Sawdust City Waste Collection by Todd M. Kamenick A Research Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master of Science Degree In Technology Management Jim Keyes, Ph.D. The Graduate School University of Wisconsin-Stout May, 2011 1

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Sawdust City Waste Collection


Todd M. Kamenick

A Research Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Master of Science Degree


Technology Management

Jim Keyes, Ph.D.

The Graduate School

University of Wisconsin-Stout

May, 2011



The Graduate School

University of Wisconsin-Stout

Menomonie, WI

Author: Kamenick, Todd M.

Title: Sawdust City Waste Collection

Graduate Degree/ Major: MS Technology Management

Research Adviser: Jim Keyes, Ph.D.

Month/Year: May, 2010

Number of Pages: 56

Style Manual Used: American Psychological Association, 6th



This study examined the strategies of wood dust removal using statistical data and practical

solutions surrounding the challenges facing a small wood products manufacturer. The

information focused on costs of the existing multiple containment system versus a new central

wood dust and wood chip collection system with a justification for new equipment. The project

studied the air quality concerns within the workplace, assessed the options and strategies of

wood dust control, and explained compliance of federal regulations. The study followed the Six

Sigma Determine-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) model as a methodology within

a problem solving process. The conclusions established convincing financial justification for

improvements to the existing wood dust and wood chip collection system.


Table of Contents



List of Tables..................................................................................................................................6

List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………………......7

Chapter I: Introduction……………………………………………………………………………8

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………….....9

Purpose of the Study..........................................................................................................10

Assumptions of the Study..................................................................................................10

Definition of Terms............................................................................................................11

Limitations of the Study.....................................................................................................11


Chapter II: Literature Review........................................................................................................14

Dust Particles.....................................................................................................................15

Efficiencies versus Cleaning..............................................................................................15

Health Concerns.................................................................................................................16

Fire Hazards.......................................................................................................................20

Slips and Falls Hazards......................................................................................................22

The DMAIC Process of Six Sigma....................................................................................22

Existing Dust Collection Equipment.................................................................................24

Available Dust Collection Equipment...............................................................................25


Chapter III: Methodology..............................................................................................................28


Define Phase......................................................................................................................28

Measure Phase...................................................................................................................30


Data Collection Procedures....................................................................................32

Analysis Phase...................................................................................................................33

Cleaning versus Efficiencies..................................................................................33

Air Quality.............................................................................................................35

Improve Phase....................................................................................................................37

Cost of Cleaning....................................................................................................37

Control Phase.....................................................................................................................39


Chapter IV: Results........................................................................................................................41

Results: Cleaning versus Efficiencies................................................................................41

Results: Air Quality...........................................................................................................42

Item Analysis.....................................................................................................................42

Limitations of Data............................................................................................................43


Chapter V: Discussion...................................................................................................................44


Discussion on ―As-Is‖........................................................................................................45

Discussion on Recommendation #1...................................................................................45

Discussion on Recommendation #2...................................................................................47

Conclusions and Implications............................................................................................48


Further Research Recommendations.................................................................................48


Appendix A: Mapping the Process-―As Is‖...................................................................................53

Appendix B: Mapping the Process-Recommendation #1..............................................................54

Appendix C: Mapping the Process-Recommendation #2…...………......…………………..…...55

Appendix D: Internal Review Board Approval.............................................................................56


List of Tables

Table 1: Occupational Exposure Levels........................................................................................18

Table 2: Respiratory Conditions……...………………………………………………….............19

Table 3: Summary of DMAIC Model............................................................................................23

Table 4: Dust Collector Specifications..........................................................................................24

Table 5: A Summary of Dust Collection Methods........................................................................25

Table 6: Define Checklist for Sawdust City..................................................................................29

Table 7: Cost of Cleaning..............................................................................................................37

Table 8: Cost/Benefit Analysis of Wood Dust Collection Systems..............................................38


List of Figures

Figure 1: Fishbone Diagram..........................................................................................................31

Figure 2: Estimated Time of Cleaning Comparison......................................................................34

Figure 3: CFM Ratings on Existing Equipment............................................................................36


Chapter I: Introduction

Sawdust City is a small manufacturer that creates a variety of custom wood products. With

a family-like atmosphere, the company employs around twelve full-time workers and is located in

Eau Claire, WI. Through wholesale outlets and internet retail sales, the company‘s customer base

reaches across the United States. The wood products are made from solid knotty pine with quality

paints, stains, glues and fasteners. Sawdust City uses only certified sustainable forestry mills and

uses appropriate methods of recycling waste.

As a responsible employer, Sawdust City would like to provide a clean and safe production

environment for its employees. In 2009, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration

(OSHA) made an unannounced visit to the production facility. The owner of Sawdust City was

faced with a manufacturing challenge to the Eau Claire facility. While the air quality tests and

inspection came back above the OSHA standards and no citations were given to the company, the

levels of saw dust particles throughout the facility needed to be dealt with to eliminate the chance of

future violations.

Sawdust City currently has a separate patchwork of dust collection devices at individual

work stations. These devices range in types, brands and ages. The inconsistency and variability of

the collection devices are problematic for operators and employees. Airborne dust particles settle

on finished products, work-in-process products, raw materials and on all vertical and horizontal

surfaces. The challenge is to implement a wood dust and wood chip collection strategy that would

eliminate or greatly reduce the airborne particles. An improvement to the existing waste collection

system would provide increased efficiencies to the production process, a cleaner air and working

environment for the employees and a reduction in fire hazards. The secondary benefits to

implementing a wood dust and wood chip collection strategy would be a complete compliance to


OSHA laws and regulations, possible reduction in fire insurance premiums, and more content

employees manufacturing an increased level of quality products for the customer.

With established findings of health hazards that well-documented in international studies,

the problems created by wood dust particles are a strong area of concern for woodshop and wood

products manufacturers. By using the studies and information from OSHA, the levels of pollutants

are well-known and published; information on regulations, testing, and other areas of concern

involving the amount of wood dust particulate are common related workplace violations for

woodshop and wood products manufacturers. A comprehensive wood dust and wood chip

collection strategy would provide an improvement to the work environment centering on the long-

term health and safety of the employees.

The problems of wood dust particles affect the efficiencies of the production process in

several ways. A major area of cost to a woodshop and wood products manufacturer involves

cleaning. Although it is usually not calculated into the total production equation, cleaning wood

dust and wood chip particles can be associated with loss of production time and wages. The

categories of cleaning associated with this project are the regularly planned cleaning and the

continual dusting of products and equipment. Information on the costs of planned and continual

dusting was gathered at the facility. Another area of cost would be wear and tear to the operational

equipment; wood dust and wood chips particles can reduce efficiencies to cutting blades, electric

motors, and tool life. These could be considered secondary production costs. The primary costs

were factored on hourly wages of employees, costs of operating equipment and other general

overhead expenses.

Statement of the Problem

Sawdust City has a need for an integrated wood dust and wood chip collection system to


handle the amount of uncontrollable and somewhat uncontainable wood waste throughout the

production plant that results in airborne particles. These airborne particles are causing several

problems in terms of costs, which include loss of production and efficiencies, poor air quality to

employees, fire hazards, and increase risk of injuries due to slip and fall hazards.

Purpose of the Study

The underlying principle improvements in this project involved reductions in the amount

of time spent cleaning wood dust and wood chip particles, and improved air quality in the

workplace. The purpose of this study was to examine the amount of wood dust and wood chip

waste produced, the amount of time that it takes for the cleanup, the levels of airborne particles,

and the cost benefit analysis of implementing a single industrial dust and wood chip collection

system. This study followed the Six Sigma system improvement model called Determine-

Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) as a methodology for comprehensive problem-

solving. The goal of this project was to develop the strategy of wood dust removal, to provide

specific information and statistical data, and to create practical solutions surrounding the

problems that faced Sawdust City‘s production facility and management. This study examined

the amount of airborne particles as dictated by OSHA regulation code case number 9004-34-6.

This study also examined the cost of a central collection system versus a multiple containment

system with a justification for new equipment. At the conclusion of this project, the project will

make a set of choice recommendations to assist the management of Sawdust City through the

multifaceted decision-making process.

Assumptions of the Study

This study presumes the existing wood dust and wood chip collection system is

inefficient in collecting waste particles. While the current working environment has passed an


OSHA inspection, the levels of wood dust particles need to be improved for the overall health of

the employees. For the purpose of this study, the information gathered was based on the testing

methods by OSHA, and are assumed to be true and accurate. The efficiency versus cleaning

calculations established a comparison for the production data; it is based on an average of one

thousand pieces produced per 10-hour shift and the applied standard hourly rates.

Definition of Terms

DMAIC- ―(Pronounced ‗Duh-MAY-ick‘) is a structured problem-solving methodology

widely used in business,‖ (George, 2005, p. 1).

Six Sigma- ―Method for setting continuous improvement targets and for monitoring

progress in improving any process,‖ (Berger, 2003, p. 2).

Limitations of the Study

This study will be limited to the wood dust and wood chip collection systems that are

examined and available. This study is also limited to the amount of information collected from

OSHA and Sawdust City. The study was unrestrained in finding information and observing the

production process by Sawdust City‘s ownership and management.


The primary goal of collecting and analyzing data from the existing wood dust and wood

chip collection system required a methodology that examined detail, and defined aspects of this

complex problem. By using a logical set of problem-solving steps, the chosen methodology for

this project was found in the Six Sigma process improvement model. Specifically, the problem-

solving process known by the acronym DMAIC (Determine, Measure, Analysis, Improve and

Control) is part of the broader Six Sigma system. The DMAIC problem-solving process was

chosen as a methodology because of the systematic and logical examination of all the facets


involved within a complex project.

The ―Define‖ phase started with the definition and understanding of the problem. What

factors determined this problem and what were the core issues as it related to the problem? By

using process tools like Critical to Quality (CTQ), Definition Checklist, Brainstorming, and

Mapping the Process, the ―Define‖ phase develops the problem model that will be studied.

Mapping the Process in this phase is a high-level, ―As Is‖ map of the production flow and

positioning of the wood manufacturing and dust collection equipment.

The second phase involves the process of ―Measure.‖ This examines the data to be

collected and the most probable causes of the problem by using a Cause-and-Effect diagram, also

known as a Fishbone diagram. Within the Fishbone diagram, the 5M‘s (machine, material,

method, measurement, manpower) and 1E (environment) are examined. From this a Data

Collection Plan is developed and defects are identified. Within this project, defects are

considered wood dust particles, the sources of the particles not collected and areas of the shop

that need to be cleaned. Information regarding current rules and regulations, and standards of the

industry were gathered and studied as a baseline comparison.

Within the ―Analysis‖ phase, the statistical data was compiled into a quantitative analysis

to show exposure, cost comparisons, and production process information. Along with the

physical analysis of the dust and wood chips particles, production analysis produced a baseline

with a relationship of time and cost. Graphical techniques, such as a Histogram and Plot Graph,

were utilized to illustrate relationships between the defects, equipment and sources of the

particles. Also using Correlation Analysis and Hypothesis Testing as analysis techniques

discovered patterns within the data variation and possible areas of future examination.

The data was then charted in the ―Improve‖ phase. Other types of statistical methods


were used to look at alternative solutions for solving the wood dust and wood chip collection

problem. In this phase, the information was integrated to develop final drafts of Mapping the

Process, alternative improvements, and an implementation of the best alternative. A cost/benefit

analysis was compiled to validate and synthesize a rationale for improving the process. The

information and findings were discussed with the stakeholders of the project.

The final phase of the project involved the ―Control‖ phase, which encompassed

implementing solutions with all the information gathered. For this project, the ―Control‖ phase

consisted of more planning and design implementation. Documentation of the project was

compiled, and several opportunities regarding system changes were identified. The intention of

this process started as a complete examination of the problem with a yield at conclusion of

finding tangible sets of choices for management.


Chapter II: Literature Review

Finding the right strategy for the many challenges involved in collecting wood dust and

wood chip particles can be a real puzzle for a wood shop or wood manufacturing business. The

tests that the industry faces today entail developing an efficient process that reduces costs, while

maintaining profitable returns from capital assets, and creating a healthy work environment for

their employees from reductions in the amount of wood dust particles. The needs for innovative

strategies have been dictated by modern changes in wood working equipment. Wood

manufacturing companies have moved from using hand tools to an automated process with high-

powered wood working equipment. ―The investment in a quality wood dust and wood chip

collection system is essential to meeting the modern demands,‖ (Iwanski, 1999, p. 8).

While developing an effective wood dust collection strategy, an understanding of

compliance regarding the OSHA rules and regulations by the business becomes an important

factor. In the OSHA Limits for Air Contaminants (2009), wood dust particles are categorized as

cellulose under case number 9004-34-6. The total wood dust amount a worker can be exposed to

is 15 mg/m (3) and a respirable dust fraction exposure of 5 mg/m (3), (Table Z-1, Cellulose).

Mg/m (3) means milligrams per cubic meter. The inhalation exposure is measured by figuring

the parts per million. Used with mathematical formulas, it is factored as the dose of particles that

is represented, (Keith, 1996).

Sampling is examined to determine the collection and containment of wood dust and

wood chip particles while analyzing the equipment needed to meet or exceed the OSHA

standards. Revealing the exposure amounts of wood dust in a workplace can be a valuable tool

to management, not only for meeting regulations, but for the planning of future expansion and

finding the areas of the wood shop or wood manufacturing areas that need attention.


Dust Particles

An overall understanding of the source and the size of the particulate matter can change

the strategy of collection and containment. Different sizes of dust from the variety of wood

working equipment can determine the areas of sampling and eventually the methods of

collection. According to Nagyszalanczy (1996), the different categories of dust would include:

―large shavings that gather rapidly and provide the most challenges in terms of volume; chips

and sawdust that cover a wide variety of sizes and can also produce volume; and the last

category is fine wood powder, which is the hardest to collect and the provides the most

challenges in a collection strategy,‖ (p. 4-10).

The fine wood dust particles cause the most problems for detection and collection.

Filtration methods offer the best methods for controlling the fine dust. ―The best filters materials

proved quite effective for fine particles. The best mass removal efficiencies for fine particles

around 0.3 mg/m3 were over 80% for some loaded materials,‖ (Welling, 2009, p.97). Similar to

a regular filter on a home furnace, filtering is one of the dust control methods and helps pull the

fine wood dust particles out of the air effectively. Iwanski (1999) found, ―the increased

popularity of fine filter products has also allowed companies to significantly decrease the amount

of fine dust in the air, potentially the most dangerous because of its ‗invisibility,‘‖ (p. 6). In the

Minnesota Wood Dust Study, Brosseau et al (2001) observed and sampled several small wood

working shops on the exposure of workers over an 8-hour work day period. The study found

significant exposure of fine dust particles relating to tasks of sanding, (p. 322).

Efficiencies versus Cleaning

Efficiencies in production time and improved tooling life can be enhanced by a proper

dust collection system. While industry studies on the amount of time the average wood


manufacturing worker spends cleaning and dusting product were not available, in wood shops

and wood manufacturing facilities there is significant loss of production time due to the tasks of

cleaning. Most production areas are cleaned by using compressed air to blow the wood dust and

wood chips off the production floors, surfaces and equipment. The employees will then dry

sweep the particles into a pile for disposal. A study conducted by Alwis et al (1999) stated, ―The

use of compressed air to clean the surface of machines to remove dust from stored timber, work

pieces, and clothing made dust airborne. Dry sweeping further aggravated the situation,‖ (p. 6).

While the Bureau of Labor and Statistics does not specifically categorize cleaning, it

could be linked as a non-productive statistic. ―Productivity... ideally compare output to the

actual resources used. This means that only the hours of workers actively engaged in production

should be counted…‖ (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2003, p. 1). To the employees, the cleaning

process can also be a repetitive, unproductive task. The employee‘s time and efforts would be

better utilized working on manufacturing a product rather than cleaning. According to OSHA

(2009) regulation 1910.141(a)(3)(i) regarding cleaning dictates that, ―All places of employment

shall be kept clean to the extent that the nature of the work allows,‖ (ID9790). Housekeeping is

an inevitable cost of production. It does seem like a complicated challenge of implementing

efficiencies and altering the work environment to meet health regulations; both cleaning and dust

removal can cost serious capital outlay in terms of wages and equipment.

Health Concerns

The health hazards created by the wood dust and wood chip particles are the areas of

concern that center on the long-term effects of health and safety of the employees. According to a

Center of Disease Control (2009) website,

Workers exposed to wood dusts have experienced a variety of adverse health effects such


as eye and skin irritation, allergy, reduced lung function, asthma, and nasal cancer.

Therefore, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

recommends limiting wood dust exposures to prevent these health problems, (p.1).

What are the causes and categories of the health hazards related to wood dust? When it

comes to determining the hazards of wood dust, particle size matters. Fine wood dust that is

produced by sanding poses the most danger the employees in the workplace. The author, Boss,

states, ―Respirable dust is a component of particulates in the air stream that will deposit within

the gaseous exchange areas of the lung. Respirable particles are just the right size to travel with

inspired air into the alveoli of the lung,‖ (2001, p.46). The long term affects of wood dust can

vary in condition and degree of symptoms. Headaches, nasal irritations, shortness of breath,

acute and chronic cough, chest pain, and skin disorders can occur with exposure to wood dust

particles. An extensive study completed by Milanowski et al (2002) found, ―Strong evidence

that exposure…may lead to the development of work-related symptoms and lung function

impairment,‖ (p. 102).

How is the exposure to wood dust particles measured? The level of exposure is

determined through sampling the air in the workplace. ―Air samples, like most environmental

samples, are taken for one of two basic reasons: to gather internal data, or to attempt to prove

compliance with a regulation,‖ (Bodger, 2003, p. 91). Documented compliance and

improvements can become a company asset in the process of satisfying regulators. Sampling

becomes a challenge in determining exposure limits and calculating the doses to employees.

Sampling is a process of determining the amount of exposure a person receives overtime. ―Some

of the possible exposure assessment measurement parameters are as follows: particulate

concentration in the breathing zone (concentration x time = dose),‖ (Keith, 1996, p. 526).


Limits can be directed by other organizations and statutes depending on the severity and

the amount of exposure. The following Table 1 shows the occupational exposure limits set by

different organizations and the Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL).

Table 1

Occupational Exposure Levels

Organization OEL 8 Hour TWA Basis

OSHA Permissible

Exposure Limit

particulate not


regulated (PNOR)

15 mg/m3 total

5 mg/m3


Throat, skin, eye

irritation, upper

respiratory problems

NIOSH Recommended

Exposure Limit

1 mg/m3 total Pulmonary Function,




Western Red


0.5 mg/m3 Asthma

ACIGH 2007 All other species 1 mg/m3 Pulmonary Function

Note: ―Several organizations have set standards or given recommendations for wood dust

exposure. These include OSHA, NIOSH, and the American Conference of Governmental

Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).‖ Adapted from ―Wood dust: health recognition.‖ U.S

Department of Labor, 2008. (OSHA Publication: Safety and Health Topics). Retrieved October

23, 2010 from: http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/wooddust/index.html

A study performed by Meo (2004), found that, ―The duration of exposure, particularly

over eight years, to wood dust particles reduced a worker‘s Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR),

or their ability to breathe out and show lung potency,‖ (p. 451). Exposure becomes the

determining factor to setting limits and the level of health issues in workers. Studies that

examine exposure show a connection to long-term exposure of wood dust particles and serious

health problems. To protect the worker from overexposure, OSHA has determined the exposure

limits in the workplace by a weighted limit of an 8 hour work shift, (Keith, 1996).


During a study that examined different types of wood dust emissions, Welling et al

(2009) determined that using sand paper on a piece of pine produced particle sizes of between

.05 and .10 mg. The pine created larger particle sizes and fewer emissions than the MDF

(Medium-Density Fiberboard) and birch plywood that was tested, (p.93). The species and types

of wood can determine the exposure limits and health condition risks.

Table 2

Respiratory Conditions

Number of cases (000)

Incidence rate

Goods producing(2) 2.7 1.3

Natural resources and mining (2)(3) .2 1.6

Construction .7 1.2

Manufacturing 1.7 1.4

Adapted from: ―Illnesses by category of illness rates and counts.‖ Bureau of Labor Statistics,

2009, Table SNR07. Retrieved October 23, 2010 from


In contrast to other industry sectors, manufacturing workers have greater

incidents of respiratory problems. Table 2 explains an OSHA survey of Non-Fatal Occupational

Illnesses; as a comparison of different industry sectors for 2009, the information was withdrawn

from a broader study with the focus here showing the number of cases involving respiratory

conditions. In manufacturing, the numbers of cases are much greater than any of the other sectors;

however, the incident rates are very comparable.

The severity of health related illnesses have been linked to the exposure to wood dust, the

size of the particles, and the types of wood products. The longer the duration of contact a person

becomes exposed to fine particles of wood dust, the greater chance for serious health concerns.

―To ensure that a particulate sample is representative, sampling is conducted at a regular


array of locations covering the entire cross-sectional area of the duct or stack,‖ (Keith, 1996, p.

481). The ability to meet specific OSHA specifications is related to the sampling collection

methods of wood dust and wood chip particles. By taking several samples from different areas

around the wood shop, a midpoint can be established and comparison samples can be taken at a

later date. Sampling is a way of determining the category of dust, the methods of collection, and

the equipment needed to establish an overall strategy.

Although the natural pine used exclusively in this particular production process has a

lesser-degree of health exposure risk and symptoms, the dangers to the employees must not be

taken without concern to their long-term health and safety.

Fire Hazards

Wood dust and wood chip particles can increase the risk of fire explosions and

combustion hazards in a workplace. The dangers of dust explosions can occur across the

industries, but combustible dust-related incidents between 1980 and 2008 were 422. ―Wood

products facilities accounted for 53, which are almost 13% of the total accidents,‖ (Scott, 2010,

p. 31). While the United States Congress and OSHA are currently in the process of defining the

explosive dust standards across all industries, wood shops and wood product manufacturers

should understand the combustible dangers on the wood dust issue and take precautions.

The size of the wood dust particles are a factor in the explosive levels. ―Combustible fine

particles of wood dust, also known as deflagrable wood dust, are classified as having a diameter

of 420 microns (0.425mm, 425um micrometers, 0.0165 inch) or smaller, and having a moisture

content of less than 25 percent,‖ (Scott, 2010, p. 31).

The three critical ingredients needed for the creation of fire are: oxygen, fuel, and

ignition, also commonly called the fire triangle; remove one of the three ingredients and a fire


cannot be ignited. However, to meet the definition of an explosive combustible dust, two more

ingredients need to be added; the addition of dispersion (dust suspension) and confinement

formulates the ―Dust Explosion Pentagon,‖ which is necessary for elements in an explosion,

(Scott, 2010, p. 32).

With the proper implementation of a comprehensive wood dust control strategy and

adding several basic safety measures, the risk of a wood dust explosion and fire accident can be


Under (the) Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Combustible Dust (ANPR),

methods of combating combustible dust explosions include:

Hazard assessment: recognition, assessment, communication (HazCom Standard,

MSDS), industry standards (National Fire Protection Assn.) and state and local codes


Engineering controls: primary (building) to prevent the accumulation of dust on

beams and surfaces, and secondary (equipment) such as the use of dust collection and

sprinkler systems. Administrative controls include written rules and procedures.

Housekeeping: identifying and eliminating fugitive dust. Use proper dust collection

systems and filters, and make sure to minimize dust escaping from loose ductwork or


Explosion protection: including spark arrestor systems.

Worker training, (Scott, 2010, p. 32).


In a wood manufacturing facility or wood shop there is a great potential for a fire or an

explosion accident caused by the ignition of wood dust and wood chips. However, with the

proper wood dust and wood chip collection strategy the risks of loss of life, property and

business can be greatly reduced.

Slips and Falls Hazard

In the workplace, wood dust and wood chip particles can make surfaces dangerous and

can increase the risk of injuries due to slips and falls hazard. The areas in the workplace must be

free of wood dust and wood particles to the best of the employer‘s ability. The definition

regarding work shop floors, according to OSHA (2009) code 1910.265(c)(3)(iv), ―Nonslip floors,

floors, foot walks, and passageways in the work area around machines or other places where a

person is required to stand or walk shall be provided with effective means to minimize slipping,‖

(ID9861). With an effective wood dust and wood chip collection strategy, regulations will be

met, and the working environment will reflect an employee safety mindset. The benefits to the

wood shop and wood product manufacturer will result in fewer employee accidents, medical

expenses and Workman‘s‘ Compensation Insurance claims; the outcome will also be a net savings

to the organization in real dollars through lower premiums.

The DMAIC Process of Six Sigma

―Six Sigma is a methodology that attempts to create harmony between technology,

people and business strategy and, at the same time, optimize each of the components with the

total organization in mind,‖ (Stamatis, 2004, p.xvi). The project will follow the methodology

used in the Six Sigma problem solving process called DMAIC. The DMAIC process is very

effective in solving complex problems by establishing a step-by-step strategy. With a focus on

the detail of the problem, this functional methodology will examine the problem in a practical


way. The DMAIC model is broken down into logical areas of activities called phases. Each of

these phases will use separate tools and methodologies to investigate a little deeper into the main


Table 3 is a summary of the five different phases, tools/methodologies, and deliverables

within the DMIAC model; it will be followed in sequence as the accepted methodology of this


Table 3

Summary of DMAIC Model

Phases Tools/Methodologies Deliverables

Define Brainstorming

Critical to Quality

Definition Checklist

Process Mapping

The real customers

Team charter—with emphasis on:

Problem statement & Project scope

Projected financial benefits

High-level process map—―as is‖

Measure Process mapping

Cause and effect

Data Collection Plan

Key measurements identified

Defects identified

Data collection plan completed

Baseline measures of process capability

Analyze Process mapping

Graphical techniques

Hypothesis testing


Detailed ―As Is‖ process map completed

The sources of variation and their


Estimates of the quantifiable opportunity

represented by the problem

Improve Process Mapping

Design of experiments



Alternative improvements

Implementation of best alternative for

improving the process

―Should be‖ process map developed

Validation of the improvement—especially

for key behaviors required by new process

Cost/benefit analysis for the proposed


Implementation plan developed—a

preliminary preparation for the transition to

control stage

Communication plan established for any


Control Control Plans


Documentation of the project

Translation opportunities identified




Systems and structures changes to

institutionalize the improvement

Adapted from ―Six Sigma Fundamentals,‖ by D.H. Stamatis, 2004, 41-43.

Existing Dust Collection Equipment

The existing wood dust collection system is a mix of single and dual canisters collection

units of different makes and models. Within the instruction and internet manuals, the machine

data sheets provide specific information to the capacity and capabilities of the units. Table 4 is a

breakdown on these specifications to illustrate comparison of function and power of each unit.

These units were found to be standard dust collection devices in wood products manufacturing.

Table 4

Dust Collector Specifications


Model Type

Grizzly Model

G1029 Single


Grizzly Model

G9958 Dual


Jet Model


Single Canisters

Bag Size 5 cu. ft. 26 cu ft. 5.3 cu ft.

Air Suction 1600 CFM 3560 CFM 1100 CFM

Static Pressure 11‖ 16.8‖ 11―

(Inches of Water)

Horsepower 2 H.P. 4 H.P. 5..5 H.P.

Voltage 220V 220V 230V

Amps 12 29 11


(revolutions per


3450 3450 Unavailable

Adapted from ―Machine Data Sheet,‖ Grizzly Industrial Inc., 2010, 1-2; ―Jet Operating

Instructions and Parts Manual.‖ Walter Meier Manufacturing Inc., 2010.

In a study by Brosseau (2001), it established that, ―The effect of ventilation was positive

(rather than the expected negative effect) for stationary sanding and sawing,‖ (p. 325). The

importance of amps and static pressure should be highlighted, and according to Nagyszalanczy,

(1996), ―The higher the number equals a stronger suction and performance,‖ (p. 81).


Available Dust Collection Equipment

There are many different options for collecting wood particles in a wood shop or wood

products manufacturing facility; with a combination of the several methods probably being a

practical alternative, costs and design are important. The types of dust control depend on the size

and scope of the problem that a business faces. Nagyszalanczy (1996) also asserts that an

effective dust collection system is a strategy involving combinations of primary and secondary

collectors along with housekeeping equipment and standards, (p. 31). Along with an overview

of the advantages and disadvantages of dust control and collection methods, he illustrates in

Table 5 an inclusive and rational summary of options offered for a wood shop or wood products


Table 5

A Summary of Dust Control and Collection Methods

Method Advantages Disadvantages

Personal respiratory


Disposable Masks and respirators

are inexpensive and really

available; can provide good

respiratory protection in lieu of

primary dust collection.

Disposables that don‘t seal well to

face can compromise respiratory

health; reusable cartridge-style

respirators are uncomfortable to

wear for long periods; powered-air

respirators are expensive.

Shop Ventilation Easy, inexpensive way to exhaust

fine-dust-laden air from shop at

minimal cost.

Limited protection from fine dust;

most useful in temperate climates;

unfiltered fan can pollute local




Remove fine dust particles

effectively without exhausting

shop air; simple units can be

shop-built; unobtrusive; easy to

install in most shops.

Initially expensive to buy; some

units are noisy; filters need

occasional cleaning and

replacement. Doesn‘t totally replace

primary collection.

Shop Vacuums Compact, portable and relatively

inexpensive; good for primary

collection from portable power


Limited effectiveness in collection

from most stationary machines;

limited chip-holding capacity; most

units are noisy.

Portable collectors Less expensive and more versatile

than installing a central collection

Not strong enough to use with long

lengths of hose or ductwork; can be


system; can be used to collect

from most stationary machines.

expensive; can take up room on the

shop floor.

Central dust


Powerful; convenient way to

collect from most stationary

machines in the shop.

Expensive to buy; require additional

purchase and installation of

ductwork; need space inside or

outside shop for installation; some

units are noisy.

From ―Woodshop Dust Control‖ by S. Nagyszalanczy, 1996, 25.

One of the most important dimensions to the collection of wood dust particles is the air

suction capacity. ―Cubic feet per minute (cfm) is a measurement of air volume flow, …it's

common enough to be a reasonable measure for assessing vacuum sources. If you're investing in

a workshop vacuum for dust control, get one that moves at least 175 to 200 cfm...typically

drawing 11 to 15 amps,‖ (Maxwell, 2001, p. 38). There are available lists of specific

requirements for finding the air flow on woodworking equipment and duct diameters of a

system. The branch-pipe diameter of a duct system should be able to pull a recommended

standard of 4000 feet per minute (fpm), (Nagyszalanczy, 1996, p. 137). There are numerous

units of measures used for determining air flow in air filtration, ventilation dust collection and

vacuum equipment.


A comprehensive design and implementation of a wood dust particle collection strategy

can be crucial to developing production efficiencies, establishing the health and safety of

employees, improving tool life and increasing a wood shop or products manufacturing or wood

shop business‘s bottom line. Six Sigma is a very thorough and complex system of process

improvements focused on optimizing the needs of the customer. Implementing a strategy for a

waste collection system would ensure compliance to OSHA laws and regulations, and increase

employee comfort and satisfaction within the workplace. All of the reasons stated would help a

business to become more productive, and a comprehensive waste collection strategy would prove


to be cost effective in sustaining long-term profitability.


Chapter III: Methodology

This study focused on the problem of wood dust particles, the affects on health of the

employees, and the costs to the efficiencies to production. The areas examined were the amount

of time that it takes for the cleanup, the levels of airborne particles, and the cost-benefit analysis

of implementing a central wood dust and wood chip collection system. With the existing

assortment of wood dust collection devices at individual work stations, data was gathered on the

different devices such as types, brands and specifications. The effectiveness on the existing

equipment is the center of the problem; wood dust and wood chip particles are not being collected at

an efficient rate of satisfaction. The inconsistency and variability of the collection devices are

problematic for operators, employees and management. Airborne dust particles settle on finished

products, work-in-process products, raw materials and on all vertical and horizontal surfaces. The

main challenge is to implement a comprehensive strategy that involves a dust and wood chip

collection system that would eliminate or greatly reduce the airborne particles. An improvement to

the existing waste collection system would provide increased efficiencies to the production process,

a cleaner air environment for the employees and a reduction in fire hazards, slips and falls. Using

the DMAIC process as a dynamic methodology, the phases follow the Six Sigma guidelines for

problem solving.

Define Phase

Within the ―Define‖ phase of the DMAIC process, there are several tools that can be used

to help define the problem and objective. The problem has already been addressed, so this

project will use a Define Checklist and activities within the Critical to Quality (CTQ) facets of

the problem. A checklist helps the process to record the overall aspects of the project; the

addition of CTQ helps to determine the importance of the overall goal. ―By identifying CTQ


characteristics, the project team determines what is important to each customer from the

customer‘s point of view. Identification of CTQ characteristics ascertains how these particular

features appear when meeting customer expectations,‖ (Stamatis, 2004, p. 32). The customer

expectations in this context are the goals and objectives of the project. Table 6 explains required

outputs, comments that pertain to this project, CTQs and the required actions taken to fulfill the

required outputs.

Table 6

Define Checklist for Sawdust City

Required Outputs Comments Critical To


Required Action

Project Charter: Is it

complete and


Approved and supported

by management and


Critical to the



Problem Statement:

Is the problem and

objective clearly


PS and Objective clearly


Critical to the


See Chapter 2.


Process Map: Are

the areas of

production and



Process Map, equipment,

and areas created and


Critical to the

process and

needed for the

larger view of

the project.

See Appendix A.


Timeframe: What

will be a projected

timeframe of this


Goal of project

completion is March 1,



needed for the

process and

overall planning.

Specifics to be

determined, but

on schedule.

Resources: What

types of resources

are the crucial

aspects to the


Complete support from

management and

employees. Open access

to facilities. Will use all

time/energy and literary

resources available.

Critical to the


Open lines of


Contact with



Cost-benefit: What

priorities need to be

examined in the


Existing tools and

equipment, possible dust

collection systems, and

different phases of the

production process.

Critical to the

objective and

cost aspects of

the project.

See Cost-Benefit

Table 8.

Risk: What are the Risks would include Critical to the Open lines of


key risks and



objections to changes in

process or equipment.

Challenges are gathering

proper information,

capital outlay for

equipment and process


success of the

company, the

employees and

the customer.


between all the


Stakeholders: Have

the key

stakeholders been


The key stakeholders in

this project are the


employees and their


Critical to the

success of the


Open lines of


between all the


Adapted from ―Smart Things to Know About Six Sigma‖ by A. Berger, 2003, 65-66.

With a good foundation of the ―Define‖ phase established, the next tool will be a

mapping of the process and the production floor. ―Mapping the process in this stage of the

define phase of the Six Sigma methodology is nothing more than a high level visual

representation of the current process steps leading up to the fulfillment of the identified CTQ

characteristics,‖ (Stamatis, 2004, p. 32). Appendix A shows a function-to-function plan of the

original (as is) production process. It also identifies an overview of the production flow, the

wood working equipment, and the wood dust collection equipment. It also shows the links

between the other equipment used on the production floor.

The ―Define‖ phase is a very important piece to the start to this DMAIC process. The

time frame and goals of this project will be completed by March 1, 2011. The key stakeholders

in this project are the owners/management, employees, and their customers; all of the

stakeholders will benefit from an improvement in a comprehensive wood dust and wood chip

collection strategy.

Measure Phase

In the ―Measure‖ phase, the study used tools in the Six Sigma methodology to collect and

process the data. The types of variation defined in this phase will be in classified as common


and special causes. Common causes are ―conditions in a process that generate variation through

the interaction of the 5M‘s (machine, material, method, measurement, manpower) and 1E

(environment),‖ (Stamitis, 2004, p. 35). Special causes may be unidentifiable until the data is

collected, and according to Stamitis, could generate unexpected variability within the process.

The three areas of common cause variation monitored were the machinery characteristics and

specifications, method comparisons and manpower wages, and measurements in particle

collections as it correlates to the 1E-Environmental OSHA regulations. Along with the 5Ms,

special causes are unexpected variations and were scrutinized throughout the Measure phase of

this project.

Adapted from ―Smart Things to Know About Six Sigma‖ by A. Berger, 2003, 215.

Figure 1. Fishbone Using the 5M’s.

Natural wood pine was the only product producing wood dust and wood chip particle

waste; there is no variation in materials found in this study. The data gathered on the collection

devices and wood working equipment was exclusively used on natural wood pine dust and chip

particles. While a part-time wage structure is possible during seasonal times of the production

schedule, the manpower variations were solely based on a full-time hourly wage structure. The

1E-Environmental OSHA regulations were steadfast and were used as a baseline comparison for

the health and safety of employees. The measured improvements in particles will yield a rise in

quality of the product that is immeasurable to the customer.


Wood Working Equip..

Dust Collection Devices


Continual Cleaning

Planned Cleaning


Natural Wood Pine



Particle Collection

Cost/Benefit Analysis


Part-time Wages

Full-time Wages

1E-EnvironmentalOSHA Regulations

Customer Demands



The cleaning versus efficiencies measurements used methods derived from a General

Estimating Equation to clearly obtain a selected average of data. The two main cleaning

categories, called Continual and Planned were divided into six subcategories: Dusting Raw

Materials (RM), Wiping Work-In-Progress (WIP), Cleaning Finished Products (FP), Scheduled-

Daily, Scheduled-Weekly, and Scheduled-Monthly. The variables involved dealt with average

times taken on each task and the average number of workers on that particular task. The constant

variables were wages of employees and daily output of product.

The air quality measurements were taken from OSHA air quality analysis and

instrumentation readings using a testing device called DustTrak DRX (TSI Incorporated,

Shoreview, MN). The variables involved the size of the particles, areas of the production floor,

and the calibration of the testing unit.

Data Collection Procedures

The two areas of measured data collection, cleaning versus efficiencies and air quality,

were significant in a formative wood dust and wood chip collection strategy. The first area

addressed the subject of cleaning, production time and efficiencies. The measurements assessed:

how much time was involved in cleaning; both continual and planned; what are the costs

involved; and how much production time could be utilized with the time involved?

The data collection procedures for the two cleaning categories sought information on

frequency of cleaning, relationship of cleaning to loss of production, and variables within the

entire production process.

The second category dealt with the topic of air quality and the wood dust particles. Using

an established baseline from OSHA regulations, the particle amounts were compared from a


recent air quality test by an OSHA representative. The measurements assessed: what is the

existing tested air quality; how do the levels compare to the OSHA regulations; what areas of the

manufacturing facility show the highest levels; and how do they compare. The data collection

procedures for the air quality sought information on exposure limits, and comparisons within the

entire production process.

Analysis Phase

In the ―Analysis‖ phase, the data identified and collected in the two areas of the study:

cleaning versus efficiencies and air quality. This part of the study looked at finding

improvement opportunities in the production process and the working environment. Along with

sources of variation, the ―Analysis‖ phase examined and focused on priorities that best represent

the problems of the study.

Cleaning Versus Efficiencies

In order to draw a clear distinction, the General Estimation Equation approach was used

to measure various costs and loss of production time. Within the continual cleaning, the

different areas associated with production included: physically dusting off the raw materials,

wiping off the work-in-process goods and cleaning the finished products. The continual cleaning

increases the total amount of manufacturing time and could be considered wasted production


Planned or scheduled cleaning occurs regularly and involves the physical efforts by the

employees sweeping floors, dusting and moving equipment, and collecting wood dust and wood

chip particles. Typically, the tasks occur at the end of the work shift with a more extensive

cleaning performed at weekly or monthly intervals depending on time availability and amounts

of waste.


In the estimated time of cleaning comparison (Figure 2), the base calculation of minutes

per one thousand pieces was a base calculation to find the estimated time spent on each particular

task. First, a conversion of seconds per hour equaling 2/3600 or .0006 was made. The six tasks

were calculated:

Dust RM (total minutes/day) = 2 sec/hr x 1000 pieces x 2 employees = 1.11

Dust WIP (total minutes/day) = 3 sec/hr x 1000 pieces x 6 employees = 5.00

Dust FP (total minutes/day) = 4 sec/hr x 1000 pieces x 2 employees = 2.22

Total Scheduled-Daily (total minutes/day) = 15 minutes/day x 10 Employees = 150

Total Scheduled-Weekly (total minutes/day) = 30 minutes per week x 10 Employees/4.5

days per week = 66.67

Total Scheduled-Monthly (total minutes/day) = 60 minutes/4 weeks/4.5 days x 10

Employees = 33.33

Figure 2. Estimated Time of Cleaning Comparison.

The calculation assumes the tasks are related and times spent completing the tasks are

0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00

Dust RM

Dust WIP

Dust FP










Estimated Time of Cleaning

Total Time in Minutes per 1000 pieces


consistent throughout the manufacturing process. With a total of ten production floor employees

working 4-10 hour days and one-half day, the weekly work schedule calculated was 4.5 days.

An estimated one and a half hours of the work day was figured for non-production time, lunches

and breaks. The production output averages approximately one thousand pieces per day.

The calculated areas of dusting raw materials and cleaning the finished product took less

time because in reality, the handling is limited to two employees in each method. The work-in-

process cleaning was only assigned to the tasks of the remaining six employees; while the

scheduled-daily, weekly and monthly cleaning tasks are shared by mostly all the manufacturing

floor employees.

The time taken for scheduled-daily cleaning is considerably greater because the tasks

involved all the employees and occurred more frequently in minutes per one thousand pieces of

production output. While the estimated time per task may vary because of the individual

worker‘s pace, the overall ratio of time spent illustrates the general sum of production loss is

somewhat astonishing.

Air Quality

Using an OSHA on-site evaluation, data analysis information was collected in the four

process areas of the manufacturing floor and identified: cutting/shaping, trimming/shaping,

sanding/trimming and shaping. See Appendix A: Original Layout Map of Sawdust City. High

Level-Mapping the Process ―As Is‖. With an OSHA Exposure Level of 8 hrs Time Weighted

Average (TWA) and a Personal Exposure Limit (PEL) 5 mg/m3, identification of potential

hazards and exposures were sampled and reviewed. Other air contaminants were tested but for

the focus of this study, wood dust particles were considered the tested contaminant particles.

The evaluation was conducted by sampling in the workplace, reviewing records, and talking with


employees and managers. The results were found and correspond from the following areas:

Cutting/shaping- Exposure Level 2.5-6.0, PEL 5mg/m3 (TLV = 1mg/m3).

Trimming/shaping- Exposure Level 2.5-7.0 mg/m3, PEL 5mg/m3 (TLV = 1mg/m3).

Sanding/Trimming- Exposure Level 2.5-7.0 mg/m3, PEL 5mg/m3 (TLV = 1mg/m3).

Shaping-Exposure Level 2.5-7.0 mg/m3, PEL 5mg/m3 (TLV = 1mg/m3).

The tested areas of the manufacturing floor had similar air particle results and were

acknowledged to have smaller particle and heavier distribution concentrated around different

equipment in the manufacturing shop. The respirable wood dust continues to present a health

hazard to employees. The equipment that produce the most fine wood dust particles are

categorized as shaping, sanding and finishing.

Figure 3. CFM Ratings on Existing Equipment. Adapted from ―Woodshop Dust Control‖ by S.

Nagyszalanczy, 1996, 136-137).

The vital factors found in the categories of cleaning versus efficiencies and air quality

could be linked to the types of equipment used in production. The existing wood working

equipment in Figure 3 indicates the amount of air volume requirement measured in cubic feet per

minute. It also indicates and relates to the amount of wood dust and wood chip particles












Wood Working Equipment

CFM Ratings

Grizzly Sander

Table Saw

Band Saw

Grizzly Shaper

Grizzly Planner

Drill Press

DeWalt Chop Saw


produced. The Grizzly sander and the Grizzly planner have the greatest demands for the amount

of air volume in a dust collection device with the Grizzly shaper also requiring significant


Improve Phase

The fourth phase, ―Improve‖ is used for further analysis and clarification of the

alternative improvements to be made throughout the project. Also, this part of the process, an

improvement criteria and brainstorming of possibilities are examined to determine pilot projects

and a transition to the ―Control‖ phase.

Cost of Cleaning

The time spent cleaning and dusting the manufacturing floor, equipment, raw materials,

work-in process, and finished products is a collective production loss, and therefore a cost to

production. In calculating costs of cleaning, the time spent was a ratio of minutes per one

thousand pieces of product produced and was the average amount yielded per day. An average

wage cost of $10 per hour gives a cost basis for each of the different cleaning tasks in Table 7. In

order to find the costs of cleaning, the time spent cleaning equations were multiplied by the

average wage of $10 per hour.

Table 7.

Cost of Cleaning.

Dust RM Dust WIP Dust FP Scheduled-







hour x1000

pieces. x 2

Employees x

$10/hour =

$11.11 per



hour x1000

pieces. x 6

Employees x

$10/hour =

$50.00 per



hour x1000

pieces. x 2

Employees x

$10/hour =

$22.22 per


(1/4) hour x


Employees x

$10/hour =

$25 per day

(1/2) hour x 10

Employees x

$10/hour /4.5

days/week =

$11.11 per day

1 hour x 10

Employees x


days per week/4

weeks = $5.56

per day


The estimated total cost of cleaning and dusting at Sawdust City adds up to $125 per day

or $562.50 per week of operations. In a wage to cleaning expense weekly ratio, this equates to

approximately an expenditure of 13%. The actual employee wage amount could be substituted

or modified with an actual hourly and daily labor cost amount figured in the equation. Other

numbers in the equation could also be adjusted in areas of production.

In computing the implementation and savings of the various equipment options, not all

the benefits are easily included and can be somewhat intangible in value such as, tool life,

employee comfort, reduction in fire and combustion, and fewer slips and falls.

Table 8.

Cost/Benefit Analysis of Wood Dust Collection Systems.

Units Details Expenditures ($) Remarks

Shop ventilation Limited, weather


<$300 Good supplemental


Air-filtration devices Air cleaner $300-500 Circulates & cleans


Shop vacuums Flexible, portable $100-500 Versatile for tasks

Portable collectors Existing on site $200-2000 Somewhat efficient

Central dust


Investment cost >$5000 Lower Operating


The interesting things found in the cost/benefit analysis were the variety of brands,

models and added features available. The competition of features and sale prices are a good

situation for a buyer in this product market. The costs of the units were also surprising as

compared to the benefits and savings of cleaning costs and air quality enhancement features.

The one year warranties on most of the products were the most common with additional

guarantees on motor parts.

The challenges in a comparative cost/benefit analysis come from testing the benefits of

each of the individual units. A listing of the specifications and general information such as air


suction, static pressure, amperage, etc. can give a good contrast between makes and models.

However, that comparison does not illustrate the equipment‘s performance on the production

floor. The final measurements of air quality and costs can be estimated and compared, but an

equipment trial run needs to be executed to gather the final data.

Control Phase

The ―Control‖ phase utilizes the data monitored from the improvements and changes that

were implemented in the project. Because this project is a predecessor to the actual completion,

this phase will focus on process improvements and the physical layout of the existing

manufacturing shop. A layout inspection of the process flow and manufacturing areas was taken

with measurements and design analysis labeled: Appendix A-―As Is‖. With a good production

flow occurring throughout the production floor, areas previously tested for air quality are

adjacent to one another, separated mainly by metal storage racking, bundles of cardboard and

other smaller shelving. The shaping area is physically separated from the rest of the production

areas, but holds mobile storage racks of finished or drying products. The paint area becomes a

vital part of the manufacturing process and is located near several wood dust and particle

producers. The established production process limits the amount of changes within the existing

building; however, there are physical movements that are discussed in Chapter 5 that can yield

improvements to costs and air quality.


This chapter examined the existing wood dust and wood chip collection equipment, the

tools and equipment used in the wood production, the devices used to measure the dust particles,

and other available wood dust and wood chip collection equipment that are designed to meet

OSHA standards and regulations. Employee health and air quality issues were analyzed and


remain deep-rooted issues. The relationship of the costs involved in terms of dollars, and the

hidden lost profits due to wasted production time are significant. The cost/benefit analysis and

comparison of the wood dust collection systems establish a performance metrics, and can be

used for future evaluations and strategy modifications.


Chapter IV: Results

A comprehensive wood dust and wood particle strategy is possible in determining

solutions for Sawdust City‘s waste collection problems. Using the DMAIC methodology for a

problem-solving model, the purpose of the study was determining results based on the wide-

ranging data about the scope of wood dust and wood chip particles produced, the amounts of

cleanup time, the levels of airborne particles, and a cost-benefit analysis of implementing

different options in air particle removal systems. The goal of this project was to develop the

comprehensive strategy of wood dust removal, to provide specific information and statistical

data, and to create practical solutions surrounding the problems that faced Sawdust City‘s

production facility and management. This study examined air quality data from established studies

and compared the particles tested to the amount of airborne particles as dictated by OSHA

regulation code case number 9004-34-6 as a baseline reference.

Results: Cleaning versus Efficiencies

In the assessment of cleaning versus efficiencies, the data revealed considerable time and

loss of production due to the several different cleaning tasks. The General Estimation Equation

calculations illustrated significant dedication of employee‘s time for the scheduled-daily cleaning

and the dust-WIP. When converted to a monetary cost, the expense of cleaning and dusting at

Sawdust City adds up to $125 per day or $562.50 per week of operations. The wage-to-cleaning

expense ratio for the week is approximately 13%. In terms of production costs, this is significant

because there is virtually no value added to products from a consumer‘s perspective. While this

ratio will never equal zero, in almost all manufacturing businesses there will always be this

recurring and fixed expense; however, long-term investments in capital structure and

modifications in process improvements can be implemented to reduce that percentage.


Results: Air Quality

The topic of air quality was an important issue for this study, and any reductions in wood

dust particles would make a significant difference in the health of the employees. The tests

performed by an OSHA representative became a wakeup call for the air quality standards that

needed to be met or exceeded within Sawdust City‘s manufacturing plant. The results uncovered

the tested data to be at or above the PEL of 5mg/m3 in all the areas around the production floor.

The OSHA standard is below 5mg/m3. The variations in exposure levels were lower, but the

range should bring about considerable concern on the part of management and employees. The

respirable wood dust continues to be monitored and presents the greatest health hazard to

employees; shaping, sanding and finishing are the processes that continue to produce the most

fine wood dust particles.

The findings also obtained the information on wood working equipment and the CFM

specifications for proper wood dust and wood particle removal. With the most potential gains in

upgrading the dust collection around the Grizzly planners and Grizzly sanders, the study found

the additions of air filtration systems or a central collection system could yield tangible results.

Item Analysis

The study showed considerable costs due to the cleaning tasks. The six different tasks

occurred within the multiple areas of the manufacturing process and different times throughout

the production schedule. The cumulative amount of time taken in cleaning reduces the amount

of output yielded in finished product, thus reducing the annual profits. This eventually has

influence on wages, other expenses, capital investment, product prices, and ultimately long-term


In terms of air quality, affects are much more difficult to analyze. An OSHA


representative will eventually return for a random test, and the results could reveal better, worse

or the same numbers. Depending on the production schedule, the cleaning tasks performed and

the ventilation, the tests could vary considerably. The air quality issue remains a constant long-

lasting health concern for the employees.

Limitations of Data

With the cleaning issue, the data had some limitations to the General Estimation Equation

calculation methods, and to the actual daily amounts of final products. The actual employee

wage amount could be modified along with the daily labor cost and changes in production. The

variations in data could also be due to specific time deviations within a cleaning schedule.

Some of the air quality limitations were very subjective in relation to the effects on

employee‘s health. Issues like missed work due to wood dust, increased health care costs, and

overall workplace comforts are very biased or difficult to quantify.


This study gathered pertinent information in determining an enormous necessity for a

comprehensive waste collection system for the wood dust and wood chip particles. Costs were

calculated to reveal extensive challenges, and options were considered to make equipment

modifications and capital investments. This study also gathered and analyzed research from

health and industry experts that contributed to increasing an overall understanding of the wood

dust and wood chip particle issues. The DMAIC methodology proved to be a thorough and

wide-ranging process, and with a structured development of the problem, the issues were

examined in a complete way that can help the management and employees of Sawdust City.


Chapter V: Discussion

The current wood dust and wood chip collection devices are a patchwork of individual

units that provide minimum dust control. The lack of a long-term control strategy leaves daily

problems for the equipment, employees and products at Sawdust City. The challenges that face

Sawdust City in the areas of a healthier work environment for its employees and improvements

in efficiencies are needed to maintain growth. By taking the efforts now in developing and

planning a comprehensive wood dust and wood chip collection strategy, and implementing the

long-term solutions, the many substantial results will position Sawdust City with a competitive

edge. The two areas of focus in this study, cleaning versus efficiencies and air quality are

complimentary and related issues that can be improved upon in one comprehensive wood dust

control strategy. Significant outcomes can occur by correlating the two areas of concern into one

action plan with tangible results. The underlying principle improvements in this project involved

reductions in the amount of time spent cleaning wood dust and wood chip particles, and improve

the air quality in the workplace.


The recommendations within this study are meant to inform and support a comprehensive

wood dust and wood particle control strategy by means of analysis and comparison to the

existing waste control system. Within the two recommendations, the wood dust and wood chip

waste collection devices are designed as an ―As Is‖ system. That is, the existing units were

matched directly to wood working equipment, based on priority criteria of CFM requirements for

optimum collection and existing steps in the production process. It is very important to note that

an implementation of a central waste collection system would be better adapted to either of the

recommended changes rather than to the existing ―As Is‖ system setup. The main reason is the


recommended changes would be in adjacent proximate to a central unit setup yielding increased

air suction and better performance. Further planning and analysis would be needed to determine

the specifics of a central collection unit and attachments.

Discussion on “As Is”

Appendix A illustrates the high level ―As Is‖ representation of the existing production

process and workflow direction. The relationships of the wood working equipment and the dust

collection devices are also shown with connections. The existing process was developed over

time and given some noted improvements such as good continuity and efficient product flow.

While this process has historically yielded a strong production output, there are several

observations to be made.

First, the shipping, drying and finish product areas are surrounded by high-level

producers of wood dust and wood chip particles. With storage racks separating the three sides of

the areas, there is a short distance between them and for the dust particles to travel. Another

observation is the paint area; the adjoining area is located next to several high-output wood dust

producers like the sander, table saw and a drill press. There is no physical separation between

the two neighboring areas. The last observation is the small room that is used for shaping and

several other functions. This room is located by screen painting and finish product storage

rooms. With several types of equipment that produce wood dust and wood chip particles,

concentrations of materials and excess dust seems difficult to control.

Discussion on Recommendation #1

In Appendix B-Recommendation #1 includes a process flow that is similar to the existing

process. The storage racks are moved to a more vertical position and act as a type of divider to

the finished product and storage areas. The storage racks would line up with the buildings


support beam and divide the room into a third. Note that hanging plastic sheeting from the

ceiling support beam on the wood working side of the storage racking is a viable, but added

expensive option for an improved wood dust barrier. Also, the role within the small shaping

room would be reduced and combine with the other processes in the large production area. This

would produce less wood dust and wood particles, and increase efficiencies.

This recommendation would need to be harmoniously included with additional dust

collection improvements. The real savings to the bottom-line would have to be figured in with

the choices of dust collection devices. The concentrated arrangement of wood working

equipment helps the central dust collection implementation the most. While the cost savings of

cleaning within this recommendation is difficult to calculate, an estimation of 15-25% of the

daily cleaning costs could be saved. With a daily cleaning expense of $125 per day as calculated

in this study, the savings could be between $18 and $31 per day, or $375 to $625 per month of

average operation.

The overall changes for this recommendation would give the production a more

concentrated area to move raw materials and work in process product; therefore increasing

efficiencies, cleaning times and reducing unnecessary employee movement. The real advantages

come from a distinct separation of the areas containing finished products, storage and the paint

areas. The main challenge would be the arrangement of the large production area and

establishing a safe distance for operation of the wood working equipment. One disadvantage

might be the shipping of finished product because of the distance from storage to the shipping

area. There are many advantages to this recommendation, and it could lay the ground work for

an additional central collection unit design plan. The containment of wood dust and wood chip

particles require less duct work with a centralized system as the main woodworking equipment


becomes in close proximity.

Discussion on Recommendation #2

The second recommendation, Appendix C-Recommendation #2 illustrates several

changes and rearrangements of the woodworking equipment. The greatest alteration would be a

complete separation of the paint area to the previously small shaping room. This would provide

an essentially wood dust free room for painting, drying and finish product storage; an addition

ventilation unit for paint fumes could be factored into future plans. This design would also

increase the production area, while still keeping the efficiencies within the process developed in

Recommendation #1. The areas of shipping and finish products would be closer in function and

more practically spaced. Within this design there is less of a challenge in establishing a safe

distance of operation of the wood working equipment. As for an addition of a central collection

unit, this recommendation adds a moderate amount of distance and spacing to the wood working

equipment, which increases the duct work depending on the location of the central collection


Similar to Recommendation #1, this model would need to be implemented with

additional dust collection improvements, and possibly a supplementary paint exhaust system.

The true costs for this recommendation lay in the choices of dust collection devices. The

arrangement of wood working equipment is more spread out and separated. Because of the need

for additional improvements, the cost savings of cleaning and payback become more difficult to

calculate, an estimation of 25-35% of the daily cleaning costs could be saved. With a daily

cleaning expense of $125 per day as calculated in this study, the savings could be between $31

and $43 per day, or $625 to $875 per month of average operation. Proper planning and

implementation of this recommendation would strongly assist in an effective dust control


strategy that would yield flexibility in the production process and contribute to long-term growth

for the business.

Within both of the recommendations lies one disadvantage: change. Changing the

structure of an established production process and manufacturing floor plan can be an enormous

task. Finding the time and manpower in a structured and tight production schedule is difficult.

However, the costs of doing nothing or staying the course could be worst. Change involves

leadership; and ―management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things,‖ (Peter

Drucker quoted from Berger, 2003, 149).

Conclusions and Implications

This study found that wood working manufactures have unique challenges when it comes

to collecting wood dust and wood chip particles; the strategies for control are uniform across the

industry. In terms of efficiencies and long-term employee health, meeting or exceeding the

standards of air quality will ultimately reduce costs, increase profits, and create a healthier

workplace. From the customer‘s perspective, the air quality issues examined have little impact,

unless quality of the finished product is taken into consideration. The research showed tangible

data that lead to the recommendations and other additional advice.

One of the secondary accomplishments of this project was to educate and present

beneficial information to the owners/management of Sawdust City. The challenges and priorities

of this problem can be dealt with proper planning, discussion and implementation. Capital

investment and changes to the existing wood dust and wood chip collection system can be

executed with monetary justifications.

Further Research Recommendations

The recommended changes in the production flow and operational adjustments could lead


to further planning and research. After any changes are implemented, future air particle testing

could be done for a contrast assessment. Additional planning and research could be done in the

areas of air ventilation units and air exchange devices. A separate paint and stain vapor removal

system should also be considered. The findings show that any partial or complete changes based

on the recommendations will yield improvements in productivity and air quality.



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Appendix A: Original Layout Map of Sawdust City.

High Level-Mapping the Process “As Is”

= Doorway

Loading Docks

Dust Collection Equipment Wood Working Equipment

Grizzly G1029Z-Single Bag De Walt Chop Saw

Grizzly G9958-Double Bag Grizzly Sander

Jet 1100cfm Table Saw

Band Saw

Storage Racking/Shelving Drill Press

Sign Racking Grizzly Shaper

Grizzly Planner


Paint Area

Finished Product

Drying Area



Area Storage


Sanding/Shaping Trimming/Shaping

Area Area

Storage Screen Paint




Sign Storage



Appendix B: Recommendation #1. Mapping of Process Flow

= Doorway

Loading Docks

Dust Collection Equipment Wood Working Equipment

Grizzly G1029Z-Single Bag De Walt Chop Saw

Grizzly G9958-Double Bag Grizzly Sander

Jet 1100cfm Table Saw

Band Saw

Storage Racking/Shelving Drill Press

Sign Racking Grizzly Shaper

Grizzly Planner

Paint Area Shipping Receiving

Drying Area




Racking Trimming/Shaping


Storage Screen Paint



Sign Storage




Appendix C: Recommendation #2. Mapping of Process Flow

= Doorway

Loading Docks

Dust Collection Equipment Wood Working Equipment

Grizzly G1029Z-Single Bag De Walt Chop Saw

Grizzly G9958-Double Bag Grizzly Sander

Jet 1100cfm Table Saw

Band Saw

Storage Racking/Shelving Drill Press

Sign Racking Grizzly Shaper

Grizzly Planner

Shipping Receiving


Storage Area





Storage Screen Paint



Sign Storage




Appendix D: Internal Review Board (IRB) Approval

Date: November 24, 2010

To: Todd Kamenick

Cc: Jim Keyes

From: Sue Foxwell, Research Administrator and Human

Protections Administrator, UW-Stout Institutional

Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research (IRB)

Subject: Protection of Human Subjects

After review of your project, ―Sawdust City Waste Collection Field Problem,‖ I concur that

your protocol is not defined as research as defined by Federal regulations. Therefore,

your project does not need further review and approval of the Institutional Review Board

(IRB) for the Protection of Human Subjects.

Thank you for your cooperation with the IRB and best wishes with your project.

*NOTE: This is the only notice you will receive – no paper copy will be sent.
