101 Recipes in a Flash

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  • 8/13/2019 101 Recipes in a Flash


  • 8/13/2019 101 Recipes in a Flash


    101 Recipes ina Flash

    A . Douglas

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  • 8/13/2019 101 Recipes in a Flash



    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmittedin any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical,including photocopying, recording, or by anyinformational storage or retrieval system withoutexpress written, dated and signed permission from theauthor.


    The information presented herein represents the view ofthe author as of the date of publication. Because of therate with which conditions change, the author reservesthe right to alter and update his opinion based on thenew conditions. This book is for informational purposesonly. While every attempt has been made to verify the

    information provided in this book, neither the author norhis affiliates/partners assume any responsibility forerrors, inaccuracies or omissions. ny slights of peopleor organi!ations are unintentional. "f advice concerninglegal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully#ualified professional should be sought.

  • 8/13/2019 101 Recipes in a Flash


    Word from the Author

    $ast year, " would have said that %&% recipes isn't a very big list at all."t sure doesn't sound like a lot()oes it*

    " mean, of course you can go onto any internet search engine today,type in +dinner recipes, and watch ten million results pop up(-o amere %&% recipes is nothing, right*

    Well, hold on. This is not your typical recipe book.

    "ll tell you right now, "m not a professional chef or ever worked in akitchen lthough, " might consider getting into gourmet cooking

    when " retire.

    0y first love is business(and then food1

    $et me tell you why " wrote this book, especially with 234 in mind5$ike many people today, " run my own online and offline businessesthat " manage, dayin and dayout. "t gets #uite tiresomesometimes, and theres no other way to cap off your day than with abig meal. But, making myself a meal was out of the #uestion6 "

    never had the patience or experience to cut, mince, dice or blend(inother words, cook myself a meal that probably takes an hour toprepare and cook, then another half hour to indulge my creation. 3r"ll end up 7ust finding a local fast food 7oint, which also takes a lot oftime and money.

    -o, " did some research one day for some #uick and easy recipes "could make in a snap. 4nfortunately, the only #uick and easy meals "could find were burger, fries and pi!!arelated recipes(meals " like

    once in a while, but not every day.

    " wanted great tasting meals, made in a #uick and efficient amountof time. The type of meal youd see on television made by 8meril$agasse or Bobby 9lay6 and yet created in a short amount of time like"ron :hef1 ;under an hour

  • 8/13/2019 101 Recipes in a Flash


    kept in mind was, +how can " turn these intricatelymademeals into%&% #uick and easy recipes* %&% 7ust sounded like a catchy numberto me(

    0y goal was set and " tried a new recipe everyday = creating themeal and then finding a way to shorten the recipes directions.

    By the time " got to, somewhere around >?, " reali!ed %&% is oneheck of a number. >@(A&(>(C&(finally, %&% #uick and easy mealsfor me to use when " have an empty stomach.

    -o what youll find here is a collection of uni#ue, original, andtraditional recipes that were recreated to be made in @& minutes or

    less, and still taste great1

    :onsidering the months " put into this pro7ect, and knowing how hardit was to compile these, " feel pretty confident in saying that there'snever been, nor will ever be, a better collection of fast and easy tomake recipes than what you're about to read.

    "nstead of reading these one after another after another and creatingthese recipes in order, you should mix it up a bit. Try a D> today

    and maybe DEC tomorrow(:ombine meals D@> and D%&% for youand your significant other.

    But any way you choose to approach this list, " hope you'll have funreading it. nd if you're ready, here are ONE HUNDRED AND ONEMea! "# a $LASH...

  • 8/13/2019 101 Recipes in a Flash



    Frep and :ook Time5

    ?> min.

    "ngredients5G ;Ao!.< boneless pork chops% tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary%/G teaspoon salt%/E teaspoon ground black pepper? tablespoons olive oil% shallot, peeled and minced

    %/@ cup beef broth%/@ cup orange 7uice

    )irections5-eason pork chops with rosemary, salt and pepper. Heat oil in a largeskillet over mediumhigh heat. dd chops and cook until brownedand cooked through, about > minutes per side. Iemove to a servingplatter and cover to keep warm. dd shallots to the pan6 sautJ untilshallots are soft. dd broth and orange 7uice, scraping to remove any

    browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Boil until li#uid is reducedby half, about @ minutes. Four over pork chops and serve garnishedwith extra rosemary.

  • 8/13/2019 101 Recipes in a Flash



    Frep and :ook Time5

    ?E min.

    "ngredients5% lb. ground beef%/? cup chopped onion%/? cup drained mushrooms%%/G cups condensed :ream of 0ushroom soup%/G cup water, red wine or beef broth%/? cup sour cream

    )irections5"n a fry pan, brown the ground beef and onion6 drain well. -tir inmushrooms, soup and water. :over and simmer for %>?& minutes.-tir in sour cream6 heat through, but do not boil. -erve over noodlesor rice.

  • 8/13/2019 101 Recipes in a Flash



    Frep and :ook Time5

    @& min.

    "ngredients5G to A boneless, skinless chicken breasts% lg. 7ar spaghetti sauce of choice? cups grated mo!!arella cheeseFarmesan cheese-alt, pepper, garlic9ettuccine noodles

    )irections5Krease large casserole dish. -eason chicken breasts with salt,pepper and garlic. Flace flat in casserole dish. Bake for ?& minutesturning once. Four spaghetti sauce over chicken and sprinklegenerously with mo!!arella cheese. Bake until bubbly and cheese hasmelted. Frepare noodles according to directions and serve chickenand sauce over noodles. Top with grated parmesan cheese.

  • 8/13/2019 101 Recipes in a Flash



    Frep and :ook Time5

    ?E min.

    "ngredients5@%/? pounds fresh chicken legs? tablespoons olive oil? tablespoons 7erk seasoning? limes, 7uiced


    Freheat oven to G&&L. Brush chicken with oil and sprinkle with Merk-easoning. Flace in a shallow roasting pan and bake @& minutes oruntil cooked thoroughly. -prinkle with lime 7uice and serve hot.

  • 8/13/2019 101 Recipes in a Flash



    Frep and :ook Time5

    % min.

    "ngredients5% ;%A ounce< package wide egg noodles? ;> ounce< cans chunk chicken, drained? ;%&.> ounce< cans condensed cream of mushroom soup%/? teaspoon garlic salt%/? teaspoon ground black pepper


    Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. dd pasta and cookfor E to %& minutes or until al dente6 drain. Ieturn pasta to pot withchicken, soup, garlic salt and pepper overmedium heat. Heat through, > minutes.

  • 8/13/2019 101 Recipes in a Flash



    Frep and :ook Time5

    ?? min.

    "ngredients5G to > medium potatoes, peeled and cubed%/@ cup onion, chopped% envelope ranchstyle dressing mix ;% ounce minutes

  • 8/13/2019 101 Recipes in a Flash



    Frep and :ook Time5

    %E min.

    "ngredients5%%/? pounds fresh boneless, skinless chicken breasts, see cookingtip section%/G cup cornmeal? tablespoons chili powder% teaspoon cumin%/E teaspoon salt

    %/E teaspoon ground black pepper? eggs, beaten? tablespoons vegetable oil

    )irections5Found chicken breasts between ? pieces of plastic wrap or waxedpaperto about Oinch thickness6 set aside."n a shallow dish combine cornmeal, chili powder, cumin, salt andpepper. )ip chicken breasts in beaten egg, then into cornmeal

    mixture. Heat oil in a large, nonstick skillet over mediumhigh heat.dd chicken and cook on both sides until golden and no longer pinkinside, about %& minutes total.

  • 8/13/2019 101 Recipes in a Flash


    %%. *RUNSWIC( STEW

    Frep and :ook Time5

    %G min.

    "ngredients5% chicken ;> lbs. minutes. "f desired, thicken with flour mixed with cold water.-erves E.

  • 8/13/2019 101 Recipes in a Flash


    To Read More

    You can Download the Full Collection

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    The Easy Recipes eBook Collection

    Includes 24 eBooks

    100 Beef Jerky Recipes, 100 chineserecipes, 101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes,101 Chicken Wing Recipes, 101 Recipes In A!ash, 1"# Beef Recipes, 1#0 Appeti$ersRecipes, 1#0 Bread %achine Recipes, 10'outhern Recipes, (00 ish and 'he!!)ishRecipes, (1( *i$$a Recipes, (#0+hanksgiing Recipes, "00 Chicken Recipes,"#0 'a!ad Recipes, "( BB- .ri!! Recipes &101 +ips or Outdoor Cooking, /00 'eafood

    Recipes, /0 Crock)pot Recipes, A Co!!ectionof asy to %ake 'a!ad Recipes, 2e!iciousIta!ian 2ishes , 3o4 +o Cook ish 5ike aChef6, *asta *erfetta , -uick And asyCooking , 'oup Recipes , +hai Recipes

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