1 English 1010 Writing Workshop Spring 2013 Meet twice a week M, Th (Sec.1a) Monday 4:10-6:00 (2-116) Thursday 4:10- 6:00 (1-308) E-mail: Austin Casey [email protected] Phone: 134 3922 0499 Website: http://austincasey.yolasite.com/

1 English 1010 Writing Workshop Spring 2013 Meet twice a week M, Th (Sec.1a) Monday 4:10-6:00 (2-116) Thursday 4:10-6:00 (1-308) E-mail: Austin Casey [email protected]

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English 1010 Writing Workshop

Spring 2013 Meet twice a week M, Th (Sec.1a)

Monday 4:10-6:00 (2-116) Thursday 4:10-6:00 (1-308)

E-mail: Austin Casey [email protected]

Phone: 134 3922 0499

Website: http://austincasey.yolasite.com/

Office Hours: Wednesday 6-8, Thursday 10-12 (ICB319)


English 1010 Writing Workshop

Spring 2013 Meet twice a week T, Th (Sec.1b)

Tuesday 4:10-6:00 (2-105) Thursday 8:00-9:50 (2-215)

E-mail: Austin Casey [email protected]

Phone: 134 3922 0499

Website: http://austincasey.yolasite.com/

Office Hours: Wednesday 6-8, Thursday 10-12 (ICB319)


Today: HW Due:

HandoutRead: Brain Drain

Homework: Journal 5, Essay 3

Journals: Less is More

Describe fewer things, but use more detail

Higher chance to be different than others

Choose only 1 or 2 things and explain about it in depth.

Avoid common knowledge.

Limit Yourself

Journals: Less is More

Ex: I have planned a perfect day and we will visit 5 places.... No – it will surely be common knowledge and a general overview.

I hope to take my best friend to my favorite park to show her a lovely spot. Yes – unique experience, stands out

“The devil is in the details” = a small detail can mean a lot

Journals: Less is More

Worst Case Scenario:

X Computers have memory, video cards, screen, mouse, keyboard...

My favorite computer part is actually the screen because it contains the LCD display which is a modern marvel of technology; the flat screen has changed our lives forever.

Journals: Less is More

Absolute Worst Case Scenario:

X The world is a big place and it has many things such as sports or bicycles and so on. There are also many types of food there such as meat and vegetables in various diverse kinds. People in the world do and care about many different things and there are various natural things too like birds etc.

This example shows how boring an essay can be if everything is general knowledge


Writing Assignment

Describe the perfect day on a rainy day.

Use many examples and details. By limiting the topic it will be more interesting.

Write 100+ words


Journal 6: Superstitions (300 words)

1. Many people say that we must believe in superstitions or stories to keep our minds healthy and explain things that are unknowable. What is your opinion? Do you think they are necessary for the development of society?

2. Explain a superstition of your family. How does it benefit the family and describe the other advantages or disadvantages.

3. Describe an interesting superstition It can be a local one from your hometown or another country.


Journal 7: Philosophy (300 words)

Choose one of the following:

1. What is the universe? Where does it come from? Of what is it made? How did it come to exist? What is its purpose? By what process does it change? How long will it exist? Can we leave our universe?2. What is the nature of humans? Are humans high or low in the universe? Where are we from, where are we going, and why? What is our destiny?3. What is the meaning of life? What is reality? Is there a real truth? Is there a universal Truth, or does it depend on the person?

Journal 8: Review Have you ever discouraged a friend from going to a

popular restaurant, because of the slow service or high prices?

Perhaps you decided not to buy something when you realized it was low quality.

Every day we make these kinds of evaluations. Evaluation will also be an important skill during your college and professional careers. There will be times when you will need to evaluate things. Like before you buy something or even watch a movie. You must support these evaluations with well-developed, well-supported, and convincing arguments.

It’s important in these types of tasks to establish a clear set of standards for your evaluation and to support your judgments with reasons, evidence, and examples.

Journal 8: Review

Imagine you want to recommend a movie to a friend. You must tell the friend the good and bad points of the movie. You hope that they will watch it because it may change their thinking.

On the other hand, you may choose to tell your friend not to see the movie because it was terrible and a waste of time.

Journal 8: ReviewPopular Topics to write a review about:

movies concerts / live performances cultural events

books / novelists restaurants computer games

magazines / editors college courses / professors legislation / laws

websites art shows famous buildings or tourist places

musical groups / bands television shows sports / sports teams

artists cities / towns / countries parks / national parks

famous or traditional poems coffee shops /cafes / tea houses

CDs or DVDs software programs dance / singing clubs

Plays / theater / opera cars / vehicles

Journal 8: ReviewHelpful Tips in Choosing a Subject:

1. Choose a subject that you are interested in, but are not too familiar with. For instance, borrow an MP3 you haven't heard before from a friend, or attend a class in which you are not already enrolled. It is more difficult to write a balanced evaluation of your favorite song or a class you hate, than about something new.

2. Choose a subject that you can easily and repeatedly access. If you evaluate a movie, choose one that you have so that you can watch it again. Return several times to a restaurant or museum exhibit. It is often difficult to notice or remember important details after a one time visit.

Journal 8: ReivewYour Essay Must Have the Following:

1. A clear judgment (evaluation) about your subject. Give it a grade. Give it a thumbs up or down. Make your opinion clear and tell the reader right away.

2. Evaluate the correct things. For example, in a restaurant review, focus on the food, the service, the decor, the parking, the prices, etc. Try to research other reviews to give yourself an example of what to evaluate.

3. Support your judgment with specific evidence. If you say a book is "boring," you must give evidence. Write about specific pages that show what is boring about it. If you say that a pizza slice is "delicious," you must describe in detail what makes it so great.

Journal 8: ReviewElements to consider in writing an effective essay:

1. Choose your audience: Imagine your reader to be a stranger so that you will explain more.

2. Content: Is enough detail contained in the piece that the audience will understand your points and overall claim? Have you shown the reader about your subject rather than just told? Is the analysis comprehensive and clear?

3. Organization: Are the parts of your essay arranged into the best order for maintaining the reader's interest?

Journal 8: ReviewElements to consider in writing an effective essay:

4. Expression: Is the language clear, concrete, and specific? Do you use quotes? Did you use your references correctly? Does the language seem fluid and natural? Do we get to hear your natural voice?

5. Usage: Is the grammar good enough that the reader does not get confused? Are the grammar tenses used appropriately?


Book by One Author p.393

Last Name, First Name. Title. Place: Publisher, Date.

Bryson, Bill. A Short History of Nearly Everything. New York: Broadway Books, 2003.


Film p.394

Title. Director, Producer, or Writer Name (normal English order). Company, Year.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Dir. Peter Jackson. New Line Cinema, 2003.

Essay: Brain Drain – New Words

Issue: many talented or rich individuals are relocating abroad and taking their expertise with them.

There are PROS and CONS

… (ellipses) some information has been omitted


Activity: Brain Drain

List 5 good points and 5 bad points (PROS & CONS)

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Essay 3: Argument•Read the essay called Brain Drain and complete the peer review

•Is it a controversial topic? Who disagrees with her? Do the majority agree or disagree?

Do you agree or disagree? How about the structure? Did you find the thesis and topic sentences clearly? Supporting evidence is enough?

Is the essay persuasive enough? Can it change the mind of some readers?

Essay: Brain Drain– CONS

Introduction is too long / unnecessary explanations/ Needs more interesting details, personal opinions

No topic sentences

No hook/hook is boring, typical entry (textbook style)

Structure problems: thesis is not in the correct place

Should add more personal examples about real people

Has too much common knowledge

Most people agree / not controversial

Did not mention groups who disagree directly

Combine last 2 paragraphs

Essay: Grow Up – PROS

High level vocabulary and grammar, however we expect more quality from this kind of writer


1. The government needs to control the food industry more, such as requiring proper labeling and enforcing mislabeling

2. Refugees who face troubles in their country should be given citizenship because it is a kind of human rights

3. Our country should provide rice / financial aid to poor countries

4. Corruption: bribes, high-level government officials cannot play stock market

5. International companies need to be controlled more

6. High Housing Prices: government control, enforcing laws, etc

7. Inflation: high prices of foods etc

8. Companies such as Coca-Cola should not market to children, it is a bad influence

9. Gender Gap / Imbalance: more boys than girls

10. Education: various

Discuss Topics


11. Environmental Protection, water issues, air pollution

12. Serious Malignant Accidents: drunk driving, university murder/suicide

13. Imbalanced Development: cities vs villages

14. Social Welfare / Healthcare System: some farmers or peasants have no salary, insurance, or pension. Hospital care is expensive

15. Religion: various issues, role of religion in everyday life

16. Undeveloped Regulations and Laws: some laws are not clear, some people are outside the law

17. Brain Drain

18. Cosmetic Surgery

19. Sex Education

20. Volunteer Groups Corruption: Red Cross in China not trusted

Discuss Topics


21. Gap between rich and poor

22. Migrant Workers 农民工子弟教育问题23. High school education: liberal arts major vs. science major

24. Copyrights: Samsung vs Apple, Geely vs Toyota, Disney

25. Gap Year: Accept or not

26. Media should report details of crimes

27. School bullying

28. Taxes: Farmers subsidy

29. Education: University should be free


Discuss Topics


Chinasmack.com – translated Chinese blogs into English

Boingboing.com – Western media trending website

Reddit.com – Western media trending website

Shanghai Daily p.2-3 – Chinese current events in English

21st Century – Chinese current events in English

English Weibo – Chinese current events in English

Useful English Websites for Current Events / Social Issues


Activity: choose a controversial topic

List 3 good points and 3 bad points (PROS & CONS

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Supporting evidence

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Essay 2: Profile Essay

Rules for Essay 2:

1 Academic Reference, 1 non-academic (personal interview)

Reference can be paraphrase or quote

Essay 3: Argumentative Essay

Rules for Essay 3:

1.Research Essay (3 Academic References)

2.Argument, counter argument + refute

3.Who disagrees with you

4.One quote (1-3) Academic

5.Cannot use first or second person (I, you, etc)


Meaningful Argument = Social Issue p. 380

1. Family: Growing Up, Love, Friends, Family, Child Raising, Entertainment of Youngsters, Population Control, Cloning/Genetics, Nursing Homes

2. Education/Jobs: Chinese vs. Western Education, Educating poor people, Educational facilities, Part time jobs

3. Health & Safety: Security & Police, Crime/Prisons, Censorship, Robot Spies, Medical Care, Drugs

4. Sharing: Resources & Energy & Land (food, water, oil, international aid, land/animals, etc)


Descriptive Writing

Use the senses to describe an obvious situation:

As we pulled into the driveway, I could tell the hamburgers and hot dogs were on the grill.

The cool rain was hitting us in the face as we ran to the bus.

Journal 1

Do you prefer to shop online or at a real store?

Write a short essay comparing and contrasting the experience of shopping at these two different kinds of stores. Use specific reasons and examples to illustrate the stores' similarities and differences.

Write 250-300 words and make sure there is a thesis, introductory sentence, and concluding sentence

Journal 2

Choose a TOEFL Task 2 question and answer it. Remember choose a trend or a problem. Then use the format “what are your opinions on this”

Follow the standard format, 250-300+ words, 4 paragraphs etc.

Journal 3: Bucket ListA bucket list is a list of things you want to do in your life before you die.

Although this is a creative writing assignment, you must still follow the correct structure as usual.

300+ words


Journal 4: Perfect Day

Someone you really want to impress or must pay back is visiting you soon. They have asked you to plan out the perfect visit.

Write an essay explaining exactly how your friend should spend his or her day with you. Be sure to include specific details about each activity.

Remember: use personal examples/experiences

300+ words


Journal 5: Small Arguments (300+ words)

1. Make your own argument about something that doesn’t really matter. It is not a serious social problem.

2. Be creative

3. Choose a small topic

4. It can just be a simple opinion

5. Describe your point and counterpoint (like a mini Essay 3)

5. Due Week 10 (After May Day)


Bananas are the most convenient food because they have their own wrapper and you can carry them around and trade them.

Other's Opinion: Many people think eggs are more convenient, but they can easily spoil or break and make a mess.

Counterargument / refute

Example: with small arguments

Opinion  I like cats.

Rice is better than noodles.

TVs are bad.

Blue is the best color.

Argument  Cats are a useful pet

because they can catch mice.

Rice is better than noodles because it is healthier.

TV programs are bad for children because they show a lot of violence.

Blue is the best color because it can make you feel calm.


Journal 6: Superstitions (300 words)

1. Many people say that we must believe in superstitions or stories to keep our minds healthy and explain things that are unknowable. What is your opinion? Do you think they are necessary for the development of society?

2. Explain a superstition of your family. How does it benefit the family and describe the other advantages or disadvantages.

3. Describe an interesting superstition It can be a local one from your hometown or another country.


Journal 7: Philosophy (300 words)

Choose one of the following:

1. What is the universe? Where does it come from? Of what is it made? How did it come to exist? What is its purpose? By what process does it change? How long will it exist? Can we leave our universe?2. What is the nature of humans? Are humans high or low in the universe? Where are we from, where are we going, and why? What is our destiny?3. What is the meaning of life? What is reality? Is there a real truth? Is there a universal Truth, or does it depend on the person?


Journal 8: Review (300 words)

Book or film review:

Choose a book or film and write a review about it.


Essays:You will write 4 essays and make a portfolio.

1. Remembering an Event (550-650 words)Something that happened to you. An interesting event that you remember clearly.2. Writing a Profile (550-650 words)You will describe something or someone.3. Proposing a Solution (650-750 words)You will discuss a problem and explain how to fix it4. Justifying an Evaluation (550-650 words)

You will give evidence to support a decision.5.Portfolio

You will choose 5 journal entries to put in your portfolio.6. Journal Entries

These will be given by the instructor. They will cover various topics.


Course Schedule:Lesson A Lesson B

Week 4 Essay 1 First 100 words Due Peer Reviews

Week 5 Essay 1 Rough Draft Due (550+ words) Journal 1 Due

Week 6 Essay 1 Final Draft Due (550+ words) Journal 2 Due

Week 7 Karate Life: Journal 3 Due

Week 8 Essay 2 (first 100 words)



Journal 5: Small Arguments (Thursday)Journal 5: Small Arguments (Thursday)

Essay 3: First 100+ words (Thursday secA)Essay 3: First 100+ words (Thursday secA)

Essay 3: First 100+ words (Next Week secB)Essay 3: First 100+ words (Next Week secB)

Essay 2: Final Draft (Week 13 Thursday)Essay 2: Final Draft (Week 13 Thursday)