Introduction to customer relationship management 1.1 concept: Customer relationship management implies expanding incomes and productivity by organizing, merging and incorporating all purposes of contact that ventures have with their clients, which is the thing that in actuality coordinates deals, advertising and administration. CRM concentrates fundamentally on the showcasing, deals and administration forms: • Marketing process: CRM bolsters the client and the business itself with data on items, client profiling, and so forth. • Sales process: CRM underpins the client with call focus exercises, item arrangement data, and so forth. • Service process: CRM underpins the client with issue investigation, taking care of certifications, and so forth. The objective of CRM is the shaping, consideration and use of individual associations with the most critical clients. Schulze et al. characterize CRM as a client situated administration approach that depends on data frameworks which coordinate the data required for the backing of front office forms in advertising, deals and administration. Connected to the instance of Pharma, Inc. this implies all client contact focuses can depend on the same data taking into account coordinated data frameworks. A coordinated 1

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Introduction to customer relationship management

1.1 concept:

Customer relationship management implies expanding incomes and productivity by

organizing, merging and incorporating all purposes of contact that ventures have with

their clients, which is the thing that in actuality coordinates deals, advertising and

administration. CRM concentrates fundamentally on the showcasing, deals and

administration forms:

• Marketing process: CRM bolsters the client and the business itself with data on items,

client profiling, and so forth.

• Sales process: CRM underpins the client with call focus exercises, item arrangement

data, and so forth.

• Service process: CRM underpins the client with issue investigation, taking care of

certifications, and so forth.

The objective of CRM is the shaping, consideration and use of individual associations

with the most critical clients. Schulze et al. characterize CRM as a client situated

administration approach that depends on data frameworks which coordinate the data

required for the backing of front office forms in advertising, deals and administration.

Connected to the instance of Pharma, Inc. this implies all client contact focuses can

depend on the same data taking into account coordinated data frameworks. A coordinated

perspective of the client nrwd over all association units is there-fore basic with a specific

end goal to accomplish an effective CRM idea.

Client centricity has for quite some time been a controlling standard for some

organizations. Be that as it may, it is generally constrained to advertising existing items

with as solid a client center as could be allowed. Corporate system remains essentially

item entered. Clients regularly have a cracked perspective of an endeavor. Then again,

the endeavor has just a chipped perspective of the client, dictated by various client

contact focuses, as client data is normally secured departmental storehouses. This article

contends that patterns like electronic trade drive the requirement for a more client driven

perspective. Customer relationship management, which is based on an incorporated

perspective of the client over the entire association, is as of now being talked about as a

suitable idea for accomplishing this. To represent the components of the idea, a

contextual investigation embraced at a pharmaceutical organization gives the vital exact


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confirmation. In spite of the fact that client centricity has been proliferated for quite a

long time as a directing rule for organizations, item centricity still commands their

advertising, deals and administration exercises.

Client introduction is for the most part constrained to bolster for clients' needs amid deals

and after deals through client confronting channels, for example, promoting, deals and

administration divisions which are quick and obliging yet in any case secluded. Today's

clients generally have more broad prerequisites, be that as it may. Ordinarily they are

amidst a client procedure, for example, the curing of an ailment (patients) or the

ownership of medicinal gadgets (specialists). Inside this procedure they require an

assortment of items and administrations which they need to gather from various

suppliers. Those sellers which package all the important administrations for a particular

client process by means of human services entryways make a colossal included quality.

The advanced ideas of showcasing understood that measuring customer needs or conduct

was insufficient." Consumer Relationship Management" ought to be the center and after

that the right recognition on which advertising approaches of our association ought to be

manufactured. "Administration must consider itself not as delivering items but rather as

giving client making esteem fulfillment."

Shopper Relationship Management has assume a crucial part in supporting and

enhancing hang available. Brief depictions about the different measures that are expected

to enhance client introduction have likewise been managed.

Consider the actuality today's client confront an abundance of items in each

classification. Client will have high and raising desire of value and administration. Even

with their limitless decisions, the client will incline toward the offering that the best meet

their individual needs and desire. They will purchase one of the bases of their

observation esteem. Along these lines it is not amazing that today's triumphant

organizations are those succeed best in fulfilling to be sure enchanting their objective

client. They give careful consideration to quality and administration to meeting and

notwithstanding surpassing client desire. They finish enthusiastically and at the co-

worked adroitly with their technique accomplices in their supply and appropriation chain.

They seek after proficiently but then are dependable and adaptable.

Customer Relationship Management is the result felt by purchasers who have desire.

Clients are fulfilled when their desire are met and enchanted when their desires are

surpassed. Fulfilled clients stay steadfast longer, purchase more, and are less delicate and

speak good about the organization. From this plainly the fulfilled client will be less


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delicate towards the fluctuating cost and hostile promoting regularly cost more than

protective advertising, since it requires much exertion and expense to affect fulfilled

clients to change far from their Gold credit suppliers. We ought to likewise consider the

way that "the expense of drawing in another client might be five times the expense of

keeping the Gold credit client cheerful." Therefore the organizations are proposing in

creating more grounded bones and reliability with their clients.



Definition 1: Consumer Relationship is equivalent to making sure that product and service

performance meets customer expectations.

Definition 2: Consumer Relationship is the perception of the customer that the outcome of a

business transaction is equal to or greater than his/her expectation.

Definition 3: Consumer Relationship occurs when acquisition of products and/or services

provides a minimum negative departure from expectations when compared with other

acquisitions. Gaining high levels of Consumer Relation Ship is very important to a business

because satisfaction customers are most likely to be loyal and to make repeat orders and to

use a wide range of services offered by a business There are many factors which lead in high

levels of customer satisfaction including. Products and services which are customer focused

and hence provide high levels of value for money. What is clear about Consumer

Relationship is that customers are most likely to appreciate the goods and services that they

buy if they are made to feel special. This occurs when they feel that the products and services

that they buy have been specially produced for them or for people like them.

Definition 4:

Consumer Relationship Management is refers to the extent to which customers are happy

with the products and services provided by a business. Consumer Relation Ship levels can be

measured using survey techniques and questionnaires

1.2.1 Types of CRM:

Sorts of CRM can be comprehensively comprehended by taking a gander at the two

distinctive methods for classification. These two sorts of order are as per the following:


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I. . Proactive versus Reactive CRM

II. . Operational, Collaborative and Analytical CRM

I. Proactive versus Reactive CRM:

At the point when organization reacts to the

proposals/recommendations/grumblings/solicitations of the clients, it is called receptive

CRM. In spite of this, it is called Proactive CRM when an organization suspects and reacts to

clients' need of itself. In steady changing business sector circumstances, proactive

organizations take load of their clients' future needs and give worth to clients through their


II. Operational, Collaborative and Analytical CRM

Operational CRM:

There are different routes through which a client can approach the business. This

communication is immediate with organization and its workers. The intersection where this

communication happens is called touch point. Generally exchanges like deal, installment,

data looking for, questions, recommendations, and grievances happen at these operational

touch focuses. That is the reason it is additionally called front office CRM.

Database driven: In this communication reaching clients is through

Telephone/Email/Mail/Fax/Loyalty programs/Cards/ATMs/SMS.

Broad communications: when the contact is through open TV. The contact is open in nature

and individuals everywhere are reached. For instance open publicizing and advertising effort.

Shared CRM: Jill Dyche characterizes Collaborative CRM as a particular usefulness that

empowers a two path correspondence between an organization and its clients through an

assortment of channels to encourage and enhance the nature of client cooperation.( Dyche

2002) The substance of community CRM is to oversee accomplices of the firm. These could

be channels, operators and different business partners yet not immediate clients. The

emphasis is on keeping up relations with accomplices to encourage coordination in business.


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Explanatory CRM: Also known as back office or key CRM. This kind of CRM is described

by nearness of assignments like business investigators. The target of investigative CRM is to

discover different taste, inclinations, and exercises of the clients in order to tweak answers for

them. The premise of this information is caught client connections at different touch focuses.

Broad utilization of MIS and innovation is done in Analytical CRM.


The significance of Consumer Relation Ship and backing is progressively turning into a

crucial business issue as association understand the advantages of Customer Relationship

Management (CRM) for giving successful client administration. Experts working inside

client centered business or those running call focuses or help work areas, need to keep

educated about the most recent consumer loyalty methods for running a profitable client

administration capacity. From little client administration divisions to expansive call focuses,

the significance of building up an esteemed association with clients utilizing CRM is vital to

bolster client and long haul business development.

What Do Customers Want?

Before we start to make apparatuses to gauge the level of fulfillment, it is essential to build

up a reasonable comprehension of what precisely the client needs. We have to comprehend

what our clients anticipate from the items and administrations we give.

Client desires have two sorts –

• Expressed

• Implied

Communicated Customer Expectations are those necessities that are composed down in the

agreement and settled upon by both sides for instance, item particulars and conveyance

prerequisites. Supplier's execution against these necessities is the greater part of the things

straightforwardly quantifiable.

Inferred Customer Expectations are not composed or talked but rather are the ones the client

would "expect" the supplier to meet by the by. For instance, a client would expect the

administration delegate who approaches him to be learned and able to tackle an issue on the

spot. There are numerous reasons why client desires are liable to change extra time. Process

upgrades, approach of new innovation, changes in client's needs, enhanced nature of

administration gave by contenders are only a couple of illustrations. The client is constantly


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right. Supplier's occupation is to give the client what he/she needs, when he/she needs it.

Consumer loyalty is client's discernment that a supplier has met or surpassed their desires.


We can't make Consumer Relationship just by meeting client's prerequisites completely in

light of the fact that these must be met regardless. However fizzling short is sure to make


Real Attributes of Customer Relationship in pharama industry

Can be abridged as:

Item quality

Premium Outflow

Quantifiable profit


Responsiveness and capacity to determine objections and reject reports.

General correspondence, availability and state of mind.


Client desires can be distinguished utilizing different techniques, for example,

Occasional contract audits

Statistical surveying

Telephonic meetings

Individual visits

Guarantee records

Casual examinations

Fulfillment reviews

Contingent on the client base and accessible assets, we can pick a strategy that is best in

measuring the client's observations. The motivation behind the activity is to distinguish needs

for upgrades. We should build up a strategy or mix of strategies that serves to persistently

enhance administration.


Formal overview has developed as by a wide margin the best strategy for intermittently the

Consumer Relation Ship. The overview are not showcasing devices but rather a data—

picking up device. Enough homework should be before setting out on the real overview. This



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Characterizing Objectives of the Survey

Plan Survey approach

Create surveys and frames

Control Survey (Email, Telephone or Post)

Strategy for incorporating information and breaking down the discoveries

Arrangement of the report to introduce the discoveries

There is no reason for asking unimportant inquiries on a consumer loyalty poll. The essential

object is to discover what we are doing well or off-base. Where is the extension for

development, where do we stand versus different suppliers. How we can serve the client


A consumer loyalty estimation review ought to at any rate

Distinguish the accompanying destinations:

Significance to clients (Customers needs)

Client's view of supplier's execution

Your execution with respect to client's needs.

Needs for development

Study structures ought to be anything but difficult to round out with least measure of time and

endeavors on client's part. They ought to be intended to effectively urge the client to finish

the inquiries. However they should give exact information ought to likewise be adequately

dependable for administration basic leadership. This can be accomplished by joining target

sort questions where client needs to "rate" on size of say 1 to 10. For rehashed studies, you

could give the rating that was beforehand concurred by the client. This works like a reference

point for the client.

Space ought to dependably be accommodated the clients own suppositions this empowers

them to express any extra necessities or report any weaknesses that are not secured by the

goal questions. Regularly, we bargain different work force at different levels in the client's

association—the purchaser, client, getting auditor, back and buy individual and so forth

looking over various respondents for every client gives a complete point of view of consumer

loyalty. It might be important to gadget an alternate survey for each of them. Respondents

must be given an approach to express the significance they append to different review

parameters. Respondents ought to be requested that give a weighting element, again on a

rating size of say, 1 to 10, for every necessity. This gives a superior sign of relative

significance of every parameter towards general consumer loyalty and makes it less


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demanding for suppliers to organize their activity arranges by looking at the execution rating

(scores) with significance rating (weighing).

1.4 Literature Survey

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has ended up a standout amongst the most

element innovation themes of the thousand years.

Goldenberg (2000) trusts that CRM is not simply innovation applications for promoting,

deals and administrations but instead when it is effectively executed ; it empowers firms to

have cross-utilitarian , client driven , innovation coordinated business process administration

technique that augment connections.

Peppard (2000) noticed that viable administration of data has a critical part to play in CRM in

light of the fact that it can be utilized to for item customizing, administration advancement;

solidify perspectives of clients, and for computing client lifetime esteem. CRM frameworks

helps organizations assess client faithfulness and productivity in view of rehash buys, the sum

spent, and life span.

Bose (2002) noticed that CRM was created in light of the fact that the clients contrast in their

inclinations and obtaining propensities. In the event that all clients were indistinguishable,

there will be little requirement for CRM. Subsequently, understanding client drivers and

client productivity, firms can better tailor their offerings to expand the general estimation of

their client portfolio (Chen and Popovich). The consideration CRM is at present getting

crosswise over organizations is because of the way that the promoting environment of today

is exceedingly immersed and more focused (Chou et al, 2002).

As per Chen and Popovich (2003), CRM is not an idea that is truly new but instead because

of current improvement and advances in data and endeavor programming innovation, it has

expected reasonable significance. The foundation of CRM is relationship promoting, which

has the goal of enhancing the long haul benefit of clients by moving far from item driven


Chen and Popovich (2003) contended that CRM is a convoluted application which mines

client information, which has been recovered from all the touch purposes of the client, which

then makes and empower the association to have complete perspective of the clients. The

outcome is that organizations can reveal and decide the right kind of clients and anticipating

pattern of their future buys. CRM is additionally characterized as a sweeping approach that

consistently incorporates deals, client administration, advertising, field support and different

capacities that touch clients (Chou et al, 2002) . They assist expressed that CRM is an idea


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with respect to how an association can keep their most productive clients and in the meantime

decrease cost, increment in estimations of communication which then prompts high benefits.

As per Greenberg (2004), CRM by and large is a venture centered try enveloping all offices

in a business. He promote clarifies that, notwithstanding client administration, CRM would

incorporate, fabricating, item testing, amassing and acquiring, and charging, and human asset,

advertising, deals and building.


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The Indian pharmaceutical industry right now beat the outline amongst India's

science-based commercial ventures with boundless capacities in the mind boggling field of

medication production and innovation. An exceedingly sorted out part, the Indian

pharmaceutical industry is assessed to be worth $ 6 billion, growing 104 at around 10 percent

every year. It positions high amongst all the underdeveloped nations, regarding innovation,

quality and the inconceivable scope of medications that are produced. It ranges from

straightforward migraine pills to refined anti-microbials and complex cardiovascular mixes;

verging on each kind of medication is presently made in the Indian pharmaceutical industry

The Indian pharmaceutical segment has extended radically in the most recent two decades.

The Pharmaceutical business in India is a to a great degree divided business sector with

extreme value rivalry and government value control. The Pharmaceutical business in India

meets around 90% of the nation's interest for mass medications, drug intermediates,

pharmaceutical details, chemicals, tablets, containers, orals and injectable. There are roughly

300 major and medium scale Pharmaceutical organizations and around 8000 Small scale

units, which shape the center of the pharmaceutical business in India.


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Granules India Limited is a quickly developing pharmaceutical organization with world-class

offices for APIs, PFIs and Finished Dosages, serving clients in more than 60 nations. We are

focused on incredibleness in assembling, quality and client administration. We are

headquartered in Hyderabad with workplaces in the U.S., U.K., Colombia and China with

assembling offices in India and China.

Items: We have concentrated on a center portfolio. This specialization empowers us to offer

an ideal mix of brilliant items at focused expenses. We offer items over the worth chain

containing APIs, PFIs and FDs.

Scale: We have the biggest PFI office on the planet with an industry-driving cluster size of

six tons and one of the biggest single-site FD offices on the planet. We likewise have among

the biggest API limits for the managed markets for our separate items.

Quality: Our offices take into account the requests of value cognizant clients. Our offices

meet the necessities of probably the most stringent administrative organizations on the planet

including the U.S. FDA, MHRA, EDQM, TGA and others.

Client esteem: We give our clients quality items, vast volumes, and a broad scope of mixes,

proactive arrangements, a worldwide system of partners and a predominant general value

esteem recommendation. We have our own ANDAs, dossiers and bio-proportionality

considers which makes it feasible for clients to enter markets with high caliber and

financially savvy items. We additionally have a solid administrative undertakings division

that offers clients backing and route through administrative issues.

Cooperations: We have supported our quality recommendation through unions with particular

associations and foundations including Ajinomoto Omni stitch, Hubei Bio cause, Heritage

Pharmaceutical, IIT Chennai and NUS Singapore.


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Connections: We put stock in an organization approach with our clients. We will likely

develop with our clients, which is the reason half of our incomes are gotten from client

connections longer than five years.

Nearness: We have three offices in Hyderabad, India and a fourth office in Jingmen, China. A

fifth production line is under development in Vizag, India through our JV Company,

Granules OmniChem. We have deals workplaces in India, the U.S., UK, Colombia and China

to benefit our clients crosswise over 60 nations.

Top managerial staff

Mr C. Krishna Prasad – Chairman and Managing Director

Mr C. Krishna Prasad is the originator of granules and has over three many years of

involvement in the pharmaceutical business. In 1984, he set up a paracetamol producing

office, which has gotten to be one of the world's presumed makers of paracetamol in the

controlled markets. Mr Prasad spearheaded and promoted the idea of pharmaceutical details

intermediates (PFIs) as a cost-proficient item for worldwide definitions makers.

Mr L. S. Sarma – Independent Director

Mr L. S. Sarma is a retried pharama industry official. Mr Sarma was a general chief at the

mechanical advancement pharama industry of india (IDBI), and in addition the executive of

ECGC and Dena pharama industry. He worked for universal exchange focus, Geneva,

(UNCTAD/GATT) as a fare credit advisor furthermore co-composed a production of ITC on

fare credit in creating nations. He was a counselor to the improvement pharama industry of

Mauritius for more than 5 years furthermore spoke to that nation and also Botswana for

mechanical advancement from India.

Mr A. P. Kurian – Independent chief

Mr Kurian served as the director of the relationship of common assets in India. Mr Kurian

has a rich profession in the monetary server territory spread more than four decades.

Beginning as exploration officer for possible later use pharama industry of India. He grew up

to the rank of guide – financial aspects office. Amid 1975-1993, Mr Kurian was with unit

trust of India and held a few positions including Director-venture, Director-arranging and

Development and as Executive trustee.


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Subsequent to resigning from unit trust of India, he joined the Apple shared asset as a guide

from 1993 to 1998 from 1998 to 2010 he was the Executive administrator of relationship of

common assets in India. He was a specialist to the district secretariat and was on the leading

body of national stock trade, official panel of national vaults, SEBI Mutual asset admonitory

board of trustees and on a few shared asset Industry advisory groups.

Mr C. Parthasarathy – Independent Director

Mr C. Parthasarathy is one of the originator of karvy gathering. As the director of the

gathering, he has been in charge of building karvy as one of Indias really incorporated

monetary administrations associations. He supervises the gatherings operations and is in

charge of the vision, business bearing and innovation esteem expansion to the general

business. Mr. Parthasarathy is a kindred individual from the establishment of sanctioned

bookkeepers of India and the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He additionally holds

graduate degrees in Science and Law. Mr. Parthasarathy has been effectively connected with

different expert bodies in senior limits throughout the most recent decade.

Item profile

To augment esteem for our clients, we have concentrated on effectively fabricating top notch,

extensive volume items.

Granules is one of only a handful few organizations on the planet to be available over the

pharmaceutical assembling esteem chain beginning from Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

(APIs) through Pharmaceutical Formulation Intermediates (PFIs) to Finished Dosages (FDs).

We offer our clients every one of the three parts of the pharmaceutical assembling esteem

chain to upgrade adaptability and effectiveness.

We back our product offerings with world-class, extensive scale fabricating foundation. Our

office in Gagillapur has the world's biggest PFI limit alongside an industry-driving bunch size

of six tons. Furthermore, the Gagillapur office has one of the biggest single-site Finished

Dosage limits on the planet for their individual items. Our top notch Jeedimetla and

Bonthapally offices are similarly amazing and are among the biggest single-site limits on the

planet for their separate items. To bolster our Ibuprofen clients, we framed a JV with Hubei

Bio cause in Wuhan, China, a head Ibuprofen maker.


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Every one of our offices meet the stringent necessities of requesting global administrative

powers, for example, the U.S. FDA, MHRA, EDQM and the Australian TGA.

At Granules, we trust in manufacturing long haul organizations with our clients. This clarifies

why the majority of our clients, including a portion of the biggest worldwide pharmaceutical

organizations, like to draw in with us through long haul contracts and regard us as their very

own expansion organization.

We benefit the developing needs of clients crosswise over 60 nations through our worldwide

advertising group keeping an eye on workplaces our workplaces in India, the U.S., UK,

Colombia and China. Our group has district astute obligations which results in quick reaction

times guaranteeing our client needs are consistently tended to. Our group on-the-ground

guarantees brisk responsiveness to basic times and rising needs.

Our Value Proposition

Centered item portfolio: We have concentrated on a center portfolio. This specialization

empowers us to offer an ideal mix of top notch items at focused expenses. We offer items

over the quality chain containing APIs, PFIs and FDs.

Organization: We work intimately with our clients. We share normal reports on quality,

conveyances and documentations, give clients cross-utilitarian get to and team up for

commercializing their plans and administrative filings – guaranteeing that we persistently

address their issues. We position ourselves as a retrogressive expansion of their operations.

Scale: Our substantial limit and group size offer an unmatched value esteem suggestion,

diminished scientific costs, compelling inventory network administration and the capacity to

address developing client needs.

Specialized bolster: Our solid group of experts helps clients with various needs - from finding

the right API evaluation to finishing tablet pressing material and administrative apparatus our


Administrative endorsements: Our U.S. FDA, MHRA, TGA and cGMP-affirmed offices

make it feasible for our clients to advertise their items all through the world.

Focused edge: Our ANDAs and dossiers furnish our clients with a consistent passage into

directed markets. Our exceptional fast discharge tablets, bi-layer tablets and augmented

alleviation applications reinforce our clients' upper hand.


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Producing offices

At Granules, our imaginative work sharpen strengthens our high ground. Our R&D

bunch drives wanders from pre-itemizing headway to business scale manufacture.

Furthermore, our R&D bunch focuses on quality change and cost diminish with the

objective to overhaul customer regard.

Our five star API workplaces at Jeedimetla and Bonthapally have among the greatest

single-site breaking points on the planet - our scale makes it attainable for us to offer a

predominant quality regard recommendation. To support our Ibuprofen customers, we

molded a joint try with Hubei Bio cause in China, a head Ibuprofen maker.

We are the greatest PFI maker on the planet with workplaces at Gagillapur and

Jeedimetla in India. Our high-shear and fluid bed granulation methodology are worked

around a six-ton group appraise, the greatest in the pharmaceutical business, diminishing

costs for customers.

Additionally, our Gagillapur office has one of the greatest single-site Finished Dosage

limits on the planet including robotized shapes, solid structure and unrivaled quality

systems that beneficially make finished estimations planning stringent benchmarks in

coordinated markets.

The Operational Excellence Program

At Granules, we perceive that it is imperative to unleash the full esteem from our

advantages for give predominant client esteem. We set out on an Operational Excellence

(OE) program with a particular target: to rise as a favored decision for clients through

quality, administration and expense.

• Our OE program concentrated on procedure upgrades - crude material co-proficient,

sciences and different ranges – to convey reasonable wins.

• Our OE group involves masters in Six Sigma parameters and synthetic, mechanical and

electrical designers who work by and large to evacuate operational bottlenecks.

• Our OE groups investigate every progression to decide how to expand yields,

throughput and accomplish process institutionalization while diminishing wastage and

improving quality.

We have efficiently expanded our ability and creation because of our dedication to OE.

We have expanded our API limit while enhancing PFI productivity. Our capacity to

expand profitability has empowered us to meet the developing needs of our clients.


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Our OE project is routinely refered to by MNCs as 'best in classes and has earned a few

acknowledgments including the Silver Certificate of Merit for the Gagillapur office from

The Economic Times Manufacturing Excellence Awards 2011 in association with Frost

and Sullivan.

Our Research Capabilities

Programming interface R&D

Granules offer enormous worth to clients since we can give supply security the distance

from key intermediates to completed doses for the items. Our dynamic pharmaceutical

fixings (APIs) are the foundation of our worth recommendation and permit us to be an

independent vertically incorporated player.

Granules India Limited has set up another cutting edge Research Center in 10,000 sq.

foot at ALEAP Industrial zone, Pragathi Nagar, Hyderabad. The office is a development

in the Granules' endeavors for a fruitful passage into an improved item portfolio. So as to

quicken the development with a maintainable advancement motor and to empower

Finished Dosage filings for our new APIs this is a key man oeuvre which is relied upon

to help our capacities to offer differentiated Generic API portfolio to our clients.

The R&D Center and the Kilo-Lab will concentrate on full scale bland API improvement

and will supplement the Company's current R&D endeavors in Pune which right now

concentrates on practical innovation advancement. We trust that with the rejuvenated

R&D capacities, Granules will develop as an innovation pioneer with a flexible item


Plans R&D

We have a 5,000 sq. ft., Class 100,000 R&D Center staffed by a dynamic group of plan

specialists with broad involvement in the line. The inside works on a like-to-like

hardware working rule with a 10x scale-up pilot lab. The group offers end-to-final item

advancement arrangements covering:

•Pre-detailing improvement

•Formulation improvement

•Analytical improvement

• ANDA/Dossier filings

Item improvement capacities


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Our Product Development Laboratory gives different choices (from site exchanges to

item customization) to our clients. Our remarkable logical strategies and improved

foundation guarantee item consistency and quality. The key highlights of our abilities are

• R&D hardware is geometrically downsized for inconvenience free scale-up of

commercialization according to the 10x rule.

• Dossier improvement in CTD/e-CTD positions reasonable for worldwide entries of PFI

and Finished Dosage items

• One of the couple of worldwide organizations to give fast discharge gel tops

• Proven capacities in creating IR, SR, ER, TR-plans and taste-veiling granules

Likewise, we team up with our plans improvement accomplices for the recognized items


Site Transfer Department

Our Site Transfer Department works with clients to guarantee that we can popularize

items at a snappier pace. This office involves cross-practical groups including individuals

from the Formulations R&D, Analytical R&D, Regulatory Affairs, Quality Control,

QualityAssurance and different offices. Our group has executed a few site exchanges

because of a built up fitness in a few capacities (counting measurement structure

improvement, administrative recording, scale-up, procedure portrayal, approval and

effective commercialization of new items).

Completed Dosage TeamWe have rich involvement in administrative filings including

Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs) and dossiers. We have a few affirmed

ANDAs, including Rx and OTC items (Ibuprofen, Metformin and Naproxen Sodium),

that make it workable for us to furnish clients with cost-aggressive items for the US

market. Moreover, we have a few dossiers in Europe. Proceeding, we will take part in

more worldwide filings prompting an institutionalized completed dose item worldwide

with the target to build our operational proficiency.

Vision of the organization:

To be the worldwide pioneer in pharmaceutical assembling by procedure advancement

and unparalleled efficiencies.

Mission of the organization:

Our drive to be the best is unparalleled. We will coordinate our drive by cooperating with

worldwide pioneers in our business sectors, building enduring connections, and the

establishment for shared development and achievement. To this end, we have

incorporated our generation advances and in reverse along these lines finishing our worth


Page 18: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

suggestion. In any case, we are not fulfilled by that alone. We will ceaselessly bolster

this try by smoothing the procedure end-to-end through cutting edge innovation, eco-

accommodating arrangements and giving our kin the preparation they should be the best

in their field. At last, our items will be better in quality they require than be the best in

their field. At last, our items will be predominant in quality and a glad confirmation of

how we have confidence in working together at granules.


Page 19: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose


3.1 NEED FOR THE STUDYCRM is not a concept that is really new but rather due to current development and

advances in information and enterprise software technology, it has assumed practical

importance. The root of CRM is relationship marketing, which has the objective of improving

the long-term profitability of customers by moving away from product-centric marketing.

The Pharmaceutical industry is struggling for developing and maintaining the relation with

the customers. This company also facing the same problem, so the current study is

undertaken to find out the reasons and rectify the problem.


This study is limited to the customers with in Hyderabad. The study will be able to

reveal the preferences, needs, satisfaction of the customers regarding the pharma industry

services, It also help pharma industry’s to know whether the existing products or services

they are offering are really satisfying the customers’ needs.

3.3 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMCustomer relationship management is very essential to the companies. Company’s should

measure the customers satisfaction and needs to find the possible remedies(medical products)

to counteract the competition and to achieve necessary structural changes of from with

appropriate strategies. The Pharmaceutical industry is struggling for developing and

maintaining the relation with the customers for that, sales representatives are trying to

develop relation with all the stakeholders viz. Doctors and Retailers i.e. Chemist. Present

research highlights relationship between each customer in pharmaceutical marketing and the

use of relationship for business development.


To analyze and evaluate the Consumer Relationship level towards the different

services rendered by the granules India limited.

To find out the differences among perceived service and expected service.

To evaluate the process efficiency in customer query


Page 20: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

To access the degree of satisfaction of the customers

3.5 Hypothesis

Service levels do have influence customer relationship management

Process efficiency in customer query do have influence on customer relationship




A spellbinding study tries to find answers to the inquiries who, what, when, where, and, once

in a while, how. The specialist endeavors to portray or characterize a subject, frequently by

making a profile of gathering of issues, individuals, or occasions. Such studies may include

the accumulation of information and the formation of a circulation of the quantity of times

the analyst watches a solitary Event or trademark (the examination variable), or they may

include relating the association of two or more variables. Associations that keep up databases

of their workers, clients, and suppliers as of now have critical information to lead distinct

studies utilizing interior data. However numerous organizations that have such information

records don't dig them routinely for the basic leadership understanding they may give.

This spellbinding study is prominent in business research in view of its adaptability crosswise

over orders. In for-benefit, not-for-benefit and government associations, clear examinations

have a wide speak to the overseer and strategy expert for arranging, observing, and assessing.

In this setting, how addresses address issues, for example, amount, cost, proficiency,

viability, and ampleness. Graphic studies might have the potential for drawing intense

inductions. A spellbinding concentrate, in any case, does not clarify why an occasion has

happened or why the variables associate the way they do.


Convenience sampling method is used for the survey of this project. It is a non-

probability sample. This is the least reliable design but normally the cheapest and easiest to

conduct .In this method Researcher have the freedom to choose whomever they find, thus the


Page 21: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

name convenience. Example includes informal pools of friends and neighbors or people

responding to a newspaper’s invitation for readers to state their position on some public issue.


Sample size denotes the number of elements selected for the study. For the present study, 150

respondents were selected at random. All the 150 respondents were the customers of

Granules india limited .in cathedral Branch.


A sample is a representative part of the population. In sampling technique, information is

collected only from a representative part of the universe and the conclusions are drawn on

that basis for the entire universe. A convenience sampling technique was used to collect data

from the respondents.


The questionnaire consists of 2 types of questions.

i) open ended

ii) Closed ended.


This refers to a question that has no fixed alternatives to which the answer must confirm. The

respondent answers in his own words and at any length they choose.


It contains those questions in which the respondent is given a limited number of alternatives

responses from which he/she is to select the one that most closely matches his attitude.

The fixed alternative questions may be taken in the form of

Dichotomous questions

Multi-choice questions

Dichotomous questions

It refers to one, which offers the respondent a choice between only 2 alternatives and reduces

the issues to its simplest terms.


Page 22: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

Multi-choice questions

A multiple-choice question refers to one, which provides several set of alternatives. Multiple-

choice questions can be used when an issue has more than two aspects


To know the reaction, the specialist utilized poll strategy. It has been composed as an

essential examination instrument. Surveys were dispersed to respondents and they were

requested that answer the inquiries given in the poll. The polls were utilized as an

instrumentation strategy, since it is a critical technique for information accumulation. The

accomplishment of the survey technique in gathering the data depends to a great extent on

appropriate drafting. So in the present study inquiries were orchestrated and interconnected

sensibly. The organized poll will lessen both questioners and translators predisposition.

Further, coding and examination was accomplished for every inquiry's reaction to venture

into discoveries, proposals lastly to the decision about the theme.


Each choice stances one of a kind requirements for data, and pertinent techniques can be

created in view of the data accumulated through exploration. Exploration is the orderly goal

and comprehensive quest for and investigation of certainties significant to the issue Research

plan implies the system of study that prompts the gathering and examination of information.

It is a calculated structure with in which examination is led. It encourages smooth cruising of

different examination operations to make the exploration as viable as could reasonably be


Essential DATA

Essential information are those gathered by the specialist himself surprisingly and therefore

they are unique in character, they are gathered for specific reason. An all around organized

survey was by and by administrated to the chose test to gather the essential information.

Optional DATA

Optional information are those, which have as of now been gathered by some different

persons for their motivation and distributed. Auxiliary information are as a rule fit as a fiddle

of completed items. Two sorts of optional information were gathered for the readiness of the

undertaking work:


Page 23: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

Total No. of Customers

Inner Data was produced from organization's pamphlets, manual sand yearly reports

Outside Data, then again, was produced from magazines, research books, intranet and web



1. Simple percentage analysis

2. Weighted score method

3. Chi- square analysis


Percentage refers to a special kind of ratio percentage are used to describe relationship.



No. of. Customers x 100

Page 24: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

3.7 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY Although the study was carried out with extreme enthusiasm and careful planning

there are several limitations, which handicapped the research vise,

1. Time Constraints:

The time stipulated for the project to be completed is less and thus there are chances

that some information might have been left out, however due care is taken to include

all the relevant information needed.

2. Sample size:

Due to time constraints the sample size was relatively small and would definitely have

been more representative if I had collected information from more respondents.

3. Accuracy:

It is difficult to know if all the respondents gave accurate information; some

respondents tend to give misleading information.

4. It was difficult to find respondents as they were busy in their Schedule and

collection of data was very difficult. Therefore, the study had to be carried out based

on the availability of respondents.

5. The respondents pay the little time for answering questions.

6. The sample taken was very small the compare with total number of customer.

7. The study was limited to the capabilities and willingness of the respondents in

approximately answering the questions.

8. The respondents spending the little time for answering questions.

9. The sample taken was very small when compared with the total number of


10. The study is limited to the capabilities and willingness of the respondents in

approximately answering the questions.


Page 25: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose


Analysis is the process of placing the data in an ordered form, combining them with

the existing information and extracting the meaning from them. In other words analysis is an

answer to the questions what message is conveyed by each group of the data “which are

otherwise raw facts are unable to give meaning full information. A raw data become

information only when they are analysed and put in a meaning form.


Interpretation is a process of relating various bits of information to existing

information. Interpretation attempts to answer well, what relation existing between the

findings to research objectives and hypothesis framed for the study in the beginning.


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1. Are you using Granules India products?




1 YES 126 84%

2 NO 24 16%

TOTAL 150 100%

Interpretation: From the above table it is inferred that 84% of the respondents are choosing

Granules India products and very few of about 16% prefer other products. The reason for few

of the retailers not using Granules India Products is not having awareness.


Y E S N O0%









90% YES; 84%

NO; 16%



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2. How long have you been using Granules India Limited products?






1 0-4 years 18 12%

2 4-8 years 96 57%

3 8 years above 36 24%

Total 150 100%


0-4 years 4-8 years 8 years above0%







0-4 years ; 12%

4-8 years ; 57%

8 years above; 24%



Interpretation: From the above table it could be inferred that 57% of the respondents are using from 4-8 years and only 24% are using from above 8 years, 12% are using from 0-4 years. Most of the retailers are in between 4-8 years of using Granules India products and very few are belongs to below 4 years. The reason for the new retailers are getting the


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feedback from the old retailers of Granules India products that was the reason they are entered in to Granules India products.

3. How is the relational ship between the retailers and the Granules India limited?




1 Best 24 16%

2 Better 93 62%

3 good 30 20%

4 Poor 3 2%

Total 150 100%


best better good Poor0








best; 16

better ; 62

good; 20

Poor; 2



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Interpretation: From the above table it could be inferred that 62% of the respondents are rate Granules India limited products as better and 16% of the respondents rate the products are best, 20% of the respondents rate the products are good, Only 2% of the people rate Granules India limited products as Poor. Very less number of retailers are feeling bad with the relationship of the company. The reason is delivering products are not delivering in time.

4. Do you find Granules India’s products is useful and beneficial?






1 Yes 114 76%

2 No 27 18%

3 Can’t say 9 6%

Total 150 100%


Yes No cant say0%








80% Yes; 76%

No; 18%

cant say; 6%

Chart Title


Interpretation: From the above table it is inferred that 76% of the respondents are ready to refer Granules India limited, 18% of respondents are not ready to refer Granules India limited, Only 6% of respondents are not sure what to do. Some of the retailers saying that


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Granules India products are useful & beneficial while compare to other competing products like Dr.reddy’s, Cipla etc. to words the features and all. But the reason is Expiry time period of the products are giving less.

5. Granules India Limited provide efficient products than other companies?




1 Strongly agree 26 17%

2 Agree 83 55%

3 Average 20 12%

4 Disagree 12 9%

5 Strongly disagree 9 7%

Total 150 100%



agree agr















Strongly agree; 17%

agree; 55%

average; 12%

disagree; 9%

Strongly disagree; 7%

Chart Title



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Interpretation: From the above table it is inferred that 17% of respondents are opining Granules India limited is providing efficient product, 55% of respondents are saying it is providing good products, 12% are satisfied and 9% are saying Granules India products are not sufficient. The reason for 16% of retailers saying Granules India Limited do not provide efficient products is they are concentrating on limited products. But these category of retailers want the company to concentrate on many more products and alternatives.

6. Does our Granules India limited come into mind when you think of good customer relationship?





1 Yes 129 85%

2 No 21 15%

Total 150 100%


Yes No0%









90% Yes; 85%

No; 15%



Analysis: From the above table it is inferred that 85% of the respondents believe that the

Granules India limited comes to their mind when they think of good customer relationship.


Page 32: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

But 15% are saying there is a poor customer relationship with Granules India limited as they

are not happy with availability of products in corner areas.

7. The company takes proactive steps to address issues identified through customer satisfaction?






1 Yes 116 77%

2 No 34 23%

Total 150 100%


Yes No0%










Yes; 77%

No; 23%




Page 33: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

Analysis: From the above table it is inferred that 77% of the respondents are saying that company takes proactive steps. As Granules India limited is always taking proactive steps to address issues. But in some cases they are not implementing because of cost effectiveness.

8. How do you rate the products and services offered by Granules India Limited than others?




1 Excellent 100 67%

2 better 35 23%

3 good 10 7%

4 Poor 5 3%

Total 150 100%


Excellent Better good Poor0%









Excellent; 67%

Better; 23%

good; 7%Poor; 3%



Page 34: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

Interpretation: From the above table it could be inferred that 67% of the respondents rate

the products and services Excellent, 23% of the respondents are saying the products and

services better and 7% of the respondents are saying the products and service good, 3% are

saying the products and service is poor. The reason is such retailers are expecting some

additional services like scratch cards, coupons, bonus etc.

9. Granules India limited corporate strategy gives importance to a customer’s needs?




1 Agree 103 69%

2 Disgree 36 24%

3 Can’t say 11 7%

Total 150 100%



Agree Disgree Can’t say0%









Agree ; 69%

Disgree; 24%

Can’t say; 7%



Page 35: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

Analysis: From the above table it is inferred that 69% of the customers say’s that company’s

corporate strategy gives importance to a customer’s needs. The reason is company is not

giving priority to customer needs in exceptional drugs. So a more dissatisfaction is there

among few customers.

10. You are facing any problems with Granules India Limited?

TABLE 4.10

CHART 4.10

Yes No Can’t say0%









Yes; 21%

No; 73%

Can’t say; 6%



Interpretation: From the above table it is inferred that 73% of the respondents are saying that there is no problems with Granules India limited, 21% of the respondents are saying that there is problems. Little number of respondents are facing some problems with Granules India limited with respect to in time supply chain management.




1 Yes 23 21%

2 No 117 73%

3 None 10 6%

Total 150 100%

Page 36: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

11. Will you suggest Granules India Limited products to your friends/relatives?

TABLE 4.11





1 Yes 115 76%

2 No 35 24%

Total 150 100%

CHART 4.11

Yes No0%








80% Yes; 76%

No; 24%



Interpretation: From the above table it is inferred that 76% of the respondents suggest Granules India Limited products to their friends/relatives , 24% of respondents are not suggest to their friends/relatives. The reason is high cost rate of the products the retailers are not suggested to others.


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12. Granules India limited actively seek out customer comments and complaints?

TABLE 4.12



1 Yes 120 80%

2 No 30 20%

Total 150 100%

CHART 4.12


Yes No0%









90%Yes; 80%

No; 20%

Chart Title


Page 38: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

Interpretation: From the above table it could be inferred that 80% of the respondents are agree Company actively seek out retailers comments and complaints, 20% of the respondents are disagree company actively seek out retailers comments and complaints. The Granules India limited company is taking feedback regularly from the client. But in the process of implementation they are doing some wrong steps what actually they get it from the markets, this makes unhappy to the retailers.

13. Does the company customize their product or service according to the customer needs?

TABLE 4.13





1 Yes 130 87%

2 No 20 13%

Total 150 100%

CHART 4.13

Yes No0%











Yes; 87%

No; 13%

Chart Title


Interpretation: From the above table it is inferred that 87% of the respondents are the company customize their product or service according to the retailer’s needs, 13% of the respondents saying not customize their product or service. the Granules India limited always


Page 39: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

look into the particular products modification but not that focused on the services segmentation, this leads unhappy to the retailers, they need more unique services.

14. The company conduct customer satisfaction surveys?

TABLE 4.14







1 Yes 118 79%

2 No 32 21%

Total 150 100%

CHART 4.14

Yes No0%









90%Yes; 79%

No; 21%

Chart Title


Interpretation: From the above table it could be inferred that 79% of the consumers say’s

that Granules India limited conducting customer satisfaction surveys. occasionally the

Granules India limited company is conducting customer satisfaction surveys but the


Page 40: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

customers are expecting very frequent surveys to reach their desirable needs with respect to

the products.


84% of the respondents are choosing Granules India products and very few of about 16%

prefer other products. The reason for few of the retailers not using Granules India

Products is not having awareness.

57% of the respondents are using from 4-8 years and only 24% are using from above 8

years, 12% are using from 0-4 years. Most of the retailers are in between 4-8 years of

using Granules India products and very few are belongs to below 4 years. The reason for

the new retailers are getting the feedback from the old retailers of Granules India products

that was the reason they are entered in to Granules India products.

62% of the respondents are rate Granules India limited products as better and 16% of the

respondents rate the products are best, 20% of the respondents rate the products are good,

Only 2% of the people rate Granules India limited products as Poor. Very less number of

retailers are feeling bad with the relationship of the company. The reason is delivering

products are not delivering in time.

76% of the respondents are ready to refer Granules India limited, 18% of respondents are not ready to refer Granules India limited, Only 6% of respondents are not sure what to do. Some of the retailers saying that Granules India products are useful & beneficial while compare to other competing products like Dr.REDDY’S, CIPLA etc. to words the features and all. But the reason is Expiry time period of the products are giving less.

17% of respondents are opining Granules India limited is providing efficient product,

55% of respondents are saying it is providing good products,12% are satisfied and 9% are

saying Granules India products are not sufficient. The reason for 16% of retailers saying

Granules India Limited do not provide efficient products is they are concentrating on

limited products. But these category of retailers want the company to concentrate on

many more products and alternatives.


Page 41: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

85% of the customers believe that the Granules India limited comes to their mind when

they think of good customer relationship. But 15% are saying there is a poor customer

relationship with Granules India limited as they are not happy with availability of

products in corner areas.

77% of the customers are saying that company takes proactive steps. As Granules India

limited is always taking proactive steps to address issues. But in some cases they are not

implementing because of cost effectiveness.

67% of the respondents rate the products and services Excellent, 23% of the respondents

are saying the products and services better and 7% of the respondents are saying the

products and service good, 3% are saying the products and service is poor. The reason is

such retailers are expecting some additional services like scratch cards, coupons, bonus

etc.69% of the respondents say’s that company’s corporate strategy gives importance to

a customer’s needs

69% of the customers say’s that company’s corporate strategy gives importance to

a customer’s needs. The reason is company is not giving priority to customer needs in

exceptional drugs. So a mere dissatisfaction is there among few customers.

73% of the respondents are saying that there is no problems with Granules India limited,

21% of the respondents are saying that there is problems. Little number of respondents

are facing some problems with Granules India limited with respect to in time supply chain


76% of the respondents suggest Granules India Limited products to their

friends/relatives, 24% of respondents are not suggest to their friends/relatives. The reason

is high cost rate of the products the retailers are not suggested to others.

80% of the respondents are agree Company actively seek out retailers comments and

complaints, 20% of the respondents are disagree company actively seek out retailers

comments and complaints. The Granules India limited company is taking feedback

regularly from the client. But in the process of implementation they are doing some

wrong steps what actually they get it from the markets, this makes unhappy to the


87% of the respondents are the company customize their product or service according to

the retailer’s needs, 13% of the respondents saying not customize their product or service.

the Granules India limited always look into the particular products modification but not


Page 42: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

that focused on the services segmentation, this leads unhappy to the retailers, they need

more unique services,

79% of the consumers say’s that Granules India limited conducting customer satisfaction

surveys. Occasionally the Granules India limited company is conducting customer

satisfaction surveys but the customers are expecting very frequent surveys to reach their

desirable needs with respect to the products.


With regard to pharama industrying products and services, customers respond at different

rates, depending on the consumer’s characteristics. Hence I Granules India Limited .should

try to bring their new product and services to the attention of potential early adopters.

Due to the intense competition in the financial market, Granules India Limited. Should

adopt better strategies to attract more customers.

Granules India Limited .should adopt effective promotional strategies to increase the

awareness level among the customers.

Granules India Limited. Should ask for their consumer feedback to know whether the

customers are really satisfied or dissatisfied with the service and product of the pharama

industry. If they are dissatisfied, then the reasons for dissatisfaction should be found out

and should be corrected in future.


Page 43: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose



MANAGEMENT IN GRANULES INDIA LIMITED .” has helped me in studying

satisfaction about services and products offered to customers. I additionally contemplated the

practices, methodologies and innovations that organization use to oversee and dissect the

client communication and information all through the client life cycle, with the objective of

enhancing business associations with clients, helping with client connection and driving

Since the opening up of the pharama industrying part, private pharama industrys are in the

brawl every one attempting to cover more piece of the pie than the other. However, Granules

India Limited is a long ways behind from different organizations.

I am certain the pharama business will discover my discoveries applicable and I truly trust it

utilizes my proposals enrolled, which I trust will take them miles in front of rivalry


Page 44: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

1. Do you are using Granules India products?

a) Yes b) No

2 .How long have you been using Granules India Limited products?

a) 0-4 years b) 4-8 years c) 8 years above

3. How is the relationship between the customer and the company?

a) Best b) Better c) Good d) poor

4. Do you find Granules India’s products is useful and beneficial?

a) Yes b) No c) can’t say

5. Granules India Limited provide efficient products than other companies?


Page 45: 14691e0049 Jagadeesh Chandra Bose

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Average d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

6. Does our Granules India limited come into mind when you think of good customer


a) Yes b) No

7. Dose Granules India limited takes proactive steps to address issues identified

through customer satisfaction?

a) Yes b) No

8. How do you rate the products and services offered by Granules India Limited than


a) Excellent b) Better c) Good d) Poor

9. Granules India limited corporate strategy gives importance to a customer’s needs?

a) Agree b) Disagree c) Can’t say

10. Specify any drawbacks/ problems that you faced with Granules India Limited?

a) Yes b) No c) Can’t say

11. Will you suggest Granules India Limited products to your friends/relatives?

a) Yes b) No

12. Granules India limited actively seek out customer comments and complaints?

a) Yes b) No

13. Does the Granules India limited customize their product or service according to

the customer?

a) Yes b) No

14. The company conduct customer satisfaction surveys?

a) Yes b) No


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