F i r 8 THE HERALDREPUBLICAN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH MONDAY NOV 22 1909 r Mines and Mining i Stocks KNIGHTS WORK IN DUCK CREEK CAMP- s Extending Tunnel Started by Smelter to Tap Lead Veins While little noise Is being made by the owners of lead claims In McGill mining district and while no apparent effort Is being made to attract attention at this time to the big lend prospocts In that distrIct work Is going ahead steadily on a number of properties and the showIngs t1at are being uncovered and tJpvelope- daI Quite satisfactory says the Ely Ex positor rhe Frederick tunnel owned by J F Brim and Uncle Jesse Knight Is now In 453 feet and It Is believed to be near- Ing ore bodies This tunnel was drIven y the Stoptoe Valley Smelting and lIn- Ing company and was destined to pierce the hIgh hue cliffs back of the smelter Plant to afford a channel for the waters ot Duck creok and deliver them to the smelter plant It was orIginally planned to drive the tunnel entirely through the mountain crk being carried on from each side lll > tunnel was driven 400 feet and was then abandoned by the smelter manage- ment who turned It over to the owners of tIp mining claims through which It was bEing driven at no cost to them The only stipulation made It Is understood was that the tunnel should be continued n a straight line and that the vropor lions be maintained throughout Its entire length Gains Depth Rapidly Since taking the tunnel from the smel- ter peopll the owners of the property have driven It fifty feet making It 4O feet In length The tunnel gains one foot of depth with every foot of length It is equipped with a track and car and with an automatic ventilator The ground until this time has been xeedlngly hard to work and the miners l1ave been unable to gain more than one foot for each shift It Is now assuming a different character the lime breaking In larger blocks and more deEply with a h round until better time Is being made 1 ie development of a big lead mine so- CiOSO to the Steptoe valley smelting plant arid so near the railroad with such splen dul facilities for transportation to the railroad wIIl cause a boom In the lead rdustry In the county and will assure a great output of the ores to the smelters fit Salt Lake valley The further tie- velopient of the district will It Is be l eyed result ventual1y in the establish iurnt f a lead statk either by the Step tDe Valley plant or by an Independent groun of smrltrn1en BONANZA MINE NO TOWNSITE BOOM Wells Family Content to Grind1 I Out Fortune With Corn i mon Mortar tI strike at Burgess just across the n1omntairu from Mt Whitney station on tv narrow gauge above Ketler which as firSt announced in the Owens Vat Jf Herald or last week Is typical of jtO rlph oeyond compare and as Quiet a church wedding Twentythousand I liar rock has brought many men to irgess seeking leass frum A Yo WelLs- t1 owner of tile bonanza but no la8t3- it being let no towusite has been laid t no respectable camp has even bn td tttre yet the family possessing I wonderful find are quietly mortaring L fortune for themselves Last week jid Mrs Wells to Attorney A II Swallow at Independence they took out t thc rUde apparatus 800 In two l1 o rs A 1 they have done even better t I th 11H are taktnb out enough ti r11IS to pay all of their ex 1 t thEir obligations and arm Hc i 1 snug nest egg The i mhrs before they began j > CC cr gold ti 1g rurtLer stated that they di i 1 R fH on their ledge have Lr ft piP whloh averages 400 a 1 ha Il Fd fifteen tons for snip U Tncy are not prepared to let leases a tI w bile many have been there to see tl bonanza the fact that no leases are I rg It has kept the ramp small There s no rush no boom nothing except gold ln1 tint is what the VeIls want 1hy- to t boom They want gold And I the seem to have in abundance CRIPPLE CREEK MAKES GOOD GOLD PRODUCTION olorado Springs Nov 21The October gc1 output of tile Cripple Creel district IS fJ360 toni of ore with a total but I rr alue of I29L630 ThP average value f nil ores treated was fQ3Q ELY CENTRAL TO PROVE- MALIGNEDTERRITORY El Xcv Nov 21A report originating at Copper Flat Is that the Ely Central Copper company began the exploration WIth churn drills yesterday of that por- t on of the estate adjoining the big pit fr the Nevada Consolidated which In its- rcent attack on Ely Central the New York Engineering and Mining Journal de- clared to be without value a SAMTJEL R EEL CO STOCK BROKERS 5 j Xewhouse lldl 3800 Res 1135Y II Expert Kodak Finishing Shiplers commercial photographers 151 South Main st second floor Thanksgiving Day Rates VIa Oregon Short Line November 24 and 25 Limit Xovenlber 29 City- Teket Office 20t Main street BREEDENj OffiCE TALK If its for the office Dresden hs it TODAY Pencil Sharpener Every office needs one n cuts down pencil ex pense and saves a lot or time Sharpening with a knife Is passe since the r a Sharpener Was Introduced It puts a good point on the pencil without eating It up HandY and economical The U S 350TE- LEPIiONES 729- reedenQfficeSupp1g Co- 6OWst 2ndSo c RRRHAW- AY BRADY nmtdZJ CURES RHEUMATISM it newT alia to relieve even the moe aIub- bern tt3cks ot Rheunnt1sm Newulcl- nIClacn Lwrtxign Pain In the eat or Eid- nea Sore t1u3C1e Spmns and Stza11l3 and will drive away ftII7 trace of sorene1 and trtlCtned8 blither caused by unusual CUIf eLse the etroJn of toll or by annoying eM painful ttacka of tnfazumatOrl 41aeae Alt Thugglsta RADWAY CO New Yak Be a Traveling Salesman Increase your power to convince others earn from 1200 to ioooo a year W R Trotter Is the only moan teaching salesmanship who s roles manager of a great wholesale house and an official of the U C T Our graduates hold paying positions nud we can assist YOU to profitable em- ploynient Ours Is time most practical and most highly endorsed course In the wo ld- The Trotter School of Sales manship- E B Houtz Local Mgr 517 Atlas Block Salt Lake City i Stockholders Meeting THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TIlE Utah Ideal Mining company will be- held at 5 p m Monday evening Dec 6 19Ol at 125 East First South street WILL REES Secretary New Millinery Monday Onethird and half price tEHESYS 15G Main st New York Stocks Boston Coppers Chicago Grain Utah Stocks Badger Brothers 160MAIN STREET Branch OffIce EJureKR wan Members Salt Lale Exchange Direct Wiies to all lIarIets of the Vorld Will Sell is Kaysvllle BrIck 95 4 Utah Mex Rubber Cap 295 Will Buy Elk Coal Shares I y iiji A ffmIp p 1 ii j I oy imiv- 5t t I DvQlaHT Looking I Backwards Over years uf our laundry business t there Is the satisfaction or knowing that we have steadily progressed This result attained by Quality We use only Softened and Filtered Water In the process TROY LAUNDRY The Laundrl or Quality Roth honz 192 166 Main Str MEMBERS saft Lake stoc c and MIninm T1xchin Denver Consolidated Siock Exchan Rawblao Mlmtag Stock Excnanl Throckmorton Company Brokers tah Savings Trust Building DEALERS Government Railway and Municipal Bend Hank and Investment Stock CORRESPONDENT3 New York ChIcago mian Francis Rawhide Ton pah Goldtldl1 n02 aJ- Princip4l I Exchangvi t I 1T l 11WII i 5- I S I M = a = fT I S i I- J JzJ- i c J- I 4 t w j V S tj 1 > < < 4- I A Jt t s- XTRAG00D j I Mulletts Clothing Store BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER Be Sure Your Boys Suit f is Xtrdgood Tile Ilmile fllov from 3 to 10 sometimes get tIme lead In the way uf nood clothes It5 not their fault It voii11iit be the IDle if you mothers bought XTRAG000 clothes for them XTItGOOD clothes make a oIlooklnJ boy of every boy The difference Is In the clotliesthcyrc not like other makes of boys clothes Trousers lined nn througii better worknlnnsllip nnd mote rluh lent of room make XTRAGOOD the most reasonably priced and satisfactory lie sure you stet nil XTRAGOUD suit this fall Yhllt our rubway nlc3roonmworkinginens headquarter Mullett Cothing- Company Ilnlf block west from Mnin on Second South Our Mail Order Department Is t bank account for every fain always In working order Ily Investigate at once W iIl 1ioi I WEAK CURED CHEAP I DISEASED MEN and SECRETLY I Without Pain Inconvenience or Loss of Time No Failures I To Prove My New System I Offer for So Short Time Cost FROM 200 TOSsA j COURSE I VARICOSE LOST VITALITY Vnntted Velons Cured in a few weeks Improvement train the Cured by absorption no IItart It you suffer from I pain Time enlarged veins loss of energy and ambi t are due to mumps bl ton feel tired when you cycle or horseback rid arise In the morning InS disease etc in time lame back dizziness IL weakens a man men 4j spots before the eyes tally as well as phYllc1 amid feel you are not the 1 Iy We will cure you for 4 man you once were we life or maka no charge will CUro you for life PRICES ALWAYS NO INCURABLE I REASONABLE CASES ACCEPTED I will give the poorest There Is no risk for I man a chance L well ac do not treat Incurable the rich to receive a cure cases under MY consld from me at a smafl cost eratlon I DO NOT EX THERE IS NO fAN x PERIMEOT NOR USE TOO POOR TO GET MY INJURIOUS DRUGS TO BEST OPINION FREE RUIN YOUR SYSTEM i Dont Let Money Matters or False Pride Keep You Away I Cure Forever Oases of VARICOSE VEINS BLOOD DISEASES LOST VITALITY PILES ECZE- MA I FALLING HAIR FAILING MEMORY OBSTRUCTIONS NERVOUS KIDNEY AND BLADDER AILMENTS Any man who wants to be cured now that I have offered ray services at such LOW PRICES hlll no excuse for autrerlng another day I dont care who has failed It you come to me I will CURE you of any ot the above named aliments or not charge you one penny for my services Done give up before seeing me Can and see me It you can Write tOday for particular If you can not call Medicines are from 160 to 660 a course DAILY HOURS 9 to 8 CONSULTATION FREE SUNDAYS 10 to 12 SALT LAKE MENS MEDICAL INSTITUTE 19t South Main Street Salt Lake City Utah rt 3 A MOTH 3 Medicines Free j To AI Vo Ary mt flc- cForaiicatarrImaIciironicdiseae and Lung Trmmbles until A Special Offer This Weeki- OrIUCr1tOYerflllflflICrMDl To IntrOilnee thSr E trent mcnt qnlkJ 111 IIToe Its HUpf I Shores vill till week treat nil n I turrhti flhenllH of every minnie nmit- mininre fer the low lee of 3 It 1 month nedicIiies free We maintain a WE TREAT AfHJ CURE ment Separate for Depart all pri DISEASES OP TIlE STOMACH vate diseases and LIVflR BOWELS KIDNEYS SKIN weaknesses of DISEASES I PILY PSY PILES men vt au l U canno secure e se FISTCLA AND ALL CURABLE 1 ll I e e oest 1osSiule cost 1ERVOrS CHHONIC AND PHI e or a urea so ute Cures guar VATE DISEASES 01 MEN I WO- MEN f AND CHILDTIB an e rpec e o ces tat you need not be ashamed to visityet All Examinations FREE the utmost privacy is assured you Personal treatment by Drs shores Office hoursWeek days 3 a m no cheap hired doctors to 5 p m evenIngs 7 to S p ni CURE TO STAY CUllED Sunday 10 a rn to 12 noon LOST MANHOOD SEXUAL WEAK t Home Cures hy Mail 1 ED NESS DISEASES VARICOCELE DISCHARGES CONTRACT WPITE It ou live Ollt of town SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON WAST for free symptom lid ING DRAINS ETC and all pri Drs ctTAppc1 vate diseasesand you pay in wJapJ w PJlJVIJiI small weekly or monthly Install EXPERT PEIALISTS ments as time case progresses r- otl9 Main Street UllllOlte Keith you may PAY WhEN CURED In I- OlIrle04 I Snit Lake City all ririvate diseases wn wa I SBiD V5 BEFORE M YJNO I J C Watson Transfer CO The Ieos Who T1eat You RIZbt W 0 Waton Manager Inti nIB Bell 3468 I 1 EatabUahed l4L m OUlou The Oldest and Lart RGDUNCOGEO- RGE RUST General Manatz Utah Idaho Wyoming and Nevada Offices In Progress Building Salt Lake H CIty o PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult co nty clerk or the respective signers for f Irther Information IX TIlE MSTRICT COURT PRO bate division In and for Salt Lake coun- ty ttaI In the matter of the estate ot Adele Carney deceased NctIceThe pe- tition ot W Barrette administrator ot the estate o Adele Carney deceased praying for i me distribution ot the reel due of said e ate to the perOfl6 entitled has been set for hearing on Friday the 3d day of Th ember A D lOO9 at l oclock p m at the county court house In the court toni of saId court in Salt Lake City S It Lake county Utah Witness th clerk of saId court with the seal then if affixed this 15th day ot- 1ovfmbtr A D B09- MARGt RET ZANE WITCHER Seal Clerk By L P PImaI Deputy Clerk Henderson PIerce Critchlow Bar- rette Attorne S for Petitioner IN THE ISTRICT COURT PRO bate di Ision n and for Salt Lake coun ty Stat of 1 tah In the matter of the state of Mar caret Green deceasedNo tlca The petition Qt William Green praying for the Issuai ce to himself of letters ot- adminlstratlor In the estate of Margrt Green deceaf d has been set for hear- Ing on Frlda the 3d day of December A D 1909 at oclock p um at the coun- ty court boos In the court room ot said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake coun ty Utah Witness thi lark ot said court with tIme seal therl If affixed this 19th day ot November A D 190- 53IARGAI j ET ZANE WITCHER Seal Clerk- fly L P Pa mer Deputy Clerk G H Backr an Attorney for Petitioner Is THE ISTRICT COURT PRO bate division n and for Salt Lake coun ty State of I tab In the matter of toS estate ot Mars Heberer deceaeedNotle The petition of Charles Heberer pra lag for the is uance to Nettle Neweomr of letters of dmlnlstraUon In the eetat- ot Mary Heb rer deceased has been stf- or hearIng OJ Friday the 3d day of be cember Ar 3909 at 2 oclock p m- at the count court houee In the court room of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake cot ty Utah Witness the clerk of said court with time seal then If affixed this Bth day of November A D 190- 9MARGAI ST ZANE WITCHER Seal Clerk- By L P Pa nero Deputy Clerk N J Sheck II Attorney for Petitioner IN TIlE I ISTRICT COURT PRO bate divisIon 1 and for Salt Lake county state of Utah In the matter of the es- tate and gua dlanshlp ot Franz Jungk Incompetent Notice The petition If Justus Jungk the guard- Ian of the per on and the estRte ot Franz Jungko Incoml > ttnt praying for an ordr of sale of pars nal property of said in com potent and 1 lat all persons interesttd appear before the said court to show cause why an rder should not be granted to sell so mw fl as shall be necessary of the following escrlbed personal estate ot said IncomPft nt to wit Three hundl d and seventyfive shar of the capita stock ot the Cumberlarl- Eb Mining c mpany Also for app oval and settlement of thn second aecour has been set for hearing on Friday th 26th day ot November A D 1909 at 2 clock p m at the counts court IQuse n the court room of sad court In Salt ake City Salt Lake coun- ty Uta- hWiites the clerk ot said court wuh the sa1 there f affixed this 13th day of Noveni1er A D 1909 MARciA ET ZANE WITCHER Seal Clerk By L P PI mer Deputy Clerk R A McBr < m Attorney for Guardia IN THE 3 ISTRICT COURT PRO- bate division n and for Salt Lake coun- ty state of i ah In the matter or 111 estate ot Mar Judge deceasedNotke The petition It J Frank Judge praying for the issuam e to himself of letters tf administration In the estate ot Mari Judge deceas I has been set for hearw on Friday thE 3d day or December A P- 19i9 at 2 oc Cle p m at the count court house 1 the court room of call court in Salt ake City Salt Lake coun- ty Utah Witness the clerk of said court WIt the seal there r affixed tbls11th day f November A 3 1905 MARGA ET ZANE WTCHER I SealL P Pal nero Deputy Clerk Clerk Bradley Pie rrel Harkness attorne s for petitioner IN THE r STRICT COURT PR bate division i I and for Salt Lake cour Utah In the matter ot the estate r Willard S Ste thenson deceased NoW The petition of Julius Stephenson A minlstrator of the estate of Willard Stephenson de eased praying for the srt- tlpment or fu li account of said Julirt StEphen on S mlntstrathr and for tit distribution of the residue of said estatq to the persons entitled has bEen Sit fom hearing on VI day the 2tb daY or No- vember A D 1909 at 2 oclock p m at thE county con t house In the court room of said court in Salt Lake City Sait Lake county tah WItnss the clerk of said court wit the coal there t affixed this 8th day o wember A 1909 MARGAT ET ZANE WITCHER Semi Clerk By L P pa mer Deputy Clerk G HBekm n Attorney for Petltlonr- I THE D STRICT COURT PRO bate division i i and for Salt Lake eou- ty rtah In I me matter of the estate r- Elizabprh Eva s Watson deceasedN lice The petltin If Elias C Evans admin- Istrator of the estate of Elizabeth Evam s Watson 4ca ed praying for the stt- lemtnt o aeount of said EliaF fe Evans admlnl trator and for the distr butlon or ths residue of said estate the persons e titled and for lischarg of admInlftrat r has been set for hea Ing on Friday the 3d day of Deeemb A D 1919 at 2 odock p m at tJ county court I wee In the court room t saId court in alt Lake City Salt Lat > county Utah Witness the lerk of said court wih the seal there affixed this litb day o November A 1909 MARGAI ET ZANE WITtHER Seal Clerk By L P Pal icr Deputy Clerk Tanner T nner attorneys for ptft- ioner IN THE r STRICT COURT PR I bate dlvlsln I and for Salt Lake cc ty State of t ah In the mattttr of estate of Lyd t Ann Clayton Thato- hdeceasedNotl e The petition t Clayton Irwin That h 01 praying for t e Issuance to himself f icttets of adm ilatration In the estate r- I Lydia Ann < 1llyton Thatcher deceas I has been set I ir hearing on Friday n 3d day of De embEr A D 9911 at i odock p m t the county court hOlls in the court r om of said court In Sat Lake City Sal Lake county Utah Witness the lerk of said court Wit Ii the seat there affIxed this 18th day vI November A 1509 MARGAR T ZANE WITCHER Seal Clerk By L P Pal mer Deputy Clerk Tanner T rner Attorneys for PeLt tloner Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT at a meetIng It the board or dlrect1 of the Gordon Mining and Milling con pan held at salt Lake City Utah u 1 FrIday the 121 i day of November 1t1j- jan assessment of two dollars per thu sand shares as levied on the capital stock of said c rporatlon Issued and ott standing pBo le In two Installment namely Oneh If of said assessment pat able on or be ore the 20th day of l comber 1905 nd the remaining port of said assess lent payable on or bro I the 15th day f January iSi to A Fowler secret ry of saId corporation t- his office NI 218 South Main strf Salt Lake Cit Utah Any stock UPO which said a essment or any prort thereof shall I 3maln unpaid on the Ut day of Januar t lHO wIll become dIll qutnt and un ess payment Is mad > I fore will be dvertlsed for sale and many shares o each parcel of sucri St K as may be nee Mary will be sold on Sat urday the Uh day of February 1910 p2 3 odock p m of said day at the offt of the secret ry No 218 South Mlll street Salt L te City Utah to pay tl said asseserneR t costs of advertising and expetse of sal A S FOWLER Secretary of t e said Gordon Mining ant Milling Coml tny Read Hera Republican Wants RYAN DIG MAN IN I COPPER INDUSTRY Will Be at Head of Copper Consolidation Is Predic tion in BOston Boston Nov 21In all that Is talc Ing place among the copper Interests lookIng to the formulation of plans whereby the price of the metal may be Improved and reckless and unprofit- able competition among selling Inter ests eliminated the name of John D Ryan is most frequently heard There are few bigger menas Wall street reckons blgn089ln the copper busi ness today and those who Inow him best state that his big achievements are yet to be recorded His frIends point out that a certaIn prophetic significance attaches to the Initials J D n and that the achievements of John D Rockefeller In oil may he partially duplicated at least by John D Ryan In copper It cannot be denied that abundant success has follcwed almost every en terprIse with which Mr Ryans name has been Identified Take for In stance International Smelting That company was organized only a year ago and the stock placed among a limited few at 100 per share Today It Is 160 bid and that prIce would be paid by one party for 000 shares Brokers who are seeking offerIngs of the stock tell us that they can find only twenty shares offered and the of- fering price is 190 Mr Ryan has privately declared the stock to be worth 200 a share today it is earnIng 15 per cent and his Immediate asso- cIates have not a share to sell Then there Is the National Copper bank That Institution was organized about two years ago by Mr Ryan and his copper associates the stock being put on the market at 205 a share The Institution Is nosv to amalgamate With the Mechanics bank of New York the consolidated hank to have deposits of 60000000 National Copper bank stock can be sold today for 5320 and the holder ot 100 shares has the Wiv liege of subscribing for fifty shares ot the new bank at 2OO a share Would Save Millions Mr Han has been chosen to suc- ceed Henry II Rogers as the president of the Amalgamated Copper company and he Is today working day and night to devIse perfect and carry Into execu tion some safe and sane plan Which will save millions to the producers of copper and conserve the resources or this raw materIal so essential too mod- ern civilization When the last chapter concernIng all that Is now taking place In Important copper cIrcles In New York Is written It wIll be found that the Inspiration of whatever scheme Is finally adopted had its beginnings In the efforts of Mr Ryan to remedy present copditions and It a new copper consolidation Is formed it Is safe to predict that Mr Ryan will be Its executive head NEW TUNNEL WILL HELP CENTENNIAL Saving of 15000 a Year Is EstimateDragon Iron Again Producing Eureka Nov 21SuperIntendent R A Brown or the Centennial Eureka mine In forms the Eureka Reporter that the 3000 foot tunnel which Is to tap the shaft of that mitie at n depth of about 500 feet will be completed next April Already over 000 feet ot tunnel work has been fInished With the completion or this big tunnel some Important changes will take place at the Centennial Eureka mine As previously stated the tunnel will furnish an outlet for the heavy tonnage of ore which the mine is shipping Water hav- ing been encountered the Centennial Eu reka finds It necessary to put In a large pumping plant and the tunnel will cut off 500 feet of the distance that the pumps will be called upon to lIft the water In getting It to the surface Time company will purchase and Install a bIg power plant for the operation of pumps compressor and cars which will be used In the tunnel and this power plant will be located upon the ground which the company has recently pur chased near the entrance to the big tun nel The carpenter shop and perhaps the office and other buildings will be moved from the mIne and rebuilt at the mouth of the tunnel It Is estimated that op crating through the tunnel doing away with the tramway and cutting off the ex pease hauling timber etc to the mine will result in a saving of about 1000 each year Dragon Ships Iron Ore The Dragon Iron mine at Silver City has again commenced shipping iron ore to the United States smelter The first lot of ore to be shIpped under the con tract which was recently signed went out the early part of the week and It is gen- erally understood that shipments will be sent out regularly from the mine in the future although ilanager L E Riter- Is unable to state just what amount ot ore the smelting company will be able to use at this time With the Dragon I company It is just a question of how much Iron ore the smelter can handle as the amine la able to ship almost any amount tIme deposits of Iron having been opened up In such a manner that a very- heavy tonnage can be sent out for an Indefinite period During the past week the Dragon sent out fifteen carloads or ore and the out put for next week will no doubt be larger B H Bullock manager of the Bullock mine was In the distrIct on Monday and Tuesday accompanied by hIs brother Jo- seph Bullock aniT William Price both ot Provo examining the new strike at the Bullock minI Mr Price said that the entire face of the drift was In splendid ore lie stretched a tape over the face of the drift and said that the vein of ore measured 4 feet 6 Inches across and as near he could determine the drift Is cut ting through the top of the ore which will undoubtedly widen out with depth About a carload of this ore has been taken out since the strike was made and Manager Bullock Is ot the opinion that the ore will run high In silver with fall values In copper The ore was encoun tered while a drift was being run toward the north on what is known as the But lock veIn Eagle to Ship New Ore Superintendent WIlliam Owens of the Eagle Blue Boll mine says that the engine has been Installed upon the 1000 level and within the next day or two the work of sInking from the 1100 to the 12t level will be commenced In the Eagle Blue Bell splendid ore deposits have recently been opened up at a depth of 1100 feet and the engine will be used In lifting this ore to the 1000 level from which point It will be hoisted to the sur face through tile maIn shaft The ore has opened up strong on the lower lev- els of the Eagie and Increased shipments will no doubt be ill order Work has again been taken uP at th property of the Southern Swansea com- pany south of Silver City ThIs ground undoubtedly contaIns the southerr exten sion of the old Swnnseaveln and while work was being carried on there early In the year a small stringer of good ore was encountered E R Higgenson or SlIver City who Is looking after the lI velopment or the property at this time Is drifting boUt north antI south upon the vein at a depth or140 feet COPPER COMBINE- ASSUMING FORM MarKet Value of Securities Said to Be Assured Is Half Billion According to wellInformed Interests negotiations looking toward a merger ot many of the leading copper properties are progressing satisfactorily So tar there has been no hitch and a basIs of ex cnange In the case or a number of prop ertlls has been virtually agreed upon says the Wall Street Journal Eliminating nil otner groups with the xcepUon or Amalgamated Copper the ColeRyan properties and the Guggenheim interests the consolidated company would control over iDuOWOW pounas ot copper annually as tOllows Pounds Company per year Amalgamated l000000- CoieItyan OOJOOWI Guggenheims 5000000 United Metals Selling ColWUOOIJIJ Total 783000000 Excess copper over that of Amalga- mated and Col Ran properties Thu combination wOUld take in what are known as the lowcost protlucer par- ticularly Utah Copper and Nevada Con solidated The latter recently absorbed the CumberlandEly According to one Interest the cost of producing copper by the combination would not exceed 9 cents a pound Many ot the ColeRyan properties can produce copper In the neighborhood of J cents a pound and the Boston Montanas cost does not exceed that figure by a wIde margin As a matter of fact the latter company recently produced the metal as low as S cents a pound To Reduce Operating Costs Development work at the Amalgamated mines Is expected to still further re duce operating costs The Nevada Con- solidated early next year will be turning out In the neighborhood of 75000000 pounds a year as a cost estimated at 7Y cents a pound The Utah Copper company Is producing WOOJOIJ pounds a year at a cost of close to 8 cents a pound It a merger of the three groups In ques- tion Is effected the following prominent mines would be Included Annual Company production lbs Boston Montana t30000 Anaconda 83000000 North Butte 4300000- 0Washoe 13000000 Butte Coalition 45000000 Nevada Consolidated 75000000 Utah Copper 65000000 Butte Boston 1700000- 0GreeneCananea QOOOOooo Utah Consolidated 1i000000 Superior Plttsburg OOOOOO Calumet Arizona 30000000 Total 56200000- 0It should not be Inferred that the above properties will be the only l companies to join In the combination There Is a pos- sibilIty that the PhelpsDodge properties Clark properties and the porphyry proper ties will also be Included However no definite statement In this respect can be made at this time The plan Involves the taking over of the International Smelting and Refining corn pany as well as the United Metals Sell Ing company The International Smelt- ing and RefIning company Owns the largest refinery of its kind In the world and refines close to 330000000 pounds ot copper a year The American Smelting and Refining company last year handled approximately 190009000 pounds uf copper and as a re- sult ot the Increased production of the Nevada Consolidated Utah Copper Cum bprlnnd Ely and otjter mines It will han dip a much larger amount in the current year The combIned capitalization of the subsidiary companies of the consolidation providing only the AmalgamatEd Cole Ryan and Guggenheim properties are In- cluded would be approximately 29SW7400 with a present market valuation or 500 iOSOOO Half Billion Combined Value The following table gives the possible subsidiary companies of the combination theIr outstanding capitalization par value and market valuation Capital Par Market Company outstanding value value mt S Ref 110030000 100 17000- 000Amalg153857000 100 IHOOO Anaconda toOOOOOO 25 00000000 Utah Cons 1500000 5 13i2iOOO Utah Copper 7239500 10 42830000 Nevada Cons 10000000 5 5700000 Butte Coalition 15OOO00Q 15 31000000 Cal Arlz 2000001 10 QOOO- OOGiroux 6800000 5 3foo000 GreeneCan 46450000 20 31250000 North Butte 6000000 15 SOOOOO Sup Pltts 15000000 10 25500000 Un M Sell Co 50iO000 100 20000000 Totals Sroj400 500703000 It will be observed from the above that the stocks of all the copper companies with the exception of Amalgamated and GreeneCananen have a market valuation In excess of par valuation Should the varIous companies consolidate on a basis of present valuation the merged com- pany would have a capital stock close to half a billion dollars The Anaconda Cop per company Is mentioned In the above list for the reason that while It Is re garded as a subsidiary of the Amalga mated the latter owns only 55 or 60 per CEnt of the capital stock of 3000001 The consolidated company it Is believed will make a bid for certain other mines including Ray Consolidated and other porphyry mines The statement was made today that negotiations had passed the preliminary stage antI that no difficulty would be ex- perIenced In makl1j an exchange of stocks for those of the consolidated corn pany MONEY MARKETS ARE IMPROVING Growth of Confidence in Fu ture Betterments a Feature of the Week I BANK RESERVES INCREASED BIG DEALS INCITE ACTIVE SPEC ULATION IN SECURITIES New York Nov 21Tl1e position of money markets was bettered last week and there was a growth of confidence In future bettennents The way thus was opened to a revival of activity In the stock market and speculation was gal vanized with Important fInancIal project some of them actually promoted and others rumored The New York money market was dl rpctly benefited by the building up of surplus reserves of barks the week be tore The severe loan contraction was not wholly understood as Its influence had not been reflEcted in the stock mar ket by any corresponding liquidation The taking over of loans by sdveral of the largest of the corporations was ascribed as the princIpal source ot relief for the banks Weekly returns of great foreign banks I s owed such progress In the desired iv- pienishmnent of reserves that a relaxa- tion of efforts In that direction was count ed upon and possiblY sonic reaction In money rates The formal action committing the Brit Ish lords to a demand for reference ot the BrItish budget to a general election came In as a modifying factor Markets were not greatly disturbed by the de- cIsIon of the lords but the Bank or Eng land Is expected to maintain Its reserves owing to the necessity for heavy govern ment loans Involved In the postponement or the budget The British banks Im provement also Is understood to be large- ly due to gold loans from the Bank of France which are hedged with exaction as to the time and manner of repay- ment Definite rumors of a combination Or most Important copper producers were admittedly well founded and Incited the active speculation In that group ot se- curIties The AmerIcan Telephone Telegraph companys announcement of purchase of control of the West rn Union gave addi tional credence In itbrking out Important deals Several bond issues were announced last week Including the long expected Missouri Pacific financing Retu1dlng re Quirements account for a part of those issues and terms on which they are of fered are not free from Indications of the high price whlth must be paid to en list new capital IRON AND STEEL New York Nov 21The principal fea tures of International pIg Iron last week were sales ot speculative Alabama Iron at a decline of 50 cents to 1 a ton and large transactions in basic Iron at cencessions In eastern Pennsylvania Northern Iron also sold at concessions for this years shipment Aggregate sales of foundry Iron In the eastern territory were liooo to 30000 tons Sales or basic aggregated 50000 tons at J8ro to 19 tie livered Car orders have been heavy aggre- gating liOOi Wire products continue ac- tive and heavy specifications for sheet and tin plate have been Induced by the recent advance of 10 cents a box n plates and I to 3 a ton on sheets Structural orders aggregated about 25000 tons

11WII Mines and Stocks M - Chronicling America · F i r 8 THE HERALDREPUBLICAN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH MONDAY NOV 22 1909 r Mines and Miningi Stocks KNIGHTS WORK IN DUCK CREEK CAMP-s

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Page 1: 11WII Mines and Stocks M - Chronicling America · F i r 8 THE HERALDREPUBLICAN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH MONDAY NOV 22 1909 r Mines and Miningi Stocks KNIGHTS WORK IN DUCK CREEK CAMP-s


i r


r Mines and Miningi StocksKNIGHTS WORK IN


s Extending Tunnel Startedby Smelter to Tap Lead


While little noise Is being made by theowners of lead claims In McGill miningdistrict and while no apparent effort Isbeing made to attract attention at thistime to the big lend prospocts In thatdistrIct work Is going ahead steadily ona number of properties and the showIngst1at are being uncovered and tJpvelope-daI Quite satisfactory says the Ely Expositor

rhe Frederick tunnel owned by J FBrim and Uncle Jesse Knight Is nowIn 453 feet and It Is believed to be near-Ing ore bodies This tunnel was drIven

y the Stoptoe Valley Smelting and lIn-Ing company and was destined to piercethe hIgh hue cliffs back of the smelterPlant to afford a channel for the watersot Duck creok and deliver them to thesmelter plant

It was orIginally planned to drive thetunnel entirely through the mountain

crk being carried on from each sidelll> tunnel was driven 400 feet and wasthen abandoned by the smelter manage-ment who turned It over to the ownersof tIp mining claims through which Itwas bEing driven at no cost to them Theonly stipulation made It Is understoodwas that the tunnel should be continuedn a straight line and that the vropor

lions be maintained throughout Its entirelength

Gains Depth RapidlySince taking the tunnel from the smel-

ter peopll the owners of the propertyhave driven It fifty feet making It 4Ofeet In length The tunnel gains one footof depth with every foot of length Itis equipped with a track and car and withan automatic ventilator

The ground until this time has beenxeedlngly hard to work and the minersl1ave been unable to gain more than onefoot for each shift It Is now assuminga different character the lime breakingIn larger blocks and more deEply with

a h round until better time Is beingmade

1 ie development of a big lead mine so-CiOSO to the Steptoe valley smelting plantarid so near the railroad with such splendul facilities for transportation to therailroad wIIl cause a boom In the leadrdustry In the county and will assure a

great output of the ores to the smeltersfit Salt Lake valley The further tie-

velopient of the district will It Is bel eyed result ventual1y in the establishiurnt f a lead statk either by the SteptDe Valley plant or by an Independentgroun of smrltrn1en



Wells Family Content to Grind1 I

Out Fortune With Corn i

mon Mortar

tI strike at Burgess just across then1omntairu from Mt Whitney station ontv narrow gauge above Ketler which

as firSt announced in the Owens VatJf Herald or last week Is typical ofjtO rlph oeyond compare and as Quiet

a church wedding TwentythousandI liar rock has brought many men toirgess seeking leass frum A Yo WelLs-t1 owner of tile bonanza but no la8t3-it being let no towusite has been laid

t no respectable camp has even bntd tttre yet the family possessingI wonderful find are quietly mortaring

L fortune for themselves Last weekjid Mrs Wells to Attorney A IISwallow at Independence they took out

t thc rUde apparatus 800 In twol1 o rs A 1 they have done even bettert I th 11H are taktnb out enough

ti r11IS to pay all of their ex1 t thEir obligations and armHc i 1 snug nest egg Thei mhrs before they began

j > CC cr goldti 1g rurtLer stated that they

di i 1 R fH on their ledge haveLr ft piP whloh averages 400

a 1 ha Il Fd fifteen tons for snipU Tncy are not prepared to let leasesa tI w bile many have been there to seetl bonanza the fact that no leases areI rg It has kept the ramp small Theres no rush no boom nothing except gold

ln1 tint is what the VeIls want 1hy-tot boom They want gold And

I the seem to have in abundance



olorado Springs Nov 21The Octobergc1 output of tile Cripple Creel district

IS fJ360 toni of ore with a total butI rr alue of I29L630 ThP average value

f nil ores treated was fQ3Q



El Xcv Nov 21A report originatingat Copper Flat Is that the Ely CentralCopper company began the explorationWIth churn drills yesterday of that por-t on of the estate adjoining the big pitfr the Nevada Consolidated which In its-rcent attack on Ely Central the NewYork Engineering and Mining Journal de-

clared to be without valuea


5 j Xewhouse lldl 3800 Res 1135YII

Expert Kodak FinishingShiplers commercial photographers

151 South Main st second floor

Thanksgiving Day RatesVIa Oregon Short Line November 24

and 25 Limit Xovenlber 29 City-Teket Office 20t Main street


If its for the officeDresden hs it


Pencil SharpenerEvery office needs one

n cuts down pencil expense and saves a lot ortime Sharpening with aknife Is passe since ther a Sharpener Was

Introduced It puts agood point on the pencilwithout eating It upHandY and economical

The U S 350TE-


reedenQfficeSupp1g Co-

6OWst 2ndSoc


CURES RHEUMATISMit newT alia to relieve even the moe aIub-

bern tt3cks ot Rheunnt1sm Newulcl-nIClacn Lwrtxign Pain In the eat or Eid-nea Sore t1u3C1e Spmns and Stza11l3 andwill drive away ftII7 trace of sorene1 andtrtlCtned8 blither caused by unusual CUIfeLse the etroJn of toll or by annoying eMpainful ttacka of tnfazumatOrl 41aeae AltThugglsta RADWAY CO New Yak

Be a Traveling SalesmanIncrease your power to convince

others earn from 1200 to ioooo ayear W R Trotter Is the only moanteaching salesmanship who s rolesmanager of a great wholesale houseand an official of the U C T Ourgraduates hold paying positions nudwe can assist YOU to profitable em-ploynient Ours Is time most practicaland most highly endorsed course In thewo ld-

The Trotter School of Salesmanship-

E B Houtz Local Mgr517 Atlas BlockSalt Lake City


Stockholders MeetingTHE ANNUAL MEETING OF TIlE

Utah Ideal Mining company will be-held at 5 p m Monday evening Dec6 19Ol at 125 East First South street

WILL REES Secretary

New Millinery MondayOnethird and half price

tEHESYS 15G Main st

New York StocksBoston Coppers

Chicago GrainUtah Stocks

Badger Brothers160MAIN STREET

Branch OffIce EJureKR wanMembers Salt Lale Exchange

Direct Wiies to alllIarIets of the Vorld

Will Sellis Kaysvllle BrIck 95

4 Utah Mex Rubber Cap 295

Will BuyElk Coal Shares


y iiji AffmIp


1 ii j Ioy imiv-





LookingI BackwardsOver years uf our laundry business

t there Is the satisfaction or knowingthat we have steadily progressedThis result attained by Quality Weuse only Softened and Filtered WaterIn the process

TROY LAUNDRYThe Laundrl or Quality

Roth honz 192 166 Main Str

MEMBERSsaft Lake stoc c and MIninm T1xchinDenver Consolidated Siock Exchan

Rawblao Mlmtag Stock Excnanl

Throckmorton CompanyBrokers

tah Savings Trust BuildingDEALERS

Government Railway and MunicipalBend Hank and Investment Stock

CORRESPONDENT3New York ChIcago mian Francis

Rawhide Ton pah Goldtldl1 n02 aJ-Princip4lI Exchangvi


I 1T l 11WII

i 5-


I M = a= fT IS i I-

J JzJ-ii c



4 t w jV S tj1






t s-


I Mulletts Clothing Store


Be Sure Your Boys Suitf is Xtrdgood

Tile Ilmile fllov from 3 to 10 sometimes get tIme lead In theway uf nood clothes

It5 not their fault It voii11iit be the IDle if you mothersbought XTRAG000 clothes for them

XTItGOOD clothes make a oIlooklnJ boy of every boyThe difference Is In the clotliesthcyrc not like other makes ofboys clothes

Trousers lined nn througii better worknlnnsllip nnd moterluh lent of room make XTRAGOOD the most reasonablypriced and satisfactory

lie sure you stet nil XTRAGOUD suit this fallYhllt our rubway nlc3roonmworkinginens headquarter

Mullett Cothing-Company

Ilnlf block west from Mnin on Second South

Our Mail Order Department Is t bank account for every fainalways In working order Ily Investigate at once

W iIl 1ioi



Without Pain Inconvenience or Loss of Time No FailuresI To Prove My New System I Offer for So

Short Time Cost


Vnntted Velons Cured in a few weeksImprovement train the

Cured by absorption no IItart It you suffer fromI pain Time enlarged veins loss of energy and ambit are due to mumps bl ton feel tired when you

cycle or horseback rid arise In the morningInS disease etc in time lame back dizzinessIL weakens a man men 4j spots before the eyestally as well as phYllc1 amid feel you are not the1Iy We will cure you for 4 man you once were welife or maka no charge will CUro you for life


I will give the poorest There Is no risk for Iman a chance L well ac do not treat Incurablethe rich to receive a cure cases under MY consldfrom me at a smafl cost eratlon I DO NOT EXTHERE IS NO fAN x PERIMEOT NOR USETOO POOR TO GET MY INJURIOUS DRUGS TOBEST OPINION FREE RUIN YOUR SYSTEM

i Dont Let Money Matters or False Pride Keep You Away ICure Forever Oases of

VARICOSE VEINS BLOOD DISEASES LOST VITALITY PILES ECZE-MAI FALLING HAIR FAILING MEMORY OBSTRUCTIONS NERVOUSKIDNEY AND BLADDER AILMENTSAny man who wants to be cured now that I have offered ray services atsuch LOW PRICES hlll no excuse for autrerlng another day I dont carewho has failed It you come to me I will CURE you of any ot the abovenamed aliments or not charge you one penny for my services Done give upbefore seeing me

Can and see me It you can Write tOday for particular If you can notcall Medicines are from 160 to 660 a courseDAILY HOURS 9 to 8 CONSULTATION FREE SUNDAYS 10 to 12

SALT LAKE MENS MEDICAL INSTITUTE19t South Main Street Salt Lake City Utah


3 A MOTH 3Medicines Free jTo AI Vo Ary mt flc-

cForaiicatarrImaIciironicdiseaeand Lung Trmmbles until

A Special Offer This Weeki-

OrIUCr1tOYerflllflflICrMDlTo IntrOilnee thSr E trent

mcnt qnlkJ 111 IIToe Its HUpfI

Shores vill till week treat nil nI turrhti flhenllH of every minnie nmit-

mininre fer the low lee of 3 It 1

month nedicIiies free We maintain aWE TREAT AfHJ CURE ment


Departall pri


l U canno secure e seFISTCLA AND ALL CURABLE 1 ll Ie e oest 1osSiule cost1ERVOrS CHHONIC AND PHI eor a urea so ute Cures guarVATE DISEASES 01 MEN I WO-MEN

fAND CHILDTIB an e rpec e o ces tat you

need not be ashamed to visityetAll Examinations FREE the utmost privacy is assured you

Personal treatment by Drs shoresOffice hoursWeek days 3 a m no cheap hired doctors

to 5 p m evenIngs 7 to S p ni CURE TO STAY CUllEDSunday 10 a rn to 12 noon LOST MANHOOD SEXUAL WEAKt Home Cures hy Mail1 ED



WPITE It ou live Ollt of town SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON WASTfor free symptom lid ING DRAINS ETC and all pri

Drs ctTAppc1 vate diseasesand you pay inwJapJ w PJlJVIJiI small weekly or monthly InstallEXPERT PEIALISTS ments as time case progresses r-

otl9 Main Street UllllOlte Keith you may PAY WhEN CURED In I-

OlIrle04I Snit Lake City all ririvate diseaseswn wa



I J C Watson Transfer CO

The Ieos Who T1eat You RIZbtW 0 Waton Manager

Inti nIB Bell 3468



EatabUahed l4L m OUlouThe Oldest and Lart


Utah Idaho Wyoming and NevadaOffices In Progress Building Salt Lake

H CIty



Consult co nty clerk or the respectivesigners for f Irther Information

IX TIlE MSTRICT COURT PRObate division In and for Salt Lake coun-ty ttaI In the matter of the estate otAdele Carney deceased NctIceThe pe-

tition ot W Barrette administrator otthe estate o Adele Carney deceasedpraying for i me distribution ot the reeldue of said e ate to the perOfl6 entitledhas been set for hearing on Friday the3d day of Th ember A D lOO9 at loclock p m at the county court houseIn the court toni of saId court in SaltLake City S It Lake county Utah

Witness th clerk of saId court withthe seal then if affixed this 15th day ot-


Seal ClerkBy L P PImaI Deputy ClerkHenderson PIerce Critchlow Bar-

rette Attorne S for Petitioner

IN THE ISTRICT COURT PRObate di Ision n and for Salt Lake county Stat of 1 tah In the matter of thestate of Mar caret Green deceasedNotlca

The petition Qt William Green prayingfor the Issuai ce to himself of letters ot-adminlstratlor In the estate of MargrtGreen deceaf d has been set for hear-Ing on Frlda the 3d day of DecemberA D 1909 at oclock p um at the coun-ty court boos In the court room ot saidcourt In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah

Witness thi lark ot said court withtIme seal therl If affixed this 19th day otNovember A D 190-



fly L P Pa mer Deputy ClerkG H Backr an Attorney for Petitioner

Is THE ISTRICT COURT PRObate division n and for Salt Lake county State of I tab In the matter of toSestate ot Mars Heberer deceaeedNotle

The petition of Charles Heberer pralag for the is uance to Nettle Neweomrof letters of dmlnlstraUon In the eetat-ot Mary Heb rer deceased has been stf-or hearIng OJ Friday the 3d day of becember Ar 3909 at 2 oclock p m-

at the count court houee In the courtroom of said court In Salt Lake CitySalt Lake cot ty Utah

Witness the clerk of said court withtime seal then If affixed this Bth day ofNovember A D 190-


By L P Pa nero Deputy ClerkN J Sheck II Attorney for Petitioner

IN TIlE I ISTRICT COURT PRObate divisIon 1 and for Salt Lake countystate of Utah In the matter of the es-

tate and gua dlanshlp ot Franz JungkIncompetent Notice

The petition If Justus Jungk the guard-Ian of the per on and the estRte ot FranzJungko Incoml >ttnt praying for an ordrof sale of pars nal property of said incompotent and 1 lat all persons interesttdappear before the said court to showcause why an rder should not be grantedto sell so mw fl as shall be necessary ofthe following escrlbed personal estate otsaid IncomPft nt to wit

Three hundl d and seventyfive sharof the capita stock ot the Cumberlarl-Eb Mining c mpany

Also for app oval and settlement of thnsecond aecour has been set for hearingon Friday th 26th day ot November AD 1909 at 2 clock p m at the countscourt IQuse n the court room of sadcourt In Salt ake City Salt Lake coun-ty Uta-

hWiites the clerk ot said court wuhthe sa1 there f affixed this 13th day ofNoveni1er A D 1909


By L P PI mer Deputy ClerkR A McBr < m Attorney for Guardia

IN THE 3 ISTRICT COURT PRO-bate division n and for Salt Lake coun-ty state of i ah In the matter or 111

estate ot Mar Judge deceasedNotkeThe petition It J Frank Judge praying

for the issuam e to himself of letters tfadministration In the estate ot MariJudge deceas I has been set for hearwon Friday thE 3d day or December A P-

19i9 at 2 oc Cle p m at the countcourt house 1 the court room of callcourt in Salt ake City Salt Lake coun-ty Utah

Witness the clerk of said court WItthe seal there r affixed tbls11th day fNovember A 3 1905


SealL P Pal nero Deputy ClerkClerk

Bradley Pie rrel Harkness attorne sfor petitioner

IN THE r STRICT COURT PRbate division i I and for Salt Lake courUtah In the matter ot the estate rWillard S Ste thenson deceased NoW

The petition of Julius Stephenson A

minlstrator of the estate of WillardStephenson de eased praying for the srt-tlpment or fu li account of said JulirtStEphen on S mlntstrathr and for titdistribution of the residue of said estatqto the persons entitled has bEen Sit fomhearing on VI day the 2tb daY or No-vember A D 1909 at 2 oclock p m atthE county con t house In the court roomof said court in Salt Lake City SaitLake county tah

WItnss the clerk of said court witthe coal there t affixed this 8th day o

wember A 1909


By L P pa mer Deputy ClerkG HBekm n Attorney for Petltlonr-

I THE D STRICT COURT PRObate division i i and for Salt Lake eou-ty rtah In I me matter of the estate r-

Elizabprh Eva s Watson deceasedNlice

The petltin If Elias C Evans admin-Istrator of the estate of Elizabeth Evam sWatson 4ca ed praying for the stt-lemtnt o aeount of said EliaF fe

Evans admlnl trator and for the distrbutlon or ths residue of said estatethe persons e titled and for lischargof admInlftrat r has been set for heaIng on Friday the 3d day of DeeembA D 1919 at 2 odock p m at tJcounty court I wee In the court room tsaId court in alt Lake City Salt Lat >

county UtahWitness the lerk of said court wih

the seal there affixed this litb day oNovember A 1909

MARGAI ET ZANE WITtHERSeal ClerkBy L P Pal icr Deputy ClerkTanner T nner attorneys for ptft-


bate dlvlsln I and for Salt Lake ccty State of t ah In the mattttr ofestate of Lyd t Ann Clayton Thato-hdeceasedNotl e

The petition t Clayton Irwin That h 01praying for t e Issuance to himself ficttets of adm ilatration In the estate r-


Lydia Ann <1llyton Thatcher deceasI has been set I ir hearing on Friday n

3d day of De embEr A D 9911 ati odock p m t the county court hOlls

in the court r om of said court In SatLake City Sal Lake county Utah

Witness the lerk of said court Wit Ii

the seat there affIxed this 18th day vINovember A 1509


By L P Pal mer Deputy ClerkTanner T rner Attorneys for PeLt



at a meetIng It the board or dlrect1of the Gordon Mining and Milling conpan held at salt Lake City Utah u 1

FrIday the 121 i day of November 1t1j-jan assessment of two dollars per thusand shares as levied on the capitalstock of said c rporatlon Issued and ottstanding pBo le In two Installmentnamely Oneh If of said assessment patable on or be ore the 20th day of lcomber 1905 nd the remaining portof said assess lent payable on or bro I

the 15th day f January iSi to AFowler secret ry of saId corporation t-

his office NI 218 South Main strfSalt Lake Cit Utah Any stock UPOwhich said a essment or any prortthereof shall I 3maln unpaid on the Utday of Januar t lHO wIll become dIllqutnt and un ess payment Is mad > I

fore will be dvertlsed for sale andmany shares o each parcel of sucri St K

as may be nee Mary will be sold on Saturday the Uh day of February 1910 p23 odock p m of said day at the offtof the secret ry No 218 South Mlllstreet Salt L te City Utah to pay tlsaid asseserneR t costs of advertising andexpetse of sal A S FOWLERSecretary of t e said Gordon Mining ant

Milling Coml tny

Read Hera Republican Wants



Will Be at Head of CopperConsolidation Is Predic

tion in BOston

Boston Nov 21In all that Is talcIng place among the copper InterestslookIng to the formulation of planswhereby the price of the metal maybe Improved and reckless and unprofit-able competition among selling Interests eliminated the name of John DRyan is most frequently heard Thereare few bigger menas Wall streetreckons blgn089ln the copper business today and those who Inow himbest state that his big achievementsare yet to be recorded

His frIends point out that a certaInprophetic significance attaches to theInitials J D n and that theachievements of John D RockefellerIn oil may he partially duplicated atleast by John D Ryan In copper

It cannot be denied that abundantsuccess has follcwed almost every enterprIse with which Mr Ryans namehas been Identified Take for Instance International Smelting Thatcompany was organized only a yearago and the stock placed among alimited few at 100 per share TodayIt Is 160 bid and that prIce would bepaid by one party for 000 sharesBrokers who are seeking offerIngs ofthe stock tell us that they can findonly twenty shares offered and the of-fering price is 190 Mr Ryan hasprivately declared the stock to beworth 200 a share today it is earnIng15 per cent and his Immediate asso-cIates have not a share to sell

Then there Is the National Copperbank That Institution was organizedabout two years ago by Mr Ryan andhis copper associates the stock beingput on the market at 205 a shareThe Institution Is nosv to amalgamateWith the Mechanics bank of New Yorkthe consolidated hank to have depositsof 60000000 National Copper bankstock can be sold today for 5320 andthe holder ot 100 shares has the Wivliege of subscribing for fifty sharesot the new bank at 2OO a share

Would Save MillionsMr Han has been chosen to suc-

ceed Henry II Rogers as the presidentof the Amalgamated Copper companyand he Is today working day and nightto devIse perfect and carry Into execution some safe and sane plan Whichwill save millions to the producers ofcopper and conserve the resources orthis raw materIal so essential too mod-ern civilization

When the last chapter concernIng allthat Is now taking place In Importantcopper cIrcles In New York Is writtenIt wIll be found that the Inspiration ofwhatever scheme Is finally adopted hadits beginnings In the efforts of MrRyan to remedy present copditionsand It a new copper consolidation Isformed it Is safe to predict that MrRyan will be Its executive head



Saving of 15000 a Year IsEstimateDragon Iron

Again Producing

Eureka Nov 21SuperIntendent R ABrown or the Centennial Eureka mine Informs the Eureka Reporter that the 3000foot tunnel which Is to tap the shaftof that mitie at n depth of about 500 feetwill be completed next April Alreadyover 000 feet ot tunnel work has beenfInished With the completion or this bigtunnel some Important changes will takeplace at the Centennial Eureka mine Aspreviously stated the tunnel will furnishan outlet for the heavy tonnage of orewhich the mine is shipping Water hav-ing been encountered the Centennial Eureka finds It necessary to put In a largepumping plant and the tunnel will cutoff 500 feet of the distance that the pumpswill be called upon to lIft the water Ingetting It to the surface

Time company will purchase and Installa bIg power plant for the operation ofpumps compressor and cars which willbe used In the tunnel and this powerplant will be located upon the groundwhich the company has recently purchased near the entrance to the big tunnel The carpenter shop and perhaps theoffice and other buildings will be movedfrom the mIne and rebuilt at the mouthof the tunnel It Is estimated that opcrating through the tunnel doing awaywith the tramway and cutting off the expease hauling timber etc to the minewill result in a saving of about 1000each year

Dragon Ships Iron OreThe Dragon Iron mine at Silver City

has again commenced shipping iron oreto the United States smelter The firstlot of ore to be shIpped under the contract which was recently signed went outthe early part of the week and It is gen-erally understood that shipments will besent out regularly from the mine in thefuture although ilanager L E Riter-Is unable to state just what amount otore the smelting company will be ableto use at this time With the Dragon I

company It is just a question of howmuch Iron ore the smelter can handleas the amine la able to ship almost anyamount tIme deposits of Iron having beenopened up In such a manner that a very-heavy tonnage can be sent out for anIndefinite period

During the past week the Dragon sentout fifteen carloads or ore and the output for next week will no doubt be larger

B H Bullock manager of the Bullockmine was In the distrIct on Monday andTuesday accompanied by hIs brother Jo-seph Bullock aniT William Price both otProvo examining the new strike at theBullock minI Mr Price said that theentire face of the drift was In splendidore lie stretched a tape over the faceof the drift and said that the vein of oremeasured 4 feet 6 Inches across and asnear he could determine the drift Is cutting through the top of the ore whichwill undoubtedly widen out with depth

About a carload of this ore has beentaken out since the strike was made andManager Bullock Is ot the opinion thatthe ore will run high In silver with fallvalues In copper The ore was encountered while a drift was being run towardthe north on what is known as the Butlock veIn

Eagle to Ship New OreSuperintendent WIlliam Owens of the

Eagle Blue Boll mine says that theengine has been Installed upon the 1000level and within the next day or two thework of sInking from the 1100 to the12t level will be commenced In theEagle Blue Bell splendid ore depositshave recently been opened up at a depthof 1100 feet and the engine will be usedIn lifting this ore to the 1000 level fromwhich point It will be hoisted to the surface through tile maIn shaft The orehas opened up strong on the lower lev-els of the Eagie and Increased shipmentswill no doubt be ill order

Work has again been taken uP at thproperty of the Southern Swansea com-pany south of Silver City ThIs groundundoubtedly contaIns the southerr extension of the old Swnnseaveln and whilework was being carried on there earlyIn the year a small stringer of good orewas encountered E R Higgenson orSlIver City who Is looking after the lIvelopment or the property at this timeIs drifting boUt north antI south upon thevein at a depth or140 feet



MarKet Value of SecuritiesSaid to Be Assured Is Half


According to wellInformed Interestsnegotiations looking toward a merger otmany of the leading copper properties areprogressing satisfactorily So tar therehas been no hitch and a basIs of excnange In the case or a number of propertlls has been virtually agreed uponsays the Wall Street Journal

Eliminating nil otner groups with thexcepUon or Amalgamated Copper theColeRyan properties and the Guggenheiminterests the consolidated company wouldcontrol over iDuOWOW pounas ot copperannually as tOllows

PoundsCompany per year

Amalgamated l000000-CoieItyan OOJOOWIGuggenheims 5000000United Metals Selling ColWUOOIJIJ

Total 783000000Excess copper over that of Amalga-

mated and Col Ran propertiesThu combination wOUld take in what are

known as the lowcost protlucer par-ticularly Utah Copper and Nevada Consolidated The latter recently absorbedthe CumberlandEly

According to one Interest the cost ofproducing copper by the combinationwould not exceed 9 cents a pound Manyot the ColeRyan properties can producecopper In the neighborhood of J centsa pound and the Boston Montanascost does not exceed that figure by awIde margin As a matter of fact thelatter company recently produced themetal as low as S cents a pound

To Reduce Operating CostsDevelopment work at the Amalgamated

mines Is expected to still further reduce operating costs The Nevada Con-solidated early next year will be turningout In the neighborhood of 75000000 poundsa year as a cost estimated at 7Y centsa pound The Utah Copper company Isproducing WOOJOIJ pounds a year at acost of close to 8 cents a pound

It a merger of the three groups In ques-tion Is effected the following prominentmines would be Included

AnnualCompany production lbs

Boston Montana t30000Anaconda 83000000North Butte 4300000-0Washoe 13000000Butte Coalition 45000000Nevada Consolidated 75000000Utah Copper 65000000Butte Boston 1700000-0GreeneCananea QOOOOooo

Utah Consolidated 1i000000Superior Plttsburg OOOOOOCalumet Arizona 30000000

Total 56200000-0It should not be Inferred that the above

properties will be the onlyl companies tojoin In the combination There Is a pos-sibilIty that the PhelpsDodge propertiesClark properties and the porphyry properties will also be Included However nodefinite statement In this respect can bemade at this time

The plan Involves the taking over of theInternational Smelting and Refining cornpany as well as the United Metals SellIng company The International Smelt-ing and RefIning company Owns thelargest refinery of its kind In the worldand refines close to 330000000 pounds otcopper a year

The American Smelting and Refiningcompany last year handled approximately190009000 pounds uf copper and as a re-sult ot the Increased production of theNevada Consolidated Utah Copper Cumbprlnnd Ely and otjter mines It will handip a much larger amount in the currentyear

The combIned capitalization of thesubsidiary companies of the consolidationproviding only the AmalgamatEd ColeRyan and Guggenheim properties are In-

cluded would be approximately 29SW7400with a present market valuation or 500iOSOOO

Half Billion Combined ValueThe following table gives the possible

subsidiary companies of the combinationtheIr outstanding capitalization par valueand market valuation

Capital Par MarketCompany outstanding value value

mt S Ref 110030000 100 17000-000Amalg153857000 100 IHOOOAnaconda toOOOOOO 25 00000000Utah Cons 1500000 5 13i2iOOOUtah Copper 7239500 10 42830000Nevada Cons 10000000 5 5700000Butte Coalition 15OOO00Q 15 31000000Cal Arlz 2000001 10 QOOO-OOGiroux 6800000 5 3foo000GreeneCan 46450000 20 31250000North Butte 6000000 15 SOOOOOSup Pltts 15000000 10 25500000Un M Sell Co 50iO000 100 20000000

Totals Sroj400 500703000

It will be observed from the above thatthe stocks of all the copper companieswith the exception of Amalgamated andGreeneCananen have a market valuationIn excess of par valuation Should thevarIous companies consolidate on a basisof present valuation the merged com-pany would have a capital stock close tohalf a billion dollars The Anaconda Copper company Is mentioned In the abovelist for the reason that while It Is regarded as a subsidiary of the Amalgamated the latter owns only 55 or 60 perCEnt of the capital stock of 3000001

The consolidated company it Is believedwill make a bid for certain other minesincluding Ray Consolidated and otherporphyry mines

The statement was made today thatnegotiations had passed the preliminarystage antI that no difficulty would be ex-

perIenced In makl1j an exchange ofstocks for those of the consolidated cornpany



Growth of Confidence in Future Betterments a Feature

of the WeekI



New York Nov 21Tl1e position ofmoney markets was bettered last weekand there was a growth of confidenceIn future bettennents The way thus wasopened to a revival of activity In thestock market and speculation was galvanized with Important fInancIal projectsome of them actually promoted andothers rumored

The New York money market was dlrpctly benefited by the building up ofsurplus reserves of barks the week betore The severe loan contraction wasnot wholly understood as Its influencehad not been reflEcted in the stock market by any corresponding liquidation Thetaking over of loans by sdveral of thelargest of the corporations was ascribedas the princIpal source ot relief for thebanks

Weekly returns of great foreign banks Is owed such progress In the desired iv-pienishmnent of reserves that a relaxa-tion of efforts In that direction was counted upon and possiblY sonic reaction Inmoney rates

The formal action committing the BritIsh lords to a demand for reference otthe BrItish budget to a general electioncame In as a modifying factor Marketswere not greatly disturbed by the de-

cIsIon of the lords but the Bank or England Is expected to maintain Its reservesowing to the necessity for heavy government loans Involved In the postponementor the budget The British banks Improvement also Is understood to be large-ly due to gold loans from the Bank ofFrance which are hedged with exactionas to the time and manner of repay-ment

Definite rumors of a combination Ormost Important copper producers wereadmittedly well founded and Incited theactive speculation In that group ot se-

curItiesThe AmerIcan Telephone Telegraph

companys announcement of purchase ofcontrol of the West rn Union gave additional credence In itbrking out Importantdeals

Several bond issues were announcedlast week Including the long expectedMissouri Pacific financing Retu1dlng reQuirements account for a part of thoseissues and terms on which they are offered are not free from Indications ofthe high price whlth must be paid to enlist new capital

IRON AND STEELNew York Nov 21The principal fea

tures of International pIg Iron last weekwere sales ot speculative Alabama Ironat a decline of 50 cents to 1 a tonand large transactions in basic Iron atcencessions In eastern Pennsylvania

Northern Iron also sold at concessionsfor this years shipment Aggregate salesof foundry Iron In the eastern territorywere liooo to 30000 tons Sales or basicaggregated 50000 tons at J8ro to 19 tielivered

Car orders have been heavy aggre-gating liOOi Wire products continue ac-tive and heavy specifications for sheetand tin plate have been Induced by therecent advance of 10 cents a box nplates and I to 3 a ton on sheetsStructural orders aggregated about 25000tons