Αμοιτηά Βιβλία Το θζμα του μήνα: Χριστουγεννιάτικο Bazaar Έθιμα Χριστουγέννων στη Μακεδονία (σελίδα 3) και στην Ευρώπη (σελίδα 4). Διάβαςε επίςθσ: YOUR TITLE HERE Διμηνιαία Εφημερίδα του Γυμνασίου Πολυκάστρου Τεφχος 1 – Δεκζμβριος 2015 ΔΙΑΒΑΕ: Σο προςφυγικό ηιτθμα: ςκζψεισ και προβλθματιςμοί (ςελίδα 5) Ο ιόσ του AIDS ακόμα παραμζνει (ςελίδα 5) Also read: o A Christmas Story (page 9) o 10 reasons why a child should grow up with a pet (page 6) o Jokes and acrostics (page 6) Μακαίνω για τον κόςμο: οι κρεμαςτοί κιποι τθσ ιγκαποφρθσ (ςελίδα 9) Η Εορταγορά του Γυμναςίου Πολυκάςτρου και γιατί είναι ςθμαντικι θ προςφορά όλων μασ: ςυνζντευξθ με το διευκυντι του ςχολείου μασ (ςελίδα 2). Χριζηοσγεμμιάηικες ζσμηαγές (ζελίδα 7). Καηαζκεσές και ιδέες για δώρα για ηις γιορηές (ζελίδα 10). Σελίδα 11: Φωτογραφικό υλικό από τις εκδηλώσεις του σχολείου μας

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    ( 3) ( 4).



    1 2015


    : ( 5)

    AIDS ( 5)

    Also read:

    o A Christmas Story (page 9)

    o 10 reasons why a child

    should grow up with a pet

    (page 6)

    o Jokes and acrostics (page 6)

    : ( 9)

    : ( 2).

    ( 7).

    ( 10).


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    : http://akritas-history-of-makedonia.blogspot.gr/2008/12/blog-post_23.html



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    Sinterklaas -. Zwarte Piet . Sinterklaas.

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  • [ , 1] 19 2015


    10 reasons for a child to grow up with a pet

    By Eleni Pavlidou

    Animals offer joy, tranquility, relaxation and companionship to adults and children. They are mans best friends and the bonds that develop between the animal and the owner are admirable. Especially for young children it is very important to grow up with a pet as this fellowship has only positive things to offer in their growing up, but also to their education.

    Babies who live with dogs get less sick. According to a study carried out at the University Hospital of Kuopio in Finland, babies who lived with dogs during their first year of life were less susceptible to viruses. The reason is that babies who have animal home contact get more germs and this strengthens the immune system.

    Dogs help children read better. Children who learn to read feel better if they do it out loud. And what can be better than a dog who hears everything without complaining?

    Children with dogs have fewer allergies and asthma. According to a study published in Clinical & Experimental Allergy, scientists have found that children who grow up with dogs are 50% less likely to develop asthma and allergies than those who grow up without a dog.

    Dog owners have healthier hearts. Acquiring and maintaining a dog has been linked to cardiovascular health. Being with a dog decreases stress, falling blood pressure and increased arrhythmias, resulting in a more healthy heart and longer life.

    Children who have dogs exercise more. Animals need their walk, walking and running in nature when their owner.

    Dogs help in reducing stress in children with autism. According to a study conducted by the University of Montreal, stress hormones that children with autism disorder have, has decreased dramatically when living with a trained dog.

    Pets make brothers inseparable. A dog in the family can help brothers to be more loved, as they share their common love for animals, but also responsibilities towards him.

    Pets help children socialize. Growing up with a dog helps children become more sociable, improve their self-esteem and reduce their insecurities.

    Children with dogs learn to give more love to those around them. Dogs give unconditional love and so many children socialize with them learning to share generously loving feelings.

    Children with dogs are more responsible. The daily commitment of care of an animal is a great way to teach children about responsibility and accountability.

    Source: http://www.helpguide.org/articles/emotional-health/the-health-benefits-of-pets.htm

    Fun time!!!

    by Nickie Papa & Kelly Kiouri-Kiparissi

    Im on a seafood diet, I see food and eat it.

    Follow your heart,

    But take your brain with you.

    I hate how chocolate immediately melts on my hand. I mean, am I THAT HOT?

    - Did you just fall?

    - No, I attacked the floor.

    - You look pretty today! - Was I ugly yesterday?

    - I hate maths

    - But I love counting my money

    Dear math, Please grow up And solve your Own problems

    Im tired of solving them for you

    You never know what you have, Until you clean your room

    10 facts about YOU! 1. Youre reading this right now. 2. Youre realizing that this is a stupid fact. 4. You didnt notice I skipped three. 5. Youre checking now. 6. Youre smiling. 7. Youre still reading this, even though its stupid. 9. You didnt realize I skipped eight. 10. Youre checking again and smiling. about how you fell for it again. 11. Youre enjoying this. 12. You didnt realize theres only supposed to be 10 facts.

    ACROSTICS S. C. H. O. O. L. Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Life C. L. A. S. S. Come Late And Start Sleeping

    Jokes by Konstantina Brouchou A man was pulled over for driving too fast, even though he thought he was driving just fine. Officer: You were speeding. Man: No, I wasn't. Officer: Yes, you were. I'm giving you a ticket. Man: But I wasn't speeding. Officer: Tell that to the judge! (The officer gives man the ticket.) Man: Would I get another ticket if I called you a jerk? Officer: Yes, you would. Man: What if I just thought that you were? Officer: I can't give you a ticket for what you think. Man: Fine, I think you're a jerk!

    A: Did you hear that a baby was fed on elephant's milk and gained twenty pounds in a week. B: That's impossible. Whose baby? A: An elephant's.

    What is the longest word in the English language? SMILES: there is a mile between the first and last letters!

    A man is talking to God. The man: "God, how long is a million years?" God: "To me, it's about a minute." The man: "God, how much is a million dollars?" God: "To me it's a penny." The man: "God, may I have a penny?" God: "Wait a minute."

  • [ , 1] 19 2015


    Christmas cake


    225g/8oz Odlums Cream Plain Flour (sieved) 175g/6oz Margarine 225g/8oz Dark Brown Sugar 375g Shamrock Sultanas (one packet)

    375g Shamrock Fruit Mix (one packet) 100g Shamrock Cherries (one Tub) 100g Shamrock Chopped Mixed Nuts (one packet) 100g Shamrock Ground Almonds (one packet)

    3 Large Eggs Rind and Juice of one Orange 1 teaspoon Mixed Spice

    2 baby bottles of Brandy


    Put margarine, sugar, fruit, rind, juice and one

    bottle of the brandy into a large saucepan. Slowly bring to the boil, stirring occasionally, until the margarine has melted. Turn off heat and leave to cool for approx. 30 minutes. Meanwhile pre-heat

    oven to 140C/275F/Gas 1 and line an 8/20cm round deep cake tin with greaseproof paper. Stir the eggs, nuts and ground almonds into the fruit mixture and mix well. Finally, stir in the sieved

    flour and mixed spice. Spoon the mixture into the tin and smooth it out evenly the back of a metal spoon dipped in water is handy for this! Bake for 2 3 hours approx. After 2 hours, cover with paper if cake is browning too quickly. To check the cake is done, insert a skewer into the centre- if it comes out clean, the cake is cooked. Make holes in

    top of warm cake and pour over remaining brandy. Leave cake in tin to cool completely. When cold, wrap in greaseproof paper and then tinfoil. Store in a cool dry place.















    2 ..




    180 C. . . , 0,5 cm . , . 10-12' . 10' . . . , . . 2 .. , .


    cheesecake .

    : http://www.toarkoudi.gr/mpiskota-cheescake/

    CHRISTMAS JOKES What does Santa suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney? Claustrophobia! Why did Santa's helper see the doctor? Because he had a low "elf" esteem! What kind of motorbike does Santa ride? A Holly Davidson! What do you get if you cross Santa with a detective? Santa Clues! What did the sea say to Santa? Nothing! It just waved! What goes Ho Ho Whoosh, Ho Ho Whoosh? Santa going through a revolving door! Who is Santa's favorite singer? Elf-is Presley!

    What do Santa's little helpers learn at school?

    The elf-abet! What did Santa say to the smoker? Please don't smoke, it's bad for my elf! Who is Santa Claus married to? Mary Christmas! Did Rudolph go to school? No. He was Elf-taught! What did Adam say on the day before Christmas? It's Christmas, Eve!

  • [ , 1] 19 2015



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    ave fun!

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  • [ , 1] 19 2015


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    Gardens by the Bay 250 reclaimed land , Marina Reservoir. , Bay South Garden, Bay East Garden Bay Central Garden. , " " " ". .

    A Christmas story by Isidora Stifoudi

    It was Christmas Eve and everyone was in bed. The clock ticked

    towards midnight but I couldnt sleep. My suspense was growing

    more and more. I was very excited for the presents, for my

    family meeting and I wanted to see Santa Claus. While I was

    browsing the lights from the Christmas tree I heard a loud voice

    saying Ho Ho Ho!. At once I ran to the window. No one was

    there, but the sky and the stars. I thought to myself that maybe

    Santa Claus was there. My parents had told me that Santa isnt

    true. I had never seen him, anyway, so I really wanted to find

    out if he was real.

    So, I sat next to the tree and I waited, when all of a sudden I heard again the same voice! The door opened. I was

    scared and I went near the window. Santa Claus was there!!! I hid behind the sofa.

    I couldnt believe my eyes. My dream was real! He was laughing and holding presents and he put them under the tree.

    He ate biscuits and drank milk. I felt so excited and I realized that my parents were not right. Santa put the presents

    under the tree and he smiled at me. I ran and hugged him. I also gave him a present. He told me thank you, you are

    one of the best children in the world. I felt that it was one the best feelings I had ever had. And then with a magic

    trick he was out with his sleigh and his reindeer. Then I went back to my bed and I fell asleep. I was so tired. The next

    morning I woke up and I ran to get my presents from under the tree. I had five presents but the biggest was from

    Santa. It was a huge book about the real history of Santa. My parents told me that I had seen a dream and it wasnt

    true. I dont believe them. I know that Santa Claus is real and his present was the best.

    Since that night I see him flying in the sky each Christmas

    Eve. I will never forget him because I believe he is real!!!!!

    Merry Christmas to everybody!

    And remember: Santa Claus is real in our hearts.

  • [ , 1] 19 2015







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