080101 Aeolus Group Portfolio vs 8

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  • 8/4/2019 080101 Aeolus Group Portfolio vs 8


    Aeolus Associated

    Aeolus Associatedem ail: info@aeo lusassoc iate d.c om


    Aeolus Group Portfolio


    1.Aeolus group2.Development corporation3.project portfolio4.Africas energy sector5.Aeolus on Africa6.product portfolio

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    MissionThe Aeolus team is committed to assist the Africa n continent in enhanc ing the use of itsrenewable energy resources by

    - Funding the deve lopment and implementation of financ ially viab le, c lean and

    sustaina ble RE projec ts as distributed hybrid supply systems for rural area s.

    - Transferring know-how in the fields of management, finance and tec hnology.

    - Strengthening soc io-ec onomic deve lopment through the creation of job

    opportunities (local ownership, assembly and production facilities) and by

    supporting charity projects.

    These c hallenges will be me t by a team of experts supported by a loc al pa rtnershipstruc ture as well as by a g loba l network of technology and financ ial Partners.

    Aeo lus strongly be lieves and trusts in the c ombina tion of Econom ics and Passion.

    Aeolus is comm itted to deve lop and fund renewable wind energy p rojec ts to Continent

    and a s result to enlarge the energy c apac ity chain,

    as it is like wise committed to bring local hybrid systems and distribution for thesustainable development distribution electricity develop the rural and remote areas.

    Generating Power Together

    Africa by night, showing the ab senc e of electricity

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    Aeolus Associated

    -Management Company

    - RE /Finance expertise

    External Partners

    - Finance/financial closing

    - Technology

    - Consultantcy

    - Project auditing

    Local JV Partners

    - Project Identification

    - Pre-Feasibility Studies

    -Local networks

    - SPV start up

    Aeolus AfricanDevelopmentCorporation

    - Development funding

    - Feasibillity study

    - Sale of projects to SPVs

    1. Aeolus GroupAeo lus Assoc iated (AA ) was founded as a Dutch ba sed comp any in 2004 to be come

    ac tive in renew ab le energy (wind farm) projects. The c omp any is nam ed afte r the

    ancient Olympian God in charge of the winds allowing the boats to sail across theAeg ea n Sea . The na me pays tribute to the o ldest histo rica lly known pe rson to use

    renew ab le energy a s a natural resource.

    AA started its activities in the renewable energy sector with wind and solar projects in

    Greece, Italy and China. Africa became the focal continent subsequent to a

    reconna issanc e visit to Na mib ia in Sep temb er 2005. The t rip resulted in the 92 MW wind

    farm, of which the first p hase ha s completed its de velopm ent.


    Aeolus is orga nized to

    to selec t and ac celerate the development o f attrac tive and b ankab le SPVs inthe renewa ble energy sec tor ac ross the A frican continent,

    to enlarge the African energy ba se, to esta b lish Aeolus as a leader in Africa s RE sec to r, and To p rov ide investment op po rtunities for the financ ial sec to r.


    Aeo lus Group is ba sed on four spe c ific centers of c ompe tenc e:

    Aeolus Associated, who offers expertise, technology and finance; Aeolus local Ventures, based on a competent and well organized local

    Partners structure, offe ring p er Count ry p rojec t initiatives and loca l networking;

    Aeolus Africa Development Corporation, (AADC) offering the capability ofde veloping p rojec ts and the funding for the development of these p rojec ts;

    An excellent global network of Partners with expertise in development, projectauditing a nd financ e.

    The organiza tion trusts in a sma ll but

    competent team and in outsourcing

    to selected consultants and vendors

    with proven track records in quality

    standards and experience. As resultthe Aeolus Groups structure will be

    lean and can therefore flexibly dealwith new challenges and additional


    AADC represents a small butsignificant vehicle within the Aeolus

    Group. In close consensus with AA,

    and its loca l and its external partners it

    channels, activates and accelerates

    the Fea sibility Stud ies of p rom ising,

    pre-selected projects.

    The c ompa ny is young and dyna mic, yet c onstruc ted on a sta ff with a long expe rtise

    and e xperienc e in RE tec hnology and projec t deve lopm ents. The result is a fast a nd

    growing netw ork in Africa , and imp ressive list of p rojec ts under develop ment.

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    Generating Power Together

    Developmentdevelopment fundingAeolus local companies






    Aeolus Africa

    Development Corporation

    Aeolus Africa Development Corporation

    Aeolus Africa

    development corporationAeolus local companies

    South Africa, Namibia,

    Ethiopia, Nigeria, Kenya,

    Tanzania, etc.





    . 2. Development CorporationThe financ ial world has a serious interest to finance and invest into bankab le RE

    projects; but it has also a natural hesitation to stimulate and contribute to the

    development phase of such projects. Hence many initiatives and projects getfrustrate d by lac k of resources and ge t insuffic ient c hanc e to rea ch a ba nkable stag e.

    Aeolus Africa Development Corporation (AADC) was founded in order to overcome

    this problem, and to a ccelerate the implementation of ec onom ically viab le RE projec ts

    across the continent by funding the development phase of such projects. AADCs

    main function is to increase the number of simultaneously development of projects,

    and to implement them faster and more efficiently than under current market

    conditions.AADC can be understood as a development vehicle acting in between the energy

    ma rket and the investme nt comm unity.

    Project de velopment

    AA in cooperation with its local

    Joint Ventures and representatives in

    SubSahara Africa ident ify and

    select project opportunities andsubsequently applies to AADC for

    development funding. AADC willgrant funding and resources if the

    project fundamentals and

    parameters indicate a probability

    ratio of over 85% for a future

    financial closing and a successfulcomp letion of the projec t.

    Projec t sc reening

    The sc reening proc ess with w ell de fined filte rs assists in selec ting the a ttrac tive p rojec t

    proposals already in an early stage, and efficiently handling the process of project

    development. It comprises a sequence of activities which guide Aeolus through the

    selec tion and the e valuation o f p rojec ts be ing offered. The p roc ed ure involves four

    d istinc t stage s during which the informa tion on the p rojec t is cont inuously refined :

    Assessment of fund am enta l projec t d ata Pre-qualificat ion on b asis of 35 pa ram ete rs Feasibility Study Auditing

    A proven methodology will be applied, strictly followed and constantly monitored byexternal aud itors in order to reac h and keep the highest p rofessional sta ndards.


    AA has agreements with Dutch FMO for (sub)debt funding and financial leadarrange ments. Similar arrange ments have b een ma de w ith eq uity investors and w ith

    the Dutch Gove rnment o n Carbon Cred its.The manage me nt of AA ha s been develop ing susta inab le RE projec ts in the ta rge t

    region for the past 25 years. It has gathered ample experience in managing and

    mitigating the associated risk profile, and has demonstrated that projects withcom merc ial retu rns can be rea lized . Its c lear strategy and the lac k of significant

    investments into RE projects in Africa to-date will allow AADC and its partners to route

    the first fund s for the d eve lopm ent of p rojec ts with the highest returns.

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    3. Project Portfolio

    Projec ts - predom inantly large r wind fa rms and b io fuels - totalling ove r 2,700 MW have

    be en initiate d in Namibia, South Africa , Kenya , Ethiop ia, Tanzania, Nige ria, Djibout i,Som aliland , Sudan, Sierra Leone with new prop osa ls being rec eived at an increa singrate.

    Wind is the predominant RE resource in the list of 7 projects to be developed in 2008

    with a tota l of 439 MW and an ad d itiona l 10 p rojec ts will sta rt deve lopm ent in 2009.

    The first p hase w ind fa rm o f 36 MW of a tot al projec t of 92 MW along the Nam ib ian

    coa st a nd the 30 MW Kinangop in Kenya will rea ch its construct ion pha se in Q1 2008.

    All projects have been / will be developed by own financial strength and own

    de velopm ent cap ac ity. They have gone through the early deve lopme nt phases, have

    been screened and realized a bankable feasibility study, followed by a technicalaud iting. Projec ts will be imp lemented and op erated unde r an IPP or hybrid scheme .

    Generating Power Together

    Projects and project locations

    >2750 MW under development

    11 Countries

    The Aeo lus logo windmills represent the numb er and loc ation off planned pf planned wind farms.

    Aeolus plans additionally to wind farms: hybrid and distribution systems for rural

    areas, and bio fuel plantations.

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    4. Africas energy sectorConsumption and generation

    With 13.1% of the worlds total population, Africa consumes only 5.5% and generates

    only 3,1% of the w orld energy. Its pe r ca p ita energy consump tion is 0.5 TOE com pa redto the wo rld average of 1.2 TOE. Its ge nerat ing is ma inly based on c oa l (46%) and fossil

    fuels, as gas (23%), hydro (18%), oil (11%) and nuclear 2%. In 2002, the continents

    electricity consumption was only 514 kWh per capita, lowest of all other world regions.

    Ac cess averag es a t o f 23% for sub-Saharan Africa , howeve r with large d isparities

    be tween individual countries, and b etween urban and rural areas.

    In large p arts of A fric a 70 80% of the pop ulation is without elec tric ity co nnec tion.


    Africas energy resource base is both diverse and relatively abundant, but so far

    largely untapped. Proven oil, gas and coal reserves as well as hydropower potential

    are estimated as 9.4%, 7.9%, 5.54% and 13% respectively of the world total. Energy isproduc ed ma inly from b iomass (47%), oil (24.8%), coa l (16.5%), ga s (10.4%), and on a

    limited sc ale by renewab le resources such as hydro, solar and ge othermal.

    Africa ha s abundant renewa b le energy resource s: high solar irrad iation; a strong w ind

    po tential, with wind speeds reac hing up to 10 m/s; and a po tential cap ac ity of well over

    10,000 MW. The ge otherma l po tentia l in East A frica s Rift Va lley is estima ted as 9,000

    MW. A well-balanced energy generation mix has not yet been achieved due to a

    number of d evelopment b arriers.

    Renewa b le ene rgy tec hnolog ies (RETs) p rov ide environmentally supp ortive and

    technically sound options for Africas electricity industry. In most countries they would

    offset a significant proportion of foreign currency spent for oil imports for power

    ge nerat ion. Being mod ular, they are we ll suited fo r me eting d ec ent ra lized rural energy

    demand. The relat ively low investment levels of the increme nta l ad d itions make RETs

    quite attractive for capital-constrained African countries. Additionally, they will

    maximize the utilization of locally available resources and expertise, and would

    therefore provide employment op po rtunities for the loc als.

    The grow ing interest in RETs is d rive n p rimarily by three issues:

    the continuous inc rea se in o il prices at a time when A frica s c onvertible c urrenc yea rnings are low d ue to po or world ma rket p rices and de c rea sed volumes of its

    commodity exports,

    the difficulties recurrently experienced by most African countries, many of whichfaced unprecedented power rationing which adversely affect their economies,

    The g loba l awa reness of c lima te c hange and its likely imp ac ts is grow ing.Although the contribution of African countries to global greenhouse emissions is

    relatively mode st, Africa is likely to be dispropo rtionately affec ted by the imp ac ts

    of climate change. Of particular concern is the dependence of poor Africans on

    rain-fed ag riculture, which is under threa t from unpredicta ble w ea ther pa tterns resulting in droughts and severe floods.

    The glob a l rising interest fo r Africa , and as result grow ing financ ial funding andsponsorships, specifically for (renewable) energy as an important economicengine to ac celerate deve lop ment.

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    Aeolus in Africa













    5. Aeolus in Africa

    AA started in 2005 and built a convincing portfolio of wind and other RE projects in

    Africa and Southern Europ e. As from 2007 it is selling its assets elsewhere, foc usingent irely on Africa a nd c rea ting a strong netwo rk of rep uted partners in supp ort of itsmotto:

    Generating Power TogetherThe ob jective of Ae olus Assoc iated (AA) is to b uild a lead po sition on rene wa b le

    energy in Sub-Saha ra Afric a with a target of ove r 2,500 MW of w ind cap ac ity a nd a

    total investment of 3 b illion. Projec ts involving b io-fuel, land fill, desalination and ruralelec tric ity will be c onc urrently de velop ed . Each successful p rojec t will be transferred to

    its ow n SPV, with the ma in criteria b eing a positive c ash flow d uring an op erat ionalpe riod o f ove r 20 yea rs, and an averag e return of eq uity on 20%.

    Histo ry in Africa

    Aeo lus has sta rted its Africa projec t d evelop ment , by attend ing the Sep tembe r 2005

    SADC conference on ene rgy, organized in Windhoek, Nam ibia. A network of conta c ts

    was developed with the Ministry of Energy and Mines and with the ECB (Electricity

    Control Boa rd). These c ontac ts have resulted into a viab le wind fa rm p rojec t of 92 MW,

    which p rojec t c onstitutes the largest IPP wind fa rm d eve lopm ent in Sub Sahara A frica .

    The result could be ac hieved grac e to a careful pa rtnerselection. United Africa is a healthy and successful

    business enterprise in Namibia with an excellent politicaland business network. The o rganiza tion - esta blished a nd

    organized in Namibia - is a role model for the

    organization in other African countries, and has resultedin a numb er of add itional powe r generat ion p rojec ts and

    renew ab le energy a c tivities in Nam ibia.

    Joint Venture structure

    Based on the positive Namibian experience AA

    de veloped a strategy in which loca l pa rtnership should

    not b e b ased on a n ag ent struc ture, but involves eq ual

    pa rtners with a c lear and a ccepte d a dd ed va lue from

    eac h pa rty:

    AA and AADC will bring technology, expertiseand finance in both d evelopment of p rojects andtheir subseq uent fund ing

    The loca l pa rtner will ident ify at trac tive projec tsand will co ordinate loc al a c tivities and resources.

    Local Partners in JVs have an equal percentage in

    ownership and cost. Both parties have equal partnership.

    On basis of this experience and model Aeolus has

    conc luded Joint Ventures with loc al pa rtne rs in a g row ing

    numb er of c ount ries such a s Namibia, South Africa ,

    Ethiop ia, Kenya, and Nigeria. This netwo rk will be

    considerab ly extend ed to other co untries in 2008.

    As a good example of its Partner structure, Aeolus and its partner reached a first

    project in Kenya by acquiring the developed wind farms of Kinangop and Ngong

    which w ill ultimate ly a c ap ac ity of 120 MW.

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    7. Product PortfolioAeolus Associated product expertise

    AA as system integrator and p roject deve loper is c losely affiliated with reputab le co mpaniesin the field of renewab le energy , notab ly in wind, solar and bio ma ss and sma ll hyd ro

    tec hnology. We concentrate and foc us on three different sides of the renewable


    Grid connected wind farm projects, with machines, rated from 600 KW -2,5 MW forwhich Aeolus will find turnkey project solutions, including deve lopme nt; developm entfunding , feasibility studies, financ ial eng ineering, IPP arrangem ents, etc . Considering

    circumstances and conditions Aeolus will be involved in and responsible for the

    installation and operation of such plants.

    Bio fuels, as palm oil and jatropha Rural and distributed electrification with Hybrid systems as a sustainable energy

    solution for rural and non-elec trified areas, with a m ultiple of technology:

    - Sma ll and medium sized wind dieselhybrids

    - Solar p ane ls and plants;- 250/ 500 KW Biom ass pla nts on basis of ag ro


    - Med ium sized hyd ro installations;Complete Home Energy solutions with the hea t and energy ba ll, texo lite housing, sola rgeysers, etc .Competence center

    Aeo lus is a deve lope r and system integ ra to r in the RE field. The c ompany ma intains

    exce llent conta c ts with the innova tive and qua lified industry in wind, solar and bioma ss

    energy, hydro technology, and with consultancy expertise. It is interested in large wind

    pa rks; and in develop ing d istributed hybrid solutions for the d eve lopm ent o f rura l areas.

    Solutions include - but a re no t limited to - cost effe c tive ene rgy supp ly schemes

    applying natural resources, with such spin-offs as sustainable housing and building

    materials provided by local production, effectively bringing economic development.

    AA is active in developing and financing projects for renewable energy, for which it

    applies systems specifically tailored to each projects requirements. Although thecompany itself is young, it works closely with strong partnerships and can rely on a

    team experienced for over 20 years in virtually all phases of the project developmentcycle.

    Aeolus project selection criteria and solutions are clean energy and profitableeconomics.

    Generating Power together