1 COMS 161 Introduction to Computing Title: Course Introduction Date: August 25, 2004 Lecture Number: 1

1 COMS 161 Introduction to Computing Title: Course Introduction Date: August 25, 2004 Lecture Number: 1

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COMS 161Introduction to Computing

Title: Course Introduction

Date: August 25, 2004

Lecture Number: 1



• I try to make class announcements at this time–Like assignments, program due dates,




• I try to give a brief review of what we covered in the last class to motivate you for this class



• I try to give an outline of the topics we will cover in this class– If all goes well, the outline for this class

becomes the review for the next class

• Rules of the Game– Go through the syllabus and calendar

• Course Introduction


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Professor Paul F. Hemler– New at the HSC this year

– Office: Bagby 110

– Office Hours:• MWF: 3:00pm - 4:00pm• TR: 10:00am - 12:00noon• By Appointment

– There is no reason we cannot find and set-up a meeting time


COMS 161 - Syllabus

– Semester Schedule

– Class Times:• MWF: 8:30am - 9:20am

–My email address: [email protected]

–My phone number: 223 – 6202

–My home page

–Course home page

–Department home page


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Course Objectives– To develop a thorough understanding of the

organization and functioning of digital computers. Topics include:• Computer architecture• Systems• Theory• Logic• Programming


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Course Objectives (Cont.)– To achieve a thorough understanding of the

organization and use of the Internet and the World Wide Web

– To better understand multimedia and networking as methods for information exchange


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Course Objectives (Cont.)– To understand and appreciate the ethical,

moral, and legal issues surrounding computers and computer networks

– To gain a historical perspective on today’s computer and network technologies

– To become aware of many facets of the computer science discipline


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Course Textbook– Exploring the Digital Domain, Second

Edition by Ken Abernethy and Tom Allen


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Course Grading Policy– Straight-up, no curves, tricks, or illusions

Letter Points

A 95 - 100

A- 90 - 94

B+ 87 - 89

B 83 - 86

B- 80 - 82

Letter Points

C+ 77 - 79

C 73 - 76

C- 70 - 72

D+ 65 - 69

D 60 - 64

F 0 - 59


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Point Distribution

Homework 20%

Exams 40%

Papers 20%

Final Exam 20%


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Homework: 20%– Homework assignments to help you

understand the book material

– No late homework will be accepted• Homework is due at the start of class on the

due date


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Homework: 20% (Cont.)– Write your solutions clearly and concisely

on the paper you hand in• The work you hand in is a reflection of you• Make it look good and easy for me to evaluate

– Put a box around your final answer


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Exams: 40%– Three exams spaced throughout the


Exam Exam Date Weight

1 9/22/04 10%

2 10/25/04 15%

3 11/19/04 15%


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Exams: 40% (Cont.)– Closed book, Open mind

– No make-up exams unless your absence is excused

– Come prepared


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Research papers: 20%– Two research papers on topics related to

the course will be required

Paper Due Date

1 10/01/04

2 11/15/04


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Research papers: 20% (Cont.)– Here are some potential topics and we will

discover more as the course progressed.

– Feel free to investigate any Computer Science topic you may be interested in.


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Research papers: 20% (Cont.)– The papers should be written according to

the guidelines you learned in you Rhetoric 101 and 102 classes

– Papers must be on a topic that is new to you• Paper should not have been or is being done

for another course


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Research papers: 20% (Cont.)– Grading

• Research: - research quality and thoroughness; significance and credibility of sources

• Persuasion: - thesis and arguments presented clearly; sources used effectively; points well-justified

• Style: - grammar and spelling; organization; presentation


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Final Exam: 20%– Mandatory on the assigned date and time.

– Cumulative

– Your last opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the course material

– It is important you prepare for this exam


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Class Attendance:– Mandatory

• I will keep a class roll• We will cover material that may not be in the

book, but is  important for you to know• Class is fun, interesting, and informative


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Class Attendance: (Cont.)– Your third unexcused absence get you a

special meeting with me

– Your sixth unexcused absence gets you• A letter from the Dean• Grade Drop of a letter (B- goes to a C-)

– Class roll taken at the start of class (8:30 sharp)

– If you miss the roll but are in the class• See me at the end of class


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Class Attendance: (Cont.)– There are good reasons for missing a class

• Sickness, death in the family, ..., • You will be excused from the class if you let me

know before the class you intend to miss– Send email, call me, stop by, ... 

– There are no reasons for anyone to have unexcused absences


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Commitment:– You should expect to spend 9 hours a week

on this class• 3 hours in class• 4 hours reading the text book• 2 hours doing homework problems

– Less than 4 hours or more than 12 hours per week means there is something is wrong


COMS 161 - Syllabus

• Extra curricular activities: – Let me know if your play a sport that will

require travel and missing class

– You should have a schedule of those classes you will miss• Share it with me ASAP


Class Introduction

• Let’s get to know each other– Name

– Year

– Where are you from?

– Major (if known)

– What do you like to do for fun? (Or tell us something that nobody in here knows about you.)

– Why are you here?


Class Introduction

• Me First!