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  • 8/8/2019 04 XHTML MP


    WAP 2.0 Mobile Web:

    XHTML Mobile Profile

    David Robison & Jules Pagna Disso

    University of Bradford

  • 8/8/2019 04 XHTML MP


    Objectives of the session

    Discuss the relationship between XHTML,XHTML Basic, XHTML-MP.

    Do some practical work in XHTML MP

    developing a WAP 2.0 mobile website. Examine Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and

    how they can be used for mobile website design.

    Discuss server-side options for dynamic Mobile

    Web content.

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    Wireless Application Protocol (WAP 2.0)

    Wireless Application Protocol (WAP 1.0) was thefirst Internet service for mobile devices inEurope. WAP pages were written in WML(Wireless Mark-up Language).

    Perceived failure a lack of services andmismatched consumer expectations. Meanwhilethe Mobile Web continues to evolve and grow.

    WAP 2.0 is the Mobile Web with added colour

    and enhanced media capabilities moreconverged with Web development for PCs.

    WAP 2.0 Web pages are generally designed inXHTML MP.

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    Mark-up languages

    (too many acronyms)

    SGML (Standardised GeneralMark-up Language)

    HTML (Hypertext Mark-upLanguage) used for regular

    Web pages XML (eXtensible Markup


    XHTML (eXtensible HypertextMark-up Language - a

    junction between HTML 4.01and XML)

    WML1 (Wireless Mark-upLanguage WAP 1.0)

    XHTML MP (XHTML MobileProfile WAP 2.0)

    Image source:



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    Important Organisations

    World Wide Web Consortium (W3C):

    Maintains Web standards and

    specifications (www.w3.org).

    Open Mobile Alliance (previously The

    WAP Forum) has members from over

    300 mainly mobile and IT related

    organisations. It has specified

    XHTML Mobile Profile, among other

    things (www.openmobilealliance.org).

  • 8/8/2019 04 XHTML MP


    What is XHTML?

    Developing XHTML is very much like developingusing HTML. The elements (tags) and attributesare almost identical.

    XHTML is an intersection of HTML and XML areformulation of HTML as an application of XML.

    Pages written in XHTML work well in mostbrowsers.

    XHTML is stricter than HTML. All tags, including

    empty elements, must be closed and in lowercase.

    It is defined by W3C

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    XHTML Basic

    XHTML Basic is essentially a cut-down versionof XHTML, suitable for devices with limitedprocessing and display capabilities (such as

    handhelds). It still looks like a lot like HTML, but without

    many features that are hard to support onmobile devices: frames, nested tables, internal

    style sheets (CSS), complex forms and scripting. XHTML Basic was again defined by W3C. See

    http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-basic forbackground.

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    XHTML Basic Modules and Elements

    Note: The Elements look a lot like regular HTML and behave in a very similar way

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    XHTML Mobile Profile

    The WAP Forum (now OMA) addedsome features to XHTML Basic in orderto rectify some of its limitations, thus

    creating XHTML Mobile Profile (MP).XHTML MP extends XHTML Basic to

    bring extra functionality to developers,including more display elements and

    internal style sheets (CSS).XHTML MP is a strict subset of XHTML.

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    Web References

    XHTML (for background):


    XHTML Basic (for background):


    XHTML-MP (required reading):


    ndex.htm http://developer.openwave.com/dvl/support/docu


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    Getting Started with WAP 2.0


    Were going to use

    Nokia Emulators to

    test our applications.

    We have the 5100(pictured) and the

    Series 40 available

    from the Start menu

    you can swap

    between them to test

    how your pages look.

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    Well be using the emulators in conjunction withDreamweaver 8 (the very latest version)

    Within Dreamweaver you can manage a great manyWeb development and design functions initially

    well be using it largely as a text editor (which helpsus code).

    Dreamweaver has two main view settings Designview and Code view. You want to be in Code Viewat first.

    It also gives you a head start when developing WML,XHTML, CSS by providing templates and the like.

    If youve never programmed used HTML before youmay be feeling a little lost please follow the tutoriallinks in this document and elsewhere, and ask forhelp if stuck.

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    Creating a Blank XHTML file in Adobe

    Dreamweaver CS3

    File new Blank page Page type = HTML doctype = xhtml MP 1.0

    Adobe Dreamweavertreats this document asHTML. However if yousave it with the extension".xhtml" it becomesreadable in the Nokia5100 and other XHTMLMP devices.

    There are further issuesto be explored around theopening prolog lines itproduces, but lets get onwith actually developing!

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  • 8/8/2019 04 XHTML MP


    Try this XHTML MP Example

    My Mobile Page

    Hello world.

    Note: you can ignore everything before in most cases

    Save it as hello.xhtmland load it in a mobile emulator.

    Also check outAdobe Dreamweavers CS3 validation capabilities whichcan save you a lot oftime

    Display your page in a browser and display the same page usingdevice central (File Preview in browser device central)

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    Font Style in XHTML MP

    You can use tags to change the font style of the

    text in XHTML MP.

    Some WAP browsers only support a subset of

    these tags, even though these tags are defined bythe XHTML MP specification.

    This is because the WAP browser can only make

    use of the fonts available on the mobile device. For

    example, if the italic font is not available, the italic

    style is not supported.

    Unsupported XHTML MP tags will be ignored by

    WAP browsers and will not cause any errors.

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    Font style code example

    Font Style



    Bold italic







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    Note what happens when you test the output in different mobilebrowsers.

    The and tags mean bold and italic.

    The tag reduces the text size.

    The tag increases it. The and styles are similar. The WAP browser will

    display text with emphasis () or strong () style in someway that makes it more noticeable. The effect depends on the actualwireless device.

    You can have more precise control over font formats with WAP

    CSS. For example, you can control the font family to be used or seta specific font size (e.g. 12pt) to some text.

    The tag of HTML does not exist in XHTML MP. So, if you wantto underline some text, WAP CSS has to be used.

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    Rules for XHTML documents1) All tag and attribute names should be

    lowercase (e.g. Hello World)

    2)"Empty" tags must have an extra slash at theend (e.g. the line break

    3) Never leave out an end tag

    4) Usually save files with the extension ".xhtml"

    5) Tags must be correctly nested (e.g.emboldened text)

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    Lists - output

    XHTML provides tagsfor unnumbered lists,ordered or numberedlists, and definition lists

    and terms. This is what it looks like

    on the Openwavebrowser (available fromopenwave.com) for

    now use the Nokia ones. You should also be able

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    Unnumbered Lists

    Unnumbered List:

    First Item

    Second ItemThird Item

    And so on...

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    Links, Hyperlinks, Calls and Emails

    Like in WML and in HTML, Hyperlinks are usedto link to another XHTML document and you canuse href to trigger a call also.


    page 2

    BBC Wap

    Call Number

    Email Joe

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    XHTML MP provides support for use oftables

    An XHTML MP Table

    Item 1

    Item 2

    Item 3

    Item 4

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    Table output

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    You can include comments in your XHTML-MP code.Browsers ignore all comments.

    A comment is every character between the commentstart string ( ):

    Comments can contain reminders about how and why

    you wrote the code the way you did, plans for the future,or other helpful information for yourself or others who willwork with your code. You can also use comments todisable sections of code temporarily.

    NOTE The browser downloads comments along withthe rest of the document. Keep your comments brief.Lengthy comments are not efficient for small devices.

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    User Input

    The inputelement allows the user to enterinformation

    Rather than listing the code here an example

    version is included online (currently at


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    User Input

    Input is a key element of mobiledevelopment

    Read more on the technicalities of usingXHTML MP for input here:http://www.developershome.com/wap/xhtmlmp/xhtml_mp_tutorial.asp?page=inputElements

    What do we then do with the data? (Clientside scripting or server side dealings)

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    Integrating XHMTL Basic and WML/WMLScript?

    XHTML MP and WML are not the samething however, WAP 2.0 compatibledevices should be able to read WMLdocuments as well.

    Some of the features of WML are notavailable in XHTML MP documents Cards and Decks do not exist for example.

    You cannot call a WMLScript functiondirectly from an XHTML MP document.

    You can branch to a WML document thatcalls the WMLScript function.

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    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

    XHTML supports CSS.

    CSS allows you to establish a

    consistent design and formatting acrossall pages of a site.

    With CSS, if you want to change thestyle or formatting of a page, you just

    have to change the CSS, not each pageelement individually

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    Cascading Style Sheets

    XHTML Basic only supports CSS throughexternal links

    but XHTML-MP allows internal CSS as well.

    Use caution with external CSS. In theory, externalCSS allows you to have one CSS that applies to yourentire site while reducing the amount of downloading theuser has to do. In practice, many browsers do not cache

    the CSS and thus download it again for each page theuser visits. Further, when the CSS is downloaded, thealready-displayed XHTML content jumps around torender the new styling.

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    CSS code example

    Save the following as "style.css" in the same folder:body { background-color: #efefdd; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica;

    font-size: 10pt; color: #000044;}

    div { font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica; font-size: 10pt; color: #000044;}

    hr { color:#006600;}

    h1 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 14pt; color: #000000;}

    h2 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000;}

    h3 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 10pt;font-weight:bold;color: #00000;}

    a { color: #1144aa; text-decoration: none;}

    a:hover { text-decoration: underline;}

    a:visited { color: #4466cc;}

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    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

    Style sheets are composed of selectors,properties, and valuesSelectors elements in your XHTML MP document

    (e.g. "h1 {}")Properties relate to the selector, associated with

    the characteristics of a particular element (e.g. "font-family:")

    Values describe properties, used for such tasks as

    setting font to a particular font family (e.g. "arial")

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    Using the Element to Apply an

    External Style Sheet

    You can use the XHTML-MP element to applyan external (separate) CSS file to the contents of anXHTML-MP document.

    The element is contained in the element.

    The following XHTML-MP excerpt applies the stylerules contained in the external file style.css to thecontents of the current document:

    External Style Sheet

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    XHTML MP Summary

    XHTML is an XML representation XHTML Basic supported in the WAP 2.0 standard

    modularized and includes the following modules:Structure, Text, Hypertext, List, Basic Forms, Tables,Image, Object, Meta Information, Link and Base

    and also extra features XHTML MP expands the features of XHTML Basic

    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) used to standardizethe look and feel of pages in XHTML Basic

    CSS is composed of selectors, properties, values These slides only cover a small part of development

    using XHTML MP now you must do thereading/practice

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    Further Resources

    http://developer.openwave.com/documentation/xhtml_mp_css_reference (Complete CSSfor MP reference)

    http://www.developershome.com/wap/xhtmlmp (Very useful - please work through)


    g_XHTML_MP_Content_v1_2_en.pdf(Getting started with XHTML MP for theseries 40)

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    Server-side options

    In addition to taking data from the user it wouldbe useful to do something with it

    Doing this on a server rather than locally hasadvantages (no processing required by themobile)

    Options include (all have been used in previousstudent projects):PHP MySQL (Apache) open source and well


    JSP / SQL

    ASP.NET / Access

    Other server-side options?

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    Tasks for next time:

    Develop a small Mobile Profile based website

    that contains images and several linked pages

    Follow up further resources and push on with

    reading into XHTML MP

    Set up a PHP/MySQL account at

    http://lamp.inf.brad.ac.uk research database

    driven web applications