15 Mechanical Engg

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  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted




    Sl. No. Paper I

    (Choose any one subject)


    1 Advanced Mechanical Engineering Design R1015012 Experimental Stress Analysis R101502

    3 Fatigue, Creep & Fracture Mechanics R101503

    4 Advanced Optimization Techniques R101504

    5 Mechanical Vibrations R101505

    6 Theory of Metal Cutting R101506

    7 Special Manufacturing Systems R101507

    8 Design for Manufacturing and Assembly R101508

    9 Advanced Metal Forming R101509

    10 Materials Technology R101510

    11 Advanced Thermodynamics R101511

    12 Advanced heat Transfer R10151213 Advanced Fluid Mechanics R101513

    14 Advanced IC Engines R101514

    15 Non Conventional Energy Sources R101515

    16 Computational Methods in Engineering R101516

    17 Direct Energy Conversion R101517

    18 Optimization Techniques and Applications R101518

    19 Management Theory and Practice R101519

    20 Reliability Engineering and Maintenance


    21 Supply Chain Management R101521

    22 Total Quality Management R101522

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted




    Sl. No. Paper II

    (Choose any one subject)


    1 Finite Element Analysis R101551

    2 Advanced Computer Aided Design R101552

    3 Industrial Robotics R101553

    4 Mechanics of Composite Materials R101554

    5 Theory of Plates and Shells R101555

    6 Intelligent Manufacturing Systems R101556

    7 Automation in Manufacturing R101557

    8 Precision Engineering R101558

    9 Product Data Management R101559

    10 Computer Aided Manufacturing R101560

    11 Turbo Machines R10156112 Equipment Design for Thermal Systems R101562

    13 Computational Fluid Dynamics R101563

    14 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning R101564

    15 Solar Energy Technology R101565

    16 Fuels, combustion & Environment R101566

    17 Jet Propulsions & Rocketry R101567

    18 Production and Operations Management R101568

    19 Entrepreneur Resource Planning R101569

    20 Simulation Modeling of Manufacturing System R101570

    21 Quality Engineering in Manufacturing R101571

    22 Performance Modeling and Analysis ofManufacturing Systems


  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101501


    Unit I

    Design philosophy: Design process, Problem formation, Introduction to product design,

    Various design models-Shigley model, Asimov model and Norton model, Need analysis,Strength considerations -standardization. Creativity, Creative techniques, Material

    selections, Notches and stress concentration, design for safety and Reliability

    Unit II

    Product Design: Product strategies, Product value, Product planning, product

    specifications, concept generation, concept selection, concept testing.

    Design for manufacturing: Forging design, Casting design, Design process for nonmetallic parts, Plastics, Rubber, Ceramic, Wood, Glass parts. Material selection in

    machine design

    Unit IIIFailure theories: Static failure theories, Distortion energy theory, Maximum shear stress

    theory, Coulomb-Mohrs theory, Modified Mohrs theory, Fracture mechanics theory.,Fatigue mechanisms, Fatigue failure models, Design for fatigue strength and life, creep:

    Types of stress variation, design for fluctuating stresses, design for limited cycles,

    multiple stress cycles, Fatigue failure theories ,cumulative fatigue damage, thermalfatigue and shock, harmful and beneficial residual stresses, Yielding and transformation

    Unit IV

    Surface failures: Surface geometry, mating surfaces, oil film and their effects, designvalues and procedures, adhesive wear, abrasive wear, corrosion wear, surface fatigue,

    different contacts, dynamic contact stresses, surface fatigue failures, surface fatigue


    Unit V

    Economic factors influencing design: Economic analysis, Break-even analysis, Humanengineering considerations, Ergonomics, Design of controls, Design of displays. Value

    engineering, Material and process selection in value engineering, Modern approaches in



    1. Machine Design An Integrated Approach by Robert L. Norton, Prentice-Hall New

    Jersey, USA.2. Mechanical Engineering Design by J.E. Shigley and L.D. Mitchell published by

    McGraw- Hill International Book Company, New Delhi.

    3. Fundamentals of machine elements by Hamrock, Schmid and Jacobian, 2nd edition,McGraw- Hill International edition.

    4. Product design and development by Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger. 3rd

    edition, Tata McGraw Hill.

    5. Product Design and Manufacturing by A.K. Chitale and R.C. Gupta, Prentice Hall

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101502



    Introduction: Theory of Elasticity, Plane stress and plane strain conditions,

    compatibility conditions, problem using plane stress and plane strain conditions, three-

    dimensional stress strain relations.Strain measurement methods: various types of strain gauges, electrical resistance strain

    gauges, semiconductor strain gauge circuits.


    Recording instruments: introduction, static recording and data logging, dynamic

    recording at very low frequencies, dynamic recording at intermediate frequencies,

    dynamic recording at high frequencies, dynamic recording at very high frequencies,telemetry systems.


    Brittle coatings: Introduction, coating stresses, failure theories, brittle coating crackpatterns, crack detection, ceramic based brittle coatings, resin based brittle coatings, test

    procedures for brittle coatings analysis, calibration procedures, analysis of brittle coatingdata.

    Moire Methods: Introduction, mechanism of formation of Moire fringes, the

    geometarical approach to moir-fringe analysis, the displacement field approach toMoire-fringe analysis, out of plane displacement measurements, out of plane slope

    measurements, sharpening and multiplication of moir-fringes, experimental procedure

    and techniques.


    Photo elasticity: Photo elasticity, polariscope, plane and circularly polarized light, bright

    and dark filed setup, photo elasticity materials,, Isochromatic fringes Isoclinics.


    Three dimensional Photo elasticity: introduction, locking in model deformation,materials for three dimensional photo elasticity, machining cementing and slicing three

    dimensional models, slicing the model and interpretation of the resulting fringe patterns,

    effective stresses, the shear-difference method in three dimensions, applications of the

    Frozen-stress method, the scattered-light method

    Birefringent coating: Introduction, coating stress and stains, coating sensitivity, coating

    materials, application of coatings, effective of coating thickness, fringe-order

    determinations in coatings, stress separation methods.


    1. Theory of elasticity by Timosheke and Goodier Jr.2. Experimental Stress analysis by Dally and Riley, Mc Graw-Hill


    1. A treatise on Mathematical theory of elasticity by LOVE A.H.

    2. Photo Elasticity by Frocht.

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101503



    Introduction: Fracture behaviour of metals and alloys. The ductile/brittle transition

    temperatures for noteched and unnotched components, Ductile rupture as a failuremechanism Fracture at elevated temperature.

    Definitions of types of fracture and failure, Introduction to stress intensity factor and

    strain energy release rate, Equivalence of energy approach and stress intensity approach.

    Basic stress analysis and mechanical properties: Elasticity, General 3-D relations,

    Plane stress and plane strain, Mohrs circle-principal stresses, Yield in materials, Tresca

    and Von Mises criteria, Ideal and actual strength of materials. Typical stress/strain curves

    for different classes of materials.


    Stress intensity factor and its use in fracture mechanics : Early concepts of stress

    concentrators and flaws, Ingles solution to stress round an elliptical hole-implications ofresults. Stress intensity factor for a crack. Westergaards solution for crack tip stresses.

    Stresses and displacement in Cartesian and polar coordinates, Linear Elastic FractureMechanics. Typical values of fracture toughness, Different modes of crack opening.

    Superposition of crack tip stress fields, Direction of crack growth under mixed mode

    loadings.Crack tip plasticity, Early estimates of plastics zone, Irwin plastic zone correction and

    Dugdale approach, Plastic zone shape in three dimensions and shape under plane stress

    and plane strain conditions, Allowable plasticity for LEFM to apply: the thickness

    criterion Experimental methods for measuring Kic.


    Elastic/plastic fracture mechanics: Elastic/plastic fracture mechanics: The crackopening displacement and J-integral approaches, R-curve analysis Testing procedures,

    Measurement of these parameters, RAD, Fail sage and safe life design approaches,

    Practical applications. Advanced topics in EOFM.


    Fatigue: Importance of fatigue in engineering, Low cycle fatigue, Coffin-Manson law,

    Cyclic work hardening and softening. Micro structural models of crack initiation. Stage I,II and III crack growth.

    Analysis of Fatigue: The empirical laws of fatigue failure. High cycle-low strain fatigue,

    Basquins law, Goodman, Soderberg and Gerber mean stress corrections, Miners law ofdamage summation. Low cycle fatigue, Crack growth and application of fracture

    mechanics to fatigue, Paris-Ergodan law, Threshold stress intensity range. Crack closure

    and its theories Cycle counting methods, Developments in using rain-flow countingmethods to recreate fatigue standard spectra. Standard spectra suitable for different


  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted



    Fatigue of welded structures: Factors affecting the fatigue lives of welded joints, the

    codes and standards available to the designer, the use of fracture mechanics tosupplement design rules. Practical examples.

    Creep: Phenomenology, Creep curves, Creep properties, Multi-axial creep, Creep-fatigue

    interaction, Creep integrals.


    1. Fracture Mechanics: Fundamental and Applications by Anderson T.L & Boca Raton,CRC Press, Florida, 1998.

    2. Mechanics of material II by Victor, E. Saouma. (This book can be downloaded from


    3. Plasticity for structural Engineers by W.F. Chen and D.J,. Han, Chapter 2 and chapter 3.4. Engineering Fracture Mechanics in D.R.J. Owen and A.J. Fawkes, Pincridge press,

    Swansea, U.K.

    5. Fracture and fatigue control in structures, S.T. Rolfe and J.M. Barsom, Printice Hall,

    Eglewood cliffs, N.J..6. Fracture of brittle solids, B.R. Lawn and T.R. Wilshaw, Cambridge university press.

    7. Plastic deformation of Metals, R.W.K. Honeycombe, 2nd edition, Edward Arnold.Chapters 13, 14 and 15.

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101504



    Geometric programming (G.P): Solution of an unconstrained geometric programming,differential calculus method and arithmetic method. Primal dual relationship and

    sufficiency conditions. Solution of a constrained geometric programming problem

    (G.P.P), Complementary Geometric Programming (C.G.P)


    Dynamic programming(D.P): Multistage decision processes. Concepts of sub

    optimization and Principal of optimality, computational procedure in dynamicprogramming calculus method and tabular methods. Linear programming as a case of

    D.P. and continuous D.P.

    Unit-IIIInteger programming(I.P): Graphical representation. Gomory's cutting plane method.

    Bala's algorithm for zero-one programming problem. Branch-and-bound method,Sequential linear discrete Programming, Generalized penalty function method.

    Stochastic Programming (S.P.): Basic Concepts of Probability Theory, Stochastic Linear



    Non-traditional optimization techniques: Multi-objective optimization - Lexicographic

    method, Goal programming method, Genetic algorithms, Simulated annealing, NeuralNetworks based Optimization.


    Non Linear Programming: Unconstrained optimization Techniques, Direct search

    methods, Random search methods, Uninventive methods, pattern direction Hookers and

    Jeerers method, powalls method, indirect search methods: Steepset discreet method D-F.P methods.


    1. Operations Research- Principles and Practice by Ravindran, Phillips and Solberg,

    John Wiely2. Introduction to Operations Research by Hiller and Lieberman, Mc Graw Hill

    3. Engineering Optimization - Theory and Practice by Rao, S.S., New Age International

    (P) Ltd. Publishers.4. Engineering Optimization By Kalyanmanai Deb, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

    5. Genetic Algorithms - In Search, Optimization and Machine Learning by David E.

    Goldberg, Addison-Wesley Longman (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd.

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101505



    Single Degree of freedom systems I: undamped and damped free vibrations, forcedvibrations, coulomb damping, response to harmonic excitation, rotating unbalance and

    support excitation, vibration isolation and transmissibility, vibration measuring

    instruments, vibrometers, velocity meters & accelerometers.

    Single degree of freedom systems II: Response to Non-periodic excitations, unit

    impulse, unit step and unit ramp functions, response to arbitrary excitations, the

    convolution integral, shock spectrum, system response by the laplace transformation

    method, the transfer function, general system response, response by the state transitionmatrix, discrete-time systems, the convolution Sum, discrete time response using the

    transition matrix.

    UNIT-IITwo degree freedom systems:principal models, undamped and damped free and forced

    vibrations, undamped vibrations absorbers, response to non-periodic excitations by theconvolution sum.


    Multi degree freedom systems: Matrix formulation, stiffness and flexibility influence

    coefficients, eigen value problem, normal modes and their properties, free and forced

    vibration by Modal analysis, method of matrix inversion, torsional vibrations of multi

    rotor systems and geared systems, discrete-time systems.

    Numerical Methods: Raylieghs, stodolas, matrix iteration, Rayleigh-Ritz Method and

    Holzers methods.


    Continuous systems: Free vibration of string, longitudinal, oscillations of bars-travers

    vibrations of beams, torsional vibrations of shafts.


    Critical speed of shifts: Critical speed without and with damping, secondary critical


    Nonlinear vibrations: undamped free vibration with non-linear spring forces, forced

    undamped vibration with nonlinear spring fforces, self-excitated vibrations, stability.


    1. Elements of vibration Analysis by Meirovitcch.

    2. Mechanical vibrations by G. K. Groover.


    1. vibrations by W.T. Thomson

    2. Mechanical vibrations Schaum Series.

    3. Vibration problems in Engineering by S.P. Timoshenko

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101506


    UNIT I:

    Mechanics of Metal Cutting: Geometry of Metal Cutting Process, Chip formation, Chip

    Thickness ratio, radius of chip curvature, cutting speed, feed and depth of cut - Types of

    Chips, Chip breakers.Orthogonal and Oblique cutting processes-definition, Forces and energy calculations

    (Merchants Analysis).- Power consumed MRR Effect of Cutting variables on Forces,

    Force measurement using Dynamometers.

    UNIT II:

    Single Point Cutting Tool: Various systems of specifications, single point cutting tool

    geometry and their inter-relation. Theories of formation of built-up edge and their effect,design of single point contact tools throwaway inserts.


    Multipoint Cutting Tools: Drill geometry, design of drills, Rake & Relief angles of twistdrill, speed, feed and depth of cut, machining time, forces, milling cutters, cutting speed

    & feed machining time design - from cutters.Grinding: Specifications of grinding of grinding wheel, mechanics of grinding, Effect of

    Grinding conditions on wheel wear and grinding ratio. Depth of cut, speed, machining

    time, temperature, power.

    UNIT IV:

    Tool Life and Tool Wear: Theories of tool wear-adhesion, abrasive and diffusion wear

    mechanisms, forms of wear, Tool life criteria and machinability index.Types of sliding contact, real area of contact, laws of friction and nature of frictional

    force in metal cutting. Effect of Tool angle, Economics, cost analysis, mean co-efficient

    of friction.

    UNIT V:

    Cutting Temperature: Sources of heat in metal cutting, influence of metal conditions.Temperature distribution, zones, experimental techniques, analytical approach. Use of

    tool-work thermocouple for determination of temperature. Temperature distribution in

    Metal Cutting.


    1. Metal Cutting Principles / M C Shaw / Oxford and IBH Publications, New

    Delhi,19692. Fundamentals of Machining / Boothryd / Edward Amold publishers Ltd. 1975


    1. Metal cutting theory and cutting tool design / V. Arshinov and G. Alekseev / MirPublishers, Moscow

    2. Fundamentals of Metal cutting and Machine tools / B.L.Juneja, G. S. Sekhom and

    Nitin Seth / New Age International publishers

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101507


    UNIT I:

    Surface treatment: Scope, Cleaners, Methods of cleaning, Surface coating types, andceramic

    and organic methods of coating, economics of coating. Electro forming, Chemical vapor

    deposition, thermal spraying, Ion implantation, diffusion coating, Diamond coating andcladding.

    UNIT II:

    Processing of ceramics: Applications, characteristics, classification .Processing ofparticulate ceramics, Powder preparations, consolidation, Drying, sintering, Hot

    compaction, Area of application, finishing of ceramics. Processing of Composites:

    Composite Layers, Particulate and fiber reinforced composites, Elastomers, Reinforced

    plastics, MMC, CMC, Polymer matrix composites.


    Fabrication of Microelectronic devices: Crystal growth and wafer preparation, Film

    Deposition oxidation, lithography, bonding and packaging, reliability and yield, Printed

    Circuit boards, computer aided design in micro electronics, surface mount technology,Integrated circuit economics.

    UNIT IV:

    E-Manufacturing, nanotechnology. and m icromach ining, High Speed Machining.

    UNIT V:

    Rapid Prototyping: Working Principles, Methods, Streo Lithography, Laser Smiting,Fused Deposition Method, Applications and Limitations


    1. Manufacturing Engineering and TechnologyIKalpakijian / Adisson Wesley, 1995.

    2. Process and Materials of Manufacturing / R. A. Lindburg / 1th edition, PHI 1990.

    3. Microelectronic packaging handbook / Rao. R. Thummala and Eugene, J.

    Rymaszewski / Van Nostrand Renihold,4. MEMS & Micro Systems Design and manufacture / Tai Run Hsu / TMGH

    5. Advanced Machining Processes / V.K.Jain / Allied Publications.

    6. Introduction to Manufacturing Processes / John A ScheyIMc Graw Hill.

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101508


    UNIT I:

    Introduction: Design philosophy steps in Design process General Design rules formanufacturability basic principles of design Ling for economical production

    creativity in design. Materials: Selection of Materials for design Developments in

    Material technology -- criteria for material selection Material selectioninterrelationship with process selection process selection charts.

    UNIT II:

    MACHINING PROCESS: Overview of various machining processes -- general designrules for machining - Dimensional tolerance and surface roughness Design for

    machining Ease Redesigning of components for machining ease with suitable

    examples. General design recommendations for machined parts.

    METAL CASTING: Appraisal of various casting processes, selection of casting process,- general design considerations for casting casting tolerances use of solidification

    simulation in casting design product design rules for sand casting.


    METAL JOINING: Appraisal of various welding processes, Factors in design ofweidments

    general design guidelines pre and post treatment of welds effects of thermal

    stresses in weld joints design of brazed joints. Forging Design factors for Forging

    Closed die forging design parting lines of die5 drop forging die design generaldesign recommendations. Extrusion & Sheet Metal Work: Design guidelines for

    extruded sections - design principles for Punching, Blanking, Bending, Deep Drawing

    Keeler Goodman Forming Line Diagram Component Design for Blanking.


    ASSEMBLE ADVANTAGES: Development of the assemble process, choice ofassemble method assemble advantages social effects of automation.


    intermittent transfer, indexing mechanisms, and operator - paced free transfer machine.


    DESIGN OF MANUAL ASSEMBLY: Design for assembly fits in the design process,

    general design guidelines for manual assembly, development of the systematic DFAmethodology, assembly efficiency, classification system for manual handling,

    classification system for manual insertion and fastening, effect of part symmetry on

    handling time, effect of part thickness and size on handling time, effect of weight onhandling time, parts requiring two hands for manipulation, effects of combinations of

    factors, effect of symmetry effect of chamfer design on insertion operations, estimation of

    insertion time.

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted



    1. Geoffrey Boothroyd, "Assembly Automation and Product Design", Marcel Dekker

    Inc., NY, 1992.2. Engineering Design Material & Processing Approach George E. Deiter, McGraw

    Hill Intl. 2nd Ed. 2000.

    REFERENCEBOOKS:1. Geoffrey Boothroyd, "Hand Book of Product Design" Marcel and Dekken, N.Y.


    2. A Delbainbre "Computer Aided Assembly London, 1992.

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101509


    UNIT I:

    Fundamentals of Metal Forming: Classification of forming processes, mechanism ofmetal forming, temperature of metal working, hot working, cold working, friction and


    Rolling of metals: Rolling processes, forces and geometrical relationship in rolling,simplified analysis, rolling load, rolling variables, theories of cold and hot rolling,

    problems and defects in rolling, torque and power calculations.

    UNIT II:

    Forging: Classification of forging processes, forging of plate, forging of circular discs,

    open die and closed-die forging, forging defects, and powder metallurgy forging.

    Extrusion: Classification, Hot Extrusion, Analysis of Extrusion process, defects in

    extrusion, extrusion of tubes, production of seamless pipes.

    UNIT III:Drawing: Drawing of tubes, rods, and wires: Wire drawing dies, tube drawing process,

    analysis of wire, deep drawing and tube drawing.

    Sheet Metal forming: Forming methods, Bending, stretch forming, spinning andAdvanced techniques of Sheet Metal Forming, Forming limit criteria, defect in formed



    UNIT IV:

    Advanced Metal forming processes: HERF, Electromagnetic forming, residual stresses,

    in-process heat treatment, computer applications in metal forming

    Press tool design: Design of various press tools and dies like piercing dies, blanking dies,compound dies and progressive blanking dies, design of bending, forming and drawing


    UNIT V:

    Jigs and Fixture design: Principles of location, six-point location principle, clamping

    elements and methods.

    Text Books:

    1. Mechanical Metallurgy / G.E. Dieter / Tata McGraw Hill, 1998. III Edition

    2. Principles of Metal Working / Sunder Kumar


    1. Principles of Metal Working processes / G.W. Rowe2. ASM Metal Forming Hand book.

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101510


    UNIT I:

    Elasticity in metals and polymers, mechanism of plastic deformation, role of dislocations,yield stress, shear strength of perfect and real crystals, strengthening mechanism, work

    hardening, solid solution, grain boundary strengthening. Poly phase mixture,

    precipitation, particle, fiber and dispersion strengthening, effect of temperature, strain andstrain rate on plastic behavior, super plasticity, deformation of non crystalline material

    UNIT II:

    Griffths Theory, stress intensity factor and fracture Toughness, TougheningMechanisms, Ductile and Brittle transition in steel, High Temperature Fracture, Creep,

    Larson Miller parameter, Deformation and Fracture mechanism maps.

    UNIT III:Fatigue, Low and High cycle fatigue test, Crack Initiation and Propagation mechanism

    and paris Law, Effect of surface and metallurgical parameters on Fatigue, Fracture ofnon-metallic materials, fatigue analysis, Sources of failure, procedure of failure analysis.

    UNIT IV:

    Motivation for selection, cost basis and service requirements, Selection for Mechanical

    Properties, Strength, Toughness, Fatigue and Creep. Selection for Surface durability,

    Corrosion and Wear resistance, Relationship between Materials Selection and Processing,

    Case studies in Materials Selection with relevance to Aero, Auto , Marine, Machineryand Nuclear Applications.

    UNIT V:

    MODERN METALLIC MATERIALS: Dual Steels, Micro alloyed, High Strength

    Low alloy (HSLA) Steel, Transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) Steel, Maraging

    Steel, Intermetallics, Ni and Ti Aluminides, Smart Materials, Shape Memory alloys,Metallic Glass Quasi Crystal and Nano Crystalline Materials.

    NONMETALLIC MATERIALS: Polymeric materials and their molecular structures,

    Production Techniques for Fibers, Foams, Adhesives and Coatings, structure, Properties

    and Applications of Engineering Polymers, Advanced Structural Ceramics WC, TiC,TaC, A12 O3, SiC, Si3 N4, CBN and Diamond properties, Processing and applications.

    Text Books:

    1. Mechanical Behavior of Materials/Thomas H. Courtney/ 2 nd Edition, McGraw

    Hill, 2000

    2. Mechanical Metallurgy/George E. Dicter/McGraw Hill, 1998.


    Selection and use of Engineering Materials 3e/Charles J.A/Butterworth Heiremann.

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


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    Subject Code R101511


    Unit - 1:

    Review of Thermo dynamic Laws and Corollaries Transient Flow Analysis Secondlaw of thermodynamics Entropy - Availability and unavailability Irreversibility

    Thermo dynamic Potentials Maxwell Relations Specific Heat Relations Mayers

    relation - Evaluation of Thermodynamic properties of working substance

    Unit - 2:

    P.V.T. surface Equations of state Real Gas Behaviour Vander Waals equation -

    Generalised compressibility Factor Energy properties of Real Gases Vapour pressure Clausius Clapeyron Equation Throttling Joule Thompson coefficient.

    Non-reactive Mixture of perfect Gases Governing Laws Evaluation of properties

    Pychrometric Mixture properties and psychrometric chart Air conditioning processes

    Cooling Towers Real Gas Mixture.

    Unit 3 :

    Combustion Combustion Reactions Enthalpy of Formation Entropy of

    Formation Reference Levels for Tables Energy of formation Heat of Reaction

    Aiabatic flame Temperature General product Enthalpies Equilibrium.Chemical Equilibrium of Ideal Gases Effects of Non-reacting Gases Equilibrium in

    Multiple Reactions. The vant Hoffs Equation. The chemical potential and phase

    Equilibrium The Gibbs phase Rule.

    Unit - 4:

    Power cycles, Review Binary vapour cycle, co-generation and

    Combined cycles Second law analysis of cycles Refrigeration cycles.Thermo Dynamics off irreversible processes Introduction phenomenological laws

    Onsagar Reciprocity Relation Applicability of the phenomenological Relations Heat

    Flux and Entropy Production Thermo dynamic phenomena Thermo electric circuits.

    Unit - 5:

    Direct Energy Conversion Introduction Fuel Cells - Thermo electric energy

    Thermo-ionic power generation -Thermodynamic devices Magneto HydrodynamicGenerations Photo voltaic cells.


    1) Basic and Applied Thermodynamics, P.K. Nag, TMH

    2) Thermo dynamics / Holman, Mc Graw Hill

    3) Thermo dynamics / Doolittle Messe4) Thermo dynamics / Sonnatag & Van Wylen

    5) Irreversible Thermo Dynamics / HR De Groff.

    6) Engg. Thermo dynamics /PL.Dhar

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


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    Subject Code R101512


    UNIT- 1:

    Brief Introduction to different modes of heat transfer; Conduction: General heat

    conduction equation-Initial and Boundary conditionsSteady State Heat Transfer: Simplified heat transfer in 1D and 2D Fins

    Transient heat conduction; Lumped system analysis- Heisler charts-semi infinite solid-

    use of shape factors in conduction - 2D transient heat conduction product solutions

    UNIT - 2:

    Finite Difference methods for Conduction: 1D & 2D steady state and simple transient

    heat conduction problems implicit and explicit methods.

    Forced Convection: Equations of Fluid Flow Concepts of Continuity, momentum

    equations Derivation of Energy equation - Methods to determine heat transfer

    coefficient: Analytical Methods - Dimensional Analysis and concept of exact solution.

    Approximate Method Integral analysis

    UNIT - 3:

    External flows: Flow over a flat plate: Integral method for laminar heat transfer

    coefficient for different velocity and temperature profiles. Application of empirical

    relations to variation geometrics for Laminar and Turbulent flows.

    Internal flows: Fully developed flow: Integral analysis for laminar heat transfer

    coefficient Types of flow Constant Wall Temperature and Constant Heat Flux

    Boundary Conditions - Hydrodynamic & thermal entry lengths; use of empirical


    UNIT - 4:

    Free convection: Approximate analysis on laminar free convective heat transfer Boussinesque Approximation - Different geometries combined free and forced


    Boiling and condensation: Boiling curve Correlations- Nusselts theory of filmcondensation on a vertical plate Assumptions & correlations of film condensation for

    different geometrics.

    UNIT - 5:

    Radiation Heat Transfer: Radiant heat exchange in grey, non-grey bodies, with

    transmitting, reflecting and absorbing media, specular surfaces, gas radiation radiation

    from flames.

    Mass Transfer: Concepts of mass transfer Diffusion & convective mass transfer

    Analogies Significance of non-dimensional numbers.


    1. Heat Transfer Necati Ozisik (TMH)

    2. Heat and Mass Transfer O P Single (Macmillan India Ltd)

    3. Heat Transfer P.S. Ghoshdastidar (Oxford Press)

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


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    4. Engg. Heat & Mass Transfer- Sarit K. Das (Dhanpat Rai)


    1. Fundamentals of Heat & Mass Transfer Incroera Dewitt (Jhon Wiley)2. Heat Transfer : A basic approach Yunus Cangel (MH)

    3. Heat & Mass Transfer D.S. Kumar

    4. Heat Transfer P.K. Nag(TMH)5. Principle of Heat Transfer Frank Kreith & Mark.Bohn.

    6. Convective Heat and Mass Transfer / W.M.Kays & M.E.Crawford(TMH)

    7. Radiation Heat Transfer G.M.Sparrow& R.D.Cess8. Thermal Radiation heat transfer R.Siegel & J.R.Howell

    9. Radiation Heat Transfer H.G.Hottel & A.F.Sarofim

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    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101513


    UNIT I:

    Non viscous flow of incompressible Fluids: Lagrangian and Eulerain Descriptions of

    fluid motion- Path lines, Stream lines, Streak lines, stream tubes velocity of a fluidparticle, types of flows, Equations of three dimensional continuity equation- Stream and

    Velocity potential functions.

    Basic Laws of fluid Flow: Condition for irrotationality, circulation & vorticityAccelerations in Cartesystems normal and tangential accelerations, Eulers, Bernouli

    equations in 3D Continuity and Momentum Equations

    UNIT 2:

    Principles of Viscous Flow: Derivation of Navier-Stokes Equations for viscous

    compressible flow Exact solutions to certain simple cases : Plain Poisoulle flow -

    Coutte flow with and without pressure gradient - Hagen Poisoulle flow - Blasius solution.

    UNIT 3:

    Boundary Layer Concepts : Prandtls contribution to real fluid flows Prandtlsboundary layer theory - Boundary layer thickness for flow over a flat plate

    Approximate solutions Creeping motion (Stokes) Oseens approximation - Von-

    Karman momentum integral equation for laminar boundary layer Expressions for localand mean drag coefficients for different velocity profiles.

    UNIT 4:

    UNIT I: Introduction to Turbulent Flow: Fundamental concept of turbulence TimeAveraged Equations Boundary Layer Equations - Prandtl Mixing Length Model -

    Universal Velocity Distribution Law: Van Driest Model Approximate solutions for drag

    coefficients More Refined Turbulence Models k-epsilon model - boundary layerseparation and form drag Karman Vortex Trail, Boundary layer control, lift on circular


    Internal Flow: Smooth and rough boundaries Equations for Velocity Distribution andfrictional Resistance in smooth rough Pipes Roughness of Commercial Pipes

    Moodys diagram.

    UNIT 5:

    Compressible Fluid Flow I: Thermodynamic basics Equations of continuity,

    Momentum and Energy - Acoustic Velocity Derivation of Equation for Mach Number

    Flow Regimes Mach Angle Mach Cone Stagnation State

    Compressible Fluid Flow II: Area Variation, Property Relationships in terms of Mach

    number, Nozzles, Diffusers Fanno and Releigh Lines, Property Relations IsothermalFlow in Long Ducts Normal Compressible Shock, Oblique Shock: Expansion and

    Compressible Shocks Supersonic Wave Drag.

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    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted



    1. Schlichting H Boundary Layer Theory (Springer Publications).

    2. Convective Heat and Mass Transfer Oosthigen, McGrawhill

    3. Convective Heat and Mass Transfer W.M. Kays, M.E. Crawford, McGrawhill


    1. Yuman S.W Foundations of Fluid Mechanics.2. An Introduction to Compressible Flow Pai.

    3. Dynamics & Theory and Dynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow Shapiro.

    4. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery D. Rama Durgaiah.(New Age Pub.)

    5. Fluid Dynamics William F. Hughes & John A. Brighton (Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.)

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101514


    UNIT - 1: Introduction Historical Review Engine Types Design and operating

    Parameters.Cycle Analysis: Thermo-chemistry of Fuel Air mixtures, properties Ideal Models ofEngine cycles Real Engine cycles - differences and Factors responsible for Computer


    UNIT - 2: Gas Exchange Processes: Volumetric Efficiency Flow through ports

    Supercharging and Turbo charging.

    Charge Motion: Mean velocity and Turbulent characteristics Swirl, Squish Pre-chamber Engine flows.

    UNIT - 3: Engine Combustion in S.I engines: Combustion and Speed Cyclic

    Variations Ignition Abnormal combustion Fuel factors, MPFI, SI engine testing.Combustion in CI engines: Essential Features Types off Cycle. Pr. Data Fuel

    Spray Behavior Ignition Delay Mixing Formation and control, Common rail fuel

    injection system

    UNIT - 4:Pollutant Formation and Control: Nature and extent of problems Nitrogen

    Oxides, Carbon monoxide, unburnt Hydrocarbon and particulate Emissions Measurement Exhaust Gas Treatment, Catalytic converter, SCR, Particulate Traps,

    Lean, NOx, Catalysts.

    UNIT - 5:

    Fuel supply systems for S.I. and C.I engines to use gaseous fuels like LPG, CNG andHydrogen.

    Modern Trends in IC Engines

    - Lean Burning and Adiabatic concepts

    - Rotary Engines.

    - Modification in I.C engines to suit Bio - fuels.- HCCI and GDI concepts

    REFERENCES BOOKS: 1. I.C. Engines Fundamentals/Heywood/Mc Graw Hill

    2. The I.C. Engine in theory and Practice Vol.I / Teylor / IT Prof. And Vol.II

    3. I.C. Engines: Obert/Int Text Book Co.4. I.C. Engines: Maleev5. Combustion Engine Processes: Lichty

    6. I.C. Engines: Ferguson

    7. Scavenging of Two stroke Cycle Engines Switzer.8. I.C.Engines by V.Ganesan

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    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101515


    Unit 1: Introduction Energy Sinario - Survey of Energy Resources Classification

    Need for Non-Conventional Energy Resources. Solar Energy: The Sun Sun-Earth

    Relationship Basic matter to waste heat energy circuit Solar radiation Attention Radiation measuring instruments.

    Solar Energy Applications:

    Solar water Heating, space heating active and passive heating energy storage selective surface solar stills and ponds solar refrigeration photovoltaic generation .

    Unit - 2: Geothermal Energy:Structure of Earth Geothermal Regions Hot springs

    Hot Rocks Hot Aquifers Analytical Methods to estimate Thermal Potential Harnessing Techniques Electricity Generating Systems.

    Unit - 3: Direct Energy Conversion:

    Nuclear Fusion:Fusion Fusion Reaction- P-P Cycle carbon Cycle, Deuterium cycle condition for

    controlled Fusion.Fuel Cells and Photovoltaic Thermionic and Thermoelectric Generation MHD


    Hydrogen gas a Fuel Production methods Properties I.C. Engines Applications Utilization Strategy Performances.

    Unit 4: Bio Energy:

    Biomass Energy Sources Plant Productivity, Biomass Wastes Aerobic and Anaerobicbio-conversion processes Raw Materials and properties of Bio-gas-Bio-gas plant

    Technology and Status The Energetics and Economics of Biomass Systems Biomass


    Unit 5: Wind Energy:

    Wind Beaufort number characteristics wind energy conversion systems types Betz model Interference Factor Power Coefficient Torque Coefficient and thrust

    coeff.- Lift machines and drag machines matching electricity generation.

    Energy from Oceans:

    Tidal Energy; Tides Diurnal and Semi Diurnal Nature Power from Tides.Wave Energy ; Waves Theoretical Energy Available Calculation of period and phase

    velocity of waves wave power systems submerged devices. Ocean Thermal Energy :

    principles Heat Exchangers Pumping requirements Practical Considerations.


    1. Renewable Energy Resources Basic Principles and Applications G.N.Tiwariand M.K.Ghosal, Narosa Pub


    1. Renewable Energy Resources / John Twidell & Tony Weir

    2. Biological Energy Resources / Malcolm Flescher & Chrris Lawis

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    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101516



    Introduction to numerical methods applied to engineering problems: Examples,

    solving sets of equation Matrix notation Determination and inversion Iterative

    methods Relaxation methods System of non-linear equations computer programs.Numerical integration: Newton-Cotes integration formulas Simpsons rules, Gaussian

    quadrature. Adaptive integration.



    One dimensional unconstrained optimization, multidimensional unconstrained

    optimization direct methods and gradient search methods, constrained optimization.

    Boundary value problems and characteristic value problems: Shooting method

    Solution through a set of equations Derivative boundary conditions Rayieigh - Ritz

    method Characteristic value problems,


    Numerical solutions of partial differential equations: Laplaces equations Representation as a difference equation Iterative methods for Laplaces equations

    poisson equation Examples Derivative boundary conditions Irregular and non-

    rectangular grids Matrix patterns, sparseness ADI method Finite element method.

    Parabolic partial differential equations: Explicit method Crank-Nickelson method

    Derivative boundary condition Stability and convergence criteria Finite element for

    heat flow computer programs.


    Hyperbolic partial differential equations: Solving wave equation by finite differences-

    stability of numerical method method of characteristics wave equation in two spacedimension-computer programs.

    Curve fitting and approximation of functions: Least square approximation fitting of

    non-linear curves by least squares regression analysis multiple linear regression, nonlinear regression computer programs.


    1 Steven C.Chapra, Raymond P.Canale Numerical Methods for Engineers TataMa-Graw Hill

    2 Curtis F.Gerald, partick.O.Wheatly, Applied numerical analysis Addison-

    wesley,19893 Douglas J.Faires, Riched Burden Numerical methods Brooks/cole publishing

    company, 1998 Second edition.


    1 Ward cheney & David Kincaid Numerical mathematics and computing

    Brooks/cole publishing company 1999 fourth edition

    2 Riley K.F.M.P.Hobson & Bence S.J. mathematical methods for physics and

    engineering Cambridge university press,1999.

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    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101517


    1. Energy Balance of the earth The Greenhouse effect Physical Source of sunlight

    Plancks black-body radiation distribution from different black body temperatures The earth and Solar Constant Spectral distribution of extra-terrestrial radiation

    Basic earth-sun angles Solar time and equation of time attenuation of solar

    radiation by the atmosphere Direct and diffuse radiation at the ground Empiricalequations for predicting the availability of solar radiation Computation of radiation

    on inclined surfaces - Angstroms turbidity, Solar charts Measurement of diffuse,

    global and direct solar radiation Calibration and standardization Duration of Sun

    hours Solar radiation data Peak Sun hours Standard terms and definitions.

    2. Photovoltaics (PV): History, review of semiconductor physics and Operating

    principle Silicon as PV material - Direct and indirect band-gap material Flow of

    Silicon material Single crystal Silicon Solar cell Structure Important electricalparameters Ideal and approximate equivalent circuits - Manufacturing processes

    (wafer and cell) of single crystal, multi-crystalline and Edge Defined Film FedGrowth Silicon - Temperature and Irradiation effects Energy Losses Absorption

    coefficient and reflectance - Review of other PV technologies Silicon film,

    Cadmium telluride (cdTe), Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide, amorphous silicon Comparison of Thin film and Bulk crystal technology manufacturing (module

    making) processes of amorphous silicon on glass, stainless steel and plastic

    substrates Typical materials used - Concentrator technology and the importance of

    tracking Comparison of efficiencies of various technologies Recent trends intechnology and manufacturing.

    3. PV modules and arrays Design requirements of PV modules Rating of PVmodules Standard Test Conditions (STC), Normal Operating Cell Temperature

    (NOCT) and Standard Operating Conditions (SOC) Output curves ( Current-

    Voltage or I-V and Power-Voltage or P-V) under various irradiance andtemperature conditions Mounting structure for PV modules/arrays Orientation and

    array layout Effects of shading - Other balance of systems (BOS) and protective

    devices: blocking and bypass diodes, movistors Roof mounted arrays Building

    integrated PV (BIPV) Typical faults and diagnosis Hot Spot problem in a PVmodule and safe operating area - Performance measurement of typical parameters of

    cells/modules under natural and simulated light Indoor sun simulators - Outdoor

    PV array testers ASTM and IEEE standards for Class A and Class B simulators Pulsed, steady state and single flash types Determination of temperature

    coefficients, series and shunt resistances, curve correction factor - Computation of

    efficiency and fill factor Translation of parameters actually measured to STC Reliability Testing: Qualification tests, IEC Standards 61215 & 61646 Reliability

    test Field stress testing.

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    4. PV Systems Stand alone and grid connected Load estimation Daily load

    demand Solar radiation/irradiance table for a particular location - Sizing of the PV

    array, battery, inverter and other BOS Maximizing efficiency of sub-systems Balance of systems Single axis and two axis tracking at optimum inclination of the

    PV array Power conditioning and control Maximum Power Point Trackers,

    Charge controllers/regulators, DC/DC Converters, DC/AC inverters Alarms,indicators and monitoring equipment Energy Storage: Batteries, Deep cycle lead

    acid type, Battery Design and construction, Other types of batteries, Battery Selection

    criteria, Safety issues Typical applications of PV Hybrid systems: PV-Wind, PV-Diesel engine, PV-Mains - System Sizing examples: Domestic loads, Water pumping,

    Lighting (using CFLs, White LEDs) - hybrid systems, village power packs

    Installation practices Trouble shooting Economic analysis: Life Cycle Cost

    analysis Environment impacts of PV Green buildings Potential for GHGemission reduction of installed PV systems.

    5. The Hydrogen economy Advantages of hydrogen as an energy carrier

    Components of the hydrogen economy - Generation of hydrogen - Transport andstorage of hydrogen: physical and chemical - Fuel Cells Classification of fuel cells

    based on (a) Type of electrolyte (b) Type of the fuel and oxidant (c) operatingtemperature (d) application and (e) chemical nature of electrolyte

    Reference Books:

    a. Solar Electricity /Edited by Tomas Markvart/John Wiley and Sons

    b. Solar Cells Operating Principles, Technology and System Applications /Martin A.

    Green/Prentice Hall Incc. Modelling Photovoltaic Systems using P Spice/Luis Castaner and Santiago

    Silvestre/John Wiley and Sons

    d. Solar Energy Fundamentals and Applications/H.P. Garg and J. Prakash/TataMcGraw-Hill

    e. Generating Electricity from the Sun/Edited by Fred C. Treble/Pergamon Press

    f. Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells/K.Takahashi and M.Konagai/North Oxford Academicg. Photovoltaic Systems Engineering/Roger Messenger/CRC Press

    h. Fuel Cells/Livin Oniciu/Abacus Press 1976

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101518


    UNIT I


    One dimensional Optimization methods:- Uni-modal function, elimination method,

    Fibonacci method, golden section method, interpolation methods- quadratic & cubicinterpolation methods.


    Multi variable non-linear unconstrained optimization: Direct search method Univariant

    Method pattern search methods Powells Hook Jeeves, Rosenbrock search

    methods gradient methods, gradient of function, steepest decent method, Fletcher

    reeves method. Variable metric method.



    Polynomials arithmetic geometric inequality unconstrained G.P constrained G.PDYNAMIC PROGRAMMING:

    Multistage decision process, principles of optimality, examples, conversion of finalproblem to an initial value problem, application of dynamic programming, production

    inventory. Allocation, scheduling replacement.


    Linear programming formulation Sensivity analysis. Change in the constrints, cost

    coefficients , coefficients of the constraints, addition and deletion of variable, constraints.

    Simulation Introduction Types Steps application inventory queuing thermalsystem.

    UNIT V

    Integer Programming introduction formulation Gomory cutting plane algorithm

    Zero or one algorithm, branch and bound method.

    STOCHASTIC PROGRAMMING:Basic concepts of probability theory, random variables distributions mean, variance,

    Correlation, co variance, joint probability distribution stochastic linear, dynamic



    1. Optimization theory & Applications/ S.S Rao/ New Age International

    2. Introductory to operation research/Kasan & Kumar/Springar3. Optimization Techniques theory and practice / M.C Joshi, K.M Moudgalya/

    Narosa Publications.


    1.S.D Sharma/Operations Research

    2.Operation Research/H.A. Taha/TMH

    3.Optimization in operations research/R.L Rardin

    4 Optimization Techniques/Benugundu & Chandraputla/Person Asia.

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    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101519



    Introduction: Management definitions, types of managers, managerial roles andfunctions, science or Arts? Administration Vs Management, External environment

    Managing people and organization in the context of New Era Managing for competitive

    advantage the challenges of management corporate social responsibility ManagerialEthics.


    Perspectives on Management: Scientific Management (Fredick W.Taylor, Frank andLillial Gilbreth) Human Relations (Elton Mayo, Douglas Mc Gregors Theory X and

    Theory Y, William quchis Theory Z), the systems Approach, the contingency Approach,

    the Mckinsey 7-S Framework.

    Planning: Nature of planning, steps in planning, types of planning, Levels of planning,The planning. Process planning practice in USA, Japan and China.


    Decision Making: Problems and Opportunity finding, the nature of managerial Decision

    Making, the Rational Model of Decision Making, Challenges to the Rational Model,Improving the Effectiveness of Decision Making Tools and Techniques, Roles of Board

    and Committees in Decision Making Decision Making practices abroad.

    Organizing: Nature of organizing, organization levels and span of management Factors

    determining Span Organizational design and structure department, line and staffconcepts, staffing delegation, decentralization and recentralization of authority

    responsive organizations Global organizing.


    Leading,: Leading Vs Mangaing Trait approach and Contingency approaches to

    leadership Dimensions of Leadership Leadership Behavior and styles developingleadership skills transformational leaders Leadersip in Cross cultureal environment

    Evaluating Leader Women and Corporate leadership Motivational theories Building

    Groups into teams inter group Behavior, conflict and negotiation Global leading.

    Communication; Importance of Communication, Interpersonal communication Barrier ofEffective communication, communication in organization, Using communication skills to

    manage conflicts, Communicating for understanding and results, creating productive

    interpersonal relationships, Guidelines to improve written and oral communication communication practices in India and Abroad.


    Controlling: Basic control process control as a feedback system Feedback Forward

    control Requirements for effective control control techniques overall controls and

    preventive controls Global controlling.

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    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted



    1. Bateman and Snell, Management: Competing in the New Era,5/e, TMH,2003.

    2. Samuel C. Certo, Modern Management, 9/e, PHI, 2003.3. Heinz Weihrich, Harold Koontz: Management A Global Perspective, 10/e, Tata Mc

    Graw Hill, 2002.

    4. Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert, Jr. Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2002.5. Koontz, Weihrich & Arysri, Principles of Management, TMH, New Delhi, 2004.

    6. Daft, Management, Thompson, New Delhi, 2003.

    7. Prem Vrat, K.K. Ahuja, P.K. Jain, Case studied in Management Vikas PublishingHouse Pvt. Ltd., 2002.

    8. Peter G. Northouse, Leadership Theory & Practice, Response Books, New Delhi,


    9. Mrityanjay Kumar Srivastava, Transformational Leadership, Macmillan India Ltd.,2003.

    10. Robbins: Management 7/e, Pearson Education, 2003.

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    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101520


    UNIT I

    Reliability Definition Failure date analysis, Hazard ModelsSystem Reliability : Series and Parallel Systems, different methods of finding system



    Reliability improvement: Redundancy active standby Unit Component and mixed.

    Maintainability and Availability.


    Introduction to maintenance management : Objectives of Maintenance , policies of

    Maintenance, Maintenance Planning Scheduling, Monitoring and Controlling.


    Types of Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance system design Condition basedMaintenance

    UNIT V

    Design of Spare Parts System: Insurance spares, Standardization Computerization,

    quality and cost control in Maintenance, Cost models in Maintenance Mangement.

    Tools for Better Maintenance: MIS in Maintenance.


    1. Concepts in Reliability by L S. Srinath2. Reliability Engineering by E. Balaguruswamy.

    3. ISTE UPDATE notes on Maintenance Mangement.

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    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101521


    UNIT I

    Logistics and Competitive Strategy Competitive advantage Gaining Competitive

    Advantage through logistic The Mission of Logistics Management Integrated supplychains Supply Chain and Competitive performance The changing logistics

    environment Models in Logistics Management Logistics to supply Chain

    Management Focus areas in supply Chain Management performance Measures forSCM.

    Customer Service Dimension The marketing and logistics interface Customer service

    and customer retention Service - driven logistics systems Basic service capability

    Increasing customer expectations Value added services Customer satisfaction andsuccess Time based logistics Case studies.


    Logistics Systems Design: Logistics positioning =- Logistics reengineering reengineering procedure logistics environmental assessment time based logistics

    alternative logistics strategies strategic integration logistics time based controltechniques.

    Measuring Logistics Costs and Performance : The concept of Total Cost analysis

    Principles of logistics costing Logistics and the bottom line Impact of Logistics onSharcholder value customer profitability analysis direct product profitability cost

    driver and activity based costing.


    Logistics and Supply chain relationship: Benchmarking the logistics process and SCM

    operation Mapping the supply chain processes Supplier and distributor benchmarking

    - setting benchmarking priorities identifying logistics performance indicators Channelstructures Economics of distribution channel relationship logistic service alliances.

    Sourcing transporting and pricing products: Sourcing decisions in supply chain

    transportation in the supply chain transportation infrastructure supplier of transportservices basic transportation economics and pricing transportation documentation

    pricing and revenue management in the supply chain Coordination in the supply chain

    pricing and revenue management in supply chains.

    UNIT- IV

    Coordination and Technology in Supply chain: Lack of coordination and Bullwhip Effect

    Impact of lack of coordination obstacle to coordination managerial levers to achievecoordination Building strategic partners and trust within a supply chain. Role of IT in

    the supply chain Customer Relationship Management Internal supply chain

    management Supply chain IT in practice Information technology and the supplychain E business and the supply chain E-business Framework case studies.

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    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    UNIT V

    Managing global logistics and global supply chains: Logistics in a global economy

    views of global logistics global operation levels interlink global economy- Theglobal supply chains Global supply chain business processes Global strategy Global

    purchasing Global logistics Channel in Global logistics Global alliances Issues

    and Challenges in Global supply chain Management case studies.


    1 Dnald J. Bowersox and David JCloss. Logistical Management ; The Integrated SupplyChain

    2 Process, TMH 2003.

    3 Martin Christopher Logistics Supply Chain Management , Pitman London 1993.

    4 Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl: supply Chain Management : Strategy, Planning andOperation 2/e Pearson Education New Delhi 2002.

    5 B. S Sahay supply chain Management for Global competitiveness Macmillan New

    Delhi 2003.

    6 Phillp B. Schary Tage Skhott Larsen : Managing the Global Supply Chain VivaMumbai 2000.

    7 Arjun J Van Weele: Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Analysis , Planningand Practice 2/e Thomson Learning 2000.

    8 Ballou, Business Logistics / Supply chain management 5/e Pearson Education

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


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    Subject Code R101522


    UNIT I:

    Introduction: The concept of TQM, Quality and Business performance, attitude andinvolvement of top management, communication, culture and management systems.

    Management of Process Quality: Definition of quality, Quality Control, a brief history,

    Product Inspection vs, Process Control, Statistical Quality Control, Control Charts andAcceptance Sampling.

    UNIT II:

    Customer Focus and Satisfaction: Process Vs. Customer, internal customer conflict,quality focus, Customer Satisfaction, role of Marketing and Sales, Buyer Supplier

    relationships. Bench Marketing: Evolution of Bench Marketing, meaning of Bench

    marketing, benefits of bench marketing, the bench marketing process, pitfalls of bench



    Organizing for TQM: The systems approach, Organizing for quality implementation,

    making the transition from a traditional to a TQM organizing, Quality Circles.

    Productivity, Quality and Reengineering: The leverage of Productivity and Quality,Management systems Vs. Technology, Measuring Productivity, Improving Productivity


    UNIT IV:

    The Cost of Quality: Definition of the Cost of Quality, Quality Costs, Measuring Quality

    Costs, use of Quality Cost Information, Accounting Systems and Quality Management.

    UNIT V:

    ISO9000: Universal Standards of Quality: ISO around the world, The ISO9000

    ANSI/ASQCQ-90. Series Standards, benefits of ISO9000 certification, the third partyaudit, Documentation ISO9000 and services, the cost of certification implementing the


    Reference Books:

    1. Total Quality Management by Joel E.Ross.

    2. Beyond TQM by Robert L.Flood.

    3. Statistical Quality Control by E.L.Grant.

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    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101551



    Introduction to FEM: basic concepts, historical back ground, application of FEM, generaldescription, comparison of fem with other methods, variational approach, Glerkin


    Co-ordinates, basic element shapes, interpolation function, Virtual energy principle,Rayleigh Ritz method, properties of stiffness matrix, treatment of boundary conditions,

    solution of system of equations, shape functions and characteristics, Basic equations of

    elasticity, strain displacement relations.


    1-D structural problems axial bar element stiffness matrix, load vector, temperature

    effects, Quadratic shape function.

    Analysis of Trusses Plane Truss and Space Truss elements.Analysis of beams Hermite shape functions stiffness matrix Load vector Problems

    2-D problems CST, LST, force terms, Stiffness matrix and load vector, boundaryconditions.


    Isoparametric element quadrilatcral element, shape functions Numerical Integration

    sub parametric and superparametric elements.

    3-D problems Tetrahedran element Jacobian matrix Stiffness matrix.


    Scalar field problems 1-D Heat conduction 1-D fin element 2-D heat conduction

    problems Introduction to Torsional problems.


    Dynamic considerations, Dynamic equations consistent mass matrix Eigen Values,Eigen vector, natural frequencies mode shapes modal analysis.

    Non linearity, Introduction, Non linear problems, geometric non linear dynamic

    problems, analytical problems.

    Text Books:

    1. Introduction to finite elements in engineering Tirupathi K.Chandrupatla and

    Ashok D. Belagundu.2. Concepts and applications of finite element analysis Robert Cook

    3. The finite element methods in Engineering S.S. Rao Pergamon, New York

    4. An Introduction to Finite Element Methods J.N. Reddy Mc Graw Hill.5. The Finite element method in engineering science O.C. Zienkowitz, Mc Graw


    6. Finite Element Procedures in Engineering analysis K.J. Bathe

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    Subject Code R101552


    UNIT I:

    CAD TOOLS: Definition of CAD Tools, Types of system, CAD/CAM systemevaluation criteria, brief treatment of input and output devices. Graphics standard,

    functional areas of CAD, Modeling and viewing, software documentation, efficient use

    of CAD software.

    GEOMETRICMODELLING: Types of mathematical representation of curves, wire

    frame models wire frame entities parametric representation of synthetic curves her mite

    cubic splines Bezier curves B-splines rational curves

    UNIT II:

    SURFACE MODELING :Mathematical representation surfaces, Surface model, Surface

    entities surface representation, Parametric representation of surfaces, plane surface, rule

    surface, surface of revolution, Tabulated Cylinder.



    Bicubic surface, Bezier surface, B- Spline surface, COONs surface, Blending surface

    Sculptured surface, Surface manipulation Displaying, Segmentation, Trimming,Intersection, Transformations (both 2D and 3D).

    UNIT IV:

    GEOMETRICMODELLING-3D : Solid modeling, Solid Representation, BoundaryRepresentation (13-rep), Constructive So! id Geometry (CSG).

    CAD/CAM Exchange: Evaluation of data exchange format, IGES data representations

    and structure, STEP Architecture, implementation, ACIS & DXF. Design Applications:Mechanical tolerances, Mass property calculations, Finite Element, Modeling and

    Analysis and Mechanical Assembly.

    Collaborative Engineering: Collaborative Design, Principles, Approaches, Tools,Design Systems.

    UNIT V:

    Students will be given Engineering Component and student has to design the componentsand produce its drawing and present it as assignment.


    1. CAD/CAM Theory and Practice / lbrahim Zeid / Mc Graw Hill international.


    1. Mastering CAD/CAM / Ibrhim Zeid / Mc Graw lull international.

    2. CAD/CAM / P.N.Rao / TMH.

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    Subject Code R101553


    UNIT: I

    Introduction: Automation and Robotics, Robot anatomy, robot configuration, motions

    joint notation work volume, robot drive system, control system and dynamicperformance, precision of movement.

    Control System And Components:basic concept and modais controllers control system

    analysis, robot activation and feedback components. Positions sensors, velocity sensors,actuators sensors, power transmission system.

    UNIT: II

    MOTION ANALYSIS ANI) CONTROL: Manipulator kinematics, positionrepresentation forward transformation, homogeneous transformation, manipulator path

    control, robot dynamics, configuration of robot controller,

    UNIT: IIIEND EFFECTORS: Grippers-types, operation, mechanism, force analysis, tools as end

    effectors consideration in gripper selection and design. SENSORS: Desirable features,tactile, proximity and range sensors, uses sensors in robotics.

    MACHINE VISION: Functions, Sensing and Digitizing-imaging, Devices, Lighting

    techniques, Analog to digital single conversion, image storage, Image processing andAnalysis-image data reduction, Segmentation feature extraction. Object recognition,

    training the vision system, Robotics application.

    UNIT: IV

    ROBOT PROGRAMMING: Lead through programming, Robot programming as a path

    in space, Motion interpolation, WAlT, SINONAL AND DELAY commands, Branching

    capabilities and Limitations.

    ROBOT LANGUAGES: Textual robot Janguages, Generation, Robot language

    structures, Elements in function.

    UNIT: V

    ROBOT CELL DESGIN AND CONTROL: Robot cell layouts-Robot centered cell, In-

    line robot cell, Considerations in work design, Work and control, Inter locks, Error detect

    ion, Work eel 1 controller.

    ROBOT APPLiCATION: Material transfer, Machine loading/unloading. Processing

    operation, Assembly and Inspection, Feature Application.


    I. Industrial robotics, Mikell P.Groover/McGraw Hill.

    2. Robotics, K.S.Fu / McGraw Hill.

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    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101554


    Unit I

    Basic concepts and characteristics: Geometric and Physical definitions, natural and

    man-made composites, Aerospace and structural applications, types and classification of

    composites.Reinforcements: Fibers Glass, Silica Kevlar, carbon, boron, silicon carbide and born

    carbide fibers. Particulate composites, Polymer composites, Thermoplastics, Thermosetts,

    Metal matrix and ceramic composites.

    Unit II

    Micromechanics: Unidirectional composites, constituent materials and properties, elasticproperties of a lamina, properties of typical composite materials, laminate characteristics

    and configurations. Characterization of composite properties.

    Coordinate transformations: Hookes law for different types of materials, Hookes lawfor two dimensional unidirectional lamina. Transformation of stress and strain, Numerical

    examples of stress strain transformation, Interpretation of stress strain relations, Off

    axis, stiffness modulus, Off axis compliance.

    Unit III

    Elastic behavior of unidirectional composites: Elastic constants of lamina, relation ship

    between engineering constants and reduced stiffness and compliances, analysis oflaminated composites, constitutive relations.

    Unit IV

    Strength of unidirectional lamina: Micro mechanics of failure, Failure mechanisms,

    Strength of an orthotropic lamina, Strength of a lamina under tension and shear maximum

    stress and strain criteria, application to design. The failure envelope, first ply failure, frec-

    edge effects.

    Unit V

    Laminated composite beams and plates: Introduction thin plate theory, thin laminated

    beam theory, bending of specially orthotropic, cross and angle ply laminated plates.

    Finite Element Analysis: Finite element displacement analysis, Ritz method and

    Galarkin method, Bending, vibration and buckling analysis of laminated compositeplates.


    2 Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials by Isaac and M.Daniel, Oxford

    University Press, 1994.3 B.D.Agarwal and L.J>Broutman, Analysis and performance of fiber Composites,

    Wiley-Iner-science, New York, 1980.


    1 R.M.Jones, Mechanics of Composite Materials, McGraw Hill Company, NewYork, 1975.

    2 L.R.Calcote, Analysis of Laminated Composite Structures, Van Nostrand

    Rainfold, New York, 1969.

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101555


    Unit -I

    Bending of long rectangular plates to a cylindrical surface: Differential equation forcylindrical bending of plates - Cylindrical bending of uniformly loaded rectangular plates

    with simply supported edges - Cylindrical bending of uniformly loaded rectangular plates

    with built-in edges

    Pure bending of plates: Slope and curvature of slightly bent plates - Relations between

    bending moments and curvature in pure bending of plates - Particular cases of pure

    bending - Strain energy in pure bending of plates.

    Unit -II

    Symmetrical bending of circular plates: Differential equation for symmetrical bending

    of laterally loaded circular plates - Uniformly loaded circular plates - Circular plate with

    a circular hole at the center - Circular plate concentrically loaded - Circular plate loadedat the center.

    Small deflections of laterally loaded plates: The differential equation of the deflectionsurface - Boundary conditions - Alternate method of derivation of the boundary condition

    - Reduction of the problem of bending of a plate to that of deflection of a membrane

    Unit -III

    Simply supported rectangular plates: Simply supported rectangular plates under

    sinusoidal load - Navier solution for simply supported rectangular plates.

    Rectangular plates with various edge conditions: Bending of rectangular plates bymoments distributed along the edges - Rectangular plates with two opposite edges simply

    supported and the other two edges clamped.

    Unit -IV

    Continuous rectangular plates: Simply supported continuous plates - Approximate

    design of continuous plates with equal spans - Bending symmetrical with respect to acenter.

    Deformation of shells without bending: Definition and notation - Shells in the form of

    a surface of revolution and loaded symmetrically with respect to their axis - Particular

    cases of shells in the form of surfaces of revolution - Shells of constant strength.

    Unit -V

    General theory of cylindrical shells: A circular cylindrical shell loaded symmetricallywith respect to its axis - Particular cases of symmetrical deformation of circular

    cylindrical shells - Pressure vessels.


    1. Theory of Plates and Shells by Timoshenko, S. and Woinowsky-Krieger, S.

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101556



    Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems Structure and functional areas of CIMsystem, - CAD, CAPP, CAM, CAQC, ASRS. Advantages of CIM. Manufacturing

    Communication Systems MAP/TOP, OSI Model, Data Redundancy, Top- down and

    Bottom-up Approach, Volume of Information. Intelligent Manufacturing SystemComponents, System Architecture and Data Flow, System Operation.

    UNIT II:

    Components of Knowledge Based Systems Basic Components of Knowledge BasedSystems, Knowledge Representation, Comparison of Knowledge Representation

    Schemes, Interference Engine, Knowledge Acquisition

    UNIT III:Machine Learning -- Concept of Artificial Intelligence, Conceptual Learning, Artificial

    Neural Networks - Biological Neuron, Artificial Neuron, Types of Neural Networks,Applications in Manufacturing.

    UNIT IV:

    Automated Process Planning Variant Approach, Generative Approach, Expert

    Systems for

    Process Planning, Feature Recognition, Phases of Process planning. Knowledge Based

    System for Equipment Selection (KBSES) Manufacturing system design. EquipmentSelection Problem, Modeling the Manufacturing Equipment Selection Problem, Problem

    Solving approach in KBSES, Structure of the KRSES.

    UNIT V:

    Group Technology: Models and Algorithms Visual Method, Coding Method, Cluster

    Analysis Method, Matrix Formation Similarity Coefficient Method, Sorting-basedAlgorithms, Bond Energy Algorithm, Cost Based method, Cluster Identification Method,

    Extended CI Method. Knowledge Based Group Technology - Group Technology in

    Automated Manufacturing System. Structure of Knowledge based system for group

    technology (KBSCIT) Data Base, Knowledge Base, Clustering Algorithm.

    Text Books:

    I. Intelligent Manufacturing Systems by Andre Kusaic.2. Artificial Neural Networks by Yagna Narayana

    3. Automation, Production Systems and CIM by Groover M.P.

    4. Neural Networks by Wassarman.

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101557


    UNIT I:

    Fundamentals of Manufacturing Automation: Basic Principles of automation, types cf

    automated systems, degrees of automation, Automation - reasons, Production operationsand automation strategies-Plant Layout, production concepts and mathematical models

    -design the parts for automation. Automatic loading systems.

    UNIT II:

    High Volume Production Systems: Automated flow lines. Methods of work flow

    -transport transfer mechanism - buffer storage - Control functions - Automation for

    machining operations Design and fabrication considerations.


    Analysis of Automated Flow Lines: Analysis of transfer lines without storage -partial

    automation automated flow lines with storage buffers implementing of automatic flowlines. Line balancing problems, Considerations in assembly line design

    UNIT IV:

    Assembly Systems and Line Balance; Manual assembly lines - line balancing problem -

    methods of line balancing - ways to improve line balancing - flexible manual assemblylines - automated assembly systems, Analysis of multi station assembly. Manufacturing

    Cells, Automated Cells, Analysis of single station cells

    UNIT V:

    Automated Material Handling: Types of equipment and functions, design and analysis

    of material handling system, conveyor system. Automated guided vehicle system,

    components operation, types, design of automated guided vehicles and applications.Automated storage and Retrieval systems - types, basic components and applications.

    Transfer lines, Design for Automated Assembly, Partial Automation, Communication

    Systems in Manufacturing


    (1) MikeJ P. GrowerAutomation, Production Systems and CIM, PHI Pvt, Ltd,, 1998(2) P. Radha Krishnan & S. Subrahamanyarn and RajuCAD/CAM/CIM, New Age

    International Publishers. 2003.

    (3) Singh,Svstem Approach to Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing JohnWHey, 1)96.

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101558



    Introduction Concept of Accuracy of Machine Tools Spindle ad Displacement

    Accuracies Accuracy of numerical Control Systems Errors due to NumericalInterpolation Displacement Measurement System and Velocity lags.


    Surfaces, Features, Features of Size, Datum Features Datum Oddly Configured andCurved Surfaces as Datum Features, Equalizing Datums Datum Feature of

    Representation Form controls, Orientation Controls Logical Approach to Tolerancing.


    Design of freedom, Grouped Datum Systems different types, two and three mutuallyperpendicular grouped datum planes; Grouped datum system with spigot and recess, pin

    and hole; Grouped Datum system with spigot and recess pair and tongue slot pair

    Computation of Transnational and rotational accuracy, Geometric analysis and

    application.UNIT III: Tolerance AnalysisProcess Capability, Mean, Variance, Skewness, Kurtosis, Process Capability Metrics, Cp,Cpk, Cost aspects, Feature Tolerances, Geometric Tolerances. Surface finish, Review of

    relationship between attainable tolerance grades and different machining process,

    Cumulative effect of tolerances sure fit law, normal law and truncated normal law.


    Operation Sequence for typical shaft type of components, Preparation of Process

    drawings for different operations, Tolerance worksheets and centrally analysis,

    Examples, Design features to facilitate machining; Datum Features functional andmanufacturing Components design Machining Considerations, Redesign for

    manufactured, Examples.

    UNIT V:

    FOUNDAMENTALS OF NANOTECHNOLGY: Systems of nanometer accuracies

    Mechanism of metal Processing Nano physical processing of atomic bit units.

    Nanotechnology and Electrochemical atomic bit processing.

    MEASURING SYSTEMS PROCESSING: In processing or in-situ measurement of

    position of processing point-Post process and on-machine measurement of dimensional

    features and surface-mechanical and optical measuring systems.


    1. Precision Engineering in Manufacturing/Murthy R.L./New Age International (P)

    limited, 1996.2. Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing / James D. Meadows / Marcel Dekker

    inc. 1995.


    1. Nano Technology / Norio Taniguchi / Oxford University Press, 1996.

    2. Engineering Design A systematic Approach / Matousek / Blackie & Son Ltd.,


  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101559



    Need for IPPD strategic importance of product development integration of customer,

    designer, material supplier and process planner, Competitor and costumer behavioranalysis. Understanding customer promoting customer understanding involve

    customer in development and managing requirements Organization process

    management and improvement Plan and establish product specification.


    Task Structured approaches Clarification Search Externally and internally

    explore systematically reflect on the solutions and process concept selection

    methodology benefits.

    PRODUCT ARCHETECTURE: Implications Product change variety component

    standardization product performance manufacturability.


    Establishing the architecture creation clustering geometric layout development fundamental and incidental interactions related system level design issues secondary

    systems architecture of the chunks creating detailed interface specifications.

    INDUSTRIAL DESIGN: Integrate process design Managing costs Robust design

    Integrating CAE, CAD, CAM tools simulating product performance and manufacturing

    processing electronically Need for industrial design impact design process.

    UNIT IV:

    Investigation of customer needs conceptualization refinement management of the

    industrial design process technology driven products user driven products

    assessing the quality of industrial design.



    Definition Estimation of manufacturing cost reducing the component costs andassembly costs Minimize system complexity. Prototype basics Principles of

    prototyping planning for prototypes Economics analysis Understanding and

    representing tasks baseline project planning accelerating the project execution.

    Text Books:

    1. Product Design and Development / Kari T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger / McGraw

    Hill International Edns. 1999.2. Concurrent Engg/integrated Product development / Kemnneth Crow / DRM

    Associates, 26/3, Via Olivera, Palos Verdes, CA 90274(310)377-569, Workshop

    Book.3. Effective Product Design and Development / Stephen Rosenthal / Business One

    Orwin, Homewood, 1992, ISBN, 1-55623-603-4.

    4. Tool Design Integrated Methods for Successful Product Engineering / Staurt Pugh /Addsion Wesley Publishing, Neyourk, NY, 1991, ISBN 0-202-41369-5.

    WEB REFERENCES: http;// www.me.mit/2.7444


  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101560


    UNIT I:Compute-Aided Programming: General information, APT programming, Examples Apt

    programming probkms (2D machining only). NC programming on CAD/CAM systems,

    the design and implementation of post processors .Introduction to CAD/CAM software,Automatic Tool Path generation.


    Tooling for CNC Machines: Interchangeable tooling system, preset and qualified toois,coolant fed tooling system, modular fixturing, quick change tooling system, automatic

    head changers. DNC Systems and Adaptive Control: Introduction, type of DNC systems,

    advantages arid disadvantages of DNC, adaptive control with optimization, Adaptive

    control with constrains, Adaptive control of machining processes like turning, grinding.


    Post Processors for CNC: Introduction to Post Processors: The necessity of a Post

    Processor, the general structure of a Post Processor, the functions of a Post Processor,

    DAPP based- Post Processor:Communication channels and major variables in the DAPP based Post Processor, th

    creation of a DAPP Based Post Processor.

    UNIT IV:

    Micro Controllers: Introduction, Hardware components, I/O pins, ports, external

    memory:, counters, timers and serial data I/O interrupts. Selection of Micro Controllers

    Embedded Controllers, Applications and Programming of Micro Controllers.Programming Logic Controllers (PLC s): Introduction, Hardware components of PLC,

    System, basic structure, principle of operations, Programming mnemonics timers,

    Internal relays and counters, Applications of PLCs in CNC Machines.

    UNIT V:

    Computer Aided Process Planning, Hybrid CAAP System, Computer Aided Inspection

    and quality control, Coordinate Measuring Machine, Limitations of CMM, ComputerAided Testing, Optical Inspection Methods, Artificial Intelligence and expert system:

    Artificial Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence in CAD, Experts systems and its



    1. Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems / Yoram Koren / Mc Graw Hill. 1983.2. Computer Aided Design Manufacturing K. Lalit Narayan, K. Mallikarjuna Rao and

    M.M.M. Sarcar, PHI, 2008.

  • 7/30/2019 15 Mechanical Engg.


    Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted


    Subject Code R101561


    Unit 1:

    Fundamentals of Turbo machines: Classification, Applications Thermodynamic

    analysis; Isentropic flow,