JANUARY, 2017 Vol. 05, Number 7 EASTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, YORK PA Inside This Issue Worship 2 Music Ministry 3 Eastminister Cares 4 Stewardship 5 Historian 6 FMC 7 Deacons 7 Presbyterian Women 8 Calendar 10 Sometimes you will hear people say when they are describing someone like Abraham Lincoln or Winton Churchill, “He was a born leader.” Is that true? Is leadership an intrinsic trait that could somehow be found in the DNA or are leaders created by the circumstances in which they live and rising to meet them? This month I will begin a series of sermons taken from the life of Moses who led his people from bondage to liberty. We will see that Moses clearly was a man used by God; but we will also see that he was an imperfect man with weaknesses and fears, doubts and questions. In other words, he was a lot like us. Even so, God was able to use him to do great things, so maybe God can use us as well. Greg Seckman Pastor PEW POINTS LEADERS

05 January 2018PewPoints WEB - eastminster-york.orgeastminster-york.org/.../2017/12/05_January_2018PewPoints_WEB.pdf · Bryan Chaney, Nancy Edwards, Bob Gould, Lisa Hallett, ... May

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Inside This Issue

Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Music Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Eastminister Cares . . . . . . . . . . 4

Stewardship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Historian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

FMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Deacons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Presbyterian Women . . . . . . . . 8

Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Sometimes you will hear people say when they are describing someone like Abraham Lincoln or Winton Churchill, “He was a born leader.” Is that true? Is leadership an intrinsic trait that could somehow be found in the DNA or are leaders created by the circumstances in which they live and rising to meet them? This month I will begin a series of sermons taken from the life of Moses who led his people from bondage to liberty. We will see that Moses clearly was a man used by God; but we will also see that he was an imperfect man with weaknesses and fears, doubts and questions. In other words, he was a lot like us. Even so, God was able to use him to do great things, so maybe God can use us as well.

Greg Seckman Pastor



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“Where Were the Crocodiles?” Exodus 2:1-10

JANUARY 14th “Moments of Transformation ” Exodus 3:1-10

JANUARY 21st “What? Who Me? ” Exodus 4:1-17

JANUARY 28th “Dealing with Rejection” Exodus 5:1-9

• WITH GRATITUDEMy family and I are so very thankful to my church family at Eastminster for your cards and caring and hugs. My brother Richard Bender died unexpectedly with a heart attack at the age of 57 in Wilmington Delaware. He was a kind, gentle, humorous guy and will be deeply missed. We are so grateful to have the prayers and comfort of our friends and family to help us through this difficult time. You give us strength.Peace and Blessings ,Leslie Atkins

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Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3


SPECIAL THANKS . . . Now that we’ve made it through the busy Christmas season, it seems like a good time to say a special “thank you” to the many members and friends of Eastminster Church who give of their time and talent to produce beautiful music for our worship.

Our Chancel and Cantata Choirs: Denny and Lonna Ashton, Kathy Becker, Sue Bergeron, Pat Bishop, Robin Blakely, Earl Brunk, Dallas Chaney, Bryan Chaney, Nancy Edwards, Bob Gould, Lisa Hallett, John Henty, Dee Hoyt, Marilyn Jennerjohn, Kathy Lord, Bev McCreary, Fran Mount, Tania O’Hearn, John Randall, Sebastian Rodriquez, Martha Simpson, Julie Stover, Kate Strickler, Rob Tracy, Carol Uhlik, Joan Vange, Jim Walker, Sandy Warner, Linda Williams, Don Wonders and Mark Woodbury.

Our Cantata Ensemble and Trinity Brass: Joan Beekey, Sarah Blackford, Gretchen, Noah and Sophie Dekker, Pete Elzinga, Anna Hallett, Leah Jorgensen, Haley Paiva, Tim Ruth, and Joe Topper.

We are blessed to have all these people here at Eastminster!

We’d love to have you join us for choir rehearsals on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. The Chancel Choir will participate in worship on January 7, 14 and 21 and the Chrysalis Women’s Choir will sing during worship on January 28.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at [email protected] or 717-891-4536.

May you have a healthy and happy New Year!

Randy Yoder, Director of Music – rdy1949@gmail .com or at 717-891-4536

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• EASTMINSTER CARESCHRISTMAS FOOD BOXES have been successfully packed full of goodies because of your generosity. These families are very appreciative for making their holidays a little brighter. A huge thank you to Leslie Atkins for her help in organizing the event and making contact with Bell Family Shelter, to Lee Hankey, John Henty (and Jane, Thanksgiving), Nancy Edwards for help with moving, organizing, shopping for and boxing food and to Glen Bloss, without whom we would have no boxes to pack. Our thanks to all who turned out early on Saturday morning to box and move those boxes to the van. Great job everyone!

CHRISTMAS GIFTS ABOUNDI want to thank the congregation for its generosity and Christmas spirit again this year. Through our Christmas gift giving program, our congregation helped supply gifts to more than 80 children in need, both from Bell Family Shelter and our preschool. May God bless all of you in the New Year! The mission committee thank Beth Anne so very much for coordinating this entire mission project and making Christmas a little brighter for so many!

MISSION TRIP TO BEAUMONT, TEXAS We are working with the Wrightsville Presbyterian Church who has a group going to help rebuild in Beaumont. They have great experience doing mission trips and we are grateful for their willingness to include us. The trip is February 10-17, and the expectation is that the focus would be on drywall and rebuilding. If you are interested, please let me know at [email protected] or 717-793-2056. I will share further information with you and have you added to their list of interested people. You will be kept informed regarding information and future meetings at Wrightsville PC. Donegal Presbytery has agreed to reimburse mission participants up to $300 for your plane ticket. I look forward to hearing from you.

BROWNIE BAKERS Brownie Baker Signup Sheet is on the bulletin board near the grocery card sign up sheet. Please take a moment to sign up along with the number of batches you will be bringing. Many thanks!Brownie Bakers, your delicious brownie treats are due at the church January 4th by 10:00 a.m. Thank you so much, as they are much appreciated by Our Daily Bread clients.Brownie Transport People Needed! After these delicious brownies are baked and delivered to the church, we need people to transport them to Our Daily Bread at 10:00 a.m., located at 331 S. George Street. You would then stay and volunteer to serve lunch at the soup kitchen. It is a wonderful experience! There will be a signup sheet on the doors near the grocery card signup sheet. Thank you so much!

SALVATION ARMY In Grateful Recognition of EPC’s Faithful Support over many years, the Salvation Army has sent a beautiful certifi cate recognizing us as a member of the William Booth Society in honor of being one of their most committed donors. A beautiful Christmas ornament was also included as a thank you to this congregation for its generous philanthropy. How gratifying it is to know that hundreds of people have been helped and renewed by God’s grace through this ministry! Both items can be seen in the back of the church.

UPDATE ON EYES We are now packing 50 bags for East York Elementary School. A small coloring book featuring the story of Christmas was added to the last bag they receive before Christmas vacation.

Thank you for your generous support! Glory be to God for His provision!Georgia Mazzolla, Missions

YOU HAVE A NEW NUMBER THIS YEAR This year you will have a NEW WEEKLY OFFERING ENVELOPE NUMBER. Each year we have members die or leave Eastminster, and occasionally we have to purge the membership rolls. As a result, last year we had about 40 Weekly Off ering Boxes that went unused. At $2.26 per box, we decided this year to reduce the number of boxes we ordered. This means that you can no longer keep the same number as in the past. Please pick up your Off ering Boxes as soon as possible. After they have been removed from the sanctuary, you can pick them up in the Church Offi ce.Richard Witzke, Stewardship Elder

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Eastminster Presbyterian Church 5

PER CAPITA Per capita is an amount of money per member (this year, $34.78) that our congregation pays to our larger Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). This money is part of the glue that holds Presbyterians together. It is the money that enables us to work with other Presbyterian churches in our presbytery and across the country. It is also money that allows us to work with other churches to further the mission of Jesus Christ around the world.

We do not believe in being lone rangers in the PC(USA). We need each other as we work together to share the good news of Jesus Christ. As we benefit from the gifts, skills, vision, and ministry of each other in this place, so, too, do we benefit from an even wider array of gifts and ministry of our Presbyterian brothers and sisters across the church. Your per capita pays for the programs, training, and resources that help us work together and discern the mind of Christ for the PC(USA).

According to our records, only 60% paid their per capita for 2017. By contributing your portion of per capita, you have freed up dollars in our regular budget for the work of our congregation in this community.

Richard Witzke, , Stewardship Elder

YOU CAN’T ASSUME YOUR WISHES ARE KNOWN Today, more than ever before, we are asking ourselves, “What will become of my property when I die?” It may be because we need and want to make every provision possible to assure future security for our families, in the face of inflation and longer life spans. Most certainly, it is because more information on the need for making a will is available. It is disappointing, if not tragic, when estates are settled without the benefit of a will.

You can know with a will. If you already have a legal will, you can know what will become of your property. If you do not have a legal will, consider the following: 1. You cannot assume “my spouse/partner gets everything.” 2. You cannot assume estate taxes and court costs are the same with or without a will. 3. You cannot assume that any of your assets will go to the church.

How to get started. Step 1: List the persons you have responsibility for, including yourself. Step 2: Prepare a list of all of your property. Include all your assets. Step 3: Write down what you want to do for each person you listed and how you want to accomplish it. Step 4: Make an appointment to see an attorney and ask him or her to draft a legal will for you.

During the Eastminster 2018 Wills Awareness Program you will receive information quarterly concerning the importance of a will. Each mailing will contain a different brochure. In addition, there are three complimentary booklets which are available upon your request. These will be sent to you, free of charge, at 30-day intervals. The title of these three booklets are: “37 Things People “Know” about Wills That Aren’t Really So”, “How To Protect Your Rights With A Will”, and “Giving Through Your Will”. Contact Dick Witzke.


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Bruce, Alan and Elizabeth. All four children graduated from York Suburban High School. Dave has 7 grandchildren and by the end of 2017, he will have 7 great grandchildren.Dave served in many leadership positions in York County. He was a member and sometime chairman of the York Hospital Board (today Wellspan) from 1978 to 1997. The York County Commissioners appointed him as the first chairman of the Susquehanna Regional Airport Authority (owners of HIA) and served from 1998 to 2013. Dave served on the Rabbit Transit Board from 2005 to 2016. He also served on the York Suburban School Board for over 10 years, including time as president.After the McIntosh Family moved to York they joined the Methodist Church in downtown York. One day Rev. Ray Rossnagle knocked on the door of the family home in the Fayfield neighborhood and explained that he was starting a Presbyterian Church nearby. Dave and Marjorie became charter members of Eastminster.Dave was a member of the first Session at Eastminster. He has also served on the Board of Trustees, Preschool Board and as a Deacon. Dave was the chairman of the Building Committee for the construction of Eastminster’s sanctuary. He was involved with three Eastminster Mission trips to Peru. Dave mentioned that he has fond memories of working on the church grounds with a “good bunch of guys.”In addition to his past community and church service, Dave has a passion for photography. He has won numerous ribbons at the York Fair for his photography entries. Another interesting tidbit is that Dave has visited 52 countries during his lifetime. Bob Moore, Church Historian

CHARTER MEMBER DAVE MCINTOSH This month we conclude our look at the biographies of our three remaining charter members. This month article highlights Dave McIntosh. David McIntosh was born September 3, 1928 in Needham, MA. His parents were Alan and Elizabeth McIntosh and he had one brother also Alan. Dave was raised a Congregationalist. Dave met his future wife, Marjorie, in Kindergarten and they graduated together from Needham High School. In 1950 he graduated from Princeton University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering.The Korean War started three weeks after Dave graduated from college. Dave served in the U.S. Army’s Counterintelligence Corps beginning in March 1951. He was stationed in the Twin Cities in Minnesota. He attained the rank of Sergeant First Class.After his military service, Dave took a job in Milwaukee, WI with Cutler-Hammer, a firm that produced controls for machinery, including relays and circuit breakers. Cutler-Hammer transferred Dave to Philadelphia. In September 1955, Dave was selected by Cutler-Hammer to establish a sales office in York, PA.In 1962 with the backing of some local businessmen, Dave established a new company, Industrial Solid State Controls, which produced control equipment and systems. Over the next 20+ years under Dave’s leadership, the company grew into a successful international company. Honeywell eventually purchased the company and Dave stayed on for 2 years.Dave and his late wife, Marjorie, were married on December 23, 1950. They had four children, Doug,


Eastminster Presbyterian Church – Our Congregation, Mission, and MinistryAll our Military Men and Women around the world and their families back homeStephen Ministers and their Care Receivers

Brooks ArgentoLeslie Atkins and FamilyPhil AvilloNonnie BarronRobin Blakely – Tom and MollyJean CraigGlends Fleshman David FooreHilton Foore

Phyllis HarnishFamily and Friends of Jim HarnishFamily and Friends of Richard IrvineAndrew MillerJerry and Tania O’HearnCharles SmithHeather Smith and FamilyNancy Wagner

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Eastminster Presbyterian Church 7

HAPPY NEW YEAR!Your FMC volunteers had a very busy end to 2017 with a total of 175 hours. Leaves were still blanketing the campusand required an additional FMC workday to rake and put out at the curb. The leaf trailer has been put away untilnext fall!

All the new doors have been installed in the Haines House with the one on the north side now in. That makes atotal of four new doors thanks to Gary Hoffman and his crew as well as all of you who purchase Giant, Weis andJerry’s cards each month that provided the monies for this project.

There have been a number of contractors at the Haines House installing a new HVAC system for the Multi-purposeand Copier Rooms, making for more quiet meetings. The hall and stairwell going up to the second floor wasrepaired and painted, including the stairwell going up to the second floor.

Did you know that every Sunday, a volunteer walks thru all the buildings and the sanctuary making sure that thelights and HVAC systems are turned off as well as all exit doors are locked? We ask for your continued assistancewith these tasks during the week when you and your committee or circle meet or are accessing the church, HainesHouse, and Fellowship Hall. Please make sure that the door locks behind when you leave as they have been foundopen on several occasions. Take a moment to actually tug on the door handle as our luck may just run out andsomeone would gain entrance with less than good intentions in mind.

A reminder to all of our church family and friends re: snow removal policy, unless it is a significant snowfall thatwould necessitate several trips to plow us out, the sidewalk and parking lots will be cleared once the snow hasstopped. Please check the website or with the person in charge of your committee/group before traveling to EPC incase there may be a cancellation or delay. We want everyone to be safe. It is the hope of your FMC committee that2018 will bring many blessings to you and your loved ones!

Lee Hankey, FMC Elder



SERVE HIM WITH GLADNESSEach year the Deacons are blessed to have the EndowmentFund interest to use as needed throughout the year. Theonly stipulation is that this money must be dispersed eachyear and not accumulated. Each December any remainingfunds are dispersed at the discretion of the Board.At the November meeting, the Board selected two localmissions that serve the community, demonstrating Christ’slove to others. This year the Board selected EPC Cares forKids and the York Literacy Council to receive the moniesremaining in the 2017 fund.SAVE THE DATE!The annual Deacons Care Group Luncheon is scheduled forPalm Sunday March 25.Hoping to see the entire Congregation there! Details will bein future Pew Points.Happy New Year!

EPC Board of Deacons

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All circles WELCOME new members. Each meeting has a time of Bible Study and fellowship. Regular meetings are held September thru May. To learn more, call a circle leader.



MIRIAM CIRCLE meets on the third Thursday of the month at 10 a.m. in the Multi- Purpose Room. Circle leader is Cindy Peterson.

ESTHER CIRCLE meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 12:30 in the Multi-Purpose Room. Circle leader is Fran Mount .

RUTH CIRCLE meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 1 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. Circle leader is Pat Brunk.


October 21st we had our Fall Gathering with a great turn out. Cheryl Peterson Jacquez, from York City, spoke about a program she has developed to help incarcerated women get back into the work force when released. She is collecting donated clothing and will open a place to replace Dress For Success - to help provide suitable clothing for interviews, etc. Cheryl shared her own story of incarceration which has brought her to this place in her life. We then had lunch, and a Pound Auction, which was a lot of fun. Auction money was donated to Cheryl for her cause.December 2nd was Deck the Halls for the women - we decorated Christmas trees in fellowship hall. Esther Circle provided lunch, and Denise Anderson (Peterson) spoke. She and husband Dan work for Servant Partners in a very depressed area of Philadelphia. They live in the community and do mission work there. She gave us an update on their activities and progress they’re making. We donated an item from their wish list as a Christmas present.See’s Candy Sale a Big Hit! Thank you so much for participating in our first candy fundraiser. We hope you are all enjoying your sweet treats and finding them delicious! Because of you, we raised $587.95 to help with mission support. Thank you for your generous support!No Gatherings planned through the winter months, but Circles will be meeting - all women are welcome!

SOUP’S ON! On January 21st, February 18th and March 18, (that’s the 3rd Sunday of the month) allow us to make dinner for you through our soup and sandwich sale. We will be selling soup by the quart for $8.00 and a new feature, by the pint for $5.00. Please stop by the multipurpose room after church, both services, and stock up. Thank you!

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Eastminster Presbyterian Church 9


HAPPY NEW YEAR! The Miriam Circle hopes that you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and are looking forward to wonderful and exciting things in 2018! The total sales for December was $16,260 and that earned FMC a total of $793.00. We had a very pleasant surprise . . . a check from ShurFine in the amount of $78.19 for the fi rst six months of 2017. If you shop at ShurFine and use your rewards card, EPC benefi ts with a % of the amount spent - no gift cards to order and buy. The cut-off date for February sales will be Sunday, January 28th and cards will be distributed the following Sunday, February 4th in the MPR after both services. Order sheets are posted on the doors of the Ushers’ Room at the back of the sanctuary. We have a number of folks who avoid the “crowd” and have “standing orders”. If you would like to take advantage of this method of ordering, just contact Sandy Lewis or Dee Hoyt to let us know how many cards you want monthly. As always, we request that if you are unable to pick-up and pay for your cards on the fi rst Sunday, that you prepay. Miriam Circle and your FMC volunteers thank our church family and friends for supporting this fundraiser that allows projects and purchases above and beyond the operating budget. We wish everyone many blessings in the coming year and lots of good eats!


Happy 100 yrs!Date – Birthday

1 – Kathleen Kellar

4 – Craig Baker

4 – Donna Chaney

5 – Ronald Bowersox

6 – Art McAlister

6 – HAPPY 100 yrs!

Arvida Wanner

11 – Beth Anne Foess

13 – Jason Foess

13 – Jim Woof

13 – Hudson Nazario

Date – Anniversary

20 – Mark & Linda Krom

21 – Dave & Sandy Lewis

24 – Bill & Lois Moore

1 / 6 / 2018

Arvida Wanner

16 – Jan Trattner

17 – Nancy Schindo

17 – Greg Seckman

18 – Dick Thomas

18 – Joan Vange

20 – Bob Gould

22 – Linda Scamara

23 – Andrea Etzweiler

23 – William Haddad

23 – Foster Hoyt

23 – Jim Sanford

24 – Kay Matunis

25 – Amy DeGrange


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TUESDAY, JANUARY 2 10:30am Staff Meeting (Staff unavailable fm. 8 - 1 p.m.) 12:30pm FMC Meeting

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3 9:00am Afghan Group 10:00am Cool Knitting/Warm Fellowship 7:00pm New Generation Ministry Youth Group

THURSDAY, JANUARY 4 10:00am Brownies (no nuts) for soup kitchen due on table in Narthex


SATURDAY, JANUARY 6 9:00am Honors Choir

SUNDAY, JANUARY 7 Grocery Card payment & pickup is TODAY after services. 8:30am Worship/Communion 11:00am Worship/Communion 1:00pm Honors Choir Rehearsal 5:00pm Rental: New Generation Ministry Worship Service

MONDAY, JANUARY 8 10:00am Preschool Storytime with Pastor Greg 12:00pm Preschool Storytime with Pastor Greg 7:00pm Trustees Meeting

TUESDAY, JANUARY 9 10:30am Staff Meeting (Staff unavailable fm. 8 - 1 p.m.) 6:30pm Congregational Life

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10 10:00am Cool Knitting/Warm Fellowship 7:00pm New Generation Ministry Youth Group

THURSDAY, JANUARY 11 10:00am Preschool Storytime with Pastor Greg 3:00pm Admin. & Personnel meeting 6:30pm Deacons Meeting 7:00pm Mission Committee 7:00pm Preschool Board meeting


SUNDAY, JANUARY 14 8:30am Worship 11:00am Worship 5:00pm Rental: New Generation Ministry Worship Service

*HAC – Haines Administration Center Please see the eastminster-york.org website

for possible updates and changes to the calendar.


records to reflect the new e-mail address to which bulletin announcements and Prayer List additions and changes

should be sent. That address is now [email protected].

EASTMINSTER CALENDARMONDAY, JANUARY 15 Newsletter info due – e-mail to: [email protected] Church Offices Closed Preschool Closed 9:30am Stephen Ministers 7:00pm Session

TUESDAY, JANUARY 16 10:30am Staff Meeting (Staff unavailable fm. 8 - 1 p.m.) 12:30pm Esther Circle

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17 10:00am Cool Knitting/Warm Fellowship 7:00pm New Generation Ministry Youth Group

THURSDAY, JANUARY 18 10:00am Miriam Circle


SUNDAY, JANUARY 21 8:00am PW Soup Sale 8:30am Worship 11:00am Worship 5:00pm Rental: New Generation Ministry Worship Service

MONDAY, JANUARY 22 10:00am Newsletter Team

TUESDAY, JANUARY 23 10:30am Staff Meeting (Staff unavailable fm. 8 - 1 p.m.) 1:00pm Ruth Circle

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24 10:00am Cool Knitting/Warm Fellowship 6:30pm Christian Education Meeting 7:00pm New Generation Ministry Youth Group

THURSDAY, JANUARY 25 12:00pm Reserved for Dad’s Breakfast (Steph Frey’s class)

FRIDAY, JANUARY 26 HAC CHURCH OFFICES CLOSED 8:00am Dad’s Breakfast (Steph Frey’s class)


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Eastminster Presbyterian Church 11



Ordinary Income Actual Budget Envelope Offering 331,980.55 323,787.00 Open Plate 4,535.02 4,351.00 Sunday School Offering 87.89 181.00 Per Capita 7,252.68 5,817.00 Rental Income 49,015.00 45,818.00 Interest Income (checking) 11.24 0.00 Misc. Income 8,454.30 9,614.13

Total Budget Income 401,336.68 389,568.13

Expenses Payroll 219,817.84 219,817.84 Accounting Services 15,222.97 16,212.46 Per Capita Expense 10,878.09 10,878.09 Bank Expenses 87.00 55.00 Line of Credit Int. Exp. 0.00 1,280.60 Deacons’ Open Plate Communion 1,030.88 916.66 Education 1,347.37 4,750.00 Congregational Life/ Outreach 2,777.82 4,025.00 Stewardship 2,482.13 2,850.00 Communications 810.17 1,741.65 Mission 27,200.00 31,783.33 Worship 5,254.04 7,250.00 Administration 1,666.69 1,833.26 Plant Expenses 61,707.24 73,280.00 General Expenses 13,436.99 15,510.00 Total Budget Expenses 363,719.23 397,865.70

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE The deadline for submitting an article or

announcement for next month’s “Pew Points” is the 15th of this month. Please email your information to:

[email protected] or leave it in the “Pew Points” mail box in the copier room

of the Haines Administration Center. Thanks!

SUNDAY, JANUARY 28 TODAY is the cut off date for ordering Weis or Giant Grocery Cards. (Pickup & payment will be next Sunday.) 8:30am Worship 11:00am Worship 5:00pm Rental: New Generation Ministry Worship Service

TUESDAY, JANUARY 30 10:30am Staff Meeting (Staff unavailable fm. 8 - 1 p.m.)

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31 9:00am Second Journey Breakfast 10:00am Cool Knitting/Warm Fellowship 7:00pm New Generation Ministry Youth Group

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Eastminster Presbyterian Church311 Haines RoadYork, PA 17402

CONTACT INFORMATIONwww.eastminster-york.org


Pastor Greg Seckman cell 717-818-0813 greg .epcyork@gmail .com

Randy Yoder, Director of Music 717-891-4536 randy .epcyork@gmail .com

Beth Anne Foess, Administrative Assistant 717-755-6222 epcyorkoffice@gmail .com

Harold Smith, Facilities Manager 717-314-9281 harold .epcyork@gmail .com

Newsletter Info newsletter .epcyork@gmail .com

Accounting/Finance 717-757-5217 epcfinance@gmail .com

Carly VonStein, Pre-School Director 717-755-0543 eastminsterpreschool@gmail .com

Pre-School 717-755-0543 eastminsterpreschool@gmail .com

Please Note: Church Office hours are daily, Monday through Thursday. The Church Office is closed on Fridays.


“Where Were the Crocodiles?” Exodus 2:1-10

JANUARY 14th “Moments of Transformation ” Exodus 3:1-10

JANUARY 21st “What? Who Me? ” Exodus 4:1-17

JANUARY 28th “Dealing with Rejection” Exodus 5:1-9