:"z*mm ""^ '"""" " ' '""' " """"" ' "" ' | | 1 """ | "" 11 ,n •'"-" ' "" " ,fif '—'" < si 'SMBrnm?wLw^mmmmmm January 24. 1935 CATHOLIC COURIER 1 / Better Housing FOR THE HOMEMAKER. i5?-a-.-A=-r: , ! _ ." ; '| r.~..-^~*.v..-,,~ v &£& NEW BISHOP ABANDONED ENGINEER ! •CAREER TO ENTER SEMINART AT 28 i B} M. MASSIAXI ; (Paris Correspondent, N. C W. C. PJBWS SERVICE) I Paris (NCWCi The new Bishop , title "A Word from the Bishop." named by the Sovereign Pontiff These articles were intended to for the See of Nanry. the Most keep his clergy alive to the duties Rev. Marcel Klcury, ix a former of their apostolate and informed engineer, who. until tlu; ii&a of aL 4 on. curresi„*rra*a. in cneUf relation, was tsttgsified in industry. to religious affairs. j After completing hl.i studies at j Archbishop [toques formerly was i the Catholic Institute' of Paris, he a director nf ih r Seminary of iMm-f went to Runic tu study tor uii'dV He took possession of his episcopal J gree of Doctor of Theology. He * See at a time when the Diocese of .' belongs to the Diocese of Ver- IMontauban was ravaged by floods I sallies and has been serving as ' The charitable zeal and the devo- ' an important i tion which he displayed won for | ; him great popularify throughout j -the region J Physical Director Tells You How To Maintain Health % pastor of Dourdan agricultural center. Three new Archbishops were ap- pointed at the sunic time, all of •wboln became. Bishop* at the same time, five years ugo. They-are: The Most Rov. Kmile Roques. Bishop of Montauban. Archbishop of Alx-en-Provence. the Most Rev. Verglle Beguin. Bishop of Belicy. Archbishop of Auch. and the Most ' - * ' Rev. Loula Flllon, Bishop of Lan- . This week's rule for maintaining | gres. Archbishop of Bourges. . health advocated by Physical Pi- i Archbishop Fillon was formerly (rector, Wilbur E. Qulnn of Celum- ' a missionary of the Aroh4fec«w.j«:,;i»w Clkit-JJejttet.iaHow*:: -\?: • —i - fiwtt-He. wa*"Wie •founder "of the TTHV Y 6 i : SllOl'IJd EXERCISE l new .Parish of St. I-eon at Paris. TO KEDl CE i where he built the church and its ' As you will remember, the effect ' various halls according to the meat ' of exercise Is the destroying of tis- modern plana. sue'and;JbMining up of tat. J .. Tirchblshob. Begun, formerly an ; The human body Is covered with; - archTpYIest of Sedan, in the Arch- ' layers of tissue T h e body in ep- ( diocese of Rhelms, is the ouLstand- tremely stout people is covered, Ing Jtmoialfrt among the French ***•» ° "ir"" ot fat under the skin. ( hierarchy He has published week- This fit I s nature's protection, <* ly. as a. lead in hx» tiemainr Re- T against eoid Von wiTI have; no- /• HgeuAr, a short artule under. the!'''** 1 . r ° r lOSi^oee, «* eeto -weather, f _. • ' " " or after swimming in cold writer, i that your skin feels cold, is cold ' Vet under the skin, the tissues re- main warm. _^, ' This is largely dye tp tbe. Aaty i ~tay*r'under the skin which acts as an insulator Against cold- Thej •jtissues are also streaked with lay-' . ers of fat as you will notice ttrf .'buying beef nt the butcher Hhop When you eycrclse. this fnt furn- inhes the energy and heat to iceep jthe muscles flexible and resilient, t It la "consumed" by the tissue in I developing heat Mid energy. • ," When you exercise tho muscles frontract and espand.~ i! 'breaklng; up" I the cells the- rat IS- Used up .and , passes away in perspiration or is ' absorbed in the blood stream and carried off through the organs. •Bl'RNINO. IF" EAT- _._ j ' Your flrst aim is to prodwee < musi ular effort to create a demand II Th* BUSINESS REVIEW COLUMNS guide t9-;jfSBBkfL\ and valm I OENKJttl, -fr^t'RANCE Egbert F. Ashley Co. H or ,h0 oncrEy thnl l s wpp " od by fov^J fe'.^'aj jto'f-,'; y,-"j t ^yj Wf*&*Stl 2.?.;,--^ Roche*!**, N. Y. ,• I8S2 S? Year, 1S34 •:•-.•• i-GLEI^-<77S'; - " ' " lown Talk Bak Inc.- Ml-607 Pnllnan Areno* termry Day Wa Co Tow W*j Society for the Propagation of the Faith Foreign Missions Diocese of ITocries^r, N . Y. Home . Mission* DlfifCtOR - RiT Leo C. Moonry B E L PROPOSES FILM CONTROL BOARD M M stone i4« IS&SBBggELWKgZW stone - ,492 COLUMBUS CfVIC CENTER, 50 Chertnut S*r«e T ST FRANCE XAVHR WASTHI OfMATCfr CATHOtIC rUHlOttan SIMCC THE APoint). -ntit PosTAae JTAM* MONORWO HIM IS Ota Of A XAVItR 5trjl£5 f r»OM PORTUOOf SC INMA WHEftE.AMOlW OTHERPlACfi HtlJWOM* tftSMKOftrlOffG THE AFRICAN D4.ACK5. atJilttflPfaAl PA~ ISOA Or! W I 2JO,6M(ATHOUC NISROCt OT THIi COUNTftY.THfAC AW MIAJrlY D.OOO.OOOrlEHBUlf Of IHt RMjj.H£RtLALT06n>«ft. ... .... THI UNITED iTATtJ tMMNjotr " "'*—"*""" «•---— KSQUC TAMP 1898 ffiStS±!Sg""'-IS«HT5 aa.*5af5BS3«. AY A »1CTUM1QU* POJTAtt* 5TAMP I55UE0 IN JESUIT MHJiO»*ea-MABTYRJ WHO LAeo«iO AMOMOfKC ^ INDIANS IN N-V. STATE GET A BRICK OF . lee Cream At Dealer Todav Quart and Pint BrlcK< LOOK FOR OUR BLUE SIGNS he fot In and around the tissue cells. f J Next yon shonM lor-compTlsh. "a ) man- firtivc i in ulatlon of the blood i which nic.in-* throivlng off wa-ntc [ products by the organs of the body I <i as a result of using the storcd-up f»t>-to 3jrodm» onergy - ; • __. The blood goes through two pro- cesses Ift its. journey through tht> body It i< pumped through.the heart and ^iasSed through.th£ kld v iieya whore eertnm waste products are removed k But this rushing around of tile Hlooit stream nctivntcs all your org- ans. It ttimulntes the peristaltic nrtion of your intestines, the ac- tion- COTSOS the Intestines to keep their contents moving downward and outward After vigorous ex- ercising you wrifi note a feeling of phy^icnj exhilaration all over your body unless yoo ha\-e not over done i: an<i_ JficL-tifed---^^PriAT "VTrrj SHOULD AVOID Exercising reduce* Uw weight. j proper dieting prevents the form- ing Of new fat. And th«t is the only real secret of weight reduc- tion CRANCE FUNERAL HOME PMI H. Crane*, rVoprtator Formerly with J. E. SfiM DI$NIFfED FUNERAl SERVICE LADY ASSISTANT Local and long Distance Ambulanea Sarvica 102 SwrtK Gmttnt St. Itaaca, N. X. Dial 22«J (Catholic^: .Courier CARRIERS' It is an excellent idea to olTer your prospects a sample ropy of the CATHOLIC. COURIER to be sent through the mall Get their permission to do so and then send In the names and addresses to the office We will take care of your requests on Thursday of each week In turn, so time your next approach to them, that they have had a few daya to look the paper over We can send sample copies through the mail only, so as not to corrfOHe the amount of your returns doe us each week. LABOR' KG.PROTEST - AMENDMENT IS W MEXICO IS OPPOSED HERE GIVEN HULL (( inttinurd (run P<w Our)- and we want to oliniinnii' it. but wc don't believe tile proposed (Continued from Pagi One) n telegram was. sent to President liooieveit requesting a hearing on the resolution at the President's amendment Is the right way to zo enrhost eenrrrrfenrF The commit- about it " he said "This ,im, n,j | 0P wna advised that tho matter ment is an unfair extension of ihc find been referred jB_ih_S»cwe.tary- fjjeral^6licejrjower,tgjhxjnmnwjn—nf state: aria" yesterday's confer- and destruction of the right-, of the once was tho result, states, local governments and the The committee representing the family. It would bring 40 per . rnt Knights of Columbus was comoosed Of oar population or 45.ouui)«|.r«mi-*Tir WitrtinTT T"ftrlrToa^ "Supreme* on beings under 18 venr» of ii K e Knight. William J McQinley. Su under direct control o/the Congress preme Secretary; D. J Callahan, of the United States Far from Supreme Treasurer, and John B. protecting child life from exploita- Swift and James Donahoe, Supreme tion it would harness it to Congres- Pi rectors Announcing Now that the mid-year exams are . about-tft'ery ottr carrteT boys ought /-y j IT || r% t0 be-fh- high gear, mentally. We VjOOU lieaitn UairV surgpst that they try their hand at J hurtierous poetry based on flici- ' dents connected with peddling the CATHOLIC COURIER. Send them Products Co. JOHN C. HAEGE. Prej. sional supervision without regard to the educational abilities of the individual child or the fumily re- sponsibilities. On the surface it is labor legislation. Inphcitv it in ecl- •acattpimi Hi scope and would ire- ate an un-American institution, the federal- department of cduciion ' Harmful child labor is pnuienlh non-exiatwnt. Father Koery said "Tho 1030 federal census »hc>.v» a steady decline stnere the turn of the century In the number of rhll dren under 1(1 galnfull> employed In 1800. percentage of boys 10 to IS working for pay" was 2fl I pjir i cnt in l»3u it was 8 4 per rent Knr girls .during the jAnie years the percentage feH from to 2 per cen" to 2 8 per cent In 1930 only abom 130,000 young persons under If*" years of age weregairrfulli em pteyetl IB Hazardous or harmful or* 'cupations Since 1930 depression unemployment haa cnuscd a fnr.hcr rapid drop in employment of <hil dren. KRA codes have eliro-'nated child labor from, every hazardous. ii farvincj formar frlandi *n4 emlomart Htcjhail Grada Pasteuriied Milk and Cream IS* Cao> St- rait Ccar-aee Hit-) Where Quality MEATS . came from FAHY MARKET 54 Andrews S t In and, if acceptable, .we JKUI. in- ' elude them in future appearances of this column. Limit your efforts , to four or six lines. Be sure to fill out your return envelopes properly, including your name and address i Again^ejukJhatjtoji^H^tdi-foi^ r-aJltTTfijep your receipts In the event of a disagreement as to the amount of returns due us, because of previous shortage In returns, we will ask for thenr as proof of pay- ment «. : PRIEST, KETJTBED ARMY - - OFFICER, 18 DEAD AT 7S -cN.CW.O—Canon Edou- ard Rollin, who has died at Mon- tauban at the age of 73 l _Was_A-Klk. - -tta»d-artutery -atfi£er7 Canon Rollin entered the .'semi- nary after ff withdrawing from the command of his regiment and was ordained some years ago. Me was a commander of the Legion of Honor WIDMER'S OLD DINNER WINES war* famou. for yean awfor* prohibition. Titty hayf »g*d and riperwd i n , our. bondad wfrw cellars under the care of men sfa'Hed by years of e»par»*nee in ftw Wntner's «H. Whan ftAifiaSr* rt ^ ONE WINES^ Atlielsin Oenouncrd The resolution, 'expressing the voice of five hundred thousand patriotic liberty loving. Christian men of America, and. as we believe, expressing tho sentiments of God- fearing men and women every- where " declares in part that "the Supreme Board of Directors of the Knights of Columbus denounces the atheistic principles that actn- ate those In control of tho Mexl- rnn CJovernment as opposed to re- ligion, morality, Justice, and liberty. (CiMluilisif (mm l\i<lf Our) ("oMmissTou" shall" either reject II entirely or suggest modifications." It Is also provided that the Commission shall appoint super- visors to aasiat producers and di- rectors in the process of produc- tion, in- applying the standards of the measure,"as interpreted by tho! Commission. It is provided that "tho Commis- sion may without inspection issue permits for motion picture films Intended solely for scientific, edu- cational, industrial, charitable, or religious purposes, provided tho owner thereof, either personally or by his duly authorized representa- tive, shall file a sworn description of the mm 4niL.o, .«ut#ment that fffiTftlm is wot to be exhibited at any private or public place of amusemont," ^ ' Two Women on Beard I The Commlsaio.tr provided for in Qie-BIll would be composed Of five * members, two of whom shall be > w.ptn.c.a.-ond. not- niuce_lhan-ttTr*e-6f whom shall he members of the same political party. The terms of the members -would be - for six ye*** The funeral Trade Commis- sion would lose the authority it now possesses to regulate the in- dustry. The purpose of the s< guJfci£jBi&.*c tette^tHTir^.^Ie^^ TiTcture' rnOustry against unfair J trade £raejlce^.M4.i*an«»x»i>i4~*o T - "proviao Just settlement of com- plaints of. unfajt u<iallng«Mo -pro- vuTeTfor the manufacture of whole- some motion pictures, both silent and talking, at the sources of pro- duction; to oreato a Federal Mo- tion Picture Commission, to define Ita p.ojl'cjpju. And-~4'«r- other- jnn^r' iuww-- :. ..:. Ko person.4ttIBrnv^»wl*-*«-per--f'- rnTOcd to carry an_any Jicahch of ,'Ke motion plctoto huslness tn ccTimercc unless, he registered- with the Commission under such rules, arfd regulations, anjthe. Com- mission prescribed. * A Moral'Estimate Of Mdtfoh Pictures Recently Released tQown'ii Work—Sodality Krrdee) 44teteawte of Jan, VK \MB from Chi- cago Council, Legion of Decency) Class A J PletHi-ea tn Mils group •re considered unobjectionable and suitable for public rntertslmnent; —t*i- The Alpine Violin Maker; Anne of Green Gables; <B< Ba- boona; The Barretts of Wimpoto Street; Tlie Best Mori Wins; Big Hearted Herbort; Bright Eyes; <C> Cliarlie Chan in Paris; dive of In- dia; The County Chairmani..(Dl ©avid tJopporfleld. tPi Flirtation Walk: tc»> Gentlemen Are Born: GjraatLjaht-Xati, fl) Imitation of Life; In Old Santa If y o u neeeT; tt'.'jrat that, extra room Jh 'ilie **ttfcv the aori««r ¥» one w a y of atfilln| light attd. van* tilatlon and more Head room to tbe converted «^»ci>." _^,. ^.'.„ Buv-deh'C JtafB go ahead blmdly. A dormer may mar the. outside ap« pearanco of your house If -.you msko it too largo or too bulky. Brltor a, serle* of small dormers ^ffitut tMte-ttrf*- .4flfmer4Ji*t wtn pleUly dominates the exterior. Her* are three .dorfnerg that might--iteHW t»<^it:hcat»e~ ^.^. K*«p t*em imn»lrfWW«mp1erSn3 try to have them harihojihta with the rpom_..aiai—tht--rest-^>f—the house Re-Kaoflua; Vaur Home If yon need a new root .on your- homo, be sure to find out If It it ncconsory to remove the old roof Ing end if tho roof boards are solid, be nurn^l choose «--roonnjr ihaforlal that will harmotiixe with the srcbitootnro *rf_g>u£jfiflUaft« HeHdorndJrH— B * l ^ t «*'«ir "queer, gsmd? and freaUlVh rooting; patterns. In an Fe, (L) The Lawless JRrontlePf- «fff rl ** - 1 * oHg*n»J. " Little Men; TBe Little Minister; A*«rd the corttrMt to a reliable The LK-es of a Bengal Lancer: A room LSS^S^3^SMsMM«H^ fc-ost tady^boutsertfseen-'Sf Y&&T- •*hrWtGmtmW^*Gffir?% sia. iM) Marls Ga'lante; The workmajuftip. Mighty Barnum; Music In the Air (N) Nlght^Alarro; <0> One Night of Love; fPl The President Van- ishes; <R> Romance JB Budapest) The Rustlers of Red Dog:- <S> Sec- ret Bride: -Sequoia-; Thrr Sundown Trail; Sweent Adeline. «Ti. Thun- der Over Panama^ (ill The.Uflton- trrreroa' Bahitlt; (Wi What Evory Woman Knows. The White Cocka- too; The» White Parade. Wolf Riders. limit B: Ficbires In this group are considered more or less objec- tionable In SPOTS because of their possible suggestlvenem or vulgarity or sophistication or lack of mod- esty. Neither approved or forbld- MK'UII. nun limy, justice, a»u unerty, , j._. i.„ 4 t ,..-,/ _. and as a menace and a peril to the ^ i X X S ^ Rr£ well-being of the people of this na ' ' B> *artitrta<m. Broa Hon and the perpetuity of the prio- cTprc? to wBIcTi Lhis nation Is dedi- Bordertown, Broadway Bill fC) The Captain Hates the Sea Chained; Cleopatra: <Dt Desirable .nted and. believing that by Its J /^ M ^ W ?<£>?£ Cnv^i .end .... the Mexican Government ' "* A " X^™',.,™,?* 6 .. G *? D1 has forfeited its right to further .assouiu+oo-witfe oar government and to the friendly relations, and soi ml and commercial intercourse, vorcee. The Gilded Lady; til, I've Burnt Around; <K> Kidnapping Go- rillas ;(M) Mills of the Gods; <N) "Neath the Arizona Skies; (0> Out' thai should e^lst betweenivTli^d'i'«« t^l/TLT^ PW " U 2 V<3 ' nations, and particularly those \Tft£S££L?%, P " ^ ,^nT"" whose proximity Brings.them Into \%,•*%&?£*;''"' ^f. d ",' T £ M: close and intimate contact, and be- ^ L ] ? e *t, S2"' s ***• S,n « , Sin * commercialized or industrial ocru- lieving that a continuation of such JZI^LJZLT ' ^ ** J* Crtm*-; pation. It Row ia.evuu.iu. ebat -these retetiorr* vhjbjrteB every principle of ; TZf W f^ W„.M a Y •%! " ' particular gains will be mado per- morality, decency and right upon , ^ ' , , . „*L ft W r £! ^ ccus< " ; ' T?" manent by the present Congress in which this nation, is founded, we £°™ M,ym °» : w °™«* "> the hereby petition the Government of ' ?«"' „ . «,, ». , ... the Cnited States. In pursuance of '„**?„Vi Z Fl ,B thf " 5'?"" lU Ideals of ChriSSTan civilization. "™ f" J?"*^, '" d ''''* n * , an ' 1 m ' tn make representations to the Gov-| S S ^ L r U " m f< " pUb " < ' **"*" ernmont of Mexico, that unlessthe I ^TmZHV -y~^y-Trr-T--^r"™ , "*~'~''^" «rie^e*rtirrmrTpTalne^-or-are^ ^ Be ed forthwith, further recognition !S ad ' J? r , il oni £,?' Enlighten Thy of the Mexican Government will be ' £ a "f?'f' , J? ,c / i « rh " I ?f HX?- X"« withdrawn and diplomatic relations ' S''« bir,, V, 1 Tbe ^ Bnde The Girl ^ between the United States and the ;*,f° m Missouri Hat. Coat and Mexican Government will be sever- ' £ * * '-1 H ^ H^ ? lm .7! y the Cf j - ,iC3ent, The Life of Vergie Winters. '„ » . ' Lfmehouse Blues, Madam DuBorry, . 4M«n ot the Nhrht, K Mgaefn Hero, One More River. Of Human Bond- age, Scarlet Empress, Side Streets, the revised NRA There is no na tional child labor problem today than ran possibly justify as Impor- tant a delegation of state sover- eignty as would be cffe< ted by this aroendme_ntj_' i .^ m , . lHore~8u"ita.ble and valid means of eliminating unfair competition between different states with dif- ferent labor standards may be de- vised. Father Foery believes "The commissioners on uiyform State laws have long'advocated a uniform child labor act draftcd.Jy._»ji— them which cjomalns .sucfi re'gula- tions as may reasonably be dealt with under uniform state provi- sions." he continued "Likewise there is now_bgfoxe_tho_ld3 ljrrrnv^"Bnrprov1ding for the ere samo time look jo_fhe ml At the metal work, gutters", flashlngi, val.- teyirsitd doWnepOUM. They will probably need replacing. CopyFIgW "WKU Service: • Moravia Parisii floWs Successful Card Party; Winners Are Announced FLOORS Fr.'Miorphy Addresses Sodality ID A U O U r It Straight From the Heart, The iJIoilUl-Oi-Busslar- — _Aubu«3 Rev—Roy" Morphy, sus- sistant pastor at Holy Family 0 . , -. , „_„ „_ A ' Church, Rochester, and a graduate S I S t e r S Nuiged 278,00ft of J*t Marys School. Auburn, was. I„ f^fa M i s s i o n III Y e t f V ation of a state commission to ne gotiate and recommend'for enact , r , . ment interstate compacts under the * ueBt /Pe«ker at the Jantuary congressional sanction, fixing uni- ""wting of the Voung J^adies So-; , . , _.. , form standards of laws relating to ^ality of St. Alphonaus Church ?? X ™\&*}*:™V" C \ - p ' de » > labor and industry. Either of these held at Recreation Center, Water . - I » * e t ^ e e hospit^ staffed by methods will secure the good that S trect - "War Morphy delivered the.»f*™ <[f/«"». Mary and J6- siacere advocates of the cWld labor • " »«Mreaa on "Catholic Action.". « P h . o ' B o W e £ u C , Holland, in the amendment desires. They will also , Tm> meeting was largely attended £ m "*i"_?« to i?' ,s f lon »f "> e avoid the obvious dangers inherent a "« presided over by Miss Caro- ' fj™ «*".^ a » h «f*'*•*» ,^ l ;P atl *1' s in the broad constitutional change." ,inc Casper, president received treatment in. 1933-34, while Mothers of the young women , " 2 ^ ^ P«*««» JV«re norsed by were special guests for this affair. | tt * f f * * ? * fc Y*^ e dispenwaty or Rev. Francis Waterstraat. spiritual on >J , * i L»t^ : t**oiia*-vialta. An Irish crier at Baliinasloe be. ing ordered,.to clear the court, did %M'™ZZ£ Zt^ZZZu tSXHlOZ]" IOwVW"tfo"Sla^*li«wttaJa is so by ^announcement: "Now * * ^ • * * * a few Word » ^™»KLJ? K £,^TZX^^v.^Z^L': then, all ye blackguards that isn't we occasion - lawyers -must leave the eourt." ( -Western 'Catholic Support Catholic Education. recognized by the Government aa a jcompouiadtar school, and the other j two have the official approbation JIS training schooln for midwives. < , If aXOoat N«w flaara lartsHaa Old aoan rttSnlikea. C. 8. Bokhor TH*—J, M. Alpkaft TO*. KatlMataa, Infarmailaai ar Uiaratsre -FLOF&ivCHHIST ttalldera' Hiehauica, I*» tmtHO IT. Mal> ease B»elMHrt4W, M. 1. 1 ' V STOELTZLEN A TAFPER, JWC. CAKPENTERS t BUILDERfi Storm Windows—Screens PbrcB Inelosuresr—Combination DOOW Eedcalsatieal Cau>*l»g Jobbing of all kinds promptly ssttended t o After 1 », m. Call CKatH Ml Ii a. tratrr Mala ••»» "ii i ii I, ni DEVISSERBEOE HARDWARE "DnPONl* PAimSf Mower City- Pic, G&r, mwey Hotheater, N. Y. Gleowoed mi : "I'm" I' riiiii Inure aniliimiii^iinitfu'iifiiiiriiin^-iijiiV • ' . c ..* .*.( - ^iSmmmd of. y ww&#'^0$$MMM m An4 Wti& : $m the tnf/u8irirf 0 -oi;i||iilt«|ii ; Mornvla. Another In a series of card parties under auspicei/ of members of St Patrick's Oitlrch, was given Wednesday srvenLag, Jan. 11. In the headquarters flf the American Legion and Wn» largely attended a n d enjoyed: Among t h e women bridge players Miss ICsther Nolan had high score. William K. Wade- topped tB?'"?nen players T h e high scores a* "SOh" were held •&}> liflas Agnes Byrne and" Michael Hoflfernan. Special prizes wore .won by Miss Marjorlo Hewitt and Charles Hoffernan. After the games, refreshments which Included, salads, variety of sandwiches, 4 cup cakes, Brownies and coffee, were fleryed, The- conr-'' ntttlec ivaa comprised of: Miss Catherlno Mahon, chairman^ Mrs. Charles OTVeil, Mrs. Frank Mc- Donald. Miss Mary L Ward. Miss Mildred Kenncy,. Miss Anastasla Reilley, Frank McDonald, Millard M. Green, Charles O'Noil, John Adi»tols«rs»io». Heffeman a^JMteJMtta»hy«™«-. -«MFH«--«O0((«f^t3I^Bir^»«fi»T trra jpritons of tim^^i^^f^ tjre . himuieedo #»* *'" A * ^ s;a " man's . cakes, $ii»r p^^^^ . roU and - c o & p # - ^ r ^ M i g «very dtfm'vk.&&*iM^ cuuntew. INFORMAltm about the NATIONAL HOUSING ACT READERS of «hs CATHOLIC COURIER* .ra lav!*.. i» oM*t« fltt eeiW of • booUat on (ha "tsltar Hoinlnj •roeram" of Ida federaj H*tnl*t . atailiJ Informalles aWhd «e# pt can basa«» from this rwoatrnfzatieft ffoflfam,,, Clia tad malt hVe»te*»## new for the coeiplaTe facfi, s*¥ Pleate atlst ar wrlfa alaisly. "~ A AJ ^* r f* ftasie fSvs »l«n. .. I iaiat^-. Ms (he ^MMjthfef siatalHlei faemi la -m, ktttfr A, soma m^araJiafU. I am istwettae In ty»» e l hem* Improvamasf c|il<|sd..ias'leiri t I Eleeirleal Wert t J Add»le«el (teeei* r J Ha.llna, f } He*t#fli* . jg * *" f i,V f Of , Hera WrH« Am* QHM TO* *l rrejxat Iscfeea t e tfaMa h» eev»r i JOiTOR * "*— ^«i3 f » * t<

1 / Better Housing FOR THE HOMEMAKER.lib.catholiccourier.com/1935-january-1937-april... · ' Vet under the skin, the tissues re main warm. _^, ' This is largely dye tp tbe. Aaty i

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Page 1: 1 / Better Housing FOR THE HOMEMAKER.lib.catholiccourier.com/1935-january-1937-april... · ' Vet under the skin, the tissues re main warm. _^, ' This is largely dye tp tbe. Aaty i


""^ '"""" "' '""' " """"" ' ""' ||1""" |""11 ,n •'"-" ' "" " ,fif '—'"<si 'SMBrnm?wLw^mmmmmm

January 24. 1935 CATHOLIC COURIER

1 / Better Housing FOR THE HOMEMAKER.


r.~..-^~*.v..-,,~v &£&


B} M. MASSIAXI ; (Paris Correspondent, N. C W. C. PJBWS SERVICE) I

Paris (NCWCi The new Bishop , title "A Word from the Bishop." named by the Sovereign Pontiff • These articles were intended to for the See of Nanry. the Most keep his clergy alive to the duties Rev. Marcel Klcury, ix a former of their apostolate and informed engineer, who. until tlu; ii&a of aL 4 on. curresi„*rra*a. in cneUf relation, was tsttgsified in industry. • to religious affairs. j

After completing hl.i studies at j Archbishop [toques formerly was i the Catholic Institute' of Paris, he • a director nf ihr Seminary of iMm-f went to Runic tu study tor uii'dV He took possession of his episcopal J gree of Doctor of Theology. He * See at a time when the Diocese of .' belongs to the Diocese of Ver- IMontauban was ravaged by floods I sallies and has been serving as ' The charitable zeal and the devo- '

an important i tion which he displayed w o n for | ; him great popularify throughout j -the region J

Physical Director Tells You How To

Maintain Health


pastor of Dourdan agricultural center.

Three new Archbishops were ap­pointed at the sunic time, all of

•wboln became. Bishop* at the same time, five years ugo. They-are:

The Most Rov. Kmile Roques. Bishop of Montauban. Archbishop of Alx-en-Provence. the Most Rev. Verglle Beguin. Bishop of Belicy. Archbishop of Auch. and the Most ' - * ' — Rev. Loula Flllon, Bishop of Lan- . This week's rule for maintaining | gres. Archbishop of Bourges. . health advocated by Physical Pi- i

Archbishop Fillon was formerly (rector, Wilbur E. Qulnn of Celum- ' a missionary of the Aroh4fec«w.j«:,;i»w Clkit-JJejttet.iaHow*:: -\?: • —i

- fiwtt-He. wa*"Wie •founder "of the TTHV Y 6 i : SllOl'IJd EXERCISE l new .Parish of St. I-eon at Paris. TO KEDl CE i where he built the church and its ' As you will remember, the effect ' various halls according to the meat ' of exercise Is the destroying of tis-modern plana. sue'and;JbMining up of tat. J

.. Tirchblshob. Begun, formerly an ; The human body Is covered with; - archTpYIest of Sedan, in the Arch- ' layers of tissue The body in ep- (

diocese of Rhelms, is the ouLstand- tremely stout people is covered, Ing Jtmoialfrt among the French • ***•» ° "ir"" ot fat under the skin. ( hierarchy He has published week- This fit Is nature's protection,

<* ly. as a. lead in hx» tiemainr Re- T against eoid Von wiTI have; no-/ • HgeuAr, a short artule under. the!'''**1 . r° r lOSi^oee, «* eeto -weather, f

_ . • ' " " or after swimming in cold writer, i that your skin feels cold, is cold

' Vet under the skin, the tissues re­main warm. _^, '

This is largely dye tp tbe. Aaty i ~tay*r'under the skin which acts

as an insulator Against cold- Thej •jtissues are also streaked with lay-' . ers of fat as you will notice ttrf .'buying beef nt the butcher Hhop

When you eycrclse. this fnt furn-inhes the energy and heat to iceep

jthe muscles flexible and resilient, t It la "consumed" by the tissue in

I developing heat Mid energy. • ," When you exercise tho muscles frontract and espand.~i!'breaklng; up" I the cells the- rat IS- Used up .and , passes away in perspiration or is ' absorbed in the blood stream and carried off through the organs.

•Bl'RNINO. IF" EAT- _ . _ j ' Your flrst aim is to prodwee < musi ular effort to create a demand I I


guide y» t9-;jfSBBkfL\ and valm I

OENKJttl, -fr^t'RANCE

Egbert F . Ashley Co. Hor ,h0 oncrEy thnl l s wpp"od by

fov^J fe'.^'aj jto'f-,'; y,-"j t

^yj Wf*&*Stl


Roche*!**, N. Y. , • I8S2 S? Year, 1S34

•:•-.•• i -GLEI^ -<77S ' ; - " ' "

lown Talk Bak Inc.-

Ml-607 Pnllnan Areno* termry Day W a Co T o w W*j

Society for the Propagation of the Faith

Foreign Missions

Diocese of

ITocries^r, N . Y.

Home . Mission*

DlfifCtOR -

RiT Leo C. Moonry


stone i4« IS&SBBggELWKgZW stone- , 4 9 2



tftSMKOftrlOffG THE AFRICAN D4.ACK5. a tJ i l t t f lP faAl PA~


. . . .... THI UNITED i T A T t J

tMMNjotr " " ' * — " * " " " « • - - - — KSQUC TAMP


ffiStS±!Sg""'-IS«HT5 aa.*5af5BS3«. AY A »1CTUM1QU* POJTAtt* 5TAMP I55UE0 IN



. lee Cream At Dealer Todav


he fot In and around the tissue cells. f J

Next yon shonM lor-compTlsh. "a ) man- firtivc i in ulatlon of the blood i which nic.in-* throivlng off wa-ntc [ products by the organs of the body I <i as a result of using the storcd-up f»t>-to 3jrodm» onergy - ; • __.

The blood goes through two pro­cesses Ift its. journey through tht> body It i< pumped through.the heart and ^iasSed through.th£ k l d v iieya whore eertnm waste products are removed k

But this rushing around of tile Hlooit stream nctivntcs all your org­ans. It ttimulntes the peristaltic nrtion of your intestines, the ac­tion- COTSOS the Intestines to keep their contents moving downward and outward After vigorous ex­ercising you wrifi note a feeling of phy^icnj exhilaration all over your body unless yoo ha\-e not over done i: an<i_ JficL-tifed---^^PriAT "VTrrj SHOULD AVOID

Exercising reduce* Uw weight. j proper dieting prevents the form­

ing Of new fat. And th«t is the only real secret of weight reduc­tion


P M I H. Crane*, rVoprtator Formerly with J. E. SfiM


Local and long Distance Ambulanea Sarvica

102 SwrtK Gmttnt St. Itaaca, N. X. Dial 22«J

(Catholic^: .Courier C A R R I E R S '

It is an excellent idea to olTer your prospects a sample ropy of the CATHOLIC. COURIER to be sent through the mall Get their permission to do so and then send In the names and addresses to the office We will take care of your requests on Thursday of each week In turn, so time your next approach to them, that they have had a few daya to look the paper over We can send sample copies through the mail only, so as not to corrfOHe the amount of your returns doe us each week.


OPPOSED HERE GIVEN HULL (( inttinurd (run P<w Our)-

and we want to oliniinnii' it. but wc don't believe tile proposed

(Continued from Pagi One) n telegram was. sent to President liooieveit requesting a hearing on the resolution at the President's

amendment Is the right way to zo enrhost eenrrrrfenrF The commit-about it " he said "This ,im, n,j | 0 P w n a advised that tho matter ment is an unfair extension of ihc find been referred jB_ih_S»cwe.tary-fjjeral^6licejrjower,tgjhxjnmnwjn—nf state: aria" yesterday's confer-and destruction of the right-, of the once was tho result, states, local governments and the The committee representing the family. It would bring 40 per . rnt Knights of Columbus was comoosed Of oar population or 45.ouui)«|.r«mi-*Tir WitrtinTT T"ftrlrToa^ "Supreme* on beings under 18 venr» of iiKe Knight. William J McQinley. Su under direct control o / the Congress preme Secretary; D. J Callahan, of the United States Far from Supreme Treasurer, and John B. protecting child life from exploita- Swift and James Donahoe, Supreme tion it would harness it to Congres- Pi rectors

Announcing Now that the mid-year exams are . about-tft'ery ottr carrteT boys ought

/-y j I T | | r% • t 0 be-fh- high gear, mentally. We V j O O U l i e a i t n U a i r V surgpst that they try their hand at

J • hurtierous poetry based on flici-' dents connected with peddling the CATHOLIC COURIER. Send them

Products Co. JOHN C. HAEGE. Prej.

sional supervision without regard to the educational abilities of the individual child or the fumily re­sponsibilities. On the surface it is labor legislation. Inphcitv it in ecl-

•acattpimi Hi scope and would ire-ate an un-American institution, the federal- department of cduciion '

Harmful child labor is pnuienlh non-exiatwnt. Father Koery said

"Tho 1030 federal census »hc>.v» a steady decline stnere the turn of the century In the number of rhll dren under 1(1 galnfull> employed In 1800. percentage of boys 10 to IS working for pay" was 2fl I pjir i cnt in l»3u it was 8 4 per rent Knr girls .during the jAnie years the percentage feH from to 2 per cen" to 2 8 per cent In 1930 only abom 130,000 young persons under If*" years of age weregairrfulli em pteyetl IB Hazardous or harmful or*

'cupations Since 1930 depression unemployment haa cnuscd a fnr.hcr rapid drop in employment of <hil dren. KRA codes have eliro-'nated child labor from, every hazardous.

ii farvincj formar frlandi *n4 emlomart Htcjhail Grada

Pasteuriied Milk and Cream IS* Cao> St­rait Ccar-aee Hit-)

Where Quality MEATS

. came from


54 Andrews S t

In and, if acceptable, .we JKUI. in-' elude them in future appearances of this column. Limit your efforts

, to four or six lines.

Be sure to fill out your return envelopes properly, including your name and address

i Again^ejukJhatjtoji^H^tdi-foi^ r-aJltTTfijep your receipts In the

event of a disagreement as to the amount of returns due us, because of previous shortage In returns, we will ask for thenr a s proof of pay­ment

«. :


-cN.CW.O—Canon Edou-ard Rollin, who has died at Mon­tauban at the age of 73l_Was_A-Klk.

- -tta»d-artutery -atfi£er7 Canon Rollin entered the .'semi­

nary afterff withdrawing from the command of his regiment and was ordained some years ago. Me was a commander of the Legion of Honor

WIDMER'S OLD DINNER WINES war* famou. for yean awfor* prohibition. Titty hayf »g*d and riperwd in , our.

bondad wfrw cellars under the care of men sfa'Hed by years of e»par»*nee in ftw Wntner's «H. Whan

ftAifiaSr* rt ^ ONE WINES^

Atlielsin Oenouncrd The resolution, 'expressing the

voice of five hundred thousand patriotic liberty loving. Christian men of America, and. as we believe, expressing tho sentiments of God­fearing men and women every­where " declares in part that "the Supreme Board of Directors of the Knights of Columbus denounces the atheistic principles that actn-ate those In control of tho Mexl-rnn CJovernment as opposed to re­ligion, morality, Justice, and liberty.

(CiMluilisif (mm l\i<lf Our)

("oMmissTou" shall" either reject II entirely or suggest modifications."

It Is also provided that the Commission shall appoint super­visors to aasiat producers and di­rectors in the process of produc­tion, in- applying the standards of the measure,"as interpreted by tho! Commission.

It is provided that "tho Commis­sion may without inspection issue permits for motion picture films Intended solely for scientific, edu­cational, industrial, charitable, or religious purposes, provided tho owner thereof, either personally or by his duly authorized representa­tive, shall file a sworn description of the mm 4niL.o, .«ut#ment that

fffiTftlm i s wot to be exhibited at any private or public place of amusemont," ^ '

Two Women on Beard I The Commlsaio.tr provided for in

Qie-BIll would be composed Of five * members, two of whom shall be > w.ptn.c.a.-ond. not- niuce_lhan-ttTr*e-6f whom shall he members of the same political party. The terms of the members -would be - for six ye*** The funeral Trade Commis­sion would lose the authority it now possesses to regulate the in­dustry.

The purpose of thes<guJfci£jBi&.*c tette^tHTir^.^Ie^^ TiTcture' rnOustry against unfair

J trade £raejlce^.M4.i*an«»x»i>i4~*oT-"proviao Just settlement of com­

plaints of. unfajt u<iallng«Mo -pro-vuTeTfor the manufacture of whole­some motion pictures, both silent and talking, at the sources of pro­duction; to oreato a Federal Mo­tion Picture Commission, to define Ita p.ojl'cjpju. And-~4'«r- other - jnn^r'

iuww-- :. ..:. — „ Ko person.4ttIBrnv^»wl*-*«-per--f'-

• rnTOcd to carry an_any Jicahch of ,'Ke motion plctoto huslness tn ccTimercc unless, he registered-with the Commission under such rules, arfd regulations, an jthe. Com­mission prescribed. *

A Moral'Estimate Of Mdtfoh Pictures Recently Released

tQown'i i Work—Sodality Krrdee)

44teteawte of Jan, VK \MB from Chi­cago Council, Legion of Decency)

Class A J PletHi-ea tn Mils group •re considered unobjectionable and suitable for public rntertslmnent; —t*i- The Alpine Violin Maker; Anne of Green Gables; <B< Ba-boona; The Barretts of Wimpoto Street; Tlie Best Mori Wins; Big Hearted Herbort; Bright Eyes; <C> Cliarlie Chan in Paris; d i v e of In­dia; The County Chairmani..(Dl ©avid tJopporfleld. tPi Flirtation Walk: tc»> Gentlemen Are Born: GjraatLjaht-Xati, f l ) Imitation of Life; In Old Santa

If y o u neeeT; tt'.'jrat that, extra room J h 'ilie **ttfcv the aori««r ¥» one w a y of atfilln| light attd. van* tilatlon and more Head room to tbe converted «^»ci>." _^,. ^.'.„

Buv-deh'C JtafB go ahead blmdly. A dormer may mar the. outside ap« pearanco of your house If -.you msko i t too largo or too bulky. Brltor a, serle* of small dormers

f̂fitut tMte-ttrf*- .4flfmer4Ji*t wtn pleUly dominates the exterior.

Her* are three .dorfnerg that might--iteHW t»<^it:hcat»e~ ^.^.

K*«p t*em imn»lrfWW«mp1erSn3 try to have them harihojihta with the rpom_..aiai—tht--rest-^>f—the house

Re-Kaoflua; Vaur Home If yon need a new root .on your-

homo, b e sure t o find out If It it ncconsory to remove the old roof Ing end if tho roof boards are solid, be nurn^l choose «--roonnjr ihaforlal that will harmotiixe with the srcbitootnro *rf_g>u£jfiflUaft«

HeHdorndJrH—B*l^t «*'«ir "queer, gsmd? and freaUlVh rooting; patterns. In an Fe, (L) The Lawless JRrontlePf- «fffrl ** -1* oHg*n»J. " Little Men; TBe Little Minister; A*«rd the corttrMt to a reliable The LK-es of a Bengal Lancer: A roomLSS^S^3^SMsMM«H^ fc-ost tady^boutsertfseen-'Sf Y&&T- •*hrWtGmtmW^*Gffir?% sia. iM) Marls Ga'lante; The workmajuftip. Mighty Barnum; Music In the Air (N) Nlght^Alarro; <0> One Night of Love; fPl The President Van­ishes; <R> Romance JB Budapest) The Rustlers of Red Dog:- <S> Sec­ret Bride: -Sequoia-; Thrr Sundown Trail; Sweent Adeline. «Ti. Thun­der Over Panama^ ( i l l The.Uflton-trrreroa' Bahitlt; (Wi What Evory Woman Knows. The White Cocka­too; The» White Parade. Wolf Riders.

limit B: Ficbires In this group are considered more or less objec­tionable In SPOTS because of their possible suggestlvenem or vulgarity or sophistication or lack of mod­esty. Neither approved or forbld-

MK'UII. nun limy, justice, a»u unerty, , j . _ . i.„4 t ,..-,/ _. and as a menace and a peril to the ^ i X X S ^ R r £ well-being of the people of this na ' ' B > *artitrta<m. Broa Hon and the perpetuity of the prio-cTprc? to wBIcTi Lhis nation Is dedi-

Bordertown, Broadway Bill fC) The Captain Hates the Sea Chained; Cleopatra: <Dt Desirable

.nted and. believing that by Its J / ^ M ^ W ?<£>?£ Cnv^i

.end.. . . the Mexican Government ' "* A " X^™',.,™,?*6.. G*? D 1

has forfeited its right to further .assouiu+oo-witfe oar government and to the friendly relations, and soi ml and commercial intercourse,

vorcee. The Gilded Lady; til, I've Burnt Around; <K> Kidnapping Go­rillas ;(M) Mills of the Gods; <N) "Neath the Arizona Skies; (0> Out'

thai should e^lst betweenivTli^d' i '«« t^l/TLT^ P W " U 2 V<3' nations, and particularly those \Tft£S££L?%, P " ^ ,^nT"" whose proximity Brings.them Into \%,•*%&?£*;''"' ^f.d " , ' T £ M :

close and intimate contact, and be- ^ L ] ? e * t , S2"' s ***• S , n « ,S i n* commercialized or industrial ocru- lieving that a continuation of such JZI^LJZLT ' ^ ** J* Crtm*-; pation. It Row ia.evuu.iu. ebat -these • retetiorr* vhjbjrteB every principle of ; TZf W f ^ W „ . M a Y •%! "' particular gains will be mado per- morality, decency and right upon , ^ ' , , . „ * L f t

Wr £ ! ^ c c u s < " ; ' T?"

manent by the present Congress in which this nation, is founded, we £°™ M,ym °»: w°™«* "> the hereby petition the Government of ' ?«"' „ . «,, ». , . . . the Cnited States. In pursuance of ' „ * * ? „ V i Z Fl , B „thf" 5'?"" lU Ideals of ChriSSTan civilization. "™ f" J?"*^, '"d''''*n* ,an'1 m' tn make representations to the Gov- | S S ^ L r U " m f<" pUb"<' **"*" ernmont of Mexico, that unlessthe I ^TmZHV -y~^y-Trr-T--̂ r"™,"*~'~''̂ " «rie^e*rtirrmrTpTalne^-or-are^ ^ Be ed forthwith, further recognition ! S a d ' J?r, i lo n i£,?' Enlighten Thy of the Mexican Government will be ' £ a " f ? ' f ' , J ? , c / i « r h " I ? f HX?- X"« withdrawn and diplomatic relations ' S''«bir, ,V,1

Tbe ^ Bnde The Girl ^ between the United States and the ;*,f°m Missouri Hat. Coat and Mexican Government will be sever- ' £ * * '-1 H ^ H ^ ?lm.7!y t h e

Cfj - ,iC3ent, The Life of Vergie Winters. ' „ » . ' Lfmehouse Blues, Madam DuBorry,

. 4M«n ot the Nhrht, K Mgaef n Hero, One More River. Of Human Bond­age, Scarlet Empress, Side Streets,

the revised NRA There is no na tional child labor problem today than ran possibly justify as Impor­tant a delegation of state sover­eignty as would be cffe< ted by this aroendme_ntj_'i.^m, . „ —

lHore~8u"ita.ble and valid means of eliminating unfair competition between different states with dif­ferent labor standards may be de­vised. Father Foery believes

"The commissioners on uiyform State laws have long'advocated a uniform child labor act draftcd.Jy._»ji— them which cjomalns .sucfi re'gula-tions as may reasonably be dealt with under uniform state provi­sions." he continued "Likewise there is now_bgfoxe_tho_ld3 ljrrrnv^"Bnrprov1ding for the ere

samo time look jo_fhe

ml At the

metal work, gutters", flashlngi, val.-teyirsitd doWnepOUM. They will probably need replacing.

CopyFIgW "WKU Service: •

Moravia Parisii floWs Successful Card Party; Winners Are Announced


Fr.'Miorphy Addresses S o d a l i t y ID A U O U r It Straight From the Heart, The

iJIoilUl-Oi-Busslar- — _Aubu«3 Rev—Roy" Morphy, sus-

sistant pastor at Holy Family 0 . , - . , „ _ „ „_ A ' Church, Rochester, and a graduate S I S t e r S N u i g e d 2 7 8 , 0 0 f t of J*t Marys School. Auburn, w a s . I „ f^fa M i s s i o n III YetfV

ation of a state commission to ne gotiate and recommend'for enact ,r , . ment interstate compacts under t h e * u e B t /Pe«ker at the Jantuary congressional sanction, fixing uni- ""wting of the Voung J^adies So- ; „ , „ . , _ . . , form standards of laws relating to ^ality of St. Alphonaus Church • ??X™\&*}*:™V"C\ - p ' d e » >

labor and industry. Either of these held at Recreation Center, Water . - I » * e t ^ e e h o s p i t ^ staffed by methods will secure the good that S t r e c t - " W a r Morphy delivered the .» f*™ <[f /«"». Mary and J6-siacere advocates of the cWld labor • " »«Mreaa on "Catholic Action.". « P h . o ' B o W e £ u C , Holland, in the amendment desires. They will also , Tm> meeting was largely attended £ m "* i"_?« t o i ? ' * « , s f l o n »f ">e

avoid the obvious dangers inherent a"« presided over by Miss Caro- ' fj™ «*".^ a»h«f*'*•*» ,^ l ;P a t l *1' s in the broad constitutional change." , i n c Casper, president received treatment in. 1933-34, while Mothers of the young women , " 2 ^ ^ P«*««» JV«re norsed by

were special guests for this affair. | t t * f f * * ? *fc Y*^e dispenwaty or Rev. Francis Waterstraat. spiritual o n>J ,* iL»t^ : t**oi ia*-vialta . A n Irish crier at Baliinasloe be.

ing ordered,.to clear the court, did %M'™ZZ£ Zt^ZZZu tSXHlOZ]" IOwVW"tfo"Sla^*li«wttaJa is so by ^ a n n o u n c e m e n t : "Now * * ^ • * * * a f e w W o r d » ^™»KLJ?K£,^TZX^^v.^Z^L': then, all ye blackguards that isn't we o c c a s i o n -lawyers -must leave the eourt." (

-Western 'Catholic Support Catholic Education.

recognized by the Government aa a jcompouiadtar school, and the other j two have the official approbation JIS training schooln for midwives. < ,

If aXOoat — N«w flaara lartsHaa Old aoan rttSnlikea.

C. 8. Bokhor TH*—J, M . Alpkaft TO*. KatlMataa, Infarmailaai ar Uiaratsre

-FLOF&ivCHHIST ttalldera' Hiehauica, I*» tmtHO IT. Mal> ease B»elMHrt4W, M. 1.


CAKPENTERS t BUILDERfi Storm Windows—Screens

PbrcB Inelosuresr—Combination DOOW Eedcalsatieal Cau>*l»g

Jobbing of all kinds promptly ssttended to

After 1 », m. Call CKatH Ml Ii a. tratrr Mala • •»»

" i i i i i I, ni


"DnPONl* PAimSf Mower City- Pic, G&r, mwey

Hotheater, N. Y. Gleowoed mi :

" I 'm" I' r i i i i i Inure aniliimiii^iinitfu'iifiiiiriiin^-iijiiV • ' . c . .* . * . ( -


of. yww&#'^0$$MMM

m An4 Wti&:$m

the tnf/u8irirf0-oi;i||iilt«|ii; M£

Mornvla. Another In a series of card parties under auspicei/ of members of St Patrick's Oitlrch, was given Wednesday srvenLag, Jan. 11. In the headquarters flf the American Legion and Wn» largely attended and enjoyed:

Among t h e women bridge players Miss ICsther Nolan had high score. William K. Wade- topped tB?'"?nen players The high scores a* "SOh" were held •&}> liflas Agnes Byrne and" Michael Hoflfernan. Special prizes wore .won by Miss Marjorlo Hewitt and Charles Hoffernan.

After the games, refreshments which Included, salads, variety of sandwiches, 4 cup cakes, Brownies and coffee, were fleryed, The- conr-'' ntttlec ivaa comprised of: Miss Catherlno Mahon, chairman^ Mrs. Charles OTVeil, Mrs. Frank Mc­Donald. Miss Mary L Ward. Miss Mildred Kenncy,. Miss Anastasla Reilley, Frank McDonald, Millard M. Green, Charles O'Noil, John Adi»tols«rs»io». Heffeman a^JMteJMtta»hy«™«-. -«MFH«--«O0((«f^t3I^Bir^»«fi»T

trra jpritons of tim^^i^^f^ tjre . himuieedo #»* *'" A* ^s;a"

man's . cakes, $ii»r p^^^^ . roU and -co&p#-^r^Mig «very dtfm'vk.&&*iM^ cuuntew.

INFORMAltm about the

NATIONAL HOUSING ACT • READERS of «hs CATHOLIC COURIER* .ra lav!*.. i» oM*t« f l t t ee iW of • booUat on (ha "tsltar Hoinlnj •roeram" of Ida federaj H*tnl*t . atailiJ Informalles aWhd «e# pt can basa«» from this rwoatrnfzatieft ffoflfam,,, Clia tad malt hVe»te*»## new for the coeiplaTe facfi, s*¥ • Pleate atlst ar wrlfa alaisly. "~ A A J ^ * r f *

ftasie fSvs »l«n.

.. I i a i a t ^ - .

Ms (he ̂ MMjthfef siatalHlei

faemi l a -m, ktttfr

A, soma m^araJiafU.

I am istwettae In ty»» e l hem* Improvamasf c|il<|sd..ias'leiri „

t I Eleeirleal Wert t J Add»le«el (teeei* r J Ha.llna,

f } He*t#fli* . jg * *" f i,Vf

Of , Hera WrH« Am* QHM TO* *l rrejxat

Iscfeea te tfaMa h» eev»r i

JOiTOR * "*— ^« i3

f » *
