0 - w W: 60 A ttr-7- - iir--- V -7- "Er-snyI " ett r ' - ,' g ffy A FFTTTin rin i lL i J m - i i s i v. 4 1 li J AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. , I , ' r - ' VOL XX. N" 1093. BY DANIEL BRADFORD LEXINGTON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 1806. '&& jn&xrXES!iKas&zia3ia?tataseKm& TERMS OF THE GAZETTE published twice a week, inuiiKn , Three Dollars anda-lfal- f per aIlnum eaid in advance, or Four Dollars at the end of the year. Tliofe who write to the Editor, mud pav the pottage of their letters. WEISIGER'S TAVERN, Frankfort, Kentucky. The Subscri- - M&Sm ber, refpeafully I . 1& i Tf ti ifl H informs the pub- - - mm 9M t4 II I" I lic,thathehasta Iren noltellion o f his house, lately occupied by Cap. Phillip Bum', and known by the sign of THE EAGLE. Grateful for the very liberal encourage- ment which he has experienced on ior-m- ricOafions, be is determined that no exertion, expence, or attention thall ue wanting, to promote the, accomodation of thole who may please to favonr him with their cudom. His house 1S lar8e and his rooms are conimodioi s He has a variety X)f liquors-ofrth- e first quality, and his table is plentifully fupphed with the bed viands that the season affords. To his beds particular attention lhall be paid. He ha a spacious liable, abun- dantly furnidied with corn, oats & hay, and an attentive hofller to attend it. Gentlemen may at any time be furnilh- ed with private rooms, free from the noise of the tavern. Danl. Weistger. April 9th, 1806, CTJTN AIL MAN U t'AU 1 UK 5f . fpeftfully ge and brickhouse THE fubferibers their friends and the public in generals that the v have opened a iNA.ii.. waii- - (J FACTORY, in the town of Mays- - ville. on Water flreet, next door to Mr. they tlie to kinds of Nails Sprigs, mod.ite visitants, and the Also, have on hand, a general afTortmsnt be of Wrought Nails. lacks, Dor- - t't Urrrr Trnn. IVlldM GlaSS, HotloV) Ware&c .which they intend to sell at the Pittsburgh prices with the addition of carriage, for calh or apprbved notes. William Porter sun. & Go Co. HAVE JUST miantitv spirits, Supar and which they will sell on the following terms, viz : 4tb pvoofspirits by the hhd S2 per gall. barrel g2 12 cts. tb. Suearbvthe barrel . or cwt. 1 smaller quantity 25 cts. Fi3ti, as Oct. 1, 1805. gw- - , IS hereby given to all peffons who r"Trra; have any claims againd the eflate of Edmond Fair, dec. to bring them for- ward as que k as poffible. properly in order that proiifion may be made to .discharge the same, and all pii Tons that OK in debt to said eflate are hereby reqtfefled ,tO come forward and make payment to JAMES FAIR.7 d . St.rlL.. Nov. 8, 1806. 3. ti- - 1 WILL GIVE 1 s 2d PER pound, in cafli, for cleaw combed Hog's Bristles at my fliop, at the corner ot Short and Urols ltreets, wnere 1 carry the BRUSH making business. The unfiles being scalded is ot no injury to them. I flill carry on the Wheel and Chair making ouhnt-l- s as ulual. ROBERT HOLMES. Nov. 10, 1S06. w. ill Feb. LATE (.WIN -- rt TER'SV MILLS, Near Mouth of Tate's Creek, In "HAVE undergone conflderable repairs, and are now in order to undertake MERCHANT or COUNTRY VO:iK. excellent MILLS are too well known to need any observations, and Mr. James Jtf'Call. who is an Miller, wi'I give conftnnt attendance, in order to give e- - very fatistaction to tne pnonc. Mr. oel the SAW.MILL, will generally a stock of PLANK, on hand to supply Boats goinfjdown the River or 0 tliers. A quantity of WHEAT, is wanted to pur-chaf- Good encouragement will be given to a BOA who will undertake to build on the (hares. For terms apply to James M'Call at the Gnit-Mii- l, or to W. MACBEAN, at the Madison HEMP on Silver Creek, where a quantity of UN- - DHESSED FLAX is wanted. Letters lest at J. Is" D. Maccouns in Lex in'ton, or at Tlios. C. (Sr G. Howards, llicr monrl. will be attended to. 1 tv. ioofi. dt j ft ABO T two weeks apn, between Col Hart's nnd Mrs Beck's School, or borrowed from thence, the first volume of Ptnkertori'j Geography whoever may find itsyttl by re- turning it to Col. Hart's or Mrs. Beck's, con- fer a great savor. THE SUBSCRIBER informs the pub- - Vc, that he has takeeJhoMdjo,nijjBTf?iends- - and the publick in general Mr. Plain's house, where he Kill that he continues to keep a liouu o nues t)le OMtiiltp- - ana utlainp- - uusmess to which he will add the 'jjfenaing making, andframing of Looking Glasses ; He will have an elegant aflbrtmentof Gilt Piblure Frames. The fubferiber has Jikewife on hand an affortment of EARTHEN WARE. W. Mentelle. TUav 20, 1806. AA valuable farm F0R SALE' 147 ianu, wnereon I live, of a superior quality, bout one mile from Lexington, on the road lead- ing to Cynthiana. It has on it a very convenient two dory house, with three rooms below and three above, with three brick chimneys; a kitchen, smoke house, negro hoilfes, a barn and table room for 15 horses, an apple orchard of 00 old bearing trees and about 150 of young tree's, all of excellent fruit. It is well watered with never sailing springs, and a flrear.i runs through it fufficier.t to turn a mill at leall six months in the year with 17 feet fall, about 50 or 60 acres cleared, about 20 acres in meadow, 3 lots of clover and blue grass,the whole under an excellent fence the balance well timbered, and a large portion of excellent meado v ground also, theflock of horses, cattle and hogs', and will give seven years credit 'to the purchaser. M. SATTER WHITE. September 3, 1806. tf. RICHARD l AYJLOK, ESPECTrULLY informs his friends and the publick, that he has opened a lately occupied by Mr. John Instone, in Frankfoit ; where he is supplied with the best of liquors and provisions of every'kind. His stable is well furnished with forage, and an attentive ost- - paid them, he flatters himself lie will share the publick savour. Frankfort, October 24, 1805. FOR SALE, CAfe", rv excellent WAGGON, with five Geers and the fifth chain, in com plete order. Enquire of the printer. IS hereby given, to all whom it may jh$ House of Entertainment, intorrfrYn'tiEltIar commodious johnArm(lrong'sftore,where manu-jle- r. From arrangements made accoin-fjAin- all Cut & his attention that will Saddlers' CHARLES KU.UPHKYb,bf RECEIVr.VtKUM NliH-UttL.rjn.LN- o, of Jamaica 22cSpr.lb. NOTICE immmediately on "MACBEAN'?, the good These experienced Bolin)j,at have SPINNING FACTORY, LOST RESPECTFULLY also NOTICE, concern, to torwam any perlon from ttti' king an alignment or title to a piece ofT land, entered in the name of Charles Morehead, and patented to the same, of 203 acres, in Montgomery county, as I purchased the same of him, and paid e same, sometime about the year 1801, and some time aster that time be died and hh representatives lefufe to make a title to me for the same. , Weathers Smith Jen. October 14, 1806. ' ' jwJC RICHARD" BARRY. BOOT k'sHOE-MAKE- R, .FROM PHILADELPHIA. HAS commenced business in the fhon lately occupied by Mr, N. Prentifs near Mr. Willon's inn. He has on hand a very handsome afTortment of Boots and Shoes. As to prices, he will only fav that he will sell as low as he ran afford ; but he willpromifelincerely to do GOOD WORK in the newefl fafliion and at a short notice. 6mo. Nov. ifl. 1806. ( WILL BE SOLD Hc Lexington, on the 25th of Novem- - beithc full bred horse 1 ALBERT and REGULU5., raised by Col, John Hofkins of Virgin- ia, for which a long credit will be al- lowed, by giving bond with approved securities. The terms to be made known fullv on the dav of fal. hv oa. 30. A COURSE of Leftures on the i he- - oraflQ fractice ot ' MEDICINE, the 1 ranlvlvama Univerlity, will cimmence on the tniru Monday ot tiit present month. JAS. FISHBACK, P.M. October 3, 180G- - FAKEN UP by Nathan Burrows, iving in Lexington, one bay ho'rfe, six 'eaxs old, fifteen and one half hands hinh. hind soot white apprailed to 30 dofars. Yl CH. HUMPHRE V Nov. 5, 1806. L Blank Deeds , FOR SALE HERE. JOHN DOWNING; RESPECTFULLY informs his 'in tnat commodious frame house, o. Main Street, oppofue the Court ' house, at the sign of THE BUFF ALOE; where he is prepnred to accommo- date Travellers, anclothers wlv inav please to call on him, in the best man ner. He is well provided with a variety of the belt liquors his IJed ding and other accommodations will be fuiniflied equal to any in the vVeltern Country. His Stable is well supplied with Hay, Oats, and Corn, and his Oftler particularly .a tentive, and careful. 1 hole wh . are so obligingas to call on him, ma rest alTured that they fliall receive the greatelf attention, and every ev ertion will be made to make their situation agreeable. Private par- ties may be accommodated with i room undisturbed by the buftie of a tavern. - t Lexington, April 29. jL f FOR SALli, y A LIKELY voung ? I NEGRO WOMAN, well acquainted with house work e quire of the Printer. tf 1st Augufl, 1806. WILLIAM DORSEY, WPHES to inform his and the public in general, that he carries on ( Coopering Business, in Lexington, three doors above mr. Samuel Ayres, and oppofue to mr. Ran- kin, Main-flre- et and Im on hand a large afTortment of veffels from 10 to 100 gal- lons, and hopes bv his partyul.ir atten- tion to business to merit their cullom. 12111 NOTICE WHEREAS we made a contract with John Jordan Jtin. of Lexington. bearing date, day of April 1806, so-- plantation near said "town of Lexmg' ton, for which we were to pay in flavis and jyhifk'-v- ; not less than atf.ooo (laver. noilefsthao 2000 gallons of whifkry, to bAaiin Orleans &c. on the ifl d iv of y807, and the balance on the id t Miy 1808, 111 the same way, be- - which time, the said John Jordan jr. d to make us a clear and indifpu- - to f.je atorelaid plantation. as a certap Jacob Clair, ot litjds pfrorlgage on said fftrrrpjBi a Tfaf s, a much lar- - rf rum ttiin 1IT4. finnt.mnln..J I. ..! - I lull, man unj .Wi .!. Ii, ntX LCU III lilIU rrmtrai, and foKcertain reasons whic! we explained tonhe said John Jordan Jr. we djd on the( tfth infl. call on him to give us security, that he would contev tous the said plantation agieeable U' contract, or rescind and make void e, notwithllanding we had progrefTei largely in the preparatioti for payment , but he refused, and flill refuses to do ei ther We therefore give notice to the said John Jordan Jr. that we fliall de fert the contract, and leave him hisplan tation without ever pofTefing it, and tr the public Jo take no aflignment on he aforesaid contrafl, as we are determined 1 to comply with no part theieof unlef- - compelled by law, under the aforelaid circumflances. Edmds1 Anderson Searcy. October 16, i8(5. TEN DOLLARS REWARD. RAM AWAY from the fubferibe, li- ving on the waters of the Town fork of Elkhorn, Fayette county, on Sunday night the 12th infl. a negro woman na- med PA T T, mahout nineteen years of age, five feet se ven or emht inches high, flcnder made, has a sear I think on the upper part df her bread : had on and took with her a black bonnet, an old hat, a white groun- ded callico habit patched with a different kind, a callico Ihort-gow- a white linen petticoat flounced, a blue dp. a blue blanket sewed up like a bag and a pair of the flioes of boots. The said negro I perty of George Beenfon, of Pendleton county. The above reward will be giv- en to any person who will deliver the said negro to me, or five dollars is in any jail so that I may get her again. Jacob JlFConalhy. October 201 1806. SHORT NOTICE. I THOSE indebted to the subscriber bv Bond, Note, or Book Account, are rerpiirjd to make immediate payment to Mr. Hiram Shaw, who is sully authorised to receive the same- - A compliance 1U1 the abo e will sa e trouble and expence. johnl.o'nrey. Letinjjton, September 23, 1806. tf COPPP.RPLATE COPIES, For sale at the. office of the Kentucky Gazette. WILLIAM H()SKlKlib.Tuoug'irTne 20m ot an munui, tne pro near DOCTOR JOSEPH BOSWELL, HJid removed to his farm, seven mile? ft'Yyi Leiington, near the Rev. A. Ducileif jMjfciehe ill practice I,ledicine in all 'yliflcrdft bianchts. He has oiv hand a l.irgr tu:iit of Genuine Medicine, which he will,Htb whole sale or retail. He also ofeis for sale, two hundred and six- - eight acies of hrt rate MILITARY LAND, aear Hornbeck's mill Clarke county, a part of C A. Nalliauiel Gist's survey. He will take Cash or Young Negroes for it. tfo Favmecoimty, 10th Feb. 1806. ALEXANDER PARKER Has jufl imported from Philadelphia, and r.ned at his flore 111 Ltxington, (on Main-llreee- t, oppofue the Public SquAie) A vay extensive and elegant assortment of DRY GOODS, 7 G ROC FRIES WA1 QUEEN'S. GLASS WARES Also, the befl imported Bar Iron-an- d Castings, Alforted, which he will sell on the mod noderate trrms for rail), hemp, fait and country made sugar. Lexington, May 23, 1806. P LANE 31 A NU FACTORY. M. ELLIS s? Co. T5 EG leave to infonn the l'ublc that tlirv s - havecommercedthePLANE MAUIHG uusiwhb in all its variib branrl Pitts burgh. 111 Seeond-StreU- , near tlie ro.uer 01 Li jertv Street, where those who please to faMiur hem w lib ihe;r custom may reh upi 1 Flares it a supennr imjluy, and on reasona'.V teimi aj" All ord s duij attended to ivnb punctu. ility and dispatch , ' Septenijer 16, 1806. Cm. J. &? D. MACCOUN, 'J AVE received from Philad. !, Via, ' ' d now opening at their Sti'c on Main SfrrC-- . tinnoiite the Public Sou ire isXttnsive assortment of IIRACHANDlZli P STATI ONARY, t Which, with a ronftant supply of bed Pwinfylvmiia BAR IRON &? CASTINGS, b" NAILS, From their Nail Manufactory, will be loin at tne lowin prices tor uain m hand. Anions their Bcnkf are the following, Law Diftionaty, .Ba- con's "Abridgment, Hawkins's Pleas of he Crown, Impey's Practice, Hale's Comm. n Law, Blackdone's Commenta- ries, with Ghriftun's Notes. WafliinQ- - con's Reports, Citl's do. Vefey Junior's ps. rlenry tilackUpnf s do. Coke's do Burrows s do. Owper'3 do. Story's Pleadings, Macnally's Evidence, Bar- ton's- 'lreatife on Equity, Fonblanque on do. rotheir on Uhhgations, rowel on Contracts, Kaimes's Law Tracts, do. rrincirles ot Equity, I he Enulilli rlea der, Pleader's Affidant, Efpinafs, Went- - Lvorth's Executor, Roper on Wills, Jones on Bailment, Chitty on Bills ot Exchange, Fitzheibert's lS'itura Brevi-um- , Lilly's Entries, Brown on EqUality, Becaria on CnmrsTlie Federalid, Cur-ra- n 's Speeches, Moore's Anaereort, San-son'- s Letters from Italy, Abbe Barthel eniy's Travels in Italy, Roscoe's Lorenzo de Medici, Hool's Areodo. Gilford's Tran'flation of Juvenal. Darwin's Life, The Life of Genl. Mmeau, Moreau's St. Domingo, Barrow's Travels in Afri- ca, Moore's Travels through France, Germany, &c. Carr's Strangerin France, Residence in France, Smith's Wealth of Nations, Ifitereding Anecdotes, do. Don Quixotte, Gil-blas- Santeline.Heiniam's Philofophv, Paley's do. do. Evidence's of Chridian Religion, DavifsS Sermons, Doddiidge'" Paraphrase, Carey's Family Bible, lated edition. Also the bed approved Claffic and Scientific Authors, tor the use ofj Schools, with a variety ot Other Books too tedious to etiameiate. They have likewile contracted for a sew thousand copies of the new improv ed edition ot VVtiBbliiU'S it'i.L.L- - ING BOOK, containing twenty-sou- r pa- ges more than the prefei.t one in use ; to be printed in Lexington, from tlie (landing types composed in Philadelphia. Orders from one to one hundred dozen, can, in a sew weeks af'er this time, be filled on the (horted notic-- , andat a low- er price, than they can be imported from Philadelphia. Also the following B ioks of Kentucky manufacture, will be fur- nilhed on the same low terms, to wit: The American Orator, Kentucky Pre- ceptor, American do. School Geogra- phy, Guthrie's" Arithmetic, Wilton's, Lyle's, Harrison, and Murray's Gram- mars, Blank Bpoks &c. &c. Sec. . Subscribers for Caiey's Family Bibles are requeded to call and receive them. Lexington, May 10, r 4 Jt BO R SALE FOR CASH, WLi kely Young Negro Man, TTjtJlS a ctive,ttrong and healthy. n- - quire art his omc. 1 tf July i6t 1806. REMOVAL. WAb removed his 5ttnr . . mentin Mr. Lewis Suh-'- .. ,"c. a.pa.r- '- use, nearly onnofiV; mV 'i'k printing office ! ! . V. ",an.'ora's large ed from pw wdphi...?fiscsft :rv- - GROCERIES, ;? HARD WARE, (J J QUEENS'S? i GLASS PWARE. And will be sold ve'rv iw r.r.-- n "' ,u ' fmtablepioduce. f 40 Barrels of Louisiana Stl-- a I gar, 5 I 10 do. Loaf d0m 3 ! ioao Bottles Be, deaux Claret, 2 ! I Ytttc I I 20 C Can peachy ogvo r l 500 lb. Blistered Steele, To be sold by the quantity, 011 a credit of 60 and 00 liays Ca.'h will h ni Good Merchantable Hemp Ini , .. " - iociu. Uuj., COPPER fa- - TIN SMITHS, Refpectfnlly inform ,e b, SV xc. 1 li.-- v flill continue i 11 ana at Sh.ibvville, "V'!le Irino- .11 fi,-- ; -- r n'n is ,U.rCt0l0re... ma. t? -- " "' Ul ILIIIS anH anrl w.,1, 1..... '" "'"ers, hat- - glue kettles, fiice 'ZU'rlr " and Cr.,,.,, . ',., r " !'T?S wan p.v wholesale or re:ai . "'n or tali. - 1UW puit3t.,a; Lvt'an'o3 i"fonn th5 " - - ii. in sir . - "CO. 1 nev intfnH ,,,,:. -- - .- -, cmhand, acotiR.,;,;;'''" ?.v'g ble Aud-lrou- s and fj,fdf. u"'" ets and Still-O- , U fr?"1!? '.v- - 111 fhf- i.irir. '' withtheaveSn than they can imnurt ,,, ,r, S"'"3 ... . . '"i Drais unr rnnn.. u . vvu 111 1II IJf- - TM-.-n i n hi exenanoe Calh given for pewter, bruf s and top-- 4t Augnd 14, 1806. JSSk LJ Doctors Fishback Ss? Dudley!' HAVE commenced partnership the practice of Medicine, burgerv, &c. 111 Lexington. By rheirfkill in tho'le iJiofefhons, and attention to bufineis, tney hope to merit a fliare of the public confidence. Mav 20, 1806. MiitUf ivtiN i Ul.K'1 , Montgomery Circuit, July term I8O0. Jams S. Magowen, Complainant, John Bofkell, Des. againd ndant. ? ' IN CHANCERY. THIS day came the conmlainant hv his counsel, and the defendant not hav-iri- g entered his appearence herein agree- ably to the law, and he rules ot this court, and it appearing to the fatisfac-tio- n of the ci urt th.t he is no inhabi- tant of this date, theiefire on the mo- tion of the complainant by his tounfcl, it is ordered, that unless he does appear here on the thjrd 'slay of our next Octo- ber terra and answer the complainants bill, or that.the same will be taken for confefied ; and that a copy of this order pe published in some authorifed news- paper of this date, lo: eight weeks A copy. Tede, Micajab Harrisor., elk 3I.C.C. ' ' I WANT TO PURCHASE Fifty barrels of GOOD WHISKEY, and pay for them in Boots'St Shoes, with some cash. H. CRAWFORD. Boor & Shoe maker Main-Stie- e, Lex-- i ngton. Geo. MZ Bibb v LL.L. contiiire7t(-Tcer- c ife his profefllon of counlil ani attorney at law. in those ciicuit courts in which he has heretofore praftifed, and in the court of appeals, and court of the United States, for the Kentucky diftHO. 7 , i St CASH WILL be given for clean Merchanta- - table Whe delivered in Lexington, r at my Mill on South L.lkhon. Ln- - pure of Saml. Downing orHar. & Bar- - lett in .Lexington, or tit the JN'lili ot Geo. Calii'Mcll. Nov. 3, 1806.

0 J V m J A rin i v.nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7w3r0psn68/data/1032.pdf147 ianu, wnereon I live, of a superior quality, bout one mile from Lexington, on the road lead-ing to Cynthiana. It

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Page 1: 0 J V m J A rin i v.nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7w3r0psn68/data/1032.pdf147 ianu, wnereon I live, of a superior quality, bout one mile from Lexington, on the road lead-ing to Cynthiana. It



W: 60


ttr-7- - iir---V -7-"Er-snyI

" ett r ' - ,' g ffy A FFTTTinrin ilL i J m - i is i v. 4 1 li J





published twice a week,inuiiKn ,

Three Dollars anda-lfal- f per aIlnum

eaid in advance, or Four Dollars at the

end of the year.

Tliofe who write to the Editor, mud

pav the pottage of their letters.

WEISIGER'S TAVERN,Frankfort, Kentucky.

The Subscri- -

M&Sm ber, refpeafullyI. 1& i Tf ti ifl H informs the pub- -- mm 9M t4 II I" I lic,thathehasta

Iren noltellion o

f his house, latelyoccupied by Cap.

Phillip Bum', and known by the sign of

THE EAGLE.Grateful for the very liberal encourage-

ment which he has experienced on ior-m-

ricOafions, be is determined that no

exertion, expence, or attention thall ue

wanting, to promote the, accomodationof thole who may please to favonr him

with their cudom. His house 1S lar8eand his rooms are conimodioi s He has

a variety X)f liquors-ofrth- e first quality,and his table is plentifully fupphed with

the bed viands that the season affords.To his beds particular attention lhall

be paid. He ha a spacious liable, abun-

dantly furnidied with corn, oats & hay,and an attentive hofller to attend it.

Gentlemen may at any time be furnilh-

ed with private rooms, free from thenoise of the tavern.

Danl. Weistger.April 9th, 1806,


fpeftfully ge and brickhouseTHE fubferiberstheir friends and the public in generalsthat the v have opened a iNA.ii.. waii- -

(J FACTORY, in the town of Mays- -

ville. on Water flreet, next door to Mr.they tlie to

kinds of Nails Sprigs, mod.ite visitants, and theAlso, have on hand, a general afTortmsnt be

of Wrought Nails. lacks, Dor- -

t't Urrrr Trnn. IVlldM GlaSS, HotloV)

Ware&c .which they intend to sell at the

Pittsburgh prices with the addition ofcarriage, for calh or apprbved notes.

William Porter sun. & Go



miantitv spirits, Supar andwhich they will sell on the following

terms, viz :

4tb pvoofspirits by the hhd S2 per gall.barrel g2 12 cts. tb.

Suearbvthe barrel . or cwt.1 smaller quantity 25 cts.

Fi3ti, asOct. 1, 1805. gw- -


IS hereby given to all peffons who

r"Trra; have any claims againd the eflateof Edmond Fair, dec. to bring them for-

ward as que k as poffible. properlyin order that proiifion may be

made to .discharge the same, and all

pii Tons that OK in debt to said eflateare hereby reqtfefled ,tO come forward

and make payment toJAMES FAIR.7 d .

St.rlL..Nov. 8, 1806. 3. ti- -

1 WILL GIVE 1 s 2dPER pound, in cafli, for cleaw combed

Hog's Bristles at my fliop, at the cornerot Short and Urols ltreets, wnere 1 carry

the BRUSH making business. Theunfiles being scalded is ot no injury tothem. I flill carry on the Wheel andChair making ouhnt-l- s as ulual.

ROBERT HOLMES.Nov. 10, 1S06. w. ill Feb.


Near Mouth of Tate's Creek,In "HAVE undergone conflderable repairs,

and are now in order to undertakeMERCHANT or COUNTRY VO:iK.

excellent MILLS are too well knownto need any observations, and Mr. JamesJtf'Call. who is an Miller, wi'Igive conftnnt attendance, in order to give e- -

very fatistaction to tne pnonc.Mr. oel the SAW.MILL, will

generally a stock of PLANK, on hand

to supply Boats goinfjdown the River or 0tliers.

A quantity of WHEAT, is wanted to pur-chaf-

Good encouragement will be givento a BOA who will undertaketo build on the (hares. For terms apply toJames M'Call at the Gnit-Mii- l, or to

W. MACBEAN,at the MadisonHEMPon Silver Creek, where a quantity of UN- -

DHESSED FLAX is wanted.Letters lest at J. Is" D. Maccouns in Lex

in'ton, or at Tlios. C. (Sr G. Howards, llicrmonrl. will be attended to.

1 tv. ioofi. dt j

ft ABO T two weeks apn, between Col

Hart's nnd Mrs Beck's School, or borrowedfrom thence, the first volume of Ptnkertori'jGeography whoever may find itsyttl by re-

turning it to Col. Hart's or Mrs. Beck's, con-

fer a great savor.

THE SUBSCRIBERinforms the pub- -

Vc, that he has takeeJhoMdjo,nijjBTf?iends- -

and the publick in generalMr. Plain's house, where he Kill that he continues to keep a liouu onues t)le

OMtiiltp-- ana utlainp-- uusmessto which he will add the

'jjfenaing making, andframing ofLooking Glasses ;

He will have an elegant aflbrtmentofGilt Piblure Frames.

The fubferiber has Jikewife on hand anaffortment of


TUav 20, 1806.

AA valuable farmF0R SALE'

147 ianu, wnereonI live, of a superior quality, bout onemile from Lexington, on the road lead-ing to Cynthiana. It has on it a veryconvenient two dory house, with threerooms below and three above, with threebrick chimneys; a kitchen, smoke house,negro hoilfes, a barn and table room for15 horses, an apple orchard of 00 oldbearing trees and about 150 of youngtree's, all of excellent fruit. It is wellwatered with never sailing springs, anda flrear.i runs through it fufficier.t toturn a mill at leall six months in theyear with 17 feet fall, about 50 or 60acres cleared, about 20 acres in meadow,3 lots of clover and blue grass,the wholeunder an excellent fence the balancewell timbered, and a large portion ofexcellent meado v ground also, theflockof horses, cattle and hogs', and will giveseven years credit 'to the purchaser.

M. SATTER WHITE.September 3, 1806. tf.

RICHARD l AYJLOK,ESPECTrULLY informs his friends andthe publick, that he has opened a

latelyoccupied by Mr. John Instone, in Frankfoit ;

where he is supplied with the best of liquorsand provisions of every'kind. His stable iswell furnished with forage, and an attentive ost- -

paid them, he flatters himself lie will sharethe publick savour.

Frankfort, October 24, 1805.

FOR SALE,CAfe",rv excellent WAGGON, withfive Geers and the fifth chain, in complete order. Enquire of the printer.

IS hereby given, to all whom it may

jh$House of Entertainment,intorrfrYn'tiEltIar commodious

johnArm(lrong'sftore,where manu-jle- r. From arrangements made accoin-fjAin-

all Cut & his attention that will



NliH-UttL.rjn.LN- o,

of Jamaica
















concern, to torwam any perlon from ttti'king an alignment or title to a piece ofTland, entered in the name of CharlesMorehead, and patented to the same, of203 acres, in Montgomery county, as Ipurchased the same of him, and paid e

same, sometime about the year 1801,and some time aster that time be diedand hh representatives lefufe to make atitle to me for the same.

, Weathers Smith Jen.October 14, 1806. ' ' jwJC


.FROM PHILADELPHIA.HAS commenced business in the fhon

lately occupied by Mr, N. Prentifs nearMr. Willon's inn. He has on hand avery handsome afTortment of Boots andShoes. As to prices, he will only favthat he will sell as low as he ran afford ;but he willpromifelincerely to do GOODWORK in the newefl fafliion and at ashort notice.6mo. Nov. ifl. 1806.

( WILL BE SOLDHc Lexington, on the 25th of Novem- -

beithc full bred horse 1

ALBERT and REGULU5.,raised by Col, John Hofkins of Virgin-ia, for which a long credit will be al-

lowed, by giving bond with approvedsecurities. The terms to be made knownfullv on the dav of fal. hv

oa. 30.A COURSE of Leftures on the i he- -

oraflQ fractice ot '

MEDICINE,the 1 ranlvlvama Univerlity, will

cimmence on the tniru Monday ot tiitpresent month.

JAS. FISHBACK, P.M.October 3, 180G- -

FAKEN UP by Nathan Burrows,iving in Lexington, one bay ho'rfe, six'eaxs old, fifteen and one half hands hinh.

hind soot white apprailed to 30dofars.Yl CH. HUMPHREV Nov. 5, 1806.


Blank Deeds, FOR SALE HERE.


'in tnat commodious frame house, o.Main Street, oppofue the Court

'house, at the sign of

THE BUFF ALOE;where he is prepnred to accommo-date Travellers, anclothers wlv inavplease to call on him, in the best manner. He is well provided with a

variety of the belt liquors his IJedding and other accommodations willbe fuiniflied equal to any in thevVeltern Country. His Stable iswell supplied with Hay, Oats, andCorn, and his Oftler particularly .atentive, and careful. 1 hole wh .

are so obligingas to call on him, marest alTured that they fliall receivethe greatelf attention, and every ev

ertion will be made to make theirsituation agreeable. Private par-ties may be accommodated with iroom undisturbed by the buftie of a

tavern. - tLexington, April 29.

jL f FOR SALli,y A LIKELY voung

? I NEGRO WOMAN,well acquainted with house work e

quire of the Printer.tf 1st Augufl, 1806.

WILLIAM DORSEY,WPHES to inform his and

the public in general, that he carries on

( Coopering Business,in Lexington, three doors above mr.Samuel Ayres, and oppofue to mr. Ran-

kin, Main-flre- et and Im on hand a largeafTortment of veffels from 10 to 100 gal-

lons, and hopes bv his partyul.ir atten-tion to business to merit their cullom. 12111

NOTICEWHEREAS we made a contract

with John Jordan Jtin. of Lexington.bearing date, day of April 1806, so--

plantation near said "town of Lexmg'ton, for which we were to pay in flavisand jyhifk'-v- ; not less than atf.ooo (laver.noilefsthao 2000 gallons of whifkry, tobAaiin Orleans &c. on the ifl d iv of

y807, and the balance on the idt Miy 1808, 111 the same way, be- -

which time, the said John Jordan jr.d to make us a clear and indifpu- -

to f.je atorelaid plantation.as a certap Jacob Clair, otlitjds pfrorlgage on said

fftrrrpjBi a Tfaf s , a much lar- -

rf rum ttiin 1IT4. finnt.mnln..J I. ..!- I lull, man unj .Wi .!. Ii, ntX LCU III lilIUrrmtrai, and foKcertain reasons whic!we explained tonhe said John Jordan Jr.we djd on the( tfth infl. call on him togive us security, that he would contevtous the said plantation agieeable U'contract, or rescind and make void e,

notwithllanding we had progrefTeilargely in the preparatioti for payment ,

but he refused, and flill refuses to do either We therefore give notice to thesaid John Jordan Jr. that we fliall defert the contract, and leave him hisplantation without ever pofTefing it, and trthe public Jo take no aflignment on heaforesaid contrafl, as we are determined

1 to comply with no part theieof unlef- -

compelled by law, under the aforelaidcircumflances.

Edmds1 Anderson Searcy.October 16, i8(5.

TEN DOLLARS REWARD.RAM AWAY from the fubferibe, li-

ving on the waters of the Town fork ofElkhorn, Fayette county, on Sundaynight the 12th infl. a negro woman na-


PA T T,mahout nineteen years of age, five feet se

ven or emht inches high, flcnder made,has a sear I think on the upper part dfher bread : had on and took with her ablack bonnet, an old hat, a white groun-ded callico habit patched with a differentkind, a callico Ihort-gow- a white linenpetticoat flounced, a blue dp. a blueblanket sewed up like a bag and a pairof the flioes of boots. The said negro I

perty of George Beenfon, of Pendletoncounty. The above reward will be giv-en to any person who will deliver thesaid negro to me, or five dollars is

in any jail so that I may get heragain.

Jacob JlFConalhy.October 201 1806.

SHORT NOTICE.I THOSE indebted to the subscriber bvBond, Note, or Book Account, are rerpiirjdto make immediate payment to Mr. HiramShaw, who is sully authorised to receive thesame- - A compliance 1U1 the abo e will sa etrouble and expence.

johnl.o'nrey.Letinjjton, September 23, 1806. tf

COPPP.RPLATE COPIES,For sale at the. office of the Kentucky


WILLIAM H()SKlKlib.Tuoug'irTne 20m ot an munui, tne pro


DOCTOR JOSEPH BOSWELL,HJid removed to his farm, seven

mile? ft'Yyi Leiington, near the Rev. A.Ducileif jMjfciehe ill practice I,ledicine inall 'yliflcrdft bianchts. He has oiv hand al.irgr tu:iit of Genuine Medicine, which hewill,Htb whole sale or retail.

He also ofeis for sale, two hundred and six- -

eight acies of hrt rateMILITARY LAND,

aear Hornbeck's mill Clarke county, a part ofC A. Nalliauiel Gist's survey. He will takeCash or Young Negroes for it.

tfo Favmecoimty, 10th Feb. 1806.

ALEXANDER PARKERHas jufl imported from Philadelphia, and

r.ned at his flore 111 Ltxington, (onMain-llreee- t, oppofue the PublicSquAie)

A vay extensive and elegant assortmentof



Also, the befl importedBar Iron-an- d Castings,

Alforted, which he will sell on the modnoderate trrms for rail), hemp, fait andcountry made sugar.

Lexington, May 23, 1806.


M. ELLIS s? Co.T5 EG leave to infonn the l'ublc that tlirvs - havecommercedthePLANE MAUIHGuusiwhb in all its variib branrl Pittsburgh. 111 Seeond-StreU- , near tlie ro.uer 01 Lijertv Street, where those who please to faMiurhem w lib ihe;r custom may reh upi 1 Flaresit a supennr imjluy, and on reasona'.V teimi

aj" All ord s duij attended to ivnb punctu.ility and dispatch ,


Septenijer 16, 1806. Cm.


'J AVE received from Philad. !, Via,' ' d now opening at their Sti'c on

Main SfrrC-- . tinnoiite the Public Sou ireisXttnsive assortment of


Which, with a ronftant supply of bedPwinfylvmiia


From their Nail Manufactory, will beloin at tne lowin prices tor uain mhand.Anions their Bcnkf are the following,

Law Diftionaty, .Ba-

con's "Abridgment, Hawkins's Pleas ofhe Crown, Impey's Practice, Hale's

Comm. n Law, Blackdone's Commenta-ries, with Ghriftun's Notes. WafliinQ- -

con's Reports, Citl's do. Vefey Junior'sps. rlenry tilackUpnf s do. Coke's do

Burrows s do. Owper'3 do. Story'sPleadings, Macnally's Evidence, Bar-ton's- 'lreatife on Equity, Fonblanqueon do. rotheir on Uhhgations, rowel onContracts, Kaimes's Law Tracts, do.rrincirles ot Equity, I he Enulilli rleader, Pleader's Affidant, Efpinafs, Went- -

Lvorth's Executor, Roper on Wills,Jones on Bailment, Chitty on Bills otExchange, Fitzheibert's lS'itura Brevi-um- ,

Lilly's Entries, Brown on EqUality,Becaria on CnmrsTlie Federalid, Cur-ra- n

's Speeches, Moore's Anaereort, San-son'- s

Letters from Italy, Abbe Bartheleniy's Travels in Italy, Roscoe's Lorenzode Medici, Hool's Areodo. Gilford'sTran'flation of Juvenal. Darwin's Life,The Life of Genl. Mmeau, Moreau'sSt. Domingo, Barrow's Travels in Afri-ca, Moore's Travels through France,Germany, &c. Carr's Strangerin France,Residence in France, Smith's Wealth ofNations, Ifitereding Anecdotes, do.

Don Quixotte, Gil-blas-

Santeline.Heiniam's Philofophv,Paley's do. do. Evidence's of ChridianReligion, DavifsS Sermons, Doddiidge'"Paraphrase, Carey's Family Bible, latededition. Also the bed approved Clafficand Scientific Authors, tor the use ofjSchools, with a variety ot Other Bookstoo tedious to etiameiate.

They have likewile contracted for asew thousand copies of the new improved edition ot VVtiBbliiU'S it'i.L.L- -ING BOOK, containing twenty-sou- r pa-

ges more than the prefei.t one in use ;

to be printed in Lexington, from tlie(landing types composed in Philadelphia.Orders from one to one hundred dozen,can, in a sew weeks af'er this time, befilled on the (horted notic-- , andat a low-

er price, than they can be imported fromPhiladelphia. Also the following B ioksof Kentucky manufacture, will be fur-nilhed on the same low terms, to wit:

The American Orator, Kentucky Pre-ceptor, American do. School Geogra-phy, Guthrie's" Arithmetic, Wilton's,Lyle's, Harrison, and Murray's Gram-mars, Blank Bpoks &c. &c. Sec.

. Subscribers for Caiey's FamilyBibles are requeded to call and receivethem.

Lexington, May 10,r4Jt BO R SALE FOR CASH,

WLi kely Young Negro Man,TTjtJlS a ctive,ttrong and healthy. n- -

quire art his omc.1 tf July i6t 1806.


WAb removed his 5ttnr . .

mentin Mr. Lewis Suh-'- .. ,"c. a.pa.r- '-use, nearly onnofiV; mV 'i'kprinting office ! ! . V. ",an.'ora's

largeed from pwwdphi...?fiscsft :rv- -


And will be sold ve'rv iw r.r.-- n"' ,u 'fmtablepioduce.

f 40 Barrels of Louisiana Stl-- aI gar,

5 I 10 do. Loaf d0m

3! ioao Bottles Be, deaux Claret,

2!I Ytttc

I I 20 C Can peachy ogvor l 500 lb. Blistered Steele,

To be sold by the quantity, 011 a creditof 60 and 00 liaysCa.'h will h ni

Good Merchantable HempIni , .." - iociu.


Refpectfnlly inform ,e b, SV

xc. 1 li.--v flill continue i 11ana at Sh.ibvville, "V'!leIrino- .11 fi,-- ; -- r n'n is ,U.rCt0l0re... ma.

t? -- " "' Ul ILIIIS anHanrl w.,1, 1..... '" "'"ers, hat- -

glue kettles, fiice 'ZU'rlr "and Cr.,,.,, . ',., r " !'T?Swan p.v wholesale or re:ai . "'nor tali. - 1UW

puit3t.,a; Lvt'an'o3 i"fonn th5

" - - ii. in sir . -

"CO. 1 nev intfnH ,,,,:. -- - .--,

cmhand, acotiR.,;,;;'''" ?.v'gble Aud-lrou- s and fj,fdf. u"'"ets and Still-O- , U fr?"1!? '.v- -111 fhf- i.irir. ''withtheaveSnthan they can imnurt ,,, ,r, S"'"3

... . . '"i Draisunr rnnn.. u .vvu 111 1II IJf- - TM-.-n in hi exenanoeCalh given for pewter, bruf s and top-- 4t

Augnd 14, 1806.


LJDoctors Fishback Ss? Dudley!'HAVE commenced partnershipthe practice of Medicine, burgerv,

&c. 111 Lexington. By rheirfkill in tho'leiJiofefhons, and attention to bufineis,tney hope to merit a fliare of the publicconfidence.

Mav 20, 1806.

MiitUf ivtiN i Ul.K'1 ,Montgomery Circuit, July term

I8O0.Jams S. Magowen, Complainant,

John Bofkell, Des.againd

ndant. ?' IN CHANCERY.THIS day came the conmlainant hv

his counsel, and the defendant not hav-iri- gentered his appearence herein agree-

ably to the law, and he rules ot thiscourt, and it appearing to the fatisfac-tio- n

of the ci urt th.t he is no inhabi-tant of this date, theiefire on the mo-tion of the complainant by his tounfcl,it is ordered, that unless he does appearhere on the thjrd 'slay of our next Octo-ber terra and answer the complainantsbill, or that.the same will be taken forconfefied ; and that a copy of this orderpe published in some authorifed news-paper of this date, lo: eight weeks

A copy. Tede,Micajab Harrisor., elk 3I.C.C.

' ' I WANT TO PURCHASEFifty barrels of GOOD WHISKEY,and pay for them in Boots'St Shoes, withsome cash.

H. CRAWFORD.Boor & Shoe maker Main-Stie- e, Lex-- ington.

Geo. MZ Bibbv LL.L. contiiire7t(-Tcer- c ife his

profefllon of counlil ani attorney at law. inthose ciicuit courts in which he has heretoforepraftifed, and in the court of appeals, andcourt of the United States, for the KentuckydiftHO.



CASHWILL be given for clean Merchanta- -

table Whe delivered in Lexington,r at my Mill on South L.lkhon. Ln- -

pure of Saml. Downing orHar. & Bar- -lett in .Lexington, or tit the JN'lili ot

Geo. Calii'Mcll.Nov. 3, 1806.