1 The UN Office for The UN Office for Partnerships Partnerships Global Partnerships Are we there yet? Development Cooperation Forum Helsinki, Finland – 3 June 2010

1 The UN Office for Partnerships The UN Office for Partnerships Global Partnerships Are we there yet? Development Cooperation Forum Helsinki, Finland –

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The UN Office for The UN Office for PartnershipsPartnerships

Global Partnerships

Are we there yet?

Development Cooperation Forum

Helsinki, Finland – 3 June 2010

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Relevance of Partnerships

UN system has been partnering with the private sector and civil society for over 60 years.

The last decade has seen an interest from non-state actors to support UN causes. Partnerships have:

– Increased in number

– Increased in significance

– Increased in scope

“Addressing global challenges requires a collective and concerted effort, involving all actors. Through partnerships and alliances, and by pooling

comparative advantages, we increase our chances of success.”

UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon

New forms of Partnerships have emerged:

Strategic Partnerships and Smart Partnerships

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Types of Partnerships






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UNOP serves as a Catalyst and Facilitator for innovative multi-stakeholders UNOP serves as a Catalyst and Facilitator for innovative multi-stakeholders partnerships, working with Governments, Private Sector, Civil Society and partnerships, working with Governments, Private Sector, Civil Society and International organizations.`International organizations.`

Changing Landscape of Partnerships

Operating Discipline


Private Sector


Management Skills

Brand Equity

Policiesand Norms

Field basedNetwork and


Deepening Interdependencies

Understanding Corporate Cultures




Technical Assistance

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Some Examples of Social Partnerships

Haiti Hope Project: This multi-million dollar project with the support of Coca-Cola and TechnoServe aims to double the incomes of 25,000 fruit farmers in Haiti and to raise their standard of living while contributing to the long-term development and revitalization of Haiti.

Wyeth Pharmaceuticals: The UN Office for Partnerships provides the company with strategic advice and partnership services to leverage their business model to help achieve the MDGs. Wyeth Pharmaceuticals donates medicines in 58 countries around the globe, supporting their health systems, helping people in distress, and tackling diseases.

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Some Examples of Social Partnerships

Dow Chemical: The Dow Chemical Company started a round-the-world run (Blue Planet Run) together with Motorola, Skype and PayPal, to raise attention for over 1 billion people without access to safe drinking water. Dow is also providing $30 million to support the financing of up to 2,000 community water systems, serving 11 million people without access to safe drinking water in rural India.

Novartis: Novartis works with the UN Office for Partnerships to develop strategies to promote health-related MDGs. Novartis provides treatment of Malaria in the frame of the pan-African campaign “United against Malaria”

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Some Examples of Advocacy Partnerships

G-Star: G-Star raised awareness for the MDGs during the 2008 New York Fashion Week through their new series and exhibitions.

Wal-Mart: Developed a pod cast on the Millennium Development Goals and broadcasted it to 1.8 million associates. Wal-Mart also addresses gender-based violence in their suppliers’ factories

UN-Marvel Partnerships: DPI, the UN Office for Partnerships is working with Marvel Entertainment Inc. andMr. Romuald Sciora (French documentary film producer) to create a comic book. This book will feature some of Marvel’s super heroes, who support the UN in achieving the MDGs. The comic book will initially be distributed free to one million U.S. schoolchildren

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Some Examples of Investment Partnerships

Business Advisory Council (BAC) for the Greater Tumen Region: The Office for Partnerships has been supporting the Greater Tumen Initiative and developed a BAC to attract new investment to the region. It consists of senior business leaders from the countries of the Greater Tumen Region (the People’s Republic of China, Mongolia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea and Russian Federation) and foreign investors operating in these countries.(Please also visit the BAC Homepage for more information)

Regional Centre for Partnerships in the Middle East and North Africa in Qatar (proposed): The Centre will provide a leadership role in facilitating strategic partnerships at the regional, national, and international levels across all sectors in support of the MDGs. It will also be a centre of excellence for training on partnerships to enable various stakeholders to be partnership-ready. The Centre will contribute to local capacity building and provide employment opportunities for youth in the region.

Global Business Council: Together with the Commonwealth Business Council, the UN Office for Partnerships is setting-up a Global Business Council in support of the MDGs. It will provide leadership in increasing international trade and investment flows, create new business opportunities, promote good governance and CSR, reduce the digital divide, and integrate developing countries into the global market.

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Some Recent Partnerships/Advisory Services

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Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro and Mr. Ted Turner at an event held 14 May 2007 to launch Microsoft Investment Strategy in Africa.

“Today, the United Nations Foundation is a key Partner and ally for the United Nations, serving as an architect of new and innovative alliances to advance UN goals. We have focused on creating partnerships that magnify the power that people, Governments and organizations, public or private, have - working together - to effect change and promote a world of good.“

-Ted Turner, Chairman and Founder, UN Foundation

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