1 st Battle of Bull Run The Battle of Manassas

1 st Battle of Bull Run

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1 st Battle of Bull Run. The Battle of Manassas. Call to Arms. Two days after Ft. Sumter, Lincoln issues proclamation calling for 75,000 volunteers Volunteers agree to serve for 3 months in order to put down the rebellion in the south - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1st Battle of Bull Run

The Battle of Manassas

Call to Arms

• Two days after Ft. Sumter, Lincoln issues proclamation calling for 75,000 volunteers

• Volunteers agree to serve for 3 months in order to put down the rebellion in the south

• Lincoln got more than enough volunteers, but 4 more states seceded in response


• “On to Richmond”– After losing Ft.

Sumter, Union forces wanted to take the capital of the CSA.

– Wanted to take Richmond, Virginia

• 39,000 Union Soldiers marched to Richmond– Brigadier General Irvin



• Goal – – To capture the Virginia

railroad line at Manassas Junction


• 21,000 Confederate troops– Led by Hero of Ft.

Sumter– Brigadier General

P.G.T. Beauregard

• 11,000 additional troops– Brigadier General

Joseph E. Johnston– Reinforce Beauregard

Picnicking at the Battle Ground

• People carried picnic baskets and champagne• Brought binoculars to view the action more closely• Believed the battle would not last long• No doubt that the Northern army would easily overpower

the Rebels

The Fight Begins

• July 21, 1861• Manassas Junction,

Virginia– Near Bull Run Creek– 30 miles west of

Washington D.C.


• Union Forces, led by McDowell cross Bull Run Creek and attack the Rebels

• Troops were undisciplined, inadequately trained, and poorly equipped.

• Officers had little experience leading large armies

Fighting Continues

• At First,– Union army successfully

pushed back the left side of the Confederate Army

• Confederates Rally– Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson– He held “Like a Stone Wall.”


• Confederates receive reinforcements– Push the tired Union troops

back toward Bull Run Creek

• Union Retreats– Began as an orderly retreat– Army runs into hundreds of

onlookers– Picnickers panicked and

got in the way of retreating soldiers

Battle Outcome

• The Rebels troops defeated the Union forces– They won the first

major battle in the war– The Union hope of

winning the war quickly disapeared

• Proved both armies needed training

Outcome Continued

• Union General Winfield Scott retires

• General George McClellan appointed to lead the Union Army– Takes time to train the



• North– 2,896 Casualties

• 460 Killed• 1,124 Wounded• 1,312 Missing

• South– 1,982 Casualties

• 387 Killed• 1,582 Wounded• 13 Missing