10 Tips for Effective Creative Brainstorming _ Design Shack

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  • 8/22/2019 10 Tips for Effective Creative Brainstorming _ Design Shack


    Brainstorming can either be a creative gold mine or a time wasting disaster.

    Brainstorming is often discussed in relation to a business environment. In college, nearly every one of my

    business school textbooks had an entire chapter dedicated to the concept. Though creative brainstorming is in

    many ways a different beast due to its visual nature, many of the same concepts apply.

    Today well take a look at ten tips to consider before you pull your creative team into a brainstorming session.

    When applied properly, they can drastically increase productivity and quality of results.

    #1 Assign a Moderator

    Assigning someone to guide the brainstorming session into a productive direction is an absolute must. Though

    the entire point involves the free flow of ideas, this can quickly get completely off track and out of control if

    not kept in check.

    Who Should Be the Moderator?

    Choose someone who knows the project scope intricately and is seen as an authoritative figure. This person

    should not dominate conversation or even present many ideas but instead drive the conversation away from

    unproductive or hostile conversation and towards original thought and successful teamwork.

    How Should the Meeting Be Managed?

    Whoever you choose to be the moderator (be it yourself or someone else) should be an outgoing, social

    person familiar with providing direction in a non-authoritarian manner. The conversation should be eased in

    different directions, not forced. Remember that you want people to feel comfortable throwing out ideas and

    not afraid to change the topic or say something unconventional.

    #2 Identify Goals

    Its best to begin a brainstorming session by briefly stating an overview of the project. Even if everyone

    present is familiar with it, the refresher is a good way to get their brains in the right place. After stating what

    the project entails, clearly state the goal of the brainstorming session. Never go into a brainstorming session

    without a clear idea of what you want out of it, otherwise youre setting yourself up for a phenomenal waste

    of time.

    Good Goals vs. Bad

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    Good Goals vs. Bad

    As you consider what you want to get out of the meeting, make sure the goals you set are very specific. You

    should be able to tell immediately after the session ends whether or not the goals you set out were met. Be

    wary of vague overarching intentions such as Create the best website ever. Instead focus on achievable and

    measurable results such as Identify 10 possible ways to improve the homepage user interface.

    SMART Goals

    For more information on creating productive goals, check out Setting Smart Management Goals from

    dummies.com. As a brief overview, SMART is an acronym for:






    #3 Set a Time Limit

    Obviously, youll have to end the brainstorming at some point. However, it may not always be the best idea to

    ideate until people simply stop talking. Try setting and announcing a firm time limit at the beginning of the

    session. The significance of the announcement is that it ensures everyone knows that the agreed upon goals

    must be met by a certain time. If youve got a strong team, this will encourage them to stay on track and

    really crank out as many ideas as possible within the allotted timeframe.

    How Long?

    It sounds like a copout, but it really does depend on the scope of the project. Just keep in mind that its easy

    to get burnt out. If youre tackling a fairly large project, split each phase or category up into its own session

    with breaks in between so everyone involved can give their mind a rest.

    Also, if time permits, consider spreading the sessions out over several days and/or dividing your team into

    different groups to cover more ground in a shorter time.

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    #4 Write Down and/or Sketch Everything

    Be prepared at the start of the meeting with sketchpads, stickies, or a large amount of whiteboard space for

    everyone involved. Remember that every idea, good or bad should be briefly written or sketched out. Never

    imagine that youll simply remember the important things that were said. Otherwise, three days later youll be

    scratching your head trying to figure out how you could forget all those great ideas.

    Visual Brainstorming

    Dont fall into the trap of thinking that brainstorming is purely for the boring informational stuff, it can also be

    a valuable tool for hammering out visual themes, making interface improvements, and experimenting with

    different layouts.

    If youre tackling a visual project, be sure to bring lots of scratch paper. As someone throws out an idea,

    encourage everyone to quickly sketch out what it might look like. Misinterpretations can strangely enough

    work in your favor at this stage. If someone throws out an idea to four people who all interpret it very

    differently, it quickly becomes five ideas! Never assume that just because you were the originator of an ideathat youll be the best person to bring it to life. Instead, eagerly await seeing how others can improve or

    rethink the concept.

    #5 Dont Judge

    This concept might be a bit overstated but it is absolutely essential to effective brainstorming. At the

    beginning of the process you want to shoot for quantity over quality. Rather than taking five minutes to

    discuss reasons why a particular idea is bad or good, just take every idea and move along.

    Time isnt the only factor in play here either, more importantly is the mood of the room. An idealbrainstorming environment maximizes the number of ideas put forth by removing any peer pressure regarding

    the quality of the suggestions. If someone in the group is too afraid to speak up for fear of rebuttal or rebuke,

    the entire session is compromised and productivity will suffer greatly.

    Eliminate the Weak Link

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    If there is a particular person in your group that is intent on making snide comments or harsh castigations

    against the ideas of others, your only two choices are to let them continue to undermine your entire purpose

    or to simply ask them to sit this one out. The no judging concept is pretty simple so if anyone just cant

    contain themselves then theres no reason to keep them around as they are obviously just looking to build

    themselves up or support their own agenda. Perhaps they can return when it comes time to sort through the

    ideas and decide which ones actually have merit.

    #6 Embrace the Ridiculous

    If you really want to see the value of brainstorming, dont simply avoid judging unrealistic ideas, actually

    encourage them. As strange as it sounds, the very best ideas are often born from the very worst. Ask

    questions like, what if money were no option? or what if our time table were three times as long?

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    Look for Inspiration in the Outlandish

    After youve arrived at a satisfactory number of initial ideas, start to encourage discussion of those that seemreally over the top. Examine what makes these ideas appealing and how you can strip away the unrealistic

    aspects until you arrive at something that retains some of the attractiveness of the original idea but is actually

    achievable. For instance, lets say youre designing a news site and someone suggests an interactive 3D

    experience where users control a character that swims through a virtual underwater world of headlines and

    pictures to navigate the content on the site. After some realistic discussion regarding the lack of a flash

    developer, this crazy idea could simply turn into a two-dimensional nautical theme for a site titled

    NewsShark. Granted, the end product is no where near as exciting as the original, but it definitely has merit

    on its own and would have never been thought up without discussing the unrealistic water world concept.

    #7 Start General, End SpecificIf youre the moderator of the brainstorming session, your job is to gently steer the conversation towards a

    productive output. Heres what you should keep in mind as the meeting progresses.

    Shotgun Blast

    Similar to the spray of ammunition from a shotgun, the initial ideas should be numerous and widespread. If

    you hear too many similar ideas, encourage participants to stray from that topic by suggesting something

    completely unrelated. Remind them that there will be a time later to flesh out specific ideas. The point initially

    is diversity of thought, not unity.

    Laser Beam

    This is where the quality of ideas suddenly becomes important. As the meeting progresses, hone in on and

    refine the best ideas while eliminating those that dont effectively address your goals. Its best to pair down

    your selection to only three or four good ideas that you can focus on shaping and improving as a group. After

    youve determined the specific nature of the ideas, break off the session and assign each idea to a small team

    and plan a time to come back as a group to evaluate the progress of each team.

    #8 Look for Synergy Potential

    As you begin to trim your selection of ideas in the step above, beware of viewing the possibilities in black and

    white terms. Its not always the case that the furthering of one idea must mean the death of another. There is

    often potential for creating synergy among originally separate suggestions.

    Get the Big Picture

    Hang all the suggestions up around the room where everyone can stand back and have a look at them as a set.

    Then discuss ways to combine entire ideas or to selectively mix elements of two or more weaker ideas to form

    a stronger whole. Try using stickies or thumb tacks to move certain ideas from place to place to see where

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    they fit the best.

    Be Democratic

    If you come across an idea that most people like but are split as to what to partner it with, put it to a simple

    vote. Just be aware of the fact that open voting among immature adults can cause unwanted division and an

    inability to cooperate effectively. If youre worried about this with your team, simply keep the voting

    anonymous to avoid the headache.

    #9 Avoid Group Think

    Theres a fine line between a team that productively cooperates and one that suffers from too much

    cooperation. The moderator should watch intently for signs of group think and steer the conversation


    What is Group Think?

    Group think is a phenomenon that occurs in decision making groups that seek to eliminate conflict entirely. In

    an attempt to escape the frustrations of lengthy arguments or the embarrassment of being the squeaky wheel,

    individual members avoid promoting ideas that are beyond the realm of the generally accepted norm. Groups

    with one particularly respected or vocal member are very susceptible to this behavior as members inevitably

    begin to agree with this influential leader.

    Its great to have positive reinforcement and agreements within the group, but not at the expense of critical

    thinking, creativity and ultimately, quality. As group think increases, the quality and diversity of the ideas

    being presented sharply decreases.

    Play the Devils Advocate

    If your group is suffering from excessive uniformity, try taking of the role of the devils advocate by asking

    tough questions and presenting multiple alternatives to ideas that are raised. As the moderator, make it a point

    to audibly praise those who even begin to question the will of the majority. This positive reinforcement for

    creative thinking will not go unnoticed by other members of the team who will hopefully follow suit in

    presenting their own arguments and original thoughts.

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    presenting their own arguments and original thoughts.

    #10 Include an Outsider

    My final suggestion for effective brainstorming is to include at least one person in the group who doesnt

    belong. For instance, if youre working with a team of designers, try throwing in a developer to add some

    diversity to the mix. Or better yet, grab someone who knows absolutely nothing about creating websites or

    developing attractive user interfaces.

    Why it Wont Mess Things Up

    You might be thinking that including a non-designer in design-related decisions is just asking for trouble. Afterall, this outsider will be on a completely different page than everyone else in the room and their suggestions

    will no doubt be off the wall and way off target. To this argument I say: exactly. Bringing someone in who

    actually thinks more like an end user than a designer will give you an inside track into a normal persons

    brain. Designers often have a strong, unwavering tendency to design for other designers instead of every day

    people. Including one or two people to shake up your otherwise uniform group will further enable you to

    avoid the group think scenarios in the previous tip.

    Who To Include

    As youre selecting candidates to include in your session, theres a few things to keep in mind. The first thing

    to think about is the personality of the candidate. If theyre brilliant but shy, odds are they wont add a singlething to the group. Similarly, if theyre loud and obnoxious, they could do more harm than good.

    You also want to consider the content being discussed and whether or not the candidate will even be able to

    achieve moderate comprehension of the topic. Throwing your copywriter in with a bunch of seasoned PHP

    developers is akin to making them watch a foreign film with no subtitles. Again, not very productive.

    Finally, youll want to consider going beyond including a single outsider by inviting multiple people from

    different areas of the company to join the session. If your topic is something that most people can grasp, such

    as basic visual design or website contest ideas, you might find that the input of a developer, a writer and a

    layman is collectively invaluable when compared to the input of just one of these on his/her own.

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    layman is collectively invaluable when compared to the input of just one of these on his/her own.

    The IDEO Way

    For more inspiration on creative brainstorming, Ill refer you to the experts: IDEO. This company lives and

    breathes innovation and is among the most productively creative corporations on the planet. Theyre a lot like

    a modern day Edison Invention Factory, continually churning out game changing ideas, designs and


    To see them in action, check out this inspirational (though a bit outdated) video of IDEO redesigning the

    shopping cart from the ground up.

    Video: Inside IDEO


    The above ideas represent just a few ways to get your design brainstorming session off to a good start. Use the

    comments below to let us know how you handle brainstorming sessions and whether or not you think they are

    ultimately a good method of generating quality design ideas.