4. MATERIALS AND METHODS PLANT PROFILE 4.1 FENUGREEK Fenugreek consists of seeds of Trigonella foenum-graecum belonging to Leguminosae family. 4.1.1 VERNACULAR NAMES Sansk : Methika Beng : Methi Eng : Fenugreak Guj : Methi Kan : Menthya Mal : Uluwa Mar : Methi Punj : Methi Tam : Menthiyam and Venthayam Tel : Menthulu Urdu : Methi 4.1.2 TAXONOMICAL CLASSIFICATION Territory : Plantae Subterritory : Tracheobionta Superdivision : Spermatophyta Dissection : Magnoliophyta Group : Magnoliopsida Subgroup : Rosidae Array : Fabales Family : Leguminosae Genus : Trigonella Variety : Trigonella foenum graecum Part used : Seeds and Fresh leaves GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION It is an indigenous plant of South Europe. Herb is cultivated in Argentina, India and Egypt. It is also cultivated in Indian states of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Punjab.

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Fenugreek consists of seeds of Trigonella foenum-graecum belonging to

Leguminosae family.


Sansk : Methika

Beng : Methi

Eng : Fenugreak

Guj : Methi

Kan : Menthya

Mal : Uluwa

Mar : Methi

Punj : Methi

Tam : Menthiyam and Venthayam

Tel : Menthulu

Urdu : Methi


Territory : Plantae

Subterritory : Tracheobionta

Superdivision : Spermatophyta

Dissection : Magnoliophyta

Group : Magnoliopsida

Subgroup : Rosidae

Array : Fabales

Family : Leguminosae

Genus : Trigonella

Variety : Trigonella foenum graecum

Part used : Seeds and Fresh leaves


It is an indigenous plant of South Europe. Herb is cultivated in Argentina,

India and Egypt. It is also cultivated in Indian states of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh,

Gujarat and Punjab.

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It is a fragrant yearly having 30-60 cm tallness, vertical, somewhat pronged

with thinning roots. The foliage is swap and lanceolate.Brochures are abruptly stalked

dulled oblong. Flora are whitish sessile, lonely in the axils of the foliage. The

outgrowth pods are upright when juvenile then bow descending with 10-20 seeds. The

seeds are stiff and pointed with yellowish brown colour. A profound channel all but

splits them in two.

Figure 4.1: Trigonella foenum graecum


Contains simple alkaloids consisting mainly of Trigonelline (up to 0.13%),

Choline (0.05%), Gentianine, and Carpaine, much of the Trigonelline is despoiled all

through sweltering to Nicotinic acid and additional pyridines and pyrroles, which

probably account for much of the flavor of roasted fenugreek.

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Trigonelline Choline




Other constituents include saponins that yield on hydrolysis steroid sapogenins

that is Diosgenin and Yamogenin usually in a 3:2 ratio, with Tigogenin and

Neotigogenin also present, Yamogenin tetrosides B and C have been reported to be

two of the glycosides (saponins) present.

Flavonoids, including Vitexin, Vitexin-7-glucoside, Orientin arabinoside,

Homoorientin, Saponaretin(isovitexin), Vicenin-1, Vicenin-2, Quercetin, Luteolin,

and Vitexin cinnamate.

Fixed oils (5-8%), which on extraction with fat solvents yield an extract with

a strong odor, vary from fishy to nutty, depending on age of the extract.

Considerable amount of mucilage, which appears to be mostly a

Galactomannan and is probably responsible for swelling of the seed in water.

Protein (23-25%), which is low in S-amino acids but high in Lysine and


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Free amino acids, including (2S,3R,4R)-4-hydroxyisoleucine, Histidine,

Lysine, and Arginine, with the first one isolated at 0.09% yield as the major


Vitamins, especially A, B1, and C and minerals (especially calcium and iron)

(Chauhan G, 2011).


� Fenugreek is spicy in both flavor and post digestive potential. It helps to get relief

from fever and to deduct the extra fats.

� Fenugreek leaves and seeds are anti-inflammatory, laxative, emollient

carminative, galactogogue demulcent, expectorant, antitumor, hypoglycemic,


� It is helpful in female to augmentbreast milk.

� Seeds with water help in difficulty of the urine

� Powdered seeds in the form of poultice are applied to acquire respite from sore


� Decoction of seeds can cause ease of colic creating gas. The mixture of

Fenugreek, Jaggery and dry ginger with hot water helps to reduce back pain

(Alkofahi, A, 1996 and Yadav R, 2011).


Urotoxicity potential

Cyclophosphamideis frequently employed anti- tumor remedy that produces

toxic effects through its spontaneous components like phosphoramide mustard and

acrolein. In the project inflection of toxic effect produced through simultaneous

disclosure to BSO and CP by T. foenum graecum extract was examined. Fenugreek, a

universal nutritional and therapeutical plant, exhibited defending potential not just on

LPO but in addition on the enzymatic anti-oxidants. Cyclophosphamide given mice

showed noteworthy reduction in performance of glutathione reductase (GR),

glutathione S-transferase (GST) and catalase (CAT) in contrast to the standard. Point

of decreased glutathione (GSH) was too lowered as of enhancing LPO and CP given

mice. L-butathion-SR-sulfoxamine application exhibited synergistic toxicity in CP

given mice. Previous application of natural extract regained performances of every

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enzyme. Therefore, depicted general defensive potential on synergistic potential of

BSO and CP (Bhatia K, 2006).

Immunomodulatory Effect

Immunomodulatory potentialwas showed by fenugreek extract in mice (Bin-

Hafeez B, 2003). Defensive potentialhave been demonstrated by a quantity of natural

extracts and their secluded components beside CP caused urotoxicity (Nair SC, 1993

and Vieira MM, 2004). Components of thiols like cysteine and mesna have proven

defensive potential beside CP produced urotoxicity (Roberts, JC, 1994). Its diverse

pharmacological potentials grouped hitherto in historic medication narrative have

been theoretically validated afterwards. These comprise its immunomodulatory,

antipyretic anti-inflammatory and hypoglycemic potential (Bhatia K, 2006).

Modulatory potential of component of fenugreek on immunosuppression

produced in lower dosage by deltamethrin in mice. It has proven to have numerous

therapeutic possessions. In scientific examinations, extract depicted hypoglycemic

and anti-diabetic potentials. (Hasibur Rehman, 2006).

Antioxidant Activity

Flavone content of fenugreek was found having anti-oxidant potential

(Moskaug, JO, 2005 and Ozcan A, 2005). Furthermore, in a current determination

both Lipid peroxidation plus rupture of RBC have been considered to avert by methi

seed extract (Kaviarasan S, 2004). Seeds were considered enhancing anti-oxidant

potential. Seeds reduce the Lipid peroxidation in liver which is ethanol inebriated

(Anuradha, CV, 2001). Results of current exploration exhibit, extract of fenugreek

given previously prohibited urotoxicity regulated by LPO and GSH through reversing

potential. Surveillance is proved through quantity of scientific examinations. (Sharma

RD, 1990).

Chemopreventive Activity

Fenugreek seeds extract appreciably repressed the DMBA produced mammary

hyperplasia and reduced its frequency. Epidemiological examinations too incriminate

apoptosis as a process that could intercede the Fenugreek’s antibreast cancer

defending potentials (Amr Amin, 2005).

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Apoptosis is cell fatality, in treatment of anti tumor agents with the aptitude to

produce apoptosis to be taken. Flavonoids induce some natural possessions. The

apoptosis producing manners of flavonoids have been recognized in numerous

preceding examinations (Chen YC, 2003). Primarily catechins and flavonoids were

depictedapoptotic in cancer cells (Ahmad N, 2000). In epithelial cells,

newlysubstituted cell fatality procedures have been documented counting para-

apoptosis and autophagy (Leist M, 2001 and Sperandio S, 2000). Activation of these

pathways can be equivalent among programmed cell death, tremendous crosstalk

among apoptotic, unusual death pathways can subsist. Accordingly, herbal induced

autophagic too donates to the cell death. So, inhibiting DMBA caused cell growth

succession. Extract of fenugreekhas substantial anti-tumor happenings. Categorization

of largely successful ingredient T. foenum-graecum is impossible.Nevertheless, based

on in print determination, flavones appeared mainly liable ingredient exhibiting anti-

cancer potential.

Antidiabetic potential

Application of vanadate to rats having diabeteswas found to admit distorted

antioxidant eminence and carbohydrate metabolism. Reasonably, drug exhibited

potential in large dosagein additiontwisted abundant toxic potentials. In grouping of

seed grind of T. foenum graecum (TSP) and lowest dosage of vanadate,

potentialchanges on enzyme in rats. Separate treatment was given to alloxan induced

diabetic rats through vanadate, insulin, TSP and a united dosage of TSP and Vanadate

up to twenty one days. At conclusion of investigational stage, amount of glucose in

blood as well as actions of catalase (CAT), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase

(PEPCK), glutathione reductase (GR) were considered in cytosolic fraction. Elevated

glucose amount of glucose shown perceptibly in rats. Reduction of glucose was

exhibited by dealing with antidiabetic components. Rats treated with united dosage of

vanadate and TSPhad glucose amounts analogous to standard ones. To correct the

alterations combined dosage of TSP and vanadatewas originated to be largely


The fibre content of T. foenum graecum was proven to decrease postprandial

enhancementin amount of glucose of type two diabetes induced rats. Mechanism may

by delaying the digestion of sucrose.

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Gastroprotective Effect

The potential of fenugreek seeds was intentional on alcohol produced gastric

lessons. Model drug was omeprazole. Noteworthy ulcer defensive grades exhibited by

the water extract and gel component gained from seeds. The cytoprotective potential

of seeds foundnot simply the anti secretory and to the deeds on mucosal

glycoproteins. Increase in lipid peroxidation caused by ethanol, fenugreek seeds too

prohibited it most probably by increasing antioxidant potentials of gastric mucosa so

decreasing mucosal damage. Examinations exposed that gel component obtained from

seeds has been greater effectual compared to omeprazole in protecting damage

pattern. Explanation revealed antiulcer effects acquired by fenugreek seeds

(Tadigoppula Narender, 2006).

Anti-inflammatory potential

Anti-inflammatory potential of leaf part ofTFG were examined. To

examineinflammation treating commotion, formalin produced edema mock up was

taken. Hyperthermia was produced by injection of given intraperitoniaaly. As

reference control, Sodium salicylate was taken. Both fenugreek and sodium salicylate

considerably decreased edema in single dose as well as persistent appliance. Both

TFG and SS also extensively decreased hyperthermia in 1 and 2 hour after their

application. (Pandian Suja R, 2002).



The collective potential of fenugreek in addition garlicextracts were

determined for ameliorative imminent. To determine it, hyperthyroidic rats caused by

L-Thyroxine were chosen as a model to pitch in to a thoughtful of announcement.

Determination was conceded through two dissimilar doses. A similarity has been done

with retort of entity plant extracts for formerly examined efficient dosage in rats

rendered hyperthyroidic though L-thyroxine. As a control, Propylthiouracil (PTU)

was taken. Alterations in glucose, T3, T4, glucose-6-phosphatase plus oxygen

consumption has been measured as conclusion criterias. The combined effects of both

the extracts were equally efficient in contrast to singal extractto lower amount of

determinant in rats given L-Thyroxine (Tahiliani P, 2003).

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Glycosidic potential

Determination has been conceded out to examine acute toxic effect of

glycosidic extract of leaf of fenugreek. Lessons were carried outby estimation of its

middle deadly dosage after administration to mice and as well to distinguish objective

organs for probable poisonous stuff. Chief objective organ exaggerated between four

organs examined was the liver part, where untimely deterioration through permeation

of mononuclear and meek hepatitis was initiated in animals which are given deadly

dosage of extract. Thus, extract of fenugreelleaves is measuredsecure in addition have

negligible unpleasant consequence (Jamal Ahmed Abdel-Barry, 2000).

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Table 4.1: List of Patents of T. foenum graecum



Document Document Title

1 US20100129296 Extract of T. foenum graecum

2 WO/2008/125120A3 Extract of T. foenum graecum

3 WO/2008/125120A2 Extract of T. foenum graecum

4 EP2155222A2 Extract of T. foenum graecum

5 DE19915140A1 Skin cream based on blood circulation

stimulant present in Trigonella foenum


6 WO/2010/049798A1 A method of characterizing phytochemicals

from Trigonella foenum graecum

7 WO/2012/066167A1 Method for eliminating the odour and

flavor of the legume Trigonella foenum

graecum and food cosmetic and medicinal

product obtained

8 6013289 Flavorant prepared from Trigonella foenum

graecum seeds

9 WO/2002/102162A1 Elicitor prepared from T. foenum graecum

seed extracts and utilization in controlling

pathogenic organisms of plants

10 US20110204222 A method of characterizing phytochemicals

from Trigonella foenum graecum

11 WO/2012/031592A1 Extraction of the hydrocolloids from

fenugreek seed

12 WO/2012/031592A8 Extraction of the hydrocolloids from

fenugreek seed

13 US20060269626 Elicitor prepared from T. foenum graecum

seed extracts and utilization in controlling

pathogenic organisms of plants

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14 US20040176250 Elicitor prepared from T. foenum graecum

seed extracts and utilization in controlling

pathogenic organisms of plants

15 US20130041043 Excipient from T. foenum graecum seeds

and process for preparation there of

16 WO/2011/124973A1 Excipient from T. foenum graecum seeds

and process for preparation there of

17 WO/2007/003768A2 Use of an extract of the species T. foenum

graecum seeds in a cosmetic or

pharmaceutical composition

18 WO/2007/003768A3 Use of an extract of the species T. foenum

graecum seeds in a cosmetic or

pharmaceutical composition

19 WO/2005/049048A1 Fiber rich fraction of T. foenum graecum

and its use as a pharmaceutical excipient

20 DE3225056A1 Pharmaceutical composition which

contains as active substance the

comminuted seeds of fenugreek, process

for the production there of, and the use

there of

21 WO/2005/009453A1 Process for the preparation of debitterised

and defatted T. foenum graecum as well as

formulations containing the same

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BOTANICAL NAME : Glycyrrhiza glabra

FAMILY : Leguminosae


Sans : Madhuka, Yashti-Madhu

Eng : Liquorice

Hin : Mulhatti, Jethi-Madh

Mar : Jeshta Madha

Kan : Yashti Madhuka, Atimadhura

Mal : Iratimadhuram

Tam : Atimadhuram

Telu : Yashtimadhukam, Atimadhuram

Punj : Jatimadh

Guj : Jethi Madha

Ben : Jashtimadhu, Jaishbomodhu


Territory : Plantae

Subterritory : Tracheobionta

Superdivision : Spermatophyta

Dissection : Magnoliophyta

Group : Magnoliopsida

Arrey : Fabales

Family : Leguminosae

Sub family : Faboideae

Genus : Glycyrrhiza

Variety : Glycyrrhiza glabra

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Part used : Root


It occurs in the sub-tropical and humid moderate regions of the planet, primarily in china

and mediterranean countries. It is resident to Eurasia, Asia and Africa, where it occurs up to

1,200 meter beyond ocean plane. It is cultured as a pick crop, mainly in Russia and Spain.


Its perennial herb with tuberous root stock produce annual stems upto several meters

long, which is found spreading on ground and twinning around the trees and support around it.

Leaves are triangular or pentagonal in shape. Margin is dentate, upper surface glabrous and

attachment of petiols (1-3 cm) long and tendrils are unbranched. Flowers are monsecious,

solitary, rarely in axillary. Fruits are slimy in touch, pulpy and avoid to ellipsoid shape. It is

green in colour when young and it turns scarlet red when it ripes, glabrous, purple red. The fruit

possess numerous seeds which are oblong (6-7cm) margins thickened (Cokate Ck, 2007).

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Figure 4.2: Glycyrrhiza glabra


The major component of liquorice by means of which it is employed as a sweetener is

Glycyrrhizin. Glycyrrhizin is a Ca+ and K+ salt of Glycyrrhizinic acid which on hydrolysis

produces Glycyrrhetinic acid.

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Glycyrrhetinic Acid













Additional components of liquorice are Asparagine, resins, Glucose, Bitter components,

Starch, Sucrose, colouring material, volatile oil and Mannite. The yellow tint is because of the

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glycosidal moiety Iso liquiritin. Yellow moiety subjected to fractional translation to liquiritin

through exposure to air and storage.

During hydrolysis, Iso liquiritin produces Iso liquiritigenin, while Liquiritin produces

Liquiritigenin as a glycone portion.

Estriol is also reported to be there in liquorice. The plant is having phytoestrogens in the

variety of isoflavones like Formononetin, Hispaglabridin A, B, and Neoliquiritin (Fenwick GR,

Cokate CK, and Braun & Cohen, 2005).


� Licorice is beneficial to treat asthma, persistent cough and both early phase and persistent


� It is a gentle pain and swelling remover for arthritis and rheumatism. It is helpful for the

treatment of duodenal, mouth and esophageal ulceration, gastric ulcers and burning of heart.

� Licorice is beneficial for diverse digestive organization problems counting colic, swelling of

lining of stomach and ulcers.

� Several communities take licorice for cough, bacterial and viral diseases, stinging throat and


� Licorice is helpful to treat food poisoning, malaria, tuberculosis and osteoarthritis. Few

natives utilize licorice as a cleanser to decrease oiliness of the hair (Cokate CK, 2007).


Antiinflammatory potential

Antiinflammatory potentialswas demonstrated by β-glycyhrritinic acid in diverse animal

studies as it is Chief constituent of liquorice. Two pathwayswere recommended for sweeling

reducing potentials of active component.Primarily, it impede glucocorticoid metamorphosis plus

synergist properties of same. Exhibition of synergism was in lung as well as skin following co-

application. Secondly, it inhibits conventional complement alleyway commencement and its

prospective is reliant on its conformation. Therefore, co-application with hydrocortisone in

management of swollen sickness is gainful. Glycyrrhiza as well as glyderinine, depicted a

swelling reducing potential. Further decrease in myocardial swollen edema was observed in

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investigation. Newly, few components of Liquorice have depicted inhibitory potential alongside

interleukin caused prostaglandin E2 creation in usual fibroblasts (Tsukahara et al., 2005).

Antimicrobial and antiviral potential

The methanolic extract of mid-air parts of Glycyrrhiza glabra exhibited antibacterial

action beside numerous types of bacteria. Numerous flavonoids through C5 residues were

secluded as the effectual components ofGlycyrrhiza glabra alongside methicillin unwilling

Staphylococcus aureus and regained the property of β-lactam and oxacillin next to methicillin

unwilling Staphylococcus aureus(Hatano et al., 2000b, 2005). In in vitrolesson, Licochalcone A

and Glabridin showed antimicrobial action alongside Helicobacter pylori. Mixture of ethereal as

well as aqueous extracts of liquorice has been establish for having effectual bactericidal action

beside every five bacterial strain, S. aureus E. coli, E. aerogenes B. subtilis and K. pneumoniae

(Onkarappa et al., 2005). In an additional lesson component of liquorice caused programmed cell

death of lymphoidtissues which has been indistinct through Kaposi tumor linked herpesvirus.

Hepatoprotective studies

Glycyrrhizin was hepatoprotective, in an in vitro lesson most likely by blocking alteration

in permeability of cell membrane. However, in vitro lesson glycyrrhizin was weak

hepatoprotective medicine in contrast to glycyrrheitinic was recommended. Surveillance was in

continuation with defensive property of glycyrrhetinic acid alongsideliver damage caused by

retrorsine and hepatotoxicty induced by means of carbon tetrachloride, correspondingly, in rats

and mice (Lin et al., 1999).

Antitumor activities

The propagation of tumor growth of Ehrlich ascites was exhibited by aqueous extract of

Glycyrrhizaglabra. Furthermore in in vivo assess,angiogenesis was inhibited in

peritonealmembrane assess.

Antiprotozoal activities

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Chinese Glycyrrhiza glabra roots gained from three diverse variety of genus,

Glycyrrhiza, Glycyrrhiza inflata Glycyrrhiza glabra and Glycyrrhiza uralensis. They were in in

vitro lessons originated to significantly reduce the expansion of Leishmaniadonovani and

Plasmodium falciparum.

Antioxidative activities

The components of Glycyrrhiza glabra, echinatin and licochalcones were effectual in

blocking LPO in microsomes caused by Fe-ADP/NADPH. Coponents exhibited valuable

scavenging of antioxidative presentation. Additionally, glabridin component of liquorice like

glabridin repressed LPO in liver microsomes of rats. It sheltered mitochondrial purpose through

oxidative pressure (Haraguchi et al., 2000).

CNS lessons

Glabridin subdued reuptake of serotonin. Aqueous extract of Liquorice exhibited

antidepressant effects using tail postponement and obligatory swim models in mice. As well, the

aqueous extract exhibited reminiscence increasing potentials in inert evading. Furthermore,

persistent management of extract induced improvement of inactive evading performance in rats,

whose ovary ectomized by means of both little and elevated doses.

Cardiovascular studies

Antiplatelet aggregation potentialwas exhibited by licorice (Yu et al., 2005). In additional

investigation, glycyrrhizin approved as a thrombin inhibitor. The effect was seen both in in vivo

and in vitro lessons. Hypothesis was likeglycyrrhizin might be employed as sculpt to pierce

novel medicines (Francischetti et al., 1997;).

Immunity lessons

Numerous immunomodulatory effects have been accredited to glycyrrhetinic acid and

glycyrrhizin, a component of licorice (Raphael and Kuttan, 2003). Identical findings observed

through lichochalchones and a little derivative, exhibited immunity enhancing potentials (Barfod

et al., 2002).

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Cytotoxic studies

Many components phenols ofsuch plantexhibited inhibition on expansion of

microorganism. Few of them like isoliquiritigeninaffirmative in assess.

Gastrointestinal potential

Oral Glycyrrhiza glabrain a grouping artifact could cure ulcers same like H2 receptor

component (Aly et al., 2005). Glycyrrhizinic acid has antiulcer potential. It is a chief constituent

of licorice. Antiulcer potential has been expected by increasing amount of prostaglandins,

endorse mucous emission in addition propagation of cell, curative of ulceration in

investigation(Baker, 1994). The hemisuccinate derivative Carbenoxolone and enoxolone are two

element artificial derivatives of Glycyrrhiza glabra which have been employed in scientific

remedies. Enoxolone was employed for management of ulcer ailment and other Gastrointestinal

tract disturbances, throatdisturbances.

Anticancer effects

Institute of National Cancer has recognizedGlycyrrhiza glabra roots having anti-cancer

potential. It has been employed between patients having cancer of prostate. It is marketedly

obtainable permutation of few plants.

Antioxidative effects

Glycyrrhiza glabra extracts demonstrated immense potential as antioxidant and

scavenging of free radical in topical preparations. It may be employed in topical preparations in

an array to defend the skin beside harm induced by reactive oxygen variety and free radical. (Di

Mambro and Fonseca, 2005).

Antiviral and hepatoprotective effects

Licorice was having straight hepatic lesson protecting potential. Chief constituent,

Glycyrrhizin, is frequently employed for the treatment of persistent liver damage in patients who

don’t accept or react to interferon remedy (Okuno et al., 2001).

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Dermatological lessons

Liquorice was taken as a natural remedy for skin eruptions, counting cysts, dermatitis,

pruritis and eczema (Saeedi et al., 2003). Newly glycyrrhizin administration has depicted

defensive potential alongside tumor cells (Rossi et al., 2005).

Endocrinological effects

Liquorice was demostrated in reducing amount of testosterone both in women and men

(Armanini et al., 2004). However in men nocapability was seen in reducing salivary testosterone

noticeably (Josephs et al., 2001). Furthermore, ovulation and pregnancy in unproductive patients

has been produced by Glycyrrhiza glabra roots.

Respiratory diseases

Roo part of plant was taken as a cough removing therapeutic plant as of earliest periods.

Mucilagenous component present in licorice or emission formed beneath the pressure of the

vigorous constituents covers throat and oral mucosa calming its touchiness and removing arid

cough (Ody, 2000; Puodziuniene et al., 2005).

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Table 4.2: List of Patents of G. glabra



Document Document Title

1 12058019 Method of extracting a sweet ingredient

from Glycyrrhiza glabra

2 WO/2008/007214A2 Glycyrrhiza glabra plant extracts to

manage osteoporosis anextraction

method there of

3 WO/2008/007214A3 Glycyrrhiza glabra plant extracts to

manage osteoporosis anextraction

method there of

4 WO/2013/042131A1 A process for preparation of synergistic

herbal preparation of extracts

Picrorhiza kurroa and Glycyrrhiza

glabra having medicinal value

5 JP03047071 Method for obtaining highly

glycyrrhizin producing strain of

Glycyrrhiza glabra root stem cell

6 JP03047072 Method for obtaining highly

glycyrrhizin producing strain of

Glycyrrhiza glabra root stem cell

7 US20100221363 A method for the preparation of a

storage steady fungicidal extract of

Glycyrrhiza glabra for the management

of pathogenic fungi and other crop


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8 WO/2009/010567A2 A method for the preparation of a

storage steady fungicidal extract of

Glycyrrhiza glabra for the management

of pathogenic fungi and other crop


9 WO/2009/010567A3 A method for the preparation of a

storage steady fungicidal extract of

Glycyrrhiza glabra for the management

of pathogenic fungi and other crop


10 JP2000239176 Hydrophobic Glycyrrhiza radix extract


11 WO/2010/013987A2 Extraction method for increasing

liquiritigenin content in Glycyrrhiza

radix extract

12 US20050118289 Method for preparing fat composition

having hydrophobic constituents of


13 WO/2005/027866A1 Use of licocalchone A or of an extract

containing licocalchone A from

Glycyrrhiza inflatae against skin aging

14 37135EP2695599A1 Cosmetic or dermatological

preparations with a content of urea and

a content of licochalcone A or an

aqueous extract of Glycyrrhiza inflate

15 US20050158350 Use of licochalcone A or of an extract

of Glycyrrhiza inflatae that contains

licochalcone A against

postinflammatory hyperpigmentation

16 US20120246760 Triterpene oxidase derived from plant

belonging to genus Glycyrrhiza, gene

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encoding the same and method of using

the same

17 EP1839645B1 Cosmetic or dermatological emulsions

containing licochalcone A or an extract

of Glycyrrhiza inflatae containing

licochalcone A



FAMILY : Boraginaceae


Hindi : Lasora

Gujarati : Gunda

Sanskrit : Bahuvarah

Malayalam : Naruvari

Bengali : Bahubara, Boch

Khasi : Dieng mong

Manipuri : Lamkelaba

Assamese : Goborhut, Bahubara

Tamil : Naruvili, Citam

Telegu : Bankanakkera


Territory : Plantae

Subterritory : Tracheobionta

Superdivision : Spermatophyta

Dissection : Magnoliophyta

Group : magnoliopsida

Subgroup : Asteridae

Array : Lamiales

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Family : Boraginaceae

Genus : Cordia

Variety : Cordia myxa


The genus is local to China and is extensively cultured in subordinate plains and humid

areas. It originates beside the Himalayan tract up and about to 1,500 meters. Originates through

its ordinary surroundings extending all the way through the forests of Nepal, India and Myanmar.

At the moment, Cordia foliage is originate in China, Taiwan, Australia, Thailand and Malaysia.


Cordiamyxa is a speedy rising variety. Maturity period is approximately 50 to 60 years.

Its main trunk is usually in a straight line and cylindrical, gaining a height of practically 3 to 4 m.

The twigs broaden in every course by asset of which its cap can be skilled into a magnificent

upturned arena. When entirely adult, the whole height of the hierarchy grows roughly 10 to 15

m. In fewer complimentary weather and adverse surroundings, nevertheless, it has a smaller

enlargement. It may conquer a fairly warped outline. At respite poorer climate it can uphold

undersized resembling a flowering shrub.

The bark of Cordia myxa is grayish brown in tint with longitudinal and vertical fissures.

The tree can be effortlessly recognized commencing a detachment by observing the fissures.

The leaves of Cordia myxa are wide, ovate, and rotate and stalked with the stretch just

about 6 -15 by 4-10 cm. In subject of exterior manifestation these are glabrous on top of and

juvenile underneath. The leaves appear bushy. The unmarked flora is pretty helpful as silage for

livestock. These are as well beneficial for coveringcheroots.

Cordia myxa tree vegetate for the period of March-April. The inflorescence, typically

deadly, is, white in shade. Creature florets are virtually 5 mm in distance. At spaces these are

rather furry and white. The calyx fraction of a self-governing flower is concerning 8 mm. It splits

erratically at the breach of its bud hooked on flower. The filaments are furry.

The fruit of Cordia myxaturn out to be obtainable all through July-August. It is a variety

of a drupe, brown in shade. The exterior tends to cast a shadow when ripening sets in. Individual

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filled of viscid glue similar to mucilage. The mash is rather transparent. When entirely mature

the pulp becomes fairly syrupy in flavor and is entirely enjoyed by kids (Kirtikar KR, 2005).

Figure 4.3: Cordia myxa


Fruits of Cordia myxa possessApigenin, Saponin derivatives, Phenolic components and

Tannins, traces of Mucilage, Glycosidal moiety, Alkaloidal constituents, Gums, Flavonoids,

Steroidal compounds and Terpenoid derivative (Inas ZA, 2011).

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� According to the book, “Indian Herbal Remedies,” the man regarded as the father of surgery

in India, Sushutra, prescribed Cordia fruits as a coolant and astringent, to be used for

biliousness, cough and internal haemorrhage.

� The bark paste was used for treatment on spider bites and eruptive boils.

� The fruit include acting as an anti diabetic, demulcent, expectorant, diuretic antihelmintic,

and anti-inflammatory, remedying the effects of an inflamed colon, liver and plasma. It also

decreases blood pressure and act as a potent hypotensive agent.

� The leaves contain potent analgesic,cytotoxic and anti-bacterial activity (The Wealth of

India, 1956 and Weaver and Anderson, 2007).


Antiinflammatory Activity

Goods of few variety of Cordiawas proven to encompass swelling reducing potential.

Lessons determined the property of such fruit on practically caused colitis. Swelling was linked

by momentous deduction in tissue behavior of superoxide dismutase in addition lesser amounts

of few fundamentals. Myeloperoxidase disorder and histological assessment depicted that fruits

of Cordia dealing upturnedexceeding findings in swollen colon, plasma and liver of colitic rats.

The findings assisted that pragmatic antiinflammatory consequence of the plant. This is credited

moderately to antioxidant potential as well as reinstatement of amounts of some components in

swollen plasma as well as liver (Mohammadmehdi Ranjbar, 2013).

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Gastroprotective activity

Project examined the defensive potentials of such plant extract. Model drug was

indomethacin to produce gastric ulcereration. To produce ulcer intraperitoneal injection of

indomethacin was given. Cordia myxa fruit extract was given orally and ranitidine, a standard

medicine, in an amount of 50 mg/kg body weight. Outcome of the current lesson propose that

ranitidine should be taken jointly amongCordia myxa fruit extract for improved gastroprotective

results. It also helps to decrease H2 antagonist’s medicines undesirable results (Inas ZA, 2011).

Antifibrotic Activity

Study examined the defensive function of Cordia myxa L. in opposition to liver fibrosis

caused by Thioacetamideor Carbon tetrachloride or and determined serum aspartate transaminase

(AST), glutamate transaminase and alkaline phosphatase. They extracted plant in diverse

solvents and their extracts were determined for their phenolic proportion and antioxidant level.

Level of glutamate transaminase and alkaline phosphatase enzymes drastically enhanced in rats

following application of Thioacetamide-Cordia myxa L. or Carbon tetrachloride-Cordia myxa L.

in contrast to rats that were unaided with Thioacetamideor Carbon tetrachloride. Consequently

they accomplished that Cordia myxa L. has burly antioxidant potential. Potential may be

accountable for its antifibrotic effects alongside Thioacetamideor Carbon tetrachloride caused

fibrosis (Afzal, 2007).

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Table 4.3: List of Patents of C. myxa



Document Document Title

1 US20050084547 Natural product based apoptosis


2 US20050008710 Methods for viewing of endothelin

receptor antagonist potential in addition

managing circumstances induced

through endothelin

3 7378396 Therapeutic agents and methods for

cardiovascular disease

4 7771954 Systemic marker for determining anti-

inflammatory and antioxidant potential

of medicinal agents

5 7776563 Methods for identifying agents for

treating cardiovascular disease using

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inhibition of myeloperoxidase binding

6 7781219 Risk markers for cardiovascular disease

7 7780950 Systemic marker for determining anti-

inflammatory and antioxidant potential

of medicinal agents

8 US20110190401 Depolymerized complex sugar molecule

based hydrogel adhesive and technique

of application there of

9 US20080081056 Depolymerized complex sugar molecule

based hydrogel adhesive and techniques

of application there of

10 EP1850889B1 Depolymerized complex sugar molecule

based hydrogel adhesive and techniques

of applicationthere of

11 WO/2006/085329A2 Depolymerized complex sugar molecule

based hydrogel adhesive and techniques

of application

12 WO/2006/085329A3 Depolymerized complex sugar molecule

based hydrogel adhesive and techniques

of application

13 EP1953235A2 New genes related to a process for the

production of fine chemicals

14 EP2368905A2 Process for the control of production of

fine chemicals

15 EP2096177A2 Process for the production of lutein