10 PILLARS OF FOOD INNOVATION WORKSHOP March 16-18, 2015 Hilton Garden Inn 1050 Plaza Drive Highlands Ranch (Denver), CO 80129 Dr. Darrel Suderman, President WWW.FOODBEVBIZ.COM

10 Pillars of Food Innovation Course Description

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This course teaches the 10 core pillars (principles) required for successful new product innovation and commercialization that have a proven track record among nonfood Fortune 100 companies on an international basis. It is a documented fact that companies that innovate grow shareholder value and deepen profits faster than those that don’t – Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook are a few examples of ‘progressive and disruptive innovation’. This interactive workshop will explain the core business value of the following pillars of education:

1. Beginning of Food Innovation is Creativity & Ideation

2. Brand Marketing Strategy is Core to Food Innovation

3. How to Recognizing Innovation Opportunities & Supporting Them

4. To Start Innovation Is To Gain A Foothold

5. Test The Business Potential

6. Reverse Innovation: A Global Perspective

7. The CEO Drives the Innovation Process

8. A Dedicated Innovation Team

9. Performance Engine – Shared Resources Business Model

10. Innovation Success Metrics & Benchmarking


The course is designed for anyone in the food and beverage industry responsible for new product innovation and commercialization – including senior C-level executives, marketing and operations executives, directors and managers, research chefs, and food scientists who are currently accountable for new product innovation, or expect to become involved in developing and marketing new innovative products.


The course is taught by Dr. Darrel Suderman, who has worked in new product development and commercialization for twelve (15) major QSR chains over 20 years. He has taught and refined these core principles to aspiring new chefs at Johnson & Wales Culinary University (JWCU) as an adjunct professor of New Product Development and Commercialization - and incorporated these principles into the coaching process of the Johnson and Wales student culinary competition team sponsored by the U.S. Research Chef Association competition. The course has also been taught to large food company representatives nationally, and to the entire executive team of the largest QSR chain in Colombia South America. The innovation principles were also used to evaluate 30 QSR/Fast Casual brand evaluation in Australia. However, his true inspiration came when he realized how many food companies loosely use the term Food Innovation on business cards and corporate R&D Centers – but had little true innovative products to show for it. This is contrary to many nonfood companies that have been continuously successful at new product innovation like Apple.

Dr. Suderman is recognized internationally as a food innovation guru. He has written 85+ food thought provoking innovation blogs for the leading restaurant websites www.QSRweb.com and www.FastCasual.com. He spoke about food innovation in May, 2013 to the Korean Food Industry Association and the Asian Food Forum, In addition, he spent two weeks in Turkey helping the leading breading manufacturer developing innovative new products. He is co-inventor of Popcorn Chicken, considered to have $1B yearly sales internationally. As an inventor, he holds two US Food Product patents.

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A brief overview of each food innovation pillar:

1. Beginning of Food Innovation is Creativity & Ideation

This session discusses the three primary components of human creativity, the role and application of creativity to new food product innovation, and debunk the most common creativity myths. It also reviews how management can encourage idea generation, select and apply the top four idea-generating ideation techniques, and the top three brainstorming techniques. While it discusses and practices ideation techniques, this workshop will NOT spend an extended period of time practicing ideation practices common to the industry.

2. Brand Marketing Strategy is Core to Food Innovation

This session discusses the strategic role of brand strategy in new product innovation. The reference book for the session What Great Brands Do, written by Denise Lee Yohn who is a recognized international expert in brand marketing. The four primary segments of this session will be Brand as Strategy, Marketing as Strategy, Technology as Strategy, And the Concept of Strategate™.

3. How to Recognizing Innovation Opportunities & Supporting Them

This session discusses how to recognize innovation opportunities, assign value to them, and bring them to a successful marketplace reality:

How to Screen Ideas

How to Fit Into Marketing Strategy

How to Assign Valuation to Ideas

How to Gain Peer & Corporate Support

How to Begin the Commercialization Process

4. To Start Innovation Is To Gain A Foothold

This session discusses the steps required to begin building the internal sales support process for innovative new products – beginning with the “Idea Champion”, and other innovation team members in building broader recognition and support within a department, division, company, or processing plant.

The importance of timing in gaining recognition and support

How to build a business case for the innovative idea

Overcoming resistance, and maintaining momentum

5. Test The Business Potential

This session discuses innovative product value and what are appropriate valuation techniques?

Value is what a willing buyer and seller have agreed upon as the basis for the exch ange of

property, or in our case, intellectual property (IP) rights.

Simply put, valuation is the process of estimating a mutually agreed upon value for a product or

an intellectual property that will enable its transfer from seller to buyer. A perfect valuation

scenario is one where both the buyer and seller walk away each thinking it got the best deal.

Session 10 will also provide insight on how performance metrics can clarify the product’s


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6. Reverse Innovation: A Global Perspective

Since the food and beverage industry represents a global marketplace, this session discusses reverse innovation. The reverse innovation process was first adopted in the developing world. Reverse innovation assumes the innovative new products are both affordable & effective. One example we will study is Gatorade. It helped people recover who were suffering severe diarrhea caused by cholera. Giving people carbohydrate and sugar in the solution with salt, enabled a quicker nutrient uptake that helped patients rehydrate faster. The solution proved to be feasible, affordable, easy to apply or implement, and effective.

7. The CEO Drives the Innovation Process

The ultimate business goal for a CEO is get the innovative ideas consumers want and need executed, commercialized, and introduced into the marketplace. This session studies the behavioral characteristics and governing responsibilities of successful CEOs at innovative leading companies. A successful innovative process begins with an engaged CEO. A company mission statement without “innovation” will certainly never attain innovative products.

8. A Dedicated Innovation Team

This session studies the 6 steps used to build a dedicated food and beverage innovation team, beginning with the CEO assembling the team, and informing his executive team of his actions. The CEO then defines the team’s mission, objectives, and skill sets required for hiring team members. A budget, reporting channels, and organizational model are defined and communicated across the organization – so that realistic success can be expected and realized.

9. Performance Engine – Shared Resources Business Model

This session will review the sharing of company resources between the Dedicated Innovation Team and the shared staff of the Performance Engine – which represents the current building, office, and intellectual resources. A highly successful dedicated intellectual team never represent an island unto itself. Even though it has a high calling to the company’s future success, it still depends on shared resources of the established company. Google’s “No Boss” team management approach will be discussed for its application.

10. Innovation Success Metrics & Benchmarking

No successful innovation is complete without measurement tools. In this final session, we will study benchmarking and performance metrics and define the differences between both. We will discuss how KPIs or Key Performance Indicator metrics can be applied to measure the innovation process and end products. And we will identify specific “Innovation KPIs” like IPS (or Innovation Pipeline Strength) and ROI2 which is (Return on Innovation Investment).