11th Regional Public Safety Battalion - PNP PATROL PLAN 2030 - Initiation Stage

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11th Regional Public Safety Battalion - PNP PATROL PLAN 2030 - Initiation Stage

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11th Regional Public Safety BattalionCamp Quintin M Merecido, Buhangin, Davao City


Republic of the PhilippinesNATIONAL POLICE COMMISSIONPHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICEPOLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 1111th Regional public safety battalionCamp Quintin M Merecido, Davao CityTelefax: (082) 285-6329==================================================================


The PNP was chosen as one of the government agencies to apply the globally-recognized governance model system through the assistance of the DAP and ISA because of its developmental impact to the country. It was deemed ready because of the reform programs currently being pursued. Further, it is one national government agency that has close daily direct contact with ordinary citizens and has immediate positive impact on the welfare of the people in the communities it serves.

The PNP truly adheres to human rights-based policing through its CODE-P (Competence, Organizational Development, Discipline, Excellence and Professionalism). We achieved Competence through quality rights-based trainings and seminars; Organizational Reforms through the designation of accessible Human Rights Desk Officers down to the station level; Discipline through strict adherence to policies that give premium to human dignity; Excellence through the use of latest investigative technology that delivers immediate, impartial and credible result; and Professionalism which is the end product of all human rights-based initiatives at all levels of community service and peacekeeping operations.

The 11th Regional Public Safety Battalion is mandated to conduct internal security and counter-terrorism operations, respond to crisis situation which extends beyond the capabilities of the Police Provincial and City Offices and conduct rescue and relief operations anywhere in the region. A noble duty that is marked in the hearts and minds of the strong men and women of the 11th Regional Public Safety Battalion, that is, to serve and protect the rights of the Filipino people and upheld the dignity of the Philippine National Police as one of the prime movers of the government in enforcing the law and maintaining peace and order.

This report portrays the actions and initiatives of 11th RPSB towards the attainment of the vision of the organization towards PNP P.A.T.R.O.L. Plan 2030.

DARIO LIMOCON GUNABEPolice SuperintendentActing Battalion Commander 11th Regional Public Safety BattalionPNP PATROL PLAN 2030INITIATION STAGE


I. Introductiona. Title Pageb. Foreword from the head of organization; andc. Table of Contents

II. Elements of the Stagea. Narrative of the Elements Formation of Technical Working Group; Establishment of Battalion Police Strategy Management Units; Formation of 11th Regional Public Safety Battalion Advisory Council; Formulation of Unit Strategy Map and Government Dashboard; and Development of IMPLAN to COMPLAN.b. Proof of the Implementation;c. Tangible Results of Implementation; andd. Major issues encountered in strategy implementation.

III. Dashboard Best Practices and other Initiatives a. Unit Charter Statementb. Process Check (Customer Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Gap Analysis, Value Chain, Strategic Shift and Initiatives;c. Maneuver Company Tactical Dashboard;d. Battalion and Maneuver Company Alignment of Dashboard;e. Narrative of the best practices in the implementation of PNP P.A.T.R.O.L. Plan 2030;f. Initiatives that are believed vital in the implementation of PNP P.A.T.R.O.L. Plan 2030 and Dashboard System; andg. Unit 2015 Commitment (as aligned in PRO 2015 Commitment).

IV. Annexes and other Supporting Materials

a. Media Clippings, press releases, etc.;b. Minutes of Meeting for Organizations (TWG, Advisory Council, etc.)c. Members of the Technical Working Group;d. Composition of the Participants during the working sessions.


a. Formation of Technical Working Group (Annex A)

The 11th Regional Public Safety Battalion organized and activate a Technical Working Group to focus on the smooth flow of implementation of PNP PATROL PLAN 2030. The technical working Group of the 11th RPSB is composed of the following:


b. Establishment of Battalion Police Strategy Management Unit (BPSMU) (Annex B)

The 11th Regional Public Safety Battalion organized and activated a Battalion Strategy Management Unit who will oversee the implementation of the PNP PATROL PLAN 2030: "Peace & Order Agenda for Transformation and Upholding of the Rule-Of-Law"; Integrate all strategy management processes, sustaining strategy execution & management, and instilling a culture of strategic focus; Identify & recommend key priorities and strategic issues to the Battalion Commander; assist & advise maneuver companies in selecting targets & identifying strategic initiatives; Facilitate in the integration & coordination of programs, projects & activities across functions & offices to align strategies & manage execution; Cascade the PNP PATROL PLAN 2030 and 11th Regional Public Safety Battalions Operational Dashboard down to the maneuver and public safety companies; Develop a comprehensive Communications Plan & education process focused on developing common understanding and ownership of the strategy & to generate commitment & support from all stakeholders; establish & facilitate the process of identifying, documenting & sharing lessons-learned & best practices that can be replicated; oversee the review, evaluation and validation & timely reporting of Balanced Scorecard Measures, in collaboration with the Technical Working Group (TWG) and the 11th Regional Public Safety Battalion Advisory Group on Police Transformation and Development (11th RPSB AGPTD); and Establish a monitoring and accountability mechanism for the implementation and execution of PNP PATROL PLAN 2030.

c. Formulation of Battalion Advisory Group for Police Transformation and Development. ( Annex C)

The 11th Regional Public Safety Battalion Advisory Group for Police Transformation and Development was established for the mere purpose of guiding and giving directions to the RPSB in realizing its commitment to the PNP PATROL Plan 2030. They act as the advisory body of our unit in realizing our primary mission which is to conduct internal security and anti-terrorism operations, respond to crisis situation which extends beyond the capabilities of the Police Provincial Offices and conduct rescue and relief operations anywhere in the region.

The advisory group is composed of the members of the Government Sector, Education Sector, Business Sector, Religious Sector, and Mass Media Sector. The group is focusing on the issues of strategic importance that are considered contributory to the successful accomplishment of the 11th Regional Public Safety Battalions mission and attainment of the PNPs vision. They are providing the needed external perspectives and appropriate guidance on the key issues and concerns relative to the realization of the mission of the PNP as a whole.

d. Regular Submission of Quarterly Operational and Tactical Dashboard

The Public Safety and Maneuver Companies of the 11th Regional Public Safety Battalion are directed to submit their respective Tactical Dashboard every end of the quarter to the Battalion Police Strategy Management Unit (BPSMU). In consonance with this, the Technical Working Group of 11th RPSB is quarterly convening for the validation, monitoring and evaluation of every plans and activities projected on their tactical dashboard. Their respective dashboard will be submitted to the BPSMU for consolidation and entry to 11th Regional Public Safety Battalions Operational Dashboard.

e. Proof of ImplementationPictorials

f. Results of Implementation

g. Major Issues Encountered in Strategy Implementation

III. Dashboard Best Practices and Other Initiatives

a. Unit Charter Statement

b. Process Check

Customer Analysis

Who are our Customers and What are their Needs and Expectations?

PRIMARY CUSTOMERSCommunity (People of the Region 11)


MAJOR DELIVERABLES/ SERVICES Sustained Internal Security Operation; Intensified Intel-driven Special Police Operations; and Strengthen Community Linkages through PCR activities.

CUSTOMER VALUE PROPOSITION (CVP) / OUTCOMEPublic Safety and Security, and Sustainable Peace and Development in the Region.

SWOT Analysis

External FactorsInternal Factors


Opportunities1.S.O Strategic Options1.W.O Strategic Options1.

Threats1.S.T Strategic Options1. W.T Strategic Options1.

GAP Analysis

1. Improve Crime Prevention (Intensifying Intel-driven Police Operations against LAGs and Criminal Activities) DESIRED Stage

1. Improve counter terrorism efforts;2. Proactive and participative efforts in institutionalizing PIPS; and3. Intensified and proactive law enforcement operations in line with AFP ISO program thrust.


1. Lack of Mobility, Communication and Firepower equipment;2. Insufficiency of intended budget for operations; and3. Insufficiency of training relative to ISO, counter-terrorism and other law enforcement trainings.Present Stage

1. Limited efforts in addressing counter-terrorism;2. Reactive and Traditional Law Enforcement in institutionalizing PIPS; and3. Traditional Law Enforcement Approach on Internal Security Operations.


1. Conduct of unit enhancement trainings relative to internal security operations and public safety in coordination with RPHRDD and RSTU 11; 2. Launching of IMPLAN TULONG to remote and insurgents affected barangays; and3. Involvement in the Peace and Development Outreach Program (PDOP) of the AFP counterparts

(STRATEGY)Closing the Gap by Adopting:

1. Training Needs Analysis;2. Systematic Procurement of Equipment; and3. Support Role on ISO

2. Improve community safety awareness through community-oriented and human rights-based policing (Effective and maximize utilization of quad media) DESIRED Stage

1. More Participative and sustainable deliveries of services to the public; and2. Effective and maximize utilization of Quad Media in informing the PNPs Program to the public


4. Insufficiency of intended budget for PCR activities5. Lack of trained personnel on Community Intervention.Present Stage

1. Less Participative in any police community relation activities


4. Sending personnel to undergo Community Intervention Training; and5. Launching of IMPLAN TULONG to remote barangays in the region.

(STRATEGY)Closing the Gap by Adopting:

4. PNP Program on Police Community Relations

PNP PATROL Plan 2030 (Initiation Stage)Page 1

Value Chain


a. Gains good impression to the people.(View documentary video at : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Gjgl5EsKhw )

a. Approval of 11RPSB IMPLAN 04/2014 (Intensified Internal Security Operations) with the ff. directives:

Recall of personnel performing non-ISO duties; Establishment of one (1) patrol base manned by a minimum of 34-man strength in every maneuver companies to the area identified as enemy center of gravity; and Conduct of One (1) 5-days major operations per month; two (2) 3-day minor operations per month; and Three (3) hours prophylactic patrols daily.

b. Approval of 11RPSB IMPLAN TULONG (Magtinabangay) with the following policy:

To initiate PCR activities once every month.

c. Signing of MOU on PDOP with AFP.

Convening for Operations Family Conference to evaluate results for recommendations:

Procurement of additional ISO equipment like ammunitions; Need additional support with the other LGAs and LGU for the sustainable delivery of basic services to remote barangays through PCR activities.

Monitoring and Evaluation of the percentage and degree of compliance:

A total of three (3) combat operations conducted for CY 2014 covering four barangays in Cateel and Boston, Davao Oriental; and three (3) barangays in Kapalong, Davao del Norte. A total of nine (9) barangays benefited for the launching of 11RPSB IMPLAN TULONG since 2013. Cascading of Condition Situation Response System (CSRS)

a. Internal Security Operations/Public Safety

Drafting of 11RPSB IMPLAN 04/2014 (Intensified Internal Security Operations) Drafting of 11RPSB IMPLAN TULONG (Magtinabangay) MOU in the conduct of PDOP with the AFP.

Communicate ResultsReview and EvaluationPolicy DevelopmentPolicy Dissemination/ Communication

Strategic Shift and Initiatives



Limited efforts in addressing counter-terrorism;Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) TrainingImprove counter terrorism efforts by the competent RPSB personnel thus ensuring safety of the public.

To ensure safety and security of the public against any acts of terrorism that may cause destruction lo lives and properties.

Traditional Law Enforcement Approach on Internal Security Operations.a. Joint Combat Operations with AFP; andb. Peace and Development Outreach Program (PDOP)Intensified and proactive law enforcement operations in line with AFP ISO program thrust.

a. To ensure internal security and protection of the rights of the people against any acts of harassment, extortion and summary killing perpetrated by lawless armed groups;b. To make the people understand and appreciate the efforts of the government in bringing peace and order, and developments in their community.

Less Participative in any police community relation activities a. 11th RPSB IMPLAN TULONGb. Publication of Activities through blogs and facebook (https://11rpsb.weebly.com)

3. . More Participative and sustainable deliveries of services to the public; and4. Effective and maximize utilization of Quad Media in informing the PNPs Program to the public.Improve community safety awareness through community-oriented and human rights-based policing utilizing the quad media



Fairly Capable, competent and motivated personnelSpecialized Training and Seminara. SWAT Trainingb. Swift Water and Survival Training

More capable, competent and well- motivated 1th RPSB personnelTo equip personnel with necessary skills and knowledge that are significant in performing their task and duty as the protector of the people.



Limited Resourcesa. Procurement of ammunitions and other ISO equipment from ISO fundb. Acquisition of vehicle from the PNP, LGU and private individual, and c. Optimize use of resources.Capable and fully Equipped unit.To strengthen resources on mobility, firepower, and communications capability to fully equipped maneuver forces in order to render better services to the people.

c. Public Safety and Maneuver Companys Tactical Dashboard

1. 1st Maneuver Company Tactical Dashboard; (Annex D)2. 2nd Maneuver Company Tactical Dashboard; (Annex E)3. 3rd Maneuver Company Tactical Dashboard; (Annex F) and4. Public Safety Company Tactical Dashboard. (Annex G)

d. 11th Regional Public Safety Battalion Operational Dashboard and Public Safety and Maneuver Companies Tactical Dashboard Alignment.

e. Narrative of the Best Practices in the Implementation of PNP P.A.T.R.O.L. Plan 2030

Following are the Best Practices initiated by this unit which is uncommon routine work that contribute to the attainment of goals and objectives of the PNP PATROL Plan 2030; to wit:

a. 11th Regional Public Safety Battalion IMPLAN TULONG

The 11th Regional Public Safety Battalion instigated different activities through IMPLAN (Implementing Plan) aspiring to reach the vast areas of Region XI inch by inch through different activities that will absolutely help the chosen community.The 11th RPSB IMPLAN TULONG- a one stop shop services was created and offered to the depressed areas of the Region adhering to the vision and mission of the PNP that is to win the active support of the community, especially the community of Indigenous People (Lumads) who are vulnerable of insurgency and easily influenced by CNN.

The conduct of series of public services such as Relief Goods Distribution, Medical and Dental Services, Food Feeding Activity, Massive Information Drive, Livelihood Demonstrations, Libreng Gupit, Magic Show, Coastal Cleaning/Clean-up Drive and Tree Planting Activity. These activities were initiated to bring positive public perception to the PNP. It lures every stakeholder to be in the government sector, private agencies, non-government organizations and private individuals to work hand in hand for the activity, upholding the title itself TULONG creating a harmonious relationship between the community and the PNP.


Area/Barangay/ProvinceDate of ActivitiesStakeholders InvolvedActivities

Caliclic Elementary School, Brgy. Caliclic, IGACOS, Davao del Norte

February 22, 2013a. CSWDO of IGACOS;b. DepEd Division Office of IGACOSc. Medical/Dental Mission;d. Libreng Gupite. Lugaw Feedingf. Distribution of Slippersg. LIVELIHOOD (Fabric Softener and Dishwashing Soap Making)h. Enhance Parent Effectiveness Servicei. Proper Cultivation of Vegetable Backyard Seedsj. Lecture on R.A. 9262k. Moral and Spiritual Upliftment Programl. Drug Awareness Programm. Tree Planting Activityn. Operation Tuli

Baganga, Davao OrientalMarch 12, 2013LGU of Baganga, Davao Oriental

Brgy. Katipunan, New Bataan, ComVal Province

March 14, 2013LGU of New Bataan, ComVal Province

Brgy. Linda, Nabunturan, ComVal ProvinceApril 2, 2013

LGU of Nabunturan, ComVal Province

Brgy. Carmen, Baguio District, Davao CityMay 17, 2013City Government of Davao

Brgy. Paradise Embac, Pacquibato Dist., Davao CityJuly 26, 2013City Government of Davao


Libreng GupitLIVELIHOOD (Fabric Softener and Dishwashing Soap Making)


b. Peace and Development Outreach Program (PDOP)

Active involvement on Peace and Development Outreach Program (PDOP), a PNP and AFP initiative in Davao Region to address insurgency problem in the AOR. This program aims to win the hearts and minds of the people through the conduct of different civic activities by informing the people about the government plans and programs in the far-flung communities gaining community participation and cooperation. This is a non-combat and non-aggressive manner in partnership with our local government units and NGOs in helping the communities.

Trained Personnel for PDOP

Unit/OfficeNr of Trained Personnel


1st Maneuver Company

2nd Maneuver Company

3rd Maneuver Company

Public Safety Company



f. Initiatives that are believed vital in the implementation of PNP P.A.T.R.O.L. Plan 2030 and Dashboard System

Following initiatives of 11th Regional Public Safety Battalion are deemed to be vital in the implementation of PNP P.A.T.R.O.L. Plan 2030 and Dashboard System:

a. Joint Combat Operations with AFP; b. Peace and Development Outreach Program (PDOP);c. 11th RPSB IMPLAN TULONG;d. Publication of Activities through blogs and facebook (https://11rpsb.weebly.com);e. Specialized Training and Seminar;f. Procurement of ammunitions and other ISO equipment from ISO fund; andg. Acquisition of vehicle from the PNP, LGU and private individual.

g. 11th Regional Public Safety Battalion 2015 Commitment

The 11th Regional Public Safety Battalion is committed the following to be achieved in 2015:

1. To clear the area of Paquibato from the presence of Lawless Armed Groups through the joint efforts with the Armed Forces of the Philippines;

2. Full and continuous support role in fighting insurgency in Region 11 in close cooperation with the AFP counterparts; and

3. To ensure the safety and security, peace and order, and development of all the people of Region 11.

V. Annexes and other Supporting Materials

Annex B (Technical Working Group)

Annex B (Battalion Police Strategy Management Unit)