06 3 Roadmap to CPFR

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  • 7/31/2019 06 3 Roadmap to CPFR


    CPFR Roadmap

    You will probably do several co llaborative p lann ing, forecasting, an d

    replenishment (CPFR) pilots with different objectivesearly implementations

    emph asizing organization, later on es exploring collaboration. Comp anies may

    want to jump into CPFR pilots by following only parts of the map, depending

    on their starting point. The learn ing curve is steep, and change is an effort

    but knowledge gained is significant. Piloting adapts to a comp anys scale,

    and the VICS CPFR Roadmap takes you there.


    Youve read the VICS CPFR Guidelines. You h ave circulated it amon g colleagues

    and executives. Youve attend ed conferen ces and h ave iden tified potential

    par tne rsand skeptics. So what steps do you take to implement CPFR and

    demonstrate h ow it can increase sales and redu ce costs?

    Many organizations would like to implement collaborative planning, forecasting,

    and rep lenishm ent (CPFR). Piloting can help organizations unde rstand the

    benefits of CPFR, docum ent chan ges requ ired for the furth er expan sion, and

    develop strategies for overcoming obstacles. This section is designed to help

    companies answer the question, How do I get started?

    Th e VICS CPFR Guidelines identified the processes that comprise CPFR, from

    the creation of a Front-End Agreemen t thr ough Business Plann ing, Forecasting,

    and Replenishment. This VICS CPFR Roadmap is not m eant to r eplace that work.

    Instead, it supplements it with basic steps that help you get started with CPFR,

    test it with a tr ading par tner, and develop rollout p lans.

    This VICS CPFR Roadmap is a path from awareness of CPFR opportunities to

    making implementation plans. Based on the CPFR process model in th e

    VICS CPFR Guidelines, it aligns you an d your trading par tner to common

    objectives, and guides you together through forecast exchan ge, exception

    managem ent, and th e review of performan ce results. Both partner s gain

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    6 R o a d m a p t o C P F R : T h e C a s e S t u d i e s

    a clear understanding of the p otential for rolling out CPFR practices throughout

    their organizations.

    The VICS CPFR Roadmap is divided into five steps:

    S tep 1: Evaluate Your Current State

    S tep 2: Define Scope and Objectives

    S tep 3: Prepare for Col laborat ion

    St ep 4 : Execu te

    Step 5: Assess Results and Identify Imp rovements

    Th e VICS CPFR Roadmap provides ready-to-use templates that can be customized

    for differen t partnerships. The R oadm ap also provides a checklist for each step to

    ensure all critical items have been completed.

    Evaluate Your Current Stat e

    CPFR begins long before piloting, with an assessment of your companys needs,

    values, culture, strategies, trading par tner relationships, and track record in

    implementing be st practices. This step looks for ar eas where chan ge is needed

    to implemen t CPFR successfully. On ly after th is step is done will your company

    be pr epared to articulate a mean ingful vision for CPFR. In add ition, the senior

    leadership of your company must no t on ly understand the concept o f CPFR,

    but also open ly offer th eir suppor t.

    Put CPFR into your companys terms in order to gain commitment

    CPFR can p rovide both d emand and supp ly benefits. Mapping these potential

    benefits to your companys priorities will assist in cross-functional buy-in.

    CPFR Benefits: Demand

    Enhanced Relationship

    Implicitly, CPFR stren gthens an existing relationship and substantially accelerates

    the growth of a n ew one. Buyer and seller work hand -in-han d from incep tion

    through fruition on business plan, base, and promotional forecasts. Continual

    CPFR meetings strengthen this relationship.


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    Greater Sales

    The close collaboration n eeded for CPFR implementation d rives the p lanning

    for an improved busine ss plan be tween buyer and seller. The strategic business

    advantage d irectly tran slates to increased category sales.

    Category Management

    Before beginning CPFR, both parties inspect shelf positioning and exposure

    for targeted SKUs to ensure adequate days of supp ly, and proper exposure to the

    consumer. This scrutiny will result in improved she lf positioning and facings

    through sound category management.

    Improved Product Offering

    Before CPFR implemen tation, the bu yer an d seller collaborate on a mutu al

    prod uct schem e that includes SKU evaluation an d add itional pro duct opp ortun ities.

    CPFR Benefits: Supply

    Improved O rder Forecast Accuracy

    CPFR enables a time-phased ord er forecast that pr ovides additional information,

    greater lead time for production plann ing, and improved forecast accuracy v s.

    either stand -alone VMI/ CRP or other industry tools.

    Inventory Reductions

    CPFR he lps red uce forecast uncer tainty and p rocess inefficiencies. How much

    inventory does your company hold to cover up for forecasting errors or a

    trading partners inability to have the product available in a timely manner?

    With CPFR, prod uct can be prod uced to actual order instead of storing inventory

    based on forecast.

    Improved Technology ROI

    Through the CPFR process, technology investments for intern al integration can

    be en abled with higher qu ality forecast information. Your company will ben efit

    by driving internal processes with common, high-quality data.

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    8 R o a d m a p t o C P F R : T h e C a s e S t u d i e s

    Improved Overall ROI

    As other processes improve, the return on investment from CPFR can be


    Increased Customer Satisfaction

    With fewer out-of-stocks resulting from better planning information, higher store

    service levels will prevail, offering greater consumer satisfaction.

    Where does your company stand today?

    Consider these questions to learn if your company is ready for CPFR:

    D oes your com p a ny ha ve a cul tu re th a t va lues coo p era ti on a nd comm un ica ti on

    be tw een it s d ep a rt m ents a nd w it h it s tra d in g p a rt ners?

    For a CPFR partner ship to succeed, there must be a com mitment to work with

    and share information between functional areas and between trading partn ers.

    Many compan ies recognize room for impr ovemen t her e, but both recognizing

    it and com mitting to make pr ogress is an overwhelming indicator o f the future

    success of both CPFR and other business partn erships. Information sharing

    brings strength that technology alone cannot provide .

    H a s your comp a ny im p lem ented ot her in d ustr y best p ra cti ces?

    Compan ies that h ave adopted industry best practices, such as standard p rodu ct

    identification (UPC or EAN-13), Electronic Data Inter change (EDI), and the

    basic principles of Quick Response or Efficient Consumer Response already

    understand bo th the ir implications and bene fits. Companies that have designed

    a VMI or CRP group have also gained valuable learning applicable to CPFR.

    Is us in g in for ma ti on technology to sol ve busi ness cha llenges a comp a ny p ri or it y?

    CPFR has been piloted with r elatively little techn ology assistance. However,

    once a pilot proves a business case, implementing CPFR on a broader scale may

    becom e more effective when tech nology is app lied. CPFR sponsorsh ip by senior

    management becomes particularly important at this point, as CPFR may be

    viewed as compe tition for IT resources. Given proven results, however, it will

    become evident that CPFR complemen ts IT priorities.

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    The Internet offers an opportunity to improve both internal and external

    busine ss comm un ications. Whether using the Inte rnet simply as a vehicle to

    expedite shared information o r to use software, CPFR is a pr ime example o f how

    Intern et technology can be used to enh ance business-to-business relationships.

    Develop Your Companys CPFR Vision

    Before implementa tion, your company needs a CPFR vision statement. CPFR is

    a business process that gives continuity to the strategies and tactics of category

    managem ent, integrating your compan y goals throughou t the supp ly chain.

    A well thou ght out vision answers these questions:

    What are your companys objectives for CPFR?

    W hat a reas of the organization will be impacted, a n d how?

    H ow will su ccess be m easu red?

    What will be the scope of the project?

    Which product lines will be included?

    H ow m an y stores an d DC s w ill be i n clu ded?

    H ow m an y tra di n g pa rtn ers wil l you brin g on board in order

    to have a significant impact?

    What is the level of technical sophistication of your company

    and your trading partners?

    What is the long-term market position of your trading partners?

    What corporate stance will you develop for press releases?

    H ow will you docu m en t th e v isi on ?

    Are Your Trading Partners Ready for CPFR?

    Consider these factors when reviewing potential partners for a CPFR relationship:

    Can your tra ding pa rtner relationships be chara cterized a s open and trusting?

    A trusting and op en relationship en han ces the bene fits of CPFR through the

    sharing of sensitive information.

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    10 R o a d m a p t o C P F R : T h e C a s e S t u d i e s

    D o you a nd your tr a d in g p a rt ner ha ve comp lem ent a r y str engths a nd w ea kn esses?

    Think of what each partn er can b ring to the CPFR initiative. For example,

    one may be strong technologically, providing the majority of the technology

    infrastructure . The other may be stron g in market and con sumer knowledge,

    and th rough the CPFR relationship be able to provide this stren gth. Be cautious

    not to assume that your largest trading partn er is the most likely candidate.

    D oes your tra d in g p a rtner ha v e th e a p p ro p ri a te com m it ment a nd resour ces requi red

    to m a ke CP FR successfu l?

    Without a strong commitment to CPFR, its potential will not be realized.

    D oes your tra d in g p a rtner ha v e exp er ie nce w it h CP FR w it h a noth er p a rt ner ?

    Build on learn ing. Even th ough d evelopmen t time may be greatly redu ced by

    leveraging the learning already gained through your partners previous efforts,

    the template for e ach n ew partn ership will probab ly be d ifferent.

    Can your trading partner quantify the potential internal and external benefits?

    CPFR requ ires a paradigm shift from an adversarial stance to a win-win

    relationship, as well as the working together by departments that may have never

    communicated directly or effectively in the past.

    Develop a Business Case to take to your Partners

    The Capability Assessment, in A pp en dix A , helps answer these questions, and

    helps the partners recognize their current state and where they need to change

    to imp lemen t a CPFR par tne rship successfully.

    Pilot experience has already been brought to bear:

    The most produ ctive deployment meth od was to have the seller team

    members reach consensus on the scores separately from the buyer team


    On ce each company reached its consensus on the individual scores, the two

    compan ies reviewed each CPFR assessmen t elemen t together to agree on the

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    score. Primary differen ces were d ocumen ted along with the r ationale for th e

    score in each area. The additional scoring rationale provided critical input

    to improve the pr ocess for each elemen t.

    When averaged and viewed in the overall context of the scoring grid, the raw

    scores identified the relative strength of each of the four CPFR process areas.

    The overall information enabled the partner s to set priorities for which CPFR

    processes to improve.

    At the detailed level, the ind ividual scores and commen ts provided th e

    information to identify specific actions needed to improve the score on the

    particular element.

    This assessment p rocess is a method to iden tify areas that n eed immediate

    attention or that could be sequenced later in CPFR process improvement.

    The key to this assessmen t process is und erstanding two critical aspects of CPFR:

    1. All four process areas identified in the assessment must be maximized

    to fully realize the benefits of CPFR.

    2. Partner ing compan ies have th e flexibility to d ecide the priority

    in which key CPFR processes will be worked on and improved .

    Define Scope and Objectives

    After you create a CPFR Vision , you are ready to be gin piloting. Step 2 requires:

    1. Ga ining commitment from your trad ing partner.

    2 . Assignin g tea m m em be rs a nd est a bl ishi ng th ei r ro les .

    3 . Sel ect in g p ro d ucts a nd loca ti on s th a t w il l be in clu d ed in th e p ro cess .

    4 . D eci d in g w hi ch p a rt ( s) of th e ni ne-step CP FR p ro cess to test.

    5 . Esta bli sh in g key p er for ma nce m etri cs to m ea sur e th e in it ia ti ves succes s.

    This is truly the implementation of the CPFR Front-End Agreement as designed

    in the VICS CPFR Guidelines.


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    Team Members, Roles and Responsibilities

    Role Responsibilities Typical Typical

    Position Buyer Position Seller

    Sales The sales co ll aborat ion t eam Category , Sales

    Col labo rat io n i s r esp onsi bl e f or est abl ishi ng M an ag er Repr esent at ive

    sales forecasts, prom otion plans, Buyer, (Account

    collecting and reporting sales Replenishment Relationship

    results. The team is also Analyst Ow ner)

    responsible for recomm endingand imp lementing changes to

    the replenishment system.

    Replenishment The replenishment team Inventory Customer Service

    determ ines the order forecast, Analyst M anager,

    and co ll ect s actual o rder and (Re-) Buyer Fo recast

    inventory information. Analyst, Order



    Col labo rat io n Th e col lab or at ion techn ol og y IT Co or di nato r, IT Coor din at or,

    Technology team sets up the col laborat ion Project Manager, Project Manager,

    environment, moni tors Systems Systems Manager

    technology effectiveness, and Managerevaluates technical rollout


    Table 1

    12 R o a d m a p t o C P F R : T h e C a s e S t u d i e s


    The p roject begins by engaging at least one agreeable trading par tner. To keep

    the p ilot manageable, no more than five trading partner s shou ld be involved.

    Template Team Members, Roles, and Responsibilities

    Each trading partner identifies a management-level sponsor. The spon sors

    select team members, ensure com mitment to the p roject, and r eview results.

    The management sponsors for each company identify a team of three

    or more individuals who can participate in the initiative at least 10 hours

    each week. On e team mem ber from each side is assigned to each of these

    three areas:

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    The man agement sponsors may also include an external project facilitator

    (systems integrator, software vendor, or n etwork services provider)

    whose prior expe rience can h elp guide the p roject team.

    The man agement sponsors select a team captain for daily management

    of the pro ject.

    Project Kickoff

    On ce the p roject spon sors identify team mem bers and roles, the p roject is

    formally initiated with a kickoff meeting.

    Template Kickoff Meeting

    All team members, including spon sors and affected departmen t liaisons attend

    a on e-day kickoff meeting.


    1. Introduce the team.

    2. Crea te th e p il ot p ro ject ov er v ie w, in clu d in g p er for ma nce m etri cs.

    3 . Begi n join t sco p e-set ti ng ( see tem p la te ) .

    4 . Begi n join t ob jecti ve-set ti ng ( see tem p la te) .

    5 . Set fut ur e meeti ng d a tes, ti mes, a nd loca ti on s.

    A CPFR pilot project is designed to give trading partners a sense of the real

    impact of CPFR on th eir organ izations by par ticipating in a rap id test. Though it

    is limited in scope, a pilot project includes the complete cycle of CPFR planning,

    collaboration , and review. It should also investigate information te chn ology tha t

    can au tomate th e p rocess, in pr eparation for wide-scale future collaboration.

    Give all team members the VICS CPFR Guidelines and the VICS CPFR Roadmap. If a

    software package is used, distribute the u ser documen tation. IT team members

    should also receive software package administration and integration d ocumen tation.

    (Detailed training sessions on CPFR practices and associated software are held in

    the second p hase of the pro ject.)

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    forecast qua lity. This is critical, since a h igh-quality forecast on the fron t end

    greatly reduces the amount future exception communication.

    Iden tify a process for determ ining both sales and in-stock inventory positions

    for each SKUs/ location( s) that will be included in the project.

    (Th is information can be collected and en tered from othe r systems,

    or manu ally, if necessary.) Captu re baseline d ata in or der to de termine

    if you have met your objectives.

    Iden tify wher e the best forecast data resides and how it can be used

    for the project. Use SKUs where h istorical data is available.

    Template Objective-Setting

    Set per formance me trics. The p roject shou ld focus on increasing forecast and

    planning accuracy, reducing both safety stock requirements and out-of-stock

    conditions. The team sets targets for th ese measures relative to pe rforman ce

    in the same period a year earlier (or some other comparable period).

    Here is a sample set of ob jectives:

    15% increase in forecast accuracy (from 60% to 75% )

    10 % redu ction in su pply chain in ventory (from 200 0 cases to 18 00 cases)

    3-5% increase in retail in-stock position (from 90 % in -stock to 94% )

    When setting objectives, consider h ow the data will be collected. On e common

    examp le is total supply chain inventor y. Often , man ufacturers do not tally

    inventor y by customer, so assessing to tal supp ly chain inven tory may be difficult.

    Don t be discourage d. Work with what you have. In this example, a man ufacturer

    may be able to provide good estimates on inventory by analyzing h ow its total

    inventory for each item is affected.

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    16 R o a d m a p t o C P F R : T h e C a s e S t u d i e s

    Step 2 Closure Checklist

    Before beginning Step 3, the team captain verifies the status and repo rts it

    to the project spon sors:

    All team members have been assigned, an d time has been allocated

    for team member participation throughout the project.

    Products and locations for collaboration h ave been identified,

    and associated personn el have been notified.

    Metrics such as forecast accuracy, inventory red uction ,

    and out-of-stock targets have been established.

    Sources of forecast data h ave been identified.

    CPFR training session and future project team meetings

    have been scheduled.

    Prepare for Collaboration

    In Step 3, the project team studies the details of the CPFR business process, and

    identifies the techn ology and additional resources required to support it. Sales

    and replenishment team members develop ground rules for managing exceptions

    and ch anges. Collaboration techn ology team mem bers install and con figure the

    information systems (purchased, developed, or simple spreadsheets and e-mails)

    used to supp ort collaboration between p artner pilot teams. At the end of this

    step, collaboration is ready to begin.

    Process and Technology

    Step 3 starts with a training session for the team, so team members can begin

    working with CPFR processes and techno logy.

    Template Collaboration Training Session

    All team members except sponsors participate in day-long collaboration training.

    The first session reviews the CPFR process model and Fron t-End Agreement,

    concluding with a case study.


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    The second session trains team members how to use the selected techn ology

    to review exceptions, revise forecasts, and monitor scorecard measures.

    Training concludes with an on -line simulation of a trading scenario,

    using th e selected techno logy to interact.

    Collaboration Techn ology Team mem bers take an add itional day of training

    on tech nology administration an d integration.


    Once the sales and replenishment collaboration team members are trained,

    they begin to p repare their forecasts and exception thre sholds. Meanwhile,

    collaboration tech nology team members set up collaboration tech nology and

    integration in terfaces.

    Template Sales Forecasting Preparation

    The sales collaboration team creates an initial sales forecast for weeks 9-14

    of the project. The n umber of weeks in the forecast can be extended to

    align with the next fiscal period.

    Create a sales forecast at the SKU level in no rmal buckets (such as weekly),

    aggregated to the buyer distribution cen ter level or other appropriate

    customer ship point (for example, by store, if Direct Store Delivery is being used).

    Specify prom otional forecasts (promotions with effective dates, projected

    prices and volume impacts) indep end ently of the base dem and forecast

    values. Seasonal uplift may be com bined with base dem and for simp licity.

    The accuracy of promotional forecast can be greatly enh anced th rough the

    use of high-quality lift tables that incorporate historical demand data and

    related causal information.

    Set exception thresholdsfor example thresholds could be at 5% change

    in base demand, 15% change in promotional demand.

    Share the sales forecast amon g trading partners. Exceptions are triggered

    based up on changes to this forecast, regardless of who makes them.

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    18 R o a d m a p t o C P F R : T h e C a s e S t u d i e s

    Template Order Forecasting Preparation

    Give rep lenishmen t team member s early access to promotional plans

    to develop th e ord er forecast.

    Set the ord er forecast to the level of detail that you are going to replenish

    (such as SKU level, weekly, by customer distribution center) .

    Either th e seller or buyer creates an initial order forecast covering the weeks

    of sales planned in the sales forecast and incorporating the sellers order

    requ iremen ts (such as minimum ord er quan tities). For example, if the

    purchase-order-to-store replenishment cycle time is one week, and the sales

    forecast is for weeks 9-14 of the project, then the order forecast should be

    for weeks 8-13. Add itional weeks can be added to support inventor y builds

    and other logistics to supp ort th e sales plan.

    Set exception thresholds. For example thresholds could be at 5% change

    in base demand, 15% change in promotional demand.

    Share the order forecast among trading partners. Exceptions are triggered

    based upon changes to th is forecast, regardless of who makes them.

    Template Collaboration Technology Configuration

    Each company sets aside server systems for the project or can subscribe to a CPFR

    service provider.

    IT staff or software vendor personn el install collaboration software on-site,

    or activate th e service provider.

    Each compan y provides extracts of product and location data to be used in

    the project. These products and locations remain fixed throu gh the project

    life cycle, to simplify master data maintenance and integration interfaces

    for the p ilot.

    IT personn el (or business partners) load the product and location data

    into the collaboration software.

    Each compan y provides a format for forecast data to be loaded.

    IT, consulting, or software vendor personnel develop scripts to load

    and update th is data.

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    To comp lete Step 3, team mem bers should meet to review their r eadiness for

    on-line collaboration. By the m eeting date, the team should h ave agreed u pon

    an initial forecast for th e collaboration period, an d th e collaboration software

    should be up and r unning with the required p rodu cts, locations, and initial

    forecast values entered.

    Template Pre-Pilot Meeting

    All project team members, including sponsors, participate in a pre-pilot meeting.


    1. Review initial sales forecasts, including planned promotions.

    2 . Rev ie w in it ia l or d er foreca sts .

    3 . D iscuss logi sti cs is sues ( such a s ca rri er a rra nge ments) th a t could a ffec t th e p la ns.

    4 . Rev ie w th e sta tu s of colla bo ra ti on techn ology; d em onstra te techn ology w it h p ro jec t

    p ro d ucts a nd loca ti on s confi gured .

    Step 3 Closure Checklist

    Before beginning Step 4, the team captain verifies the status and r epor ts it to th e

    project spon sors:

    All team mem bers have been trained.

    Initial sales and o rder forecasts for all prod uct/ location combinations

    have been agreed upon .

    Collaboration technology is ready to begin.

    Execute: Performing the Pilot

    In Step 4, the sales and rep lenishment collaboration teams begin to exchange

    forecasts with each other, mod ifying them to re spond to chan ging conditions.

    The collaboration technology team gains experience managing the en vironment,

    and prep ares for rollout to a large number of locations and projects after the

    pilot is complete.



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    20 R o a d m a p t o C P F R : T h e C a s e S t u d i e s

    The Collaboration Process

    Sales and order forecast collaboration follow specific ground rules to secure


    Template Forecast Collaboration

    Determine the rules for changing forecasts.

    The p artner s exchan ge new or revised forecasts at least weekly.

    The bu yer en ters the latest sales results for each product weekly.

    A partn er who d isagrees with a proposed forecasted value counter-proposes

    a change , along with comments. Coun ter-proposals are mad e within five

    business days. If a partn er does not receive a counte r-proposal within that

    time, the p roposal is accepted.

    The ord er forecast owner is the final arbiter of forecast values. After round s

    of three changes, only the o rder forecast owner can chan ge a forecast.

    Technology Rollout Planning

    Consideration of techn ology rollout begins now, although details of the rollout

    steps themselves are part of Step 5.

    The collaboration techno logy team uses the p ilot experience to und erstand

    the IT requirements for a larger-scale rollout of forecast collaboration practices,

    including electronic commerce, security, and application integration issues,

    as well as staffing, trainin g, backup / recovery, and support p roced ures. A clear

    technology rollout plan produced dur ing this phase of the p roject can greatly

    accelerate future results.

    Template Collaboration Technology Rollout Planning

    Each organization develops its own plans for technology rollout.

    Assess prospective trading p artner s electronic commerce capabilities.

    How man y will use EDI? How man y will have the ir own CPFR ser ver?

    How many will be client users only?

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    Determine which other application data feeds will be requ ired to maintain

    up-to-date pr oduct, location, and partner master data. Evaluate the level of

    effort requ ired to integrate th ese sources with the collaboration software.

    Determine which applications requ ire or provide forecast information for

    the r ange of prod ucts and locations to be covered in a general rollout.

    Evaluate the level of effort r equired to integrate these sources to the

    collaboration software for import/ export.

    Configure the corporate firewall and web servers to allow secure access

    by CPFR trading partners.

    Identify the nu mber of core users (planners), occasional users (man agement,

    warehouse personn el, sales peop le), support p ersonnel, and adm inistrators.

    Estimate training requirements for the proposed user base.

    Develop a techn ology rollout timeline, including procur emen t, installation,

    integration, training, and mobilization of support r esources.

    Collaboration Review

    After about four weeks of collaboration, the project team meets to discuss

    progress, problems, and ch anges. The team then takes an add itional two weeks

    of collaboration to deter mine wheth er adjustments have an impact.

    Template Collaboration Review Meeting

    All project team m ember s, including sponsors, participate in the collaboration



    1. Discuss major exceptions encountered i n the first four w eeks of collabor ation.

    2. Ev a lu a te th e ef fect iv eness of re sp onse to cha nges.

    3 . Pro p ose p ro cess enh a ncem ent s.

    4 . Ad ju st ob jecti ves a nd colla bor a ti on grou nd rules.

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    22 R o a d m a p t o C P F R : T h e C a s e S t u d i e s

    Step 4 Closure Checklist

    The project team has participated in at least six weeks of on-line sales

    and orde r forecast collaboration.

    The initial results and participan t commen ts have been summarized

    and reviewed by both trading partner s.

    The pro ject team has identified future technology and software

    modifications that will enhance the process.

    The pro ject team has held a collaboration review meeting, app lying ideas

    from the first four weeks to improving the process in the final two weeks.

    Results have been r eviewed with th e Pro ject Spon sor.

    Assess Perform ance

    and Identify Next Steps

    In Step 5, th e team and its management review its progress, repo rt r esults to their

    respective organizations, and make p reparations for broader CPFR rollout.

    Partnership Review

    Every six to 12 weeks of collaboration, the business team reviews actual results

    against the target metr ics. The team also considers the busine ss process impact

    of their partnership.

    Template Collaboration Scorecard

    Evaluate the actual results against metrics that were agreed upon in the

    Joint Planning Meeting and against data available from previous periods.

    Compare weekly SKU/ store level sales forecast accuracy with the

    year-ago per iod, and note changes.

    Compare weekly SKU/ DC-level orde r forecast accuracy with results

    for the year-ago period, and note ch anges.


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    Compare total in-stock inventory at distribution centers and stores per

    product with that for the year-ago period. Adjust for changes in th e nu mber

    of prod ucts and stores, and n ote wheth er th e balance of inventory has shifted

    up o r down the supply chain.

    Compare the n umber of store-level out-of-stock events with those for the

    year-ago per iod. Calculate relative to the in -stock percen tage per SKU.

    Identify the number of exceptions and their root cause.

    Add any other m easures that seem significant after the collaboration period.

    Has ther e been significant sales growth in the category? Were th ere special

    external con ditions ( weather, new competitors, product changeovers,

    promotional merchand ise, store op enings/ closings, staff changes) th at

    affected results? How can th ese factors be accoun ted for in th e future?

    For a sample copy of the pilot team scorecard, see A pp endix F.

    Template Business Process Review

    Review cases in which a bu siness process or forecast changed dramatically.

    What caused the change? Did the CPFR process red uce problems associated

    with the chan ge? Were the re specific ben efits over past ways of do ing


    Based upon the pattern of changes that occurred, what future oppor tunities

    are revealed?

    Can purch ase orders be eliminated, and collaborative forecasts be used

    to trigger replenishment (actual orders) instead?

    Were an y organizational problems identified?

    Template Collaboration Technology Review

    Assess the con tribution o f CPFR techno logy to achieving project objectives.

    Highlight new opportun ities the technology has uncovered , as well as any

    issues or concerns.

    Present the collaboration techn ology rollout plan to other team members.

    Incorporate their feedback.

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    24 R o a d m a p t o C P F R : T h e C a s e S t u d i e s

    Determining Next Steps

    Before making a final rep ort, team spon sors discuss what next steps they will

    recommend to their r espective organ izations about continued collaboration.

    Future initiatives between the implementation partn ers are determ ined jointly.

    Team m ember s from each or ganization also consider the next steps to take

    relative to their own trading partner networks after the initial phase reviews are

    completed. What additional partn ers should be included? Which product lines

    should be added? Training requ iremen ts, organizational changes, project costs,

    and rollout time frames shou ld all be estimated.

    After a successful pilot, there are a number of ways to expand CPFR, and

    numerous areas you would want to test and learn abou t:

    3 .0 Roadmap to CPFR

    Expanding CPFR



    Figure 1


    Automatethe Process


    Integratethe Results

    IncreaseLevel ofDetail

    Expand toOther CPFR


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    1. Expand to other CPFR proce sses

    If the CPFR implemen tation focused on joint business plann ing and sales

    forecasting, expand to o rder forecasting collaboration

    2. Add SKUs

    If the CPFR implementations initially focused on a limited set of items,

    increase the gains by expand ing to other p rodu ct categories

    3. Increase the level of detail

    If the implementation focused on warehouse-level information,

    better results can be achieved by moving to store-level information.

    4. Automate the process

    Although few of the comp anies that have initiated CPFR have h ad to add human

    resources to complete their implemen tation, automating the collaboration

    process will produce increased gains. The vision of CPFR is one of managing

    forecasts by exception, which can best be achieved through an automated

    processespecially when the number of products and tr ading par tners increases.

    5. Add trading partners

    The bene fits gained from collaborating with one or a small number of trading

    partners can be extended to more trading partners, depending on the relationship

    with, culture, and capabilities of each partn er. Even before a critical mass is

    achieved, the re ar e ben efits to each relationship.

    6. Integrate the results

    The benefits of CPFR are fully realized only when the outputs of the collaborative

    processes are integrated with the in ternal processes at both companies. For a

    seller or supplier, this means using the collaborative forecast in the production

    plann ing, capacity plann ing, and materials requ iremen ts planning p rocesses,

    as well as financial plann ing processes. For the buyer or ret ailer, this means

    integrating the collaborative forecast into buying, merchandising, replenishment,

    and finan cial plann ing processes.

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    26 R o a d m a p t o C P F R : T h e C a s e S t u d i e s

    Reporting Results

    The pro ject team shou ld publish a joint p roject report that allows others in each

    partner organization to understand the impact and potential for collaboration.

    The initial CPFR experience contributes greatly to a successful general rollout.

    Template Project Report

    A project report has six major sections:

    1. Execut ive Summa ry

    2 . Pr oject Scop e, O bjecti ves, a nd Reso ur ces

    3 . Bu si ness Pro cess Resu lt s

    4 . Co lla bo ra ti on Techn ology Resu lt s

    5 . N ext Ste p s

    6. Organization-Specific Plans

    Executive Su mm ary provides a h igh-level overview of the project.

    Project scope, Objectives, and Resources discusses the original conditions and

    changes that were made as a result of the initial CPFR experience.

    Bu sin ess Process R esu lts reports results against key metrics.

    Collaboration Technology Results describes how information tech nology

    supported the projects objectives.

    N ext St eps suggests future collaborations between the partn ers,

    including the business and techno logy rollout plans.

    Organ ization-Specific Plan s are private to each organizations version

    of the repor t. They can include proposals to expand collaboration

    to oth er trading partner s, projected costs, organizational impact,

    and pre liminary project plans.

    The team captain creates a summ ary presentation to supp lement the

    project report.

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    Project Completion Checklist

    The project team h eld a collaboration review meeting.

    The p roject spon sors agreed upon next steps, and d eveloped

    organization-specific deployment plans for additional collaboration initiatives.

    The project repo rt for th e curr ent review was written an d d istributed to

    other s within the organization.

    Senior Managemen t has been informed of the results and has contributed

    to the recommendations for expansion.

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