1 Financing provisions for Financing provisions for technologies for adaptation technologies for adaptation under the UNFCCC: under the UNFCCC: the role of the GEF the role of the GEF UNFCCC Seminar on Technology Transfer for Adaptation Tobago (June 14-16, 2005) Prepared by Bonizella Biagini Ph.D Global Environment Facility

1 Financing provisions for technologies for adaptation under the UNFCCC: the role of the GEF UNFCCC Seminar on Technology Transfer for Adaptation Tobago

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Page 1: 1 Financing provisions for technologies for adaptation under the UNFCCC: the role of the GEF UNFCCC Seminar on Technology Transfer for Adaptation Tobago


Financing provisions for technologies Financing provisions for technologies for adaptation under the UNFCCC: for adaptation under the UNFCCC:

the role of the GEFthe role of the GEF

UNFCCC Seminar on Technology Transfer for Adaptation

Tobago (June 14-16, 2005)

Prepared byBonizella Biagini

Ph.DGlobal Environment Facility

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Climate Convention Guidance Climate Convention Guidance on Adaptation to the GEFon Adaptation to the GEF

Staged approach (11/CP.1) COP1– Stage I : planning, studies (COP1) – Stage II : measures, including capacity building (COP4)

COP7, Marrakech Accords– Pilot & Demonstration Projects (COP7)

=> Strategic Priority “Piloting an Operational Approach to Adaptation” (5/CP.7 and 6/CP.7)

– 3 New Funds (COP7, Marrakech accords):1. Least Developing Country Fund (LDCF- UNFCCC)

( preparation and implementation of NAPAs)

2. Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF – UNFCCC)3. Adaptation Fund (Kyoto Protocol)

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UNFCCC guidance (continues)UNFCCC guidance (continues)

COP9 (Milan, 2003)Guidance to the GEF on how to operationalize the SCCF (5/CP.9) => GEF programming paper Initial guidance to operationalize the LDCF (6/CP.9)

SBI22 (Bonn, a few weeks ago)=> Agreement on the LDCF

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GEF Adaptation Program: GEF Adaptation Program: Evolution and OverviewEvolution and Overview

Staged approach (COP1, COP4) => Enabling Activities

Implementation (COP7 – COP9)=> Strategic Priority on Adaptation (SPA) Trust Fund=> LDC Fund (UNFCCC)=> SCCF Fund (UNFCCC)

$110 M currently available for adaptation=> Adaptation Fund (Kyoto Protocol)

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GEF support to adaptation technology GEF support to adaptation technology transfer-related activities: transfer-related activities:

EAs, project implementation, new fundsEAs, project implementation, new funds

National Communications (V&A component)=> Selected Projects: Vulnerability and

Adaptation to climate change

(in the context of National Communications)

=> Initial support for NAPA preparation (for LDCs under the LDCF)

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List of selected EA projectsList of selected EA projects

CPACC -- Caribbean Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change (regional, WB) $6.5 M (GEF)

PICCAP -- Pacific Islands Climate Change Assistance Programme (regional, UNDP) $3.44 M (GEF)

MACC -- Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate in the Caribbean (regional, WB -- builds on CPACC) $5.345 M

Capacity Building for Stage II Adaptation to climate change in Central America (regional, UNDP) $3.315 M

AIACC -- Assessments of Impacts of and Adaptation to Climate Change in Multiple Regions and Sectors (global, UNEP) $7.5 M (GEF)

China: Targeted Research Related to Climate Change (UNDP) $1.72 M (GEF)

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Implementation: accessing funds under the Implementation: accessing funds under the Strategic Priority “Strategic Priority “Piloting an Operational Piloting an Operational

Approach to AdaptationApproach to Adaptation” (SPA)” (SPA)

Projects submitted under the SPA will: “Show how adaptation planning and assessment

can be practically translated into projects that will provide real benefits” (5/CP.7)– $50 million allocation

(GEF Business Plan, November 2003)– Operational guidelines – GEF Assistance to Address Adaptation

(GEF Council, May 2004)

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GEF Adaptation Pipeline (SPA)GEF Adaptation Pipeline (SPA)

Kiribati Adapt. Project (KAP) (GEF $1.5 M) WB Colombia Integrated National Adaptation Pilot: High Mountain

Ecosystems, Colombia’s Caribbean Insular Areas, and Human Health (INAP) (GEF $4M) WB

Regional (Caribbean) Implementation of Pilot Adaptation Measures in coastal areas of Dominica, St. Lucia and St. Vincent & the Grenadines (GEF $1.9M) WB

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GEF Adaptation Pipeline (SPA)GEF Adaptation Pipeline (SPA)(continues)(continues)

Regional (West Africa) Responding to Shoreline Change (GEF $4M) UNDP countries include: Senegal, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Cape Verde

Global: Community-Based Adaptation Program (pilot in Bangladesh, Bolivia, Niger and Samoa) (GEF $5M) UNDP

Regional, Africa: Coping with Drought and Climate Change (GEF $4M) countries include: Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique and Zimbabwe

MSPs– Lake Balaton, Hungry– ALM, global -- pilot in Asia

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LDC Fund (GEF paper, November 2004) implementation of NAPAs (urgent and immediate needs)

Special Climate Change Fund (GEF programming paper, November 2004)(a) top priority: adaptation Areas: Water, land management, agriculture, health, infrastructure development, fragile ecosystems, integrated coastal zone management

(longer term approach and strategy)

(b) second priority: technology transfer=> Complementarity of the funds=> Concept of additional cost

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Comparison of SPA, LDCF and SCCFComparison of SPA, LDCF and SCCF



Trust Fund)


Urgent and immediate (NAPAs)


Priority areas of intervention

Incremental cost

(global benefits)

Additional cost(of adaptation measures)

Additional cost(of adaptation measures)

Project includes incremental reasoning

Project may include sliding scale

Project may include sliding scale

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Examples of sliding scaleExamples of sliding scale

Proposed sliding scale for the LDCF< $ 250,000 up to 75%< $ 2 M up to 50%$ 2 > 5 M up to 33%< $5 M up to 20%

Proposed sliding scale for the SCCF> $1 M => up to 50%$1 > 5 M => up to 33% < $5M => up to 25%

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Status of the new fundsStatus of the new funds

LDCF – already operational – Total pledges $32.5 million– allocation for preparation of NAPAs $12 million– available for implementation of NAPAs $21.5– additional pledges are expected

SCCF – opening for operations: Pipeline 21– Total pledges: $34 million ($1M for TT)– TNAs as the basis for TT activities– additional pledges are expected

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Ratification of the Kyoto ProtocolRatification of the Kyoto Protocol(future steps)(future steps)

Adaptation Fund

– 2% proceeds from the Clean Development Mechanism

– Managed by the GEF

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Adaptation interventions are effective when integrated into development plans, projects and programs

The GEF adaptation program and related portfolio does not include stand-alone adaptation projects

Similarly, technology transfer for adaptation has been considered within the broader context of adaptation programs, and not as a stand-alone activity

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GEF Adaptation-related papers www.thegef.org

GEF projects database:www.gefonline.org