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Copyright © 2014 Armando Rodriguez

All Rights Reserved

You have personal use only rights with this product. You may not resell it, give it away, borrow,

repurpose the content contained within it. This report was written with a lot of thought and

with a lot of passion to help others. No plagiarizing. No copying.

Just read it, do it and thank me later! Thanks for your cooperation.


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Table of Contents Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 3

Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 6

Why Internet Marketers Fail ........................................................................................................... 6

Misconceptions ........................................................................................................................... 6

Information Overload ................................................................................................................. 7

Misinformation Spread by Guru Marketers ............................................................................... 7

Common Denominators of Successful Marketers .......................................................................... 8

Overview of the system ................................................................................................................ 10

Pick Your Market ........................................................................................................................... 12

Pillar #4 Sales Funnel .................................................................................................................... 13

You will create products to sell. PLR or your own. ................................................................... 13

Buy PLR direct from vendor ...................................................................................................... 14

Create unique branding for your products ............................................................................... 15

Create new product covers ....................................................................................................... 15

Buy a domain for each product ................................................................................................ 15

You will host the sales pages on your hosting .......................................................................... 16

Create a new sales page: optional ............................................................................................ 16

Samples of my sales pages ........................................................................................................ 16

Pricing your products ................................................................................................................ 17

Pillar #5 Autoresponder Sequence ............................................................................................... 19

So what is an autoresponder sequence? .................................................................................. 19

What should I write about in the email sequence? .................................................................. 19

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First Email .................................................................................................................................. 19

Solve your prospects problems................................................................................................. 19

Position yourself as an expert even if you are not ................................................................... 20

What autoresponder service is best? ....................................................................................... 21

GetResponse ............................................................................................................................. 21

Pillar #3 Squeeze Page .................................................................................................................. 22

Buy a domain ............................................................................................................................ 22

Buy Hosting ............................................................................................................................... 23

Install WordPress ...................................................................................................................... 23

Install a theme .......................................................................................................................... 23

Install Optimizepress 2.0 ........................................................................................................... 23

Autoresponder set-up ............................................................................................................... 24

The headline on your squeeze page ........................................................................................ 24

Write your "call to action" ........................................................................................................ 24

Add "call to action" arrows ....................................................................................................... 25

Split test your squeeze page ..................................................................................................... 25

How to track conversions? ........................................................................................................ 27

Important formatting rules ....................................................................................................... 27

Pillar #2 Lead Magnet ................................................................................................................... 27

How do I craft a lead magnet? .................................................................................................. 28

Write it yourself ........................................................................................................................ 29

Use PLR ...................................................................................................................................... 29

Get PLR to this report to use as a lead magnet ........................................................................ 29

Outsource it .............................................................................................................................. 29

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Create new artwork for your report ......................................................................................... 30

Pillar #1 Traffic .............................................................................................................................. 30

Paid Traffic or Free Traffic ......................................................................................................... 30

The traffic sources I use most is Solo Ads and PPV advertising ................................................ 31

Solo Ads ..................................................................................................................................... 31

So How Does It Work? .............................................................................................................. 31

Where do you find Solo Ad Sellers? .......................................................................................... 31

Shady Solo Ad Sellers ................................................................................................................ 32

PPV Advertising ......................................................................................................................... 32

Tracking ..................................................................................................................................... 32

Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 33

Final Thoughts ............................................................................................................................... 35

Educational Material ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Marketing Tools ........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Bonus For Being A Loyal Subscriber ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Introduction Hi my name is Armando Rodriguez. I want to thank you for downloading this special report. I

know your time is precious and promise that this reading WILL be worth your time. What you

have in your hands is the framework from which you will use to build your online business. The

system that I will outline is tested, proven, and "bullet proof." It consist of 5 parts.

Before we start with "The 10K Per Month Business Model," I will start by first laying a

foundation for the information you are about to receive. Having a foundation built on stone will

increase your chances to succeed and that is what I want for you.

People wanting to make money online are making a few mistakes. Let's go over some...

Why Internet Marketers Fail Misconceptions

People new to the internet believe they know how money is made on the internet. If you ask

them, "how do you make money online?" they will have an answer. Sadly, this answer is wrong

over 99% of the time.

At some point these folks realize they don't know what they're doing and they get suckered

into buying "push button systems" that promise FAST results and BIG fortunes that require ZERO

money and effort. They buy products and achieve no success then become desperate and easy

prey for guru marketers to buy more of their products. At this point they do not want to build a

real sustainable business because they are frustrated and fatigued and or have been conditioned

or brainwashed to think that they don't need to invest any money or put in real work and effort.

In reality, if you want to start a real business online, it will require "time," "effort," "investment,"

and most importantly "knowledge." This report is going to give you the knowledge, you got to

have the first 3.

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Information Overload

These are good honest hardworking people who do nothing because they become paralyzed

and or overwhelmed with what they have to do. So they do nothing because they do not see a

clear path forward for themselves, they mix and math systems and as a result get marginal or

better yet no results.

Misinformation Spread by Guru Marketers

This is a big one...

Guru marketers are spreading misinformation. That is a bold statement, I know. Some of this

information however is just honestly misguided or outdated but most is purposely designed to

mislead the masses in order to protect their business. Gurus' don't want the threat of

competition from their students or competitors. So they will give you enough information so that

you think you are making progress when in reality you are being set-up to fail. Sad but true.

Let me tell you a story...

"When I first hit a wall with my first website that I launched September 20th 2012, I

realized that making money from this site was not going to be as easy as I first thought. I

basically didn't know what to do. So I started to make a serious effort to learn more about

internet marketing as I believed this would solve my problem.

I found a guru who said all the right things, was very likeable, and demonstrated his deep

knowledge in internet marketing. So I subscribed to his membership site.

In this membership site, he had over 30 videos that covered an array of topics from

ClickBank to PPC to free traffic generation. I quickly started going through these videos

and began to learn. The videos were packed with good useful information and about a

month of watching videos I started to think critically because things were not adding up. I

said to myself,

" how curious... there are a lot of videos on what to do, but none of the strategies

in the videos are about what I see him currently doing in his business?"

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In other words, there was no videos on list building but he had an email list because I

was on his list. No videos on autoresponders, yet he was using an autoresponder

sequence to build a relationship with me. No videos on squeeze pages but was constantly

sending me to opt-in to squeeze pages. In other words his actions didn't match his


I realized, he ONLY revealed what he wanted me to know and deliberately left out critical

information that was necessary for me to truly understand internet marketing. He took

advantage of my ignorance. The longer I remained ignorant, the more money he would


Let me explain something my friend...

If you have failed in the past, it's not your fault. There are a lot of FORCES that want you to fail.

Even some of the people who you are listening to right now want your failure so that you keep

buying their products, or system, or coaching, and or remain a member to their membership

site. The odds are stacked against you. Marketers by in large are a very shady bunch. If you

don't know that yet, you will.

Let's move on...

I want to introduce you to the common denominators of successful marketers.

Common Denominators of Successful Marketers #1 You must be independent

You cannot be a member of some type of system where everything is done for you. In those

systems, the only people making the money are the ones who create the system. Not the

members. In a real online business, you need to have your own hosting, domain, unique landing

pages, products to sell etc... You will learn more about this later. Just remember you must build

your own identity and brand and NOT build the brand of someone else. Got that? I sincerely

hope you do.

#2 You must educate yourself

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Education is a key component to online marketing. What is the biggest difference between the

successful marketer and the failing one? The answer is: Information. The successful marketer

"knows" something that the failing one doesn't. Plain and simple.

#3 You must work hard

Building squeeze pages, sales pages, download pages, setting up your autoresponder, writing

emails and reports takes real work. Sorry for the honesty. If you do not know how to do any of

this stuff, don't worry, no one knows in the beginning. You will learn. Remember you are

starting a business. Also outsourcing can be used to achieve this. Don't worry...

#4 You must spend money

There is no way around this.

If you do not spend money you will achieve marginal or no results. Sorry. Building a real online

business takes real investment. If you do not have money. No problem. Get a job to fund your

online business. Every successful marketer I know personally has spent money to build their

business. I don't know one marketer who did it writing articles.

OK... I have discussed a few of the blocks that you may face going forward.

At this point, I don't want you to look back. Now it's time to pave forward like a raging bull.

Ready? Let's go...

Not so fast...

You're almost ready to learn the 5 pillars but before you put anything to action, I want you to

do 2 things for me.

#1 Unsubscribe from every marketer's email subscription that does not provide valuable

information that is designed to help you achieve your goals and objectives.

#2 STOP buying products. Stop buying the shiny objects that make those false promises.

You are now ready my friend... Let's get on with it. Thanks for your patience. I do appreciate it.

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Overview of the system The system that I will be presenting was not created by me. Rather it was modeled after guru

marketer's own systems. This system consist of 5 moving parts. I use the word "moving"

purposely because you will always change, tweak, modify any one or all of the parts but they

will always exist. You see everything you will do will revolve around these 5 components and

each is a critical element. The logical order of the 5 pillars are:

Pillar #1 Traffic

Pillar #2 Lead Magnet

Pillar #3 Squeeze Page

Pillar #4 Sales Funnel

Pillar #5 Autoresponder Sequence

We will dissect each of these pillars step by step. Although traffic is the first pillar, you will not

start there. You will do traffic last. You will start with Pillar #4 Sales Funnel and work

backwards. A popular marketer said in an interview, "your business lives or dies with your

funnel - The funnel is the guts to your business" I couldn't agree with this more. The sales funnel

is the hardest to master and everything you do going forward will be engineered around the

sales funnel. This is the order you will follow.

Pillar #4 Sales Funnel

Pillar #5 Autoresponder Sequence

Pillar #3 Squeeze Page

Pillar #2 Lead Magnet

Pillar #1 Traffic

This order above is NOT ABSOLUTE. In other words, you will always start with your funnel

but afterwards you can jump to building your squeeze page, then your lead magnet, then finally

writing your emails for your autoresponder sequence, then lastly getting traffic. Everyone

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thinks different. Do what makes most sense to you. The Sales funnel however needs to come

FIRST and traffic needs to come LAST.

Let's continue...

At the end of this reading you will have the foundational knowledge to build a machine that

other marketers will envy. Remember you cannot leave out any of these pillars. Think of this

system as a chain and each pillar as a link. If just one pillar brakes, you will have a broken chain

or a broken system.

In short the system will look like this:

1. You will pick a thriving market that has a strong demand.

2. You will drive traffic to a lead magnet and squeeze page using paid traffic.

3. You will capture the emails of your visitors and build an email list of subscribers.

4. Your new leads will enter your funnel and you will position products in your funnel that

are related to the topic of the lead magnet.

5. You will have an email follow up sequence that is designed to build a relationship and

position yourself as an expert with your subscriber and continue selling your products to

your subscribers.

6. You will segment your email list separating the buyers from the non buyers.

7. You will send more related offers to your buyers. These offers will be your own products

or affiliate products.

8. You will use ad swap traffic to generate more leads to your funnel.

You will also need 3 tools to achieve this strategy:

Landing Page Creator


Tracking Software

You will learn more about these three tools later... Now let's go over which will be the best

market for you.

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Pick Your Market Deciding what market to build your online business in will probably be a difficult decision to

make if you have not yet made it. There are countless books written on this topic and if you are

not currently in a market, it may not be such a bad idea to do some market research to get this


This is what I recommend:

Pick a niche that you are passionate about and that has a hungry buyers today and will have for

the years to come. If you are new to internet marketing, that is sound advice. Good niches are

weight loss/beauty, fitness, health, make money online, internet marketing, personal

development, relationships..... After you become a season pro, you can then jump into other

marketers rather quickly because by then you will have a system that you can duplicate into

other niches. But if you are just starting out, master one niche first, then move on to others if

you want to later.

I'm in the "make money online" and "internet marketing" niches. These two niches are basically

the same. The way I see it is "make money online" is the business model and "internet

marketing" is the tools and strategies you will use in your business model.

I chose these niches because of my passion for the topic or marketing and the idea of helping

other marketers. Marketing has always been fascinating to me from watching Geico

commercials on television to looking at billboard advertisements on the side of roads to

checking out banner ads on blogs and websites. I enjoy reading marketing books. I also enjoy

building web properties like sales pages and squeeze pages and such. Creating these web pages

is an art form which allows me to be creative. These two niches were a perfect match for me.

So take your time, do your research, pick your market, and let's go forward with Pillar # 4 Sales


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Pillar #4 Sales Funnel The sales funnel is by far the most important and most difficult of the five pillars. No question.

The objective of the sales funnel is to CREATE A MACHINE within your marketing by putting

your leads into situations that will encourage them to buy from you within the first 30 days

from the time they became a subscriber. You will do this by strategically positioning products

within your funnel that will help your leads solve a problem that build upon the information in

the lead magnet and sending them communications via an autoresponder sequence designed

to build a relationship and further sell your products.

The idea is to leave nothing to CHANCE, rather leave everything to ENGINEERING. Marketing is

very scientific and when your marketing is done correctly, people will buy from you. The overall

objective is to recoup your investment from the paid traffic and potentially make profit within

the first 30 days. Maybe sooner.

Remember converting cold traffic to sales is a brake even proposition at best.

In order to achieve this, you need the following:

You will create products to sell. PLR or your own.

There is no way around this.

You need products to sell for the obvious reason of making money. Having products on the

market will help position you as an expert thus will create perceptions in the minds of your

subscribers that you are an expert on the subject.

People tend to buy from people who they perceive to know what they are talking about. This is

VERY important to selling online. PERCEPTIONS trump FACT. So don't focus your marketing on

how great your products are, rather focus your efforts on creating perceptions on the minds of

your leads. This is very powerful stuff.

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So these products can be your own personal products that you created or they can be PLR

(private label rights) products that you rebranded. Creating three products is a good place to


So you will have your own products and will use your lead magnet to presell these products. You

however will not do any selling within the lead magnet but it should instead solve a problem

that your prospects are facing. In the lead magnet, you will introduce a new idea or concept or

strategy or bring awareness to a topic. So when you present your products to sell them that

builds upon the information in the lead magnet, they will already be sold because they will

already understand the need for the product. Logical right?


If you're in the weight loss niche. Your three products may look something like this:

1. A report that covers the dangers of toxins, how to avoid them, and how to remove them

from the body.

2. A diet book filled with tasty recipes that are the very diets of well known athletes.

3. Exercises guide that covers a specific sequence of exercises that are commonly

overlooked that yield fast results.

In your lead magnet you could have a chapter on toxins, a chapter on diet, and a chapter on

exercises. It doesn't have to be so absolute but you get the idea. Just as long as the topics are

covered thoroughly. The above is an example only. Nothing more.

Good places to get PLR:





Buy PLR direct from vendor

You can also ask a vendor if they would sell you PLR to their product line. Find great products

that help others, contact the vendor, ask them if they would sell you PLR. Negotiate a price.

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Create unique branding for your products

If your using PLR products, it is paramount you create a new and fresh identity for the products.

You don't want your prospects to Google the name of your product and seeing hundreds of

products in the results page.

Create new product covers

I can't stress this enough, your products not only need to have a new name but need to look

fresh and new as well. We are a "judge books by their cover society" and imagery is very

important in marketing.

Visit these sites for design services:

http://99designs.com/ pretty pricey





Buy a domain for each product

Your products will have a new name. Buy a matching domain. Preferably a ".com" When


LIKE "FACEBOOK" OR "YOUTUBE." REASON: These companies' legal departments are

constantly monitoring domain registrations and will go after violators. If you want to use say,

"www.FacebookTrafficFormula.com," instead us "FBTrafficFormula.com." If you do it this way,

you'll will be fine. At least I think so, I am not a lawyer and I am not giving you legal advice but

this is what I've done and see others do.

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You will host the sales pages on your hosting

Some PLR products will come with sales pages already done. All you need to do in this case is

change the name of the product and update the new product images then upload the sales

pages to your hosting or:

Create a new sales page: optional

You don't have to create new sales pages but I do recommend you do so that you become

experienced creating sales pages. (Serious marketers create sales pages) You can use the sales

copy from the PLR sales page onto your new sales pages as well. We will talk more about how

to create these web properties later. Just know it will be done with OptimizePress 2.0

Samples of my sales pages

If you want to see some samples of my sales pages, check these out:





If you want to see examples of some great looking sales pages, check these out:

http://funnelkit.com/ Emilis Strimaitis is the creator of funnelkit and his sales page is very

impressive. Look at his video testimonials. Top notch quality right there.

http://www.blackfridaybootcamp.com/ Ryan Deiss has some of the best marketing in the

industry and his sales pages always rock. This is the guy I use as a bench mark.

http://imscrapidmailer.com/ Done with OptimizePress 2.0. Very nice design they got


So why are we doing all of this? Isn't easier just to sell other people's stuff?

It may be easier but it is the wrong way. I'll tell you why...

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You need to have complete control of the funnel. When you send traffic to an affiliate offer, in

essence what you are doing is taking your prospect from your funnel to another marketer's

funnel. You don't want to do this for a few reasons:

You don't control the offer. The vendor may take it down without notice or not approve

your request to become an affiliate.

You need to control the redirects or exit traffic of the sale page.

You need the price to be in your control because you will be refining your funnel doing

tests and improvements. Different price points will definitely be something you want to


You need build a buyers list. If you send prospects to affiliate offers, you will get paid for

the sales you generated but you will NOT get the names or emails of the buyers. In this

business, we need to know who are the buyers vs. the non-buyers.

You will lose out on the opportunity to position yourself as an authority. This is

important. Products creators have more authority on the net than affiliates do usually.

This is not so absolute but generally speaking they do.

Once you got the three products complete which includes the graphics, sales pages, download

pages etc... Go to https://www.jvzoo.com/ and register your products there.

Pricing your products

There are a lot of different strategies when plotting your pricing.

I will introduce you to one strategy...

This strategy is based out of proven old school offline marketing called the "tripwire" offer.

What is a tripwire? It is basically an irresistible offer... an offer that is a no brainer for the

prospects to make. They cannot pass up on the offer because the cost is so LOW and the

amount of value is so HIGH.

Why are we doing this?

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You are trying to get buyers even if it's to a low cost product. It has been determined that it is

easier to sell to a buyer than a lead. Remember we are in the business of building a buyers list?

That is our true objective here...

A good price point can be $1.00 to $5.95 to no more than $7.00. The price you pick will depend

on what you are selling. Now you cannot be in the tripwire business as your sole business

model. However, with properly positioned products in your funnel you will make your profit not

from your tripwire offer but from the rest of your product line and affiliate offers. Makes


Sure it does... your tripwire offer is your opportunity to provide massive value, not half ass

value, I'm talking MASSIVE VALUE and build a buyers list. Building a buyers list is the


So remember you are not trying to make a ton of money with your initial products in your

funnel, rather you are using these products to build a buyers list and recover the cost of paid

traffic. You will also have strategically placed up sells to your initial offers. So when someone

buys one of your front end products, they will then receive offers to your up sell for that


You can learn more about a tripwire offer by Perry Belcher. He has some great training on this

topic. Check it out here..



Remember people online DON'T buy PRODUCTS. They buy the MARKETING. The products

themselves don't do the selling. People don't even know what the product looks like until they

buy it. All they see is how the product is presented. The presentation they see is called


Let's move on to Pillar #5 Autoresponder Sequence

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Pillar #5 Autoresponder Sequence So what is an autoresponder sequence?

An autoresponder sequence is a series of prewritten messages that automatically get sent to

your subscribers at a predetermined time. These messages can go as long as 7 days, 14 days, 28

days or however many days you decide.

What should I write about in the email sequence?

You will have a 30 day email sequence that will do 3 things:

Provide value to your subscriber

position yourself as an expert

sell products

First Email

In the first email you will thank your subscriber for downloading your "free offer" and will have

the download link to your lead magnet. Also ask them if they have any questions and welcome

any feedback. Please no hard selling here... just a simple thank you message is fine.


Solve your prospects problems

How exactly do you do that? Ask yourself, "what problems is your market facing"? Then

systematically start writing emails that address these PROBLEMS with SOLUTIONS... your

products will be the solutions.

Think of your emails like it's an extension to your blog.

Also if there is a product or service that can help your lead by all means mention it even if you

have no financial gain. This will also let your subscriber know that you really are looking out for


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You will write a 20 to 30 email sequence building on the information from the lead magnet

further educating your leads.

A prospect needs to be exposed to a product 7 times before they make a buying decision. So in

your autoresponder sequence stay on a topic for 7 straight emails talking about the same

problem and solution. You can also describe the problem differently within your emails.

After 7 days introduce a new problem and solution... again... it doesn't have to be so absolute.

Consider this a guide but stay within this framework.

Don't email your subscriber about any other offers during this time.

If you jump right away into sending out affiliate offers, you will not make a significant or

positive impression on your leads because everyone does that. You'll be just another marketer

in their minds. Therefore your subscribers will have no problem unsubscribing because you

don't mean anything to them. You didn't establish value. You lost your opportunity.

Remember don't be ERRATIC, be FOCUSED in your email follow up sequence. Within the first

month you need to create a perception in the minds or your leads that you are an expert in this


There is NO way around this.

Position yourself as an expert even if you are not

Look at it like this: People buy from people they know, like, and trust. And people buy from

others who they PERCIEVE to be an expert. All you need to know is just a little more than your

subscriber. If you have read 3 books, attended a seminar, watched some video training on a

specific subject, then guess what my friend? You're an expert! Do you realize most people

won't do that? You have to be perceived as an expert especially in the IM niche otherwise no

one will listen to you even if they like you.

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What autoresponder service is best?

There are many services out there but I have found GetResponse to be the go to autoresponder

for serious marketers. GetResponse is my autoresponder of choice.


With GetResponse you will have a premier autoresponder. It is the only top tier autoresponder

that allows you to use single opt-ins. Unlike AWeber that forces subscribers to confirm their

subscription. Why is this important?

From my previous campaigns I have found that over 40% of new subscribers will not confirm

their subscription. I was shocked when I first discovered this. So in essence, you will lose 40% of

your new subscribers immediately. Not very good if you are building an email list right? If you

haven’t yet done so:


Since we will be building an email list, I recommend a comprehensive report on the topic of list

building that will help you find the best strategies. Take a look at it here.. The Email List

Building Blackbook. This report outlines 15 strategies to build an email list. I recommend you

read the report and pick the strategy that works best for you and master it.


If you want to further your education on the topic of email marketing you are in luck, I highly

recommend you check out The Email Marketing Blackbook. This is the most comprehensive

guide you will find on the topic of email marketing. It covers everything from A to Z. Must read!



This email sequence is what takes your hands off your marketing. When you create the entire

machine that you are learning right now, your only responsibility now becomes generating

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traffic which will be easy because you will use paid traffic. When you build your machine and

when it starts to convert, it's a hand-off operation.

Pillar #3 Squeeze Page A squeeze page is a single web page that gives the visitor one option. That one option is to

enter their information in the box provided or leave the page. When it come to squeeze pages

you have many options. This is what I recommend:

First, I'm not a fan of monthly subscriptions and I don't like free services that give you ready

websites that are hosted on some companies' server. Professional marketers don't do that.

What I'm laying out here in this report is the groundwork for you to be a pro, not an amateur.

Understand something...

I want you to have COMPLETE CONTROL of your marketing and not depend on others. That

is what the gurus do but strangely don't recommend. You already know why. So you will first:

Buy a domain

I recommend using Godaddy because you can easily buy domains for less the $3.00. Do a

Google search for: "godaddy domain coupon" and you will find discount codes to use during

checkout. Buy one domain per day otherwise if you buy in bulk, you will not get discounts on

the additional domains in your shopping cart, you will pay full price.

Also If you are not ready to buy a domain, I recommend YOU DO NOT do a domain search for

it. I have done this in the past, I found a cool domain available and left it in my shopping cart

and when I was ready to buy it maybe a week later, it was already taken. It has happened to me

more than once. My guess is that there is employees from these domain companies who are in

the domain selling business or something.


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Buy Hosting

Again I recommend Godaddy because my websites always seem to be up and they have great

customer service. You can call them Christmas day and someone will answer the phone. I've

also heard great things about HostGator.

Install WordPress

Virtually every good Internet marketer is now using WordPress as the platform or engine that

runs their sales pages, download pages, thank you pages and of course squeeze pages. The

sheer depth and quality of plugins that are available for WordPress make it a supremely

powerful engine to power all your websites.

Once you buy your domain and hosting, install WordPress onto that domain. WordPress is free

by the way and your hosting provider can help you with the installation process.

Install a theme

You now need to install a theme onto your new WordPress site. Installing a theme is what is

going to create the look and feel of your site. There are many themes you can use to build your

squeeze page but the theme/software I use and recommend is Optimizepress 2.0.

Install Optimizepress 2.0

Optimizepress 2.0 will be the go to theme/software that you will use to create clean and

professional web properties like squeeze pages, sales pages, download pages, thank you pages,

blog, and even membership sites. Virtually all of your web properties can be done with

Optimizepress 2.0. You don't need any special web design skills to create professional looking

web pages. Just take a look at the squeeze page for this report built with OptimizePress 2.0

http://10kpermonthbusinessmodel.com/ and make sure you are on my list.


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Autoresponder set-up

Optimizepress 2.0 easily integrates will the popular autoresponder services. It is compatible

with AWeber, GetResponse, Mailchimp, icontact, infusion soft, office autopilot, GoToWebinar,

1shoppingCart, CampaignMonitor to name a few.

Here is a list of other software on the market for building squeeze pages:







The headline on your squeeze page

Your headline should be built around one big idea and solve an urgent problem if possible. Your

squeeze page should:

Make a BIG promise

Should make a fresh and unique claim not heard before in the market

Should prevent mental opt-out - Mental opt-out is when a visitor lands on your page

and says to themselves "I know what that is" or "I've heard that before" or "everyone

says that."

Write your "call to action"

The call to action is basically a command you give your visitor. It is a clear instruction to do

something. Example:

"Enter your BEST Email below and this FREE report will be instantly sent to the

email you provide."

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Add "call to action" arrows

Split testing confirms that the addition of ‘call to action’ arrows boosts conversion rates. This

simply refers to the insertion of graphical arrows that point to the opt-in box. It serves as a

visual representation for the statement "Enter your BEST Email below and this FREE report

will be instantly sent to the email you provide."

Split test your squeeze page

One of the most important additional steps to having a successful squeeze page is to conduct a

split test. This essential step will enable you to improve your conversion rate over time, and

thus turn more site visitors into subscribers without any extra effort or traffic.

This is probably the biggest difference between an amateur internet marketer and a

professional internet marketer. If I was to ask you what is the current conversion rate of your

squeeze page, could you give me an exact percentage?

Let me give you an example:

The following squeeze page is presently converting at 40%. So this means that out of 100

visitors, I get 40 people to opt-in to my email list. This could be better and I am constantly

improving it. By no means is this great. It is good though and about average.

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Contrast that to my alternative squeeze page that only gets 31% conversion. I wouldn't know

which one would perform better if I didn't do testing.

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How to track conversions?

This is one of my favorite tools right here...

I use MyClickBoss as my link tracker. This tracking script is very dependable and I have had no

issues. To my surprise I always thought that tracking was complicated and difficult. MyClickBoss

makes this step easy. Thanks Rob Whisonant for creating this great product! More about

MyClick Boss later...


Important formatting rules

Try and keep everything above the fold. What this means is that the site visitor should be able

to see your entire squeeze page when they land on your site. They should not have to scroll

down the page. This puts the emphasis on writing sharp content, that is hard hitting and to the



Do not use squeeze pages that are shared with hundreds of other users. These squeeze pages

lose their effectiveness and thus the market stops to respond to the offer. So create your very

own squeeze page that no other marketer uses.

Pillar #2 Lead Magnet The lead magnet is the free offer you will give your visitor in exchange for their (email)

information. The lead magnet is what pulls people to you. Let me give you an example:

What is AWeber's lead magnet? "$1 Trail Offer" sound familiar? How about GetResponse? "30

Day free trial. No credit card required" What is Walgreens lead magnet during flu season?

"Come in for a free flu shot? These are not free offers friend, they are magnets that are

designed and engineered to pull people to visit a business, subscribe to a service, buy a car, eat

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at a restaurant etc... Lead magnets are powerful. It's easier to sell to a lead than it is to sell to a

complete stranger.

How do I craft a lead magnet?

Well first, it should SOLVE a PROBLEM that your target market is facing TODAY. How can you

figure out what problems your prospects are facing? Ask the following questions:

What keeps them up at night?

What is their desire?

Their secret dream?

What problem are they currently facing in their business or life?

Also look at it this way....

What are their:

Needs Needs are something that people have to have e.g. food

Wants Wants are something people would like to have e.g. new car

Desires Desires are wants that are often out of reach e.g. Ferrari

Problems Problems are unwelcome matters or situations that need to be overcome /


It has been proven that human beings have a greater propensity to avoid pain as opposed to

gain pleasure. That is why the most potent ‘trigger’ to get the target market through these

‘doorways’ (squeeze pages) to your list, are ‘solutions to problems’.

The content in the lead magnet should do 3 things:

It should solve a BIG and urgent problem as discussed earlier.

Position you as an expert. People buy from people who they perceive to be an authority

or expert.

Presell your products such as your membership site, coaching etc... You do not sell

within your lead magnet.

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Presell is to precondition (as a customer) for subsequent purchase or create advance demand

for (as a product) especially through marketing strategies.

How do you create a lead magnet?

Write it yourself

I would suggest you write a report or do a video. Both of these will achieve the same end.

Personally I write reports because I like the idea that my leads can print the report and take it

anywhere they like and I can also make update as often as I like. Either one is fine. I used to

think giving away a plug-in was fine too. I no longer believe that because you miss out on the

opportunity of "positioning yourself as an expert." Don't give away software unless that is your



I don't recommend using a PLR without first doing changes to it. The information in PLR is

sometimes outdated but not always. You may have to update it first. Next do research on the

topic and get the best information from everything you read then create one masterpiece

report. I didn't mention this before but your report should contain a little of your personality.

Remember, you're trying to make an impression. You can visit the sites mentioned earlier to

find PLR.

Get PLR to this report to use as a lead magnet

If you are interested in buying PLR to this report and using it as your lead magnet, just get in

touch with me. email: [email protected]. I'll hook you up. You'll also get unlimited

updates that I will make to this report.

Outsource it

You don't have to write the report yourself though. You can outsource it as well. In this

scenario, you basically create an outline for the report and hire a professional writer to write

the content and the report will have your name as the author. Go to the following sites to find a


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Create new artwork for your report

Once you create your lead magnet, you will want to create unique branding to it just like you

will for your products. You can do it yourself if you are crafty with Photoshop or go to any

freelance site mentioned above.


Lastly, remember the lead magnets is the introduction to your brand. This is where your

subscriber will get their first impression of you. If your lead magnet is sub-par, why should they

buy your stuff? In fact, they won't even remember you. The idea of the lead magnet is knock

the socks of your subscriber. Why? If there head is spinning from your free content, they will

ask the question, "just imagine their paid stuff?" So writing a report would be a great way to

earn people's trust and position yourself as an expert. Lead magnets are paramount.

Pillar #1 Traffic Traffic is the fuel to this entire system. Without traffic, there is no business. You can have the

best product on the market but if you cannot get eyeballs on your offer, well no one will buy

your product. Traffic comes in two basic forms - PAID and FREE. Now we can debate whether

there really is such a thing as free traffic because to engineer free traffic, it takes time and time

is money.

Paid Traffic or Free Traffic

The only traffic you should be concerned with is PAID TRAFFIC. Why? Paid traffic is fast,

predictable, scalable, and 100% in your control. FREE TRAFFIC is the opposite. It's slow, not

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predictable, not scalable, and not in your control. Building a business under the FREE TRAFFIC

model is risky. Search engines like Google are changing their algorithms frequently and wiping

out good solid websites out of their index. Also there are a lot of shady SEO companies that will

do negative SEO on websites so they get penalized by Google. If Google pulls a website from

their results page, that business is finished. Arrivederci! That won't be you.

Traffic is the easiest pillar to get unlike what most people think. The key to traffic is to be in a

market that is thriving and that will always thrive. I'm in the "internet marketing" and or "make

money online" niche as I mentioned earlier. No matter what happens to the U.S. economy,

world economy, if another recession hits, people will always consistently want more money and

a percentage of those will always look for ways to make money online.

The traffic sources I use most is Solo Ads and PPV advertising

Solo Ads

Solo Ads are an easy way to get to get traffic to your offer.

Definition: A Solo Ad is an email that is sent by a list owner to their subscribers recommending

the offer of another person for an up-front fee.

So How Does It Work?

You first contact a list owner, you negotiate a price and desired clicks would like to receive, and

they send your offer to their email list. Done.

Where do you find Solo Ad Sellers?

Facebook Solo Ads Groups




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There are a few "Tricksters Solo Sellers" out there. Make sure you read their testimonials

before making a deal. Also it doesn't hurt to ask other marketers from solo ad groups who they

recommend or what their opinion of a seller is.

Shady Solo Ad Sellers

Go to the following Facebook groups to learn more about shady solo sellers.

Solo Ads Blacklist

Clickbanking Blacklist

PPV Advertising

I use LeadImpact for my PPV advertising. Lead Impact is an advertising network that allows you

to have your website pop-up in front of your target audience when they are visiting certain

websites or searching for different keywords. They allow you to get a lot of eyeballs fast in

front of the right person at just the right time. I highly recommend PPV as one of your traffic

strategies. Want to set up your first campaign? No problem, I got something for you friend!



Tracking is absolutely critical to any traffic generation. I recommend using a click tracker like

MyClickBoss that installs on your own server with no monthly fees. Also because it is on your

own server, the tracking link will contain your domain and not the domain of the tracking

service. This is important because if you post an ad let say in Craigslist, Craigslist will block any

link that is associated with these services like "linktrackr." Don't use them. Another reputable

tracking software is http://www.adtrackzgold.com/


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Not all traffic is the same. There is such a thing as quality traffic. You should target Traffic from

top tier countries like the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Switzerland etc.. These countries are

proven to spend money.

Conclusion First of all I'm glad you made it this far.

I want to take this opportunity to put everything together as best I can...

So where is the money going to come from exactly?

Now there are many variables and scenarios that exist but in short... the money is going to

come from your BUYERS LIST. NOT your subscribers. Now this is NOT true to all business

models. It is true however if you are a product creator.

Your buyers are your bread and butter in this business and you must create more cutting edge

ORIGINAL products that continue to solve your prospects problems. Each new product should

complement the last.

This will be your streams of income.

The product that you sell. These product will be your own or PLR products that you

rebranded. You will need to add more products to your product line. You will always get

more knowledgeable and experienced so creating more product will not be a problem.

Affiliate offers. We did not cover this in length but you will use JV Zoo and JVNotifyPro

You will also use JV Zoo and JVNotifyPro to recruit affiliates to sell your products. You will give

BIG commissions and your buyers list will build on auto pilot. You will also use these platforms

to find products to promote.

As far as traffic is concerned, you will also use your non buyers from your email list to do ad

swaps. Ad swaps will generate more traffic and not compromise you buyers list. You may get

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unsubscribes but those unsubscribes will be folks who did not buy from you. Don't worry.

Subscribers will drop off but you will be replacing them with new subscribers into your funnel.


This business model can be built upon. This report is ONLY designed to give you the basic

FRAMEWORK to start your online business.

As you may have figured out by now... there is going to be work involved. There is no way

around this. So the faster you start, the faster you will have your funnel in place. So get going!

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Final Thoughts Dear friend,

This completes "The 10K Per Month Business Model." I hope this report was informative and

eye opening. Internet Marketing is pure SCIENCE and PSYCHOLOGY and this report was

strictly focused on the science of internet marketing. It took me a long time to figure out these

steps outlined above. Unfortunately for me, I was not blessed to have been given this proven

formula as you just have. Please take advantage of it and apply these 5 pillars as described to

build a long term successful career making money online. So start taking action today and if you

are unsure on something, you are welcome to contact me. I'm giving you my personal email:

[email protected]. Don't hesitate to email me. Your success is what matters most!

To your success!


Armando Rodriguez

Make you to visit my blog: http://onlinemarketingreports.com/

Add me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/armando.rodriguez917

Join my mailing list: http://10kpermonthbusinessmodel.com/

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Educational Resources The Science of Making Money Online - A free report that reveals a very specific selling strategy.

Highly recommended.

The Email List building Blackbook - 15 List building strategies you need to know about.

The Email Marketing Blackbook - Email Marketing and list building. This is a must have.

Email Slick - More email marketing training

Conversion Strategy Secrets - Building sales funnels

LeadImpact Traffic Mastery - Generating laser targeted U.S. traffic. Must have traffic course.

Lead Magnet Essentials - Coming soon

21 and Done - A nice formula to build upon this guide

Influence - The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini - All marketers need to know


Positioning - The Battle For Your Mind by Jack Trout and Al Ries- Eye opening concept about...

well I'm not going to tell you. Read the book.

Per Per Lead Insider - Additional strategies to monetize your funnel easily.

Marketing Tools Optimizepress 2.0



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Bonus For Being A Loyal Subscriber I got some unannounced bonuses that I want to share with you. These products will

undoubtedly help you achieve your marketing goals. They are in no specific order. Get all 6

before they are taken down.

Bonus #1 for being a loyal subscriber

Bonus #2 for being a loyal subscriber

Bonus #3 for being a loyal subscriber

Bonus #4 for being a loyal subscriber

Bonus #5 for being a loyal subscriber Bonus #6 for being a loyal subscriber

Download all 6 products as they will help with your marketing efforts. It is a must we keep

educating ourselves! Thanks once again for being a loyal subscriber!

Thank you,

Armando Rodriguez