The influence of abrasive body dimensions on single asperity wear M. Woldman a,c,n , E. Van Der Heide a,b , T. Tinga c , M.A. Masen a a University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE, Enschede, The Netherlands b TNO, P.O. Box 6235, 5600 HE, Eindhoven, The Netherlands c Netherlands Defence Academy, P.O. Box 10000, 1780 CA, Den Helder, The Netherlands article info Article history: Received 14 September 2012 Received in revised form 4 December 2012 Accepted 10 December 2012 Available online 21 December 2012 Keywords: Abrasive wear Wear rate Single asperity scratch tests abstract This work focuses on the relation between the properties of abrasive bodies and the wear they cause. By performing single asperity scratch tests to simulate abrasive wear, the wear process takes place in a controlled environment, allowing the properties of the abrasive body to be isolated and studied independently. The setup used is a pin-on-flat machine, enabling scratching along a straight line and under active load control. The abrasive bodies were generalised by using single crystal SiO 2 tips to scratch DIN St-52 steel samples. The tip radius was varied to study the influence of the abrasive body size on the abrasive wear process. The normal load was varied as well to obtain its influence. Using confocal microscopy, the scratches were analysed to identify the abrasion mechanisms, such as ploughing and cutting and to determine the volumetric wear. As expected, the results show an expected increase in the wear volume with increasing load. More interestingly, the wear rate varies significantly as a function of the size of the abrasive, enabling the prediction of the wear rate based on the abrasive body size. It is observed that, contrary to earlier reported size effects, smaller tips cause more wear than larger tips do. Moreover, at the low values for the degree of penetration studied in this work, a regime of limited plastic deformation was identified, based on the observation that the degree of wear parameter decreases with increasing degree of penetration. & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Excessive wear can occur in machines, because of the abrasive action of for instance sand particles in the contact between steel machine components. To prevent such equipment from failing, detailed knowledge on the abrasive wear process is required. This work focuses on the relation between the geometrical properties of abrasive bodies and the wear they cause. In two- and three-body abrasive wear processes the properties and characteristics of the abrasive bodies are an important aspect. These abrasive bodies can be either hard particles such as sand or wear debris that is present in the system, or hard protuberances on one of the surfaces, for instance due to embedding into a soft surface of before mentioned particles or surface roughness asperities. Properties such as the size and the geometry of these abrasive bodies have an influence on the predominant wear mechanisms, meaning that there is not necessarily a straightfor- ward relation between the size and shape of the abrasive body and the resulting wear volume. Examples are described by [15], who state that in two-body abrasion, abrasive particles or protuberances with a size below approximately 100 mm show a proportionate relation between size and wear caused, whereas for larger particles the wear caused is independent of size. Explana- tions of this size effect range from the scale dependent bluntness of particles and the benefits of work hardening to the wear resistance of the topmost nano- or micro-metres of a surface. Even though the explanation for the observed size effect in abrasion is lacking, it can be concluded that the geometrical aspects of the abrasive particles play an important role. In the present work the basic mechanisms behind abrasive wear are studied by focusing on the abrasive wear of DIN St-52 samples caused by single protuberances made of quartz (SiO 2 ) as a function of their size and normal load. In literature, several models have been described to calculate abrasive wear [611]. However, improvements are needed for abrasion to be quantified to a reasonable extent, e.g. by incorpor- ating the shape and motion of the abrasive body into the model. Besides the abrasive body characteristics, external conditions like the normal load influence the abrasive wear rate too. According to Archard’s wear equation [12], the abrasive wear volume increases linearly with increasing normal load. The aim of the work presented in this paper is to study the influence of the abrasive medium size on the wear process, in Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/wear Wear 0043-1648/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2012.12.009 n Corresponding author at: University of Twente, Drienerlolaan 5, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands. Tel.: þ31 534892463. E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Woldman). Wear 301 (2013) 76–81


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TheinuenceofabrasivebodydimensionsonsingleasperitywearM.Woldmana,c,n,E.VanDerHeidea,b,T.Tingac,M.A.MasenaaUniversityofTwente,P.O. Box217,7500AE,Enschede,TheNetherlandsbTNO,P.O. Box6235, 5600HE,Eindhoven, TheNetherlandscNetherlandsDefenceAcademy,P.O.Box10000,1780CA,DenHelder,TheNetherlandsarticle infoArticlehistory:Received14September2012Receivedinrevisedform4December2012Accepted10December2012Availableonline21December2012Keywords:AbrasivewearWearrateSingleasperityscratchtestsabstractThiswork focuses on the relationbetween the propertiesofabrasivebodiesandtheweartheycause.By performing single asperity scratch tests to simulate abrasive wear, the wear process takes place in acontrolledenvironment, allowing the properties of the abrasive body to be isolatedandstudiedindependently. Thesetupusedisapin-on-atmachine, enablingscratchingalongastraightlineandunderactiveloadcontrol. Theabrasivebodiesweregeneralisedbyusingsinglecrystal SiO2tipstoscratch DIN St-52 steel samples. The tipradiuswas variedtostudythe inuenceof the abrasive bodysizeontheabrasivewearprocess. Thenormalloadwasvariedaswell toobtainitsinuence. Usingconfocal microscopy, the scratches were analysed to identify the abrasion mechanisms, such asploughingandcuttingandtodeterminethevolumetricwear.As expected, the results show an expected increase in the wear volume with increasing load. Moreinterestingly, thewearratevariessignicantlyasafunctionofthesizeoftheabrasive, enablingthepredictionof thewearratebasedontheabrasivebodysize. Itisobservedthat, contrarytoearlierreported size effects, smaller tips cause more wear than larger tips do. Moreover, at the low values forthe degree of penetration studied in this work, a regimeof limited plastic deformation was identied,basedontheobservationthat thedegreeof wear parameter decreases withincreasingdegreeofpenetration.&2012ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved.1. IntroductionExcessive wear can occur in machines, because of the abrasiveaction offorinstancesandparticlesinthecontactbetweensteelmachinecomponents. Toprevent suchequipment fromfailing,detailed knowledge on the abrasive wear process is required. Thiswork focuses on the relation between the geometrical propertiesofabrasivebodiesandthewearthey cause.In two- and three-body abrasive wear processes the propertiesand characteristics of the abrasive bodies are an important aspect.These abrasive bodies can be either hard particles such as sand orweardebristhatispresentinthesystem,orhardprotuberancesononeofthe surfaces,forinstance dueto embeddingintoa softsurface of before mentioned particles or surface roughnessasperities. Propertiessuchasthesizeandthegeometryoftheseabrasive bodies have an inuence on the predominant wearmechanisms, meaningthatthereisnotnecessarilyastraightfor-wardrelationbetweenthesizeandshapeof theabrasivebodyand the resulting wear volume. Examples are described by [15],who state that in two-body abrasion, abrasive particles orprotuberanceswithasizebelowapproximately100 mmshowaproportionate relation between size and wear caused, whereas forlargerparticlesthewearcausedisindependentofsize. Explana-tions of this size effect range from the scale dependent bluntnessof particles and the benets of work hardening to the wearresistanceof thetopmost nano- or micro-metres of asurface.Even though the explanation for the observed size effect inabrasionis lacking, it canbe concluded that the geometricalaspectsof theabrasiveparticlesplayanimportant role. Inthepresent workthebasic mechanisms behindabrasivewear arestudiedbyfocusingontheabrasivewearof DINSt-52samplescaused by single protuberances made of quartz (SiO2) as afunction oftheirsize andnormal load.Inliterature, severalmodelshavebeendescribedtocalculateabrasivewear [611]. However, improvements are neededforabrasion to be quantied to a reasonable extent, e.g. by incorpor-atingtheshapeandmotionoftheabrasivebodyintothemodel.Besides the abrasive body characteristics, external conditions likethe normal load inuence the abrasive wear rate too. According toArchards wear equation [12], the abrasive wear volume increaseslinearly withincreasingnormal load.Theaimof theworkpresentedinthispaperistostudytheinuenceof theabrasivemediumsizeonthewear process, inContentslistsavailableatSciVerseScienceDirectjournal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/wearWear0043-1648/$ - seefrontmatter&2012 ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2012.12.009nCorresponding author at: University of Twente, Drienerlolaan 5, P.O. Box 217,7500AE Enschede,TheNetherlands.Tel.: 31534892463.E-mailaddress:[email protected](M.Woldman).Wear301 (2013)7681particular when the abrasive medium is sand. To clearly separatethe size effect, this property needs to be isolatedfromotherpropertieslikeshape, hardnessandnumberofparticles. Experi-mentalmethodsthatareoftenappliedtostudytheparticlesizeeffect are using a multiple-particle setup, e.g. a pin-on-disk setupwithadiskofabrasivepaper.Thisenhancesacouplingbetweenparticlesizeandthenumberofparticlesonthecontactandtheapplied normal load, making it difcult to capture the actual sizeeffect. Further, because of the multiple pass situationinsuchtests, the scratches will overlap, thereby inuencing the wear rate[9,13]. Hence, theoriginalcontributionoftheworkpresentedinthis paper is that the particle size effect is studied by performingsinglepass, singleasperityscratchtestsemployingapin-on-atsetup. Usingvarious tipradii theinuenceof thesizeontheabrasive wear can be studied directly. Moreover, rather thanquantifying theabrasivewearresistanceofthecounter material,this paper focuses ontheproperties of theabrasiveitself; byutilising quartz tips the test conditions will resemble a wearprocesswheresandparticlesaretheabrasivemedium.Using this method for studying the particle size effect isconsideredanessentialstartingpoint, todescribethescratchingbehaviour of particles in a situationof sliding contact. Later,multiple particle and multiple pass situations will be included toapproachtherealabrasivewearsituationasmuchaspossible.2. Single asperity scratch testsOnecommonway ofstudyingabrasioninacontrolled wayisby sliding a pin or prismatic specimen over a surface (e.g. [6,14]).Sliding the pin over a softer surface at a constant normal load andsliding speedenablesthestudy ofthewear processbyexamina-tion of the wear scar. The setup used in this research is of the pin-on-at type. A photograph of the setup is shown in Fig. 1. The tipismountedinasampleholder, suspendedinelastichingesandconnected to a z-stage to make sure the pin moves in the vertical/z-directiononly. Thesampletobescratchedis mountedonalinear xy-stage. Theloads anddisplacements arecontrolledbypiezo-electric actuators, force transducers and a PID(Propor-tionalIntegralDerivative)controlsystem.At the onset of a scratch test, the tip is lowered slowly towardsthe surface until contact is achieved. Then, the predened normalload is applied and the x-stage is moved to provide the scratchingmotion.ThePIDsystemcontrolstheappliednormalloadwithin70.05 N.They-stageisusedtoperformconsecutivescratches.Sandisatypical abrasivemediumthat causesconsiderablewearissues in many practical applications. Current researchintoabrasivewear, however, mainlyfocusesoneither steel or dia-mondabrasivebodiesandhence, theknowledgeaboutabrasionbysandislacking. Theuseof sandtostudyabrasionexperimentallycauses some issues though. Firstly, sand particles have randomshapes, while the shape of the abrasive should be known andunambiguously described to investigate the basic geometrical effectson wear effectively. Secondly, it is difcult to properly mountindividual sandparticles. Hence, inthis workscratches aremadeusing tips produced of mono-crystalline quartz (SiO2). The quartz tipshave a cone angle of 601 and tip radii of 50, 100 and 200 mm. Fig. 2shows photographs of the tips with the three sizes used; thephotographs are obtained with a stereo microscope.As the counter material, standard DIN St-52 steel is selected asit is commonly used in machine components. The steel specimencontactsurfacesarepolishedtoaroughnessvalueofRa6 mm.ThemechanicalpropertiesofboththequartzandthesteelusedarereportedinTable1.Experimentsareperformedusingthethreedifferenttipsizeswithnormalloadsbetween0.1and11 Nandaconstantslidingspeedof0.5 mm/s. Byvisual inspectioninbetweentestsitwasveriedthat thegeometryof thetipsdidnot changeprogres-sively. Moreover, the tips were cleanedusing a ne brushinbetweenteststoremovepossiblesteelweardebris. Thecreatedscratchesareanalysedusingaconfocal microscope, measuringthegroovetodeterminethemechanism(scratching, ploughing)andtheamountof wear. Aschematiccross-sectionof atypicalwear scar is shown in Fig. 3, with Ag the groove area, As the area ofthe shoulders, w the groove-width and d the depth of indentation.MultiplicationofAgandAswiththescratchlengthlgivesthegroove volume Vg and shoulder volume Vs. Then, the total amountNomenclatureAggroovearea[mm2]Asshoulderarea[mm2]Dpdegreeofpenetration [dimensionless]Dp,kdegreeofpenetration,according toKato[dimensionless]Dp,mdegreeofpenetration,measured[dimensionless]d depthofindentation [mm]HvHardness,Vickers[N/mm2]k specicwearrate[mm3/N m]l scratchlength[mm]N normalload[N]R tipradius[mm]R2coefcientofdetermination[dimensionless]Rasurfaceroughness[mm]Rggrooveradius[mm]s slidingdistance[m]Vggroovevolume[mm3]Vsshouldervolume[mm3]w groove-width[mm]b degreeofwear[dimensionless]y angle describing the geometry of the abrasive tip[dimensionless]Fig.1. Photographoftheexperimental setup.M.Woldmanetal./Wear301(2013)7681 77ofremovedmaterialisequaltoVgVsandthedegreeofwearisdetermined usingthefollowing equation[15]:b VgVsVg1with b1meaningidealmaterialremoval(purecuttingandnoploughing) andb0indicatingideal ploughingor nomaterialremoval. Using this parameter, the specic wear ratek (mm3/N m)derived by Archard [12] can be expressed ask bVgNs2with N the normal load (N)and s the sliding distance (m). Finally, therelativeindentationdepthcanbecharacterisedwiththedegreeofpenetrationDp(dimensionless), whichisequal totheratiooftheindentation depth and the half-width of the groove. When obtainedfrom measured data, the degree of penetration (Dp,m) is equal toDp,mdw=2 2dw3Fromthisdenition, HokkirigawaandKato[14]derivedatheore-tical equation for the degree of penetration, based on the geometryof the scratching tipDp,tRpHv2NrpHv2NR21r4whereR is the tip radius (mm) and Hv the hardness of the wearingmaterial (N/mm2). Note that higher values of Dp are linked to cuttingwear and lower values indicate ploughing wear.3. Resultsand discussion3.1. ParticlesizeeffectThecorrelationbetweentheexperimentallydeterminedandtheoretical degree of penetration is veried in Fig. 4, plotting thedegreeofpenetrationpredictedbyEq. (4)againstthemeasureddegreeofpenetrationaccordingtoEq. (3). Fig. 4showsthatthemeasured values are lower than the predicted ones. Although thedata points couldbe representedby a straight line, its slopeclearly deviates from the value of 1 represented by the dotted linein Fig. 4. The theoretical parameter represents the degree ofpenetration when the indenter is in the material, while theexperimentalparameterisbasedonthegrooveafterremovaloftheindenter. Astheelasticdeformationofthecountermaterialdisappears upon load removal, that part of the indentation depthcannot be retrieved fromthe groove [16]. As a result, themeasureddegree of penetrationis lower thanthe theoreticalvalue that includes the elastic part. Since the elastic deformationFig. 2. Examples of quartz tips used, (a) R50 mm, (b) R100 mm and (c) R200 mm.Table1Mechanicalpropertiesofthe materialstested.Material Hardness(GPa)Youngsmodulus(GPa)Density(kg/mm3)Poissonsratio(dimensionless)Quartz(SiO2) 9.8 7274 2200 0.17Steel(DINSt-52) 0.2 210 7800 0.30Fig. 3. Schematicillustrationofthe cross-sectionofawearscar.Fig.4. MeasureddegreeofpenetrationagainsttheoreticaldegreeofpenetrationasdenedbyHokkirigawaandKato[14].M.Woldmanetal./Wear301(2013)7681 78has a linear relation with the applied load, the relative differencebetweenthetwoparametersisconstant andeitherof thetwoparameterscanbeused.Thescratchresultsinthispaperwillbecompared to Dp,t rather than Dp,m. Note that to give an indicationof theaccuracyof theexperiment, repeatedscratchtestswereperformed under identical conditions (tip radius R100 mm).Moreover, theaccuracyofthewearvolumemeasurementswiththeconfocal microscopewasestablishedbyrepeatingconfocalmeasurements on 1 wear track. This is why Fig. 4 shows multipleresults at a value of Dpof around 0.14 (repeated confocalmeasurements)and0.21(repeatedscratchtests), correspondingwithnormalloadsof1and5 N. Thevariationisexpectedtobecaused by a transitional region for the active wear regime(alternatingbetweenploughingandscratching)athigherloads.ReferringtoFig. 4, thiswouldexplaintherelativehighvariationatavalueof Dpof around0.21, indicatingthatcertainlyinthehigher load regime location for the confocal measurement isimportant.Notethatinthefollowinggures, theaveragevaluesforthetwo abovementionedconditionswillbeused.When the measured wear volume is plotted against thecorrespondingnormal load, Fig. 5(a)isobtained. Inconsecutiveexperiments, thenormal loadwasincreaseduntil thetipfailedduetobrittlefracture. Thisexplainswhythemaximumappliedloadsaresmallerforthesmallertipradii, becausetheyfailatalower load.Assuming linear behaviour according to Eq. (2) (i.e. taking thatk, b ands are constant), the data points for the different tip radiiarettedwithstraightlinesandtheslopesofthelinesthenareequaltothespecicwearratevalueskreportedinTable2. Thedifferences in the wear rate values indicate a size effect; the wearrate of the steel caused by tips with a small radius is about twicethewearrateforthelargertips.Tostudythedevelopmentof thedifferentwearmodesovertheloadregime, thetotal wear volumeis plottedagainst thedegreeofpenetrationinFig. 5(b). Alsoheredifferenttrendsareobservedfor the different tipradii. For all tipradii the wearvolume increases with increasing degree of penetration, followingparabolictrends. Thewearvolumeincreaseswithincreasingtipsize, because for constant Dpthe cross-sectional area of thegrooveislargerforlargertips.Fig. 5clearly illustrate the effects of size onthe wear volume.Theslopesforthettedcurvesforthetipswithradius100and200 mmare comparable, whereas the line for the tip withR50 mmisdifferent. Fromliterature, indeedasizeeffect hasbeen described for abrasive bodies with sizes up to around100 mm. Similarly, the wear rate is expectedtoincrease withparticle size. According to Fig. 5(a) however, the smaller tipresults inahigher wear ratethanlarger tips do. This canbeexplained with a geometrical analysis. The cross-sectional area AgofthegroovecanbeexpressedasAgR2g2ysin y 5with Rg the groove radius, which is approximately equal to the tipradius and y the angle between the left- and right contact point asshowninFig.3.Angle yisequaltoy 2cos1RdR 6withEq. (5), thewear volumecanbecalculatedtheoretically,dependingonthetipradiusRandindentation depthd.Inplasticallydeformingcontacts, thecontactpressureequalsthehardnessofthedeformingmaterialandthusthesizeofthecontactareacanbeexpressedastheratiooftheappliednormalload and the hardness. This means that the contact area isindependent of thetipradius, andtheresultingwear volumecan be plotted against the contact area for the different tip radii asinFig. 6. Thisgureshowsthatforaconstantcontactarea, andthus a constant load, the volume of the resulting groove increaseswith decreasing tip radius. Therefore, the wear rate increases withdecreasingtipradius ataconstant load.Note that this effect opposes the size effect reported inliterature, where it is observed that the abrasive wear rateincreaseswithincreasingsize. Apossibleexplanationisthatinliterature, see e.g. [5], the particle size effect is commonly studiedusingagridofparticlesortips,whileinthispapertheeffectsofonlyonetiparestudied.Whenusingagridandaconstanttotalnormal load, theloadpertipdecreaseswithdecreasingtipsizeFig. 5. Representativewearvolumeversusthenormal load(a) andthedegreeofpenetration(b).Table 2Specicwearratesforthedifferenttipradii.Tipradius(mm) Wearrate(104mm3/N m) R250 4.3 0.87100 1.8 0.92200 2.2 0.94M.Woldmanetal./Wear301(2013)7681 79sincethenumberoftipsperunitareaincreasesforsmallertipswhen the height distribution of the bearing area curve of the gridis kept constant. This results ina decreasedamount of wearcausedbyeachsingletip.Itisexpectedthattheresultsofthepresentwork, combinedwithearlierwork[17], canbeusedthoroughlytoexaminethereal three-bodywear process andpredict theassociatedwearrates.3.2. WearmechanismsAccording to literature, plotting the degree of penetration(Eq. (4))againstthedegreeofwear(Eq. (1))shouldresultinans-shaped curve, as shown in Fig. 7(a) based on the work ofHokkirigawaandLi [18]. Thecurveshowsadegreeof wearof0atlowdegreesofpenetration, andanincreasewithincreasingDpfollowingans-shapedcurve. Typically, resultsat degreesofpenetration below0.1 are not reported, possibly because oflimitationsoftheaccuracyofthemeasurementequipment;thetypical lateral dimensions of the wear scratch at such low valuesfor Dp are in the order of microns and the depth is in the order ofnanometres. Byemployingaconfocal microscopewithaheightresolution of less than 1 nm it is possible to measure the resultingwearscratchesobtainedatlowdegreesofpenetration. Fig. 7(b)shows degrees of wear obtained for low values of Dp. At very lowvalues of the degree of penetration, a value of almost 1 isobservedforthedegreeofwearandwithincreasingindentationdepths the degree of wear drops towards 0. The gure is anexpansion of the existing curves, showing that the degree of wearrst decreases with increasing degree of penetration. This isbecause of plastic deformationof the counter surface. At lowloads, andthuslowdegreesofpenetration, thecountermaterialtends to deformplastically, pushing the deformed materialdownwardsratherthanintotheshoulders. ThismeansthatthegroovevolumeVghasarelativelyhighvaluewhilenoshouldersareformedandthustheshouldervolumeVsispracticallyzero,leading to a high value for the degree of wear parameter b. As thedegreeof penetrationincreases, thematerial will nolonger bepushed down but will go upwards and sideways, causingshoulderstoformalongthescratchanddecreasingthedegreeofwearvalue.The load range that could be used in the current set ofexperimentsislimitedbecauseof brittlefractureof thequartztip material. This means that the degrees of penetration at whichthe wear has been studied are limited too. Note that the fractureof abrasive sand particles at high indentation depths andsignicant shearloadsalsooccur inpracticalapplications.4. ConclusionsTheinuenceof abrasivebodysizeontheabrasivewearinsingle asperity scratch tests has been studied. The work presentedin this paper demonstrates the benets of performing single pass,single asperity scratch tests in helping to understand the particlesizeeffect.Contrarytothecommonlyappliedweartestsusingamulti-particle setup (e.g. by running a tip against a grid ofparticles), performingsingleasperityscratchtestswithdifferenttipradii enablestoisolateandquantifyatipsizeeffect. It hasbeen found that both the amount of wear and the wear mechan-ismvarywithsizeatagivenload.Smallertipscausemorewearthanlargertipsdo, becauseatconstantload, thegroovevolumeincreases withdecreasingtipradius. This observedsize effectopposesthesizeeffectsreportedbyothers.Atverylowvaluesforthedegreeof penetrationithasbeenobserved that plastic deformation causes high values of theFig. 6. Contactareaversusgroovearea,calculated.Fig. 7. Degreeof wearversusdegreeof penetrationadaptedfromHokkirigawaandLi[18](a)andaccordingtothemeasurements(b).M.Woldmanetal./Wear301(2013)7681 80degreeof wear parameter. At theselowloads andindentationdepthsthesurfacedamagemechanismisnot wear, but plasticdeformation,withoutshoulderformation.AcknowledgementsThe authors wish to thank Walter Lette and Erik de Vries fromthe supporting staff of the Laboratory for Surface Technology andTribologyattheUniversityofTwentefortheirhelprunningtheexperiments.References[1] A. Misra, I. Finnie, Onthesizeeffectinabrasiveanderosivewear, Wear65(1980)359373.[2] I.M. Hutchings, Tribology: Friction and Wear of Engineering Materials,EdwardArnold,London,1992.[3] D.V. de Pellegrin, A.A. Torrance, E. Haran, Wear mechanisms and scale effectsintwo bodyabrasion,Wear266(12)(2009)1320.[4] H.Sin,N.Saka,N.P.Suh,Abrasivewearmechanismsandthegritsizeeffect,Wear55(1)(1979)163190.[5] R. G ahlin, S. Jacobson, The particle size effect in abrasion studied bycontrolledabrasivesurfaces,Wear258(14)(1999)118125.[6] M.A. Masen, M.B. deRooij, D.J. Schipper, Micro-contactbasedmodellingofabrasivewear,Wear258(14)(2005)339348.[7] K.H. 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