1.2.2A Page 11 Feelings

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  • 8/18/2019 1.2.2A Page 11 Feelings


     1.2.2A-page 11-Feelings.

    Anxious: (ansioso), nervous (nervioso) ,worried (preocupado, inquieto). (NOUN:Anxiety)For a start, I was very anxious and I think animals can sense it when you're nervous andworried.Tania hasn’t phoned for days. I’m getting a bit anxious about whether she’s alright.He drove so fast and made me anxious. !ondu"o muy r#pido y me puso nervioso$

    Relieved: (aliviado, tranquilizado, sosegado) without anxiety (NOUN: Relief ) %ctually, I was e&tremely r elieved  when the lesson nished.(ei"i had been missing for hours, so his parents were enormously relieved  when theyfound him safe and sound.safe and sound : sano y salvo

    Thrilled: (encantado, maravillado) very excited (NOUN: Thrill)I came second so I was really thrilled .I thought I’d failed the e&am, so I was absolutely thrilled  to nd out that I’d got topmarks.

    Fascinated: (ascinado) very interested (NOUN: 

    Fascination)I was absolutely fascinated  to see how di)erent people behaved when they got in frontof the microphone.I nd volcanoes completely fascinating. I’ve read every book on the topic.

    Frustrated: (rustrado) very annoyed (NOUN: Frustration)It took me ages to do and I got really annoyed and frustrated  at one point because Icouldn't make it straight.*e went to !airo to see the e&hibition, but it was closed. It was really frustrating.

    Satised: (satisecho)(NOUN: Satisfaction)

    I felt really satised when I'd nished because it was the rst one I'd ever put up on myown.+y audition wasn’t perfect, but I’m uite satised  with my performance.

    !pressed: (!mpresionado) (NOUN: !pression)+ost people were there for the rst time and I was really impressed  by how uicklythey learnt the steps.-ou have a great singing voice. I’m totally impressed .

    "!#arrassed: (avergonzado) (NOUN: "!#arrass!ent)I was very embarrassed  because I kept treading on her toes.I lost my place in the middle of giving the presentation. It was really embarrassing.

    A$%$ard: em"arrassed, uncomorta"le (NOUN: A$%$ardness)I suggested calling the repair company. I felt very awkward  about it but I thought we'dnever get home.+y wife came into the shop when I was buying her some perfume. It was uite awkward and I had to hide what I was doing.

    "xhausted: very tired (NOUN: "xhaustion)I didn't get to bed till two in the morning and I was completely exhausted .-ou look totally exhausted . *ere you working late again last night

  • 8/18/2019 1.2.2A Page 11 Feelings


    &oca#ulary ' grada#le and ungrada#le (extre!e) ad*ectives+rada#le intensiers: airly, a little "it, quite, rather, very, really, extremely.ngrada#le intensiers: really, a#solutely # utterly, completely, totally.

    grada#le ungrada#leemocionado excited thrilled encantado

    eliz # contento happy #pleased delighted encantadocontento happy ecstatic enervorizado

    triste # disgustado upset devastated #misera"le

    desolado #desdichado

    enadado angry urious urioso!rritado #

    contrariadoannoyed rustrated $rustrado

    conmocionado shoc%ed horri&ed horrorizadosorprendido surprised astonished asom"radointeresado interested ascinated ascinadocansado tired exhausted agotado

    avergonzado em"arrassed humiliatedmorti&ed


    asustado scared #rightened

    terri&ed aterrorizado

    ham"riento hungry starving ham"riento

    "onito "eautiul 'onderul #gorgeous

    aravilloso #esplendido

    malo #desagrada"le


    disgusting asqueroso

    sorprendente surprising amazing asom"roso

    inteligente intelligent "rilliant "rillante # genialruidoso loud deaening ensordecedor"ueno good excellent excelentesucio dirty &lthy inmundovieo old ancient antiguo

    grande "ig enormous enormepeque*o small tiny diminuto

    caliente # c+lido hot # warm "oilingro cold reezing helado

    sa"roso tasty delicious deliciosoham"riento hungry starving am-lico

    !mportante important essential esencial


  • 8/18/2019 1.2.2A Page 11 Feelings
