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11 through 18 More Amendments. Warm Up 5 1. If you were a Supreme Court Justice and had the opportunity to vote whether or not Capital Punishment for

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  • 11 through 18 More Amendments
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  • Warm Up 5 1. If you were a Supreme Court Justice and had the opportunity to vote whether or not Capital Punishment for murder was constitutional or not, what would you decide? Do you think that capital punishment violates the 8 th amendment? Explain your reasoning. 3 sentences minimum. Have your Bill of Rights Tweets on your desk. I am coming around to check it.
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  • Warm Up 6: Of these 2 statements which do you agree with? Why? 1. In a democracy, people should have the freedom to make their own choices and be responsible for their actions. If they want to indulge in destructive personal behavior, that's their business, not the governments. 2. A democratic government is made up of its citizens and a major responsibility of government is to guarantee equal opportunity for all. The government has a duty to alleviate social ills and guarantee that no one is in need. You have a quiz today! Have out your Civil War Amendments Homework!!
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  • 11 th Amendment A person from one state (or foreign nations) cannot sue another state in federal court. Lady from Zimbabwe CANNOT SUE A STATE IN FEDERAL COURT Court has no jurisdiction
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  • 12 th Amendment Electoral College: method of electing the president & vice president. 538 electors= reflects the 100 senators, 435 HORs, & D.C.s guaranteed 3 (23 rd Amendment) Each state has same # of electors as they do members of Congress Electors selected by their respective parties at their state conventions. Each elector gets a vote for the Pres. and one for the VP. When you vote for Pres. & VP youre casting your ballot for the party & therefore the electors. NC had 15 electoral votes. 15 Republican Electors, 15 Democratic Electors, 15 Libertarian Electors that were prepared to cast their vote after the result of the popular vote. NC sent their 15 Republican Electors.
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  • 13 th Amendment Officially outlawed slavery and forced labor. Ratified Dec.1865 (8 months after Civil War ended) "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
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  • 14 th Amendment 1868 All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. 1. Grants citizenship to everyone born in the US 1. Citizenship to all former slaves 2. No state(gov.) may take away someone of life, liberty, or property w/o due process 3. Equal protection under the law
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  • 15 th Amendment 1870 "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Gives males the right to vote. Many states had laws/policies that prevented many African Americans from voting, such as poll taxes and literacy test
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  • More Amendments 16 th Amendment 1913 Congress can levy/ collect income taxes $$$ 17 th Amendment 1913 People, not the state legislators elect Senators.
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  • 18 th Amendment PROHIBITION Repeals the sale, distribution, possession, and consumption of INTOXICATING LIQUORS Carrie Nation Womens Temperance Movement
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  • But do people stop drinking???? NO! they actually consume more than they had before prohibition.
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  • PBS Videos
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  • How did the nation feel about their role and alcohol? In a democracy, people should have the freedom to make their own choices and be responsible for their actions. If they want to indulge in destructive personal behavior, that's their business, not the governments. A democratic government is made up of its citizens and a major responsibility of government is to guarantee equal opportunity for all. The government has a duty to alleviate social ills and guarantee that no one is in need.
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  • Think of a law that regulates personal behavior. 1. Why would people pass these laws? 2. What benefits do these laws provide to people? 3. How might people be negatively affected by these laws? 4. What are the short and long term benefits and consequences to society of passing these types of laws? 5. What parallels can be made between the passing of these types of laws and the passage of Prohibition?