS if b is , . , * ln-tri;rtton.* l-t. -gar»!« to play» a n d lìÉ piay»-rc «uuld h»»»Mu< c iv ic o an-j j F f |iin»ti»»” tii»:re w •fui;!.,t M ia!,in a |ft

A» VIIIKNTN'At '• I»*t Thursdsy nuinilnit »

n i >t«iii-d by iho Hiiminlt l'lesnitix Compitii'. »»tul drlvcti ity tlsrry Kir»i hi :.M.uiu. rulllilcd wlth thal ,if' A4relli«,*er^l»*di»4r-at B s tnptnh Mitei t «iñl Sprinsacld Avcntia Ktr«chen- baiirn'» r-uir left whcal was hrtikan and rliiM tlt»- puttelured, wliiln Mr Sackatt'K li-ff front wtt*»»l w»s hit'k cu andMceilng. rod and fe iijcr b' l l Th<» lualtfr «»» Betllcd ouf uf'cuuit Casi» trt» r»’puMed l»y Offlt-cr Mnn nyi«.- A t 1! JU I’. M un Frlilay, llubeti

lloughcrtv. of 44) Kultou F.tlsabcth, »Irlvlng tur th». N.IIonal Iliaca« Cumpany ot Kltssbcth. rail InU» Mi- Jame» II Fraser naar Mi" Trust BiiBdinii. damagtnt th" tal l« r‘a ría til mudsuard. Ofllrer Oslvlii roportad Iht» accldcnt. bul no rom i’lstnt wbp madn - • .

On Monday s car drlren by Jo " Elaher strurk O. H Uoxsri, uf tilo Weslfiaid Ávt-nue • Tho sccltlonl o»:- currad on North' Avanue befuru tbc baak. i» tltlptn »tt"n»!"d lito lt|- Jurad luán '

« n s a t A u u m u s a i » v o r k d u o a t i o r o f n í a r u m o■ l | Osas. MU)«r, Bv O. F A 0 , tarenarty XaiUwsWr s f A astasay

H ealthful T h ro at Is a W in ter Jo y

' t f rW Vrtwr *?<*. *vg t*ri ¥» tVvai i >»i taifw»t fUsMi Mhp tikrMtv ww-a r<**««r4 t*» »ikii

g4M»i «'■44 W MtU* to U# ttmwki m Jarwtir 4r» w*Ma «Ml« «HR* sw«>«>*r. Ik« Ihriwi - ' - •

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C ra n fo rd , N. J .

lust Rêceived" - ■■-. " ÂT ' '

The APOLLOA larga sblpmant of (rash Fags A Shaw s and » a lia Mead's Assorted Chocolates. You will fit>¿ an un­usual asaortm ant of ypiir favorito chocolatas a t th is tun*- iem alhlng «aw —P. A A Osndlas, Nuts and Fruits la vials.

Apollo Drug StoreE. r , M O R R IS, Mcr.

.Conta lis Saturday and gat a sample box of thia delicious candy.

r, October 29th— & P . M .-

>yC H U R C H Q U A R T O ^ IF ,— A tm ia ied

M IS S l - A IT I i / a R L O W , V io lin ia te

O K - A w l s T F O K r l D__ / ._ • -■. É. .

Feed and Grain Store/

(formerly 0 ». POUNTNEYi

ä U nion A v e n u e , N orth

C . E . T R U B E N B A C H , P rop rie to r


,W e c a rry nil vnrielic» of .(»m in arid I rcd a . Specialiata in

P o u ltry Feed * arid Sundries ’ (

N O T IC E *— C)n and id ler N ovem b er lo t, we will lie located at

5 an d 7 S ou th A v e n u e , W e a l

(2 doora from Union Avenue)'

wliere wc aliall Ik-, «lad to nee all our old < iintomeri». •

jyîeSJîiîJîiîiîÎitJ JIa*,,l4,U.?titl4*i,lA ll,f i,,,M,.Ml,*iim irJW ttXntVi t-m iH*ii »ji i ju .i l ihi?» <1% ji*ìrìuM


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W e will carry, a complete stock of Genuine Ford Parts, Supplies and Equipment . . ; .

-nort t ir;»» hi* iTard • •wr.ifî” am*Rîüt ti* •»•ri.'» :! ir-.y worth whlh*. t II»»'.yarfI I ’fXjf“.1 la--t yf-ar* *t« f;

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NEW PRICES• i t . 0 . B. D etroit) . .

CHASSIS......... ......J.... ...;........ .......................$235 '' , RUNABOUT ........... I.......,...;’..;.,.....:.. 269

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~ a>UPE......w......................................... ‘ 530 ~ -'■ ' - SEDAN ............................'.................. . 595

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Orders are coming la feet, so place your« promptly to insure early doliveryj

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3 9 -4 1 N O R T H A V E -, E A S T

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Still Helen's River



OUTII DAKOTA has con trlbutod U4 stone to the Washington monument. With It* placement there now /loninlh , • but four « t ii/t * • unrepresented.. North Dakota's legisla­ture tins tlio mutter un-

/iler consideration. Iilnlio Is cutting u «tone for pres-

entntlom/ Arlzonn and New Mexico nro tli)/ two states yet to show In- teresi

A/'prohnbly every Rood Amcrlrnn knows, the Washington monument, •/octodln niemdfy of the Father of 'i t s Country In the nations capital. Is the highest, masonry structure In the world, rising 090 feet G>H Inches. It Is 65. feet square ut t|io bottom and 34 feel squure ut the top, before.nar­rowing to un apex. It Is coui|>osed of »02 pieces of Maryland marble, and cost (1,187,710. It wus begun In 1848 and finished In 1884. Inside are an ele­vator and stairway, It Is visited by ttiousund* every jenr und Is u scenic feature of Washington. The funds for Its erection were raised by the school children of the country )u vol­untary oneweht contributions.

-Thu monument Js imiru than ( me­morial to lleorge Washington. As sec­retary of War John W. Weeks put It In his address:

“The Washington monument Is even more thun u memorial to the Imperish­able memory of the founder of the na­tion, for this great white shaft symbol­izes tho unity -of 48 distinct sovereign Mutes—un Indissoluble Union—and typifies the Americanism that has mndo and hus preserved us us a nation.

“There Is no obligation bn any stuto to contribute a stone to the Washing­ton monument. It Is a practice found­ed on beautiful/sentiment, und every stone thus presented Is In a sense u token of love und u pledge to uphold

.und maintain tho Union,? _____South Dukotu's stone I s : of native

granite, with a facsimile of the great seat o f t he stale carted thereon, the motto being “Under Qod the 1'eople ltule."

The ceremonies attending the place­ment of the stone were elaborate. Hut the feature of the occnslon. from ‘the viewpoint of-ftifiSy, was the reading of nn origin«! j prose poem entltied" "A Dncotnh Oo'o to Washington," by Mrs. Gertrude ltonnln, nn" Indian tvoniun from the Yankton agency nan- resid­ing In Washington. Her name . Is Zltknln-Sin The Sioux unm e_Jsir George- Washington Is.Ohlttka—lienee the caption of this article. Zltkala- Hu’s odo Is thus reproduced In thei

-Congressional lteciird: : I. • Tho Mystic Clrcla. - . •

Upon the prairie grass sat aged men and women, In mystic circle, their bronzed fuces upturned to, the stars. Through many wUilvrri. their once raven tinlr was whitened tlil In the un. certain twilight on the plains It ap-

_ penned luminous about their heads. W hite —blossoming manhood. - white flowering womanhood, these seven Da-

cotah wlcnrcnnii and wlnbcruna held Secret eonclnve under the night sky.

Keepers p t the sacred eagle liiyster- le s ,. priests and prloslesaea of tho Haven . Council 1-ires of their people, tl.iey are sages o f that other day when Indian cnippa vied-.with Inigo cloud shadows drifting bii the playground of the prairie. Tonight they liuvc chosen from out their seven a member of the' smallest fire, siiiuiiiened before them a Yankton Dncotnh of the young generation. JTlie- spokesman, u ver­itable . grnndfulhclL of the federated^ tribes, addressed her.saying: "Tomor­row Is ¡the duy of day*. Loy’iiLAmer- leans Will gather before u grout stone shrlno at the Sutlon's'cnpltul. South Dukotanu hec-koh to us.-the Dncotuh. to Join I hem. We uccept the ghaiou* Invltutlon of our pale-fuce brothers. This Is brotherhood." .*

As he momentarily paused, Ills quiet volco floated out luto tho elernal spaces among the stars, seemed "to echo and re-echo ugalnst the stillness of the night In the concave sky, "This Is brotherhood I" The voice contin­ued, “You are called us our messen­ger, our Interpreter. Are you will­ing to serve!" Without hesitation ttie answer enme, “I inn.” Tho other members of the circle, hitherto silent; responded In approval, “Ue It so.” “Uccetu.” The spokesman said, “You Imve unswered well. Service Is the highest privilege."

Upon the Wuy.Together they tnught her wfcnt to.

say, placed an., eagle plume. Id her bund.’ “With lids sacred quill write w ordier Word what we hnve told, you hero tonight," they commanded. “At dawn sta rt, upon the Journey to ^ho great stone shrlno with our message." In flnnl parting bude her. "Upon the way, keep your heurt wurm with love and strong with , truth. U n up your eyes for vision.” \__Straight as nn arrow flies ..from- astrong hoW. sped the Dncolnli runner from the hallow'd circle of lb«, star­lit prairie. At break of day imstened with the message, speeding fns.ter, ever faster. Upon the way. were many re­lays, from footsore pony to stagecoach plunging over rough country- roads, from coach to the Iron horse gliding rapidly upon n steel truck. The mirac­ulous Journey to the nation's cnpltu! Is innde In siifety. All faithful to her trust, the messenger stands before the monumental shrlno of Washing1 ton. ^ ■

- Tho Mttsuqs, ""Tho day of days Is nt hnnd. It Is

now." These the words from the Seven Council Fires of the Da kola li.—“We sing the mime of our tlrst President. We call him Washington—Ohltlka— unduunted leuder of notions crying In the .dark. He brought them light front the sky, taught them principles of pence -und biyitherhoou: taught tlie lisping multitudes to say, ‘We. the

-people': counseled them to observe good, fulth and Justice toward all na­tions.' • ' ' 1

“Tho Dncotnh peoplo carol with

Z J Y f T A r A — c X A C * ' * * v * r » * y »

lusty throsta the memorable ueeds of Washington. Me scanned with eagle eye the hope of a-finlted. people and happy; behold the vision of democratic government, lie rose on powerful eagle wings, wlth.the unwavering pur­pose attained to lofty vlrtuee of pub- iliLjseryke. --------- ______________

“A victory song ¡we sing to the mem­ory of Washington, who disdained kingship upon u Idvyer rculm and pro ferro*) to be u servant of the -people, who by Ida life demonstrated only Itlglit mukea might.' Then over all

Ids glurlous achievements upheld our sacred emblem, the eugte, pointing to Its meaning In all Ids noble uejs.

"We venerate the memory of' our great pnlc-fuce brother,'-Washington, tlie cidefest among guardtnns of spiritual Ilres—liberty and unity. Washington, , thrice .worthy of the dec­oration of the eagle plume, for he left the Impress of Its meaning upon the minds and hearts of nil Americans.

"lids Is our glad song today. The eagle represents tho conscious spirit of uiaii,. soaring Into the silent upper nlr for meditation und spiritual com­munion, soaring nwny from the transi­tory turmoils of the day, Into the heights, there gaining wider vision, nddlng. strength and wisdom, ..then tlnding the'secret-.of Joyous being, an- hiirdened from the- pettiness* o f iiiuko- beliefs: i / ■ .,

'Conimdes-of the earth, the hope of our humanity lies In the preservation of iilgli Ideals, III holding fust, to these symbols and precepts IWquenthed us through nil uges und race’s of men till wo have learned their Innermost lesson.: It,1 Is well that the sucred •eagle Is carved upon America's gol*), lest ..we forget In t h e ’heat of world couunarro o u r brotherhood upon earth. It Is well thnt the eagle Is engraved upon the buttons and Inqlgtda of our brave men, lest we forget In the wild flurry of swift locomotion nnd radio communication to perfect our relation­ships, man to man, nation to nation, with Justice nnd mercy.

I'Long.llve the memory of Washing­ton, whose praises wo stag this day of ilnys_l_ ' - « - - .1 “Long live the erigió principles h/ Inculcutcd In : the hearts, of _:thu peo­ple! . • .

‘Then slinll come many , day/ of peace, prosperity and hnpplnerielV

st•• s s *• s s •

■ J( 0 I^ MeClv« Nf»IV*KT -

-T h a river had a perfectly good name aatll you came along with your dominating .. personality,... and now— w tll, you can ,a*e that no one ever calls it anything but Helen's liver."

This from both Frost as abe laid her big summer hst 'oo: the-rnstle table at the water's edge.

“I don't like the word 'dominating'," protested Helen Demmlng. “Am I that sort of person Y

Hath went quickly to her side. “That sort of person 7 Why, dear, yon cer­tainly are. You are so sweet, so wnjv- derfot,' so—oh. so everything—that naturally all the natives and all of us are going’ to Include.you In the history of this ptsce forever.' ■” '"

Helen mnide fruitless protest. She had taken the little house by the road­side on the Impulse of the moment one day when she had been driving with friends through old purts of Con­necticut The house had seemed to beckon to her to come Into It and make It her home. A htmee was the last thing In the world she had expected to acquire, now that Ronald was gone and she had the two bojrs' education to look after.

"H o t somehow," she was explaining again, to Ruth, “when I saw the rivet­running on so bravely at the foot of the'garden nnd heard It murmuring constantly over the rocks and pebbles, it seemed as If I could not help com­ing here. And now-1 love every Inch of I t ................................ ............'

Not Bo'n In Va’glnlOf course, however. It Is ohe thing

to he ¡admitted to Virginia sdclcty and another to belong to It by right. A case In point Is that of a lady visit­ing In a Virginia city who, whlls-cnll- log nt the house of some JIF . F. V.'s" was naked by a HUIe glrl, the daugh­ter of the house, where she hnd been horn. “MniYthn." said the little girl's mother, after tho .<-n|ler hnd departed, "you must not asit people where they vyere bo'n. ,, I f they Were bo’n In W - glhla they will tell you so without nsklng, and If they weren't bo'n In Vn’glnla It’s very embarrassing."— Julian Street In "American Adven­tures." -

It Is the first tlmVyOU have, not seemed lonely slnCe—since Ronald died.” Ronald had been her h"«hand.

eeary s w wna vmtta M. A«w—1 have « picture ef tha landscape artist lathe front,“ she admittedL

Jtuib looked .tt t e r scxuUnlzlngly "Ow you need the picture, Helen? Isn't 'ha Tier* every day D watch tha {wot-, reaa and—let you sae him in person?"

Helen blushed.. .“Ha la so fond o f ths boys, you

know," . .“Yep—Tve noticed how he looks at

—the boys. And bow he walks by tha river—;with the boys!"

The man under discussion appeared at the, brow of the hill at that mo­ment. He waa a b ta «urty-battwl T * low with a boyish face and a buoyant gait. He whistled the familiar bird­call tliey bsd chosen for their signal.

“Come on down. We're about to tea—ob something." called Helen.. Leaping down the bill ns If b e were

sixteen Instead of nearly forty,/Frank Harwood pelned the party at the rua^ tic table. '

“Do you know that It la three year« today since we had our first cup of tea here at this tnble In/tbls river garden?".he asked, iooklng/at Helen.

“No. Is It?" she asked./pretending Innocence. / .

“It Is." he said, deliberately.Ruth felt as If something were going

to happen. She felt a. thrill In the air, a magnetised atmosphere.

“And It-you don't hurry up, Helen, and tell me that I may. come here to shaft* your home, your garden, your life—and give yon/all my love—"

“Frank," protested Helen.“I don't .care for Rutli or any one

else.. Yon hav/ kept, roe »! arm'e length os the/landscape artist, the friend'0 of the hoys, for lopg enough. Now, please tell me.” •

Ituth looked helplessly up the hill toward the /cottage. "If Helen will promise not to say no again I’ll—111 go.“ she said, embarraased. ,

Helen looked at her, tear« - coming to her eyes. “I—L hove wanted .to say yes for/O bmg time, but—somehow—-I couldn’t. - I'm such an old-faahfoned [H-rsoit and—"' They would not let her finish. They

knew that she would say that It seemed such a few years since the boys' father had gone—the some ex­cuse she hod given before./ “And—we'll be married right down •here, with Ruth and the others to see us?" Frank nsked. He had put 'h is nrtu across her shoulders and they stood watching the river tumbling over the rocks below.. “The river seems to say—‘Let's go,'" Helen murmured.^

Ruth wiis wending her way up to tlie house. -

"Rut It will still bo 'Helen's river1." she vvns saying to herself. _ - :

‘STONE AGE’ BROUGHT CLOSERFanners Will Testify to Evidence ef

. Ita Existence in'Comparatively Recent Tim s*. ' '


„ Literacy Snlpsrs. -Librarians find that many readers

delight In discovering errors In clas­sical • works ami populnr'-flctlon and recording them on the margins of pages. Thus it has been; noted thst In “Around tlie World! In Eighty Days," the hero ranches his club ns the clocks of tlits town arc striking "10 mUnites to 10"; that In "Monte Crlsto," the nil­thor or translator makes the crew stum! by to drop anchor and leap to the sheets slmnltaneously, and Ittiler Hnggnrd m ates an eclipse of the moon tuke place when the moon Is new.— New York American. ". :

/ 4 * l ’ - ' ’ ’ ¿ T 'a.c-j

Stood Watching ths River.

“I am not lonely here.” admitted Helen.----- ;— -■ -— ......— - - — '

There wns more than one reaqon for her loneliness.. First, there were always Innumerable things to do In­side and outside the .old house. The garden was her Jqy. And It wus In the building and phrasing of this garden that she had learned to be less lonely.

Frank Harwood, a landscape archi­tect. had hnppened upon the place at almost the suine rmum-nl tlial HeU-n had. bought. It, and he chanced to meet her at the river's edge one-afternoon when he-w as stilt contemplating the purchase.

“But—I have bought It.” explained Helen. '

A look of disappointment Cuught his express’on. 7 - '. fil'm sorry. I dljl - not know you

-wanted It so much;" said Helen.“A passing fancy, perhaps," he said

lightly. But then he went on to tell her of the water garden he had

, ptapned nnitfioF-t(ie old gazing globe «ntrsundtar1 lie hnd hoped to place In the upper garden^. ,

—I'm sure I shall never- he able'.to rdo ’so much with It." Helen, deplored.'

And~after that he came^o see her and to tell her that he had found. In the artist’s colony Just above, a little place that was for sale. . ,

— “I'H take H^lf you will 1st nio help, you plan your, garden," he hnd said.

And Helen, being swept on, as she seemed to be. by Fate, hnd consented.

Now she nnd her friend Rulli Frost Were sitting nt the rustic table In the very water garden Frank Harwood hnd

• planned nnd watched grow. He. to**, enlled It Helen's river. "Let's go down to Helen's river." every one said when they meant to stop in nt the hospit­able home for a cup of tea or nn eve­ning of music on the big porch under the mot*n.,.

“Frank/tins made me keep a gar­den book since the ftrsr day I planted

-n seed In the ground," Uelen was say­ing. -

“What do you pot In It?" nsked the; cit.v-brcd ituth.

“Oh—everything! from n record of the first tiny shoot that appears shove the ground to—oh, to the name« of

. According, to a dispatch, nrrhi oglsts hnve dug up In Connecticut "two skeletons- believed to -have be­longed to Inhabitants of the earth In the Stone age." A professor Is said to believe" they were buried several thousand years ago. / -

Thnt tony be. buL they need not be several thousand years old to belong to the Stone age o f Connecticut, re­murks the Brooklyn Standard Union. The Inhabitants of Brooklyn 300 years ogo,’ niso those of Connecticut ot lhaL time, were In the Stone ago. '

Some parts of the Eastern states ore richer In relics of the Stone nge thnn others. There are places where u fanner ca n . hardly plow n furrow without turning up stone arrowheads. Timt Is bccnusc his farm, hnppcns to lie where Indluns were accustomed to congregate lii large numbers.' and there are not many such places be­cause there were, after a lt not so very many Indians. '

When white men began to settle In

faiiy Taledyj fRy GRAHAM B0N.NTD


I* wus very, very earljMn ths morn­ing. Daylight' had Just arrive,! , (, f , . . . . having hsj^qmtp

» . chat s i 'i , ,||B h'lght. ForstinVe ,lt had..seemed as though nelihtr of

■ them would •],-! clde which woaldstay »rouud. "but St last Night had

left and Daylight had r e a l ly malneil.

Then; Mr. Sun began to a h o w

-that-he was get­ting r c i d y to arise behind his b e d ro o m hill. While he was get-.' ting r e ■ d y (he Dew Fairies were

. . gettlilg reudy. too, to come around for x little playing be­fore l i t . Son began to shine too hard.

In the meantime great clouds of mist were about. Tea, It seemed,«« though the dodds of mist had settled them­selves over the meadows and the hills and In the distance It looked as though A bm .w ere great clouds upon the earth —perhaps down for a visit.

For a while Mr. Sun looked bright and fall of color and then be looked pole and almost like the moon:, for the clouds of mist seemed to cover him

“Sat Basidi Roadside.“

for a time and he could only Just be Msen. [' - , - : " ■

And then he began traveling down along the mountain tops.

Before long the clouds of mist left the fields and tné Dew Fairies had a party, and after a time they, loo, left, for Mr. Sun was much too Interested In their playing 1

A little rabbit came nut along the fields and sat beside the roadside to see what was going on but ut die first sign of a .wagon he hurried hack again, for, though he .wns full of curiosity, he wasn't going to take nny chalices.

How he did scurry away and how bright and Interested he hud appeared In what was gulag on but a moment before. , .■ Some of the cows were sitting in their »tails waiting for-milking lime, others were In the“fleldH.

The birds were flying nbont. .A number of robins were talking of

the excelltmt market place |n a lawn.not far away. ........ • -. "P len ty of good worm« for all of ns," they chlrpedL “A most excellent market.”

A family of crows found a field which seemed to them to he Just right, and other.birds flew about In the early morning, chatting, chirping, singing, talking, full of their plans. ■ - _ "

There were American redstarts and red-winged blackbirds. There were goldfinches and, bluebirds ami Indigo .birds and boboilnka, too. Ami ho*v bright and guy the curly morning did seem with all these-beautiful, bright, gay birds flying ubout.

On some of the porches watch dogs slept with nn eye open to he ready h> Jump u p -if danger came near, on, yes, they were right on the nll' rt:

M an y -a rushing,' sparkling lithe brook’ cheerily ran .over. pebbles “ta stones chatting of the fun H be a clear, rushing brook. .

“You see.” said one of the robin«, “later on- the people will he «bout- will not take long tor them to I* C" ting up, and some of them are tairea tl/

these parts the aborigines were In a” »ett,DB up' . . . . . . -ar!yvery late stage of the Stone age. be- « .-“And , while It 1»^* lt'.,s „5rrnuse their stone weapons were of a very high workmanship and the tribes a llttle why tnrthe west already made

morning, we ere about, very own time of the day. / " ir

“The birds s i i feel that this I' D.some use-of copper found about-the -tlme -of the dny nad so thiit I“ -._ _ . ■ more mGreat Lakes.

Archeologists love to" discover old bones and to fix dates for ttieni. ns for Instnnce "several thousand" or "ri few million" years ago. Digging around In this country,. they don't hnve to f n very far down to uncart^ tlieJStpne age. ' ; ' ' "’~7" ■. '

. Caterpillar« Feed on. Nettles.",A family of black caterpillars feed­

ing mi stinging-nettles Is not an ap- pcnling sight hut, each black form en­shrines tlie soul of glorious Io. the beautiful moth. _ The—eggs whence they came hatched In some fourteen days, and, after eating the shells! the little mterplltnra browsed on nettle«. At three days old they ¿changed their Skins, and, after other changes.,.'each one suspended Itself hy the little hook of the tall on a nettle-leaf, hanging fpf four and twenty hours until rt*<* «Win

they seeta to be nbmit , (|fr early, early morning than ni.niL - time. There are so many to 1»' ■ now, and how bright their ''■u'-' ^feathers do look and how Ire» lovely the whole world, seem« "" w

“People do not like It »ben 1 ,early. They are sleepy and H ■ ■It Is so chlily and damp. They like It better w h e n Mr. 8 u n warms, things more and when t h e y can f o r g e t that ao abort a tinle be­fore i t was chilly.

“But.w o lo v e the early, early morning. I t !b our time. Yes. the early morning Is

■ the . time of thefinally split thnt revealed the chry*. alls. A fortnight later, io emerged full grown, and only waited for Ihe folded wings to expand and take on their glorious hues.

'Flying Dutchman’ Legend• The legend of the Flying Dutchman Is of n Dutch skipper ■ who. In the early part of the Seventeenth cen­tury. was trying to round the Cat«* of-Good Hope In th e teeth of. a suc­cession of heavy gules, npilnst vvblch his clumsy craft w as unable to beat

_ to wimlwriwi anil gnln any way. This Dutch, skipper Is said to have Ijn ii

' phcmously *lclh*d Ihe Almighty to keep him from ruuudlog the cape, and de-

clnml that he would keep rit It. In spite of leaven and hell, until he made It. He vvns taken nt his word, and is! supposed to he still al It. Imaginative suHorincn of bygoi e years, when en­countering the common occurrence of heavy weather off ihe cape and a Ima,I wind, used to Umiline timi out of the mist they could s«e the cnitot of tlie Flying Dutchman, with Its dquntless cnptnln standing on her high' Poop iiul shaking his fist at the stormy

sky. It Is quite, safe to say that the Flying Dutchman has not appealed a

;rent‘"-flvnl o f reccnt-yimrs,— In_fact, svnmen hnve ever heard

Iventure Magazine* .

Reduces Counterfeiting.The Idea of Imhcddlng sucill picks

of silk In tlie paper of which bank, notes are made was the means of re­ducing cdunterfeltlog^by 80 p er cent- -

l.-Tecffi._‘:B9odlc."Alttlo_.U,sedL.Slush fund has. superseded boodle,

which was born during thè Tweed ring exposures. -

--Odd Habits of Savages.-'ll sup|HisC." said the society ma­

tron. "that you found many curious mnrrlnge customs among thc-.abortg- Ines?" ’ . •

“Yes." replied the explorer. ’ “I did.I discovered one tribe where women were not allowed to change their hus­bands nor men their wives."—Judge.

Jealous._ !? Deor_Bertlel_l» _says his only" thought Is of me. _

Muriel—How generous of him when he has only . o n i—Boston Evening Transcript.

c o w s and me birds nnd of many of Nature's crea-tureSl . . . r.-o-

"Let the world “A sleep, but w* will leni ' * ' bo up. enjoying . t(:r,the time of the day that 1» very own." . c *

■ And th e cows smiled in > ' j ;J way, the birds chirped ft! ■ shouted, with Joy *>*• - * ' 'marketing dlscovcrlfs. » 'shone harder and harder ■■■ pie about began to get ( ^

But Naturt’s chlldrin . time during the sparkl. . damp, still, quiet, early a tbqjr could make whatr'e T- was .when-It would ...nut

Page 13: 0 I L D AG - DigiFind-It"Ffrul prUo (or pr. A-cryf '4".-' , ;'“i' St:c«».1 pr. Floyd intitoli. Fir.si pris*1 for to Kdtth Hmtth. Second prise foi.ji . l.onnii Urokaw. First pris«

__ lf§L



Eddy'sDuftsfin Folk Rinning Away From an AnoKmAi

faiiy Talea y i+ A S M g r a h a m

... ......*A R LY MORNING------ ---

It W*s -very. very earljMn the n,«n>-» W U lit bad Just aVived ,f t f ,

having limj^qcn*. —i^chat with the

Klgbl. ForsK nie“'■;.lt had Krinn) 4,

though neither of\■ them would

clde which would stay »rouud,"Truti t last Night bad

left and Daylight had r e a l ly rP­

' main«!.Then; Mr. Sun

began to a h o w --that- he was get­

ting re a d y to . arise behind bis .-* b e d ro o m hill. While he was get-; ting re a d y the Dew Fairies were

. , gettliig reudy, too, • to come around for « little playing be­fore Mr. Sun began to shine too hard.

In the meantime great clouds of mist were about. Tea, It seemed. a» though the clouds of mist had settled them- •elves over the meadows and the hills . and in the distance it looked as though UtefS.were great clouds upon the earth —perhaps down for a visit.

For a while. Mr. Sun looked bright and fall of color and then he looked pole and almost like the moon;, for the cloud«, o f . mist seemed to rover him -.



Throng Sees Tests o f War Implements

v, Despite the di-mlnanre of tiie Free State force» there la almost dally flghttng in1 Itublln and the republicans ^*rry on their guerrilla -warfare there as aleewdiere. The photograph ohowe people running from the scene o f an ambush at Eden quay. Dublin, near O'CuanrU street. A number of cl * titans w ere w tsamled In this affray, _


“Sat Beside Roadside*


for a time and he could only Just be s& n. ( - , - : ' " . ■

And then he begun traveling down along the mountain tops.

Before long the clouds of mist left the Beids and the Dew Fairies lmd a party, and after a time they, too, left, for Mr. Sun was much too Interested In their playing!

A little rnbblt came nut along the fields and sat beside the roadside to see what was going on hut at die first sign of a .wagon he hurried hook again, for, though he .was full of curiosity, he wasn't going to take nny chances.

Bow he did scurry away and how bright and interested he hud appeared In what woe going on hut a moment before. ' , .“ Some of the cows were sitting In their stalls waiting for-milking time, others were in tiie“ lieldH.

The birds were (lying about. .A number of robins were talking of

the excellent market place |n a lawn.not far away. ........ • -. “P lenty of good worms for nil of us.“ they chlrpedL “A most excellent market." '

A family of crows found a field which seemed to them to be Just right, and other birds flew* about in the eurly mbrnlng, chatting, chirping, singing, talking, fuil of their plans. ■ -."

There were American redstarts and red-winged blackbirds. There were goldfinches and, bluebirds and indigo .birds and bobolinks, too. And how- _. blight and gay the enrly morning did seem with all these-beautiful, bright, gay birds flying ubout.

B an k ers a t th e T om b o f H am ilton

' Mrs. Jacques Lebaudy, widow t»f | Jacques Lebaudy, thè 'oelf«*tylH *Vin* j peror òf Suhura," and her daughter. I Miss Jacqueline, were the bride?« In n b double wedding performed In i ’urls thè other day, Alme. Lebaudy became the bride of her friend and udvUer, HenrISudreuu, while her daughter married Sudreau’a non Roger. Jncque- line and Roger hnd been married hy civil ceremony lust Junuary, but effort! were made by her motlier to have the marriage unmillcd. J noti urline dlonp- IK-ured, and later was found In a prl* vate nursing home. . Mine.-Lebnudy wosaoqulRed of kHHng-her husband In their home In Long Island In. 11)19,

1 tier defense being that «he shot* hftn 1A «0 effort-to protect tbo girl, then only fourteen years old.

....— liembe'CT-afllhsL-cahlftet, h lgfr official«, a rmy o g r c n tiitl hundred* of ch ttU a »rwctiM ns wen« (o tb« Aberdev«proving ground to Maryland th * other d*y «nd were *nt«rt*t&fdawlth tests of big gun* aircraft aml bmablig. ;“r~

D onates H is P a y 'fo r W ar M em orial

Scene In Trinity Churehynrd «V o wreath from the American Rankers* (iKsiH’hitlon. In nnnuul convetillou In "Xew York, was placed on the tomb of AJexuuder IlaintUoa.

Sm all B ank With L arg e Business





ly jlib - £

On some of the porches watch dogs slept with an eye open to be ready t jump up *lf danger came oe«r., yes, they were right on the alert.

M any- a rushing,' sparkling brook’ cheerily ran ¿ v e r . pebbles stones chatting of the fun fi wus 0 be a clear, rushing brook. •

“You see,” said one of the rcblni, “Inter on- the people will lie «bout- will not take long for them to fw g'j ting up, and some of them ore a rt -

Z■‘-getting up. ,_ “And while It is. the.enrly, « h i morning, we are about, for It Js - very own time of the day- / "

“The birds all feel that this M '«• tlmecjof- the :dny-.and. s9. , -)l~ I,h--w- they seem to be about *early, early morning (bun ut..“5b . -

. time. There are so many to b<‘ s­n {mow, and how bright their « j

feathers do look and how (rt> lovely the whole world seem« no 8 ^

"People do not like It »•“ » - ,early. They'are sleepy sud It Is so chlily and damp. They like It better w h e n Mr. 8 u n warms things more and when t h e y can f o r g e t that bo short a tlnle be­fore -It was chilly.

"But..we lo v e the early, enriy morning. I t Ib our time. Yes. the early morning Is

■ the - time of the o w e and tne lrdsnnd of many - f Nature's crea­tress"Let the world eep, but w* will e up. enjoying . .te time of the day that 1» 1 sry own." ■ ,And the cows smiled in >

ay. the birds chirped a!' ; ' muted, with Joy 'nrketlng dlscovcrb s. » ! -' tone harder and harder u- ‘ e about began to get «!'• t But Nattirt’s children '-■ j me during the sparkli:— ■ ^ imp. still, quiet, early t-■ **iqy could make wbate'et-“" as .when - it -would nv.t J ? it by noises made by b achlnery I

■'“'"A VJrTr * -i*“. - .


i l f c ______ VIJ. \

Í t.Vr.: it.'-j ,t>T. a . ■»,. ■ • ¡w y a W !H!*W "W \Fii

- I ; ; , ¡ i f f

yhi-jV. <

<é>\ v ' t ; . - ' « / * .f*--. •-•••-.'.V' 1 'S* ; t ..



; / \/ ' l/VL





To pilli1 the rbluica at Indiana tiniv«,r*U)r fur yenra and d«*naflng Hi» pojf t f 9Hiu a niuntb lo war mHunrtal bulldinga In memory of tin* unlverrily'i joldlcr dead 1« tin» tinlqua pledg»* of Arrido \Vtimer, bond lomlor-of tbo unlTcrBlty. Tin* Indiana cbtnu^» arc mnoiig tin» largest in tbo rtHintr} nn-t ll t l Ho 4‘ttajf InilTto play ibiPb), but Warner cllniba lub» tin* lowrr'ovrrf oronlftg at 0 oVliM'k and cbt^rfully gocn ibrough wltti tin* prograni of Indlann imng«. Ilia plotlgo won applied to a fund of 141.1,ww rnl««*d *»n tbo utiivortliy aunpu! wliblQ thirty Uuura.

U nveiling E ugene Field M onument

I / 1- - . ! : - . y . . 1

Here la tbo IInr.^l (Jrc* n ( MiHNourl) linnk. It la a very amati affair but d<><,a 'quite an «xtpnalvc bunlneaí». ■ It 1« ruj»ltalUo«l for $10,0ij»f and la noted for Ita conwn Hllvn biiriklng method». • t ^ „

In th e Signal Corps R ad io Room

Here U Tsoi* Russell, who has JuM bevn awarded a* place In the ballet of the Chieap» CRlc opera, nnd a scholar* ah Ip by Adolph Ibiltn, ballet muster of _ the opera company, .making ber child* ¡ hf>od rlream corné trot,'. Critic* who j lmvc s*o!i Miss RumwiII In.fiction pre*ig dict.a brilliant futuro for her. .

Tha Perfect Mother-m-Law. jShe bus a marvelous talent for.tint­

ing her visits. Mio nlwnys arrlx** the day you need her and never "stays a day too long. Kbe always bring« cheer and helpfulness and n biff basket of t thlnffs firmi thi* old fnnti. .She k'Ha.p

'along beautifully ‘with her sons'andf® dauffhteralndaw. She knows how to pt«>a*e her grandchlldr'en without si*oU* lng them and rulnJnff their digestions.

With pretty ceremony, wbbh fmiud^Ktbe slriglqtf of "Mifb* Roy Rine'* and “Sleep, Litt!« iMffion.“ n horiodfnl inon\toent W Kuffen KI**M win dedi­cated tbo other dny In Lincoln park, * lib hj ». If. Ja .Jb e work-of l^Iward klKlarten and waa paid for by penny rontritmih/ng of children. .

r f t

i « it f â j

• :{*' > N*


1 1 1H i

A fn»ak rainfall <-«.*rrlni( a w(wl about i*n fvi*t square, wbbh conili»* ue«| to fall m Aletaioliia, Va., for aev* eral «laya. /• pusiMJijl \Vhlla(he toralh/r bureau dmiarew (bat Al«*f* BHdrla’w/freiik rain la a phytbal Ine / poaRlblllty, I be fact ' fviimlnv Uiat \ n / friait Of 417 Homi» Wariiliifftnit street and uotoiiem else, R v*u« rahitnff/for day«iZ..Jiundreda «»f rurbili* pe/w*»na florkefl |o (lin M ene,- skeptjlcnl, biff toreff» cimverliH) hefora loftriinf' Tbw ffotdlO rnlnfnll wav a renllty ntilmut d'nitit,


»X Mot: E«:^’ lent M-ickot-

■ «n-

check and when Pi make beaten bl»- cult and fry a chicken, .the has per­fect health and-a young mind. She is the perfect ninthef-iit-lqw.

There is always the Chance that you will get her If you.ioarry often enough. —From Life. . .

A Bit Skeptical.Country t>octbf ia fter uMng otetho-

«cope on patient)—Well, Tve located the seat of your trouble, William.

Old Bill Jones (heretofore healthy, man and h o » —I hope so, Doc, bat to fell truth I ain't got do faith In divin­in' rod«, be they old-fashioned or newr- fmigled.—American Legion Weekly.

- Hy mentili.o f the loop« sl»«>wn in tills ph«ft«>gmph the? V. H. Klgnal ry>rp* Is,, enabled'to rer*iv<* radio rommunicatlona. from faraway Kurvpean at at Iona. The photograph was made lì Signal cori'* headquarter* In Washington. - j

• Forth»» rarebsa ho»i*«‘Alfirwho often cauli«'« »orne rnltbiip nround Ih*» bou»«-, lerivliig n h'd Ron on Iba Ironing honrd and ‘ arming-a *rtr**, |Kjurlng knroMow**fU lb«* stovo.- tfTT-jRrw- Lu>r«*»cn Vail.. l'òtewmi, r),n)rtnnn tit fit*' bo/««» »/v / b-ty cofniiillLee_uf tb»* H«f»*ty lnsUlti!«|

; iff America, «ho la In clmrg* of a 5 »tudy of tint accident hazard* of tbs •' bon»** and of ni' fina <»f thefr prevention, j Ima Isaii«ol n list of "In*»‘ta* for Ihn j bouaowlfo. ,\fra.-tudcnuin has unida a j careful at/idy of the *tjgg*'Mlon« and

nbU for flirr* hotjiM'hold to pr«?vcntMdenta. and bojo*« tbnt i»w»ry b»»u»«-. «If« to|i| obv.trve them. •


Cltltcn, of Hawaii In nin* month, hooch'! motor cars to th« value of 14.- OOO.WO.

From the time nf the Ppsni.h run­down ro the-preaent. the.silver

mines of Mexico sre r«tlmated to have yield«! ore to a total -value of *3,«JÜ.<>Xi,W. ' •

t No fewer than 10.OOO words were added to the Kfigllah lar.gusge l.y Tke

! tVortd war. . . .I Tiie attradlna of the sou being 27 Uim«e.-that of the earth, a 2i«>-po-ind ; man w ould '-«-Igli pounds there. |■ The latest compound microscope «mtoln.v ail the main feature, of the

: rr.lc.row «[« ron«trncta«l by Itohert Ì iiouk In P/i'j. .

Waterfront of U>e lltUa town of Mudatila where'th* allied and Keroailst military leaders were in ■ conference designed to svrrt War between th* Turks and Orest Britain. In the foreground Is 1* Turkish lhlp. sunk at tli* wharf by th* Greeks. • ' - ,

- WORTH KNOWING . . i»d!.i■ ‘ • * from wf/R-h furio«* kind* of oilT|»a Arab* of w t i h m Kgypt traded* * * * 8nnnnJ,J-

with India lWfJ R C. n Jltflo-y* flrvt ijp^ared g ri^ tlD ^ U . .

Kl^drir macMncry h4a h« *a lnvenf- hi I/J* Aor j*^ for marking. Hating and counting

’ .j cjolhlrig Id laundri***.

The Cfitu. :MI bccTrd a fciicr ibcAfi nt fb#» rrm*-,

foiïd» «i!Or».»,f»dJlng.|/i»l. n)ffbt*flmt tiieiiV ' p<v>p|#» over lb«'r«» In Ro'»»liy nr»* cutlng. flu* bnrk nfJ'tti tin? ■ lr«*«*a, rmd—*' r*?-Int**d n ïii'IghÎKjr. ., "Aw, w.-ll," non* bnlnnrJy r«pll»d flap ’Jobrivn” öf Riirupu.«»- Utdgc, *T don't rc‘ k«/f»‘ ih»» kind of tr****a they hav«» ov«‘r Ihw« Jir«,« much loaa, doway," ' * .■ ; . —t,—.....------ ¿,;

dlu-AalíL.loo. üíflt 'tH' rr- doga-e'’ ' —

"íba^ígodícmífffify f Kating" -Chale dóga? Ry thunder. Ibi* country ha* gp/t to ilo aônielhlng for them RzKrtH- Inn», rigbt'-ftwny i”—k#vn*** City Stty,


• lo?«*. yTha ol'l gi-nti»rm«riL_wa* angryC*:^J

he aald tu Ma «pendthYlft kon who had appfuacbvd--•Wm-iuc- money, MMy fath­er nerer gave medunlf at much money na I give yon." .

MUVr* you .ait!«flcdr* the too asked* "Of course I w ssl""Well, th*-n. why should he b«ve gtv-

rn .you any mure?”—Boatoo. Tran*. a^rlpL ^ . ... ’

SB- w

I "

SBiejfsatWfWaüitliîùWWxueeNiXTÂ.»}.*<uwwoxí'ivíídiwylLiVíWé.-tf-« K -sesi':tr..::J,-,T.~i -.-s r. . .. . — A niniT'- I

Page 14: 0 I L D AG - DigiFind-It"Ffrul prUo (or pr. A-cryf '4".-' , ;'“i' St:c«».1 pr. Floyd intitoli. Fir.si pris*1 for to Kdtth Hmtth. Second prise foi.ji . l.onnii Urokaw. First pris«


o r n m i D H U i o o L -. ■ t a r i i r Nates

C tp u lt R ichard F h U I « o f th*. football t u a received suck • * !»•

lu r y jh tko U st («m e played a t Ho- M ilo F u k that bo «.11 b« unabis to take port U> u ; further root ball jse- UtIUm daring tko year.

Tho « I t of chocolate I a n by the Senior C lo u n i «try successful and a profit of »22 was tnade, .

*— -T k i-* « n jjfK r e » m 1 o a * lrc o B ^ d - «ring tko purch»#« of c l t u ring* and they have In tern»w ee two w Im u u ii- Tk# ity l* will probably be decidedupon very abortly. .....

The cake »ale wbh.h v u held by the Junior Cla»» last latu rd ay proved to be very successful, the profit be­In* »14.6».

The cla»* conduct« 1 the assembly three day» l»«t w eek.. Monday they entertained dii with a solo by Mary Brown. On Wednesday Mr. LeuricJ),. of the Methodist Church, gave *n ad- drag» pn the aubjcct, "T h e CUsraj- teri«tic«,yf tbe M iu d," white on Krl- day aew cheers were practiced by the high »chool student» under the lead­ership of President D im m er .

A class meeting wa< held on Thursday to m ake arrangem ents for » Junior BubecrlptUui Dance to be

/ h eld during the Thanksgiving holl- dsya • •

’ ten d o n , October J l s t . their first r t ^ t w a r d e raising tiiads f o r «to New York observation trip ix - / .

W « take this opportunity to ask tbe ! parents If they will, co-op erite WtthI w . . ». MAHthn : fee

ldl*O 0% *Hr. PfBBilJfr mw ■ ■ —» ;

i ; ^ r » g ' Ä - r » . n a t t b . bead.of the“ ï t ^ J Â y * « 1 . « « — »ir. » » T ? I» the

; us daring the coming months

tbs caldron Of Grade 1A asag three songe— "Cnttnlla." "L ittle Winde of A u u m a" and “Sing a Son* of 81*-


GltANT K tllO O L Tbe kindergarten ciasa visited the

blacksmith's shop this morning and observed many Interesting activities

Perfect In attendance and punc­tuality last week; Mias -Jenien'a. claas. Mine W illiam son's cla»». Mias Corbett's cla»», M IssThiukur'» cl»»», and Miss G arland's cln»s.

Miss Rhino'» grade will entertain tbe other gtudoe In cbnpel bn Krlday morning. _ .

8Uty-nlne Chrlstm ia hoses were filled for the Junior Ited Cr.o»». These aFo to ho »hipped at once to Europe. ’ ' -

Tests In a ll subject» were given

W» regret io Isarn tkat Mr. W al­lace'» fstbsr la Ili and.hope thst It Hiayncrtbetong bel ore tte >» raatored-. to bsaltk agaia. .. -

In o rd ir lo rais* money to vi.lt U e M useo» of Naturai Blstory and tbe Aqusrlnm InNew York, membey» of tba slgth grgdn » » '* a» Inierast- Ing enterulnnjant on Tuesday aftpr- noon, October 24, 1222. .

Tb» program Wgs »« follo*»:1 . A short set eotlUod “ A PorreaUl

Day-—Agno. Shahemi, . Kvelyn Sbabeen. • '

2. A play—»''Tbe Priocesa and tb»Saga-“ ■ '

___■ caecajfo llo w a^ ______' 0ceoe— Boom in King*»- Ppiasp-

punctuality list rather' than' a t the t o o l where we found, ourselves .for fb e month of September, and whgre we fear we shall be placed fo * the month of October unless we have the' alm ost co-operation from the home, IxU aU b tis th sX Jb « L‘?_pnnctuality should bo tsUght. So many children are tardy with the excuse»: "W e did not gel up in tim e." “We did not get our break­fast In tim e," or "O ur clock ..was wrong." Please do youf part, par­ents. In giving us » cleaner record for th e remainder of thl*_»choo! year. W e shall appreelte It. . .

MINER’SW àshington Stfeot,


Smoking IV n o ltted Tel. 0939 MuL Lealdies Moline# Kvory Day


' ' with .FRANK It. MURPHY


Characters— _Prlnceaa— Isabel Asar.King— Frank Posgay.Queen— A thelW hltaford Ladles In .Waiting— Anna Gordon,

Viola Main.I.'rlnccsst Tutor—Jam «« tlillan. Wise Old Sage—Alfred Scbur. Uourtlcrs— Oaiper Oreco, Bryce

Adle, Oeorge Heyeck.Court Ladlee— Meggle Mexseo,

Oereea Taddeo. Marlon Oarltag- ton. »

Dancer— Evelyn Shabaen. >Ragged Boy— Alphonse Ells. Ragged Girt— Alice Mohersel.

» Song— "Ob. liow 1 Love Tbu. Dear Old Pal of Mine"— Fanny Gordon.

t. A Fairy Dance— Iaabell* Aiar, Alice Mokarsel.

» a a iiio t: o o a BENEFIT OP ^ f A ^ T S D J lA M I X E CORPSCranford I» to bold a bridge p tr iy

Friday. 'November Jrd , at 2.15 o’clock, a t the home of Mr». Wilbur Rulbrauff, 30» Union Avfnuq^-Wr the benefit of tbe National Navy Club of New York. These parties are be­ing given In many titles and towns of Nbw Jersey and New'York during rhe period between October 3Uth and November 4th. The proceeds ure tur wards making n permanent memorial ot ibe National Navy Club at 15 East ■ll*t Street, for the u»e of the en-

W »»k Bun. Mat. Mov. ( t b .-TEM PTA TIO N S O F 1923"

SHERMAN SCHOOL -Sherman School atarted her Junior

Red Crosa Christmas boxes, contain­ing fifty Individual bases. Monday afternoon, October 13rd. - Each box contained a picture postal or the Sherman building with the addreaa o f the same s ta m p s Ujereim ¿ o r re­turn upon receipt of th e box. The boys and girl* are tremendously In tarested In the preparation of this Christmas g ift to boys and girls on tbe other side of the sea.

Mias Arthur and Mtsa Curran have consented to be responsible for the preparation o f the students entering the County Speaking Contest this yeer.. Class-room» bspln to look like Hallowe'en.' The alhtb grade Is planning a grab-bag to r Tuesday sf-

VOI.YG WOMEN*». B IB L E CLASS The Young W omen's B ible Cla«»

of the Presbyterian- Church had a splendid discussion of the topic.• T em p tstio S ^ sh d “ l l i^ IB n d r a n c e toU s'In . Every-day L ife ," under the guidance of Ml»» Sharpies«, who gave ufaotne very lntereatlng yiews on thesublact. . , , ,

An executive meeting waji held at the home of Mi»» Sharpless on F ri­day evening of last week. Our new officer» were all there. '

Sunday at 1 ' P. M. we held cere-, monies for the Installation ;*P T h e new offleera in the Presbyterian Chapel. The Rev. Dr. Green and Mrs. Green were present. The new offleers are as follow»: President.Miss Edith O rluttnur; Vice-Presi­dent, Miss Dorothy Adams: Treim urer. Miss Ruth T orry : Secretary, MMs Joyce Hoffman. Miss Whltucre took charge of the m eeting, which opened with a good rousing song Then M iss-Sharfilos* Introduced the new officers with a very uplifting speech. Each officer was given lighted candle and each girl gave small speech,- thonklng the Bible Class forjthe election.

T he Bible Class is seriously think­ing of orgadUing .a basket ball tpam and starting to play soon. All thoae girls In the c iss f who be welcome.

rlne Corps.As New York Is the only purl ad­

jacent to the States of New York and New Jersey where some of the ships * i well as a large number of the ...en In the service a r e stationed or on leave a t all times, a shore home is

vital necessity for these men.Mr. Franklin Roosevelt is the pres­

ident ot tbe Club, and tbe roster of vice-presidents and directors Includes some of the most Important men and women In New York City, ,

The - tables - are - i X eo ; or -single tickets f l .2 5 . Progressive aud l'lvot bridge Wili be played. ,Tbe prizes and refreshments are being donated.

The committee in .chareo of the Bridge 1» as follows:

Mr Frederick Bemecke. Chairman Assistants, Mr». W ilbur RuthrauflT.

Mr«. AbeefCanda, Mrs. Moses Craig, Mrs. Charles Park». Miss Joy Hansal, .'digs Margaret Hansel. .

Wo hope Cranford will respond generously to this worthy charity.

W e are all roady to welcome nny visitors Into our class and to receive Into our class now members.

'■v~ ■ - D IED ­Otto Ostrander, aged 7.7 years

died a t his horn# in Normandie Park on Monday night, October 23yd. The body was removed to his former borne at Green Point, B rooklyn.' Ho 1» aurvlvsd by Ula wife and one son, Otto Ostrander, J r


m B A C jE P M ABT O M W »KAIOOK or T H * HOM I*“

Torehy Comedy * * • *• • •

FRIDAYIrv in g B a cb M W a StM Y

“T H E LZOHT XM T H E O LEâ R IHg *Kol In Comedy ' " T o p i » of D»y

- Starland R eview ..I 3V OIIBW4, »W* ***'' ' ■ •.ird -tnrn n r tbe-N »vr

All Star Caat In "FREE AX*” '

......B y Sinclair LewisMermaid Comedy—“SpootaT

Patlie Review Aeeops Fehle#

Housefly Quick T,hinker,The hoiievlly Is Iho rluvert^t of lo-

KoetH, ils InU'Uiutoi«'«! i'Ui'LiiiMKJ»« itu toi tht^ji!ij..u.iul ih'-* i"*’** authority usw’Hfi - 1luit It »■.■ut think uwijulrker ?tni»r ii .man

First ChuFch of Christ, Scientist. CRANFORD. NEW JE R SE Y

AHEOUE0R8 A- \ j» • "i» .

Fon ChristianA. HERVEY BATHURST, C. S. B.


Member of the B o artL o f Lectureship ot the Motlier Church, the F irst Church o f Christ. Scientist. Ip Boston. Massachusetts


J t s Ml good" w wreck of «4 In set being mu whieh u

‘prompt a man \V: Oommltt,

irtmey. N ' noon hro

'*■ charge ' a qu . Maro lay. at

Tuesday Evening, October 31st, 1922— ‘ AT 8:1* O'CLOCK

THE PUBLIO xs oordxaxay in v it e d TO ATTEND


"NATIONAL" MERCHANDISING METHODSThe Co-ordination of the Wholesale Purch«o And ^ SHes D^rtm jnU of th. National Beef Company afford. “National” Customers lW ç R **3 Valu* «*



coal raori on Wheel,

>-jien»e of pile at„tl sawtlie e

"humlml .«ipply a W ild »toi was Ixtug tlty have .««mewhei salvagtNl roney will plus frclg are vt-ry

’ added to“ th is time

f - uscs ujmi - g o a r a o tthrust up big perm tb e old v helps. .

Wien II out Mr. I K u ril Sur available only the could be i dlnary dc

„be used.

FINEST FRESH-KILLED DRY-PICKEP MILK-FEp POULTRY- ..............................- - e a c h ...........


tern Electr ich o u s e k e e p in g a p p u a n c e s

Buy these five appli­ances as » gnpup. Pay

. . A * ■ • ■■ ' '

as you use them. ■ Your hqiisowork will

P rim e N a tiv e B e e f

~ P rim e C h u ck R o a s t ,

1 9 c lbP rim e

C ro s s R ih R o a s t

33c lbP rim e T o p an d B o tto m

R o u n d R o a st

35c lbF a n cy

Flan k S te a k s

be easier and you will be happier.

22 c lbF re sh

C h op p ed B e e f

22c lb

Pfc?a t - -

Fresk-Kilkd Dr -Picifod Milk ied Frying Chickens, IV i to13 lb».Fresh-Killed Dry-Picked Milk-Fed Broilers, 1/% to 3 Ibt. each....... _ _Fresh-Killed Dry-Picked Milk-Fed Roastm Chicken«, (4 lb«. f£uh), per ^ ■ • 3 9 C

.ot b< duini

r carting i « u

F a n c y D ry -P ick e d H e n T u rk e y « , p er lb,

F a n c y L o n g Island D u ck s , p e r lb .. . , ............


Fancy Home Dressed VealL e g s o f V e a l, p er lb ...... .. .. . 24cR u m p s 'o f V e a l, p e r lb .......2 7 C

L o in V e a l C h op «, p e r lb ... 29c F in e s t C a lf S w e e tb re a d s , p r « 3 3 o

V e a l C u tle t (M id d le C u t s ) , 39cF A N C Y C A N A D IA N L A M B S

S p e cia l L o t L e g s o f L a m b , lb...33c S p ecfal L o t o f S h o rt F o re q u a r­

te rs o f C a n a d ia n L a m b , lb ... 19cB U T T E R A N D E G G V A L U E S

S e lected E g g s , p e r d o z e n .. ........35c. - - * — • * - <

Verdant Valley Creamery Butter (in pfûe lb. prints), per lb...,45c

Freah Jersey Pork

toon aaf t. way, .pollci work tin fi until Mom lirld good goal will COHH1». If would hev freozing . \

Fresh Cedi Hams

18c lb



Phons I

s F re sh F la t R ib .

17c lb" R e g u la r F re s h H am »

24c lbF re sh

Piga. F e e t .

lO clb: Shickh au s'

P u re P o rk Sausage . o n S a le a t all 1‘N a tio n a l" M arkets

f r i .

DKTICUll48 8( Ml

Come h» AJ** look, over U^appttancAA; loRrn howt o o p e ra te t h « n . 1 «h ell b e glad ito « h o w y o u ,

a e m b « '


F in e s t S u g a r-C u re d B a c o n (in s q u a re s ) , p e r lb.F in e s t S n ick e d C ali H a m s , p e r lb................................. . ■

H o rm e l’s S p ecial S liced jB a c o n (o n e p o u n d p ack ag e ) (re g u la r p rice 5 0 c ) , l b . d f ^ C

------------------------------- :------------------------ U N U S U A L V A L U E

A rm o u r s S u g a r-C u re d S m ok ed S k in -B a ck H a m s . ( 8 t o 12 lb«. e A ch ), p e r l b . ~ 2 3 C


. “ L A R G E S T R E T A I L E R S O F M E A T S IN A M E R I C A ”

S to re s in N ew Y o r k , N ew Je r s e y , M as»., T h e A b o v e S p eciel» a * A ll O u r

is* .

Same~ “ L-v

■ -
