A rX The Anchor Volume XXXIV NATIONAL STUDENT CONFERENCE ON ARMS-LIMITATION IS HELO HOPE COLLEGE. Holland, Michigan, December 7, 1921 Number 9 WHAT SORT OF A FELLOW ARE YOU? Y. W. C. A. HOPE DELEGATION CONFERENCE AT CHICAGO ON NOV. 13 AND 14 BRINGS RESULTS P E R M A N E N T O R G A N - Z A T I O N F O R M E D Andrew C. McLaughlin, University of Chicago. Charles H. Judd, "Oh, Praise Ye The Lord." At •» HIIJI AAtirmPkiMr or strongly ^ Thanksgiving season, what topic f\ | I lillNFFRFNPr could ihiave been- more apfpropriate V V I l l b l l L l l U L Wihiy oriticize, censoire, condemnn — — • ~ vpu uai^c T/he faults you may see in another? th,a,n th!is? Magdalene De Young, our STATE CHRISTI AM Just take out tlhe beam that is found ,ea ^ er » pictured to us the sufferings rowccDPM^r. ^ of the Pilgrims and how after thpir CONFERE N C E HELD AT ANN Edward A. Miller, Wesleyan University. in y<)Ur eye ' I W ril ff rims and ,ftow after theii ]^j|| er llhen the mote will leave that of your " rs ^ y ear new country Goiver TYrW Y^o r] £ r^r*r7 I 4>V% n 1 - f_. ARBOR Oberlin College. ,broth * r ' D , * 1 " ru . lss be it further re- ^ ou ^ weakness, follies, and inff procliaimiation. sins; "Do we keeip Thanksgiving as a He has them—that is doubtless too Tnem o r y of that day? It is true that true, New England has given us the herit- j • - . . t,lc v;viiamt3imjuuii 01 me gruac proo- ^ ' Assembied in conference in Chi- i ems now under d i scxlB8ion at Wash- But here is a question I Id like to pro- :ri NO ;- 9 3 K an ' d 4 141 repr r nt " in ^ on ^ the attention of college ataves of 226 American colleges university offlcers and studente to What sort of a fellow are you? vowed the desires of the national stu- th€ necessity of prcvic , in ^ mor(1 fully - - -- dent body in a niuimiber of resolutions, than d<) p resent courEes of instruction Do you h ; U e t o y ourself the delusion Hml for Hls good gifts, both tempor- of which the fnl Inwinor ic fVio »rr»r»yf . . . . nKf 1 i>l onrl orrn'rn+iinl T r.«« J 1 Student Thought On National Affairs To Be Given Attention And in addition, solved That this convocation aroused by the consideration of the great prob- nor Bradford issued the tthanksgiv- Hope Y. M C A Sends Thirteen Men Last Friday and Saturday, Dec. 2 and 3, found thirteen Hopeites in Ann Arjbor, to attend the S(tate Qhristian Callings Conference for hardly enouigih to set aside to thank C<)lle ^ e Men - All report—as Roose- Hirri for His good gifts, both temmor- ^ when he left the Whitehouse age of the first Thaniksgivlng day, but each yeiar God gives us our mani- fold blessings,—so that our dlay is „ 1 . V ,, ... , , ' man uv j/lCBCUt LUUIfcCS OI mStrUCLlOn Z ^ T r 8 ' 3 ^ ,Z 0Tt: in American educational institutions ab6urd ' S i ; rt !• Nat5 , ( ; n ! 1 n C0n - an intelligent understanding of ^ . cation of Universities and Colleges the p r(>blems of nationlal anH That in you perfection is found? vocation of Universities and Colleges t) , p L M JT ' V " nia ®™ an ® ,ng 01 on International Relations, including . T T T W / . k / "' j i • . national life. To that end that pres- representatives of more than two ,1 * <. • *u j ... , , en ^ defects in these matters be cor- nundred universities and colleges as- ;+ • j ^ i. sembled at Chicago, November 12 f ' ' 18 c ° urpes of 13 and 14, 1921 desires to e.wess its ,nRtrU)Ct : 0n h f pr0V,M M ^11 rlppn anni*, f * tu acquaint students in schools and col- deep appreciation of the .mportance le with thc fun<]amenljal necessity. and significance of the step which the ^ -i ^ Presiident of the United sJtc's has S0Clal C0 - 0 ' perat,on ; a " d the disa - taken in calling the conference t ^ la.k of in- w , u . . ai ternational harmony and war. Wasihington on the limitation of arm- Wn +^0 ^ c * r on- nn , nry4 . n - 1 , 1. • We » t'' 16 representatives of 225 aments and relatea matters. « n i- Rp<?nlvpH ih a + fv * x- colleges m conference asseimbled, at nrp^ 0 :. ''T 0 0 ex " Chica « 0 IIlinois . on November IS presses with unqualified enthusiasm an(1 ]4> 1!)21( do authorize the na . its hearty approval of the ausDicdous 1 1. , WinmniL fitu , auspicQous tlonal o r g a ^ j ^ ^ n outlined below: Degmmngs of the conference already Name- Do you think yourself faultless? You know you are not,— Then why pass your comments around? It will keep you quite busy safe- guardUng your thoughts. Without trouibling what others may do: • You'll agree that it will, knowing others will ask, What sort of a fellow are you^ Oh, the sdn and the follies we find in ourselves! TJien why should we censure our brothers? 'a corkfing good time," and, added to it, a fund of new inspiration for Christian work. The Coi^fjference oipened; with a banquet on Friday evening, at which Dr. H. R. Ohapnan presided, and Pres. Burton, of the U. of M., was the chief sfpeaker. The latter gave an excellent address on 44 The Chal- Mondlay was aJso the day set for ^ eng ® ^^on/' In which he eon- twinging our presents for the Christ- idealism and unselfishness, mas box we are to send to the In- ^ilfcoy and Bishop Rem- al and spiritual. Jane Crewdson has well expressed a thot in one of her hymns:— "Thou whose bounty fills my caip With every .blessdng meet I give Thee thanks for every drop The ibitter and (the sweel." mas box we are to send to the In- dian reservation in New Mexico. There were all kinds of toys and ar- ticles of clothing, which will make little hearts glad at the Chrisltmas season. The Prep, girls filled a spe- cial box whidh they are going to send to Anne Tysse, Prep. '20, who is initon also spoJce. The Saturday morning session was characterized iby an adtairable ad- dress by Dr. Petty on ^Christian Thinking for the New Day." Other speakers were Dr.. E. B. Allen, Dr. C. M. McConneU, and Dr. A. G. Studer. made, and of the words of the Pres- Section mme of ^ or brothers? to Anne Tysse, Prep. '2( ident and of the Secmary of State, panization shall be- "The NatSoml Though t ' hey have th « ir weaknesses teaching in Grayhawk, Ky. Which express, wo believe, not only Student Committee for the Limit:.- -^ n y of them— Janet Boumia was there to receive ^ Hope vs. Franklins Friday the purposes of the administration, i ton 0 f Armaments." ' ln ourselve8 we sh all find there are t ^ e ann/ual dues and although a good but the heaita nd conscience of the p others. many of the girls paid, we are sorry urpose. Look not for the man who possess no ^Jhean w e r e not there. ' people of America. ^Resolved, that in the opinion of this conference it is a matter of su- preme consequence and of happy augury that various nations of the world have sent their delegates to Washington to discuss the limitation of armaments and to dispose of ex- isting difficulties that may menace the peace of the world. Resolved, that it is our belief that the subjects to be discussed by the conference at Washington deeply af- fect the welfare of the world and that the students, alumni and facul- ties of the colleges and univeVsities here represented,most earnestly hope that in the spirit already shown ev- ery effort will be made in good faith and in high honor to achieve the pur- poses for which the conference was called, namely: The limitation of armaments; The reduction of armies to the lowest praciticable limits; And that the underlying caus- es of war, such as diisputes differences of apparent interest in the Pacific be composed in the spirit of harmony and good will. Resolved, that in the opinion of the convocation the pulblic should be made acquainted with the stages of the progress of the conference as far as consistent with the deliberations of the conference and that the final conclusions and the reasons for the reaching of them be fully published to the world. Resolved, that the convocation ex- presses the hope that the conference may be a first step leading to inter- national co-operation for the preser- vation of peace; ALUMNI /NEWS .WW W.V. xi uc411 11U —* iiK/b tUClC. d U- T x Section 2—Its purposes shall be to no fau i tS( net will be ready at any time to re- SUJTllrrber two graduates stimulate among college students an For we all have them, many or few; «ive the dues which tave not yet p 6re '" HoiLami. Mise Alice interest in the iwues confronting the When condemning another, don't for- been paid. ' ^ 19 ' and Ja y ^ P 86 - were WncVi;no4 rt « — j x. .. --- - _. . . united in the holy bond.'' Mr. or Washington conference; and to mo- bilize and make articulate student sentiment relative thereto. Function: Section 3—It shall seek to achieve these purposes by:— a. Furnishing speakers on disarmament to the colleges. b. Preparing pertinent syll- abi. c. Encouraging meetings for study and discussion. d. Conductiing simultaneous straw votes expressive of under- graduate and faculty opinion. e. Doing whatever else will, in the opinion of the excutives, further the cause of internation- al disarmament. Structure: Section 4—The structure of the organization shall be as follows: a. Each institution partici pating in this movennent shall be represented by an under- graduate whose duty it shall be to adapt the National Program to the institution. b. The representative refer- red to above shall join with the representatives of the other col- leges in his state in electing a state chairman, whose duty it shall be to effect the purpose of the organization in his state. c. The states shall be group- ed five regions as indicated be- * low:— Eastern get 'twill be asked. What sort of a fellow are you | —C. B., '23. NOTED LECTORER TO DEJRE SOON PROF. OTT TO GIVE LEC- The social committee had prepared P Z ( U We ^ ^ Tr Mr - delicious refreshments and after f t J* graduatln ® froln Ho P e talking with each other for a short 0 * medicine at the time, we left the meeting, feeling , Scl ! 001 of Medicine - He that it was one of the .best we have ^ f0r ach<,lar ^ i P ^ere had and thamkful to God for all His ! ^ at ** coml>letion of his work for having made the highest blessings to us. PREP NEWS grade in his class of more than one hundred medical students. At present he is filling very de- sirable appointment in the Mayo hosr pital at Rochester, Minn. Another Hope man EdKvard C^th- cait, is filling an internship at the Mlayo institution. This presents a Some of the Van Vleok seniors are TURF. ON << VTPT^PV> , n0t eas ^ y attracted by the Preps, and UJN V1U1Q R Y their activities, yet Thomas Ten WILL APPEAR AS SECOND NUM- ^ 0 i d l , t i m e ^ Bl00d "^iwKon. itus presents a B E . O P COLLEGE LVCEUM " " Z ^ ^ - of the greatest lecturers on the lyc- ve ™' 1) er 26, 1921, by means of a de- . . " Cathoart eum platform, is the next speaker to bate. graduated from the University of appear on the Hope College Lecture Thomas Ten Hoeve's violent PPS K:hlglan Medical School, where he course here, December 19. n , f , gcs ' made a creditable record Prof. Ott's lectures on "Sour and Nel90n Daaks gentle voice Hone's scien^. mo n > Grapes," "The Spenders," "The cause,d each P art to be acted in such oomoftSn^ winTv. >t seems are Haunted House," and other topics a Perfect manner as to arouse the k • i m issionanea in gave him nation-wide recognition, interest of every senior in Van 11 t 0 their Atela M,at er. Over a million people have heard his VleCk And thiu^ thpv Application for membership in the "'Sour Grapes," and he now lectures ' , they ^ only eain - Pi Kappa Delta, Hope's honorarv for to practically two hundred thousand ^ themselves a reputation as de- orennizfltinn w K j People a year. baters, but also the attention of the T * been received He is slated to give the Holland Seniors toward the Preps . ^ ® V - George Steinenger of New P 2 PUlaT leCt i Ure J 0,1 " Vic - The subject for debate was "Re- ^ ^ Mr - Ste5nin - tory when he comes to deliver the ca] V pH thnt n nnfeM i, n • j i ^ Wl11 4)6 r ei«m.bered as one of first of two lectures, which Dr. Ny- ? f , 0 outsi<ler 9ha11 indulge Hope's brilliaTit ^ kerk has been fortunate in securing m the ^eaaire of stacking rooms in national remm^K t 0 for the college lecture ' course. Van Vleck." B«th carried the affirm.- station in. forensic work. No person who is interested in na- ative, only viewing it from ddfferent honal problems can afford to miss aTlsles Mirerent Prof. Oltt s famous lecture, which has E, ' . made a profound impression upon the 0 pert<Mt "b 0 pleasure of the thousands of people that have heard seniors and the merit of the debate tL if'® l^ r e ° n "Victory", a Poor Tom found his room, in absolute srs ^ o 'T " ,<1 '• of our own hompn .nnri Koa n wa y went to bed with pleasiant Eastern A to me very doors i. . , , . Maine Now TTam^ w v our own homes » and has a strik- y W ed Wltih P^asbnt - « P ,U " TTTu 6 ' p . T T , re, 1 erm < )nt ' ing messa « e that fi^s its wav into of the future, when he would ^ Resolved, that copies of these reso- Ma ^ a ^ useftts ' Rhode-Island, Connec- the heart of every true American. meet Doak on the platform at an lutions be sent to the President of * York ' Penns yJvania, New elimination contest. the United States, the Secretary of . ey : Dela ware, Maryland, West Maurice Visscher (to his physiology State and to all colleges and umvorc. ^ ir ^ n ia> District of Columbia. North Central Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Minn- esota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Mich- State and to all colleges and unrivers- ties. Gen. Nathan W. Mac Chesney, University of Michigan. Charles S. Deneen, McKen'dree College. class): What do we call a person who lives entirely on vegetaWesf Prep. A vegetarian. Prof. Visscher: Correct. Now elimination contest. Prep. Reporter. ^ xmnuia, iuuen- ixuw n. A.o: gan, Ohio, Indiana, North Dakota, we ca ^ one who lives on so -bored. South Dnlr/vfo mpofo? Si Heemstra: I've lately acquired the habit of talking to myself. H. Korver: I'd rather be a 'VouhMbe" If I couldn^t be an "are," For a ^, would•4>€' , is a "may-lhe" With a chance of touching par. I'd rarther (be a "has-lbeen" Than a "miight have been" by far For a "(migh have (been " has never been While a "has-been M was am "Are." 'HiilftdaJe Oollegiaii. ^Hope vs. Franklins Friday South Dakota. (Oontinued on Page 8) meats? Same Prep.: A unitarian. vt , . ^aisy -Would you object to a hus- No wonder you look band who smoked in the house? , Mabel-—I certainly would. But Til U if JI keep quiet albout it unttil I get one E ^ D o n ' t M i s s the First Game. GWte.


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The Anchor V o l u m e X X X I V


H O P E COLLEGE. Holland, Michigan, D e c e m b e r 7, 1921


YOU? Y. W. C. A.



P E R M A N E N T O R G A N -


Andrew C. McLaughlin,

University of Chicago. Charles H. Judd,

" O h , Praise Ye The Lord ." At • » H I I J I A A t i r m P k i M r or strongly ^ Thanksgiving season, what topic f\ | I l i l l N F F R F N P r

could ihiave been- more apfpropriate V V I l l b l l L l l U L Wihiy oriticize, censoire,

condemnn — — • ~ vpu uai c

T/he faul t s you may see in another? t h , a , n t h ! i s ? Magdalene De Young, our STATE C H R I S T I A M

Just take out tlhe beam that is found , e a ^ e r » pictured to us the sufferings r o w c c D P M ^ r . ^ of the Pilgrims and how a f t e r thpir C O N F E R E N C E HELD AT ANN

Edward A. Miller,

Wesleyan University. i n y < ) U r e y e ' I W r i l f f r i m s a n d , f t o w a f t e r theii ] ^ j | | e r • llhen the mote will leave that of your " r s ^ y e a r n e w country Goiver

— TYrW Yo r] £ r r*r7 I 4>V% n 1 - f_.


Oberlin College. , b r o t h * r ' D ™ , * 1 " r u . l s s

be it fur ther re- ^ o u ^ weakness, follies, and i n f f procliaimiation. sins; "Do we keeip Thanksgiving as a

He has them—that is doubtless too T n e m o r y of t ha t day? It is t rue that t rue, New England has given us the herit-j • - . . t , l c v;viiamt3imjuuii 01 me gruac proo- ^ '

Assembied in conference in Chi- i e m s n o w u n d e r d i s c x l B 8 i o n at Wash- B u t here is a question I Id like to pro-

: r i N O ; - 9 3

K an 'd4

1 4 1 r e p r r n t " i n ^ o n ^ t h e attention of college ataves of 226 American colleges u n i v e r s i t y o f f l c e r s a n d s t u d e n t e t o What sort of a fellow are you? vowed the desires of the national stu- t h € n e c e s s i t y o f p r c v i c , i n ^ m o r ( 1 f u l l y - - -- —

dent body in a niuimiber of resolutions, t h a n d<) p r e s e n t c o u r E e s o f instruction D o y o u h ; U e t o y o u r s e l f t h e delusion H m l f o r H l s good gifts, both tempor-of which the fnl Inwinor ic fVio »rr»r»yf . . . . nKf 1 i>l onrl orrn'rn+iinl T r.«« J 1

Student Thought On National Affairs To Be Given Attention

And in addition, solved

That this convocation aroused by the consideration of the great prob-

nor Bradford issued the tthanksgiv- Hope Y. M C A Sends Thirteen


Last Friday and Saturday, Dec. 2 and 3, found thirteen Hopeites in Ann Arjbor, to attend the S(tate Qhristian Callings Conference fo r

hardly enouigih to set aside to thank C < ) l l e ^ e M e n - All report—as Roose-Hirri f o r His good gifts, both temmor- ^ when he lef t the Whitehouse

age of the first Thaniksgivlng day, but each yeiar God gives us our mani-fold blessings,—so that our dlay is

„ 1 . V ,, . . . , , ' man uv j/lCBCUt LUUIfcCS OI mStrUCLlOn

Z ^ T r 8 ' 3 ^ , Z 0 T t : i n A m e r i c a n educational institutions a b 6 u r d ' S i ; r t !• N a t 5 , ( ; n ! 1

nC 0 n - an intelligent understanding of ^ .

cation of Universities and Colleges t h e p r ( > b l e m s o f n a t i o n l a l a n H That in you perfection is found? vocation of Universities and Colleges t ) , p L M J T ' V " n i a ® ™ a n ® , n g 0 1

on International Relations, including . T T T W / . k / " ' j i • . national life. To that end that pres-

representatives of more than two ,1 * <. • *u j • ... , , e n ^ defects in these matters be cor-

nundred universities and colleges as- ;+ • j ^ i. sembled at Chicago, November 12 f ' ' 18 c ° u r p e s o f

13 and 14, 1921 desires to e . w e s s its , n R t r U ) C t : 0 n h f p r 0 V , M M ^ 1 1 rlppn anni*, f * tu • acquaint students in schools and col-deep appreciation of the .mportance l e w i t h t h c f u n < ] a m e n l j a l necessity. and significance of the step which the ^ - i ^ Presiident of the United s J t c ' s has S 0 C l a l C 0 - 0 ' p e r a t , o n ; a " d t h e d i s a -taken in calling the conference t ^ la.k of in-w ,u. . ai ternational harmony and war. Wasihington on the limitation of arm- Wn +^0 ^ c * r on-nn,nry4.n- 1 , 1. • W e» t''16 representatives of 225 aments and relatea matters. « n • i-

Rp<?nlvpH iha+ f v * x- colleges m conference asseimbled, at n r p ^ 0 : . ' ' T 0 0 e x " C h i c a « 0 I I l i n o i s . on November IS presses with unqualified enthusiasm a n ( 1 ] 4 > 1 ! ) 2 1 ( d o a u t h o r i z e t h e n a . its hearty approval of the ausDicdous 1 • 1. , W i n m n i L f i t u , auspicQous t l o n a l o r g a ^ j ^ ^ n outlined below: Degmmngs of the conference already Name-

Do you think yourself faultless? You know you are not,—

Then why pass your comments around?

It will keep you quite busy safe-guardUng your thoughts.

Without trouibling what others may do: •

You'll agree that it will, knowing others will ask,

What sort of a fellow are you^

Oh, the sdn and the follies we find in ourselves!

TJien why should we censure our brothers?

'a corkfing good time," and, added to it, a f u n d of new inspiration fo r Christian work.

The Coi^fjference oipened; with a banquet on Friday evening, a t which

Dr. H. R. Ohapnan presided, and Pres. Burton, of the U. of M., was the chief sfpeaker. The latter gave an excellent address on 44 The Chal-

Mondlay was aJso the day set for ^eng® ^ ^ o n / ' In which he eon-twinging our presents fo r the Christ- idealism and unselfishness, mas box we are to send to the In- ^ilfcoy and Bishop Rem-

al and spiritual. Jane Crewdson has well expressed a thot in one of her hymns:—

"Thou whose bounty fills my caip

With every .blessdng meet I give Thee thanks for every


The ibitter and (the sweel ."

mas box we are to send to the In-dian reservation in New Mexico. There were all kinds of toys and ar-ticles of clothing, which will make little hear ts glad at the Chrisltmas season. The Prep, girls filled a spe-cial box whidh they are going to send to Anne Tysse, Prep. '20, who is

initon also spoJce.

The Saturday morning session was characterized iby an adtairable ad-dress by Dr. Petty on ^Christian Thinking fo r the New Day." Other speakers were Dr.. E. B. Allen, Dr. C.

M. McConneU, and Dr. A. G. Studer. made, and of the words of the Pres- S e c t i o n m m e o f ^ o r brothers? to Anne Tysse, Prep. '2(

ident and of the S e c m a r y of State, panization shall be- "The NatSoml T h o u g h t ' h e y h a v e t h « i r weaknesses teaching in Grayhawk, Ky. Which express, wo believe, not only S t u d e n t Committee for the Limit:.- - ^ n y of them— Jane t Boumia was there to receive ^ Hope vs. Franklins Friday the purposes of the administration, i t o n 0f Armaments." ' l n o u r s e l v e 8 w e s hal l find there are t ^ e ann/ual dues and although a good but the heai ta nd conscience of the p others. many of the girls paid, we are sorry

urpose. Look not fo r the man who possess no Jhean were not there. ' people of America.

^Resolved, that in the opinion of this conference it is a matter of su-preme consequence and of happy augury that various nations of the world have sent their delegates to Washington to discuss the limitation of armaments and to dispose of ex-isting difficulties that may menace the peace of the world.

Resolved, that it is our belief that the subjects to be discussed by the conference at Washington deeply af-fect the welfare of the world and that the students, alumni and facul-ties of the colleges and univeVsities here represented,most earnestly hope that in the spirit already shown ev-ery effort will be made in good faith and in high honor to achieve the pur-poses for which the conference was called, namely:

The limitation of armaments; The reduction of armies to the

lowest praciticable limits;

And that the underlying caus-es of war, such as diisputes

differences of apparent interest in the Pacific be composed in the spirit of harmony and good will. Resolved, that in the opinion of the

convocation the pulblic should be made acquainted with the stages of the progress of the conference as f a r as consistent with the deliberations of the conference and that the final conclusions and the reasons for the reaching of them be fully published to the world.

Resolved, that the convocation ex-presses the hope that the conference may be a first step leading to inter-national co-operation for the preser-vation of peace;


..WW W..V. xi uc411 11U —* iiK/b tUClC. d U- T x Section 2—Its purposes shall be to n o f a u i t S ( net will be ready at any time to re- SUJTllrrber t w o graduates

stimulate among college students an For we all have them, many or f e w ; « i v e the dues which tave not yet p 6 r e ' " HoiLami. Mise Alice interest in the iwues confronting the When condemning another, don't for - been paid. ' ^ 1 9 ' a n d J a y ^ P 8 6 - were WncVi;no4rt« — j x. .. --- - _ . . . uni ted in the holy bond. ' ' Mr.


Washington conference; and to mo-bilize and make articulate student sentiment relative thereto.

F u n c t i o n :

Section 3—It shall seek to achieve these purposes by:—

a. Furnishing speakers on disarmament to the colleges.

b. Preparing pertinent syll-abi.

c. Encouraging meetings for study and discussion.

d. Conductiing simultaneous straw votes expressive of under-graduate and faculty opinion.

e. Doing whatever else will, in the opinion of the excutives, fur ther the cause of internation-al disarmament.

S t r u c t u r e :

Section 4—The structure of the organization shall be as follows:

a. Each institution partici pating in this movennent shall be represented by an under-graduate whose duty it shall be to adapt the National Program to the institution.

b. The representative refer-red to above shall join with the representatives of the other col-leges in his state in electing a state chairman, whose duty it shall be to effect the purpose of the organization in his state.

c. The states shall be group-ed five regions as indicated be- * low:—

E a s t e r n

get 'twill be asked. What sort of a fellow are you |

—C. B., '23.


P R O F . O T T T O G I V E L E C -

The social committee had prepared P Z ( U W e ^ ^ T r

M r -delicious refreshments and a f t e r f t J * g r a d u a t l n ® f r o l n H o P e

talking with each other f o r a short 0* m e d i c i n e a t t h e

time, we lef t the meeting, feeling , S c l ! 0 0 1 o f M e d i c i n e - H e

that it was one of the .best we have ^ f 0 r a c h < , l a r ^ i P ^ e r e

had and thamkful to God for all His ! ^ a t * * c o m l > l e t i o n o f

his work for having made the highest blessings to us.


grade in his class of more than one hundred medical students.

A t present he is filling • very de-sirable appointment in the Mayo hosr pital a t Rochester, Minn.

Another Hope man EdKvard C^th-cai t , is filling an internship at the Mlayo institution. This presents a

Some of the Van Vleok seniors are

T U R F . O N < < V T P T ^ P V > , n 0 t e a s ^ y attracted by the Preps, and U J N V 1 U 1 Q R Y their activities, yet Thomas Ten

WILL APPEAR AS SECOND NUM- ^ 0 i dl , t i m e ^ B l 0 0 d " ^ i w K o n . i t u s presents a

B E . O P C O L L E G E L V C E U M " " Z ^ ^ -

of the greatest lecturers on the lyc- ve™'1)er 26, 1921, by means of a de- . . " Cathoart eum platform, is the next speaker to bate. graduated from the University of

appear on the Hope College Lecture Thomas Ten Hoeve's violent PPS K : h l g l a n Medical School, where he course here, December 19. n , f , g c s ' made a creditable record

Prof. Ot t ' s lectures on "Sour a n d N e l 9 0 n D a a k s g e n t l e v o i c e Hone's scien^. m o n > Grapes," "The Spenders," " T h e c a u s e , d e a c h P a r t t o b e acted in such oomoftSn^ winTv. >t seems are Haunted House," and other topics a Perfect manner as to arouse the k • i m i ss ionanea in gave him nation-wide recognition, interest of every senior in Van 1 1 t 0 t h e i r A t e l a M , a t e r . Over a million people have heard his VleCk And thiu^ thpv • Application f o r membership in the "'Sour Grapes," and he now lectures ' , t h e y ^ o n l y e a i n - Pi Kappa Delta, Hope's honorarv for to practically two hundred thousand ^ themselves a reputation as de- orennizfltinn w K • j People a year. baters, but also the attention of the T * been received

He is slated to give the Holland Seniors toward the Preps . ^ ®V- G e o r g e Steinenger of New P 2 P U l a T l e C t

iU r e

J 0 , 1 " V i c - The subject for debate was "Re- ^ ^ M r - S t e 5 n i n -

tory when he comes to deliver the ca]VpH thnt n nnfeM i, n • j i ^ W l 1 1 4)6 rei«m.bered as one of first of two lectures, which Dr. Ny- ? f , 0 o u t s i < l e r 9 h a 1 1 indulge Hope's brilliaTit ^ kerk has been for tunate in securing m t h e ^ e a a i r e of stacking rooms in national remm^K • t 0

for the college lecture ' course. Van Vleck ." B«th carried the affirm.- s t a t i o n in. forensic work. No person who is interested in na- ative, only viewing it f rom ddfferent

honal problems can afford to miss a T l s l e s Mirerent Prof. Oltt s famous lecture, which has E, ' . made a profound impression upon the 0 p e r t < M t "b0 pleasure of the thousands of people that have heard seniors and the merit of the debate t L i f ' ® l ^ r e ° n "Victory", a Poor Tom found his room, in absolute

s r s ^ o ' T ",<1 '• of our own hompn .nnri Koa n

w a y went to bed with pleasiant Eastern A to m e very doors i. . , , . —

Maine Now TTam^ w v o u r o w n h o m e s » and has a strik- y W e d W l t i h P^asbnt - « P , U" T T T u 6 ' p . T T , r e ,

1e r m < ) n t ' i n g m e s s a « e t h a t fi^s its wav into of the fu ture , when he would

^ Resolved, that copies of these reso- M a ^ a ^ u s e f t t s ' Rhode-Island, Connec- the heart of every true American. meet Doak on the platform at an lutions be sent to the President of * Y o r k ' P e n n s yJvan ia , New elimination contest. the United States, the Secretary of . e y : D e l a w a r e , Maryland, West Maurice Visscher (to his physiology State and to all colleges and umvorc. ^ i r ^ n i a > District of Columbia.

N o r t h Cen t r a l

Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Minn-esota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Mich-

State and to all colleges and unrivers-ties.

Gen. Nathan W. Mac Chesney,

University of Michigan. Charles S. Deneen,

McKen'dree College.

class): What do we call a person who lives entirely on vegetaWesf

Prep. A vegetarian.

Prof. Visscher: Correct. Now

elimination contest.

Prep. Reporter.

• ^ xmnuia, iuuen- • ixuw n . A.o: gan, Ohio, Indiana, North Dakota, w e c a ^ one who lives on so -bored. South Dnlr/vfo mpofo?

Si Heemstra: I've lately acquired the habit of talking to myself.

H. Korver:

I 'd rather be a 'VouhMbe" If I couldn^t be an "are," For a ^,would•4>€', is a "may-lhe" With a chance of touching par. I'd rarther (be a "has-lbeen" Than a "miight have been" by far For a "(migh have (been " has never


While a "has-beenM was am "Are." 'HiilftdaJe Oollegiaii.

^ H o p e v s . F r a n k l i n s F r i d a y

South Dakota. (Oontinued on Page 8)


Same Prep.: A unitarian.

vt , . ^aisy -Would you object to a hus-No wonder you look band who smoked in the house?

, Mabel-—I certainly would. But Til U i f JI keep quiet albout it unttil I get one

E ^ D o n ' t M i s s t h e F i r s t G a m e . GWte.

Page 2: 12-07-1921

e pwsi-triflets dlay wai dents: *1 V.:

"There is no ik)6Tn in Wesleyan P ibliihed every Wedneia^wtng the Col- ^ preside is not lege year by itudenU of Hope oollefe. ^ ^


Justified' by clear purpose and faith-fui^effoitt. No one is entitled to a

*JB1 4 1 r e n u o u s a n d l ife; the

iOlTOiJ l sHa^» -Janet W. Bouma Campus News Ranald Fell.. h William Joldei Maurice Visscli^ ^ • -rr-* - - - — -Everdene K u i p e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bxclujge best." TT .

U . . . .U . . . * —Pres. Shanklin of Wesleyan Um. Mat

for the-a/bleat and the

.h'lOil Qri'P 9 / oauiVf

srAltTMENT Jehn Flikkema Manager

'There is no reason why a boy who jenn * C 0 ( m € f i fo college should expect any

scT'S 1 p f c i f I ? adviiEiv easier bkne than a boy who goes to single' WfrAs.'C A. $ U J J.. i V ^ i n a factory or in an office.****

Accepted for Mailing at Special Rate of- A college is a workshop, and if it is i r k i n g to main tain its place in tf.e

IGNOOLIIHT CTNT»G .A . J T/R .Y »(| ESTEEM OF A NATION that hae supiport-

= = = = = ^ = i ! ? ^ = = = = = = ? ed us with such unstinted generosity, Mercy Meegh says it is beautiful w e m u ^ t gee that the gospel of hon-

to 'JeajMt withiAowers/i' ..but nios(t e S t W0Tfk is not only taught in the f e l l o w s find it cheaper to use the tele- colleges but practiced by all of us phone and the movies., wfy) have anything to do with i t ."

-Pres. Richmond, Union College. 1./1 • 11 1 '• We were^ratiher, struck .with our <«it & entirely possible to exclude

roommate's differatjation between loafer and the man who is foul a w 'pretty" girl and a ' ' r e a l " g i r l . ' ' A mouthed, the dull, the sileepy, and pretty- girl/! says he, <4is one in a. the aimless. .Thds year is the time crowd; a real girl is one in a million.". eliminate all such and keep only

i: ii;..7 a ,'ii • ,ij 1 •' 'i Vi: 0 > 1' those who are of high character ami

AndrfflWi IBW!® . t h a t f W ; ^ i r l Clean minds ." that^^eads >4^ ^i j l ^ r ive to find out (1 Pres. Faunce, Brown Uni. just ^ h a t constitutes the differpce Considering this same issue. Prof, between hei" an^ . the ot,her^999,999. ^ e n ^ Lafayette College says:—

.-L.ii j -——;—> 7 i ~ ij*' Vx f' "School sins are too well known to Stm .1 is a happy old world af te List includes

all, isn t it, when you stop to eons.de. ^ o f i a c k 0 f

t h a ^ T i r v . r t W . 0 0 r . a , r e e .t! - and aim, amaU aflpelite for book boys all fihd that "one ,n a m.lhon, ^ h a r d w o A i s c h o l a r l y a m . and yet. there are always enough to ^ ^ r i s e s n,o h i g h e r ^ a

go aroundi. 1 ^ ; , 'gentleman's g r a d e ' . • • • • F o r the

T H t CONFERENCE'At CHICAGO. m o s t M m e n h a V e a C q U ! I f d

these as new faults in college. The boy that emters a college that is

his eyes. Sottw -of us tfhan othem and we h more toiuches. Dick's constancy In our reli ery day contact with the Master.

Last weeik we heard an excellent and most profitable ajacounit of The Great Hand^Boodc by A'l King^na. The dangerous criticjism now pre-viaiertt'thalt the K b l ^ i s nbt practi<a- i ble and suitable f o r ' - W p r e s e n t civil-ization was attacked on its own grounds. Especially H. G. Wells' pe-tition, tihat, we need a new Bible and tJhat we do aWay with the Old Testa-ment, was denounced on the ground that he does not know our Bible. If he 'knew it he wouild see in it i the

greatest book of all ages. The Bible contains the mind of

God, the condition of man, the way of salvation; its preempts are binding, binding, its doctrines are holy, its •histif 1 er are Irue and its decir.ons are immovable. We read it to be wiise, practice it to be holy and be-lieve it to be safe. It contaiins light to direct us, food to support us and comfort to cheer us. It is the trav-eler 's map, the pilot's compass the soldier's sword1 and the Christian's chart. In it paradise is restored, heaven is opened and the gates of hell are dteolosed. Christ is its ob-ject, our good is its design, and the

glory to God is its end. The meetings are well attended,

consecration and enthusiasm are dominant; and our prayers are an-


Juat received a new supply of Non-Skid and Dodgers Shoes for Bas-ket Ball Players. Buy now while the line ifc complete at

N U P E R I O R C I G A R € 0 . 206 RIVER AVENUE

widely known lecture "Victory ." Sometime ago Dr. Dimnent and Dr. Nykerk gave the organiaation a giood boost with a donlaition fo r new instru-ments, in particular the (fruims, so tha t , the orcihealtra will be able to give the public a greater t reat than heretofore. Two years ago Prof. Meineeke was highly comimended for the splendid work of his musicians

I t was asserted at that time that Hope's orchestra was equal to any that had been develo»ped in the sitate. With aidlditional members and the ne-cessary instruments, the orchestra will oultdo its previous work, when it appears at the next mimlber of the college lecture course. The orchestra is pllanmnig on gavimg a concert some time later in the school year. Prof. Meinedke is hope*ful of developing the best orchestra that he has ever trained.

J , < . L! IL ill i . • • •• . ' i v. i j • ii boy 1

T ! 1 f , , u 4 r h r ^ ^ S " l ? fairly f ree of such blasting ideas will the report of the resolutions of the ^ d e v e l o p t h e s e d e l i n q u e n c i e 5 s t u d e n t C^nve^tion held m Chicago o m l l l y M e < i h e { o T e h e

on N t k ' l S and 14, as regards the "WT J

A j r o s - L i m i ^ i o ^ q o r i e r e w e . Its . W l h a t t h e C o i l e g e S are purpose in puJolishmg it is to bring ... „ it to the ^.ttentionjpf the student-body ' 1 T "i ' • •

The Hope College orohesitra, under the direction of Prof. Bruno Mein-ecke is making a splendid prooress. The orchestra is preparing select n-umbers which will be rendered Dec. 19 when Prof. Ott delivers his


Why did you blush today when in

your eyes . I read your love? 'Tiwas strange!—

It made me feel As when the first red rays of sain-

shine steal Across the dawn of early summer

skies— It made me glad! It took you by

surprise I know but that one blush did sweetly

seal ' All that your eyes, unguarded, did

reveal,— You love! 0 Godt what joy that thot


One year agone, and all m/y sweetest


Does your business s ta t ionery say to your customer , " I a m subs tant ia l and rel iable"; or does i t g ive h i m a nega t ive , fa l se impression of you? Golden oppor tuni t ies to re in force pres t ige a re o f ten sacrificed fo r the s av ing of a few penn ies in p i in t ing . Probable no money sav ing wan ef-fec ted .

Every le t terhead; envelope and bill-head does more t h a n ca r ry t he mes-sage i t s e l f — it conveys an impres-sion to the one who receives it. Don ' t dress your f a i ry in rags. Make i t dis t inct ive.

We are specialists and qualified to supply t he n u c l e . s of f avorab le im-pressions—excellent and appiopr ia le business s ta t ionery , properly prinr-ed. We quo te f a i r price s—the same to everybody.

Steketee Van Huis Ptg. House Geci Prlatlil-Qnlck S rvlcc

180 River Ave. HOLLAND. MICH.

hopes Had never fancied it—had never

dreamed That such a bliss could be—so f a r

above Such common, earthlbound loves as

mline you seemed! And now this blush hlas told!—iMy

poor bnain gropes. Half-mad, to grasp it all,—you love!

you love! —Xezex

FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS. at Pope. Any student who is interest ed in the Conference a t Washington —and every Hoipeite certainly is— . . ,. should be i n t e r r e d in this expre.- T t o ad^ertB.ng .s ent.rely unsol.c-

sion of the sentiments of nearly 250 ited. I t is purely t e s eme o tolje^es and uuiversities in this re- something which seems to deserve gard. . - i lavoralble coanment and attentiion.

: : . . . . i. U J 0 „ J The resoUftions drawn up by this rrhe Christmas season is a t nana ana

Studemt Oon|fejenceareipmisewrthyy every student is busy with a gift list, an expression $f tJ|e opposition of g i U t besides the fr iends and relatives the nation's slt^deut^y to a mad com- i j^ed for a gift there is always a petitjon amorna the nations for ^uprc ^ost of acquainitances with whom one macy jn aCTpfem.en!ts, in regard to exchanges cards bearing the season 's the national student organization,. This year there is some-

formed, as a. result of resoluT thing new available for Hope stu-tions, as much .cannot be said. Undents. There are Christmas cards seems .that a national organization of i n s j ^ h envelopes wh'ich have the students should have a more compre- ^ i of Hope College engraved in on? hensive()platfoiTm than that put for- corner. The seal is a clever, original wa^d by this Chicago Conferencev]it touch added to the cards which arc-should no-t be designed merely to v e r y artistic. The Hope Text Book meet one international crisis that has Agency has s h o w n itsprogressive spir-already arisen, bin should l e able to i t by putting them on sale for the brin^ its influence to bear on any students. Taey are a bargain too. important natioflfl situation that ^ e p riCe is five cents whereas sim-may ^rise.' In that way the collepata i [ a r ciardis retail for ten or fifteen body.copty become a factor in our CenAs in otSer stores. The agency is political,1 life. To be sure, the matter t , 0 t making money on this sale; ti.ioy of arniKrlinvitation Is no trival affair, a r e dbing it for Hope. Wouldn't it but it is only one of a number of fae a good idea to send tlicse to your questions in which the students aro fr iends at other schools? Buy so^v interested; and an organization that and adveiltiise your college! Besides will be able to give expression to y o u w i n ibe startiirg something new s t u ^ n t ' opinion in all of its major iaTWi w ho doesn't like to be an origin-phases can be more confident of per- a t o r o^ a novel idea * Be sure to get mancy of-in^uenc^ than one that kt^ yours early before the supply is ex-' tempts merely, to give , i t expression hausted. —G-in on^j^n^^paxid to" give: a tardy ex4 • — pression at that! Y. M. C. A.

•Hitlorf or Crooks Tube *•. yi '.t

s J

'4 »V / ' i '

r. 4

. ^ , J »-ij a •

v "

• v • \

I 1

WHO OUGHT TO GO TO COLLEGE TjVjfl "."ii rfMlil l.'i. infi ti'iii fl ' i 'fO'l Before the war the answer was

all-^uffl^oenit,; Anyone who can pas^ the eprtr^Mf'eKa(rtliha^tidi)s;', but this

•democitat/ic fowmuJa is no-lonirer ad3-

quatp |tpi •tjte of 'the- conrmiltee on admission r with several applica-tion^; nfj bianidf6« every !va(/aney'to fill. ?9?.i/orf sdi ni f.'Syloin^ odv/ bn

Hhp jq^rtlegtefeiihold fa sltrateiric fKlsi ' t i on / j ^ , this rejgard that t h e n e v e r beifore,(ft|lf0yed^TJThlat college presi-dents are taking advantage of the situation to Clear their halls of the

A bright a f te rmath of the week of prayer was enjoyed by our Y men two weeks ago when Dick Blocker led the ; meeting with this subject, "The Second Touch." We learned that there is- ft1 seCortd touch and a third and fourth and fifth. * To the new men the weelc of prayer may toive meant a greet deal, but to the old men it should have meant just as much, and more. Christ's first "toilth made the blind man see, bu t he knew not what)lie iskiv;- ilt toofc' a secthd touch and then he knew what he saw and appreciated Him who opened

\ (' • j

' atooh •

OJJ- 1 T ,

>•{ ledd • v m

17 '.fij oi ,.il ium , ' all sbna

How Were X'Rays Discovered?

SIR James Mackenzie Davidson visited Professor Roentgen to find out how he discovered the X-rays.

Roentgen had covered a vacuum tube, called a Hittorf or Crookes tuhc, with black paper so as to cut off all its light. About ffur yards away was a piecc of cardboard coated with a fluorescent compound. He turned on the current in the tube. The cardboard glowed brightly.

Sir James asked him: "What did you think?"

"I didn't think, I investigated," said Roentgen. He wanted to 'know what made the cardboard glow. Cnly planned experiments •could give the answer. We all know the practical result. Thousands iof lives are saved by surgeons who use the X-rays.

Later on, one of the scientists in the Research Laboratory of the (General Electric Company became interested in a certain phenomenon sometimes observed in incandescent lamps. Others had observed it, but he, like Roentgen, investigated. The^ result was the discovery of new laws governing electrical conduction in high vacuum.

Another scientist in the same laboratory saw that on the basis of those new laws he could build a new tube for producing X-rays more effec-tively. This was the Coolidge X-ray tube which marked the greatest advance in the X-ray art since the original discovery by Roentgen.

Thus, scientific investigation of a strange phenomenon led to the discovery of a new art, and scientific investigation of another strange phenomenon led to the greatest improvement in that art.

It is for such reasons that the Research Laboratories of the General Electric Company are continually investigating, continually exploring the unknown. It is new knowledge that is sought. But practical results follow in en endless stream, and in many unexpected w a y s .


v V t > ..

"I -

• vtyvAJ..< // :



os n o 88V i I


1..IIP OHO lli,0 97r0i> General OUco

ofnuB Company

• (C s'au'l no bouniJnoO)

ScheDCctady, N. Y. *>?/)((o' I'lK

11 • M l)n •> " » / .

0 • .a-gohmlO

Page 3: 12-07-1921

• """" "V™' ' r~ " " ' - ,.r.

T H E A N C H O R PAQP , 1 ^ ^ ,;,


LITERARY HASH. Perhaps you prefer your food like a gailor doea his driTiikS—straigiht;

1 Aiherioa, too, has her literary haah-makera.

\ have in'(mind an order of hash that you cannot help but relish, typi-v caRy Amerioan hash* flavored witJi oua* own history and politicB, and thorouglhly spioed with tihe fascinat-inig personality of a noitable Aimeri-can. Prof. Wiehers has termed ilt the

My mother once Hold m e ~ a n d 1 and too much mixing tendb to upset , T T > consider her an excellent cooik—that you* mental eyuilibrium,—well, be it 0 n i e " ? f ^ p i ro^ ,u ,ce(1

hash i sn t made; it adcuonulajtes; and so, yoirr literary appreciation is ne- ^ • r e l s nw>re o ever thereafter I considered it a cessarily limited, for in tihe proper .1° • a n ^ en(t ,hfDsiasni in is c

cheap food, to be relished only /by mixing of one's ingrediients lies the L , .. ^ " f j 0 »» an unfcultu red palate, and •then not secret of the succssful stylist as well,..**. 0 I?. 0 eriT,y ay1® y really relished, but merely allowed^- as of the suceeeaful ciherf. Arul Lamib ' a ^ a


Perhaps I considered it cheap be- was an ar tful m ixe r , -h i s formulae ^ a m a n ^ h l 3

ciuse of its contrast Witlh money, seem impromptu, but there is art .1^ 1 3 0 , 0 0 l y ^ a r a S

which doesn't accoamulate (as fa r as behind that seeming. And yet, com- ? ^ ^ suc,ces8 goes, an tihen

I ani comcemed, at least), or perhaps pletely analysed, his formulae were f e , .'

it was merely one of those unac- one and sfimple: take wfhat was left 0U,n L a 1 e u c , a ^ l o n

countable and yet inorisiteinlt dislikes over from brealkfast and dfinner, the a r!.u ^ U r e 0 \ I* ? oetonian, to which we are all naturally suibjeot. crumbs and bits of food that the T1 ^ 6 a!If . f ^ ^ o u n ^ of two Anyway, sinice that time Hash and I guests have neglected, add a little of n i e r i o a " r e s i n^ 3 ^ a ^ u r e have never agreed,—I ignored it the milk of kindly philosophy and un- 2.5 Pr0rnu completely whenever I found it on derstandinig, gake slowly to a rich S i r e ' . 3 e U U'Te, U ^ tihose the -bill-of-fare (printed thereon, 1 brown in your mental oven, and serve P r 0 ^ 1 S e V n ^ mean), and it generally got even by while still warm. And his hash is per- 0 8 ^ e m e n s ^ eJ i y ' exerting some occult inffuence over fact! Go t(hou an^l make some like y e , a n i f | c o 'u 0 0 hacil: the gentleman beside me, prompting unto it, aoid I ungrudgingly accord 0 V e r 8 ct,<)T1* ^ o r

him to order it, and hoping thereby, thee a place among the immortals! VVa! 1 isc-onltent of a I presume to make me strongly Thou hast the recipe and the matter- ^ 8 . e r . ° 1 dlnvin-aware of its invincibility. That, how- ials,—go then and produce! But f i .19C<)^ ^ a ! \ 1 , t ' w a s a

ever, merely conviniced me of its wait—thoukno west the recipe and the ^ r j . . . . cheapness—this insistently insinuat- materials, but kniowest thou, too, the J? 8 . P6 . ' 1 ® W. m ® a n to ing quailitiy that it has—and made proper temperature of the oven? Yes, ^ ^ me relegate its memory forever to there's the rub! Who knows with n i ** . . ^ ' "1 S a 10 S 0 ^ ^ that oibsc^ure corner of my mind what heat, or with what mild glow, i J ^ T .. € r ® y o u find where are contained all unpleasant those crumbs of life passed thru the ^ ^ a'nce o . 1 [ Sl0,!) 'y ' J0 r e ^^ 0 I 1 » reminiscences. mfind of Lamb? Gentle, kindly Lamb! ° f ^ ^ fchat

So much for .hash—culinary hasdi — And yet at times locked up in a mad- a j ^ i n a ' c o m p l e x i t y an inltongi-

has a la leftovers, if you p l e a s e , - house, frantically insane! Sane T , 1 Z l f

.. , » • . j• . 0 , rt j , , . understand'ahle, at least more sacred may it never be my fate to dine in agair, he smiles and laaighs, and ttfw a n ( j the household here it acicumulalbeith. world smiles with him,—a betlter, r + T i

But there is another kind of hash kindilier world because of his smUling F U " f 0 n 0 C1 <)0S,e. yOUT ^ a S^

- s o nearly related are our likes and and laughing. [ Z { * . T ' ^ !! ^ ^ dislikes—that is for me the most de- And there ,is Carlyle! That eccen- ^ 'f. y 0 U " <>r ^ u ' r s e • joy lightful of foods. When other foods trie old Dyspeptic has prepared for iscovery ever ma es a oik more

have lost their savour, and I'm weary for you an order of hash that you ' 8 0 1 ' i n y o u ^ ^ lT1^' y011

with much eaiting, I fall to it with a may ni'bjble at for years, and still find i 111,011 ^ 0 ^ i a t

lustful joy of a true epicure. It con- it as fresh as when you began. He 8 y 0 U a w a y l c m y o u r ^ :ory» o r

* 4.u « |•« .i i i j xi.* ^ ii i i. , essay, or sermon, or whatever it m'av tains for me the essence of life, the looked at has fellowman and found a . K f * of I'f undescribaJble satdsfaction of a whole bit of the eternal in the covering he ' ^ i ^ • a. 8 .L € C a S e r . ^ ^ Jumut of tastes tihat other foods have had prepared against his nakedness. s e e <Jn jn^ ^ i n n&l1 e something that fiailed even to arouse. I have in mind Others had seen clothes, h)ad worn ' ^ ® s u r e you ve stumibled

Literary Hash, the odds and ends of them, handled them every day, but • ! 0 e- a lf t i ",or ^ m s e ^ » human experience as told by some it took a coarse, ruggied old demi- a p p l y I n e^w®v^n l n is uork. You human who has really lived and found g)od like Oarlyle to find in them a ^ J / it is merely a both somxw and joy in living. One philosophy. Sartor Resartus! Patch- * ^ i . • ^ ousy chosen

finds it not in the week's best sellers, es repfcitched! What can it be but vwrth ^whiile^ U y 0 U in' F IfL ^ nor openly ddsplayed on the fly-leaf hash, literary hash, leftovers that 6 1 • • Reader. under its proper name, but hidden in were cumlbring up that clear-seeini? ( C Tj , ~ the unseiaiiched-out corners of liter- miind, and had to be removed, done 011 Solith C e n t r a ^ 6 ^ ature. Here one finds it in the form away with? rr^vo^ t w , , ; a i

, , , m « . . , . i . /* , Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Miss-of a humorous essay, humorous be- See ham sit there by his fireplace issipp^ Tennessee, Kentucky cause it nibbles playfully at the of evenings, pondering over a clothes- ' Pacific Coa t etemail seriousness of life; and here philosophy as ruggedly incoherent as Washington, Oregon California in greater volume in a masterful au- hamiself. He knows not where to be- Nevada. to biography, a fascdnlating nlarration gin—there is too much—he has Wetlern

of all tihat life 'has meant, all that countless things, worth-while things, Montana, Idaho ^ A r i z o n a Utah life has worthwlhile, all that he had to say, but they are merely a jumble Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico' hoped that Idfe would bring, by a in his mind. The reading public de- Oklahonna. ' m!an who had truly lived Ms life, and dands are ordered correlated whole * • soutl, Atlant* was begdiming to unders tand- to on- f * has not an appetite for Wash- Virginia, South droiina, North derstand, not tlhe Why 0 r the Where- how thrust upon it this manifold and Carolina, Florida, Georgia Alabama fore, but the simple grandeur of it gligantic philosophy of clothes? d The State Chairman of * all Literary Hash! The little odds Somehow there arises in that crudely each region shall elect from and ends of human experience that imaginative mind the picture of Herr when found in our reading make life Teufelsdrockh and Ms paper bags. just a bit more undersltandaible! It is The problem is solved1! The public hash because it has not set composi- will eat hash when told that someone tion, or,—well, just because it ac- else has made it over, and that you cumulates. Like the days of one's have merely tried your best to un-life it slowly grows into a rounded make it! Patchec repatched! Ex-whole that is complete in its form- quisite hash compoundled of glean-lessneas and unbounded in its variety; ings from the Eternal! and when some master thanflcer with- And hat is his recipe? He had draws dt from his mind with all its none: God made it when he made native freshness and newness, there is Carlyle, and then destroyed the presented to you the supreme order formula: it is Oarlyle himself. With of hash,—mere life, condensed life, a deep, earnest sincerity, everla?t-witV-all i ts fascinating variety and ingly goaded on by an unflagging C h ? " n i n l ^ f ' p u I T v . , xea l fo r ialboi-, he shrikes mercilessiy State, Regional a nd NlItioMl branch

I constder Char es Lambs essays at all aham and hypocriey. He gives es of the organization shall be de-to be about as delightful an order of no quarter there! And in that mood frayed by a s s e n t s on the colleges h a * as one oouM des.re. There is he prepares his h a A ^ c r u m b s and which shll be based on their enroll

i pkyfubieBs and wit wise foolishness, ineat of life balced in the fierce glow nient; and by such contributions philosopfby or fo«lish wiseness, kindly of an intense and serious sincerity, from otfher sources a s may be forth irwinu^on and a fund of quaint the volcanic heat of an utmost con- coming The fumte shall be collected thinkirtg abounding in all of tfiem. v*faon. Spaced with a pemliar flavor and administered by the National One sits down to him with an appetite of his personality it Is a dish fo r the Committee

and arises ith a s m i l e ^ h r u some go* , the imperishable pmduct of a Section 6 _ T h i s plan of oraHma-M wizardry the wnrikles in one's gemus mad with reality. Canst thou tion shall go into effect invTditely

i T J ^ f 6 6 " - ^ ^ t 0 i t ? G 0 t t e n ' a n d adoption by this Conference and ^ehaflpyarrttewnnkleson one's face. world is ready to every institution here represented

Lte ni? 18 Hr. y ^ Id ******* to haveltifie^i iP t^tr'u® order of literary hash-eaters, ^ ^ t let us com. nearer home: ujiless it shall specifically wi t tuhW.

?rfs t?®i5(-ofop n lo Jfcfo

their National numlber a Regional Chairman.

e. Tihe five regional chair-men shall constitute the National Admiindstrative Committee

f. The National Administrta-tive Committee shall appoint a National Chairman, not one of their own rnumJber ,to serve as

. the National Executive officer. g. Tlhe National Adlmimstrar

tive Committee shall appoint an honorary National Chairman/

Finance: Section 5—The expenses of the

i i MEET and EAT

Your Lunches and Soda's or Sundaes


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Johnston's Candies—Fresh Daily

COLD WEATHER • f s ^ • v1) 7 1 /•

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The HofFmans Cafeteria is noted for

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Can furnish everything you want for your Parties BEST OF SERVICE


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Among creations of the Gruen Guild artistry you will find a time piece well suited to your taste and needs*at"a price ' no greater then you would pay for a watch of lesser distinction

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4 I f

Page 4: 12-07-1921




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19 E. E igh th S t ree t : : Citz. P h o n e 1582

2, 3, and 5 pound boxes of High Grade Chocolates. ' Prices always right.

LINDEBORG S ' 'The Students Drug Store" , 54 E. 8th Str.

For your meals and lunches while in Holland stop at the

BOSTON R E S T A U R A N T 34 W.8th . st

N. HOFFMAN, Proprietor

Citizens Phone 1041 Holland, Mich

Before You Buy Your Xmas Gifts See our beautiful boxes of Stalioneiy. Our Toilet Sets, our White Ivory Goodw, our Manicure Sets and many other suiiable giifs. All fresh and new.

MODEL DRUG STORE C o r n e r River and Eighth St.

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Phone 1528 H. MEENGS, Prop. 9 E. 8th St.








Slippers for Christmas AH! THE VERY THING.

W e have them in all the latest colors r.nd styles, for Men, Women and Children Also Educator and Buster Brown Shoes and Oxfords.

Enterprise Shoe Store 210 River Ave.

Matfs Musings We've been chasing "Tut" around

all year to get him to relieve u® of this thorn in the side for just one wee'k, but every time he sees us com^ ing, he duicks. (Don't blame him any at that.) Finally Prof. Widhers caught him in Political Science (you know some one is always- getting caught in Wich's class) and we pop-ped the question to him before he had a oharnce to get away. Of course, the proposal was" so sudden " to him but, af ter miuch persuasion, he con-sented. to be our joy and happiness for one week, so we could have a lit-tle time to do our Christmas shop-ping amd get caught uip on our sleep. We know that we've used a lot of apace just to tell you that "Tutt," is going to wrifte the musings next week but we have to use up spiace some wlay.

Feeling a yearning for a chew one day last week, we borrowed the edi-tor's key and looked in the Anchor box for a wad of gum. We found two and a half Spearmiivt gum wrap-pers and a plug of Climax.

Thank you for the "Climax", Jake, but if you desire to make an-other donation would you just as lief make it a package of "Honest Scrap"? It 's all the same'to us but our roomwmate, with whom we share everything, prefers scrap to pluig to-bacco for chewing.

When Tony Meengs told us last week, he often spoke without think-of what he was getting in/to, we could not help wondering juslt what he was referring to.

We have always maintained that woman's tendency to dress in more masculine attire is woman's affair andwoartan'sonly,but since one sweet young thing gaily walked off with our cap and left instead her gloves, we have been forced to take an active stand against it.

Arctic Ice Cream ALL YEAR AROUND

Miss Boyd is in a quandary as to how to address "Baldy F l ik" in Ger-man class. She doesn't like to call him "Herr ," as the does the other gentleman in the class for fear that "F l ik" will think she's twitting him about his hairlessness.

....Some kind friend sent in another verse to t/he poem. Here it is:— T'hey stood on the bridge at midniglnt.

He wondered what ailed his tasite; Like a lilting loon, laughed the moon,

Fool! "cheery lips?"—red paste!

During a discoission at the dinner taible one day, Ann De Cook said that she was having more fun this year than any other since she came to college, wihile Freda Heotland said bhat she was having less fun than in any other yar. Whioh all caused us to come to a pretty definite idea as to the relations between "en-gagements" and happiness.

One of the dorm tables had a birth-day party on Mildred Temple last tveek. Contrary to the usu'al custom there was no bow tied on Mildred's ohair, but then, they tell us that she has had so many beaus in her day that we don't supjpose one more or less made much difference to her.

"Why should the spirit of mortal be proud?" thoughlt we after Miss De Free had told us what our marks were for the fi,rs(t six weeks.

m W ' i

Van Tongeren's

E v e r y t h i n g in .

Basket Ball Togs


P. S. BOTER & CO. Style Headquarters



B E P R A C T I C A L , Get something Electrical for a

Christmas Present

— a t —

Winstrom Electric Co. 200 River Ave. Hol land, M ch.



B. T. Miller, 72 East 8th St.



is the place to go if you w a n t service. T h r e e expe-r ienced ba rbers .

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H O L L A N D . M I C H .

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The Students Barber CASPER BELT

Below Hotel Holland

DU MEZ BROS. D r y Goods , C o a t s and

C l o a k s a n d

Mi l l i ne ry

H O L L A N D , - . M I C H

STUDENTS needing p ic tures fo r the


m a k e your appoin t sments early

at the

The Lacey Studio


S. Sprietsma & Son, HOLLAND, MICH.

The psychology class took a test last week and this is what Prof. Hin-kamp found on one paper as a defini-tion of ''negative after-image:"

"If we shut our eyes for a while and then open them we can'it see any-thing for a while."

Geek: He kissed her where she stood.

Zeke: Sort of a sole-kiss, eh?


22 West 8th Street, Above Woolworth's 5 and 10 Cent Store

Office Hours— 9 to 11 A. M 2 to 5 P. M

Tues. and Sat. 7 to 9 P. M

D R . A . L E E N H O U T S Citz. Phone 1208

Hair fnfa Vander Floegs i i d i i V / U i a B a r b e r s h o P f

Cor. College Ave. and 8th St.

Sterilized tools. Strictly Sanitary.

Get Your Eats for Society affairs


Molenaar&DeGoede 14 Hast 8th St.
