One Tap Publisher is typical of the evolution of traditional online advertising, typically distributed to the network by newspaper editors, television and radio stations. Historically, customers can rely on local newspaper, television and radio stations to find products and local products. With the development of the network, buyers are increasingly using search engines such as Google to find local products and services online. In recent years, the range of online services has increased dramatically, and the search for offline data (for example, printing yellow pages to find) has decreased. One of the transition characteristics such as buyer behavior, local products and their marketing investment providers are slowly transferred from offline media to local search engines. There is currently a search engine that offers one tap publishers, including the largest search engines, such as Google and new start-ups. Some of these efforts also focus on accurate vertical segmentation, even if other segments are associated with cartographic products. Several relocation strategies can be used to query health visitors and record content of interest. The source and type of events and recovery points vary according to the type of local search engine. serve everyone around the world. 1.4 Modules The following are the modules used in one tap publisher are Registration module Login module Dashboard module Search module Upload module 1.4.1 Registration module

1.4 Modules. The email must be in email format. 3. The phone number must be a number. 1.4.3 Dashboard module This page can be changed for each type of consumer. The following is a

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One Tap Publisher is typical of the evolution of traditional online advertising, typically

distributed to the network by newspaper editors, television and radio stations. Historically,

customers can rely on local newspaper, television and radio stations to find products and local

products. With the development of the network, buyers are increasingly using search engines

such as Google to find local products and services online. In recent years, the range of online

services has increased dramatically, and the search for offline data (for example, printing yellow

pages to find) has decreased. One of the transition characteristics such as buyer behavior, local

products and their marketing investment providers are slowly transferred from offline media to

local search engines. There is currently a search engine that offers one tap publishers, including

the largest search engines, such as Google and new start-ups. Some of these efforts also focus on

accurate vertical segmentation, even if other segments are associated with cartographic products.

Several relocation strategies can be used to query health visitors and record content of interest.

The source and type of events and recovery points vary according to the type of local search


serve everyone around the world.

1.4 Modules

The following are the modules used in one tap publisher are

Registration module

Login module

Dashboard module

Search module

Upload module

1.4.1 Registration module

The registration module accepts entries such as consumers, vendors and administrators who wish

to use our utilities for the basic motivational needs of the users. Everyone can use exclusive

features, mainly based on the work provided by the type of record.

The following is a step-by-step description for registering a module.

Collect statistics of users that consist of Admin, Provider and Customer. Each of them must

provide a different set of records to use our application. We need to provide some key entries for

each type of customer mentioned below.

Seller details such as name, contact number, email ID, store name, address, category. The

customer's details such as name, phone, email ID, password, password and administrator details

are the identification and password of the email.

Input validation is an ideal intent for any input, which is provided through other things. All

applications require some form of input. User input must come from the dissemination of

information sources, outputs, other applications, malicious consumers or other diverse assets.

In our software input validation is ongoing as follows

The email must be in the design of the email.

The phone number must be a number.

The name must provide the simplest letter and the single character nickname.

There are many programs that can verify if there is a certain cost in saved or non-existent


For each type of registration, the identification of the email must be specific.

1.4.2 Login module

Verify the credentials according to the role of the client and provider. The user can log in by

entering the email ID or the phone number and password. If the certificate is suitable, it will be

redirected to its respective login page, mainly based on the type of registration (function). If the

certificate is no longer healthy, you may need to provide the corresponding certificate

Vendor: Email ID or password and phone number.

Customer: Email ID or password and phone number.

Administrator: Email ID or password and phone number.

The verification of the entry in our application is developed as follows

1. These two fields are mandatory.

2. The email must be in email format.

3. The phone number must be a number.

1.4.3 Dashboard module

This page can be changed for each type of consumer. The following is a general description of

the board's design for a particular type of customer.

Slider: a new store or trend store will be included in the slider. The user can not move the slider.

Up to 4 to 5 photos will slide. The slider contains search options. Which fields are provided One

selects other areas to enter the user looking for problems. The search function will be defined in

later modules. We can decide on all category options. The user can select any category in the list

provided. The list can be based primarily on a store provided through a provider or administrator

load category. The welcome information and the list of stores that have logged in personally

have been loaded, and a button has been added to include the new store. If the newcomer has a

welcome message and a button to add the new supply store to their profile.

1.4.4 Search module

The search is a very simple option in any type of module. This will allow consumers to quickly

obtain the records they need. In our utility, we have a two-step search. One is based on the

location and the other is based primarily on the problem of character search. Location search: the

user can select the area provided to make his search more efficient. This can be defined in a

similar way as if the user no longer selects a region and enters the most convenient search

question, then all the indexes of the store that match your query can be made regardless of the

proximity. If you choose a region, it can be a store listed primarily based on your search for a

problem in place, which is particularly effective for the user to get the store they need. the user

can enter their required question to obtain their store. Like users, they can enter store names,

store categories, stores and many other items.

1.4.5 Upload module

This module is the most suitable for the providers and administrators of the user class. Users can

load many stores in their profile so that they can later test publicly to all customers. We have a

series of ways and steps to add store, Name of the store, description, location, category, image

and article.

All entries that are not images are required. In addition, we have verified each area.

Store name, description, area, gadgets can be alphanumeric.

Categories should only be determined from the classes provided.

The image can only be in * .Jpeg format, *. Png and can not be expanded by 2MB.

According to the selected course, we will adjust the sum. Some areas may not be important.

For example, if we choose Cinema, because our class does not need sita load internal objects.

If you choose a doctor, we can ask you to provide more detailed specifications.

Once the facts are verified correctly, they will be stored under the registered user profile. The

user can edit it later.

Chapter 2


2.1 Existing system

Provides search products and provides them on mobile devices. Clients need to see what

providers they are looking for (for example, restaurants, hospitals, banks, etc.) and where. When

you flip, you will check the statistics of any particular company on the device. It allows users to

perform geographically restricted searches in the database of local business listings. Limitations

of existing system are listed

Fixed information.

The loss of opportunity is the best.

Incorrect search results.

2.2 Proposed system

A typical One Tap Publisher query does not include the best "what the site visitor is looking for"

record (which includes keywords, business company elegance or calls to the customer's product),

but also includes "in what "records street information, city address, zip code or latitude and

longitude and other geographic coordinates. Create unique chats for customers and sellers.

Create accurate chats for providers and administrators. Present your product to your friends.

Expands to several areas (as we do now, we only include a nearby area). Improve the GUI with

new technologies. Look for common sense optimization.

Advantages of proposed system

The device uses a fast and fluid interface. Because the system is fast and simple, less memory is

needed to efficiently store large amounts of information. It has the following characteristics

Reduce confusion.

Reduce data entry.

Less time for several processes.

More reliable and adaptable.

Good job.

Easy to use application.

Less time is required for processing.

Advertisers know who is looking for their category.

The possibility of losing is small.

2.3 Feasibility study

The purpose of the feasibility study is to know objectively and reasonably the current business or

proposed business, the advantages and disadvantages of the opportunities and threats that appear

in the environment, the resources necessary for the resistance and the potential for long-term

success. In the simplest terms, the two criteria for choosing viability are fees and expenses.

A well-designed feasibility study report should provide the history of a business investment or

risks, general description of products or services, financial statements, business management

information, market studies and guidelines, foreign exchange statistics, criminal requirements

and tax obligations. In general, feasibility studies precede the development of technology and the

implementation of the project. Feasibility studies evaluate the mission's potential for

achievement, therefore, perceived objectivity is a key component of the credibility of the

merchant's capacity and the credit institution. Therefore, the information that can be selected

must be provided objectively and fairly. Feasibility of One Tap Publisher is further listed

Technical Feasibility

Operation Feasibility

Economical Feasibility

2.3.1 Technical feasibility

The evaluation is mainly based on the defined design of the machine's requirements to determine

if the organization has the technical expertise to handle the completed commitments. When

writing feasibility documents, you should pay attention to the following

The company briefly describes the most likely factors that may affect the study.

At this part, the concern if the proposal is technically and legally feasible or not.

The objective of the technical viability evaluation is to obtain technical knowledge of the existing

resources of the company and its applicable to the proposed requirements of the machine. This is

a hardware and software proves where and how it meets the requirements of the proposed team.

2.3.2 Operational feasibility

Operational feasibility is a result of how well the machine solves the problem, and uses the scope

to identify the opportunities noted at particular stage and how to meet the operational

requirements of the machine is improvement in the evaluation section.

The operational feasibility assessment focuses on the current business environment and the

objectives for which the proposed development initiatives are appropriate, and refers to the

improvement schedules, traffic dates, corporate legacy and current business methods.

To ensure success, the desired operational results must be transmitted during design and

improvement. These consist of parameters established by the design of reliability, ease of

maintenance, compatibility, availability, producibility, disposition, sustainability, affordability,

etc. If you want to achieve favorable operational behavior, you should consider these parameters

in the early stages of design. The design and development of the machine requires the

appropriate and timely use of engineering and control work to comply with the parameters

mentioned above. A device can fulfill its intended purpose more efficiently, while its technical

and operational characteristics are designed in the design. Therefore, operational feasibility is an

important factor in structural engineering and should be an integral part of the initial design


2.3.3 Economic feasibility

These projects will be described in detail in the commercial case, as well as the relevant dollar

amounts of these objects included in the cost-benefit analysis. The elements of the organization

should be separated from the elements of the different national organizations and the public to

identify possible essential investments

Increase corporate income.

Reduced institutional income.

Increase corporate expenses.

Reduce the expenses of the organization.

Increase sales to different companies and / or more.

Reduce the income of different companies and / or the public.

Increase the price of other companies and / or most companies.

Lower rates for other companies and / or most people.

Other public blessings.

2.4 Tools and technologies used

The tools and technology used in one tap publisher are listed

Android studio



Mongo DB

2.4.1 Android studio

For mobile phones, Android is an open source framework for mobile phones and tablets. Create

Android with Handset Alliance, powered by Google and different parts. Android provides a way

to solve the problem of mobile programming updates, which means that manufacturers must

develop the maximum performance of Android, and their packages must have the ability to run

on several Android devices. The main beta version of the Android Software Development Kit

(SDK) was introduced in 2007 through Google, and the basic Android 1.Zero basic model was

launched in September 2008. In the Google I / O tradition, Google showed the following

Android 4.1 rubber candy candies. Jam Bean is an incremental alternative whose main objective

to improve the buyer interface is practicality and execution. The Android supply code can be

accessed through an open license that provides programming. Google excludes most of the

demonstration code of the Apache 2.0 license in the GNU 2 General Public License model and

the rest of the Linux fragmentation setting. Android programs are usually created in the Java

language using the Android Software Development Kit. Advanced Android projects can be

grouped without problems[3].

Exhausted through a platform that contains Google Play store or Amazon App Store. It is the

major base built on any cellular platform, Android 3, and is evolving rapidly. This education is

designed for us teach on handling of Android utilities.

Figure 2.1: Architecture of Android studio

Android studio which is typically used for building android applications is shown in the Figure

2.1 which shows the device platform, emulator and the server and it also handles the activities

such as code editing, debugging and manages the complier and compiling time.

2.4.2 jQuery

JQuery is a fast and brief of a JavaScript library created by John Resign . His aim is very good:

write a smaller amount and do additional. JQuery simplify the cross-linking of HTML files,

event management, animation, and Ajax connections for fast Web improvements. JQuery in a

JavaScript toolkit is intended to make things easier different responsibilities by using fewer code.

The following is a features that are supported by jQuery

DOM operation: jQuery uses the popular open vendor selection engine called Sizzle to select

DOM elements, negotiate and modify their content.

Event handling: jQuery provides an stylish way to capture a range of occasions, including the

customer clicking on a relation, with no need to use an occasional driver to confuse the

HTML code itself.

Compatibility with AJAX: jQuery allows you to use AJAX generation online to increase

responsive and feature-rich websites.

Animation: jQuery is by means of many fixed animation things that can be use for websites.

Lightweight: jQuery is a very small fry library, approximately 19 KB in size (reduced and


Compatibility with several browsers: jQuery have a annoyed browser guide and is available

in different browsers.

The most recent technology: jQuery ropes CSS3 selectors and language of the main route.

2.4.3 SQLite

SQLite is a built-in process library that implements a stand-alone transactional SQL database

engine, with no server and zero configuration. It is a database and has no configuration, which

means that you no longer need to configure it on your device. The SQLite engine is not an

Independent technology like other databases. You can hyperlink it statically or dynamically to

meet the requirements of your software. SQLite immediately accesses your storage files.

2.4.3 Mongo DB

MongoDB is a database which has a standard learning that is mainly used for the applications

which has a cross platform, by not considering the relational database MongoDB is preferably

used as it is more likely as document which involves JSON documents as well. MongoDB is also

an open-source software and it is mainly written in languages such C++, JavaScript and C[4].

2.5 Hardware and software requirements

The development of applications requires some additives that will be configured when creating

software products. The improvement of the system requires the following hardware and software


The hardware components used in one tab publisher are shown in the Table 2.1 the storage used

is 40GB and with a color monitor.

Table 2.1 Hardware requirement

Hardware I3 and more


Hard Disk 40GB or more

The software requirements used in one tab publisher is shown in Table 2.2 the database used in

one tap publisher is Mango DB where this database is free open source and easy to use.

Table 2.2 Software requirement

Operating system Any operating system

Controller Ruby on rails

User Interface HTML5,CSS3

Scripting language JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap

Database MongoDB

Chapter 3


3.1 Users

The following are the users of this system




3.1.1 Admin

He is the only one who can fully contact the various functions of the joint venture. Who can

upload or manage all the content of each function.

3.1.2 Vendor

A supplier, also known as a supplier, is a role or commercial enterprise that sells goods or

services to other people in the economic production chain. Suppliers are part of the delivery

chain: all personnel involved in the creation and sale of products, agency networks, assets,

activities and times, transportation of source materials from distributors to manufacturers, and

even their final transportation to abandoned consumption.

consumer / stakeholder requests, functions, use cases, business company rules. Each use case

describes the possibility of behavior through one or more useful requirements. Often, analysts

often refer to a set of use cases first, and analysts can obtain specific requests that must be made

to allow someone to execute each use case.

3.3 Non-functional requirements

These needs, as the names say, are not directly related to the functionality of the utility. They can

be associated with emergency machine attributes, such as dependencies, method times and

storage capacity. Many of these requirements are associated with the machine as a whole. Instead

of character requirements, it is possible to reduce the equipment, not meeting the requirements of

the system may also require more time to perform the operation.

This key factor is that the system works correctly. It determines that all the modules used and

the written pages play against the developed application. Here there is confidence that the

exact output is completed for a given entry.

This key feature is worrisome because errors occur when the operation is completed.

Use the appropriate built-in functions here to provide fault tolerance and accurate error

messages for debugging and debugging.

Maintenance of the system is a major problem for the holders of the application.

Changes and changes must be made regularly.

User identification and password must be used to provide the best service for legitimate users

All device sources must sometimes be backed up.

Applications must run on a single platform.

The written code must be reusable because it can be used several times.

Chapter 4


The design of the software engineering system has its own price and personal importance within

the whole method of equipment improvement. To mention that it may seem as easy as anything,

or a real system design, but from a broader experience, means using scientific and rigorous

methods to organize this device, which meets the needs for flexibility. All practical components

are composed of efficiency and safety in the Figure 4.1 shows the system design is the

technology that defines the structure of the machine, additives, modules, interfaces and

information to meet specific needs. The design of the system can be visible due to the application

of the theory of the system in the improvement of the product.

4.1: Block diagram of One Tap Publisher

4.2 System perspective

A device is a component or component that is related to a combination contained in a method.

The system initially includes some of the standards in which the equipment is produced. It also

contains some logic that complements the basic concepts of software attitudes where in figure

4.2 shows system architectural diagram in Therefore, remember all this and increase the

limitations of the system in the perspective of the device.

Figure 4.2: Architectural diagram of One Tap Publisher

4.3 Data flow analysis

The data flow diagrams shows the complete data flow step by step of One tap publisher

4.3.1 Context diagram

The constitutes all the external entities that can interact with the device, such diagrams in the

intermediate system, where there are no details of the internal structure, surrounded by all its

structures, environments and activities that interact which is shown in the Figure 4.3. The

purpose of the background map of the machine is to focus on external factors and situations.

These factors and occasions must be taken into account when formulating the entire system of

products and necessary restrictions.

Figure 4.3: Context diagram of One Tap Publisher

4.3.2 Level 1 data flow diagram for admin

The data flow diagram (DFD) illustrates how the device handles the facts in terms of input and

output, In the Figure 4.4 as the name implies, it focuses on the decrease of records, and the facts

come from their existence and storage.

Figure 4.4: DFD Diagram for Admin of One Tap Publisher

4.3.2 Level 1 data flow diagram for vendor

The vendor managing databases is shown in the Figure 4.5 where the vendor login to the

application for the authorization and vendor can manges the related database.

Figure 4.5: DFD Diagram for Vendor of One Tap Publisher

4.3.3 Level 1 data flow diagram for customer

The customer perspective and the interaction is shown in the Figure 4.6 which shows how

customers login and check vendor details and category list of vendor products and update the

customers profile.

Figure 4.6: DFD Diagram for Customer of One Tap Publisher

Create vendor


Modify vendor


Delete vendor



Rate the vvevenvendor

Comment view

Chapter 5


5.1 Use case diagram

Use case diagram are often referred to as a set of diagrams that describe the behavior of a set of

movements (use cases) that some devices or systems (topics) require or can achieve in with one

or other external user ( participants) of the device. Each use case must provide the participants of

the machine or other interested parties with some final observable and valuable result.

Figure 5.1: Use case diagram of admin of One Tap Publisher

Use case diagram of One Tap Publisher in the Figure 5.1 represents the use case diagram of the

administrator. Here, administrators can edit provider information, create provider information,

and delete provider information.

Figure 5.2: Use case diagram for vendor of One Tap Publisher

The use case of vendor in One Tap Publisher is shown in Figure 5.2 shows the seller here is

another user of this system and can manage the details of the business, where the vendor can

create, modify and delete the data.

5.2 Sequence Diagram

The sequence diagram describes the interaction between training in terms of time alternating

between messages. They are also called event diagrams, the Figure 5.2 Sequence diagrams are a

best way to view, verify various runtime conditions. These can also favor us on how the device

behaves and discover the responsibilities that the class also needs to have when modeling a new


Figure 5.3: Sequence Diagram of One Tap Publisher

5.3 Activity Diagram

The activity diagram vividly provides a series of movements and flow control in the device,

much like a flow chart or data flow diagram. Activity diagrams are often used to model the

business method. You can represent these steps in the use case diagram. The activities are

continuous and parallel. In all cases, the activity diagram can have start and end.

Request business details

Register vendor

Create vendor Response business

details Modify business


Delete business Review

Review Admin

Show business details

Admin Vendor Customer

Figure 5.4: Activity Diagram for Admin of One Tap Publisher

The Activity diagram for One Tap Publisher in the Figure 5.4 shows the administrator's

activities, such as managing the provider's details. It shows that the external properties of the

system have priority over the complete associations.


Create vendor


Modify vendor


Delete vendor


Rate the


Figure 5.5: Activity Diagram for vendor

The Activity diagram for vendor in the Figure 5.5 shows the provider's activities, such as

managing business details. Displays the external entities associated with the provide.



business details

5.5 Entity relationship model

The entity relationship among Customer, Vendor, Admin will be listed in a model with their

respective attributes and it is done with a graphical representation which represents the relation

between objects, places, concepts and events within the system.

Figure: 5.6: Entity relationship Diagram for One Tap Publisher

All the relationship between the participating entities is shown in Figure 5.6 which shows the

flow of data between the entities. Attributes of the entities is also shown.

Figure 5.7: Cardinality ratio for Customer and Product

The Cardinality ratio of the customer and product in the Figure 5.7 is shown this represents the

ratio between the customer and product and how the customer views the product and the list of

products mentioned by the vendors with the product complete details.

Chapter 6


The implementation is the moment for the project to be considered as a work system. The code is

written here to develop the preferred webpage. It also includes the design of the page. Most of

the code contains more functions than the current system. Pay attention to accurate verification

under certain conditions to ensure proper operation of the intended device.

6.1 Screen shots

The working of one tap publisher is shown with home page, login page, register page, category

list, location details, adding the products and listing the products.

6.1.1 Home page

The home page of one tab publisher shows in Figure 6.1 where it contains the details like brand,

different hotels, cinema and other commercial listings.

Figure 6.1: Home page of One Tap Publisher

6.1.2 Login page

The login page of One Tap Publisher is shown in Figure 6.2 shows the login in details like email

or phone number and password.

Figure 6.2: Login page of One Tap publisher

6.1.3 Register page

The user should can register their account on one tap publisher show in figure 6.3 where the user

can create a new login account by entering the registration form with personal details like name,

phone number, mail id, and create a new password.

Figure 6.3: Register page of One Tap Publisher

6.1.4 List of categories

The application provides the list of categories of one tap publisher in the Figure 6.4 shows the

list of available commercial venues like cinema, hotels, malls, pharmacy where user can easily

access the application which is near by the user location.

Figure 6.4: Category list of One Tap Publisher

6.1.5 Category

The application provides particular category in the Figure 6.5 shows the entire details of the

particular category, like when a user clicks on a specific movie he can view the entire details in

the desired location.

Figure 6.5: Category of One Tap Publisher

6.1.6 Category details

The complete detail of category of One tap publisher is shown in the Figure 6.6 when the user

selects a particular category, user gets the complete detailed information such as location details,

phone number, mail id where the user can easily access them.

Figure 6.6: Category details of One Tap Publisher

6.1.7 Adding business

The Adding business in One tap publisher is shown in the Figure 6.7 where the vendor details

such as name, description, address and to which category it belongs to can be added by the

vendor where they can list the products as well and they can easily enhance their business.

Figure 6.7: Adding business details for One Tap Publisher

6.1.8 List of business

The list of business in One tap publisher is shown in the Figure 6.8 where vendor list their

products and categorize the products and even they can take an action such as adding or deleting

the products.

Figure 6.8: Listing the business of One Tap Publisher

Chapter 7


7.1 Introduction

Software testing is a test where you can test if the actual results meet the expected results and

ensure that the software system has no errors. You need to perform software or system

components to evaluate one or more assets.

Software testing can also help detect errors, defects or lack of requirements that are contrary to

the actual requirements. It can be done manually or using automated equipment.

7.2 Testing strategies

Several testing strategies of One tap publisher includes

Unit testing

Integrating testing

System testing

7.2.1 Unit testing

Unit tests of software packages are implemented at some stage of the development (coding) of a

utility program. The purpose of the unit tests is to isolate a piece of code and confirm its

correctness. In programming the program, a unit can be a function or technology of the character.

The purpose of the unit tests is to differentiate each phase of the program and display the

components which are correct. Unit tests are usually performed by developers.

7.2.2 Integration testing

The preferred module is designed by the character's software developer, and their knowledge and

programming logic may also be different from the different programmers. Integration tests are

essential to verify the unit of the software program modules When the module is improved,

customers have more opportunities for different needs. These new requirements may not be

reviewed by the unit, so the integration tests of the machine become important. The interface

between the software module and the database may not be accurate. The external hardware

interface (if it exists) may not be accurate Inappropriate exceptions can cause problems.

7.2.3 System testing

The test of the system is to check a complete and fully integrated software program product. In

general, software is the simplest element of a huge computer-based gadget. In the end, the

software is connected to different software / hardware structures. The tests of the system are,

without a doubt, a series of diverse tests whose only motivation is to exercise the general

equipment based on computer.

7.3 Test cases

The testing factors of One tap publisher is shown in Table 7.1 which refers to the inputs, results

and conclusion of each cases has been tested.

Table 7.1 Test Cases for One Tap Publisher


Login type: chose

from list(admin)

If the Email id/contact number

and password are correct then

Users are allowed into the


If Email id/contact number

and password is wrong an

alert message is displayed.

User name : Email

Id/Contact number

If the Email id/contact number

and password are correct then

Users are allowed into the


If Email id/contact number

and password is wrong an

alert message is displayed.

Password : user input

If the Email id/contact number

and password are correct then

Users are allowed into the


If Email id/contact number

and password is wrong an

alert message is displayed.


If the search query string is

correct then search result

will be displayed based on

Admin is given all the rights

to manage search results of



Query string If search query string is wrong

then search result will be

displayed of all the available


Admin is given all the rights

to manage search results of


Chapter 8


The One Tap Publisher portals are an interactive level guide to load. Its goal is to provide users

with a simplified sequence of pursuing glory and glory through intelligent detection. It is also

designed to provide customers with a trouble-free destination with little programming


[1] Angular2 Components - Reserved by Nir Kaufman.

[2] Master the Node.js book - Sandro Pasquali.

[3] https://www.openhandsetalliance.com/android_overview.html.

[4] https://www.guru99.com/mongodb-tutorials.html.