1 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ~ You Cannot Preach A Better Gospel ~ Introduction One of the best & most inspiring stories I have recently come across, is found in the life & ministry of the 19 th century pastor Charles Spurgeon… It is a story that Spurgeon tells about an early preaching experience he encountered with his beloved grandfather… and rather than poetically summarizing the story; I’m gonna allow Mr. Spurgeon to tell us in his own words – he writes: I was announced to preach in a certain country town in the Eastern Counties. It does not often happen that I am behind time, for I feel that punctuality is one of those little virtues which may prevent great sins…But we have no control over railway delays, and breakdowns; and so it happened that I reached the appointed place considerably behind time. Like sensible people, they had begun their worship, and had proceeded as far as the sermon. And so as I neared the chapel, I perceived that someone was already in the pulpit preaching, and who should the preacher be but my dear and venerable grandfather! He saw me as I came in and made my way up the aisle, and immediately said: ‘Here comes my grandson! He may preach the gospel better than I can, but he cannot preach a better gospel…’ And as I made my way through the throng, I answered, ‘You can preach better than I can; please go on!’ But he would not agree… I had to take the sermon and so I did; going on with the subject there and then, just where he had left off… Our agreement in the things of God made it easy for us to be joint-preachers of the same discourse…

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ~ You Cannot Preach A Better Gospel · He may preach the gospel better than I can, but he cannot preach a better gospel…’ And as I made my way through the

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Page 1: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ~ You Cannot Preach A Better Gospel · He may preach the gospel better than I can, but he cannot preach a better gospel…’ And as I made my way through the


1 Corinthians 15:1-4

~ You Cannot Preach A Better Gospel ~


One of the best & most inspiring stories I have recently come across, is found in the

life & ministry of the 19th century pastor Charles Spurgeon…

It is a story that Spurgeon tells about an early preaching experience he encountered

with his beloved grandfather… and rather than poetically summarizing the story; I’m

gonna allow Mr. Spurgeon to tell us in his own words – he writes:

I was announced to preach in a certain country town in the Eastern Counties.

It does not often happen that I am behind time, for I feel that punctuality is

one of those little virtues which may prevent great sins…But we have no

control over railway delays, and breakdowns; and so it happened that I

reached the appointed place considerably behind time. Like sensible people,

they had begun their worship, and had proceeded as far as the sermon. And so

as I neared the chapel, I perceived that someone was already in the pulpit

preaching, and who should the preacher be but my dear and venerable

grandfather! He saw me as I came in and made my way up the aisle, and

immediately said:

‘Here comes my grandson! He may preach the gospel better than I

can, but he cannot preach a better gospel…’

And as I made my way through the throng, I answered, ‘You can preach better

than I can; please go on!’

But he would not agree… I had to take the sermon and so I did; going on with

the subject there and then, just where he had left off… Our agreement in the

things of God made it easy for us to be joint-preachers of the same


Page 2: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ~ You Cannot Preach A Better Gospel · He may preach the gospel better than I can, but he cannot preach a better gospel…’ And as I made my way through the


And so Spurgeon (who was originally invited to preach) gets up into the pulpit and he

continues on with the topic that his grandfather had already begun… and at some

point during the sermon, Spurgeon said that he felt someone pulling on his coat-tail…

and as he looked down, he saw his grandfather, his grandfather wanting to get back up

and take another turn at preaching the sermon…

And so with great humility & joy Spurgeon steps down from the pulpit, and allows

his grandfather to get back up and continue preaching…

But only, until 5 minutes later, when his grandfather stepped down once again, in

order for Spurgeon to get back up & finish the sermon…

And as Spurgeon was finishing off the sermon that day, he said that every now &

then, he would hear the sweet & gentle tone of his grandfather’s voice ring forth from

the crowd:

Good! Good Charles! Good!

And at one particular point during the sermon, Spurgeon remembers his grandfather

say these words:

“Tell them that again… Charles… Tell them that again”

Paul’s Reminder

This week I found myself mulling over those wise words of Spurgeon’s grandfather:

Tell them that again…

I think that would be an accurate description of Paul’s heart here in 1st Corinthians 15

– for us to know, and to remember, and to hear (once again) the glorious message of

the cross!

The simple message of the death, the burial, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Page 3: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ~ You Cannot Preach A Better Gospel · He may preach the gospel better than I can, but he cannot preach a better gospel…’ And as I made my way through the


This is what Paul says is of first importance, and if this is of first importance in

Paul’s own mind – then it must be of first importance in our own minds!

And since Paul cannot preach a better Gospel than the one he received from God…

our attention will be focused here in 1st Corinthians on verses 1-4…

Main Point

The main point for today’s message is clear:


You cannot preach a better Gospel than the one Paul preached X2


And we’re gonna see this in 2 points:

The Necessity of the Gospel (Verses 1-2)

The Nature of the Gospel (3-4)

The necessity of the Gospel (or what the Gospel does)


The nature of the Gospel (what the Gospel is)

Never be content

C.J Mahaney in his book: “The cross-centered life” says:

“Never be content with your current grasp of the gospel…X2 The gospel is

the life-permeating, world-altering, universe-changing truth. It has more

facets than a diamond, & it's depths man will never exhaust.”

Page 4: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ~ You Cannot Preach A Better Gospel · He may preach the gospel better than I can, but he cannot preach a better gospel…’ And as I made my way through the


1 Corinthians 15:1-4

Friends, come with me (once again) as we seek to plumb the depths of this life-

permeating; world-altering; universe-changing truth!

1st Corinthians 15 beginning at verse 1:


“Now I want to make clear for you, brothers and sisters, the gospel I preached

to you, which you received, on which you have taken your stand 2 and by

which you are being saved, if you hold to the message I preached to you—

unless you believed in vain. 3 For I passed on to you as most important what I

also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that

he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the


James in the car

This week I had the privilege of driving in the car with my brother in law (James),

and as we were driving in the car, James asked me this question:

What are you going to be preaching on this week?

And I said:

Well I was thinking about preaching on The Gospel…

He laughed and said:

No seriously what are you actually preaching on?

And I said:

No seriously; I’m actually preaching on The Gospel (proper), 1 Corinthians


Page 5: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ~ You Cannot Preach A Better Gospel · He may preach the gospel better than I can, but he cannot preach a better gospel…’ And as I made my way through the


And he said:

Wait… 1st Corinthians… isn’t Craig in 1st Corinthians?

And I said:

Yeah, but he’s not gonna be in chapter 15 for a while (the rate he’s going),

and I’m only preaching the first 4 verses so it should be all good…

And he said:

ohhh I see… but why are you preaching on that particular passage?

And I said:

Well… James if I’m honest… it’s really for my own heart… to remind myself

of what I’m doing; why I’m doing it; what is of first importance according to

God, and therefore what should be of first importance to me…just trying to

focus upon the truth, and the beauty, and the power of the Gospel…

And he kind of paused for a moment and he goes:

Wow… that is incredibly selfish!!!

Perhaps it is James but that’s what we’re doing…

What is your why?

So let me ask you here today:

What is the one thing of first importance in your life? X2

Like what is the one thing that pushes you to get up in the morning, and do the things

you do – say the things you say – act the way that you act?

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What is the one thing you are building your life upon – living your life around –

shaping your identity in?!?!

We all have desires that drive our lives – passions that fuel our hearts…

What is the one thing in your life that drives your very soul?!?!

The Gospel is the main thing for God

For the Christian; the Apostle Paul makes it clear!

It must be the saving death – burial - & resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ!

That is God’s greatest desire – and that should be our greatest desire!

The death – burial - & the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Friends – You will never find a Person more in love with the Gospel of God than

God Himself!

The main thing that is of first importance according to God’s own heart is The


I find that absolutely stunning – God is the biggest advocate for the Gospel!

This is what the Corinthians had lost sight of… they had lost sight of their love – their

need – their enjoyment of the Gospel!

They had tried to move beyond the Gospel – they had perhaps gotten bored of the

Gospel – trying to improve on the Gospel!

And as a result… they had the Church they had…

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I’ve told this story before but I think it’s relevant for us today…

There’s a story of a little boy who loved modeled-toy boats – He loved making

modeled-toy boats…

And so after making a toy-boat for himself he would often go down to the lake near

his house and sail it along the shore… one day while his boat was sailing along, there

was a sudden gust of wind that pushed his toy boat out into the middle of the lake

where it was far too deep for him to reach!

And so once he realized that his boat was gone, he began to do nothing else but mope

around and think about his handcrafted little boat that he had lost… One day as he

was slowly moping his way home from school he glanced up and discovered his

precious little boat in a shop-front window… the little boy went in and proceeded to

shout at the owner of the shop “that’s my boat – you found my boat!”

But the owner of the shop (mean man that he was) replied to the boy: “no actually

that’s my boat, if you want your boat back, then you’ll have to buy it yourself!”

And so the little boy looked at the price tag, saw how expensive and valuable his little

boat had become, and immediately ran out of the shop to go home and started

working…. The little boy picked up his dad’s equipment from his workshop and

proceeded to go out into the neighborhood cutting grass, raking leaves, washing cars,

and doing every other job he could think of in order to go and buy his precious little


Now the one distinguishing feature of the little boy that all of the people in the

neighborhood seemed to notice, was that every time they saw the little boy doing his

odd jobs around the neighborhood, he had an un-missbale grin that was constantly on

his face, from ear to ear!

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That little boy knew that the cost of purchasing back his little toy boat paled in

comparison to the value of his precious treasure! He didn’t have to think twice about

the cost of purchasing back his little toy boat; and it was a joy for him to do so!

But why?!?!

Why was it was such a joy for that little boy to work tirelessly day & night to get

back his little toy boat?

And the answer of course, is that the little boy understood the value of what he had

discovered (or re-discovered in his case)…

If he had not recognized the immense value of his little toy boat, then it would not

have been such joy for him to give everything he had!

The reason why it was such a joy is because he understood the value of what he had


First Importance

And so too with the Gospel of God… Paul says that when a human heart discovers

the true beauty & worth of the Gospel, then that message will be to them, what that

boat was to that little boy!

It will be our first priority!

He says there in verse 3:

The Gospel is of first importance!

Verse 1:

“The Gospel is the message in which you stand!

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In other words – The Gospel is what you must be standing in! Building upon! &

Living for!

If you don’t stand upon this message – then you don’t have a place to stand…

If you get this thing wrong; everything else falls apart…

Missing a step

I don’t know if you’ve ever had that experience of when you’re walking down some

steps, and you think that you’ve reached the final step; and so you go to place your

feet upon solid ground (but there’s still one more step to go)… and so you take that

step but your feet aren’t actually standing on solid ground…

So not only do you look like a moron who can’t walk right, but you get that sudden

feeling of fear & dread when you realize that you’re not actually standing on anything


That’s the feeling (says Paul) – that’s the feeling we should have, when the Gospel is

NOT the place upon in which we stand!!!

If we are not standing upon this solid ground – then we are not standing upon

anything at all!

So I really want us to feel the weight of Paul’s heart here in this text!

The Gospel is the most important message IN. THE. WORLD! And we must get it


The 3-fold Distinction of Salvation

But now the question becomes… why!?!?

Why is the Gospel the message we are to receive, to believe, and to stand upon for all

of life?

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Well he tells us there in verse 2; because the Gospel is what saves you X2

The Gospel is that:

1. “Which you received…” That’s past tense.


2. “In which you stand…” That’s present tense.


3. “By which you are being saved…” That’s present tense with a future result.

In other words – the Gospel is:

1. What has saved you!

2. What is saving you!

3. & What will save you when you die!

3-Fold distinction of Salvation

Or we could say it like this – The Gospel is:

1. What justifies

2. What sanctifies

3. & What glorifies

See when Scripture speaks of salvation from sin and the wrath of God… it does so in

3 distinct ways…

Past – Justification

Firstly – in past tense language:

“I have been saved from the penalty of my sin…”

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When we say that God has saved us from the penalty & condemnation of our sin – we

are saying that salvation has occurred the moment we first believed…

When you and I believe the message of the Gospel and & that Jesus is sufficient to

save us from our sin; the bible says that we are at that very moment counted as

righteousness in Christ & in Christ alone!

This is what we call justification – the moment you trust in Jesus Christ for the

forgiveness of your sins; you are forensically declared righteous in the sight of God

based upon the cross of Christ!

When you trust in Jesus dying on the cross for your sin, you are declared righteous –

(not made righteous), but declared righteous in God’s sight – even though!!! You are

still just as sinful as you were before you believed!

That is justification by faith alone!

I think it was Luther (don’t quote me) but I think it was Luther who said:

We are wretched nuggets of dung, covered in gold! X2

That’s how he described justification…

In and of ourselves we are unrighteous sinners, but by trusting in Christ – we are

given His perfect righteousness that He covers us with!

This is what we call the good news of the Gospel – that while we were still sinners

Christ died for us!

Justification means that we are declared righteous in God’s sight because God sees

His son; & NOT our sin!

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Present – Sanctification

The second way we can speak about salvation is to say that God is presently saving

us from our sin… X2

We call this process sanctification…

So because we are justified, because we are declared righteous, because we are

spotless & clean in Christ – we now have the power of the Holy Spirit to put to death

the deeds of the flesh!

To cut off the deeds of the flesh!

To kill the deeds of the flesh!

This is the slow & gradual process we call sanctification…

Being transformed and fashioned into the image and likeness of God! Becoming holy,

being set-apart, & walking in the ways of Christ….

So we have justification, which is instantaneous (and immediate) the moment we

first believed – and then we have sanctification, which is very slow, gradual, and

ongoing process and a result of the moment we first believed…

Future – glorification

The third way that Scripture speaks of salvation is in the future tense – where the

believer will be saved completely and eternally from the power and the presence of

sin when they die and go to be with God!

This final stage is commonly referred to as glorification…

When all the sin in our life is fully and finally gone forever!

And this only happens the moment we die and go to see God in heaven…

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This is the necessity of the Gospel

And so this is why Paul speaks about the Gospel as being of first importance! Because

the Gospel is:

1. What has saved you!

2. What is saving you!

3. & What will save you!

The gospel is not a door we walk through in order to get to deeper – better – & more

spiritual things of God – What the Corinthians believed! Rather the gospel is the

very thing our lives were created for!

We were designed to stay & to dwell – & to rest in the Gospel everyday; till the day

we drop!

You never move beyond your need for the Gospel!

As John Piper says:

Don’t ever think of the Gospel as – that’s the way you get saved, and then you

get strong by leaving it and doing something else…NO!”

We are strengthened by God, through the Gospel – everyday, till the day we drop!

You never move beyond your need for the Gospel!

Tim Keller says:

“The Gospel is not only the ABC’S of Christianity – It is the A to Z of


The Gospel is NOT only the power to save you; but the Gospel is also the power of

God to preserve you and keep you in the presence of God!

This is why the Gospel is so necessary!

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1. Without the Gospel you cannot be saved!

2. Without the Gospel you have no ground of assurance!

3. Without the Gospel you and I have nothing to stand upon!

We need the Gospel! & we need the Gospel to be saved!

We’re not saved by a message

But as many have noted:

The Gospel message is NOT the thing that saves us!

The Christian faith is not a faith founded in doctrinal statements – it is NOT a faith

that puts its trust upon impersonal ideas – As if believing in a message or a set

number of ideas is what actually saves us…

What saves a human soul from the depravity of their sin – is a Person – a Person who

takes away their sin & condemnation by dying on a Roman cross…

Nature of the Gospel

And this leads us into our second point here today:


The Nature of the Gospel X2

Have a look at verse 3:

For I passed on to you as most important what I also received: that Christ

died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was

raised on the third day according to the Scriptures…

Page 15: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ~ You Cannot Preach A Better Gospel · He may preach the gospel better than I can, but he cannot preach a better gospel…’ And as I made my way through the


• Christ died for our sins

• Christ was buried for our sins

• Christ was raised for our sins

That’s it… that’s the simple message of the Gospel!

The death – burial – & resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Paul expands elsewhere

Now Paul will go on (a little later) in some of his other New Testament Epistles

(Romans – Galatians – Philippians – Colossians) and he’ll expand upon the truth of

the Gospel… He’ll flesh out some more the truth of what the Gospel is!

But he never goes beyond this! He never goes beyond these core truths!

Paul says that when you boil it down to its most fundamental and most purely

synthesized structure... The Gospel is:

The death – the burial – & the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

This is not exhaustive – but it is comprehensive!

The Gospel can be explained further than this – but it cannot be any less than this!

• Christ died for our sins

• Christ was buried for our sins

• & Christ was raised for our sins

That’s the good news that changes hearts, and that is of first importance according


God hates sin

So notice the first element of the Gospel:

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Christ died for our sins! X2

• The text does NOT say that Christ simply died & rose again to prove His

divinity (although that’s true)…

• It does NOT say that Christ died and rose to give us the love of God!

• It does NOT even say that Christ died and rose to release us from the power

of Satan and his demons!!!

It doesn’t say any of that!!! – But first & foremost:

Christ died for our sins!

It was for our sins! He died to conquer sins – He died to pay for sins – He was a

sacrifice for sins!

It is our sin that offends God – it is our sin that angers God – it is our sin that God


God hates sin

Brothers & sisters – What do you hate in this world? – What do you hate most in this


The bible doesn’t forbid us to hate things! We’re allowed to hate things – provided

they are the right things!

Trivial hatred

Typically…we like to confine hatred to things that are trivial or inconsequential in


Or at least I do…

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Blue Cheese

For example – I hate blue cheese – I hate blue cheese!

I cannot stand blue cheese!

I hate it’s smell – I hate its look – I hate its taste – I hate blue cheese!

I especially hate it when people eat blue cheese, and decide to talk to me with blue


They want to have a conversation with me after they have just eaten blue cheese!

I hate blue cheese!

Classic Movies

Here’s what else I hate – I hate classic movies…

I do, I hate classic movies… I cannot stand classic movies…

They’re bad quality, they’re bad acting, and they have bad audio…

Whenever Salli and I are over at the Litzow’s house and it’s James’ turn to pick a

movie; he always goes straight to those classics!

Every single time!

And every single time I regret letting James pick the movie…

Even on his birthday, I won’t watch a classic movie with him…

I hate classic movies!


I hate scream music… I hate scream music!

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It does NOT even deserve the title of music – I hate scream music!

Now they are just some of the more trivial things that I hate!

Serious hate

But friends there are also other things I hate…Things that are much more serious in

nature – Things that I’m sure everyone in here hates just as much as I do…

For example:

Racism – I hate racism! I cannot stand racism! And I am ashamed when I engage in


I hate Abortion! I hate abortion! It’s wicked – it’s evil – and it’s the number one

genocide method of killing humans in the world!

I hate abortion!

(Now I don’t hate people who have abortions, I hate the act of abortion)… I’m not

trying to condemn anyone here; if you’ve had an abortion – there is forgiveness &

grace found in Christ!

I hate death! I hate death and the emptiness death brings to a human heart! I hate that


I (like you) hate child abuse! I hate child abuse! Those who engage in child abuse are


I hate child abuse!

What do you hate?!?! – What makes you absolutely sick to your stomach in this


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You hate nothing like God hates sin

Because friends…hear this!!!

Regardless of what you hate…

You hate NOTHING!!! Like God’s hates sin!!! X2

God hates sin!

Like He hates it with a special kind of wrath that is hard to even wrap our minds


We think that we hate things in this world beyond what anyone else could… but we

hate nothing like God hates sin!

Like God hates sin!

And because God hates sin so deeply – He must punish sin so severely!

The book of Hebrews talks about God as a consuming fire –

Think about that!!! A consuming fire that destroys everything that opposes Him!

Psalm chapter 5 says that evil may not dwell in the presence of God! Evil may not

dwell in His Holy sight!

And because you and I are sinners – we cannot dwell in His holy presence!

Cut off and condemned

As a result of our sin – you and I are cut off from God – separated from His grace –

condemned by His wrath!

All of our lying – all of our stealing – all of our lusting – all of our swearing – all of

our idolatry – all of our laziness – All of those sins that we commit every single day!

– God hates it all!

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We are all cut off & separated from God because of our sin – and we need to be

reconciled back to a holy God who is the only source of eternal life!

God is offended by your sin, and He will punish your sin in hell for all eternity

because He loves His glory!

And because He loves His glory – he hates your sin!

Christ died for our sin

And Paul says that:

Christ died for our sin!

He died for our sin!

He died to set us free from sin!

Do you see why?

Do you see why this such Good News!

Do you see why it’s necessary that Christ died to pay for our sin?!?!

Because we could never pay that price!

We could never die that death!

We could never fix our condition!

Something that is broken cannot fix what is broken!

We are broken in sin – we are rebels of grace – we are separated & cut off from God

– but Christ died for our sins!

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He died to reconcile us back to God through His death on the cross!!!

2nd Corinthians 5:21:

He made Him who knew no sin to become sin for us!!!

Jesus became sin on that cross!

Jesus died for the very thing that God hates!

He became sin for us on the cross, so that we could become righteous in His sight!!!

God the Father crushed God the Son – so that we could be brought back to life and

reconciled in Him!

This is profound…this is profoundly Good News!

Christ died for our sins!


Secondly He was buried in a grave!

Verse 4:

And that He was buried, and that He was raised on the 3rd day, according to

the Scriptures…

So 2 things that we need to see here in verse 4…

Firstly – that Christ was buried – He was buried in a grave – an actual real grave!

This might seem rather simplistic, but it’s really important!

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See the burial of Jesus Christ demonstrates that the death of Jesus Christ was a death

for the penalty of sin!

Romans 6:23 says that: the wages of sin is death!

And if the wages of sin is death – those who commit sin must die!

And so if Christ really died – and if Christ was really buried – it demonstrates that

He really did become sin on that cross!

He really did suffer the wages of sin on that cross!

The wages of sin is death – & Christ became a curse for us and was buried in a


Christ died & was buried for our sin!


And then thirdly Paul says that after He was buried:

He was [also] raised on the third day… X2

Paul will go on a little later in 1st Corinthians 15 to say this:

“If Christ has not been raised [from the dead] your faith is worthless; & you

are still in your sins…”

That is – If Christ has not been raised from the dead – then you and I are still in our

sins – and if we are still in our sins; then God’s wrath still abides on us…

If God will not let His Son be raised from the dead – it is because His sacrifice was

insufficient to save!

If Christ is NOT raised from the dead – His sacrifice was a flawed sacrifice…

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If Christ is NOT raised – then we are still in our sins!

But as it is – Christ has been raised from the dead – and because Christ has been

raised from the dead – God the Father accepted His death!

It’s really NOT that difficult!

The resurrection demonstrates that Christ really satisfied the wrath of God…

The resurrection of Christ demonstrates that He was a sufficient sacrifice for our


Christ was raised – God was appeased! He was satisfied with the death of Christ!

And this is really Good News – because it means that He is a sufficient & legal

sacrifice for our sins!

John Flavel

Many years ago John flavel (a puritan pastor) poetically imagined a conversation that

took place between God the Father, and God the Son in eternity past when God had

decided to set His plan of redemption upon the world … he poetically re-imagnes this

conversation taking place:

The Father speaks: My Son, here is a company of poor miserable souls that have

utterly undone themselves – I always love that description of the human condition in

it’s fallen state! That is the condition of every person here today who does NOT have

Christ as their Saviour – a company of poor miserable souls that have utterly undone

themselves – that’s you today if you are NOT trusting in the saving death of Christ on

the cross!

My Son, here is a company of poor miserable souls that have utterly undone

themselves and now lie open to my justice. Justice demands satisfaction for

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them, or justice will satisfy itself in the eternal ruin of them. What shall be

done for these souls?

And the Son says: O my Father, such is my love toward and pity for such

miserable souls that rather than they shall perish eternally, I will be

responsible for them as their Guarantee. Bring all their bills before me, that I

may see what they owe…Bring them all in, that there may be no after-

reckonings with them. At my hand you will require it. I would rather choose to

suffer your wrath than they suffer it. Upon me, my Father, upon me be all their


The Father replies: But my Son, if you undertake this task, you must pay the

last penny. Expect no discounts. If I spare them, I will not spare you.

The Son replies: I am willing, Father. Let it be so…”


Friends – this is the Good news of the Gospel…

The Good news of the Gospel is that:

Christ has died to appease the wrath of a Holy God whom we have offended!

We have all belittled God – we have all hated His law – we have all failed to give

Him glory for the gifts He’s given us!

And God being unable to spare His wrath, sends Christ in the flesh – and crushes


He crushes Christ because of our sin that offends His nature!!!

He was buried in a tomb – raised from the dead – and now sits at the right hand of the

God the Father on high!

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This is the Good News of the Gospel!!! – That (because of Jesus Christ) we are

declared righteous by God; in His sight because of the death – burial – & resurrection

of His Son!!!

That when God looks at you from the courtroom of heaven & if you are trusting in

Jesus Christ alone to save you - then God sees his Son (Jesus) in your place!!!

And so it means that the determining factor in your relationship with God and how

much He loves you is based solely – exclusively – & wholly upon:

• Jesus’ work for you – NOT your work for Him!

• Jesus’ death for you – NOT your death for Him!

• Jesus’ resurrection for you – NOT your ability to resurrect yourself!

The determining factor in your relationship with God and how much He loves you, is

based exclusively on Christ!!!

That is Good News for us today!

All sin will be punished! Either by the sinner in hell for all eternity – or by Jesus

Christ dying on the cross!

And the Good news is that you don’t have to bear God’s wrath when you die!

Because Jesus bore that wrath for you – in your place on that cross – that is Good


You cannot preach a better Gospel

Brothers & sisters – this is the Gospel that Paul preached!

You cannot preach a better Gospel! You cannot preach a better Gospel than the one

Paul preached!

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Paul says in Galatians 1:9:

If anyone preaches a different Gospel than this Gospel – He is accursed and

cut off from God!

If you preach any other Gospel than the one that Paul received – then Paul says that

you are preaching that which is contrary to the heart of God!

God’s first love is this Gospel! X2

And when preachers get up and proclaim something other than the sacrificial; sin

bearing; wrath absorbing; death of Christ on the cross – they are NOT just preaching

against Paul – they are preaching against the very nature & holiness of God Himself!

Something that merits the consuming fire of God’s wrath!

Don’t mess with the nature of the Gospel! X2

When you mess with the nature of the Gospel – you mess with the nature of God!

And when you mess with the nature of God – you are playing with His eternal fire

and holy wrath!

Don’t mess with the nature of the Gospel!

Ketherine Hankey Poem

Arabella Katherine Hankey was born in the city of London, in the year 1834…

Nothing is known of how or when Kate came to Christ, but early in her life, she

developed a fervent evangelistic zeal and started a Bible class for the girls in her


In her thirties, Kate became seriously ill... and it was during this time of lengthy

recovery that she wrote her famous poem titled “The Old Old Story…”

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Here’s what it says:

Tell me again that old, old story,

Of unseen things above,—

Of Jesus and His glory,

Tell me the story,

As to a little child;

For I am weak and weary,

And helpless and defiled.

Tell me the story slowly,

That I may take it in,—

That wonderful redemption,

God's REMEDY for sin!

Tell me the story often,

For I forget so soon!

The "early dew" of morning

Has passed away at noon!

Tell me the story softly,

With earnest tones and grave;

Remember, I am the sinner

Whom Jesus came to save.

Tell me the story always,

If you would really be,

In any time of trouble,

A comforter to me.

Yes, and when that world's glory

Shall dawn upon my soul,

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Tell me the old, old story,

Christ Jesus makes thee whole…

Friends – we cannot preach a better Gospel that the one Paul preached – We cannot

preach a better Gospel and try to change the story – change the narrative – change the

meaning of the cross!

When you do that you are preaching a different Gospel – and then you preach a

different Gospel – you get burnt!

So let us all with the Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 15 – tell them that again…

Let’s Pray.

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1 Corinthians 15:1-4

Discussion Questions

Q1. What is of first importance in your own life? (List specific


Q2. According to Paul what should be of first importance in our lives?

Q3. Who is the audience that Paul speaks to here in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4?

– Christians or non-Christians? – What does this tell us about the

necessity of the Gospel for those who are already in Christ?

Q4. Why does Paul say the Gospel is of first importance? – Read verses


Q5. What tenses does Paul use when he speaks about the Gospel? - How

does knowing this help you in your understanding of what salvation is?

Q6. Explain what Justification by faith alone is?

Q7. Explain what sanctification is?

Q8. How do these 2 concepts relate?

Q9. Describe Glorification?

Q10. What is the first and foremost reason Christ came to die?

Q11. Why must He die for sins?

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Q12. What does this teach us about the nature of God?

Q13. Read 2 Corinthians 5:21. What does the death of Christ accomplish

according this verse?

Q14. Why is the resurrection important?

Q15. If God is holy and we are not; how can we come into a right

relationship with Him?

Application Questions

Q1. On a scale of 1-10, how much joy have you had in the Gospel this


Q2. Why is it important for us to make clear the nature of the Gospel?

Q3. On a scale of 1-10, how much victory do you have over the sin in

your life right now? – How does knowing that you are fully justified and

accepted in Christ help you to fight against your sin?

Q4. What do you think it means to trust in Jesus for salvation from your


Q5. Do you ever doubt your salvation? – How does focusing on the

death, burial, & resurrection of Christ help us in those times?

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Q6. Even though your sins are paid for by Christ, do you think our sin

still affects our relationship with God? Why/why not?

Q7. What are some helpful ways that we can remind one another of the


Q8. On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you to explain the Gospel to a


Q9. Split up into pairs (one person is the Christian, the other is the non-

Christian) – practice sharing the Gospel to one another.

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Brothers & sisters – the Church’s great news to a dying world is that there is a living

God, whose love for His creation is inexhaustible and beyond measure!

God’s grace is an ocean without a shore; a mountain without a peak; a river without a
