UNIVERSITATEA DE STUDII POLITICE ŞI ECONOMICE EUROPENE ,,CONSTANTIN STERE” LA 15 ANI Chişinău, 2012 Etapele de constituire şi funcţionare (1997-2012)

15_ani USPEE

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    LA 15 ANI

    Chiinu, 2012

    Etapele de constituire i funcionare (1997-2012)

  • Etapele de constituire i funcionare


    Cuvnt nainte

    Lucrarea constituie un amalgam de argumente care vin s certifice rolul i prestana Universitii de Studii Politice i Economice Europene (USPEE) ,,Constantin Stere n arealul instituiilor de nvmnt superior din Republica Moldova.

    Educaia este cea mai puternic arm pe care omeni-rea o poate folosi pentru a schimba lumea, a afirmat Nelson Mandela. Aadar, n aceast lume a interdependenelor, n care societatea devine tot mai dinamic i mai complex, nvmntului i revine un rol determinant n asigurarea funcionalitii i ascendenei ntregului sistem social. Or,

    n lipsa acestui proces, umanitatea, chiar i ntregul univers, s-ar fi transfor-mat ntr-un haos imens. De aici pornete i necesitatea stringent de a procrea acele temple ale cunoaterii instituii de nvmnt orientate spre cercetare calitativ i cantitativ, cu misiuni i viziuni multidimensionale, care s gene-reze inovaie i inteligen cultural, luciditate n relaia cu problemele sociale. n aceast arie de preocupri, se nscrie i instituirea, acum 15 ani, a viabilei USPEE ,,Constantin Stere. Anume obiectivele vizate au stat la fundamentarea acestei instituii de nvmnt superior, care, dei este una relativ tnr, a reuit deja s-i justifice pe deplin existena, conferind sistemului universitar naional un plus de siguran educaional i instituional.

    Aniversarea a 15 ani de existen a USPEE ,,Constantin Stere nu repre-zint pentru noi doar un jubileu academic, ci ne prilejuiete i o reflecie asu-pra rolului jucat de aceast instituie n viaa societii noastre. Or, atare reflec-ie devine util att pentru prestaia istoric a sistemului cultural-educaional al rii, ct i pentru stabilirea obiectivelor care ni se impun pentru a schimba lucrurile n mai bine i a aduce prosperitate comunitii.

    O coal de nvmnt superior nu poate fi dect una de elit. i nu vreau s par lipsit de modestie, afirmnd c Universitatea ,,Constantin Stere se nca-dreaz perfect n acest statut elitist, deoarece reprezint o instituie a seriozit-ii, calitii i eficienei, care i asum rapid valorile comunitare, autentice.

    Fiind o instituie care se respect, corpul didactic al universitii noastre nu este selectat n mod aleatoriu, concursurile de angajare fiind bazate pe principii riguroase, transparente i obiective. Din el fac parte personaliti de notorietate incontestabil, care dein cele mai nalte grade tiinifico-di-dactice. Activitatea lor este marcat nu doar de profesionalism, ci i de senti-mentul chemrii luntrice, i de simul datoriei mplinite vizavi de vocaia pe care le-a oferit-o destinul. Propagarea adevrului, mprtirea cunotinelor


    cu ceilali, reflecia colectiv asupra destinelor societii acestea sunt doar cteva dintre valorile n funcie de care fiecare dascl al universitii noastre i structureaz lecia, indiferent de domeniul n care susine prelegerea. Cre-dem c aceste mecanisme acioneaz ca facilitatori, asigurnd mult rvnitele oportuniti de carier, performan.

    Se pare c necesitatea de modernizare a statului este perceput de tot mai muli tineri, acetia alegnd USPEE ca formator de personalitate, fapt ce ne bucur nespus de mult, deoarece scopul pe care ni l-am propus s furni-zm rii profesioniti exigeni, responsabili, de care avem atta nevoie, este perfect realizabil. Prin urmare, USPEE este angajat plenar n pregtirea spe-cialitilor cu un nivel de profesionalism nalt, punnd accentul pe o educaie personalizat, adaptabil i generatoare de cunoatere. Dezvoltarea personal, multilateral a absolvenilor notri este miza major a procesului de instruire n cadrul USPEE, care este modularizat, astfel nct s satisfac cerinele, tot mai complexe, de dezvoltare a personalitii, de studiere i evoluie a carierei. Aplicarea celor mai nalte standarde n programele noastre de studii, asigu-rarea calitii procesului de instruire, calificarea profesional a absolvenilor i integrarea lor, n mod convenabil, pe piaa muncii, inclusiv peste hotarele rii, demonstreaz c suntem o universitate capabil s nfrunte dificultile. Astfel, diplomele obinute de absolvenii USPEE nu reprezint numai factori indicatori, ci adeveresc competena, nivelul de performan dictat de nalte ambiii intelectuale.

    Am insistat pe ideea ca acest edificiu al cunoaterii USPEE, s dispun i de o infrastructur pe msur, modern, adaptat la toate rigorile aule spai-oase ptrunse nu doar de luminozitatea tiinei, ci i de condiii europene.

    Consider c toate acestea impulsioneaz Republica Moldova spre moder-nizare i integrare n comunitatea internaional.

    mpreun profesori i studeni, formm echipa Universitii de Studii Politice i Economice Europene ,,Constantin Stere bine consolidat, sub toate aspectele, angajat, de 15 ani, n procesul de evoluie a sistemului uni-versitar autohton, capabil s transforme cunoaterea i s asigure bunsta-rea ntregii societi.

    Gheorghe Avornic, doctor habilitat n drept,

    profesor universitar, rectorul USPEE

  • Etapele de constituire i funcionare


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    This work represents a variety of arguments which confirm the role and performance of the University of Eu-ropean Political and Economic Studies (USPEE), Constantin Stere, in the area of higher education institutions in Moldova. Education is the most pow-erful weapon that mankind can use to change the world, said Nelson Mandela. Thus, in this world of interdependence, in which society is becoming more dy-namic and complex, education plays a decisive role, ensuring the overall func-tionality and progress of the social sys-tem.

    In the absence of this process, human-ity, and even the whole universe would be transformed into a huge chaos. Thus, the urgent need to create those temples of knowledge - educational institutions oriented qualitative and qualitative re-search, with multidimensional missions and visions that generate innovation and cultural intelligence, as well as lu-cidity in relation to social problems. In that context, 15 years ago the University Constantin Stere (USPEE) has been founded. Specific objectives are targeted at the foundation of this institution of higher education, which, although a rel-atively young one, has already managed to fully justify its existence, giving the national university system added educa-tional and institutional security.

    The 15th anniversary of existence of USPEE Constantin Stere is for us not just an academic jubilee, but also an oc-casion to reflect on the role which this institution has played in our society. However, such reflection is useful for both the historical performance of the countrys cultural-educational system, and for setting goals that require us to


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    change things for the better and which bring prosperity to the community.

    A school of higher education can only be an elite institution. I do not want to appear without modesty, saying that the University Constantin Stere fits neatly into this elite status, as it is an institution of thoroughness, quality and efficiency, which absorbs rapidly com-munity and authentic values.

    Being a respected institution, the teachers of our university are not se-lected at random; competitions for re-cruitment are based on sound, transpar-ent and objective principles. Here work well-known personalities of indisputable renown who have the highest scientific degrees. Their work is marked not only by professionalism, but also by an inner calling and sense of duty towards the vo-cation that gave them a destiny. Promot-ing the truth, sharing knowledge with others, collective reflection on societys destiny - these are just some of the values according to which every teacher of our university structures his lessons, indiffer-ent of his subject matter. We believe that these mechanisms act as facilitators, pro-viding coveted career opportunities.

    It seems that the need to modern-ize the state is perceived by more and more young people, choosing USPEE as an educator of personality, of which we are very proud, because our plan is to provide the country with demanding and responsible professionals of whom we have so much need. Therefore, US-PEE is fully engaged in the preparation of specialists with a high level of pro-fessionalism, focusing on personalized, adaptable and knowledge-generating education.

    Personal and multilateral develop-ment of our graduates is a major goal in USPEEs educational process, which is

  • Etapele de constituire i funcionare


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    modularized so as to satisfy more com-plex personality development, learning and career development. Applying the highest standards in our education pro-grams, ensuring the quality of training, qualification and integration of gradu-ates conveniently into the labour market, including abroad, shows that we are a university capable of facing difficulties. Thus, diplomas obtained by students at USPEE are not only indicators, but ex-press competence, a performance level driven by high intellectual ambition.

    I insisted on the idea that this edifice of knowledge USPEE, need to have the necessary, modern infrastructure, mod-ern, adapted to all demands - spacious lecture halls, penetrated not only by the light of science but also by European conditions.

    I believe that all these will contribute to the modernization and integration of Moldova into the international commu-nity.

    Together - professors and students - form the team of the University of Eu-ropean Political and Economic Studies, Constantin Stere - well-established in all regards, since 15 years dedicated to the evolution of a national university system, capable to transform knowledge and to ensure the whole societys welfare.

    Gheorghe Avornic, Doctor Habilitat of Law,Professor, rector USPEE


    Cooperarea USPEE cu EPLO

    Organizaia European de Drept Public (EPLO) par-ticip la celebrarea aniversrii a 15-a a Universitii de Studii Politice i Economice Europene (USPEE), o ocazie de a consolida o cooperare productiv a organizaiei date cu Moldova n general.

    Activm n Moldova din 2004, ajutnd ara n dezvol-tarea democratic i guvernarea eficient a instituiilor, con-solidarea respectului pentru drepturile omului i libertilor fundamentale ca o cale spre stabilitatea politic, creterea

    economic i lupta cu srcia, incluziune social i oportuniti egale. n 2005, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova a devenit membru al adminis-

    traiei directorilor. n 2009, Parlamentul Republicii Moldova a ratificat Tratatul Internaional de instituire a EPLO, devenind membru cu drepturi depline al organizaiei date.

    n 2010, EPLO a iniiat cooperarea cu USPEE, realiznd n practic vizi-unea bazat pe cunotine pentru dezvoltarea ncrederii noastre de a investi mijloace n sistemul educaional n scopul de a crea o capacitate individual de guvernare eficace. Cooperarea noastr a fost definit prin eforturile comune pentru ntrirea relaiilor ntre Moldova i statele-membre ale UE, de a pro-mova valorile europene n toat ara, spre beneficiul viitorului ei politic i eco-nomic. Datorit acestei cooperri, EPLO n curnd va deveni membru pleni-poteniar al universitii date i va defini mpreun cu ali parteneri o strategie nou, care va duce spre europenizarea studiilor juridice i managementului n Moldova i ulterior ntr-un spaiu mai vast.

    Noi sperm c parteneriatul nostru o sinergie ntre o instituie academi-c i o organizaie internaional cu perspectiv solid european se va con-solida n anii apropiai i va contribui n exclusivitate la formarea urmtoarei generaii de lideri n Moldova i n regiune.

    Folosindu-m de aceast ocazie, a dori s-mi exprim aprecierea i cele mai bune urri domnului profesor Gheorghe Avornic i echipei sale excelente, care au depus eforturi considerabile ntru realizarea viziunii noastre comune!

    Spyridon FloGAitiS,

    profesor,preedintele Crmuirii, director

    Organizaia European de Drept Public

  • Etapele de constituire i funcionare


    The cooperation of USPEE with EPLO

    The European Public Law Organiza-tion (EPLO) joins in the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the University of Political, Economic and European Stud-ies (USPEE), an occasion for cherishing the Organizations fruitful cooperation with the institution and with the coun-try of Moldova at large.

    We have been present in Moldova since 2004, assisting the country in de-veloping democratic and effective gov-erning institutions and strengthening the respect for human rights and fun-damental freedoms as the path towards political stability, economic growth and alleviation of poverty, as well as social inclusion and equal opportunity.

    In 2005, the State University of Mol-dova became a member of the EPLO Board of Directors. In 2009, the Parlia-ment of the Republic of Moldova ratified the International Treaty establishing the EPLO, thus becoming a full member of the Organization.

    In 2010 we began our cooperation with the USPEE, putting into practice our knowledge-propelled vision for de-velopment and our belief in investing in education as the means for build-ing the individual capacity for effective governance. Our cooperation has been defined by our joint efforts to enhance the relations between Moldova and EU member states, and to promote Euro-pean values throughout the country, to the benefit of its economic and political future. Through this cooperation, the EPLO will soon become a full member of the University and will define, along with the other partners a new strategy, towards the Europeanization of law and

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    governance studies in Moldova and in the wider region.

    It is our hope that our partnership, a synergy between an academic establish-ment and an international organization with a solid European outlook, will be strengthened in the coming years and will greatly contribute to the making of the next generation of leaders in Mol-dova and in the region.

    I would like to take this opportunity to extend my appreciation to Professor Gheorghe Avornic who has worked tire-lessly towards realizing our joint vision. Congratulations and all the best wishes to him and to his excellent team.

    Professor, Spyridon FloGAitiS,

    President of the Board of Directors, Director European Public Law


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  • Etapele de constituire i funcionare


    Stere, rnimea i dreptul

    Luat ca atare, Dreptatea e o necesitate fundamental pentru existena fizic i spiritual, precum a omului, aa i a societii. Nu e deloc ntmpltor c din vremi strvechi, is-toria noastr i nedreptatea merg mn de mn, njugate la acelai plug. Nedreptatea a fost un viciu, care i chinuia ntruna pe strbunii notri. Nenelegerile i tensiunile, mai ales la un popor sudic, de vi latin, se ineau lan. Trgul, unde era Judele, care pe atunci avea i funcii administrative, era mult prea departe. Drumurile proaste, croite la ntmplare, ca s

    ajungi la trg era nevoie de cteva zile. Se mergea pe jos sau cu carul tras de boi, ceea ce, din punctul de vedere al timpului n drum, era cam aceeai. Unde mai pui c drumurile treceau prin pduri, prin renumiii codri, i a merge la trg i a te ntoarce nejefuit, nsemna s ai un noroc deosebit.

    Constrns de mprejurri, nelepciunea popular, pentru a iei din si-tuaii, gsea n fiece sat cte-un btrnel care, fiind mai mult cu gndul la cele cereti, dovedea o obiectivitate deosebit, i venea de-l ruga s-i judece. De regul, sentinele Btrnului satului nu se discutau, fiind acceptate de societate din capul locului. Astfel n instituia ce se numea pe vremuri Btrnii satului, cel care judeca era i capul, noi am zice azi, Preedintele Btrnilor Satului. Unul din cei trei stlpi care i ornduiau viaa obteasc Primarul, Preotul i Btrnul satului.

    Constantin Stere, una dintre cele mai luminate mini ale secolului trecut, fecior de boier din vechea Basarabie, vznd marile nedrepti ce domneau peste tot, a dus cu sine, de-a lungul vieii, durerea i necazurile rnimii. Din primele pagini ale celebrului su roman n preajma revoluiei se vede ct de grea era viaa robilor pmntului, cum se numeau ranii uneori pe ei nii. Aa stnd lucrurile, Stere trecu n tabra lupttorilor pentru dreptatea celor muli i obidii. Arestat, judecat, cu mai toat tinereea petrecut prin surghiunurile siberiene, el nu ostenea s tot acumuleze cunotine funda-mentale n diferite domenii, oarecum pregtindu-se pentru mreaa sa lupt n numele Dreptii.

    Abia trecnd Prutul, se i nscrie la facultatea de drept a Universitii din Iai, pe care o absolvete fulgertor. Dup care, tot fulgertor devine, rnd pe rnd, profesor, rector i chiar Prefectul judeului Iai n timpul renumitelor rscoale rneti ce cutremurau ara. A tiut s fac pace, adic s aduc o mic dreptate rnimii judeului, dup care, strmutat la Bucureti, a devenit ilustru om politic, deputat n numeroase legislaturi, unul dintre fondatorii t-

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    nrului stat romn, unul din primii romancieri, dar dreptul ca atare rmnea preocupaia sa de baz pn la sfritul vieii.

    Faptul c Universitatea de Studii Politice i Economice Europene din Mol-dova poart numele lui Constantin Stere e una din puinele drepti, n avalan-a de nedrepti ce nu ne mai las. n definitiv, pentru a lupta cu nedreptile i exist instituiile de nvmnt superior. Tineretul a fost dintotdeauna i rmne sperana neamului. Numele lui Constantin Stere nnobileaz, dar i oblig. S le urm profesorilor i studenilor steriti s in bine n minte, n suflet i n inim, motenirea i testamentul marelui nostru pmntean.

    ion Dru, scriitor

    Moscova, mai 2012

  • Etapele de constituire i funcionare



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    Stere, easantry and law

    Taken as such, justice is a fundamen-tal necessity for bodily and spiritual ex-istence, both for man and society. It is not accidental that since ancient times, our history and injustice has gone hand in hand, yoked to the same plow. Injus-tice was a vice, which hurt each of our ancestors. Misunderstandings and ten-sions, especially in a southern nation of Latin origin, were chained together. The fair, where there was a Judge, who at the time held also administrative positions, was too far away. The roads were bad, cut at random. Thus, it took days to get to the fair. People went on foot or with a chariot pulled by oxen, which, in terms of travel time, was about the same. If you had to cross forests, by the famous woods, and go to the fair and to return without being robbed it meant that you had great luck.

    Constrained by the circumstances, popular wisdom found in every vil-lage an old man, who, already thinking more of celestial matters, proved to be particularly objective, and asked him to become a judge. Typically, the sentences of the villages elder were not discussed, being accepted by society from the out-set. Thus, in the institution that once was called the village elders, the one who was judge would be today called the president of village elders. One of the three pillars which controlled public life - the mayor, the priest and the village elder.

    Constantin Stere, one of the best minds of the last century, the noble son of former Bessarabia, seeing the great injustice that reigned everywhere, re-mained throughout his entire life aware of the peasantrys pain and sorrows. From the first pages of his famous nov-el Before the Revolution, we see how

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    hard life was for the slaves of the land, as the peasants called themselves some-times. Thus, Stere entered the ranks of many fighters for the justice of the many and oppressed. Arrested, tried, with the whole youth spent in Siberia, he labored to acquire fundamental knowledge in all different areas, somewhat in prepara-tion for his great battle for the sake of justice.

    Having only crossed the Prut River, he entered the Law School of the University of Iasi, from which he graduated quick-ly. After that, everything became quick, becoming, in turn, professor, rector and even prefect of the district of Iasi, dur-ing the famous peasant uprising which shook the country. He knew how to make peace, that is, to bring a bit of justice to the county peasantry, then, moved to Bu-charest and became a famous politician, member of many legislatures, one of the founders of the young Romanian state, one of the first novelists. However, law as such remained his basic concern until the end of his life.

    The fact that the University of Euro-pean Political and Economic Studies of Moldova carries the name of Constantin Stere is one of the few examples of justice, in the avalanche of injustice which sur-rounds us.. Finally, to fight injustice there are also institutions of higher education. Youth has always been and remains the nations hope. Constantin Steres name ennobles, but also obliges. Let us wish the professors and students in the tradi-tion of Stere, to keep well in their mind, soul and heart, the heritage and legacy of our great fellow human being.

    ion DrutA,writer

    Moscow, May 2012

  • Etapele de constituire i funcionare


    USPEE un promotor al spaiului european de nvmnt superior

    Dup 1990, odat cu multiplele schimbri care s-au produs n societatea din Republica Moldova, au intervenit modificari i n ceea ce privete organizarea nvmntului universitar.

    n aceast ordine de idei, este adoptat n 1997 i deci-zia Universitii de Stat din Moldova, adoptat n 1997, care a dat curs iniiativei confereniarilor P. Fruntau i N. Laiu privind fondarea n comun a unei structuri neordinare In-stitutul de Studii Politice i Relaii Internaionale, ulterior

    Universitatea de Studii Politice i Economice Europene ,,Constantin Stere. Au trecut 15 ani perioad n care au intervenit mai multe schimbri, dar,

    n pofida vremurilor, instituia omagiat a dat dovad de viabilitate, a demon-strat c este capabil s rezolve cele mai complicate probleme n devenirea sa.

    Cu aceast ocazie placut, adresm sincere felicitri i urri de bine celor care au absolvit i celor care studiaz la moment n noua instituie privat de n-vmnt superior; i n special domnului Gheorghe Avornic, rectorul USPEE, profesor universitar; cadrelor didactice i de conducere, tuturor angajailor care, prin munca lor nobil, ofer dragostea, cunotinele, capacitile de care dispun i contribuie nemijlocit la formarea prezentului i viitorului Republicii Moldova. Anume ei i-au asumat, n aceti 15 ani, deplina responsabilitate, de a conduce, cu mult rbdare i druire de sine, tineretul studios la lumina cunotinelor, la adevrul i nelepciunea gndului. Parcurgnd aceast cale, avem certitudinea c acest templu al cunoaterii i ndeplinete cu abnega-ie misiunea plin de responsabilitate, de edificare i consolidare a statalitii moldoveneti, de evoluie a comunitii, deoarece este angajat plenar n dez-voltarea tuturor sistemelor care asigur ascensiunea social. Or, nvmntul, n mod special nvmntul superior, constituie pilonul de rezisten al unei societi cu adevrat libere, pe care se poate menine un stat puternic.

    O etap care, de asemenea, marcheaz activitatea USPEE sub toate aspec-tele constituie evaluarea i acreditarea instituiei, oferind oportunitatea de a identifica noi ci de dezvoltare a universitii. Aceasta demonstreaz potenial intelectual vast, paradigme moderne de instruire, baz tehnico-material per-formant, standarde nalte toate fiind asigurate de un management educaio-nal profesionist. Prin urmare, Universitatea ,,Constantin Stere este n drept s se considere un promotor al spaiului european de nvmnt superior.

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    Merit a fi apreciate i eforturile instituiei privind ncadrarea n lumea universitar internaional. Astfel, pe parcursul activitii sale, universitatea a semnat acorduri de colaborare cu mai multe centre universitare din Grecia, Romnia, Statele Unite ale Americii, Belgia, Ucraina, Federaia Rus, Canada, Frana, Spania, Italia, Cipru, Turcia etc. La toate facultile universitare in cur-suri teoretice i practice profesori din rile enumerate anterior.

    Graie acestei colaborri, USPEE, anual, nregistreaz noi peformane la capitolul familiarizrii i implementrii noilor forme de organizare a procesu-lui de studii i de cercetare, a noilor tehnologii educaionale de performan, fapt ce contribuie la propagarea imaginii ei pe piaa universitar autohton, devenind din ce n ce mai credibil i mai atractiv pentru tinerii studioi, cci ei sunt viitorul nostru. Pentru ei ne strduim s realizm cele mai frumoase lucruri, s le altoim cunotinele necesare, s le formm cele mai bune deprin-deri, astfel nct noi toi s beneficiem, n deplin msur, de roadele progre-sului generate de cunoatere.

    Acum, mai mult dect oricnd, simim necesitatea unor mecanisme efici-ente privind soluionarea problemelor cu care se confrunt comunitatea noas-tr, iar n acest sens, USPEE vine s cultive n ,,laboratorul su profesioniti adevrai, receptivi la tot ceea ce este nou i performant, asigurndu-ne prin aceasta viitorul luminos i prosper de care avem atta nevoie.

    Gheorghe ruSnAc,

    academician, rector al Universitii de Stat din Moldova (1993-2007)ambasador al Republicii Moldova n Italia (2007-20011)

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    USPEE a Promoter of the European Higher Education


    After 1990, with the multiple changes, which had taken place in the society of the Republic of Moldova, there inter-vened modifications as to the organiza-tion of university education.

    In this respect, there was adopted in 1997 the decision of Moldova State Uni-versity, which took up the initiative of the Assistant professors P. Fruntau and N. Laiu concerning a unordinary foun-dation the Institute of Political Studies and International Relations, subsequently the University of Political and Economic European Studies ,,Constantin Stere.

    15 years have passed a period dur-ing which there have intervened many changes, but, in spite of time, the homage institution in its formation proved to be viable, demonstrated to be capable to re-solve the most complicated problems.

    With this pleasant occasion, we ad-dress sincere congratulations and best wishes to those who have graduated and those who study at the moment in the new private higher institution; and especially to Mr.Gheorghe Avornic, rec-tor of USPEE, University Professor; to didactic and management personnel, to all the members of the staff, who, by their noble work, offer loving care, knowledge, capacities they have and directly contrib-ute to the formation of the present and future of the Republic of Moldova. They have assumed, in these 15 years, complete responsibility, to manage, with much patience and self-sacrifice, the learning youth to the light of knowledge, to the truth and wisdom of the thought. Hav-ing passed this path, we are sure that this temple of knowledge fulfills its mission

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    with abnegation full of responsibility, of edification and consolidation of Moldo-van state system, of community evolu-tion, being fully engaged in the develop-ment of all the systems, which guarantee social ascension. Or, the education, espe-cially the higher education, constitutes the pillar of resistance of a really free so-ciety that would support a strong state.

    A stage, which is also marked by US-PEE activity in all its aspects, constitutes the evaluation and accreditation of the institution,, offering the opportunity to identify new ways of development of the university. This demonstrates the vast in-tellectual potential, modern educational paradigms, the performing technical and material basis, high standards all of them being guaranteed by a professional educational management. Therefore, the University ,,Constantin Stere has the right to consider itself a promoter of Eu-ropean Space higher education.

    There should be also appreciated the efforts of the institution concerning the integration in the international univer-sity world. Thus, during its activity, the university signed cooperation agree-ments with many university centers in Greece, Romania, the United States of America, Belgia, the Ukraine, the Rus-sian Federation, Canada, France, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Turkey, etc. At all the uni-versity departments there are theoretical and practical courses taught by professors from the above enumerated countries.

    Due to this cooperation, USPEE, an-nually, registers new performances as to the familiarization and implementation of new forms of organization of educa-tional process and research, of new per-forming educational technologies, a fact that contributes to the propagation of its image on the university national market, becoming more and more credible and

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    1993-2007 .

    2007-2011 .

    more attractive for the young students, because they are our future. Why do we try and do our best to carry out the best things, to give them the necessary knowledge and to form the best skills, for us all to be in full measure the beneficia-ries of the results of progress generated by knowledge..

    Now more than ever we feel the ne-cessity of some efficient mechanisms, concerning the solution of problems our community is confronted with, and in this meaning, USPEE is here to train in its laboratory real professionals, receptive to everything that is new and performing, guaranteeing in this way the bright and prosper future that wee need so much.

    Gheorghe ruSnAc, Academician, Rector of Moldova State

    University (1993-2007) Ambassador of

    Republic of Moldova in Italy (2007-2011)

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    Universitatea de Studii Politice i Economice Europene ,,Constantin Stere o poart spre arealul

    european de nvmnt superior i cercetareCercetarea cunoaterea i tehnologiile , abiliti

    de a face lucruri noi, au propulsat evoluia civilizaiei din cele mai vechi timpuri, devenind n prezent condiii obligatorii ale ascensiunii economice i sociale. Aceste atribute s-au nrdcinat i pe meleagurile noastre, fiind suficient s amintim de una dintre primele civilizaii eu-ropene cea de la Cucuteni, cu o vrst de peste 5000 de ani. Rdcinile lor adnci le gsim n creaiile populare, cum ar fi proverbul ,,cine are carte are parte sau expre-

    sia idiomatic ,,meter-faur.Procesele cunoaterii i producerii cunotinelor prin cercetare s-au in-

    stituionalizat la nivel de sistem organizat odat cu deschiderea universiti-lor, care pot fi considerate porile magice spre lumea progresului. Pe btrnul continent al Europei, ele au pregtit terenul pentru apariia epocii Renaterii i a primelor revoluii industriale. n arealul romnesc, ele au aprut mult mai trziu, dar efectul lor benefic asupra evoluiei lucrurilor este cert. i ulterior au aprut universitile pe plaiurile noastre transprutene, numrul lor crescnd dup declararea independenei Republicii Moldova n 1991.

    n acest context, n 1997, fondarea Universitii de Studii Politice i Eco-nomice Europene ,,Constantin Stere a venit s completeze arealul instituiilor de nvmnt superior din Republica Moldova promovnd conceptul de uni-versitate modern ca centru de educaie, cercetare i cultur.

    Zi de zi, pe parcursul a 15 ani, USPEE ,,Constantin Stere a mbinat cu miestrie aceti trei liani universitari, devenind o verig important n siste-mul educaional autohton, plmdind renaterea i mai deschiznd o poar-t spre integrarea european a Republicii Moldova. Acest popas aniversar al USPEE, cu siguran, este o srbtoare a colectivului de profesori i studeni, care merit pe deplin omagiile societii pentru tot ce au realizat n aceast perioad. Astfel, USPEE a contribuit semnificativ la sporirea calitii nv-mntului, cercetrii i afirmrii viitorului democratic al rii. Identificarea i promovarea de valori a devenit crezul colectivului Universitii de Studii Poli-tice i Economice ,,Constantin Stere. n acest spirit, dasclii i instruiesc dis-cipolii, iar rezultatele obinute le putem considera ca succese remarcabile. O mrturie elocvent, n acest sens, este numrul mare de absolveni ai instituiei vizate, care activeaz astzi cu succes n structurile din ara noastr, exercitnd

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    importante funcii publice. De altfel, instituia n permanen demonstreaz eforturi substaniale n implantarea la studeni a cunotinelor vaste, accesibile, i de calitate. Aceti 15 ani ai Universitii sunt o dovad cert a unei evoluii pozitive i a unei creteri calitative a imaginii sistemului de nvmnt uni-versitar autohton, ancorat n profesionalism, competen, nelepciune, spirit inovator, flexibilitate, adaptare rapid la provocrile timpului.

    Dar, concomitent, aniversarea respectiv este i un prilej de a contura re-alizrile i, de ce nu, i unele eecuri, pentru a identifica zone noi de cretere i afirmare intelectual, pentru a reconfigura platforma de dezvoltare a etape-lor urmtoare, aflate sub incidena Procesului Bologna. Anii ce vin sunt de o complexitate tot mai pregnant, generat de provocrile timpurilor, pe care le trim, i de evoluia accelerat a lucrurilor. Suntem siguri c Universitatea va face fa provocrilor i va reui nu numai n competiia naional a universit-ilor, dar i n cea european, doar nu n zadar USPEE are n titulatur studii europene. La aceast ,,vrst fraged, USPEE ,,Constantin Stere a devenit un centru universitar de prestigiu, n care se perpetueaz cele mai bune tradiii i valori, promovate de un colectiv de cadre didactice profesioniste, implicate n diverse proiecte tiinifico-practice, pregtite s rspund n mod adecvat situ-aiilor complexe, acceptnd i schimbrile indispensabile timpurilor noastre. USPEE ,,Constantin Stere caut s mbine armonios tradiia cu schimbarea, s prind echilibrul dintre aceste dou repere, ntruct tradiia fr schimbare este fundtur, iar schimbarea fr tradiie este o nebunie vorba unui filozof. n contextul dat, USPEE este antrenat eminamente ntr-o ampl reform edu-caional care vizeaz mbuntirea standardelor i crearea unui regim pro-gresiv de instruire didactic integrat cu cercetarea i inovarea.

    Aadar, ajungnd la finele acestui mesaj cordial de felicitare, adresat har-nicului i devotatului colectiv USPEE ,,Constantin Stere, vin cu cele mai fru-moase urri de perpetuare a procesului cunoaterii i cercetrii autentice n aulele i laboratoarele universitare, dorind sincer ca dasclii i studenii acestei universiti s fie purttori destoinici ai imaginii nvmntului superior din Republica Moldova. Continuitatea cunoaterii este o condiie indispensabil a ascensiunii civilizaiei. Marele Albert Einstein spunea: ,,Nici o problem nu poate fi rezolvat la acelai nivel de cunotine la care a fost creat, iar tiina, la rndul ei, ,,este o fclie n drumul spre adevr, conform spuselor primului nostru savant de talie internaional Dimitrie Cantemir.

    Universitatea ,,Constantin Stere s prospere i s devin o fclie vizibil n toat Europa.

    valeriu cAnEr, academician, preedintele Consiliului Naional

    pentru Atestare i Acreditare al Republicii Moldova

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    AND ECONOMIC STUDIES ,,Constantin Stere a Gate

    to European Space of Higher Education and Research

    Research knowledge and technology abilities to create new things have been a propulsion of the evolution of civiliza-tion since times immemorial, becoming at present obligatory conditions of the economic and social ascension. These at-tributes have taken root in our country as well. It is sufficient to remember one of the first European civilizations that of Cucuteni, of more than 5000 years. We find their deep roots in popular cre-ation, as in the proverb ,,cine are carte are parte(=Who is literate lives better) or the idiomatic expression ,,meter-faur (=ironsmith master).

    The process of cognition and forma-tion of knowledge by research has been institutionalized at the level of organized system when universities were founded. They can be considered as magic doors to world of progress. On the old Europe-an continent, universities have paved the way for Renaissance and the first undus-trial revolution. In the Romanian space, they appeared much later, but their ben-eficial effect on the evolution of events is quite clear. Later there appeared univer-sities on our Trans-Prut territory. Their number has increased after the declara-tion of independence of the Republic of Moldova n 1991.

    In this context, in 1997, the founda-tion of the University of European Po-litical and Economic Studies (USPEE) Constantin Stere, came to complete the space of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Moldova, promoting the

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    concept of modern university as a centre of education, research and culture.

    Day by day during 15 years USPEE ,,Constantin Stere has combined skill-fully these three university connecting elements, becoming an important chain in the native educational system, work-ing out a renaissance by opening another gate towards the European integration of the Republic of Moldova. This anni-versary of USPEE surely is a holyday of the teaching staff and students, who fully deserve the homage of the society for everything they have carried out during this period. thus, USPEE has significant-ly contributed to enhancing the quality of education, research and affirmation the democratic future of the country. The identification and promotion of val-ues have become the conviction of the personnel of the University of European Political and Economic Studies (USPEE) Constantin Stere, in this respect, the teachers teach their disciples, and the obtained results can be considered as remarkable success. An eloquent proof, in this meaning, is the large number of graduates of the mentioned institution, which functions today successfully in the structures of our country, exercising im-portant public functions. The institution has permanently demonstrated substan-tial efforts in the implantation of vast, accessible and qualitative knowledge to students. These 15 years of the University are a reliable proof of a positive evolu-tion and qualitative growth of image of the of the native university educational system, with inherent professionalism, competence, wisdom, spirit of innova-tion, flexibility, rapid adaptation to chal-lenge of time. But, at the same time, the respective anniversary is an occasion to put in relief the realizations and, why not, some failures, in order to identify

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    new sectors of intellectual development and affirmation, reconfiguration of the platform of development of the next stages, being under the incidence of the Bologna Process. The coming years are of a more evident complexity, generated by time provocations we are having, and by the accelerated evolution of events. We are sure that the University will stand the challenges and succeed not only in the national competition of universities, but also in the European one, to keep up with name of USPEE European Studies. At this ,,young age, USPEE ,,Constantin Stere has become a prestigious univer-sity centre, in which are perpetuated the best traditions and values, promoted by a collective of professional didactic per-sonnel, involved in various scientific and practical projects, ready to respond ad-equately to complex situations, accept-ing indispensable changes of our times. USPEE ,,Constantin Stere harmoni-ously combines the tradition and change, to grasp the equilibrium between these two guiding lines, because the tradition without change is a deadlock, and change without tradition is madness as a phi-losopher says. In this context, USPEE is involved at most in an ample educational reform, which deals with the improve-ment of standards and the creation of a progressive regime of didactic education integrated with research and innovation.

    Thus, at the end of this cordial mes-sage of congratulation, addressed to the hardworking and devoted USPEE ,,Con-stantin Stere personnel, I come with the best wishes of perpetuation of the pro-cess of knowledge and authentic research in the university class-rooms, wishing sincerely that the professors and students of this university to be the worthy bear-ers of the image of higher education of the Republic Moldova. The continuity

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    knowledge is an indispensable condition of the ascension of civilization. The Great scientist Albert Einstein said: ,,No prob-lem can be solved at the same level of knowledge it had been created, and sci-ence, in its trun ,,is a flame on the way to truth, according to what our first scien-tist of international level said Dimitrie Cantemir. Let the University ,,Constan-tin Stere prosper i and become a visible flame in the entire Europe!

    valeriu cAnEr, academician, Chairman of the

    National Council for the Attestation and Accreditation of the Republic

    of Moldova

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    Fondatorii Institutului de Studii Politice i Relaii Internaionale

    Platon FruntAu, fondator,Primul rector al ISPRI

    nicolae lAiu, cofondator, Prorector pentru activitatea didactic

  • Etapele de constituire i funcionare



    Universitatea de Studii Politice i Economice Europene Constantin Stere este succesoarea Institutului de Studii Politice i Relaii Internaionale (ISPRI), fondat la 28 iulie 1997.

    Fondatorul i primul rector al Institutului a fost Platon Fruntau, doctor, confereniar universitar, care a exercitat aceast funcie pn n anul 2009. Din 1999, n calitate de cofondator este Nicolae Laiu, doctor, confereniar universitar.

    De la bun nceput, Institutul a promovat o politic a nvmntului de performan, orientat spre standardele i valorile societii democratice mo-derne. n scopul realizrii practice a acestor sarcini importante, se stabilesc principalele obiective care au fost puse la baza pregtirii cadrelor de califi-care nalt. n aa mod, Institutul a contribuit la formarea unei noi generaii de profesioniti i cercettori, lideri de opinie i funcionari publici, capabili s-i asume responsabilitatea pentru realizarea tranziiei la forma de organiza-re democratic n ara noastr.

    La nceputul activitii ISPRI, tinerii i fceau studiile la dou faculti: a) Facultatea de Studii Politice, cu specialitatea Politologie i specializa-

    rea Politologie i Instruire juridic; b) Facultatea de Relaii Internaionale, cu specialitatea Relaii inter-

    naionale. Decan al Facultii de Studii Politice a fost numit Andrei Costa, doctor

    n filosofie, confereniar universitar, iar decan al Facultii de Relaii Internai-onale Constantin Eanu, profesor universitar.

    n aceeai perioad, au fost create catedrele de: Politologie i Instruire Juridic; Relaii Internaionale; Limbi Strine Aplicate.

    Ulterior, innd cont de necesitatea studierii profunde a experienei ri-lor cu vechi tradiii democratice, precum i a aspiraiilor Republicii Moldova de a deveni membru al familiei europene, n anul 2001, n cadrul Facultii de Relaii Internaionale au fost introduse specializrile Americanistica i Studii europene.

    Ca rezultat al concursului anunat, ef catedr Politologie i Instruire Juri-dic este ales Pantelimon Varzari, doctor n filosofie, confereniar universitar; ef catedr Relaii Internaionale Grigore Vasilescu, doctor habilitat n filo-sofie, profesor universitar; ef catedr Limbi Strine Aplicate Nicolae Cou-leanu, lector superior.

    Prorector pentru activitatea didactic, prin ordinul rectorului, este numit Nicolae Laiu, doctor n istorie, confereniar universitar.

    n scopul de a asigura controlul asupra calitii procesului de nvmnt,

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    n 1999, n cadrul ISPRI a fost creat Comisia metodic, care, printre altele, era preocupat de analiza coninutului planurilor de nvmnt i a programelor analitice i de corespunderea lor cu standardele educaionale; aveau loc dez-bateri asupra subiectelor legate de implementarea noilor metode interactive de predare i nvare; se discutau i se recomandau manuale, brouri metodice, articole tiinifice, care n final se aprobau pentru publicare etc. Responsabil de activitatea Comisiei metodice a fost numit Nicolae Laiu.

    Procesul de instruire era dirijat de ctre metoditii Seciei Studii O. Bradu, i M. Cebanovschi, specialiti cu o bogat experien n acest domeniu.

    ncepnd cu anul de nvmnt 2001-2002, se organizeaz admiterea candidailor la studii fr frecven la specialitile Relaii internaionale; Po-litologie; Politologie i Instruire juridic. Specialitile menionate au fost so-licitate de ctre muli funcionari publici i de ctre politicieni. A fost o ocazie la momentul oportun, cci deja n anul 2005 au absolvit Facultatea de tiine Politice (la secia cu frecven redus) 19 deputai din Parlamentul de Legisla-tura a 17-a, iar n 2008 15 deputai din Parlamentul de Legislatura a 18-a.

    n octombrie 2001, n scopul intensificrii legturilor cu instituiile si-

    nmnarea diplomei dnei Victoria Novic,deputat n Parlamentul Republicii Moldova (iunie 2005)

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    milare de peste hotare i innd seama de necesitatea cooperrii mai efecti-ve, a fost creat Departamentul Cooperare Internaional. Primul director al Departamentului a fost numit Dm. Vasilescu. Obiectivele i sarcinile Depar-tamentului au fost realizate printr-o serie de activiti concrete, care vor fi elucidate mai amplu n seciunea respectiv.

    Tot n 2001, n funcie de prorector, responsabil pentru colaborarea in-ternaional, a fost numit Iurie Leanc, n prezent prim-viceprim-ministru i ministru al Ministerului Afacerilor Externe i Integrrii Europene al RM.

    Prin Hotrrea Colegiului Ministerului Educaiei, Tineretului i Spor-tului al Republicii Moldova (nr. 441 din 27 octombrie 2005 i publicat n Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, nr.151-153 din 11 noiembrie 2005), Institutul de Studii Politice i Relaii Internaionale a fost acreditat, inclusiv specialitatea Relaii internaionale, specialitatea Politologie i specializa-rea Politologie i Instruire juridic.

    La 18 ianuarie 2007, Institutul de Studii Politice i Relaii Internaionale a fost reorganizat n Universitatea de Studii Politice i Economice Europene i nregistrat la Camera nregistrrii de Stat a Ministerului Dezvoltrii In-formaionale cu numrul MD 0058965.

    Aceast reorganizare a fost determinat de creterea substanial a potenia-lului cadrelor didactice, a experienei acumulate pe parcursul anilor de activitate, fapt ce a permis s se treac la o nou treapt n procesul de pregtire profesio-nal a tinerilor specialiti. ns reorganizarea nu a presupus doar o redenumire mecanic a instituiei, ci i modernizarea complex a administrrii i calitii procesului didactic n conformitate cu standardele Procesului Bologna i cu ne-cesitile pieei muncii din Republica Moldova. Astfel, n cadrul Universitii au fost introduse o serie de schimbri eseniale, care au derivat direct din angaja-mentele europene i naionale asumate de ctre republica noastr.

    n 2008 a fost modificat i componena cofondatorilor. Drept rezultat, n calitate de cofondatori a devenit iniial familia dlui profesor Avornic, care mai trziu a transmis pachetul de control Organizaiei Europene de Drept Public, cu sediul la Atena, Grecia.

    n acelai an, USPEE i continu activitatea n sediul propriu, amplasat n centrul capitalei, pe strada tefan cel Mare, 200. Aici la dispoziia studen-ilor i deschid uile aule moderne, clase computerizate cu acces la reeaua global Internet, biblioteca, cabinetul medical etc.

    n 2011, prin decizia comun a cofondatorilor, n funcie de rector USPEE este numit Gheorghe Avornic, doctor habilitat n tiine juridice, pro-fesor universitar.

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    Prin decizia Senatului din 24 februarie 2011, Universitatea de Studii Po-litice i Economice Europene poart numele lui Constantin Stere o per-sonalitate ilustr jurist, om politic i scriitor, originar din judeul Soroca, autor a unui ir de lucrri remarcabile din domeniul tiinelor juridice i politice.

    n cadrul USPEE ,,Constantin Stere au fost elaborate noi standarde edu-caional-profesionale care presupun:

    Reciclarea i perfecionarea corpului profesoral. Modernizarea planurilor de studii i a curriculumului disciplinar. Elaborarea i implementarea unui sistem intern de asigurare i dezvol-

    tare a calitii studiilor.Instituionalizarea relaiilor cu universiti europene/participarea la

    diverse reele universitare internaionale.ncepnd cu anul universitar 2005/2006, admiterea la studii este efec-

    tuat n conformitate cu noul Nomenclator al domeniilor de formare profe-sional/specializri i noul mod de organizare a nvmntului superior pe cicluri. Ciclul I licena, cu durata de trei ani, ce corespunde unui numr de 180 de credite transferabile. Ciclul II masterat, cu durata de doi ani, ce cores-punde unui numr de 120 de credite transferabile.

    Este implementat un nou sistem de evaluare a cunotinelor studeni-lor, sistem care la calcularea notei generale ia n considerare mai multe compo-nente ponderate, precum rezultatele testrii pe parcursul semestrului, reuita curent i testul (examenul) final.

    edin de lucru a profesorilor USPEE

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    A demarat implementarea Sistemului European de Credite Transfera-bile (SECT).

    ncepnd cu anul 2005, fiecrui student USPEE i se elibereaz, gratuit, Suplimentul la Diplom (n limbile romn i englez), al crui coninut este elaborat n conformitate cu normele europene.

    Este implementat Sistemul de Autoguvernare Studeneasc, ce presu-pune implicarea mai activ a studenilor n procesul de luare a deciziilor i de organizare a procesului de studii la nivelul ntregii universiti.

    Astfel, n urma acestor transformri succesive, USPEE devine o instituie de nvmnt superior care dispune de independen financiar i libertate n

    promovarea unei politici proprii ce urmrete, n linii mari, revigorarea pro-cesului de instruire elitist din Republica Moldova i integrarea nvmntu-lui superior autohton n Spaiul European al nvmntului Superior. n acest context, obiectivele majore ale Universitii de Studii Politice i Economice Europene sunt:

    renaterea tradiiilor instruirii de calitate din Europa Central i de Sud-Est;

    crearea unui sistem flexibil de pregtire a cadrelor, adaptat la piaa ac-tual i de perspectiv a muncii;

    instituirea de parteneriate cu autoritile publice centrale i locale, cu structurile internaionale i cu mediul de afaceri.

    dezvoltarea unei ample activiti tiinifice i instituirea unor partene-riate naionale i internaionale de cercetare;

    Deschiderea anului de studii 2011/12

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    diversificarea curriculumului de studii prin asimilarea celor mai recente discipline i elaborri din domeniul tiinelor politice, economice i al dreptului;

    promovarea proceselor integraioniste europene prin angajarea plena-r a Republicii Moldova pe calea integrrii europene;

    formarea ceteanului Republicii Moldova din perspectiva respectrii drepturilor i libertilor fundamentale ale omului;

    contribuirea la creativitatea personal a cadrelor didactice i a studenilor.ntregul proces de nvmnt decurge n conformitate cu Legea nv-

    mntului, Regulamentul de organizare a studiilor n nvmntul superior

    n baza Sistemului Naional de Credite de Studiu (elaborat n baza Sistemului European de Acumulare i Transfer al Creditelor) i Planul-cadru pentru studii superioare. Pregtirea specialitilor se efectueaz conform Nomenclatorului domeniilor de formare profesional/specialitilor pentru pregtirea cadrelor n instituiile de nvmnt superior. Treapta nti, ciclul I, se finalizeaz cu susinerea examenului de licen, care include o prob de profil, o prob la spe-cialitate i teza de licen, dup care absolvenilor li se acord titlul de liceniat. Treapta a doua, ciclul II, se ncheie cu susinerea public a tezei de Masterat, dup care absolvenilor li se confer titlul de master. Absolvenii USPEE se bu-cur de aprecieri deosebite din partea organizaiilor internaionale, instituiilor

    nceperea anului de studii 2011/12

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    statului, conductorilor de ntreprinderi. Muli dintre absolvenii universitii i-au deschis propriile afaceri, alii s-au remarcat peste hotarele rii n SUA, Frana, Marea Britanie, Israel etc.

    USPEE va contribui astfel la formarea unei noi generaii de profesioniti i cercettori, funcionari, magistrai i oameni de afaceri capabili s-i asu-me responsabilitatea pentru realizarea tranziiei spre democraie, economia de pia i societatea civil. USPEE ofer studenilor si posibilitatea de a combina diferite forme de activiti academice, formative i de cercetare. La realizarea acestor activiti, particip i profesorii invitai. Administraia USPEE orga-nizeaz conferine i prelegeri ale unor profesori cunoscui din rile Europei Centrale i de Sud-Est, Europei Occidentale, CSI i SUA. Aceast activitate reprezint un aspect prioritar al programelor educaionale ale USPEE, deoare-ce lectorii invitai aduc cu ei i idei noi, practici i tehnici de cercetare inedite, adesea necunoscute n ara noastr. Cu unele instituii din ar i din strinta-te USPEE a ncheiat contracte de colaborare. Totodat, studenii se bucur i de alt avantaj ei sunt deservii de biblioteca tiinific universitar specializat.

    Fiind o instituie de nvmnt destul de mobil i adaptabil, USPEE se afl n permanent cutare a acelor modaliti de instruire care s le garanteze absolvenilor amplasarea n cmpul muncii i o mobilitate social sporit. Ti-nerii ultimului an de studii au posibilitatea de a desfura practica de produc-ie n cadrul: Preediniei RM, Parlamentului RM, Guvernului RM, MAEIE al RM, Ambasadelor acreditate la Chiinu i peste hotare. O bun parte dintre absolvenii Universitii de Studii Politice i Economice Europene au reuit s se ncadreze n cmpul muncii la instituiile sus-menionate.

    Actualmente, USPEE ntrunete cinci faculti (nvmnt cu frecven la zi i nvmnt cu frecven redus).

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    Pages from the Universitys History

    The University of European Politi-cal and Economic Studies Constantin Stere is the successor of the Institute of Political Studies and International Re-lations (IPSIR), founded on July 28th, 1997. The founder and first rector of the Institute is Platon Fruntasu, Ph.D., asso-ciate professor, who exercised this func-tion until 2009. In 1999, as a co-founder participated Nicoale Laiu, Ph.D., Assis-tant Professor.

    From the outset, the Institute promot-ed a policy of performance in education, oriented towards standards and values of a modern democratic society. In or-der to implement these important tasks, the principle objectives are established which form the basis for the instruction of highly qualified staff. Thus, the Insti-tute has contributed to a new generation of professionals and researchers, opinion leaders and public officials who are able to assume responsibility for achieving the transition to a democratic form of orga-nization in our country.

    At the very beginning, at IPSIR, there were two Faculties:

    a) Faculty of Political Studies: Politi-cal Science with specialty Political Sci-ences and Legal Training;

    b) Faculty of International Relations: International Relations.

    Dean of the Faculty of Political Stud-ies was Andrei Costas, Doctor in Phi-losophy, Associate Professor while Dean of the Faculty of International Relations was Constantin Esanu, professor.

    During the same period, the follow-ing departments were created: Political and Legal Education, International Rela-

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    tions, and Applied Foreign Languages.Subsequently, given the need to study

    profoundly the experience of countries with old democratic traditions, as well as the aspirations of the Republic of Moldova to join the European family, in 2001, the Faculty of International Rela-tions introduced the specialties Ameri-can Studies and European Studies.

    As a result of an official contest, Pan-telimon Varzari, Doctor in Philosophy, Associate Professor, became head of the Department of Political Science and Le-gal Education, and Grigorie Vasilescu, PhD in Philosophy, professor, became Head of the International Relations De-partment; Nicholas Cosuleanu, lecture, became head of the Department of Ap-plied Foreign Languages.

    As vice rector for education, by order of the rector, was promoted Nicholas Laiu, PhD in history, professor.

    In order to ensure control over the quality of the educational process, in 1999, a methodological commission was created at IPSIR, which, among others, was concerned with analyzing the content of curricula and syllabuses and their compliance with educational standards. Issues related to implement-ing new interactive teaching and learn-ing were discussed. Books, method-ological brochures and scientific articles were submitted and finally approved for publication, etc. Nicholae Laiu was ap-pointed responsible for the activity of the methodological commission.

    The educational process was guided by the specialists O. Bradu and M. Ce-banovschi, experts with extensive expe-rience in this field.

    From the academic year 2001-2002, students were admitted to study part-time International Relations, Political

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    Science, Political and Legal Education. Specialties listed have been requested by many civil servants and politicians. Considering this fact, in 2005, 19 Mem-bers of Parliament of the 17th Legisla-ture, and in 2008, 15 members of Parlia-ment of the 18th Legislature graduated from Political Sciences (part-time).

    Diploma ceremony for Mrs. Victoria Novic

    Member of Parliament of the Repub-lic of Moldova (June 2005)

    In October 2001, in order to inten-sify ties with similar institutions abroad and taking into account the need for more effective cooperation, the Depart-ment of International Cooperation was created. Its first director was Dumitru Vasilescu. The Departments objectives and tasks have been achieved through a series of concrete activities that will be understood more fully in a section.

    Also in 2001, Iurie Leanca, former deputy minister of Foreign Affairs of RM, currently Deputy Minister of For-eign Affairs and European Integration, was promoted as vice rector for interna-tional cooperation. By decision of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Republic of Moldova (no. 441 of 27 October 2005 and published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Mol-dova, 151, 153 of November 11, 2005), the Institute of Political Studies and International Relations was accredited, including the specialties International Relations, Political Sciences and Po-litical and Legal Education.

    On January 18th, 2007, the Institute of Political Studies and International Relations University was reorganized into the University of European Politi-cal and Economic Studies and registered with the State Registration of the Minis-

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    try of Information with the number MD 0058965.

    This reorganization was driven by a substantial growth in the teaching staff s potential and in the experience gained during years of activity, which allowed taking a new step in the train-ing of young specialists. The reorgani-zation did not imply only a mechanical renaming of the institution, but also a complex modernization of manage-ment and the quality of the teaching ac-tivity in conformity with the standards of the Bologna process and the needs of the Moldovan labor market. Thus, the University has introduced a number of significant changes, which were de-rived directly from the European and national commitments assumed by our country.

    In 2008, the composition of the co-founders was modified. As a result, the family of Professor Gheorghe Avornic became co-founders; later, the latter transmitted a controlling amount of shares to the European Public Law Or-ganization, based in Athens, Greece.

    In the same year, USPEE continued the activity in its premises, located in downtown Chisinau, Stefan cel Mare Street, 200. Here, students have ac-cess to modern lecture halls, computer classes with Internet, a library, medical facilities, etc.

    In 2011, by joint decision of the co-founders, Gheorghe Avornic, PhD in jurisprudence, professor, became Rec-tor of USPEE. By decision of the Aca-demic Senate of February 24th, 2011, the University of European Political and Economic Studies was named after Constantin Stere - an illustrious per-sonality - lawyer, politician and writer, born in the County of Soroca, author of

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    a number of remarkable works of legal and political sciences.

    Currently, at USPEE Constantin Stere there have been developed new educational and professional standards, involving:

    Training of teaching staff, Modernization of curricula and

    study plans, Development and implementation

    of an internal system of study quality as-surance and development,

    Institutionalization of relationships with European universities / participa-tion in various international university networks,

    Since the academic year 2005/2006, admission to studies is carried out un-der the new regulations in professional training/specialization and a new way of organizing higher education in cycles. Cycle I - BA, three years, which cor-responds to 180 ECTS credits. Cycle II - MA, two years, which corresponds to 120 ECTS credits,

    A new system to assess students knowledge is implemented, an overall grade calculation system which takes into account several weighted components and test results during the semester, cur-rent grade level and final test (exam),

    Implementation of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) has started,

    Since 2005, each student USPEE receives free of charge his Diploma Sup-plement (in Romanian and English), content which is developed in accor-dance with European standards.

    Student self-government is imple-mented, which requires active involve-ment of students in the decision-making process and organization of education throughout the university.

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    As a result of these successive trans-formations, USPEE became an institu-tion of higher education which has the financial independence and freedom to promote its policy aimed at a revival of elite education in the Republic of Mol-dova and integrating the national high-er education in the area of European higher education. In this context, major objectives of the University of European Political and Economic Studies are:

    Revival of traditions of quality education in Central and Southeast Eu-rope,

    Creating a flexible system of educa-tion, adapted to the current and future labor market,

    Establishing partnerships with lo-cal and central public authorities, inter-national structures and business,

    Developing a complex scientific ac-tivity and establishing national and in-ternational research partnerships,

    Curriculum diversification through assimilation of the latest studies and de-velopments in science in political sci-ence, economics and law,

    Promote European integration pro-cesses by full implication of Moldova on the way towards European integration;

    Education of Moldovan citizens in terms of citizen rights and fundamental human freedoms;

    Contributing to the personal cre-ativity of teachers and students.

    The entire educational process flows in accordance with the Education Law, the Regulation of organization of stud-ies in higher education under the Na-tional Credit Transfer System (devel-oped under the European System of Credit Accumulation and Transfer) and the Framework for higher education. Education of specialists is carried out

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    according to the guidelines for profes-sional training/ specialties for train-ing of specialists in higher education. The first step, Cycle I, ends with the BA exam, which includes an academic test, a test in the specialty, and the diploma thesis, after which graduates are award-ed the title of BA. The second stage, Cy-cle II, ends with a public Master thesis, after which graduates receive the title of Master. USPEE graduates enjoy special recommendations from international organizations, state institutions, CEOs of enterprises. Many university gradu-ates have opened their own businesses; others have excelled abroad: in the USA, France, UK, Israel, etc.

    USPEE will contribute to the forma-tion of a new generation of profession-als and researchers, officials, judges and businessmen, able to assume responsi-bility for achieving the transition to de-mocracy, a market economy and civil society. USPEE offers its students the opportunity to combine different forms of academic activities, and formative re-search. At these activities also participate guest professors. USPEEs administration organizes conferences and lectures of well-known professors from countries of Central and South-East Europe, Western Europe, CIS and the USA. This activity is a priority issue in USPEEs educational programs, as guest lecturers bring with them new ideas, original practices and research methodology, often unknown in our country. With some institutions in Moldova and abroad, USPEE signed cooperation agreements. However, stu-dents also enjoy another advantage - they are served by a specialized scientific uni-versity library.

    As a rather mobile and adaptable ed-ucational institution, USPEE is always

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    looking for those ways of education that ensure employment and greater social mobility for graduates. Gradu-ating students can have internships at: the Moldovan Presidency, Parliament, Government, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, foreign embassies in Chisinau and abroad. Many of the graduates of the University of European Political and Economic Studies have been employed in institutions mentioned above. Cur-rently, USPEE combines five faculties (with full-time and part-time educa-tion).

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    Facultatea Relaii Internaionale i tiine Politice

    Decan: Pavel MiDriGAn, doctor n tiine politice, confereniar universitar

    Instituit n anul 1997, Facultatea Relaii Internaionale i tiine Politice reprezint pilonul n jurul cruia s-a articulat i modernizat Universitatea de Studii Politice i Economice Eu-ropene Constantin Stere. Fiind una dintre primele instituii din ar care i-a asumat dificila sarcin de a dezvolta tiina

    politic din Republica Moldova i de a pregti viitoarea clas politic i cor-pul diplomatic al rii, activitatea facultii a presupus asimilarea metodologiei moderne de instruire, precum i studiul tiinific al procesului politic intern i internaional al nceputului de secol XXI. Sub aspect organizatoric, moder-nizarea i sporirea calitii procesului didactic n conformitate cu standardele Procesului Bologna i cu necesitile pieei muncii din Republica Moldova au reprezentat reperele de baz ce au ghidat ntreaga activitate a Facultii.

    Decan al Facultii Relaii Internaionale i tiine Politice Pavel Mi-drigan, doctor n tiine politice, confereniar universitar. n cadrul facult-ii exist catedra Relaii Internaionale i tiine Politice, ef catedr Cezar Mnscurt, doctor n tiine politice, confereniar universitar. Corpul profeso-ral reprezint cel mai de pre activ al facultii, graie mbinrii optimale a ex-perienei i tinereii, precum i reciclrii, i perfecionrii permanente a cadre-lor didactice. Majoritatea profesorilor catedrei Relaii Internaionale i tiine Politice au grade tiinifice de doctor habilitat i doctor, iar tinerii lectori i fac studiile la doctorat. Profesorii au posibilitatea s-i ridice nivelul de calificare profesional, prin efectuarea stagiilor de perfecionare n cele mai prestigioase universiti europene i prin participarea la traininguri organizate n cadrul instituiilor similare de nvmnt din Romnia, Polonia, Germania, Belgia etc. De asemenea, cadrele didactice de la facultate sunt implicate ndeosebi n diverse proiecte de cercetare naionale i internaionale, proiecte de absorbie a fondurilor internaionale destinate Republicii Moldova.

    Misiunea facultii pregtirea specialitilor competitivi n domeniul politologiei i relaiilor internaionale, capabili s-i gseasc aplicare eficient i calitativ n practic a cunotinelor obinute, pregtire care s corespund rigorilor timpului i s rspund exigenelor impuse de dezvoltarea Republicii Moldova n etapa actual. Astfel, misiunea principal i obiectivul strategic ale

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    facultii sunt de a forma specialiti de profil, api s elaboreze politici, s im-plementeze reforme i s gestioneze eficient procesul de integrare european a Republicii Moldova, constituind premisa unei dezvoltri sustenabile. Activi-tatea tiinific este o parte important n funcionarea facultii, n care sunt antrenai plenar corpul profesoral al facultii, doctoranzii, cercettorii tiini-fici, studenii instituiei.

    Obiectivele facultii:oferirea serviciilor educaionale de calitate, adaptate nevoilor unei so-

    cieti bazate pe cunoatere;conectarea procesului educaional moldovenesc la mediul academic

    european i realizarea unui Spaiu European al nvmntului Superior;diversificarea curriculumului de studii prin asimilarea celor mai recen-

    te discipline i elaborri din domeniul tiinelor politice;crearea unui sistem flexibil de pregtire a cadrelor, adaptat la piaa ac-

    tual i de perspectiv a muncii;crearea unei noi generaii de politicieni i diplomai moldoveni, care s

    asigure modernizarea instituional, reformele structurale i integrarea euro-pean a Republicii Moldova.

    Procesul de instruire se realizeaz conform standardelor internaionale n aule i laboratoare specializate, auditorii dotate cu tehnic modern.

    n cadrul Facultii Relaii Internaionale i tiine Politice se pregtesc specialiti n domeniile:

    Ciclul I:PolitologieRelaii internaionale

    Ciclul IIRelaii internaionale i Studii europeneTeoria i practica guvernriiIntegrarea european: economie i politici comunitare

    Succesul facultii se reflect evident n reuita absolvenilor si, absol-veni care devin n timp profesioniti de succes i activeaz n cadrul insti-tuiilor publice centrale i locale, misiunilor diplomatice ale Republicii Mol-dova acreditate peste hotarele rii, organizaii internaionale i companii private etc.

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    Faculty of International

    Relations and Political Science

    Dean:Pavel MiDriGAn, Ph.D. in Political Science, Professor

    The Faculty of International Relations and Political Sciences, founded in 1977,

    Represents a pillar around which there has articulated and modernized the University of European Political and Economic Studies (USPEE) Constantin Stere. It is one of the first institutions in the country, which assumed the difficult task of developing political sciences in the Republic of Moldova, train the future political class and diplomatic corpus of the country. The activity of the depart-ment presupposed the assimilation of modern educational methodology, as well as the scientific study of the internal and international political process at the beginning of the XXI century. Under the organizational aspect, the moderniza-tion and enhancing of the quality of the didactic process in conformity with the standard of the Bologna process and with the requirements of the labor market of the Republic of Moldova, it has repre-sented the main guiding lines of the en-tire activity of the Department.

    The dean of the Faculty of Internation-al Relations and Political Sciences Pavel Midrigan, doctor of political sciences, as-sociate professor. In the framework of the department there exists the Chair of Inter-national Relations and political Sciences, the chairman Cezar Mnscurt, doctor of political sciences, associate professor. The teaching personnel represent the most valuable active of the department, due to

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    the optimal combination of experience and youth, as well as continuous educa-tion, and permanent perfection of the di-dactic staff. The majority the teachers of the Chair of International Relations and Political Sciences have scientific degrees of doctor habilitat and doctor, and the young lecturers are taking courses in doctoral studies. Teachers have the possibility to raise their level of professional qualifica-tion, by having probation periods at the most prestigious European universities and by participating in trainings organized in the framework of similar educational institutions in Romania, Poland, Germa-ny, Belgium, etc. The didactic personnel of the department also participate in vari-ous projects of national and international research, of absorption of international funds meant for the Republic of Moldova.

    The Mission of the Department training competitive specialists in the field of political sciences and interna-tional relations, capable of finding and efficient and qualitative application in practice of the obtained knowledge, a training that should correspond to the re-quirements of time and to correspond to the imposed exigencies of development of the Republic of Moldova at the present stage. Thus, the principal mission and the strategic objective of the department are to train specialists in the field, capable to work out policies, to implement reforms and to efficiently administrate the process of European integration of the Republic of Moldova, constituting the premise of a sustainable development. The scien-tific research is an important part in the functioning of the department, in which is plenary engaged the teaching staff of the faculty, doctoral students, scientific researches, students of the institution.

    The objectives of the faculty:offer educational qualitative ser-

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    vices, adapted to the needs of a society based on knowledge;

    connecting the Moldovan educa-tional process to the European academic reality and the realization of the Europe-an space in higher education. al;

    diversification of the educational curriculum by assimilating the most re-cent disciplines and teaching aids in the field of political sciences;;

    creation of a flexible system of per-sonnel training, adapted to the present market and labor perspective;

    formation of a new generation of Moldovan politicians and diplomats, who would guarantee the institutional modernization, structural reforms and the European integration of the Republic of Moldova.

    The process of teaching is carried out in conformity with the international standards in classes and specialized labo-ratories, lecture-halls equipped with cur-rent technology.

    In framework of The Faculty of Inter-national Relations and Political Sciences there are trained specialists in the follow-ing domains:

    Cycle I:Political scienceInternational Relations

    Cycle IIInternational Relations and Euro-

    pean StudiesTheory and Practice pf Govern-

    mentEuropean Integration: Community

    Economy and PoliticsThe success of the department is evi-

    dently reflected in the progress of its grad-uates, who with time become success pro-fessionals and work in the framework of public, central and local institutions, dip-lomatic missions of the Republic of Mol-dova accredited abvroad, international or-ganizations and private companies, etc.

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    Facultatea de Drept

    Decan: raisa GrEcu,doctor habilitat n drept, confereniar universitar

    Facultatea de Drept a USPEE Constantin Stere i pro-pune drept scop pregtirea specialitilor de nalt calificare n domeniul dreptului viitori promotori ai principiilor le-galitii, umanismului i democratismului, instruii n spiri-

    tul respectului fa de lege i asemenea valori ale unei societi democratice i ale statului de drept, cum sunt dreptatea i echitatea social, demnitatea uman, drepturile i libertile fundamentale ale omului.

    Decan al Facultii de Drept Raisa Grecu, doctor habilitat, confe-reniar universitar; ef catedr Drept Public Elena Aram, doctor habili-tat, profesor universitar; ef catedr Drept Privat Iurie Mihalache, doctor n drept, lector superior.

    Obiectivele propuse se realizeaz n procesul de pregtire a viitorilor specialiti n drept att la Ciclul I (licen), ct i la Ciclul II (masterat) con-form urmtoarelor programe de masterat: Drept public, Dreptul n afaceri, Dreptul penal, Dreptul procesual penal, Dreptul internaional, Dreptul civil, Dreptul vamal i activitate vamal. Facultatea este ncadrat ntr-un proiect internaional de perspectiv mai ndelungat ce ine de desfurarea n pre-mier absolut n ara noastr a unui curs regional de masterat n domeniul drepturilor omului i democratizrii.

    Una din direciile principale n formarea competenei profesionale a viitorilor juriti este considerat, la fel ca i nsuirea bazei teoretice a dis-ciplinelor de profil, orientarea consecvent a studenilor spre valorificarea aspectelor practice ale materiei de drept studiate. n scopul vizat, n proce-sul instruirii sunt antrenai profesori de cea mai nalt calificare, majoritatea dintre care dein grade i titluri tiinifice, dar i lucrtori practici din diverse domenii judectori, avocai, colaboratori ai MAI, ai MAEIE .a. De ase-menea, sunt valorificate din plin, n sensul dat, i posibilitile de conlucrare cu instituiile de drept din statul nostru, semnatare ale acordurilor de cola-borare cu USPEE Constantin Stere, cu numeroase organe ale administra-iei publice locale, precum i cu Camera de Comer i Industrie a Republicii

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    Moldova. ntru atingerea scopului nominalizat, sunt utilizate oportunitile practice oferite de Biroul de Avocai, Biroul de Asigurri, Agenia de Turism, Biroul de Brokeri ce funcioneaz pe lng Universitate.

    Facultatea acord tot suportul posibil absolvenilor n procesul ncadr-rii n cmpul muncii. Specialitii instruii la Facultatea de Drept sunt anga-jai n cele mai prestigioase domenii de activitate profesional judectorii, procuratur, avocatur, MAI, autoritile administraiei publice centrale i locale, instituii din sistemul financiar-bancar, ntreprinderi din sistemul bu-siness-ului autohton, reprezentane ale unor mari firme econimico-comerci-ale internaionale, organizaii nonguvernamentale .a.

    Corpul profesoral al Facultii de Drept

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    The Faculty of Law

    Dean:raisa GrEcu, doctor habilitated, professor

    The Faculty of law of USPEE Con-stantin Stere aims to train specialists of high qualification in law future pro-moters of the principles of legality, hu-manism and democracy, educated in the spirit of respect for the law and also the values of a democratic society and the rule of law, justice and social equity, hu-man dignity, human rights and funda-mental freedoms.

    Dean of the Law Faculty Raisa Grecu, doctor habilitated, professor, head of the Chair of Public Law Elena Aram, doctor habilitated, university professor, head of the Department of pri-vate law Iurie Mihalache, PhD in law, senior lecturer.

    The proposed objectives are achieved in the process of training of future spe-cialists of law at both cycle I (license), and cycle II (masters degree) in accordance with their following masters programs: public law, business Law, criminal law, criminal procedural Law, international law, civil law, customs law and customs activity. The Faculty is integrated in an international project of a longer perspec-tive, which takes place for the first time in our country, of a regional master course in human rights and democratization.

    One of the main directions in the training of future lawyers professional competence shall be considered, as well as appropriating the theoretical base of the disciplines, consistent orientation of students towards learning the practicali-ties of the studied law theory. In this pur-pose, teachers of the highest qualification

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