12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!

12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! - Squarespace Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!! December 2013 Sun

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Page 1: 12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! - Squarespace Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!! December 2013 Sun

12 Days of Letters from the North Pole!

From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!!

Page 2: 12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! - Squarespace Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!! December 2013 Sun

December 2013 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat!

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Deliver Letter!From!

Head Elf!

Deliver Letter!From!


Deliver Letter!From!


Deliver Letter!From!


Deliver Letter!From!Cupid!

Deliver Letter!From!


Deliver Letter!From!


Deliver Letter!From!


Deliver Letter!From!Vixen!

Deliver Letter!From!


Deliver !Letter!From!

Mrs. Claus!

Deliver !Letter!From!Santa!

Christmas Day!!

Page 3: 12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! - Squarespace Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!! December 2013 Sun

Dear Santa,


Page 4: 12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! - Squarespace Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!! December 2013 Sun

I bet you didn’t know that every year we start work on next years presents starting on January 1. We work from January 1 through December 23. December 24 we load up the sleigh and Santa and the reindeer deliver the presents to kids around the world! We get to take December 25 through December 31 off work and then we start making new toys for the next year on January 1. We LOVE it! !What could be better than making toys all year round? Elves have the best job in the world and I am even luckier that I get to be the Head Elf. !We have had a great year and have so many wonderful and fun presents to give out – I know the kids will be happy to get them! We also have a special gift just for you waiting up here at the North Pole for Christmas Day!!!

Head Elf,! North Pole!

100 Candy Cane Drive !Santa’s Village, North Pole !

Page 5: 12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! - Squarespace Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!! December 2013 Sun

We got to do our practice run of the route we will take on Christmas Eve last night. I am SO tired! It was a great practice though; we got to see the Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower, the Great Wall of China and the Pyramids in Egypt!!Everything went just perfect during the practice run too; all us reindeers are in excellent health and are flying the best we ever have! We even beat our fastest around the world flight time by 3 minutes! I couldn’t even believe it myself, but we did it! !I can’t wait until Christmas Eve! That flight is always way better than our practice flight!!!Your friendly reindeer,!

Prancer !

1102 Fly High Boulevard !Santa’s Village, North Pole !

Page 6: 12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! - Squarespace Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!! December 2013 Sun

Do you like ice cream? Well, if you do, we have some pretty special ice cream up here at the North Pole. It is so cold that we make the very best ice cream on the whole planet! One of the benefits of living here !. !!Ice cream has got to be one of my very favorite treats. I love strawberry shortcake flavor the best, topped with lots and lots of whipped cream and sprinkles! What is your favorite flavor? !!If you ever get the chance to come visit the North Pole we should definitely get some ice cream. You would just LOVE it. !!I hope you are getting ready for Christmas – it is getting so close!!!Your friendly reindeer,!

Blitzen !

1102 Fly High Boulevard !Santa’s Village, North Pole !

Page 7: 12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! - Squarespace Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!! December 2013 Sun

It is 9 days until Christmas and I got sick! I got a cold! I seriously cannot believe it. What am I going to do? !!The strange thing about getting sick for me is that my nose doesn’t glow as bright red as it usually does, which is concerning Santa greatly. He needs my nose to guide him through the clouds as we fly around the world delivering Christmas presents. What if I don’t get better?!!I have tried everything – getting lots of rest, drinking lots of water and taking medicine. I even went to see the North Pole doctor. We are all hoping I am not sick when Christmas Eve comes!!!Wish me luck! !!Your friendly reindeer,!


1102 Fly High Boulevard !Santa’s Village, North Pole !

Page 8: 12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! - Squarespace Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!! December 2013 Sun

You know what one of my favorite things to do up at the North Pole is when Christmas time comes around? All us reindeer turn up our Christmas music really loud (my favorite song is “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”; what’s yours?) and we all fly around the town hanging Christmas lights on all the houses, shops, work areas and anywhere you can think of! The entire town is lit up like one big giant Christmas Tree! !I bet you would love it. It is so bright, colorful and cheery. It really brings the Christmas Spirit to the North Pole.!!What do you do to bring the Christmas Spirit to your house? !!Your friendly reindeer,!


1102 Fly High Boulevard !Santa’s Village, North Pole !

Page 9: 12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! - Squarespace Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!! December 2013 Sun

You would not believe what is going on up here!? We are getting ready for Christmas, making and wrapping all the toys and guess what?! We ran out of wrapping paper!! The North Pole cannot run out of wrapping paper! So… they sent ME all the way down to the South Pole to get some. Thanks goodness we keep an extra stash down there of the essentials or we would have really been in trouble! !!The North Pole is back in swing and fully operational now, wrapping paper and all. Thanks to ME! I saved Christmas! !!I bet you are going to LOVE the wrapping paper I picked out especially for you. You will be so happy when you see it! But it won’t get to you until Christmas Eve! !!From your friendly reindeer, !


1102 Fly High Boulevard !Santa’s Village, North Pole !

Page 10: 12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! - Squarespace Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!! December 2013 Sun

Are you ready for Christmas?! Are your stockings all hung on the fireplace ready for Santa Claus to come fill them up? Is your Christmas Tree decorated with lots of lights and ornaments? If so, you are close to being ready!!!Do you have milk and cookies ready to leave out for Santa, and carrots ready to leave out for us reindeer (we love carrots!)? And, do you promise to be quiet and asleep and stay in bed all night on Christmas Eve so Santa can come deliver lots of presents and toys to you?! !!If so, then you are ready for Christmas!!!Get a lot of rest and before you know it, Christmas morning will be here!!!Your friendly reindeer,!


1102 Fly High Boulevard !Santa’s Village, North Pole !

Page 11: 12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! - Squarespace Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!! December 2013 Sun

Did you ever hear the story about how reindeers learned to fly? It is a pretty good one and I am the star! !!One day, my fellow reindeer and I were in a green grassy field just bedding down for the night and about to go to sleep when I saw a shooting star flying through the sky! I was so excited (my name is Comet you know) that I made a wish, a great big wish on that shooting star! I wished I could be up in the skies with the stars and actually be a Comet instead of just have it as my name. The next thing you know, we were all flying! It was the most fun we had ever had! My wish had come true! We flew all the way to the North Pole where we met Santa Claus, who is the nicest man any of us have ever met. Vixen will have to tell you about when we met Santa, it is a great story as well. !!Your friendly reindeer,!


1102 Fly High Boulevard !Santa’s Village, North Pole !

Page 12: 12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! - Squarespace Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!! December 2013 Sun

I heard Comet told you I would be able to tell you the story of the day all us reindeer met Santa, and I totally can! It is one of my favorite stories. !!We flew in to the North Pole, not having a clue where we were, when this man came out of his home wearing a red jumpsuit with a fluffy white beard. We didn’t know what to think when he said “Ho, Ho, Ho” – what did that mean? !!We were hungry from our long flight and this nice red suited man gave us lots of carrots and water and let us rest in a field of snow until we felt better. What a nice man! !!We became quick friends and we soon offered to fly him around the world once a year to deliver gifts to all the good boys and girls! Santa is our best friend. !!Your friendly reindeer,!


1102 Fly High Boulevard !Santa’s Village, North Pole !

Page 13: 12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! - Squarespace Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!! December 2013 Sun

Christmas Eve is in two days!! How excited are you!? I always get extremely excited for Christmas Eve. It is the best night of the year! I love being able to fly around delivering presents to all the good boys and girls. Being able to give gifts during the Christmas season is such a wonderful feeling. !!What gifts are you going to give to your family this year? Are you looking forward to seeing how your friends and family react to the gift you have ready for them? I bet they will love it!!!Also, some good news…. Rudolph is all better! His nose is glowing bright red as ever and we are all set for Christmas Eve!!!Your friendly reindeer,!


1102 Fly High Boulevard !Santa’s Village, North Pole !

Page 14: 12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! - Squarespace Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!! December 2013 Sun

A few years ago on December 23 all the elves and reindeer took a break from their normal duties and we had a surprise snowball fight! It was so much fun! We had never done that before but it has now become a tradition. Today is the day for our Christmas Snowball Fight and I can’t wait. !!Santa and I team up with the reindeer to make one team and the elves are on the other team. We hide behind trees, snowmen, homes, and Santa’s sleigh to try to stay protected from oncoming snowballs. !!Have you ever been in a snowball fight? !What are some of your Christmas traditions? !!Santa will be stopping by your house soon – sleep tight!!!With Christmas Cheer,!

Mrs. Claus

1000 Christmas Lane !Santa’s Village, North Pole !

Page 15: 12 Days of Letters from the North Pole! - Squarespace Days of Letters from the North Pole! From all 9 reindeer, the Head Elf, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself!! December 2013 Sun

I am writing this letter to you just before I get in to my sleigh tonight to deliver presents to all the good boys and girls of the world. And lucky for you, you have been very good. You have been kind to others and have always tried to do what is right. You have learned a lot this year, as we all do every year, and you will learn even more next year. !Always try to do what is best and you will always get presents from me on Christmas morning. !!Try to get some good sleep tonight, go to bed early and before you know it you will be waking up to a Christmas Tree and Presents from ME!!!Merry Christmas and to all a Good Night!!

Santa Claus Ho Ho Ho!

1000 Christmas Lane !Santa’s Village, North Pole !