Diablo Valley College Fall 2014 HIST 120-5870 ONLINE (3 units) October 13 to December 17, 2014 History of the United States Last time this docu- ment was updated: 11/28/2014 2:25 PM A pdf version of this document is available on the Desire 2 Learn (D2L) Course Menu. ONLINE SYLLABUS/ SCHEDULE

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Diablo Valley College Fall 2014 HIST 120-5870 ONLINE (3 units)

October 13 to December 17, 2014

History of the United States Last time this docu-ment was updated: 11/28/2014 2:25 PM

A pdf version of this document is available on the Desire 2 Learn (D2L) Course Menu.


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DVC HIST 120-5870-FA14

You may download this file from D2L as a pdf, but your print version might become out of date. To be sure the version you downloaded is the most cur-rent, compare the date-time stamp on page 1 of your print version to the online version. In the event of conflict between your pdf and the online ver-sion, please follow the online version. (This warning only applies to download-ed versions of this document--the online version and the pdf version on D2L will always be up-to-date.) If I change a deadline, I will notify you via D2L.


Mary Ann Irwin

To contact me by email, please use

the D2L mailbox for your class (that way

I know who you are).

Office Hours FO222:

F2F: Tuesdays, 1:30-2:00 pm;

ONLINE: Tuesdays, 9:00-9:30 am via

CCC Confer

The REQUIRED TEXT for this class is Roark, et al., THE AMERICAN PROMISE: A History of the United States to 1877, Vol. I, 5th ed. (Boston: Bedford Books, 2011).1

Recommended Text:

Johnson, READING THE AMERICAN PAST VOL. I, 4th ed. (Boston: Bedford Books, 2009).



NOTE: If you buy an earlier edition, you risk encountering exam questions you cannot


1 Having the book(s) in your possession when the term begins is crucial to your success. Please consider buying the book through the Campus bookstore, and buying it in person rather than online. If you buy through the school, then you know you are getting the correct book. If you buy it in person at the bookstore, you will have the book in plenty of time to complete your first exams.

I realize that personal finances often dictate the timing of book purchases. Thus I have placed two copies of American Promise on reserve at the DVC Library.

I also give you a generous "book purchase lead time" to buy the book before the first chapter exam deadlines. I cannot extend the chapter exam deadlines any further because we have a lot to do and a finite amount of time in which to do it.


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A History of the United States before 1877. This course examines cultural, economic, political, and social factors ….


OVERVIEW … and includes the experi-ences and contributions of Native American, African, Asian, Mexican/Latino and European men and women in the development of American society.

The course will cover the ori-gins, nature, and impact of

the U.S. Constitution on American history before

1877 including the political philosophies of the framers, the operation of political in-stitutions, and the rights and

obligations of citizens.

Recommended: Eligibility

for ENGL 122 or equiva-

lent . CSU, UC transfera-

ble (credit limits may ap-

ply to UC--see counselor)

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MANDATORY WEEK 1 WEB CONFERENCE During the first week of Fall 2014, all students will meet me virtually via CCC CONFER. CCC CON-FER is our portal to an excellent synchronous web-conferencing tool called "Blackboard Collaborate." I offer students three different web conference sessions during Week 1 (see Schedule at p. 15): one early morning time slot, one at lunchtime, and one on a weekend evening. You need only attend one session. Please use a non-school email account (not D2L) to contact me ASAP. In this email, tell me which one of the three sessions you will attend. (You will get an email at this address with the passcode that lets you join the meeting.) BB COLLABORATE is also how we will "meet" for office hours. My virtual office hours are Tuesdays, 9 AM to 10 AM. Send me an email from a non-school account (not D2L) letting me know that you want to "see" me. (You will get an email at this address with a passcode that lets you join me.) In these virtual meetings, we will be able to go over your exams and written assignments together, just as though we were in the same room. SETTING UP CCC CONFER / BB COLLABORATE Although the program itself is spiffy, setting it up is a nightmare. It could take you 15 to 60 minutes to log into CCC CONFER / BB COLLABORATE the first time. (After that, it's a snap.) STEP 1: Please watch this 7-minute YouTube vid-eo as soon as possible, but at least two days before your conference (in case you have problems). The video will walk you through the process of logging into BB COLLABORATE the first time:


STEP 2: After viewing the video, please go to the CCC Confer website at


Click on the "Technical" button (under "Sup-port"), then "test your computer readiness." CCC Confer will check your computer to see if you have Java 7 installed. If you do not, CCC Confer will give you a link to download it free (or you can copy this link):

http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp The Java download works differently for Mac and PC users. It behaves differently in different browsers (e.g., Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Chrome) and with computers set to prevent cookies, pop-ups, and various malware. A con-stellation of settings controlling your computer make it difficult for me to troubleshoot any prob-lems you might encounter. But if you run into trouble, go back to the CCC Confer "Technical" page and follow the links. Customer Service ex-perts there will be able to help you. STEP 2: After checking for Java, CCC Confer will look for the BB Collaborate program on your system. If you don't have it, you will be given a link to download the .collab launcher. (See the note above about trouble-shooting.) STEP 3: Once downloads are complete, CCC Confer will take you to a mock BB Collaborate session (if you watch the video, you'll recognize that screen). Once you get to the BB Collaborate screen, you will know that you are ready for our web conference, and you can log out. Again, do NOT attempt to do all this a few minutes before our first meeting--it won't work. WHAT ELSE WON'T WORK: BB COLLABORATE is incompatible with most smart-phones, tablets, and readers. ON CONFERENCE DAY Open the email account you used to register for your web conference. You'll find a link there that will bring to our session.

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… another way of

looking at the

Information above….

16 multiple-choice exams (15 points each)

240 points total 378-420 A

4 essays (30 points each) 120 points total

336-377 B

4 essay peer reviews (15 points each) 60 points total 294-335


252-293 D

Total points possible 420 Below 252 F

Grades and a running total will be posted on D2L throughout the term. It is your responsibility to be aware of your progress in the class.

To determine your grade at any given moment: add all remaining exams to your Running Total, and com-pare your total to the grade structure above.

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A Word About Online Instruction: Online instruction is only for the incredi-bly well organized and self-disciplined stu-dent. If you have never taken an online class, you may not know how hard it is to stay cur-rent in your reading and writing assignments.

Many students enroll in online courses thinking online instruction will take less time than face-to-face instruction. It is not true.

Online classes take just as much time as F2F classes. In a late-start F2F class, you will spend a total of 54 hours in the class-room over 9 weeks, or 6 hours per week in class. You must do the same in an online class. Your online instructors must keep you engaged at least 6 hours per week, as though they had you in a classroom. (Consider that the time you spend reading the assigned chapters--on which you will be tested--and recommended documents--on which you will not be tested.)

If you also want an A in the class, then you must be prepared to spend an additional two to three hours "outside" of class for every hour you spend "inside." (That is your time on the American Promise website, tak-ing practice exams, studying the flashcards, etc.) So add 6 hours per week to another 12 hours (if you go with 2-hours-per formula), or another 18 hours (if you go with the 3-hours-per formula), resulting in a time commitment of 18 to 24 hours per week, just for this one online, late-start class.

Are you prepared to commit 18 to 24 hours EACH WEEK to this one class?

That is the time factor. Now consider your personal time management skills.

As an online student, you must exert far more conscious effort than your F2F peers. They have a set time every week to hear lectures, ask ques-tions, and otherwise engage the course material. In an online class, you are entirely on your own. You must create that set time for yourself, all alone, in the dark. Then you must stick to that schedule, no matter what. Trust me: it is harder than it looks.

If you are not prepared to make this kind of time commitment, or if you do not have the per-sonal stick-to-it-tiveness required for online ed-ucation, then this class is definitely, positively NOT a good fit for you.

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Source: http://www.silverlock.com.au/ask-a-question-0

There are several facets to participation in this course, all of which are necessary for your success. One of the most important: you must stay up to date on possible changes to the Sylla-bus/Schedule. Please know that I might modify as-signments over the course of the term. Any changes will appear on the "Schedule" part of this Online Syllabus/Schedule (below), at the affected assignment/date. If I change a due date, I will no-tify you via the email address you gave DVC for your D2L mail. Please check that email account EVERY DAY, to ensure that I have not changed some key dead-line, knowledge of which might materially affect your happiness in life! If you are working with a DSS counselor, please let me know right away, so that we can coordinate accommodations for you.

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As part of "attendance" for this online class, you must complete the assigned read-ings, and submit each of the exams and writ-ten assignments within the timeframes posted in the Schedule (see p. 15 below).

Missing the equivalent of one week of in-struction will jeopardize your ability to pass this course. Even with a medical excuse, miss-ing a week in an 9-week class is probably fatal.

Once a week has passed, you might not be able to make up the work you missed. (See my policy on late work at pp. 12-13.)

Here are some general timing guidelines:

The deadline for written assignments will always be 10:00 pm.

The deadline for exams will always be 11:45 pm.

Due dates for all coursework will always be ei-ther a Monday or a Friday.


Using the American Promise Website Study Tools:

The publishers' companion website for The American Promise is:


Register to use the site by providing your email address and a password of your choice. Follow the system prompts thereafter.

Bedford Books organizes all of its study tools by chapter. To review Chapter 1, click on "Study by Chapter" (see the red arrow above). "Step One" gives you a chapter outline. "Step Two" provides practice multiple-choice exams, called "Self Tests."

NOTE: I will not be able to help you with the Bedford Books companion site. If you run into trouble, please contact the smart folks at Bedford Books for technical assistance:


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Multiple-Choice Exams:

You will take 16 Multiple-Choice Exams consisting of 15 questions per chapter. I have thrown in the oc-casional extra credit question. This extra credit ques-tion does not change the point structure of the class. For example: if you get Question 16 right, you will get one extra point, or 16 points on a 15-point exam. If you miss only Question 16, you still get 15/15. No harm, no foul.

On the chapter ex-ams, you get about 3 minutes per question for a total of 45 minutes per exam.

You must save each answer and submit the exam for grading before your 45 minutes have run out, and before the 11:45 pm deadline to complete the exam passes.

D2L will not save answers entered after your time has run out. D2L will not save answers entered after the exam deadline has passed. Please plan your time accordingly.

Exam Availability:

All exams are available on the first day of the term. You may work ahead if you wish. Note, how-ever, that each exam has a specific due date. If you miss an exam deadline, you might be able to take it as a makeup exam during the last week of Fall 2014. Please see my policy on late work below (pp. 12-13).

All exams are due by 11:45 pm on Friday night. Please check D2L and this Syllabus/Schedule for deadlines on specific exams.

Taking Multiple Choice Exams on D2L: All of your exams are located on the D2L course home-page under "Assessments," and "Quizzes." Click on the exam link to open the exam. NOTE: Once you open an exam, you must finish it.

You only have one chance to take each exam, so please do not open any exam unless you are prepared to complete it.

Multiple Choice Exams are set to deliver one question at a time. You may go back and review your answers if you wish. I urge you NOT to go back and change your answers (statistically, your first answer is usually correct).

You must save each answer before moving to the next question. Take your time, work carefully but efficiently, and remember to SAVE your answers as you go.


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Multiple-Choice Questions are word problems. Your best approach in a mul-tiple-choice exam is to read the question carefully, because each word matters, and then to eliminate wrong choices. Each wrong choice has a problem: it de-scribes something that did not happen. Usually the correct choice is correct only because there is nothing wrong with it, not because it is such a profound truth!

Some students may be tempted to search the Internet for answers to exam questions. Maybe that strategy will work for them, maybe it won't. Maybe the Internet information is accurate; maybe it isn't.

The safest source of information for exam questions is the assigned reading in your textbook.

You will submit eight written assignments in this class. Four are Blue Book Essays of at least 800 words each, worth 30 points each. The other four are Classmate Responses, short review essays of at least 300 words each, worth 15 points each. Taken all together, these assignments require you to write about 4,200 words. These written assignments account for almost half of the points possible in this class. They assesses your grasp of American history but, more importantly, they hone the critical reading, writing, and communi-cation skills that today's college graduates need to succeed in a text-saturated world.

Submitting your Blue Book Essays is a two-step process. First you will submit your Blue Book Essay to the appropriate drop-box (click on the "Assessments" link on our class dashboard, then "Dropbox"). Next you will post a copy of your essay to the appropriate D2L Discussion Board (click on "Communication" on the D2L dashboard, then "Discussions"). The copy you post to the D2L drop-box is the version that I will grade. The copy you post to the D2L Discussion Board is the version your classmates will read and comment upon for their Classmate Responses.

The four Classmate Responses are critical analyses of your classmates' Blue Book Essays / Discussion Board posts. After you submit a copy of your Blue Book Essay to the appropriate D2L discussion board, you will select a classmate's essay and write a thoughtful, thorough peer review based on guidelines I provide.

xx Feel free to work ahead: all drop-boxes and discussion boards are available now on D2L. The topics and complete instructions for writing and submitting these assignments are available now on D2L. I also provide you with a Grading Rubric for each assignment, which explains how I will grade your work. Please review the rubric BEFORE you begin writing.

Please check the Schedule (beginning at p. 15) for Blue Book Essay / Discussion Board posts and Class-mate Response due dates. You should also review my policy on late work (pp. 12-13).

The Internet and You

Some students will be sorely tempted to copy and paste random information from the Internet into their Blue Book Essays. Maybe that strategy will work for them, maybe it won't.


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Here is my rule on Internet sources in Blue Book Essays:

You may copy all the random information you want from the Internet into your Blue Book Essays, AS LONG AS OUR TEXTBOOK SAYS EXACTLY THE SAME THING. You will need to corroborate this fact with ref-erences to the appropriate American Promise pages.

If I find suspicious text in a Blue Book Essay, I will run it through Turnitin. If I find material copied from any unassigned, uncorroborated source (that is, not corroborated with specific page references to our text-book), I will give that post a score of 0.

TURNITIN.COM: You will submit your Blue Book Essays for grad-ing through the drop-boxes on D2L. These drop-boxes will run your work through Turnitin, an elec-tronic resource that compares your work to Inter-net sources and to a comprehensive database of student papers. Turnitin is an excellent program that helps students avoid unintentional plagiarism. Unintentional plagiarism results from failure to understand proper citation procedure. I provide you with multiple opportunities to check the origi-nality of your work before each Blue Book Essay's final deadline. For your first submission, Turnitin immediately generates an "originality report" that identifies which parts of your essay, if any, match existing sources. The first originality report is usually available within five minutes. Your originality score must be 10% or lower. If your score is higher than 10%, please revise your work and resubmit it. The originality report makes it easy for you (and me) to ensure that you have not accidentally picked up another author’s language.

You may use an informal note style for your Blue Book Essays and Classmate Responses, identi-fying the appropriate pages in American Promise (your only approved source) by page number. I only need page numbers, like so:

Auctoritas non veritas facit legem. "Ancipiti plus ferit ense gula." Atqui, e lotio est. Auctoritas non veritas facit legem. Acta Non Verba. Ancipiti plus ferit ense gula. (44)

This citation tells me you found general information and a direct quote on page 44 of the textbook. Please note that Turnitin's timetable changes af-ter the first originality report. For subsequent sub-missions, Turnitin makes you wait 24 hours for the next originality report. You may continue to revise and resubmit your paper as often as you like (until the deadline), but you must wait a full 24 hours for a new originality report. The clock starts over with each new submission.

CITING SOURCES: You need not citing sources on only three occa-sions: when you are expressing common knowledge, personal experience, or personal opinion/analysis. Unfortunately, common knowledge is a difficult test: how can you be sure what everybody knows? "Per-sonal experience" will also be a difficult bar, as most of the events you will write about happened in cen-turies past. Analysis is always welcome, of course. For everything else, I expect you to identify your source.

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STEP TWO As mentioned above, submitting your Blue Book Essay is a two-step process. 1. Compose your Blue Book Essay in Word (.doc, .docx, .txt, or .pdf) and then upload it to the appropriate D2L Dropbox. That is the version I will grade (30 points each). 2. After submitting your essay to the D2L Dropbox, please copy and paste your essay into a message on the appropriate D2L Discussion Board. This is the version your classmates will see. One of your classmates will select your essay to respond to, and you will do the same for one of your classmates. That is your Classmate Response (15 points each).

D2L HATES THIS : INCOMPATIBLE DOCUMENT FILES xxxPlease note that D2L is picky about document formats. It only likes .doc, .docx, .txt., and .pdf files. xxxPlease do not submit your Blue Book Essays in .odt, .wps, or other non-Word formats. I won't be able to open Essays in non-Word formats, which means I won't be able to read your work, which means I won't be able to grade your work. xxxIf it takes you a couple days to re-submit a Blue Book Essay in a readable format, you run the risk of incurring late penalties. xxxSee my policy on late work, below.

My Policy on Late Work I: Written Assignments

I will accept late written assignments without penalty if you provide me with documentation from a medical facility confirming a medical reason for your inability to meet the deadline. Except in cases of emergency (e.g., involvement in an au-tomobile accident), your personal medical excuse should cover at least three full days prior to the deadline, not just the last possible second for submitting the work. The penalty for submitting written work late without a personal medical excuse is 4 points for each deadline missed, recalculated each day that the assignment is late. Example: For any Blue Book Essay or Classmate Re-sponse, an assignment submitted even one minute past the 10:00 pm deadline automatically loses 4 points. An assign-ment submitted before 10 pm the next day automatically loses 8 points. An assignment submitted before 10 pm the third day automatically loses 12 points. And so on.

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My Policy on Late Work II: Missed Exams

I will permit you to make up any missed exam without penalty IF you provide me with documen-tation from a medical facility confirming a medical reason for your inability to meet the deadline. Except in cases of emergency (e.g., involvement in an automobile accident), your personal medical excuse should cover at least three full days prior to the exam deadline, not just the last possible se-cond for submitting the exam.

I will permit you to make up ONE missed chap-ter exam without medical excuse beginning Week 8 (see the Schedule). You must contact me during Week 8 and ask me to make the exam available to you. Please note the deadline for completing any requested makeup exam in the Schedule below. The penalty for making up a missed exam without a personal medical excuse is 35%.

NOTE: Make-up Exams are not "Do Overs."

You may not retake an exam on which you did poorly.

Put another way: Exámenes de maquillaje no son "Do-Overs".

化妆考试不是“收购” Макияж экзамены не являются "делаете-кадром."

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: I take a very dim view of it.

By enrolling in this class, students agree to uphold the standards of

academic integrity described here. If you are confused, or hard-

pressed for time, or completely disenchanted, please contact me first, before you do something re-

grettable and illegal.

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Week Beginning Monday October 13

REQUIRED READING: This week you must read one chapter in Roark. Links to lecture outlines below.

EXAMS: Your Roark Chapter 1 exam is due by 11:45 pm next Friday, October 24. The exams are available now on D2L (click on "Assessments" then "Quizzes" on our D2L course homepage). You may (should) take these two exams early!

LECTURE OUTLINE: Chapter 1: Ancient America Before 1492 at http://www.irwinator.com/120/ch1.htm

RECOMMENDED READING: Johnson --A Taino Origin Story: Ramón Pané, On Taino Religious Practices --A Seneca Origin Narrative: The Woman Who Fell from the Sky --Genesis: The Christian Origin Narrative: “In the Beginning” --Aristotle on Masters and Slaves: The Politics, ca. 300 B.C.

Monday October 13

WEB CONFERENCE 1: 8 AM TO 9 AM, via CCC CONFER (see p. 4 above for log-in help)

Tues October 14

WEB CONFERENCE 2: 12 noon TO 1 PM, via CCC CONFER (see p. 4 above for log-in help)

Sat Oct 18 Last date to drop with refund / Last date to add Fall 2014 late-start class

Sun Oct 19 WEB CONFERENCE 3: 8 PM TO 9 PM, ON CCC CONFER (see p. 4 above for log-in help). If you missed the first two web conferences, now is your last opportunity to fulfill this course requirement.

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Week beginning Mon Oct 20

REQUIRED READING: You must read one chapter in Roark this week. Links to lecture outlines below. EXAMS: You must complete exams for the first two chapters in Roark this week. WRITTEN WORK: You have one Blue Book Essay due this week. Your Essay #1 Topic (on Chapter 2) is available now.

Here is the link to the Essay #1 prompt and complete instructions: www.irwinator.com/120/db1fa14.htm

LECTURE OUTLINE: Chapter 2: Europeans Encounter the New World, 1492-1600 at

http://www.irwinator.com/120/ch2.htm RECOMMENDED READING: Johnson --The King of the Congo Writes to the King of Portugal: King Afonso and King João III, Correspondence,

1526 --Columbus Describes His First Encounter with “Indians:” The Diario of Christopher Columbus's First Voy-

age to America, 1492- 1493 --A Conquistador Arrives in Mexico, 1519- 1520: Díaz del Castillo, The Conquest of New Spain, 1632 --A Mexican Description of the Conquest of Mexico: Accounts of Conquest from the Florentine Codex --Sir Thomas More Describes New World Utopia: Utopia, 1515

Fri Oct 24

Essay #1 (Chapter 2) is due by 10:00 pm tonight.** Your Roark Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 exams are due by 11:45 pm tonight. **Your Essay #1 Classmate Response is due by 10 pm Monday, October 27 (next week).

Saturday Oct 25

Last date to drop with no "W"

Sunday Oct 26

Census Date (CCCC District's official head count cut off for Fall 2014 late start onlines)

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Week Beginning Mon Oct 27

Your Essay #1 Classmate Response (Chapter 3) is due by 10 pm tonight. Full instructions here:


READING: You must read two chapters in Roark this week. Links to lecture outline below. EXAMS: You must take two exams this week. LECTURE OUTLINE: Chapter 3: The Southern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century, 1601-1700 at http://www.irwinator.com/120/ch3.htm RECOMMENDED READING: Johnson: --Richard Frethorne Describes Indentured Servitude in Virginia: Letter to Father and Mother, March 20,

April 2, 3, 1623 --Opechancanough's 1622 Uprising in Virginia: Edward Waterhouse, Declaration, 1622 --Francisco Pareja Instructs Spanish Missionaries about the Sins of Florida's Timucuan Indians:

Confessionario, 1613 --Sex and Race Relations: Testimony from Virginia Court Records, 1681 --Bacon's Rebellion: Nathaniel Bacon, Declaration, 1676

LECTURE OUTLINE: Chapter 4: The Northern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century, 1601-

1700 at http://www.irwinator.com/120/ch4.htm RECOMMENDED READING: Johnson --The Arbella Sermon: Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity, 1630 --Observations of New England Indians: Roger Williams, A Key into the Language of Amer-

ica, 1643 --Keeping Order in a Puritan Community: Suffolk County Court Records, 1671- 1673 --A Provincial Government Enacts Legislation: The Laws of Pennsylvania, 1682 --Words of the Bewitched: Testimony against Accused Witch Bridget Bishop, 1692

Tuesday Oct 28

Thurs Oct 30

Fri Oct 31

Your Roark Chapter 3 and 4 exams are due by 11:45 pm tonight.

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Week Beginning Monday Nov 3

REQUIRED READING: You must finish reading two chapters in Roark this week. EXAMS: You must take two chapter exams this week. WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: Your second Blue Book Essay is due this week. Your Essay #2 Topic (on Chapter 5) is available now. See complete instructions for writ-ing Essay #2 here:


LECTURE OUTLINE: Chapter 5: Colonial America in the Eighteenth Century, 1701-1770 at http://www.irwinator.com/120/ch5.htm RECOMMENDED READING: Johnson: --Confessions of a Thief and Rapist: A Boston Broadside, 1768 --Poor Richard's Advice: Benjamin Franklin, Father Abraham's Speech from Poor Richard's

Almanac, 1757 --An Anglican Criticizes New Light Baptists and Presbyterians in the South Carolina Back-

country: Charles Woodmason, Sermon on the Baptists and the Presbyterians, ca. 1768 --Advertisements for Runaway Slaves: South Carolina Gazette and Virginia Gazette, 1737-

1745 --A Moravian Missionary Interviews Slaves in the West Indies, 1767- 1768: Christian

George Andreas Oldendorp, History of the Evangelical Brethren's Mission on the Carib-bean Islands, 1777

LECTURE OUTLINE: Chapter 6: The British Empire and the Colonial Crisis, 1754-1775 at http://www.irwinator.com/120/ch6.htm RECOMMENDED READING: Johnson: --An Oration on the Second Anniversary of the Boston Massacre: Joseph Warren, Boston

Massacre Oration, March 5, 1772 --A Boston Shoemaker Recalls British Arrogance and the Boston Tea Party: George R. T.

Hewes, Memoir, 1834 --Daniel Leonard Argues for Loyalty to the British Empire: To the Inhabitants of the Prov-

ince of Massachusetts-Bay, 1774- 1775 --George Washington Concludes That the Crisis Has Arrived: Letters, 1774 --Edmund Burke Urges Reconciliation with the Colonies: Speech to Parliament, March 22,


Fri Nov 7

Essay #2 (Chapter 5) is due by 10:00 pm tonight.** Your Roark Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 exams are due by 11:45 pm tonight. ** Your Essay #2 Classmate Response is due by 10 pm Monday, November 10 (next week).

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Week Beginning Mon Nov 10

Your Essay #2 Classmate Response is due by 10 pm tonight. Instructions here: www.Irwinator.com/120/db2fa14.htm REQUIRED READING: You must finish reading two chapters in Roark this week. EXAMS: You have two exams due this week. LECTURE OUTLINE: Chapter 7: The War for America, 1775-1783 at http://www.irwinator.com/120/ch7.htm RECOMMENDED READING: Johnson: --Thomas Paine Makes the Case for Independence: Common Sense, January 1776 --Letters of John and Abigail Adams: Correspondence, 1776 --George Washington Seeks Congressional Support for the Continental Army: Letter to

John Hancock, President, Continental Congress, September 24, 1776 --Boston King Seeks Freedom by Running Away to the British Army: Memoir, 1798 --Joseph Brant Appeals to British Allies to Keep Promises: Address to British Secretary of

State Lord Germain, 1776 --Message to Governor of Quebec, Frederick Haldimand, 1783

LECTURE OUTLINE: Chapter 8: Building a Republic, 1775-1789 at http://www.irwinator.com/120/ch8.htm RECOMMENDED READING: Johnson: --Richard Allen Founds the First African Methodist Church: Life, Experience, and Gospel

Labours, 1833 --Thomas Jefferson on Slavery and Race: Notes on the State of Virginia, 1782 --Making the Case for the Constitution: James Madison, Federalist Number 10, 1787 --Mercy Otis Warren Opposes the Constitution: Observations on the New Constitution,

1788 --The Rights of Man in the Age of Revolution: Declaration of the Rights of Man, 1789 --Letter from Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1789

Fri Nov 14

Your Roark Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 exams are due by 11:45 pm tonight.

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DVC HIST 120-5870-FA14


Week Beginning Mon Nov 17

REQUIRED READING: You must finish reading two chapters in Roark this week. EXAMS: You must take two exams this week. WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: Your third Blue Book Essay is due this week. Your Essay #3 Topic (on Chapter 10) is available now. See complete instructions for writing Essay #3 here:


LECTURE OUTLINE: Chapter 9: The New Nation Takes Form, 1789-1800 at http://www.irwinator.com/120/ch9.htm

RECOMMENDED READING: Johnson: --Why Free Government Has Always Failed: William Manning, The Key of Libberty, 1798 --A French Sugar Planter Describes the French and Saint Domingue Revolutions: A Sugar

Planter of Saint Domingue Experiences Revolution in France and Saint Domingue, 1791 --Mary Dewees Moves West to Kentucky: Journal, 1788- 1789 --Alexander Hamilton on the Economy: Report on the Subject of Manufactures, 1791 --President George Washington's Parting Advice to the Nation: Farewell Address to the Peo-

ple of the United States, 1796

LECTURE OUTLINE: Chapter 10: Republicans in Power, 1800-1824 at http://www.irwinator.com/120/ch10.htm RECOMMENDED READING: Johnson: --A Jeffersonian Sailmaker's Fourth of July Address: Peter Wendover, Oration, July 4, 1806 --James Hamilton's Path to Enlistment during the War of 1812: Confession, 1818 --James Forten Protests Pennsylvania Law Threatening Enslavement of Free African Ameri-

cans: Letters from a Man of Colour, on a Late Bill before the Senate of Pennsylvania, 1813 --President Thomas Jefferson's Private and Public Indian Policy: Letter to Governor William H.

Harrison, February 27, 1803 --Address to the Wolf and People of the Mandan Nation, December 30, 1806 --Meriwether Lewis Describes the Shoshone: The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition,


Fri Nov 21

Essay #3 (Chapter 10) is due by 10:00 pm tonight.**

Your Roark Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 exams are due by 11:45 pm tonight.

** Your Essay #3 Classmate Response is due by 10 pm Monday, November 24 (next week).

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WEEK 7 -- Thanksgiving Week

Week Beginning Mon Nov 24

Your Essay #3 Classmate Response is due by 10 pm tonight. Instructions here: www.Irwinator.com/120/db3fa14.htm REQUIRED READING: You must finish reading two chapters in Roark this week. EXAMS: You must complete two exams this week. LECTURE OUTLINE: Chapter 11: The Expanding Republic, 1815-1840 at http://www.irwinator.com/120/ch11.htm RECOMMENDED READING: Johnson: --David Crockett Hunts Bear in Western Tennessee: A Narrative of the Life of David Crockett

of the State of Tennessee, 1834 --President Andrew Jackson's Parting Words to the Nation: Farewell Address, March 4, 1837 --Cherokees Debate Removal: John Ross, Answer to Inquiries from a Friend, 1836; Elias

Boudinot, A Reply to John Ross, 1837 --Sarah Grimké on the Status of Women: Letters on the Equality of the Sexes, 1838

--David Walker Demands Emancipation: Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World, 1829 LECTURE OUTLINE: Chapter 12: The New West and Free North, 1840-1860 at http://www.irwinator.com/120/ch12.htm RECOMMENDED READING: Johnson: --The Anxiety of Gain: Henry W. Bellows on Commerce and Morality: The Influence of the

Trading Spirit upon the Social and Moral Life of America, 1845 --That Woman Is Man's Equal: The Seneca Falls Declaration: Declaration of Sentiments, 1848 --A Farmer's View of His Wife: Eliza Farnham, Conversation with a Newly Wed Westerner,

1846 --A Texan Enlists to Fight in the Mexican War: James K. Holland, Diary, 1846 --Gold Fever: Walter Colton, California Gold Rush Diary, 1849- 1850

Fri Nov 28

Your Roark Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 exams are due by 11:45 pm tonight.

Sun Nov 30

Last date to Drop with W

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DVC HIST 120-5870-FA14

WEEK 8 -- Contact me this week if you need to make up a missed exam.

Week Beginning Mon Dec 1

REQUIRED READING: You must finish reading two chapters in Roark this week. EXAMS: You have two exams due this week. WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: Your fourth Blue Book Essay is due this week. Your Essay #4 Topic (on Chapter 14) is available now. See complete instructions here: www.Irwinator.com/120/db4fa14.htm LECTURE OUTLINE: Chapter 13: The Slave South, 1820-1860 at http://www.irwinator.com/120/ch13.htm RECOMMENDED READING: Johnson: --Madison Hemings Recalls Life as Thomas Jefferson's Enslaved Son: Interview, 1873 --Plantation Rules: Bennet Barrow, Highland Plantation Journal, May 1, 1838 --Nat Turner Explains Why He Became an Insurrectionist: The Confessions of Nat Turner, 1831 --The Proslavery Argument: James Henry Hammond, Letter to an English Abolitionist, 1845 --Hinton Helper Demands Abolition for the Good of White Southerners: The Impending Crisis

of the South, 1857 LECTURE OUTLINE: Chapter 14: The House Divided, 1846-1861 at http://www.irwinator.com/120/ch5.htm RECOMMENDED READING: Johnson: --The Kansas- Nebraska Act: Abraham Lincoln, Speech in Peoria, Illinois, October 16, 1854 --The Antislavery Constitution: Frederick Douglass, The Constitution of the United States: Is It

Proslavery or Antislavery? 1860 --The Proslavery Constitution: Jefferson Davis, Speech before the U.S. Senate, May 1860 --A Free African American Concludes Emigration Is Necessary: Granville B. Blanks, Letter to the

Editor, 1852 --Abolitionist Lydia Maria Child Defends John Brown and Attacks the Slave Power: Corre-

spondence between Lydia Maria Child and Virginia Governor Henry A. Wise, 1859


Dec 5

Essay #4 (Chapter 14) is due by 10:00 pm tonight.**

Your Roark Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 exams are due by 11:45 pm tonight.

**Your Essay #4 Classmate Response is due by 10 pm Monday, December 8 (next week).

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Week Beginning Mon Dec 8

Your Essay #4 Classmate Response is due by 10 pm tonight. REQUIRED READING: You must finish reading two chapters in Roark this week. EXAMS: You must take two exams this week (and any requested make-up exam). LECTURE OUTLINE: Chapter 15: The Crucible of War, 1861-1865 at http://www.irwinator.com/120/ch5.htm RECOMMENDED READING: Johnson:

--President Lincoln's War Aims: Letter to Horace Greeley, August 22, 1862; The Emancipation Proclamation, January 1, 1863; The Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863

--A Former Slave's War Aims: Statement from an Anonymous Former Slave, New Orleans, 1863 --The New York Draft Riots: Report of the Committee of Merchants for the Relief of Colored People Suffering

from the Late Riots in the City of New York, 1863 --A Virginia Woman Confronts Union Foragers: Nancy Emerson, Diary, 1864 --General William T. Sherman Explains the Hard Hand of War: Correspondence, 1864

LECTURE OUTLINE: Chapter 16 "Reconstruction, 1863 - 1877" at http://www.irwinator.com/120/ch16.htm RECOMMENDED READING: Johnson:

--Carl Schurz Reports on the Condition of the Defeated South: Report on the Condition of the South, 1865 --Black Codes Enacted in the South: Mississippi Black Code, November 1865 --Former Slaves Seek to Reunite Their Families: Advertisements from the Christian Recorder, 1865 - 1870 --A Black Convention in Alabama: Address of the Colored Convention to the People of Alabama, 1867 --Klan Violence against Blacks: Elias Hill, Testimony before Congressional Committee Investigating the Ku Klux

Klan, 1871


Dec 12

Your Roark Chapter 15 and Chapter 16 exams are due by 11:45 pm tonight.

Any requested make-up exam is due by 11:45 pm tonight. NO EXCEPTIONS.