14 Sultanate and Mughal

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  • 8/13/2019 14 Sultanate and Mughal




    Mamluk Sultanate (Delhi )


    Mamluk Sultanate ofDelhi

    Capital Delhi

    Languages Persian(official)

    Religion Sunni Islam

    Government Sultanate



    12061210 Qutb-ud-din Aibak


    12871290Muiz ud dinQaiqabad


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    Established 1206


    Disestablished 1290

    The Mamluk Dynasty(sometimes referred as Slave Dynastyor Ghulam Dynasty) (Persian:

    ,Hindi:wansh) was directed intoNorthern IndiabyQutb-ud-din Aybak,aTurkicgeneral fromCentral Asia.It was the first of five unrelated dynasties to rule India'sDelhi Sultanatefrom 1206 to 1290.[2][3]Aybak's tenure as aGhurid dynastyadministratorranged between 1192 to 1206, a period during which he led invasions into theGangeticheartland of India and established control over some of the new areas.


    TheQutub Minar,an example of the Mamluk dynasty's works.

    Mamluk,literally meaning owned, was a soldier of slave origin who had converted toIslam.The phenomenon started in 9th century and gradually the Mamluks became a powerfulmilitary caste in various Muslim societies. Mamluks held political and military power mostnotably inEgypt,but also in theLevant,Iraq,andIndia.In 1206,Muhammad of Ghordied.He had no child, so after his death, his sultanate was divided into many parts by his slaves(mamluk generals).Taj-ud-Din Yildozbecame the ruler ofGhazni.Mohammad BinBakhtiyar KhiljigotBengal.Nasir-ud-Din Qabachabecame the sultan ofMultan.Qutub-ud-

    din-Aybakbecame the sultan ofDelhi,and that was the beginning of the Slave dynasty.

    Aybak rose to power when a Ghorid superior was assassinated.[4]However, his reign as theSultan of Delhiwas short lived as he died in 1210 and his sonAram Shahrose to the throne,only to be assassinated byIltutmishin 1211.

    The Sultanate under Iltutmish established cordial diplomatic contact with theAbbasidCaliphatebetween 122829 and had managed to keep India unaffected by the invasions ofGenghis Khanandhis successors.[3]Following the death of Iltutmish in 1236 a series of weakrulers remained in power and a number of the noblemen gained autonomy over the provincesof the Sultanate. Power shifted hands fromRukn ud din FiruztoRazia SultanauntilGhiyas

    ud din Balbanrose to the throne and successfully repelled both external and internal threats tothe Sultanate.[3][4]TheKhilji dynastycame into being whenJalal ud din Firuz Khilji

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    overthrew the last of the Slave dynasty rulers,Muiz ud din Qaiqabad,the grandson of Balban,and assumed the throne at Delhi.[5]


    The architectural legacy of the dynasty includes theQutb MinarbyQutb-ud-din AybakinMehrauli,the Mausoleum of Prince Nasiru'd-Din Mahmud, eldest son ofIltumish,known asSultan GharinearVasant Kunj,the first Islamic Mausoleum (tomb) built in 1231, andBalban's tomb,also inMehrauliArchaeological Park.

    List of Mamluk Sultans




    NameReign Notes

    Sultan Qutb-ud-din Aibak


    Temporarily quelled the rebellions ofNasir-ud-DinQabachaofMultanandTajuddin YildozofGhazni.He

    madeLahorehis capital and consolidated his control

    over North India through administrative hold over

    Delhi.He also initiated the construction of Delhi's

    earliest Muslim monuments, theQuwwat-ul-Islam

    mosqueand theQutub Minar.Died accidentally in 1210

    while he was playing a game ofpoloin Lahore on

    horseback: his horse fell and he was impaled on the

    pommel of his saddle. He was buried near theAnarkali



    Sultan Aram Shah 12101211

    The rise ofChihalgani (The Forty); an elite group of 40nobles. They conspired against Aram Shah and invited

    Shams-ud-din Iltutmish, then Governor ofBadaun,to

    replace Aram. Iltutmish defeated Aram in the plain of

    Jud near Delhi in 1211. What became of Aram is not

    quite certain.


    Nasir Amir-





    He shifted Capital fromLahoretoDelhiand trebled the

    exchequer. He defeatedNasir-ud-Din Qabachaof

    MultanandTajuddin YildozofGhazni,who had

    declared themselves contenders of Delhi.Mongols

    invaded India in pursuit ofJalal-ud-din Mangabarni

    who was defeated at theBattle of IndusbyGenghis

    Khanin 1221. AfterGenghis Khan's death Iltutmish

    consolidated his hold on northern India by retaking

    many of the lost territories. He built theHauz-i-Shamsi

    reservoir inMehrauliin 1230. In 1231, he builtSultanGhari,the first Islamic Mausoleum inDelhi.

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    Sultan Rukn-ud-din Feroze



    r 1236

    Ruled for just seven months. His motherShah Turkanfor

    all practical purposes was running the government. He

    abandoned himself to the pursuit of personal pleasure

    and debauchery, to the considerable outrage of the

    citizenry. On November 9, 1236, both Rukn-ud-dinFeroze and his mother Shah Turkan were assassinated

    by the Chihalgani.



    dn Raziy


    Razia al-Din


    First Female Muslim Ruler in India. Initially she

    managed to impress the nobles and she administratively

    handled the Sultanate well before associating with the

    AfricanJamal-ud-Din Yaqutprovoking racial

    antagonism amongst the nobles and clergy, who were

    primarily Central Asian Turkic and already resented the

    rule of a female monarch. She was defeated by thepowerful noblemanMalik Altuniawhom she agreed to

    marry. However, her brotherMuiz-ud-din Bahram

    usurped the throne with the help of theChihalgani anddefeated the combined forces of the Sultana and her

    husband. Both fled and reachedKaithal,where their

    remaining forces abandoned them. They both fell into

    the hands ofJatsand were robbed and killed on October

    14, 1240.



    Sultan Muiz-ud-

    din Bahram 1240

    May 15,1242

    During his reign the Chihalganibecame disorderly andconstantly bickered among each other. It was during this

    period of unrest that the Mongols invaded thePunjab&

    sackedLahore.The sultan was too weak to take any step

    against them. TheChihalgani besieged him in the WhiteFort ofDelhiand put him to death in 1242.


    Sultan Ala-ud-din

    Masud 12421246

    He was more of a puppet for the Chihalgani(the forty

    chiefs) and did not actually have much power or

    influence in the government. Instead, he became

    infamous for his fondness of entertainment and wine. By1246, the chiefs became upset with Sultan's increasing

    hunger for more power, and replaced him withNasir-

    ud-din Mahmud,another son ofIltutmish.



    din Feroze





    As a ruler, Mahmud was known to be very religious,

    spending most of his time in prayer and renowned for

    aiding the poor and the distressed. However, it was

    actually his Deputy Sultan,Ghiyath-ud-din Balban,who

    primarily dealt with the state affairs.


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    Sultan Ghiyath-ud-dinBalban


    Balban ruled with an iron fist. He broke up the

    Chihalganigroup of nobleman. He tried to establish

    peace and order in India. He built many outposts in

    areas where there had been disorder and garrisoned

    them with soldiers. Balban wanted to make sure

    everyone was loyal to the crown, so he established anefficient espionage system.


    Sultan Muiz-ud-



    Being still young at the time, he ignored all state affairs.

    After four years, he suffered from a paralytic stroke and

    was later on murdered in 1290 by aKhiljichief. His

    three year old son,Kayumars(1290), nominally

    succeeded him. But the Slave dynasty had ended with the

    rise of theKhiljis


    Khilji dynasty


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    Khilji dynasty

    Capital Delhi

    Languages Persian(official)

    Religion Sunni Islam

    Government Sultanate



    12901296Jalal ud din FiruzKhilji


    12961316 Alauddin Khilji


    1316 Shihab ad-Din Umar


    13161320Qutb ad-Din




    Established 1290


    Disestablished 1320

    Area 2,700,000 km(1,042,476 sq mi)

    Today part of






    The Khilji dynasty(Persian: ;Hindi:) orKhaljiwas aMuslimdynasty ofTurkicorigin who ruled large parts ofSouth Asiabetween 1290 and 1320.[2]Itwas founded byJalal ud din Firuz Khiljiand became the second dynasty to rule theDelhi

    Sultanate of India.UnderAla-ud-din Khilji,the Khiljis became known for having repeatedlydefendedSouth Asiaagainst theMongol invasions.[3][4]

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    Tents ofAfghan nomadsinBadghis ProvinceofAfghanistan,which is next to neighboringTurkmenistan.

    Copper coin ofAlauddin Khilji

    History of the Turkic peoples

    Pre-14th century

    Turkic Khaganate552744

    Western Turkic

    Eastern Turkic

    Khazar Khaganate6181048

    Turgesh Khaganate699766

    Uyghur Khaganate744840

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    Kara-Khanid Khanate8401212

    Western Kara-Khanid

    Eastern Kara-Khanid

    Pecheneg Khanates


    Kimek Khanate


    Kipchak Khanates


    Oghuz Yabgu State


    Shatuo Dynasties923979

    Later Tang Dynasty

    Later Jin Dynasty

    Later Han Dynasty(Northern Han)

    Ghaznavid Empire9631186

    Seljuq Empire10371194

    Khwarezmian Empire10771231

    Seljuq Sultanate of Rum10921307

    Delhi Sultanate12061526

    Mamluk Dynasty

    Khilji Dynasty

    Tughlaq Dynasty

    Cairo Sultanate12501517

    Bahri Dynasty

    Other Turkic Dynasties[show]

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    The Khilji rulers trace their roots toCentral Asiaand were ofTurkicorigin.[5]They settled inwhat is nowQalat,Afghanistanbefore proceeding toDelhiinIndia.The name "Khilji" refersto an Afghan village or town known as Qalat-e Khilji (Fort of Khilji) .[6]They were treated byothers as ethnicAfghansdue to theiradoption of some Afghan habits and customs.[7][8]As aresult of this, the dynasty is referred to as a Turko-Afghan.[9][10][11][12]The threesultansof the

    Khalji dynasty were noted by historians for their faithlessness and ferocity.[5]

    Ikhtiar Uddin Muhammad bin Bakhtiar Khiljiwas a servant ofQutb-ud-din Aibak,who wasan ex-slave of the Ghurids with a Turkic background.[13]Mohammad Khilji was an Indo-GhuridShah(king) and founder of the Delhi Sultanate, which conqueredBiharandBengalinthe late 12th century. From this time, the Khiljis became servants and vassals of theMamlukdynasty of Delhi.From 1266 until his death in 1290, the Sultan of Delhi was called Ghiyasud din Balban,[14]another servant of Qutab-ud-din Aybak. Balban's immediate successors,however, were unable to manage either the administration or the factional conflicts betweenthe old Turkic nobility and the new forces led by the Khaljis. After a struggle between thetwo factions,Jalal ud din Firuz Khiljiwas installed as sultan by a noble faction of Turkic,

    Persian, Arabic and Indian-Muslim aristocrats at the collapse of the last Mumluk sultan, Kay-Qubadh. Their rise to power was aided by outsiders (some of them Indian-born Muslims)who might enhance their positions if the hold of the followers of Balban and the "Forty" (themembers of the royalLoya Jirga)were broken. Jalal-ud-din was old, and for a time he was sounpopular that he dared not enter the capital because his tribe was thought to be close to thenomadic Afghans.During his short reign (129096), some of Balban's officers revolted dueto this assumption of power; Jalal-ud-din suppressed them, led an unsuccessful expeditionagainstRanthambhorand defeated a Mongol force on the banks of theSind Riverin centralIndia.

    Alauddin Khilji,his nephew and son-in-law, was ordered by his father to lead an expeditionof between 4,000 and 7,000 men into the HinduDeccan(where many rulers had refused tosubmit) and captureEllichpurand its treasure. Upon his return in 1296 (having gained statusand power) he killed his uncle.

    Alauddin reigned for 20 years and is considered the greatest member of the dynasty. Hecaptured Ranthambhor (1301) andChittorgarh(1303), conquered Mndu (1305) and capturedthe wealthy Hindu state ofDevagiri,[15]also repelling two Mongol raids. Alauddin'slieutenant,Malik Kafur(a Muslim Indian), was sent on an expedition to the south in 1308which led to the capture ofWarangal,the overthrow of theHoysala Empiresouth of theKrishna Riverand the occupation ofMadurain the south.[15]Malik Kafur returned to Delhi in

    1311. The empire fell into political decadence, and the sultan died in early 1316; MalikKafurs attempted usurpation ended in his death. The last Khalji (Qutb ud din Mubarak Shah)was murdered in 1320 by a former Indian slave who had risen to become his chief ministerand friend,Khusraw Khan.Power was then assumed byGhiyath al-Din Tughluq,the firstruler of the Turkic Tughluq dynasty.A remnant of the ruling house of the Khaljis ruled inMalwafrom 1436 to 1530 (or 1531), until the Sultan ofGujaratpurged the nobility.

    To some extent, the Khilji usurpation was a move toward the recognition of a shifting balanceof power attributable to the developments outside the territory of the Delhi Sultanate (inCentral Asia and Iran) and to the changes which followed the establishment of Turkic rule innorthern India. In large measure, the dislocation in the regions beyond the northwest assured

    the establishment of an independent Delhi Sultanate and its subsequent consolidation. Theeastern steppe tribes' movements to the west not only ended the threat to Delhi from the rivals

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    inGhazniandGhor,but also forced a number of Central Asian Muslims to migrate tonorthern India. This phenomenon also led to the destabilization of the core of the TurkicMamluks.During the Mongol plunder of Central Asia and eastern Persia (now parts ofmodern-day Iran, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan), many more members of the

    political and religious elite of these regions were thrown into northern India, where they were

    admitted into the military and administrative cadre by the early Delhi sultans.

    Position in Turkic Indian society

    The Khilji Turks were not recognized by the older nobility as coming from a pure Turkicstock, even in Singam and Kuselan (since they had intermarried with non-Turks: Indians,Afghans (Pashtun)and Arab Bedouins); their customs and manners were seen as differentfrom those of other Turks. Although they had played a role in the success of the Turkicarmies in India, they had always been looked down upon by the leading Turks (the dominantgroup during the Slave dynasty). This tension between the Khiljis and other Turks (kept in

    check by Balban) surfaced in the following reign, and ended in the displacement of the IlbariTurks.[16]

    Khalji people

    Further information:Ghilzai

    Before their expansion into India, the Khalji people were mainly concentrated inTurkestan.[17][18][19]In the writings ofAl-Biruni,Ibn-Batuta,Ibn-Khaldun,Al-Khwarezmi,Masudi,Varahamihiraand inHudud al-'alam,they are presented as a group of Turkic originwhich formed one of the older members of theHephthaliteconfederation, and included manynomads nearBactria(inTurfan)and east of modernGhazni.Many migrated to various partsof Persia, including to parts of what are now Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India,then under the control of the Ghaznavids.[20]In Iran they migrated mainly toPars,where theysettled an isolated region which is called today Khaljistan ("land of Khaljis"). However,Persian-speakers in Iran also use the termKhaljito describe nomads of Turkic background intheir country.[20]The Khaljis began to becomePashtunized(Afghanized) since the 8thcentury and later known asGhilzais,part of thePashtunethnic group.[21]

    The official and court language of the Khilji dynasty wasPerso-Arabic.[1]The co-existence ofdifferent languages gave birth to an early form ofUrdu.

    Propagation of Islam

    According to the 14th century scholarIbn Batuta,the Khilji dynasty encouraged conversiontoIslamby making it customary to have the convert presented to the sultan (who would placea robe on him and reward him with gold bracelets).[22]DuringIkhtiyar Uddin BakhtiyarKhilji'scontrol ofBengal,Muslim missionariesin India achieved their greatest success in thenumber of converts to Islam.[23]

    List of Khilji rulers of Delhi (12901320)

    Titular Personal Reign Notes

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    Name Name


    Khn[24] Malik Froz


    He usurped the throne fromKayumarsthe last Sultan of the

    Mamluk Dynasty of Delhi. He re-organized the administrationof the government placing his confidants and family members

    in important positions. He crushed the rebellions ofMalik

    Chhaj KishliandRaja Bairam Dev.He also managed to

    arrange a peace treaty with an invadingMongolarmy in 1292

    in which a great grandson ofGenghis KhannamedAlghu

    embraced Islam. By 1296 Jalal-ud-din had invaded and

    brought into his control many Indian territories. His nephew

    and son-in-law Alauddin, had recently invadedDeogiriand

    obtained tremendous treasure without permission. Although

    Jalal-ud-din was warned several times about the possibility of

    Alauddin's intentions to overthrow him, he deflected suchaccusations as mere jealousy of his protege. The Sultan was

    tricked into visiting his nephew with a small disarmed cortege

    nearKarra-Manikpurwhere his nephew held a banquet for

    him. He was assassinated when they shook hands by men

    waiting for signal to attack. He was beheaded and the headplaced on a spear and paraded in several cities.

    Ala-ud-din[5] Juna Khan



    Considered one of the greatest of the Sultans of Delhi, hecame to power in a bloody coup. He was a brilliant strategist

    and an outstanding military commander who was known for

    his ruthlessness. He repeatedly defeated the invading

    Mongols. He prefixed the title of Sikandar Sani which means

    the Second Alexander.



    Umar KhanKhilji


    As a minor he briefly ascended the throne when his father

    died with the help ofMalik Naibwho failed to garner supportand was assassinated. Shihab-ud-din was moved toGwalior

    where he died the same year. His reign was 3 months and a

    few days.

    Qutb-ud-din Mubarak

    Khan Khilji 13161320

    Qutb-ud-din was 18 years old when he became Sultan. He

    mismanaged state affairs, assassinated and replaced many

    nobleman and appointed one person who would change the

    fate of the Khilji dynasty namely,Khusro Khan.He invaded

    Deogiriin 1318 CE and flayedHarpal Dev.Gradually he

    indulged in alcohol and debauchery, ignoring state affairs.

    Khusro Khan gradually took over the government and

    appointed hisBawariyaclansmen. Eventually, he hatched a

    plot to assassinate the Sultan, which he did.

    Khusro Khanended the Khilji dynasty in 1320.

    Khalji Sultans of Malwa (14361531)

    Mahmud Khilji (14361469) Ghiyas ud din Khilji (14691500)

    Tughlaq dynasty

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    The Tughlaq dynasty(Persian: ), also called "Tughraq", was aMuslimdynasty of Turkic origin which established aDelhi sultanatein medieval India. Its reignstarted in 1321 inDelhiwhen Ghazi Malik assumed the throne under the title ofGhiyath al-Din Tughluq.


    The empire grew under his son and successorMuhammad bin Tughluq,but the latter became

    notorious for ill-advised policy experiments such as shifting the capital from Delhi toDaulatabadand introducing copper coins without effective regulation against forgery.Tughluqi has as a result become synonym for brilliant if stubborn eccentricity in the Urdulanguage.

    After Muhammad bin Tughluq died, a collateral relative, Mahmud Ibn Muhammad, ruled forless than a month, until a cousinFeroz Shah Tughlaqkilled him and assumed the throne. Hisrule was somewhat weak militarily, mainly because of inept army. After Feroz died in 1388,the Tughlaq dynasty's power continued to fade, and no more able leaders came to the throne;the dynasty was essentially over within 10 years.

    The lowest point for the dynasty however came in 1398, whenTurco-Mongol[4][5]

    invader,Timur (Tamerlane)defeated four armies of the Sultanate on December 15, 1398.Subsequently the Sultan Mahmud Khan fled before Tamerlane entered Delhi on December18. For eight days Delhi was plundered, its population massacred and over 100,000 war

    prisoners were killed as well.[6]


    Titular Name Personal Name Reign Notes

    Sultan Ghiyath-ud-

    din Tughluq Shah

    Ghazi Malik 13211325Founder of the Tughluq dynasty ofDelhi. He came to the throne after

    defeating the usurperKhusro Khanin

    1321 CE. He also founded the Delhi

    neighborhood ofTughluqabad.

    Sultan Muhammad

    Adil bin Tughluq

    Shah Ulugh Khan

    Malik Fakhr-ud-din 13251351He refused to accept the title of

    Emperor though he expanded his rule

    to the peninsula. He doubled the

    exchequer and constantly shifted the

    capital back and forth fromDelhito

    Daulatabad.He crushed rebellions in


    Chagatai KhanateunderTarmashirin,a brother ofQutlugh Khwajainvaded

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    Juna Khan India but were defeated by the Sultanat the Battle ofKalanaurin 1329 C.E.He levied heavy taxes on theGanges

    andYamunaDoab region to the point

    that Delhi began to be deserted. This

    state of affairs also led to a

    diminution of the public funds. Amongother sources of loss to the treasury

    was the introduction ofcoppercoins

    which were placed on an equal

    ooting with the silver coins. However,

    very few people exchanged their goldor silver coins for the new copper

    ones. Moreover, the tokens were easy

    to forge, which led to heavy losses, as

    the Sultan subsequently withdrew the

    forged currency by exchanging it for

    bullion coins. Around 1332-33 C.E.Ibn Battutaarrived inIndia& was

    appointed asQadibut on somesuspicion later, was appointed as

    ambassador toChina.In 1337 C.E. an

    expedition toHimachal Pradeshwas

    defeated by the natives. He also began

    to lose control overBengalin


    In 1341 C.E. inDeccana certain

    Hasan Gangurebelled. In 1347 C.E. a

    faction known as Amir s of Hundredsrebelled inGujaratandDaulatabad

    but were defeated after a bloody

    battle. But taking advantage of the

    situationHasan GanguinvadedDaulatabadand established the

    Bahamani Sultanatewhile the Sultanwas quelling a new rebellion in

    Gujarathence losingDeccan.By the

    end of his reign, state institutions and

    infrastructure were falling apart with

    disaffection and rebellion, mischief

    and sedition increasing day by day.He died during an expedition in


    Sultan Feroze Shah

    Tughluq Malik Feroze ibn Malik

    Rajab 13511388

    Feroze Shah succeeded his cousin

    Muhammad bin Tughluq.He

    establishedFerozabadneighborhoodof Delhi with a fort known asFeroz

    Shah Kotla.He brought order to his

    army by removingMughalsfrom it.

    He managed state affairs well and

    brought some stability to the kingdom.

    He invaded the newly foundedIlyasShahi SultanateofBengalin 1353

    C.E. but after a protracted war

    formed a peace treaty with

    Shamsuddin Ilyas Shah& retraced his

    steps. This new friendship with Bengal

    would improve the Sultanate'seconomy immensely. He founded the

    city ofHissar-Ferozain 1354 C.E. In
