16. The Crown

16 The Crown

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Delve into the seedy underworld of Glaze in TRV: The World At Large. Taking place in parallel with the comic, Clare travels to the city of Lidz to recover a lost wonder that could save her people. However, around every corner a host of thugs, thieves, murderers and drug addicts stand in her way. Meanwhile, waiting in the shadows a long forgotten evil prepares to make its return...

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16. The Crown

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25/5/G19 17:34

Taz had taken Clare to five other bars since the Queen of Hearts; not all of them had been as busy, but they were all just as shabby. As the day went by, all Clare could do was play through what she had been told earlier, and wrestle with the consequences should it be true. 'I wouldn't tell this to the loud one if I were you.' If she has an ulterior motive it can't be anything bad, she's dedicated her day to helping me! Plus, out of the hundred or so people that she has talked to today, not one of them has greeted her maliciously. It seems everyone here is Taz's friend and she's the local saint. However, Clare still chose not to reveal the information she had been given earlier in the day. Yggdrasil is too important; as much as I do trust Taz, I can't take the risk that the old man was right and Taz is a threat. That said, I'll have to tell her eventually; how can I find my way around the northern outskirts without my guide?

Clare sat at one of the empty tables in the the Crown pub trying hard not to touch the sticky, stained arms of the chair. This seemed to be the common theme that united Taz's suggested venues. None of the bars they visited had been clean, but this was the first that made her feel a little queasy from the filth that coated its every inch. Across the room Taz was surrounded by a group of five young men, most were eighteen, maybe nineteen. They were very distinctive. Two of them had metal chains running from ear to nose via piercings, and three had long, spiky hair in a central column from the top of their heads to the back. Although their clothes were obviously in better condition than anyone else's around Lidz, they had cut them up with something sharp. Clare did not understand the reasoning behind this.

Through Clare's eyes this situation was harmless, but those more Glaze-savvy would see the potential danger Taz was in. The lads wanted her, and they would not accept 'no' for an answer. Nevertheless, Taz asked her

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questions and got a speedy round of shaking heads. Luckily she did not mention her naive friend sat across the room otherwise Taz wouldn't be the only one in danger. As she tried to leave one of the men grabbed her arm with a sick grin on his face. Although he didn't know it yet, that was a mistake. Clare stood up when the realisation that Taz was in danger had dawned on her, but she stayed put because she had no clue of how to deal with the situation at hand. Dammit! If only I could get close to her and grab her hand, I could get us both away from here without incident! But as soon as I get close to them they might grab me too. What good are these devices of mine if I don't have the courage to use them? I'm such a coward...

What Clare didn't know was that Taz wasn’t in need of her assistance. She had let just enough time pass to give the youths a false sense of victory before she took it away from them. A strong knee to the crotch of the one that held her arm was enough to release his grip, and a following swift shove cleared her path to the back door of the bar.

The lads were in shock from the events that just took place (as was Clare), and all they could do was help their friend back to his feet. Clare could hear the embarrassment in their voices as they tried to regain their 'manhood' by making excuses and insulting the victorious Taz.

“Fookin' freak, she's probably got rabies or sommin'.”

“Huhu yeah, or she can't handle her CMP, fookin' bitch.”

Clare was too impressed with Taz's efficient and speedy escape to care about what the thugs were saying as she left the bar to look for her one and only friend.

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“Psst! Clare!”


“Oi! Over 'ere!”

Clare turned to see Taz squatted behind one of the half-destroyed tables in a gutted restaurant opposite the bar. She crossed over checking carefully behind her as she walked. Phew! No one behind me, we're safe. Well, at least for now.

“Taz that was incredible! Where did you learn to do that?!” Clare asked excitedly.

“Well, when you live 'round 'ere you pick up a few tricks,” she said, calmly retying the laces on her black boots. “I actually coulda taken 'em, but...I, er, couldn't risk one of 'em comin' after you.”

Clare had got the impression that Taz was a lot more angry than she was letting on. Something about the tone of her voice had changed.

“Probably for the best,” Clare replied. “Can't have you getting hurt on my account.”

“Meh, not a prob' kid. Woulda been fun!” That sounds a bit more like her, maybe she just needed a friend to calm her down.

“That's not what I'd call fun!” Clare joked.

“Anyway, I think it's time we called it a day. The real bastards come out at night.”

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“Oh, okay...”

“You don't have anywhere to stay do you?”

“Um, technically, no, I don't.”

“No worries, you can always stay at mine, plenty of room!”

“Really, are you sure? I don't want to impose.”

“Nah, come on, it'll be fun!”

I might not have any real idea where Yggdrasil is, but at least I have somewhere safe to sleep for the night.

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This frozen world lies in ruin, betrayed by all who grace her.

Glaze awaits, to be ours once more…

Written by Tom Davies and Alec Davis, 2011.

© The River Versus: The World At Large.