16th Karmapa Meditation - Promieniepromienie.net/.../dharma/books/16th-karmapa_meditation.pdf · 2015-12-06 · 16th Karmapa Meditation The Four Thoughts We feel he t~ornues8 strea1n

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16th Karmapa Meditation

Tl1e Basic G·uru Yo,ga Meditation of Di~n1ond Way B,1 ddhism

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De.ar Friends,,

Thi.5 version oj' the 16}h Karmapa Meditation -i.sfro,n UJinter 2001 . In the late Sixties, the 16th Karmapa, Rarzjutig Rigpe Dorje, m.ade /,Ja1:trzah ancl 1 bolderS of thi'i practical a11d compreh,ensive tool for er,lighter1ment. 1 ·.onori11;g his uJi.~h over the ~years that u1e alwa._ys keep it fresh and o-ri the cutting edge of u,e~tern minds, the foci,s of the meditatiorl bas shifted set)eral tlmes. Here the e»1pha.si, ts on. active~y conti'nuing the pure uieu, obtained tn nteditation .. i11to ou,r daily lives .

After havii-zg taken refiige i1z the morrzing . 'OU ,nay i-nformally a1'1d at arl~V time dt1t~irlg the da._v let the La1n1a appear in .frorlt oJ~.YOlJ. a·nd receive this blessing. I know of no n1.ore ejfectfve meditation. 'Therefore p~actlce ar1d er1jO)'·

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16th Karmapa Meditation

The Four Thoughts

We feel he t~ornues8 stre a1n C)f air at the tir).s c)f c111r nos s an.d let thoL1ghts and fi . Hn.gs pass v\ritl1out evaluation .

Then w·e focl1s on the fiour b;;.1s·c thot1ghts vvl1icl1 turn mind to rards liberation an1d enl ightenn1ent:

We recognize our precio,us opportunit)r in this life, that we ca.n be11efit ccJ11ntless lJieings thr1ough the methods of a bL1cldl1a. Fe\v 11eople e·ver meet. Diamond . ray teachings and v ... e n few ... er are alJle to u1se tl1 111.

\Xie rem mlJ·. r tl1e ~mper anence of .·· veryth·~ng co 1pos~te~ O nly the L1nli111ited 1. ar space of mind is lasting and it is

uncertain ho . · long co11ditions wil[ re111ain for recognizing it.

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We understanc ca t1sality. TI1,at i is 1-1 l' to tis what ill 11,appen~ Former th cJL1ghts, ·worcls a11cl ac ions l1ec~1111e <Jur J)rese11t state an c.l rjgl1t .OQV,..r v.re are so,v,ring the seeds fo r o t1r ft1tt1re.

Finally, we see th- re-ason s for working witl1 mnind. 1 ~n!ightenn1ent is imeless higl1 _ st b' i -s, and we --a - ot benef·t others lh1 1ile confused or disturtJecl ourselve -.

Therefore we no -.. 0 1pen t1p to tl1ose w l1 0 can t ac· us ..


or the good o ~ all beings ' "·le take refuge.

11 t 1e uddha, mind's full de,lelop1nent-n his teachings · -l1ich bring us there;

In the Sangha~ And e . ci_ lly in tl1e Lama, l-1-r· tl1 ·

h rniap . 1 e 11nites 'bl ssing 1n thod.s and p 1ro ~on and is n,eeded for o,u fast d v I I ·ffi t.

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Buildl.ng-up Phase

. C)\'\r ,, <)t 1t cJf space in front of . is, c,ond,en.ses the gol1den , transparent forn1 of tl1e 16th Karn1apa, a r~1diant fie lcl of en,ergy an1d light .

He ·· ears tl1e Black Cro\vn, he sha11e of wl1ich Cat) awaker1 111incl s deepest a\i\,arenes ~ ~ His fac~ is g<)lden and mHd. He se~s tis ""nows t1s and wishes us everything goo·d . His hands hold a dorje a11d a ~.Je~l crossed at l1is heart. Tl1ey e p r1ess the state of compassion ancl wisd.on1 i11sep' rable. Seate cl mn n1cditation postl1re, lie is surro11nd.e(i b1r light.

Karina.pa 1 n ites s1)ace an<-i blis··· and is l1.e activity cJf all bt1ddhas~ ~_s esse ce is

here w hether a cl ar irnage rs per,ceived c)r not. We str1ongly .. ~sh to acco1nplisl1 1·s enlightened qt1alities for the benefit of alt

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· arrnapa knows ou.r wish. le smi es ancl con1 s v . r cl(lS r t11rou.gh space. He now r, mains at a p easant distance in fron· of us~

"D1ear t a 1a essence of all b t1ddhas, please ho .··.. us the po,ver, which r,etnlJ,,es the fugno,r .. nee ancl obscur~1ticJ11s ()f all b1 ings and our elves. Let n1inc s tim,eless light lJe r,eccJgr1iz, d ~·nsid . us. 11

Blessing Phase - Body

s fC)O ·. ct ar light radiates from berare1en Karmapa' · yelJrov-l·s and enters he sa 1,e

plac i ou · ore 1ead. Our l1ead is filled ith po ,erful clear light. The light dissolves

all cli tt1rbing impre ·sions in brain nerves and senLes. All caLI ~e . and itnprint ~ of l1ar1nful acti . ns .. i appear ancl our biC)d.y r laxes. It b _ com s a consci,ous to1ol for p1 otecting a11d 11 lpm, g oth1ers. We eta· 1 the clear ight fo1r as ong· as · ·. e · . rish and e peri1ence the inner vibr . tion of the syllab,le O M.

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Blessing Plhase - Speech1

Eni.anating from K~. rmapa's throat, a radiant bea1n of red ligl1t strean1s c)ut. It nt · .rs otir 1noutl1 and tl1roat a·nd dissolv~s an d iff" cu ties in ot1r speech. Al] i1npr ssions of harmful and c1onfused words disappear an(l we beco1ne conscioL1s of our sp1eech. It is no'A compassion and . isdotn, a po · .· er-ful t<J<Jl f(Jr benefiting ()thers. Alc)ng with tl1.ie r1ed 'lig:ht, vle r tain · l1 . d ·. · p v·"bration of the sytlab1 1e AH~

B essing Phase - Mind

From t e l1eart level in tl1e centre of Karma pa s tr .. nsparent b,ody an intense blue li_gl-1t shines 1011. . It fills he 1niclclle of ot1r chest. Everything harmful 11ow leave .· our min,d. Disturbing fe . lings an 1d tiff ideas dissol\7e and our m~nd l1ecomes spontanec) s jo,y. I is space ancl b iss inseparable. Togetl1er with the deep lJlt1e I ig t vibrates the syllable HUNG.

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Great Seal transmission

o . all three lights ent1er s at the same time. Clear ligl1t fills our heacl, red light our t1 ro,at ancl blue light ot1r heart c 1enter. Thu · w olJtain the essential tat of th G at S · a , .

Wl1il ·· f 1EC1e,"ving tl1e lights, we may use th ma tra KARMAPA CHENNO. It means po . er of all bL1ddhas w 1ork throu,gh u .

\Ve r1e e~ t it loudly or inwardl)' .


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Completion Phase

In rant Karn1apa s golde11 orn1 anc is Blacl( Crown dissolve i11'to rainb · w

light. It fa ll on us, i · ev rywl1 r _ a.nd a.11 form di· a.pp . ar . h r is now o y aV\rareness, ·t11 no cent1e o 1 m··t.


Tl1()l1gl1ts an ph nc)mena ar l1 free play of spac .


Activity Phas.e

N,ow O l lf Sllrroun(lings, this . ·rorld n nd all v . .rc)rld., appea.r, p 1 rfi ct and p 1r . .

'V ry at,om vil1rates \!\rith joy and is kept to,geth r by lov1e~ . ,rerything re h and meaning.ft1l r" dian't ';'1l ith u · limited poten ial.

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Beings 111anifest, n ar and far. They ·are fiemale or 1na.le buddhas, wh tl.1er they know it or nt)t. Sol1nds are mantras and all thol1ghts wisdom, for tl1e sole rea.son that tlle}r can 1appen.

· We fee our o n body conclense out of space. It is po,,,ler and joy. Sc)111etl1ing essential l1as happened. Bef<Jre,, we were our b,01d)1 and thus vul11eralJle to old age, sic .· 1-

_ ss, ti ath and loss. N1ow we hatJe our lJod,,. Body and SJJ,eech are co,nscious too s for benefiting others.

Our true essence., a11d we lal.l)W that tl()W,

. "s tl1e 1clear awareness just experi1e11.cecl. It as als10 present -vv·l1en there was no form~

We decide to keep this L111der tanding in all life's itLiations ancl wisl1 d1, t tl1 good impressic>ns tl1at just aJJpeared be ~ome li1nitl1ess. May t11ey b·rir1g a1 1 }Je ·ngs the only 1asti g joy tl at of kno . i11g minct

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