1 Application of a breeding strategy to generate robust yeast starter cultures for cocoa pulp 1 fermentations 2 Running title: Robust yeast starter cultures for cocoa fermentations 3 4 Esther Meersman a,b* , Jan Steensels a,b* , Tinneke Paulus a,b , Nore Struyf a,b , Veerle Saels a,b , Melissa 5 Mathawan c , Leen Allegaert c , Gino Vrancken c , Kevin J. Verstrepen a,b# 6 a Laboratory for Genetics and Genomics, Centre of Microbial and Plant Genetics (CMPG), KU 7 Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 22, 3001 Leuven, Belgium. 8 b Laboratory for Systems Biology, VIB, Bio-Incubator, Gaston Geenslaan 1, 3001 Leuven, 9 Belgium. 10 c Barry Callebaut AG, Westpark, Pfingstweidstrasse 60, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland. 11 12 * E.M. and J.S. contributed equally to this paper. 13 14 # Corresponding author: Kevin J. Verstrepen; [email protected] 15 AEM Accepted Manuscript Posted Online 6 July 2015 Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.00133-15 Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. on February 16, 2018 by guest http://aem.asm.org/ Downloaded from

1 Application of a breeding strategy to generate robust yeast starter

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Application of a breeding strategy to generate robust yeast starter cultures for cocoa pulp 1

fermentations 2

Running title: Robust yeast starter cultures for cocoa fermentations 3


Esther Meersmana,b*, Jan Steenselsa,b*, Tinneke Paulusa,b, Nore Struyfa,b, Veerle Saelsa,b, Melissa 5

Mathawanc, Leen Allegaertc, Gino Vranckenc, Kevin J. Verstrepena,b# 6

aLaboratory for Genetics and Genomics, Centre of Microbial and Plant Genetics (CMPG), KU 7

Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 22, 3001 Leuven, Belgium. 8

bLaboratory for Systems Biology, VIB, Bio-Incubator, Gaston Geenslaan 1, 3001 Leuven, 9

Belgium. 10

cBarry Callebaut AG, Westpark, Pfingstweidstrasse 60, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland. 11


*E.M. and J.S. contributed equally to this paper. 13


#Corresponding author: Kevin J. Verstrepen; [email protected] 15

AEM Accepted Manuscript Posted Online 6 July 2015Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.00133-15Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

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Abstract 16

Cocoa pulp fermentation is a spontaneous process during which the natural microbiota present at 17

the cocoa farms is allowed to ferment the pulp surrounding the cocoa beans. Because such 18

spontaneous fermentations are inconsistent and contribute to product variability, there is a 19

growing interest in a microbial starter culture that could be used to inoculate cocoa pulp 20

fermentations. Previous studies have revealed that many different fungi are recovered from 21

different batches of spontaneous cocoa pulp fermentations, whereas the variation in the 22

prokaryotic microbiome is much more limited. In this study, we therefore aimed to develop a 23

suitable yeast starter culture that is able to outcompete wild contaminants and consistently 24

produces high-quality chocolate. Starting from specifically selected Saccharomyces cerevisiae 25

strains, we developed robust hybrids with characteristics that allow them to efficiently ferment 26

cocoa pulp, including improved temperature tolerance and fermentation capacity. We conducted 27

several laboratory and field trials to show that these new hybrids often outperform their parental 28

strains and are able to dominate spontaneous pilot-scale fermentations, which results in much 29

more consistent microbial profiles. Moreover, analysis of the resulting chocolate shows that some 30

of the cocoa batches that were fermented with specific starter cultures yielded superior chocolate. 31

Taken together, these results describe the development of robust yeast starter cultures for cocoa 32

pulp fermentations that can contribute to improving the consistency and quality of commercial 33

chocolate production. 34

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Introduction 35

Microbial fermentation is a crucial step in the production process of many foods and beverages, 36

including chocolate, beer, wine, bread and cheese. The quality of these products strongly depends 37

on the microbes present, with even slight deviations in the microbial population yielding marked 38

differences in product characteristics. For thousands of years, these fermentation processes were 39

conducted spontaneously, relying on the inoculation of a complex mixture of microbes present in 40

the environment. However, since the development of techniques to isolate and maintain pure 41

microbial cultures in the late 19th century, an increasing number of producers adopted the idea of 42

using a defined starter culture (1). This practice greatly increased the reproducibility and 43

efficiency of the fermentation process and resulted in an augmented product consistency. 44

However, starter cultures were not adopted in all fermentation industries. One of the most 45

striking examples is the cocoa industry, where the production (about 4x106 tons of beans per 46

year) largely depends on the complex and highly variable microbial population present at the 47

cocoa farms, where the cocoa beans are exposed to the natural environment to start the 48

fermentation process (2). 49

The species diversity of spontaneous cocoa pulp fermentations has already received much 50

scientific attention, with several studies describing the microbiome of spontaneous cocoa pulp 51

fermentations across the world (3-9). Interestingly, the variable environment encountered during 52

cocoa pulp fermentations results in a complex and dynamic microbial population. However, 53

despite the geographical distance between cocoa-producing countries, and despite differences in 54

climate between different harvest seasons, spontaneous cocoa pulp fermentations show a clear 55

and consistent general trend (8, 10). Specifically, only a very limited number of different 56

bacterial species are consistently isolated in high numbers, namely lactic acid bacteria (LAB) 57

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(mainly Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus plantarum and Leuconostoc 58

pseudomesenteroides) and acetic acid bacteria (AAB) (mainly Acetobacter pasteurianus). By 59

contrast, the fungal diversity is often much broader (8). Generally, a wide diversity of apiculate, 60

fast-glucose fermenting species (including Hanseniaspora spp.) is found at the start of the 61

fermentation process. In a second stage, more robust, stress-resistant species (mainly 62

Saccharomyces and/or Pichia spp.) are found, but the exact species composition varies 63

significantly with the season, geographical location, agricultural practices and other factors (4, 5, 64

8, 11). 65

Yeasts play several crucial roles in the cocoa pulp fermentation process, including the production 66

of ethanol and organic acids, which are believed to arrest germination of the cocoa seeds and 67

contribute to essential chemical conversions inside the cocoa beans (12). Moreover, fermenting 68

yeasts also produce myriad volatile aroma compounds (13, 14). Lastly, yeasts producing 69

pectinolytic enzymes are also believed to play a central role in the degradation of the viscous 70

pectin-rich pulp (15, 16). Hence, yeasts are crucial for cocoa pulp fermentations and development 71

of cocoa flavors and fermentation efficiency (17, 18), and the observed diversity results in cocoa 72

beans of inconsistent quality and causes huge economical losses (19-21). 73

Since the introduction of commercial fermentation starter cultures for the food industry, 74

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (or a close relative) has often been the organism of choice. This can be 75

explained by several interesting physiological features of Saccharomyces spp. that make them 76

very suitable for industrial fermentations (22). S. cerevisiae is able to outcompete most other 77

yeasts in industrial fermentations of wine (23), beer (24), cider (25) and also cocoa pulp (7). This 78

fitness advantage can be attributed to several characteristics, including high stress tolerance (e.g. 79

to ethanol and temperature), fast and efficient carbon metabolism (e.g. high glycolytic flux and 80

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glucose repression), and the ability to grow in aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Interestingly, 81

these features are widely spread amongst several yeast species, but are uniquely combined in S. 82

cerevisiae (22, 26). Secondly, S. cerevisiae yeasts produce many desirable flavor compounds, 83

such as volatile esters and higher alcohols, and only few off-flavors (13). Lastly, S. cerevisiae 84

cells do not produce specific toxins that would be harmful for humans, ensuring their safe use in 85

food fermentations, as illustrated by its ‘‘generally recognized as safe’’ (GRAS) and ‘‘qualified 86

presumption of safety’’ (QPS) status (27, 28). 87

Given what is already known about cocoa pulp fermentations, it does not come as a surprise that 88

the use of starter cultures consisting of S. cerevisiae, LAB and AAB has already been suggested 89

to increase the consistency and overall quality of cocoa pulp fermentations. In 1998, a complex 90

mixture of an indigenous S. cerevisiae strain, two LAB species, Lactobacillus lactis and L. 91

plantarum, and two AAB species, Acetobacter aceti and Gluconobacter oxydans was proposed 92

(19). The added inoculum could mimic natural cocoa pulp fermentations and yielded cocoa of 93

acceptable, but not superior quality. In 2012, a starter culture with a similar composition was 94

applied, consisting of an indigenous S. cerevisiae, L. fermentum and A. pasteurianus strain (18). 95

This study also highlighted the importance of yeast in a cocoa pulp starter culture, since 96

inoculating with a starter culture solely consisting of LAB and AAB resulted in chocolate with a 97

bitter, unfermented flavor. Despite the production of chocolates with a consistent flavor, 98

qualitative advantages seemed limited, and starter culture composition was too complex for 99

efficient commercial application. Another paper reported on the inoculation with L. fermentum, 100

A. pasteurianus and a non-Saccharomyces species, either Pichia kluyveri or Kluyveromyces 101

marxianus (29). However, while pronounced differences with spontaneous fermentations were 102

observed by GC-MS analysis, sensorial analysis by a consumer panel revealed no significant 103

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differences, probably due to the inability of the inoculated yeast strains to dominate in the 104

fermentation process (30). Finally, several papers describe the application of high-pectinolytic 105

(often genetically modified) yeast starter cultures to increase liquid drainage (31-33). While these 106

inoculated fermentations sometimes led to increased drainage, it did not result in clear benefits 107

for cocoa quality. Moreover, legislation and consumer preferences currently do not allow 108

genetically modified organisms to be used in an industrial setting. 109

In this study, new hybrid yeast strains able to perform an efficient and consistent inoculated 110

cocoa pulp fermentation process were developed. First, two S. cerevisiae strains (one indigenous 111

cocoa and one industrial strain), both performing well in a cocoa pulp environment, were selected 112

as parental strains. Breeding of these strains ultimately yielded a large set of in- and outbred 113

hybrids, some of which showing an increased competitiveness in cocoa pulp. This resulted in the 114

consistent production of high-quality cocoa liquor and chocolate, which makes them excellent 115

candidates for use as a single-species starter culture. 116

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Materials and Methods 117

Yeast strains and storage conditions 118

The most important strains used in this study are listed in Table 1. A full description of the 119

industrial yeast strain collection is given in (34) and summarized in Table S1. All strains were 120

stored at -80°C using a glycerol-based storage medium (glycerol 25% w v-1, bacto peptone 2% w 121

v-1, yeast extract 1% w v-1, glucose 2% w v-1). 122

Temperature tolerance 123

Screening for temperature tolerance was performed by plate assays. Strains were pregrown in 150 124

μl YPD 2% (yeast extract 1% w v-1, bacto peptone 2% w v-1, glucose 2% w v-1) for 16 h (30°C, 125

900 rpm). Next, the yeast strains were spotted at an initial optical density at 600 nm (OD600) of 126

0.1 on solid YPD-agar (2% agar w v-1) using a high density array robot (Singer ROTOR HDA©, 127

Singer Instruments, UK). The plates were subsequently incubated at 30, 37 and 39°C for 48 h, 128

and 40, 41, 41.5 and 42°C for 96 h. Colony size was quantified using the ScreenMill software 129

(35) and ImageJ (NIH, USA). To score the temperature tolerance of the strains (-, +, ++, +++), 130

the colony size at 40°C was normalized to W303, a widely used model organism known to be 131

temperature-tolerant (36). 132

Killer activity 133

Killer activity was measured by the “seeded agar” method, slightly adjusted from (37). In short, 134

a killer-sensitive strain (lacking killer activity, Table 1) was seeded at a concentration of 104 CFU 135

mL-1 in YPD-agar, supplemented with 0.003% methylene blue and pH adjusted to 4.5. Next, 5 μl 136

of the concentrated yeast cultures (approx. 109 CFU mL-1), including six reference strains (four 137

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with known killer activity, two which are known to be killer sensitive (Table 1)), was spotted on 138

the agar plates. The plates were incubated at 23°C for 96 h. The killer activity was scored in a 139

semi-quantitative manner (-, +, ++ or +++) relative to the reference strain NCYC 1001 (killer 140

type K2 (38)), with ++ indicating a comparable halo size to NCYC 1001. 141

Polygalacturonase activity 142

Strains were screened for polygalacturonase activity (a trait that allows them to degrade pectin) 143

using the semi-quantitative plate assay described by (39). Activity was quantified in a 144

standardized fashion using ImageJ (NIH, USA), and normalized to L2323, a polygalacturonase+ 145

reference strain (40) present on every plate, to correct for plate variability. 146

Sporulation, tetrad dissection and mating type characterization 147

Yeast strains were sporulated, followed by tetrad dissection, to determine the hetero- or 148

homothallic nature of the strains (34), as described in (41). Mating type was determined by PCR 149

executed in a C1000 Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad, USA), using MAT-A (5’-150


and MAT-R (5’-AGTCACATCAAGATCGTTTATGG-3’) as primers, and a temperature profile 152

consisting of 30 cycles of 45 s at 94°C, 45 s at 50°C, 40 s at 72°C and a final extension of 5 min 153

at 72°C (42). 154

Genetic fingerprinting 155

Genetic fingerprinting was applied to reveal genetic diversity within S. cerevisiae and to confirm 156

the hybrid genotype of newly formed hybrids. First, genomic DNA was extracted in 96-well 157

format using the standard ether extraction protocol, as described in (43), or using a colony 158

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extraction with 0.02 M NaOH and a boiling step (10 min, 100°C). When the latter was used, e.g. 159

for determining the intraspecific S. cerevisiae diversity in spontaneous fermentations, the ether 160

extraction protocol was used for confirmation. Next, a transposon-based amplification fragment 161

length polymorphism (AFLP) approach, called “interdelta analysis”, was used (44). PCR were 162

executed with primers delta12 (5’-TCAACAATGGAATCCCAAC-3’) and delta21 (5’-163

CATCTTAACACCGTATATGA-3’) and the temperature profile described in (44). The PCR 164

products were visualized using QIAxcel Advanced Systems (QIAGEN, Netherlands). 165

Mass mating 166

Strains selected for the mass mating procedure were sporulated on acetate medium (1% 167

potassium acetate w v-1, 2% agar w v-1), and incubated at 25°C. After five to ten days, all spores 168

were harvested, and remaining vegetative cells were lysed by overnight incubation at 35°C (80 169

rpm) in dH2O supplemented with zymolyase (100 mg L-1, Seikagaku Corporation, Japan), 170

chloramphenicol (50 mg L-1) and 2-mercapto-ethanol (2 mL L-1). Next, remaining vegetative 171

cells were lysed by adding sterile glass beads (0.425-0.600 mm) and vigorous vortexing for 3 172

min. The remaining cells were resuspended in dH2O supplemented with 0.75% Triton X-100. To 173

break the asci down in single spores, the cultures were cooled to 4°C and sonicated for 30 s 174

(amplitude 50%) in a Digital Sonifier (Branson, United States), repeated three times in total. 175

Next, the spore suspension was washed twice with 1.5% Triton X-100, after which it was cooled 176

and sonicated (20s, amplitude 50%) two more times. Spores were washed with dH2O and 177

resuspended in 1 mL 1x phosphate buffer solution. To initiate mating, spore suspensions of both 178

parental strains were mixed in 50 mL GNA (3% peptone w v-1, 1% yeast extract w v-1 and 5% 179

glucose w v-1) at a start density of 106 spores mL-1 and incubated at 30°C overnight (80 rpm). In a 180

final step, high temperature-tolerant hybrids were identified by plating approx. 103 cells on YPD-181

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agar and subsequent incubation at 42°C for 5 days. The genotype of the strains able to grow in 182

these conditions was determined by mating type PCR and interdelta analysis (cf. supra). 183

Backcrossing 184

Sporulation was induced on acetate medium incubated at 25°C (cf. supra). The ascus wall was 185

digested with 2 mg mL-1 zymolyase (Seikagaku Corporation, Japan) suspension, incubated for 3-186

10 min at room temperature. Tetrads were dissected by a micromanipulator (Singer SMS Manual, 187

Singer Instruments, UK) on YPD-agar. Temperature-tolerant haploid segregants of both parental 188

strains were first selected by screening individual segregants by spot assays on 42°C, or in case 189

there was no growth at 42°C, 41°C and 40°C (cf. Materials and Methods – Temperature 190

tolerance). Next, two segregants of opposite mating types were picked, mixed on YPD-agar with 191

10 μl dH20 and incubated at room temperature for 24 h. Then, a small fraction of the spot was 192

streaked to single colonies and incubated for 48 h. Four single colonies of each spot were 193

subsequently checked for mating type (cf. supra) to identify backcrossed hybrids. 194

Transformation of yeast for competition experiments 195

Antibiotic-resistant strains were developed for the competition experiments. A Hygromycin B 196

resistance cassette was amplified from a plasmid analogous to pUG6 (45), containing Hph 197

instead of KanMX, conferring resistance to Hygromycin B. IntE_F (5’-198


G-3’) and IntE_R (5’-200


CGG-3’) were used to target Chr.XV:39657..39803, an intergenic region conserved between 202

strains which was shown to not alter the yeast’s phenotype when disrupted (J.F. Christiaens et al., 203

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unpublished data). To amplify the cassettes, a temperature profile consisting of an initial 204

denaturation of 3 min at 95°C, 9 cycles of 20 s at 95°C, 30 s at 55°C and 2 min 30 s at 72°C, 25 205

cycles of 20 s at 95°C, 30 s at 58°C and 2 min 30 s at 72°C, and a final elongation phase of 10 206

min at 72°C was used. A standard transformation protocol for S. cerevisiae was used (46). To 207

assess the potential influence of the selection marker on the yeast’s fitness at high temperatures, 208

the growth rate of the transformed strain was compared with the non-transformed strain using the 209

Bioscreen C (Oy Growth Curves AB, Finland). Six biological replicates were used per strain, and 210

cells were inoculated in YPD 12% at an OD600 of 0.002 and incubated at 37°C (24 h) and 41°C 211

(48 h). 212

Competition experiments in a cocoa pulp environment 213

Yeast propagation was performed by two propagation stages; first an overnight pregrowth (30°C, 214

shaking) in 5 mL YPD 2%, after which 500 μl of this culture was transferred to 50 mL YPD 2% 215

and incubated overnight at 30°C (200 rpm). This culture was used to inoculate the fermentations. 216

Competition experiments were performed in 250 mL Schott bottles using 100 mL cocoa pulp 217

(shipped from Ivory Coast), which was pasteurized for 5 min at 105°C. Two strains (one 218

transformed with a Hygromycin B resistance cassette) were simultaneously inoculated in the 219

fermentations at an OD600 of 0.25. After inoculation, the fermentation bottles were vigorously 220

mixed to ensure a homogeneous distribution in the fermentation medium. At this point, initial 221

samples were taken and plated out on YPD-agar and YPD + Hygromycin B (200 mg L-1)-agar to 222

determine the relative population sizes of each strain. After 48 h, the competition experiment was 223

ended, final samples were taken and plated out on YPD-agar and YPD + Hygromycin B (200 mg 224

L-1)-agar. The change in population ratio was calculated as ln [(cell count test strain)(cell count 225

transformed reference strain)-1]final - ln [(cell count test strain)(cell count transformed reference 226

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strain)-1]initial. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) combined with the Tukey or Dunnett test to 227

correct for multiple testing, was used to determine significant differences in dominance between 228

strains. 229

Pilot-scale cocoa pulp fermentations 230

Pilot-scale cocoa pulp fermentations were performed during the main harvest season at the Barry 231

Callebaut cocoa research facility, Pahang, Malaysia in October-November 2013. Two 232

spontaneous reference fermentations were also performed. Fermentations were started as 233

described before (8). Cocoa pods were harvested and opened after three days. Fermentations were 234

performed in baskets (0.70 m x 0.50 m x 0.60 m) containing 50 kg of beans and covered with 235

banana leaves. All fermentations were turned once after 48 h and stopped after 4 days. The 236

temperature and pH in the middle of the fermenting mass were continuously measured using a 237

digital pH meter (pH 3310 SET 2, SenTix® 41, WTW GmbH, Weilheim, Germany). Cocoa bean 238

samples (200 g) of the fermentations were aseptically taken after 0 (fresh cocoa beans right after 239

opening the pods, only for the spontaneous reference fermentations), 4, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h, each 240

time at the same depth of the fermenting bean mass (20 cm below the surface). Next, the samples 241

were cooled to 4°C and further analyzed within 1 h, as described in (8). 242

Microbial isolation and identification during pilot-scale field trials 243

For microbiological analysis, six LAB, three AAB and 16 random yeast isolates were picked at 244

all time points in all fermentations. A total of 382 LAB, 144 AAB and 757 yeasts were isolated. 245

These isolates were further identified to the species level by sequencing and fingerprinting, as 246

described in (8). All yeast isolates were identified by 26S rDNA sequencing (47) and comparing 247

all sequences to type strain sequences using nucleotide-nucleotide BLAST (blastn). Species were 248

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identified based on the highest identity (%) of the BLAST output. In case of <100% identity, 249

percentages of identity are reported between the sequenced isolates and the available type strains. 250

In the case of ambiguities concerning the identity based on 26S rDNA sequencing, ACT1 and ITS 251

regions were additionally amplified and compared to type strain sequences for these isolates. 252

Available type strain sequences were complemented with the ACT1 sequence of Pichia 253

manshurica H4S7K13 (FM199999) (11) and ITS sequence of Hanseniaspora opuntiae CBS8820 254

(AJ512440) (48). For higher resolution and identification to strain level, all S. cerevisiae strains 255

isolated from inoculated cocoa pulp fermentations were genetically fingerprinted using interdelta 256

analysis. Bacterial isolates were first genetically fingerprinted (using (GTG)5 rep-PCR) and 257

clustered, after which the 16S rDNA of several representatives of each observed cluster was 258

sequenced. Similar to the yeast isolates, all bacterial sequences were compared to type strain 259

sequences and percentages of identity are reported when <100% identity. Sequencing data of 260

representative isolates have been deposited in GenBank (KP190150, KP190151, KP190153-261

KP190159, KP190161, KP190164-KP190168, KP190170, KP190171 and KP190174). 262

Starter culture propagation for pilot-scale field trials 263

Yeast propagation was performed by two propagation stages; first an overnight pregrowth (30°C, 264

shaking) in 5 mL YPD 2%, after which the 5 mL culture was transferred to 300 mL YPD 10% 265

and incubated overnight at 30°C (180 rpm). This culture was used to inoculate the fermentations 266

at an initial density of 106 CFU g-1. The inoculum was prepared by vacuum filtration over a 0.45 267

μm filter (Millipore, USA) and diluting the cells in 0.85% NaCl. The inoculum size was verified 268

by cell counting. Starter cultures were inoculated by pouring them onto the fermentation, and 269

they were evenly distributed throughout the fermenting mass by manual mixing. 270

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Chocolate production and sensory analysis 271

Fermented cocoa beans were used for cocoa liquor and chocolate production by Barry Callebaut 272

(Wieze, Belgium). Cocoa beans were roasted using medium roasting at 122°C, according to the 273

general practices used for commercial production. Liquor of each fermentation batch was 274

sampled and stored for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis (cf. infra). 275

Next, cocoa liquors of the fermentation duplicates were pooled (in order to obtain sufficient mass 276

for chocolate production), refined, supplemented with cocoa butter and conched for 4 h. 277

Chocolate with 60% cocoa solids (w w-1) was made for sensorial analysis. Paired preference tests 278

were performed by a consumer panel consisting of 16 people. Additionally, the panelists were 279

asked to describe the samples (49, 50). 280

GC-MS analysis of cocoa liquor 281

Volatiles of the cocoa liquor were extracted by liquefying 5.0 g of the samples at 50°C. The 282

sample was spiked with 4 µl of a 4-heptanone internal standard stock solution (0.32296 µg µl-1). 283

After stirring, 100 µg was weighted in duplicate in a microvial, transferred in an empty thermal 284

desorption unit (TDU) tube and closed. 285

The volatiles were analyzed using GC-MS, consisting of a gas chromatograph (GC 7890A, 286

Agilent Technologies, CA, USA) in combination with a mass selective detector (MSD 5975C, 287

Agilent Technologies, CA, USA), equipped with a MultiPurpose Sampler (MPS 2, Gerstel, 288

Germany), a TDU (Gerstel, Germany) and a PTV inlet (CIS4, Gerstel, Germany). Volatile 289

compounds were thermally desorbed with the TDU temperature set at 70°C for 30 min. The 290

desorbed volatile compounds were trapped at -10°C in the PTV inlet, after which the inlet was 291

heated to 280°C (at a rate of 12°C min-1, held for 20 min). 292

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The volatile compounds were separated using a fused silica capillary column (HP-FFAP, 50 m x 293

0.32 mm x 0.50 µm, Agilent Technologies, CA, USA) preceded by a fused silica precolumn (2 m 294

x 0.53 mm). The GC oven temperature was set at 35°C (held for 5 min) and increased to 240°C 295

(at 5°C min-1, held for 4 min). Helium was used as a carrier gas with a flow rate of 2 mL min-1. 296

Mass-to-charge ratios were scanned between 40-300 m z-1, the MSD operating at 70 eV in 297

electron ionization mode. Volatile compounds were identified by comparing the mass spectra of 298

the sample compounds with those of the Wiley 275L database. Compounds were semi-quantified 299

by comparing the peak area to the peak area of the 4-heptanone internal standard. Duplicate 300

analyses of each sample were performed. Data was converted to z-scores and was visualized 301

using principal component analysis (PCA), performed by the BioNumerics version 7.1 software 302

(Applied Maths, Belgium). 303


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Results 305

This study aimed at developing a yeast starter culture that allows increasing the efficiency and/or 306

consistency of cocoa pulp fermentations. Specifically, we focused on S. cerevisiae because this 307

species has been isolated from most spontaneous cocoa pulp fermentations and because it is 308

directly applicable in food fermentations. Using sexual hybridization, we developed robust yeast 309

hybrids that thrive in a cocoa pulp environment and are able to consistently develop superior 310

high-quality chocolate. 311

Selection of a superior S. cerevisiae strain from spontaneous cocoa pulp fermentations 312

To evaluate the diversity of S. cerevisiae in spontaneous cocoa pulp fermentations and isolate 313

dominant strains that could be candidates for application in starter cultures, we analyzed the 314

indigenous S. cerevisiae diversity of two spontaneous fermentations (see Fig. 1 and Fig. S1 for 315

details). Whereas S. cerevisiae has already been isolated from various spontaneous cocoa pulp 316

fermentations, the diversity within this species is only very rarely documented (7). Our analyses 317

revealed the presence of six (groups of closely related) S. cerevisiae strains, with one group 318

dominating both fermentations (Fig. 1). A single representative strain of the dominant group 319

(encoded Y927) was selected and phenotyping revealed a high temperature tolerance, killer 320

activity (i.e. the ability to produce short peptides that inhibit the growth of other yeasts that do not 321

show killer activity, see (51)), moderate polygalacturonase activity (i.e. the ability to degrade the 322

pectin in the cocoa pulp) and a homothallic life cycle with efficient spore production (as 323

determined by tetrad dissection and mating type PCR). Y927 was therefore selected as a potential 324

starter culture and as parental strain for further breeding experiments. 325

Selection of a superior industrial strain from an in-house yeast collection 326

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Apart from indigenous yeast strains, strains currently applied for industrial fermentation 327

processes (e.g. beer, wine, sake or bioethanol fermentations) also provide an interesting source of 328

potential cocoa starter cultures. After phenotypic evaluation of a large collection of industrial 329

yeasts (318 strains), one strain (Y115, originating from the bioethanol industry), possessing very 330

high thermotolerance and moderate polygalacturonase activity, was selected as a potential starter 331

culture. Indeed, a pairwise competition experiment between Y115 and the previously selected 332

indigenous strain Y927 revealed superiority of Y115 in a cocoa pulp environment (cf. infra). 333

Moreover, this strain showed an efficient sporulation with stable haploid segregants production 334

and could therefore be used as parental strain in the breeding experiments. 335

Development of new hybrid strains with improved temperature tolerance by mass mating 336

To generate superior strains that combine the characteristics of the dominant indigenous strain 337

(Y927) and the industrial bioethanol strain (Y115), we set up a series of mass mating assays to 338

generate a large set of hybrid yeasts. Following the mass mating procedure, the heterogeneous 339

pool of newly formed hybrids was subjected to a five-day incubation at high temperature (42°C) 340

to select for hybrids with a high temperature tolerance, a trait vital for dominance in a cocoa pulp 341

environment. After this selection, 32 hybrids (H1-H32) were selected and genetically 342

fingerprinted. Diploids resulting from mating two cells of opposite mating types of the same 343

parent, either germinating spores or haploid segregants, were classified as inbreds. This resulted 344

in the identification of 13 outbred hybrids, 3 Y115 inbred strains, 15 Y927 inbreds and 1 Y927 345

haploid (Fig. S2). These strains were further tested on thermotolerance (Fig. 2) and killer activity 346

(Table S2) and compared to their parental strains. Based on the results of these tests, two hybrids 347

were selected for further analysis, the outbred H28 and the Y927 inbred H19. H28 was selected 348

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because this strain showed the highest temperature tolerance (defined as best growth at 42°C), 349

and H19 was selected since it showed both high temperature tolerance and killer activity. 350

In order to obtain a better comparison of the competitive behavior of the newly formed hybrids 351

and their respective parental strains in a cocoa pulp environment, the two selected hybrids (H19 352

and H28) and the parental strain Y927 were competed separately against Y115 in lab-scale cocoa 353

pulp fermentations. To quickly determine population ratios, Y115 was genetically transformed 354

with a Hygromycin B resistance marker cassette (no influence of the marker on the yeast’s fitness 355

was detected (Fig. S3)). The competition experiments revealed that H28 showed the highest 356

fitness, thereby outcompeting its strongest parent Y115 in cocoa pulp (p<0.0001) (Fig. 3, Table 357

S3). Additionally, the comparison between the fitness scores of inbred H19 and parental strain 358

Y927 revealed a significantly higher fitness of H19 (p=0.0057, Dunnett’s multiple comparisons 359

test). Hybrids H19 and H28 were therefore selected for pilot-scale cocoa pulp fermentation trials 360

in Malaysia. 361

Inbreeding of H28 further improves its fitness in lab-scale cocoa pulp fermentations 362

Since H28 showed the most pronounced phenotypic improvement of all hybrids compared to the 363

parental strains, this strain was selected for further inbreeding and backcrossing to its strongest 364

parent Y115. As stable haploid segregants could be obtained for both parents, a total of 92 365

haploid segregants were screened for thermotolerance prior to the hybridization experiment, 366

thereby increasing the chance of obtaining superior hybrids. The eight most temperature-tolerant 367

haploids were subsequently crossed in eight different combinations, yielding four outbreds 368

between H28 and Y115 (H33-H36) and one H28 inbred (H37). Screening for thermotolerance of 369

these five “second-generation” hybrids revealed that inbred H37 showed the highest temperature 370

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tolerance, outperforming both H28 and Y115 in spot assays. Additionally, competition 371

experiments in cocoa pulp revealed that H37 showed the highest fitness score compared to Y115-372

Hyg of all tested strains, including H19 and H28 (p<0.0001, Dunnett’s multiple comparisons 373

test). This was confirmed by competing a Hygromycin B-transformed H28 directly with H37 374

(p=0.0017, Fig. S4). H37 was therefore also selected for further testing in inoculated pilot-scale 375

cocoa pulp fermentations. 376

Inoculated pilot-scale fermentations reveal suitable yeast starter cultures 377

To evaluate the performance of the selected indigenous and industrial strains and the three 378

selected hybrids in industrial conditions, pilot-scale field experiments were performed at a 379

Malaysian cocoa farm. Additionally, one temperature-sensitive reference strain (Y397) was 380

included in the experiment (Table S4). All experiments were performed in duplicate (encoded as 381

A and B), and temperature and pH were measured in real-time (Table S5). Since the goal of these 382

pilot-scale experiments was to develop a simple and economically viable starter culture for 383

commercial production, no bacterial culture was added. Importantly, the different yeasts were 384

inoculated to a relatively low starting concentration (106 CFU g-1; i.e. about 10% of the normal 385

inoculum size for beer fermentations), because higher inoculation numbers would be 386

prohibitively expensive for large-scale commercial use. 387

To assess the microbial diversity of the different pilot-scale fermentations, samples were taken 388

throughout the fermentation period. No significant differences in the LAB and AAB cell counts 389

were observed between spontaneous and inoculated fermentations, except for AAB at 4 h and 24 390

h (p=0.0448 and p=0.0009, respectively). However, this was not linked to higher maximal or 391

final temperatures, or the time points at which the highest temperatures were reached in the 392

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inoculated fermentations. Moreover, even though no bacterial inoculum was added, only a few 393

different LAB and AAB species were present in the fermentations. In fact, the bacterial 394

microbiome was very similar between different fermentations and also closely resembled the 395

profiles found in spontaneous fermentations (Table S6), suggesting that a bacterial starter culture 396

is not vital to obtain a consistent microbiome. 397

By contrast, the yeast diversity in the inoculated fermentations was significantly reduced 398

compared to the spontaneous fermentations (Fig. 4 and Fig. S5). In the spontaneous 399

fermentations, six to eight different species were found per fermentation, with S. cerevisiae, 400

Hanseniaspora thailandica, Hanseniaspora opuntiae/lachancei, Pichia manshurica, Candida 401

tropicalis and Schizosaccharomyces pombe occurring in both spontaneous fermentations. This 402

number was significantly higher compared to the inoculated fermentations, where the amount of 403

different species per fermentation ranged from two to seven (p=0.0385, Mann-Whitney-404

Wilcoxon test). The largest diversity in both spontaneous and inoculated fermentations was 405

observed at the start. In all inoculated fermentations, H. thailandica was present at the onset 406

(except for Y397B), with a relative population size between 13% and 87%. H. opuntiae/lachancei 407

was also often reported at early stages (Table S7). However, in contrast to the spontaneous 408

fermentations, S. cerevisiae quickly became dominant in all inoculated fermentations, with a 409

relative population size ranging from 70% to 100% after 24 h, compared to 20% to 40% in 410

spontaneous fermentations. 411

To determine which inoculated yeast strains effectively outcompeted wild contaminants, we 412

analyzed growth speed of the inoculated strains during the first 24 h of the fermentation, and its 413

dominance (relative population size) during the course of the fermentation (Fig. 5). During the 414

initial stages of the inoculated fermentations, some strains seemed to be better adapted to the 415

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initial fermentation environment than others, since they showed a faster growth in the first 24 h. 416

Interestingly, the best-performing strains in the initial, sugar-rich environment were the 417

indigenous strain Y927 and industrial bioethanol strain Y115, and not the developed hybrids. 418

However, all yeast strains reached an average relative population size between 80% (Y927) and 419

100% (H19) during the first 24 h. Over the next 24 h, the proportion of inoculated yeasts present 420

in the pulp decreased slightly (Y115 and Y397), remained stable (H28 and H19) or increased to 421

100% (Y927 and H37). In the third stage of fermentation (between 48 h and 72 h), the average 422

relative population size of all strains decreased, except for Y115 and H19 (stable at respectively 423

85% and 100%) and H28 (increased to 100%). This third period is characterized by an increase in 424

temperature due to turning of the fermenting beans. This rise in temperature may explain why the 425

relative proportion of many yeast strains, and especially the temperature-sensitive Y397, 426

decreased drastically. Interestingly, however, the temperature-tolerant strains Y115, Y927 and 427

H28 remained present throughout the whole fermentation. H28 was shown to perform the best, 428

dominating the yeast population for the complete course of the fermentation. Although no 429

statistical differences were found between the dominance of H28, Y115 and Y927 at 96 h, they 430

performed significantly better than all other tested strains (p≤0.01). The performance in early 431

stages of the yeast strains was not correlated to the yeast growth in later stages of the 432

fermentation process (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient at 72 h: r=0.00, p=0.9833; at 96h: 433

r=0.72, p=0.1222), or with the temperature tolerance (r=0.03, p>0.9999). However, temperature 434

tolerance of the inoculated strains seemed to be an important predictor of the growth at later 435

stages, although not statistically significant (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient at 72 h: 436

r=0.52, p=0.3000; at 96 h: r=0.67, p=0.1611). 437

GC-MS analysis of cocoa liquor confirms consistency of inoculated fermentations 438

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After fermentation, the beans were dried and further processed to cocoa liquor. GC-MS analysis 439

of this liquor successfully identified 41 flavor-active compounds related to fermentation. To 440

compare the flavor profiles of the fermentations and determine reproducibility of duplicates, a 441

two-dimensional PCA plot was constructed (Fig. 6). This analysis confirmed close grouping of 442

liquor samples made from most of the duplicated fermentations, except for the temperature-443

sensitive strain Y397. Further, it revealed a clear separation between the aromatic profile of the 444

spontaneous and inoculated fermentations. The two spontaneous fermentations clustered together 445

in the lower right part of the plot. This corresponded with the majority of volatile acids and lactic 446

acid related volatiles grouping together in the same quadrant (Fig. 6). Almost all ethyl and acetate 447

esters are located on the negative axis of PC1, indicating that these compounds are found in a 448

lesser extent in the spontaneous compared to the inoculated fermentations. Liquor produced from 449

spontaneous fermentations contained significantly more 2.3-butanedione (diacetyl), 3-hydroxy-2-450

butanone (acetoin), ethyl lactate, 2-methylpropanoic acid and butanoic acid compared to the 451

inoculated fermentations (Wilk’s lambda likelihood ratio test, p=0.010). These compounds are 452

mostly described as rancid (2-methylpropanoic acid, butanoic acid) and buttery (2.3-butanedione, 453

butanoic acid, 3-hydroxy-2-butanone) (52, 53). 454

Sensorial analysis of chocolate confirms promising yeast starter cultures 455

Chocolates made from both spontaneous and inoculated fermentations were tasted by a consumer 456

panel to determine the influence of adding the yeast starter culture (Table 2 for all comparisons). 457

The tasting panel significantly preferred chocolates from fermentations inoculated with yeast 458

hybrids over the identically executed spontaneous fermentations. The spontaneous reference was 459

described as more bitter and sour, with a roasted flavor, whilst the inoculated fermentations were 460

all described as more intense (Table 2). The consumer panel further mostly preferred the 461

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fermentations inoculated with the hybrids over the parental strains, with the strongest preference 462

for H28. 463

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Discussion 464

Our study demonstrates the use of selective breeding to generate robust yeast hybrids that are 465

usable as starter cultures for cocoa pulp fermentations. The development of such starter cultures 466

is particularly challenging because cocoa pulp fermentations rely on a complex mixture of yeasts, 467

LAB and AAB, and because cocoa pulp is not fermented in sterile closed fermenters, but rather 468

in open heaps, boxes or baskets. This implies that an appropriate starter culture must be able to 469

outcompete microbes that can contaminate the fermenting pulp, present in the environment. 470

The strategy we developed in this study relied on two basic pillars. First, we and others have 471

observed that the bacterial microbiota appears to be very stable and similar between different 472

fermentation batches, cocoa plantations and seasons (8, 54, 55). This suggests that bacteria are 473

not the main source of variability between cocoa pulp fermentations, and that it may not be 474

necessary to include bacteria in a starter culture. Second, we hypothesized that it would be 475

possible to find or generate a S. cerevisiae yeast strain that would be able to dominate the yeast 476

population throughout the fermentation, thereby reducing the growth of other, unwanted fungi. 477

Moreover, such a strain would not need to be added in high concentrations to become dominant, 478

which makes the application of the starter culture economically feasible. 479

Over the past years, several research groups have looked for optimal cocoa starter cultures. The 480

combined inoculation of S. cerevisiae, LAB and AAB has been proposed to increase consistency 481

of cocoa pulp fermentations and benefit chocolate quality (18, 19). However, it is unclear 482

whether the suggested starter cultures really yielded improved fermentations, and in addition, the 483

commercial application of such complex mixed starter cultures is difficult and expensive. Starter 484

cultures consisting of other, non-conventional yeast species, including K. marxianus and P. 485

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kluyveri were also developed (29, 31). The downside of these non-conventional yeasts is that they 486

often do not remain dominant throughout the fermentation process and because they cannot 487

suppress the growth of other yeasts, they may not yield reproducible fermentations. Therefore, a 488

commercially viable starter culture for the consistent production of high-quality cocoa is still 489

elusive. 490

To obtain an optimal yeast strain for cocoa pulp fermentations, we first isolated and identified 491

large numbers of yeasts from spontaneous fermentations (8). This detailed analysis revealed that 492

cocoa pulp fermentations typically contain many different yeast species, with S. cerevisiae being 493

one of the most dominant species. Further DNA fingerprinting to the strain level revealed in this 494

study that each fermentation typically harbors several different S. cerevisiae strains. While this 495

phenomenon has been described intensively for wine fermentations (56, 57), the intraspecific S. 496

cerevisiae diversity in cocoa pulp fermentations is barely documented (7). We showed that one 497

(group of closely related) strain(s) was dominant in both fermentations and therefore selected a 498

representative strain (Y927) as a potential starter culture, and as a parental strain for further 499

breeding experiments. Additionally, we explored the currently available diversity of industrial 500

and natural S. cerevisiae strains as a potential source for cocoa starter cultures. It is interesting to 501

note that the selected strain (Y115, originating from the bioethanol industry) outcompeted the 502

indigenous strain Y927 in a cocoa pulp environment. This might be explained by the similar 503

niches encountered in cocoa pulp and bioethanol fermentations, including low pH, the presence 504

of weak organic acids such as acetic acid (58), high temperatures (59) and the presence of LAB 505

(60). 506

Our study also demonstrates the power of classic breeding to generate novel, superior hybrids, 507

either by in- or outbreeding of selected parental strains. Temperature tolerance seems to be a 508

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crucial feature for cocoa pulp fermentations, with temperature-sensitive strains rapidly 509

disappearing from the pulp when the temperature increases after the beans are mixed (“turning”), 510

although further investigations are required. Interestingly, our results show that temperature 511

resistance is a transgressive phenotype, and we were able to identify several hybrids that 512

performed better on high temperatures compared to their parental strains. This could be due to (a 513

combination of) various reasons, including elimination of deleterious mutations present in the 514

parental strains, dominance complementation, overdominance or epistasis between genetic 515

factors of both parents (61). 516

Pilot-scale testing of the parental strains and several newly generated hybrids demonstrated that 517

both are suitable candidates to serve as a basis for a starter culture, with hybrid H28 being the 518

most promising candidate for commercial exploitation. Fermentations inoculated with H28 or the 519

parental strains Y927 and Y115 showed a significant reduction in microbial variability between 520

replicate fermentations and in the number of different yeasts that reached relatively high 521

population sizes. Species such as H. opuntiae/lachancei, H. thailandica, P. kudriavzevii and P. 522

manshurica were still occasionally observed in the inoculated fermentations, mainly at the start 523

and end. These species were also observed in the spontaneous reference fermentations and have 524

been reported before in Malaysia (8). Interestingly, the same dominant bacterial strains, L. 525

fermentum and A. pasteurianus, were present in both spontaneous and with yeast inoculated 526

fermentations. This suggests that bacteria are not essential for a cocoa pulp fermentation starter 527

culture. The growth of AAB in the inoculated fermentations was slightly delayed compared to the 528

spontaneous fermentations. To what extend this specific parameter impacted cocoa flavor was not 529

further investigated and could therefore be interesting for future research. 530

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Surprisingly, we did not find such a correlation between polygalacturonase or killer activity and 531

dominance in cocoa pulp fermentations, as in the case of temperature tolerance and dominance in 532

the fermentation. Polygalacturonase activity and the breakdown of pectin has been the main focus 533

of previously developed starter cultures for cocoa pulp fermentations (cf. supra), yet this study 534

indicates that other phenotypes are more important. The limited influence of the killer activity 535

might be explained by the harsh environmental conditions encountered in cocoa pulp 536

fermentations, which may inhibit the killer+ behavior. It has been shown that all S. cerevisiae 537

killer+ strains lose their ability to produce toxins at high temperatures, starting from 37°C (62). 538

Moreover, the optimal pH for killer toxin production is generally higher than the pH of the cocoa 539

pulp (37, 63, 64). However, it is important to note that temperature tolerance is not the sole factor 540

determining dominance in a cocoa pulp environment. The “second generation” inbred H37 541

displayed less dominance at later phases of the fermentation, despite showing superior 542

temperature tolerance. This indicates that, next to temperature tolerance, there are other (although 543

probably minor) factors determining dominance towards the end of the fermentation. 544

The inoculation of a yeast starter culture clearly affected the volatile fraction of the cocoa liquor. 545

Liquors produced from spontaneous fermentations were shown to contain less acetate and ethyl 546

esters. These pleasant aroma compounds are typically formed during S. cerevisiae metabolism 547

and are responsible for the fruity flavor in fermented beverages (13, 34). Using spontaneously 548

fermented beans also resulted in significantly more rancid and buttery aromas in the liquor, such 549

as 2-methylpropanoic acid, butanoic acid, 2.3-butanedione (diacetyl) and 3-hydroxy-2-butanone 550

(acetoin). The inoculation of S. cerevisiae might have excluded the growth of other species that 551

can produce these undesired compounds. Therefore, we hypothesize that the S. cerevisiae starter 552

culture did not only directly alter the cocoa flavor by producing pleasant aroma-active 553

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compounds such as esters, but also indirectly, by preventing the growth of other species that 554

produce unwanted aromas. Testing the most promising yeasts on a larger scale is still required to 555

validate the results. The differences in cocoa liquor volatiles between spontaneous and inoculated 556

fermentations were reflected in the consumer panel’s significant preference for the inoculated 557

fermentations. The consumer panel significantly preferred chocolate produced with H28, 558

identifying this newly developed hybrid as the most promising candidate for commercial starter 559

culture. 560

Together, our results demonstrate the potential of carefully selected and improved yeast strains as 561

starter cultures for cocoa pulp fermentations. The use of such starter cultures results in more 562

consistent fermentation profiles and ultimately yields high-quality chocolate. 563

Acknowledgements 564

The authors thank Niels Vanhoudt, Tom Wenseleers and Verstrepen lab members for their help 565

and suggestions. A special thanks to the Barry Callebaut innovations team and in particular 566

Herwig Bernaert for their support in the execution and successful conclusion of this project. 567

Research in the lab of KJV is supported by Barry Callebaut, ERC Starting Grant 241426, VIB, 568

EMBO YIP program, FWO, and IWT. 569

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Figure legends 745

Fig. 1. Intraspecific diversity of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae population in two spontaneous 746

Malaysian cocoa pulp fermentations as determined by interdelta analysis. Box fermentation 1 747

(B1, October 2011) and heap fermentation 1 (H1, October 2011), as described in (8). The total 748

yeast count (left axis) is represented by a thick black line. The dashed arrows indicate when the 749

yeast cell counts rise to, or drop below the detection limit. Solid arrows indicate turning. Clusters 750

consisting of the same (or very closely related) strain(s) are represented using a color code (Fig. 751

S1). All non-S. cerevisiae strains are displayed in grey. Note that the scale for the total yeast 752

count (left Y-axis) is logarithmic, whereas individual S. cerevisiae strains and the non-S. 753

cerevisiae moiety in the population at a given time point (indicated by the colors) are presented 754

as the relative fraction of the total population on a linear scale. 755


Fig. 2. Temperature tolerance tests of parental strains and hybrids. Strains were tested in 757

duplicate, of which only one representative is shown. The parental strains Y115 and Y927 are 758

displayed, together with H1-H32 (first-generation hybrids resulting from mass mating Y115 and 759

Y927) and H33-H37 (second-generation hybrids, resulting from backcrossing H28 to its parent 760

Y115). Strains selected for lab- and pilot-scale fermentations are indicated in orange. 761


Fig. 3. Lab-scale competition experiments in cocoa pulp. Selected strains and hybrids were 763

competed in 100 mL cocoa pulp against a Hygromycin (Hyg)-tagged transformant of the 764

reference strain Y115. Error bars represent the 95% confidence intervals, calculated based on 765

three biological replicates. See Materials and Methods for details. 766

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Fig. 4. Yeast population dynamics during spontaneous and inoculated cocoa pulp pilot-scale 768

fermentations. Two spontaneous pilot-scale fermentations (SA and SB) and 12 inoculated 769

fermentations (six strains performed in duplicate, “A”-replicates are shown here, “B”-replicates 770

are shown in Fig. S5) were monitored (see Materials and Methods for details). Temperature (right 771

axis) is indicated as a dashed black line. The dashed arrows indicate when the yeast cell count 772

rises to or drops below the detection limit. Note that the scale for the total yeast count (left Y-773

axis) is logarithmic, whereas individual yeast species in the population at a given time point 774

(indicated by the colors) are presented as the relative fraction of the total population on a linear 775

scale. Absolute concentrations for individual species are given in Table S7. Percentages of 776

identity are reported when <100% identity with type strain sequences (see Materials and Methods 777

for details). Turning of the fermenting cocoa beans was carried out after 48 h of fermentation 778

(solid vertical arrows). C.: Candida, H.: Hanseniaspora, P.: Pichia, S.: Saccharomyces, Sc.: 779

Schizosaccharomyces, St.: Starmerella, T.: Torulaspora. 780


Fig. 5. Analysis of performance of inoculated yeast strains during pilot-scale cocoa pulp 782

fermentations. The (relative) population sizes were calculated based on a representative number 783

of isolates taken at every time point (Table S7 for numerical values, see Materials and Methods 784

for details). A: number of generations during the first 24 h of the fermentation, displayed as the 785

mean ± SD. B: relative population size of the different inoculated strains during the fermentation. 786

Values are represented as the mean ± SD. 787


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Fig. 6. Principal component analysis of volatiles in cocoa liquor produced from spontaneous and 789

inoculated fermentations. A: Score plot of two spontaneous fermentations (SA and SB) and 790

fermentations inoculated with six Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains (tested in duplicate, A and 791

B). For hybrid H19, only one replicate was available. Values represent technical GC–MS analysis 792

duplicates. B: Corresponding loading plot of 41 compounds related to cocoa pulp fermentation 793

identified using GC-MS. 794

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Tables 795

Table 1. Overview of the yeast strains used in this study. 796

Strain code Strain genotype Strain origin Natural strains Y115 Wild-type This study Y397 Wild-type This study Y927 Wild-type (8) Hybrids selected for pilot-scale fermentations H19 Hybrid (Inbred Y927) This study H28 Hybrid (Outbred Y115 x Y927) This study H37 Hybrid (Inbred H28) This study Competition experiments Y115-Hyg Contains Hygromycin B resistance

marker integrated in Chr.XV:39657..39803

This study

H28-Hyg Contains Hygromycin B resistance marker integrated in Chr.XV:39657..39803

This study

Screening reference strains EX436 (Klus) Wild-type (61) L2323 Wild-type (37) NCYC 441 (K28) Wild-type NCYC 441 NCYC 1001 (K2) Wild-type (35) NCYC 1407 (K1) Wild-type NCYC 1407 Y173 (killer-sensitive) Wild-type This study Y481 (killer-sensitive) Wild-type This study W303 Wild-type (33) 797

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Table 2. Comparison of chocolates by consumer panel made from inoculated pilot-scale cocoa pulp fermentations. Sixteen panelists were asked 798

to compare the spontaneous reference and parental strains (Y115 and Y927) with the hybrids (H19, H28 and H37). The number of panelists that 799

prefers chocolate made with the parental strains is indicated on the left. 800

H19 H28 H37

Intense, strong with sweet, fruity and sour hints

Intense, full, sweet, soft, smooth, nice aftertaste

Very aromatic, sweet, milky, on the edge of too sweet

Y115 N.A. 5-11 9-7 Y927 8-8 3-13* 6-10 Spontaneous 3-13* 1-15* 4-12* P-values were calculated using the binomial test (probability=0.50). *: p ≤ 0.05. H19 is a Y927 inbred, H28 an outbred between Y115 and Y927, 801

and H37 a H28 inbred. 802

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