0TASMASHES RECORDS AS HE WINS CUP RACE Li Driver Hurla His Z*4tot Over Line Firs! al Santa Hlonica 11 0T«r raaalng of "£***> *erth*> '*.*'.' **** **¦*' "** , -ca .nd 4?***-, a***8 ' k araa mile« '.'ItTr ' """o:'i '******' t_a_ "I *.*.*¦ ' * P<> ,,,,,",* °Vfr ,h'" *' -. d«, fivpr- Next arx, drivinR rmtei -: -, lv ». k**i * mi o\cr Uud-On; man, f*i»__4*'f! . aa aet by Mri.I- JTjk*r. I. r ,tllr' moved up '" " only a %oaa ».. Y. . ,.. . np under tho .ilty in o, b.rk- ****'. -rallinc 'i.,-_ *h for thi anU Monica *..a.r dur.nR race. il** ,obV "^jL . vair.-y of eilmcr.'. a*****- DEMPSI Y WILL PLAV FULLBACK FOR THE MAROON '.re team in tor ii hard -. arill itnrt ..Ofl to meet Maroon a aad Praa- Ganu l> '-'¦ _¦** n the P/'*f>»- <aid that in ii.c pame .ui *4A 4_ti ny a .. ***** am 0 i nn- «ll hai i '"'" *** *.¦¦*' " * ***'a' ,. nol m<> far tl.e iad can held yester- iiih.I had hia roufti thr- plnys, nan al- TINKER ALMOST SURE TO MANAGE THE CUBS ,! o«rph i, m_er gcrecd upon n** Itafue CI ¦.**¦ I V . \0 eol D figned, but on a h'.intitiK t* '-rxt .... To men ifl a luirry, our stores arr ,i ureat conven- ience. Thry get what they want wrien thr*y want it. w-irm Winter Overcoats in time foi to morrow's Cam? Ulster. if you're going by motor. Stetmer mgs to make it cozy in thc stands. Scotch kt.it j.irkets to wear !ndt.rn**nt!). Mufflrrs. lined gloves, taed caps, wool socks, spats. iKrrmos bottles and cases. v-ordovan shoes a plenty. Kogehs Pi i i Company Broidwa*/ Broadway «t 13th Si -The at 34th St. l-'our ****N*«dway Cornrra" Fifth Ave ..Wane,, at 41at St ^ENAULT $3. $4 PER HOUR _|lT-.r KI*M HI ''*" *. . »»UT05 MONTH Ll UATPJt * I. MAMhiI \ r|..n» I ..lutubna -'-.a ."^ !.,r_ Broa l _.«.._ _4|4___e ca Cleveland May Lose on Hard Tackle by Taft lUr.i ta.-kif. by Taft may thin-e i;d fox atitl Bjr.tri nnd mav ru.h va*'. Taft nnd on to rietarj*. Thert* la a little chnpter of life. and a, likelv to be fought out in thf -A Yiilo Pn.-rct'on game Ib Palmer Stadi¬ um to-morrow nftcrnoon. For tho firat tune in the history of Amerieaa ate feotball taa vona of two former Presideata of the United SUtes are likely to face en.-'i otbar on tho gridiron. And, an fat*! uou' '. BTB lt, these huskies mo placed njfht where they belong. Weodroe. V helped make Old NflflMd famoui before bc arai axalted te Iha Sea Jereey Goveraorahia an.i later to the White House. The Preaident therefote ia vitally concerned in th* Tiger, Some smail .<¦ hii ape i- Libeljr to rest on the brnwn and sinew of Pick Cleve¬ land, son of tba lat-*' Qro*W Cleveland. Wilaon will have a real Demoerat, n orange nnd blnck, to fai-iafl » thrill or two. Charles Pholp.s Taft 2d, ll n memBer of the Yale warrior eleven. gladintor is a son of N 'llinm II. lait, ideal of tho United State-. nn.l ated arith tbe Yale facultv. namaaake of nis unclo. tho iiaaatl puhlisher, who, h \eai i.(fo. oontiolled the CM- eagc National l.eairue dub with Charlea Webb Murfhjr. As If tfl eai further tho tra- ,i tir-deaaarka ofl their par.y alllancea, theae aoaa of Preaidenta will falfll the respectiM* fanetlona oi Uje well known elephant nnd the equal \- revered donkey. Taft ha< thc bulk tad laea: lefelaad tba ««. *fl*\ Cleveland nol onl) a g backfield mai whoac o hitting tba Haa aa hard ns a ituile kicks. Cleveland is a I'rinceton sophomor** Hr played fallbacb with th,- riger non last year. Thia »Wll has gamfl ronsiderably 9 eaaac of a allfhl iajaiy. Hc bi covered nnd hn*i heen promised. as re- papter, BB opportunity to earn eCton'l most imp-ir- ,i eonclading vrame of the year. Taft who was substitute tacKle laal been Yale'a regulm lefl nli aeason. He will start IBfl atarda. lf reovered from a re- .ent maecla bratee. ln any eve, will be plavcd at least part of tM paaa »f M II not equal to the entire ^Satarday. tame at Princeton there ..hv aettla the lfllfl clert.on t»>- good and aye. _ SMEARING FORWARDS KEEPS AMHERST BUSY -. Kae. II Practice wh* held this afternoon on a fleld pro- tected I'V a laver of straw. Snow and ave left the turf in terrible condition. The work eoaelated of ..rmation aml sijrnal drill. followed numniv acrimmaifc. Carpenter. kicking again featured Twi Ive times in BUCCCe- eeeded in makinjr placement kick* squarely over the crossbar from yard line. Holdermun, '10, joined the coaching thla uftemoon nnd worked hard II gthen the dafl tha liae * oaeb Rilej* spent al bia t.me drillin_r tba backfield ..-.king np forward pasees. For ihe tirst time in a week the jratm town open lo the students. who took the opportunity to look over the team tl at v. ill represent thom on Sat- MARLEY 2*4 IN. DEVON 2}i IN. ARROW COLLARS 18 cta. each, 0 for 00 eta. ClUETT. PEABODY * CO . IBC. MBKEBI N. Y. U. 'VARSITY GETS EVEN WITH SCRUB PLAYERS Warman Stars with Run tor Si\ty Yards Around the Lnd Bcrimmage from surt to naiah araa the proj-'iairmie of th«. H, V. D, eleven nl Ohie l ield yeaterday afternoon. The 'varsi'v o' .*' .ore Imt'led flgalSflt tho scrub and aucooodod in pcttinjf re- for it.e defeat *t the day ba- fer. ha ora araa '¦'¦ to g |g favor ing men. Mo t of 1 _ aeeriag eami early in the conteat, before Iha scrub bad lettled down. Raaraeraehlag «a.. ihe iii-' man to moir. After the 'var¬ sity had werked up le * ithin etfifc ing dlatanca of tha aecond team. Koal line he wormed throui.li the lir.e lor a in yard i'M"' and a tencbdowa. Macken- /,«¦ made tha econd tally in practi- cally thc aame faahiea. An end run hy Warmaa was the best nlaj tne.! iii gai pasi the lme and by a MTiei "f ipriata and tiyns lt*<,t tfl tba geal Haa jael hefera be waa tackled, Hi da h orered ai itj yards. iirapi '. of tba ecrab, icered the thiee pointa for hi.-. team by a N .'.ard liel.l llowar.l Cann nraetiaed kicking from pl»C4'tnent for a Ioiik time early in the aon 11 n ly ot. t a.. triala did ha fail te boel tha hall over tiu' har, The football maBagemenl hai finally received | sat i«f HCtorv teply from the faculty eencerning tha suggi-stion of ( n.,i I. Euatil te BUflW tha men to leavr «>ai;> from elaaaea, ia order to 1.4. aa the Held before II geta too dark lo play. PrOIB B0W BB until tho Colum- 1. ga the etit! rc ouad arlll hc ea« ciise.l 111 time for practice. Tha whole nnivei il te beat tba Columbia on thc hoapltal i_¦ t ia Archie ttlc \ ..:.-.ntre. It is Boi likely thal hc arill he able to start t morrow, However, Buatii still ha» nnd Mooney te pick .rem to flll Hin n'a plaae FATE OF HERRMANN IN JOHNSON'S HANDS Phlladelphfa, Hem. II. The fate of Auirust Herrmann. chairman of thi Na¬ tional Cemmiaaiea, lu*s la tho hands of Pan Johnson. OrgBBised huiehall's chief executive is mutually agreed upon hy tlie preaideflti of the twa major leafUBB. Herrmann has held the chair* contmuously since the <on.ir.is- aiofl was formed la IMI as part of the peace pn.t between the belligerent .'*.»- tional aad Ameriean l< "I wi.uld ba oiiy, tndecd," raid ideal Teaei of the National League, in »n iBtervien hem to-ilBy, "if Mi. Hemaaafl *Aerc te 01 lost to tba National Ouimi moii. Certainly l favor his retentlon " Mr. reaei declared he knew of no noTement te lauaeh 1 third ma'.r lfagiic. '.There are not tco many jrood play¬ ers and too many koo.I ntlei fflf the two major league* ii|»w established," he said "I believe." however, ne eonclu.ed, "that Baltimore x* ripe for major league baseball." COMMISSION UPHOLDS SIOUX CITY PLAYER Cincinnati, Nov. IC.TM Nationa! Raaeball Commission to-day rrfu**d the Bieax City club. of the Western League, a rehearniK ai the Kane ca_e and onlered that team io pay ihe player a forfher s..ary awar.i in full within aperir.i1 of l-CC dnys ander the penaity, of a forfeiture of protection both for. Sloux City r.tid thc Weetern I.eague. The ca.-e origmally attracted unuaual attention. because Kane proved to the| satisfection of the triumvirate that hc was the victim of a working "aentle* man'a agreement" among W League club owners. These miaor maiyyit«s named a verbal law that noj clu^k the circ.it could accept the serlHa of a player releaaed by a rival t*_n-Br**.thout payiBf aaid releaaingl club the sum pf ? .»".'. the leagu.'s walver price This 10 called gentle-l men'a agreement \*. >>s in direct viola- Uon of organized baieball law. PLAYERS REVIVE STRIKE THREAT TO WIN DEWANDS Baseball Stars to Back Fultz.Few Have Signed New Contracts Hv V. J. MACHKIII A Agfct '." the finish aatWflail organ- i.Til baaeball an.l thr* Playara' l-'rater- nity ifl tkfl interpretation tho union places upon its turndown at tho h»nd«. of tho minor league majentttes in New Orlean*. Jn spite of tht* rcticenro of fraternity offleeri yesterday, it was learned on tho very best authority that I'resident David L Fulti will have the bnrkina- of practically all of bairball's most rrnownetl stara in a campaign for recognltloB already mapped <iut in sev- etal seeret conference*. Ihe old strike threat has been re-1 iviii. iii.. fratarafty membership RORlbflTfl tho most lllustrious idols of the ilisinrmd. These, it is said, have pledged themselies to the altar of' BBioaiaia. The «ervices of then* arillI form thfl ea*Jfl**al with which the frater¬ nity heads hope to whip the govern- ment of baseball into lme. Tht* preat .ti tity fll the nlayers mi wiiom the ntrflBfth of the leading elabi flf tlie Amern an arid National Icagues depend i-.i. i.nt signed contracts for next '.car. (tn". have a^'ree.l n..t to do s", it IS anl. aatll tho fraternity denaaada, iptirned by the tnir.r.i leaguet, have lerngnized bf rninor aad major ll ..rue mapnates nlike. I irm in I ,'on\ iilion* For several years [,m?t baaflball plsy- en hava baaa firm m thr convictionl that they heltl .n tht-ir own iiands the destiiiy nf the (fame. Ihe fraternit> was pn-sumably first conceived as an orgaalaatlaa ealeulated to improve the tiamc's welfare mutually. It was to protect employe and employer alike. It nrang into being about tne time the1 Federal I.cague enterprise war ¦ttl. Through the outlnw cirtuit il was giieii a power, alinn: t ininie diately, thal probabl) never woald have lirtti raeaniaad ia normal times. Kra tcrmty principlflfl, fll IBUefa M the Ked eral League, were reapoaaible for tha tenaational Inflatian tt baseball aal* flriei within the last few year-. Baaeball, ia « leaae, has roaahred lt* ¦elf mii) the old qoeitioa «.f capital aml labor. If thfl mngnates repi- the "troata" the Prataraity hrplflea nnioniam, Trouble has been etartng up reral ri ara. II leemi t.. hav.. pretty nearly reached the point of h ¦hon down. The National Aaaoeiation, which is the goioralag badj af the minor Iraguea, in leaaion al New Orlaaaa tira daya ago, deeided Ui igaora the Prater* reqm fai foai refonai or reform in relatio employei and emplayod. These aame requeata, >.i demande, »ill later li prOflOBted Io the Natioiinl I'omims- ifan, lt ifl tvnl.'iit that the conunis- >ion tipped off thfl National Aaaoeia¬ tion aa to its atiitade on the rarfaraia, "Will See it Thraagh" ..\\e flrill 'ee thii thing through," -Hiil tiie owner af a major league clult, who riiti not wish to aaibarraaa his IflOgUI president by dlacloalUg his iden¬ tity. "The trouble with the Prataraity is hnt it seeks onlv selfish ends. It would ba all fair nnd good if tlie union t.-ri'.rceii ita memben ta labor aaaidn- PUflly in the falAlmonl of contraetual obligationa. Bul aa such thing. Play tfll every exeOflfl these dms tn keep out of the game. A little injaiy Iih' h few years ago would nevi r bfl tal eaaa far the temperamental «tars. These playen in addition to grand opera sal- aiies, boiiuses of all sorts, nometimcs even for cond behavior. "Whea the Federal Leagae war broke out." ba fontmueii. "i rary unwisely IgBfld eertain of my players fo iron rlatl. terrn contracts. That momeal rained them. Thaae high salan'cit ait latl inimediatelv lost everv Int* snve one af self preservat'on. Thfl] .'ni not give me a eoBaeieationi return for niv money. Aad kaow ihe Kra ternity <i»-111.< tately wink.d at sulit.-r- ftiR-e in more than one instance. Salarles Too High "As an uftetmath rif the l-'ederal I.OHgun war s-aluries have inounted be yond the safety inatk. A readju.vtttie nt i- imperatiri Wt an get back io ift nml aaaa baaii "f aame years ago. Oterhead expeaae has becoi graal thal few teams of the big leagaei n. proml nentlj plai eil in thfl penaaal ri«r11s make even savings butik lotereal on their investments. I'rJicit rather than prol I ihowi for the majority. "I'liiir.r.i. liang Ofl iii thfl face of lidversttv in the hope of rccouping loflflflfl with one petinant winner. I Bl d I think the majority of elub ii- feei timt . eriaii has flpproachod aod thal noa ii tha tima t<» see the thiag through We might better lock our park1- BOW tran to be forced into bankruptcy in the end through the inereaaiag cupiduy of playan." Impartaal it-velopments are evpectcd at tlie atinual meetings of the National and Ami nean leagues in this cit\ mOBth. Johnson haa called his mflei inK in thii city to ba "ii hand for im¬ portant National ('ommiflflion consid- iBi; al-o thal leKislHtion of itiu- luul importance may be ratirted by the club owners of the two cntuits No Playara signed None of the club owners baa made. any attempt to ligfl players not under eoBtraat far I9i",. The tip is out that aalary rather than raatar limit will i* «ith mofll WfllghtJ rmisiilfration. The nacl mii thal ni.trkeil the termina- Mn'i of tbe war between the Nationa! and Amencan leaKues and cut players* ¦alirii ii >- in two aaaaaa la proapect, Thereln lies tha rea! answer Baaeball Playara' Prataraltf ac-, tivily, it is said. I'hese sons of tlnance of the diamond .,1 uatly to go to anv lenirth, even a gaaaral strike, to maintain the pre»ent teala of rtaaaneration. It is alleged tiiat union demands have been sei/.td upon as a pret, \t either to intimidate tha men who pay the bills or to divert their minds from the channels of econ- omjr on which major league club own¬ ers intend to embark. ERASMUS HALL RUNNERS WIN TROSS-COUNTRY Kra.smus Hall Hifh School added an¬ other 'croas-country vietory to ita un- hroken r-tring in a dual run with Boyfl' Uith School over the courne at Pros pect Tark, Rrooklyn, yesterday. The BufT and Blue ha» not ta.nted defeat in four contests. The first three places went to Kra-- moa members. when Urry TvlcGonifal. Broone and Rodgern cro»ged tha finiflh hn.* ii, the order named. McGonigal was in the van for the greater part of the way, leapinjrj away into a lead while descend.ng I.ookout Mountain. Me won by tifty yards, while hia time of 19 minutea 15 seconds wa» a tatt performance. Ti.e rummary follow»: tfmtnmi, nunt ar.d fltaafll , ti! .. .. Ir. .- nor* H I . ra. Iraimri. TU .... Sirioin Steak at Stake As Moha Battles Miske Famished Lumberjack Is Sure to Give of His Best To-night Hy W. O. McCF.KHAN Hoh Moha, the famished lumberjack ef Wiaeeaeia, will meet Billy Miike, ef Bt Paul, ln a boxing exhibition at fhe Broadway Sporting Ciub to-night. Immediately after the bout. howiver it ends. Moha will rush to the nearest food parlor and hide a sirioin steak. Moha has been living on |40 fei three montl.s. nn,* the eff?cts are just be¬ ginning to show. Miske iu a.i of his local bouts haa shown that he ran tight when he wants to. He holiis a decision over Battling I.evinsky, ar.d he cot it on the day that Lavtaaky i nwnagor lUee***ered that Levir.skv was the only logical man to fight .less Willard. While the affair ia alated to go ten, it is eertaln that Moha will try to make it shorter. He ia in a hurry to get that sirioin before he forgets how one feell when taken mternally. .Timmie Johnston, the boy bandit. ii back from Boston, where he was one of the stage man.igers of that little skit. produced by Hritton and Lewia The title of the a.*' is "Soft Imugh" Mr. JobnateB and his able colleague, Mr. Unn Morgan. expect to stage the piece n New York in the near future. Battling I.evi.'sky and Jack P.llon will soon hook their act for the road again. Tha titlo of the act is "Too Proud to Kight." I* is rumore.l that the comedy knock- ahouf team, McFarland and Gibbons, are preparing to double up again in a new skit entitled "Walta Me Around Again, Dearie." Jlmmle Johnston plans to start. on the road immediately with Tom Cowler, Annef'c Kellermann a only rival. Thom¬ as will give diving exhabitlons in all of the principal eities en route. e MINOR LEAGUES VOTE TO CREATE SEPARATE BOARD New Orleans. I.a., N'ov. lf, Louis¬ ville. Kv.. was aeleeted te-day tor tho next annual conv.ntion ol the National \ iilion of Professional Ba.eball Leaguea, meeting here. Much imporUnt business was dis- poacd of during the dav'- IC lien, in¬ cluding tha rontroversy regarding b propoaition for minor league repn tation in thc Natieaal Baaeball Com¬ mission Atlei extetuleil discussion a plan arni adopted providing for rreu- M.iii ot a board of tive members to he sparated from the National Commission, to decide all matters of from the minor lcague's organ- iiatioa aad all matters ln controversy between the major and minor leagues. ha raemberahlfl °f the new board would eeaeiat of the president 'and aecretary of the minors' association. vi,r. memher each from the National nnd Amencan leagues and a fifth mem- ,.ei "who shall in BO way be connected with baseball," to be elected bv the four other members. The f.fth, or ..neutral." member WOUld act as chair¬ man. # This plan was adopted after briel -ion. and the chairman, upon au¬ thority from the convention. appointed ;, cotnniiitee t.. lake nn the matter witb tha Natieaal aad Ameriean leagues at their annual meeting ifl December, with power to carry out the plan. TITLE RUN REVIVED BY BROOKLYN SCHOOLS < \ ent, t ln- i Brooklyn athlttes in their best condi¬ tion. , Full teann v en* BMBred from r.ras- mur- Hall. Boya' High. Commercial and Manual Training. while it was declared that St. John'- and New I'trecht may Aad it conv.i.icnt to start runners. The race will bfl hflld over the old ama teur course of three miles and will in- clu.le tht* iteep l.ookout Mountain. DARTMOUTH MEN DRILL ON AN ICY GRIDIRON Hanover, N H. Nov. Irt. Ilespitc the hit ing old, C.nch Cuvanaugh had his Dartmeuth squad out on the ice-cov- eied grul.ron to-day for a long signal drill. It liail bflflfl planned to have a lerimi aa, but ii was all the men could dO tC k<*e|> their feet. Weat Virginia is certain to plav in BtraagC surroundings Saturday, when it meets the lireen in the laat contest of the season for Cavanaugh's men. Snow is beeped up waist h.gh along the side line,. with no apparent inten¬ tion of meltmg. FACULTY PUTS BAN ON W. AND J. PLAYERS Washington. Penn., Nov. 16.- The faculty of Washington and Jefferson College announeed to-day that three members of th.* football team would not permitted '.. participate in athletics ,.f ht.v kind th'.s Maaefl because of dc- ncieiu'it's iii their achelaatic standing. The men affected are W. W. Fain halfbacn; M S. Whitehill, end, and .1. H. Nail. guard. All were to have played nevt Saturday in the game at Ri.'hmond, Va., against Washington and I BUlings Outpoints Murphy Eddie ll.ll.ngs. of St. Paul, outpointed Paddy Murphy in decisive faihion in a ten-round bout at the Clermont A. C last night as a fair-aiied crowd aat and shivered. Paddy Mullina guaranted the h..v heat for next Friday night, but that d:.ln't help much lait nignt. For some unknown reason tha main bout was not put on until 11:05 o'clock al¬ though 'he rules of the State Athletic Commission call for the boxers in the chief attraction to be in the ring at ln o'clock. ln the semi-nnal bout Mel Coogan gave Young Rector ten boxing lessons. One leion in each round. Crow Knocks Out Badoud Marty ( ro«s hunched out Al Badoud in the sixth round of their bout at tha F.mpire A. C, las*. night. ln the firat I round Badoud was aaved bv the bell and in the fifth the Krenchman wai again n dire diitreai. The other ten- round bout ba-tween Ir:-h Patiy Clir.e and Packv Homenly re.ulted in a vic- r Patsy. To Decide Scholaitic Title The Catholic high ichool champion- ahip w.ll be decided to-morrow after¬ noon, iaheii the eleven* from Brooklyn F'r.i nnd lordhan Prep meet in their annual tus.le at Fordham Field. Fight Log TO-NICHT Harlem S. ('..I'orky Flynn and John Lester Johnson. Hunts Poinl S. C.Flarry Ciattle and Young Jack O'Brlcn. Village S. < ..Joe I.ynrh and Benn> MiCny. Now Polo \. A..Jimmy Klynn and floorgie ICoiIiIn Broad wav S. C..11 .b Moha and II.11% Mlske. BATUBDAT l.yceam A. C..Johnny Powers and Johnny Clinton. Broadway S. C..h. O. Brennan and Frank Carbone. Fairmont A. C.Harry Wllla and Jark Thompson. Qucenaboro A. C.Yonng Norman and Hai ippy Smith. flermont S. C.Silent and Augie Katner. Martin STEVENS ELEVEN RESTS BEFORE FINAL CONTEST 1 Stever.s 'varsity held its final practice over « asfle Point Field In lloboken vesterday afternoon. Tht* en- gineiira *->ill eleae their s.ason to-mor¬ row with the tenm from Rensselaer F'olytechnic Institute, and will take a varatton to-day. Buck Kodgcrs has driven his team along at top soeed for t.ie past fortnight. and believes a dav of rest will bc of benetit to them. After a long, but light drill the squad _ixty-two strong, assembled in the new gymnasium building. which will be dedicatcd to-morrow before tho game, and listened to a short speech from Rodgera. Stevens will go Into the game against *ho Troians somewhat crippled. San* Webh, the big fullback, was injured .:i tba game againal tha Coaneetieut Agg.es. nnd will not be able to plav. One or two <¦! thc 4.ther men are nurs- mg i'ljurirs ol one sort or another, but none ara o hadlv off that they will not he able '.. go throngfa tha gatn**. under ordinary eoaditioas, The team will line up against R selaer in this fasluon: Carlson. left i nd; Ford. left tackle: Etxel, left guard; Johnson, eeatre; Moeller, righl gu_rd: Floekhert, righl tackle; Hopkins. right end; Musk. quarterback; neghuee, right halfback; ("oodale, left half¬ back; afaraballi fullback. ¦ -... 8,000 SEE MORRIS OUTPOINT LEVINSKY kansas City. Mo.. Nov. 10. Out wcighed ahout tifty DOUnda and OBl rlass< d in height and reach, Battling Levinsky, of New Vork, lost Ihe de¬ cision to Carl Morn-. tha Oklahoma heavywright. here to-night in a fifteen round bout before aigfal theuaaud per¬ sons in Convention Hall. Morris was outpointed in the early rounds, hul La vinaky began te weaken in the eighth. nn.l from then on the Oklnhoman had a good advantage. I.evinskj was tired and hangn.gon at the flaiah Eicbt rounds were to Morris nt <| three to Levinaky, uh'lr the others v.ere even. The hout. v.x\- murred by wrestlmg and clinchiBg, the B-ttlei being the worst nlFen.ler. In the semi-windup Otto Wallace, of Milwaukee. knocke.l out Hilly Wagtier in the second rounil of a ten-round bout, 14th Street, ueai e ourth Arenac. Century ./u.if .Vorr;. ../ Calmmamt CttxU. Charlrn llf.l,«iihn,n Pioremi /"¦! prrirnt I II K I I I.I.. Bn_ (>ntr<4l .1 || The Century Girl World . ir.,,i, r vi.. lleol 8*4)40 r . , CHOH K PlUtt ,*./ (,(, ¦ i ' i hi;- um tekTt ¦';_ 800Ejc-Ilent Srattat.. 75c .)., Good Seal sat.~>0c gatineei Wednriday rf Bar_r_ay .fOT* Cmeeri *> t^V;.,, Vnr',,,,hi\ /,,;. >. a'clatk vm.i.m ^ M tkmep l.irn-ii. Hall. tmt*, Aft. Nov. *2I. at 3. SEMBRICH Irank I.a fr'iirfr Ot tr.. I'lam. Ilaldv. tn* ..a.a li ... !-'»'.. m Carnecla Hall Bo* M<JT Wl «I.l- fll m\ lll'REAL' TAGORE .ir BABINDRANATH .AOOBfll m_k«a »; » r.ra- n l Kppaatamet CARNEGIE HALL, TUES. EVE., NOV. 21 fleketa IS te at Bei Ofllea '! NATIONALISM rllPPODROIIE M*T Tu.Ar CI nfl UtSt fctAT. ei.vv "THE BIG GHOW" * ->, \Mt4A '.*. \ I V World a Itl«c«at Hhnw at th- I.....I Ir . PARK B*l AHT TIMK Hl.NDAV MASQUE OF LIFE rn.M OF teei THRILLB ti> i)*.*. \r Ar_n.it> " __, AO M .r.a. ...'..' M Inlon A a.ri_-f "Vtai. FIS _H[ _c_ K KLAIDr *** m ***** m m ***** **^ U Inlon A ln.r...i.r. .al. Att.. *..¦». II. ai 1. BAUER Aenllaa Ha lt- IMI miii'i ii Wt* I.k.1.1. h_rlto_ \r_llM Hall Thur. -.IIM, K..< ITAI. . II 10 II Jt'.i. a I .' At B.t Cfflr« Muali .ana t'onoert Mal Miluo B Hamlui I'lanu. Mason A Hart Aft. Var. II, Bl l.i EMMA R0BERTS JCLLICOC a riEIT la aattaa W_ a Hart."TS* Or*1l a mmt, W -aubl» .Ckaelaa Caa#lla 11 M :*r <-aarak!f aialta Orakaatra -r M( HOI.A-s KINK. 'II Weal M HI. ICESKATING a__M_a lia'.x. 4a.:_. ara TaufM. AlailaalM. Ma. ANU8EMEMT8 AMISKMENT3 Xr.W VIIRI'I I. r. IIIIMI THKATIEI HD IPCCBHSH NEW AMSTERDAM V.'.*V-*U M....T llll II.M I II I Ml SH \l iMi'aniNMi'.NT is \*\\ *ii»kk: Maw t lilii'k" « -i.|.r. me atteeetfl l-'MPIDg "AV A M tt If-'l *. I :? LlTiriAC. 1 .,. "Sp trklina 4 nm"lr.".Tele«r«m. THE BASKER CYRIL MAUDE \i *»"ll'*. ' ~ ,. i- n- . M.i ., -. . To-mnrrow * Wedneada>. I:*0. Ruth Chatterton am raraama utt. aaucc Mtaac Come Out £ Kitchen MISS SPRINGTiriE ¦v KAI.MAN rttrtef dlftrtli, aafl tflfltalU, *'.W ATTfOTMC Turn IDHT FRDLIC TO TMC mm MATS to aoaaow a THuaa..: Matt T ¦! 4 w ¦¦! 2 ARMS _n_ GIRL o MMIN ***** *' *******."'-"'' ¦".¦7 ][ ? -_ ., FW major ;; UTCUON£rZ£»- ! Tn mnrriw a Wedneadar at 1:10. 9 .HIDSON d: tr *-. wt.bt flit'i st »-.¦ i. . Mi'i Tn tVw 0 Wfl 2 Ifl UADDI6 *¦"*' «J'1 fll f>" *'", nrt"\HI*li \,.v Wkj ar.d aat I Ifl TC-MORROW (SAT.) EVE. 8:25 ¦.! l.uys * 00 prtietu OUR LITTLE WIFE ¦ .«. i:k*i H< iPWOOD MARGARET ILUNGTON ... .. \\ .- iflffrtl mi, tmt wAi/rm ionea .* u>wru. sjikhman w i_ _ m j u \j Man r rr , /, Tl ur« 1 30 SEVEN CHANCES AMUSING! Good Gracioua Annabelle AMAZING! V 41 M M< « Mfllfl T morrow n 1 W aT ra. Raymond H.TCHCOC_"ia""Betty" lleat hhuw lr. I'¦«-.. I iinoua Globa L'borua. POLLYANNA The nlar Ihal r»utt Jn> into tlrlnc. fl N. Y. Timea."No other fir«t ¦ night audience thifl teaaon ¦ haa laughcd ,o heartiljr." VCAPTAIN KIDD Jr.* 1 cohank mm\:i: vV! ¦ T-. '14 W-.-' M.l. <if A «.)' * :o KMt kl.liniKKKK II v m ST Mttlnae. TV» m.'rrfw and Want .!,. .r } ¦. fAVII* BRLA8CO preaente DAVID THE MUSIC MASTER > v t\ r, i, a >i WARFIELD tIBERTY .' 1 ** * «io r. u. D. W. CRIFFITH'S Cnlntttl Print.i *.pey*tflt **4-_*e> ok< ifi>TKA or ao MANHATTAN S'/W ."f"' ". > i . Ultil eet Tu > A « Klaw A Irlanitei Glfliatlc Pnretgctltt IM LMif fatlU .') L..'-t Ntfttt BEN-HUR I 'r -fl I ime at OC. Ca. mr ji Theae I'rl.e. *«»v, *W~t . **» ** WILLIAM FAVERSHAM P-e«e.,L SHAW t (,I.I ITEflT sl TK.'-S GETTING MARRIED »'«h HENR1ETTA CROSMAN < II IBI Bfl I IIKKKV an.l llll DA SP4IM.. MAAihL tLiioirs Z". t.':.:*a m '8 .' nuinit rixix; hintkr i*Aj IUK \|.r; ,a, To tBulTOfli * »'. TAYLOR HOLMESH;.VvBUNKEHbtAN I48TH ST. .J-* r-a-a,_a^i .? IV rn'ff A Tiun J Exhilarating! THE .MAN WHO CAME BACK Playhouser" " ***^- 44TH ST.!, I.AN1 I *.*><> IVKKKf. KMII \UI> \\.\l TON HII Y'H Object.Matrim ony HS NEXT MON. NIGHT ""-.:* "I1.1.IAM llAltni.i HR aj Hl Plaflflfltl THE 13th CHAIR A MTcTTBRI MKI.onKlMA HV B.l*i AHII I RII IKII ¦i'1'h..r ..' "WITHIN TlIK I ».« " The '.Tlmet" aat- .See it hefore all Im- In ti.e Thealre* ot New Vork." PIERROT t,,,.^, Ml Mlt I Mhoi'i.um T srar uttle^s MatiiMH Te.m » 4 Wefl 2 10. 10th \T 'n,K-* r *'*>" r.i. o « *v J? _l. Matlllflfli T I, r , A «a.) | Br.M s|i V\eak. (n Adtan.e EMMA OUNN in -OLP LADY 31" PKliNCESS'; V:..:.. * ,¦. tf. u flaaan s. .-. i. » OPTiriAI. H\K IHIIKC-. KITCHENER'S GREAT ARMY THE BATTLE OF THE SOMME poi'rijflM phii*wi. nin r.ait run W 41 XT Tl. MIIII MAT !*>. Vl,.|ll!..u W^COLLIER a-rkci cu/Ai t i_-:_-jn.b«l_ 1 < i NOTIi!NC^,rTRUTM ¦CASINO inaAbarbanell rroKin;..*' <: SHlfRFRT n" 4,!" '* " ?. . ., ssruaencu so lois letiy i-ith niAKix/rnc i.iu-KNw..,.n PARK r' 't. THEWASHINGTONSO.PLAYEHS a-« fa U I' * ..«-.' COKI in w¦' ., UM -*u' '.m'..i lh' Ollier Mi.ro»e»'« t.rent laiitlilna su,rett, t.»«*tu or-rUA COflfPflK v Btrr.nii'i >U'M'At. i~i .. a** . _t_> "The J«fl»*lfl iVV M.donna'' -T of i, . I, ll. -T. -eatt >ow on Hai, for llrat « Wfl*k». -. Hai Mll ll li IIJ**2H*G£M___D CORT THEATRE TO-DAY it 2:30 .... \ ii '-." ji -. "n * f*1 ,. -|-.,..n v.t "> n 11 11 A M THE YELLOW JACKET STANDARD' jhe B,ue EnreM ."I"1' ._._.. 11.. ,,.*>., \..a. " wa.i. ii-..) aa Hu IMiil Mflit.' _____nz ¦. Kl Af.s |^( Ml'MtAl. *>^"' The Je weli i, $1.00 nn Hai, for lli , Hai Mll tr I I LT_ .] rjTO-DAY, .riV'..f I '-¦lla.l1*. MATINEE 2 30 "r^>*r^7TKg»I_ii to-momt *t t itij £4 WAV4 42*>ST V/ILLIAM FOX. ADAUGHTER OF THE GODS .1.JM*: _r;l_I_J ANNCTTC SUNDAY MATINEE AT : SYMPHONY (| New Tnrk v /w \i nn DAMMMCM, Oaaf* ^^ / N. xt "un. Afl Nu». at t. X ;,.,hl SPALD1NG . B«ethoven. Llaal, n~tt*ot ., a ,.-.)lian Hail ||\ t llll K»l'\*f *.! TI-.KN4>4»Nr4 \T 4.MIN M.II IIMI. ,"-«"*."l?«, N.V *n. -fl Wmt. ti. al BilJ. >1HT \l Ml Nut. .* M GLUCK r II 10. st |1M itlKTIONa, II lo M for either aertoa. lt«».i» ia«a Aeolian Hall. METROPOUTaAJM & 7* f. . ft Tf.ept.ne.ra Hr..n To-nl-cht. . * KoaenUatallflf. Dbar, Hflni m| Maaoai <>oriti >\eii. Aithontt. Rtia, r ,.!,.! Il'i.lflniky , hai. Mai.. at 1 Trlaee Imt. Alrta Perini. i)»Uun..H. Amato, Altti.tufla, 1'iilur. ll»rt, Sa»ur..i... .i.,l rol * Hat. a' " ruoular I'rltea. Tfe to I \lda. Kapti',1.1. H.'tnflr. Mariinfllll. !>. Lac*, 1' ttfl f.iitjl, Papl THI**i sl V KM -MM tn II ¦,(! ELMAN ..-¦ I..-T1 toi.rerl K i..|in \ |...Inl.' t. ,iai..r iii««,.u. bkailau miooliton Neit Mon. at * 16 Maalr fluU. K.rt H.-mpel. Maaon. l'rlufl. B auii. G.irl't. hiiafl AHhi.uao. Schlejrfll. i'i,n.l. Boilarnky Wetl. tt 116 Pfltarl tlflkar*. H'nipti. < a- rijaii. I>e I.i,. u |t.,th:er l'',nd Pol»C«0. Thura.. at » Trovatare llafpnld Homer; Miu'iii. III. Ali.nt.. Ifl.ithl.-r .-,;l,d P'..a< t. Prl.. I. .Hajoea.n et llaltla. Ilomor; *». rua-t, Ainat., Huthlar r-.nd Polareo IIAItltMA.N rn*... ua lo-t-l- sIK.INSRV, 'on.luitor Thla .ftern-on al ':«>. < 4arn.aU Hall. -. il. Hi.Ui HympfcOOy .' m«Jer No 7 tritAi *t Hymph r am "MaobetB"; ,,.,,, LA| M .1. .| ,ir... KKUt-K Vartailona an.l Kugue for M .aart, ep .^,m,- reHa r i-fifis. Mer BROOKLYN ACADEMY of MUSIC N,»i -uo.l.u VU....I....I al -:ia. JOSEF HOFMANN _.,,_.. Hall »"nd_y AIL^ Um. i*j*t^* ,|, K.ta Tl tta to ii. gaaaa n& * tn \ow ai llox Oflk a Plieotla- ai ''¦¦ a i-i.l* hi-inwe*/ Planu L'eed I artiefle llull. We.l *fl.. No-. Jt. at tr.10. HONU KI.'!'. Al. MMK KREISLER la ' » I'.r- .. Wt.. \.itr. ?t. at tr.10. .. I'.AI. MflK. MATZENAUER aaflalflett ie lt (OMaherlBfl nano -.,: nn II .; Tu-l-lor,4» .-at , Kta »l a: JOHN POWELL i*i wii kkiit.i. (fltelnwa-1 1 ..w.iu.-l.ani. Ine M»r. ISOLDE MENGES WONDBJtrVL OIKL. Vlol.lNIHT. \l...il\s HALL TO-M'.HT at 1:11. T. k-"a I-' t., Il.xea |IS A 112 a* I - MMtagfMB'l Maud AiUna Oa, ln--. \r.,ll.r. Hall. Man. K»« Not tO. at 11. CECILE M.BEHRENS "___¦_ Saslavsky String Quartet Mj-7 -. ¦____! * J *.«. Maaor. A Ha__ll.i Piana . Puaak 4 lul» T*iaa._"». I*h. K ol TREASURE ISLAND Mi ..... r -lu I lat I W ITe*.*- .*, 1-iiw I**.. r .-4 B'«a> Kr. , IM .trrie. IMI Oa tl ** II V> t? M. IJ V MadisonSquareGarden llat Annual tihlt.ltlou CHAMPIONSHIP DAY admihmio* liae Hot OfTIc,. PX,.,r\e ] ..0 2 Mailiaon M,,.iar« ,-1SELZNICK-P1CTURES'-¦ CAPACITY TWICK UA1LY v . TU OBEAITB MKH'HT* TIIA.1 THK IIIBTH Of A BATIOB M HaraJ.l Nerbett .*****.*** ln "War Brenon Nazimova Brides" BDniniViV TIIF ATKK. AT tiaT DKt-A-'ffAi Twnr kaii.t i ti . is Ma_ln«* -Jllott The__re, llth flt , nr B way. YVETTE GUILBERT TU-llAt A T I .to-.r I'nvorlte Nooga an.l New Oaft," A..iai»_ bv Lllll.% KKRs.l .*_*. ~uri.ia> K.f No*. 19, al tt in Illl t'l »1 I'rJt IMVNMlN- .Maeafaltjat: Prtara Im laaamaa La *._->.- I.ualair Yettmrl al t'.a pUn. KnaU l"_noK D . ( iath. A. Banniai. T.. tmta l< ' <rtx, . n»r ailTl. Har,.II. Illi. A Iraa* B*~iaal. V9 a a a far* "Oaartaaaa wtth Mataaa .atl I ALA-_I_ .. *.* tfi a Ban. «a_ a 1:,., Kllty eartaa. law Brfca i B«M*I.,B" Htlaae &.»«.. Harry laaaaaa UaiU Ha. 'V 11 C0LUMBUJ;v IT"V:'-- STAR ANO GARTER SHOW Srvv^«.*fiT"V "4i MI'BAAt Ir r,. ifl ANI I »«' M_l__al I__ RS liOONvllSOl.'*' s... I .«._._._ Dtuaar*

0TASMASHES May Lose Sirioin Steak Stake Miske ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1916-11-17/ed...0TASMASHES RECORDS AS HE WINSCUPRACE Li Driver Hurla His Z*4totOverLineFirs!

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Li Driver Hurla His

Z*4tot Over Line Firs!al Santa Hlonica

11 0T«r

raaalng of

"£***>*erth*>'*.*'.' **** **¦*'"**

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k araa mile«

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t_a_ "I *.*.*¦' * P<> ,,,,,",* °Vfr ,h'"

*' -. d«, fivpr-

Nextarx, drivinR

rmtei-: -, lv ».

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mi o\cr


f*i»__4*'f! . aaaet by Mri.I-JTjk*r.I. r ,tllr'

moved up '"


only a %oaa».. Y. . ,.. . np under tho

.ilty in

o, b.rk-****'. -rallinc'i.,-_ *h for thi

anU Monica

*..a.r dur.nRrace. il**,obV

"^jL . vair.-y of eilmcr.'.



'.re team in

tor ii hard-. arill itnrt

..Ofl to meet


a aad Praa-

Ganu l>'-'¦ _¦**

n the P/'*f>»-<aid thatin ii.c pame

.ui *4A 4_ti ny a

.. *****

am 0 i nn-

«ll hai i '"'" *** *.¦¦*'" * ***'a'

,. nol m<>

far tl.eiad can

held yester-iiih.I had hia

roufti thr- plnys,nan al-


,! o«rph i, m_ergcrecd upon n**

Itafue CI

¦.**¦I V .

\0 eol D figned, buton a h'.intitiK

t* '-rxt....

To men ifl a luirry, our

stores arr ,i ureat conven-

ience.Thry get what they want

wrien thr*y want it.w-irm Winter Overcoats

in time foi to morrow'sCam?

Ulster. if you're going bymotor.Stetmer mgs to make it

cozy in thc stands.Scotch kt.it j.irkets to wear

!ndt.rn**nt!).Mufflrrs. lined gloves,

taed caps, wool socks, spats.iKrrmos bottles and cases.

v-ordovan shoes a plenty.Kogehs Pi i i Company

Broidwa*/ Broadway«t 13th Si -The at 34th St.

l-'our****N*«dway Cornrra" Fifth Ave..Wane,, at 41at St

^ENAULT $3. $4 PER HOUR_|lT-.r KI*M HI ''*" *. .»»UT05 MONTH Ll UATPJt* I. MAMhiI \ r|..n» I ..lutubna -'-.a

."^ !.,r_ Broal _.«.._ _4|4___e ca

Cleveland May Lose onHard Tackle by Taft

lUr.i ta.-kif. by Taft may thin-e

i;d fox atitl Bjr.tri

nnd mav ru.h va*'. Taft nnd on

to rietarj*.Thert* la a little chnpter of life. and

a, likelv to be fought out in thf-A

Yiilo Pn.-rct'on game Ib Palmer Stadi¬um to-morrow nftcrnoon.For tho firat tune in the history of

Amerieaa ate feotball taavona of two former Presideata of the

United SUtes are likely to face en.-'i

otbar on tho gridiron. And, an fat*!uou' '. BTB lt, these huskies mo placednjfht where they belong. Weodroe.V helped make Old NflflMdfamoui before bc arai axalted te IhaSea Jereey Goveraorahia an.i later tothe White House. The Preaidenttherefote ia vitally concerned in th*

Tiger, Some smail.<¦ hii ape i- Libeljr to rest on

the brnwn and sinew of Pick Cleve¬land, son of tba lat-*' Qro*W Cleveland.Wilaon will have a real Demoerat, n

orange nnd blnck, to fai-iafl » thrillor two.

Charles Pholp.s Taft 2d, ll n memBerof the Yale warrior eleven.gladintor is a son of N 'llinm II. lait,

ideal of tho United State-. nn.lated arith tbe Yale facultv.namaaake of nis unclo. tho

iiaaatl puhlisher, who,h \eai i.(fo. oontiolled the CM-

eagc National l.eairue dub withCharlea Webb Murfhjr.As If tfl eai further tho tra-

,i tir-deaaarka ofl their par.yalllancea, theae aoaa of Preaidenta willfalfll the respectiM* fanetlona oi Ujewell known elephant nnd the equal \-

revered donkey. Taft ha< thc bulktad laea: lefelaad tba ««. *fl*\Cleveland nol onl) a g

backfield mai whoaco hitting tba Haa aa hard

ns a ituile kicks.Cleveland is a I'rinceton sophomor**

Hr played fallbacb with th,- rigernon last year. Thia »Wll has

gamfl ronsiderably 9

eaaac of a allfhl iajaiy. Hc bicovered nnd hn*i heen promised. as re-

papter, BB opportunity to earn

eCton'l most imp-ir-,i eonclading vrame of the year.

Taft who was substitute tacKle laalbeen Yale'a regulm lefl

nli aeason. He will start IBflatarda. lf reovered from a re-

.ent maecla bratee. ln any eve,

will be plavcd at least part of tM

paaa »f M II not equal to the entire

^Satarday. tame at Princeton there..hv aettla the lfllfl clert.on t»>-

good and aye._


-. Kae. II Practicewh* held this afternoon on a fleld pro-tected I'V a laver of straw. Snow and

ave left the turf interrible condition. The work eoaelatedof ..rmation aml sijrnal drill. followed

numniv acrimmaifc.Carpenter. kicking again featured

Twi Ive times in BUCCCe-eeeded in makinjr placement

kick* squarely over the crossbar fromyard line.

Holdermun, '10, joined the coachingthla uftemoon nnd worked hard

II gthen the dafltha liae * oaeb Rilej* spent

al bia t.me drillin_r tba backfield..-.king np forward pasees. For

ihe tirst time in a week the jratmtown open lo the students. who

took the opportunity to look over theteam tl at v. ill represent thom on Sat-



18 cta. each, 0 for 00 eta.




Warman Stars with Run tor

Si\ty Yards Aroundthe Lnd

Bcrimmage from surt to naiah araathe proj-'iairmie of th«. H, V. D, elevennl Ohie l ield yeaterday afternoon. The'varsi'v o' .*' .ore Imt'led flgalSflt thoscrub and aucooodod in pcttinjf re-

for it.e defeat *t the day ba-fer. ha ora araa '¦'¦ to g |g favor

ing men.

Mo t of 1_ aeeriag eami

early in the conteat, before Iha scrubbad lettled down. Raaraeraehlag «a..

ihe iii-' man to moir. After the 'var¬sity had werked up le * ithin etfifcing dlatanca of tha aecond team. Koalline he wormed throui.li the lir.e lor a

in yard i'M"' and a tencbdowa. Macken-/,«¦ made tha econd tally in practi-cally thc aame faahiea.An end run hy Warmaa was the best

nlaj tne.! iii gai pasi the lme andby a MTiei "f ipriata and tiyns lt*<,t tfltba geal Haa jael hefera be waa

tackled, Hi da h orered ai itj yards.iirapi '. of tba ecrab, icered the

thiee pointa for hi.-. team by a N .'.ardliel.l

llowar.l Cann nraetiaed kicking frompl»C4'tnent for a Ioiik time early in the

aon 11 n ly ot. t a.. triala did hafail te boel tha hall over tiu' har,The football maBagemenl hai finally

received | sat i«f HCtorv teply from thefaculty eencerning tha suggi-stion of( n.,i I. Euatil te BUflW tha men to leavr«>ai;> from elaaaea, ia order to 1.4. aathe Held before II geta too dark loplay. PrOIB B0W BB until tho Colum-1. ga the etit! rc ouad arlll hc ea«ciise.l 111 time for practice. Tha wholennivei il te beat tba Columbia

on thc hoapltal i_¦ t ia Archiettlc \ ..:.-.ntre. It is

Boi likely thal hc arill he able to startt morrow, However, Buatii still ha»

nnd Mooney te pick .remto flll Hin n'a plaae


Phlladelphfa, Hem. II. The fate ofAuirust Herrmann. chairman of thi Na¬tional Cemmiaaiea, lu*s la tho handsof Pan Johnson. OrgBBised huiehall'schief executive is mutually agreedupon hy tlie preaideflti of the twamajor leafUBB. Herrmann has held thechair* contmuously since the <on.ir.is-aiofl was formed la IMI as part of thepeace pn.t between the belligerent .'*.»-tional aad Ameriean l<

"I wi.uld ba oiiy, tndecd," raidideal Teaei of the National

League, in »n iBtervien hem to-ilBy,"if Mi. Hemaaafl *Aerc te 01 lost totba National Ouimi moii. Certainly lfavor his retentlon "

Mr. reaei declared he knew of no

noTement te lauaeh 1 third ma'.r

lfagiic.'.There are not tco many jrood play¬

ers and too many koo.I ntlei fflf thetwo major league* ii|»w established,"he said

"I believe." however, ne eonclu.ed,"that Baltimore x* ripe for majorleague baseball."


Cincinnati, Nov. IC.TM Nationa!Raaeball Commission to-day rrfu**dthe Bieax City club. of the WesternLeague, a rehearniK ai the Kane ca_e

and onlered that team io pay ihe playera forfher s..ary awar.i in full withinaperir.i1 of l-CC dnys ander the penaity,of a forfeiture of protection both for.Sloux City r.tid thc Weetern I.eague.The ca.-e origmally attracted unuaual

attention. because Kane proved to the|satisfection of the triumvirate that hcwas the victim of a working "aentle*man'a agreement" among WLeague club owners. These miaormaiyyit«s named a verbal law that nojclu^k the circ.it could accept theserlHa of a player releaaed by a rivalt*_n-Br**.thout payiBf aaid releaainglclub the sum pf ? .»".'. the leagu.'swalver price This 10 called gentle-lmen'a agreement \*. >>s in direct viola-Uon of organized baieball law.


Baseball Stars to BackFultz.Few Have Signed

New Contracts

Hv V. J. MACHKIIIA Agfct '." the finish aatWflail organ-

i.Til baaeball an.l thr* Playara' l-'rater-nity ifl tkfl interpretation tho unionplaces upon its turndown at tho h»nd«.of tho minor league majentttes in NewOrlean*. Jn spite of tht* rcticenro offraternity offleeri yesterday, it was

learned on tho very best authority thatI'resident David L Fulti will have thebnrkina- of practically all of bairball'smost rrnownetl stara in a campaign forrecognltloB already mapped <iut in sev-etal seeret conference*.

Ihe old strike threat has been re-1iviii. iii.. fratarafty membership

RORlbflTfl tho most lllustrious idols ofthe ilisinrmd. These, it is said, havepledged themselies to the altar of'BBioaiaia. The «ervices of then* arillIform thfl ea*Jfl**al with which the frater¬nity heads hope to whip the govern-ment of baseball into lme. Tht* preat

.ti tity fll the nlayers mi wiiom thentrflBfth of the leading elabi flf tlieAmern an arid National Icagues depend

i-.i. i.nt signed contracts for next '.car.(tn". have a^'ree.l n..t to do s", it ISanl. aatll tho fraternity denaaada,iptirned by the tnir.r.i leaguet, have

lerngnized bf rninor aad majorll ..rue mapnates nlike.

I irm in I ,'on\ iilion*For several years [,m?t baaflball plsy-

en hava baaa firm m thr convictionlthat they heltl .n tht-ir own iiands thedestiiiy nf the (fame. Ihe fraternit>was pn-sumably first conceived as an

orgaalaatlaa ealeulated to improve thetiamc's welfare mutually. It was toprotect employe and employer alike. Itnrang into being about tne time the1Federal I.cague enterprise war

¦ttl. Through the outlnw cirtuitil was giieii a power, alinn: t ininie

diately, thal probabl) never woald havelirtti raeaniaad ia normal times. Kratcrmty principlflfl, fll IBUefa M the Kederal League, were reapoaaible for thatenaational Inflatian tt baseball aal*flriei within the last few year-.

Baaeball, ia « leaae, has roaahred lt*¦elf mii) the old qoeitioa «.f capitalaml labor. If thfl mngnates repi-the "troata" the Prataraity hrplfleannioniam, Trouble has been etartng up

reral ri ara. II leemi t.. hav..

pretty nearly reached the point of h

¦hon down.The National Aaaoeiation, which is

the goioralag badj af the minorIraguea, in leaaion al New Orlaaaa tiradaya ago, deeided Ui igaora the Prater*

reqm fai foai refonai orreform in relatio

employei and emplayod. Theseaame requeata, >.i demande, »ill laterli prOflOBted Io the Natioiinl I'omims-ifan, lt ifl tvnl.'iit that the conunis->ion tipped off thfl National Aaaoeia¬tion aa to its atiitade on the rarfaraia,

"Will See it Thraagh"..\\e flrill 'ee thii thing through,"

-Hiil tiie owner af a major league clult,who riiti not wish to aaibarraaa hisIflOgUI president by dlacloalUg his iden¬tity."The trouble with the Prataraity is

hnt it seeks onlv selfish ends. Itwould ba all fair nnd good if tlie uniont.-ri'.rceii ita memben ta labor aaaidn-PUflly in the falAlmonl of contraetualobligationa. Bul aa such thing. Playtfll every exeOflfl these dms tnkeep out of the game. A little injaiyIih' h few years ago would nevi r bfl

tal eaaa far thetemperamental «tars. These playen

in addition to grand opera sal-aiies, boiiuses of all sorts, nometimcseven for cond behavior."Whea the Federal Leagae war broke

out." ba fontmueii. "i rary unwiselyIgBfld eertain of my players fo iron

rlatl. terrn contracts. That momealrained them. Thaae high salan'citait latl inimediatelv lost everv Int*snve one af self preservat'on. Thfl].'ni not give me a eoBaeieationi returnfor niv money. Aad kaow ihe Kraternity <i»-111.< tately wink.d at sulit.-r-ftiR-e in more than one instance.

Salarles Too High"As an uftetmath rif the l-'ederal

I.OHgun war s-aluries have inounted beyond the safety inatk. A readju.vtttie nti- imperatiri Wt an get back io

ift nml aaaa baaii "f aame yearsago. Oterhead expeaae has becoigraal thal few teams of the big leagaein. proml nentlj plai eil in thfl penaaalri«r11s make even savings butik loterealon their investments. I'rJicit ratherthan prol I ihowi for the majority.

"I'liiir.r.i. liang Ofl iii thfl face oflidversttv in the hope of rccoupingloflflflfl with one petinant winner. IBl d I think the majority of elubii- feei timt . eriaii has flpproachodaod thal noa ii tha tima t<» see thethiag through We might better lockour park1- BOW tran to be forced intobankruptcy in the end through theinereaaiag cupiduy of playan."

Impartaal it-velopments are evpectcdat tlie atinual meetings of the Nationaland Ami nean leagues in this cit\mOBth. Johnson haa called his mfleiinK in thii city to ba "ii hand for im¬portant National ('ommiflflion consid-

iBi; al-o thal leKislHtion of itiu-luul importance may be ratirted by theclub owners of the two cntuits

No Playara signedNone of the club owners baa made.

any attempt to ligfl players not undereoBtraat far I9i",. The tip is out thataalary rather than raatar limit will

i* «ith mofll WfllghtJ rmisiilfration.The nacl mii thal ni.trkeil the termina-Mn'i of tbe war between the Nationa!and Amencan leaKues and cut players*¦alirii ii >- in two aaaaaa laproapect, Thereln lies tha rea! answer

Baaeball Playara' Prataraltf ac-,tivily, it is said.

I'hese sons of tlnance of the diamond.,1 uatly to go to anv lenirth, even a

gaaaral strike, to maintain the pre»entteala of rtaaaneration. It is allegedtiiat union demands have been sei/.tdupon as a pret, \t either to intimidatetha men who pay the bills or to diverttheir minds from the channels of econ-

omjr on which major league club own¬

ers intend to embark.


Kra.smus Hall Hifh School added an¬

other 'croas-country vietory to ita un-

hroken r-tring in a dual run with Boyfl'Uith School over the courne at Prospect Tark, Rrooklyn, yesterday. TheBufT and Blue ha» not ta.nted defeat in

four contests.The first three places went to Kra--

moa members. when Urry TvlcGonifal.Broone and Rodgern cro»ged tha finiflhhn.* ii, the order named. McGonigalwas in the van for the greater partof the way, leapinjrj away into a leadwhile descend.ng I.ookout Mountain.Me won by tifty yards, while hia time

of 19 minutea 15 seconds wa» a tatt

performance.Ti.e rummary follow»:

tfmtnmi, nunt ar.d fltaafll, ti!

.... Ir.

.- nor* H I. ra. Iraimri. TU

.... "¦

Sirioin Steak at StakeAs Moha Battles Miske

Famished Lumberjack IsSure to Give of His

Best To-night

Hy W. O. McCF.KHANHoh Moha, the famished lumberjack

ef Wiaeeaeia, will meet Billy Miike,ef Bt Paul, ln a boxing exhibition atfhe Broadway Sporting Ciub to-night.Immediately after the bout. howiverit ends. Moha will rush to the nearestfood parlor and hide a sirioin steak.Moha has been living on |40 fei threemontl.s. nn,* the eff?cts are just be¬ginning to show.

Miske iu a.i of his local bouts haashown that he ran tight when he wantsto. He holiis a decision over BattlingI.evinsky, ar.d he cot it on the day thatLavtaaky i nwnagor lUee***ered thatLevir.skv was the only logical man tofight .less Willard.

While the affair ia alated to go ten,it is eertaln that Moha will try to makeit shorter. He ia in a hurry to getthat sirioin before he forgets how one

feell when taken mternally..Timmie Johnston, the boy bandit. ii

back from Boston, where he was one ofthe stage man.igers of that little skit.produced by Hritton and Lewia Thetitle of the a.*' is "Soft Imugh" Mr.JobnateB and his able colleague, Mr.Unn Morgan. expect to stage the piecen New York in the near future.

Battling I.evi.'sky and Jack P.llonwill soon hook their act for the roadagain. Tha titlo of the act is "TooProud to Kight."

I* is rumore.l that the comedy knock-ahouf team, McFarland and Gibbons,are preparing to double up again in a

new skit entitled "Walta Me AroundAgain, Dearie."

Jlmmle Johnston plans to start. on

the road immediately with Tom Cowler,Annef'c Kellermann a only rival. Thom¬as will give diving exhabitlons in allof the principal eities en route.



New Orleans. I.a., N'ov. lf, Louis¬ville. Kv.. was aeleeted te-day tor thonext annual conv.ntion ol the National\ iilion of Professional Ba.eballLeaguea, meeting here.Much imporUnt business was dis-

poacd of during the dav'- IC lien, in¬

cluding tha rontroversy regarding b

propoaition for minor league repntation in thc Natieaal Baaeball Com¬mission Atlei extetuleil discussion a

plan arni adopted providing for rreu-

M.iii ot a board of tive members to hesparated from the National

Commission, to decide all matters offrom the minor lcague's organ-

iiatioa aad all matters ln controversybetween the major and minor leagues.

ha raemberahlfl °f the new boardwould eeaeiat of the president 'andaecretary of the minors' association.vi,r. memher each from the Nationalnnd Amencan leagues and a fifth mem-

,.ei "who shall in BO way be connectedwith baseball," to be elected bv thefour other members. The f.fth, or

..neutral." member WOUld act as chair¬man. #This plan was adopted after briel

-ion. and the chairman, upon au¬

thority from the convention. appointed;, cotnniiitee t.. lake nn the matterwitb tha Natieaal aad Amerieanleagues at their annual meeting iflDecember, with power to carry out theplan.


< \ ent, t ln- i

Brooklyn athlttes in their best condi¬tion. ,

Full teann v en* BMBred from r.ras-

mur- Hall. Boya' High. Commercial andManual Training. while it was declaredthat St. John'- and New I'trecht mayAad it conv.i.icnt to start runners.The race will bfl hflld over the old ama

teur course of three miles and will in-clu.le tht* iteep l.ookout Mountain.


Hanover, N H. Nov. Irt. Ilespitc thehit ing old, C.nch Cuvanaugh had hisDartmeuth squad out on the ice-cov-eied grul.ron to-day for a long signaldrill. It liail bflflfl planned to have a

lerimi aa, but ii was all themen could dO tC k<*e|> their feet.Weat Virginia is certain to plav in

BtraagC surroundings Saturday, whenit meets the lireen in the laat contestof the season for Cavanaugh's men.

Snow is beeped up waist h.gh alongthe side line,. with no apparent inten¬tion of meltmg.


Washington. Penn., Nov. 16.- Thefaculty of Washington and JeffersonCollege announeed to-day that threemembers of th.* football team would not

h« permitted '.. participate in athletics,.f ht.v kind th'.s Maaefl because of dc-ncieiu'it's iii their achelaatic standing.The men affected are W. W. Fain

halfbacn; M S. Whitehill, end, and.1. H. Nail. guard. All were to haveplayed nevt Saturday in the game at

Ri.'hmond, Va., against Washingtonand I

BUlings Outpoints MurphyEddie ll.ll.ngs. of St. Paul, outpointed

Paddy Murphy in decisive faihion in a

ten-round bout at the Clermont A. Clast night as a fair-aiied crowd aat andshivered. Paddy Mullina guaranted theh..v heat for next Friday night, butthat d:.ln't help much lait nignt. Forsome unknown reason tha main boutwas not put on until 11:05 o'clock al¬though 'he rules of the State AthleticCommission call for the boxers in thechief attraction to be in the ring at lno'clock. ln the semi-nnal bout MelCoogan gave Young Rector ten boxinglessons. One leion in each round.

Crow Knocks Out BadoudMarty ( ro«s hunched out Al Badoud

in the sixth round of their bout at thaF.mpire A. C, las*. night. ln the firat Iround Badoud was aaved bv the belland in the fifth the Krenchman wai

again n dire diitreai. The other ten-round bout ba-tween Ir:-h Patiy Clir.eand Packv Homenly re.ulted in a vic-

r Patsy.

To Decide Scholaitic TitleThe Catholic high ichool champion-

ahip w.ll be decided to-morrow after¬noon, iaheii the eleven* from BrooklynF'r.i nnd lordhan Prep meet in theirannual tus.le at Fordham Field.


Harlem S. ('..I'orky Flynn andJohn Lester Johnson.Hunts Poinl S. C.Flarry Ciattle

and Young Jack O'Brlcn.Village S. < ..Joe I.ynrh and

Benn> MiCny.Now Polo \. A..Jimmy Klynn and

floorgie ICoiIiInBroadwav S. C..11 .b Moha and


l.yceam A. C..Johnny Powersand Johnny Clinton.Broadway S. C..h. O. Brennan

and Frank Carbone.Fairmont A. C.Harry Wllla and

Jark Thompson.Qucenaboro A. C.Yonng Norman

and Haiippy Smith.flermont S. C.Silent

and Augie Katner.Martin


1 h» Stever.s 'varsity held its finalpractice over « asfle Point Field Inlloboken vesterday afternoon. Tht* en-

gineiira *->ill eleae their s.ason to-mor¬row with the tenm from RensselaerF'olytechnic Institute, and will take a

varatton to-day. Buck Kodgcrs hasdriven his team along at top soeed fort.ie past fortnight. and believes a davof rest will bc of benetit to them.After a long, but light drill the squad_ixty-two strong, assembled in the newgymnasium building. which will bededicatcd to-morrow before tho game,and listened to a short speech fromRodgera.Stevens will go Into the game against

*ho Troians somewhat crippled. San*Webh, the big fullback, was injured.:i tba game againal tha CoaneetieutAgg.es. nnd will not be able to plav.One or two <¦! thc 4.ther men are nurs-

mg i'ljurirs ol one sort or another, butnone ara o hadlv off that they willnot he able '.. go throngfa tha gatn**.under ordinary eoaditioas,The team will line up against R

selaer in this fasluon: Carlson. lefti nd; Ford. left tackle: Etxel, left guard;Johnson, eeatre; Moeller, righl gu_rd:Floekhert, righl tackle; Hopkins. rightend; Musk. quarterback; neghuee,right halfback; ("oodale, left half¬back; afaraballi fullback.

¦ -...


kansas City. Mo.. Nov. 10. Outwcighed ahout tifty DOUnda and OBlrlass< d in height and reach, BattlingLevinsky, of New Vork, lost Ihe de¬cision to Carl Morn-. tha Oklahomaheavywright. here to-night in a fifteenround bout before aigfal theuaaud per¬sons in Convention Hall. Morris was

outpointed in the early rounds, hul Lavinaky began te weaken in the eighth.nn.l from then on the Oklnhoman had a

good advantage.I.evinskj was tired and hangn.gon at

the flaiah Eicbt rounds were to Morrisnt <| three to Levinaky, uh'lr the othersv.ere even. The hout. v.x\- murred bywrestlmg and clinchiBg, the B-ttleibeing the worst nlFen.ler.

In the semi-windup Otto Wallace, ofMilwaukee. knocke.l out Hilly Wagtierin the second rounil of a ten-roundbout,

14th Street, ueai e ourth Arenac.

Century./u.if .Vorr;. ../ Calmmamt CttxU.

Charlrn llf.l,«iihn,n Pioremi /"¦!prrirnt

I II K I I I.I..

Bn_ (>ntr<4l.1 ||


World . ir.,,i, r vi.. lleol 8*4)40r . , CHOH K PlUtt ,*./ (,(,

¦ i'

i hi;- um tekTt ¦';_800Ejc-Ilent Srattat.. 75c.)., Good Sealsat.~>0c

gatineei Wednriday rf Bar_r_ay.fOT* Cmeeri *> t^V;.,, Vnr',,,,hi\

/,,;. >. a'clatk vm.i.m ^ M tkmep

l.irn-ii. Hall. tmt*, Aft. Nov. *2I. at 3.

SEMBRICHIrank I.a fr'iirfr Ot tr.. I'lam. Ilaldv. tn*..a.a li ... !-'»'.. m Carnecla Hall Bo*

M<JT Wl «I.l- fll m\ lll'REAL'

TAGORE.ir BABINDRANATH .AOOBfllm_k«a »; » r.ra- n l Kppaatamet

CARNEGIE HALL,TUES. EVE., NOV. 21fleketa IS te at Bei Ofllea



rllPPODROIIEM*T Tu.Ar CI nflUtSt fctAT. ei.vv

"THE BIG GHOW"* ->, \Mt4A '.*. \ I VWorld a Itl«c«at Hhnwat th- I.....I Ir .





ti> i)*.*. \rAr_n.it> "__,

!¦AOM .r.a. ...'..' M Inlon A a.ri_-f i¦

"Vtai. FIS _H[ _c_KKLAIDr *** m ***** m m ***** **^U Inlon A ln.r...i.r.

.al. Att.. *..¦». II. ai 1.

BAUERAenllaa Ha

lt- IMImiii'i ii

Wt* I.k.1.1. h_rlto_

\r_llM Hall Thur.-.IIM, K..< ITAI.

. II 10 IIJt'.i. a I .' At B.t Cfflr«Muali .ana t'onoert MalMiluo B Hamlui I'lanu.

Mason A Hart

Aft. Var. II, Bl l.i


JCLLICOC a riEIT la aattaaW_ a Hart."TS* Or*1l a

mmt, W -aubl» .Ckaelaa Caa#lla11 M :*r <-aarak!f aialta Orakaatra

-r M( HOI.A-s KINK. 'II Weal M HI.

ICESKATING a__M_a lia'.x.4a.:_. ara TaufM.AlailaalM. Ma.



NEW AMSTERDAM V.'.*V-*UM....T llll II.M I II I Ml SH \l

iMi'aniNMi'.NT is \*\\ *ii»kk:Maw t lilii'k" « -i.|.r. me atteeetfl

l-'MPIDg "AV A M tt If-'l *. I :?LlTiriAC. 1 .,.

"Sp trklina 4 nm"lr.".Tele«r«m.THE



,. i- n- .

M.i ., -. . To-mnrrow * Wedneada>. I:*0.

Ruth Chattertonam raraama utt. aaucc Mtaac t»

Come Out £ Kitchen


rttrtef dlftrtli, aafl tflfltalU, *'.W




MATSto aoaaow

a THuaa..:

Matt T ¦! 4 w ¦¦! 2


o MMIN ***** *' *******."'-"'' ¦".¦7 ][? -_ .,FW major ;;

UTCUON£rZ£»- !Tn mnrriw a Wedneadar at 1:10. 9


d:tr *-.

wt.bt flit'i st »-.¦ i. . :«Mi'i Tn tVw 0 Wfl 2 Ifl

UADDI6 *¦"*' «J'1 fll f>" *'",nrt"\HI*li \,.v Wkj ar.d aat I Ifl

TC-MORROW (SAT.) EVE. 8:25¦.! l.uys * 00 prtietu


MARGARET ILUNGTON... .. \\ .- iflffrtl mi, tmt

wAi/rm ionea .* u>wru. sjikhman

w i_ _ m j u \j Man r rr , /, Tl ur« 1 30


AMUSING!Good Gracioua Annabelle


Mfllfl T morrow n 1 W

aT ra.

Raymond H.TCHCOC_"ia""Betty"lleat hhuw lr. I'¦«-.. I iinoua Globa L'borua.

POLLYANNAThe nlar Ihal r»utt Jn> into tlrlnc.

fl N. Y. Timea."No other fir«t¦ night audience thifl teaaon

¦ haa laughcd ,o heartiljr."VCAPTAIN KIDD Jr.*1 cohank mm\:i: vV!¦ T-. '14 W-.-' M.l. <if A «.)' * :o

KMt kl.liniKKKK II v m STMttlnae. TV» m.'rrfw and Want .!,. .r } ¦.fAVII* BRLA8CO preaente DAVID


> v t\ r, i, a >i

WARFIELDtIBERTY .'1 ** * «io r. u.

D. W. CRIFFITH'SCnlntttl Print.i *.pey*tflt

**4-_*e> ok< ifi>TKA or ao

MANHATTAN S'/W ."f"' ".> .¦ i . Ultil eet Tu > A «

Klaw A Irlanitei Glfliatlc Pnretgctltt

IM LMif fatlU.') L..'-t NtftttBEN-HUR

I 'r -fl I ime at OC. Ca. mr jiTheae I'rl.e. *«»v, *W~t . **» **



MAAihL tLiioirs Z". t.':.:*a m '8.' nuinit rixix; hintkr

i*Aj IUK \|.r; ,a, To tBulTOfli * »'.


I48TH ST. .J-* r-a-a,_a^i .?IV rn'ff A Tiun J


Playhouser" " ***^-44TH ST.!,

I.AN1 I *.*><> IVKKKf.KMII \UI> \\.\l TON HII Y'H

Object.MatrimonyHS NEXT MON. NIGHT ""-.:*

"I1.1.IAM llAltni.i HR aj Hl Plaflflfltl


B.l*i AHII I RII IKII¦i'1'h..r ..' "WITHIN TlIK I ».« "

The '.Tlmet" aat-.See it hefore all Im- In ti.eThealre* ot New Vork."

PIERROT t,,,.^,Ml Mlt I Mhoi'i.um T

srar uttle^sMatiiMH Te.m » 4 Wefl 2 10.

10th \T 'n,K-* r *'*>" r.i. o « *vJ? _l. Matlllflfli T I, r , A «a.) |Br.M s|i V\eak. (n Adtan.e

EMMA OUNN in -OLP LADY 31"PKliNCESS'; V:..:.. *

,¦. tf. u flaaan s. .-. i. » t»



poi'rijflM phii*wi.nin r.ait run r«W 41 XT Tl. MIIIIMAT !*>. Vl,.|ll!..u

W^COLLIERa-rkci cu/Ai t i_-:_-jn.b«l_ 1 < i


inaAbarbanell rroKin;..*'<:SHlfRFRT n" 4,!" '* " ?. . .,

ssruaencu so lois letiyi-ith niAKix/rnc i.iu-KNw..,.n

PARK r' 't.


., UM -*u' '.m'..i lh'

Ollier Mi.ro»e»'« t.rent laiitlilna su,rett,

t.»«*tuor-rUACOflfPflK v

Btrr.nii'i >U'M'At. i~i .. a** . _t_>

"The J«fl»*lfl iVV M.donna''-T ofi,

. I, ll. -T.

-eatt >ow on Hai, for llrat « Wfl*k».-. Hai Mll ll li

IIJ**2H*G£M___DCORT THEATRE TO-DAY it 2:30.... \ ii '-." ji -. "n * f*1

,. -|-.,..n v.t "> n 11 11 A M

THE YELLOW JACKETSTANDARD' jhe B,ue EnreM."I"1' ._._.. 11.. ,,.*>., \..a. "

wa.i. ii-..) aa Hu IMiil Mflit.'

_____nz¦. Kl Af.s |^(Ml'MtAl. *>^"'

The Je weli i,

$1.00nn Hai, for lli

, Hai Mll tr I

I LT_ .] rjTO-DAY, .riV'..fI '-¦lla.l1*. MATINEE 2 30"r^>*r^7TKg»I_ii to-momt *t t itij£4 WAV4 42*>STV/ILLIAM FOX.



SYMPHONY(| New Tnrk v

/w \i nn DAMMMCM, Oaaf* ^^/ N. xt "un. Afl Nu». I» at t. X

;,.,hl SPALD1NG. B«ethoven. Llaal, n~tt*ot

., a ,.-.)lian Hail

||\ t llll K»l'\*f *.! TI-.KN4>4»Nr4

\T 4.MIN M.II IIMI. ,"-«"*."l?«,N.V *n. -fl :« Wmt. ti. al BilJ.>1HT

\l Ml

Nut. .* M


st |1M itlKTIONa, II lo M for eitheraertoa. "» lt«».i» ia«a Aeolian Hall.

METROPOUTaAJM & 7* f. . ftTf.ept.ne.ra Hr..n

To-nl-cht. . * KoaenUatallflf. Dbar, Hflnim| Maaoai <>oriti >\eii. Aithontt. Rtia,r ,.!,.! Il'i.lflniky ,

hai. Mai.. at 1 Trlaee Imt. Alrta Perini.i)»Uun..H. Amato, Altti.tufla, 1'iilur. ll»rt,Sa»ur..i... .i.,l rol *

Hat. a' " ruoular I'rltea. Tfe to I \lda.Kapti',1.1. H.'tnflr. Mariinfllll. !>. Lac*, 1' ttfl

f.iitjl, PaplTHI**i sl V KM

-MM tn II ¦,(! ELMAN..-¦ I..-T1 toi.rerl K i..|in \ |...Inl.'

t. ,iai..r iii««,.u. bkailau mioolitonNeit Mon. at * 16 Maalr fluU. K.rtH.-mpel. Maaon. l'rlufl. B auii. G.irl't. hiiaflAHhi.uao. Schlejrfll. i'i,n.l. BoilarnkyWetl. tt 116 Pfltarl tlflkar*. H'nipti. < a-rijaii. I>e I.i,. u |t.,th:er l'',nd Pol»C«0.Thura.. at » Trovatare llafpnld Homer;Miu'iii. III. Ali.nt.. Ifl.ithl.-r .-,;l,d P'..a< t.Prl.. I. .Hajoea.n et llaltla. Ilomor; *».rua-t, Ainat., Huthlar r-.nd Polareo

IIAItltMA.N rn*... ua

lo-t-l- sIK.INSRV, 'on.luitorThla .ftern-on al ':«>. < 4arn.aU Hall.-. il. Hi.Ui HympfcOOy .' m«Jer No 7

tritAi *t Hymph r am "MaobetB";,,.,,,LA| M .1. .| ,ir...

KKUt-K Vartailona an.l Kugue forM .aart, ep

.^,m,- reHa r i-fifis. Mer

BROOKLYN ACADEMY of MUSICN,»i -uo.l.u VU....I....I al -:ia.

JOSEF HOFMANN_.,,_.. Hall »"nd_y AIL^ Um. i*j*t^*

,|, K.ta Tl tta to

ii. gaaaa n& * tn\ow ai llox Oflk aPlieotla- ai ''¦¦ a i-i.l* hi-inwe*/ Planu L'eed

I artiefle llull. We.l *fl.. No-. Jt. at tr.10.HONU KI.'!'. Al. MMK

KREISLERla ' » I'.r- ..

Wt.. \.itr. ?t. at tr.10... I'.AI. MflK.

MATZENAUERaaflalflett ie lt (OMaherlBfl nano

-.,: nn II .; Tu-l-lor,4» .-at , Kta »l a:

JOHN POWELLi*i wii kkiit.i. (fltelnwa-1

1 ..w.iu.-l.ani. Ine M»r.


\l...il\s HALL TO-M'.HT at 1:11.T. k-"a I-' t., Il.xea |IS A 112 a* I -

MMtagfMB'l Maud AiUna Oa, ln--.

\r.,ll.r. Hall. Man. K»« Not tO. at 11.


Saslavsky String QuartetMj-7 -. ¦____! * J *.«. Maaor. A Ha__ll.i Piana

. Puaak 4 lul» T*iaa._"». I*h. K ol

TREASURE ISLANDMi ..... r -lu I lat I W ITe*.*-

.*, 1-iiw I**.. r .-4 B'«a>Kr. ,


Oa tl ** II V> t? M. IJ V

MadisonSquareGardenllat Annualtihlt.ltlou


admihmio* liae

Hot OfTIc,. PX,.,r\e] ..0 2 Mailiaon M,,.iar«



Nerbett .*****.*** ln "WarBrenon Nazimova Brides"BDniniViV TIIFATKK. AT tiaTDKt-A-'ffAi Twnr kaii.t i ti . is

Ma_ln«* -Jllott The__re, llth flt , nr B way.


.to-.r I'nvorlte Nooga an.l New Oaft,"A..iai»_ bv Lllll.% KKRs.l .*_*.~uri.ia> K.f No*. 19, al tt inIlll t'l »1 I'rJt IMVNMlN-

.Maeafaltjat: Prtara Im laaamaa La *._->.-I.ualair Yettmrl al t'.a pUn. KnaU l"_noKD . ( iath. A. Banniai. T.. tmta l< ' <rtx, .

n»r ailTl. Har,.II. Illi. A Iraa* B*~iaal.V9 a a a far* "Oaartaaaa wtth Mataaa .atlI ALA-_I_ .. *.* tfi a Ban. «a_ a1:,., Kllty eartaa. law Brfca iB«M*I.,B" Htlaae &.»«.. Harry laaaaaa

UaiU Ha. 'V 11


Srvv^«.*fiT"V "4i MI'BAAt Ir r,.

iflANI I »«' M_l__al I__ RSliOONvllSOl.'*' s... I .«._._._ Dtuaar*