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  • 8/13/2019 01a_SE_MVD34543534


    Software Engineering

    Session By

    Dr. Manojkumar V. DeshpandeProfessor & Associate Dean

  • 8/13/2019 01a_SE_MVD34543534


    Differentiate Software and Program

    What do you mean Quality ?

    What is Green, Blue and Red Money ?

    3/4/2013 Dr.Manojkumar Deshpande,SVKMs NMIMS, Shirpur Campus



  • 8/13/2019 01a_SE_MVD34543534


    Quality Attributes / Factor

    quality attribute : A feature or characteristicthat affects an item's quality. Syn: qualityfactor. Note: In a hierarchy of qualityattributes, higher level attributes may becalled quality factors, lower level attributescalled quality attributes.

    quality factor quality attribute. Note: In a

    hierarchy of quality attributes, higher levelattributes may be called quality factors, lowerlevel attributes called quality attributes.

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    McCalls Triangle of Quality

    Ma in ta in a b ilityMa in ta in a b ilityF le x ib ilityF le x ib ility

    T e s ta b ilityT e s ta b ility

    P o rta b ilityP o rta b ility

    R e u s a b ilityR e u s a b ility

    I n te ro p e ra b ilityI n te ro p e ra b ility

    C o rre c tn e s sC o rre c tn e s s

    R e lia b ilityR e lia b ility

    E ffic ie n c yE ffic ie n c y

    I n te g rityI n te g rity

    U s a b ilityU s a b ility

    P R O D U C T T R A N S I T I O NP R O D U C T T R A N S I T I O NP R O D U C T R E V I S I O NP R O D U C T R E V I S I O N

    P R O D U C T O P E R A T I O NP R O D U C T O P E R A T I O N

  • 8/13/2019 01a_SE_MVD34543534



    Correctness : The Extent to which a program satisfiesits specification and fulfills the customers missionobjective

    Reliability :The Extent to which program can be

    expected to perform its intended function withrequired precision

    Efficiency : The amount of computing resources andcode required by a program to perform its function

    Integrity : The extent to which access to software ordata by unauthorized person can be controlled

    Usability: The effort required to learn operate andprepare input for and interpret output of a program

    Product Operation (CREIU)

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    Product Transition (PRI)

    Portability : Effort required to transferprogram from one hardware software system

    to another

    Reusability : The extent to which a programcan be reused in other application

    Interoperability :The effort required to couple

    one system to another

  • 8/13/2019 01a_SE_MVD34543534


    Product Revision (MFT)

    Maintainability : The effort required to locateand fix an error in program

    Flexibility : Effort required to modify the

    program Testability : The effort required to test a

    program to ensure that it performs intendedfunction



  • 8/13/2019 01a_SE_MVD34543534


    ISO 9126 Quality Factors

    Functionality. The degree to which the softwaresatisfies stated needs as indicated by thefollowing subattributes: suitability, accuracy,interoperability, compliance, and security.

    Reliability. The amount of time that the softwareis available for use as indicated by the followingsubattributes : maturity, fault tolerance,recoverability.

    Usability. The degree to which the software iseasy to use as indicated by the followingsubattributes: understandability, learnability,operability.

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    ISO 9126 Quality Factors

    Efficiency. The degree to which the software makesoptimal use of system resources as indicated by thefollowing subattributes: time behavior, resourcebehavior.

    Maintainability. The ease with which repair may bemade to the software as indicated by the followingsubattributes: analyzability, changeability, stability,testability.

    Portability. The ease with which the software can betransposed from one environment to another asindicated by the following subattributes: adaptability,installability, conformance, replaceability.

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    How McCalls quality factors are applicable toMobile Phone Software ?



    List ISO 9126 : Quality Factor and


  • 8/13/2019 01a_SE_MVD34543534


    Questions ?

    Thank You !!!Wishing you happy Teaching

    and Learning !!!