,.----------------------- -- --- 100 - Lf /'r' RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE DUE 10 AVIAN AND AQUATIC 10XICITY FOR RETAIL SALE 10 AND USE ONLY 8'f' CERTIFIED APPLICATORS OR PERSONSIJNOEA THEIR DIRECT SUPEFMSION. AND ONLY FOR THOSE USES COVERED BY THE CERTifiED APPlICATOR'S CERTIFICATION 50W pr1-! 3. INSECTICIDE For control of certain inSects and mites on trUltS. nuts. vegetables, field crops, lawns. and ornamen- tals. For specific pests. refer to use direC1ions. This product must not be used on golf courses and sod farms. Active Ingredient: Diazinon: O.O-Dielhyl 0- phosphOrOlhioal ............. ..... 50% Inert Ingredients: TOIaI: O-z.n diazinon 5fIN is a wettable powder. EPA Reg. No. 100-460 100% KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. CAUTION DIRECTIONS FOR USE AND CDNDITIONS OF SALE ANO WARRANTY DEC 30 1994 IMPORTAIn RMdlh ........ DkKtton.1or U .. ond IhO Condltlono 01 $0"_ -..nty not acceptable. relurn lhe unopened produCt COIQiMr at once. ) The DnctIona tor U .. ot this pnxtucI ,en.ct the opi.,ion of experts baed on fllkt UM and r.1tI_ ... _andohouldbo __ .. _in_lIy-i .. ldwithu .. althioproduct. Crop injury. inett.ctiveneta.OtatherunimendedCOl"tMqUel'lCn meyrMUtl becaUNof suchtadDra .. weathercondilkM"ls. praence of other mAleriaI .. or lhe manner of use or appUcalton IN of which.,. Myond the control of Ciba-Geigy or the SeHer. Atlluch risks sholl be IISUrned by thO Buyer. Ciba-GeigyWllrTams that this product contorm.to the chemic81 description On the 'abel and is reasonably tit to.. the purposes rlter· rid to in thO DIr .. tton.1or lIII.ubjoct .. tho inheront" ...... torrid to abovo. CIbII-Gelgy II1IIkea no other expreas or Implied _nanty ot Fltneas or Merchantability or any other expre .. or Implied warranty. In no calle llhall Clba-Gelgy or the Seller be liable tor conaequentlal, apeclal, or Indirect damagee rellultlng tram the uae or handling ot this product. Ciba-G.igyandthl SOIIerol1erlh,> product. and Ih. Buyer.nd user Kelpt it, subject to the foregotng Condttlonaof s. .. and YNminty, which may be varted only by agrHfTllnt .... wnhng slOMd by a duly authorized of Ciba-Gaigy, DIRECTIONS FOR USE It IS a VlOIation of Federal law to use thiS product tn a manner InconSistent With Jts labeling. 00 not appty this product in a wrf that w)ll contad workers or other persons, Iltr'\flt directly or through drift. Only pl"Olected handlers may be In the .,ea dunng apphcation. For any requM'.ments specifiC to your Stltl Of' Tribe. consullthl agency lor pesticide regulation. AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS UM this product only in accordancl with its labIttng arod with the Worker Protection Standard. 40 CFA pa1117tl. This Standard contains .-.qunmlnts for the protectlOf1 of agricuMurai worUra on farms. torests. ntnlries. and grllnhoulH. and hanc:Hers 01 agncuttural pnlicides. It conIalns ,.qlJlrwmenta tor tratning. cSecontarnInation. nalification, and lmergency assistance. " allO contains specifk: inSiructtan. and pet1I.lntng to thllb:lamentl on lhis label about personal proteCtive equipment (PPE).nd .... -..ryi ...... 1. ThOreqy ......... lnlltlo_onIyapply .. _althi.produ<:tth ..... -.dbythO_ P""oction Standard. Do not on ... or allow _entry Into _ --Vlho _Id ontry In_,. E_plian: IIlh. product i. 0001· incorporMed. lhe Worket' Protection St8ndard, under certain QrCumaIancB. aIIowI WOI'tI8f1 to Inler thelrHled arl.,f therlwln be no contact with anything that hal been treilled. PPE required for I.rty entry 10 treated areu tMt IS permitted under the Wor1ler ProtectIOn Standard and thaI inwtves contact wilh any1hing lhid has bien Ir.ated, such at plants. SOlI, or water is: • COYIralls • Walerproof gtOWs •• Shoes plus socks . , .... , , .. NON·AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS " '. The reqUIrement, tn Ihls box apply to UHS of thiS product that ar. NOT Within the scope of the VYatkar ProtectIOn Standard tor agncutlurl' pestlCtdeS (40 CFA Pa,,170). The WP$ apphe!i when thiS Product IS used to produce agricultural plants on farms, lorests, nurse ... e" or greenhOuses. 00 not enllltr or _How entry Into trellled areas until sprays haYe dned. 00 not permit children or pets to go onto sprayed grass until spr.y completety dnr.J. eGA lJO.51'3l I, , .,


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~.~. 100 - Lf /'r'




pr1-! 3.

INSECTICIDE For control of certain inSects and mites on trUltS. nuts. vegetables, field crops, lawns. and ornamen­tals. For specific pests. refer to use direC1ions.

This product must not be used on golf courses and sod farms.

Active Ingredient: Diazinon: O.O-Dielhyl 0-(2·lsopropyl·~melhyl.4.pyrimidinyl) phosphOrOlhioal •............. ..... 50%

Inert Ingredients:


O-z.n diazinon 5fIN is a wettable powder.

EPA Reg. No. 100-460




IMPORTAIn RMdlh ........ DkKtton.1or U .. ond IhO Condltlono 01 $0"_ -..nty beforIU.ingthi.1~~~~~~~~l~~~~=:~dl not acceptable. relurn lhe unopened produCt COIQiMr at once.


The DnctIona tor U .. ot this pnxtucI ,en.ct the opi.,ion of experts baed on fllkt UM and r.1tI_ ... _andohouldbo __ Iy._.~ioim~toolimilllll .. _in_lIy-i .. ldwithu .. althioproduct. Crop injury. inett.ctiveneta.OtatherunimendedCOl"tMqUel'lCn meyrMUtl becaUNof suchtadDra .. weathercondilkM"ls. praence of other mAleriaI .. or lhe manner of use or appUcalton IN of which.,. Myond the control of Ciba-Geigy or the SeHer. Atlluch risks sholl be IISUrned by thO Buyer. Ciba-GeigyWllrTams that this product contorm.to the chemic81 description On the 'abel and is reasonably tit to.. the purposes rlter· rid to in thO DIr .. tton.1or lIII.ubjoct .. tho inheront" ...... torrid to abovo. CIbII-Gelgy II1IIkea no other expreas or Implied _nanty ot Fltneas or Merchantability or any other expre .. or Implied warranty. In no calle llhall Clba-Gelgy or the Seller be liable tor conaequentlal, apeclal, or Indirect damagee rellultlng tram the uae or handling ot this product. Ciba-G.igyandthl SOIIerol1erlh,> product. and Ih. Buyer.nd user Kelpt it, subject to the foregotng Condttlonaof s. .. and YNminty, which may be varted only by agrHfTllnt .... wnhng slOMd by a duly authorized r~Nntative of Ciba-Gaigy,


It IS a VlOIation of Federal law to use thiS product tn a manner InconSistent With Jts labeling.

00 not appty this product in a wrf that w)ll contad workers or other persons, Iltr'\flt directly or through drift. Only pl"Olected handlers may be In the .,ea dunng apphcation. For any requM'.ments specifiC to your Stltl Of' Tribe. consullthl agency r"pon'lb~ lor pesticide regulation.

AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS UM this product only in accordancl with its labIttng arod with the Worker Protection Standard. 40 CFA pa1117tl. This Standard contains .-.qunmlnts for the protectlOf1 of agricuMurai worUra on farms. torests. ntnlries. and grllnhoulH. and hanc:Hers 01 agncuttural pnlicides. It conIalns ,.qlJlrwmenta tor tratning. cSecontarnInation. nalification, and lmergency assistance. " allO contains specifk: inSiructtan. and ~1Of1' pet1I.lntng to thllb:lamentl on lhis label about personal proteCtive equipment (PPE).nd .... -..ryi ...... 1. ThOreqy ......... lnlltlo_onIyapply .. _althi.produ<:tth ..... -.dbythO_ P""oction Standard.

Do not on ... or allow _entry Into _ --Vlho _Id ontry In_,. E_plian: IIlh. product i. 0001· incorporMed. lhe Worket' Protection St8ndard, under certain QrCumaIancB. aIIowI WOI'tI8f1 to Inler thelrHled arl.,f therlwln be no contact with anything that hal been treilled.

PPE required for I.rty entry 10 treated areu tMt IS permitted under the Wor1ler ProtectIOn Standard and thaI inwtves contact wilh any1hing lhid has bien Ir.ated, such at plants. SOlI, or water is:

• COYIralls

• Walerproof gtOWs •• • Shoes plus socks . , .... ~==========================~ , , ..


The reqUIrement, tn Ihls box apply to UHS of thiS product that ar. NOT Within the scope of the VYatkar ProtectIOn Standard tor agncutlurl' pestlCtdeS (40 CFA Pa,,170). The WP$ apphe!i when thiS Product IS used to produce agricultural plants on farms, lorests, nurse ... e" or greenhOuses.

00 not enllltr or _How entry Into trellled areas until sprays haYe dned. 00 not permit children or pets to go onto sprayed grass until spr.y ~.s completety dnr.J.

eGA lJO.51'3l

I, , .,

Page 2: 100 - Lf INSECTICIDE


. )

O.z.n>ll diazinon SOW

Nol.: The Califorml Ooplnment 01 AgrICulture has set • 5-day ,eentry perIOd for diuinon on grapes. peaches. and ned.llnes. Fi ..... CiYS should ".pse between the time of apphclhon Ind Il';e time. WOfMr may ente' lhe Ileid ~ engage In any actiVity '.QUlrlng substanllal contact With Ir.ated foliage. When. mlxlurlal two or mottl OIganophosphate ptJSUCIM' .r. INJhed In com~n.llOn.lhe Interval should be proloroged by adding 10 the largest IppkCable mlerva' an adckho"OlI 50% al thai Inlerval.



O'l.n~ dlUlnon S(JN IS a wettable powder which should be milled With ,uHitient wallr to assure thorough coy ... ge unless OIher· WISI noted In the DlrKtlonl tor U ...

Best control IS Obtained when applicatIOn IS made at first sign of pests. ApphclltOn shoukl be repeated only as directed 10 mlml.ln control.

Since O.zon dlAlmon 5(}N i.1 wettable powder formulatIOn. constant agetlluon is necessary during apphcatlon.

To aVOId IPfWf "11ft. do not appty under WIndy conditionl. A'IOid spray ov.riap, Since crop or pin mjury may rnutt.

Do not use on food crops grown In greenhouses.


When handling O·zon diazinon 5JJN. do nat rub.yea or mouth with handa. It you .... lick in any way. STOP work.nc:t gM hetp rignt aWly. See PractICal nMtment MClion of IhillaMl.


APPLICATION THROUGH AN IRRIGATION SYSTEM (CHEMIGATIONI- CRANBERRIES ONLY Oozon diazinon 5f1N may be apptied alone or in combtnation with other "esteides registered lor aOplit:ation thro:Jgh sprinkle, irngallon systems 10 cr.nbemes. To insure compalib;!ity. pour lhe products .... 10. sm.1I contalnerotwaler in Ihe corf8Ct proportions. Arter thorough muung. let stand for five minutes. If lhe combinatIOn remains mixed. or can be remixea readily. the mixture IS corn· patlble.

00 not apply this product through .ny type of irng.hon system IOQlher crops. ForchemigatJOn. apply this product to cr.nbemes only through sprinkler irrigatIOn systems. 00 not appty this product to cranberries Ihrough any other type of imga .. on System.

Crop InJury. lack of an8C1lveness. or Illegal pesticide residues In tha crop can result from non-tJnlform dlstnbution of 1'·I.led water. If you hava QuestIOnS about ahtwatlon. you should contact Stale ExtensIOn SeNtee specialists. equlpmenl manufacturers or other expens.

00 not connect the :'r1gation systtm used tot' pesticide apphc.tion to a public water system unleSS the pestictde labet-pt'escrlbed safMy device. for public water systems are in place. A person knowtedg.able 01 the ch.""QUkIn system and responstble tor its operallon. or under the supervision ot the respon .... person. anaH shut the system down and make necessary adjustments. il the needa,i,. •.

Chemlgatlon S.,.tem Connected to PublIc WIlier SYlitem. 1. Public wlter ~em means a system tor tha PfCMSion to th. public 01 piped watat tor human consumptIOn If such system has at

leUltS service connectlOl1S or regularly MrveS an average of at I .... 25 individuals daily II least 60 days out of Ihe ye.r.

2. ChemlQltiOn systems connected to public water systems must contain a functiOnal. reducac:l-preSlure zone. baCkftow prevent., (RPZ) or the functIOn.' eqUIValent In the water supply line upstre.m from the pomt ot pesticide introduction. ~ an optIOn to Iha RPZ. thawater from tnepubllC water system should be discharged Into. reHNOlrt.nk pool to pnticidelntroductton. There shaN be a complete phYSICal break (air gap) between lhe outlet end ot the till pipe and Ihatop or overftow nm of the resarvoir tan~ at ill laast twtca thalnslde dllrneter of the till pipe.

Sprink .... Chemlgatlon 1 The systam must cont .. n a functional check·vatve. a vlCuum rehef valve. and low pressure drain appropnately located or the

IrngatlOn plpeHnato prevenl Wile, source contaminallon from baCktiow .

2. The pestICide IntedlOn pipeline must contain a ·unctional. automatIC. QUICI(;-closingcheck·v.I .... IO preyentthe ttow of ftUI(J back loward the In,act1On pump.

3. The pestlClda injtlCtlOn pipeline must also contain a funct;onal. normally closed. sofenotd.operated valve located on the Intake stde ot tha II"IJ8CIIOfl pump and connKled 10 the system inlerlOck to prevent ftuklfrom being withdrawn from lhe suppty tIInk when Ihe Irrig.llon system IS alther automallCllty or manually shut doWn.

4. Tha system must contain functIOn" ;nler1ock'"9 conlrols to aulOmlibcaUy shut on the pestICide injection pump when the water pump motot stops.

5. The Ifngahon line or water pump must M'ldude a functtonal pressuralWllCh which .... ' stop the water pump moIOI when tne waler ~SSIK' decre.ses 10 the point where pestlCtde dil1nbution is aClverMty att.cted.

6. Systemsmul1useameteflngpump.Suchuapostlivedlspiacememin;edlonpump,e.g.,diaphragmpump)lIf1KtrvelydeSlgMd anc:t constructed of m.t"'lals ttlal ara compallble With peSbc;des and capable of betng htled Wtlh a syslem Inlertock.

7. 00 nal apply when Wind speed faYOl'S drtft beyor.J tM area tnteDded lor treatment.

Ope,.tI", Inetructton. 1 Determine theacr.age to be tre.ted by tha sprinkler system.

2 Me.sure lhe ~nate amounl of D-zo" dllZlnon 5IJrN needed to IrealiM acre8ge ID be trealed. R ..... to·:.a speclhc dirK· lIOns for use lor cranberries for the appIicatlOf'l rat •• nc:t Ihe amounl of wat., pet .t;re.

.. 3. Add the pre-measured Oozon daazjnon 5IJrN to the chemlgallOn system suppty tank and dilute wtlh wlt.r I' needed. Constant, ••

agitation 1$ required to keep the product m SOlutiOn when Dozon dlatM"lOn SfJIN is used atone or tank rrnxed With other pestiCides. • registered to, spnnkler ChemtgallOO .ppllcallon to clanbemes. ......

4 Start 1M IrrigatIOn system and bong t .... system up to lull pressure. making cartaln th.lt a" spflnkler he.ds are functlOfung properly.

5 Engage the chemlgallOn InjtldlOf1 or venlUrl system to add the dlattnOn to the Ifngllhon lines .

.----.-~ ...

llflllVA1Ubi.t "of"

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Page 3: 100 - Lf INSECTICIDE


D.z.n'" dia7inon SOW

6 Continue to run Irrlg3hon system lor a few minutes aher supply lank 15 empty to allow maleflal.n the Imgallon hnes to reach the sprmkler headS furthest hom Ihe chem.gahon Inl8Clion potnt.

Frull and Hul Crops

REI·24 hvurs.

O.z-" chazlnon S(JIN may be apphed USlRg ground or aenal aophcallOn equipment as specIfied In It\(. table belOw. nus lable also Ind!cales!nemtnimum amount 01 watu Ihat can be used lor IhevallOu!\ melhodsot appkallon. The rale 01 D·z.n cbazman SOW lor a8rlal spray Of concenlrattrO spray appl.ed by grourd equipment IS based on a dilute 'uNcover spray apphedto hUlt or nut trees wllh conventIOnal q!ound eqUIpment al a rale of 300--400 gallons of waler per acre. The specifiC amount of proouCllO be used appea~s under 1M ,>sparate directIOnS 10f' use tOf each crop. (No!,: "IOs:' or ··Ibs. "I prod .... ct .. 10 lhe directions means pounds ollhls product. nOi pounds 01 active IOgrectlent).II Ihe "Rate" calls lor 1 lb. 01 D-z.n diazlnon 5(}N per 100galtons of water, thiS amounts to 3 .... lbs. 01 Dfoduct per acre when apphed to frUit trees at usual dilute ground spray volumes oI300..tOO galtons of water per acre. In no case should the amount 01 product used per acre ollceed the maximum amount per acre per apphcallon that IS specified in the directIOns lor us. for IndMdual crops.

Gn>und Application

Aerial AppUcaUon MInImum GlI •. /Ac,.

Crop Mtnlmum GaI •. /Ac,. Dllut. COne.nt,.,. Aknoncts· 20 tOO 20

Apples 20 tOO 20

Aproeot. 20 tOO 20

BlaCkbelfl£.s· • 20 100 20

Boysenberrtes"· 20 100 20

Chernes 20 100 20

C,anbernes 20 15 -Dewberries" .. 20 100 20

Grapes 20 100 20 LoganbemesOO .. 20 100 20

Nectannes 20 100 20

Peache!' 20 100 20

Pea .. 20 100 20

Pineapple 20 200 -ptums 20 100 20

PruneOl 20 100 20 --RasPbe:~les ... 20 100 20 -----Strawbelfles 70 100 20

Walnuts· 20 100 20

'CAonly .... CA. OR. or WA onty

Observe staled lime Intervals between lasl appllcallOn and harvest. as well as )luervats between WPNcallons anct lotal number 01 apphcallOnS Ihal can be made per season.

Crop PHt'

Almoncts ,.

Apples 21

ApneOIS 21

Blackbernes 7

Boysenberries 7

Chames 21

C,anbemes 7

Dewberries 7

Grapes 28

L0g8nber"es 7

Nectarines 21

Peaches 21

Pea .. 21 p," .. ppte 7

Plums. Prunes 2' Raspberries 7

Sirawbernes 5

Watnuls 45

• p..,.. - Pre-HafV@st Interval Of the number of da,:,s between Ihe laSI apphcatlOn and harvest.

.... UOfmant spray only

Not.: To protect bees. 00 not apply thl' prOduct to trUittrees when the trees or substantial numbers 0' wel!ds rn the orchard are In



.. ..


Page 4: 100 - Lf INSECTICIDE


D·z.n'~ diazinon SOW

-C.op ,,-,. R.le TlmlnglSpec:'" Direction.

Almonds San Jose Scale. '-"hiM. .. 2·3 Apply as a single dormant spray. Do nol apply more than (CAonly) Panatorla Scale. Black Scale. gals dormant all 61bs 01 prOOucl or 9 gals. of all per acre

Brown Scale, Apnea! Scale. or 1·11/2 galS. European Red Mile Eggs. superIOr type all Brown Mile Eggs. TWig Borers. 'n 100 gals 01 Ap~ Aphid Eggs, Black ChE:rrv waltH

Aphid Eggs, Meety Plcm Aphid E.99S, Mealybugs

-Apples San Jose S(.ale. lib .... 2 gals Apply as a dormant Of delayed dOlman! spray Do nOI

ParialOrta Scile. Black Scale. dofmanl all or apply more Ihan 4 Ibs. of product Of 6 gals. of all per Brown Scale. AplltOI Scale. '-1'12 gals. acre. European Red Mite Eggs. SUpellOt' type Oti Brown Mite Eggs. TwiG Borers. in 100 gals. of Apple Aphid Eggs, Block Chony WII ... ApIIId Eggs, Meoty Plum Aphi<l Eggs, M.olybugs

L •• lhoppers 1 lb. In 100 galS. Apply. begJnNng at pe:al 'IH. as Inles,ahons dlf\ ~lOp. oIwaler Rlpeal Ipphcahon In 14 days I' necessary.

Eyespotted Bud Moths. Frui, lib. In 100 gals. Make 3 COYer sprays. be9lnneng al pink stage. Do not TrM lealroNers. Mealybugs oIwaler repeal apphcahon clos.r Inan 14 days.

Codling _s, Rosy Applo 1 tL. in 100 gals. Make 3 cover sprays beginning when inleslalions OCCur. Aphids, G.H" Apple Ap/1odS, otwal., 00 not repeat applications closer Ihan 14 days. Woolly Apple Aphtds, Spide.

Notl: Miles wtM be suppressed if dlazmon IS used In lhe Miles regular cover spray prograrn. ~Iighl russellng may occur on some vanehes 01 apples such as Golden DeliCIOUS.

Apple Maggots 1 lb. In 100 gals. Make 3 cover sprays when ""'s are .:..Cllve and laYing atwater eggs. 00 noI repeal applications closer 'han 14 days.

Nola: Oiazmon may not control organophosphate·

>...-. resls,ant apple maggots. i San Jos. Scale C.awle .. , 1 lb. In 100 gals. Apply earty In the season when craw"rs Ilrst appear. If Forbes Scale Crawlers 01 water inl.statJOO warrants. make a second applicahon 14 days


Nola.: (1) Do nOiapply more than "Ibs. 01 prOduct per acre petapphcahon and no merlthan '2Ibs. 01 prodUCI per acre per season. (2) To awld "legal residues. allow a mlnllnum 0121 days berw.en the last apphcatiOn anCll'larvest.

Apricots San Jos. Scale. Parlatona Scale. Black Scale. Brown Scale. Apricot Scale. European Red Mile Eggs. Brown Mite Eggs. Twig Borers. Appte Aphid Eggs. Black Cherry Aphid Eggs. Mealy Plum Aphid Eggs. Mealybugs

Aphids. Brown Miles (Clover Miles). Two-Spotted Spider Mite·. Olive Scale Crawlers. San Jose Scale Crawlers

Olive Scale Crawlers

ApncOl Meatybugs


1 lb. + 2 gals. dormant 011 or '.111a gals. SUp.flOf Iype od in 100 gals. ot water

1 lb. In 100 gals. otwater

'Iz lb. + "h gaJs. of hght rnecllum horticultural 011 in 100 gals. 01 water

Apply.,. dorrnant spray. 00 not apply more than" Ibs. ot product or 6 gals. of 011 per acre.

Apply as Inlestallons occur. Repeat apphcal'on an"r 14 days If neeebar/-

Apply when scale crawlers are present. 00 not apply more than" Ibs. 01 product or 6 galS. of 011 per acre per application.

'lb. In 100 gillS. Apply as a cover spray 'rom petal tan to June. AllOw 14 of water days between apphcatlOns.

Not •• : (1) Donot .. ;-~., mor.than "Iba. 01 product per acre per apphcahon Ind no more lhan 121bs. cl product per acre pet season. (2) To aVOId Illegal resKJues. allOw a mM'umum of 21 days between Il'Ie list apphcallon and harve5l.

Page 5: 100 - Lf INSECTICIDE



Dozon'" dia~inon SOW

--- -Crop Pesl R.'e Tlm~nglSpec'.1 Directions

Caneoetfles Lealhoppers. Thnps. Aptuas. 2 Ibs. per acre Apply as InS!!ClS occur. Repeal apphcalton at-er 14 days leA. OR and Two-Spotled Spider Miles. In a minimum 01 ,'necessary. 00 nOI make more than 5 apphcallOns per WAonly) Raspberry Frullworms 100 gals 01 water season. 00 not apply wllt'un 7 days 01 harvest or III~gal {BlaCkberries. (200 gals. 01 residues may OCC.Uf.

Boysenberries. Woller ma)umum) For raSPberry frUilworm make one appllcallon when

Oe .... be'nes. loganberries. I

blossom buds separate Make a second applicallOn

Ra~poefrle~) Immediately belore D:ossoms open

Oryberry Mites 2-.4 Ibs. per acre Apply as a dormant spray In the early Spring. when In a minimum 01 canes are 5t'" on the ground and buds are closed Make 100 gals. of water a second appkahon when buds are well developed but

stili closed.

Raspbefry Crown Borers " Ibs. per acre In Apply as a drench to the crown ancllQwe' canes In lhe (Raspberry Rool Borers) i minimum of spring before buds break.

100 gals. 01 water

ehemes San Jose Scale. 1 V. Ibs. + 3 galS. Apply as a donnant s~ray. 00 nor apply more Ihan 4 Ibs. Parlalona Scale. Black Seals. dormant 011 or of pt"Oduct or 6 galS. ot 0tI per acre. Brown Scale. AprICot Sci5e. ,·"12 galS. European Red Mite Eggs. supeoor type 0tI Brown Mite Eggs. TWIg Borers. in 100 galS. of Apple Aphid Eggs. Black Cherry Wit., Aphid Eggs. M.aly Plum ApIlld Eggs, Mealybugs

Eyesponed Bud MaIM. , lb. In 100 gals. Apply as tntestallOns occur beginning al petal faH. FrUl1 Tree Leatrollers otwaler Repeal app&tcahon after 7 days II necessary.

Leafhoppers , lb. In 100 gals. Make 3 .... apphcataons beginning al pelal fall and of water continuing Ihrough Ihe grow .... g season as InfestallOns

occur. Allow 7 days belWeen appltC8llOns.

Cherry FrUIUhes 'h·llb. In 100 Make 3-4 appllCahons beginning when aduH fltes begin gals. ot waler 10 emerge and repealing at 10 day ,"Iervais.

Black Cherry AphidS 1 lb. In 100 gals. Apply as a cover spt"ay when aphids appear. Repeat otwater apphcahon atler 10 days II necessary.

San Jose Scale Crawlers 1 M). in 100 gals. Apply during the pre-plnk stage or when crawlers InS1 Of water appear.

Cherry RuSI Miles Ih·llb. in 100 Apply as a Slngte supplemental spray 10 Irees atler gals. of water harvell.

NoI.s: (I) Do not apply more than 4 !bs. of product per ac.re per application and no more than 12 tbs. 0: product per acre per year. (2) To aVOid Illegal reSidues. aUow a minimum of 21 dilYS between rhe las! apphcatlon and harveSi.

Cranberries Blackheaded Fireworms 4lbs.1n • Apply when pesI appears. Repeat a~phcallon aner 14 minimum of 1S days II necessary. A maxmum 016 appl.callons per gals. of waler per season IS pemuned. acre lor ground app&u;allOn and up 10 400 gals. of waler pet acra for chemM)8llOn.

Criinoel,'Y Frultwofms 6lbs. In. Appty when pest appears. Repeat ap~hcahon alter 14 minimum 0115 days II necess..ry. A mUlmum of 4 app.,::-atlons ppr g.ls. of w.18f per season IS permlned. aCle for ground appllcallOn and up 10 400 gals. of waler per aer. Icr chemlgallOl1.

NoI.,: (1) This produCl may be aPfJhed 10 cranbetrtlls throu;,n sprinkler Irnga~lOt1. Refer 10 lhe ChemlgaUon sectaon to, specific C.hemlgallon directIOns for use (2) To aYOKt Illegal residues, a!tOW a minimum 01 i days between thela51 application and harvest

Grapes Pacdic Spider MIIe3. 1·2 tbs. per acr. Apply as a lhorough CO'i8f" spqy when pest appeals Lealhopt)ers. N'I.mlnimumm Repeal apphCaltOn atler 7 days If necessary. Grape Berry Moths. 100 gals. of waler Grape le.ttofders. (200 gals. 01 OmnivorouS laatrollers. water maximum) Aphids. Spider Miles

DroSophIla spp. 6 oz. per acr. In Appty as a IhOrOugh cover! pray at T·day Intervals • mtrllmumot 100 galS. of water (300 t;aals. 01 wale' malumum)

---Not.,: (I) Do not appty more than 21bs product per acre per appt4catlOn and no more than 10 Ibs. product per acre per senon (2) To a'lOtd Illegal reSidues. allow a minimum 01 28 days between Ihe last apphcaflOl1 and harvest.

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Doz· n'~ diazinon SOW

---- ,--

Crop ...... R ••• Timing/Speclal Directions

T San Jose Scale. Parlalofl3 Scale. ---

1 lb. • 2·3 galS. Apply as a dormant spray Do not apply molO than 41bs Black Scale. Brown Scale. 0' dormant all Of 01 product 01 6 gals 01 at! per acre I European Red MoOe Eggs. ,.,112 gals. Twtg Bore,s. Apple Aphid Eggs. superIOr type ad Black Cherry Aphid Eggs. In 100 gals. 01


Mealy Plum "phi" Eggs. waler Mealybugs

AphJdS. Brown Miles lib. In 100 gals. Apply as mlestallOns occur. Repeal appltCiUlon after 7 (Clover MileS). ot w~ .J' (lays I' necessary Two-Spotted Spider Mites. Olive Scale Crawlers, San Jose Scale Crawle",

Peach lWig Borers, lib. + 1 gal. A~y at petal laM. 0:) not apoIy more l!\an 4 fbI. at "la".ton. Scale light medium product 01''' gals of summer oM per atr •.

summer horti. cultural oil tn 100 galS. of water

Olive Scale Crawlers 112 tb. + 1'h galS Apply as Insects occur. 00 not apply more than" Ibs. of IighI medrum produCt or 4 gals. Of summer 011 per acre per application. horticutluraJ 011 Allow 7 days tMttWeen apphCatlOns. on 100 gals. 01 w.,..

Oriental FrullmoIhs , lb. tn 100 gals. Apply at 1~ petal tall. Make 2 addlhonal apphcatlOns atwater at 10.15 day inlervals. Time I .... last apphcahon to peak

adult Hight

Note,: (1) Do nOl apply more lhan 4lbs. of product per acre per applicatIOn aM no more than 121bs. of product per acre per season. (2) To aVOId 1:tef;laI residues allow a minimum of 21 days between the last appkcatlOn and harvest

Peaches San Jose Scale. 1 lb. +2-3 gals. Apply as a dormant spray. 00 not apply more than 4 1M. Parlalona Scale. Black Scale. dOrmant 011 or of product or 6 gals. ot 011 per acre. Brown Scale. Apncol Scale. 1-1'12 gals. European Red Mile Eggs, superIOr type 011 Brown Mile Eggs. Twig Borers. In 100 gals. ot Apple Apl"lId Eggs. Black Cherry waler Aphtd Eggs. Mealy Plum Aplud Eggs. Mellyt>ugS

Aprllds. Brown Miles 1 lb. In 100 gals. Apply as IntestatlOns occur. Repeat appltcahOl1 after 14 (Clover Mites). ofwaler days If necessary. Two-Spatted Spider Mites. Olive Seal. Craw"'. San Jose Scale Crawlers

Peach TWig Borers. 1 lb. + 1 gal. hght Apply al petal faU. 00 not apDly more than 4 IDs. at PartatOfla Sc,,1e medtUm summer product or 4 gals. of 011 per acre.

honlCultural 0" In 100 gals. 01 water

Olive Scale Crawlers Vz lb ... 1'12 gals. Apply as Insects C)Ccur. 00 not apply more Ihan 4 Ibs. of light rne<:hum product or 4 gals. of summer 011 per acre per appllcallon. hortlC .... lluraJ 011 Allow 7 days betYfeen apphcallons.

I In 100 galS. of water

Orlenlal FrUit Moths 1 10. In 100 gals. Apply al 10C'% pelallal!. Make 2 additIOnal apphcatlon~ of water at 10-15 day Intervals. Time tMlast apphcatlOn 10 peak

adult Ilight

Peach TWig BOfers 1 Ib In 100 gals. Appty as H"Isects occur 11'1 ~ay and June. Allow 7 days otwater belween apphcabon5.

le.fhoppers 1 lb. In 100 galS. Make 3-c apphcallons beginning al petal fall ar.d Conti-01 walet' nUlng Ihrough the 9rowu19 Sftason Allow al "'ast 7 days

between .ppltalllOns.

White Peach Scale 1'''.2 fbs. In 100 Appty po$I harvest timed to COtnctdtt Wilt! peak criMle, gals. of wat.r and Immatur. scal. actrvlty. Under condtllof'.s of heavy

Int~tlOn 2 aprJttcahons (7 days apar1) may be needed.

Not •• : (1) Do not applY' more Ihan 41bs of product per acre per apphCatlOn and no more ~n 121bs. ~ product Pfl acre per season (2) To aVOid Illegal reSIOues. allow a minimum 0121 day:!! ~n the last apphcahon and harvest


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"'.r 5


D':!'n'" diazinon sow

Pest Re,. Tlming/SpeciaIDlrect.ons

San Jose Scale. 1 lb + 2-3 gals Apply as a dormant spray. Do nOI apply more IMn 4 105. Parialona Scale, elack Scale. dormam ad Of 01 product Of 6 9<1;15. of 011 per acre. Brown Scale. AptICIlt Scale 1·11f2 gals European Red M.le Eggs, Supeflor type 011 Brown ~.lle Eggs. Pear leal In 100 gals. of Blister Mile Eggs. TIN"H) Borers. waler ApPle Aohld Eggs. BlaCK Cherry Apt-lid Eggs. Mealy Plum Aptud Eggs. Mealybugs

Pear Psylla Ih·llb. In 100 Apply as a cove' spray al pre-pink stage Make '·2 gals. 01 water addlllOnill appllcallons dunnglhe flfst and second cover

sprays. If nece~"" A~ alieni 14 daVS between apphcatlOns.

TentlfOrm leatmlnefs. 1 lb. In 100 galS. Make 3 cover sprays. be9tnmng In April. AllOw at teasl14 Mealybugs atwater days between apphcatlOnS,

COdling MothS. Rosy Apple 1 lb. In ,00 gals. Make 3 cover sprays beg.nnlng is Inle$taltOns OCCur. Aphids. Green Apple AphidS, otwalet' Allow at least 14 Clays belYfeen appticabons. Woolly Apple ApnoOs. Spodef Not.: Mites will be suppressed If diazlnon IS used In thiS Mites

regular cover spray program.

Apple M.ggotS 1 b. In '00 galS. Make 3 COYer sprays when flies are actIVe and laying otwater eggs. AIow.t teast 14 days between apphcattOns.

Not.: Qiazu'lOn will not control organophosphate-reSistant apple maggot.

San Jose Scale Crawlers. 1 lb. :0 100 gals. Appty early In the season when crawlers IIfSI appear. If Forbes Scale Crawlers otwater infestatIOn warrants. make a second applicahOn 14 days


Notes: (1) Do not aPPly morelhln '" IbS. of prOduct per acre pet apphcatlOn and no more IhI" 121bs. of prOduct per acre persea~n. (2) To aVOid 1I1eg" reSidues allow a mlMnum of 21 days between the last appftcatlOn and hafVl!lsl

Pineapple Pineaprle Mealybugs 2lbs. per acre In Repeat application as necessary every 28 days up to a 200-500 gals. of maximum of 8 applicaltOns. 00 not apply Within 7 days of water. harvest or Illegal residues may occur.

Pineapple forage and refuse may not be fed to hvestock.

Plums San Jose Scale. 1 lb. + 2·3 gals. Apply as. dormant spray. 00 not appl.., more than 4lbs. PariatOlla Scale. Black Scale. dormant 011 or of product or 6 gals. 01 011 per acre. II apphea In late Apnl Brown Scale. Apricot Scale, 1·1112 gals. or May. mix diazlt\OO With 1 gal. of light medl\,jm summer European Red Mite Eggs. supenor type 011 hOrtlCuUuraloil per 100 gals. of water. Brown Mite Eggs. TWig B.lI"ers. In 100 gals. ot Apple Apl'lId Eggs. Black Cherry water Aphid E ~gs. Mealy Plum Aphid Eggs. Mealybugs

Brown Mites. Clover Mites. 1 lb. In 100 'Jals. Apply as needed every 7 days. European R£j Mites atwater

leatcurl Plum Aphids. 'h·1 lb. In 100 Mealy Plum AphidS. galS. ot waler ThIstle Aphids

Noles: (1) Do not apply more than'" IbS. otprocsUC1 Pet' aCle per apphcahon and no morethan 121bs. of product per acre per season. (2) To a\lOld Illegal reSidues. allow a minimum at 21 days between the laSl apPlication and harvest.

7 ~( I

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Dozon'" diazinon SOW

Pest Ra'. Timing/Speclat Directions

San Jose Scale. lib. + 2.Jgals. Apply as a dormant spray Do noI apply more than 4 I!:>S_ Parialona Scale, Black S-:ale. dormant (HI 01 of DroouC1 or 6 gals 01011 per acre. For late Api'll or May Brown Scale. AprICot Scale. Hlfl ga'~. apphcaltOn5. mill. dlalman with 1 gal. 01 light rneCllum European Red Mile Eggs. superlOf tVpe 011 summt!f hOrllCullur al 011 per 100 gals. of waler Brown Mile Eggs. Tw'9 Borers. In 100 gals_ 01 Appte' Aphid Eggs, Black Cherry waler Aphl(J Eggs. Mealy PhJm Aphid E9£~, Mealybugs

Brown Miles. Clover Miles, 1 lb. In 100 gals. Apply as needed every 7 days European Red Miles otwater

leatcurl Plum AphidS. llz·llb. an 100 Mealy Plum Ap!1"'s. gats. of ""'a'er Thistle AphKJS

Not •• : 0) 00 not apply mOle 'hart .. ~s. of product per acre pet application and no more than 121bs. of product per acre per season. (2) To aVOtd tt1P?&1 reStdues. allow a mlntmum of 21 days befWMn lhe last appbcatlOn and harvest.

Slrawbemes Aph"'s. Two-Spotted 1 lb. in 100 gals. Apply as pests occur. Repeal apphcatiOn •• 1 necessary, Sptder Mites of wal., pe, acr. aher 7 days.

CYClamen Mites 21bs. .n 100 galS. Direct Spray 10 the ptant crowns. Plants shoukj be sutti· at wat ... per acr. clent ,. ag.laled 10 assure thorough coyerage of the

lakagl!. Repeat application aher 7 days II necessary.

Mole ClIckets 2lbs. per acre Apply '·2 days before transplanting and Immediately MlCOfPC)fa'. Inl0 the top 1-2 tnches 01 soli.

Strawberry leafroUers If .. -,Ib. In 100 Apply 200 galS. of spray per acre when blossoms show gals. of water color.

Notes: (1) Do not make more than 3 fOliar applications Pdrseason.' £J 00 not apply more than 2lbs. of product per acre per applicatIOn and no mOr8than 8 Ibs. 01 product per acre per season. (3) Alto-.'I a mlntmum of 5 days between the last appkcal60n and harvest

Walnuts AphIdS. Spider Miles 21bs. In 100 galS. Apply as a fohar spray as needed. Repeat applICation In (CAonly) 01 waler per acre 14 days II necessary. 00 no1 mal(e more than 3 apphca·

COdhng Moths. Scale Crawlers. 6 Ibs. '" 100 9;'\ls. hons per season. 00 not apply Within 45 days 01 harvest

Wak'lut Caterpillars 01 water per acre or aher huskS open or Illegal restdloes may occur.

Page 9: 100 - Lf INSECTICIDE



Dozon'" diazinon SOW

Vegetable Crops

AEI- 24 hours.

For fohar or sotI applicatIOns. D·z." dlaZlnon 5f1N should always be apphed as a spray In sutflclenl water 10 assure thorough cOverage of the tohage Of sod D·z.n Ol3ZIOon 5fNJ may be applied ae"ally or t>y ground apptlcatlOn as speCIfied In the following table. The SpeCltlC amount 01 prO(luCl10 be used appears underlhe separats directions tOf use '01 each crop

GroU"" ~pplicatlon

"""mum OR Minimum Ae,ial Appliulion Crop Gals./Ac,. G.lla.I1.000 Sq. Ft. Minimum GIls./Acre

Beans (Lima. Pole. and Snap) 10 2 5 (succulenl only)

Bee ... Red (Table) 10 2 5

Broccoli 10 2 5

Brussels Sprouls 10 2 5

Cabbage 10 2 <.

CantalOupes 5 1 5

Carrots 10 2 5

CasabaS 5 1 5 --CauhHower 10 2 5

Chmese Broccoli 10 2 5

Chinese Cabbage 10 2 5

Chinese Mustard 10 2 5

Collards 10 2 5

C,en$haws 5 1 5

Cucumbers 5 1 5

Endive (Escarole) 10 2 5

Honeydew Melons 5 1 5

Kale 10 2 5

Lenuce (Head al"ld leaf) 10 2 5

Muskmelons 5 1 5

Mustard 10 2 5

Onions (Bulb and Green) 10 2 5

Parsley 10 2 5

Parsnips , 10 2 5

Pea5 (5uCculent only) 10 2 5

Peppers 10 2 5

PerSian Melons 5 1 5

Potaloes (irish)· 10 2 5

Radishes 10 2 5

Sptnach 10 2 5

SQuash, Summto" 5 1 5

SQuash, Wlnler 5 1 5

SweelCorn 20 • 5

Sweet PotalOM 10 2 5

SWtssChard 10 2 5

Tomaloes 10 2 5

Turnips 10 2 5

WaterMekK'!5 5 1 5

• Do not use c.n commercially ;JrDWft potatoes which wttl be hand-h~rvesled

Observe sialed time .nlervals between lasl apphcallOn ana harvest as well as Inlervals between ana ma)umum numbers 01 apphcI­lions per se.son.

Page 10: 100 - Lf INSECTICIDE


P,..Harvelllnte",.ls (PHI'") for Foliar Applications

Crop PHI" (DoY'1

Beans (lima Pote. and Snap) 7

Beets. Red (Tatlle, 14

Broccok 7

Brussels Sprouls 7

Cabbage 2' Cantaloupes 3


Casabas 3

CauhHower 7

Chinese BrOCColi 10

Chinese Cabbage 10

Chinese Mustard ,0

Collards ,0

Crenshaws 3

Cucumbers 7

EndtYe (Escarole) ,. Honeydew Yelons 3

Kale '0 Lenuee (Head and Leaf) ,. Muskmelons 3

Mustard '0 OOionS (Bulb and Green) ,.

" Pe •• 7

Peppers 5

Persian Melons 3

Potatoes (irish) 35

Radishes ,. S~"ach ,. Squasl"!. Summer 7

SquaSh. Winter 3

Sweet Corn 7

SWIS' ";hard ,. --Tomato.-s , ----Turnips ,nOOIS and Tops, ,. Watermelons 3

"Ptil _ Pr.HarveSllnferval or the number of days between the last apphcahon and harvest.

Not •• : (1) SoIl tncCM'pcM'etton: FolloWing apphcatlOn 0' thl' prOduct to control vegetable solllflsecls, Immedlatety Incorporale the product 1n10 the sod 10 the recommended depth fsee Tlm1nglSpecla' Directional uSing ill rotary hoe. cultivator. dlSlt, harrow, or other sUitable m •• ns. For control 01 sur1ace cutworms. Illcorporate 2·3 Inches, tor subterranean cutworms Incorporat8 3·6 mches. (2) T 0 Protecl a...: Foliar apphcatlOns ot thiS ploduct should not be mad. to peas Of beans It these Crops or weeds In th.tteatment area are In bkJom, or to COfn dunnglhe pollen shed peltod.

I [' '!..71 -j

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Dozon.,) diazinon SOW

C.op Pest Rat. Ti< '19/Spee'81 Directions

Beans Cutworms 4·8 Ibs per acre Broadcast Just before planting and ImmeOI.uely InCor· llima. Pole. o' porate InlO the sOIL (See SOlllncor~allon Note) and Snap) ,112-301. per (succulent 1.00050 h onl.,.,

Wireworms 6·8Ib5. per acre Broadcasilusl before plan1ln9 ano Immec1alely Intor· o. poIate Inlo the top 4·8 Inches 01 sOIL

2114·301 per

l.oooS0 ".

Black Bean Aptl'OS. MeXICan 1·,112 Ibs. per Apply as HlS8Cl$ occur. Repeal appliCation. a~ Bean BeeUes. DiPterous acre necessary. every 5 days. Do not make mor.than 3 le.tmtners o. apphcatlons per season. Do nol apply Wllhtn 7 days ot

'l/S·l/S oz. per ha:"\l'@storttlegalreSidues may otcur_ U)OO sq. h.

B.an forage Of bean hay may be fed to dawy and beet Cucumber Beetles 'h.lt. lb. per canle ana sheep. Wail" days tDMow"'~ trealment.,

acr. forage IS to be cut for hay. or Make cucumber beetle appliCahon In 100 galS. 0' waler

'/s·311ooz.per per acre. 1.IlOO sq. h.

Note: Oiazinon Will not contrOl organophosphate· ,aSlslant "a'""ners.

Leafhoppers. Sptder Miles 1 lb. per aCre Apply as pests occur. Repeal appkcatlOfl as necessary or every 5 days. 00 not make more than 3 appttcallons per

2/5 OZ. per 1.000 season. 00 not appty WI!'htn 7 days 01 harvest or Illegal sq. h. r,sldues may occur.

Bean forage or bearl hay may be fed 10 dairy and beel

) cattle and sheep. Wait 4 days fOIlOWtng treatment II forage IS to be cut tor hay.

Note: Qiazlnon 'MIl not control organophosphate-reStSla"t Ie.lmlners. --

Beets. Red Cutworms "'-8lbs. per acre Broadcisllust before planting and Imme<lIately Incor· (Table) or parate InlO the 5011. (See Soil Incorporation NOle.)

"12·3 oz. per 1.000 sq. h.

Mole Cncl(els 21bs. per acre Apply to plant beds or fields '·2 days before olanung. or and mrnlldlately InCotpOfal. anlo the top '·2 In( les 01

3/4 oz. per 1.000 50'1. sq. h.

Wlre'Mlrms ~8 Ibs. per acr, BroadcaSIIU!!i1 before planllng ana Imme<llately Incor· or porale InlO ttle top 4-8 mChes of SOIl.

2'1,,·3 oz. per 1.000 sq. h.

AphIdS. Dipterous leafmlners 112·, lb. per acre Apply as ",sects occur. Repeat applicatIOn as necessary or up to 5tlmes wlth.it. minimum 01 7 days between appllca·

'/5.2/5 oz. per tions. Do nol apply wllhln 14 days 01 harvest. or Illegal 1.000. sQ. ft. residues may occur.

Not.: Dlulnon Will nol control organophosphate· reslSlant tealmlners.

Broccoh Root Maggots 4-6lbs. per acre Broadcast ,...51 belore planting or tranSplanting and )

at Imme<Jlalely ,ncorporat6lnlO the top 3...4 Inches 01 Sad. 1'1:Z·2'14 oz. per 1.000 SQ. ft.

4-8 oz. In 50 ga.ls. In transplanl water as a drench apphcatlOn when otwater 200-300 gals. 01 _ater Ire used per acre Apply 112·'

cup (410 8 oz., pet' ptant by hand or by Iraclor mounted sprayer eQwpped With drop nozzles to dlrecl spray to the bas. of the planl.

Note: Tran$planl w.tertre.tlTlenls may result In stand reductIOn due 10 plant SIre" all,,,,. of transplanting

Cutworms "'~ Ibs. per acr. Broadcasl tlJst before P'anting aM ImmedlBtety InCOt· or porale miD Ih. sad 15ft SoIIlnCOfDOra11Oft NOte)

1'1:1-3 oz. pet'

1.000 sQ ft.

Mole Cflckels 2lbs. per acre Appty to plant beds or tl8ktS 1·2 days betore planllng and at Immediately Incorporate InlO the top '·2lnches 01 SOil

¥. oz. per 1.000

"I" Wireworms 6-8 Ibs per acre BrOadCISljust belore ptanltng and .,,,medlillely Incor·

or pot'lle Inlo Ihe lop 4·8 IncheS 01 soli 2'/4·30z per I,OOOSQ h

Page 12: 100 - Lf INSECTICIDE

Oozon'" diazinon SOW

Crop Pe., Timing/Special Direction.

BroccOlI I AphidS. Dlamonaback MOlhs. 'h·, lb. per acre Apply as Insec!s occur Repeal apphcallon. as (conflnue<11 Imponea Cabbageworms. .r necessary, up 10 5 limes, with a minimum 017 days

Dipterous lealmlners 1/$.2/S oz. per between applications 1,000 SQ. ft. 00 nol apply Within 1 days 01 harveSl, or Illegal 'esldues

may occur.

Not.: Dlazlnon will not conllol organophosphate· resistant lealmmers ,

Brussels Root Maggots 4-6lbs. per acre Broadcast Just belore planlmg or transplanllng and SproulS Of Immedtalely Intorpolate 1010 the lap 3-. Inches 01 5011

l'h·2V. oz. per 1.000 sq. ft.

4-8 oz. In 50 gaJs. In Iransptanl Woller as ~ drench application when otwale, 200-300 gals. of water are used per acre. Appty 'h·,

cup '''to 8 oz.) per plant by hand 01 by tractor mounted sprayef eqUipped with drop nozzles to direct spray to the baH of the plant.

Note: nansptant water treatments may result In stand ,eduction due to plant stress 8tllme 01 transplanllng.

Cutworms .-8"s. per acre BroadCast Just before planting and incorporate Into the or SOtI. (See Soil tncorporatlon Nale.)

1 'h-3 oz. per 1.000 sq. ft

Mote Crickets 2 Ibs. per acre Apply to pial'll beds 1·2 days betore planting and Of Immediately Incorporate Into the lap 1-2 Inches at 5011.

) 31. 01. per 1.000 sQ. ft.

Wireworms 6.a :bs. per acre Broadcast lUst before planting and Immediately Incor· Of porele lOCO Ihe lop.-8 inches of sod.

2Y.·:'oz. per 1.000 sq. h.

AphulS. Diamondback MOlt.S. IJ.:. -; It-. per acre Apply as Insects occur. Repeat applicatIOn. as Imponed Cabbageworms Of neces~'Y. up 10 5 times. with a minimum 01 7 days

1/5..2/5 oz. per betwHin appltca1l0ns. 1.000 sq. ft. 00 not apply Within 7 days 01 harvest or Illegal r9sldues

may occur.

Cabbage Rool Maggots 4-6 Ibs. per acre eroadcast IUSI before planting or transplanting and Of tmrnedlately Incorporale UlIO the lap 3-4 Incnes 01 SOli

1 '12·211. oz. per 1.000 sq. ft.

4-8 oz. In 50 gals. In transplant water as a drench apphcatlon when otwater 2O().300 gals. 01 water are used per acre Apply'12·1

cup (4to 8 oz.) per plant by hand or by Iractor mounteo sprayef equipped With drop nozzles to dlfect spray to the base of the plant.

Note: Transplant water treatments may result In Stand reductIOn due to plant stress at time 01 transplanllng.

Cutworms 4-8 Ibs. per acre BroadcaslluSi before planting and Incorporale mto tl'18 ) or SOtt. (See Incorporallon Note.)

1 th·3 oz. per 1.000 sq. ft.

Mole Crickets 2 Ibs. PII acre Apply to plant beds or Itelds 1-2 days belore planting and or immedlatety lOeOfparate Into the top 1·2 Inches 01 5011.

31. oz. per 1.000

"". ". Wireworms 6-8 1M. pet' acre BroadCast IUSI before planting and l:Tlme(halely .ncor·

or porate mto tnelop 4-8 inches 01 SOil 2V.-301.per 1.000 sq. ft.

ApnidS. Olamondback Moths. Ih_1 tb. pef acre Appty as '"sects occur. Rapea.apphcatlOn. as Impon8(l Cabbaqeworms. or necess.ry. up to 5 limes, 'WIth a minimum 01 7 days OlPl8fOUS leal' mners 1/5-2/5 oz. PIr between apphcatlOf'ls.

1.000 sq. " Do not appty Within 21 days of harvest, or dlegal reSidues m.yoccur.

Note: Dlallf'lon WttI not controt organophosphate· rl!tSlS1ant lealmlnetS.

----Carrots Cutworms 4·81b5 per atre BroadCast lust before ptantlng and Immediately Incor·

Of porate Into th8 5011 IS" Sollincorporahon Note) 1112.301 pet

1.000 sQ It

Mol8 Cflc""I~ 2 Pbs per acre Apply to planl beds Of 'Ields '·2 days bftlore planllng and Of Imme(hately Incorporaie Into the top '·2 Inch~s 01 50lt

11. 01 per t.OOO

I $Q " ----- -----------


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D·z.n~) diazinon SOW /2 Crop

! ~., I Timing/Spec,.' Directions

Carrots W.reWOfI""'S 6-8 Ibs. per acre Broaacast,usl belore p'anllnQ and Immediately InCOI· (contmuea) Of polate Inl0 the top 4·8 Inches 01 sod

2V.·3 oz. per

1,000 SQ "

CarrOl Rust Fly 4 Ibs per acre "ppl., as a drench 10 the seed furrow al planllng or

,liz oz. per

1,000 SQ ft.

AphidS 1 lb. per acre Apply as Insects occur. Repeal apphcahon. as or necessary, up 10 5 limes w,th a minimUm 01 7 d<lYS

2/5 oz. per '.000 between apphcattons. sq.ft 00 not apply Wlth,n ,. days of harvest. or Illegal reSH:iues

may occur.

Cauliflower Root Maggots .~ tbs. per acre Broadcast rust belore planllng or rransp'antlng ana or immediately incorporate IntO the top 3-4 IncheS 01 soli.

"h·2V .. oz. per 1.000 sq. ft.

"·8 0%. In 50 gals. In ('."splant wate, as a drench apphcatlon when of water 2O().300 gals. of water ar. used per acr •. App6y 112·'

cup (4 to 8 oz.) per plant by hand or by trat10r mounted sprayer equipped wtth drop nozzles to direct spray 10 the base of the plant.

Nole: TranSplant water treatments may result In stand reduction due Ie plant stress at time 01 transplanting.

Cutworms 4·8 Ibs. per acre Broadcast Just before planting and Immechately Incor· Of porate Into the sod. (See 5011 Incorporation NOIe.)

11,12·3 oz. per 1.000 sq. ft.

Mole Cnckets 2 Ibs. ner acre Apply to plant beds '·2 days belore planting and or Immediately Incorporal~ tntO ttle top 1·2 inches 01 SOil

l/ .. oz. per 1.000 sQ. ft.

Wireworms 6-8 Ib!t. per acre Broadeas'lust before planting and Immediately IncOt· or porate Into the top 4-8 inch.s of sot!

21J4·30z. per 1.000 sq. It.

Aphids. Dlamonoback MothS. 112·1 lb. per acr. Apply as Insects occur. Repeat apphcatlon. as Imported Caboagewolms. or necessary. up 10 5 times. wllh a minImum 01 7 days Dipterous lealmlne's '/5·2/S oz. per between apphcauons.

1.000 SQ. ft. Do not aoply Within :- days of harvest or Illegal residues may occur.

Note: Ola7lnon WIll not control organophosphate· reSlstanlleatmlners.

Chines. Aphids. Diamondback Moths. '12·1 lb. per acre Apply as inSects occur. Repeat apphcahon. as BrOCCOli. Imported Cabbageworms. 0' necessary. up 10 5 times. wllh a minimum of 7 days

) Chinese Dipterous lea'mlners '/5.2/5 oz. per between appllcallons Cabbage 1.000 sQ. " Do not apply Within 10 days 01 harvest or 11Iega! reSidues (BokChOY mayoccut. and Napa). Chinese I Not.: Dlallnon win not control organopnosphate· Mustard resistant teatmlners. (Gal ChOy)

Collards Cutworms 4-8 Ibs. pet' acr. Broadcast tlJst before planting and Immediately Incor· Of porat. Into the sOti. (See SotllncorporattOn Note)

1'/2·30z.pM 1.000 sq. ".

Mole Cllckets 2 Ibs. per ac,e Apply to plant beds '·2 days betot'e ptantlng and Of Immeckatety Incorporat. Into the top 1·2 mches 01 SOil

314 oz. per 1.000 sq. ft. em. 6-8 tbs. per acre BroadCast JUst before planting and Imrr.edlately Incor·

Of para'. InlO the lOp 4-8 IncheS of SOtt 21J .. ·3 oz. per 1.000 SQ."

Aphids. Diamondback Moths. I 1/;l'·llb per ",ere Apply as Inseos occur Repeat apphcatlon. as Imponed Cabbageworms. 1:': 00'

necessary. up to 5 Ilm~s. Wllh a minimum 01 7 days HarleQUin Cabbag~bug~. between applications Corn Earworms t.OOOSQ. " Do not appty "'Ilhin 10 day5 of harvest or Illegal reSidues

may occur

Page 14: 100 - Lf INSECTICIDE



Endive (Escarole)



lenuce (Head and leaf)

Dozon'" diazinon SOW

, Pest I

Rate --1 TlminglSpecla' Directions

Cutworms 4·8 IDS per acre Br~dcast tu51 before planting and Immediately Incor-or porale Into the sot.!. (See SOtllncorporaltOn NOle.)

"h·30l per 1.000 SQ. n.

Wireworms 6-8 Ibs. per acre Broadcast JUs, before planllng and Immec ;lely Incor-Of' porclle Into lhe lop 4-8 Incnes ot SOil.

21/. -3 oz. pei 1.000 sq. f1

AphidS. Serpenllne Lealmlners. 1 lb. per acre Apply as Nlsects occur. Repeal apphcatlon. ii'S

Thrips. Sinped Cucumber Of' necessary. f1\Iety 7 days. Do not make more than 5 Beetles. Metonworms 2/S oz.. per 1.000 apphealtOnS per season. 00 not apply wlth,n 7 days at

sq. h. harvest OIINegai reSIdues may occur.

Note: Oiazioon WIll not control organophosphate-rlsistant ... tmlner5.

Cutworms 4-8 Ibs. per acre BroadCast JUst betor, ptanting and Immedt.lely lOCO'-

Of' poral. Into thl sod. (See Sotllncorporahon Note.) 1'h·30l.. per 1.000 sq. ft.

Mo'e Crickets 2lbs. per acr. Appty to plant beds Of lieads 1·2 days betor, pllntlng or or Iransptantlng and immediately Incorporatl mlo the top

3M oz_ per '.000 '·2 inches of sod. sq. ft.

Wlleworms 6-8lbs. per acre Broadcast rust betore planting and Irnme(Ulely ,ncor· Of' polate 4-8 inches Into sod.

2'1.·3 oz. per 1.000 sq. h.

AphidS. D;pterous leafmlners 'h·, lb. per acre Apply as Insects occur. Repeat application. as Of' necessary. up to 5 times With a minimum of 7 days

'/s_l/S oz. per befween apphcallOns. 1.000 SQ. It.

00 not apply Within '4 days of harvest.

Notl: Diulnon WI" not control organophosphau!I-reSlstantlealminers.

Cutworms 4-8 1M. per acre Broadcast lUst before planting and immediately Incot-or potat'lnto the SOIl. (See SOtllncorporaltOn Note.,

1'h·30z. per 1.00c. sq.".

Mote Crickets 2 Ibs. per acre Apply to plant beds '-2 days betot". planting and Of' immediately lI''1cOfporatemlo the top 1-2 Inches of 5011

1I. oz. per 1.000 sQ. ft.

Wireworms 6-8 Ibs. per acre Broadcast ,ust before planting and Immediately Incor-or porate Into the top 4-8 Inches of 5011.

2'1.·3 oz. pet' 1.000 sq. ft.

AphidS. DIamondback MothS. 'n-llb. per acre Apply as Insects occur. Repeal appllcatlOfl. as Imponed Cabbageworms. Of' necessary. up to 5 limes. a minimum 01 7 days between HarleQUin Cabbagebugs. '/S-2/S0l. per apphcahons. Corn Eal"NOrms 1,000 SQ. ft.

00 not apply Within 1~ days of harvest or Mlegal "esldues mlyoccur.

Cutworms 4-8lbs. per acre Broadcast tust before planting and Immedtately Incor-or parate Into Ihe soli. (See Soil IncorporatIOn Note )

1 '1:1·3 oz. per 1.000 sq. n.

Mole Crickets 21bs. per acr. Apply to plant beds '·2 days before planting and or Immedlatety InCOrporat. Into the lop 1-2 Inche, of $OIl.

:.v. oz. per 1.000 sq. ft.

Wlre-worms I &-alb$.. per acre Broadcast)USI bator. planting and Immediately Incor-

I or poral. mto the top 4-8 Ind'WtS of SO" 2V.-3oz. per 1.000 sq. ft.

Aphtds. Dipterous leatmln.r! ,.,. ~.-I _ .. -... ' -.~ .. -... or necessary. up to Slimes With a mtn.mum of 7 days

'/5·~/5 oz. per between appfK:atlC)ns. Do not apply Within 14 da~ ot I.OOOSQ It harve5f

Not.: Dlallnon WI" not control orqanophosphate-rntStant tea'mmer!.


ILl .,., '") I

I .)1 ,

Page 15: 100 - Lf INSECTICIDE

,------------------------ - ----

Dozon'" diazinon SOW

Crop I PeS! I Timing/spec." Directions , Melons C' 4-8 Ibs. per acre Br08dcaSI,uSI belore planting ana Immediately Incor-(Cantaloupes. or porale InlO the sod (See Soli Incorpmahon NOie I Casabas. "h-30.l per Crenshaws. 1.000sq h Honeydew.

&8 Ibs per acre BrOai:lCaSllusl betore planting and Imme<Jlalely Incor· Muskmelons. ' W.f£-WQtms

PerSians. or porale mlO the lOp 4·8 tnches 01 sOIl

ana Hytmds 21J.·3 oz. per

of these) 1.000 sq. tt

and Aphids. Dlp(erous Leatmlners, '12·1'12 Ibs. per Apply as Insects occur Repeal apphc8l1on. as Watermelons Thrips. Striped C .... cumber acre necessary. e'lery 7 days. 00 nOI make 1"'1018 than 5

BeeUes, Melonworms, or appkCatlOns per season. 00 not apply wlltun 3 days of Leafhoppers. Spider Miles '/S·l/S oz. per harvest or ~I r8,,;dues may occur.

l.DOOsq. h. Note: Diazlnon wlH not control organophosphate· reSISlant te.'mlnet'S.

Mustard Mole Cuckefs 21bs. per acre Appty to piant bed! '·2 days before plant .... g and or Immediately Incorporate Into the top '·2 Inches of soli.

'I. oz. per 1.000 sq. h.

Wtfeworms 6-8 Ibs. per acre BrOadCaSi tvst before ptanbng and Immediately IOcor· or porate Into the top 4...a Inches of soli.

2'1.·30z. per 1.000 sq. ft.

Aphids. Dipterous leatmmers. 'h·llb. per acre Apply as Insects occur. Repeal applicatIOn. as Diamondback Moms. Impor1ed or necessary. up to 5 times. With a minimum 01 7 days

) Cabbageworms '/s·2/soz. per between apphcallOns.

1.000 sq. n. 00 1'101 apply wltrlln to days at harvest.

Note: Diazmon will not control organophosphale· resistant leatmlners.

Onlor5 Onion maggots

I 4...a ibs. per acre Broadcast Just before planting and mil' Into Ihe top 3-4

(Bulb dnd or Inches of soil. (See SoillncorporaliOn Note) Green) "12·30z per Note: Diallnon will not control organophosphate·

1,000 sq. h. resistant onIOn maggcts.

Onion Pmps 1 lb. pel acre Apply as thrips appear. Repeal aner 7 days. If necessary. or 00 not make mor. than 3 apphcallOfls per season.

2/s oz. per 1.000 00 not appty Within 14 days of harvest or Illegal reSidues sQ. n.

may OCcur.

Wireworms 6-8 Ibs per acre BroadCast lust before planM9 and Immedla!ely InCOr· or pora!e mto the lOp 4·8 Inches of SOil

211.·3 oz. per 1.000 sq. t!.

Parsley I Cutworms I 4-8 Ibs per acre Broadcast lust before planting and Immediately mcor· I or p?late lOla the SOIL (See So" Incorporallon NOIe )

I 1'1z·3 oz. per t.OOOsq n.

Wireworms 6-8lbs. per acre Broadcasllust before planting and Immediately Incor· or porale Into the lop 4·8 Inches 01 SOil )

2'1.·3 Ol. per 1.000 SQ. n.

ParSnips AphidS. Flea Beetles. Ifl-llb. per acre Apply as Insects occur. Repeal apphcallon. as DlPlerous lealmlners or :lKessary. up 10 5 limes. With a """'Inum of 7 days

'/s-z/s oz. per between appllCatlOIls. 1.000 sq. n.

00 not apply wlt"'ln 14 days of "arvest or Illegal residues may OCcur.

Note: Diazlnon Will not controt organophosphate· reslstantlealmlnetS.

Po .. Cutworms 4-8lbs. per acre BroadCast JUst before planttng and Immedtately Incor-(succulent or potate mta the SOIl. (See Sod Incorporation N01e , only) ""·30z per'

t.OOOsq. n.

Wlfeworms &-8 Ibs per arra Broadcast lUst babe planting and Immedlatftly Incor-0< porale Into the sot!. (See $otllncorporallOf1 Note)

211.·3 oz. pet 1.000 sq. n.

Aphids. Dipterous Lealmlner, It.·, Ib De' acre Apply as Insects occur Repea~ apphcahon. as or necessa=y. every 5 days 00 hot make more than 3

l/,o-ZI., oz per applicatIOnS per season To aVOId Illegal reSidue,. allow 1.000 SQ n a minimum of 7 days betWeen the last apphcatlOn and



VI"~S and hay may b'3 fed to dairy and beet callie and c;,heap To aWid ,"eoal residues. wall 7 days fOIlQ...,I"Q Irealmerlll lorage IS 10 be cui tor hay

Not.: (>tazlnon Will r10t control Of"ganophosphale-

____ L __________ reSlsta'" teatmu~4trs ----- ----.~---.----

Page 16: 100 - Lf INSECTICIDE

Oozon® diazinon SOW

Crop P .. , R ... TlmlngJSpeci.1 DI~lton.

Peppers Cutworms .03 Ibs. pet' acr. Broadcast Just belor. planllng and immedtate'y Incor-or pori'. tnl0 the soli. (S" Sollincorporahon Nole )

"''2-3 oz. per 1.000 sq. H.

Mole CrICkets 2lbs. per acre Apply 10 plant beds ,·2 days betore p'anllng and or immedlate,y Incorporate ,nlO Il"Ie lop ,·2 Inctn!ts 01 5011.

lA oz. per 1.000 sq. H.

Wire¥wOlms 6-8 tbS. per ICI' Broadcast JUst before planting and Imm.(uu~ty .ncor-or pors'. utto 'Mtop 4-8 inches of sotl.

2V.-3 oz. per 1.000 sq. ft.

Aphids. 5erpentinel •• 'min." '12 II>. per ..,.. Appty u tnsects appe .... Repeal apphcation att., 7 days or if necetaafy. 00 not make men lhan 5 apphcabons per

'Is oz. per 1.000 seuon. 00 not ~ within 5 days 01 harvest, or Megal sq. ft. residu" may occur.

Hote: DiazM10n wiN not: control organophosphat. reliUnll .. fminers.

PotatMs Cutworms (Surface and ~ Ibo. per ocrw Broadcul just before planting and immedillety intOl-Sublarran •• n) or por ... ""o tho"". (Soo SoiIlncorporal1011 Nota.)

, 'h-3 oz. per 1.000 sq. H.

Southern Potato WirewOrms 4-81ba. per ler. For potatoes gtOWn on mineral $OtIs in the South •• st. (Soulnel$1orn U.S.) 0< appty pnor 10 planltng and immllchately tnCOtpOrale Into

1'h-30z. per thlllQp 3-t> inChes of sod depending or. JoealtOn 01 1.000 sq. H. wireworms.

AphidS. Flea Beetles. 'h-3!4Ib. per Icre Apply U Insects occur. Repeai.apphcahon. as ColoradO Potalo BHl:les. or necessary. up to 5 times \'11th I minimum of 7 days Dipterous La.'mlnors '/s-3I1ooz. per beIween applications. 00 noI apply within 3S days of

1.000 sq. H. harvest or Illegal resldun may occur.

Note: Oiazinon will rlC't control organophos;>hate-reSiSlantlealm;ners.

Banded Cucumber Beetles. 34·1 lb. per aer. Apply U insects occur. Repeat applicatIOn IS necessary Leafhoppers. or up to 5 times with a minimum 01 7 days between apphea· Southern Arrrrrworms 3/1fP/S oz. per tiona. Do noI appy within 35 d.Y' 01 harwst or I"egal

1.000 sq. H. residues mly occur.

Note: 00 not use on commercially grown potaloes whICh wtl t>. hand· harvested.

RII.cs.shas Cutwot'ms 4-8 tbs. per acre BrOidCaSl JUst betore planttng and Immechately Incor· or porItelnlO the so". (See Soil IncorporatIOn Noto.)

l'h·30z. per 1.000 sq. H.

MOle ClIckelS 2 Ibs. per acre Appty to plant beds or 'Ielos 1 2 days before planting and • or immediately Incorporate In thlltop '·2 Inches ot soli .

~o. per 1.000 sq. H.

) Wireworms 6-8 Ibs. per acre BroadcaS1 JUst before planting and Immediately Incor· or porlte miD the top 4-3 inches of SO~.

2V.-3oz.pet 1.000 sq. H.

AphidS, Fr.1 BHlI.s. 'h·, Ib. per Icre Appty as N"IHCtS occur. Repelt apphcaltOfl as necessary Dipterous l •• 'mln~ 0< up to 3 times With a mtnimum 0' 7 days bMween

'/s..2/s oz. per applicabonl. 1.000 sq. H.

Do nocappty Wlthtn 14 days of harvest or Illegal residues may occur.

Note: Oiazinon WtU not control orglnopnosphal. ' ............ tmlnetS..

Spinach Apt'llds. Dipterous Le.'mlllers '1'1·1 .,. per ac,. Appty IS '"sects occur. Repnt aPP'lCaIIOn. as or necessary. up 10 5 timel. With a mll'"Mmum of 7 days

'/s.2/s oz. pei bMwMn apphCatlOnS. 1.000 sq. H.

00 not apptyWlthtn 14 days 01 harvest.

Note: Diulnon will not con1~ or;.nophOspha •• 1'8 .. ..". "almlners.

SQuash. Cutworms 4---8 lb!. per ltC,. Broadeast JUst betore planttng and Imme<Utely Incor· Summer or porItelnto the soli. (See SolllncorporallOn Not. ,

1'h·30z. per


1.000 sq. n

&-8 Ibs. per acre Broadcasl rust befOre planting end Immedla,ely Incor· or pore'e tnlo the top 4-8 InCheS of soft

2'1.-301 per 1.000sq n.

Page 17: 100 - Lf INSECTICIDE



Oozon® diazinon sow

Crop Pes. RII •• Timw.g/Special Direction.

Squash. AphidS. Lea'rrwners, Thrips. 'h -I liz 'bs. per A~y IS Nlsect5 occur. Repea' IppkCahon. as Summer Sillped Cucumber Beetles. acre necessary. every 1 days. Do noI make mora than 5

(continued) MelonWOfms, Ll!lillhOppers. ... appliclUons per season. Do no!: apply wlth,n 7 days of Spider MrieS '/5.3/5 oz. per tJa:rveSi or tUegal residues may occur,

'.000 sq. h. No '.: Diulnon Will not control Ofganophosphate-reSlslant ' •• 'miners,

SquaSh, Clitworms 4-8 Ibs. POf acre Broadcast tlJst before ptlntlng and Immedtately Incor-Winter or porals Into tha SOil. (See Sod Incorporauon NOla.)

1 !JZ-30l. per '.000 sq. h.

Wire'M)rms &alba. per acre BroecICUt JUII before plant6nQ ancI irnmedia'etv mcor· ... porat. _.n.top 4-8 inchOt 01 ..... 2V.-30z. per '.000 sq. h.

Aphids. L •• lmlllefS. "'·W, fbi. per Apply as k\secta occur. Repel,applicalion, as Thrips. Siriped Cucumber ICI'. nectluary • ......-y 7 days. 00 noI make mora than 5 SMIles. Metonworms. ... oppIicoIiona per.....". Do not apply wilhin 3 days 01 l.afhoppers. Spider MileS '/5.1/5 OZ. pet haIwII. or ... rniduM may occur.

'.000 sq. h. Nole: Diazinon will not control organop/1ospha .. resistant 1ea.rnirMH's.

Sweet Corn Cutworms 4-8 6bs. per act. 8roadcut tull before planIing and invnedlalely Incor-or porate into.he soii. (See SoiIlncorpora.ion Nolo.)

1 'h-3 oz. per '.000 "I. h.

Seed Corn Maggots 4-8lbs. per acre BroadcaSlluSi betor. planling and Immediately ,neor· ... porate tnle In. top 2 inches of SOtI . 1'h-3 oz. per '.OOOsq. h.

Wireworms 6-8 Ibs. per Icre BroadCaSt JUst befof'e planting and immechalely mcor· ... porlle InlO the lop 4-8 inches of soli . 211.-301. pM

'.000 sq. h.

Corn Earworms 2-2'12 Ibs, per Appty when silks Ii,. appur. Repeat appticalion every aera 7 days up to. maximum of 5 apphcations, •• necessary. ... ¥C.1 oz. per

'.000 SQ. ".

Corn Leaf AphidS ,·2101. per Icre Apply in suffiCient water to provide completl coverage to ... thl upper portions 01 the plants. Repea. IfI 7 days .t 2/s-'/.oz. per necessary. Do not make more than 5 applicatIOns per '.000 sq.". souon.

GraSShOPpers. SpIder Mites. 1 lb. per Icre Apply as msects: occur. Ropeat if necessary, but do nol FfeabeeUes or mike more tht;15 applications per season.

2/5 oz. per 1.000 SQ. ft. ,

SapS"'les 2·2 1h Ibs. per Consult kx:alagncutturalauthollhes for proper liming 01 acr. application. Aepealappltcahon In 7 days. I' necessary.

or 00 not make more IMn 5 applicatIOns per season \, •. 1 oz. per '.000 sq. h.

Nol •• : (1) To protect bees. do nOf apply foharly 10 corn dunnglhe poUen shed penod. (2) Allow a mlnUT~umot 7 days between lhelaSi appltcatlOn ana grazing or cunlng lor forage (3) Corn may be PICked 7 days after the "51 appkauon

5_ WirewormS. Flea Beetles &-SIbs. pet Icre Brcade&Sl;U1I before planting and Immechalely Incor· PoIatoes ... pam. IntO 1M top 4-8 inches 01 soli .

2V.·3oz. per '.000 sq. ".

SWISS Chard Cutworms 4-81bs. per acre Broadcast JU" betorw planting ancllmrMdlalely Incor· or porate inlo the SOil. (See Solll.lcorporabon Note)

1 '12-3 oz. per

'.000 SQ. "

Wlr8WOrms 6-I1bs. peracr. BroadCaSt Just before planting and Immediately Incor· ... potlte into the lop 4-8 inch.s Of SOil . ?V.·30z. per '.000 SQ. h.

Aphid:!. Corn Earworms. 1f.J:01 lb. per Icr. Apply as ,"sects occur. Repeat appllcltlOn. as Imported Cabbageworms. or necess.ry. UD 10 Slimes. With I minimum ot 7 days Dllmondback Molt.s. '/,"2/"Ol. per between appa.catLOns

I HarleQuin Cabbagebugs 1.000 SQ. n. Do not aPf)tywllhlO 14 days ot !'Iarvest or Illegal reSidues

may occur ----

17 ..21

Page 18: 100 - Lf INSECTICIDE



Doz.n'" diazinon SOW

Crop I Pe •• Rate ~imingiSpec;,.1 Oirections

Tomatoes Cutworms 4·8 IDs. per acre tJroadcast Just betore planting and Immediately Incor· or par '8 Into the soli. (Sle SOlllncorporallOn Note)

l lh·301 per 1.000 sq. f1 -

Mole CricketS 21M. per acre Apply to plant beds 1-': days betOie planMg and or Immediately Incarpe(ate Into the top '·2 IRcnes 01 5011.

If. oz per 1.000 sq h.

Wlre'NOr,ns 6·8 Ibs. per acre BroadCast lust before planting and Immediately InCOI-0< porate Into the lOp 4·8 Inches of SOtl.

2V.·30z. per '.000 sq. ft.

AphidS. Otplerous laafmlners 112 tb. per acr, Appty as trisects appear. Aepea, app&tcaltOn atter 7 days. or it necessary. Do not mU8 r. ore than 5 apphcahons per

'Is oz. per 1.000 season. sq. h. 00 not appty Within one day of harvest 01 Illegal residues

BanQed Cucumber Beettes, ~·1 ttl. pet acre mlYOCCuf. Fa" Armyworms. or Not.: Oiazinon wNl noI control organophosphate-Southern Armyworm~. 3/, 0-2/5 oz. per re".stanlleafminers. BeeI Almyworms '.000 SQ. ft.

Vtneg.ar Flies (Drosophll. spp.) 1,'2·11f2lbS. per acre

or '/s·J/! oz. pet' 1.000 sq. h.

Turnips Cutworms 4-8 Ibs. per acre Broadcast JUst before planllng and Immedlalely ,ncor· (Roolsand or porate,nto the sot!. (See SOillncorporal.on NOle.) Tops) l'h·30z. per

1.000 SQ. ft.

Mole Cnckets 2 Ibs. per acre Apply to plant beds or fields 1·2 days before planting and 0< immedlate6y Incorporate Into the top 1·2 ,nche~ of 'Wd.

lI .. oz. per 1.000 SQ. ft.

Wireworms 6-8 Ibs. per acre BroadCast JUst before planting and wnrnedlatety Incor· 0< porale into the top 4-8 inchesot SOtI.

21f .. ·30z. per 1.000 sq. ft.

Aphids. Flea Beel~s. 'h·' lb. per acre Apply as InseclS occur. Repeat appliCation. as Dipterous Lealmmers 0< necessary, up 10 5 t'mes, Wllh a m.nu'!'lum or 7 days

'/5..1/5 oz. per between appticatlOns. 1.000 sq. ft.

00 not apply WIthin 14 days of harvest or Illegal residues may occur.

Notl: Di.ulnon Will not control organophosphate-

I res.stant 1.lfmtners.

MUlhroom Hou ...

Mu.hroom til .. (PhoJt:fa Ind s.c:lartda) Mil( 4-5Ib,. of O.z.n ChUlnon 5lJN in 50 galton, of water and spray on outsldl Il"!d WI" waNl, ftocn and sldeboarcb of mushroom houses aft ... corr.post nas been pastlurlzed by hUllng. AIIO spfay over 11'11 plaStIC covering In. beds a!"lCllrays atle, spawning. Note: Do not eprwy the compcm. To noId U .... reeJduM, dO notappJy morw than 3 appMcatton. to mulhroom hou ... per crop.

'nth. plant ... bOx, mil( With SHd u a dry mixture. Slirshghtly uSlnga meJ[ingstlCk. 00 NOTMIX WITH BARE HANDS. Trl.onfythose seeds needed fer Immachat. us .. mInimizing the interval between ttHtment and planting. 00 not.". bCftS Ir.aled Ned brfond planting llml. Exposed treated seeds may be hazardOus 10 buds and other wlktti ... Dispose of ~ t,.ated Ned by bunal away from bodiet of WIlt.,.

Not •• : (') If seed"u not beln treated wit" a fungICide. use an EP~ered fungtcicIe combination With D.z.n maztnOn 5f1N II ratlSmdlCAladonth.fungtclo.package. FlflurelOusaafungicidemayresuttininjuryto.helMd. (2) tf.". Had Ir ... mentinc,. .... t". rnctMJn bMWeIn 18101 sufficienlly 10 r~ In. rata of delivery I"rouoh I'" pta".." 'h oz. of graphtte per bushet IHCIshould blaOdeCJ u a drllllubrtcanl. AdJuSllhe pianlet' to give the "-QUlred rat. 01 MId deWery wrth the trHtld seed. (3) ltealed seed ,,,uS1 not be used tor or m''(ed 'Mth food or animal feed 01' processed tor oit

C<>m SNdcorn Beetle· Mi. 3 oz. per bushel or ::oed.

Com. Succulent Pea .. and SuccutenlBMnl SMdcorn Maggot· MIX '/2 01 per bushel or seed.


REI·24 hoUflI

Apply 5011 lind bltlr aooheatlOnS 01 O.z.n dlulnon SaN In suttlClInt wltar to ansur. lhorouqh ccrveraqe tot toloar awheillons. Obse ..... staledtlmalntervlls befween lasllppltclllOfIlr>d harve!lt. a5 weft as Intervals bafwNn applICatIOn!> anCl total number 01 ap­pliCAtIOns that can be midi perl •• son:


Page 19: 100 - Lf INSECTICIDE


O-z.n'" diazinon SOW

P ... ·H.rvest Interval, (PHI ~) For Foliar Application.

Crop L PHI----------------------------.~-----------------,.------------------


s_U~ga~r_B_e_el_s _______________________________ ~ ____________________ I_. ____________________ _

• PHI :II: Pre-Harvest Inlerval or Ihe number at days [)etween the last applicatIOn and harvest

Crop Pest Ra'. Timing/Special Directions

Hops AphUjS. SPIder Miles 2 Ibs per acre Apoly as pests occur. Repeat applications. If necessary in 14 days. Do not make more than 4 appttcatlons per season or apply Wln'un 14 days of harvest or Illegal re!.KIuas may occur.

Sugar Beets Wireworms 6-8 Ibs. per acr. BroadtUI JUst bet ..... ptanltng and Immediately lneOt-pora.e .,,10 the top 4-6 inches of soli.

00 noc apply mote Ihan 8 Ibs. 01 this Product tllthe $O~. par season.

Beet LeafhOppers. Dipterous IN·llb. per acre Apply as tnsects occur. RepeallpphcallOn. as Laafmlnel$. Aphids necessary, up to 5 limes per season With a minimum of

7 days between apphcalions.

00 noI apply Within ,. days of harvest.

Nota: Oiazinon wtN not control organophOsphate-reStstam teafmlner5.

GrasshOPpers 1 lb. per acre Apply as InsectS occur. Repeal application. as necessary. up to 5 tllnes per season With a minimum 01 7 days between apphcallOns.

00 nOI apply wlll'lln 14 days 01 harvest.

Note: Tops may be led 10 beef and dairy animals.

Grassland InHets

Ditch aenka, Roedslde., 'NIIst.lend. Nonc.rop Aree .. a.mer Strip. Grasshoppers: Apply If.·, lb. pet" acre In suHictel"lt waler or 011 to obla,n lhorough coverage wl'lMl Insects first appear. preferably In

th. nymphal stage.

00 nOl graze ot' u$IIlreat'ld grass tor food or feed

Sheep "Ticks" (Keds), liee Htghgallonage. high pressure $pray. Mix'/2 lb. In 100 gals. 01 water. ar:d apply at Ihe rate of 1 gal. per animal

Low gallonage. low pressure spray: M.x 1 lb. In 100 gals. of water. Appty at the rate 01 1 QI. per antmal.

SPflnkler Can· MIx 1 oz. In 6 gals. of water. Crowd sneep InIO a small pen and sprinkle I QI. of this mixture o .... e' the head. neCk. lOp . .ind Side 01 eaCh sheep. Sllr or agitate mixture frequently.

Note: 00 not slaughter Shefi'p wlth,n 14 days atter treatment Repeal iSppllCatlOns as necessary.

Fly Control I" Livestock Structu,.a

Fly control In barns and animal Sle.pmg Quarters (excePt dairy barns, milk rooms, and poultry houses).

RHkluel S".: R.mo ...... a"lImals from bUildings ot' cor,..ls prior to trl;latmer.1 and keep animals out IOf at leasl .. hours M,x 2 Ibs 01 D.z·n dlUtnOO SfN/ln 25 gats. of wat~f and appfy as an overall spray to ceilings anll walls of "vestocll' sheds, call barns. hog berns, 1031'"9 sheds, and other farm bUllljlngs .xcept poultry houses. dairy barns. and f'''ulk rooms Areas where fhes congregate. such 3$ garbage dumos and COlrals. shOuld besprayea Ihot'oughly. Longer r.Sldual contrOl may be obtained by Increaslnglhe rate 104 ttls. In 25 gals. of waler ApphcatlOns should be made to po,"1 01 runoff One gal of the above spray ShOuld CoYet" from 350·750 sq. tt 01 afee, depending on the surfac.Ueated. RepealapphcatlOfls as fly populatIOns warrant.

aelt SPrayI: MIX 11'1. aopropfl~le amounl of D·z·n dlazlnon 50N wllh 1 Ib of sugar (or 2 cups of syrup or moIaS58s, lor the deSired apphcahon

Fot knapsack ot' Similar type spt'ayer. mix III lb. w.lh the sugar In 2'/2 gals. 01 waler e.,d spoe Ireal ar.as Irequenled by Ihes IncludIng cracks, crtMCes, dOorways. around WindoWs, Of other areas wher.lhes congregate. Repeet appkcatl()ns as tly populatIOns warrant

Fot spnnkltng can apphUlM)n. "'IX 2 oz. wllh 11'1., sugar In 5 gals 01 wat ... and sprinkle hghlly 0\1&1' Ih. floot' In areas frequenled by flies AppheahOM every day Of I 'NO Will generalty be reqUired. '

00 I'lOI contaminate milk. feed. dnnklng water, or appfy 10 animals or poultry 00 noI use In edlb!e product areas 01 food processlrlQ plants or other erees wh.r. food IS commercla'lY prepared or proces!l'ed 00 not use In dwellmgs.

InlMCt Control on Omamental'

REf. i2 hOUr,

To conlrOi cenaln Insects on ornamenlals. such as Arborvitae. Azalea. Birch, BoXwood. Camellia. Carnation. Chrysanthemum Douglas Fir. Elm. GladIoli Ha"NIhorn. Hotly. Ju",PIf't. lilac. locust. Maple, Oak Pine. Or~afTlenlat Phm. ~Iar, Rhododendron. Rose. Spruce. anI:! Willow aDply 11'1. recommended rales Indlcaled below Try 10 spray unaers.de of l .. a .... l!' .. and penelf"'e dense fohage

11 o2(

Page 20: 100 - Lf INSECTICIDE

D·z·"!! diazinon SOW

Amount of D.zon dladnon sow to u.. R8te per R.'.per

I"Heta 3 gala. WIIter 100 gal •. wa •• ,

Apl'udS. Bagwofms. Carnation Bud Miles. CarnaltOn Shoot Mites. Clover Miles. Cyclamen Mites. O'P"lrOUS Leatmmers. European Pine Shoot Moths. European Red Mites. Flea Beetles, Holly Bud Moths. LeafhOppel$. Obsc:ur. Root WeevilS. OmmvofO\OS leaf"ers, 'hOl. lib. Pri .... ' Miles. Scale Crawlers (cononycushlOn, Lecar'llum. Pine Needle. San Jos., $rift). Thrips. T~Spomtd Spider Miles, Jumper Webwotms, WMeHies

AppI.and·Thorn Skelelonlzers. Cotoneaster Webworms, Fall Webwonns, Hemtock 11h oz. 3lbs. Chonn ••. Oak Loopers. 0bI0queb0nded L_1er>, Pear Slugs. rent COI_lors

Nol.: Do not ... on Fern .. PoIn_". _ ... ......,.. _ ...... _n". _ ...... ry 10 !he ptonta may _Uf. Mkno ...... ,b anna: Mix '12 oz. In 3 gals. of ...... (Of 1 lb." 100 galt. 01 water, end apply as a Il1OIOugh lohar spray when adults first appear. Maka • second and lhifd aPP'icanon I' 4 5 ..,.. intervat •.

Lown PHI ~roI (E>a:ludlng Sod _ ..... Golf eou .... j PrecauDOn5: BitrJs. espeoaJlyweleflrJwl,lHcMgOlcRtkingon UNIed.,..sm~o.lcilled. AppIyrtJlSproductonlyas ~on tltlS label. Because d",. m98fOtY "-bits 01 Cet1:Ml MlNrlowI, do not apply in Haauu County, IV_ 'Ib.'* beIwHrn NUrIWnIJef , 8IKJ U" 2Q Do not ucNd maxImUm f)fIm'WtI«llabtl ".s. ~,.,., MJc:Wi lhO$e recomtnllllXMd &lgnmcantlyinctNse potential hazaras to birds. esp«;ially waterfcNtl. NoKJ cwM& , .~ ~ If 1ft""", i .... ducks ex grN3e, can be •• ptM;II(I to enter trHlet1area atrer trHrmem (utept spot trHtmenls), 1ft"""'" with .t INsI 1/4 inch waIIrf itrJmeGiaraly atrw ~Iion. I'IC.IwWer. slOP Imgloon ~ pudclling OCCUIS.

To control pests listed belOw. ajJply specified rates.

_,ooooq.H. D·z.n

dlulnon Pe ... SOW Walor

Lawn Chin~h Bugs 2-3 oz. 3 gals.

Ants. Armyworms. Bermudagrass Mites. 30l. 3gals. ClaYer Mites. $prl"pls (CDilembola). Crickets. Cutworms. Digger WUps. Earw"1s' Frit Flies. Lawn Bilibugs. LeafhOpperS. Sod Webworms. (Lawn MOIhS). Sowbugs (Plllbugs,. Brown Dog TickS. Chiggers. Fleas

Hype-rodeS Weevils 30z. 3 gal •.

MillipedeS 30z. 3 gals.

Ahodesgrass Scales 30.. 3 gals.

White Grubs. (Japanese BHtle Larvae. 30z. 3g11S. E.uropean Chaler. Southern Chafer)

NulNnc. ~ata In Oulltel. Are ..

Rltel1000 ~. ft.

Amounl oID·z·n -"-... SOW WaIOf

Ants. BoxeM;ler Bugs. Brown Dog Tic.ks, 30z. 3 gal •. Chiggers. Clover Miles. Cockroaches. CrICkets. EalWl9S. Flees. Flies. Millipedes. Sowbugs (Pillbugs). $pIders. Spnngtads (CollambQIa)

Fire Ants 2 Ie.,

I None .poon. I

10. 5~ls •

_rico Use higher rate tor longer residual control and In turt-grass 0' dense growth such as $1. Augustine.

Spot spray ant hills and wasp ground nest ope!"l.ngs. For digger wasps. IPPIy product at dusk when waSDS are not 'elM.

For frit "",5. n'IOW' grass and water '.'fe" before treatment. but deI.y appbcataon until grass IS dry.

Do not apply to anlmats.

For brown dog lICks. spray grass and under shl ubbery.

Treat problem .,.t's In mld-Apnl and again," mloj-May.

Apply when crlwte,., 'Irstemerge.

Appty any time belWeen lat. July and early October.

Rem_ -

Spray 'llflndow and doof SCreens. $IllS. 10undallOns. porch and patIO WIllis. entranceways, walkS. garbage cans. tr" trun . .s, and InlO crackS and other plac.s where Insects can h.,.. To pr ...... nt these pests from enl","g the hOuse. spray a 5-i00i band of ground around the hOuse nex1 to the founda-tion, and spray the foundallOn 01 the house to a hetght 01 2 to 3 n Repeat applicatIOn es necessary

Nole: 00 net appty 10 anlmats. 00 not aooty to plants (except t," trunks es noted aI:loYe) at 11'115 nUisance pest rate.

Eventy apt)fy thiS product In 1~.5 dry. undiluted stale OYftl each ,.,. ant f'nOI.nd

Appty f gal. of sotuhon 10 each mound by sprlnkhng the mou~ and the Imm&«:hat.J surrounding are. until wet Apply gantt;' to aYOtd dl!tl.bulln9 ants

Note: For best ,.,ults. aW·,n cool weather !60·80"F. or.n ~1I'ly morning 01 I.te attemoon wonen the a.,ts ttre most active Treat new mClunds as tt" "t'( appear

Page 21: 100 - Lf INSECTICIDE

) I


O.z.n'" diazinon SOW

Storage and Disposal 00 not contamlnafe waler. rood, or teed by storage or dlspo!al. Open d'lmpmg IS prohlblled.

Peatkid.: Pesticide wastas .re tOXIC. Improper dtsposal ot excess pest.eIM. spray ml)llure. Of nnS'lle IS a violation of Federal law. II pestICide. spray mlxlure. or nnsalS! cannot be disposed of by use according 10 labellnstructlOfls, contact your Siale Pest clde or Environmental Conuol Agency. or 1~8 Hazardous Waste rept'es8nlatlv8.t the nearest EPA RegIOnal OHIC8 lor gUidance.

Container: Compfelely amply bag IntO ",ppllcahon eQuipment. Then dispose ot empty bag In a sanitary lanaflll or by inCineration. or, II allowed by ~Iata and local authorities. by burning. Slay out of SMe ke trom burning container.

For minor sp~s, leaks, elC., fOllow all precautions indicated on thiS label and cklan up Immediately. Take special tare to ilyold con· tamlnatlOn 01 equipment and facllllles during claanup and disposal 01 wastes. In lhe event of a map spill, fire, or OIher emergency, caM 1-800 Bea 8372, day Of n19M.

Precautionary Statements Hazard, 10 HUMIn. Md Oomntlc Anima ..

CAUTION Harmful if swallow6d, inhaled, 01 abSQrt)ed through Sktn. Do not: breathe dust or spray mist. AVOId conlact wllh skin, eyes, and clothing. AVOldcontanll.l8ItOnollOOdand'Hd. t<aepout of reach 0' domestIC anlmats. 00 notuseon humans cw pets. 00 not con­taminata ornamlntal fish ponds. Be sure 10 read.nd follow "Work Sa'ety Ru~s" appearang in this booklet.

Sl8tement of Pnctk:al 'hatmen' This product is an organophospnale.

If "'Iow.d: Call. phYSICian or Poison Control Canter immediately. Drink 1 or 2 glasses ot wlter and N1duce YOmltlng by touching back of throat With finger. Repeal unl. VOfnIt ftuld is clear. Do nOllndU(.;e vomiting OIgtve anything by mouth II person is UnconSCIOUS or conwtsing.

It tnhaled: Remove vldim to Iresh alt. Appty anl'lCial resplJalion If indicated. Get medical anenhOn.

It on Iktn: Remove contaminated clO1hl1"l9 and wasn a"ected areas thoroughly With soap and water. Get medlc-al anenllOn.

If In eyu: Flush eyes With plenty ot water. Call a phYSIC.an If irnlatiOn dlWelOps or persistS.

Nol. to PhyaIcl8n: If symptoms ot chollnest.rase inhibitIOn are presal'lll. atropine sulfat. by '"lectH)n IS .. n!ldetal. 2-PAM·s also a"!ldOlai and may be administered, bul only in conJunction WI1h alroptne.

Personal Protective Equipment AppllCltOflt and olher hand I.,. mua. wear:

• Long-sleeYed shirland long pa"ts

• Shoes plus socIcs

• Waterproof gtoyes

Follow manufacturer's ir,51rUCilons for cleanmglmaintall'lll'lg PPE. If no such instructions lot" washabtes. ;;sa detergent and 1'101 water. Keep and w.sh PPE separarety frem other laundry.

Engineering Control Statements When handlers use clOsed systems. endlJsed cabs. Of atfcratt In a manner thai meets lhe reQ,memenls hsted In tM Worker Pro­tectIOn Standard (WPS) for agncultural pestICideS 140 CFR 170.240 (d) (4-S»). lhe hand I., PPE reqUIrements may be reduced or modified as specified Withe WPS.

u ... Sa'.ty Recommendations u....ohoukt

• Wash hands be'ore aatang. drinking, chewtng gum, uSing lobacco, or USing Iha tot'et

• Remove ctattling Immedlalely If putlCide ge" insIde. Then wasn Ihoroughty and pul on clean C1 ""'Ihlng.

Envlronmen .. HID. This product is hlghty toxIC to birds, fish. and other Wildlife. Birds. especlalty 'Nateriowl, fMt1tng Of dnnk'ng on Irealed areas may bfI ktUeCl. Because of tM mqatory hlbttS 0' AllantlC Coast weterfowt. do not.ppty thIS pmdud: to lawns In Na$Slu County, New 'rork. betwHn NcNember 1 and MIY 20.. 00 not .lICHCI maxtmum permitted IaMi rates. Rlt.s lbove those recommended SIC)I'II'icantty tnerelM peN_nUl nazards to birds and W.leriowt. Avoid overtappng of sprays. On lawns, II watef1owt. , I., ducks or geese, can be expected in the treatld .rel att., t,eatmlnt (elCClPl spol trNtment). apply a rntntmum 01 'I. Inch 01 water tmmedlatefy afterlPPfY'ngthis product. Stapllng.tlOn befor. puddltngoccurs. f<Mpoutof IakH. screams. ponds. tidal marsnes, ancl •• uanlS. 0") not ~ directly to ","ar, to .reas wherlaurface Wlter IS prnenI. Of to inlertKlal.,.. •• below Ihe mlan hHJh WItter mark. Drift and runoff may be hazardOus 10 lQuallC organisms in neighbOring areas. Shnmp Ind c'ab may be kllfed It appIicahon ralH rlCOlTW'l'endlCl on Ihls laba" 00 not appty where fish, shnmp, crab. and other IQUltlc hf. ar. Imponanl rHOUfCH. [\0 not contamtnat. WIIter by claan'ng of equ!pl'Mf'll or disposal of IQUlprMnI wasn wallrs.

This pntlCtde i. hfghty toxIC 10 ben exposed 10 dtract treatment or 10 r.,ldue. on blOOmtng crop. or weeds. 00 not appty thiS pesttcide or lilow ft to dnl'lto bloo"ung crops Of weeds .f bees ar. VtlltMlg the tr.atment: ar'l.

PhyoIcaI or C_lllaZllrdo 00 noll UH. potIf. sptll. Of store nelf he. or open "Ime

O·z.n~ trademark of Clba-Gel9Y CorporatlOrl

(::1994 Ciba-GfItQy Corpal['lOn

Ciba Crop Pl'OfactlQrl Ciba-Getgy Corpor.tlQn Greensboro. Nor1h Carolina 21419 CGA 1l66N 094

.,/ -'-,