tow Series- - 2(. Vol. 1L 't THE KKHTUCKY GAZETTE ruBiisntn evert mosdat mobniko, bt P. J3JIA.DFOU), Jul' tSt 7Vo ll Hilars per annum, paid in advance, or j urce wumrs a the end q; the lear Ofice is cl tms Jc. f,tt,pcrly lost c pf red or utsHoiiea, urnt st m the militarv service of the Liuted Stutes, durit'tr the la(r voir. W a t; ,to' J1 sit 3. j NOTICE IS Uh.it BUY CVuiX. j Pursuant to the act f tin U Slates, passed ic am oi nprn last, entitled " An act to au- thorize the payment for property lost, cap- tured or destroyed wlnle in the military ser- vice of the Unite 1 States, and for other pur-- ses," that all claims provided for by the said act, must be presented at this office on or Vfire the ninth day of pnl, is 'he year 3816; as is no' presented within ihai i riod, t'ev t be rie,ved, examined and de- cided on at tnis office First class of rases " The claims provided for by the siid act are, fi t, ny volunteer or drafted militiaman, ne'uer of cavalry, mounted riflemen, or in-f- try, who in the late war between the United States and Crerft Britain, has sustained dam- age by the loss of any horse which was killed in battle, or which his died in consequence of a w und therein received, or inconsequence of failure on the part of the United States to furnish such horse with sufficient forage while in the service of the United States, shall be allowed and paid the value of such horse." T.s provision comprehends three descrip- tions of cases. 1st. An horse killetl in battle. 2d An horse- dying, in consequence of a Wound received. in battle 3d An horse dying in onsequence of not being furnished with sufficient forage by the United States. To substantiate a claim of either descrip- tion, 1st Theorder of the government, author- ising the employment of lie coips to which the original claimants belonged, or the nhse-;ur- acceptance of such corps, or appro-ba- 1 on of its employment must be produced. 2d The certificate of the officer, or sur- viving officer, commanding the claimant at the time of the accident nn which the claim ii sounded, which certificate, is not given while the officer was in the service of the U States, must be sworn to : and in every case is must, is practicable, state the then '".hieof the horse so killed or dying- - Before any other evidence will he received, the claimant must HiJ-- p oath that it is not in his p- - wer to pro cure tint which is ahnve snerifii d ; and that the evidence whi"b he shall procure in Iipu thereof, is the-be- which he is ahlp to obt un In everv case 'he evidence must he on snd the value of the horse so killed oi i .,g ascertained All evidence offer, d t iM be t;Jcen and authenticited in the niin'iT h directed, and in all tin t casi s the claimant must declare nn oath i .' he his not rerp'vpd another horspt-fcrt- n . . . ''ccf or ai'ent of the government in Tifeu of the one lost. flrmn c'mi of easel " nv pers'" , w'"''ier ofc ivalrv or mount ed TiRemen, or v. hinteero. who- - hi thf- - 'ale war as rpsaid. hn9 utainpd damitre b the loss of an horie in consequence of the "wopr there f being dism ti"tel. or ep.iried and detached from the same bv order of thp r officer, or in conseqiipnep of the ri- cher heine killed or wounded in ha'tle. Fha'l he allowed ano1 paid the value of such horp a' the time Iip was received int., the pub-li- e This c'ass comprehends two ns of ca-e- 1st When the owner hap bpen dismounted or separated from and detarTled fm such hore hv hrdef of thp pommindinp officer. 2d When the rider has been killed or vounded in bittle, and the horse lost in thereof. The sime evidence, in all respects, which is' required in the first class of cases will be re- quired in this. Third dais of cases " nv person who, in the late war aforesaid, I'as sustained damage by thp loss, capture or by an enemy of any horse, mule. or waggon, cart, boat, sleigh or harness, while such property vas employed in the mil- - tan service of the United States, either by impressment or by Contract, except in cases where the risk to which the property would he exposed, was agreed to be incurred by the owner, is it shall apnear that such loss, cap- ture or destruction was without any fault or negligence o the owner j and any person dur-- J ing the time aforesaid, who has sustained damage hv the death of such horse, mule, or' in consequence of failure on the part of the tiniteo Biaies ii iiirnisu sumcieni lorage while in the service aforesaid, shall be allowed and psid the value thereof " This class comprehends two cases. 1st. The loss or, destruction of property Jiv an enemy, taken by impressment, or en- - caged bycotltract, in Jhe military service of' ine United States, being either an horse, a! route, an oX, Waggon', cart, boat, sleigh, or harness, excepting articles for which the own-- 1 ers hal agreed to run all risks, or which ' were lost or destroyed by tue tault or negli of the owners. pence i. i . , ... r--, Wlien an ..." ac: ",u'c,Qr po l3len ,or lias died from llie failure of the United States to furnish sufficient . tti,i forage., M.. Jn the ii St 01 tnese cases, mc u'n imisi produce the rertincaie, oi ine muter or acoi th' United Siates who impressed or con '.' ...1 for the oronertv above mentioned, and f the officer, or surviving officer, under whose . ,nC(Viate command it was taken or destroyed Such certificates, is such offi enemy. v, an or agents at the time 0r givintr tl.pm be rers in the military service of the U States, n"st be sworn to and must positively state the property was not lost or destroyed IhrouffH he fiult or negligence of the own- - and that (he owner did not agree to run r Furthermore, the usual hire ol the 11 risks. s so impved or contracted for in the country in wli.. tii-- y were employed must fTthe second czv, 'he certificate of the of agPUt ot toe ni;.ra wouci or h" e command such hovse, mule "" ox, Was tirnloved at Uie '.S& f his death must be J1W duce3, Before any her evidence will be received, the claimant must tnike oath that it is not in his power t.. produce that which is above sp. cified, and furiher, tiut the evidence which he oft'eis in lieu thereof, is ihii best which he is able to obtain In every est the evidence mut t -- Ute distinctly the time, place and man ner of !i;.s, ,J the value thereof. Fourth class of bases. " Anv person wi. .,, during the late war, has acted in the military sei vice of the United states, as a volunteer or drafted militiaman, and w n i has turiMahed himself with arms or accoutrements, and has sustained I ss by the capture or destruction of them, without any fault or negligence on his part, shall be al- lowed ami pud the valuethercof." This class c .mprehends tw i cases. 1st. The loss of such arms or accoutre ments bv the enemy. 2d. The loss .of the same tides in an other wav, without e fault oi negligence of tha owner I his provision does.nnt le the cloath-- 1 ing of soldiers, or tin cloathing and arms .ot officers, who, in all services, lurnish at their j own risk their own. I'he same evidence, in all respects, is required in this as in the hrst class, and moreover, that thp loss did not happen from the fault or negligence of the owner. , Fifth class of cases. " When anv property has been impressed or taken, by public au'horitj, for the use or sub sistence of the armv, during the late war, and the same shall have been destroyed, lost or consumed, the owner of such property shall be paid the thereof, deducting therelrm the amount nbich hai been paid, or may be claimed, for the Use and risk of the same, while in tli service al'resaid." Tins nrovision relates to every species of property taken or impressed for the use and subsistence of the armv, not comprehended in any of 'he precediocr classes, and winch shall have been in any manner destroyed. Inst or consumed by the army, including in its scope all kinds of piovisious, forage, fuel, articles lor clothing, blankets, arms and ammunition, in fact, every thing fiirthe use and equipment of an army In all these cases, the certificates of the officers or agents of theUni'ed States, taking or impressing any of tie aforesaid articles., authenticated by tlie officer commaiidir g the corps lor whose use they were taken or im- pressed and, furthei more, f the officer and agents under whose conrnand, specifying the value of the articles so taken or impressed, and dcslrnved, lost or consumed, and is atij payment has been mnde for the use of the same, the amount of such pivment, and is no payment has be n irde, tlie certificate must state that none has been made Before anv other evidence will be received, the cluoaant must muke oa'li that ii is not m his power t pror'ire that which is ab ve spe cified, and furtoer, thai hf evidence which he offeis in lie i thereof, is llie bi si, winch he is able to obtain. Under this provisinn. no claim can be ad mit'ed for any article v. h ch has not been ta- ken by the orders of the commandant of the Corp .' r whose use it mtv he stated to have been taken K-- r ny taking, not so author- ised, the pariy'a redicss i against the persoi. committing it. Sixth and list ch.ss vs cases. "When anv person, dining the bite vsr. has sti .taint d dimageln the destruction of his house or building by the , while the sume was occupied aj a militaiy dip sit, un- der the authority ol an olficer oi agent of the Unitttd States, he shall be allowed or paid .he ajuount of nirh damage ; provided it shall appear that such occupation was.the cause of such destruction," In this case the certificate of the officer or agent of the United States, under whose au- thority any such house or building whs occu- pied, must be furnished, llefore any other evidence to this fact will be received, the claimant must make oath that it is nut in his power to procure such certificate, and thai the evidence which he shall offer in lieu thereof, is the best which he is able to obtain. Furthermore, in al the cases submitted to this office, every claim must be accompanied by a statement 6n oath by every claimant, 0f all sums which lie may have received, on ac count of such claim, from any officer, agtnt or department of the government of the Slates, and where he has leceived noth- ing, that fact also must be staled on oath by him. ' - It will be particularly noted by claimants, that the preceding rules of evidence generally-- , and more especially apply to claims which shall not exceed in amount two hundred dol. lars, a special commissioner will he employed to take testimony ; But in these ,cases, as far as it shall be practicable, the same rules of evidence will be observed. In all cases in which the officers or agehts of the United States, shall have taken or imr pressed property for the military service l the United States, which pojerty so laken or impressed, shall have been paid for-b- them, out of their private funds, or the .value there- of received from them in due course of law, such officers Or agents are entitled to the same remufieratibn to which theiriginal own- ers of such property would be entitled, is such payment or recovery had n 't been tfiade, andean settle their claims at this office, pro- ducing authentic vouchers for duch payment or recovery Nor will any original claimants be paid through this olfice. till they release all claims against such officers or agents of the United Sta'es, on account oi sucu uuiing nr impressment l.i every case, no claim will be paid but to the persons originally entitled to receive the same or, in case of his desth, his legal repre- sentative, or either event, attorney, duly When attorneys shall be employed, it is recommended to the parties interested, to have their powers executed in due torm All evidence offered must be sworn to, ex cept the certificates of the officers, who at the time of f iving tnem, snail oe in me immury service of the United States before some .ludee of tfie United States, or of the Suites or Territories of the United Stales. yf rrtayorl or chief magistrate it ftiiy city, town or Bo- rough wiihui t!. jafne, o'r a justice ot the pea,- .- - riny $tate op territory of fce United Slates duly authorised to administer oalhs, which authority proot must be turnmieu ei ; ther by a certificate under lbs eeul oi any KjrJhk.diL 1 J JS LEXINGTON, K. MOJN21AY, JUSJ"24, 1816V oi.&Q, State oi; Territory or the clerk or piothonotary of any court within the same. Hut the seal or" anv ciiv. town or borough, or the attestation of any Judge ot the United Suites will re- quire no f'j. ther auiu ntication An utrice is opened on Capitol Hill in the City of Washington in the building occupied by congress during its Ustjession for tlse in- ception of foieign claims. i. All persons who have businrss with'thiftflf-- ftce, are requested to address their letters! tlie stibscnoer as commissioner, which will be transmitted free of postage. HIUHMII) BLAND LKR, Com'ir'si n Vlw s v THE COMMISSIUNKItS appointed by the President ui the United Minei, to superintend atLxingt n, the snhscnp' ions towards g the capital ol thp Hnk or the Unitvd States hereby give NoTiti;, that in conl rmity to an ci ol Congress, passed on the tenth day of A r 1 last, entnled " .'In act incorporate the suhsc-ibe- rs to tlte Dank of the u,u,ej .states,'' Subscription Hooks will be opened at tlie office of the Kentucky Insurance Compa.iy, on the first day of .,'uly ne5t, and will continue open everyday from the time of opening the same, between the hours of ten o'e'ock in the forenoon and sour o'clock in the afir no. i., for the term of twenty days, exclu-sn- e ol'Siindays, when the same will be closed. Tnat any individual, company, coiporatlon or siate, may subscribe for any number of shares of t he capital of the said Dank, not ex- ceed mg three ill usand Shares, and at t!ie time of subscribing there musbe paid on each Share, five dollars in poldor silyei coins ol the United Stales, or ol foreign coins, and twenty five d liars, m re in like com, or in 'Punch d Debt, in themannir following; that is to say. The payment in coin must be made in gold .prulver coin df the UnnetfStates, ' in gold com of Spiiij, or the dominions of SJhiip, at tlha rale,or one hundred cems fnreveiyTiSeijty eight grains artil -- ix:y luindiedths "of "a grain or the actual weight thereof (.r in other Id. reign gold or silvr coinat the sneral rates prescribed by the first section ol an act regu-latin- g the iiuienry of foreign run in the Umled Slates, passed the 'en h day rf April, ne thousand eight hundred and six: that is to say The gild coins is Great llritain and Portugal, at Hie rate of one hundred centnlor tery twenty eveii grains oftlie actual urifhl thereof The gold coin of Fiance, at the rate ol one liti'itWdcents for every taenty-srve- n giain and two fifths of a grain oldie actual weight thereof. Spanish milled Dollars at the rate ol" one hundred cents for each, the; ac- tual u eight whereof shall not be less tltfii seventeen penny weights and se- ven grains, and in proportion for the parts. .fa Dollar. Cions of France al the rate of one hundred and ten cents for each Ciown, the actual weight whereof Bh'.ll not be less than eighteen penny weighisand seventeen grains, and in pnpovlioi. r the parts of a Crown. The pj-metf- rmds in th" FuudefUJebt of llie United fttales, will be received - the sol. laving' rates that is to say : The Funded Debt bearing ui interest of s.x pel- centum per annum, at the no- minal or par value Ihermif ; the Fund- ed DebiTie ing an interest of three per centum per annum, at the rate of sixty five dollars for every sum of one hundred dollars of the nominal a til lUllt thpipnf mid tlu Fnnrffd nrtit hearing an inteiest ot seven per cen- tum per annum, at the rate of one hundred and six dollars and fitty-on- cents, for every sum of one hundred dollars, of the nominal amount th.re-oT- ; together with the amount of the interest accrued on the said several denominations of Funded Debt, to be compu'ed and allowed to the time of subscribing the same to tlie capital of the said flank : and, That at the time and place of subscribinrr. each and every subscriber must deliver to the commissi- tiers the certificates of Funded Debt, for the Funded liebl pi oportion of their res- pective subscriiitinns, together with a Power of Attorney in the &rm following : that is to say "KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PHESEN IS : That I of the Stale of , a subscriber sor: . shares of the capital of the Hank of ' he United States, do lwveby author- ize and empower John W. Hunt, John I'liford.-an- Thomas Prather, or a majority of them, Commissioners for superintending the subscription at Lexington, in the state of Kentucky, in person, or by substitute, to trans-fe- r in due form of law, the Funded Debt, whereof the certificates are hereunto annexed, to the President, Directors and Company of the liank of the United States, as soon as the Hank shall be organized : Provided always, That is in ennsequence of the apportionment of the shares in the capital of the said Hank among the subscribers in the manner by law di- rected, the said Funded Debt shall be of a greater amount than shall be ne cessary to complete the payments of the Funded Debt portion for the shares to be apportioned, only so much of the Funded Debt shall be transferred by virtue of the power and authority hereby given, as shall be necessary to complete such pay- ments. " Witness mv hand and seal, this day of- - . 18' 6" Sealed and deliveied in the presence of N. II. The wording of the "ower must be chai'tced wher. necessaryto ' .t the c,'scs or subscription by Ooutpanre-- . '""orations' of States, ami the parties. s3. ; acknowledge the execution ot the power before c, mains-trai- yvlio vill certify the sv.TiQ under his uaiX ant seal iji the visual iorni. JOHN W. HUNT, JOHN Tliyonn, J Cimmissionei s THOMAS PIIATHE , Lexington, May ,20, tglb- 22 Constables' Blanks, For sale at this Office. ADDITIONAL 0'ICE. Thf Commissioners appointed to superintend the subscriptions in this state ta the Capital OF THK HANIC 0ELTI1E UNITED STATES, Having adopted the following regulations for coiiUuetiiig the detailed operations liiereot, aecorvl ing to the etjuitable principles of the ae of incorpo ration, tire-thi- s pdblia notice, in orferthat those lp1io inteiifl toubscribemj,if tljey ibjem it expe- - Mientvrejart their payinenttlo anticipation, aud that all may possess eijual infortflalioii' and adhuita- - ges, at the time of subscribing: ' 1st. As the true intent and meaning ofthe actof incorporation, is undoubtedly to place every snrmci-ihp- nn fli. same nnilfihlp lontm'- - thf.t--n ' will be no distinction inailK in tlie torn- - putation of the interest on the funded debt, as to the particular day of the term on which any subscription mabe made, but for all the pur poses ol the subscription, the hrst day ot .the term allowed for subscribing will be considered as the " tune or subscribing, according to the meaning of the act. 2d. A.s the law will be equally satisfied, whether each tnijjridual sflbieriber delivers his distinct pronoruen ot com, and .ot. tunded debt, or whether a number combine andny their attor- ney deliver "the aggregate amount, and as it will obnatje the inconvenience and possible dif- ficulty ofTJJcjslitlg, in due time, a multiplicity of soialk transfers, and moreover, will enable any tofflmjnation of small subscribers to procure hoth ttieir coin and funded debt, with more K'ilirV and advantage than separately ; tl aymCntS,as well in coin as in funded debt, of anyffliimber of subscribers may be consolidated Inpayments in coin into one sum, and the fiftided debt into one or more certificates : Pitoviiieb, There shall be annexed to the power to transfer a schedule of the propor- tions n Inch the subscribers so combining are s. vei ally entitled to. 3d The Commissioners at the time of subscri- bing, will give to eaih subscriljLr, or to the attorney of any number of subscribers com- bined as aforesaid, a receipt for the payments j! in coin, and in fnndeddebl, which receipt, will b lettered anil numbered, so as to designate the particular subccription, and aoid the pdssi. hie en oi which mig' t arise from a similarity ol fumes. JOHN W. HUNT, JOHN TTLFOUn, C Cam.mitsirtier'4 THOMAS PUATHEn.3 Lexington. May 31. 1816 24tf United 8tutes Stocks. In coos ijuence of a joint arrangement between scleral gentle men, piovision is now making to pio- - curp the neccssiry stocks toi the accommodation of those uho ma wish to become subscribers to 'he Bank oftlie United States, and'tluis to facilitate sulisii iptio.is in this quarter. Persons v isbing to obtain Stock, hy making early application to the subscribers, leaving their names and stali.ie the amount desired (in order that the quantity procured may be pioportioned to the de mand J nia he supplied 111 in due time and at a lair and 1 eusotiable r.te by j:s. SXEAD&Co. Lexing'on, May 25, 1810. Iventucky Insurance Office. June 3, 1816. A half yearly mee'llnc of the Stockholders will b held at their office on Monday, 'the first day of July next at 11 o clock, A. M. l'ui.ctual attend ance. is requested. Hy order oftlie President and Directors. 23-4- w C1IS. BIUDFORD.Clk. For Sale, A tract of from 80 to 109 acres of land about 4 miles from Lexington, binding on Henry's Mill road on the-N- . W. side, and Mr. Kicli-ardso- n Allen on the N. E there is about 12 acres cleared and some cabins ; the remainder Woodland well limbered, with lasting water : My price is SO dollars per acre, one-thir- d in band,' one-thir- d in six months and the remain der in twelve months ; on the last payment a title will be made it not sold in one month, price will be increased. JOHN BRADFORD. May 25th, 1816. " Just Imported, AND FOlt SALE, AT W. MENTELLE'S COMMISSION STOllK, Main Street, next door to Mr. AVm. Leavy, ' FI? ES H G A RDKNS EEDS Or AIL KINDS AJIOH'U WHICH RE, English iValnutSi Sfianish Filberts and Ground JVuts i7o, A vsii'jHy of. Choice TOYS FOKTHE .APPROA'CHING CHRISTMAS, ii XEW-llZAH'- S GIFTS SUCH AS DOLLS, Wholesale and Retail, UOXtS, Glass and Painted,. Elegant Painted f Queen'sware SNUFF BOXES, MIULS, CUP ft BALL, TETOTUMS, and oth- ers tcaMiOmerous for description, REFINED LfeUDUICB, in boxes, for colds, am! coughs, Ditto in clicks, DURABLE INK, RAISINS, by the box, or by the pbujid, ' An elegantand cheap set of 'CHINA, An assortment ot QUEENS' WARE. . FIDDLES, and FIDDLE STRINGS, superior quality, BOSS COTTON, Ditto SPUN, of all sizes, HOMHAZETTS, and other Dry Goods, COMMON WARE, by Whofewle and Retail, RAPPEE SNUFF. Orders from tlie country, attended to, punctually. ii ' Novemher 20. Cellar lo Rent, The large and. commodious Cfar , under the new Lpiscopal CJitlTcli. Apnh, to "JOHN COLEMAN, Lexington Jtre-wer- Thorn us Deye U wings, Has removed his IRON AND CASTINGS STORE - To the bouse formerly" occupied by Mr. Bartholo- mew Blount, on Upper and phort streets, oppo-rit- e colonel Morrison's i here he has on hand A FULL ASSORTMENT OF KONS Sj CASTINGS, viz. Pots, Keltles, Skillets, Ovens, And Irons, &c. S Lexington, Eth Feb. --: CATTLE SHEW. On, Thursdaj-- , the 25th day next, thereittrill be exhibited at Sanders, 2 2 milea N. y, of Lexington, sine Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, lloises, 8.c. Gentlemen breeders, or owners of sine Stock, are requested to exhibit, either for shew or sale there will be purchasers frurn distant parts of the state. One object is to bring sell- - ers and purchasers together; another is to forni au.Agricultural Society for Kentucky, on. tliat daj. Gentlemen disposed to promote so laudible an obje'et, are solicited to atterul. Premiums will be givtfn to the owners of the best Stock, upon principles th'at will be publisliod in .'II- - this next week, Lots, for the accommodation of Stock, will be sound, gratis. ' 22 AUCllON AIVD COMA1ISSIOJV. THE illrnscniBEns iisDin The rinjt of nnJlES & SMITH, HAVE established an Auction and Con mission Sftore in Lexington, and will diligent, ly transact such business as may be entrusted to their qare. They propose receiving con- signments of merchandise and property of every description, which will be disposed of at auction or otherwise according to instructions. Liberal advances in Cash will be made on consignments. , t They wjjl also reeeive orders for the pur- chase & sliipment of Western produce. Hills & DEBTS COLLliCTKI) & punctually remit-te- d They hope to cive satisfaction in all re- - spects-and'l- or their qualifications aud ienion- - sibility, reference may be had to the mer. chants of Ltxington generally, to Whom they are known. JAMES C RODES, ' BIRD SMITH. Lexington, May 10, 1816. SHORTLY I.XPECTED, By the arrival of the BARGES CINCINNATI and OHIO at Louisville, 30 hlids. SUG U, 50 Bags "best GREEN COPFEB, 11 Crates QUEENSWARE (well assor(ed) 50 rioxes MUSCATEL RAISINS, 15 Barrels MACKEREL Uc 18 Cases Long Cork CLARET, 60 J lbs ALMONDS 12 Cases Holland GIN. Together with a variety of other Groceries, such as WINES, BRNDY, RUM, COR .TEAS, SHRUB, prestrved FRUITS, Spanish Segars, Spermaceti CANDLES &c. the whole comprising a general assortment yJiich will be opened at Lexington. .sots Fayette Circuit, set: - June Teim, 18IC. William Leavy, complainant , against . , N ancv Holmes, Willlim Holmes 1 and J'uha Holmes, heirs and re-- f" ln hantery. presentatives of Andrew Holmes j deceased, see. defendants J THIS DAY came the complainant by his attor- ney, and the defendants Millev Davis, iate Milley Uatcliff, James Davis, Tabitha RunViick late Tabitha Ratclitf, Thomas Runnick, Rachael Yanmeter, Uie Racliail Ratclili, Abraham Vanmcterj Elizabetfi Ratclih", Joel RatcIilT, Isaac Ratcliff, Henjohiin RatclitT, Dudley Ratcliff, heirs and representatives of Benj. Ratcliff, Deed, and Thos. Rennick admr's. oftlie estate of the said Benjamin, having sailed to enter their appearance herein agreeable to law-an- the rules of this court, and it ai pearing to the satisfaction of the court, that they are not inhabit- ants of this commonwealth ; on the motion of the said complainant, it is therefore ordered, that unless the said defendants shall appear here on or before the first day of our neyt August term, and answer the complainant's original and amended bill, that the same will be taken as confessed against them, anu inaLucuuy ui iius uriier oe inserteu in some authorised paper of this commonwealth for eight weeks in succession, agreeably lo law. A Copy, Teste, THOMAS BODLEY, c. r. c. 5, 1816. w " OLD IRON-SlDbi- T AYE1N, Elijah Noble Has opened a Tavern in those extensive anil commodious buildings on Kentucky, formerly occupied by Mr, William T. Banton and Mr. Prestiss, as Boarding H&uses, shich he has connected together, and where he proposes To ISntertain Travellers, And his FelldAv-Citize- generally, who call on him, in a style equal to any which can be obtained in the Western Country. Travellers may be accommo- dated, without being disturbed by the noise and bustle, usually incident to a Tavern j and Private Parties, Will meet with no interruption from strangers. His Liquors will be excellent, and his Table always spread with the choicest Viands of each successii e season. His Stable will contain about sixty Horses It will be under the direction and care of Mr. F. B iLEsnaij, whose attention will be entirely confined to the Stable. Lexington, Janua-- y 22, 1816 Fayette County, set : Taken up by Patrick Vance, on the George- town road, 4 miles froai Lexington, one GRAY HORSE, 15 2 bands high, nine years old, black legs appraised to thirty dollars. Also one BAY MARE, 14 hands 3 inches high, 15 yeais old, small star in her sorehead, hat tlie appearance ol a brand on her lest Shoulder, white spot on the lest hind soot, lump on her head appraised to ten. dollars, before me this 1st day of February, 1S1C, by Charles 'Redman and Patrick Vance, Jr O. KF.ENE, t p. June G. '.'!-- " v Fajette County, set: Tak n up by Edward Ilusu'ius, linns nn f'urd'j road, 5 miUsfrom Lexington, 0111 BL4.Ch. IRE COLT, 2veais old, Unhands 0 5 dollars before me, by Jebse Han.pton a id Daniel Singleton, this 10th day oX Ithruwy, ixio. O. IvEEN'ft, j. p. Juoe 6. pi-J- w

KjrJhk.diL 1 J JS - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jht6z/data/1528.pdf · ai'ent of the government in Tifeu of the one lost. flrmn c'mi of easel " nv pers'", w'"''ierofc ivalrv

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Page 1: KjrJhk.diL 1 J JS - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jht6z/data/1528.pdf · ai'ent of the government in Tifeu of the one lost. flrmn c'mi of easel " nv pers'", w'"''ierofc ivalrv

tow Series- - 2(. Vol. 1L


ruBiisntn evert mosdat mobniko, btP. J3JIA.DFOU), Jul'

tSt 7Vo llHilars per annum, paid in advance, orj urce wumrs a the end q; the lear

Ofice is cl tms Jc. f,tt,pcrly lost c pf red orutsHoiiea, urnt st m the militarv service of theLiuted Stutes, durit'tr the la(r voir.

W a t; ,to' J1 sit 3. j


Pursuant to the act f tin U Slates, passedic am oi nprn last, entitled " An act to au-

thorize the payment for property lost, cap-tured or destroyed wlnle in the military ser-vice of the Unite 1 States, and for other pur--

ses," that all claims provided for by thesaid act, must be presented at this office on orVfire the ninth day of pnl, is 'he year3816; as is no' presented within ihai i riod,t'ev t be rie,ved, examined and de-

cided on at tnis officeFirst class of rases "

The claims provided for by the siid act are,fi t, ny volunteer or drafted militiaman,

ne'uer of cavalry, mounted riflemen, or in-f-

try, who in the late war between the UnitedStates and Crerft Britain, has sustained dam-age by the loss of any horse which was killedin battle, or which his died in consequenceof a w und therein received, or inconsequenceof failure on the part of the United States tofurnish such horse with sufficient forage whilein the service of the United States, shall beallowed and paid the value of such horse."T.s provision comprehends three descrip-tions of cases.

1st. An horse killetl in battle.2d An horse- dying, in consequence of a

Wound received. in battle3d An horse dying in onsequence of not

being furnished with sufficient forage by theUnited States.

To substantiate a claim of either descrip-tion,

1st Theorder of the government, author-ising the employment of lie coips to whichthe original claimants belonged, or the nhse-;ur-

acceptance of such corps, or appro-ba- 1

on of its employment must be produced.2d The certificate of the officer, or sur-

viving officer, commanding the claimant atthe time of the accident nn which the claimii sounded, which certificate, is not givenwhile the officer was in the service of the U

States, must be sworn to : and in every caseis must, is practicable, state the then '".hieofthe horse so killed or dying- - Before any otherevidence will he received, the claimant mustHiJ-- p oath that it is not in his p- - wer to procure tint which is ahnve snerifii d ; and thatthe evidence whi"b he shall procure in Iiputhereof, is the-be- which he is ahlp to obt unIn everv case 'he evidence must he onsnd the value of the horse so killed oi i .,gascertained All evidence offer, d t iM bet;Jcen and authenticited in the niin'iT h

directed, and in all tin t casi s theclaimant must declare nn oath i . ' he hisnot rerp'vpd another horspt-fcrt- n . . . ''ccf orai'ent of the government in Tifeu of the onelost.

flrmn c'mi of easel" nv pers'" , w'"''ier ofc ivalrv or mount

ed TiRemen, or v. hinteero. who- - hi thf- - 'alewar as rpsaid. hn9 utainpd damitre b theloss of an horie in consequence of the "woprthere f being dism ti"tel. or ep.iried anddetached from the same bv order of thp r

officer, or in conseqiipnep of the ri-

cher heine killed or wounded in ha'tle.Fha'l he allowed ano1 paid the value of suchhorp a' the time Iip was received int., the pub-li- e

This c'ass comprehends twons of ca-e-

1st When the owner hap bpen dismountedor separated from and detarTled fm suchhore hv hrdef of thp pommindinp officer.

2d When the rider has been killed orvounded in bittle, and the horse lost in

thereof.The sime evidence, in all respects, which is'

required in the first class of cases will be re-

quired in this.Third dais of cases

" nv person who, in the late war aforesaid,I'as sustained damage by thp loss, capture or

by an enemy of any horse, mule.or waggon, cart, boat, sleigh or harness,while such property vas employed in the mil- -

tan service of the United States, either byimpressment or by Contract, except in caseswhere the risk to which the property wouldhe exposed, was agreed to be incurred by theowner, is it shall apnear that such loss, cap-

ture or destruction was without any fault ornegligence o the owner j and any person dur-- J

ing the time aforesaid, who has sustaineddamage hv the death of such horse, mule, or'in consequence of failure on the part of thetiniteo Biaies ii iiirnisu sumcieni loragewhile in the service aforesaid, shall be allowedand psid the value thereof "

This class comprehends two cases.1st. The loss or, destruction of property

Jiv an enemy, taken by impressment, or en- -

caged bycotltract, in Jhe military service of'ine United States, being either an horse, a!route, an oX, Waggon', cart, boat, sleigh, orharness, excepting articles for which the own-- 1

ers hal agreed to run all risks, or which '

were lost or destroyed by tue tault or negliof the owners.pence i. i . , ...

r--, Wlien an ..." ac: ",u'c,Qr po l3len ,or

lias died from llie failure of theUnited States to furnish sufficient

. tti,iforage.,M..

Jn the ii St 01 tnese cases, mc u'n imisiproduce the rertincaie, oi ine muter or acoi

th' United Siates who impressed or con'.' ...1 for the oronertv above mentioned, and

f the officer, or surviving officer, under whose. ,nC(Viate command it was taken or destroyed

Such certificates, is such offienemy.v, anor agents at the time 0r givintr tl.pm be

rersin the military service of the U States,

n"st be sworn to and must positively state

the property was not lost or destroyedIhrouffH he fiult or negligence of the own- -

and that (he owner did not agree to runr Furthermore, the usual hire ol the11 risks.

s so impved or contracted for in the

country in wli.. tii-- y were employed must

fTthe second czv, 'he certificate of the ofagPUt ot toe ni;.ra woucior

h" e command such hovse, mule "" ox, Was

tirnloved at Uie '.S& f his death must be


Before any her evidence will be received,the claimant must tnike oath that it is not inhis power t.. produce that which is above sp.cified, and furiher, tiut the evidence whichhe oft'eis in lieu thereof, is ihii best which heis able to obtain In every est the evidencemut t -- Ute distinctly the time, place and manner of !i;.s, ,J the value thereof.

Fourth class of bases.

" Anv person wi. .,, during the late war, hasacted in the military sei vice of the Unitedstates, as a volunteer or drafted militiaman,and w n i has turiMahed himself with arms oraccoutrements, and has sustained I ss by thecapture or destruction of them, without anyfault or negligence on his part, shall be al-

lowed ami pud the valuethercof."This class c .mprehends tw i cases.1st. The loss of such arms or accoutre

ments bv the enemy.2d. The loss .of the same tides in an

other wav, without e fault oi negligence oftha owner

I his provision does.nnt le the cloath-- 1

ing of soldiers, or tin cloathing and arms .otofficers, who, in all services, lurnish at their j

own risk their own. I'he same evidence, inall respects, is required in this as in the hrstclass, and moreover, that thp loss did nothappen from the fault or negligence of theowner. ,

Fifth class of cases.

" When anv property has been impressed ortaken, by public au'horitj, for the use or subsistence of the armv, during the late war, andthe same shall have been destroyed, lostor consumed, the owner of such propertyshall be paid the thereof, deductingtherelrm the amount nbich hai been paid,or may be claimed, for the Use and risk of thesame, while in tli service al'resaid."

Tins nrovision relates to every species ofproperty taken or impressed for the use andsubsistence of the armv, not comprehended inany of 'he precediocr classes, and winch shallhave been in any manner destroyed. Inst orconsumed by the army, including in its scopeall kinds of piovisious, forage, fuel, articleslor clothing, blankets, arms and ammunition,in fact, every thing fiirthe use and equipmentof an army

In all these cases, the certificates of theofficers or agents of theUni'ed States, takingor impressing any of tie aforesaid articles.,authenticated by tlie officer commaiidir g thecorps lor whose use they were taken or im-

pressed and, furthei more, f the officer andagents under whose conrnand, specifying thevalue of the articles so taken or impressed,and dcslrnved, lost or consumed, and is atijpayment has been mnde for the use of thesame, the amount of such pivment, and is nopayment has be n irde, tlie certificate muststate that none has been made

Before anv other evidence will be received,the cluoaant must muke oa'li that ii is not mhis power t pror'ire that which is ab ve specified, and furtoer, thai hf evidence which heoffeis in lie i thereof, is llie bi si, winch he isable to obtain.

Under this provisinn. no claim can be admit'ed for any article v. h ch has not been ta-

ken by the orders of the commandant of theCorp .' r whose use it mtv he stated to havebeen taken K-- r ny taking, not so author-ised, the pariy'a redicss i against the persoi.committing it.

Sixth and list ch.ss vs cases.

"When anv person, dining the bite vsr.has sti .taint d dimageln the destruction ofhis house or building by the , while thesume was occupied aj a militaiy dip sit, un-

der the authority ol an olficer oi agent of theUnitttd States, he shall be allowed or paid .heajuount of nirh damage ; provided it shallappear that such occupation was.the cause ofsuch destruction,"

In this case the certificate of the officer oragent of the United States, under whose au-

thority any such house or building whs occu-

pied, must be furnished, llefore any otherevidence to this fact will be received, theclaimant must make oath that it is nut in hispower to procure such certificate, and thai theevidence which he shall offer in lieu thereof,is the best which he is able to obtain.

Furthermore, in al the cases submitted tothis office, every claim must be accompaniedby a statement 6n oath by every claimant, 0fall sums which lie may have received, on account of such claim, from any officer, agtntor department of the government of the

Slates, and where he has leceived noth-ing, that fact also must be staled on oath byhim. ' -

It will be particularly noted by claimants,that the preceding rules of evidence generally-- ,

and more especially apply to claims whichshall not exceed in amount two hundred dol.lars, a special commissioner will he employedto take testimony ; But in these ,cases, as faras it shall be practicable, the same rules ofevidence will be observed.

In all cases in which the officers or agehtsof the United States, shall have taken or imrpressed property for the military service l

the United States, which pojerty so laken orimpressed, shall have been paid for-b- them,out of their private funds, or the .value there-of received from them in due course of law,such officers Or agents are entitled to thesame remufieratibn to which theiriginal own-

ers of such property would be entitled, issuch payment or recovery had n 't been tfiade,andean settle their claims at this office, pro-

ducing authentic vouchers for duch paymentor recovery Nor will any original claimantsbe paid through this olfice. till they releaseall claims against such officers or agents of

the United Sta'es, on account oi sucu uuiingnr impressment

l.i every case, no claim will be paid but tothe persons originally entitled to receive thesame or, in case of his desth, his legal repre-

sentative, or either event, attorney, dulyWhen attorneys shall be employed,

it is recommended to the parties interested, tohave their powers executed in due torm

All evidence offered must be sworn to, except the certificates of the officers, who at thetime of f iving tnem, snail oe in me immuryservice of the United States before some

.ludee of tfie United States, or of the Suitesor Territories of the United Stales. yf rrtayorlor chief magistrate it ftiiy city, town or Bo-

rough wiihui t!. jafne, o'r a justice ot thepea,- .- -

riny $tate op territory of fce UnitedSlates duly authorised to administer oalhs,which authority proot must be turnmieu ei

; ther by a certificate under lbs eeul oi any

KjrJhk.diL 1 J JSLEXINGTON, K. MOJN21AY, JUSJ"24, 1816V oi.&Q,

State oi; Territory or the clerk or piothonotaryof any court within the same. Hut the seal or"

anv ciiv. town or borough, or the attestationof any Judge ot the United Suites will re-

quire no f'j. ther auiu nticationAn utrice is opened on Capitol Hill in the

City of Washington in the building occupiedby congress during its Ustjession for tlse in-

ception of foieign claims. i.All persons who have businrss with'thiftflf--

ftce, are requested to address their letters!tlie stibscnoer as commissioner, which will betransmitted free of postage.

HIUHMII) BLAND LKR,Com'ir'si n Vlw s v

THE COMMISSIUNKItS appointed by thePresident ui the United Minei, to superintendatLxingt n, the snhscnp' ions towards g

the capital ol thp Hnk or theUnitvd States hereby give NoTiti;, that inconl rmity to an ci ol Congress, passed onthe tenth day of A r 1 last, entnled " .'In act

incorporate the suhsc-ibe- rs to tlte Dank of theu,u,ej .states,'' Subscription Hooks will beopened at tlie office of the Kentucky InsuranceCompa.iy, on the first day of .,'uly ne5t, andwill continue open everyday from the time ofopening the same, between the hours of teno'e'ock in the forenoon and sour o'clock in theafir no. i., for the term of twenty days, exclu-sn- e

ol'Siindays, when the same will be closed.Tnat any individual, company, coiporatlon

or siate, may subscribe for any number ofshares of t he capital of the said Dank, not ex-ceed mg three ill usand Shares, and at t!ietime of subscribing there musbe paid on eachShare, five dollars in poldor silyei coins ol theUnited Stales, or ol foreign coins, and twentyfive d liars, m re in like com, or in 'Punch dDebt, in themannir following; that is to say.The payment in coin must be made in gold.prulver coin df the UnnetfStates, ' in goldcom of Spiiij, or the dominions of SJhiip, attlha rale,or one hundred cems fnreveiyTiSeijtyeight grains artil -- ix:y luindiedths "of "a grainor the actual weight thereof (.r in other Id.reign gold or silvr coinat the sneral ratesprescribed by the first section ol an act regu-latin- g

the iiuienry of foreign run in theUmled Slates, passed the 'en h day rf April,ne thousand eight hundred and six: that is

to sayThe gild coins is Great llritain and

Portugal, at Hie rate of one hundredcentnlor tery twenty eveii grainsoftlie actual urifhl thereof

The gold coin of Fiance, at the rate olone liti'itWdcents for every taenty-srve- n

giain and two fifths of a grainoldie actual weight thereof.

Spanish milled Dollars at the rate ol"one hundred cents for each, the; ac-

tual u eight whereof shall not be lesstltfii seventeen penny weights and se-

ven grains, and in proportion for theparts. .fa Dollar.

Cions of France al the rate of onehundred and ten cents for eachCiown, the actual weight whereofBh'.ll not be less than eighteen pennyweighisand seventeen grains, and inpnpovlioi. r the parts of a Crown.

The pj-metf- rmds in th" FuudefUJebt ofllie United fttales, will be received - the sol.laving' rates that is to say :

The Funded Debt bearing ui interest ofs.x pel- centum per annum, at the no-

minal or par value Ihermif ; the Fund-ed DebiTie ing an interest of threeper centum per annum, at the rate ofsixty five dollars for every sum of onehundred dollars of the nominal atil lUllt thpipnf mid tlu Fnnrffd nrtithearing an inteiest ot seven per cen-tum per annum, at the rate of onehundred and six dollars and fitty-on-

cents, for every sum of one hundreddollars, of the nominal amount th.re-oT- ;

together with the amount of theinterest accrued on the said severaldenominations of Funded Debt, to becompu'ed and allowed to the time ofsubscribing the same to tlie capitalof the said flank : and,

That at the time and place of subscribinrr.each and every subscriber must deliver to thecommissi- tiers the certificates of Funded Debt,for the Funded liebl pi oportion of their res-pective subscriiitinns, together with a Powerof Attorney in the &rm following : that is tosay

"KNOW ALL MEN BY THESEPHESEN IS : That I of theStale of , a subscriber sor:

. shares of the capital of the Hank of' he United States, do lwveby author-

ize and empower John W. Hunt, JohnI'liford.-an- Thomas Prather, or amajority of them, Commissioners forsuperintending the subscription atLexington, in the state of Kentucky,in person, or by substitute, to trans-fe- r

in due form of law, the FundedDebt, whereof the certificates arehereunto annexed, to the President,Directors and Company of the liankof the United States, as soon as theHank shall be organized : Providedalways, That is in ennsequence of theapportionment of the shares in thecapital of the said Hank among thesubscribers in the manner by law di-

rected, the said Funded Debt shall beof a greater amount than shall be necessary to complete the payments ofthe Funded Debt portion for theshares to be apportioned, only somuch of the Funded Debt shall betransferred by virtue of the powerand authority hereby given, as shallbe necessary to complete such pay-ments." Witness mv hand and seal, thisday of-- . 18' 6"

Sealed and deliveied inthe presence of

N. II. The wording of the "ower must bechai'tced wher. necessaryto ' .t the c,'scs orsubscription by Ooutpanre-- . '""orations' ofStates, ami the parties. s3. ; acknowledgethe execution ot the power before c, mains-trai-

yvlio vill certify the sv.TiQ under hisuaiX ant seal iji the visual iorni.

JOHN W. HUNT,JOHN Tliyonn, J Cimmissionei sTHOMAS PIIATHE ,

Lexington, May ,20, tglb- 22

Constables' Blanks,For sale at this Office.

ADDITIONAL 0'ICE.Thf Commissioners appointed to superintend the

subscriptions in this state ta the CapitalOF THK

HANIC 0ELTI1E UNITED STATES,Having adopted the following regulations for

coiiUuetiiig the detailed operations liiereot, aecorvling to the etjuitable principles of the ae of incorporation, tire-thi-s pdblia notice, in orferthat those

lp1io inteiifl toubscribemj,if tljey ibjem it expe- -

Mientvrejart their payinenttlo anticipation, audthat all may possess eijual infortflalioii' and adhuita- -ges, at the time of subscribing: '

1st. As the true intent and meaning ofthe actofincorporation, is undoubtedly to place everysnrmci-ihp- nn fli. same nnilfihlp lontm'- - thf.t--n'will be no distinction inailK in tlie torn- -putation of the interest on the funded debt, asto the particular day of the term on which anysubscription mabe made, but for all the purposes ol the subscription, the hrst day ot .theterm allowed for subscribing will be consideredas the " tune or subscribing, according to themeaning of the act.

2d. A.s the law will be equally satisfied, whethereach tnijjridual sflbieriber delivers his distinctpronoruen ot com, and .ot. tunded debt, orwhether a number combine andny their attor-ney deliver "the aggregate amount, and as itwill obnatje the inconvenience and possible dif-ficulty ofTJJcjslitlg, in due time, a multiplicityof soialk transfers, and moreover, will enableany tofflmjnation of small subscribers to procurehoth ttieir coin and funded debt, with more

K'ilirV and advantage than separately ; tlaymCntS,as well in coin as in funded debt, of

anyffliimber of subscribers may be consolidatedInpayments in coin into one sum, and the

fiftided debt into one or more certificates :

Pitoviiieb, There shall be annexed to thepower to transfer a schedule of the propor-tions n Inch the subscribers so combining ares. vei ally entitled to.

3d The Commissioners at the time of subscri-bing, will give to eaih subscriljLr, or to theattorney of any number of subscribers com-bined as aforesaid, a receipt for the payments

j! in coin, and in fnndeddebl, which receipt, willb lettered anil numbered, so as to designatethe particular subccription, and aoid the pdssi.hie en oi which mig' t arise from a similarityol fumes.


Lexington. May 31. 1816 24tf

United 8tutes Stocks.In coos ijuence of a joint arrangement between

scleral gentle men, piovision is now making to pio- -

curp the neccssiry stocks toi the accommodationof those uho ma wish to become subscribers to'he Bank oftlie United States, and'tluis to facilitatesulisii iptio.is in this quarter.

Persons v isbing to obtain Stock, hy making earlyapplication to the subscribers, leaving their namesand stali.ie the amount desired (in order that thequantity procured may be pioportioned to the demand J nia he supplied 111 in due time andat a lair and 1 eusotiable r.te by

j:s. SXEAD&Co.Lexing'on, May 25, 1810.

Iventucky Insurance Office.June 3, 1816.

A half yearly mee'llnc of the Stockholders willb held at their office on Monday, 'the first day ofJuly next at 11 o clock, A. M. l'ui.ctual attendance. is requested.

Hy order oftlie President and Directors.23-4- w C1IS. BIUDFORD.Clk.

For Sale,A tract of from 80 to 109 acres of land about

4 miles from Lexington, binding on Henry'sMill road on the-N- . W. side, and Mr. Kicli-ardso- n

Allen on the N. E there is about 12acres cleared and some cabins ; the remainderWoodland well limbered, with lasting water :My price is SO dollars per acre, one-thir- d inband,' one-thir- d in six months and the remainder in twelve months ; on the last payment atitle will be made it not sold in one month,price will be increased.

JOHN BRADFORD.May 25th, 1816.


Just Imported,AND FOlt SALE,


Main Street, next door to Mr. AVm. Leavy, '


English iValnutSi Sfianish Filberts andGround JVuts i7o,



DOLLS, Wholesale and Retail,UOXtS, Glass and Painted,.Elegant Painted f Queen'sware SNUFF BOXES,MIULS, CUP ft BALL, TETOTUMS, and oth-

ers tcaMiOmerous for description,REFINED LfeUDUICB, in boxes, for colds, am!

coughs,Ditto in clicks,DURABLE INK,RAISINS, by the box, or by the pbujid, '

An elegantand cheap set of 'CHINA,An assortment ot QUEENS' WARE. .FIDDLES, and FIDDLE STRINGS, superior

quality,BOSS COTTON,Ditto SPUN, of all sizes,HOMHAZETTS, and other Dry Goods,COMMON WARE, by Whofewle and Retail,RAPPEE SNUFF.

Orders from tlie country, attended to, punctually.ii ' Novemher 20.

Cellar lo Rent,The large and. commodious Cfar , under the new

Lpiscopal CJitlTcli. Apnh, to"JOHN COLEMAN,

Lexington Jtre-wer-

Thorn us Deye U wings,Has removed his


To the bouse formerly" occupied by Mr. Bartholo-mew Blount, on Upper and phort streets, oppo-rit- e

colonel Morrison's i here he has on handA FULL ASSORTMENT OF

KONS Sj CASTINGS, viz.Pots, Keltles, Skillets, Ovens,

And Irons, &c.S Lexington, Eth Feb.


On, Thursdaj-- , the 25th day next,thereittrill be exhibited at Sanders, 2 2 mileaN. y, of Lexington, sine Cattle, Sheep,Hogs, lloises, 8.c.

Gentlemen breeders, or owners of sine Stock,are requested to exhibit, either for shew orsale there will be purchasers frurn distantparts of the state. One object is to bring sell- -ers and purchasers together; another is toforni au.Agricultural Society for Kentucky, on.tliat daj. Gentlemen disposed to promote solaudible an obje'et, are solicited to atterul.

Premiums will be givtfn to the owners ofthe best Stock, upon principles th'at will bepublisliod in.'II- -this next week,

Lots, for the accommodation of Stock, willbe sound, gratis. '



THE illrnscniBEns iisDin The rinjt ofnnJlES & SMITH,

HAVE established an Auction and Conmission Sftore in Lexington, and will diligent,ly transact such business as may be entrustedto their qare. They propose receiving con-signments of merchandise and property ofevery description, which will be disposed of atauction or otherwise according to instructions.Liberal advances in Cash will be made onconsignments. , t

They wjjl also reeeive orders for the pur-chase & sliipment of Western produce. Hills& DEBTS COLLliCTKI) & punctually remit-te- d

They hope to cive satisfaction in all re- -spects-and'l- or their qualifications aud ienion- -sibility, reference may be had to the mer.chants of Ltxington generally, to Whom theyare known.


Lexington, May 10, 1816.


and OHIO at Louisville,30 hlids. SUG U,50 Bags "best GREEN COPFEB,11 Crates QUEENSWARE (well assor(ed)50 rioxes MUSCATEL RAISINS,15 Barrels MACKEREL Uc18 Cases Long Cork CLARET,60 J lbs ALMONDS12 Cases Holland GIN.Together with a variety of other Groceries,


Spanish Segars, Spermaceti CANDLES &c.the whole comprising a general assortmentyJiich will be opened at Lexington. .sots

Fayette Circuit, set:- June Teim, 18IC.

William Leavy, complainant ,against . ,

N ancv Holmes, Willlim Holmes 1

and J'uha Holmes, heirs and re-- f" ln hantery.presentatives of Andrew Holmes jdeceased, see. defendants J

THIS DAY came the complainant by his attor-ney, and the defendants Millev Davis, iate MilleyUatcliff, James Davis, Tabitha RunViick late TabithaRatclitf, Thomas Runnick, Rachael Yanmeter, UieRacliail Ratclili, Abraham Vanmcterj ElizabetfiRatclih", Joel RatcIilT, Isaac Ratcliff, HenjohiinRatclitT, Dudley Ratcliff, heirs and representativesof Benj. Ratcliff, Deed, and Thos. Rennick admr's.oftlie estate of the said Benjamin, having sailedto enter their appearance herein agreeable to law-an-

the rules of this court, and it ai pearing to thesatisfaction of the court, that they are not inhabit-ants of this commonwealth ; on the motion of thesaid complainant, it is therefore ordered, that unlessthe said defendants shall appear here on or beforethe first day of our neyt August term, and answerthe complainant's original and amended bill, thatthe same will be taken as confessed against them,anu inaLucuuy ui iius uriier oe inserteu in someauthorised paper of this commonwealth for eightweeks in succession, agreeably lo law.

A Copy, Teste,THOMAS BODLEY, c. r. c.

5, 1816. w


AYE1N,Elijah Noble

Has opened a Tavern in those extensive anilcommodious buildings onKentucky, formerly occupied by Mr, William T.Banton and Mr. Prestiss, as Boarding H&uses,shich he has connected together, and where heproposes

To ISntertain Travellers,And his FelldAv-Citize- generally, who call on him,in a style equal to any which can be obtained in theWestern Country. Travellers may be accommo-dated, without being disturbed by the noise andbustle, usually incident to a Tavern j and

Private Parties,Will meet with no interruption from strangers.His Liquors will be excellent, and his Table alwaysspread with the choicest Viands of each successii eseason.

His Stable will contain about sixty Horses Itwill be under the direction and care of Mr. F.B iLEsnaij, whose attention will be entirely confinedto the Stable. Lexington, Janua-- y 22, 1816

Fayette County, set :

Taken up by Patrick Vance, on the George-town road, 4 miles froai Lexington, one GRAYHORSE, 15 2 bands high, nine years old, blacklegs appraised to thirty dollars. Also one BAYMARE, 14 hands 3 inches high, 15 yeais old,small star in her sorehead, hat tlie appearance ol abrand on her lest Shoulder, white spot on the lesthind soot, lump on her head appraised to ten.dollars, before me this 1st day of February, 1S1C,by Charles 'Redman and Patrick Vance, Jr

O. KF.ENE, t p.June G. '.'!-- " v

Fajette County, set:Tak n up by Edward Ilusu'ius, linns nn f'urd'j

road, 5 miUsfrom Lexington, 0111 BL4.Ch. IRECOLT, 2veais old, Unhands 05 dollars before me, by Jebse Han.pton a id DanielSingleton, this 10th day oX Ithruwy, ixio.

O. IvEEN'ft, j. p.Juoe 6. pi-J-w