Christy Samira Leon Kareena Philicia Ayanna Lilah Remy Donovan Michael Yamilee Jessica Leslie Jose Carlos Bryan Ricardo Alexis David Jordan Alejandra Kathy Diana Ixza Emily Jaileen Jeffrey Wednesday November 21, 2012 If you could only eat two foods for your Thanksgiving meal, which two would you choose? Explain. Edward Adrianette

11.21.12 classwork wednesday

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  • 1. If you could only eat two foods for your Thanksgivingmeal, which two would you choose? Explain. AdrianetteWednesday November 21, 2012 Bryan Leslie JordanDonovan Ayanna Emily JaileenJose ChristyIxza Lilah Philicia Leon Alexis SamiraRemyKathy RicardoJessicaMichael KareenaYamileeDianaAlejandra Carlos Edward David Jeffrey

2. Morning WorkDO NOW:Write the x5Times Table tentimes. 3. Reading The Right to Vote (p. 290)Talk About ItWhy should peoplevote? Why do you thinkit took women so longto win the vote in theUnited States? Picture Prompt Look at the picture and respond in writing. 4. To submit is to give in to someones power.A representative is a person chosen tospeak for others.Qualify means to make or become fit for acertain kind of work.If you postpone something, you delay it. 5. A legislature is a group of people electedto make or change laws.Something that is satisfactory is goodenough but not outstanding.An attorney acts for another person in legalmatters.A colonel is a rank of military officer. 6. Reading HomeworkPractice book, page 82 7. Math Power PracticeDO NOW:Complete theMultiplicationRecord Sheet. 8. Math TwoDigit Dividends (p. 169)ESSENTIAL QUESTIONWhat strategies canbe used to dividewhole numbers? How to McDonaldsLONG DIVISION?Does remember Serve Burgers 9. Math Homework 10. Spelling Pretest 1. hilltop11. reckless 2. grassland12. pilgrim 3. footprint13. improve 4. handsome 14. instant 5. landlord 15. dolphin 6. partner16. orphan 7. cockpit17. concrete 8. fairground 18. complain 9. address19. district 10. fiddler 20. although 11. Homework Summary for Wednesday November 21, 2012ReadingPractice Book page 82Math1. 81 82. 67 43. 59 84. 76 35. 48 56. 83 9Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving! 12. Range: Mode:Median: Mean:Reward10 Pizza Party89 Wheel of Fun7 BrainPOP6 Silent Reading45 Silent Snack23 Class Work1 No Snack 13. Today is first day of school. Imagine that you have justanonymously received the perfect gift. Write about whatit is and how you will figure out who gave it to you.Wednesday September 5, 2012 Emily AyannaBryanJaileenChristy LeslieJose EdwardPhilicia SamiraIxza RicardoLeon JessicaAlexisMichaelDavidDonovan JordanKareenaLilah Yamilee Remy Kathy Alejandra DianaCarlos Jeffrey Adrianette 14. Attachments 1314158