' 11'1' ., •• I I III .1 i , , I Klaipeda

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    I I III .1 i , , I


  • Dvidesimt pirmoji pamoka

    Lesson 21


    Klaipeda , 1932. VI. 20

    Mfelas Algirdai ,

    Siaiidien mes 3.tplaukeme i Klaipedq. Klaipeda yra Lietuvos uostas prie Baltijos juros. I uostq atplaukia dideli laivai is tolim4 krast4 : is Amerikos, Anglijos , Vokietijos, Ispanij os, J aponijos if net is Australijos.

    Uoste mus sutiko Dr. Vitkus if jo sunus. Dr. Vitkus yra ma-no dede. Jo sunus Gediminas yra mana pusbrolis. As dar niekad nebuvau mat~s Lietuvos, tai man viskas buvo labai idomu. Dr. Vitkus if Gediminas taip pat nebuvo mat~ man~s jau treji metai, tai jie ifgi buvo labai patEmkinti.

    Tu atsimeni, kaip as visuomet norejau pamatyti Lfetuvq. 0 dabaf as jau tikrai Lietuvoje! Visi lietuviai, kuriuos tik sutikau, labai draugiski. Jie stebisi , kad as taip gerai kalbu lietuviskai, nors Lietuvos nebuvau niekad mat~s. Dabar man dar neleiigva greitai kalbeti, bet po poros dien4 as jau kalbesiu labai gerai if greitai.

    Netoli Klaipedos yra Kufsi4 Neringa, kuf mes aplaiikeme baltas kopas. Kufsi4 Neringoje labai grazu: cia daug maz4 kur-ort4 su mazais vasarnamiais. Mes cia pasiliksime porq dien4, ta-da plauksime garlaiviu Nemunu i Kaiinq. Tai bus labai graZi ke-lione: Nemunas teka pef zalius laukus, didelius miskus , pro senus piliakalnius, pro senus miestus if kaimus . Girdejau , kad galima bus pamatyti if sen4 pili4.

    Kaip Jus visi gyvuojate? Prasaii perduoti nuo man~s linkeji-mus Tavo teveliams if Rutai.

    Tavo Petras P . S . If neuzmifsk man tuojaii parasyti'


  • Zvejll uostas

    The Fishermen's Harbor


    atplaukti (atplauklu, atplaukia, at-plauke, atplailks) - to arrive (on board ship)

    tolimas, -a (3a) - far away, distant Vokietija (2) - Germany Ispanija (1) - Spain Japonija (1) - Japan Australija (1) - Austra lia pusbrolis -io (1) - cous in (ma le) viskas - everything idomus, -i (4) - interesting patenkintas, -a - satisfi ed atsiminti (atsimine, utsimifis) irreg .:

    atslmenu, a t simeni, atslmena; atsl-mename, atslmenate, atslmcna -to remember

    pamatyti (pamatau, pamato, pamate, pamatys) - to see, to catch sight; to visit

    tikrai - r eally, for sure draugiskas, -a (1) - friendly stebetis (stebiliosi, stebisi, st eMjosi,

    steb~sis) - to wonder, to be sur-prised

    po (prep. with gen.) - in (with time) NB. po with instr. - 'under', see Lesson 37

    pora (4) - a few, a couple (Noun!)

    po poros dienij - in a few days netoll (adverb and prep. with gen.)

    - not far (from) Kursil,l Neringa - Couronian Isthmus

    (A narrow isthmus on the Baltic Sea)

    kopa (2) - dune kurortas (1) - spa, resort place vasarnam is -io (1 ) - summer house,

    cottage, villa pasilikti (pasiliko, pasiliks ) irreg. :

    pasilieku, pasiliekl , pasilH!ka; pasi-liekame, pasiliekate, pasilieka to remain

    garlaivis -1 0 (1) - steamer kelione (2) - trip, voyage laukas (4) - field piliakalnis -io (1) - 'castle hill' (hills

    and mountains in Lithuania where in ancient times s tood castles, for-tifications or warning towers)

    pilis -ies, fern . (4) - castle perduoti (perdave, perduos) irreg.:

    perduodu , perduodi, perduoda; per-duodame, perduodate, perduoda - .

    linkejimas (1) - wish, regard t" Jwe perduoti linkejimus - to give regards nuo (prep. with gen .) - from


    21.1 The Plural of the Adjectives - First Declension.

    The plural cases for the first declension adjectives are:

    Masculine Feminine N . baIti (3) 'white' baItos G. baltii baltii D . baltlems balt6ms A. baItus bciItas 1. baItais baltomis L. baItuose baltose

    The final -s of the dative plural (even the -is of the instru-mental plural) and the final -e of the locative plural are some-times dropped in conversational speech. This is true for second and third declension adjectives also.


  • 21.2 The declension of the adjective didelis 'big' is given below:


    Masculine Feminine N. didelis (3b ) didele G . didelio dideles D. didelilim didelei A. dideli didel~ I. dideliu didele L. dideliame dideleje


    N. dideli dideles G . didelif! didelif! D. dideliems didelems A. didelius dideles I. dideliais didelemis L. dideliuose didelese

    21.3 The Pluperfect Tense.

    The pluperfect tense is a compound tense formed with the preterit of the verb buti plus the past active participle. The gender and number of the participle depend upon the gender and number of the subject.

    1) 2) 3)

    Cf. Lesson 26 for the declension of the participles.

    A sample paradigm with buvau atej~s 'I had come' is given :

    Singular Masc. Fern. buvaii atej~s (atejusi) buvai atej~s (atE~jusi) buvo atej~s (atejuSI)

    Plural Masc. buvome atej~ buvote atej~ buvo atej~

    Fern. (atejusios) (atejusios) (a tej usios)

    This tense denotes a state which had been attained in the past. It may have been completed either during the time when another action took place or prior to the time another action took place :

    1) Lig6nis jau buvo mir~s, kai mes nuejome. -The patient h ad already died (was dead ), when we arrived.


  • 2) Kai jis mums atneSe knygq, mes jau buvome isej~. -When he brought us the book we had already gone out.

    3 ) Kai ji gyveno Lietuvoje, ji niekad nebuvo miiciusi liuto. -When she lived in Lithuania she had never seen a lion .

    21.4 The Frequentative Perfect Tense.

    The frequentative perfect tense is a compound tense formed with the frequentative past of the verb buti plus the past active participle.

    Sing ul ar


    2) 3)


    bildavau atej~s budavai atej~s bildavo atej~s


    (atejusi) (atejusi) (atejusi)

    Plur a l


    bildavome atej~ bildavote atej~ bildavo atej~

    Fern .

    (atejusios) (atejusios) (atejusios )

    This tense denotes a state which was attair eJ at different times in the past. Example:

    1) Mano zmona, kai budavo pavargusi, niekur neidavo. -Whenever my wife was tired, she wouldn 't go anywhere.

    2 ) J6 tevai, kai budavo susirg~, nieko nedarYdavo. -His parents did nothing when (ever) they were sick.

    For further information on these tenses See the section on aspect in the appendix.

    21.5 The Use of the Dative Case.


    The primary function of the dative case (as in all Indo-European languages) is that of the indirect object :

    1) Tevas diive vaikui 6buoli. - Father gave (to) the child an apple. (To whom did father give an apple? - to the child: vaikui).

    2) Jis man nieko nedave. - He did not give (to) me anything. (To whom he did not give anything? - to me : man).

    b )

    In many cases, Lithuanian uses the indirect object (i.e. dative case without any prepositions) where in English one uses expres-sions such as: for , for the sake of, etc. :


  • 1) Jis viskq aukoja suvo seimai. - He sacrifices everything for (for the sake of) his family .

    2) Jis man viskq nuperka. - He buys everything for me. (Or: He buys me everything).

    c) There are a number of verbs in Lithuanian which require the

    dative case. Some examples are given below: atleisti 'to forgive':

    1) If atleisk mums mus'll kaltes. - And forgive us our trespasses. atsakyti 'to answer':

    2) Atsakyk man i klausimq. - Answer me my question. dovanoti 'to give as a gift':

    3) Jis man dovan6jo knygq. - He gave me a book (as a gift) . duoti 'to give':

    4 ) Duok vaikui valgyti. - Give the child (something) to eat. leisti 'to allow':

    5) Leisk jam nama eiti. - Allow him to go home. padeti 'to help':

    6) Jis man niekadas nepudeda. - He never helps me.


    The dative case is also used as the object of an infinitive to express purpose. In English we would have a direct object in a corresponding construction. 1) Jis samdo mane darbui dirbti. - He is hiring me to do work. 2) Jis nusipifko naujq plunksnq tam svarbiam laiskui rasYti. -

    He bought (himself) a new pen to write that important letter.

    Note that in the examples given above the words darbui and tam svarbiam laiskui are in the dative case.

    21.6 The relative pronoun kuris 'which, who' is declined like jis, d. below:


    Masculine Feminine

    N. kUr1s kUr1 G. kurio kurios D. kuriam kuriai A. kurj kuriii I. kuriuo kuria L. kuriame kurioje


  • Plural

    N . kurie kurios G. kuriq kurii1 D. kuriems kuri6ms A. kuriuos kurias I. kuriais kuriomis L. kuriuose kuriose

    21.6,1 The relative pronoun agrees in number and gender with the word to which it refers , but its case is determined by its func-tion in its own clause. Examples: .

    1) As matau stalq, ant kurio guli knyga. - I see a table on which lies a book.

    The relative pronoun kurio is masculine and singular because it refers to stalq which is masculine singular; it is in the genitive case as the object of the preposition ant which requires an object in the genitive case.

    2 ) Stalas, kuri jis dazo, yra labat didelis. - The table which he is painting is very big.

    Here kurl is masculine singular because it refers to stalas which is masculine singular; it is in the accusative case as the object of dazo .

    3) Mergaite, kuriai as daviau knygq , yra mano dukte . - The girl to whom I gave the book is my daughter. kuriai is in the dative case as the indirect object of daviau.

    It is feminine singular because it refers to Mergaite. Further in-formation on relative pronouns is found in 36.3.


    A. Questions. 1. Kas yra Klaipeda? 2. IS kokii1 krastq atplaukia laivai i Klaipedq? 3. Kas dar niekados nebuvo miit~s Lietuvos? 4. Ai: diiktaras Vitkus buvo miit~s Petq? 5. Kokie vasarnamiai yra Kufsil.! Neringoje? 6. Kuf yra baltos kopos? 7. Pef k6kius laukus teka Nemunas? 8. Kokie yra piliakalniai prie Nemuno? 9. Af jus esate kada buv~s Lietuvoje? 10. Af jus zinote, kas yra pili~ kalniai?

    B. Decline in the singular and plural: baltas namas, balta kopa , zalias laukas, didelis miskas, sen as uostas.


  • C. Change all the italicized nouns and adjectives into the plural: l. Man patiiika senas niimas. 2. As megstu senq niimq. 3. Nemunas teka pef ziiliq pievq. 4. Jie gyvena dideliame miske. 5. Ji pifko ge-rq knygq. 6. Jo automobilis yra raud6nas . 7. NaujU gcirlaiviu mes plauksime i Kaun~ . 8. Jis man buvo paras~s ilgq lciiskq. 9. Jie gyvena sename mieste. 10. Mes vaZiuosime i Vilniq nauju auto-mobiZiu.

    D. Conjugate in the pluperfect and in the f1'equentative perfect tense the following verbs. Form sentences with them: plaukti, atplailkti, sutikti , matyti, buti , atsimiiiti , noreti, kalbeti, aplan-kyti, perduoti, parasyti.

    E. Translate into Lithuanian: 1. He had never been in Lithuania. 2. Big ships come ('arrive swimming') to the harbor. 3. Large for-ests lie (are) near the Nemunas. 4. They had never studied at the University of Vilnius. 5. We like old houses. 6. Our old parents (tevai) had never been in America . 7. They like old forests. 8 . Our cities are large. 9. Their villages are small. 10. I like new automobiles.


    Petras: l. Gediminas : 2. Petras : 3. Gediminas : 4.

    Petras: 5.

    Gediminas: 6.

    Petras: 7.

    Gediminas : 8. Petras : 9.


    Kieno yra tas baltas laivas sil zaliais kaminais?

    Tai yra Anglijos laivas.

    Af tu jail esi buv~s sitame uoste?

    Taip. As labai megstu jur~ if uostus. Cia as visa-dos galiu matyti didelius laivus.

    Man atrado, kad anie du pilki laivai yra is Ka-nados.

    To tai as tikrai nezinail , nes as toki4 pilk4 laiv4 ligsiol dar nebuvau mat~s .

    Kuf yra zvej4 uostas? As manail, kad teii yra daug maz4, sen4 zvej4 laiv4.

    :lvej4 uostas yra uz to iskysulio.

    Mes turesime tenai nueiti if paziiireti t4 sen4 zvej4 laiv4.

    Gediminas: 10. Vaziuokime dviraciais! As ifgi noreciau dar kaf-t~ pamatyti zvej4 uost~ .



    PetTas :

    Gediminas: PetTas: Gediminas :






    1. 2.

    3. 4.






    Whose is that white ship with green smokestacks?

    That is an English (England's) ship. Have you (already) been at this harbor (before)?

    Yes. I like the sea and the harbors very much. Here I can always see big ships. It seems to me that those two gray ships are from Canada. That I don't know for sure because I had never seen such gray ships. Where is the fishermen's harbor? I suppose there are many small old fishermen's ships. The fishermen's harbor is behind that point of land. We'll have to go there and take a look at those old fishermen's ships.

    Gediminas: 10. Let's ride on the bicycles! I would also like to see the fishermen's harbor once more.


    2. Anglijos laivas - lit. 'England's ship'. 5. i~ Kaniidos - lit. 'out of Canada, from Canada'. 6. to - Genitive of Us 'that', after negative.

    lig~iol - lit. 'until now' . 9. paziOreti - 'to look at' takes the genitive case.

    10. noreciau - 'I would like to', a subjunctive form. See Lesson 31.


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