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i Contents

ii ForewordbyJeffreyHoffman,Ph.D.

iii LunarHabitationbyMadhuThangavelu

01 AboutSHIFTboston

02 Acknowledgments MOON2010_Jury

07 MOONCAPITAL:206908 SHIFTboston2010MOONCAPITALCompetition: WinningProjects Winner: LPS: 206912 Finalist: Liquid Soil14 Finalist: Lunar Base at the Earth’s Moon16 Finalist: Moon Capital

18 SHIFTboston2010MOONCAPITALCompetition: NotablyUnique,Rover,Fun,Energy,Habitat, SelectedProjects

44 SHIFTboston2010MOONCAPITALCompetition: CompetitionEntries

86 MoonBall

90 AfterwordbyBrentSherwood

92 Press

“The moon is a vast waste land. Will we inhabit it? Well, look at Las Vegas.” Jeffrey Hoffman, Ph.D.


J. Henderson, A. Carolina, C. Campos, L. Avila

R. Yeung, O. Karabinech, H. Chang, K. Chu


L. Villegas, E. Duran, N. Aguilar, A. Reves

K. Chi, J. Peñuela, A. Espinosa, C. Tamez, K. Herrera

B. McGee

J. Henderson, A. Carolina, C. Campos, L. Avila

79Competition Entries

D. Baciuska

S. Kumar, K. Gupta

K. Cespedes, T. Suderman, A. Richardson

J. Henderson, A. Carolina, C. Campos, L. Avila


M. McNutt, F. Agren, A. Cole, E. Duray, J. Garvey, J. Gates, J. Hui, B. Imhoff , P. Kim, I. Kong, R. Lim, S. Newcomb, R. Ralston

K. Cespedes, T. Suderman, A. Richardson

L. Zayas

J. Henderson, A. Carolina, C. Campos, L. Avila


Mr. Sherwood leads strategic planning and project formulation for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. His previous work includes leading engineering teams on the production of modules for the International Space Station.

In 1984, Mr. Sherwood took first place in the Honeywell Futurist Awards Essay Competition with three 500-word pieces projecting 25-year advances in computers, aerospace, and the “social, economic, and environmental impact of the technological progress.” Unchanged, this piece is the third essay from that set and, albeit not realized in the intervening quarter century, nonetheless captures the spirit motivating the SHIFTBoston visionaries documented in this book. New worlds still beckon – and hopefully always will – as homes for humanity’s outward expansion.

Mr. Sherwood holds advanced degrees in architecture and aerospace engineering and writes and speaks in fields related to the human settlement of space. Mr. Sherwood served as a juror on the 2010 Moon Capital Competition.

When I look out the window of the shuttle bus on my way home from work, and see Earth as the planet of ocean and cloud it really is, I am struck by what I’ve done. Retired widowers with acute phlebitis are supposed to go fishing in Florida…

But with my extra time and my granddaughter’s computer I started catching up in math. Just about the time I got to group theory and thermodynamics, space began to dominate the news. Between the normal reports of famines and counter-terrorist strikes came a steady stream relating discoveries and breakthroughs, as though for all those generations we had been surviving with only the introduction to the encyclopedia instead of the text!

Suddenly the exciting work in the exciting fi lds was being done in space. Amazing products (including the vein-specific nti-inflammatory medicine I use) and knowledge about the universe and ourselves rained down on us from orbit. When many of the labs were consolidated into Lunar University, I discovered at the instigation of my family that there was ample opportunity on the staff or an aging man with over 40 years’ experience as a machinist, who knew some real math, and who had a vascular disease to be studied in weightlessness.

Languages and mechanical skills are our only “undergraduate” departments; the real meat is graduate research. Most astronomy is done on Farside, while practically everything else is in orbit. The Biocluster runs the research hospital and the closed-ecosystem labs. Computer Science and Physics are far enough away to make use of the cleanest possible vacuum. Cheap superconductivity and free energy are enabling them to bring on line an accelerator orders of magnitude stronger than any in history. Closer to home are the Psycho-Social department and the Material Science cluster, where I work.

You can’t help but see Earth differently from here, and they’re starting to look to us more and more. The planet is hungry enough for the information and technology we produce that our ability to grow and to learn is unbounded. The University has even begun reinvesting directly in Earth, knowing its

Letter to an Old Acquaintancei

By Brent Sherwood



worth to all of us as a unique resource, by purchasing huge regions of critical tropical habitat. Up here we don’t defend against someone else’s nationalism; we defend against anyone else’s terrorism. When your daily life really depends on everyone else, quite soon you come to trust people in a way you never thought you could.

Life is better now than I remember it being before. Information moves so fast that we don’t have to. Most of us alternate semesters in orbit or on the Earth Trojans with semesters on the Moon, where 1/6 g keeps our muscles working (but doesn’t aggravate my phlebitis). Here we all have time, we all have room, and the work I do has never been more appreciated. I can remember wondering if my grandchildren would go into space, but I never dreamed I would be here to welcome them._________________________i Futurics 9:4, p.7, 1985, World Future Society, Minnesota Futurists, St. Paul. Reprinted by permission.


ARTDasKunstmagazin“Weltraumarchitektur Boston”Till Briegleb, November 30th, 2010

CanadianCentreforArchitecture“CCA Recommendation: the SHIFTboston MOON CAPITAL Competition”July 14th, 2010

CNN“Imagine a Moon Base in 2069”Th om Patterson, November 18th, 2010

CommercialSpaceGateway“Moon Capital: A Commercial Gateway to the Moon”Marc Cohen, August 28th, 2010

Inhabitat“Massive Lunar Solar Power Tower Beams Energy to Earth”Timon Singh, October 26th, 2010

ScientificAmerican“Architects Vie to Design the City of the Future--On the Moon.”Cynthia Graber, November 4th, 2010


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