11-10368 Dixon v Wells Fargo MTD Mem & Order

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  • 8/6/2019 11-10368 Dixon v Wells Fargo MTD Mem & Order







    Plaintiffs, )



    ) NO. 11-10368-WGY

    WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. formerly )


    formerly known as WORLD SAVINGS )

    BANK, FSB, )


    Defendant. )



    YOUNG, D.J. July 22, 2010


    Frank and Deana Dixon (collectively the Dixons) bring this

    cause of action against Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (Wells Fargo),

    seeking (1) an injunction prohibiting Wells Fargo from

    foreclosing on their home; (2) specific performance of an oral

    agreement to enter into a loan modification; and (3) damages.

    Wells Fargo, having removed the action from state court, now

    moves for dismissal of the Dixons complaint under Fed. R. Civ.

    P. 12(b)(6), arguing that the allegations are insufficient to

    invoke the doctrine of promissory estoppel and that, to the

    extent the Dixons have stated a state-law claim, it is preempted

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    by the Home Owners Loan Act (HOLA), 12 U.S.C. 1461-1700,

    and its implementing regulations, 12 C.F.R. 500-99.

    A. Procedural History

    On January 6, 2011, the Dixons initiated this civil action

    in the Massachusetts Superior Court sitting in and for the County

    of Plymouth, Civil Docket No. PLCV2011-00015, by filing a

    Verified Complaint for Injunctive Relief, Specific Performance

    and Damages. Compl., Ex. A, ECF No. 1-1; Summons & Order

    Notice, Ex. D, ECF No. 1-4. They also filed an ex parte motion

    for a temporary restraining order. TRO, Ex. B, ECF No. 1-2.

    After an initial continuance, the hearing on that motion was held

    on February 14, 2011, and the Superior Court issued a preliminary

    injunction, enjoining Wells Fargo from prosecuting the

    foreclosure action it had filed against the Dixons until further

    order of the court. Sup. Ct. Civ. Dkt. 3-4, Ex. C, ECF No. 1-3;

    Order Prelim. Inj., ECF No. 4. At the present time, the

    preliminary injunction remains in effect. Mem. Oppn Pls. Mot.

    Remand 1, ECF No. 13.

    On March 4, 2011, Wells Fargo removed the action to the

    United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts.

    Notice Removal, ECF No. 1. Wells Fargo filed its motion to

    dismiss the Dixons complaint on April 11, 2011. Def.s Mot.

    Dismiss, ECF No. 5; Mem. Supp. Def.s Mot. Dismiss (Def.s Mem.

    Supp.), ECF No. 7. The Dixons opposed Wells Fargos motion and

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    moved to remand the case. Mem. Oppn Def.s Mot. Dismiss (Pls.

    Mem. Oppn), ECF No. 12; Pls. Mot. Remand, ECF No. 9; Mem.

    Supp. Pls. Mot. Remand, ECF No. 10.

    After a hearing on May 9, 2011, this Court denied the

    Dixons motion to remand and granted Wells Fargos motion to

    dismiss the Dixons contract claim as insufficiently pleaded.

    The Court took under advisement the two remaining issues: (1) the

    sufficiency of the allegations in the complaint with respect to

    the doctrine of promissory estoppel; and (2) HOLA preemption.

    With leave of the Court, both parties have since filed

    supplemental briefing. Supplemental Mem. Supp. Def.s Mot.

    Dismiss (Def.s Supplemental Mem. Supp.), ECF No. 16;

    Supplemental Mem. Oppn Def.s Mot. Dismiss (Pls. Supplemental

    Mem. Oppn), ECF No. 18.

    B. Facts Alleged

    The Dixons reside at their home in Scituate, Plymouth

    County, Massachusetts. Compl. 2. Wells Fargo is a corporation

    doing business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Id. 3.

    Wells Fargo alleges that it is the holder of a mortgage on the

    Dixons home. Id. 6.

    On or about June 8, 2009, the Dixons orally agreed with

    Wells Fargo to take the steps necessary to enter into a mortgage

    loan modification. Id. 7. As part of this agreement, Wells

    Fargo instructed the Dixons to stop making payments on their

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    loan. Id. It was contemplated that the unpaid payments would be

    added to the note as modified. Id. In addition, Wells Fargo

    requested certain financial information, which the Dixons

    promptly supplied. Id.

    Notwithstanding the Dixons diligent efforts and reliance on

    Wells Fargos promise, Wells Fargo has failed, and effectively

    refused, to abide by the oral agreement to modify the existing

    mortgage loan. Id. 8.

    On or about December 8, 2010, the Dixons received notice

    from the Massachusetts Land Court that Wells Fargo was proceeding

    with a foreclosure on their home. Id. 9. The return date on

    the order of notice in the Land Court was January 10, 2011, and

    so the Dixons sought a temporary restraining order in the

    Superior Court to prevent the loss of their home. See Procedural

    History, supra.

    The Dixons state that, on information and belief, the fair

    market value of their home is in excess of the mortgage loan

    balance and any arrearage. Compl. 10.


    The Dixons seek to enforce Wells Fargos alleged promise to

    engage in negotiating a loan modification. See Pls.

    Supplemental Mem. Oppn 1-2. Arguing that the banks initiation

    of foreclosure proceedings without warning shows its promise to

    consider their eligibility for a modification was insincere, the

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    Dixons ask not only that the foreclosure be halted but also that

    Wells Fargo be returned to its place at the bargaining table.

    See id.; see also Pls. Mem. Oppn 7-8, 11-12. Wells Fargo

    contends that (1) any promise it made to consider the Dixons for

    a loan modification was not sufficiently definite as to be

    binding, see Def.s Supplemental Mem. Supp. 1; (2) the Dixons

    reliance on its promise was neither reasonable nor detrimental,

    see Def.s Mem. Supp. at 17-19; and (3) in any event, the claim

    for promissory estoppel is preempted by federal law, see id. at


    A. Legal Standard

    To survive a motion to dismiss, a complaint must contain

    sufficient factual matter, accepted as true, to state a claim to

    relief that is plausible on its face. Bell Atl. Corp. v.

    Twombly, 550 U.S. 544, 570 (2007). In addition to accepting all

    factual allegations in the complaint as true, the Court must draw

    all reasonable inferences in the plaintiffs favor. Langadinos

    v. American Airlines, Inc., 199 F.3d 68, 69 (1st Cir. 2000). If

    the facts in the complaint are sufficient to state a cause of

    action, a motion to dismiss the complaint must be denied. See

    Nollet v. Justices of Trial Courts of Mass., 83 F. Supp. 2d 204,

    208 (D. Mass. 2000) (Harrington, J.).

    Although the Court must accept as true all of the factual

    allegations contained in the complaint, that doctrine is not

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    applicable to legal conclusions. Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 129 S. Ct.

    1937, 1949 (2009). Threadbare recitals of the legal elements,

    supported by mere conclusory statements, do not suffice to state

    a cause of action. Id. Accordingly, a complaint does not state

    a claim for relief where the well-pleaded facts fail to warrant

    an inference of anything more than the mere possibility of

    misconduct. Id. at 1950.

    B. Promissory Estoppel

    The gravamen of the Dixons complaint is that Wells Fargo

    promised to engage in negotiations to modify their loan, provided

    that they took certain steps necessary to enter into a mortgage

    modification. Compl. 7. On the basis of Wells Fargos

    representation, the Dixons stopped making payments on their loan

    and submitted the requested financial information - only to learn

    subsequently that the bank had initiated foreclosure proceedings

    against them. They contend that Wells Fargo ought have

    anticipated their compliance with the terms of its promise to

    consider them for a loan modification. Not only was it

    reasonable that they would rely on the promise, but also their

    reliance left them considerably worse off, for by entering into

    default they became vulnerable to foreclosure.

    The question whether these allegations are sufficient to

    state a claim for promissory estoppel requires a close look at

    the doctrines evolution in the law of Massachusetts. In

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    Loranger Const. Corp. v. E.F. Hauserman Co., 376 Mass. 757

    (1978), the Supreme Judicial Court recognized the enforceability

    of a promise on the basis of detrimental reliance, but declined

    to use the expression promissory estoppel, since it tends to

    confusion rather than clarity. Id. at 760-61. The court

    reasoned that [w]hen a promise is enforceable in whole or in

    part by virtue of reliance, it is a contract, and it is

    enforceable pursuant to a traditional contract theory

    antedating the modern doctrine of consideration. Id. at 761.

    Since Loranger, the court has adhered to its view that an action

    based on reliance is equivalent to a contract action, and the

    party bringing such an action must prove all the necessary

    elements of a contract other than consideration. Rhode Island

    Hosp. Trust Natl Bank v. Varadian, 419 Mass. 841, 850 (1995).

    An essential element in the pleading and proof of a

    contract claim is, of course, the promise sought to be

    enforced. Kiely v. Raytheon Co., 914 F. Supp. 708, 712 (D.

    Mass. 1996) (OToole, J.). Thus, even where detrimental reliance

    acts as a substitute for consideration, the promise on which a

    claim for promissory estoppel is based must be interchangeable

    with an offer in the sense of commitment. Cataldo Ambulance

    Servs., Inc. v. City of Chelsea, 426 Mass. 383, 386 n.6 (1998).

    The promise must demonstrate an intention to act or refrain from

    acting in a specified way, so as to justify a promisee in

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    Place Assocs. v. Boston Redevelopment Auth., 427 Mass. 509, 517

    (1998); Bell v. B.F. Goodrich Co., 359 Mass. 763, 763 (1971); Air

    Tech. Corp. v. General Elec. Co., 347 Mass. 613, 626 (1964);

    Rosenfield v. United States Trust Co., 290 Mass. 210, 217 (1935);

    Restatement (Second) of Contracts 33, comment (c) (The more

    terms the parties leave open, the less likely it is that they

    have intended to conclude a binding agreement.).

    The longstanding reluctance of courts to enforce open-ended

    agreements to agree reflects a belief that, unless a fall-back

    standard exists to supply the missing terms, there is no way to

    know what ultimate agreement, if any, would have resulted.

    E. Allan Farnsworth, Precontractual Liability and Preliminary

    Agreements: Fair Dealing and Failed Negotiations, 87 Colum. L.

    Rev. 217, 255-56 (1987). It is the vague and indefinite nature

    of that potential final agreement - not the preliminary agreement

    to agree - that troubles courts. See Armstrong v. Rohm & Haas

    Co., Inc., 349 F. Supp. 2d 71, 78 (D. Mass. 2004) (Saylor, J.)

    (holding that an agreement must be sufficiently definite to

    enable courts to give it an exact meaning). Judges are

    justifiably unwilling to endorse one partys aspirational view of

    the terms of an unrealized agreement. See Farnsworth, supra at

    259. Just as [i]t is no appropriate part of judicial business

    to rewrite contracts freely entered into, RCI Northeast Servs.

    Div. v. Boston Edison Co., 822 F.2d 199, 205 (1st Cir. 1987),

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    courts must not force parties into contracts into which they have

    not entered freely, Armstrong, 349 F. Supp. 2d at 80 (holding a

    promise unenforceable where the court could not supply the

    missing terms without writing a contract for the parties which

    they themselves did not make (quoting Held v. Zamparelli, 13

    Mass. App. Ct. 957, 958 (1982))).

    Moreover, parties ought be allowed to step away unscathed if

    they are unable to reach a deal. Cf. R.W. Intl Corp. v. Welch

    Food, Inc., 13 F.3d 478, 484-85 (1st Cir. 1994). To impose

    rights and duties at the stage of imperfect negotiation,

    Lafayette Place Assocs., 427 Mass. at 517, would be to interfere

    with the liberty to contract - or not to contract. Thus, the

    concern is that if a court were to order specific performance of

    an agreement to agree, where the material terms of the final

    agreement were left open by the parties, not only would there be

    little, if anything, to enforce, Lambert v. Fleet Natl Bank,

    449 Mass. 119, 123 (2007), but also future negotiations would be

    chilled. Cf. American Broad. Cos., Inc. v. Wolf, 420 N.E.2d 363,

    368-69 (N.Y. 1981) (denying request for specific performance of

    general contract negotiation clause as inhibitive of free


    Wells Fargo would have this Court end its inquiry here. The

    complaint plainly alleges that the parties had an agreement to

    enter into a loan modification agreement, but as matter of law

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    [a]n agreement to reach an agreement is a contradiction in terms

    and imposes no obligations on the parties thereto. Rosenfield,

    290 Mass. at 217. As such, the complaint would appear to fail to

    state a claim.

    During the course of opposing Wells Fargos motion to

    dismiss, however, the Dixons have made clear that they do not

    seek specific performance of a promised loan modification. See

    Pls. Supplemental Mem. Oppn 1-2. They admit that there was no

    guarantee of a modification by Wells Fargo, only a verbal

    commitment to determine their eligibility for a modification if

    they followed the banks prescribed steps. Thus, the Dixons

    request that Wells Fargo be held to its promise to consider them

    for a loan modification is not a covert attempt to bind the bank

    to a final agreement it had not contemplated. There is no risk

    that this Court, were it to uphold the promissory estoppel claim,

    would be trapping Wells Fargo into a vague, indefinite, and

    unintended loan modification masquerading as an agreement to

    agree. Teachers Ins. & Annuity Assn of Am. v. Tribune Co., 670

    F. Supp. 491, 497 (S.D.N.Y. 1987).

    Furthermore, because the parties had not yet begun to

    negotiate the terms of a modification, the Court questions

    whether Wells Fargos promise ought even be characterized as a

    preliminary agreement to agree. Instead, it more closely

    resembles an agreement to negotiate. See Farnsworth, supra at

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    263-69; cf. Aceves v. U.S. Bank, N.A., 120 Cal. Rptr. 3d 507, 514

    (Cal. Ct. App. 2011) ([T]he question here is simply whether U.S.

    Bank made and kept a promise to negotiate with Aceves, not

    whether . . . the bank promised to make a loan or, more

    precisely, to modify a loan.).

    To be sure, Massachusetts courts have tended to treat

    agreements to negotiate as variants of open-ended agreements to

    agree. The view that [a]n agreement to negotiate does not

    create a binding contract, Sax, 639 F. Supp. 2d at 171, again

    reflects a concern that a promise of further negotiations is too

    indefinite, too undefined in scope, to be enforceable. See Bell,

    359 Mass. at 763 (finding an agreement to negotiate for as long

    as the parties agreed to be void for vagueness). This is

    particularly true where the parties have not specified the terms

    on which they will continue negotiating. See Farnsworth, supra

    at 264. Conventional wisdom holds that courts ought not

    strain[] to find an agreement to negotiate in the absence of a

    clear indication of assent by the parties to a governing

    standard of conduct, e.g., good faith or best efforts, id. at

    266-67, because there is no meaningful content in a general duty

    to negotiate, standing alone, Steven J. Burton & Eric G.

    Anderson, Contractual Good Faith 8.4.2, at 361 (1995). See

    Pinnacle Books, Inc. v. Harlequin Enters. Ltd., 519 F. Supp. 118,

    122 (S.D.N.Y. 1981). As with open-ended agreements to agree,

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    judicial enforcement of vague agreements to negotiate would risk

    imposing on parties contractual obligations they had not taken on


    In this case, Wells Fargo and the Dixons had not yet

    contemplated the terms of a loan modification, but they had

    contemplated negotiations. Their failure to elaborate on the

    boundaries of that duty to negotiate, however, would seem to

    militate against enforcement of it. Yet, Wells Fargo made a

    specific promise to consider the Dixons eligibility for a loan

    modification if they defaulted on their payments and submitted

    certain financial information. See Burton & Andersen, supra

    8.2.2, at 332-33 (recognizing that, while there is no general

    duty to negotiate in good faith, public policy favors imposing

    noncontractual liability when one person wrongfully harms

    another by making a promise intended to induce reliance); Lucian

    Arye Bebchuk & Omri Ben-Shahar, Precontractual Reliance, 30 J.

    Legal Stud. 423, 424 (2001) (A party may be liable for the other

    partys reliance costs on three possible grounds: if it induced

    this reliance through misrepresentation, if it benefited from the

    reliance, or if it made a specific promise during

    negotiations.); Farnsworth, supra at 236 (referring to the

    specific promises that one party makes to another in order to

    interest the other party in the negotiations as a common basis

    for precontractual liability). Importantly, it was not a

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    promise made in exchange for a bargained-for legal detriment, as

    there was no bargain between the parties; rather, the legal

    detriment that the Dixons claim to have suffered was a direct

    consequence of their reliance on Wells Fargos promise. Joseph

    Perillo, Calamari & Perillo on Contracts 6.1, at 218 (6th ed.

    2009). Under the theory of promissory estoppel, [a] negotiating

    party may not with impunity break a promise made during

    negotiations if the other party has relied on it. Farnsworth,

    supra at 236.

    Promissory estoppel has developed into an attempt by the

    courts to keep remedies abreast of increased moral consciousness

    of honesty and fair representations in all business dealings.

    Peoples Natl Bank of Little Rock v. Linebarger Constr. Co., 240

    S.W.2d 12, 16 (Ark. 1951). While it began as a substitute for

    (or the equivalent of) consideration in the context of an

    otherwise binding contract, Perillo, supra 6.1, at 218,

    promissory estoppel has come to be a doctrine employed to rescue

    failing contracts where the cause of the failure is not related

    to consideration, id. 6.3, at 229. It now provides a remedy

    for many promises or agreements that fail the test of

    enforceability under many traditional contract doctrines, id.

    6.1, at 218, but whose enforcement is necessary to avoid

    injustice, Restatement (Second) of Contracts 90, comment (b).

    Admittedly, the courts of Massachusetts have yet to formally

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    embrace promissory estoppel as more than a consideration

    substitute. See, e.g., Varadian, 419 Mass. at 850. Nonetheless,

    without equivocation, they have adopted section 90 of the

    Restatement (Second) of Contracts, which reads, A promise which

    the promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or

    forbearance on the part of the promisee or a third person and

    which does induce such action or forbearance is binding if

    injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise.

    See Chedd-Angier Prod. Co. v. Omni Publns Intl, Ltd., 756 F.2d

    930, 937 (1st Cir. 1985); Loranger Constr. Corp., 376 Mass. at

    760-61; McAndrew v. School Comm., 20 Mass. App. Ct. 356, 363

    (1985); see also Anzalone v. Administrative Office of Trial

    Court, 457 Mass. 647, 661 (2010) (using the term promissory

    estoppel and defining estoppel similarly to the Restatement);

    Sullivan, 448 Mass. at 27-28 (same). Nowhere in the comments to

    section 90 nor in section 2 of the Restatement, which defines the

    word promise, is there an explicit requirement that the

    promise giving rise to the cause of action must be so

    comprehensive in scope as to meet the requirements of an offer

    that would ripen into a contract if accepted by the promisee.

    Hoffman v. Red Owl Stores, Inc., 133 N.W.2d 267, 275 (Wis. 1965).

    In fact, the Restatement has expressly approved promissory

    estoppels use to protect reliance on indefinite promises. See

    Michael B. Metzger & Michael J. Phillips, Promissory Estoppel and

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    Reliance on Illusory Promises, 44 Sw. L.J. 841, 842 (1990). But

    see Alan Schwartz & Robert E. Scott, Precontractual Liability and

    Preliminary Agreements, 120 Harv. L. Rev. 661, 669-70 (2007) (To

    the contrary, the Restatement of Contracts has only one

    definition of a promise, and that definition applies equally to a

    promise that is the product of a bargained-for exchange and a

    promise for which enforcement is sought on the grounds of induced

    reliance. Thus, if Hoffman stands for the proposition that a

    commitment can be binding under a theory of promissory estoppel

    even though it lacks the clarity and certainty required of a

    bargained-for promise, the case is wrong as a matter of


    Massachusettss continued insistence that a promise be

    definite - at least to a degree likely not met in the present

    case - is arguably in tension with its adoption of the

    Restatements more relaxed standard. This tension is not

    irreconcilable, however. Tracing the development of promissory

    estoppel through the case law reveals a willingness on courts

    part to enforce even an indefinite promise made during

    preliminary negotiations where the facts suggest that the

    promisors words or conduct were designed to take advantage of

    the promisee. The promisor need not have acted fraudulently,

    deceitfully, or in bad faith. McLearn v. Hill, 276 Mass. 519,

    524-25 (1931). Rather, [f]acts falling short of these elements

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    may constitute conduct contrary to general principles of fair

    dealing and to the good conscience which ought to actuate

    individuals and which it is the design of courts to enforce.

    Id. at 524. As the Supreme Judicial Court remarked in an early

    promissory estoppel case:

    [I]t is not essential that the representations or conduct

    giving rise to [the doctrines] application should be

    fraudulent in the strictly legal significance of that

    term, or with intent to mislead or deceive; the test

    appears to be whether in all the circumstances of the

    case conscience and duty of honest dealing should deny

    one the right to repudiate the consequence of his

    representations or conduct; whether the author of a

    proximate cause may justly repudiate its natural and

    reasonably anticipated effect; fraud, in the sense of a

    court of equity, properly including all acts, omissions,

    and concealments which involve a breach of legal or

    equitable duty, trust, or confidence, justly reposed, and

    are injurious to another or by which an undue and

    unconscientious advantage is taken of another.

    Id. at 525 (quoting Howard v. West Jersey & Seashore R.R., 141 A.

    755, 757 (N.J. Ch. 1928), affd, 144 A. 919 (N.J. 1929)).

    Typically, where the Massachusetts courts have applied the

    doctrine of promissory estoppel to enforce an otherwise

    unenforceable promise, there has been a pattern of conduct by

    one side which has dangled the other side on a string. Pappas

    Indus. Parks, Inc. v. Psarros, 24 Mass. App. Ct. 596, 598 (1987)

    (citing Greenstein v. Flatley, 19 Mass. App. Ct. 351, 352-54

    (1985); Loranger Constr. Corp. v. E.F. Hauserman Co., 6 Mass.

    App. Ct. 152, 154-59 (1978), affd, 376 Mass. at 759-61; Cellucci

    v. Sun Oil Co., 2 Mass. App. Ct. 722, 725-28 (1974), affd, 368

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    Mass. 811 (1975)). In Greenstein, where a landlord submitted a

    lease to a prospective tenant and then strung him along for more

    than four months before repudiating the lease he had submitted,

    the Massachusetts Appeals Court concluded that the conduct of the

    landlord was calculated to misrepresent the true situation to

    the [tenant], keep him on a string, and make the [tenant]

    conclude - reasonably - that the deal had been made and that only

    a bureaucratic formality remained. 19 Mass. App. Ct. at 356.

    Because this conduct was misleading, it fit[] comfortably

    within at least the penumbra of some common-law, statutory, or

    other established concept of unfairness. Id. (quoting PMP

    Assocs., Inc. v. Globe Newspaper Co., 366 Mass. 593, 596 (1975));

    see Avery Katz, When Should an Offer Stick? The Economics of

    Promissory Estoppel in Preliminary Negotiations, 105 Yale L.J.

    1249, 1254 (1996) (The doctrine of promissory estoppel is

    commonly explained as promoting the same purposes as the tort of

    misrepresentation: punishing or deterring those who mislead

    others to their detriment and compensating those who are

    misled.). While Greenstein presented a situation ripe for a

    straightforward application of promissory estoppel, the court

    noted that [i]t is not even necessary that the conduct

    complained of fit into a precise tort or contract niche for

    relief to be appropriate. 19 Mass. App. Ct. at 356 (citing

    Slaney v. Westwood Auto, Inc., 366 Mass. 688, 693 (1975)).

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    The circumstances of the McLearn case, quoted from above,

    are also instructive. See 276 Mass. 519. There, after the

    plaintiff timely filed his tort claim in a municipal court, the

    defendant convinced him to dismiss it and refile in the Superior

    Court, where a number of other lawsuits arising from the same

    motor vehicle accident were pending a consolidated trial. Id. at

    521. But, in so doing, the plaintiffs second action was filed

    after the one-year statute of limitations had run, and the

    defendant promptly asserted this as a defense. Id. at 521-22.

    The defendant had not expressly promised not to plead the statute

    of limitations, but the court deemed it a necessary

    implication, as the arrangement suggested by the defendant

    could be carried out only by not pleading the statute. Id. at

    527. The court observed that the plaintiff ha[d] suffered

    direct harm brought about by conduct of the defendant when he

    discontinued an action seasonably brought to enforce his claim;

    and the defendant ha[d] acquired the direct advantage of being

    enabled to interpose a defence resting on that conduct alone.

    Id. at 526. Having acted in a manner not consonant with

    fairness and designed to induce action by the plaintiff to his

    harm, the defendant was estopped from raising the statute as a

    defense. Id. at 527.

    One final case, the core allegations of which mirror those

    presented in the Dixons complaint, merits mention. In Cohoon v.

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    representation and stopped making their payments that Wells Fargo

    was able to initiate foreclosure proceedings. While there is no

    allegation that its promise was dishonest, Wells Fargo distinctly

    gained the upper hand by inducing the Dixons to open themselves

    up to a foreclosure action. In specifically telling the Dixons

    that stopping their payments and submitting financial information

    were the steps necessary to enter into a mortgage modification,

    Wells Fargo not only should have known that the Dixons would take

    these steps believing their fulfillment would lead to a loan

    modification, but also must have intended that the Dixons do so.

    The banks promise to consider them for a loan modification if

    they took those steps necessarily involved as matter of fair

    dealing an undertaking on [its] part not to [foreclose] based

    upon facts coming into existence solely from the making of its

    promise. McLearn, 276 Mass. at 523-24; see Aceves, 120 Cal.

    Rptr. 3d at 514 (U.S. Bank agreed to work with [Aceves] on a

    mortgage reinstatement and loan modification if she no longer

    pursued relief in the bankruptcy court. . . . [This promise]

    indicates that U.S. Bank would not foreclose on Acevess home

    without first engaging in negotiations with her to reinstate and

    modify the loan on mutually agreeable terms.); cf. Vigoda v.

    Denver Urban Renewal Auth., 646 P.2d 900, 905 (Colo. 1982)

    (ruling that the plaintiffs allegation that she incurred losses

    in reasonable reliance on the defendants promise to negotiate in

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    good faith was sufficient to state a claim for relief). Wells

    Fargos decision to foreclose without warning was unseemly

    conduct at best. In the opinion of this Court, such conduct

    presents an identifiable occasion for applying the principle of

    promissory estoppel. Greenstein, 19 Mass. App. Ct. at 356-57.

    As the cases reveal, where, like here, the promisor

    opportunistically has strung along the promisee, the imposition

    of liability despite the preliminary stage of the negotiations

    produces the most equitable result. This balancing of the harms

    is explicitly made an element of recovery under the doctrine of

    promissory estoppel by the last words of [section 90 of the

    Restatement], which make the promise binding only if injustice

    can be avoided by its enforcement. Metzger & Phillips, supra at

    849. Binding the promisor to a promise made to take advantage of

    the promisee is also the most efficient result. Cf. Richard

    Craswell, Offer, Acceptance, and Efficient Reliance, 48 Stan. L.

    Rev. 481, 538 (1996). In cases of opportunism, [the]

    willingness to impose a liability rule can be justified as

    efficient since such intervention may be the most cost-effective

    means of controlling opportunistic behavior, which both parties

    would seek to control ex ante as a means of maximizing joint

    gains. Because private control arrangements may be costly, the

    law-supplied rule may be the most effective means of controlling

    opportunism and maximizing joint gain. Juliet P. Kostritsky,

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    The Rise and Fall of Promissory Estoppel or Is Promissory

    Estoppel Really as Unsuccessful as Scholars Say It Is: A New Look

    at the Data, 37 Wake Forest L. Rev. 531, 574 (2002); see Katz,

    supra at 1309 (contending that promissory estoppel can help

    regulat[e] the opportunistic exercise of bargaining power

    during preliminary negotiations); Schwartz & Scott, supra at 667

    (remarking that protecting the party who has relied will deter

    some strategic behavior).

    There remains the concern that, by imposing precontractual

    liability for specific promises made to induce reliance during

    preliminary negotiations, courts will restrict parties freedom

    to negotiate by reading in a duty to bargain in good faith not

    recognized at common law. While this concern does not fall on

    deaf ears, it can be effectively minimized by limiting the

    promisees recovery to his or her reliance expenditures. See

    Farnsworth, supra at 267 (remarking that, where relief involves

    an award of reliance damages only, courts need not be troubled by

    the indefiniteness of the concept of fair dealing); Metzger &

    Phillips, supra at 853-54 (commenting that reliance-based damage

    awards may sometimes be preferable in promissory estoppel cases

    because, where the promise is indefinite, specific performance or

    expectation damages are not possible); Schwartz & Scott, supra at

    667 (stating that, while the emerging legal rule requiring

    parties to bargain in good faith but not requiring them to reach

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    1 While the law does not recognize a duty to negotiate in

    good faith, at least one scholar has argued that, where the

    parties to an agreement take it upon themselves to negotiate a

    modification of that agreement, they are bound by a duty of fair

    dealing imposed by their existing agreement and do not enjoy the

    freedom of the regime of negotiation. Farnsworth, supra at 244;see also Restatement (Second) of Contracts 205, comment (c).

    But see Burton & Andersen, supra 8.5.4, at 384 (stating that

    most courts have decline[d] to impose obligations concerning

    revision or renewal merely because the parties already have a

    contract between them). Furthermore, Massachusetts law imposes

    on mortgage holders seeking to foreclose an obligation to act in

    good faith and . . . use reasonable diligence to protect the

    interests of the mortgagor. U.S. Bank Natl Assn v. Ibanez,

    458 Mass. 637, 647 n.16 (2011) (quoting Williams v. Resolution

    GGF OY, 417 Mass. 377, 382-83 (1994)).

    The Dixons have not alleged that a duty of good faith

    governed their negotiations with Wells Fargo over a loanmodification, and thus this Court need not address the issue.

    The fact that the parties already were bound to the special

    contractual relationship of mortgagor-mortgagee, however, lends

    support to todays conclusion that Wells Fargos conduct, at a

    minimum, was shabby and doubtless would not be followed by

    conscientious mortgagees. Williams, 417 Mass. at 385.


    faith unnecessary, which, in turn, obviates any need to impose a

    precontractual duty to negotiate in good faith.1 See id. at 873

    (referring to promissory estoppel as superior to good faith as a

    device for protecting reliance). It is also worth noting that

    few claims that arise are fairly treated under the existing

    grounds of . . . [a] specific promise [made during negotiations].

    As long as these grounds are not often invoked and have not been

    pushed to their limits, there will be little pressure to add a

    general obligation of fair dealing. Farnsworth, supra at 242.

    Finally, contrary to the conventional wisdom that

    precontractual liability unduly restricts the freedom to

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    negotiate, a default rule allowing recovery but limiting it to

    reliance expenditures may in fact promote more efficient

    bargaining. See Bebchuk & Ben-Shahar, supra at 457; Schwartz &

    Scott, supra at 690. [T]he existence of liability does not

    chill the parties incentives to enter negotiation, Bebchuk &

    Ben-Shahar, supra at 457, as [r]ational parties will pursue

    efficient projects and abandon inefficient projects. . . .

    disagree[ing], if at all, over whether a party should be

    compensated for a reliance expense, Schwartz & Scott, supra at

    667. It is only under the current regime of either no liability

    or strict liability that negotiating parties are discouraged from

    making early and exploratory investments that are a necessary

    precondition to the later writing of efficient final contracts.

    Id. at 690; see Bebchuk & Ben-Shahar, supra at 457; Katz, supra

    at 1267. In contrast, a scheme of reliance-only precontractual

    liability makes negotiations more desirable by inducing optimal-

    level commitment from each party. See Bebchuk & Ben-Shahar,

    supra at 457. Certainly, enforcement of specific promises made

    to induce reliance during preliminary negotiations might

    sometimes work an injustice on promisors. Metzger & Phillips,

    supra at 851; see Katz, supra at 1273. But reliance-based

    recovery in such instances offers the most equitable and

    efficient result without distort[ing] the incentives to enter

    negotiations in the first place. Bebchuk & Ben-Shahar, supra at

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    2 The Court need not decide at this early juncture what the

    measurement of the Dixons reliance damages would be were they to

    prevail at trial. A balancing of the equities, however, would

    seem to weigh in favor of limiting recovery to the detriment

    sustained. As the Texas Supreme Court said in Wheeler v. White,

    398 S.W.2d 93 (Tex. 1966):

    Where the promisee has failed to bind the promisor to a

    legally sufficient contract, but where the promisee has

    acted in reliance upon a promise to his detriment, the

    promisee is to be allowed to recover no more than

    reliance damages measured by the detriment sustained.

    Since the promisee in such cases is partially responsible

    for his failure to bind the promisor to a legally

    sufficient contract, it is reasonable to conclude that

    all that is required to achieve justice is to put the

    promisee in the position he would have been in had he not

    acted in reliance upon the promise.

    Id. at 97. The Dixons allege that, before Wells Fargos promise

    induced them to stop making their payments, they were not in

    default. Returning their loan to non-default status would put

    them back in their previous position. By the same reasoning,

    they would be required to resume their mortgage payments in their

    original amount, with the missed payments being added into the



    This Court, therefore, holds that the complaint states a

    claim for promissory estoppel: Wells Fargo promised to engage in

    negotiating a loan modification if the Dixons defaulted on their

    payments and provided certain financial information, and they did

    so in reasonable reliance on that promise, only to learn that the

    bank had taken advantage of their default status by initiating

    foreclosure proceedings. Assuming they can prove these

    allegations by a preponderance of the evidence, their damages

    appropriately will be confined to the value of their expenditures

    in reliance on Wells Fargos promise.2

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    loan balance amortized over the life of the loan. If the Dixons

    were unable to resume their payments, Wells Fargo could then

    proceed in foreclosure. But all of this remains speculative;

    assuming liability, the evidence presented at trial will no doubt

    illuminate the proper measure of reliance damages that the Court

    ought fashion. See Fuller & Perdue, supra at 53 (commenting

    that, when courts work on the periphery of existing doctrine,

    it becomes obvious that the the process of measuring and

    determining [damages] is really a part of the process ofcreating them).

    3 In In re Bank of Am. Home Affordable Modification Program

    (HAMP) Contract Litig., No. 10-md-02193-RWZ, 2011 WL 2637222 (D.

    Mass. July 6, 2011) (Zobel, J.), several individual mortgagors

    brought putative class actions against Bank of America, N.A.

    (BOA), and its subsidiary, BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP

    (BAC), alleging that the defendants improperly administered the

    federal Home Affordable Loan Modification Program (HAMP). Id.

    at * 1. The plaintiffs all obtained home mortgage loans from

    BAC, on which they later defaulted. Id. To avoid foreclosure,

    they sought to participate in HAMP. Id.Pursuant to HAMP, BAC entered into a standard agreement with

    some of the plaintiffs for a temporary trial modification of

    their loan. Id. at *1-2. Under this Temporary Period Plan

    (TPP), each homeowner made reduced mortgage payments based on

    his or her financial eligibility. Id. at *1. The TPP promised

    that, by complying with its terms for three months, the homeowner


    Without question, this is an uncertain result. But the

    type of life-situation out of which the Dixons case arises - a

    devastating and nationwide foreclosure crisis that is crippling

    entire communities - cannot be ignored. Karl N. Llewellyn,

    Jurisprudence Realism in Theory and Practice 219-20 (1962).

    Distressed homeowners are turning to the courts in droves, hoping

    for relief for what they perceive as misconduct by their mortgage

    lenders. Many of these cases are factually similar, if not

    identical to, the Dixons case. Yet, with the notable exception

    of three Massachusetts federal district court cases,3 virtually

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    question was whether the parties intended to be bound by the TPP,an issue that [could not] be resolved in the context of a motion

    to dismiss. Id. at *4.

    These three cases are distinct from the present one, in that

    they each concerned the TPP under HAMP, which at least looks like

    a contract. But, as Bosque indicated, the TPP is not necessarily

    clear as to a loan servicers obligations under it. Must the

    servicer give the homeowner a permanent modification, or has it

    simply promised to review the homeowners eligibility for a

    permanent modification if certain conditions are met? The latter

    scenario is analogous to the Dixons alleged situation, even

    though their complaint makes no mention of the TPP or HAMP.

    In addition, my colleagues in these three cases refused todismiss the plaintiffs alternative claims for promissory

    estoppel. This suggests that even if the TPP is proved not to be

    an enforceable contract, relief might still be available under

    the theory of detrimental reliance on the promise contained in

    the TPP. That the exact contours of the promise were not clearly

    defined by the TPP was not a bar to letting these claims for

    promissory estoppel go forward. The Court applies this same

    reasoning to allow the Dixons complaint to survive Wells Fargos

    motion to dismiss.

    4 See In re Harris, No. 10-39586, 2011 WL 2708691, at *4

    (Bankr. S.D. Tex. July 11, 2011) (holding that [a] mere promiseto prepare a written contract [for a loan forbearance] is not

    sufficient to state a claim for promissory estoppel); Sherman v.

    Litton Loan Servicing, L.P., No. 2:10cv567, 2011 WL 2634097, at

    *12 (E.D. Va. July 5, 2011) (concluding that the plaintiff could

    not assert a cause of action based on promissory estoppel because

    the loan servicer never made a promise to modify the plaintiffs

    loan); Argueta v. J.P. Morgan Chase, No. CIV. 2:11-441 WBS GGH,

    2011 WL 2619060, at *3 (E.D. Cal. June 30, 2011) (holding that,

    even if the court construes plaintiffs [First Amended

    Complaint] as alleging an agreement to negotiate a loan

    modification and concludes that such agreements are enforceable,

    the plaintiff failed to allege a clear and unambiguous promise);Brennan v. Wells Fargo & Co., No. 5:11-cv-00921 JF (PSG), 2011 WL

    2550839, at *2 (N.D. Cal. June 27, 2011) (Here, there is no

    allegation that Wells Fargo promised to modify the terms of

    Brennans loan or to postpone foreclosure indefinitely. At most,

    Wells Fargo may have promised to defer foreclosure until its

    review of Brennans application for a modification was complete.


    no other court has upheld a claim for promissory estoppel

    premised on such facts.4

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    From the face of the complaint, it appears that Wells Fargo

    fulfilled this alleged promise.); Adams v. JPMorgan Chase Bank,

    No. 1:10-CV-04226-RWS, 2011 WL 2532925, at *3 (N.D. Ga. June 24,

    2011) (concluding that the lenders promise to review the

    plaintiffs loan modification application without binding itself

    to a result was too vague and indefinite to justify reasonable

    reliance and that the plaintiffs decision to make reduced

    payments, foregoing other means to save [his] home, was not

    detrimental reliance); Gill v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., No. 1:11-

    cv-00218 OWW GSA, 2011 WL 2470678, at *5 (E.D. Cal. June 20,

    2011) (Wells Fargos alleged promise that the repayment plan

    would be in effect for three months and was still in effect is

    not a promise that Plaintiffs loan modification would be

    approved.); Cade v. BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP, No. H-10-4224,

    2011 WL 2470733, at *5 (S.D. Tex. June 20, 2011) ([C]ontinuation

    of payment is a pre-existing obligation and does not amount todetrimental reliance; the Cades were bound to make mortgage

    payments long before applying for HAMP consideration.); Krouse

    v. BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP, No. 2:10-cv-03309-MCE-EFB, 2011

    WL 2367093, at *4 (E.D. Cal. June 9, 2011) (holding that the

    lenders promise of a permanent loan modification if the

    plaintiffs agreed to the terms of a temporary payment plan was

    not sufficiently clear and unambiguous to be enforceable);

    Strupat v. Aurora Loan Servs. LLC, No. 2:11CV00279-DS, 2011 WL

    2359842, at *4 (D. Utah June 9, 2011) (The allegations do not

    support a meeting of the minds, no final terms agreed to and no

    promise that Plaintiff would receive a loan modification. . . .

    The well pleaded facts alleged reflect simply that Auroraconsidered and, for various reasons denied, Plaintiffs

    application for a loan modification.); Melegrito v. CitiMortgage

    Inc., No. C 11-01765 LB, 2011 WL 2197534, at *13 (N.D. Cal. June

    6, 2011) ([C]onclusory allegations about an unspecified

    individual agreeing to a loan modification with unspecified terms

    at some point in the unspecified future are insufficient to

    permit the court to reasonably infer that CitiMortgage or CR

    Title made a clear promise to modify Mr. Melegritos loan.);

    Osmond v. Litton Loan Servicing, LLC, No. 1:10-CV-11, 2011 WL

    1988403, at *3 (D. Utah May 20, 2011) (concluding that, even if

    the lender promised a loan modification, the plaintiff did not

    undertake any action that she otherwise would not have undertakenif there had been no promise); James v. Wells Fargo Bank, NA

    Corp., No. 2:10-CV-1205 TS, 2011 WL 1874707, at *4 (D. Utah May

    17, 2011) (where the HAMP Loan Trial Agreement stated that any

    modification was contingent on further approval, the plaintiffs

    could not meet the reasonable reliance requirement of their

    promissory estoppel claim); Lund v. CitiMortgage, Inc., No. 2:10-


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    CV-1167 TS, 2011 WL 1873690, at *3 (D. Utah May 17, 2011) (same);

    In Re Salvador, No. 10-53570 JPS, 2011 WL 1833188, at *9 (Bankr.

    M.D. Ga. May 12, 2011) ([T]he alleged promise to provide a loan

    modification was too vague to support a promissory estoppel

    claim.); Morales v. Chase Home Finance LLC, No. C 10-02068 JSW,

    2011 WL 1670045, at *8 (N.D. Cal. Apr. 11, 2011) ([T]here was no

    promise that Plaintiffs would be found eligible for permanent

    loan modification on which Plaintiffs could reasonably rely.);

    Dooms v. Federal Home Mortg. Corp., No. CV F 11-0352 LJO DLB,

    2011 WL 1232989, at *10 (E.D. Cal. Mar. 31, 2011) (dismissing the

    plaintiffs promissory estoppel claim where [t]he complaint

    merely alludes to a three-month default requirement to qualify

    for a loan modification. . . . and indeed reflects that she

    purposely stopped making legally required mortgage payments to

    render her unsympathetic in a court of equity); Myrlie v.

    Countrywide Bank, Civil No. 09-1441 (JNE/AJB), 2011 WL 742730, at*5 (D. Minn. Feb. 23, 2011) (granting summary judgment to the

    lender where the plaintiff could not recall any specific terms of

    the loan modification agreement, did not change his position in

    response to the promise of a modification, and could not meet the

    obligations of any loan agreement); Phipps v. Wells Fargo Bank,

    N.A., No. CV F 10-2025 LJO SKO, 2011 WL 302803, at *12-13 (E.D.

    Cal. Jan. 27, 2011) (concluding that the banks representations

    that it would approve the plaintiff for a loan modification do

    not amount to promises not to foreclose and that [a]ssurances

    to work with [him] do not equate to a promise to support

    promissory estoppel); Wankowski v. Taylor Bean & Whitaker Mortg.

    Corp., No. 2:10-CV-538 JCM (PAL), 2010 WL 5141745, at *3 (D. Nev.Dec. 13, 2010) (dismissing a claim for promissory estoppel where

    the promise not to foreclose on which the plaintiff allegedly

    relied occurred after the foreclosure sale took place); Prasad v.

    BAC Home Loan Servicing LP, CIV No. 2:10-CV-2343-FCD/KJN, 2010 WL

    5090331, at *5 (E.D. Cal. Dec. 7, 2010) (finding no clear promise

    to modify the plaintiffs loan where the modification was

    conditioned on the banks determination that the plaintiff was

    financially eligible); Wells v. Chase Home Finance, LLC, No. C10-

    5001RJB, 2010 WL 4858252, at *8 (W.D. Wash. Nov. 19, 2010)

    (determining that Chases action in informing the plaintiffs

    that they must be behind in their mortgage payments in order to

    qualify for a loan modification does not constitute a promiseunder promissory estoppel and could at most be construed as an

    agreement to negotiate a contract in the future should the pre-

    requisite condition exist); Mehta v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., 737

    F. Supp. 2d 1185, 1198 (S.D. Cal. 2010) (finding no meaningful

    forebearance in reliance on the alleged promise by the bank to

    postpone the foreclosure sale if the plaintiff completed and


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    submitted the loan modification application); Hasan v. Ocwen Loan

    Servicing, LLC, No. 2:10-CV-00476-RLH, 2010 WL 2757971, at *2 (D.

    Nev. July 12, 2010) (refusing to infer that the lender was liable

    for the alleged misconduct where the plaintiffs assertions of a

    promised loan modificaation were vague and unspecific); Mekani v.

    Homecomings Fin., LLC, 752 F. Supp. 2d 785, 792 (E.D. Mich. 2010)

    (holding that the correspondence between the parties are at most

    an overture to perhaps begin a dialog, but in no way constitute a

    clear and definite promise to work with Plaintiff on a loan

    modification); Newgent v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., No. 09cv1525

    WQH (WMC), 2010 WL 761236, at *7 (S.D. Cal. Mar. 2, 2010) (where

    the plaintiff did not allege that she would have been successful

    in delaying the foreclosure sale, renegotiating her loan, and

    retaining possession of her home, she failed to establish a

    connection between her reliance on the alleged promise [to delay

    the foreclosure sale if she remitted a $2,500.77 payment, whichshe did,] and losing her home to sustain her claim for

    estoppel); Hepler v. Washington Mut. Bank, F.A., No. CV 07-4804

    CAS (Ex), 2009 WL 1045470, at *3 (C.D. Cal. Apr. 17, 2009)

    (finding no evidence to support a promissory estoppel claim where

    the loan modification documents made execution of a subordination

    agreement by the bank an express condition precedent that had not

    been satisfied); Ellen v. F.H. Partners, LLC, No. 09-09-00310-CV,

    2010 WL 4909973, at *6 (Tex. App. Dec. 1, 2010) (holding that a

    loan officers statement that the homeowners request that the

    loan not be declared in default or foreclosure until the next

    note payment was due was doable was too vague and indefinite to

    be enforceable under the theory of promissory estoppel). But seeSato v. Wachovia Mortg., FSB, No. 5:11-cv-00810 EJD (PSG), 2011

    WL 2784567, at *10 (N.D. Cal. July 13, 2011) (noting that, if the

    plaintiff were to allege that Wachovia represented it would not

    hold foreclosure proceedings while her loan was under review for

    a modification, her promissory estoppel claim would survive);

    Ramirez v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., No. C 10-05874 WHA, 2011 WL

    1585075, at *5 (N.D. Cal. Apr. 27, 2011) (holding that Wells

    Fargos promise to postpone a foreclosure sale due to ongoing

    loan modification processing was enforceable under the theory of

    promissory estoppel where the plaintiff, in reliance on the

    promise, did not file a bankruptcy petition or civil action

    seeking a temporary restraining order); Aceves, 120 Cal. Rptr. 3dat 514-18 (concluding that the complaint stated a claim for

    promissory estoppel where the bank promised to work with the

    plaintiff to reinstate and modify her loan, giving her a

    compelling reason to opt for negotiations with the bank instead

    of seeking bankruptcy relief, which offered the chance only to

    reinstate, not modify, the loan); Garcia v. World Sav., FSB, 107


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    Cal. Rptr. 3d 683, 691-97 (2010) (upholding a promissory estoppel

    claim where the lender allowed the foreclosure sale to go forward

    despite promising to postpone it to give the plaintiffs

    additional time to cure the default by refinancing another

    property they owned).

    5 A federal district court may certify a question for

    decision by the Supreme Judicial Court if there are involved in

    any proceeding before it questions of law of [the Commonwealth of

    Massachusetts] which may be determinative of the cause then

    pending in the certifying court and as to which it appears to thecertifying court there is no controlling precedent in the

    decisions of [the Supreme Judicial Court]. Mass. S.J.C. Rule

    1:03, 1 (2010). This Court has elected not to certify the

    question whether the Dixons allegations are sufficient to state

    a claim for promissory estoppel, but acknowledges that, with the

    exception of McLearn, 276 Mass. 519, the cases relied on herein


    To the extent that todays result is an anomaly, this Court

    has sought to explain its decision openly and with respect for

    precedent, not by sleight of hand. David L. Shapiro, Mr.

    Justice Rehnquist: A Preliminary View, 90 Harv. L. Rev. 293, 355

    (1976); see Robert E. Keeton, Keeton on Judging in the American

    Legal System 5 (1999) (Judging is choice. . . . Judicial choice,

    at its best, is reasoned choice, candidly explained.). It is

    the view of this Court that [f]oreclosure is a powerful act with

    significant consequences, Ibanez, 458 Mass. at 655 (Cordy, J.,

    concurring), and where a bank has obtained the opportunity to

    foreclose by representing an intention to do the exact opposite -

    i.e., to negotiate a loan modification that would give the

    homeowner the right to stay in his or her home - the doctrine of

    promissory estoppel is properly invoked under Massachusetts law

    to provide at least reliance-based recovery.5

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    6 HOLA initially established the Federal Home Loan Bank

    Board to regulate the conduct of federal savings associations.

    Congress replaced the Board with the OTS when it amended HOLA in

    1989. See 12 U.S.C. 1462a.

    7 Federal savings banks are federal savings associations

    and, as such, are subject to HOLA. 12 U.S.C. 1464(a)(1).

    National banks, on the other hand, are subject to the National

    Bank Act (NBA). 12 U.S.C. 1 et seq. The preemption analysis

    under both statutes is similar, although not identical. Compare12 C.F.R. 560.2, with 12 C.F.R. 34.4. Here, any differences

    are irrelevant because, while Wells Fargo is a national bank, the

    conduct at issue in this lawsuit was undertaken by Wachovia

    Mortgage, which was a federal savings bank, before it merged into

    Wells Fargo. See Aff. Steven Chandler, Ex. F, ECF No. 1-6; Aff.

    Lisa Szargowicz, Ex. G, ECF No. 1-7.


    F.2d 1256, 1257 (9th Cir. 1979)). At the time, roughly half of

    all home loans were in default, and nearly one-fifth of the

    nations population was without access to home-financing

    opportunities. See id. at 159-60. In passing HOLA, Congress

    sought to provide emergency relief to homeowners while

    simultaneously restoring public confidence in a network of

    centrally regulated federal savings and loan associations. Id.

    at 159-61; Silvas v. E*Trade Mortg. Corp., 514 F.3d 1001, 1004

    (9th Cir. 2008).

    Through HOLA, Congress created the Office of Thrift

    Supervision (the OTS)6 and gave its director plenary authority

    to regulate and govern the powers and operations of every

    Federal savings and loan association from its cradle to its

    corporate grave.7 de la Cuesta, 458 U.S. at 145 (quoting People

    v. Coast Fed. Sav. & Loan Assn, 98 F. Supp. 311, 316 (S.D. Cal.

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    1951)); see 12 U.S.C. 1464; 12 C.F.R. 500.1(a) (giving the

    OTS responsib[ility] for the administration and enforcement of

    [HOLA]), 500.10 (delineating the functions of the OTS as to

    charter, supervise, regulate and examine Federal savings

    associations). This is an extremely broad grant of power that

    provides ample authority for the [OTS] Directors efforts to

    enforce consistent, nationwide regulations affecting lending

    practices, by preempt[ion]. Flagg v. Yonkers Sav. & Loan Assn,

    FA, 396 F.3d 178, 183 (2d Cir. 2005). The Supreme Court has

    stated that [i]t would have been difficult for Congress to give

    the [OTS] a broader mandate. SPGGC, 488 F.3d at 535 (quoting de

    la Cuesta, 458 U.S. at 161).

    Pursuant to this broad mandate, the OTS has promulgated

    extensive regulations, including two that preempt state statutory

    and common-law causes of action that otherwise would regulate the

    operations of federal savings associations. See 12 C.F.R.

    545.2 (stating that the OTSs exercise of its regulatory

    authority is preemptive of any state law purporting to address

    the subject of the operations of a Federal savings association);

    id. 560.2 ([The] OTS hereby occupies the entire field of

    lending regulation for federal savings associations. [The] OTS

    intends to give federal savings associations maximum flexibility

    to exercise their lending powers in accordance with a uniform

    federal scheme of regulation. Accordingly, federal savings

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    associations may extend credit as authorized under federal law,

    including this part, without regard to state laws purporting to

    regulate or otherwise affect their credit activities, except to

    the extent provided in paragraph (c) of this section . . . .).

    That OTS regulations are preemptive of any state law purporting

    to address the subject of the operations of a Federal savings

    association has been recognized by the First Circuit. SPGGC,

    488 F.3d at 535 (quoting 12 C.F.R 545.2). Moreover, courts

    have considered these preemptive regulations to have been enacted

    within the scope of the OTSs congressionally delegated

    authority. See, e.g., Flagg, 396 F.3d at 182-84.

    The regulations set forth an analytical framework for courts

    to follow in determining whether a specific state law is

    preempted by HOLA. See 12 C.F.R. 560.2; Lending and

    Investment, 61 Fed. Reg. 50951, 50966-67 (Sept. 30, 1996)

    (codified at 12 C.F.R. pts. 545, 560, 563, 566, 571, 590).

    First, a court must decide whether the law in question appears in

    section 560.2(b)s illustrative list of types of state laws that

    are definitively preempted. 61 Fed. Reg. at 50966. These

    include [t]he terms of credit, including . . . adjustments to

    the interest rate, balance, payments due, or term to maturity of

    the loan; [d]isclosure and advertising; and [p]rocessing,

    origination, servicing, sale or purchase of, or investment or

    participation in, mortgages. 12 C.F.R. 560.2(b)(4), (b)(9),

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    b(10). If the law is not of a type appearing in paragraph (b) of

    section 560.2, the court must analyze whether the law affects

    lending. 61 Fed. Reg. at 50966. If so, then it presumptively

    is preempted, rebuttable only if the law clearly is shown to fit

    within the purview of paragraph (c). Id.

    Paragraph (c) lists state laws that HOLA is not presumed to

    preempt, including contract and commercial law, real property

    law, homestead laws, tort law, and criminal law. 12 C.F.R.

    560.2(c). Any other law that, in the estimation of the OTS,

    promotes a vital state interest and either has only an incidental

    effect on lending or is not otherwise contrary to the regulatory

    intent to occupy the field is also not preempted. Id. Courts,

    however, are to interpret paragraph (c) narrowly, with any doubt

    resolved in favor of preemption. 61 Fed. Reg. at 50966. As the

    OTS has said, the purpose of paragraph (c) is to preserve the

    traditional infrastructure of basic state laws that undergird

    commercial transactions, not to open the door to state regulation

    of lending by federal savings associations. Id. A plaintiffs

    complaint, therefore, must be divided into claims which fall on

    the regulatory side of the ledger and [those] which, for want of

    a better term, fall on the common law side. In re Ocwen Loan

    Servicing, LLC Mortg. Servicing Litig., 491 F.3d 638, 644 (7th

    Cir. 2007) (Posner, J.).

    The Eighth and Ninth Circuits have interpreted the OTSs

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    8 In reaching similar conclusions with respect to the

    preemptive effect of HOLA on state law, the Seventh, Eighth, and

    Ninth Circuits all relied on an OTS opinion letter, in which the

    agencys chief counsel concluded that an Indiana statute

    prohibiting deceptive acts and practices in the course of

    commerce was exempt from preemption under section 560.2(c).

    Casey, 583 F.3d at 594 (citing Preemption of State LawsApplicable to Credit Card Transactions, OTS Legal Op., 1996 WL

    767462, IIC (Dec. 24, 1996) (1996 OTS Op.), available at

    http://www.ots.treas.gov/_files/56615.pdf); Silvas, 514 F.3d at

    1005 n.1 (same); In re Ocwen Loan Servicing, 491 F.3d at 644

    (same). The OTS determined that the laws purpose was to

    regulate the ethical practices of all commercial business within


    analytical framework to mean that any state law that either on

    its face or as applied imposes requirements regarding the

    examples listed in 560.2(b) is preempted. Casey v. Federal

    Deposit Ins. Corp., 583 F.3d 586, 595 (8th Cir. 2009); Silvas,

    514 F.3d at 1006. In other words, a state law that on its face

    is not one described in 560.2(b) may nevertheless be preempted

    if, as applied, it fits within 560.2(b). Casey, 583 F.3d at

    594. Under this as applied rule, only generally applicable

    state laws that fit within paragraph (c) without more than

    incidentally affecting lending are exempt from preemption. See

    Jones v. Home Loan Inv., FSB, 718 F. Supp. 2d 728, 734 (S.D. W.

    Va. 2010).

    While the Sixth Circuit has addressed express preemption

    under paragraph (b), see State Farm Bank v. Reardon, 539 F.3d

    336, 347-49 (6th Cir. 2008), the Seventh Circuit is the only

    other appellate court to have applied the paragraph (c) analysis,

    see In re Ocwen Loan Servicing, 491 F.3d at 643-44.8 Judge

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    the state, not to impose best practices on federal savings

    associations in particular. 1996 OTS Op. IIC. [B]ecause

    federal thrifts are presumed to interact with their borrowers in

    a truthful manner, Indianas general prohibition on deception

    should have no measurable impact on their lending operations.Id. As an agency interpretation of its governing statute and

    regulations, this OTS opinion and the guidance it provides with

    respect to HOLA preemption are entitled to deference. See

    Reardon, 539 F.3d at 341 n.2; see also State Farm Bank, F.S.B. v.

    Burke, 445 F. Supp. 2d 207, 215-16 (D. Conn. 2006) (citing Auer

    v. Robbins, 519 U.S. 452, 461 (1997)).


    Posner, writing for a three-judge panel, recognized that, while

    the OTS has plenary authority over federal savings banks, HOLA

    does not provide a private right of action to consumers, leaving

    them with little recourse in disputes with federal savings banks

    outside of those generally applicable state laws exempted from

    preemption in 560.2(c). Jones, 718 F. Supp. 2d at 734

    (discussing Judge Posners opinion). The Seventh Circuit thus

    interpreted paragraph (c), on balance, to mean that [the] OTSs

    assertion of plenary regulatory authority does not deprive

    persons harmed by the wrongful acts of savings and loan

    associations of their basic state common-law-type remedies. In

    re Ocwen Loan Servicing, 491 F.3d at 643. The court gave two


    Suppose [a savings and loan association] signs a mortgage

    agreement with a homeowner that specifies an annual

    interest rate of 6 percent and a year later bills the

    homeowner at a rate of 10 percent and when the homeowner

    refuses to pay institutes foreclosure proceedings. It

    would be surprising for a federal regulation to forbid

    the homeowners state to give the homeowner a defense

    based on the mortgagees breach of contract. Or if the

    mortgagee (or a servicer like Ocwen) fraudulently

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    represents to the mortgagor that it will forgive a

    default, and then forecloses, it would be surprising for

    a federal regulation to bar a suit for fraud. Some

    federal laws do create such bars, notably ERISA, but this

    is recognized as exceptional. Enforcement of state law

    in either of the mortgage-servicing examples above would

    complement rather than substitute for the federalregulatory scheme.

    Id. at 643-44 (internal citations omitted). If states could not

    provide protection to consumers through traditional state-law

    causes of action with only incidental effect on lending, then

    federal savings associations effectively could use preemption as

    a shield to avoid adherence to the commitments they make to

    their customers. McAnaney v. Astoria Fin. Corp., 665 F. Supp. 2d

    132, 164 & n.36 (E.D.N.Y. 2009); see Binetti v. Washington Mut.

    Bank, 446 F. Supp. 2d 217, 219 (S.D.N.Y. 2006) (expressing

    concern that the Bank would be completely insulated from

    liability for its breach [of contract] if the Court were to find

    plaintiffs claim preempted).

    At the same time, courts must be wary of artfully pleaded

    attempts to use common-law claims as a clandestine way of

    imposing requirements on lenders that states otherwise could not

    enact through legislation or regulation. McAnaney, 665 F. Supp.

    2d at 169 n.39. Courts must look beyond the label given to the

    putative cause of action, Schilke v. Wachovia Mortg., FSB, 758

    F. Supp. 2d 549, 557 (N.D. Ill. 2010), and instead undertake an

    independent fact-intensive inquiry into the substance of each

    claim raised, Bishop v. Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC, Civ. No.

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    3:10-0468, 2010 WL 4115463, at *4 (S.D. W. Va. Oct. 19, 2009).

    See Watkins v. Wells Fargo Home Mortg., 631 F. Supp. 2d 776, 782-

    83 (S.D. W. Va. 2008) (If the plaintiff truly complains of a

    term or practice outside the purview of the federal regulations,

    there is no preemption. However, conflicting state regulation

    masquerading as a common law contract claim cannot be allowed to

    supplant existing federal regulations.). The question is one of

    function, not theory: will enforcement of the cause of action

    interfere with or contravene lending, the regulation of which

    Congress has committed exclusively to a federal agency? See

    Naulty v. GreenPoint Mortg. Funding, Inc., Nos. C 09-1542 MHP,

    C 09-1545 MHP, 2009 WL 2870620, at *4 (N.D. Cal. Sept. 3, 2009).

    [I]f the conduct complained of . . . falls within the scope of

    federal authority concerning lending activities, it is

    preempted. Schilke, 758 F. Supp. 2d at 557; see Gibson v. World

    Sav. & Loan Assoc., 128 Cal. Rptr. 2d 19, 27 (Cal. Ct. App. 2002)

    (As to each state law claim, the central inquiry is whether the

    legal duty that is the predicate of the claims constitutes a

    requirement or prohibition of the sort that federal law expressly

    preempts.). This functional analysis is consistent with the as

    applied rule of the Eighth and Ninth Circuits as well as the

    balancing approach of the Seventh Circuit. See Coffman v. Bank

    of Am., NA, No. 2:09-00587, 2010 WL 3069905, at *6 (S.D. W. Va.

    Aug. 4, 2010) ([B]oth approaches are, in essence, a method of

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    determining whether a plaintiffs state law claim attempts to

    impose requirements upon the lending activities of federal

    savings banks.); Jones, 718 F. Supp. 2d at 735 (In Casey,

    Silvas, and Ocwen, the courts considered the specific nature of

    each state law claim to determine whether an allegation is a

    state-based cause of action or an attempt at regulation preempted

    by section 560.2(b).).

    Here, the only claim sufficiently pleaded to survive the

    motion to dismiss is that of promissory estoppel. The

    allegations that form the basis of this claim are that (1) Wells

    Fargo orally promised to negotiate a loan modification agreement

    if the Dixons took certain steps, and (2) despite the Dixons

    compliance, Wells Fargo never engaged in modifying their loan and

    instead initiated foreclosure proceedings. Promissory estoppel,

    as an alternative to a breach of contract claim, undeniably falls

    within the purview of traditional state law. It nonetheless may

    be preempted if the alleged misconduct fits into one of the

    categories identified in paragraph (b) or if the practical effect

    on lending is more than incidental under paragraph (c).

    Wells Fargo argues that the Dixons claim seeks to impose

    substantive requirements regarding several expressly preempted

    categories, specifically (1) the terms of the loan; (2) the

    lenders disclosure obligations; and (3) the processing,

    origination, servicing, or investment or participation in

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    mortgages. Def.s Mem. Supp. 11 (citing 12 C.F.R. 560.2(b)(4),

    (b)(9), (b)(10)). The Dixons, however, do not assert that they

    were entitled to a loan modification; nor do they demand that

    their loan be modified in a particular way. They acknowledge

    that, at most, Wells Fargo promised to negotiate a modification,

    but argue that, because they took the steps that Wells Fargo

    instructed them to take, Wells Fargo cannot now deny its promise

    to consider their eligibility. This has no bearing on the terms

    of any modification that the parties might negotiate in the


    There is some suggestion in the complaint that Wells Fargo

    failed to notify the Dixons that their loan modification

    application had been denied before it initiated foreclosure

    proceedings. This is tangential to the promissory estoppel

    issue, however, and thus the Court need not address whether the

    allegations that touch on Wells Fargos disclosure obligations

    are preempted by HOLA.

    Undoubtedly, the claim that Wells Fargo failed to uphold a

    promise to consider the Dixons for a loan modification relates to

    Wells Fargos servicing of the mortgage. See 12 C.F.R.

    560.2(b)(10). But the standard for express preemption is more

    than relates to. See Coffman, 2010 WL 3069905, at *6 (citing

    In re Ocwen Loan Servicing, 491 F.3d at 643-44). The claim must

    purport[] to impose requirements regarding loan servicing for

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    express preemption to apply. 12 C.F.R. 560.2(b). Here, the

    Dixons do not aim to impose any substantive requirement on the

    loan modification process used by Wells Fargo, in particular, or

    federal savings banks, in general. Coffman, 2010 WL 3069905, at

    *9. The promissory estoppel claim seeks not to attack Wells

    Fargos underlying loan servicing policies and practices, but

    rather to hold the lender to its word, on which the Dixons relied

    to their detriment. Enforcement of Wells Fargos promise merely

    requires the lender to deal fairly and honestly, which no more

    burdens those lending operations listed in paragraph (b) than it

    does everyday business transactions. Bishop, 2010 WL 4115463, at

    *5 ([R]equiring a bank to perform the obligations of its

    contract in good faith implicates none of the concerns embodied

    in HOLA.); see Morse v. Mutual Fed. Sav. & Loan Assn of

    Whitman, 536 F. Supp. 1271, 1281 (D. Mass. 1982) (Aldrich, J.)

    (An award of Chapter 93A exemplary damages against defendant

    would no more threaten the ability of federal savings and loan

    associations to perform their functions in the Commonwealth than

    it would state-chartered savings and loan associations, or other

    corporations subject to the statute.). Only claims that are

    specific to a defendants lending activities, as distinguished

    from legal duties applicable to all businesses, are preempted by

    HOLA. Cuevas v. Atlas Realty/Fin. Servs., Inc., No. C 07-02814

    JF, 2008 WL 268981, at *3 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 30, 2008).

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    Turning to paragraph (c) of section 560.2, the Dixons

    promissory estoppel claim affect[s] lending businesses, just as

    [it would] affect any other business that enters into contracts

    or makes representations during the course of its operations.

    Gibson, 128 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 28. Because it has some effect on

    lending, a presumption of preemption arises. 61 Fed. Reg. at

    50966. This presumption is rebutted here, however, because

    promissory estoppel, as a state common-law doctrine of general

    applicability, is not designed to regulate lending and do[es]

    not have a disproportionate or otherwise substantial effect on

    lending. Gibson, 128 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 28-29. All businesses,

    not just federal savings associations, are subject to the

    predicate duty that the Dixons seek to enforce a duty to honor

    promises made. Compliance with that duty would not require Wells

    Fargo to alter its loan modification program, or any substantive

    aspect of its approach to servicing loans, but it would ensure

    that consumers like the Dixons reasonably could rely on their

    lenders statements without suffering harm as a result.

    With the national housing market once again rattled by an

    overwhelming number of foreclosures, other federal courts have

    been grappling recently with the preemption issue in cases

    factually indistinguishable from the present one. Yet, no

    consensus has emerged with respect to HOLAs reach. In DeLeon v.

    Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., No. 10-CV-01390-LHK, 2011 WL 311376 (N.D.

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    9 For other cases finding no preemption of common-law

    claims, see, for example, Sato, 2011 WL 2784567, at *10 (stating

    that simple allegations of promises that were not kept would

    not be preempted by HOLA); Fletcher v. OneWest Bank, FSB, No. 10

    C 4682, 2011 WL 2648606, at *4 (N.D. Ill. June 30, 2011)

    ([W]ithout some explicit direction from Congress that it

    intended programs such as HAMP to have such preemptive force, theCourt will not preclude Fletcher from pursuing her basic state

    common law remedies.); Taguinod v. World Sav. Bank, FSB, 755 F.

    Supp. 2d 1064, 1071-72 (C.D. Cal. 2010) (holding that the

    plaintiffs claim that their lender failed to perform under the

    loan contract was not preempted by HOLA); Coffman, 2010 WL

    3069905, at *9 (Unlike plaintiffs unconscionable conduct claim,


    Cal. Jan. 28, 2011), for example, the plaintiffs had complied

    with the steps required by Wells Fargo for a loan modification,

    which they had been assured would be successful, when abruptly

    and without warning they lost their home to foreclosure. Id. at

    *1-2. The court held that the plaintiffs intentional

    misrepresentation claim against Wells Fargo was not preempted by

    HOLA because it d[id] not attempt to impose substantive

    requirements regarding loan terms, disclosures, or servicing or

    processing procedures. Id. at *7. Similarly, in Becker v.

    Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., No. 2:10-cv-02799 LKK KJN PS, 2011 WL

    1103439 (E.D. Cal. Mar. 22, 2011), where the plaintiff allege[d]

    that he was promised a modification even though [the lender]

    never intended to modify his loan or seriously consider his

    application, the court concluded that the plaintiffs fraud

    claim appears to arise from a more general duty not to

    misrepresent material facts, and therefore it does not

    necessarily regulate lending activity. Id. at *8-9.9 In

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    plaintiffs allegations of fraud do not translate into burdensome

    requirements to be employed by federal savings banks during

    lending. His claim simply seeks to prevent lenders from

    intentionally misrepresenting information to borrowers in a

    fraudulent manner.); McAnaney, 665 F. Supp. 2d at 164 (It

    cannot be fairly said that the common law claim for breach of

    contract, which merely seeks to make defendants live up to theword of their agreements they sign with their customers, more

    than incidentally affects lending operations.); Biggins v.

    Wells Fargo & Co., 266 F.R.D. 399, 417 (N.D. Cal. 2009)

    (distinguishing between allegations of inadequate disclosures of

    loan terms, which are preempted, and affirmative, material

    misrepresentations, which might not be preempted); Alcaraz v.

    Wachovia Mortg., FSB, No. CV F 08-1640 LJO SMS, 2009 WL 160308,

    at *6 (E.D. Cal. Jan. 21, 2009) (holding that the plaintiffs

    causes of action sounding in contract and real property arise

    from common law, not a statute or other regulation subject to

    preemption); Mincey v. World Sav. Bank, FSB, 614 F. Supp. 2d

    610, 646 (D.S.C. 2008) (holding that a straightforward breach ofcontract action was not preempted); Cuevas, 2008 WL 268981, at

    *3 (concluding that the lender had not met its burden regarding

    preemption because the plaintiffs claims appear to be directed

    to legal requirements that are applicable to all businesses, such

    as truthfully memorializing in writing what is agreed to orally

    by contracting parties); Heist v. Eastern Sav. Bank, FSB, 884

    A.2d 1224, 1234-35 (Md. Ct. Spec. App. 2005) ([N]otwithstanding

    that the parties present the instant case as a question of

    federal preemption, it is properly resolved as a matter of

    contract law.); Gibson, 128 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 28-29 (The duties

    to comply with contracts and the laws governing them and to

    refrain from misrepresentation . . . are principles of generalapplication. They are not designed to regulate lending and do

    not have a disproportionate or otherwise substantial effect on

    lending.); cf. Ramirez, 2011 WL 1585075, at *7 (holding that a

    claim for promissory estoppel based on Wells Fargos promise to

    postpone a foreclosure sale was not preempted by the NBA, subject

    to reevaluation on a motion for summary judgment or at trial).


    contrast, however, the court in Zarif v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.,

    No. 10cv2688-WQH-WVG, 2011 WL 1085660 (S.D. Cal. Mar. 23, 2011),

    held that the plaintiffs state-law claims, including intentional

    misrepresentation, negligent misrepresentation, and promissory

    estoppel, were preempted by HOLA because they specifically

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    10 For other cases finding preemption of common-law claims,

    see, for example, Copeland-Turner v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., No.

    CV-11-37-HZ, 2011 WL 2650853, at *8 (D. Or. July 6, 2011) (If

    plaintiffs claim alleges that Wells Fargo breached a subsequent

    oral modification to the Deed of Trust, . . . the claim is

    preempted because it is based on an allegation that Wells Fargo

    made a particular representation in the course of servicing the

    loan and regarding its secured property.); Parmer v. Wachovia,

    No. C 11-0672 PJH, 2011 WL 1807218, at *1 (N.D. Cal. Apr. 22,

    2011) (dismissing as preempted the plaintiffs promissory

    estoppel claim based, in part, on an allegation that the lender

    made misleading representations concerning a loan modification);

    Down v. Flagstar Bank, F.S.B., No. 3:10-cv-847, 2011 WL 1326961,at *6 (E.D. Va. Apr. 4, 2011) (finding the plaintiffs fraud

    claim did not fit within the preemption exemption because the

    lenders representations and the loan transaction were

    inextricably linked); Ahmad v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., No. CIV

    S-09-1200 JAM DAD PS, 2011 WL 1260054, at *7 n.7 (E.D. Cal. Mar.

    30, 2011) (noting that common law breach of contract remedies

    are likely unavailable to plaintiff in [the] mortgage loan/non-

    judicial foreclosure sale context); Dvornekovic v. Wachovia

    Mortg., No. CV 10-5028RBL, 2010 WL 4286215, at *3 (W.D. Wash.

    Oct. 26, 2010) (holding that it would be a fundamental change in

    the way lending associations operate if the court were to

    enforce the claim that a failure to disburse actual monetaryfunds in exchange for a promissory note constitutes a breach of

    contract); JonesBoyle v. Washington Mut. Bank, FA, No. CV

    0802142 JF (PVT), 2010 WL 2724287, at *67 (N.D. Cal. July 8,

    2010) (holding that breach of contract and implied covenant of

    good faith and fair dealing claims are preempted by HOLA); Jones,

    718 F. Supp. 2d at 737 (deeming the plaintiffs negligence claim

    impermissibly regulatory where she alleged that the bank

    improperly qualified her for a loan that she could not afford to

    pay); Amaral v. Wachovia Mortg. Corp., 692 F. Supp. 2d 1226,

    1237-38 (E.D. Cal. 2010) (finding that HOLA preempted a fraud

    claim alleging that the lender made material false

    representations that their refinance loan had been approved, thatall documents had been processed, and that they were obligated to

    repay their loan); Lopez v. Wachovia Mortg., No. 09CV01510-JAM-

    DAD, 2009 WL 4505919, at *4-5 (E.D. Cal. Nov. 20, 2009)

    (dismissing with prejudice breach of contract and implied

    covenant of good faith and fair dealing claims because they were

    preempted by HOLA); Bassett v. Ruggles, No. CV-F-09-528, 2009 WL


    challenge the processing of Plaintiffs loan modification

    application and servicing of Plaintiffs mortgage. Id. at *3.10

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    2982895, at *22 (E.D. Cal. Sept. 14, 2009) (listing cases that

    universally indicate that, even if amended, the plaintiffs

    fraud claim based on the allegation that the lender induced them

    to enter into a loan with a higher interest rate than they

    qualified for would be preempted by HOLA); Munoz v. Financial

    Freedom Senior Funding Corp., 573 F. Supp. 2d 1275, 1281 (C.D.

    Cal. 2008) (finding preemption because ratification of theplaintiffs legal theory would dramatically affect the lending

    operations of federal savings associations by imposing an

    obligation upon them to monitor its borrowers use of loan

    proceeds); Haehl v. Washington Mut. Bank, F.A., 277 F. Supp. 2d

    933, 942 (S.D. Ind. 2003) ([P]laintiffs tort law claims seek to

    regulate the fees that Washington Mutual Bank, a

    federally-chartered savings association, can charge its

    customers. A decision in plaintiffs favor would have the same

    effect as a direct regulation of the fees.). But see Thomas v.

    OneWest Bank, FSB, Civ. No. 10-6234, 2011 WL 867880, at *4-5 (D.

    Or. Mar. 10, 2011) (holding that the plaintiffs equitable

    estoppel and fraud claims were preempted because they require[d]