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8/13/2019 10 - L2

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Ministerul Educatiei Nationale

TEST DE EVALUARE INITIALĂAnul scolar 2013-2014

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Numele si %renumele ele&ului'

Da(a sus(inerii (es(ului'

• )en(ru re!ol&area corec(" a (u(uror cerin(elor *in )ar(ea I si *in )ar(ea a II-a se acor*" +0 *e%unc(e, Din oiciu se acor*" 10 %unc(e,• Tim%ul eec(i& *e lucru es(e *e 4. *e minu(e,

)ARTEA I /0 *e %unc(eI, 1, Rea* (e (e( belo an* com%le(e (e olloin (as5s, 6ri(e all 7our ansers on (e AnserSee(,

 A 21-year-old Houston native, Beyonce Knowles is a founding (1!!"" and c#ief songwriter of$estiny%s &#ild, one of (2!!! 'iggest selling feale acts of all tie" )it# any of t#e grou*%s #itsongs co-written and co-*roduced 'y Beyonce, $estiny%s &#ild #as sold ore t#an ++ illion (+!!""

worldwide" )#en Beyonce won t#e 21 o* .ongwriter of t#e /ear Award, (0!!! 'ecae t#e first African-Aerican woan and t#e second woan ever to receive t#at #onor"

Musically c#allenging and lyrically #onest, $angerously n 3ove is ore (4!!"" 5ust a solo &$fro a su*erstar" t is everyt#ing you%d e6*ect fro Beyonce and ore t#an you could #ave #o*ed (7!!" 89#e e6*erience was very li'erating and t#era*eutic" felt free, 'ecause could go into t#e studioand tal: a'out w#atever wanted, 'ut in any ways (;!!! was actually #arder to 'e on y owncreatively<, confesses Beyonce"

But t#e artist is so uc# ore t#an 5ust a songwriter and *erforer" .#e is also an (=!!!!"n 21 s#e starred in M9>%s 8&aren<" n 22 s#e a**eared as ?o6y &leo*atra in 8Austin owers@olde'er"< 9#is year s#e will co-star wit# &u'a @ooding r" in 89#e ?ig#ting 9e*tations<" .#e (!!"" two ore features currently in *roduction and can (1!!! 'e seen on t#e sall screen in aseries of .*i:e 3ee directed coercials for e*si-&ola" .#e is also t#e s*o:es*erson for 3%Creal"

I, 1,Rea* (e (e( an* ill in (e a%s i( (e ri( or*,


I,2 Use (e or* a( (e en* o eac sen(ence (o orm a or* (a( i(s sui(abl7 in (e blan5s%ace,


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8/13/2019 10 - L2

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1" found it !!!!!!!!!!!!""!!""""""""" to solve suc# a difficult *ro'le" C..B3E 

2" )#at tie do you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!! go to 'edD .E

+" )#at%s t#e atter wit# #iD His !!!!!!!!!!" is getting worse and worse" BEHA>E

0" He lost all !!!!!!!!!" !!!!!!!!!!!""to find a 5o' in t#is town" &CN?$E

4" tried to #ide y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!w#en #eard t#e 'ad news" $.ACN9

7" .#e%s so nice" t%s a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""tal:ing to #er" 3EA.E

;" %d love to coe to your *arty, 'ut, !!!!!!!!!" #ave to study for y e6a"?CF9NE

=" $on%t you :now it%s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""to *ar: #ereD 3E@A3

" $uring t#at terri'le war *eriod t#ere was a great !!!!!!!!!! !!"of food" .HCF9

1" )#at !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""do you need to 'ecoe a doctorD GA3?/

I,3 :a(c (e e%ressions i( TA;E (o (eir *eini(ions,1" ta:e soe'ody out a"to e*loy or engage soe'ody2" ta:e 'ac: '"to fill or occu*y an aount of s*ace or tie+" ta:e soe'ody on c"to acco*any soe'ody t#at one #as invited out0" ta:e over d"to adit t#at soet#ing one said was wrong4" ta:e u* e"to gain control over soet#ing

I,4 )u( (e &erbs in brac5e(s in(o a sui(able (ense,$ear 9ony,% sorry 1"(not write"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""to you sooner, 'ut 2"(wor:!!!"!!" a'road and

5ust +"(coe!!!!!! 'ac: #oe" .ara# and 0"(get!!!!!!!!!"" arried ne6t ont#"!!!"" you 4"(ree'er!!!!!!!" #erD )e 7"(eet!!!!!!!" last suer, w#en we

;"(visit!!!!!!!!!!!"" 3ondon" #o*e you ="(coe!!!!!!!!!!" to our weddingne6t ont#" .ara# "(t#in:!!!!!!!!! our 'est friends s#ould 'e t#ere" .o, we 1"(wait!!!!!!!!!!" for your answer"

Best wis#es, aul 

)ARTEA a II-a /30 *e %unc(e6ri(e (e *escri%(ion o an unore((able oli*a7, 6ri(e abou( e&en(s (a( a%%ene*< %eo%le 7oume( an* %laces 7ou &isi(e*, /9- 10 lines