10th of MAY PROGRAMME revised 01052013.pdf

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  • 7/30/2019 10th of MAY PROGRAMME revised 01052013.pdf



    Empowering Women

    in the

    Workplace, Marketplace and Community

    Selected Cases from the Gulf Countries, Turkey and Iraq

    Sponsored by Borusan and supported by Zed , Alkoclar and Turkish Airlines

    Purpose: This Event,hosted by Borusan Holding and co-organized by BPW-Turkey, UNGC

    Turkey Network, UNGC Gulf Countries and the UNGC Iraq Network will bring together

    representatives from business, government, civil society and other key stakeholders from

    Turkey, as well as neighbouring countries in the Middle East and Gulf Region, to take stock

    of efforts to raise awareness of the Women Empowerment Principles and share best practices

    and lessons learned on implementation of the Principles. The Womens Empowerment

    Principles, (The Womens Empowerment Principles) a partnership initiative of UN-Women

    and UN Global Compact, provide a set of considerations to help the private sector focus on

    key elements integral to promoting gender equality in the workplace, market place and


    Date: 10. May. 2013

    Location: Borusan Oto - stinye Mahallesi Saryer Caddesi No:77 Saryer/stanbul

    RSVP/LCV: Ipek Isbitiren , BPW Turkey [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.google.com.tr/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=AC7C3kQWukA9pM&tbnid=Z38Lni1FaJcoMM:&ved=0CAgQjRwwAA&url=http://www.denizhaber.com/HABER/6508/5/denizhaber-denizcilik-deniz-haber-turk-denizciligi-bosporus-turk-bogazlari-istanbul-bogazi-canakkale-bogazi-dto-turkish-maritime-pilotage-marine-environment-deniz-kirliligi-balikcilik.html&ei=PFxMUbCANan_4QTJs4DoBQ&psig=AFQjCNGXEVPhHU-FecWeQOIMuvDMLDe2Tg&ust=1364045244911864
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    Morning Session:

    09:15-9:25: Opening Speech by Arzu zyol, UN Representative for BPW International andFounding President of BPW Turkey Federation

    09:25-09:35:Welcome Speech by Agah Uur, CEO, Borusan Holding

    09:35-09:50: Mrs. Habiba Al Marashi, Chairperson, Emirates Environmental Group and

    President, UN Global Compact Network GCC States

    9:50-10:05: Mr. Muhammed Al Dulaimi, Member of the Board, UN Global Compact

    Network Iraq

    10:05-10:20:Dr. Yilmaz Argden, Chairman of the Board, Global Compact Trkiye

    10:20-10:45: Award Ceremony for the Transboundary Sucesses

    Suteks Borusan Turkcell

    10:45-11:00: Coffee Break

    11:00-11:15: Intersection Points of WEF Global Gender Parity Group and UNWEPs by

    Assistant Deputy Minister of Family and Social Affairs, Government of Turkey, Ms. AknAsan.

    11:15-11:30: Last Developments in Turkey from the Gender Equality Perspective by Minister

    of Family and Social Affairs, Government of Turkey by H.E Fatma ahin.

    11:30-11:45: Speech from Her Excellency, Mrs. Emine Erdoan

    11:45-12:00: Award Ceremony for the Leadership of Ms. Emine Erdoan in Gender Equalityin Turkey

    12:00-12:15: Group Photo

    12:15-13:15: Lunch

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    Afternoon Session:

    13:00-15:00: Panel I: Fundamental Topics

    Moderator:Arzu zyol, Founding President of BPW Turkey Federation

    Prof. Dr. Nesrin OBANOLU,Head of the Department of Medical Ethics and History ofMedicine, Gazi University

    Ruhsar PEKCAN, Member of the Board, Womens Entrepreneurship Council, TurkishUnion of Commodities and Exchanges (TOBB)

    ule YCEBIYIK, corporate Communications Manager, Borusan Holding: Gender Equalityfrom the Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility

    Hamdi Doan, Chairman of the Board, Turkish Quality Association (KALDER): WEPs andWorlds Economy

    Dr. Glden TRKTAN, President of the Womens Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey(KAGIDER): WEPs Leadership and Women NGOs

    Emine Erdem, Governor, Soroptimist Turkey: Importance of Education regarding toWomens Participation in Economy.

    15:00-15:15: Coffee Break

    15:15-17:30: Panel II: Case Studies

    Moderator: Dr. Melsa Ararat, Director, Corporate Governance Forum, Sabanc University

    Simona MARINESCU, Director, UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in

    Development (IICPSD)

    Nur Ger, Founder and Chairman, SuTeks

    Deniz ZTRK, Turkey Representative, UN Global Compact Office

    Leyla Alaton, Member of the Board, Alvimedica Medical Technologies

    dil Trkmenolu, HR and Corporate Communications Director, Boyner Holding

    Zeynep zbil, Chief Group Human Resources Officer, Turkcell

    17:30: Meeting Concludes

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    Main Objectives:

    Provide a fora of best cases on how to empower women in the workplace, marketplaceand community

    Provide a connecting point between the Womens Empowerment Principles and theWorld Economic Forum Gender Task Force for the MENA Region

    Provide a key opportunity to highlight efforts in the MENA, Gulf Countries andTurkey to advance the WEPs

    Bring together business, government, civil society etc. from Turkey and neighbouringcountries to exchange lessons learned and identify opportunities to advance the WEPs

    Share experiences on how to empower women in public and private sectors Increase awareness about women empowerment in the countries that are in the phase

    of transition

    Foster collaboration and joint-activity between the UNGC Local Networks of Turkey,the Gulf Countries and Iraq on a thematic level


    The International Federation of Business and Professional Women-IFBPW has an 80-

    year long history with nearly 40,000 members under organizations in 100 countries. BPW

    International is granted with consultative status by the UN, the organization operates as a

    defence mechanism organization and plays decisive roles in the creation of international

    resolutions, regulations, laws and directives on the social gender equality. At local level, it

    creates pressure on the national governments and ensures the national implementation of the

    international laws. The first BPW Club in Turkey was established in 2006 in Ankara. Today

    there are 7 Clubs in Ankara, stanbul, zmir, Adana, Konya and Eskiehir and 3 emergingclubs. These clubs have completed 3 European Union Funded Projects about women

    empowerment and play a very strong role in advocacy mechanisms. Additionally, after

    becoming a Federation in 2011, two International Conferences were realized in order to

    increase the community awareness about WEPs.

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    The founding President of BPW-Turkey Arzu zyol is also the UN Representative of the

    BPWI, Executive Board Member and Turkish Representative of UNESCO Center for Peace

    and Women in Balkan Countries. She is also on the Advisory Board of the Strategic Dialogue

    with Civil society that was started in May 16, 2012, under the auspices of the State

    Departments Strategic Dialogue with society by Secretary Clinton.

    UN Global Compact Local Networks of Turkey, Gulf Countries and Iraq: In over 100

    countries, Global Compact Local Networks serve an essential role in rooting the Global

    Compacts issue platforms and campaigns within different national, cultural and language

    contexts, and providing an important base for companies to convene and act on sustainability

    issues at the ground level.