Project planning template Project Plan Name of organisation: PSTC........ Organisation number:.............. Name of project: EEHCO in Dhaka City ...................Project number: Name of programme EEHCO........... Project length: April 2009 to March 2012 Executive Summary The Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health (ASEH) project has been implementing both in rural and urban slums since October 2003 and the 5.5 years project will come in close in March 2009. With support from WaterAid Bangladesh (WAB), Population Services and Training Center (PSTC) has been implementing ASEH project in 60 slums in Dhaka (28) and Chittagong (32) Cities since its inception. PSTC is a Dhaka-based non-government and not-for-profit organization and works for the improvement of life status of poor and socially disadvantaged people by undertaking various programmes and projects. PSTC began its operation in 1978. PSTC became a partner of WaterAid in 1998. The partnership started with a community based water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion project in Dhaka City. Under ASEH PSTC extended its work in Chittagong city. In both cities it works closely with City Corporation and Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA). PSTC also signed an MoU with Dhaka WASA for providing formal service connection to the sum dwellers. The project under ASEH in Dhaka has so far achieved it objectives over the period to improve the water and sanitation situation of the poor and extreme poor of the project areas. The project has also created a significant improvement of hygiene practices in the target population. Community based organizations have been formed in each of the working slums and enhanced their capacity through various interventions under the project areas. Dhaka city alone got about 13 million people and is one of the fastest growing cities in the world with estimated 500,000- 600,000 migrants mostly hardcore poor, arriving in the city for the job each year. A recent scoping study report indicates that Ensuring all project planning templates are completed will aid the subsequent completion of sub-programme and programme plans, as well as the MPB.

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Project planning template

Project Plan

Name of organisation: PSTC............................ Organisation number:.......................................

Name of project: EEHCO in Dhaka City ......... Project number:

Name of programme EEHCO........................... Project length: April 2009 to March 2012

Executive Summary

The Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health (ASEH) project has been implementing both in rural and urban slums since October 2003 and the 5.5 years project will come in close in March 2009. With support from WaterAid Bangladesh (WAB), Population Services and Training Center (PSTC) has been implementing ASEH project in 60 slums in Dhaka (28) and Chittagong (32) Cities since its inception.

PSTC is a Dhaka-based non-government and not-for-profit organization and works for the improvement of life status of poor and socially disadvantaged people by undertaking various programmes and projects. PSTC began its operation in 1978. PSTC became a partner of WaterAid in 1998. The partnership started with a community based water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion project in Dhaka City. Under ASEH PSTC extended its work in Chittagong city. In both cities it works closely with City Corporation and Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA). PSTC also signed an MoU with Dhaka WASA for providing formal service connection to the sum dwellers.

The project under ASEH in Dhaka has so far achieved it objectives over the period to improve the water and sanitation situation of the poor and extreme poor of the project areas. The project has also created a significant improvement of hygiene practices in the target population. Community based organizations have been formed in each of the working slums and enhanced their capacity through various interventions under the project areas.

Dhaka city alone got about 13 million people and is one of the fastest growing cities in the world with estimated 500,000-600,000 migrants mostly hardcore poor, arriving in the city for the job each year. A recent scoping study report indicates that around 40% of Dhaka population live in slum (28% hardcore poor & 12% extremely poor), annual urban slum people growth rate is 6%. Majority of the slum dwellers use either city street hydrants or illegal water connections as their primary water source for drinking, cooking and washing. Similarly majority of the slum dwellers do not have access to sanitary latrines.

This project will particularly address some additional issues related to hygiene that has been identified and piloted during the last part of the ASEH. The issues are occupational hygiene, food hygiene, and menstrual hygiene. PSTC will pilot water safety with wider community jointly with Dhaka WASA to demonstrate that with community involvement and awareness raising activities together with minor technical input the quality of supply water improves significantly.

PSTC will form Civil Society Organizations Network among the stakeholders and CBO representative in Dhaka City. PSTC will facilitate this network for ensuring accountability of the utility agencies to the slum dwellers. PSTC already piloted it through the benchmarking project under ASEH.

Based on the assessment conducted by the Partner themselves, the beneficiary coverage plan among the targeted slums is as follows: Water supply – 10,102; Sanitation – 10,575, hygiene promotion – 9,214. Total budget for he project is Tk. 26,630,000.

Ensuring all project planning templates are completed will aid the subsequent completion of sub-programme and programme plans, as well as the MPB.

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Project planning template

1. Background

The Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health (ASEH) project has been implementing both in rural and urban slums since October 2003 and the 5.5 years project will come in close in March 2009. With support from WaterAid Bangladesh (WAB), Population Services and Training Center (PSTC) has been implementing ASEH project in 60 slums of Dhaka (28) and Chittagong (32) Cities since its inception. PSTC was also actively involved in project preparation and designing along with WAB and others Partner NGOs.

PSTC is a Dhaka-based NGO and works for the improvement of life status of poor and socially disadvantaged people by under taking various programme and projects. PSTC began its operations in 1978. PSTC is the inheriting organization of family Planning Services and Training Center (FPSTC) which was created following a government order to act as bridge among the Government, donors, and local NGOs in the field of FP-MCH. In June 1997 the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) assigned PSTC to continue all activities, discharge all responsibilities and play the role of FPSTC as its inheriting organigation in addition to its normal activities as an NGO. Now it has diversified its interventions over the years, including water and sanitation programmes in the slums. PSTC became a partner of WaterAid in 1998. PSTC has been implementing different Health Services Delivery, Environmental Health, Child and Adolescent Development, Governance and rights, HIV/AIDS Prevention, Economic Development Programme, Education and Training and Communication programme/ project.

Dhaka city alone got about 13 million people and is one of the fastest growing cities in the world with estimated 500,000-600,000 migrants mostly hardcore poor, arriving in the city for the job each year. A recent scoping study report indicates that around 40% of Dhaka population live in slum (28% hardcore poor,12% extremely poor), annual urban slum people growth rate is 6%. More then 60% of the target population use city street hydrants as their primary water source for drinking, cooking and washing, remaining have some facilities through illegal connection. About 69% of the populations do not have access to sanitary latrines. According to the world bank data Under 5 mortality rate 73/1000, infant mortality 54/1000 in Bangladesh. 63% people suffering with water and sanitation borne disease due to lack of hygiene practice. Lack of coordination of WASA & City Corporation, not prioritized slums, includes watsan and hygiene support .Hygiene promotion is not the priority issue for Dhaka City Corporation

The project under ASEH in Dhaka has so far achieved it objectives over the period to improve the water and sanitation situation of the poor and extreme poor of the project areas. The project has also created a significant improvement of hygiene practices in the target population. Forty Eight of Community based organizations have been formed and enhanced their capacity through various interventions under the project areas.

During ASEH project, interventions did not start simultaneously at all slum areas. But majority of the target population have improved water supply, sanitation facilities and hygiene practices It was evident that due to staggered nature of interventions, in some areas, CBOs could not reach to a desired level of maturity. Still requires some facilitation support for a longer period for deepening the confidence of the communities. They are not able to construct their water and sanitation facilities on their own. Additionally the project concentrate mostly on hand washing and personal hygiene but did not emphasise other issues related to the hygiene from the very beginning of the project which include food hygiene, menstrual hygiene, occupational hygiene, water safety. To make the project sustainable in the long run - Community committees in different tier – Slum based CBO, Ward Citizen Committee, Zone Citizen Committee, City Citizen committee were formed. The Citizen Committees will be formed with in a short period and some of the slum CBOs were formed later part of the project. These committees need more capacity enhancement and leadership development support to make the bodies functional and capable to raise their voice to establish their

Ensuring all project planning templates are completed will aid the subsequent completion of sub-programme and programme plans, as well as the MPB.

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Project planning template

rights and get easy access to the utility department’s (i.e. WASA, city corporation), local leaders, commissioners and other public service delivery institutions (PSDI) to obtain their basic needs. Those are the important initiatives need continue.

This proposed project will cover 3 wards of Dhaka City Corporation where PSTC facilitated water supply and sanitation programme under ASEH. A total of 8 slums will be covered under this project.

These target groups are the slum dwellers within the target locations. The CBO is the platform of community management and raising the voices of the poor. With extended support, these CBOs can play a vital role in Dhaka city to make the LGIs accountable towards the poor and ensure continuous services to the slums. Additionally with some extra support for water supply and sanitation, the whole community will reach to 100% coverage that will benefit all dwellers of the targeted slums.

This project will particularly address some additional issues related to hygiene that has been identified and piloted during the last part of the ASEH. The issues are occupational hygiene, food hygiene, and menstrual hygiene. PSTC will pilot water safety with wider community jointly with Dhaka WASA to demonstrate that with community involvement and awareness raising activities together with minor technical input the quality of supply water improves significantly.

PSTC will form Civil Society Organizations Network among the stakeholders and CBO representative in Dhaka City. PSTC will facilitate this network for ensuring accountability of the utility agencies to the slum dwellers. PSTC already piloted it through the benchmarking project under ASEH.

Project Duration: Two and a half years: April 2009 - March 2012

Based on the assessment conducted by the Partner themselves, the beneficiary coverage plan among the targeted slums is as follows: Water supply – 10,102; Sanitation – 10,575, hygiene promotion – 9,214. Total budget for he project is Tk. 26,630,000.

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Project planning template

2. Objectives

The specific objectives of the project: Water Sanitation Hygiene

Change in Access and Rights to WASH for selected Co-ASEH working area.

10,102 people living in slum located in Dhaka city get access to safe and adequate water by March 2012

10,575 people living in slum located in Dhaka city get access to safe sanitation facilities by March 2012

2000 households living in the slums practising improved solid waste management system

20% increase in critical hand washing practices of targeted beneficiaries living in the working slums in Dhaka City by September 2011.

50% women and adolescent girls living in the working slums in Dhaka City practice improved menstrual hygiene by September 2011.

CBOs of 80% working slums implemented water safety plan in their slums by September 2011.

50% restaurants/ tea stalls/ food vendors in and around the working slums use

Changes in sector (all actors) capacity to achieve WASH

100% Water Options managed by CBOs effectively

DWASA Takes Initiative for Introduction of Water Safety Plan

100% Community toilets managed by CBOs

3 Ward Sanitation Task Forces of Dhaka City Corporation efficiently monitor the sanitation status through regular meeting by September 2011

DCC responses the demand of poor and disadvantaged people living in slums for safe and adequate sanitation by September 2011

100% CBOs regularly monitor hygiene practices of the members of the community

DCC Sanitary Inspectors Monitor Food hygiene status in the restaurants located in the slums and low income communities

Changes in the development environment in relation to WASH

Slum dwellers benefited from budget allocation by DCC for sanitation slum development activities.

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Project planning template

3. Indicators

The specific indicators against each objective: Objective Indicators

10,102 people living in slum located in Dhaka city get access to safe and adequate water by March 2012.

# of people living in the slums get access to safe water

10,575 people living in slum located in Dhaka city get access to safe sanitation facilities by March 2012.

# of people living in the slum get access to safe sanitation

2000 households living in the slums practising improved solid waste management system

# of households disposing off their households wastes through improved solid waste management system

20% increase in critical hand washing practices of targeted beneficiaries living in the working slums in Dhaka City by September 2011.

% of people washing their hands at critical times

50% women and adolescent girls living in the working slums in Dhaka City practice improved menstrual hygiene by September 2011

# of women or adolescent girls practice at least four important tasks related to menstrual hygiene

Statements of adolescent girls

CBOs of 80% working slums implemented water safety plan in their slums by September 2011.

% of CBOs implements water safety plan

50% restaurants/ tea stalls/ food vendors in and around the working slums use

# of restaurants/ tea stalls/ food vendors in and around the working slums use safe water, handling of food in hygienic way and keep food covered.

100% Water Options managed by CBOs effectively

% of water options functional

DWASA Takes Initiative for Introduction of Water Safety Plan

DWASA decisions for introducing WSP

100% community toilets managed by CBOs % of functional community toilets

3 Ward Sanitation Task Forces of Dhaka City Corporation efficiently monitor the sanitation status through regular meeting by September 2011

# of WSTF Committee discuss progress on sanitation in their regular meeting as an agenda

DCC responses the demand of poor and disadvantaged people living in slums for safe and adequate sanitation by September 2011

% of slum dwellers received sanitation option from DCC

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Project planning template

100% CBOs regularly monitor hygiene practices of the members of the community

% of CBO Committees review the status of hygiene practice in their regular monthly meeting as an agenda

DCC Sanitary Inspectors Monitor Food hygiene status in the restaurants located in the slums and low income communities

# of food shops visited by DCC staff to monitor food hygiene

Slum dwellers benefited from budget allocation by DCC for sanitation slum development activities.

Amount of budget allocated for slum sanitation

Note that indicators for outputs and inputs are not included within the project plan, although logical frameworks or equivalent planning tools may be attached to this plan.

4. Project Design

The title of the project is ‘Enhancing Environmental Health by Community Organizations (EEHCO) in Dhaka City’

The project will be implemented following participatory and empowering approaches at all levels. It is important to gradually shift towards more a Right based Approach by reducing service delivery to a limited scale while putting more emphasis on advocacy issues and tapping resources from other stakeholders. Therefore, PSTC will give adequate emphasis for balancing between service delivery and advocacy initiatives.

Community Based Organizations (CBOs) will be strengthened and empowered through ensuring their active participation and involvement in community situation analyses, community action plan development and implementation of the same. Emphasis will be given for inclusiveness of the poorest, women, vulnerable and socially excluded people in the CBOs.

Under this project City level Citizen Action Committee will be formed with representative from CBOs and Ward Citizen Action Committee. The committee will work as a public pressure group for building accountability and responsiveness of the utility agencies through raise the voice of the poor.

Continued efforts should be made towards maintaining water safety. Motivational activities will be strengthened to ensure sustained hygiene behaviours at practice level. Audience specific IEC/BCC materials will be used and different social mobilization activities will be undertaken including campaigns of varied nature.

Citizen Committees at different tiers will be strengthen for ensuring community voice raise and establishing accountability for having access to resources and services for the poor and marginalized

Under this project, PSTC will develop capacity of City Corporation staff for implementing pro-poor service delivery of safe water supply and sanitation facilities along with sustainable hygiene practices. The project will conduct policy orientation among all level and initiate actions for policy influencing through sharing learning and best practices among and beyond WSS sector actors including policy makers

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Project planning template

The Project personnel will take a facilitating role to enhance the capacity of the Committees and to support them to established network / linkage with the like minded organization and service provider. The Committees already have started its primary activities by mobilization themselves. Different capacity building training, exchange visit, conduct service evaluation (Service scoring) and organize for continuous dialogues and meeting with the service providers to improve service for the community. Role and responsibilities of the committees already explain to the committees and written document is kept in the committees. The Citizen committee in Dhaka will act under National Citizen Committee. Regular meeting, general meeting, selection of leaders will be done as per their constitution.

The on-going HP activities (under ASEH) will be continued through community volunteers who have been trained and refresher training will be provided under the supervision of Slum CBO committees. Some of the special groups of people who have been involved in unhygienic hazardous jobs will be trained by PSTC to improve their hygiene practices and safety measure. A number of adolescents’ girls will be motivated to use and safe dispose of low cost sanitary napkin during their menstrual time. This group will also motivate their peer for using of sanitary napkin. On the other hand slum CBO will take initiative to manage solid waste properly through their action plan and PSTC will motivate CBOs for the initiative.

This project will particularly address some additional issues related to hygiene that has been identified and piloted during the last part of the ASEH. The issues are occupational hygiene, food hygiene, and menstrual hygiene. PSTC will pilot water safety with wider community jointly with Dhaka WASA to demonstrate that with community involvement and awareness raising activities together with minor technical input the quality of supply water improves significantly.

PSTC will form Civil Society Organizations Network among the stakeholders and CBO representative in Dhaka City. PSTC will facilitate this network for ensuring accountability of the utility agencies to the slum dwellers. PSTC already piloted it through the benchmarking project under ASEH.

There are some dwellers in different slums (ASEH) who have underserved or un-served will be provided water and sanitation facilities following the ASEH principles. Total 10,102 dwellers for water and 10,575 dwellers for sanitation will be benefited.

A ‘community monitoring’ system will be established at each slum and also at Ward level where slum CBO and Ward Citizen Action Committee will do the same.

It is not expected that the project plan should contain detailed information on activities. This will be covered elsewhere.

5. Cooperation With Other Stakeholders

The key stakeholders in Dhaka City include Dhaka City Corporation (DCC), Dhaka WASA and Rajuk (Capital Development Authority). Other development partners and NGOs are also playing an important role to develop the water supply and sanitation situation of the slums in Dhaka City which include UNDP, Plan Bangladesh, Concern Worldwide, Care Bangladesh, WSUP, etc.

PSTC will form Civil Society Organizations Network among the stakeholders and CBO representative in Dhaka City. PSTC will facilitate this network for ensuring accountability of the utility agencies to the slum dwellers. PSTC already piloted it through the benchmarking project under ASEH.

The City Citizen Action Committee will also be facilitated to identify the policy issues and rooted advocacy.

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DCC, DWASA and Rajuk will be provided support to develop a city wide integrated plan that will cover water supply, sanitation and hygiene under the overall development plan of the city.

In Dhaka City there will three Partner NGOs of WAB will be working under the EEHCO sub-programme. The partners are DSK, PSTC and ARBAN (WSUP). The following table shows the key facilitators for each of the areas and target institutes.

6. Resources

A total of six senior staff, two supervisory staff and 10 field staff will be deployed for the project by PSTC. Among the senior staffs – Advocacy Officer and in addition Project Director will extend support for both Dhaka and Chittagong Project.

As the project focuses on rooted advocacy and utility reform, the training will focus particularly on these areas.

A total of Tk. 26,630,000 is required for the project. The year wise breakdown is Tk. 6,797,501 for FY2009-10; Tk 8,039,174 for FY 2010-11 and Tk.11,793,325 for FY 2011-12. . The budget itself should be included within the annex

7. Financing the plan – if applicable

Use this space to describe any specific actions that need to be taken in order to comply with donor requirements (other than those of WaterAid), or the requirements of any other institution supporting the project.

8. Risk Assessment and Management

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DSKMarry Stopes, UPHEC, Surjer Hasi

DCCPrimary Health Care

DSKCUP, UPPRRajukSlums in Master Plan

DSK & PSTCDCCNon-functional existing latrines in the slums








ARBANDCC DCC Sanitary Inspector monitor food hygiene

DCCPublic Toilets

All key actors


key role player

DWASAReduced Water Charges

CSO NetworkCSO Network

DWASA & DCCBenchmarking

DWASAWater Safety Plan

Target Institution

DSKMarry Stopes, UPHEC, Surjer Hasi

DCCPrimary Health Care

DSKCUP, UPPRRajukSlums in Master Plan

DSK & PSTCDCCNon-functional existing latrines in the slums








ARBANDCC DCC Sanitary Inspector monitor food hygiene

DCCPublic Toilets

All key actors


key role player

DWASAReduced Water Charges

CSO NetworkCSO Network

DWASA & DCCBenchmarking

DWASAWater Safety Plan

Target Institution

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Non cooperation from City Corporation to extend support to slum dwellers. The success also depends upon the appropriate technological options especially in the slums located on the low lying areas or on the water bodies.

Dhaka WASA may not cooperate to extend service connection to the slums located on he illegal lands.

The Project will do rooted advocacy engaging the CBOs and Citizen Action Committees as different level so that a continuous pressure remains on the utility agencies for change their policy and extend support to the slum dwellers. Additionally the Civil Society Organization Network will act as a coordinating and learning sharing form so that joint activities will be carried out for advocacy on common issues. Apart from these the utility agencies need to be supported to change their policy and its implementation.

9. Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation of the Programme:

a) Baseline surveys: In each of the programme location situation analysis will be conducted in order to measure the improvement over project period.

b) Monitoring processes: In order to track the full range of programme activities, processes and results, three approaches will be used, namely, performance, process, and impact monitoring as this sub-program progresses. Different indicators will be used to track: 1) performance against outputs, 2) the processes used to ensure quality and adherence to policy principles, are 3) whether the implementation of the activities as well as the outputs are on track to reach the anticipated project outcomes and impact on the larger sector.

c) Internally scheduled mid-term reviews, evaluations or impact assessments

At the sub programme level the mid-term review and impact assessment will be conducted that will also cover Dhaka programme. This will include the following:

Household baseline surveys will be conducted focusing on water, sanitation and hygiene related behavioural practices with disaggregated data by gender, age, vulnerability, and socio-economic status of beneficiaries.

One mid-term review will be conducted during the half way of its implementation process.

One evaluation will be conducted at the end of this sub-program.

One impact assessment will also be conducted at the end of this sub-program.

d) Key external reporting schedules.

The information contained in the MIS will be used to report to a wide range of stakeholders, many of whom have clearly different interests and needs. The reporting system will be flexible and allow reporting by a range of host variables including location, household, and individual specific parameters. The central databank at WAB will be designed to accommodate this disaggregated information on activities, quality of processes and impact and this will allow performance comparisons to be made at Dhaka programme level. The reports will be produced quarterly, six monthly and annually.

e) Sharing learning:

A user-friendly presentation and dissemination of results would be produced from the findings from

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Project planning template

different reports. This result will be shared with respective staff, stakeholders and CBOs.

Annexes A logical framework, or equivalent planning tool, where appropriate A detailed budget for the project. {This is currently being looked at by the finance department} A detailed M&E plan, including an indicator matrix specifying who is responsible for collecting

indicators against the main objectives, how they intend to collect them, and when A beneficiary counting sheet (This needs to be brought over from the PASF)

N.B. There should also be space on the bottom of the form for dates and signatures from those preparing, checking and approving the plans.

Ensuring all project planning templates are completed will aid the subsequent completion of sub-programme and programme plans, as well as the MPB.