12. HIGH SPATIAL RESOLUTION QUANTITATIVE ELECTRON BEAM MICROANALYSIS FOR NANOSCALE MATERIALS DALE E. NEWBURY, JOHN HENRY J. SCOTT, SCOTT WIGHT, AND JOHN A. SMALL I. INTRODUCTION A dominant theme in modern materials science is the determination of the relationships between material microstructure and macroscopic physical, chemical, and engineer- ing properties. Because microstructures of materials consisting of several elements are typically segregated into two or more different chemical phases, a critical component of this task has been the development of tools that can characterize the compositional microstructure of materials on the micrometer to nanometer spatial scales, both later- ally and in-depth. Electron beam excitation has provided an important class of these tools because of the powerful combination of high resolution morphological imag- ing through transmission and scanning electron microscopy, the elemental/chemical analysis made possible by associated x-ray and electron spectrometries, and the deter- mination of crystal structure by electron diffraction methods [Newbury and Williams, 2000]. The emergence of nanoscale science and technology has increased the chal- lenges facing these characterization methods. Measuring elemental composition at high spatial resolution with electron microscopy is the theme of this contribution. For this discussion, the following arbitrary definitions will be adopted when referring to broad classes of concentration levels: Major constituent (concentration, C > 0.1 mass fraction) Minor constituent (0.01 C 0.1) Trace constituent (C < 0.01)

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A dominant theme in modern materials science is the determination of the relationshipsbetween material microstructure and macroscopic physical, chemical, and engineer-ing properties. Because microstructures of materials consisting of several elements aretypically segregated into two or more different chemical phases, a critical componentof this task has been the development of tools that can characterize the compositionalmicrostructure of materials on the micrometer to nanometer spatial scales, both later-ally and in-depth. Electron beam excitation has provided an important class of thesetools because of the powerful combination of high resolution morphological imag-ing through transmission and scanning electron microscopy, the elemental/chemicalanalysis made possible by associated x-ray and electron spectrometries, and the deter-mination of crystal structure by electron diffraction methods [Newbury and Williams,2000]. The emergence of nanoscale science and technology has increased the chal-lenges facing these characterization methods.

Measuring elemental composition at high spatial resolution with electronmicroscopy is the theme of this contribution. For this discussion, the following arbitrarydefinitions will be adopted when referring to broad classes of concentration levels:

Major constituent (concentration, C > 0.1 mass fraction)Minor constituent (0.01 ≤ C ≤ 0.1)Trace constituent (C < 0.01)

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By this convention, the lower limit of the trace category is not defined and is eventuallydetermined when the single atom limit within the sampled volume is reached.


Materials with nanometer-scale features can be divided into two broad classes for thedevelopment of appropriate microanalytical strategies: bulk nanostructures and discretenanoparticles.

A. Bulk Nanostructures

Bulk nanomaterials include those “natural” systems in which rapid solidification fromthe melt and/or solid state reactions create nanoscale microstructural features in certainmetal alloys and ceramics. A second class of bulk nanomaterials consists of “materialsby design” that are built up from the atomic scale with processes such as ion sputteringdeposition where indivual atoms, molecules, and clusters are manipulated. A third classof bulk nanomaterials includes engineered materials, such as complex layered electronicdevices, that are synthesized by “building down” with massively parallel processing suchas photolithography to create the discrete nanoscale features that compose advancedelectronics.

Characterizing the fine structure of bulk materials with nanoscale features has beena long standing theme in materials science. Imaging and crystallographic studies withnanometer scale resolution have been performed for more than 40 years with the trans-mission electron microscope (TEM) [Williams and Carter, 1996]. For the past 25 years,these studies have been augmented by compositional measurements with energy dis-persive x-ray spectrometry (EDS) and electron energy loss spectrometry (EELS) per-formed in the modified TEM known as the analytical electron microscope (AEM)[Joy et al., 1986]. Examination of matter in the TEM/AEM places great demands onthe form of the specimen. The range in nanometers of the primary electron beam ina target is given by equations of the form [Kanaya and Okayama, 1972]:

R(nm) = [(27.6A )/(ρZ 0.89)]E1.670 (1)

where A is the atomic weight (g/mole), ρ is the density (g/cm3), Z is the atomicnumber, and E0 is the incident beam energy (keV). The range of high energy(≥100 keV) electrons (see Table 1) in solid matter is so great that in order to retain highresolution imaging, diffraction, and analytical information, the beam electron inter-actions must be restricted to single or plural (at most) scattering events. To achievethis restriction, the specimen thickness must be limited to only tens to hundreds ofnanometers, depending on composition. TEM/AEM examination of bulk specimensthus requires preparing a suitably thin cross section, and this step has often been thegreatest impediment to a successful study, especially when a specific sub-micrometerfeature of a complex device must be located and thinned for examination. When thedimensions of specimen features are less than the foil thickness, as is likely to be the casefor fine scale nanostructured materials, multiple features are likely to be encountered

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Table 1. Electron Range in Bulk Materials (Kanaya-Okayama Range)

E0 (keV) C Si Fe Ag Au

100 73.5 μm 70.4 μm 23.6 μm 20.2 μm 12.6 μm30 9.9 μm 9.3 μm 3.2 μm 2.7 μm 1.7 μm20 5.0 μm 4.7 μm 1.6 μm 1.4 μm 860 nm10 1.6 μm 1.5 μm 500 nm 430 nm 270 nm5 490 nm 470 nm 160 nm 130 nm 85 nm

2.5 160 nm 140 nm 50 nm 43 nm 27 nm1 34 nm 32 nm 11 nm 9 nm 6 nm

through the thickness. In viewing/analyzing such a complex thin section, informationfrom the different structures through the thickness will be superimposed in transmis-sion images and integrated into composite x-ray and electron spectra. To truly isolatesuch nanostructures, exceptionally thin sections must be prepared, with the desiredthickness depending on the scale of the features. The traditional methods of thin sec-tion preparation, which have utilized mechanical abrasion, chemical polishing, andion beam sputtering, have been greatly advanced with the evolution of systems thatcombine an ion beam sputtering system with a scanning electron microscope (SEM)to achieve exquisite control in locating the target area of interest and preparing thethin section [e.g., Phillips et al., 2000]. With successful thin foil preparation, typi-cal characterization problems include determining the morphology and compositionof single phase regions, information that includes both the elemental concentrationsderived from spectrometry and the crystallographic parameters derived from diffractionpatterns. More complex problems involve the nature of interfaces between differentphases in natural materials or the engineered interfaces in technological structures thatoften control the macroscopic behavior of a device.

The development of the SEM has provided a powerful alternative tool for probingthe first surface of massively thick bulk specimens, thus simplifying the specimenpreparation problem to that of a single surface, and indeed permitting examination ofthe surface of rough materials in the as-received condition [Goldstein et al., 2003].In the “conventional” beam energy range for the SEM, 10–30 keV, the range isgreater than a micrometer for materials of low and intermediate atomic numbers (e.g.,Z < 40), as listed in Table 1, which is not satisfactory for characterizing the individualcomponents of bulk nanomaterials. However, the emergence of the high performanceSEM based upon the high brightness field emission gun (FEG-SEM) has enabledpractical operation of the SEM in the “low voltage” regime, E0 ≤ 5 keV, where therange is typically reduced to 100 nm or less, even in materials of low atomic number,as also listed Table 1. Low voltage SEM thus provides access to nanoscale structures inbulk materials with the possibility of minimum or even no specimen modification.

B. Nanoparticles

The second broad class of nanomaterials consists of discrete particles with nanome-ter dimensions which will be referred to as “nanoparticles” [e.g., Komarneni, et al.,1997]. Discrete nanoparticles with dimensions ≤100 nm are sufficiently small thatthey are already compatible with high beam energy transmission electron microscope

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techniques without further specimen preparation. Following dispersion and mountingon a suitable thin foil substrate, such as 10-nm thick amorphous carbon film supportedon a Cu, Ni or C grid, nanoparticles can be examined directly in the as-received condi-tion in the TEM/AEM or SEM. More complex preparation problems are encounteredwhen nanoparticles are aggregated, either as a result of the fabrication scheme or aftersubsequent processing, which may require redispersion or thinning for AEM/TEMexamination. Alternatively, the SEM can be applied to study the outer layer of aggre-gated nanoparticles regardless of the total thickness of the aggregate without the needfor thinning methods which might alter the structure or composition.

The typical characterization problem required for discrete nanoparticles is the deter-mination of the morphology, composition and crystalline phase of individual particlesand the variation of these properties within particle populations. While individualnanoparticles may be found that are homogeneous, populations of particles with dif-ferent compositions may be found intermixed. More complex nanoparticles may havea surface coating with a composition different from the interior, and the nature ofthis coating and its interface to the underlying substrate particle can provide a rangeof increasingly challenging characterization problems. Finally, nanoparticles may haveinternal compositional heterogeneities on an even finer scale, down to clusters ofatoms.


The physical basis for spectrometric analysis under electron bombardment is illustratedin Figure 1 for a carbon atom. The initial interaction is an inner shell ionization eventcreated by inelastic scattering of the energetic beam with a bound inner shell electron.In this inelastic event, the beam electron transfers an amount of energy at least equalto the binding energy (critical ionization energy), Ec, of the bound atomic electron,which is then ejected from the atom, leaving a vacancy in the shell. If the incident beamelectron has a sharply defined energy, E0, then because the ionization edge energy Ec

is also sharply defined, such an inelastic interaction, a so-called “core loss” event, willcause a well-defined change in the energy of the beam electron. Following such a coreloss event, the incident beam electron leaves the sample with a reduced energy givenby E0–Ec. Because the amount of energy lost is defined by the binding energy of theinner shell atomic electron, a spectrum of energy losses experienced by the incidentbeam forms the basis for elemental analysis of the sample; this techniques is known aselectron energy-loss spectrometry (EELS) (Egerton, 1986).

After the primary ionization of a K-shell of carbon (Ec = 240 eV) in Figure 1, theexcited atom resides in the excited state for a few picoseconds and then undergoeselectron transitions between the L and K shells to lower its energy back toward groundstate. The lower section of Figure 1 illustrates the first stage of this decay process. In onecase (radiative transition, referred to as fluorescence), the excess energy difference afterthe electron transition between the shells is expressed in the form of electromagneticenergy, as an x-ray photon. Because the energy levels of the atomic shells are sharplydefined and specific to each element, the transition of an electron from one shell to

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Figure 1. Inner shell ionization and de-excitation tree for carbon (Goldstein et al., 2003).

another produces a sharply defined difference in energy that manifests as the energyof the x-ray photon, making it characteristic of the particular atom species. As a resultof the transition process, the vacancy moves out to an outer atomic shell, where thetransition process can repeat for a sufficiently complex (intermediate to high atomicnumber atom), resulting in a family of characteristic x-ray photons. Measuring theenergy of the photons forms the basis of x-ray spectrometry [Goldstein et al., 2003].

In the second case (the non-radiative transition), as the excited atom undergoeselectron transitions, the energy difference between the shells is imparted to anotherbound outer shell electron, known as the Auger effect (Auger, 1923). This atomicelectron is ejected with a kinetic energy equal to the energy difference of the initialtransition minus the binding energy of the ejected electron. Because all of the energylevels are sharply defined, the as-ejected Auger electron also has a characteristic kineticenergy that identifies the atomic species responsible for the emission. Measuring theenergy of the electrons ejected from the target forms the basis of Auger electronspectrometry (AES) (Bishop, 1989).

Each of the analytical spectrometries derived from the physics of inner shell ion-ization has its strengths and weaknesses for analysis of nanoscale materials, whetherprepared in thin section or in the form of discrete nanoparticles. The following sec-tions describe key factors that must be considered when approaching nanoscale analysisproblems.

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The electron microscopy platforms upon which these analytical spectrometries canbe applied to nanoscale characterization problems can be divided into two broad classesdepending upon beam energy. The high energy (≥100 keV) class is represented bythe transmission electron microscope (TEM)/scanning transmission electron micro-scope (STEM) equipped for analysis as the analytical electron microscope (AEM),while the intermediate (10 ≤ E0 ≤ 30 keV) and low energy (≤5 keV) classes are basedupon the scanning electron microscope (SEM) (Sarikaya et al., 1994).


A. Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry

Electron energy loss spectrometry (EELS) in the AEM involves the measurement of thekinetic energy of an electron that has passed through the specimen (Egerton, 1986).In order for this kinetic energy to be analytically meaningful, the incident electronenergy must be sharply defined, so that the energy loss after the interaction results ina value that is characteristic of that particular inelastic scattering process, such as innershell ionization. The beam electrons emitted from the gun of the electron microscopesatisfy the requirement to be sharply defined in energy, with a kinetic energy rangethat depends upon the type of source: thermionic, thermal field emission, or coldfield emission. Even when using a source dependent on thermionic emission (whichyields the broadest distribution of energies), the incident energy for a high voltagetransmission electron microscope operating at 100 keV is typically defined within3 eV. This represents a relative energy spread of 3 eV/100,000 eV, or 3 × 10−5, whichis sufficient for useful EELS spectrometry of inner shell ionization features, which aretypically spaced in energy by tens or hundreds of electron volts.

The measurement of the EELS spectrum is accomplished with a parallel detectionspectrometer consisting of electromagnetic lenses which efficiently couple the beamthat exits the specimen to a magnetic prism, and the prism to an imaging detector thatcan simultaneously view a large energy loss band, e.g., 0–1 keV. Generally, the limiton the energy losses is approximately 2.5 keV.

1. Analytical Aspects of EELS

The characteristic core loss edge structures provide the critical information for ele-mental analysis by EELS. Inevitably, EELS is sensitive to the complete range of inelasticscattering processes encountered by the energetic beam electrons. These phenomenarange in energy loss from low energy transfer processes such as phonon scattering ata fraction of an eV energy loss, to ionization of valence and molecular-bonding elec-trons in the 1 eV–10 eV range, to scattering with bulk and surface plasmons in the5 eV–50 eV range, and finally to the ionization of core-level electrons that can be usedto identify and quantify the elements present. The core loss peaks useful for elementalanalysis are illustrated for NIST Standard Reference Material 2063a (Thin Glass Film)in Figures 2 and 3. While all of these interactions enrich the information available,they also complicate the EELS spectrum of a thick specimen through multiple inelasticscattering. When multiple scattering occurs, the energy losses of different events are

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300 400 500 600 700 8000









Energy Loss (eV)

x 10


C K-edge

O K-edge

Fe L-23 edge

Ca L-23 edge

SRM 2063a thickness = 75 nm

beam energy = 100 keV

Figure 2. EELS spectrum of NIST Standard Reference Material 2063a (Thin Glass Film) showing coreedges for Ca L, O K, and FeL edges (Leapman and Newbury, 1993).


1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 22000





Energy Loss (eV)

x 10

00 Mg K-edge

SRM 2063a76 nm 100 keV

Si K-edge

Figure 3. EELS spectrum of NIST Standard Reference Material 2063a (Thin Glass Film) showing coreedges for Mg K and Si K edges edges (Leapman and Newbury, 1993).

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superimposed upon the same beam electron, which has the effect of degrading the spe-cific detail at an excitation edge or other feature. Multiple inelastic scattering increaseswith thickness. With sufficiently thin specimens where the inelastic scattering consistsof, at most, single events per beam electron, the excitation edges permit, in principle,the detection of any element in the entire periodic table from a K, L, M, or N edgein the energy loss range from 0–2.5 keV. Calculation procedures have been devel-oped to deconvolve the effects of multiple scattering, extending the practical thicknessrange for EELS (Egerton, 1986). Since inelastic cross sections generally decrease withincreasing beam energy, the EELS technique is applied in the high voltage analyticalelectron microscope, where 100 keV ≤ E0 ≤ 300 keV. Nevertheless, specimen thick-ness is the chief limitation to the application of EELS to nanoscale materials, espe-cially bulk nanoscale and aggregated nanoparticles which must be thinned prior toexamination.

At 100 keV in Si, the average rate of energy loss with distance from all inelasticprocesses is estimated to be 0.6 eV/nm from the Bethe energy loss model. Because ofthe stochastic nature of inelastic scattering, an individual beam electron will have lost anindeterminate amount of energy after passing through a portion of the specimen. Whilesuch an energetic electron can still initiate the ionization tree shown in Figure 1 furtheralong its trajectory in the specimen, the measured kinetic energy of the beam electronafter the event is no longer characteristic of a single inner shell ionization event thatidentifies the atom species present but will be transferred to the background continuumbelow the edge energy. The usefulness of EELS is thus restricted to specimens whosethickness is of the order of 10–100 nm, depending on the atomic number of the mostabundant atom species. For Si, a thickness of 50 nm would result in a dispersion ofapproximately 30 eV in the beam energy through the foil.

The fraction of beam electrons that will undergo a specific event while traversing aparticle or foil of thickness t is given approximately by (t/λ), where λ is the mean freepath for the event:

λ = A/(N0ρQ) (2)

A is the atomic weight (g/mol), N0 is Avogadro’s number, ρ is the density (g/cm3),and Q is the cross section for the process of interest. For inner shell ionization, thecross section can be described by:

Q = 6.51 × 10−20(ns b s )/(


)loge (c s U ) (3)

where ns is the number of electrons in the shell being ionized, bs and cs are constants,Ec is the shell binding energy (keV), and U is the overvoltage = E0/Ec and the dimen-sions of Q are [ionizations/e/(atom/cm2)]. Brown (1974) took cK ∼ cL ∼ 1, with thefollowing expressions for bs:

b K = 0.52 + 0.0029Z (4a)

b L23 = 0.44 + 0.0020Z (4b)

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0 100

2 10-21

4 10-21

6 10-21

8 10-21

0 20 40 60 80 100

Inner Shell Ionization vs. Overvoltage

Q (

Si K





U, Overvoltage

Figure 4. Plot of the inner shell ionization cross section Q of Jakoby versus overvoltage, U.

where Z is atomic number. The inner shell ionization cross section for the Si K-shell isplotted versus U in Figure 4, where the value of Q initially rises from U = 1, reachesa peak at a value of U = 3, and then decreases asymptotically for further increasesin U.

For silicon, the ionization energy EK = 1.838 keV, so that for E0 = 100 keV, U =54.4 which gives Q = 1.59 × 10−21 cm2. This cross section results in a mean freepath for Si K-shell ionization as λ = 0.0128 cm. In traversing a 50 nm Si foil, (t/λ) =3.9 × 10−4, which means only about 4 in 10,000 of the incident electrons will undergoSi inner shell ionization while traversing 50 nm of Si. Thus, inner shell ionization isexpected to be a weak feature in an EELS spectrum compared to higher probabilityinelastic events, such as plasmon scattering. Fortunately, these rare core-loss electronsare still traveling in much the same direction after interaction so that they can beefficiently collected. The mean scattering angle, θE, for a given process is given by:

θE = �E/2E0 (5)

where �E is the energy loss. At E0 = 100 keV and for Si ionization where �E =1.838 keV, θE = 9.2 × 10−3 radians or ∼0.5 degrees, which is within the maximumangle that can be accommodated with an EELS spectrometer. Moreover, the EELSmeasurement does not depend on the subsequent decay of the excited core edge stateand partitioning of the emission, as is the case for x-ray or Auger spectrometry. Finally,although there are certainly beam–sensitive materials such as biological and organicspecimens, the EELS measurement is usually non-destructive, so the collection of

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atoms being examined can be repeatedly measured. As a result of these considerations,EELS can achieve extraordinary absolute mass sensitivity despite the relative paucity ofionization events, reaching the attogram to zeptogram level. Under some circumstanceswhere the core edge displays features that are sharply defined in energy loss (e.g.,“white lines”), nanoscale analysis with trace sensitivity as low as 10−5 mass fractionhas been demonstrated by accumulating high count spectra combined with specialmathematical methods of spectrum processing (“first difference” processing) (Leapmanand Newbury, 1993).

The typical maximum practical energy loss utilized in a parallel collection EELSspectrometer is approximately �E = 2.5 keV, making the S K-edge at 2.47 keVthe highest energy K-edge before L-edges, M-edges, etc. must be utilized. For someelements, the L-, M- and N-edges are not as sharply defied in the onset energy as theK-shell of similar energy, which restricts the sensitivity for these elements.


Quantification of elemental constituents with EELS is based upon integrating theenergy loss region beginning at the ionization edge to a defined limit above the edge,typically a window 50 eV wide (Egerton, 1986). This range represents atomic electronsscattered to various final kinetic energies. For thin specimens where multiple scatteringis minimized, the intensity IK measured above the K-ionization edge for an atomicspecies A, is given by:

IK,A = NAQK,AI0 (6a)

where Ni is the number of atoms of element “i” in the excited volume of the speci-men, QK is the K-ionization cross section, and I0 is the incident beam current. Similarrelations can be written for L-, M-, N- etc. edges. Because the thickness of a speci-men is often locally variable and difficult to measure, absolute analysis is not typicallyperformed, but rather where multiple elements coexist in the excited region of thespecimen, one element is typically determined relative to another. For relative elemen-tal analysis of two species “A” and “B”, equation (6) can be written for each species,and by separating the parameters equal to the beam current, which is identical forboth “A” and “B” since the two quantities are simultaneously measured with a parallelspectrometer, the following relation is obtained:

IK,A/(NAQK,A) = I0 = IK,B/(NB QK,B ) (6b)

NA/NB = (IK,A/IK,B )(QK,B/QK,A) (6c)

The relative error budget of this EELS quantification procedure consists of the mea-surement errors associated with the intensities I (the variation in IA/IB is likely to beless than 5% relative with parallel EELS spectrometry) and uncertainties in the theo-retical ionization cross sections (partial in energy range �E and scattering angle �Qfor which errors are more difficult to estimate). If a standard of known composition

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Table 2. Sigma-K, Sigma-L EELS Quantitative Analysis of SRM 2063a Leapman and Newbury(Analytical Chemistry, vol. 65, 1993, p. 2409)

Element/Edge Certified atom fraction Measured by EELS atom fraction Relative error, %

O K 60.8 ± 2.2 61 ± 3 0.3%Mg K 7.5 ± 0.3 7.6 ± 0.4 1.3Si L2,3 20.3 ± 0.9 19.2 ± 1.0 −5.4Ca L2,3 6.6 ± 0.3 7.9 ± 0.4 19.7Fe L2,3 4.5 ± 0.4 4.6 ± 0.2 2.2

(i.e., the ratios NA/NB for all elements) is available, then the overall error budget canbe estimated by comparing the calculated ratios of NA/NB to the known values. Suchstudies have suggested that quantitative EELS measurements of K-shells can deter-mine simple stoichiometric binaries, such as BN or SiC, within 5% of the ideal value,and more complex systems within 20% relative when the specimens are sufficientlythin that multiple scattering effects are negligible. An example that demonstrates thisperformance is given in Table 2, where the Sigma-K and Sigma-L cross sections ofEgerton (1986) were used for quantification.


The spatial resolution of any of the techniques based upon the ionization tree inFigure 1 is determined by two major factors, the diameter of the incident probethat contains sufficient beam current for the measurement and the scattering of thebeam electrons and the emitted radiation within the target. The smallest volume ofanalysis would be the ideal cylinder defined by the footprint of the beam on theentrance and exit surfaces and the specimen thickness, with the exit diameter onlyincreased by the angle of divergence of the beam, as shown in Figure 5. Comparedto the spatial resolution situation for x-ray spectrometry described below, the actionof elastic scattering to remove beam electrons from the ideal cylinder and degradethe lateral spatial resolution of analysis is not a significant effect for EELS. The reasonis that any significant elastic scattering will cause the electron trajectory to deviateoutside the input acceptance angle of the EELS spectrometer so that these scatteredand spatially degraded electrons cannot contribute to the energy loss spectrum. Thus,although EELS must be restricted to thin specimens to reduce multiple scattering soas to preserve the integrity of the core loss information, a positive aspect is that thelateral spatial resolution can actually correspond to the practical beam diameter, e.g.,1 nm or smaller in a field emission AEM.

B. X-ray Spectrometry

The x-ray spectrum is almost universally measured with the semiconductor energydispersive x-ray spectrometer, usually of the silicon (lithium compensated) type, des-ignated Si(Li) or Si-EDS, which operates at a temperature near 77 K. Such Si-EDSspectrometers are generally capable of an optimum energy resolution of approximately130 eV at the energy of MnKα radiation (5890 eV). The resolution is dependent

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Figure 5. Schematic of the excitation cylinder plus the x-ray excitation cone calculated with themid-specimen beam broadening criterion (thick lines).

on the energy of the x-ray photon, with peak widths of 65 eV at C K (282 eV) and175 eV at CuKα(8040 eV). The limiting count rate is approximately 3 kHz at optimumresolution (long pulse integration time constant) and 25 kHz with degraded resolutionat short time constant [Goldstein et al., 1993].

Two recent and ongoing developments in x-ray spectrometry may soon radicallychange this x-ray measurement performance. (1) The “silicon drift detector” (SDD)is a new design for the Si-EDS that operates at 250 K and achieves similar energyresolution to the Si-EDS when long pulse time constants are used [Struder et al.,1998; Iwanczyk et al., 2001]. However, the SDD is capable of operating with a muchshorter time constant, with some compromise in resolution, that enables spectrumcounting rates of 400 kHz or higher. (2) The microcalorimeter EDS determines theenergy of an x-ray photon by measuring the temperature rise when the photon isabsorbed in a metal target held at a temperature of 100 mK [Wollman et al., 1997].The resolution of the microcalorimeter EDS has been demonstrated to be 4.5 eVat MnKα, with a resolution of 2 eV at AlKα (1487 eV). The limiting count rate isapproximately 1 kHz.

1. Analytical Aspects of X-ray Spectrometry

Once the x-ray photon is emitted from an atom inside a solid, Figure 1, it mustpropagate through the other atoms of the material to escape. X-rays are subject tophotoelectric absorption (i.e., the x-ray is annihilated during an interaction with

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a bound atomic electron which gains the entire energy of the x-ray and which issubsequently ejected from the atom as a photoelectron), incoherent (inelastic) scatter-ing, and coherent scattering. Incoherent or inelastic scattering, which alters the x-rayenergy, is much less probable, by a factor of 10−6 to 10−2, than photoelectric absorptionover the range of photon energies of analytical interest (0.1–15 keV). For the rangeof electron excitation through which the emitted x-rays subsequently must propagate,inelastic scattering is so much lower in probability than absorption that for practi-cal measurements, it can be ignored. An x-ray photon will either be annihilated byabsorption or else it will escape carrying its original energy. Thus, a characteristic x-raywill remain capable of identifying its source atom even after it has passed through thesolid.

2. X-ray Spectrometry Quantification: Thin Specimens (High Beam Energy AEM Case)

When x-ray spectrometry is employed in the high beam energy (100–300 keV) ana-lytical electron microscope (AEM), the specimens are in the form of thin foils ordiscrete nanoparticles. This simple specimen geometry and limited mass thicknessthrough which the x-rays must propagate permits a straightforward empirical approachto quantitative analysis through the application of sensitivity factor analysis and the useof calibration standards. A sensitivity factor kAB for element A relative to element B isdefined as follows (Cliff and Lorimer, 1975):

kAB =[







where C is the weight (mass) concentration of the element in the standard, I is themeasured x-ray intensity, and A and B represent any two elements in the specimen.B is the reference element, generally chosen to be a major constituent of the standardwhose concentration is known with good accuracy. Once values of kAB are measuredexperimentally from known standards, they can be applied to the analysis of unknowns.Any measured relative x-ray intensity ratio IA/IB from an unknown can be convertedto a relative concentration ratio CA/CB by multiplying the intensity ratio by kAB:

CA/CB = (IA/IB )kAB (7b)

The concentrations of the individual constituents in terms of the concentration of thereference element B can be obtained by rearranging equation (7b):

CA = CB ∗ kAB ∗ [IA/IB ] (7c)

By measuring all elemental constituents, the absolute concentrations can be calculatedfrom the following relationship:

CB +∑


Ci = 1 (8a)

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where CB is the concentration of the reference element and Ci represents all otherelemental constituents. Equation 7(c) can be substituted in equation 8(a) for eachelement i, so that equation 8(a) is reduced to an equation in one unknown, CB:

CB +∑


CBkiB (Ii /IB ) = 1 (8b)

because the kiB terms are known from standards and the (Ii/IB) terms are the experi-mental measurements on the unknown. Equation (8b) can then be solved to give anabsolute value of the concentration for the reference element in the unknown, CB.This CB value can be substituted into equation (7c) to give absolute values of the con-centrations of all other constituents. The error budget of such an empirical procedureis such that the errors are in the range 5–10% relative, typically limited by the accuracywith which the standard concentrations are known.

When suitable multiple element standards of known composition that are homo-geneous on the nanometer scale are not available to determine the values of the kAB

sensitivity factors, an alternate approach based upon physical theory is possible. The x-ray intensity, I ∗

A, generated for an element A by an electron beam that passes througha solid of thickness t, where t is small compared to the mean free path for elasticscattering, t � λelastic, is given by:

I ∗A = constant CA QA ωA a A ρt/AA (9)

where C is the weight (mass) fraction, Q is the ionization cross section, ω is thefluorescence yield, a is the x-ray family abundance for the peak measured (e.g., Kα

or Kβ), ρ is the density (g/cm3), and t is the thickness (cm). The fraction of thisradiation that is actually measured depends upon absorption or penetration through inthe components of the x-ray spectrometer:

IA = I ∗A εA (10)

where εA is the efficiency of the spectrometer. The spectrometer efficiency can begenerally described as (Goldstein et al., 1993):

εA =⟨exp





winρwinswin −



iceρices ice −









]⟩∗⟨1 − exp





SiρSi s Si


In equation (11), the terms of the form (μ/ρ) represent the mass absorption coefficientsfor x-rays of element A and the terms “s” the thicknesses of the various spectrometercomponents including the window(s), pathological ice buildup on the detector, gold

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0 5 10 15 20

Si-EDS Efficiency




Photon Energy (keV)

Window: 400 nm diamondAl coating: 10 nmAu electrode: 10 nmSi dead layer: 100 nmThickness: 3 mm

Figure 6. EDS detector efficiency versus photon energy for a silicon detector with a 10 nm Al lightreflection coating, a 400 nm diamond window, a 10 nm gold surface electrode, 100 nm silicon dead layer,and an overall Si detector thickness of 3 mm.

front surface electrode, the “dead” or partially active silicon layer just below the Auelectrode, and the overall silicon detector thickness. The terms in the first set ofbrackets <> describe the absorption of x-rays passing through the window and variouscomponents of the EDS to reach the active volume of the detector. The secondterm in brackets <> represents the loss of x-rays through the thickness of this activevolume, which becomes significant for photon energies above about 10 keV dependingon detector thickness. An example of the detector efficiency response calculated fora detector with a 400 nm diamond window, 100 nm of ice, 10 nm gold surfaceelectrode, 100 nm silicon dead layer, and a 3 mm detector thickness is shown inFigure 6.

If equations (9) and (10) are written for two elements “A” and “B”, then the ratioIA/IB can be expressed as:




[(Qωa /A )A εA

(Qωa /A )B εB


Note that in this ratio, the mass thickness term, ρt, divides out quantitatively sothat knowledge of the local specimen thickness is not required. Matching terms in

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Figure 7. EDS spectrum of SRM 2063a recorded in an AEM with E0 = 100 keV.

equation 12 with equation (7b), the sensitivity factor kAB is explicitly calculated as:



(Qωa /A )A εA

(Qωa /A )B εB


Equation 12 enables the analyst to convert measured intensity ratios to ratios of con-centration from “first principles” with suitable expressions for Q, ω, and a for theelements of interest and with a model for the efficiency of the EDS detector. Theefficiency of the EDS detector can be estimated from the known window and detec-tor parameters, and then “fine tuned” by comparing the x-ray continuum from aknown target. Following this procedure for the EDS x-ray spectrum of the SRM 2063thin glass film shown in Figure 7, yields the results given in Table 3a (100 keV) and 3b(300 keV). In general, the concentration values obtained from the first principles calcu-lation fall within ±25% of the known standard reference values for elements measuredwith K-shell x-rays.

The error budget has significant contributions associated with the detector efficiencyand the physical calculations. The detector efficiency is modeled from knowledge ofthe materials of construction (window, detector electrode, silicon dead layer, etc.) andtested by comparing measured thin film continuum spectra with calculated continuumspectra. Such a procedure is likely to have significant errors for low energy photons,e.g., E < 2 keV and especially for light elements like oxygen, where the efficiencyis low and sensitive to contamination. The magnitude of the contributions to theerror budget associated with calculating sensitivity factors with equation (12) depend

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Table 3a. “First Principles” Quantitative EDS Analysis of SRM 2063a at 100 keV(All elements measured with K-shell x-rays)

Element Certified atom fraction Measured by EDS∗ atom fraction Relative error, %

O 60.8 ± 2.2 62.3 ± 2.5∗∗ +2.5%Mg 7.5 ± 0.3 5.8 ± 4.1 −23Si 20.3 ± 0.9 20.4 ± 2.0 +0.5Ca 6.6 ± 0.3 6.6 ± 3.1 0Fe 4.5 ± 0.4 5.0 ± 3.6 +11

∗ Quantification with Jakoby cross section for K-shell ionization∗∗ relative standard deviation of the count (1 σ )

Table 3b. “First Principles” Quantitative EDS Analysis of SRM 2063a at 300 keV(All elements measured with K-shell x-rays)

Element Certified atom fraction Measured by EDS∗ atom fraction Relative error, %

O 60.8 ± 2.2 55.9 ± 1.1∗∗ −8.0%Mg 7.5 ± 0.3 7.8 ± 1.4 +4.0Si 20.3 ± 0.9 23.6 ± 0.7 +16Ca 6.6 ± 0.3 7.4 ± 1.1 +12Fe 4.5 ± 0.4 5.3 ± 1.3 +18

∗ Quantification with Jakoby cross section for K-shell ionization∗∗ relative standard deviation of the count (1 σ )

on the atomic shells involved. Thus the ionization cross section, fluorescence yield,and family abundance factor are generally known within ±5% to 10% relative forthe K-shell, but are more poorly known for the L- and M-shells. The error budgetcan be especially large when calculation of kAB must involve different shells, e.g., Kvs. L or L vs. M, for elements “A” and “B”. Relative errors of 20% to 50% or morecan be encountered with such raw theoretical calculations for L and M shells. Toreduce the errors contributed by the imperfect knowledge of the physical parameters,a good strategy is to use even a limited suite of known standards, ideally with K, L,and M-shell elements represented, to provide an empirical measurement base withwhich to constrain the theoretical calculations. The theoretical calculations are thenused to fill in the kAB values that are not represented in the standards suite but whichare required for the analysis of the unknown. Such a combined procedure is capable ofachieving errors within 10–20% relative when known stoichiometric compounds aretested.

From the point of view of quantitative x-ray microanalysis, a specimen is considered‘thin” as long as the error contribution of the differential self-absorption of the char-acteristic x-rays remains below a specific value, e.g., 5%. As the specimen thicknessincreases, the effects of specimen self-absorption will eventually influence the relativex-ray intensities. The thickness at which this happens depends on the photon energiesof interest and the composition. This relative absorption effect is most pronounced ifa range of photon energies from low (<1 keV) to high (>5 keV) is represented inthe elements to be measured. Goldstein et al. (1977) have described a criterion for

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estimating the limit of specimen thickness for which the thin film approximation isvalid for any pair of elements, based upon the differential x-ray absorption:


ρspec− μA


∣∣∣∣∣ ρt csc ϕ < 0.2 (14)

where μ/ρ is the mass absorption coefficient for the respective element in the speci-men, ψ is the spectrometer take-off angle, ρ is the density, and t is the thickness.

For specimens that exceed this thickness criterion, an absorption correction is neces-sary. Goldstein et al. (1986) described a model for a multiplicative absorption correctionfactor (ACF) that considered a constant rate of x-ray production through the thickness,which is a good approximation for the AEM case and nanoscale materials:



IBkAB ACF (15a)

where the absorption correction factor is given by:

ACF =[



][1 − exp

[−(μ/ρ)Bspec ρt csc ϕ

]1 − exp

[−(μ/ρ)Aspec ρt csc ϕ



To apply the absorption correction factor, a specific estimate of the thickness, t, mustbe provided.

Additionally, a correction for fluorescence induced by the characteristic radiationmay be needed for thicker specimens when the characteristic x-ray energy of a majorelement “A” is within 1 keV above the critical ionization energy of a second element“B”, which leads to extra emission of “B” beyond that directly excited by the electronbeam (Goldstein et al., 1986). Such a correction is needed when a wedge-shapedspecimen is used, such that x-rays created by the beam impact in the thin area canpropagate laterally into the thick rim of “bulk” material. However, because of themuch greater range of x-rays in matter, compared to electrons, such a fluorescencecorrection is almost never significant for nanoscale particles and ultrathin materialsections.

3. Spatial Resolution of X-ray Microanalysis by AEM

The fundamental spatial resolution of x-ray microanalysis in the AEM is determinedby the same interaction volume as that for AEM-EELS described above: a cylinderdefined by the beam footprint on the entrance and exit surfaces and the specimenthickness, Figure 5. However, for x-ray microanalysis, the effects of elastic scatteringof a fraction of the beam electrons cannot be neglected because x-ray events producedby these elastically scattered electrons outside of the beam cylinder are collected by theEDS with equal efficiency as those x-rays produced inside the cylinder. Goldstein et al.(1977) developed a formula that describes the degradation of the spatial resolution ofx-ray microanalysis for the single elastic scattering regime by considering that beam

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electrons scattered from the fundamental cylinder are distributed in a cone shapedvolume centered at the middle of the object, Figure 5. The diameter, b (cm), of thebase of the cone at the exit surface that contains 90% of the electrons is given by(Goldstein et al., 1977):

b = 6.25 × 105(Z/E0)(ρ/A)1/2t 3/2 (16)

where Z is the atomic number, E0 is the incident beam energy in eV, ρ is the density(g/cm3), A is the atomic weight (g/mole), and t is the specimen thickness (cm).


The SEM becomes the instrument of choice when nanomaterials and nanoparticlesmust be examined on a bulk substrate or within the interior of bulk material thatcannot be thinned for the AEM but which may be directly viewed at the naturallyexposed surface or which can be revealed by fracture or another procedure (Goldsteinet al., 2003). Because image spatial resolution is inevitably a critical performance factorfor such nanoscale problems, the field emission gun SEMs, which have a high sourcebrightness and therefore optimum probe diameter/current characteristics, are the bestchoice. In applying the FEG-SEM to nanomaterial/nanoparticle problems, the choiceof the beam energy depends strongly on the type of problem to be solved. The electronoptical performance, as measured by the source brightness, is proportional to the beamenergy. Thus, a 20 keV beam is 20 times brighter than 1 keV beam, with proportionalimprovement in the focused beam characteristics. This high brightness at the upper endof the operational energy scale can be of great value in nanoscale particle investigations.When the specimen consists of nanoscale particles dispersed on a thin support foilwhich minimizes scattering, a good strategy is to operate the FEG-SEM at the extremeupper end of the intermediate beam energy regime, e.g., 30 keV or more, to achievethe high spatial imaging and analytical resolution of the finely focused beam. However,when the specimen has “bulk” characteristics (i.e., thickness greater than the electronrange), the critical factor that controls the spatial resolution for the SEM is the elasticscattering of the beam electrons regardless of how small the beam is initially focused(Goldstein et al., 2003).

A. Intermediate Beam Energy X-ray Microanalysis

1. X-ray Range in Bulk Materials

The range of the production of characteristic x-rays by beam electrons in a bulk targetcan be described through a modification of equation 1 to account for the limit of x-rayproduction at the critical excitation energy, Ec (Goldstein et al., 2003):

R(nm) = [(27.6 A)/(ρZ0.89)](E1.67

0 − E1.67c


For a flat specimen placed normal to the beam, the range of x-ray production can bethought of as the radius of a hemisphere whose origin is centered on the beam impact

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E = 0

1 μm

Copper MatrixE0 = 20 keV

Figure 8a. Range given by equation 17 for E0 = 20 keV in Cu and various x-ray edges: CuK; TiK, andMgK;

footprint at the specimen surface, as shown in Figure 8(a). This x-ray production rangeis only a crude description of the interaction, which has a strongly varying volumedensity as a function of location within the interaction volume, as shown in the MonteCarlo simulation of the depth distribution of x-ray production shown in Figure 8(b).

Equation 17 and Figure 8(a) reveal that the sampling of the target is inevitablydifferent depending on the characteristic photon energies being measured. The dif-ference in sampling volumes can be quite large, an order of magnitude or more, whenthere is a large range in photon energies measured, e.g., Mg Kα (1.25 keV) vs. CuKα

(8.04 keV). Thus, when bulk nanostructures are being examined, it may not be possi-ble to confine the excitation for x-ray photons of different energies within a nanoscalestructure of interest using a fixed beam energy in the intermediate range (10 keV to30 keV).

2. Matrix Effects in Quantitative X-ray Microanalysis

Furthermore, quantitative x-ray microanalysis of bulk materials with x-ray excitationin the intermediate beam energy range is subject to “matrix or interelement effects”(Goldstein et al., 2003). Matrix effects arise because of the elastic and inelastic scatteringof the beam electrons to form the interaction volume and the subsequent propagationof x-rays through the specimen. All of these physical effects are dependent upon theparticular atomic species present. That is, the generation and propagation of the charac-teristic x-rays of a particular element are modified by the presence of the other elementsthat make up the specimen at the location sampled by the beam. Thus, the “atomicnumber effect” arises from the combined effects of electron backscattering, whichreduces the ionization power of the beam, and inelastic scattering, which determines

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Figure 8b. Monte Carlo simulation of the depth distribution of x-ray production in Cu at E0 = 20 keV.

the ionization power with depth. The “absorption effect” results from the photoelec-tric absorption of x-rays while propagating through the specimen, and the “secondaryfluorescence effect” is a consequence of photoelectric absorption, in which the absorb-ing atom can subsequently emit its own characteristic x-ray, in addition to those x-raysgenerated directly by the beam electrons. For intermediate beam energy analysis ofthick, bulk specimens, these matrix effects can change the measured intensity relativeto the generated intensity, which directly depends on the concentration, by a factor of10 or more, especially for x-rays of low energy (E < 2 keV), and for situations involvinghigh atomic number elements (Z > 40) which both strongly scatter electrons and havehigh absorption for x-rays. Detailed methods based upon a combination of empiri-cism and physical theory exist for calculating the matrix effects to derive quantitativeresults with an acceptable error budget of ±5% relative or less (Goldstein et al., 2003).However, intermediate beam energy x-ray microanalysis is not generally appropriate tobulk nanoscale materials because the sampling volume is too large to isolate individualnanoscale features of interest.

3. Analysis of Nanoparticles

Intermediate beam energy x-ray microanalysis does have significant advantages whenthe specimen consists of discrete, well dispersed nanoscale particles. Beam electronsonly undergo modest to negligible scattering when passing through nanoscale particles,and if the particles are supported upon a thin (e.g., 10 nm thick) carbon film, the beamelectrons that are transmitted through the particle/support film can be eliminated bytrapping in a Faraday cup. More usefully, such transmitted electrons can be collected

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Table 4. Quantitative EDS Analysis of SRM 2063a at 30 keV (All elementsmeasured with K-shell x-rays)

Certified atom Measured by EDS∗ Relative error, %Element fraction atom fraction

O 60.8 ± 2.2 58.3 ± 0.4∗∗ −4.1%Mg 7.5 ± 0.3 8.1 ± 0.3 +8.0Si 20.3 ± 0.9 22.3 ± 0.2 +9.9Ca 6.6 ± 0.3 6.7 ± 0.3 1.5Fe 4.5 ± 0.4 4.7 ± 0.3 4.4

∗ Quantification with Jakoby cross section for K-shell ionization∗∗ relative standard deviation of the count (1 s)

with an appropriate detector to provide the signal for scanning transmission electronmicroscopy (STEM) images, which are highly sensitive to small amounts of particlemass.

When x-ray microanalysis of nanoscale particles is considered under these condi-tions, the reduction in electron scattering and retardation and the extremely shortx-ray absorption path lengths result in matrix corrections that tend to unity. Fornanoscale particles measured with intermediate beam energies (e.g., 20–40 keV), theCliff-Lorimer sensitivity factor method from the AEM can be applied. When appro-priate standards are available to determine the Cliff-Lorimer factors, the error budgetconsists mainly of contributions from the uncertainty in the standard compositionsand the counting statistics for the standards and the unknowns. First principles analysiswith calculated corrections for the ionization cross section and the detector efficiency,illustrated in Table 4, can produce relative errors for the K-shell that are generally 10%or less, but L- and M-shell measurements are subject to much larger error uncertainties.

B. Low Beam Energy X-ray Microanalysis: Bulk Nanostructures

1. Range at Low Beam Energy

The strong exponential dependence on the beam energy indicates that improved spa-tial resolution can be obtained at low beam energies for bulk materials. As shownin the Monte Carlo simulation for Si in Figure 9, the interaction volume dimen-sions decrease into the nanometer scale when the beam energy is lowered. At E0 =2 keV, the interaction volume is less than 90 nm in radius. This dramatic reductionin excitation volume, coupled with the high brightness FEG-SEM to achieve use-ful beam size/current performance, has led to the development of the “low voltagemicroscopy” regime, arbitrarily defined as E0 ≤ 5 keV. This mode when applied tonanoscale materials/particles offers the important advantage that the specimen canbe examined without thinning, thus minimizing or avoiding sample preparation arti-facts. Additionally, the matrix effects that operate strongly in the intermediate beamenergy x-ray microanalysis of bulk materials are much reduced at low beam energy.The x-ray path length through the specimen is sufficiently short such that, exceptfor x-rays of the lowest energy, E < 500 eV, absorption is effectively eliminated. The

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Si E0 = 15 keV(a)

(b) Si E0 = 5 keV

Figure 9. Monte Carlo simulation of electron interactions in silicon at (a) E0 = 15 keV. (b) 5 keV;(c) 2 keV. Depth scales: (a) 1856 nm; (b) 306 nm; (c) 75 nm

electron scattering effects are also much reduced because of the limited energy lost tobackscattering. Matrix correction factors thus tend to unity at low beam energy.

2. Limits Imposed by X-ray Spectrometry and Specimen Condition

The negative consequences of performing x-ray spectrometry in the low voltagemicroscopy regime are the limited photon energies that can be excited with the lowbeam energy, E0 ≤ 5 keV and the low overvoltage that is available for those x-raysthat can be excited. The production of x-rays depends upon the beam electron having

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Si E0= 2 keV(c)

Figure 9. (continued)

sufficient energy, E0, to ionize the inner shell with an ionization energy, Ec, expressedas the overvoltage:

U = E0/Ec (18a)

For a solid specimen, the x-ray intensity generated depends upon the overvoltage:

I ≈ (U − 1)n (18b)

where n is an exponent with a value in the range 1.3 to 1.7, depending on the elementand shell. For practical x-ray spectrometry, U must at least have a value of 1.1 to detectmajor constituents (C > 0.1 mass fraction) in a reasonable measurement interval,e.g., 100 seconds. Figure 10(a,b,c) shows EDS spectra of silicon with overvoltagevalues decreasing toward unity. The Si K-peak decreases relative to the continuumbackground as U decreases. The limit of detection, CDL, can be estimated from pureelement spectra, such as those shown for silicon in Figure 10, by using the formula ofZiebold (1967):

CDL ≥ 3.3a /[nτ P (P/B)]0.5 (19)

where a, which generally has a value near unity, is the coefficient in the Ziebold-Ogilvie hyberbolic expression relating concentration and measured x-ray intensityratio (unknown/pure standard), n is the number of replicate measurements, t is theintegration time, P is the peak count rate on a pure element, and (P/B) is the spectralpeak-to-background.measured on the same pure element. Figure 11 shows the calcu-lated value of CDL as a function of U for τ = 100s and n = 1. The value of P wasdefined for a beam current that produced a significant EDS detector deadtime of 25%

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15 keV U = 8.25 keV U = 4 keV3 keV2 keV

+ + + + + +




15 keV5 keV4 keV3 keV2 keV

+ + + + + +

p p p p p p



Figure 10. EDS spectra of Si as a function of E0. (a) Linear; (b) expanded linear; (c) logarithmic.

at U = 1.5. Generally to achieve at least minor element detectability under low voltageconditions requires a U of at least 1.25 and greater than 100s integration time.

However, a complicating factor is the often complex surface layer structure thatoccurs on most materials. “Native oxide” layers often form due to the inherent reac-tivity of the material with oxygen from the atmosphere. A bare aluminum surface, forexample, when exposed to the atmosphere rapidly forms a native oxide layer that isabout 4 nm thick, and most elements are similarly reactive. Thus, the measurement of

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15 keV5 keV4 keV3 keV2 keV

+ + + + + +

p p p p pSi


Figure 10. (continued)









0 5 10 15 20

Silicon Overvoltage Study


CMDL (100s)










5 keV

Figure 11. EDS concentration limit of detection calculated from data of figure 10.

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200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Energy (eV)








Inelasticloss tail

Figure 12. Auger spectrum of tin oxide, showing the characteristic peaks, inelastic loss tail, and thecontinuous secondary electron background.

a standard is likely to yield a complex spectrum unless special efforts are undertakento clean the surface and preserve it with very high vacuum conditions.

C. Auger Spectrometry

1. Sampling Depth

The ionization and de-excitation tree shown in Figure 1 shows that Auger electronsand characteristic x-rays come from the same primary ionization events, so that thespatial distribution of Auger electron emission sites within the beam interaction vol-ume must be exactly the same as the emission sites for characteristic x-rays. The onlydifference between x-ray production and Auger production is the relative abundance ofthe emission products, with the Auger effect strongly favored for low energy shell ion-izations, with the x-ray emission increasing for higher ionization energies, Ec > 4 keV(Bishop, 1989). An example of an Auger spectrum from a small particle of tin oxideis shown in Figure 12. The characteristic features from the major constituents areobserved as relatively small peaks with an asymmetric low energy tail on a high, con-tinuous background. The low energy tail consists of Auger electrons of the peak energythat have lost energy due to inelastic scattering while escaping from the sub-surfaceregion.

There is a marked difference in the spatial distribution of the detected Auger elec-trons and characteristic x-rays (Bishop, 1989; Goldstein et al., 2003). As noted above,x-rays passing through matter are subject to photoelectric absorption, which com-pletely consumes the x-ray, but those x-rays which are not absorbed do not suffersignificant inelastic scattering, so that they arrive at the detector bearing their originalenergy, thus remaining characteristic of the atom that emitted the x-ray. Auger elec-trons, however, are subject to inelastic scattering so that after traveling a few nanometersin the target, depending on the initial kinetic energy, the Auger electron will lose energydue to a variety of inelastic events, so that its energy will no longer be characteristic

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101 100 1000Energy (eV)

Inelastic mean free pathSeah and Dench (1979)

Figure 13. Inelastic mean free path as a function of initial electron energy (Seah and Dench, 1979).

of the initial emission. Such degraded electrons contribute to the background underthe characteristic peaks, which also includes beam electrons that have backscatteredand have lost energy due to inelastic scattering (Bishop, 1989; Seah, 1989). The clas-sic approach to estimating the Auger sampling depth is shown in Figure 13, whichshows the mean free path for inelastic scattering as a function of the inital Auger kineticenergy. Generally, the mean free path is below 10 nm for all but the lowest Auger ener-gies. A more advanced approach is to model the complete Auger scattering history,including elastic scattering, to interpret the measured spectrum. The Auger signal isthus confined to surface/near-surface sensitivity, while the x-ray signal generated withthe same incident beam energy samples more of the “bulk” of the material. For inter-mediate beam energies, E0 ≥ 10 keV, the spatial sampling difference can easily be afactor of 1,000, or nanometers for Auger versus micrometers for x-rays. Under lowvoltage microscopy conditions, the range of the primary beam is greatly restricted, sothat the Auger and x-ray sampling begin to approach a common value.

2. Lateral Sampling

While the sampling depth of the Auger signal is limited by inelastic scattering, the lateralresolution of the Auger signal for a bulk target is degraded by the Auger electronsproduced by the backscattered electrons (Bishop, 1989). The contributions of thefocused beam and the backscattering can be modeled as a pair of Gaussian distributionswith different values of the standard deviation, σ B and σ BSE, that scale each distribution.With a high brightness field emission gun, σ B can be 1 nm or less. For intermediate

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beam energies, E0 ≥ 10 keV, the value of σBSE determined by the backscatteringdistribution can be a micrometer or more, while at low beam energies, E0 < 5 keV, σ BSE

can be a few tens of nanometers or less, depending on the matrix. The backscatteringcoefficient is atomic number sensitive, so that for a copper target, 30% of the total Augersignal may come from the backscattered electron contribution, with lower fractionsfor lower atomic number matrices.

3. Quantification of Auger Signals

The development of “first principles” quantification methods is rapidly proceed-ing, including advanced methods that model the inelastic and elastic scattering thatthe Auger electrons undergo while propagating through complex layered structures(Werner, 2001; Powell and Jablonski, 2002). However, most practical quantitative anal-ysis is currently performed by means of instrumental sensitivity factors measured onpure elements or simple stoichiometric compounds using the same instrument underidentical conditions as used for analysis of the unknowns (Bishop, 1989). Because ofthe action of inelastic scattering, which can be strongly dependent on local compo-sition and structure, to transfer electrons from the characteristic peak energy into the“shoulder” on the low energy side of the peak, careful attention must be paid toestablishing consistent sampling of the band of energy used to define the Auger peakfor the intensity measurement. With careful attention to the spectral intensity mea-surement, the error budget is such that measurements within ±10% relative can beachieved.

D. Elemental Mapping

An especially effective way to study materials that are laterally heterogeneous is toprepare an elemental map that shows the distribution of one or more atomic species(Goldstein et al., 2003). Elemental maps are generated by scanning the focused pri-mary beam over the specimen in a regular raster pattern, usually controlled digitallyfrom a computer. The beam is addressed to a location (x, y) and the signal intensitycorresponding to one or more regions of the spectrum is measured for a defined dwelltime and recorded as a data matrix (x, y, I). In the simplest case, the resulting intensitymaps provide qualitative information that enables a user to determine the spatial rela-tionships of the constituents. In more advanced systems, the entire spectrum of interestwill be recorded at each location, thus constructing a “data cube” (x, y, N(E)), whereN(E) is the intensity versus channel number (or other calibrated value). This “spectrumimaging” form of mapping is the most efficient procedure because it maximizes theinformation per unit radiation dose to the specimen and it does not require the analystto presuppose anything about the specimen composition. By recording all of the avail-able data, post-collection processing can be used to recover any desired compositionalinformation that is resident in the region of the spectrum that has been collected. Thisspectrum imaging approach is especially powerful because sufficient data is available toperform peak fitting, background corrections, and full physical matrix corrections to

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Figure 14. Fe2O3-SiO2 particles as viewed in dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy,where higher intensity indicates stronger scattering power.

achieve quantitative compositional mapping. Such maps are vital to eliminate artifactswhen constituents at minor or trace levels are pursued.

For EELS, an alternative mapping mode to scanning the primary beam and record-ing the entire spectrum exists, that of transmission electron microscope imaging withenergy filtering. In this case all points in the image are simultaneously illuminated andrecorded, but only a narrow energy slice �E is transmitted through an appropriateelectron optical prism. By successively changing the average energy transmitted by theprism and recording a series of images, the information to construct a comprehensivedata cube is again obtained. Both scanning and direct EELS imaging have their respec-tive merits. Generally, direct imaging can record a higher density of discrete pictureelements, but scanning permits full use of every channel of the recorded spectrum.


A. Analytical Electron Microscopy

1. STEM Imaging/EELS Spectrometry of Nanoparticles

One of the most surprising aspects of nanoscale particles is that, as small as they are,such particles frequently display an even finer scale internal structure. An interestingsystem that forms such ultrafine structure is iron oxide—silicon dioxide, where theinsolubility of iron oxide in silicon dioxide is such that when the two substances areforced to co-exist by a flame synthesis process, particles with a distinctive substructureare formed, as shown in Figure 14. Particles with distinct Fe-rich inclusions located

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Table 5. Fe/O (atom ratio)

Location Inclusion Adjacent Matrix

Particle 1 0.92 (0.7%)∗ 0.12 (1.5%)Particle 2 0.74 (1.0%) 0.11 (1.9%)Particle 3 0.70 (0.5%) 0.043 (1.1%)Particle 4 0.60 (1.5%) 0.090 (2.8%)Particle 5 0.41 (0.7%) 0.11 (0.8%)Particle 6 0.39 (0.4%) 0.079 (0.6%)Particle 7 0.35 (0.5%) 0.052 (1.0%)Particle 8 0.28 (1.4%) 0.065 (2.3%)Particle 9 0.25 (0.5%) 0.055 (0.8%)Particle 10 0.24 (1.5%) 0.094 (1.7%)

∗ Relative standard deviation based on counting statistics only.

at the particle periphery were selected for EELS analysis. Table 5 contains the resultsfor 10 randomly chosen particles in which the inclusion and the matrix immediatelyadjacent were measured. For measurements made when an inclusion was located atan extreme edge of a particle, and therefore the minimum amount of matrix signalshould be observed, the maximum Fe/O atom ratio was found to exceed 0.9, whichsuggests as a possible phase the compound FeO. Three other edge locations yieldedFe/O values in the range 0.6–0.74, which is consistent with Fe2O3. The remainingFe/O values were much lower (0.24–0.41), most likely due to the contribution ofO-signal from the underlying SiO2 matrix. The measurements of the Fe/O ratio inthe matrix gave a lowest value of 0.043 with a range up to 0.12. Close examinationof Figures 14 and 15 reveals that there is a size spectrum of ultra fine-scale inclusions,recognizable by the enhanced scattering detected in the dark field image, within theSiO2 matrix that may be responsible for the apparent iron signal detected there.

2. STEM/EELS Compositional Measurements of Nanoparticles at High Fractional Sensitivity

Equation (19) for the instrumental limit of detection, CMMF, in x-ray microanalysis canbe generalized for other spectrometries around the two critical spectrometry terms: P,the peak counting rate (characteristic x-ray peak, counts/second) and P/B, the spectralpeak-to-background [Ziebold, 1967]:

CMMF ∼ 1/[nτP (P/B)]0.5 (20)

Electron energy loss spectrometry is capable of high absolute mass sensitivity, butEELS is not generally considered to be capable of achieving high fractional sensitivitybecause the P/B term is generally low, as can be seen for the major constituent peaksvisible in Figures 2 and 3. However, a situation does exist for EELS whereby highfractional sensitivity can be achieved, namely the existence of “white lines”, i.e. sharpthreshold peaks with an inherently high P/B that occur at the critical ionization edgesdue to resonance effects (Egerton, 1986). With advanced EELS spectrum acquisitionand processing based upon “second difference” techniques, such white lines havebeen demonstrated to provide fractional limits of detection in the range 10−5 to 10−4

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392 II. Electron Microscopy

Figure 15. Fe2O3-SiO2 particle as viewed in dark field STEM and electron energy loss spectra recordedin the matrix and in the bright (strong scattering) phase.

mass fraction (10–100 ppm) (Leapman and Newbury, 1993) depending on the specificelement. An example of the simultaneous detection of several elements at low fractionallevels below 10−4 mass fraction is shown in Figure 16 for a single nanoscale particle(thickness estimated to be less than 100 nm) of a multi-constituent glass standardreference material. The ultimate limits of detection under these conditions (beamenergy 100 keV; beam diameter 1 nm, and beam current 1 nA) have been estimatedto be approximately 10−6 to 10−5 mass fraction (1–10 ppm). This combination ofanalysis with trace sensitivity and nanoscale spatial specificity has been termed “tracenanoanalysis.” For an EELS analytical volume in a silicon target defined by the scanningthe beam over an area of 10 nm × 10 nm with a thickness of 100 nm, the totalnumber of atoms contained is approximately 500,000. For an EELS limit of detectionof 10−5 mass fraction, this implies a detection of fewer than 5 atoms of similar mass tosilicon.

3. EELS Elemental Mapping

One of the most powerful techniques for analyzing nanoparticles in the AEM is energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM). As with all AEM characterizationtechniques that are based on EELS, in EFTEM the electrons are transmitted through

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600 700 800 900 1000









SRM610 0.5 - 1 keV annoPhotodiode Counts

Energy-Loss (eV)

OK SRM 610 Trace Elements in Glass

Fe, 175 ppm L3,2

Mn, 187 ppm L3,2

Ba, 77 ppm M5,4

La, 76 ppm M5,4

Ce, 76 ppm M5,4

Pr, 75 ppm M5,4

Nd, 74 ppm M5,4

Figure 16. EELS of a single particle of NIST SRM 610 (Trace Elements in Glass) with a thickness below100 nm demonstrating detection of several constituents at trace levels below 10−4 mass fraction (Leapmanand Newbury, 1993).

the sample, many experiencing energy losses from inner shell scattering events thatare characteristic of the elements in the sample. Unlike conventional point-analysisEELS, in EFTEM the entire TEM image is passed through the electron spectrom-eter in a way that preserves the spatial relationship of the pixels with a minimumof aberration. Instead of producing a spectrum from these electrons, in EFTEM thespectrometer is used as an imaging energy filter. A slit is placed in the electron opticalplane containing the EELS spectrum to filter out all electrons except those within auser-defined pass band of energies. This pass band is usually 10 eV or 20 eV wideand can be centered precisely in the energy spectrum, either before, after, or on topof an element-specific feature in the EELS spectrum such as a core-loss ionizationedge. A charge-coupled device (CCD) detector after the spectrometer and post-slitelectron optics captures the filtered TEM data, producing an energy-selected image.When many such images are combined into a multispectral or hyperspectral data cube,quantitative chemical compositions can be determined for each pixel in the field ofview.

An example of this capability is shown in Figure 17, using a manganese oxidenanoparticle supported on a holey carbon support grid as a test specimen. Figure 17(b)is an example of a map of the carbon content (brighter pixels mean more carbon atthat location). The map was made using the carbon K ionization edge in the electronenergy-loss spectrum (EELS) of the sample. Figure 17(c) is an analogous map of the

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394 II. Electron Microscopy

Figure 17. EFTEM images of a nanoparticle of manganese oxide: (a) color superposition of carbon (red),oxygen (green), and manganese (blue). (b) Carbon content map (brighter pixels mean more carbon at thatlocation). The map was made using the carbon K-edge. (c) Analogous map of the manganese using theMn L-edge. (See color plate 6.)

manganese in the sample. These two maps were combined with an oxygen map (notshown) to produce a three-color elemental map showing carbon (red), oxygen (green),and manganese (blue) all in one image. This combined, multicolor elemental map isshown in Figure 17(a).

Although this figure is composed only of the actual elemental maps themselves,the level of spatial detail and the signal-to-noise ratio in the image is so high it rivalsa conventional TEM image in quality. This is in contrast to scanned-beam tech-niques which typically provide much more spectral detail than EFTEM, but at theexpense of spatial detail. While the spatial resolution of scanned-beam techniques iscomparable to that achievable in EFTEM, the time needed to acquire scanned ele-mental maps often limits the image sizes to 256 × 256 pixels, and sometimes muchsmaller than this. Because EFTEM images acquire all the spatial pixels in parallel,the acquisition time is independent of the number of pixels in the image. EFTEMmaps of 1024 × 1204 and 2048 × 2048 pixels are common, presenting the analyst withnearly two orders of magnitude more spatial information than scanned-beam elementalmaps.

B. Low Voltage SEM

1. Low voltage x-ray mapping for characterization of nanoscale structures in an elec-tronic device.

The relentless push to making engineered devices with ever smaller features hasresulted in electronic and microelectromechanical systems with features below 300 nm

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Figure 18. FEG-SEM secondary electron image (through the lens detector) of the poly Si gate region ofa CMOS device is shown in Figure 1. Elemental x-ray maps for Si-K at 1.74 keV, and 0–K at 0.53 keV,were collected at a nominal magnification of 70,000 diameters at beam energies of 15 keV and 5 keV.

in dimension. Such a scale is well below the resolution of x-ray mapping with theSEM/EPMA in the conventional beam energy range. For example, equation (17)gives a range of 2860 nm for Al K-shell x-ray production in silicon at 15 keV. X-raymapping with the low voltage FEG-SEM can provide a sufficient improvement inspatial resolution to distinguish nanoscale structures. For E0 = 5 keV, equation (17)gives a range of 400 nm for Al K x-rays in Si, but the x-ray production is very muchmore concentrated near the beam impact point because of the more rapid loss ofenergy with distance traveled in the target. Figure 18 shows an SEM image (secondaryelectron signal collected with a through-the-lens detector) of a cross section of a CMOSdevice with a complex structure. The Si K x-ray maps are shown in Figure 19. In the15 keV Si map, Figure 19(a), the variation in intensity over the mapped area is so lowthat only the position of the Si wafer base can be recognized, so that only minimalinformation can be deduced about the structure of the gate. In comparison the 5 keVSi map, Figure 19(b), while noisy, clearly shows the four separate zones of the devicecorresponding to the top oxide layer, the polycrystalline Si, the buried oxide, and theSi wafer. The corresponding O K x-ray maps are shown in Figure 20. Similar to theresults from the Si maps, the 15 keV O map, Figure 20(a), shows the oxidized regionsversus the underlying Si wafer, but again this map provides minimal information onthe structure of the gate. The 5 keV map, Figure 20(b), clearly shows the structureof the device. While the 5 keV maps are noisy due to the low efficiency of x-raygeneration and the low primary beam current, the observer’s eye can integrate thearea information sufficiently to recognize the regions of interest. With data integration

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396 II. Electron Microscopy

Figure 19. Si K x-ray maps. (a) 15 keV electron beam energy. (b) 5 keV electron beam energy.

Figure 20. O K x-ray maps. (a) 15 keV electron beam energy. (b) 5 keV electron beam energy.

across the window shown superimposed in Figure 18, the various parts of the structurebecome more obvious, and the feature interfaces can be distinguished in the intensityversus position plots shown in Figure 21.

C. Auger/X-ray SEM

1. Simultaneous Auger and EDS X-ray Microanalysis of Particles

Often the surface of a material differs in composition from the interior, either inten-tionally as a result of the fabrication or accidentally as a result of corrosion effectsin service. Simultaneous x-ray and Auger analyses provide a powerful combinationto distinguish between elements partitioned between the surface and interior regionsbecause of the differences in relative sampling depths of the characteristic signals. Asthe dimensions of objects enter the nanoscale domain, the fraction of an object that

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0 200 400 600 800 1000





distance nmdistance nm




Si O








0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Figure 21. Line scans for the Si K and O K x-rays at E0 = 5 KeV. The line scans were determined fromthe x-ray maps along the white lines shown in Figure 18 with integration across the width of the regiondefined by the lines.

Auger Spectrum of Ag coated ZnO









200 400 600 800 1000

Energy (eV)









Figure 22. Combined x-ray and Auger electron analysis of nanoscale particles (ZnO coated with silver).Beam energy 5 keV. (a) Auger electron spectrum. (b) EDS x-ray spectrum. (c) FEGSEM image.

lies within the “surface” region sampled by the Auger signal increases until, for suf-ficiently small particles, even the most remote interior portions fall within the Augersampling depth. Because of the effects of excitation and propagation of both x-raysand Auger electrons of different energies, each analytical situation must be carefullyevaluated to determine if sensible differences between the interior and the surface canbe distinguished. Figure 22(c) shows an aggregate of zinc oxide particles coated withsilver as imaged with the FEG-SEM. The individual particles comprising the aggre-gate have lateral dimensions that are generally below 100 nm while the thicknesses of

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Figure 22. (continued)

the flake-like particles are substantially less than 100 nm. The corresponding Augerelectron and EDS x-ray spectra measured simultaneously in the same instrument areshown in Figures 22(a) and (b). Examination of these spectra reveal the same prin-cipal elements in both, which may arise because of the nature of the specimen, e.g.,incomplete surface coverage of Ag could permit the underlying ZnO to be detected

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in the Auger spectrum, or because of similarities in the relative sampling depths forboth types of characteristic radiation due to the thin dimensions of the particles.Differences in depth may exist in the distribution of minor and trace elements, althoughthe spectrum interpretation is problematic. The Auger spectrum shows a small peakfor iron that does not appear in the EDS spectrum, but the severe interference fromO K on the FeL peak in EDS prevents detection of the low level of iron. A small peakfor silicon is seen in the EDS spectrum, but the energy range of the Auger spectrumdoes not include an appropriate Si Auger peak. Developing careful analytical strategyis clearly critical for drawing meaningful conclusions from simultaneous X-ray andAuger spectrometries.


Transmission and scanning electron microscopes provide platforms for a powerfularsenal of electron and x-ray spectrometries that yield chemical characterization ofnanoscale particles and nanostructured bulk materials. Combined with the imagingand crystallographic measurement functions of TEMs and SEMs, comprehensive char-acterization of morphology, crystal structure, and composition becomes possible. Theadvent of more efficient electron optical systems, spectrometers, and digital imagingdevices promises to increase the throughput of these instruments, many of whichare already capable of automatic, unattended operation, at least in some operationalmodes, to vastly increase the accumulation of data. Thus, techniques that are capableof isolating a single nanoparticle or nanostructure feature are also becoming capableof accumulating a great deal of information about a particle array or complex bulknanostructure. Such large scale databases of information themselves pose a challenge toextract relevant information. Parallel developments in “data mining” techniques willincreasingly come into play to solve the challenges raised by nanoscale materials.


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