For Immediate Release: May 13, 2014 Contact: Gary Ginsburg | [email protected] | 518-455-2415 Senate Democratic Conference Emphasizes Anti- Hydrofracking Waste Legislative Package At Environmental Protection Forum Common Sense Initiatives Would Protect New Yorkers’ Health And Natural Resources (Albany, NY) The Senate Democratic Conference today highlighted a four-bill legislative package that would ensure all waste products caused by hydraulic fracturing will be properly disposed of to avoid damaging New York’s environment or natural resources. The bills were discussed at an environmental protection forum held by members of the Senate Democratic Conference. “There are glaring loopholes within state law that allow hydrofracking waste products to enter our state despite the fact that hydraulic fracturing itself is not currently permitted in New York,” Senate Democratic Conference Leader Andrea Stewart- Cousins said. “State government has an obligation to ensure that hazardous and toxic hydrofracking waste products are banned from our water treatment facilities, landfills and roadways. I urge my Senate Republican/IDC colleagues to join with the Senate Democrats to close to these loopholes and protect New Yorkers’ health and our state’s environment and natural resources.” While hydraulic fracturing is currently not allowed in New York State, many publicly-owned water treatment facilities and landfills are accepting waste products which result from the hydrofracking process. Additionally, efforts have been made to utilize hydrofracking waste water as a potential road de-icer,

05.13.14 Hydrofracking Forum Press Release

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For Immediate Release: May 13, 2014Contact: Gary Ginsburg | [email protected] | 518-455-2415

Senate Democratic Conference Emphasizes Anti-Hydrofracking Waste Legislative Package At Environmental Protection Forum

Common Sense Initiatives Would Protect New Yorkers’ Health And Natural Resources

(Albany, NY) The Senate Democratic Conference today highlighted a four-bill legislative package that would ensure all waste products caused by hydraulic fracturing will be properly disposed of to avoid damaging New York’s environment or natural resources. The bills were discussed at an environmental protection forum held by members of the Senate Democratic Conference.

“There are glaring loopholes within state law that allow hydrofracking waste products to enter our state despite the fact that hydraulic fracturing itself is not currently permitted in New York,” Senate Democratic Conference Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said. “State government has an obligation to ensure that hazardous and toxic hydrofracking waste products are banned from our water treatment facilities, landfills and roadways. I urge my Senate Republican/IDC colleagues to join with the Senate Democrats to close to these loopholes and protect New Yorkers’ health and our state’s environment and natural resources.”

While hydraulic fracturing is currently not allowed in New York State, many publicly-owned water treatment facilities and landfills are accepting waste products which result from the hydrofracking process. Additionally, efforts have been made to utilize hydrofracking waste water as a potential road de-icer, which would allow the hazardous chemicals found in this drilling by-product to contaminate local water supplies and natural resources.

Senator Ted O’Brien, Ranking Member of the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee, said, “Protecting New Yorkers and our natural resources from hazardous industrial practices and their byproducts should be a priority for every member of the Environmental Conservation Committee. There are currently multiple bills that would close loopholes and ensure waste products from the hydrofracking process are not allowed into New York State. Unfortunately, these bills are being held up by the Senate Republican/IDC Coalition and are not being brought to the floor for a vote before the whole Senate. I urge my colleagues in the Majority Coalition to drop their opposition to this common sense legislation and do what is best for our state’s residents and environment.”

The bills highlighted at the Senate Democratic Conference’s environmental protection forum will:

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Prohibit the transportation of any waste product derived from hydraulic fracturing operations. (S.5123-A – Senator Tkaczyk)

o This legislation will prohibit high volume hydraulic fracturing waste or waste by-products from being transported or shipped into or out of New York State for treatment, discharge, disposal, or storage purposes.

o On April 29, through a parliamentary procedure, S.5123-A was brought before the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee, where it was unfortunately voted down by the Republican/IDC Majority.

Prohibits the Use of Hydraulic Fracturing Waste Products on New York State Roads and Highways (S.3333-A – Senator Gipson)

o This initiative would ban waste water from hydrofracking operations, which can contain a variety of chemical and radioactive contaminants, from being used on highways for purposes such as melting ice.

Prohibit the Sale of Any Liquid Waste Products Derived from Hydrofracking Operations (S.3433 – Senator Krueger).

o This legislation will require the Department of Environmental Conservation to establish regulations concerning the proper disposal of waste products caused by the hydraulic fracturing process

o Senate Bill S.3433 would also prohibit the sale or use of any liquid waste product caused from hydrofracking operations.

Ban water treatment facilities and landfills from accepting hydrofracking waste products (S.5412 – Senator Gipson)

o This bill would ban the acceptance of wastewater from oil or natural gas extraction activities at wastewater treatment facilities and landfills

o This initiative recognizes that currently, treatment facilities are not properly equipped to handle hydrofracking waste chemicals, contaminants, and radioactive materials, and therefore this waste poses a threat to New York’s environment, waterways and public health.

Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk said, “Hydraulic fracturing is currently not allowed in New York because there are simply too many unanswered questions about the long term health and environmental impacts. And yet tens of thousands of tons of toxic fracking wastes from other states are being disposed of in New York. My bill would put an end to that and would protect our land, our water and our residents. I urge the Senate Republican/IDC Coalition to take action, pass this bill and keep toxic hydrofracking wastes out of our communities.”

Senator Terry Gipson said, “Wastewater from hydrofracking contains radioactive materials and chemicals known to cause cancer and disrupt critical functions in the human body. It is outrageously reckless to even consider proposals to spread this toxic waste as a de-icer on the

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roadways of New York State where it can contaminate our natural resources and water supplies. State government has a responsibility to take decisive actions to protect New Yorkers’ health and environment, and the Senate Majority should advance my anti-hydrofracking waste bills and pass them immediately.”

Senator Liz Krueger said, “Fracking wastewater is exempted from many of the basic rules governing the treatment of hazardous waste -- a loophole in our laws that irresponsible corporations are quite literally driving trucks through when they ship toxic or even radioactive fracking wastewater here so they can more easily -- but not safely -- dispose of it," said Sen. Krueger. "It is appalling that our colleagues in the Republican/IDC majority, some of whom go to great lengths to talk a good game on public health and the environment, have in reality blocked every effort to pass commonsense legislation protecting New Yorkers from these hazardous materials.”

Senators who participated in the Democratic Conference’s environmental protection forum spoke with environmental experts, landowners and stakeholders regarding hydrofracking waste products and the need to protect New Yorker’s from these hazardous chemicals. The Senators highlighted bills advanced by the Senate Democratic Conference to address these concerns, and urged the Senate Republican/IDC Coalition to drop their opposition to these initiatives and bring them to the floor for a vote.

Senator Brad Hoylman said, “I support a ban on hydrofracking in New York for the same reason I oppose allowing other states to dump or transport their waste in our state: fracking and its waste has a tremendous negative impact on our health and environment. This package of bills will safeguard New York by keeping hydrofracking and its waste products from crossing our state lines. I hope the State Senate moves these bills quickly for a vote.”


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