1. accretion disk - • flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star.

1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

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Page 1: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

1. accretion disk -

• flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star.

Page 2: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

2. alpha process -

• Two step process in the center of stars which have silicon-28 in their cores.

• Photodisintergration breaks nuclei into helium nuclei (alpha particles) which then combine into heavier elements.

Page 3: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

3. carbon detonation supernova -

• a type-I supernova.

• White dwarf in a binary system accretes enough mass that electron degeneracy pressure can no longer support the star.

• The star collapses and the temperatures reach a level that causes carbon fusion in all parts of the star simultaneously and an explosion results.

Page 4: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

4. Chandrasekhar mass -

• Maximum mass of a white dwarf if electron degeneracy pressure is to prevent gravitational collapse.

• Once it is exceeded a type-I supernova results.

Page 5: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

5. helium capture -

• The formation of heavier elements by the capture of a helium nucleus.

• This requires less energy than the combining of like nuclei so it happens more readily.

Page 6: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

6. neutron degeneracy pressure -

• Pressure that results when neutrons are pushed together to the point of contact.

• The neutrons resist being compressed.

Page 7: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

7. neutronization -

• When the collapsing core of a high mass star is compressed to the point that protons and electrons are crushed together to form neutrons and neutrinos.

• This is one of the major occurrences in the formation of a type-II supernova.

Page 8: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

8. nova -

• A star that suddenly increases in brightness, then slowly fades back to its original luminosity.

• The result of an explosion on the surface of a white dwarf, cause by the accumulation of matter from a binary companion.

Page 9: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

9. photodisintegration -

• Photons at high temperature breaking heavy elements into lighter nuclei, and eventually to protons and neutrons.

• Prior to a supernova, photodisintegration “undoes” all the previous 10 billion years of nuclear fusion.

Page 10: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

10. progenitor -

• A star that generates a supernova explosion.

Page 11: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

11. recurrent nova -

• A star that “goes nova” a number of times over the course of several decades.

Page 12: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

12. r-process -

• Creation of heavy elements by neutron capture during supernova explosions.

• Free neutrons streaming from an exploding supernova collide with heavy elements and produce heavier elements. The heaviest elements in the universe are produced by the r-process.

Page 13: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

13. s-process -

• Neutrons captured by nuclei in a star until an unstable isotope is created.

• The nucleus then decays to a new stable nucleus; this continues until no heavier stable nuclei exist.

• The “s” means “slow” ; the time between captures is long compared to the half-lives of the radioactive elements produced.

Page 14: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

14. standard candle -

• Any object with a recognizable appearance and a known luminosity such that it can be used to establish distance.

• Supernovae are good standard candles.

Page 15: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

15. stellar nucleosynthesis -

• Formation of heavy elements by the fusion of lighter nuclei in the cores of stars.

• All elements except for H and He are formed by stellar nucleoynthesis.

Page 16: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

16. supernova -

• Explosive death of a star, caused by sudden nuclear burning (type-I), or enormously energetic shock waves (type-II).

Page 17: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

17. supernova remnant -

• Scattered glowing remains from a supernova that occurred in the past.

• Crab Nebula is one example.

Page 18: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

18. type-I supernova -

• A carbon detonation supernova.

• (see #3).

Page 19: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

19. type-II supernova

• Highly evolved stellar core rapidly implodes and then explodes, destroying the surrounding star.

Page 20: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

1. What makes a nova?

• A white dwarf in a binary system collects material from its companion. This collected gas gets hotter and denser until the hydrogen ignites and produces helium in an intense surface burn.

Page 21: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

2. What makes a light curve?

• The magnitude of the nova or supernova changes over time; a graph of this change is called a light curve.

Page 22: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

3. What is a supernova?

• A massive stellar explosion which destroys the original star.

Page 23: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

4. How often can we expect to see a supernova? • We should expect to see a supernova in a

visible part of our galaxy every 100 years or so.

• We are long overdue (since 1604).

Page 24: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

5. What evidence is there that many supernova have occurred?

• We can detect the glowing supernova remnants.

Page 25: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

6. According to historical accounts, how did the explosion creating the Crab Nebula appear to observers on Earth?

• Its brightness exceeded that of Venus.

• Perhaps was brighter than the Moon.

• Could be seen in the daytime for a month.

Page 26: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

7. How do supernovae work as standard candles?

• We know the absolute brightness of all supernovae is the same, so we can compare this to the apparent brightness and find the distance.

Page 27: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

8. Which elements existed in the early universe?

• hydrogen and helium

Page 28: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

9. How were all of the other elements in the universe formed?

• They were formed by stellar nucleosynthesis; formed by nuclear fusion in the core of stars.

Page 29: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

10. Why do star’s cores evolve into iron, but not into larger elements?• Nuclear fusion involving iron does not

produce energy. Iron nuclei are so compact that energy cannot be removed by combining them into heavier elements. This loss of energy causes a loss of pressure which stops fusion (temporarily).

• Iron formation is a ‘fire extinguisher.’

Page 30: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

11. How are nuclei heavier than iron formed?

• 1. The ‘s-process’ (slow). Iron captures a single neutron, and then another, and then another. Eventually an unstable form of iron is formed, and it decays into a heavier stable element.

Page 31: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

• 2. The ‘r-process’(rapid). The intense pressures involved in a supernova explosion force heavier elements to gain free neutrons produced by the explosion. This occurs too rapidly for the nuclei to decay and therefore produce elements that cannot be formed by the s-process.

Page 32: 1. accretion disk - flat disk of matter spiraling down onto the surface of a star. Often from a companion star

12. What makes a massive star collapse?• Gravitational pull that exceeds the heat and

pressure that holds a star at its present volume.

• The heat decreases with the fusing of iron whish results in a decrease of pressure.